Infinium Karyomapping Protocol Guide Part - Support
Infinium Karyomapping Protocol Guide Part - Support
Infinium® Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. ILLUMINA PROPRIETARY Part # 15052710 Rev. B June 2015 This document and its contents are proprietary to Illumina, Inc. and its affiliates ("Illumina"), and are intended solely for the contractual use of its customer in connection with the use of the product(s) described herein and for no other purpose. This document and its contents shall not be used or distributed for any other purpose and/or otherwise communicated, disclosed, or reproduced in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of Illumina. Illumina does not convey any license under its patent, trademark, copyright, or common-law rights nor similar rights of any third parties by this document. The instructions in this document must be strictly and explicitly followed by qualified and properly trained personnel in order to ensure the proper and safe use of the product(s) described herein. All of the contents of this document must be fully read and understood prior to using such product(s). FAILURE TO COMPLETELY READ AND EXPLICITLY FOLLOW ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT(S), INJURY TO PERSONS, INCLUDING TO USERS OR OTHERS, AND DAMAGE TO OTHER PROPERTY. ILLUMINA DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) DESCRIBED HEREIN (INCLUDING PARTS THEREOF OR SOFTWARE) OR ANY USE OF SUCH PRODUCT(S) OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE EXPRESS WRITTEN LICENSES OR PERMISSIONS GRANTED BY ILLUMINA IN CONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER'S ACQUISITION OF SUCH PRODUCT(S). FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY In addition to all other terms and conditions, the use of Karyomapping products is subject to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you are not permitted to use these products. 1 The Karyomapping products may only be used in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those laws and regulations concerning pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic screening, privacy rights, reporting of incidental findings (as further discussed below), and the storage, transfer, and disposal of samples and materials. These laws and regulations vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. 2 The Karyomapping products have not been cleared, approved, or otherwise reviewed by the U.S. FDA or any other governmental regulatory agency or authority for use in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, pre-implantation genetic screening, or for any other use. 3 The Karyomapping products attempt to make a prediction of genetic phase in embryos, however, the user is responsible for examining both the supporting and contrary evidence for this predicted phase before making a determination concerning the true phase. Results obtained from the use of Karyomapping products should be confirmed using alternative methods. The Karyomapping products may generate false positives, false negatives, or inconclusive results. 4 Use of the Karyomapping products may produce incidental findings about genetic relatives used to perform the analysis. These incidental findings may include, without limitation: a Paternity issues b Copy number variations (CNVs) that may relate to disorders that have yet to manifest, or are of unknown significance c Consanguinity between relatives d Sex chromosome abnormalities The laws and regulations concerning the reporting of such incidental findings vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and it is solely the user’s responsibility to ensure it uses Karyomapping products, including results obtained through their use, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 5 All users of the Karyomapping products should be skilled in the areas of genetics and genetic linkage. © 2015 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved. Illumina, 24sure, BaseSpace, BeadArray, BlueFish, BlueFuse, BlueGnome, cBot, CSPro, CytoChip, DesignStudio, Epicentre, GAIIx, Genetic Energy, Genome Analyzer, GenomeStudio, GoldenGate, HiScan, HiSeq, HiSeq X, Infinium, iScan, iSelect, ForenSeq, MiSeq, MiSeqDx, MiSeq FGx, NeoPrep, Nextera, NextBio, NextSeq, Powered by Illumina, SeqMonitor, SureMDA, TruGenome, TruSeq, TruSight, Understand Your Genome, UYG, VeraCode, verifi, VeriSeq, the pumpkin orange color, and the streaming bases design are trademarks of Illumina, Inc. and/or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other names, logos, and other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide ii Revision History Part # Revision Date Description of Change 15052710 B June 2015 • Removed references to BlueGnome. • Edited "Scan BeadChip" section. Removed iScan procedures and referenced iScan System User Guide (part # 11313539). Added reference to NextSeq 550 System User Guide (part # 15069765). 15052710 A February 2014 iii Initial release. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Table of Contents Revision History Table of Contents List of Tables Chapter 1 Overview Intended Use Tracking Tools Chapter 2 Lab Setup and Maintenance Introduction Safety Precautions Preventing Amplification Product Contamination Preparing and Storing Reagents Best Practices Lab Maintenance Chapter 3 karyomapping assay Protocol karyomapping assay Workflow Equipment, Materials, and Reagents Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 Plate Fragment the DNA Precipitate the DNA Resuspend the DNA Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip Wash the BeadChip Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips Scan BeadChip Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis iii iv v 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 17 18 19 23 28 31 33 36 38 47 56 66 67 Index 71 Technical Assistance 73 Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide iv List of Tables Table 1 Lab Equipment Maintenance Table 2 Sample Vortexer Calibration Label Table 3 User-Supplied Equipment Table 4 User Supplied Materials Table 5 User-Supplied Reagents Table 6 Reagents Table 7 Reagents—Supplied in the Infinium Analysis Kit Table 8 Items from Illumina Table 9 Preparation of Buffer D2 Table 10 Control DNA dilutions Table 11 Amplification control reactions Table 12 Preparation of Amplification Master Mix Table 13 Illumina General Contact Information Table 14 Illumina Customer Support Telephone Numbers v 16 16 19 20 20 21 21 22 24 25 25 26 73 73 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Chapter 1 Overview Intended Use Tracking Tools Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 2 3 1 Chapter 1 Overview Overview Intended Use Karyomapping is a molecular karyotyping method that can be used on a single cell or few cells from an embryo. The method provides a comprehensive test for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of single gene defects. It can be used where there is a risk of severe genetic disorders being inherited from parents. A couple could have a family history of a genetic disorder or have had a child with a genetic disease. PGD screening with karyomapping can be used to identify embryos that do not carry defective genes and can be safely implanted. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol The Infinium Karyomapping Assay utilizes SNP array technology. It consists of whole genome amplification using the SureMDA DNA Amplification System, BeadArray analysis using HumanKaryomap-12 (v1.0) DNA Analysis Kit, scanning with iScan System, and analysis/reporting using BlueFuse Multi software. The first stage of the karyomapping assay uses the SureMDA DNA Amplification System to amplify DNA from blastomere and trophectoderm biopsied cells to quantities suitable for use in the Infinium protocol. During the second stage of the karyomapping assay the SureMDA amplified DNA from the embryo biopsies, together with parental and reference genomic DNA, is prepared and hybridized to the HumanKaryomap-12 BeadChip. The Infinium protocol uses the DNA Analysis Kit and features single-tube preparation and whole-genome amplification, hybridization to the BeadChip, and a two- step allele detection process using labeled nucleotides. The complete Infinium Karyomapping Assay, which includes the SureMDA amplification protocol together with the Infinium Assay, can be performed within 24 hours. Audience and Purpose This guide is for laboratory technicians running the Infinium karyomapping assay. The guide documents the laboratory protocols associated with the assay. It is important that all sections of this protocol are read before starting the assay. Follow all the steps in the protocol in the order shown. 2 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Illumina provides the following tools for sample tracking and guidance in the lab: } The Lab Tracking Form guides you through the protocols with minimal illustrations and explanatory notes and includes user-entry fields for tracking progress and recording lot numbers, barcodes, and time metrics. These documents and tools are available for download and reference at Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 3 Tracking Tools Tracking Tools 4 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Chapter 2 Lab Setup and Maintenance Introduction Safety Precautions Preventing Amplification Product Contamination Preparing and Storing Reagents Best Practices Lab Maintenance Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 6 7 8 10 11 13 5 Chapter 2 Lab Setup and Maintenance Lab Setup and Maintenance Introduction This chapter describes the essential equipment and operating procedures for a karyomapping assay laboratory. It explains how to equip and run a laboratory, providing important information on the following topics: } Safety precautions } Preventing amplification product contamination } Preparing and storing reagents } Calibrating and using the vortexer } Best practices } Lab maintenance The assay protocols assume that you are familiar with the contents of this chapter, have implemented all the recommendations, and have obtained all the requisite equipment, materials, and reagents. RELATED TRAINING For more guidance on setting up an Infinium laboratory, see the Infinium, Lesson 1: Lab Setup and Best Practice training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website. 6 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Safety Precautions Safety Precautions CAUTION Only qualified laboratory personnel can perform the protocols described in this guide. Exercise caution when handling biological samples to avoid crosscontamination among pre-amp and post-amp samples. WARNING This protocol uses an aliphatic amide (formamide) that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. For more information, consult the safety data sheet for this assay at Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. WARNING Buffer DLB contains potassium hydroxide: corrosive, harmful. Risk and safety phrases: R22-35, S26-36/37/39-45. When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective goggles. For more information, consult the SDS sheets. CAUTION BeadChips are glass. Inspect for broken edges and handle with care. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 7 Lab Setup and Maintenance Preventing Amplification Product Contamination The karyomapping assay protocol uses 2 whole genome amplification (WGA) processes, the first amplifies DNA from single or few cells to quantities suitable for the Infinium protocol (WGA1). The second is the first step of the Infinium protocol (WGA2). Unless sufficient caution is exercised, amplification products can contaminate reagents, instrumentation, and DNA samples, causing inaccurate and unreliable results. Amplification product contamination can shut down lab processes and significantly delay resumption of normal operations. For this reason, Illumina strongly encourages performing the amplification processes in separate, dedicated laboratory spaces. CAUTION It is imperative to establish procedures for preventing amplification product contamination before working in the lab. Separate WGA1, WGA2, and Post-Amp Areas The first whole genome amplification uses the SureMDA kit to amplify DNA from embryo biopsies, which are single cells (blastomere - day 3) or a few cells (5-10 cells, trophectoderm - day 5) taken from the developing embryo. The preparation for this amplification is included in the Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA section and is performed in the WGA1 area. DNA is amplified to quantities sufficient for use in the Infinium protocol. It is critical that this step is performed in a clean area, ideally in a clean 'sample protection' hood. The second amplification - WGA2 - is the first step of the Infinium protocol. The preparation for this amplification is included in the Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 plate section. Ideally WGA2 is performed in a physically separate laboratory area from the WGA1 area. Perform the remaining Infinium protocol in a post-amp area that is a separate laboratory space from the amplification areas. The 3 laboratory areas are referred to as WGA1, WGA2, and post-amp. Dedicated Equipment and Supplies Dedicate separate sets of instruments (pipettes, centrifuge, Illumina Hybridization Oven, heat block, etc.) to the pre-amp and post-amp areas. Never share instruments between areas. Follow these rules to avoid contaminating the pre-amp area: } Never use the same sink to wash pre-amp and post-amp reservoirs. } Never share the water purification system for pre-amp and post-amp processes. } Store all supplies used in the karyomapping assay protocols in the pre-amp area and transfer to the post-amp area as needed. Items Falling to Floor The floor can be contaminated with amplification product transferred on the shoes of individuals coming from the post-amp area. Therefore, treat anything falling to the floor as if it were contaminated. Throw away disposable items that have fallen to the ground at the completion of the assay. Disposable items can include empty tubes, pipette tips, gloves, or lab coat hangers. During the assay, never touch any items that have fallen to the ground. 8 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Use a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) solution to clean any lab surface that has contacted the contaminated item. Individuals handling anything that has fallen to the floor, disposable or not, must throw away their lab gloves and put on a new pair. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 9 Preventing Amplification Product Immediately and thoroughly clean nondisposable items that have fallen to the ground, such as pipettes or important sample containers. Use a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) solution to remove product contamination. Lab Setup and Maintenance Preparing and Storing Reagents To minimize errors in preparing user-supplied reagents each day, prepare large batches of 95% Formamide/1 mM EDTA. Then aliquot and store them as described in the following sections. It is important to keep a ‘first in, first out’ or FIFO system for reagents. Rotating the stock of the remaining reagents helps to avoid accidentally using expired reagents. Prepare Batches of 0.1N NaOH Prepare 0.1 N NaOH fresh on the day of use from a liquid 10 N NaOH stock. Alternatively, prepare it in large batches and aliquot it into 1 ml sealed tubes. These aliquots can be stored for up to 12 months at 2°C to 8°C and used in the protocol as needed. When you open an aliquot, use it on the same day that it was opened. Discard any reagent that is left at the completion of the assay. Prepare Batches of 95% Formamide/1 mM EDTA To minimize errors in preparing 95% formamide/1 mM EDTA, prepare it in large batches and aliquot it into sealed tubes. These aliquots can be stored up to 5 months at -25°C to -15°C and used in the protocol as needed. When you open an aliquot, use it on the same day that it was opened. Discard any reagent that is left at the completion of the assay. WARNING This protocol uses an aliphatic amide (formamide) that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. For more information, consult the safety data sheet for this assay at Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. Prepare SureMDA reagents Buffer DLB and Buffer D2 can be prepared before performing the SureMDA protocol and stored in single use aliquots (see SureMDA buffer preparation on page 24). 10 Part # 15052710 Rev.B To optimize your data and minimize errors and waste, read and follow these best practices whenever performing the karyomapping assay protocols. General Laboratory Practice Perform the protocols described in this guide with care while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, including laboratory coat, eye protection, and gloves. Sample Mishandling To reduce the risk of sample mishandling, it is important to witness and sign off critical steps when following the laboratory protocol. Preparation of SureMDA Controls Positive controls DNA controls must be prepared freshly on the day of use for each SureMDA reaction and used promptly to reduce the risk of sample loss by adhesion to the plastic tube. Nucleasefree ‘LoBind’ tubes can be used to reduce this effect. Allow sufficient time for complete resuspension when serially diluting the DNA. Do not vortex DNA solutions as vortexing can shear the DNA. Control DNAs must be stored and handled away from test samples to prevent contamination. For control preparation instructions, see Preparation of amplification reaction controls on page 24. Negative controls Two types of negative control are recommended: a sample collection negative control (buffer control, or BC) for each batch of cell isolations and an amplification reaction negative control (no-template control, or NTC) per batch of amplification reactions. Illumina recommends that amplification reactions are performed in this way to make sure that no contamination of these solutions has occurred. As a result, the amplification products seen are a result of the single cells only. Cleaning and Calibrating Pipettes Make sure that pipettes are properly calibrated, clean, and decontaminated. Pipette Carefully Perform all pipette dispenses carefully and slowly to avoid creating turbulence within the plate wells and flow-through chambers. Where possible, use a multichannel pipette to dispense reagents. Handling Cap Mats Orient the cap mat so that A1 on the cap matches A1 on the plate. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 11 Best Practices Best Practices Lab Setup and Maintenance CAUTION To prevent evaporation and spills, which could lead to assay variability and cross-contamination, make sure that all 96 caps are securely seated in the wells. When you remove a cap mat, do so carefully and slowly to avoid splashing the contents. Set the cap mat aside, upside down, in a safe location for use later in the protocol. When you place the cap mat back on the plate, be sure to match it to its original plate and orient it correctly. Reagent Reuse Never reuse excess reagents after dispensing. Discard according to your facility requirements. Handling BeadChips Avoid touching the BeadChip anywhere other than at the barcode end or on the edges. Balancing the Centrifuge Whenever you centrifuge plates or BeadChips, place a balance plate or rack with BeadChips opposite each plate or BeadChip rack being centrifuged. Make sure that weights are as similar as possible. 12 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Perform the following standard lab maintenance procedures for Infinium Assay labs. Daily and Weekly Bleaching CAUTION To prevent sample or reagent degradation, make sure that all bleach vapors have fully dissipated before starting any processes. Post-amplification Area Reducing the amount of product in the post-amp area reduces the risk of contamination in the pre-amp areas (WGA1 and WGA2). Identify post-amp area “hot spots” that pose the highest risk of contamination, and clean these items daily with a 10% bleach solution. Typical • • • • • • • • hot spots include: Bench space used to process amplified DNA Door handles Refrigerator/freezer door handles Computer mouse Keyboards Centrifuges Vortexers Thermal cyclers Every week, thoroughly bleach the entire post-amp area, including benchtops and instruments that are not cleaned daily. Mop the floors with a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) solution as well. Provide training for personnel responsible for cleaning the lab areas so that they know how to prevent pre-amp product contamination. Pre-amplification Area Establish a daily and weekly bleaching schedule for the pre-amp areas (WGA1 and WGA2) similar to the schedule for the post-amp area. Bleaching helps to eliminate product that could have entered the pre-amp area. Identify high-risk pre-amp items such as the items listed, and clean them with a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) solution each morning before beginning any pre-amp processes: • Benchtops • Door handles • Refrigerator/freezer door handles • Computer mouse • Keyboards Every week, thoroughly clean all laboratory surfaces and instruments, including all the benchtops and instruments that are not cleaned daily. Mop the floors with a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (10% bleach) solution as well. Provide training for personnel responsible for cleaning the lab areas so that they know how to prevent pre-amp product contamination. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 13 Lab Maintenance Lab Maintenance Lab Setup and Maintenance Cleaning the Glass Back Plates The glass back plates are used in the flow-through chambers to control the flow of sample and reagent onto the BeadChips. Clean the glass back plates when you open them for the first time and between uses. In addition, perform a more thorough cleaning after every 7 uses or weekly (depending on the throughput of your lab). Both procedures are described in the following sections. Cleaning the Glass Back Plates after Every Use When you open the glass back plates for the first time, and after every use, follow these instructions to clean them. 1 Prepare a 1% dilution (2.5 g per 250 ml) of Alconox Powder Detergent in water. 2 Dip each glass back plate into the solution. 3 Remove the glass back plates from the detergent solution and wipe them with a Kimwipe. 4 Hold the glass back plates under running DI water to remove any remaining detergent completely. 5 Allow the glass back plates to dry in the storage rack or by leaning the glass back plates at an angle against the black metal frames. 6 When the glass back plates are clean and dry, use a Kimwipe to wash with 70% EtOH. 7 Dry the glass back plates with a Whoosh duster or laboratory air gun. 8 To prevent surface damage to the glass back plates, store them in the Te-Flow Flow Cell storage box. Cleaning the Glass Back Plates Weekly In addition to the cleaning procedure in the previous section, clean the plates periodically after approximately every 7 uses and/or every week depending on individual lab throughput. CAUTION Wear a lab coat, safety goggles, and gloves during this cleaning process. Consumables Item Quantity Bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl) 9“ x 13” Pyrex glass container 1 Fume hood 1 Backplate Tecan Storage rack 1 Deionized water 1L container for diluting bleach CAUTION Bleach is an irritant. Use caution when handling. 14 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Preparation } Dilute bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) with deionized water to 10% (0.525% hypochlorite) in a 1L container. Mix thoroughly. Example: Add 100 ml of bleach to 900 ml deionized water. Cleaning Steps 1 Perform the following steps in the fume hood: NOTE Perform these steps in a location separate from the Infinium production lab. a b c Place glass container in the fume hood. Place Pyrex glass back plates in the glass container with the plate reservoirs facing up. Do not stack glass back plates on top of each other Add enough 10% bleach solution to cover the glass back plates (fill the glass container to approximately half full). 2 Let the glass back plates soak in bleach in the fume hood for 1 hour. 3 Fill the Backplate Tecan Storage Rack container with deionized water and transfer it to the fume hood. 4 After the 1 hour bleach soak, individually transfer the glass back plates to the Backplate Tecan Storage Rack that is submerged in deionized water. Be careful not to chip the glass back plates. NOTE The Backplate Tecan Storage Rack container with glass back plates can now be transferred from the fume hood to a nearby sink with deionized water. 5 Dip the rack containing the glass back plates up and down 20 times. Be careful not to chip the glass back plates. 6 Remove the Backplate Tecan Storage Rack containing the glass back plates and rinse with deionized water. 7 Dispose of the deionized water from the Backplate Tecan Storage Rack container; rinse and refill with fresh deionized water. 8 Return the rack containing the glass back plates to the Backplate Tecan Storage Rack container. 9 Dip rack containing glass back plates up and down 20 times and then let soak for 5 minutes. 10 Repeat 4 times—steps 7–9. 11 Dispose of the deionized water. 12 Allow the glass back plates to dry in the storage rack or by leaning the glass back plates at an angle against the black metal frames. 13 When the glass back plates are clean and dry, us a Kimwipe to wash with 70% EtOH. 14 Dry the glass back plates with a Whoosh duster or laboratory air gun. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 15 Lab Maintenance WARNING Do not perform this cleaning protocol in the BeadChip production lab. Bleach fumes can degrade both the BeadChips and the fluorescent dyes used in the Infinium Assay. Lab Setup and Maintenance 15 To prevent surface damage to the glass back plates, store them in the Te-Flow Flow Cell storage box. Maintaining and Calibrating Lab Equipment Calibrate the following equipment on an annual basis, according to the specifications listed. Table 1 Lab Equipment Maintenance Equipment Specification High-speed Determine offset at 1600 rpm, 1800 rpm, 2000 rpm, and 2300 rpm microplate shaker using a calibrated stroboscope Hybridization oven ±2°C at 40°C and 60°C Heated cover heat ±1°C at 37°C and 95°C block Temperature probe ±1°C for Te-Flow Calibrating the Vortexer The displayed speed of the vortexer can vary from the actual vortex speed. Use a digital stroboscope to determine the actual vortex speed. When you have determined the actual vortex speed, record it along with the displayed speed and use these measurements for reference throughout the assay. Follow the following instructions to calibrate the Signature* High-Speed Microplate Shaker (VWR International, catalog # 13500-890). 1 Set the digital stroboscope display speed to 1600 rpm. 2 Turn on the vortexer and adjust the vortexer speed until the actual vortex speed reaches 1600 rpm. 3 Record the displayed vortexer speed and note down that it represents an actual speed of 1600 rpm. 4 Use the same method described in steps 1–3 to determine the displayed speed for the actual vortex speed of 1800 rpm. These 2 vortex speeds are used in the karyomapping assay. 5 Place a label on the vortexer with the calibration information. The following table provides an example of a calibration label you can create and affix to your vortexer. Table 2 Sample Vortexer Calibration Label Display Speed Actual Vortex Speed 1450 rpm 1600 rpm 1625 rpm 1800 rpm Calibration Date xx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx Calibrating the Hybridization Oven Contact Illumina Technical Support to schedule yearly maintenance and calibration. For more information, see the Hybridization Oven System Guide. 16 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Chapter 3 karyomapping assay Protocol karyomapping assay Workflow Equipment, Materials, and Reagents Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 Plate Fragment the DNA Precipitate the DNA Resuspend the DNA Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip Wash the BeadChip Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips Scan BeadChip Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 18 19 23 28 31 33 36 38 47 56 66 17 Chapter 3 Karyomapping Assay Protocol karyomapping assay Protocol Karyomapping Assay Workflow The following figure graphically represents the manual workflow for the Infinium karyomapping assay. Figure 1 Karyomapping Assay Manual Workflow CAUTION To avoid incidents of sample mishandling it is important to witness critical steps, such as tube transfers in the protocol. It is recommended a witness signature is included as part of the Lab Tracking Form. 18 Part # 15052710 Rev.B User-Supplied Equipment Table 3 User-Supplied Equipment Item Catalog # Air - clean, dry compressed source adjacent to iScan: Either: • Air tank with regulator and air hose, or • House air with constant > 30 psi pressure Check requirements with iScan engineer General lab supplier Sterile safety cabinet or UV-sterilized PCR workstation Dedicated for use in WGA1 General lab supplier - eg, Scanlaf Titan PCR or Scanlaf Fortuna OR Bigneat PCR workstation Microplate centrifuge with g-force range 8 to 3000 × g (2, for pre-amp and post-amp use; post-amp centrifuge must include refrigeration) General lab supplier Centrifuge adapters for plates and tubes General lab supplier Agarose gel electrophoresis equipment General lab supplier - see Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis on page 67 Lidded thermal cycler To hold microplates, temp range 4 °C to 95 °C. For SureMDA step in WGA1 area General lab supplier - eg, Applied Biosystems:Veriti (4375786) Tube vortexer For pre- and post-amp General lab supplier Pipettes three separate sets, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use • P-2, P-20, P-200, and P-1000 General lab supplier 8-channel precision pipettes Three separate sets, for WG1 [optional], WG2, and post-amp use) • 50 μL to 300 μL General lab supplier Stop watch/timer Three, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use General lab supplier Tube rack VWR International catalog # 66023-526 Vacuum source greater than 508 mm Hg (0.68 bar) General lab supplier Vacuum gauge for vacuum desiccator [recommended] General lab supplier Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 19 Equipment, Materials, and Reagents Equipment, Materials, and Reagents karyomapping assay Protocol User-Supplied Materials Table 4 User Supplied Materials Item Catalog # Forceps VWR International catalog # 25601-008 Powder-free gloves Three separate stocks, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use General lab supplier Lab coats Three, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use General lab supplier Safety glasses Three, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use General lab supplier 15 ml conical tubes General lab supplier 0.8 ml storage plate (midi plate), conical bottom Abgene catalog # AB-0765 96-well PCR plate Abgene catalog # AB-0600 96-well PCR plate seals Abgene catalog # AB-0558 0.2 ml PCR tubes Thin-walled, flip cap Abgene catalog # AB-0620 1.5 ml LoBind tubes Safe-Lock lid cap, nuclease-free Eppendorf catalog # 0030108051 Heat Sealing foil sheets, Thermo-Seal Abgene catalog # AB-0559 Rubber sealing roller VWR International catalog #BRND701380 or equivalent 96-well cap mats - pierceable, nonautoclavable Abgene catalog # AB-0566 Absorbent pads General lab supplier Kimwipes or any lint-free tissue General lab supplier Aerosol filter pipette tips (3 separate stocks, for WG1, WG2 and post-amp use) • 2 μL, 20 μL, 200 μL, 1000 μL General lab supplier Disposable pipetting troughs VWR International catalog # 21007-970 Canned air, such as Aerosol Whoosh-Duster VWR International catalog # 16650-027 User-Supplied Reagents Table 5 User-Supplied Reagents 20 Item Part # Biopsied cells in 4 μL 1xPBS N/A Part # 15052710 Rev.B Part # Genomic DNA from Parents and Reference Good quality genomic DNA - 50 ng/µl N/A Genomic control DNA Promega G1521 Deionized water N/A EDTA, 0.5 M Sigma-Aldrich catalog # E7889 Ethanol, 100% General lab supplier Formamide, OmniPur VWR International catalog # EM-4650 Isopropanol (2-propanol) Other alcohols cannot substitute General lab supplier Mild detergent, such as Alconox Powder Detergent VWR International catalog # 21835-032 Sodium Hydroxide solution NaOH, 10 M Sigma-Aldrich catalog # T72068 PBS, 20X - dilute to 1x with nuclease-free water For diluting DNA Equipment, Materials, and Reagents Item Cell Signaling Technologies 9808 Reagents Table 6 Reagents Item Part # SureMDA DNA Amplification System (96 rxns) PR-40-405102-00 HumanKaryomap-12 DNA Analysis BeadChip Kit (24 samples) RH-103-1001 CAUTION Download DMAP files before beginning the Infinium protocol. Scanning of BeadChips cannot occur without the relevant associated DMAP file. Table 7 Reagents—Supplied in the Infinium Analysis Kit Item Part # HumanKaryomap-12 v1.0 (2x BeadChips) 15050055 MA1—Multi-Sample Amplification 1 Mix 11202880 MSM—Random Primer Mix 11203410 MA2—Multi-Sample Amplification Master Mix 11203401 FMS—Fragmentation solution 11203428 PM1—Precipitation solution 11203436 RA1—Resuspension, hybridization, and wash solution 11292441 Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 21 karyomapping assay Protocol Item Part # PB2—Humidifying buffer used during hybridization 11191130 PB1—Reagent used to prepare BeadChips for hybridization. Also used to wash BeadChips after hybridization and in XStain reaction. 11291245 XC1—XStain BeadChip solution 1 11208288 XC2—XStain BeadChip solution 2 11208296 TEM—Two-Color Extension Master Mix 11208309 XC3—XStain BeadChip solution 3 11208392 STM—Superior Two-Color Master Mix 11288046 ATM—Anti-Stain Two-Color Master Mix 11208317 XC4—XStain BeadChip solution 4 11208430 NOTE A DNA Analysis Kit includes the BeadChips and reagents. Reagents are supplied in sufficient quantities to run all the BeadChips at the same time. It is important that the frozen components do not go through more than 2 freeze-thaw cycles from delivery. The wash buffers (PB1 and XC4) are supplied in sufficient volume suitable for single use. XC4 reagent (resuspended) can be reused up to 6 times over a twoweek period (maximum 24 BeadChips). PB1 and XC4 can be ordered separately as a buffer kit (GT-201-1005). Table 8 Items from Illumina Item Part # iScan System (110 V/220 V) or NextSeq 550 System SY-101-1001 or SY-415-1002 Infinium Option Starter Package (220 V) WG-15-305 Infinium Option Starter Package (110 V) WG-15-304 NOTE New users, not already running the Infinium Assay, will require the Infinium Option Starter Package. The Infinium Option Starter Package (220 V and 110 V) includes: hybridization oven with rocker, high-speed microplate shaker, Hybex heatblock and accessories, heat sealer, desiccator, hybridization chamber and gaskets, Tecan TeFlow wash chamber rack and accessories, among other items. 22 Part # 15052710 Rev.B These steps explain how to amplify the DNA from a single cell or few cells, taken from an embryo biopsy, to quantities suitable for the Karyomapping assay. This procedure uses the SureMDA kit and is performed in a dedicated clean laboratory area (WGA1). Estimated Time Hands-on time: 45 minutes Incubation time: 2 hours Consumables Item Quantity SureMDA DNA Amplification System (96 reactions) 1 box REPLI-g SC DNA Polymerase 4 tubes REPLI-g SC Reaction Buffer 4 tubes Buffer DLB 2 tubes Stop Solution 1 tube 1x PBS SC 4 tubes 1M DTT 1 tube Water, SC 4 tubes 0.2 ml PCR tubes or 96-well PCR plate - 1.5 ml LoBind tubes - WARNING Buffer DLB contains potassium hydroxide: corrosive, harmful. Risk and safety phrases: R22-35, S26-36/37/39-45. For more information, consult the safety data sheet at When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective eyewear. Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. Preparation } Prepare the starting materials, see Preparation of amplification reaction controls on page 24. • Cell samples in 4 μl of 1x PBS in 0.2 ml tubes or a well of a PCR plate. • Positive control DNA: 50 pg of genomic DNA in 4 μl of 1x PBS • [Optional] Negative control 1: 4 μl of collection buffer (collection buffer control BC). • Negative control 2: 4 μl of 1x PBS (no template control - NTC). } Thaw SureMDA reagents - REPLI-g SC Reaction Buffer, Stop Solution, 1x PBS SC, 1M DTT, and Water, SC at room temperature. Vortex briefly before use. To gather contents, pulse centrifuge and then place on ice. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 23 Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA karyomapping assay Protocol NOTE Precipitate can form in REPLI-g SC Reaction Buffer after thawing. Dissolve the precipitate by vortexing for 10 seconds. } Prepare Buffer DLB and Buffer D2. For more information, see SureMDA buffer preparation on page 24. Or if previously prepared, thaw sufficient Buffer D2 aliquots for the number of whole genome amplification reactions. } Preheat a PCR thermal cycler to 30°C with a 70°C heated lid for the SureMDA Amplification. } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator • All SureMDA reagent tube lot numbers SureMDA buffer preparation Buffer D2 is made up from reconstituted Buffer DLB and 1M DTT. Both of these buffers can be prepared in advance and stored in aliquots to minimize freeze-thawing of DTT. Reconstituted Buffer DLB can be stored for 6 months at -20°C. Buffer DLB is pH-labile. Do not store Buffer D2 for longer than 3 months. Keep Buffer D2 at -20°C. 1 Prepare Buffer DLB by adding 500 μl of Water, SC to the lyophilized buffer. 2 Mix thoroughly by vortexing, pulse centrifuge and retain on ice. 3 Prepare sufficient Buffer D2 for the total number of whole genome amplifications required for the batch of samples being processed (Table 9). Table 9 Preparation of Buffer D2 Component Cap color Volume (4 reactions) Volume (28 reactions) 1M DTT Reconstituted Buffer DLB Total volume 4 1 μl 11 μl 12 µl 7 μl 77 μl 84 µl Vortex to mix and pulse centrifuge to collect contents. Preparation of amplification reaction controls Positive controls DNA controls must be prepared freshly on the day of use and used promptly to reduce the risk of sample loss by adhesion to the plastic tube. Negative controls It is recommended that 2 negative controls are used: a sample collection negative control (buffer control, or BC) for each batch of cell isolations and an amplification reaction negative control (no-template control, or NTC) per batch of amplification reactions. Preparation of DNA dilutions 1 24 Dilute the stock solution of human genomic DNA to 2 ng/μl (2000 pg/μl) in 1x PBS (provided in the SureMDA kit). Mix by gently flicking the tube (do not vortex), pulse centrifuge to collect contents. This is DNA Tube 1 (Table 10). Part # 15052710 Rev.B Follow the dilution series in Table 10 Table 10 Control DNA dilutions DNA tube Vol. DNA Vol. PBS 1 2 3 2 μl stock 4 μl Tube 1 4 μl Tube 2 As required 36 μl 60 μl Dilution Factor Final concentration As required 1 in 10 1 in 16 2000 pg/μl 200 pg/μl 12.5 pg/μl Amplification control reactions 1 For each set of test amplification reactions set up the following control reactions in 0.2 ml PCR tubes: Table 11 Amplification control reactions Control type Tube label Contents Positive Negative 1 Negative 2 2 G+ BC NTC 4 μl DNA Tube 3 4 μl collection Buffer Control 4 μl 1x PBS SC Comment 50 pg control DNA Collected at time of cell isolation Negative control Pulse centrifuge the control reactions to collect the contents and place on ice until required. NOTE Make sure that the PBS source used for the preparation of the positive controls is the same as the NTC negative control. Make sure that the PBS source used to collect the biopsied cells is the same as the BC negative control SureMDA Amplification NOTE Throughout the SureMDA amplification protocol, only have 1 sample tube open at any one time. 1 Collect cells in 4 μl of 1x PBS in 0.2 ml PCR tubes. If the sample is in a lower volume, make up the volume to 4 μl with 1x PBS SC. Centrifuge the tube/plate at 200 × g for 3 minutes (at 4°C if possible). Keep the cells on ice during the protocol. NOTE Place the samples on ice in a 96-well tube rack or plate. Make sure that the ice is in contact with the base of the tube and that they are not held above it. 2 Place the control reaction tubes (G+, BC, NTC) in the rack after all the test samples so that the controls are processed last. 3 Add 3 μl Buffer D2 to each sample or control tube. Briefly centrifuge (200 × g) to combine the 2 liquid volumes. NOTE When pipetting into tubes that contain solutions, eject the drop of liquid onto the side of the PCR tube. Do not place the tip into or near the sample solution. 4 Incubate the samples for 65°C for 10 minutes with a 105°C heated lid using a WGA1 designated thermal cycler. On the Lab Tracking Form, record the start and stop times. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 25 Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA 2 karyomapping assay Protocol 5 During the 10 minute incubation, prepare the Amplification Master Mix according to Table 12. 6 Add components in the order listed. Following combination of the Water, SC and REPLI-g SC Reaction Buffer vortex briefly and pulse centrifuge. Thaw REPLI-g SC DNA Polymerase tube on ice, gently flick tube to mix, briefly pulse centrifuge to gather contents. Keep all reagents on ice and add the REPLI-g SC DNA Polymerase immediately before use. Mix well by pipetting. Table 12 Preparation of Amplification Master Mix Component Cap color Volume/reaction Water, SC REPLI-g SC Reaction Buffer REPLI-g SC DNA Polymerase Total volume 9 μl 29 μl 2 μl 40 µl 7 At the end of the 10 minute 65°C incubation step transfer the tubes immediately to ice, do not allow the PCR block to cool the reactions to 4°C. 8 Add 3 μl of Stop Solution (red cap) to the side of each reaction tube. Briefly centrifuge to combine the droplet into the reaction. If large numbers of samples are processed, gently tap the tubes at regular intervals during the pipetting process to combine the buffers and neutralize the reaction. NOTE When pipetting into tubes that contain solutions, eject the drop of liquid onto the side of the PCR tube. Do not place the tip into or near the sample solution. 9 Add 40 μl of Amplification Master Mix to the 10 μl reaction volume. Eject the solution down the side of the tube; do not touch the denatured DNA solution with the tip. 10 Seal and briefly invert the tubes to mix, pulse centrifuge to collect the contents and return the samples to ice. Immediately proceed to the prepared thermal cycler for amplification. NOTE It is critical to proceed directly to the cycling step after the reagents are mixed as quickly as possible, not doing so could result in poor amplifications. 11 Incubate the samples in a preheated thermal cycler with the heated lid at 70°C as follows: 1 cycle 30°C 120 minutes 1 cycle 65°C 3 minutes 1 cycle 4°C Hold On the Lab Tracking Form, record the start and stop times. 12 To determine the success of the amplification, load 2 μl of each amplified sample (made up to 10 μl with water and gel loading buffer as required) on a 0.8% agarose 1x TBE gel. Run until fully resolved (60 minutes). For detailed instructions on performing agarose gel electrophoresis, see Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis on page 67. 13 Perform 1 of the following: • While agarose gel electrophoresis is running, proceed to - Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 plate. 26 Part # 15052710 Rev.B NOTE Make sure that the next step Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 plate is performed in a separate laboratory area - WGA2. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 27 Amplification of biopsy samples with SureMDA • Store amplified DNA at 4°C for short-term storage (< 1 week) or -20°C/-80°C for longer term storage. karyomapping assay Protocol Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 Plate These steps explain how to prepare a DNA plate (MSA3) for the Infinium Karyomapping Assay. Good quality parental and reference genomic DNA is required for karyomapping. The DNA is added to the MSA3 DNA plate at this stage together with the amplified biopsy samples and controls from the SureMDA procedure. This step denatures and neutralizes the samples, preparing them for overnight incubation. During incubation, the genomic and amplified DNA is further amplified and prepared for downstream procedures. Figure 2 Denaturing and Neutralizing DNA Estimated Time Hands-on time: 15 minutes for 12 samples Incubation time: 2 hours Consumables Item Quantity MA1 1 tube MSM 1 tube MA2 1 tube 0.1 N NaOH 1 ml 96-well 0.8 ml storage plate (MIDI) 1 plate DNA plate with genomic DNA samples (50 ng/μl) 1 plate or in tubes DNA plate with SureMDA amplified DNA 1 plate or in tubes Preparation } In preparation for the incubation process, preheat the heat block, with a midi plate insert, in the post-amp area to 37°C and allow the temperature to equilibrate. } Thaw MA1, MSM, and MA2 tubes to room temperature. Gently invert at least 10 times to mix contents, pulse centrifuge 280 × g to gather contents. } Thaw DNA samples to room temperature. } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator 28 Part # 15052710 Rev.B DNA plate barcode (if necessary) MSA3 plate barcode (if necessary) MA1 tube lot number MA2 tube lot number MSM tube lot number Steps 1 Dispense 40 μl MA1 into the MSA3 plate wells of the midi plate. Fill wells according to the plate layout diagram where columns 1 and 2 contain samples for a single BeadChip. 2 Transfer 8 μl (50 ng/μl) of gDNA from parents and reference, followed by 8 μl of amplified DNA from the SureMDA plate, to the corresponding wells of the MSA3 plate. 3 In the Lab Tracking Form, record the original DNA sample ID for each well in the MSA3 plate. 4 Dispense 8 μl 0.1N NaOH into each well of the MSA3 plate that contains MA1 and sample. 5 Seal the MSA3 plate with a 96-well cap mat. NOTE Orient the cap mat so that A1 on the cap matches A1 on the plate. To prevent evaporation and spills, which could lead to assay variability and crosscontamination, make sure that all 96 caps are securely seated in the wells. 6 Vortex the plate at 1600 rpm for 1 minute. 7 Pulse centrifuge at 280 × g. 8 Incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature. 9 Carefully remove the cap mat. NOTE When you remove a cap mat, set it aside, upside down, in a safe location for use later in the protocol. 10 Dispense 68 μl MA2 into each well of the MSA3 plate containing sample. 11 Dispense 76 μl MSM into each well of the MSA3 plate containing sample. 12 Reseal the MSA3 plate with the cap mat. NOTE When you place the cap mat back on the plate, be sure to match it to its original plate and orient it correctly. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 29 Prepare and Incubate the MSA3 Plate • • • • • karyomapping assay Protocol 13 Vortex the sealed MSA3 plate at 1600 rpm for 1 minute. 14 Pulse centrifuge at 280 × g. 15 Incubate in the heat block with midi insert for 2 hours at 37°C. On the Lab Tracking Form, record the start and stop times. 16 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. 17 Proceed to Fragment the DNA. NOTE Perform the next step, Fragment the DNA, in a separate laboratory area - postamp. 30 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Fragment the DNA Fragment the DNA These steps explain how to enzymatically fragment the DNA, using endpoint fragmentation to avoid overfragmentation. Figure 3 Fragmenting DNA Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~ 5 minutes for 12 samples Incubation time: 30 minutes Consumables Item Quantity FMS 1 tube Preparation } Keep the heat block with the midi plate insert at 37°C. } Thaw FMS tube to room temperature. Gently invert at least 10 times to mix contents, pulse centrifuge 280 × g to gather contents. } Remove the MSA3 plate from the heat block. } Thaw RA1 to room temperature in preparation for the later step Resuspend the DNA. } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator • FMS tube lot number Steps 1 Pulse centrifuge the MSA3 plate at 280 × g. 2 Carefully remove the cap mat. NOTE When you remove a cap mat, set it aside, upside down, in a safe location for use later in the protocol. 3 Add 50 μl FMS to each well containing sample. 4 Seal the MSA3 plate with the 96-well cap mat. NOTE When you place the cap mat back on the plate, be sure to match it to its original plate and orient it correctly. 5 Vortex the plate at 1600 rpm for 1 minute. 6 Pulse centrifuge the plate at 280 × g. 7 Place the sealed plate on the 37°C heat block for 30 minutes. On the Lab Tracking Form, record the start and stop times. 8 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. 9 Perform 1 of the following: Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 31 karyomapping assay Protocol • Continue to the next step Precipitate DNA, prepare for the next step during the 37°C heat block incubation. • If you do not plan to proceed to the next step within the next 2 hours, store the sealed MSA3 plate at -25°C to -15°C. Do not store for more than 24 hours. SAFE STOPPING POINT This is a good stopping point in the process. 32 Part # 15052710 Rev.B These steps explain how to precipitate the DNA samples using 100% 2-propanol and PM1. Figure 4 Precipitating DNA Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~10 minutes for 12 samples Centrifugation: 20 minutes Dry time: 15 minutes Consumables Item Quantity PM1 1 tube 100% 2-propanol 15 ml Preparation } Preheat heat block to 37°C. } Perform 1 of the following • If you froze the MSA3 plate after fragmentation, thaw it to room temperature, and then pulse centrifuge the MSA3 plate at 280 × g. • If you proceeded immediately from Fragment the MSA3 Plate, leave the plate in the 37°C heat block until setup is complete. } Bring PM1 to room temperature. Gently invert at least 10 times to mix contents. } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator • PM1 tube lot number • 100% 2-propanol lot number and date opened Steps 1 Remove the 96-well cap mat and add 100 μl PM1 to each MSA3 plate well containing sample. 2 Seal the plate with the cap mat. NOTE When you place the cap mat back on the plate, be sure to match it to its original plate and orient it correctly. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 33 Precipitate the DNA Precipitate the DNA karyomapping assay Protocol 3 Vortex the sealed plate at 1600 rpm for 1 minute. 4 Place the sealed plate on the 37°C heat block for 5 minutes. 5 Pulse centrifuge at 280 × g. NOTE Set centrifuge to 4°C in preparation for the next centrifuge step. 6 Add 310 μl 100% 2-propanol to each well containing sample. 7 Carefully seal the MSA3 plate with a new, dry cap mat, taking care not to shake the plate in any way until the cap mat is fully seated. 8 Invert the plate at least 10 times to mix contents thoroughly. 9 Place the sealed MSA3 plate in the centrifuge opposite another plate of equal weight. 10 Centrifuge at 3000 × g at 4°C for 20 minutes. CAUTION Perform the next step immediately after the centrifuge stops to avoid dislodging the blue pellet. If any delay occurs, repeat the 20 minute centrifugation before proceeding. 11 Remove the MSA3 plate from centrifuge. Remove the cap mat and discard it. 12 Over an absorbent pad, decant the supernatant by quickly inverting the MSA3 plate. Drain liquid onto the absorbent pad and then smack the plate down, avoiding the liquid that was drained onto the pad. RELATED TRAINING To learn more, see the Decanting the Plate topic in the Infinium, Lesson 2: Assay Techniques training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website 13 Tap firmly several times for 1 minute or until all wells are devoid of liquid. CAUTION Keep plate inverted. To ensure optimal performance, do not allow supernatant in wells to pour into other wells. 14 Leave the uncovered, inverted plate on the tube rack for 15 minutes at room temperature to air dry the pellet. After drying, make sure that blue pellets are present at the bottoms of the wells. 15 On the Lab Tracking Form, enter the start and stop times. Figure 5 Uncovered MSA3 Plate Inverted for Air Drying 34 Part # 15052710 Rev.B 17 Perform 1 of the following: • Continue to the next step, Resuspend the DNA. • If you do not plan to proceed to the next step immediately, seal the MSA3 plate with a new cap mat and store it at -25°C to -15°C. Do not store for more than 24 hours. SAFE STOPPING POINT This is a good stopping point in the process. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 35 Precipitate the DNA 16 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. karyomapping assay Protocol Resuspend the DNA These steps explain how to resuspend the precipitated DNA using RA1. Figure 6 Resuspending DNA Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~5 minutes for 12 samples Incubation time: 15 minutes Consumables Item Quantity RA1 17 μl per sample well NOTE Pour out only the recommended volume of RA1 needed for the suggested number of samples listed in the consumables table. Additional RA1 is used later in the Extend and Stain (XStain) the BeadChip step. WARNING This protocol uses an aliphatic amide (formamide) that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. For more information, consult the safety data sheet for this assay at Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. Preparation } If you plan to continue to the hybridization step immediately after resuspension, begin preheating the heat block to 95°C now. } Preheat the Illumina Hybridization Oven to 48°C. } Turn on the heat sealer to preheat. Allow 10 minutes. } Invert the previously thawed RA1 several times to redissolve the solution. NOTE RA1 might form visible precipitates or crystals. Before use, hold the bottle in front of a light and visually inspect, invert several times to redissolve the solution. [Optional] Heat at 48°C for 15 minutes until RA1 is dissolved. } On • • • 36 the Lab Tracking Form, record: Date/Time Operator RA1 bottle lot number Part # 15052710 Rev.B Steps to Resuspend the DNA 1 Add 17 μl RA1 to each well of the MSA3 plate containing a DNA pellet. Reserve leftover reagent in the bottle for the Extend and Stain (XStain) the BeadChip step later in this protocol. 2 Apply a foil heat seal (with the dull side facing down) to the MSA3 plate by firmly and evenly holding the heat sealer sealing block down for 5 seconds. 3 Immediately remove the MSA3 plate from the heat sealer and forcefully roll the rubber plate sealer over the plate until you can see all 96 well indentations through the foil. Repeat application of the heat sealer if all 96 wells are not defined. 4 Place the sealed plate in the Illumina Hybridization Oven and incubate for 15 minutes at 48°C. 5 Vortex the plate at 1800 rpm for 1 minute. 6 Pulse centrifuge at 280 × g. NOTE If you store the pellets at -25°C to -15°C for extended periods of time after the precipitate process, you might need to resuspend the pellets. Repeat the vortexing and centrifugation in the previous steps until pellets are resuspended. 7 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. 8 Perform 1 of the following: • Continue to the next step, Hybridize the DNA to the BeadChip. If you plan to do so immediately, it is safe to leave the MSA3 plate at room temperature for up to 1 hour. • If you do not plan to proceed to the next step, immediately: — Store the sealed MSA3 plate at -25°C to -15°C for no more than 24 hours. Store at -80°C if storing for more than 24 hours. Do not store the MSA3 plate for longer than one week at -80°C. — Store RA1 at room temperature for no more than 24 hours. Store at -25°C to 15°C if storing for more than 24 hours. SAFE STOPPING POINT This is a good stopping point in the process. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 37 Resuspend the DNA NOTE Use fresh RA1 for each protocol step where it is required. RA1 that has been stored properly and has not been dispensed for use in either the XStain or Resuspension step is considered fresh RA1. karyomapping assay Protocol Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip These steps explain how to dispense the fragmented, resuspended DNA samples onto BeadChips and incubate the BeadChips in the Illumina Hybridization Oven to hybridize the samples onto the BeadChips. RELATED TRAINING To learn more, see the Hybridization topic in the Infinium, Lesson 2: Assay Techniques training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website. Figure 7 Hybridize Multi BeadChip Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~10 minutes for 1 BeadChip (12 samples) Incubation: 20 minutes Cool-down: 5 minutes Incubation: 12 hours Consumables Item Quantity PB2 1 tube BeadChips 1 Hyb Chambers 1 Hyb Chamber gaskets 1 Hyb Chamber inserts 1 EtOH 330 ml CAUTION BeadChips are glass. Inspect BeadChips for broken edges and handle with care. Preparation } Make sure that DMAP files for each BeadChip have been downloaded, scanning cannot proceed without a DMAP file. } If frozen, thaw MSA3 plate to room temperature, and then pulse centrifuge the MSA3 plate to 280 × g. } If the heat block is not already heated, preheat the heat block to 95°C. 38 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Prepare the Hybridization Chambers 1 Place the resuspended MSA3 plate on the heat block to denature the samples at 95°C for 20 minutes. On the Lab Tracking Form, enter the start and stop times. 2 During the 20 minute incubation, prepare the Hyb Chambers. Place the following items on the benchtop for use in this procedure: Figure 8 BeadChip Hyb Chamber Components A B C Hyb Chambers Hyb Chamber Gaskets Hyb Chamber Inserts Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 39 Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip } Preheat the Illumina Hybridization Oven to 48°C and set the rocker speed to 5. } Prepare the Illumina Hybridization Oven as follows: a Preheat the oven to 48°C: — Press the "F" button one time to change the display to TSET. — Press the "S" button to enter the set-temperature mode, and then use the Increment/Decrement dial to set the oven to 48°C. — Press the "S" button again to set 48°C as the temperature. b Set the rocker speed to 5: — Press the "F" button twice until SPd is indicated on the display. — Press the "S" button to enter the rocker speed mode. — Use the Increment/Decrement dial to set the rocker speed to "5". — Press the "S" button again. } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator • PB2 tube lot number karyomapping assay Protocol NOTE To ensure optimal results from Hyb Chambers, keep the Hyb Chamber lids and bases together. Adopt a labeling convention that keeps each Hyb Chamber base paired with its original lid. Check Hyb Chamber lid-base pairs regularly to make sure that the fit remains secure. Check hinges regularly for any signs of abnormal wear or loose fittings. It is important that the hinges provide adequate clamping strength to ensure an airtight seal between the lid and the base. Record the Hyb Chamber that was used for each BeadChip, so that Hyb Chambers can be investigated and evaluated in the event of sample evaporation or other lab processing anomalies. a b Remove the BeadChips from 2°C to 8°C storage, leaving the BeadChips in their ziplock bags and mylar packages until you are ready to begin hybridization. Place the Hyb Chamber gaskets into the Hyb Chambers. — Match the wider edge of the Hyb Chamber gasket to the barcode-ridge side of the Hyb Chamber. Figure 9 Hyb Chamber and Gasket A B C D Humidifying Buffer Reservoirs Barcode Ridges Narrower Edges Wider Edges — Lay the gasket into the Hyb Chamber, and then press it down all around. Figure 10 Placing Gasket into Hyb Chamber — Make sure that the Hyb Chamber gaskets are properly seated. 40 Part # 15052710 Rev.B c Dispense 400 μl PB2 into the required humidifying buffer reservoirs in the Hyb Chamber, 2 for each BeadChip. Figure 12 Dispensing PB2 into Hyb Chamber Reservoir d e 3 After filling the Hyb Chamber reservoirs with PB2, place the lid on the Hyb Chamber right away to prevent evaporation. You do not need to lockdown the lid. Leave the closed Hyb Chambers on the bench at room temperature until the BeadChips are loaded with DNA sample. Load BeadChips into the Hyb Chamber within 1 hour. After the 20 minute incubation, remove the MSA3 plate from the heat block and place it on the benchtop at room temperature for 5 minutes to cool. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 41 Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip Figure 11 Hyb Chamber with Gasket in Place karyomapping assay Protocol Load BeadChips 1 After the 5 minute cool down, pulse centrifuge the MSA3 plate to 280 × g. 2 Just before loading DNA samples, remove all BeadChips from their ziplock bags and mylar packages. CAUTION Hold the BeadChip by the ends with your thumb and forefinger (thumb at the barcode end). Do not hold the BeadChip by the sides near the sample inlets. Avoid contacting the beadstripe area and sample inlets. CAUTION BeadChips are glass. Inspect BeadChips for broken edges and handle with care. 3 Place each BeadChip in a Hyb Chamber insert, orienting the barcode end so that it matches the barcode symbol on the Hyb Chamber insert. Figure 13 Placing BeadChips into Hyb Chamber Inserts 4 Remove the foil seal from the MSA3 plate, and then, using a multichannel precision pipette, dispense 15 μl of each DNA sample onto the appropriate BeadChip section. Figure 14 Loading Samples a b c 42 Load samples A1–F1 from the MSA3 plate into the left side of the BeadChip. Make sure that the pipette tip is in the sample inlet before dispensing. Load samples A2–F2 from the MSA3 plate into the right side of the BeadChip. Continue in this manner, following the color-coded sections in the figure, until all samples are loaded. Part # 15052710 Rev.B 5 On the Lab Tracking Form, record the BeadChip barcode for each group of samples 6 After loading all DNA onto the BeadChip, wait for the sample to disperse over the entire surface. 7 Inspect the loading port to see if a large bolus of liquid remains. Excess sample volume in the BeadChip loading port helps prevent low-intensity areas resulting from evaporation. Figure 16 Bolus of Liquid at Loading Port If no excess liquid is visible, it is acceptable to add additional sample from the leftover volume in the amplification plate until there is a large bolus around the loading port. NOTE Do not add RA1 (sample Hyb buffer) as this will dilute the sample. 8 Record the additional added sample on the Lab Tracking Form. 9 Proceed immediately to the next section, Set up the BeadChips for Hybridization. Set up the BeadChips for Hybridization CAUTION For optimal performance, take care to keep the Hyb Chamber inserts containing BeadChips steady and level when lifting or moving. Avoid shaking and always keep parallel to the lab bench. Do not hold by the sides near the sample inlets. 1 Load the Hyb Chamber inserts containing BeadChips into the Illumina Hyb Chamber. Position the barcode end over the ridges indicated on the Hyb Chamber. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 43 Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip Figure 15 Distributing Sample in MSA3 Plate karyomapping assay Protocol Figure 17 Placing Hyb Chamber Inserts into the Hyb Chamber 2 Place the back side of the lid onto the Hyb Chamber and then slowly bring down the front end to avoid dislodging the Hyb Chamber inserts. Figure 18 Seating Lid onto Hyb Chamber 3 Close the clamps on both sides of the Hyb Chamber so that the lid is secure and even on the base (no gaps). It is best to close the clamps in a kitty-corner fashion, closing first the top left clamp, then the bottom right, then the top right followed by the bottom left. 4 Place the Hyb Chamber in the 48°C Illumina Hybridization Oven so that the Illumina logo on top of the Hyb Chamber is facing you. CAUTION After loading the BeadChips into the Hyb Chambers, place the Hyb Chambers into the Illumina Hybridization Oven immediately. Do not modify the hybridization environment by adding additional fixtures or humidifying elements. Leave the Hyb Chambers in the oven at the correct orientation and temperature until hybridization is complete. Changes to the hybridization environment can have unexpected effects on data quality. 44 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Hybridize DNA to the BeadChip Figure 19 Hyb Chamber Correctly Placed in Hyb Oven Figure 20 Incorrectly Placed Hyb Chamber NOTE If you are stacking multiple Hyb Chambers, make sure the feet of the top Hyb Chamber fit into the matching indents on top of the bottom Hyb Chamber. This will hold the Hyb Chambers in place while they are rocking. You can stack up to 3 Hyb Chambers per row for a maximum total of 6 Hyb Chambers in the Hyb Oven. 5 [Optional] Start the rocker, setting the speed to 5. 6 Incubate at 48°C for 12 hours or overnight but no more than 24 hours. 7 On the Lab Tracking Form, enter the start and stop times. 8 Place RA1 at 4°C for use the next day. 9 Discard the MSA3 plate. 10 After the overnight incubation, proceed to Wash the BeadChip. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 45 karyomapping assay Protocol Resuspend XC4 Reagent in Preparation for XStain Keep the XC4 in the bottle in which it was shipped until you are ready to use it. Follow these steps to resuspend the XC4 reagent in preparation for the Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips on page 56 46 1 Add 330 ml fresh 100% EtOH to the XC4 bottle. The final volume will be 350 ml. Each XC4 bottle has enough solution to process up to 24 BeadChips. 2 Shake the XC4 bottle vigorously to ensure complete resuspension. When it is resuspended, use XC4 at room temperature. You can store it at 2°C to 8°C and reuse up to 6 times over a two-week period for a maximum of 24 BeadChips. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Wash the BeadChip Wash the BeadChip These steps explain how to prepare the BeadChips for the staining process. Figure 21 Washing BeadChip Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~5 minutes for 1 BeadChip Consumables Item Quantity PB1 550 ml (up to 4 BeadChips) Multi-Sample BeadChip Alignment Fixture 1 (per 4 BeadChips) Te-Flow flow-through chambers (with Black Frames, Spacers, Glass Back Plates, and Clamps) 1 (per BeadChip) Wash Dish 2 Wash Rack 1 CAUTION Pour only the recommended reagent volume needed for the suggested number of samples listed in the Consumables table of each section. Some reagents are used later in the protocol. WARNING This protocol uses an aliphatic amide (formamide) that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. For more information, consult the safety data sheet for this assay at Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. Preparation } Make sure that the water circulator is filled to the appropriate level. } Turn on the water circulator. Set it to a temperature that brings the Chamber Rack to 44°C at equilibrium. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 47 karyomapping assay Protocol } Remove bubbles trapped in the Chamber Rack. } Test three or more locations on the Chamber Rack, using the Illumina Temperature Probe. Make sure that all locations are at 44°C ± 0.5°C. If the temperature on the probe is not within ± 0.5°C, adjust the water circulator control knob to obtain 44°C ± 0.5°C on the temperature probe. } In preparation for the wash step, remove each Hyb Chamber from the Illumina Hybridization Oven. } Have ready on the lab bench: • Two wash dishes: — Containing 200 ml PB1, and labeled as such • Multi-Sample BeadChip Alignment Fixture — Using a graduated cylinder, fill with 150 ml PB1 • Te-Flow flow-through chamber components: — Black frames — Spacers (separated for ease of handling) — Clean glass back plates (see Cleaning the Glass Back Plates on page 14) — Clamps } On the Lab Tracking Form, record: • Date/Time • Operator • PB1 bottle lot number In preparation for XStain BeadChip step } Thaw XC1, XC2, TEM, STM, ATM, and 95% Formamide / 1mM EDTA to room temperature. Gently invert the reagent tubes and bottles at least 10 times to mix contents. } Shake the XC4 bottle vigorously to ensure complete resuspension. If necessary, vortex until dissolved. Steps to Wash BeadChip 1 Attach the wire handle to the rack and submerge the wash rack in the first wash dish containing 200 ml PB1. Figure 22 Wash Rack in Wash Dish Containing PB1 48 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Remove a BeadChip from the Hyb Chamber and then remove its cover seal. RELATED TRAINING To learn more, see the Removing the IntelliHyb Seal topic in the Infinium, Lesson 2: Assay Techniques training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website. NOTE To make sure that no solution splatters on you, Illumina recommends removing the cover seal over an absorbent cloth or paper towels, preferably in a hood. CAUTION Inspect BeadChips for broken edges and handle with care. a b Using powder-free gloved hands, hold the BeadChip securely and by the edges in one hand. Avoid contact with the sample inlets. Make sure that he barcode is facing up and is closest to you, and that the top side of the BeadChip is angled slightly away from you. Remove the entire seal in a single, continuous motion. Start with a corner on the barcode end and pull with a continuous upward motion away from you and towards the opposite corner on the top side of the BeadChip. Figure 23 Removing the Cover Seal c Discard the cover seal. CAUTION Do not touch the arrays! 3 Immediately and carefully slide the BeadChip into the wash rack, making sure that the BeadChip is submerged in the PB1. Figure 24 Submerging BeadChips in Wash Dish Containing PB1 Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 49 Wash the BeadChip 2 karyomapping assay Protocol 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 if necessary until all BeadChips are transferred to the submerged wash rack. 5 When all the BeadChips are in the wash rack, move the wash rack up and down for 1 minute, breaking the surface of the PB1 with gentle, slow agitation. 6 Move the wash rack to the other wash dish containing clean PB1. Make sure the BeadChips are submerged. 7 Move the wash rack up and down for 1 minute, breaking the surface of the PB1 with gentle, slow agitation. 8 When you remove the BeadChips from the wash rack, inspect them for remaining residue. NOTE Residue that can adversely affect results is sometimes left on BeadChips after seals are removed. If there is residue left on the BeadChips after the second PB1 wash, use a 200 μl pipette tip for each BeadChip. Slowly and carefully scrape off the residues outward (away) from the bead-sections under PB1. Use a new pipette tip for each BeadChip. Then, continue with the protocol. Assemble Flow-Through Chambers RELATED TRAINING To learn more about and assembling the flow-through chambers, see the flow-through chamber topic in the Infinium, Lesson 2: Assay Techniques training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website. 1 If you have not done so, fill the BeadChip Alignment Fixture with 150 ml PB1. 2 For each BeadChip to be processed, place a black frame into the BeadChip Alignment Fixture. Figure 25 Placing Black Frames into BeadChip Alignment Fixture, prefilled with PB1 3 50 Place each BeadChip into a black frame, aligning its barcode with the ridges stamped onto the Alignment Fixture. Make sure that each BeadChip is fully immersed in PB1. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Wash the BeadChip Figure 26 Placing BeadChip into Black Frame on Alignment Fixture 4 Place a clear spacer onto the top of each BeadChip. Use the Alignment Fixture grooves to guide the spacers into proper position. NOTE Be sure to use the clear plastic spacers, not the white ones. Figure 27 Placing Clear Plastic Spacer onto BeadChip 5 Place the Alignment Bar onto the Alignment Fixture. Make sure that the groove in the Alignment Bar fits over the tab on the Alignment Fixture. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 51 karyomapping assay Protocol Figure 28 Placing Alignment Bar onto Alignment Fixture 6 Place a clean glass back plate on top of the clear spacer covering each BeadChip. Make sure that the plate reservoir is at the barcode end of the BeadChip, facing inward to create a reservoir against the BeadChip surface. Figure 29 Placing Glass Back Plate onto BeadChip A B 7 52 Reservoir at Barcode End of Glass Back Plate Glass Back Plate in Position Attach the metal clamps onto each flow-through chamber as follows: a Gently push up the glass back plate against the Alignment Bar with one finger. b Place the first metal clamp around the flow-through chamber so that the clamp is 5 mm from the top edge. c Place the second metal clamp around the flow-through chamber at the barcode end, 5 mm from the bottom of the reagent reservoir. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Wash the BeadChip Figure 30 Securing Flow-Through Chamber Assembly with Metal Clamps A B C 8 One Stripe Shows Between First Clamp and Alignment Bar Glass Back Plate Pressed Against Alignment Bar No Stripes Show Between Second Clamp and Barcode Remove the assembled flow-through chamber from the alignment fixture and, using scissors, trim the spacer at the nonbarcode end of the assembly. Slip the scissors up over the barcode to trim the other end. Figure 31 Trimming Spacer Ends from Flow-Through Chamber Assembly A B 9 Trim spacer at nonbarcode end of flow-through chamber Trim spacer at barcode end of flow-through chamber Continue to the next step, Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChip. CAUTION Keep assembled flow-through chambers on the lab bench in a horizontal position while you perform the preparation steps for the Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChip step in this protocol. Do not place the assembled chambers on absorbent paper. Do not place the flow-through chambers in the Chamber Rack until the preparation is complete. 10 Wash the Hyb Chamber reservoirs with DiH2O. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 53 karyomapping assay Protocol CAUTION It is important to wash the hybridization chamber reservoirs immediately and thoroughly to make sure that no traces of PB2 remain in the wells. 11 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. Set Up the Chamber Rack NOTE To learn more about removing bubbles from the Chamber Rack, see the flow-through chamber topic in the Infinium, Lesson 2: Assay Techniques training video on the Array Online Training page of the Illumina website. 1 Make sure that the water circulator reservoir is filled with water to the appropriate level. 2 If not already done so, turn on the water circulator and set it to a temperature that brings the Chamber Rack to 44°C at equilibrium. This temperature can vary depending on facility ambient conditions. Figure 32 Water Circulator Connected to Chamber Rack A B C 54 Chamber Rack Water Circulator with Programmable Temperature Controls Reservoir Cover 3 The temperature displayed on the water circulator LCD screen can differ from the actual temperature on the Chamber Rack. Confirm the actual temperature using the temperature probe for the Chamber Rack. 4 Remove bubbles trapped in the Chamber Rack each time you run this process. 5 Use the Illumina Temperature Probe in several locations to make sure that the Chamber Rack is at 44°C. Make sure that all locations are at 44°C ± 0.5°C. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Wash the BeadChip NOTE Do not leave the temperature probe in the first 3 rows of the Chamber Rack. Reserve this space for BeadChips. Figure 33 Illumina Temperature Probe and Temperature Probe in Chamber Rack 6 For accurate temperature measurement, make sure that the Temperature Probe is touching the base of the Chamber Rack. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 55 karyomapping assay Protocol Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips These steps explain how to: wash unhybridized and nonspecifically hybridized DNA samples from the BeadChips, add labeled nucleotides to extend the primers hybridized to the DNA, stain the primers, disassemble the flow-through chambers, and coat the BeadChips for protection. Figure 34 Extending and Staining BeadChip Estimated Time Hands-on time: ~3 hours Dry time: 1 hour Consumables Item Quantity RA1 5 ml (per 4 BeadChips) XC1 1 tube (per 4 BeadChips) XC2 1 tube (per 4 BeadChips) TEM 1 tube (per 4 BeadChips) XC3 25 ml (per 4 BeadChips) STM (make sure that all STM tubes indicate the same stain temperature on the label) 1 tube (per 4 BeadChips) ATM 1 tube (per 4 BeadChips) PB1 310 ml (up to 4 BeadChips) XC4 310 ml (up to 4 BeadChips) Alconox Powder Detergent as needed EtOH as needed 95% formamide/1 mM EDTA 10 ml (up to 4 BeadChips) CAUTION Pour out only the recommended reagent volume needed for the suggested number of samples listed in the Consumables table of each section. 56 Part # 15052710 Rev.B Preparation } Place the reagent tubes in a rack in the order in which they will be used: RA1, XC1, XC2, TEM, 95% Formamide / 1mM EDTA, STM, XC3, ATM. Figure 35 XStain BeadChip Reagent Tubes and Bottles A B C D E F G H I J RA1 XC3 XC1 XC2 TEM 95% Formamide / 1mM EDTA STM ATM PB1 XC4 NOTE It is important to use fresh RA1 for each protocol step in the assay where it is required. RA1 that has been stored properly and has not been dispensed previously is considered fresh RA1. After RA1 has been poured out into a reservoir and exposed to room temperature air for extended periods of time, it is no longer fresh. NOTE RA1 might form visible precipitates or crystals. Before use, hold the bottle in front of a light and visually inspect to make sure that all precipitates have dissolved. Heat to dissolve, if necessary. } On • • • the Lab Tracking Form, record: Date/Time Operator RA1 lot number Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 57 Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips WARNING This protocol uses an aliphatic amide (formamide) that is a probable reproductive toxin. Personal injury can occur through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact. For more information, consult the safety data sheet for this assay at Dispose of containers and any unused contents in accordance with the governmental safety standards for your region. karyomapping assay Protocol • • • • • • • • XC3 lot number XC1 lot number XC2 lot number TEM lot number STM lot number ATM lot number PB1 lot number XC4 lot number Single-Base Extension CAUTION The remaining steps must be performed without interruption. 1 When the Chamber Rack reaches 44°C ± 0.5°C, quickly place each flow-through chamber assembly into the Chamber Rack. 2 Make sure that each flow-through chamber is properly seated on its rack to allow adequate heat exchange between the rack and the chamber. 3 Into the reservoir of each flow-through chamber, dispense: a 150 μl RA1. Incubate for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. CAUTION Do not allow pipette tips to contact BeadChip surface. Touch off in the reservoir of the glass back plate. Figure 36 Dispensing RA1 into Each Flow-Through Chamber b c d e f g h 58 450 μl XC1. Incubate for 10 minutes. 450 μl XC2. Incubate for 10 minutes. 200 μl TEM. Incubate for 15 minutes. 450 μl 95% formamide/1 mM EDTA. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. Incubate 5 minutes. Begin ramping the Chamber Rack temperature to the temperature indicated on the STM tube ± 0.5°C. 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Wait until the Chamber Rack reaches the correct temperature. Stain BeadChip 1 Into the reservoir of each flow-through chamber, dispense: a 250 μl STM. Incubate for 10 minutes. b 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. c Wait 5 minutes. d 250 μl ATM. Incubate for 10 minutes. e 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. f Wait 5 minutes. g 250 μl STM. Incubate for 10 minutes. h 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. i Wait 5 minutes. j 250 μl ATM. Incubate for 10 minutes. k 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. l Wait 5 minutes. m 250 μl STM. Incubate for 10 minutes. n 450 μl XC3. Incubate for 1 minute. Repeat one time. o Wait 5 minutes. 2 Immediately remove the flow-through chambers from the Chamber Rack and place horizontally on a lab bench at room temperature. Wash and Coat BeadChips Before starting the Wash and Coat process, read these important notes: } Take the utmost care to minimize the chance of lint or dust entering the wash dishes, which could transfer to the BeadChips. Place wash dish covers on wash dishes when stored or not in use. Clean wash dishes with low-pressure air to remove particulates before use. } Place a clean tube rack on top of several layers of Kimwipes or on an absorbent pad. You will place the staining rack containing BeadChips on this tube rack after removing it from the XC4 wash dish. } Prepare an additional clean tube rack that fits the internal dimensions of vacuum desiccator for removal of the BeadChips. Allow one rack per 8 BeadChips. No Kimwipes are required under this tube rack. } Wash the tube racks and wash dishes thoroughly after use. Rinse with DI water. Immediately following wash, place racks and wash dishes upside down on a wash rack to dry. Equipment Needed Place the following items on the bench: } 1 staining rack and wash dishes } 1 vacuum desiccator } 1 tube rack } Self-locking tweezers } Large Kimwipes } Vacuum hose Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 59 Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips 4 karyomapping assay Protocol Steps 1 Set up 2 top-loading wash dishes, labeled "PB1" and "XC4". 2 To indicate the fill volume before filling wash dishes with PB1 and XC4, pour 310 ml water into the wash dishes and mark the water level on the side. Empty the water from the wash dish. This enables you to pour reagent directly from the PB1 and XC4 bottles into the wash dishes, minimizing contaminant transfer from labware to wash dishes. Figure 37 PB1 and XC4 Wash Dishes with Staining Rack A B Wash Dishes Staining Rack 3 Pour 310 ml PB1 into the wash dish labeled “PB1.” 4 Submerge the unloaded staining rack into the wash dish with the locking arms and tab facing towards you. This orients the staining rack so that you can safely remove the BeadChips. Let the staining rack sit in the wash dish. You will use it to carry the BeadChips after disassembling the flow-through chambers. Figure 38 Staining Rack Locking Arms and Tab A 60 Locking Arms Part # 15052710 Rev.B 5 Tab One at a time, disassemble each flow-through chamber: a Use the dismantling tool to remove the 2 metal clamps. CAUTION It is important to use the dismantling tool to avoid chipping the glass back plates. Figure 39 Removing the Metal Clamps from Flow-Through Chamber b Remove the glass back plate by lifting the glass straight up. CAUTION Do not slide the glass along the BeadChip. This can damage the BeadChip. c d Set the glass back plate aside. When you finish the XStain protocol, clean the glass back plates. See Cleaning the Glass Back Plates on page 14 for instructions. Remove the spacer. To avoid damaging the stripes on the BeadChip, pull the spacer out so that the long sides slide along the sides of the BeadChip. CAUTION Do not remove the spacer before removing the glass. This can cause the glass and BeadChip to come into contact and can damage the BeadChip. e Remove the BeadChip from the black frame. CAUTION Do not touch the face of the BeadChips. Handle them by the barcode end or by the edges. 6 Place the BeadChips in the staining rack while it is submerged in PB1. Make sure that the BeadChip barcodes are facing away from you and that the locking arms on the handle are facing towards you. If necessary, briefly lift the staining rack out of the wash dish to seat the BeadChip. Replace it immediately after inserting each BeadChip. 7 Make sure that the BeadChips are submerged. CAUTION Do not allow the BeadChips to dry. Submerge each BeadChip in the wash dish as soon as possible. 8 Slowly move the staining rack up and down 10 times, breaking the surface of the reagent. NOTE If the top edges of the BeadChips begin to touch during either PB1 or XC4 washes, gently move the staining rack back and forth to separate the slides. It is important for the solution to circulate freely between all BeadChips. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 61 Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips B karyomapping assay Protocol Figure 40 Washing BeadChips in PB1 9 Soak for 5 minutes. 10 Shake the XC4 bottle vigorously to ensure complete resuspension. If necessary, vortex until dissolved. 11 Pour 310 ml XC4 into the dish labeled “XC4,” and cover the dish to prevent any lint or dust from falling into the solution. CAUTION Do not let the XC4 sit for longer than 10 minutes. 12 Remove the staining rack from the PB1 dish and place it directly into the wash dish containing XC4. Figure 41 Moving BeadChips from PB1 to XC4 13 Slowly move the staining rack up and down 10 times, breaking the surface of the reagent. NOTE If the top edges of the BeadChips begin to touch during either PB1 or XC4 washes, gently move the staining rack back and forth to separate the slides. It is important for the solution to circulate freely between all BeadChips. 14 Soak for 5 minutes. 15 Remove the staining rack in one smooth, rapid motion and place it directly on the prepared tube rack. 62 Part # 15052710 Rev.B To ensure uniform coating, place the staining rack on the center of the tube rack, avoiding the raised edges. Figure 43 Staining Rack in Correct Orientation 16 For each of the BeadChips, working top to bottom: a Continuing to hold the staining rack handle, carefully grip each BeadChip at its barcode end with self-locking tweezers. NOTE The XC4 coat is slippery and makes the BeadChips difficult to hold. The selflocking tweezers grip the BeadChip firmly and help prevent damage. b Place each BeadChip on a tube rack with the barcode facing up and towards you. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 63 Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips Figure 42 Moving the Staining Rack from XC4 to Tube Rack karyomapping assay Protocol Figure 44 BeadChips on Tube Rack TIP Remove the staining rack handle if it facilitates removal of the BeadChips from the staining rack. Holding the top of the staining rack in position, gently remove the staining rack handle by grasping the handle between the thumb and forefinger. Push up the tab with your thumb and push the handle away from you (unlocking the handle), then pull up the handle and remove. CAUTION To prevent wicking and uneven drying, do not allow the BeadChips to rest on the edge of the tube rack or to touch each other while drying. Do not use the bottom level of the tube rack. The back of the BeadChips will not dry as effectively and dye protectant could pool. 17 Place the tube rack in the vacuum desiccator. Each desiccator can hold 1 tube rack (8 BeadChips). CAUTION Make sure that the vacuum valve is seated tightly and securely. 18 Remove the red plug from the three-way valve before applying vacuum pressure. 19 Start the vacuum, using at least 675 mm Hg (0.9 bar). 20 To make sure that the desiccator is properly sealed, gently lift the lid of the vacuum desiccator. Make sure that the lid does not lift off the desiccator base. 21 Dry under vacuum for 50–55 minutes. Drying times can vary according to room temperature and humidity. 22 Release the vacuum by turning the handle slowly. WARNING Make sure that air enters the desiccator slowly to avoid disturbing the contents. Improper use of the vacuum desiccator can result in damage to the BeadChips. This is especially true if you remove the valve plug while a vacuum is applied. For detailed vacuum desiccator instructions, see the documentation included with the desiccator. 23 Store the desiccator with the red valve plug in the three-way valve of the desiccator to stop accumulation of dust and lint within the valve port. 24 Touch the borders of the chips (do not touch the stripes) to make sure that the etched, barcoded sides of the BeadChips are dry to the touch. 64 Part # 15052710 Rev.B CAUTION Do not touch the stripes with the wipe or allow EtOH to drip onto the stripes. 26 Perform 1 of the following: • Proceed to Scan the BeadChip. • Store the BeadChips in the Illumina BeadChip Slide Storage Box at room temperature. Scan the BeadChips within 72 hours. 27 Clean the glass back plates. See Cleaning the Glass Back Plates on page 14 for instructions. 28 Discard unused reagents in accordance with facility standards. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 65 Extend and Stain (XStain) BeadChips 25 If the underside feels tacky, manually clean the underside of the BeadChip to remove any excess XC4 using a Kimwipe sprayed with 70% EtOH. The bottom 2 BeadChips are most likely to have some excess. a Hold the BeadChip at a downward angle to prevent excess EtOH from dripping from the wipe onto the stripes. b Wipe along the underside of the BeadChip 5 or 6times, until excess XC4 is removed. karyomapping assay Protocol Scan BeadChip Scan BeadChips using either the iScan system or the NextSeq 550 system. To perform a scan, you need Decode Map (DMAP) files, a manifest file, and a cluster file for the BeadChip you are using. } Use the Decode File Client to download the required DMAP folder. DMAP folders are unique for each BeadChip type. For more information, see the DMAP Decode File Client User Guide (part # 11337856). } Download the manifest and cluster files from the Illumina support website. Each manifest and cluster file is unique for each BeadChip type. If you are using the NextSeq 550 system, make sure to use files that include NS550 in the file name. } Scan your BeadChip using the iScan or the NextSeq system. For more information, see the iScan System User Guide (part # 11313539) or the NextSeq 550 System User Guide (part # 15069765). In the lab tracking form, record the Scanner ID and scan date for each BeadChip. } Output files are generated during the scan and then queued for transfer to the specified output folder. Perform analysis using BlueFuse Multi software, which requires that scanning data are available in a genotype call (GTC) file format. By default, the NextSeq 550 system generates normalized data and associated genotype calls in the format of a GTC file. The iScan can be configured to produce GTC files, in addition to the standard file types (such as IDAT files). Alternatively, you can use the Illumina Beeline software to convert IDAT files to GTC files after scanning. For more information, see Beeline Software User Guide (part # 15016340). 66 Part # 15052710 Rev.B This is a detailed protocol of how to prepare and carry out an agarose gel electrophoresis to resolve the amplified DNA products following the SureMDA protocol. Agarose gel electrophoresis of all the amplified samples and controls is required to make sure that the amplification has been successful and the controls present as expected. Estimated Time Hands-on time: 30 minutes Gel run timeline: 30 minutes - 1 hour Equipment Equipment item Supplier Gel running equipment, to include: eg, VWR link or Scie-Plas link gel mold and comb, gel tank, power supply Gel visualization, to include: eg, VWR or UVP link UV transilluminator, camera, printer Glass bottle (for gel use) eg, VWR, 215-1594 Microwave General Lab Supplier P10 pipette (for gel use) General Lab Supplier Heat proof gloves General Lab Supplier OR Precast gel system eg, Lonza FlashGel DNA system link or Invitrogen eGel system link Materials required Material Supplier Catalog# Comments/hazards Agarose SigmaAldrich A9539100G R36/37/38: Irritating to eyes, respiratory system, and skin. Gel Red (10,000x solution) Cambridge Biosciences BT41003 There are no known hazards - safety report available with SDS. TBE buffer SigmaAldrich 93290-1L Supplied 10x solution, dilute to 1x solution before use. eg, 50 ml 10x buffer, 450 ml water. Loading buffer SigmaAldrich G25265ML Supplied 4-8x solution, add 5 ml water to the 5 ml supplied for a 2x solution. 1 Kb DNA extension ladder Life Technologies 10511012 Dilute to 0.05 μg/μl in loading buffer (loading buffer final concentration of 1x). Aliquot into appropriate volumes and store at -20°C until required. Load approximately 0.1 μg of ladder per mm lane width. Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 67 Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Workflow Estimated total time Estimated hands on time 1. Making agarose gel solution and preparing gel mold 30 minutes 15 minutes 2. Loading samples into gel and running gel 30 min - 1 hour 5 minutes 3. Taking images and cleaning 10 minutes 10 minutes Procedure Steps Gel mold and comb preparation 1 Select the gel mold size suitable for the gel to be run. Common sizes available are 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml, and 400 ml. 2 Using autoclave tape, carefully tape the ends of the mold. If necessary, make sure that there are no gaps for the solution to leak through. 3 Select the correct sized comb for the gel mold and place into position. 4 Place the agarose mold on a flat horizontal surface. Preparation of agarose gel solution 1 Weigh out agarose powder and measure the required amount of 1xTBE buffer required for the gel. (e.g 0.8% agarose gel – 0.8 g agarose powder in 100 ml of 1x TBE buffer) 2 Add the 1xTBE buffer to the ‘gel bench’ bottle followed by the agarose powder, swirl to mix, place the lid on loosely. 3 Heat the agarose and buffer in the microwave for 1–2 mins, watching the solution to make sure that it does not bubble over. Remove using heat proof gloves and swirl to mix 2–3x during the 1–2 minutes. Heat until there are large bubbles arising to the surface. Make sure that solution is homogeneous by swirling gently. 4 Using heat proof gloves remove the bottle from the microwave and place on the gel bench to allow cooling for ~10–15 minutes. Make sure that the solution is cool enough to touch. Swirl gently from time to time to prevent localized setting of gel. 5 When the solution is cooled, add the GelRed™ and gently swirl to mix. Add 5 μl GelRed to every 50 ml of agarose gel solution. 6 Gently pour the agarose solution into prepared gel mold, pouring slowly to avoid air bubbles. If air bubbles occur, use a pipette tip to remove/move to the side. Leave to set for 1 hour before using. Loading and running the gel 1 68 When the gel is set, remove the tape from the edges and place the mold into the gel tank containing enough 1x TBE running buffer to cover the gel. Carefully remove the combs. Part # 15052710 Rev.B Make sure that the gel is placed in the correct orientation in the gel tank – DNA is negatively charged, so samples will migrate towards the positive electrode, which is typically red – run to red! 3 The gel is now ready for samples to be loaded into the gel wells. Prepare the samples by mixing 5 μl 2x loading buffer with 3 μl nuclease free water and 2 μl amplified DNA from the SureMDA protocol. Load the prepared samples slowly and carefully into the wells to avoid the samples floating out of wells. 4 Load 0.4 – 0.5 μg of a 0.05 μg/μl dilution of 1 kb DNA Extension Ladder either side of samples to enable size estimation of bands. Close lid of tank. Record which sample has been loaded into which well. 5 Connect the black and red leads to the black and red connections on the conductor (again ensure the correct orientation - run to red!). Set voltage to 120 V (or around 4V/cm) and run for 5 minutes (to check for product) then a further 35 minutes or 55 minutes to check for fragment length. 6 Check there is a current flowing by observing for bubbles arising from the electrodes at the bottom of the tank. Gel imaging (exact instructions will depend upon local setup) 1 Place the gel mold onto a sheet of paper towel, wipe the bottom of the mold dry, and place the gel directly on the UV transilluminator. Handle the tray with care as the gel can easily slip off. 2 On the live setting, position the mold so the samples are visible on the screen, zoom in/out as required. Close the door and turn on the UV source. 3 Adjust the focus settings to gain an ideal picture of your samples. 4 When happy with the image press the capture button on the UV transilluminator, then print or save the image. 5 Note any weak or failed reactions, contaminated negative controls, and any products that do not resemble the positive control. See Figure 45 on page 70 Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 69 Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 2 Appendix I: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Figure 45 SureMDA samples electrophoresed for 5 (A), 40 (B) and 60 (C) minutes at 120 V in a 0.8% 1xTBE agarose gel. The lane contents are labeled as follows: 1–6: aDNA from a lymphoblastoid cell line. 7: BC (buffer control), cell collection negative control. 8: NTC (notemplate control), amplification negative control. 9: 50pg male genomic DNA, amplification positive control. L: 1 kb DNA Extension Ladder. NOTE Dispose of liquid and solid waste contaminated with DNA staining agents correctly. Waste disposal and decontamination depends upon local rules. 70 Part # 15052710 Rev.B B balance centrifuge 12 BeadChips glass back plates 14 best practices 11, 13 bleach daily and weekly in lab 13 post-amplification area 13 pre-amplification area 13 vapor, effect of 13 C calibrate pipettes 11 cap mats 11 handling techniques 11 centrifuge balance 12 clean bleach, daily and weekly 13 glass back plates 14 pipettes 11 post-amplification area, schedule 13 pre-amplification area schedule 13 contamination cap mats 11 high-risk areas 13 pipettes, clean 11 customer support 73 D DNA track 3 documentation 73 E equipment manual protocol user-supplied 19 pre- and post-amp 8 experienced user cards 3 F Flow-Through Chambers single-base extension 58 stain 59 formamide warning 7 Index Index M materials automated protocol user-supplied 20 multi-channel pipettes 11 P pipettes dispense technique 11 multi-channel 11 plates cap mats 11 post-amplification cleaning schedule 13 water purification 8 pre-amplification cleaning schedule 13 water purification 8 protocols bleach, daily and weekly 13 experienced user cards 3 R reagents batches, prepare in advance 10 bleach vapor 13 dispense technique 11 manual protocol Illumina-supplied 21 user-supplied 20 S safety cap mats, handling 11 contamination 7 formamide 7 sample sheet 3 Signature* High-Speed Microplate Shaker 16 sinks, separate pre- and postamplification 8 spin. See centrifuge 12 supplies, dedicated pre- and postamp 8 T G technical assistance 73 track sample DNA 3 glass back plates clean 14 W H water purification 8 help, technical 73 Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 71 Index X XStain BeadChips single-base extension 58 stain 59 72 Part # 15052710 Rev.B For technical assistance, contact Illumina Technical Support. Table 13 Illumina General Contact Information Website Email [email protected] Table 14 Illumina Customer Support Telephone Numbers Region Contact Number Region North America 1.800.809.4566 Italy Australia 1.800.775.688 Netherlands Austria 0800.296575 New Zealand Belgium 0800.81102 Norway Denmark 80882346 Spain Finland 0800.918363 Sweden France 0800.911850 Switzerland Germany 0800.180.8994 United Kingdom Ireland 1.800.812949 Other countries Contact Number 800.874909 0800.0223859 0800.451.650 800.16836 900.812168 020790181 0800.563118 0800.917.0041 +44.1799.534000 Safety Data Sheets Safety data sheets (SDSs) are available on the Illumina website at Infinium Karyomapping Assay Protocol Guide 73 Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Illumina 5200 Illumina Way San Diego, California 92122 U.S.A. +1.800.809.ILMN (4566) +1.858.202.4566 (outside North America) [email protected]
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