A Summer White Out with Jermann


A Summer White Out with Jermann
A Summer White
Out with Jermann
Silvio Jermann, the King of Italian White Wine, is known for his dedication and
revolutionary style of winemaking as much as he is known for his spectacular white wines
It is easy to see why many people say that Friuli-Venezia
Giulia is more Mitteleuropean than Mediterranean.
Located in the Northeast part of the Italy this area has
become a crossroads of civilizations, alternatively
conquered by a multitude of European power throughout
history. This has lead Friuli-Venezia Giulia to develop
a culture that influenced by many different languages
and cultures including Roman, Germanic, and Eastern
It was only in 1975 that an Italian-Yugoslav treaty finalized
its present boundaries. In those same, eventful 1970s,
Friulian winemaking made waves of an entirely different
order, gradually becoming the number one region for Italian
whites of unparalleled structure, character and aromas.
Traditionally, it was thought that white wines would not
gain any benefit from wood aging and blending. But there
have been a growing number of exceptions, as producers
have recognized that the depth and complexity of wines
already recognized to be quite rich and full bodied could be
enhanced further with malolactic fermentation, oak aging,
and or blending. White wine is of such importance in parts
of Friuli that only 20% of the wine produced is red.
Among the white wine producers of Friuli-Venezia Giulia
one winery stands out: Jermann. Jermann winery was
founded by Anton Jermann, an Austrian winemaker who
came to Italy in 1881. Since then the winery has been
passed down from generation to generation, and as the
winery has grown so has its reputation as a top producer
of white wines. This is due, in part, to the strong bond
between the Jermann family, their brand image, and their
vinification style. However, it was the great-grandson of
Anton Jermann, Silvio Jermann, who propelled the winery
to the prestige it holds today.
Quiet and shy, Silvio does not fit the stereotypical image
of a revolutionary. Yet here is the man who changed
Italian wine history and created a new era in white wine
vinification. Silvio graduated from two renowned wine
academies, Conegliano and Istituto di San Michele. His
first professional decision was taking an in-depth sabbatical
overseas: this voluntary exile to Canada broadened his
scope, allowing him a freedom of research that would have
been unthinkable at home.
At first, Silvio’s headstrong determination upset his parents
Angelo and Bruna Jermann. His new ideas shook the
foundation of every winemaking tradition they’d stood
by. But in the end, Silvio not only converted his parents,
but the entire country to his new way of thinking. Today,
when asked about the success of Jermann winery, Angelo
smiles saying “We hope the company continues to do well,
because our market is no longer national or regional as it
was in my time. It is now global.”
Today, the multi-layered, extract-loaded whites which
bear Jermann’s labels are landmarks in contemporary
viniculture. Their inspired individual style speak volumes
about Silvio’s strong will and almost mystical view of
The White Wines of Jermann
Vintage Tunina IGT: A special field blend of Chardonnay,
Sauvignon, Ribolla Gialla, Malvasia and the rare native
varietal Picolit. It is one of the world’s veritable cult wines
made from late harvest fruit. Brilliant straw yellow in color,
with golden reflections. Intense, ample, very elegant and
persistent, with scents of honey and country flowers.
Dreams IGT: 97% Chardonnay. The remaining 3% is a trade
secret guarded by Silvio and his winemaking team. Straw
yellow in color, with a fascinating and complex bouquet of
ripe exotic fruit, melted butter, vanilla and pastries. These
are confirmed on the palate where their aromatic promises
are kept and enhanced by rich, long finish.
Vinnae Ribolla Gialla IGT: Predominantly Ribolla Gialla,
with touches of (Tocai) Friulano and Riesling Renano.
Brilliant, light straw yellow in color; intense fruit aromas
with mineral undertones; fresh, tangy and flavorful on the
palate, it shows the unassuming elegance of an authentic
country wine.
wine. Silvio personally monitors each of the numerous
tiny vineyards, styling an ample range that now includes
four delightful reds – an original interplay of Friulian and
international varieties, where the region’s ancient native
grapes express the character and originality of Silvio’s
terroir and vision.
In September 2002, the foundation stone for the new
Jermann cantina was laid; it is here that all barrel-fermented
and aged whites, and all reds, are produced. On this
occasion, Silvio Jermann announced “This is surely the
most important program in our family history. It goes handin-hand with a 19th-century respect for the terrain’s natural
slopes and cultivation levels; the new winery and cellars
are built like a rural village from the 1700s or 1800s,
entirely in natural, local material such as stone and solid
wood. We shall use barrels in various sizes, and historical
native varieties that have grown in the area for centuries.
I want the wines to be genuine. I want them to be balanced
and elegant but above all, they should move us, prompt our
emotions and a sense of authenticity.”
Silvio Jermann is now preparing the next generation, his
son Michele, to take the winery into the future. Flanked by
General Manager Edi Clementin and agronomist Stefano
Amadeo, Jermann’s beautiful vineyards continue to
produce excellent wines. Each of these wines are made to
be lived, enjoyed, and to embody the simplest and highest
value of all—sharing. The Jermann style has always
centered around sharing, to share a moment of pleasure
with the people they love and to share their own deep
passion for fine wine with wine lovers around the world.
Chardonnay IGT: 100% Chardonnay. Brilliant straw
yellow with greenish reflections. An intense, fruity bouquet
(bananas and ripe apples in youth), slightly aromatic;
distinct varietal notes on nose and palate, excellent
Pinot Grigio IGT: 100% Pinot Grigio, a grape particularly
at home in northeastern Italy. This Pinot Grigio sets the
standard as an exceptional fine wine noted for complexity,
impressive concentration, depth of flavor and quality.
Reveals lovely, perfumed aromas (including hazelnut, citrus
and tropical fruits on the nose) and notes of pear favored
fruit on the palate. This is a wine that is fresh and lively,
with depth, weight on the palate and round texture. This is a
fine example of elegance and finesse.
Pinot Bianco IGT: 100% Pinot Bianco. The wine has a
golden, brilliant straw-yellow color. Its aroma is intense,
very persistent, and pleasantly fruity with a distinct hint of
melon. Its taste is dry, velvety, well-orchestrated and very
Sauvignon IGT: 100% Sauvignon. Brilliant straw yellow
with slight greenish reflections. Intense, fruity, persistent
bouquet with pleasing notes of elder flowers. On the palate,
dry, full, elegant and well balanced.
Afix Riesling IGT: 100% Rhine Riesling. Straw yellow in
color, with slight greenish reflections. The bouquet is very
intense and persistent, slightly aromatic and pleasingly
fruity, fraught with varietal character. Dry and refreshing on
the palate, and extremely well balanced. Very Limited.