alb cleaning ministry - Santa Maria de la Paz
alb cleaning ministry - Santa Maria de la Paz
Santa Maria de la Paz Alb Cleaning Ministry Interest: Individual Catholic Community Family Contact Information: ALB CLEANING MINISTRY Name: Name: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Mailing address: E-mail: By checking this box, I acknowledge that as per Archdiocesan policy, I must attend an Abuse Awareness workshop within 3 months of joining this ministry. Fill out the above form and mail to the church or fax to (505) 473-1602. You may also CONTACT... Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Community 11 College Avenue Carolyn Sandoval Santa Fe, NM 87508-9225 (505) 690-6829 [email protected] (505) 473-4200 Fax: (505) 473-1602 Visit us on the web @ Santa Maria de la Paz hands make light work, so a volunteer may presentable as they only launder two to four Albs every six to ten Serve the Lord are worn at the altar of weeks, our Lord. The word volunteers in this ministry. launder and press the soiled Albs. and keep Alb is a Greek word meaning “white” and is a full-length white vestment worn by the priest, deacons, altar servers and other ministers at Mass or other religious ceremonies. It is usually on the number ALB Holy Servant MASS Religious Cincture Vestment Liturgical Celebration s of When assigned, volunteers may pick up the Albs during church office hours Monday It’s as easy as this... Wash 3-4 Albs to a load; Use gentle cycle with cold or warm water; returned to the sacristy by Friday of that Dry on low heat; same week before 5 pm as they are needed Remove promptly to avoid wrinkling; and Iron, if needed. through Thursday—9 to 12 or 1 to 5 (closed for lunch). The laundered Albs must be for the weekend Masses. A brief training is worn provided prior to being scheduled to serve. underneath other religious vestments and is gathered depending Many Priests ALTAR clean dedicated volunteers who launder the Albs Launder rotating basis and are only required to Sacristy them The Alb Cleaning Ministry is a group of ALB Altar Servers Greek word meaning “white” Washing Instructions Deacons ALB CLEANING MINISTRY CINCTURE If you have an hour or two to spare during at the waist by a cincture the week, consider serving the Lord by cord. joining this ministry. SCHEDULING: The Albs used by the Altar Servers and Cross Bearers at Masses and other Liturgical celebrations are washed and ironed each week by the Alb Cleaning Ministry. Volunteers serve on a weekly Contact: Carolyn Sandoval (505) 690-6829 [email protected] Visit us on the web @