Snappy Fax Version 5 Help


Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Table of Contents
Part I Introduction
1 User Interface................................................................................................................................... 5
The Quick Bar .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Ribbon Tabs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Navigating the
Main Window
2 Getting Started
................................................................................................................................... 13
3 System Requirements
................................................................................................................................... 16
4 Migrating from
prior versions
Part II Snappy Fax Settings
1 General Settings
................................................................................................................................... 18
2 Fax Options................................................................................................................................... 22
3 Fax Cover Page
................................................................................................................................... 24
4 Saving Fax Files
................................................................................................................................... 25
5 Fax Forwarding
to Email
6 Selective Forwarding
to Email
7 Forwarding ...................................................................................................................................
to Fax Machines
8 Publish To Website
................................................................................................................................... 29
9 Filter (Junk Fax)
10 Modem Settings
- Configuration
11 Modem Settings
- Actions
12 Modem Settings
- Line Properties
13 Modem Settings
- Advanced
14 Modem Settings
- Calling Card
15 Modem Settings
- Manual Fax
16 Scanner Settings
................................................................................................................................... 39
17 Printing Options
................................................................................................................................... 40
18 Fax Server Interface
................................................................................................................................... 41
19 Security Measures
................................................................................................................................... 46
20 Archive Options
................................................................................................................................... 47
21 Watched Folders
................................................................................................................................... 48
22 Hot Keys
................................................................................................................................... 49
23 Digital Signature
................................................................................................................................... 50
24 Remote Submit
................................................................................................................................... 51
25 Internet Fax ...................................................................................................................................
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Part III Sending Faxes
1 From Other ...................................................................................................................................
2 From Your Scanner
................................................................................................................................... 55
3 From Windows
4 Opening Files
in Snappy Fax
5 Command Line
Part IV Receiving Faxes
1 Overview
................................................................................................................................... 59
Part V Using Draft Mode
1 What is Draft...................................................................................................................................
Mode ?
2 Creating a fax
3 Modifying an...................................................................................................................................
Existing Draft
4 Deleting an Existing
Part VI Address Books
1 Address Book
2 Shared Address
3 Importing Contacts
................................................................................................................................... 72
4 Exporting Contacts
................................................................................................................................... 73
Part VII Email Accounts
1 Email Account
Part VIII Special Topics
1 Disabling the
Microsoft Fax Service
2 Watch Files ...................................................................................................................................
Supported file types
3 Working with
Grids (Logs)
4 Deleting records
from the grid (log)
5 Working with
the image viewer
6 Prepare Fax...................................................................................................................................
Job Screen
7 Importing Prior
Version Data
8 Using the Cover
Page Designer
9 Full Screen Viewer
................................................................................................................................... 98
10 What modem
should I buy ?
11 Receive Mode
Part IX Working with the Fax Server
1 Governing ...................................................................................................................................
Your Workflow
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Part X Frequently Asked Questions
1 Can I use my
All in One Machine ?
2 Can I use my
Cable Modem ?
3 What about...................................................................................................................................
Windows 7 ?
4 Is it 64 bit Windows
Compatible ?
Part XI Troubleshooting
1 No dialtone................................................................................................................................... 104
2 False busy...................................................................................................................................
reported by modem
3 Modem will...................................................................................................................................
not answer calls
4 Transmission
is very slow
5 Error Initializing
6 Modem Failed
to initialize
7 Modem in Use
by another process
8 License File
is Invalid
9 Cannot open
license file
Part XII Purchase, Registration & Technical Support
1 How to Purchase
................................................................................................................................... 107
2 How to Register
after Purchase
3 Technical Support
................................................................................................................................... 109
Part XIII Glossary of Terms
1 Glossary of...................................................................................................................................
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Welcome to Snappy Fax version 5.
Version 5 of snappy fax has a completely new user interface that you will find very easy to use, if you
like version 4, you'll love version 5 !
Version 5 highlights
 The cover page designer has been completely rewritten from the ground up. It is much, much
easier to use, is not dependent on screen resolution as in version 4 and produces a much more
attractive cover page
 Annotating (mark up) of images is very easy, this functionality has also been completely rewritten.
No requirement to change to 100% Zoom then drop to fixed location on image then move object,
 Greatly improved image viewer produces better image quality when viewing
 Draft mode now makes it easier than ever to produce compound faxes (multi-page faxes from
different sources) for faxing in a single transmission or saving for later use.
 New fax jobs can be started whenever you like, no more waiting for snappy fax to finish one
transmission before starting another fax
 When configured as a client to the fax server, snappy fax is now more tightly integrated with the
fax server's database, allowing additional administrative functions to be performed from the client
 Improved import from Outlook to address book, no limitation as to what Outlook contact folder a
contact is stored in and distribution lists are also supported
 Outlook can now be used as the default email account in snappy fax for forwarding faxes to email,
which is perhaps the most popular feature in snappy fax
 Snappy Fax can now automatically process Open Office Text and spreadsheet documents
And lots more ...
User Interface
The Quick Bar
The Application button and Quick Bar are located at the upper left corner of the main Snappy Fax
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
The Quick Bar is always accessible because it is located on the window title bar, not a Ribbon tab
that might not be the currently selected tab. If the main window is visible you can quickly make a
selection from the Quick Bar.
The Quick Bar has five buttons:
1. Settings - click this button to open Snappy Fax' settings window
2. Lock or Unlock settings - This is a 'sticky' button click it to lock your settings, it will remain in the
pushed state. Click again to unlock your settings and return the button to the up state. Note: You
must enter the password to lock or unlock settings. The default password is ADMIN, if you change
the password please record it somewhere ! Snappy Fax technical support will not be able to
recover your password for you if you forget what it is. The button's icon will change to indicate
locked or unlocked.
3. Fax Search - Search for a fax in the database using user specified criteria.
4. Receive Mode - Use this 'sticky' button to turn receive mode on or off. In the pushed state receive
mode is on, click again to release the button to the up state and to turn receive mode off. The
button's icon will change to give you a visual cue to the current state of receive mode.
5. Draft mode - Start or Stop Draft mode. This is also a 'sticky' button. See: Draft Mode
6. Connect or Disconnect Fax Server's database - This button is only enabled if you have Snappy Fax
configured as a client to our fax server software. If this button is in the pushed state then Snappy
Fax will connect to the Fax Server's database. Snappy Fax will connect to the fax server's database
automatically at startup if the appropriate option is engaged in settings->fax server interface.
The Ribbon Tabs
The user interface for Snappy Fax Version 5.0 is centered around the Microsoft Fluent UI interface.
Users of the
latest versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and other products are already familiar with this interface.
Buttons are located on 'ribbon tabs' to divide them into groups by functionality, they are pictured
below with
descriptions following.
Fax Home Ribbon Tab
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Fax Receive Mode button
The fax receive mode button is used to turn fax receive mode on or off. The button's caption
indicates the current state of receive mode. When receive mode is on the button remains in a
lowered or pushed state, clicking the button toggles it's state to or from the pushed state and change
the state of fax receive mode. When fax receive mode is off , the modem will not answer incoming
calls and will not receive faxes.
Receive Mode Scheduler button
Use this button to activate, deactivate or change the constraints of a receive mode schedule. Refer to
the Special Topics section in this help file for more information about using the Receive Mode
Receive Manual Fax button
A manual fax is a fax that is received over an already existing telephone connection. That is the
modem did not answer the incoming call but the call is already in progress. Use this button when you
want to receive a fax over an existing telephone connection. For example, you are having a voice
conversation with another party and they want to send a fax to you during that connection.
Note: some modems will 'prefer' that the telephone receiver is left off hook while the fax session is in
progress, while others will 'prefer' that the receiver be hung up when the modem begins negotiating
the fax session with the remote fax. You may need to experiment to determine which is best for your
particular modem.
Send Cover Page Only Fax button
Use this button to send a fax that will only consist of a cover page and nothing else.
Send a Manual Fax button
Sending a manual fax is the reverse of receiving a manual fax (see above). You should already have
the image you want to fax loaded in the snappy fax image viewer before clicking this button. The
modem will go off hook, attempt to negotiate the session with the remote fax and transmit the image
in the image viewer. The last comment above under receive manual fax regarding the telephone
receive applies to sending a manual fax as well.
Draft Mode On/Off
Use this button to turn draft mode on or off. See: What is Draft Mode ?
Image Viewer Ribbon Tab
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Open File As Image
You can open a file directly into the snappy fax image viewer.
The following file types are supported:
Tiff Files (*.tif,*.tiff)
Jpeg Files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)
Bmp Files (*.bmp)
PDF Files (*.pdf)
Text Files (*.txt)
APF Files (*.apf)
A most recently used list is maintained for this button with the 20 most recently used files. If you click
on the caption part (lower) of this button you can choose from the list of MRU files. Clicking on the
icon part (upper) of this button will present a file open dialog from which you can choose the file you
want to open.
These file types can be converted natively by snappy fax to an image that can be loaded into the
image viewer, with the exception of
.txt files which are processed using notepad.exe via the snappy fax printer driver to convert the text
to a tiff image.
Open Word Document
Note: Microsoft Word must be installed on your system to use this feature.
The functionality of this button is identical to the previously discussed Open File As Image button
except the only file types that can be selected are .doc, .docx or .rtf files.
This process involves opening the selected document for printing by calling Microsoft Word, printing to
the Snappy Fax Printer to convert
to a tiff image and then loading in the image viewer.
Open Excel SpreadSheet
Note: Microsoft Excel must be installed on your system to use this feature.
The functionality of this button is identical to the previously discussed Open File As Image button
except the only file types that can be selected are .xls, and .xlsx files.
This process involves opening the selected document for printing by calling Microsoft Excel, printing to
the Snappy Fax Printer to convert
to a tiff image and then loading in the image viewer.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Scan a Document
Use this button to scan documents from your scanner.
Save to User Database
If you want to save the image that is currently loaded into the image viewer to the user database click
this button. The image will
be stored where you can later recall it from the user database.
Save to File
Use this button to save the image loaded in the image viewer to a file on your computer. You can
save the image it either .tif, .pdf or .dcx formats since these are the only multi-page formats. You
cannot save to a jpg file, it is a single page format.
Print this Image
Use this button to print the image that is currently loaded into the image viewer.
Fax this Document
Click this button to fax the image that is currently loaded into the image viewer with Preview. If you
want to print to the default printer without preview, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking this button.
Fax selected pages
If the image loaded in the image viewer consists of more than one page, this button will become
available. You can use it to select one or more pages to fax when you do not want to fax all pages in
the image.
Image Annotation Tools
There are eleven annotation tools that can be used to annotate or 'mark up' an image that is loaded
into the image viewer. Park the mouse
over a button to see a hint to the type of annotation supplied by a particular button.
Annotations are much improved over previous versions of snappy fax. Click the annotation tool you
want to apply to the image, the button will remain in a pushed state. Position the mouse to the part
of the image where you want to apply the annotation and then click the mouse.
The annotation will be applied to the image at that position and the annotation tool button will return
to the up state and annotation pointer tool will become selected as the current tool button. Note:
when using the straight line tool, click the mouse at the starting point of the line, drag the mouse to
the desired end point while holding down the mouse left button, release the mouse button at the
desired end point. The process is the same for the freehand line except you should double click the
mouse button at the end point when you are finished drawing.
You can use the 'Delete' annotation button to delete a previously applied annotation. Don't forget to
use the 'Burn in' button to make annotations permanent. If you print, fax or save an image without
burning in, the annotations will not be a part of the image. Once you burn in annotations, they are
permanent and cannot be removed without using the eraser tool to blank out the annotation.
Tools & Accounts Ribbon Tab
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Address Book
Use this button to add contacts to your address book and perform other tasks available from the
Address Book Maintenance screen.
Email Accounts
Use this button to add, change or delete email accounts. Snappy fax needs its own email account
setup to perform certain mail tasks like forwarding incoming faxes to email addresses, etc.
Cover Sheet Designer
This button will access the Cover Page Designer screen from which you can create, maintain and
otherwise manage your cover page templates.
Print Blank Cover Page
Allows you to choose a cover page template, fill in information and print the cover page to your
printer. This function would not normally be used in everyday fax operations as snappy fax will
automatically prepare the cover page and include it as part of the fax. This feature was added at the
request of a user.
Utilities Ribbon Tab
Repair/Optimize Database
You can use this button to access the Repair/Optimize utility in case there is a need to repair or
optimize the snappy fax database.
Relocate Data
Snappy fax by default chooses the location of its data files. You can use this utility to relocate the
data to another folder. It is generally
recommended that this is bad practice as the files are located in the user's appdata folder
recommended by best practices advisories
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
from Microsoft. Note that each user account has his/her own database and the database cannot be
shared with other users of snappy fax on the same computer or on other computers on a network.
Merge Data
Use this button to merge data from another snappy fax database into your current database.
Import From Prior Version
Use this button to Import your fax data, address book entries, email accounts and other information
from snappy fax version 4.
Import Other Fax Files
You can import tiff files to the database using this utility. This process involves a substantial amount
of input on the part of the user since there is not way to tell from simply selecting an image file who
the fax image was sent to or receive from, etc.
Reports & Lists Ribbon Tab
Print Fax Reports
Use this button to select and print standard reports supplied with snappy fax.
Report Designer
You can design your own custom reports but be warned this is a daunting task and not for the faint of
heart or casual computer user.
A separate document is provided with the snappy fax distribution on the usage of the report designer,
it is beyond the scope of this help file.
Report Book Listing
Prints the standard address book reports distributed with snappy fax.
Create HTML Report
Use this button to create a report of incoming faxes in html format and publish to a website. Refer to
the topic on Publish to Web.
Help & Support Ribbon Tab
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Technical Support
Use this button to generate a report of technical information about your computer and snappy fax
configuration. You can
email this information to snappy fax technical support from the Tech Support screen. Any time you
request tech support you should send your tech data.
Check for Software Update
Use this button to determine if you have the latest update to snappy fax.
Apply License Key from File
Use this button to apply a license key sent to you after you have purchased a license for snappy fax.
Snappy Fax Help
Use this button to access the help file you are now reading.
Navigating the Main Window
The Snappy Fax Main Window:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Getting Started
In order to use Snappy Fax for sending or receiving faxes, it needs to know about your modem, this is
the only critical setting that must configured before you can use snappy fax. The only exception to
this is if you are using snappy fax as a client to the fax server, in that situation, no modem is required
since the fax server software will be processing all incoming and outgoing faxes.
When Snappy Fax is run for the first time, the Express Setup screen will be presented:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
If using snappy fax in desktop mode, this is the next screen:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
If using in client/server mode, this is the next screen:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Express setup is complete when you have finished either of the screens above, you can use snappy
fax settings to further configure other options. At this point, your
minimum required configuration is complete.
Note: if you click Cancel to exit Express Setup, it will not be invoked again, you will need to go to
settings to configure these options.
System Requirements
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax is not a 'fax service' that handles your faxing needs on a per fax basis like eFax (to name
one), it is fax software that you install on your computer and use to send and receive faxes over your
existing phone line.
Snappy Fax is compatible with the following versions of Windows:
Server (all versions)
Snappy Fax does not require a lot of memory and most modern computers that are capable of
running recent Windows versions have
sufficient memory. Hard disk space requirements will depend on your fax volume and with the advent
of large capacity hard drives in the computer world hard disk space should not be an issue. If you are
running very low on hard disk space then it's time to upgrade your hard drive anyway. You will need
about 30 mb to install snappy fax and create the empty databases that are required.
You will need a fax modem installed in your computer and connected to your telephone line in
order to send and receive faxes with snappy fax. The exception here is that if you will be configuring
Snappy Fax as a client to our fax server software, you will not need a fax modem.
Fax machines are connected to the worldwide telephone network and you must use this telephone
network to send faxes to them or receive faxes from them. You cannot send a fax over the internet
to a fax machine connected to the telephone network.
Note: DSL and Cable modems and other wireless modems used for networking or internet connections
are not fax modems.
Please refer to the topic on Modems for more information on recommended fax modems.
You do not need a scanner to use snappy fax, it is purely optional. If you have a twain compliant
scanner then it should work with Snappy Fax. Snappy Fax cannot detect and use a network scanner
connected to another computer on a network, it must be a scanner connected directly to your
Migrating from prior versions
If you are migrating from version 4 of snappy fax and you have snappy fax configured as a client to
the fax server software perform these preliminary steps before importing your version 4 data into
version 5:
1. Import all unimported faxes from the fax server into your client.
2. Update the status of all jobs submitted to the fax server.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
If you using snappy fax in desktop mode then there are no special precautions. After installing
version 5, use the 'Import Prior version data' button on the 'Utilities' Ribbon tab to import your snappy
fax version 4 fax data, settings and other items. Version 5 of snappy fax uses a different version of
the database engine and will not automatically pick up and use your version 4 data, you will need to
use the 'Import From Prior Version' button on the 'Utilities' ribbon tab and run the import procedure to
import your data from version 4 of snappy fax.
Note: The import procedure will import all records from the version 4 database, you cannot
selectively import so import after installing version 5 and do not perform the import procedure
thereafter. Your settings will also be imported from version 4, however if you have a receive mode
schedule established, that information will not be imported. The receive mode scheduler has
undergone radical coding changes and you will need to reestablish your schedule in version 5.
Snappy Fax Settings
General Settings
The general settings screen is shown below, each option is described below the image.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Enter your name, your company name and fax number in the boxes provided. Check the adjacent
check boxes to indicate whether you want to have the items appear on the fax header at the top of
each fax page.
Automatically launch snappy fax when windows is started
Check this box to have snappy fax record an entry in the registry telling Windows to start it when
Windows is started. The registry entry is placed under the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER
When a fax is printed, mark it as read
Incoming faxes are always marked as unread when received. Unread faxes appear in bold in the
incoming fax log. If you want to mark a fax as read when printed then check this option. Note that if
you have selected the printing option to automatically print incoming faxes, the incoming faxes will
always be flagged as read if you check this option.
Make 'Send To' context menu item in Windows Explorer
The context menu referred to here is the popup menu that is displayed when you right click on a file
name in Windows Explorer. If you check this option, Snappy fax will add an entry 'Snappy Fax
Version 5' under the 'Send To' popup menu item on that context menu. Snappy fax can process the
following file types from the context menu:
Tiff Files (.tif, .tiff)
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
PDF Files (.pdf)
Bitmap Files (.bmp)
Jpg Files (.jpg, .jpeg)
Text Files (.txt)
Word Documents (.doc, .docx)
Excel Spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
RTF Files (.rtf)
Automatically update the fax database when image annotations are made permanent
Fax images are always saved to Snappy fax's database as a blob field (binary large object). When
you double click on an entry in one of the fax logs, snappy fax loads the image into the image viewer.
In the image viewer you can make notes, erase parts of the image, draw lines and otherwise
'annotate' the image. Annotations are not made a permanent part of the image until you click the
'burn in' button. In addition, the image in the database will remain unchanged until you click the
'update database image' button on the horizontal toolbar at the bottom of the image viewer. If you
will always want to make annotations a permanent part of the image that is stored in the database,
check this option. When this option is checked, clicking the 'burn in' button will automatically update
the database image.
Behave as system tray application
A 'tray application' is one that displays an icon in the system tray. The system tray is the area on the
right side of the task bar where the date and time are displayed. Clicking the close button on the
main window will not close snappy fax when in tray application mode, it will only minimize it and
display the icon in the system tray. To activate snappy fax, double click the icon in the system tray.
Note that the tray icon also has an associated popup menu, right click the icon to access the popup
Minimize snappy fax on startup
Check this option to have snappy fax minimize on startup.
Suppress save confirmation message when closing Draft Window
If this option is checked, the draft window will be closed immediately without a confirmation prompt
when the close button is clicked.
Main Window Navigation
Navigating the different views on the snappy fax main window is managed by clicking the Navigator
bar to expose the list of available views. Each view is a tab page. By default no tabs are actually
visible. If you want the tabs to be visible check 'Show Tabs' and select the style and position you
Use Right to Left Reading Order
Check this option if you system language requires right to left reading order. This is primarily Hebrew
or Arabic, but possibly others as well. When this option is in effect, the layout of screens will change
by flipping controls from left to right.
Large Database Rules
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
The grid controls that present database records in a tabular format for the user include many useful
features like sorting, grouping and filtering the grid data which is easily accomplished by clicking a
column header, dragging a column header or clicking the down arrow on the column header. In order
to provide this functionality, the grid control loads all database records into memory so that is can be
quickly accessed for sorting, grouping and filtering operations.
If your fax database contains many thousands of records then snappy fax will take a performance hit
in loading these records into memory. The problem will manifest itself with slow startup times or slow
performance when populating a grid when a folder is selected in the navigation pane. By default,
when a database contains more than 5,000 records the grid related to that particular data table
(incoming faxes for example) will be put in 'Grid Mode' which means that the sorting, grouping and
filtering functionality will be disabled. This is to avoid a huge performance hit when loading or
navigating data. When a grid is in 'Grid Mode', all data records are not loaded into memory, rather a
specified number of records are loaded and other records are fetched from the data table as needed.
A side effect of 'Grid Mode' is that that scroll bar may not accurately reflect the true position of the
record in the data table. For example, if you grab the scroll bar's thumb with the mouse and pull it to
the bottom of the scroll bar, the last record in the grid view will not necessarily be the last record in
the data table. You will need to use the navigator bar that is positioned at the bottom left of the data
grid to navigate to the first or last record in a data table, as shown
If you have a very fast computer, you can increase the record count to a higher number, some
systems may be able to efficiently handle 10,000 records or more without using 'Grid Mode'. You will
need to experiment to see at what level you experience a degradation in performance with very large
data sets.
The best alternative to avoid 'Grid Mode' is to manage your database to move older items to an
archive when your record count grows excessively large. Note that you can create any number of
archives in snappy fax and that you will also need to ensure that no one particular archive grows
excessively large. If for example, your main database has 4,000 records but the default archive has
60,000 records, you will experience a substantial performance hit when loading snappy fax. You can
use the 'Move to Another Archive' feature to move records from the default archive to another
archive. Note that you can create a new archive 'on the fly' when moving records from one archive to
another or when moving records from the main database to an archive.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Note: when a grid has been put into 'Grid Mode', the group panel will not be visible. The group panel
is shown below:
In the image below, the grid is in 'Grid Mode' and as you can see, the group panel is hidden:
Fax Options
The Fax Options screen is shown below, the individual items are described below the image.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Show a Balloon Hint when Receive mode state is changed
Snappy fax can display balloon hints above the tray icon to alert you to certain events. If you want to
be alerted in this manner when receive mode is turned off or on then check this option.
Animate Tray Icon when a fax is received
When this option is checked, the tray icon will cycle from the fax icon to a light bulb icon and back
every second to alert you that a fax has been received. To stop the animation (blinking effect) click
the tray icon.
Show Balloon Hint when a fax has been received
Check this option to show a balloon hint when a fax has been received.
Play Sound File when a fax has been received
Check this option and specify the sound file (.wav file) you want to play if you want snappy fax to
make a sound when a fax is received.
Show Main Window after a fax has been received
This option can be useful if you want snappy fax to show its main window and go automatically to the
received fax item in the inbox when
a fax is received.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Show Balloon Hint when a fax has been sent
Check this option to show a balloon hint when a fax has been sent.
Suppress Fax Progress Window or View when an outbound fax transmission is in progress
When a fax transmission is in progress, snappy fax switch to the progress page / view if the progress
window is docked to the main form or display the progress window if undocked. If you do not want
to see the progress window automatically, check this option.
Suppress Fax Progress Window or View when an incoming fax is being received
When a fax reception is in progress, snappy fax switch to the progress page / view if the progress
window is docked to the main form or display the progress window if undocked. If you do not want
to see the progress window automatically, check this option.
Default folder for new faxes
You can have new faxes (incoming or outgoing) automatically sent to a specific folder in the snappy
fax logs. The folders shown here are the folders already setup on the main window. You cannot add
a new folder here, you must first add it on the main window in order for it to appear here. Select the
folder you want by clicking it with the mouse. Check the checkbox below the folders to indicate
whether you want the items moved to the default folder on startup. As an example, you might set up
a new folder for incoming faxes called 'Unread faxes', all new incoming faxes will be sent to this folder
in the incoming fax log. If you leave the checkbox unchecked here these faxes will remain in that
folder and you can move them yourself to another folder after you have read and attended to these
faxes. If you check the checkbox here, when snappy fax is restarted and the date has changed, they
will be moved back to 'Incoming Faxes'.
Fax Cover Page
Specify the default cover page template you want to use on this screen. If you do not want a default
template then blank out the entry in the Default Fax Cover Page edit box. Use the browse button to
navigate and select the default template. The dialog will automatically open to the snappy fax cover
template folder.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Saving Fax Files
Snappy fax always saves fax images to its database as a blob field (binary large object). You can
always retrieve a fax image from the database by double clicking on an entry in the fax logs. If you
want to additionally save the images to an external file on your hard drive then specify the location
and options here. The files can be saved in either Tiff or PDF format. Note that .jpg is not a multipage format and cannot be used.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Fax Forwarding to Email
Snappy fax can forward incoming and outgoing faxes to any number of email addresses. To enabled
this feature, check the 'Enable Forwarding' checkbox and check the 'Forward ?' column for recipients
you want to forward to. Note that there are sections for incoming and outgoing, check those that
apply. Also, note that the list is populated from the default address book, in order to forward to an
email address, there must be an entry setup in the address book for that recipient. You can specify
forwarding dates or check the 'Always' column to disregard dates and always forward to that
Note: Make sure that either the 'Always' column is checked or that a valid begin and end date range is
selected if the 'Forward ?' checkbox is checked, otherwise the recipient will not receive the fax.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Selective Forwarding to Email
Snappy fax can selectively forward incoming faxes to email addresses depending on the CSID (calling
station ID) of the fax sender. Each fax machine transmits a CSID during the initial negotiation
between the fax sender and fax receiver. The CSID transmitted is established by the sender, not all
senders will transmit a CSID, but the vast majority will and this is usually the fax number of the
transmitter. Note that the sender's CSID may include area code and country code or just the basic
phone number of the fax machine. You can set up a pattern using wildcards to match more than one
number. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character as seen in the screenshot below. The first pattern
shown 229* means that any CSID beginning with 229 will match regardless of what follows after the
229. The second pattern 229-246* means that any CSID starting with 229-246 will match. The only
other valid wildcard character is the question mark (?) which will match any single character. For
example, 22?-246* will match any area code beginning with 22 and then followed by -246 and
anything after that, so these will match: 227-246-9876, 226-246-8988 but 239-246-0989 will not
match (for example).
Use the buttons to enter a new pattern and/or new email addresses for each pattern with your
recipient information. The name field is optional.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Forwarding to Fax Machines
In addition to forwarding incoming faxes to email addresses, snappy fax can forward incoming faxes
to other fax machines as well. Enable this feature by clicking the 'Enable Forwarding' button and
check the 'Forward ?' column and specify a time frame or check the 'Always' column for each desired
recipient. As with email forwarding, the recipient must already exist in the default address book.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Publish To Website
Snappy fax can publish a report in html format to a website where interested parties can view the
report and fax images. In addition, it can notify contacts that the report has been changed via email.
On this settings page, enter your ftp information, user id and password as well as web url information.
Note that the ftp directory must already exist, snappy fax will not create a new ftp directory on your
web server. If your web server is available on your network and ftp access is not required check the
appropriate checkbox and enter or browse to the network path and snappy fax will use a simple file
copy operation instead of ftp to copy the report and image files to your web server.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Filter (Junk Fax) Settings
Snappy fax can filter out unwanted junk incoming faxes. You can establish a fax filter, by checking
the type of filter that you want. You can use either a 'Reject' filter whereby faxes from any of the
listed fax numbers is rejected or an 'Accept' filter whereby you will only accept faxes from certain fax
numbers. The fax number is actually the CSID (calling station ID) transmitted by the fax sender. It is
usually the fax number in some format but not always, some junk faxers send a blank CSID which is
the reason for the 'Reject faxes from ... who do not transmit' option. Select the type of filter you want
to use and then enter the CSID's in the New edit box and click the Add button to add to the list. Note
that the CSID entered here must match exactly the CSID transmitted by the sender.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Modem Settings - Configuration
Before you can use snappy fax for sending and receiving faxes you must configure your modem so
that snappy fax will know what com port the modem is connected to.
Note: If you are using a version of Windows that includes the Microsoft fax service then your modem
may not be accessible by snappy fax. See 'Disabling the Microsoft Fax Service' for instructions on
disabling the fax service.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Modem Control
Select you fax modem from the "Modems" drop down list. Your computer may have more than one
fax modem installed. If this list is empty then either you do not have a fax modem in your computer
or it is currently disconnected or it needs to be reinstalled in control panel.
Use Tapi is the default selection, Tapi is the "telephony programming interface" inherent in all
Windows installations. If Use Tapi is selected, you do not have to set the com port selection and it
will be disabled. If you choose Direct to Port, you will need to select the Com Port, in most cases
snappy fax will be able to choose the correct one for you. If snappy fax is unable to determine the
com port, a 'Find Port' button will become enabled as well as the 'Control Panel' link. You can click
the 'Find Port' button to have snappy fax query all possible com ports to see if the modem responds
on a particular port. You can click the 'Control Panel' link to open the Control Panel->Phone and
modems page to verify the correct com port selection.
Fax Class
The possible fax class selections are
Class 1
Class 2
Class 2.0
Class 2.1 (this option will only show if you are using the SG3 edition of snappy fax)
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
You can select Detect and snappy fax will use the highest class that your modem supports.
Answer On Ring
Set to the desired number of rings. If you have callerid on your phone line then set this number to 2
or higher. CallerId information is available on the line between the first and second rings for most
phone providers.
Blind Dial
Checking this option will cause the modem to ignore the dial tone on the line. If fax transmission fail
with 'No dial tone' in the 'result' column in the outbox then *if you are certain* there is a dial tone on
the line you can check this option. If a modem consistently reports no dial tone on the line, make
sure the line is in good service, the phone cord is not damaged and the wall jack is live and
functioning properly. The phone service will emit a dial tone when it is ready to accept the dialing, if
there is a problem on the line that causes a no dial tone condition then checking this box will not
resolve the issue, you should take steps to have your line checked and find out why there is no dial
Detect Busy
This option is checked by default. If you have a modem that reports busy when you are certain the
line is not busy then you can uncheck this option to have the modem ignore that condition. The only
way to effectively troubleshoot this is with your modem speaker (assuming it has a speaker), you can
determine if the modem properly reported busy (you will be able to hear the busy signal yourself). In
some cases the phone service will emit a "fast busy" signal which indicates the number cannot be
completed as dialed. The modem will interpret this as a normal busy signal, so you should make sure
that the number entered is exactly as you would dial it with your "fingers"
Modem Speaker off
Check this option to turn off the modem speaker.
Start Fax Receive Mode with Snappy fax is launched
Uncheck this option if you do not want to automatically receive faxes, otherwise snappy fax will put
the modem into answer mode at startup.
Desired Baud Rates
Select 14400 which is the default. If you are using fax class 2.1 (SG3 edition of snappy fax) then the
baud rates will be forced to 33600. Some class 1 modems do not properly implement V.17 to V.29
session negotiations. If you have problems receiving faxes from some fax machines but not others
then select 9600 for the Incoming baud rate.
Abort Timer Interval
The abort timer will cancel a receiving fax session which has gone for 5 minutes without receiving fax
page data. 5 minutes is the minimum, it is recommended you not change this option.
Modem Type
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
The modem type selection controls the send and receive initialization strings. The 'B Default (no init
string required)' is sufficient for most modems. If you have a modem that does not , by default, use
hardware flow control then you will need to select a pre-defined modem type or use the 'A Custom'
modem type and enter the init strings in the boxes provided. 'K Rockwell (Conexant) based 56k HCF'
is a common modem type used for some internal modems.
Modem Settings - Actions
The default settings shown in this screenshot are recommended. The 'Wait for Remote to Answer'
can be increased if you find that a particular fax machine you are calling takes a very long time to
answer, for example perhaps your correspondent has their fax machine set to answer after 10 rings,
this may take more than 60 seconds so increase it to 90 seconds or whatever is needed. If this
amount of time expires after the modem dials the number, the modem will hang up and report 'no
Modem Reset commands are typically ATZ or AT&F, the default is ATZ but as shown, it is
recommended to use AT&F for most Multitech modems.
Transmission logs are useful to snappy fax tech support for diagnosing connection problems.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Modem Settings - Line Properties
Modem Line Properties
Pulse Dialing
Check this option if you have a very ancient phone system using a rotary dialer. Checking this option
in any other situation will cause fax calls to fail. Pulse dialing is obsolete almost everywhere now with
the possible exception of some very rural areas.
Call Waiting
If your phone line has call waiting, the best advice that can be given is to get rid of that feature. A
call waiting tone emitted on the line during a fax session is guaranteed to kill the session. You can
disable call waiting for the duration of an outbound call using the Call waiting disable code but there
is no way to disable call waiting when receiving a fax.
Call Waiting Disable Code
The default disable code of *70 is not guaranteed to be correct. Consult your phone provider for the
correct code and enter it in this box followed by a comma.
Dialing Modifiers
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
If you need to precede the fax number with a code like 9 to obtain an outside line, enter the code in
the Prefix box followed by a comma. The suffix box is for use in special situations where a suffix
should be dialed after the fax number.
Always use modifiers
If this option is checked the phone number entered before sending a fax will always be modified using
the prefix and suffix. If you do not always want to use the prefix and suffix , leave this option
unchecked and enter the prefix and suffix as part of the fax number yourself at fax time.
Use Caller ID
If your phone service has caller id feature then check this box. The default caller is modem command
is AT+VCID, this may not be the correct command for your particular modem, please consult your
modem documentation to ensure the correct command is used.
Distinctive Ring
If you have distinctive ring on your phone service, complete this section. DRON is the most common
modem implementation of reporting distinctive ring. The DRON value will depend on your DR service.
Your phone provider will likely NOT be able to tell you this information. We can assist you in
determining the correct value if you can provide us with a transmission log. To obtain the log, make
sure the Keep Transmission logs is checked *and* 'Include page data in log' is also checked. Start
receive mode in snappy fax, call your DR number and let the session fail normally. Select the item in
the inbox for the failed attempt, right click and select 'View transmission log'. Save the log to a .txt
file and send to tech support requesting help with DRON value.
Modem Settings - Advanced
These advanced modem settings should not be changed from their default values unless you are
asked to do so by snappy fax technical support.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Modem Settings - Calling Card
If you use a calling card, enter the card information here. You may need to enter one or more
commas at strategic places in any of these boxes. If your provider's calling card system requires a
prompt to be played before additional dialing then enter enough commas to cause the required
amount of delay. The default for most modems provides a 2 second delay for each comma
encountered in the dialing string.
Example: a prompt is played 'please enter your account number' after dialing the access number, the
playing of the prompt takes 6 seconds
In this example you should enter three commas in the 'Access number' box after the access number
to have the modem wait for 6 seconds after dialing the access number and before dialing the account
You will find that a bit of experimentation is necessary in order to get the dialing string correct as to
the number of commas required.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Modem Settings - Manual Fax
A manual fax is a fax that is transmitted over a previously established telephone connection, usually
when you have dialed the call yourself, perhaps had a voice conversation and then wish to send a fax
over the connection. The modem does not have to dial the number, only go off hook and start the
transmission or reception. The default selections show here are recommended. Note that some
modems work better with manual fax if you leave the telephone receiver off hook during transmission
or reception, others work better if you hang up the receiver immediately when you hear the modem
begin to emit fax tones.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Scanner Settings
There are only two scanner options. If your scanner has a document feeder, check the related check
box. Some scanners for reasons not fully understood, will produce a white text on a black background
image. If you scanner is one of these check the Invert option and snappy fax will always invert the
image after scanning.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Printing Options
Under Printing Options check the items you want to automatically print in real time and the printers
you want them printed to. Note that you can select any number of printers. Be aware if you choose
not to print incoming or outgoing fax copies at fax time, you can always print them later. The status
line on outgoing faxes refers to a status line reflecting the date, time, sent to information and the
result of the transmission.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Fax Server Interface
Snappy fax can be configured either as a standalone desktop fax application or as a client to the our
fax server software.
Note: You should have already installed and configured the fax server software before
configuring the client software on your workstations
Preparatory Steps:
Before configuring the client software, you should make certain that the following steps have been
1. Open TCP Ports 12005 through 12008 on your firewall (incoming and outgoing). The database
server uses ports 12005 and 12006. The fax server and snappy fax client software communicate
inter- application messages on ports 12007 and 12008.
2. Make sure you can ping the server computer from your computer / workstation and that you can
ping the workstation from the server.
Check 'Enable Interface to Fax Server' to configure snappy fax as a client for use with the fax server
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
See discussion below the image for the settings on the 3 tab pages.
Configuration Tab Page: (shown above)
Server Name (Fax Host)
This is the network name of the computer where the fax server software is installed.
Use Database Server
The fax server installer installs the snappy fax database server as well and if the fax server is
configured to use the database server (highly recommended) then the database server is already
running and configured.
Check 'Use Database Server', after entering the server name. Snappy fax will connect to the database
server for network access to the fax server's data files. If successful, you will not need to complete
any additional entries on this screen.
Use of the database server is optional but will result in huge performance gains when accessing the
fax server's database over the network. If you choose not to use the database server you will need to
complete the Data Host and Path to server data files.
Server Name (Data Host)
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
This is the network name of the computer where the fax server's data files reside. This by default will
be the same as the Fax Host. It is possible to relocate the fax server's data files to another network
device, if that has been done in the fax server software then enter here the network name of the
device where the fax server data files have been moved to. This option is disabled if you have
checked 'Use Database server' and snappy fax was successful in connecting to it.
Path to Server's Data Files
This should be "\\SERVERNAME\SFSERVER3" (without quotes). SERVERNAME should be replaced
with the name entered in the Data Host box. SFSERVER3 is a sharename that should have already
been placed on the fax server's data folder, assuming that the fax server software was configured
first. This option is disabled if you have checked 'Use Database server' and snappy fax was
successful in connecting to it.
Database Server Port Bindings Tab Page:
You should not have to make any changes at all to the options on this page unless another program is
using the port numbers shown above.
Options Tab Page:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Automatically Update Job Status
When you submit a fax job to the fax server, a record will be written into the outbox data view with
the 'result' column showing 'Submitted'. The result column will remain 'Submitted' until the fax server
software actually processes the job. After the fax server processes the job, the 'result' column will be
changed to reflect the actual result of the transmission attempt. If you want snappy fax client to
automatically update the status of jobs submitted, check this box.
Show Tray Balloon Notification when status has changed
Check this box to show a notification balloon in the tray area any time snappy fax has changed the
status of submitted jobs.
Check Status Every
Select how often (seconds) you want snappy fax to look for status changes on submitted jobs.
Always import fax jobs sent by ... other clients
I you want snappy fax to gather information about fax jobs submitted by other clients and record their
information in your local outbox, check this item.
Get Incoming Faxes Automatically
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
If you want snappy fax to automatically retrieve incoming faxes from the fax server and place in your
local inbox, check this option. Note, you will need to have the privileges in the fax server's settings>network clients set to allow auto import or this feature will not be honored.
Show Tray Balloon...
Show a notification balloon in the system tray when new faxes have been retrieved from the fax
Check for new faxes every
Select how often you want snappy fax to look for new faxes on the server.
Server Connection
This option is intended for peer to peer networks that may have limited concurrent connections.
Leave Always Stay Connected selected.
Fax Server Interface Advanced Options
This mode allows you to work with the fax server files directly without the need to import into your
local inbox. The text on this settings page explains this mode quite clearly. If you want to use this
modem you must have been granted administrator privileges in the fax server software's settings>network clients (privileges section)
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Security Measures
Snappy fax has some built in security measures the options for which can be set on this screen.
Note: the default Security Password is ADMIN
You can and should change the password on this settings page but PLEASE remember what the new
password is, snappy fax technical support cannot recover your password for you !
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Archive Options
Snappy fax can maintain any number of archives. The default archive is simply 'Default Archive', you
can create additional archives as you wish for incoming and outgoing faxes.
Depending on your fax volume, the primary fax database may grow very large and while snappy fax
can easily handle large databases it is a good practice to periodically move old database items to an
archive to improve operating efficiency and to minimize the chance of a complete loss of all data if
database corruption occurs. Corruption is rare but can occur if snappy fax is actively writing to a
database when a sudden power outage occurs.
You can set snappy fax to automatically move items of a certain age into a designated archive. The
auto archive operation will run approximately 5 minutes after initial startup and then again at 24 hour
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Watched Folders
Snappy fax can manage an unlimited number of 'watched' folders. A 'watched' folder is simply a
folder that snappy fax monitors for ongoing file activity. When a new file is created in the folder,
snappy fax will check to see if the file is of a supported file type and then examine the file name to
see if it is intended as a fax file. The file name of a watch file that should be processed for faxing is in
the following format:
NNNNNNNN_##########_R_Y_Cover page subject_Cover page memo box contents_memo field
in outbox_bill code field
NNNNNNNN represents the name of the recipient
####### represents the fax number
R represents the fax routing method, R=Normal fax, S=Submit to fax server
Y represents whether to send a cover page or not Y=Yes, N=No (the default cover page template will
be used)
Cover page subject represents the subject of the fax if a cover page is used (optional)
Cover page memo box contents represents the desired contents of the message box area on the
cover page (optional)
memo field in outbox represents a memo field entry that appears in the outbox data record (optional)
bill code field represents the desired contents of the bill code field in the outbox data record (optional)
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Joe Smith_18007861233_R_Y_Your Product Quote_The quote you requested for SKU# 90919_Product
Note that formatting characters are not required in the phone number part of the file name.
See: Supported File Types
Hot Keys
If you want to use hot keys to change receive mode or draft mode then you can choose them here.
Be sure to Test if the hot key is available before accepting your changes.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Digital Signature
Snappy fax can apply a facsimile signature to your fax pages. You will need to create a signature
graphic (.bmp file) to use for this purpose and the size of the signature must be appropriate so that
when applied to the fax page it does not cover important content in the fax itself.
Select the graphic file you want to use and the position and pages option. Note: Snappy fax will not
sign cover pages, it is easy enough to place the signature graphic on your cover page template if you
want a signed cover page.
Creating a signature graphic is easily done if you have a scanner. Take a standard size piece of copy
paper (white) and sign your name to it and then scan the document into snappy fax and save it to a .
tif file. You will need to use some type of image editing software to crop the image to the desired
size. The standard Paint program that ships with Windows can do this easily. Use Paint to open the .
tif file and crop the image to 300 by 150 and then save the image as a .bmp file.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
Remote Submit
Snappy fax client can submit fax jobs to the fax server remotely via email when configured as a
network client to the fax server. To enabled this feature check the 'Enable Remote Submit' checkbox
and enter the email address assigned to the fax server in it's 'remote assistant' settings. Also, select
the email account you have set up for using remote submit in 'Tools and Accounts' Email
maintenance. If you have not already set up the account for this use you can click the 'Add Email
Account...' button to access the Email maintenance screen.
Using remote submit requires configuration in both the fax server and the snappy fax client software.
When a fax is submitted to the server in this manner, the actual document to be faxed and
subsequent messages between the fax server and the client software are exchanged using email.
The Remote Assistant background thread in the fax server monitors an email box that should be setup
exclusively for use by Remote Assistant (RA), when a message arrives in this mailbox, the RA expects
it to be a fax job that is sent from the client software and it will process the job accordingly by simply
parsing out the details and submitting the document to the fax server's jobs queue just as a user on a
network workstation would do. It is important that the mail box being used by RA be a unique mail
box and the *Remote Submit* options in the client software must indicate this email box's email
address in the settings. When a document is sent by remote submit from the client software it is sent
to this mail box. In that fax server's remote assistant settings, this email address must be entered in
the settings there to indicate which email box remote assistant is to monitor for incoming fax jobs.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Similarly, remote submit options in the client software should also designate a unique email box for
remote submit's use. When a job is sent to the fax server by remote submit, the reply to address of
the email will reflect this email address and remote assistant on the fax server will know what email
address to send subsequent status emails to. The remote assistant will send status messages to
indicate the job has been submitted and then another message indicating the success or failure of the
fax job.
In summary, two unique email addresses must be established, one for remote submit and one for
remote assistant. Remote Assistant is the fax server's helper thread and remote submit is the helper
in the client software that send the job to remote assistant (RA) running on the fax server.
Internet Fax Service
Snappy Fax can be used to send and receive faxes using your internet fax service like, eFax or MyFax.
We refer to this as "iFax" processing.
You must have a subscription to one of the supported internet fax services and properly configure the
options in this section in order to use this feature.
The following internet fax services are supported:
1. eFax
2. myFax
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Settings
3. MetroFax
4. RapidFax
5. Fax87
6. SmartFax
7. FaxAge
8. GreenFax
9. UnityFax
Refer to the following guidelines when completing the options available in this section, a screen shot
is shown below with discussion following:
Enable Internet Fax Service
Check this option to enable the options on this settings page.
Only used with FaxAge internet fax service.
Fax Service Domain
Select from the list, the domain for sending faxes to your internet fax service. The internet fax
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
services work by sending an email to an email address constructed with the fax number first then the
'@' symbol then the domain. Example: [email protected] They also require the full phone
number including the country code and are code along with the fax number.
Email Account
This is the email account in snappy fax, use the Email Accounts maintenance button on the 'Tools &
Accounts' ribbon tab from the main snappy fax screen to create email accounts. You can click the link
'Setup Account Now' on this settings page to access that from within this settings page. Note that
you will need to configure both the incoming and outgoing email options in snappy fax since you will
want to be able to receive faxes as well as send them via your internet fax service.
It is strongly advised that you setup a unique email account with your internet provider for this
purpose. If you use your regular email account for this purpose then your regular mail reader, like
Outlook, may delete message from the mail server and thus they will not be available for snappy fax
to process. This applies equally to sending and receiving faxes. If you choose to not establish a
unique email account for this purpose then DO NOT check the option 'Delete any extra messages or
SPAM' option as it will delete any message in the inbox for the email account that snappy fax cannot
process as a fax notification. (see below)
Include Unique Reference in Subject
The only way that snappy fax has to track a fax sent to the internet fax service is with some type of
reference. if you do not check this option, snappy fax will not be able to update the status when an
email is sent from your internet fax service reporting the status of the fax. When the fax image is
sent to the fax service, the initial text in the 'result' column in the outbox will be 'Submitted to Fax
Service'. Snappy fax will update this upon arrival of an email from the fax service reporting the status
of the actual fax. The status will be updated to 'OK' or a failure description. The possible failure
descriptions would be 'Fax # incorrectly formatted' if the fax number did not include the country code
and area code or simply 'Fail' if the fax could not be successfully transmitted by the fax service.
When this option is checked, snappy fax will replace the %R token in the Subject Template with a
Unique reference that it generates when the fax email is sent to the fax service. The allowed tokens
are %R for reference and %S which represents any text that you type. So, if you type into the
subject for the fax 'The quote your requested' then the %S in the template will be replaced with that
Delete Mail Message after processing
The message will be deleted from the mailbox, if snappy fax could successfully process it.
Delete any extra messages or SPAM
Snappy fax will delete any message that is not determined to be a fax notification from the mailbox, if
this option is checked. DO NOT use this option unless you have established a unique email
address to use for snappy fax's iFax processing.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Sending Faxes
Sending Faxes
From Other Applications
Snappy fax installs its own printer driver. Once it is installed you will find the 'Snappy Fax Printer'
installed on your computer.
Note: Please do not change the printer name from 'Snappy Fax Printer' or any properties
of the Snappy Fax Printer in Control Panel, doing so will render the printer driver
You can fax any document from any other Windows application by simply printing the document to
the 'Snappy Fax Printer'. Perform your print operation normally except choose the 'Snappy Fax
Printer' as the destination printer. Once the printer driver has converted the document, it will be
loaded into snappy fax and the 'Prepare Fax' screen will be presented. From the 'Prepare Fax' screen,
you can choose the intended recipients for your fax, select the desired cover page template, etc.
Whenever sending faxes by whatever method, you will be presented with the 'Prepare Fax Job' screen
after the image has been processed and is ready for faxing.
From Your Scanner
If you have a scanner connected to your computer, you can scan documents to be faxed. Note that
snappy fax cannot detect a network scanner that is connected to another computer on a local area
network, it must be connected to your computer.
To begin scanning, click the 'Scan a Document' button on the Image Viewer ribbon tab. Note: if you
have a problem scanning and there seem to be two entries for your scanner in the scanner selection
drop-down box, try selecting the other scanner entry and see if that works.
The 'Scan Manager' Windows looks like this:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
The image shows that 4 pages have been scanned. The 'callouts' on the image describe the parts of
the Scan Manager screen and
their functions.
If your scanner does not have an automatic document feeder, you will be prompted after each page
has been scanned to insert the
next page of the document on the platen glass, this process will be repeated until you finish the scan
by clicking 'cancel' in response to
the prompt.
If your scanner has a document feeder, be sure to load the feeder before clicking the 'Start Scan'
button. All pages loaded in the feeder will be scanned once you click the 'Start Scan' button.
Be sure that you select the correct TWAIN source (driver) from the scanner selection drop down list.
You may need to experiment a bit to
determine which is the best driver to use, as some scanners will install more than one driver.
Windows will have a default TWAIN device
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Sending Faxes
that can be changed by any application so pay special attention to the selected TWAIN source before
starting your scanning operation.
Once you are finished scanning, click the 'Finish' button on the toolbar at the top of the window.
Your scanned image will be loaded into the main window's image viewer or , if snappy fax is in draft
mode, into the draft window. If not in draft mode, click the 'Fax this Document' button on the 'Image
Viewer' ribbon tab to send the fax. If in draft mode, click the fax button on the draft window's
toolbar. Either of these will invoke the 'Prepare Fax Job' window to prepare your fax, select recipients
, etc.
From Windows Explorer
You can send a document of the following types to Snappy Fax from the Windows Explorer Context
Tiff Files (.tif, .tiff)
PDF Files (.pdf)
Bitmap Files (.bmp)
Jpg Files (.jpg, .jpeg)
Text Files (.txt)
Word Documents (.doc, .docx)
Excel Spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
RTF Files (.rtf)
Open Office Text Documents (.odt)
Open Office Spreadsheets (.ods)
To send a file to snappy fax, right click on the file in Windows Explorer and select Send To->Snappy
Fax Version 5 from the popup menu.
Note: if you have unchecked the 'Make Send To context menu item in Windows Explorer' in Snappy
Fax's general settings then you will not find a menu item for Snappy Fax under the 'Send To' item on
the Windows Explorer popup menu and you will not be able to process files in this manner.
You can also use drag and drop from Windows Explorer...
Open Windows Explorer and select a file of the type supported (see above) and drag the file name
from Windows Explorer and drop it onto the
Image View in snappy fax. Hint: First make sure the image view is the active view in snappy fax.
Opening Files in Snappy Fax
You can send a fax by first opening a file into the snappy fax image viewer as follows:
1. Click on the Image Viewer ribbon tab
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
2. Click the Open File as Image button
3. Select your file from the file open dialog
You can open the following file types:
Tiff Files (.tif, .tiff)
Jpg Files (.jpg, .jpeg)
PDF Files (.pdf)
Bitmap Files (.bmp)
Text Files (.txt)
Open Office Files (.odt,.ods)
APF Files (.apf)
Word & Excel Files (.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx) (see below)
The image will be loaded into the snappy fax image viewer replacing any existing image already
loaded into the viewer. To fax the image click the 'Fax This Document' button on the Image Viewer
ribbon tab.
To open Microsoft Word document or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files use the 'Open Word Document'
or the 'Open Excel SpreadSheet' buttons on the Image Viewer ribbon tab.
You can also open supported file types into the snappy fax image viewer by dragging the file from
Windows Explorer and dropping onto the snappy fax image viewer image area.
Command Line Fax
You can also send faxes from the command line in a DOS Window.
The command line with its parameters looks like this:
sf5.exe send "c:\productquotes\Quote100.txt" "Sam Smith" "18885551212" "R" "Y" "The product
quote you asked for" "Quote for SKU# 5985" "Product Quotes" "BCODE"
The command line must begin with the word send
following the word send you should include each part in double quotes as shown above. The
command line parameters are as follows:
 File Name including the complete file path
 The fax recipient's name
 The fax number exactly as it should be dialed (Snappy Fax does not use dialing rules) or the email
address (see next item)
 Routing - "R" for regular fax or "S" for submit to fax server or "E" for email
 Cover page Yes or No, "N" for no cover page desired, "Y" for use the default cover page template in
snappy fax's settings
 Optional parameter, if included it is the fax subject that is included on the cover page if using a
cover page
 Optional parameter, if included it is the desired contents to be included in the message area on the
cover page
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Sending Faxes
 Optional
 Optional
parameter, if included it is the desired contents to be included in the memo field in the
data grid field
parameter, if included it is the desired contents to be included in the bill code field in the
data grid field
The following files types are supported:
Text Files - .txt
Tiff Files - .tif, .tiff
Jpg Files - .jpg, .jpeg
Bitmap Files - .bmp
Dcx Files - .dcx
PDF Files - .pdf
Word Files - .doc, .docx
RTF Files - .rtf
Open Office Text Documents - .odt
Open Office Spreadsheet Documents - .ods
Excel Files - .xls, .xlsx
Note: To successfully process files specific to a particular application (example Microsoft Word files)
that supporting application must be installed on your computer. This caveat applies to
.doc, .docx, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .odt, .ods files and also to .txt files.
These file types are processed by a calling procedure to the supporting application to print to the
snappy fax printer with the resulting image file being grabbed by snappy fax to process when
the print operation is complete. For .txt files, a call to Notepad is made to perform the supporting
print operation.
Receiving Faxes
Receiving Faxes with Snappy Fax
All that is required to receive faxes with snappy fax is to start fax receive mode. When fax receive
mode is started, snappy fax will put the fax modem into answer mode. The modem will patiently wait
for a ring signal to occur on the phone line that it is connected to. Note that if you modem is not
connected properly to the wall jack, it will not be able to detect the ring signal.
If you have an internal modem, then it likely has two jacks, one marked 'Line' and one marked
'Phone'. You should connect the 'Line' jack on the modem to the wall jack. The 'Phone' jack on the
modem can be used to connect a telephone set to the modem.
Note that when fax receive mode is on, the modem will answer all incoming calls. It has no way of
knowing whether the incoming call is a fax call or a voice call. If you need the ability to accept only
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
fax calls with the modem then you will need a fax switch. A fax switch is a hardware device, much
like an answering machine. It is connected to the wall jack and then the telephone and modem both
are connected to the fax switch. The fax switch will pre-answer the call and determine if it is a fax or
voice call. If a fax call, it will then 'ring' the modem line, if a voice call, it will 'ring' the telephone line.
Fax switches are sold on the internet and in most local electronics stores.
If you have a distinctive ring service on your phone line then you can configure snappy fax to support
distinctive ring. Distinctive ring service is offered by most phone providers and only costs a few
dollars per month. If you telco offers this service, you can avoid purchasing a fax switch and
configure snappy fax to only answer the distinctive ring line.
To start fax receive mode with snappy fax, click the 'Fax receive mode' button on the 'Fax Home'
ribbon tab or the 'fax receive mode' button on the quick bar. Note that these buttons are 'sticky'
buttons. When the button is in a down state, fax receive mode is on. When in this state, click the
button again to return the button to the up state and turn fax receive mode off. The hint for these
two buttons will change the reflect the current state of fax receive mode.
If you want snappy fax to always start fax receive mode when it is started, you can set that option in
the modem configuration settings in snappy fax.
Using Draft Mode
What is Draft Mode ?
Previous versions of snappy fax had 'capture mode' which was used to create compound (multi-page)
documents for faxing.
'Capture mode' has been deprecated and replaced with 'Draft mode'. With draft mode you can much
more easily create compound documents for faxing.
There is a complete video tutorial about using draft modem located on our tutorials page.
Click the 'Draft mode' button on the Quick Bar to start draft mode. A blank draft mode window will
appear and remain on top of all other windows as long as draft mode is on. It looks like this:
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Using Draft Mode
The image shown here already has two images on it they are represented as
thumbnails in the draft window. This images were put into the draft window by
dragging Page 1 and Page 2 of the Inbox thumbnails onto the draft window.
Hint: if you want to see a large size of the thumbnail, double click on it. Press Esc
or close the navigator (small) window to exit full screen mode.
Notice there is a toolbar at the top of the draft window. You can park the mouse
over a button to expose a hint as to each buttons functionality. To exit draft mode,
you can either click the close button on the draft window or turn draft mode off by
clicking the draft modem button on the Quick Bar (main snappy fax window) to
return the draft mode button to the up state and turn draft mode off.
You can save a draft to the drafts database for later use and you will be prompted
about this if you close the draft window or turn off draft mode without saving the
draft. It is not mandatory that you save the draft you have created, you only need
to save it if you want to later use the same draft again. When you close the draft
window, all images in the draft will be discarded.
You can turn off the prompt in settings->general. If you turn off the prompt, closing
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
draft mode will immediately do so and your draft will be lost so be careful with that
Note that while snappy fax is in draft mode, all images resulting from printing to the
'snappy fax printer' and all scanning operations will be directed to the draft window.
You can also combine several faxes into a single multi-page image by using draft
mode. Do do that, first start draft mode and drag items from the fax log and drop
them onto the draft window.
Creating a fax draft
You can create a draft by simply turning draft mode on. The draft modem window opens
automatically when snappy fax is put into draft mode.
When snappy fax is in draft mode, anything that is printed from other applications to the 'snappy fax
printer' will be directed to the draft window and become a part of the current draft. You can also use
the buttons on the draft window toolbar to open an image file and add to the draft, scan a document
and add it to the draft. Additionally, you can drag and drop images onto the draft window from
Windows Explorer or from any thumbnail pane in the snappy fax main window to add images to the
current draft. You can also, drag a fax record from the fax logs and drop onto the draft window to
add images from the database to the draft.
Let's consider a hypothetical example...
Suppose you have two faxes received from different parties and want to fax those images to someone
You can add the images to the draft as follows:
1. Find the incoming fax from party 1 in the incoming fax folder. Click it with the mouse to ensure it
is selected and then drag
the item itself from the incoming fax log to the draft window. All pages in the image for that fax
will become part of the draft.
2. Find the fax from party 2 and repeat the process.
Alternatively, you will find a button on the toolbar above the database grids that contain items with
fax images, like the inbox or outbox or the scheduled faxes database. The button with the hint
'Append Selected Fax Images to Draft Windows' can be used to copy the image of those selected
database items to the draft window, quickly and easily. Notice that this button will not be enabled
unless snappy fax is in draft mode.
The draft window will now contain the images from those two incoming fax entries in the incoming fax
log. If you did not want all pages included in the draft, you could have selected a thumbnail (below
the fax log) and dragged and dropped it onto the draft window to only add that image instead of all
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Using Draft Mode
pages of the image.
Now, say you have a tif file or other image file stored on your computer that you want to include in
the draft. Locate the file in Windows Explorer and drag the file name and drop it onto the draft
window. It is now a part of the draft. You can also drag and drop a pdf file as well as tif and other
image file formats. When dragging and dropping like this, drop onto a blank area of the draft window
(checkerboard). You can, instead of drag and drop from Windows Explorer, right click on the file
name and select 'Send To->Snappy Fax Version 5' from the context (popup) menu.
Want to include a scanned document as well ? No problem, just click the scan button on the Draft
window's toolbar and you can include the scanned documents in the draft as well.
You can rearrange pages in the draft by holding down the shift key, then dragging a thumbnail and
dropping it in the desired position in the draft window.
You can replace an image in the draft window with another image from somewhere by dragging and
dropping on top of an existing thumbnail in the draft window.
Draft mode is very powerful this way. As you can see it can be used as a general purpose tool to
manipulate compound documents even if you will not ultimately fax the document.
Note: The draft window has its own toolbar and buttons that you can use to fax the draft , save the
images to a file, start a scan operation, print the images, etc.
Modifying an Existing Draft
Suppose you have created a draft and previously saved it to the drafts database.
How do you modify one or more image pages in the draft, like say apply a highlight annotation (for
example) ?
It's actually quite easy, but but maybe not so obvious.
Here's how, in 1,2,3 fashion:
From the Drafts database view:
1. Click the 'Start draft with the selected draft' button on the secondary toolbar. This will start draft
mode with the images of the previously saved draft appearing in the draft window.
2. Double click the item in the drafts database. This will load it into the image viewer and change to
the image viewer
3. Make your annotations and be sure to burn in the annotations.
4. You can now drag the thumbnail of the changed page from the thumbnail area of the image
viewer and drop it on top of the same thumbnail in the draft window. This will replace the image
dropped on top of. Now save your change by clicking the save to drafts database button on the draft
window's toolbar. Close draft mode and you are finished.
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Deleting an Existing Draft
The Drafts database, like most others has folders. If you want to permanently delete a draft from the
drafts database then first
move it to the trash folder by selecting the item to be moved with the mouse then click the 'Move to
trash' button on the secondary toolbar.
Right click on the trash folder and select 'Empty Trash' to permanently delete the items contained in
the trash folder from the database.
Address Books
Address Book Maintenance
You can access the address maintenance screen by clicking the 'Address Book' button located on the
Tools & Accounts ribbon tab.
The address book maintenance screen is presented below with tips on usage:
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Address Books
The contact information is self explanatory, a few items are discussed below as well as the toolbar
buttons and their function:
Transmitted CSID:
If you want snappy fax to lookup in the default address book the name of the fax sender, you will
need to enter the CSID (calling station identifier, ie fax number) of the sender exactly as they transmit
it. If snappy fax can find an exact match in the default address book then it will enter the first contact
name that matches the CSID in the 'From ' field in the inbox.
Special Transmission Requirements:
If you have a contact that you have difficulty transmitting faxes to except at certain slow speeds then
you can check this item and select the baud rate to use when transmitting to this recipient only.
Without this feature, you would have to set your default baud rate to 4800 (for example) which would
restrict all fax transmission speeds. Typical examples where this would be necessary would be very
old technology fax machines which do not support higher fax speeds or have compatibility problems
with newer fax devices.
Toolbar buttons:
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The toolbar buttons are explained below in order from left to right
Add new contact
As it says, add a new contact
Deleted selected contact(s)
You can select multiple contacts in the list to the left and delete them by clicking this button.
Intuitively it means delete the current contact, but if you select multiple contacts in the list (hold down
the shift or control button while selecting with the mouse), you can delete multiple contacts.
Export Address Book
Click this button to export contacts to the indicated file types in the screenshot below:
Import Contacts
Use this button to import contacts.
See: Importing Contacts
Merge Address Books
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Address Books
Import Prior Version Address book
Use this button to merge a version 4 snappy fax address book to version 5
Import Outlook Contacts
Use this button to import your contacts from Outlook
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Additional Address books
See: Shared Address Books
Make this the primary address book
If you have created several address books and want a particular address book to be the primary
address book, select that address book and click the button. Note, the default and primary address
books are not necessarily the same. The primary address book will always be selected first, for
example when sending a fax, it will be presented first. The default address book is the one created
automatically by snappy fax.
Assign Group to selected contacts
You can assign a group name to multiple contacts in one operation. Select the contacts in the contact
list to the left and click this button.
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Address Books
Print Address book listing
Print the contact list
Remove this address book
Remove the current address book. Note: not allowed for the 'default' address book
Mass edit fax numbers
Useful if you need to make sweeping changes to multiple selected contact fax numbers
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Shared Address Books
You can create any number of address books with snappy fax. If you are on a network and snappy
fax is configured as a client to the fax server, then you will likely want to have all users share an
address book. If snappy fax is configured in desktop mode, the screen appears as in screen 1 below,
if configured as a client to the fax server software *and* the option to use the database server is in
force, the screen looks as in screen 2 below.
To do this, just create a new address book in a network location that is accessible to others on the
network or as in screen 2 below check the 'Place on Fax Server as Shared Address Book' option. If
the latter option is used the newly created address book will automatically become visible, connected
and available to all network users. If the database server is not being used and you are configured as
a client to the fax server, you will need to use the 'Connect to an Existing Address Book' option and
browse to the address book location (folder) that was created by another client in order to connect to
screen 1
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Address Books
screen 2
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Importing Contacts
Snappy Fax can import address book entries from either a tab delimited text for or a csv (comma
separated values) file.
To import a file into the address book, first click the 'Address Book' button on the 'Tools & Accounts'
ribbon tab to open the address book maintenance screen. This screen has an import button on its
toolbar, click the 'Import' button to bring up the import screen.
If you have an Excel file with your contents, save it in .csv format, snappy fax can only import csv
(comma delimited) or tab delimited files.
The import screen looks like this:
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Address Books
The import procedure is a relatively simple process of taking an import record from the import file and
"mapping" it to the database fields in snappy fax's address book database. Just drag and drop from
the import field list box to the appropriate box in the database grid.
Exporting Contacts
You can export your address book entries by clicking the 'Export' button on the address book
maintenance screen's toolbar.
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
You can export to the following file formats:
Excel file
HTML file
Text file
CSV (comma separated values)
Tab Delimited text file
XML file
Email Accounts
Email Account Maintenance
By far the most popular feature of snappy fax is the ability to forward incoming faxes to email
In order to perform this, snappy fax must have a default email account setup. You can setup a
default email account by clicking the 'Email Accounts' button on the Tools & Accounts ribbon tab.
Note: you should refer to your regular email program (Outlook, etc.) for the correct
settings. The required information will vary from one internet service provider to another
and there is virtually no standardization, so guidance on what the settings should be is
difficult for us to provide.
The maintenance screen looks like this:
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Email Accounts
Email Account server settings
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Smtp Server Settings
Click on 'Outgoing Servers (SMTP)' to access the smtp page. Add your smtp server
information here:
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Email Accounts
Special Topics
Disabling the Microsoft Fax Service
If you have a version of Windows that includes the Microsoft fax service (in Vista and Windows 7
known as "Windows Fax and Scan") then it must be disabled in order for snappy fax to gain access to
the modem's com port.
Follow these steps: (Screenshots for Windows 7 are shown)
There is also a video tutorial showing how to do this on our tutorials page.
1. Go to Control Panel and click on Administrative Tools
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
2. Double click on 'Services'
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Special Topics
3. Scroll down and find the 'Fax' service and double click on it
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4. Click the 'Stop' button to stop the service and set the 'startup type' to 'manual'
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Special Topics
Watch Files Supported file types
Snappy fax supports the following file types for Watch File Processing:
File type
Text Files
Tiff Files
Jpg Files
Bitmap Files
PDF Files
Microsoft Word Files
Microsoft Excel Files
Open Office Text Document Files
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File Extension
.tif, .tiff
.jpg, .jpeg
.doc, .docx
.xls, .xlsx
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Open Office Spreadsheet Files
RTF Files
Working with Grids (Logs)
The snappy fax main window consists of a number of 'views' which can be access from the Navigator.
The various views all have characteristics in common. They contain a grid , sometimes referred to a
log with a columnar layout representing the particular database items in that view.
The grids can be sorted in any order you desire by simply clicking on a column header. If you click a
column header a second time, the previous sort order will be reversed. You can sort on multiple
columns by holding down the shift key and clicking on additional column headers. Example: click the
Date column header to sort by date, hold the shift key and click the Time column header to sort by
Time within Date.
You can navigate the grid by using the mouse, the arrow keys, page up and page down and ctrl-home
to go to the first record or ctrl-end to go to the last record in the dataset.
You can move columns in the grid by dragging from their current position to the desired position in
the header.
There is a video tutorial showing how to work with data grids on our tutorials page.
The outgoing fax log (grid) is represented below with some explanatory information following:
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Special Topics
Grouping the data in the grid
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Filtering data in the grid
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A grid that has been filtered
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Deleting records from the grid (log)
To delete a fax record from any grid (log), you can drag and drop the item or multiple items to the
'Trash' folder. Alternatively, you can press ctrl-del on the keyboard to move the selected records to
the Trash folder or select the fax records to send to trash and click the 'move to trash' button on the
grid's toolbar. Items moved to trash will remain in the Trash folder until trash is emptied.
To empty trash, right click on the 'Trash' folder and select 'Empty Trash' from the popup menu.
Note: When you empty trash, all records will be permanently deleted. You cannot selectively empty
trash items, empty trash delete all items. If you want to empty trash but do not want to delete all
records, then first move the records you want to keep to another folder.
Working with the image viewer
The Snappy Fax image viewer looks like the screenshot below (image already loaded):
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Special Topics
Prepare Fax Job Screen
The Prepare Fax Job Screen is presented before sending a fax, it's purpose is to gather user
information about recipients, cover pages, etc.
The various parts of the Prepare Fax Job screen and tips on usage are presented in the screenshots
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Loading address books
When using the fax server software *and* database server option is in force, the load time for very
large address books is time consuming when the address book is located on a network computer. For
this reason, the address book is only loaded from the physical device the first time the Prepare Fax
Job screen is presented. The address book entries are kept in memory for instantaneous loading on
each subsequent showing of this screen. If the address book is changed, the address book is loaded
again from the physical device. If you need to reload the address book from the device click the
'Reload Address Book' link. The load times will not be noticeable unless you have address books that
contain thousands of entries, average address books with just a few hundred entries will load quickly.
The collapsed flip panels on the screenshot above look like this when expanded...
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Special Topics
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Cover Page Details Section
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Special Topics
Sender Details Section
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Fax Signing Section
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Special Topics
Importing Prior Version Data
If you are an existing snappy fax user, you can import your data from your prior version provided you
currently have snappy fax version 4.
If you have snappy fax version 3 then you will first need to install snappy fax version 4 which will
convert your database files into a format that can then be imported into this version of snappy fax.
To import your prior version data, click the 'Import from Prior Version' button on the Utilities ribbon
The import screen looks like this:
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Note that snappy fax should automatically find the location of your prior version data
files, if not use the Browse button to locate the prior version data folder.
The import procedure will import any rubber stamp definitions, email accounts and
data tables including fax archives and additional address books.
Once you click the 'Start Import' button the import process will start and cannot be
interrupted. If your fax data files are very large please budge sufficient time to allow
the import to complete.
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Special Topics
Note that when you first run snappy fax version 5, it will import the default cover
page template to the new version 5 format as well as settings and other registry
entries from your prior version, these items are not imported here and are only
imported on the first run of snappy fax version 5.
Your prior version data files are not disturbed in anyway, they are copied to a work
folder and then upgraded to the new database engine format and imported into the
new database. Snappy fax version 5 databases are not compatible with prior
versions of snappy fax so a conversion process is necessary to make your prior
version data useable in snappy fax version 5.
If you are using the fax server software and have snappy fax configured as a client
to the fax server, you should complete any status updates or imports from the server
before importing the data into version 5.
Using the Cover Page Designer
Snappy fax's cover page designed is much improved over previous versions. The cover page
templates are no longer dependent on the screen resolution you are using, the cover page templates
are much easier to work with and produce a cover page with a much more pleasing appearance.
If you are a current snappy fax version 4 user, your default cover page will have already been
converted to version 5 format, you will, however find that you may need to make some minor
adjustments to position and size of text objects with the version 5 cover page designer. If you use
more than one cover page template then you will need to import and convert your prior version
templates using the cover page designer.
Note: version 4 and prior versions of snappy fax cover page template files have a file extension of .
fcp, version 5 uses a file extension of .fct
You access the cover page designer by clicking the 'Cover Sheet Designer' button on the Tools &
Accounts ribbon tab.
A cover page template is just that, a template. The template contains objects that represent things
that will need to be populated onto the cover page at fax time but the value of which cannot be know
at the time the cover page template is created. For example, the fax recipient's name. Obviously,
you will want to use the same template over and over regardless of who you will be sending the fax
to. The fax recipient object will be automatically populated with the recipient's name when the cover
page is created. The same is true for other objects like the fax date and time, number of pages in the
fax, etc.
Some sample cover page templates are supplied with snappy fax, you can use these as a starting
point for designing your custom template or you can use them as is.
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Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
You can use the image tool to place a graphic of your company logo on the template. The graphic
must be either a .bmp. Do not use color or grayscale graphics, if your logo graphic is not black and
white, use an image editing tool to convert the image to black and white before placing on the
template. Remember that faxes sent by Snappy Fax are black and white so observe these rules for
your logo for best rendering results when the cover page is created.
Text objects
The text objects for fax date, time, recipient name and the like all contain a character between two
tildes. For example for date it is ~D~ . The actual object's text is
Date: ~D~. The ~D~ will be replaced with the current date then the cover page is created at fax
time. The same applies to the other objects. You can change the text part of the object by pressing
F2 on the keyboard after selecting the object with the mouse. You should not change the ~D~ part
(in this example). So, you could change Date: ~D~ to Current Date: ~D~, if you like. If the ~D~ is
changed then the current date will be blank on the cover page created at fax time. When you exit or
save your template, Snappy Fax will audit the template and alert you to these types of errors so that
you can fix them before leaving the cover page designer.
Static text objects will always show the exact text that you enter into the object using F2 to edit the
object. The term static means unchanging.
For example you might want to place a static text object and edit the text to show your street
address. Snappy fax does not need to change this as it will always be the same.
In addition to pressing F2 to edit the text, you can right click on an object and select 'Edit Text' from
the popup menu.
The cover page designer looks like this:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Special Topics
Toolbar Discussion
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Full Screen Viewer
Snappy fax has a built in full screen viewer that can be used to quickly view a fax in full screen mode.
Any time you see a thumbnail of an image anywhere in snappy fax, you can double click the
thumbnail image to invoke the full screen view. The image will be shown full screen with a small
navigator window at the bottom right of the screen. You can grab the dotted rectangle on the
navigator window and move it with the mouse to pan around the image or you can simply move the
mouse over the large image to pan around the image.
To exit the full screen viewer, click the close button on the navigator window or simply press the Esc
key on the keyboard.
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Special Topics
What modem should I buy ?
If you already have a fax modem then there is a good chance that it will work with Snappy Fax.
All modems are not created equal. A modem can support any or all of the following fax classes:
Class 1 modems are typically very cheap modems. While they do offer cost savings, dependability
may suffer since Class 1 is very sensitive to timing and fax sessions may fail if timing constraints of
the Class 1 protocol are violated. With Class 1, all fax session management is performed by the fax
software which requires more of a load on the computer's cpu during the fax session.
The US Robotics model 5637 is an excellent choice for a class 1 modem. Do not take this as a general
endorsement of all US Robotics modems as the older models have always been troublesome. The
model 5637 is the only USR modem that we recommend and it is an excellent modem, we use them
Class 2 modems offer an improvement over Class1 in that the modem itself performs the fax session
management functions relieving the fax software and the computer's cpu of some of the burden.
Class 2.0 is a further improvement over Class 2 which further refined the Class 2 standard.
Class 2.1 is high speed fax with error correction. The fax modem performs the entire session
management, and error checking. Class 2.1 modems can transmit and receive faxes at a maximum
speed of 33,600 bits per second when communicating with other similarly enabled fax devices. This
high speed fax is referred to as "Super G3". The installed base of "Super G3" machines is rapidly
growing, you will notice that most fax machines you see in the retail stores boast "Super G3"
functionality. In addition, the error correction feature makes less than perfect phone lines less of a
problem. Affordable Class 2.1 modems, were virtually non-existent until recently.
If reliable faxing is important to your business, you should invest in a good quality Class 2.1 capable
modem. You can get a very good Class 2.1 modem starting at about $125. If you do not care to
invest that much in a modem, then expect reduced reliability with Class 1 modems.
Just to give you an example, with a 145 page fax transmitting at 31,200 bps with a Class 2.1 modem,
the elapsed time to send the fax was 40 minutes and 52 seconds. That is an average transmission
time per page of 17 seconds. With a class 1 modem transmitting at 14,400 bps the transmission time
was 1 hour 46 minutes, which is an average of about 45 seconds per page.
Note: Snappy fax (standard edition) support Fax Class 1, 1.0, 2 and 2.0. Snappy fax (G3 Edition)
supports all fax classes including Class 2.1 "super G3" with error correction.
We have heavily tested the following Class 2.1 Modems:
 Multitech Model MT9234ZBA-USB-CDC
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
 Multitech Model ISI9234PCIe Multi-Modem Card
 MainPine IQExpress Multi-Modem Card
The MultiTech ZBA model is a USB modem that has a small footprint, has a stackable design and
multiple units can be installed on one computer. We have 4 such modems installed on a single
computer in our testing lab. This modem retails for around $125 and is an excellent value.
The MultiTech ISI9234 and the MainPine boards are multi-port modem cards that come in 4 and 8
port models, the are more expensive with the MainPine boards being the most expensive. Both of
these boards are very dependable.
If you are not constrained by a budget then the MainPine boards offer the ultimate in reliability.
Receive Mode Scheduling
Snappy fax can set a schedule to start or stop fax receive mode. To access the Receive Mode
Scheduler, click the 'Receive Mode Scheduler' button on the 'Fax Home' ribbon tab.
The Scheduler screen looks like this:
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Special Topics
The constraints and actions of the scheduler are quite self explanatory. If you want to have a
schedule be active when you start Snappy Fax, check the 'Activate Schedule at Startup' checkbox.
From this window, you can Activate an inactive schedule or DeActivate an active schedule. Snappy
Fax will validate these settings before you can
save the constraints.
Snappy Fax will adhere strictly to any schedule that is active. If you have set the scheduler to stop
fax receive mode at a certain day and time then it will do so without regard to whether you have
manually set fax receive mode yourself. You can view scheduler activity in the 'Thread Messages'
view. When the scheduler issues a command to stop or start fax receive mode, it will log this activity
in the thread messages log.
Note that, if Start and Stop action is selected, the Start Receive Time must be before the Stop Receive
Mode Time and that when snappy fax is started, if both the start and stop times have passed, receive
mode will not be started but rather the target action and time will be to set receive mode at that time
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
for the next day to which the schedule applies.
Working with the Fax Server
Governing Your Workflow
Let's look at some features that will help you manage your office workflow...
Here is a typical view of the fax server's inbox:
Using the Check Out/Check In feature
A typical requirement for controlling workflow in a distributed network environment is to make sure
that no two people handle the same fax. The Check out / Check in feature can help with this. If you
double click on an item in the fax server's inbox in order to load the document in the snappy fax's
image viewer, the fax will automatically be checked out to you and your workstation name will then
appear in the 'Checked Out By' column. Once a record is checked out by one client, it cannot be
checked out by another client. If other clients have been granted administrator privileges in the fax
server's settings->network clients, they will be able to load the image into the image viewer but they
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Working with the Fax Server
will be alerted to the fact that another client has checked out that fax. If the client does not have
administrator privileges, they will not be allowed to load the image into the viewer.
Once a fax record has been checked out, it will remain checked out to that client until the Check Out/
Check In button on the ribbon bar is used to check the fax back in.
Using the Memo Field
The memo field is typically used to provide a reference for a particular fax record that can be used in
many ways. In a medical office, it might be a reference to a patient file record or in an insurance
company it might be a reference to a policy number. You can use this field in any manner you like to
help track fax records.
Refreshing server data
Note that when you make a change to a fax record like perhaps checking it out or editing the memo
field, the changes will not reflect immediately on other clients across the network. The Refresh View
button can be used to manually refresh the data or you can set an automatic refresh interval in the
combo box noted above. However, note that when another client attempts to load a record into the
image viewer or check out the file from the server, they will still be restricted by the state of the
underlying data on the server eventhough their view may not currently reflect recent changes by
other clients.
Example: ComputerA checks out a record. ComputerB has not refreshed its data view but double
clicks the record to check it out, Computer B will be denied or alerted that the record is checked out
by ComputerA eventhough its view does not reflect that.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use my All in One Machine ?
The all in one machines (fax, print, scan, etc.) are not fax modems, they do not have a fax modem
that snappy fax can use for sending and receiving faxes, they are standalone fax machines. You will
need a regular fax modem to send and receive faxes with snappy fax.
The only exception we have found to this is the Brother All in One machines. They install a com port
but not necessarily a 'modem' that will show in the modems applet in control panel. Some Brother fax
machines do, in fact, have a fax modem which can be used to send faxes but they cannot, however,
be used to receive faxes into snappy fax.
Can I use my Cable Modem ?
Cable modems and DSL modems are not fax devices. They cannot send or receive faxes. The are
built specifically to provide broadband internet connectivity. You will need a regular fax modem. You
fax modem can coexist happily with your DSL or cable modem. If you are using DSL then you will
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
most likely need to install the DSL filters on your line
as recommended by your phone
What about Windows 7 ?
Yes, snappy fax is compatible with Windows 7 and also Windows 8. In fact it is compatible with all
versions of windows higher than Windows 98.
Is it 64 bit Windows Compatible ?
Yes, of course !
No dialtone
If your modem is reporting no dial tone then the likely cause may be:
 The modem is not correctly connected to the wall jack
 Your phone service has a special feature, such as a messaging feature that uses a stuttered dial
tone to alert you to new messages
 The phone cord connecting the modem to the wall jack is either damaged or the connections are
not secure
 The wall jack is not 'live'. Check this my plugging in a telephone to the jack and see if you can hear
a dial tone
If the no dial tone report by the modem is in error and you are certain that your modem is
connected properly, you can check the 'blind dial' option in the modem configuration settings to
resolve the problem. This will cause the modem to ignore the absence of a dial tone when dialing the
fax number.
False busy reported by modem
Busy signals have in large part gone out of style with most phone providers in favor of a recording. If
your modem is reporting busy and you are certain this is a false busy then you can uncheck the
'Detect busy' option in the modem configuration settings, to resolve the issue. Also, note that the
modem may report busy if it receives a 'fast busy' signal. Fast busy signals are generated by some
phone providers if the fax number you entered cannot be dialed from your area. For example the
number is not in your area and requires a long distance code and area code. If you have long
distance dialing disabled on a particular phone jack or on your phone system in general, and you
attempt to send a fax to a long distance number, you may also get a fast busy signal. This has
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
confused some users, if you cannot make a long distance call from your telephone then you certainly
cannot send a long distance fax.
Note that snappy fax does not know about dialing rules and does not use them. This is by design
since in some areas in the US, the area code may be required for some local calls and within the same
area code, some numbers may be local while others are toll calls depending on the exchange (first
three digits after the area code).
Modem will not answer calls
If your modem is not answering incoming calls then first make sure that the modem is configured
properly in snappy fax, most importantly that the correct com port is selected in the modem
configuration settings. Also make sure that the modem's 'Line' jack is connected to the wall jack.
If more than one device is connected to your phone line by means of a splitter, say an answering
machine along with your modem then try connecting the modem directly to the wall jack. Each
device has an REN (ring equivalence number) and each will slightly degrade the signal thus preventing
the modem from detecting the ring voltage on the line. If you are certain that your modem is
configured and connected properly then you will need to replace the modem or alternatively see if
your phone provider can boost the ring signal volume on your line. If you can send faxes without a
problem then your modem is connected and configured properly.
Note that it is the modem's job to detect the ring voltage on the phone line and then notify snappy fax
that a ring has been detected so that the process can be initiated to answer the call, negotiate the fax
session and receive the fax. Snappy fax has no way of itself detecting that the phone line is ringing.
Transmission is very slow
An average page of text takes about 45 seconds to transmit at 14400 baud, slightly slower at slower
baud rates. If your fax transmissions are taking much longer than this then consider the following:
Take note of the session speed that is displayed on the outgoing fax progress screen. If the speed is
slower than the baud rate that you have set for outgoing faxes in snappy fax's modem configuration
settings, then the cause is one or both of the following:
 There is noise on your phone line or on the fax receiver's line. Have your telephone provider check
your line for noise.
 You are faxing a document that is either color or grayscale. These documents, when converted to
black and white for faxing will result in a very large file that will take a long time to transmit.
Please note that part of the fax session negotiations between the fax sender and fax receiver includes
the desired transmission speed. If the receiver does not support 14400, for example, then it will
negotiate the speed of the session down to the highest speed it supports and this speed will be used
for the session regardless of the baud rates that you have established in snappy fax's modem
configuration settings.
Also, as a preamble to the actual transmission of the fax page data, the fax sender sends a known
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
training pattern to the receiver. The receiver knows what this pattern is and if the pattern received
does not match the known pattern then it will request a retrain at the next lower baud rate. This
process is repeated until the pattern transmitted by the fax sender matches the known pattern and
that speed will be used for the session.
Error Initializing Modem
If you get 'Error Initializing modem' when attempting to start fax receive mode or send a fax, the
cause is that the modem is responding 'ERROR' to the initialization string.
In snappy fax's settings, the is a 'modem type' setting. This setting governs the initialization string
that is used. This initialization string is sent to the modem prior to sending the standard fax
initialization string to the modem. If you are experiencing this error, go to settings->modem
configuration and set the 'modem type' to 'Default (no init string required)'.
Modem Failed to initialize
In contrast with 'Error Initializing Modem', the modem initialization may fail because the modem does
not respond at all to the fax initialization string. The normal cause of this is that you have configured
the wrong com port in snappy fax's modem settings. Check control panel->phone and modems for
the correct com port and make sure that you have configured that com port in snappy fax's modem
Modem in Use by another process
A modem can only be used by one program or process at any given time. You may encounter the
message "com port is in use by another process". The means and can only mean one thing...
Snappy fax tried to access the modem's com port and Windows denied the process with a message
that another process is using the com port. The usual culprit is either the Microsoft Fax service (or
Windows fax and scan, if using Windows Vista or Windows 7) or perhaps the Winfax service if you
have been a Winfax user. If neither of these apply then you will need to find the culprit and shut it
down as Windows provides not way to discover what other process is using the port, not any way to
wrest control of the port from that process. You can be absolutely certain that some process *is*
using the com port when you see this message. See the topic 'Special Topics | Disabling the Microsoft
Fax Service' in this help file. If the Winfax service is the problem then the process is similar but with
respect to the Winfax service instead.
If you are using Windows Server then it is likely that Windows itself is looking for incoming network
connections on the modem's com port so configure the incoming connections to not use the modem's
com port.
License File is Invalid
When applying the license file to snappy fax, if you get the message that the license file is invalid then
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
you can be certain that the license file you are trying to apply is not correct for the edition of snappy
fax that you have installed. If you have purchased a license for the standard edition and have
installed the SG3 edition then the license is invalid. Click the application button and select 'About' to
see if the line 'G3 Support' or 'Super G3 Support' shows yes or no. If yes, then you have installed the
SG3 edition and will need to uninstall it and then download and install the standard edition.
If you saved the license file received in your license email, the file name indicates what the license is
SFSG3LicenseKey.lic is for the fax server software, SG3 Edition
SFSLicenseKey.lic is for the fax server software standard Edition
SFG3LicenseKey.lic is for the desktop/client software SG3 Edition
SFLicenseKey.lic is for the desktop/client software standard Edition
Cannot open license file
The license file that you receive upon purchasing snappy fax only needs to be saved to your hard
drive. You do not need to "open" the file, just save it to your hard drive, make a note of where you
saved it (what folder). There is a video tutorial on our tutorials page showing how to save it from
your email and then apply the license.
Purchase, Registration & Technical Support
How to Purchase
The price of Snappy fax desktop is $49.99 for the Standard edition, the SG3 Edition is $69.99
This is a one time license fee, there are not recurring annual charges of any kind. All version 5.x
updates are free for one year from your purchase date.
You can purchase snappy fax securely online at
If you prefer to purchase by check or money order you can mail your payment to:
John Taylor & Associates
233 Nannook Rd
Mexico Beach, FL 32456
If you prefer to purchase by bank or wire transfer, please email us at [email protected] for
our banking details for executing a bank or wire transfer. If you intend to purchase by wire transfer,
please note that you will need to include a $18.00 fee in the wire amount as our financial institution
charges us a fee for wire transfers.
Licensed users of snappy fax version 4 can upgrade to version 5 Standard Edition for $ 25.00, the
upgrade from version 4 to version 5 SG3 Edition is $40.00
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
How to Register after Purchase
Once you have purchased snappy fax, you will receive a registration email with a license file attached
to the registration email.
Save the license file to a folder on your computer. You do not have to "open" the license file, just
save it to your hard drive and make a note of where you saved it. There is a video tutorial on our
tutorials page showing how to apply the license file.
To apply the license and register snappy fax, click the 'Apply License Key from File' button on the
'Help & Support ribbon tab.
The registration screen looks like this:
Click the 'Browse...' button to browse to the folder where you saved the license file, select the file you
saved from the registration email and click OK from the file open dialog. After selecting the license
file, click the 'Finish' button to apply the license. Snappy fax will acknowledge the successful
registration and then restart.
If you did manage to open the license file attached to the email, for example with notepad, you can
copy it from notepad to the clipboard and paste into the License Key: area on this screen.
If snappy fax informs you that the license is invalid then review your purchase record for snappy fax.
If you purchased the fax server software in error then contact snappy software support at
[email protected].
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Purchase, Registration & Technical Support
The license files for snappy fax network server and snappy fax desktop/client are not interchangeable.
Technical Support
To obtain technical support for our software please send email to:
[email protected]
Note that we provide free support via email for one year from your purchase date. You will find that
you will receive a timely response to your tech support emails the same day and even on weekends
and most holidays. After one year, you must purchase an annual support/maintenance renewal (50%
of the published license cost).
When asking for tech support please include the tech support file that is generated by the fax server
from its menu item 'Help | Technical Support'. When sending tech support email, please describe
your problem as completely as possible so that we can resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Sending tech support emails with descriptions like 'won't send faxes' or 'doesn't work' are a waste of
your time and our time and will only serve to generate unneeded exchanges of email to determine
what the problem is. If you are getting an error message, quote the error message EXACTLY, please
don't say 'I got an error message' ! We need to know what the error message was exactly. It will be
extremely helpful if you include the exact steps in 1,2,3 fashion to reproduce the issue.
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Snappy Fax Terminology
Terms used throughout this help file
 Grid or Log
A database listing of records in a particular database in columnar format reflecting the fields in each
record in the database.
 Folders
In the navigation pane on the extreme left side of the main window, folders can be used to organize
your faxes. This should not be confused with the term 'folders' on your hard drive. Actually there is a
corresponding field in the outbox and inbox database FOLDER which tells snappy fax where a fax
should be displayed which is tied to the folder selection in the navigation pane.
 Transmission Log
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
A text based log file of an incoming or outgoing fax transmission which includes detail of conversation
between snappy fax's fax engine and the fax modem itself. Transmission logs are critical for tech
support to diagnose a fax session failure.
 Manual Fax
A 'manual' fax refers to either sending or receiving a fax over a telephone connection that has already
been established. In other words, for outgoing faxes, the modem does not dial the fax number and
for incoming faxes the modem did not answer the call. This is used to send a fax over a voice
connection, perhaps you are having a conversation with a colleague and then decide you want to send
them a fax over the existing phone connection.
 Watched Folder
A folder that is 'watched' by a background thread. When a new file is created or moved to that folder,
snappy fax will start an automatic fax operation by parsing the necessary information from the file
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
-664 bit
-Aadding attachments 60
address book 6, 64
address book maintenance 64
AIO machines 103
All in One machines 103
All-in-One machines 103
Always use modifiers 35
annotations 86
answer 105
APF Files 57
Application button 5
apply license file 108
archiving faxes automatically 47
Assign Group to selected contacts 64
AT&F 34
attaching documents 60
attachments 60
ATZ 34
auto import fax server incoming faxes 41
auto print incoming faxes 40
auto print outgoing faxes 40
Auto-archive 47
-BBaud Rate 31
Bitmap Files 57
Blind Dial 31
busy signal 104
buy 107
-CCable Modem 103
Call waiting 35
Call Waiting Disable Code
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
calling card 37
Class 1 modem 99
Class 2 modem 99
Class 2.0 modem 99
Class 2.1 modem 99
Com Port 31
com port is in use by another process 106
comma seperated values 72
command line 58
command line supported file types 58
common address book 70
compatible modems 99
configure as client to fax server 41
Cover page templates 95
creating a draft 62
creating a fax from multiple documents 60
creating a fax from multiple sources 60
Creating a signature graphic 50
csv files 72
-Ddata grids 82
default address book 64
default password 46
delete a draft 64
Deleting records from the grid (log)
Designing cover pages 95
Desired Baud Rate 31
Detect Busy 31
Dial Prefix 35
Dial Suffix 35
dial tone 104
Dialing modifiers 35
Dialing speed 35
dialtone 104
Digital Signature 50
Disable Call Waiting 35
Disable MS Fax 77
Disable Windows Fax & Scan 77
Distinctive ring 35, 59
draft mode 60
DSL Modem 103
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
eFax 52
Email Accounts 6
'Enable Interface to Fax Server'
Enable Transmission Logs 34
Error initializing modem 106
Excel 58
excel files 57, 72
Excel Spreadsheets 57
export address book 64, 73
express setup 13
Hot Keys 49
how to buy 107
how to purchase 107
-IImage Annotation Tools 6
image markup 86
image viewer 86
Image Viewer Ribbon Tab 7
Import Outlook Contacts 64
import prior version 93
import version 4 data 93
importing address book 72
Importing Information from Snappy Fax version 4
Include Page data in transmission log 34
Include Unique Reference in Subject 52
internet fax service 52
invalid license 106
-Ffalse busy signal 104
'fast busy' 104
fast busy signal 104
Fax Class 31
fax from other applications 55
fax from scanner 55
fax receive mode 59
fax recipients 87
fax server 41
fax server data files 41
Fax Service Domain 52
fax switch 59
Fax87 52
FaxAge 52
filtering 82
Folders 82, 109
forward incoming faxes 74
Forwarding 26
Forwarding Faxes to email 26
Forwarding Incoming fax to email
Forwarding to fax machines 28
full screen viewer 98
-GGoverning your workflow
GreenFax 52
grouping 82
grouping records 82
-JJpg Files 57
Junk fax filter 30
Junk fax rejects 30
-Llicense is invalid 106
long transmission times
-MMainPine 99
Manual Fax 38, 109
Mass edit fax numbers 64
Merge Address Books 64
MetroFax 52
Microsoft Excel 6, 58
Microsoft fax service 77
Microsoft Word 6, 58
Modem Configuration 31
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
Modem Dialing speed 35
modem doesn't answer 105
modem failed to initialize 106
modem initialize 106
modem is in use by another process
Modem Reset Command 34
Modem Settings Actions 34
Modem type 31
modem won't answer 105
modems 99
modify existing draft 63
Multitech 99
Multitech reset command 34
MyFax 52
-Nnavigating snappy fax
Navigator Pane 12
network address book
no dial tone 104
no dialtone 104
Notepad 58
-OOpen Office 57, 58
Open Office Files 57
Open Office Spreadsheets 57
Open Office Text Documents 57
Opening Files 57
Outlook 74
Outlook as email account 74
Outlook recipients 87
override sender information 87
-Ppassword 46
PDF Files 57
port in use by another process
Port Open Delay 36
Prepare Fax Job 87
primary address book 64
Print Address book listing 64
print fax confirmation 40
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates
print status line 40
print to snappy fax printer
printing options 40
Publish to Website 29
Pulse Dialing 35
purchase 107
-Qquick bar
-RRapidFax 52
receive fax mode 59
Receive Mode 31
Receive Mode on startup 31
receive mode scheduler 100
Redial Attempts 34
register snappy fax 108
Reject Fax 30
Rejects 30
Remote submit 51
Remove this address book 64
Reset Command 34
Ribbon 6
Ribbon Tab 6
RTF Files 57
-SSave to User Database 6
Saving fax files 25
Saving pdf format 25
Saving tiff format 25
Scan a Document 6
scanner settings 39
scanning a document 55
security measures 46
selecting recipients 87
Selective forwarding to email 27
Sending a fax to snappy fax from Windows Explorer
sending fax from command line 58
server address book 70
shared address book 70
Snappy Fax Version 5 Help
Shared Address Books 64
Signing a fax 87
Signing faxes 50
slow transmission 105
SmartFax 52
snappy fax main window 12
Snappy Fax Version 4 17
Software Flow control 36
sorting 82
Special Transmission Requirements 64
Submit fax to fax server via email 51
Super G3 modem 99
system requirements 16
Windows Explorer 57
Windows Fax & Scan 77
Word 58
Word & Excel Files 57
Word Documents 57
Word Files 57
working with folders 82
Working with the Fax server logs
-Ttab delimited files
technical support
Text Files 57
Tiff Files 57
Transmission Log
Transmission Logs
Transmitted CSID
-UUnityFax 52
Use Caller ID 35
using Outlook as email account 74
using your scanner to send a fax 55
-VVersion 4, Capture Mode equivalent
viewing a fax full screen 98
-WWait for remote to answer 34
Wait interval on busy 34
Watch file format 48
Watch Files Supported file types
Watch folder 48
Watched Folder 48, 109
Windows 7 104
Windows 8 104
© 2015 John Taylor & Associates