2013 Annual Report - Children`s Advocacy Center


2013 Annual Report - Children`s Advocacy Center
Children’s Advocacy Center
for Denton County
table of
Word from the Executive Director ................................................... 2
Who We Are .................................................................................... 3
What We Do .................................................................................... 4
CACDC Model .................................................................................. 7
Statistics .......................................................................................... 8
Financial Statement ......................................................................... 9
Tribute Donors ................................................................................. 10
All Donors ........................................................................................ 12
In-Kind Donors ................................................................................. 14
Circle of Healing Donors .................................................................. 16
Advisory Board ................................................................................ 17
Board of Directors ........................................................................... 18
Word from the Executive Director
The Children’s Advocacy Center has provided quality services for abused
children and their families in Denton County for 16 years. As the agency has
matured and evolved, CACDC’s services have changed to meet the unique
needs of our children and families. The agency has been progressive in
discovering new counseling techniques for survivors, new methods in the
profession of forensic interviewing, and new ways to educate the
community about how to recognize, react and prevent child abuse.
In 2013, CACDC started a clinical intake program to more effectively
transition families into our counseling program. The Center hired a
Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) to assess the immediate
counseling needs of our clients and to integrate them into the appropriate
form of long-term treatment. Our counseling staff and interns also began to
provide Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). This form
of counseling walks children through their self-written narrative of trauma
in order to help them express their feelings about that trauma. With the
intake program and TF-CBT, the agency saw an increase in clients remaining
in counseling and also saw an increase in client graduations.
Meanwhile, with our client programs the Advocacy Center also began to
use multi-session forensic interviews to help the agency interview younger
children more effectively and comfortably. CACDC’s forensic interviewers
were also trained in family advocacy and have all become family service
coordinators. After the interview, they help connect families to additional
outside resources, if needed, and become a liason between the families
and investigative parties during the investigation. On the education front,
the Center’s child abuse education efforts increased with over 1,000 adults
trained on the Stewards of Children and Recognizing and Reporting
CACDC’s staff and leadership are always looking into new and improved
methods of service delivery so that Denton County families receive the best
and most effective continuum of care. Your donations and advocacy are the
only reasons we are able to continually evolve and address the
growing need. Our mission would not be fulfilled without your partnership
and passion for helping abused children.
to provide justice
and healing
for abused children
through interagency collaboration
and community education.
CACDC provides a child-friendly and warm environment for children who have beensuspected of
being sexually or physically abused. We have a coordinated team approach to the investigation,
treatment and prosecution of severe child abuse cases. This approach reduces further trauma to
the child and their family, provides healing, and holds more offenders accountable.
Children and their families no longer have to repeatedly tell their story or face the investigative
process alone. Through our child-friendly environment and experienced professionals, families
are immediately offered a wide array of services all free-of-charge.
With Gratitude,
Dan Leal
Executive Director
what we do
Medical Exams
CACDC staff and interns provided 9,990 therapy services to
children and families.
69 clients received SANE examinations onsite. Our team of
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners have the expertise to conduct
a non-invasive medical exam in the privacy of the Center
expanding the services offered at the agency.
If a child makes an outcry of abuse during the interview, the child
and his or her non-offending family members are invited to enter
free counseling and therapy programs conducted by CACDC’s four
full-time. Licensed Professional Counselors, 3 part-time
counselors and their 25 Clinical Interns.
Therapy allows the clients to talk about and process their trauma
in a safe space with unconditional positive regard. The counselors
walk side by side with clients through their experiences giving
them the tools along the way to cope with triggers and emotions
associated with the abuse in order to succeed in the future.
CACDC offers the following therapy services:
Child Individual Therapy
Child Group Therapy
Parent Individual Therapy
Parent Group Therapy
Play Therapy
Pet-Assisted Therapy
Forensic Interviews
CACDC conducted 810 interviews of brave children.
The interview is the first step for a child to tell what happened
in a safe, non-threatening environment. This videorecorded statement minimizes the number of times a child has
to disclose their abuse and provides our team of professionals a
strong foundation to investigate the alleged abuse.
Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County employs four
highly-trained forensic interviewers who interview child victims.
Pit Stop and Food
Pa n t ry
Because abuse can catapult
families into a crisis situation, CACDC
interviewers (also known as our Family
Services coordinator) follow-up with families
after their interview to ensure they have
clothing and food resources to meet their
immediate needs.
Family Assistance Drives
Every year, hundreds of donors and
community volunteers come together to
help equip our children and families with the
resources they need (i.e., backpacks, meals)
on their journey to healing.
Back to School Drive
180 children (73 families)
received needed backpacks and
supplies to start the school year.
Thanksgiving Meal Drive
153 adults and 197 children (68 families)
received food to make a hot Thanksgiving
family meal.
Christmas Adopt-A-Family Drive
208 children (78 families) received Christmas
gifts from their wishlist.
Big thank you to Spokes for Hope for
providing new bikes to some of our
we are
P r e v e n t i o n E d u c at i o n
1,029 adults in Denton County were educated on the
subject of child abuse.
CACDC realizes education is a vital component to bring
light to this issue. Our Community Education classes,
such as Darkness to Light Stewards of Children, and
Recognizing and Reporting have educated over 8,000
adults on signs of abuse, how to keep your children
safe, and what to do if you suspect abuse. The agency is
dedicated to teaching adults in our community how to
prevent, recognize and react responsibly to this issue.
We provide free training to corporate employees, church
and school board/staff members, mom’s association and
the general public.
Case Review Meetings
CACDC staff and team members conducted 41 case
review meetings.
At these meetings, the staff and team of professionals
working the case come together to discuss and track
each case’s progression from the initial interview to the
ongoing investigation to the justice received. These case
review meetings are a prime example of the collaboration
that happens within the walls of the Advocacy Center by
bringing together law enforcement, CPS, Juvenile
Probation, therapists, interviewers, nurses, and the
District Attorney’s office all in one place at one mutually
agreed upon time.
c l i e n t i n f o r m at i o n
0-5 yrs 13%
6-12 yrs 35%
13-17 yrs 24%
18+ yrs 28%
Female 74%
Male 26%
Caucasian 60%
Hispanic 28%
African American 9%
Asian/Pacific Islander 1%
Native American 1%
Multi-Racial 1%
A l l e g at i o n
Sexual Abuse 86%
Physical Abuse 10%
Witness to a Violent
Crime 3%
Neglect 1%
S tat e m e n t o f F i n a n c i a l A c t i v i t i e s
year ended
Decmeber 31,
A l l e g e d p e r p e t r at o r i n f o r m at i o n
a s s o c i at i o n
Male 89%
Female 11%
Parent 25%
Sibling 13%
Known Non-Relative 34%
Other Relative 18%
Step Parent 9%
Stranger 1%
Gifts received In Memory of Mr. Tim Chambers
Gifts received In Memory of Ms. Sawyer Camillo
Dr. and Mrs. David Evanich
Dr. and Mrs. Jon Bergstrom
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Camillo
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Metzler
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keenan
Mr. John Caley
Ms. Carmela Camillo
Ms. Ellen Pozek
Ms. Jodi Watson
Ms. Karen Brown
Ms. Kristina Kammerer
Ms. Lisa Kelsey
Ms. Martha Storrie
Ms. Patricia Turner
Ms. Sharon Harn
Gifts received In Honor of Representative Myra Crownover
Denton Foundation for Health & Education
Gifts received In Memory of Ms. Jeanne Davis
Ms. and Mr. Lorraine Luke
Gifts received In Honor of Mrs. Susan Dawson
Independent Bank
Gifts received In Honor of DA Office Denton County
Mr. Brian Green
Gifts received In Honor of Mr. David Eiland
Mr. Lawrence Thompson
Gifts received In Honor of Ms. Kimberly Farbisz
Bharathram Sundararaman
Gifts received In Memory of Betty Freestone
Ms. Sandra Goins
Gifts received In Honor of Mr. Matt Hall
Mr. Vincent Garcetti
Gifts received In Memory of Mr. Harry Lee Hauser
Ms. Donna Moore
Mr. and Ms. Greg Novitsky
Keller Williams Realty
Gifts received In Memory of Dr. Scott Hudelson
Community Foundation of North Texas
Ms. Martha Storrie
Gifts received In Honor of Dr. Kenneth Kautz, Jr.
Lewis & Passons PC
Gifts received In Honor of Mr. Dan A. Leal
Mr. and Rabbi Larry Robins
Gifts received In Honor of Robert/Liam Hilton
Ms. Dana Hilton
Gifts received In Honor of Ms. Madilynn & Macie McMillion
Ms. Sandy Anderson
Ms. Kathleen Ball
Ms. Delta Buford
Ms. Susie Burleson
Ms. Cindy Cade
Mr. Michael Cloud
Mr. Neal Cloud
Ms. Connie Deen
Ms. Terina Earls
Ms. Mina Fuertes
Mr. Tom Grimes
Ms. Kasi Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haines
Ms. Becky Howard
Ms. Shirley Howell
Mr. Cliff Koterwas
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Ms. JoAnne Loven
Mr. James Maclin
Ms. Sara Maples
Ms. Melinda Riggs
Ms. Carol Rowbotham
Mr. Paul Schaller
Ms. Sheila Surgeon
Ms. Debbie Teer
Ms. Sarah Wallace
Ms. Jennifer Wessels
Gifts received In Memory of Mr. Jeff Reeves
Ameristar Jet Charter, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kellar
Stacy Muth
Ms. Holly Sessom
Mr. Jeffrey Slater
Gifts received In Honor of Ms. Kathy Sato
Mr. and Mrs. John Raiden
Gifts received In Memory of Mr. John C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Aragon
Ms. Kittie Bade
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bayless
Mr. John Bentz
Mr. Joseph Bucsko
Ms. Debra Carpenter
Ms. Suzanne Carr
Mr. Jerry Ke
Mr. Maxwell McLaughlin
Ms. Angela Moomand
Mr. and Mrs. John Shire
Ms. Diane Skeen
Ms. Mary Smythe
Ms. Diane Welschmeyer
Ms. Lisa Wieczorkowski
Mikel Wilson
Ms. Kathryn Windham
Joni Youngberg
Gifts received In Honor of Mr. Russell Spencer
Ms. Patricia Pettyjohn
Gifts received In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Stamp
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Wells
Gifts received In Memory of Justin Swisher
Ms. and Mr. Lorraine Luke
Gifts received In Honor of Ms. Anne Lakusta
Gene and Jerry Jones Family Charities
Gifts received In Memory of Mr. John Turpin
Judge Lee Gabriel
Gifts received In Honor of Ms. Natalie Fae Valdez
Ms. Lisa Muenstermann
Gifts received In Memory of Ms. Mary-Jane Welker
Mr. Patrick Welker
Gifts received In Memory of Ms. Philothea Wheeler
Dr. and Ms. Phillip Sehnert DDS
tribute donors
BACA Dallas
Carmel Clarke
Malone’s WoodWork
Mr. Alan Hauf
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Siano
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malone
Mr. and Ms. Bradley Olson
Mr. and Ms. Charles Schraeder
Mr. Jim Middlebrook
Mr. John Davis
Mr. Michael Kay
Mr. Roger Walker
Ms. Katherine Ritchie
Ms. Trina Page
D.R. Cameron & Associates
Dallas Womens Foundation
DATCU Credit Union
Davon Buscher
Denmiss, L.L.C.
Denton Benefit League
Denton County
Denton County - Jury Duty
Denton County Probation
Denton Foundation for Health & Education
Denton High School
Denton Police Officers Association
Denton Regional Medical Center
Denton Thrift Store
Denton Wood Floors Outlet
Detective Jason Foutch
Detective Matt Lambert
Detective Reid Rossmann
Direct Energy
DMI Entegral Solutions Group LLC
Dr. and Dr. Brian Badaracco
Dr. and Dr. Cheryl Aldridge
Dr. and Mr. Lisa Pierce
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Mosier
Dr. and Mrs. David Evanich
Dr. and Mrs. David Price M.D.P.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Jon Bergstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Revering
Dr. and Mrs. Pat Shovlin
Dr. and Mrs. Scott McDearmont
Dr. and Ms. Charles Grodzin
Dr. and Ms. Phillip Sehnert DDS
Dr. and Ms. Wallace Nichols Jr.
Dr. Candis Beard
Dr. Carolyn Lyde MD
Dr. Debra Duffy DDS
Dr. John Gage
Dr. Marla Conger
DRC Energy
Duff’s Fine Jewelry
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Encore Wire Corporation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Environmental Improvements Inc.
Executive Women’s Golf Association of Denton
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity Foundation
First Clip, Inc.
Fish City Grill (Flower Mound)
Flower Mound Hospital Partners, LLC
Flower Mound Rotary Club
Flower Mound UMC Women’s Group
Fortress Investment Group
Freedom Title LP
Frenchy’s Lawn & Tree Service
Friends of Consumer Freedom
Frisco Area Republican Women
Gail Ward
GAP Foundation Gift Matching Program
GE United Way Campaign
Gene and Jerry Jones Family Charities
Give With Liberty
Glazer’s Wholesale Drug Co.
Gold Rush America
Grayson Allen Fine Jewelers
Greater Lewisville Assoc. of Realtors
HCA Caring for the Community
Highland Shores Owners Assoc.
Independent Bank
Jeffrey Whittaker, CPA
Johnson, Vaughn Heiskell
Joni Youngberg
Judge Lee Gabriel
Kappa Delta Sorority UNT
KE Boyd
Keller Williams Realty
Kellie Johnson
Kelly Davis
Kids First Pediatrics
Kimberly Clark Foundation
King Financial Group, Inc.
Joni Youngberg
Judge Lee Gabriel
Kappa Delta Sorority UNT
KE Boyd
Keller Williams Realty
Kellie Johnson
Kelly Davis
Kids First Pediatrics
Kimberly Clark Foundation
King Financial Group, Inc.
L.H. Chaney Materials, Inc.
Lawyers Title Escrow
Lewis & Passons PC
Lewisville Area Republican Club
Lewisville Citizens Police Academy Alumni
Lewisville Lions Club
Lewisville Noon Rotary Club
Little Elm Fire Fighters Assoc.
Live Oak Chuch
Love Thy Neighbor, Inc.
Macedonia Ministries Church
March Builders & Design, Inc.
Marquette Financial Companies
Mass Mututal Financial Group North Texas
McGee Lane Storage, LTD
McKesson Corporation
MD Pediatric Associates, P.A.
Medical Center of Lewisville
Micron Applied Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mikel Wilson
Modern Woodmen
Morgan Stanley
Mr. Adam Hammett
Mr. Alan Hauf
Mr. Alan Powdermaker
Mr. Allen Judkiemicz
Mr. Alvin Meaux
Mr. and Dr. Erik Gronberg
Mr. and Mr. Brandi Lins
Mr. and Mr. Mary Norlund
Mr. and Mr. Phyllis Edelbrock
Mr. and Mr. Tina Cantwell
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bundens
Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. Charlie Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Simms
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Eads
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Rasberry
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Bret May
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Marinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Brody Shanklin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bayless
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Causey
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leal
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Zilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Daneil Butterfield
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. David Arbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. David Evans
Mr. and Mrs. David Green
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Don Camillo
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Aragon
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. David Arbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. David Evans
Mr. and Mrs. David Green
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Don Camillo
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Aragon
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fornara
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Bedford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Venner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hamel
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Rimling
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Metzler
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James Bays
Mr. and Mrs. James Engelbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Barany
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schuetts
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Cooksey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Nickels
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fincher
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guidos
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Siano
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rotman
Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Maynor
Mr. and Mrs. John Raiden
Mr. and Mrs. John Shire
Mr. and Mrs. John Simigian
Mr. and Mrs. John Wempe
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wainscott
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Haisten
Mr. and Mrs. Keary Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Faselle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Konen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parisi
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rearick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Yarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kevlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Morne’ Herselman
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wempe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gendron
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Escamilla
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kellar
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wempe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gendron
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Escamilla
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kellar
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Defillipps
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Grogan
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Guttery
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hamm
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rexroat
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benners
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lagon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schjerven
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Golding
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Huska
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Spindler
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Granberry
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagerstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Summerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Scholze
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mackinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Baden
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Duryea
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Von Poppel
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mielke
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Nokes
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cobos
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malone
Mr. and Mrs. William Koop
Mr. and Mrs. William Wempe
Mr. and Ms. Andre Kocher
Mr. and Ms. Andrew Passons
Mr. and Ms. Bartholomew Sheehan
Mr. and Ms. Bill Giese
Mr. and Ms. Bob Weir
Mr. and Ms. Brad Huff
Mr. and Ms. Bradley Olson
Mr. and Ms. Brent Talbot
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Schiller
Mr. and Ms. Chad Elsey
Mr. and Ms. Charles Emery
Mr. and Ms. Charles Rudnick
Mr. and Ms. Charles Schraeder
Mr. and Ms. Chet Engstrom
Mr. and Ms. Christopher Rasmussen
Mr. and Ms. Chuck Bianco
Mr. and Ms. Clayton Ault
Mr. and Ms. Craig Neu
Mr. and Ms. Craig Uys
Mr. and Ms. Dale Kimble
Mr. and Ms. Dale Valentine
Mr. and Ms. David Ellerbe
Mr. and Ms. David Riley
Mr. and Ms. Davis Palmer
Mr. and Ms. Dean Riley
Mr. and Ms. Eric Fields
Mr. and Ms. Gary Bodine
Mr. and Ms. George Morrison
Mr. and Ms. Glennon Headley Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Greg Garrett
Mr. and Ms. Greg Novitsky
Mr. and Ms. Greg Quinn
Mr. and Ms. David Riley
Mr. and Ms. Davis Palmer
Mr. and Ms. Dean Riley
Mr. and Ms. Eric Fields
Mr. and Ms. Gary Bodine
Mr. and Ms. George Morrison
Mr. and Ms. Glennon Headley Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Greg Garrett
Mr. and Ms. Greg Novitsky
Mr. and Ms. Greg Quinn
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Jackson
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nuber
Mr. and Ms. James Coleman
Mr. and Ms. Jay Ditsworth
Mr. and Ms. Jeff Grose
Mr. and Ms. Jeff Sackett
Mr. and Ms. Jeff Wilkinson
Mr. and Ms. Jim Sexton
Mr. and Ms. John Errea Jr.
Mr. and Ms. John Hook
Mr. and Ms. John Milligan
Mr. and Ms. John Novais
Mr. and Ms. Jonathon Bailey
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Morton
Mr. and Ms. Jospeh Damico
Mr. and Ms. Jud Sherman
Mr. and Ms. Kent Dickson
Mr. and Ms. Lance West
Mr. and Ms. Mark O’Brien
Mr. and Ms. Matthew McCann
Mr. and Ms. Michael Waldron
Mr. and Ms. Paul Pomeroy
Mr. and Ms. R. Dean Barnes Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Ralph Culp
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Clay
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Dunning Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Leyba
Mr. and Ms. Rich Staley
Mr. and Ms. Richard Brooks
Mr. and Ms. Richard Portales
Mr. and Ms. Rick Hittle
Mr. and Ms. Robert Bibby
Mr. and Ms. Robert Ramirez
Mr. and Ms. Robert Smith
Mr. and Ms. Rod Maldonado
Mr. and Ms. Rod Pampling
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Spencer
Mr. and Ms. Russell Stover
Mr. and Ms. Ryan Webster
Mr. and Ms. Scott Campbell
Mr. and Ms. Scott Price
Mr. and Ms. Sidney Dahl
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Callahan
Mr. and Ms. Steven Robillard
Mr. and Ms. Stewart Cox
Mr. and Ms. T. Morrish
Mr. and Ms. Terry Sawyer
Mr. and Ms. Todd Bellendir
Mr. and Ms. Todd Griffith
Mr. and Ms. Todd Taylor
Mr. and Ms. Troy Hamm
Mr. and Ms. Van Sams
Mr. and Ms. William Maddie
Mr. and Rabbi Larry Robins
Mr. Andre’ Warren
Mr. Andrew Almy
Mr. Barry Bonds
Mr. Brian Green
Mr. Britt Watson
Mr. Bruce Martin
Mr. Caleb Dill
Mr. Cameron Cox
Mr. Carl Lewallen
Mr. Chris Robinson
Mr. Cliff Koterwas
Mr. Clifton Van-McKnight
Mr. Clint Snead
Mr. Craig Roberts
Mr. Daniel Lienemann
Mr. David Bostick
Mr. David Hall
Mr. Deepa Pulianda
Mr. Carl Lewallen
Mr. Chris Robinson
Mr. Cliff Koterwas
Mr. Clifton Van-McKnight
Mr. Clint Snead
Mr. Craig Roberts
Mr. Daniel Lienemann
Mr. David Bostick
Mr. David Hall
Mr. Deepa Pulianda
Mr. Dennis Aldridge
Mr. Douglas Malcuit
Mr. Earl Berner
Mr. Eric Plateis
Mr. Garrett Murphree
Mr. Geilsadoue Hegranes
Mr. J. R. Wempe
Mr. Jack Badgero
Mr. James Bowen
Mr. James Lienert
Mr. James Maclin
Mr. Jason Brothers
Mr. Jeff King
Mr. Jeffrey Slater
Mr. Jerry Ke
Mr. Jerry Steele
Mr. Jerry Watson
Mr. Jesse Levya
Mr. Jim Middlebrook
Mr. Joe Lawrence
Mr. Joe Ware
Mr. Joel Parsons
Mr. John Bailey
Mr. John Bentz
Mr. John Caley
Mr. John Daly
Mr. John Davis
Mr. John Dupertuis
Mr. John Harris
Mr. John Huelsman
Mr. Jon Crumley
Mr. Jon Lanier
Mr. Jon Madsen
Mr. Jonathan Meleshenko
Mr. Joseph Bucsko
Mr. Ken Stowe
Mr. Larry Carr
Mr. Lawrence Thompson
Mr. Mark Bengston
Mr. Mark Perkins
Mr. Marshall Felsten
Mr. Matthew Kurtz
Mr. Matthew Schirle
Mr. Maxwell McLaughlin
Mr. Michael Cloud
Mr. Michael Kay
Mr. Mike Capulli
Mr. Neal Cloud
Mr. Patrick Dunphy
Mr. Patrick Welker
Mr. Paul Bustamente
Mr. Paul Chandler
Mr. Paul Schaller
Mr. Peter Heise
Mr. Philip Rearick
Mr. Philip Strange
Mr. Randy Robinson
Mr. Randy Shaw
Mr. Richard Adamson
Mr. Richard Haley
Mr. Richard Shanhouse
Mr. Robert Ellis
Mr. Robert Harris
Mr. Robert McLeod
Mr. Roger Walker
Mr. Ron Darley
Mr. Russell Ellis
Mr. Ryan Schroer
Mr. Sam Cessna
Mr. Scott Necaise
Mr. Shawn Reed
Mr. Sonny Rath
Mr. Robert Harris
Mr. Robert McLeod
Mr. Roger Walker
Mr. Ron Darley
Mr. Russell Ellis
Mr. Ryan Schroer
Mr. Sam Cessna
Mr. Scott Necaise
Mr. Shawn Reed
Mr. Sonny Rath
Mr. Stephen Perry
Mr. Stephen Shannon
Mr. Steve Bianco
Mr. Steve Jacobs
Mr. Thomas Stockton
Mr. Tom Grimes
Mr. Tony Boykin
Mr. Trey Anderson
Mr. Troy Hoehner
Mr. Vincent Garcetti
Mr. Will Wolfe
Mr. William Donnell
Mrs. and Dr. Sarah Mason
Mrs. and Mr. Julie Redmond-Bailey
Mrs. and Mr. Sheila Baker
Mrs. Carole Casteel
Mrs. Christine Davisson
Mrs. Julie Meyer
Mrs. Kimberly Lambert
Mrs. Lisa Hermes
Mrs. Mary Frosto
Mrs. Susan Davenport
Mrs. Terri Jeter
Mrs. Wandaliz Elder
Ms. Abigail Townzen
Ms. Amy Byington
Ms. and Mr. Beth Klein
Ms. and Mr. Lorraine Luke
Ms. and Mr. Sharon Johnson
Ms. Angela Moomand
Ms. Anne Laferriere
Ms. April Cain
Ms. Barbara Caldwell
Ms. Becky Howard
Ms. Camille Olivas
Ms. Carmela Camillo
Ms. Carol Rowbotham
Ms. Cathy Champ
Ms. CeCe Clemens
Ms. Cecilia Evans
Ms. Christine Butler
Ms. Cindy Cade
Ms. Cindy Neeb
Ms. Claire Garlick
Ms. Claire Stoddard
Ms. Claudia Weir
Ms. Colleen Kelley
Ms. Connie Deen
Ms. Dana Hilton
Ms. Danielle Aldridge
Ms. Debbie Gion
Ms. Debbie Teer
Ms. Deborah Trimble
Ms. Debra Carpenter
Ms. Delta Buford
Ms. Denese Ciaccio
Ms. Diane Larson
Ms. Diane Skeen
Ms. Diane Welschmeyer
Ms. Dianna Alexander
Ms. Donna Moore
Ms. Eleanor Hummel
Ms. Elizabeth Brannon
Ms. Elizabeth Esson
Ms. Elizabeth Gordon
Ms. Ellen Lenihan
Ms. Ellen Pozek
Ms. Emily Lo
Ms. Gina Pozos
Ms. Ginny Carter
Ms. Holly Hiller
Ms. Holly Sessom
Ms. Elizabeth Brannon
Ms. Elizabeth Esson
Ms. Elizabeth Gordon
Ms. Ellen Lenihan
Ms. Ellen Pozek
Ms. Emily Lo
Ms. Gina Pozos
Ms. Ginny Carter
Ms. Holly Hiller
Ms. Holly Sessom
Ms. Jacqueline Koon
Ms. Jana Marshall
Ms. Jena Reece
Ms. Jennifer Kline
Ms. Jennifer Wessels
Ms. Jo Ellen Bergstrom
Ms. JoAnne Loven
Ms. Jodi Watson
Ms. Jodonna Lucas
Ms. Jody Smith
Ms. Johanna Uek
Ms. Judith Messer
Ms. Julie Hill
Ms. Karen Brown
Ms. Karen Codd
Ms. Karen Nixon
Ms. Karen Spencer
Ms. Kasi Hagan
Ms. Kate Conklin
Ms. Katherine Ritchie
Ms. Kathleen Ball
Ms. Kathryn Lynass
Ms. Kathryn Windham
Ms. Kay Dane
Ms. Kellie Stokes
Ms. Kim Gerron
Ms. Kim Kunz
Ms. Kittie Bade
Ms. Kristina Kammerer
Ms. Kristy Dugger
Ms. Launi Cooper
Ms. Laura Peck
Ms. Linda Hruskocy
Ms. Linda Wright
Ms. Lisa Dicke
Ms. Lisa Hickman
Ms. Lisa Kelsey
Ms. Lisa Muenstermann
Ms. Lisa Wieczorkowski
Ms. Liz Stewart
Ms. Lori McDaniels
Ms. Lorraine Arnold
Ms. Lou Sartor
Ms. Lynda Shirley
Ms. Marcella Beula
Ms. Marci Martinez
Ms. Margaret Gnepper
Ms. Margaret Hock
Ms. Martha Storrie
Ms. Mary Dawson
Ms. Mary Jacoby
Ms. Mary Smythe
Ms. Mary Wernaer
Ms. Melinda Riggs
Ms. Melinda Vail-Goodnight
Ms. Melissa Maldonado
Ms. Melodie King
Ms. Michelle Houston
Ms. Mina Fuertes
Ms. Mindy Smith
Ms. Myia Billy
Ms. Natalia Clark
Ms. Natasha Hughes
Ms. Nessa DeLeon
Ms. Nicole Frieder
Ms. Nicole Witherell
Ms. Nikita Ribble
Ms. Nolene Harrell
Ms. Patricia Larson
Ms. Patricia Pettyjohn
Ms. Patricia Turner
Ms. Penny Glover
Ms. Natasha Hughes
Ms. Nessa DeLeon
Ms. Nicole Frieder
Ms. Nicole Witherell
Ms. Nikita Ribble
Ms. Nolene Harrell
Ms. Patricia Larson
Ms. Patricia Pettyjohn
Ms. Patricia Turner
Ms. Penny Glover
Ms. Penny Mather
Ms. Ramona Rudis
Ms. Rhonda Velders
Ms. Robin Johnson
Ms. Sandra Goins
Ms. Sandra Norton
Ms. Sandy Anderson
Ms. Sara Maples
Ms. Sarah Wallace
Ms. Sharon Bland
Ms. Sharon Harn
Ms. Sharon O’Leary-Johnson
Ms. Sheila Surgeon
Ms. Shirley Howell
Ms. Sonja Manning
Ms. Stephanie Elkins
Ms. Stephanie Whatley
Ms. Susie Burleson
Ms. Suzanne Carr
Ms. Tammy Murray
Ms. Tammy Schmidt
Ms. Tara Baker
Ms. Tara Smith
Ms. Terina Earls
Ms. Terri Miller
Ms. Theresa Peoples
Ms. Theresa Schwartz
Ms. Traci Gentile
Ms. Trina Page
Ms. Trish Garrett
Ms. Vique Morrison
Ms. Yesenia Hernandez
Ms. Yvonne Hamilton
Network For Good
NewGround Resources
Non Profit Technology Enterprise Network
North Texas Corvette Club
North Texas Cruisers
Northstar Bank of Texas
Oakmont Womens Club Inc.
Officer Cindy Coyle
Ortho Associates of Flower Mound & Lewisville, LLC
Outdoor Living Pool and Patio
Park Place Lexus
Pediatric Dental World
PepsiCo Foundation
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Pioneer Natural Resources USA
Plousios Group Inc.
Pohlad Family Foundation
Preceptro Beta Tau - Chapter
Presbyterian Hospital of Denton
Pro Care Collision, LLC
Purdy-McGuire, Inc.
Quality Recovery Service, Inc.
Rate Genius Loan Services
Rebcon, Inc.
Reverend and Mrs. James Jenkins Sr.
Riley Stewardship Fund
Roanoke Police Department
Robert’s Paint Collision & Mechanical Services
Robinson Financial Group
Robison & Robison
Ronnie Crownover Middle School
Running Moms Rock
Ruth Ruhl, PC
Sabre Holding Give Together Campaign
Safeway - Tom Thumb GN Prog.
Sam Pack’s Ford Country
Robert’s Paint Collision & Mechanical Services
Robinson Financial Group
Robison & Robison
Ronnie Crownover Middle School
Running Moms Rock
Ruth Ruhl, PC
Sabre Holding Give Together Campaign
Safeway - Tom Thumb GN Prog.
Sam Pack’s Ford Country
Sergeant David Bruce
Sewell Cadillac of Grapevine
Smiles For Life Foundation
Southwest Business Corporation
Spillar, Mitcham, Eaton & Bicknell
St. Andrew Presbyterian
Stacy Muth
State Farm Insurance-Tony Jones
State of Texas - CPS
Stewart Title
Susan Passariello
Tacor, Inc.
Terry Oliver
Tetra Pak Inc
Texas Center for the Judiciary, Inc.
Texas Health Gives
Texas New Mexico Power
The Anne Lakusta Team
The Brokerage
The Cobbler Store Shoe Repair
The Hartford
The Honorable Bobbie J. Mitchell
The Honorable Joe Bridges
The Honorable Ronald Simmons
The Petter Financial
The Power of Shoes
The Treehouse Bar and Grill
Title Resources
TNT Promotions LLC
Top That Pizza
Town of Argyle
Town of Flower Mound
Town of Hickory Creek
Town of Little Elm
Town of Northlake
Town of Trophy Club
Tracy Suggs
Trusty Construction
Tuyet Vu
Under the Gun Poker
United States Treasury
United Way of Central Illinois, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Denton County
United Way of Denton County SECC
United Way of Denton County-DESIG
United Way of Greater Triangle
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
United Way of New York
United Way of Southeastern Michigan
United Way of Tarrant County
United Way of the Midlands
United Way of Western Connecticut, Inc.
United Way Special Dist. Acct.
Uni-therm International, Inc.
Valley Creek Church
Verizon Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wise County
Witherspoon Distillery
Xerox Corporation-Foundation
2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
799 Donor(s) listed
Abbott Laboratories
ABC Pest Control
Adventure Kids Playcare
Aldi Inc. - Denton Division
Alliance Data
Allied Solutions
American Airlines, Inc.
American Eagle Harley Davidson
American Giving Program
American National Bank & Trust
America’s Charities
Ameristar Jet Charter, Inc.
Argyle United Methodist Church
ARP Barnett, LLC
AT&T Employee Giving United Way
Atmos Energy
Attorney General of Texas
Auto Exam, Inc.
BACA Dallas
Baja Productions
Bank of America Matching Gift Program
Bank of America United Way Camp.
Bartonville Town Center
Bauer Aviation LLC
Baylor Medical Center at Carrollton
BBVA Compass Bank Visa
Bell Real Estate
Ben E. Keith Foundation
Bharathram Sundararaman
Bill Beatty Insurance Agency, Inc.
Blue Mound UMC
Bowen Law Group
Bridal Boutique Lewisville, Inc.
Carmel Clarke
Carrollton Civic League
Carrollton Women’s Club
Cartridge World
Celanese - Dallas
Charlton Motors
ChemCal, Inc
Chicago Title
Children’s Advocacy Center of Texas
Christ United Methodist Church
Cinnamon Creek Ranch
City of Carrollton
City of Coppell
City of Corinth
City of Denton
City of Frisco
City of Gainesville
City of Krum
City of Lake Dallas
City of Lewisville
City of Roanoke
City of Sanger
City of the Colony
Cloud 9 Salon and Spa
CM Data I, LLC
CMI Group
CMSgt and Ms. James Pleasant Ret.
Communities Foundation of Texas
Community Foundation of North Texas
Congregation Kol Ami
Cooke County Sheriff’s Office
CoServ Charitable Foundation
Cuna Mutual Group
CWR Foundation
D.A. Gonzales
D.R. Cameron & Associates
Dallas Womens Foundation
DATCU Credit Union
Davon Buscher
Denmiss, L.L.C.
Denton Benefit League
Denton County
Denton County - Jury Duty
Denton County Probation
Denton Foundation for Health & Education
in- kind donors
A Trace of Color
ABC Pest Control
Adventure Kids Playcare
Adventure Landing
Aldi Inc. - Denton Division
American Hertiage Girls
Ancient Ovens
Anonymous - GALA
Anonymous - Golf
Atmos Energy
Bear Creek Golf Club
Billie Redding
Billy Bob’s Texas
Blinded By the Bling
Blumberg Group Bible Study
Body Scaping
Bradley Chiropractic
Buckets & Bows Maid Service
Bunnies and Bows
Busch Gardens
CCC of America
Choice Carpet Cleaning
Christian D’Alesandro
Cloud 9 Salon and Spa
CM Data I, LLC
Co-Co Black
Cola Photography
Community Partners of Denton
Congressman Michael Burgess
Cornerstone North Church
Crowne Plaza Dallas Hotel
Dallas Cowboys Womens Association
Dallas Mavericks
Dallas Stars
Denton Country Club
Denton Country Club
Design Classics
Divine Designs
Dr. and Dr. Cheryl Aldridge
Dr. and Ms. Charles Grodzin
Eagle Gun Range
Family Care Chiropractic and Wellness
FC Dallas Burn
Fit Kamps
Foresight Golf
Friends of CACDC
Frontiers of Flight Museum
Girl Scout Troop #4900
Glamour Nails & Spa
Grapes to Wine
Hannah’s Off the Square
Hawaiian Falls Waterpark
Highland Nails & Spa
Highland Village Fire Department
Hill Country Premier Lodging
Hilton Anatole
Hilton Garden Inn Lewisville
HP Employee product giving program
Investigator Brian Wolfe
James Avery Craftsman
Joey’s Salon
Johnny G’s
Kate’s Place
Kevin James McCrea Photography
Kirby’s Prime Steak House
LA Sunset Tan
Lake Park Golf Course
Lewisville High School Student Council
Lewisville Police Department
Lifetime Fitness
Lifeway Christian Store
Little Angels Catholic Store
Live Nation
Mad Science of Dallas & Ft. Worth
Main Event- Lewisville
Massage for Wellness
Medical Center of Lewisville Grand Theatre
Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
Mellow Mushroom
Mellow Mushroom - Home
Grown Industries of GA, Inc
Metro Fleet Collision Repair
Mr. and Mr. Dianne Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Munro
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fornara
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rector
Mr. and Mrs. John Ofenloch
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wainscott
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thorn
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Tuckey
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klotz
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Defillipps
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Haberman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fifer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagerstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mielke
Mr. and Ms. Brian Head
Mr. and Ms. Chuck Bianco
Mr. and Ms. Craig Schwarze
Mr. and Ms. David Haning
Mr. and Ms. Eric Fields
Mr. and Ms. James Scott
Mr. and Ms. Jeff Sackett
Mr. and Ms. Jim Sexton
Mr. and Ms. John Gorbutt
Mr. and Ms. Lance West
Mr. and Ms. Paul Pomeroy
Mr. and Ms. Peter Appolonia
Mr. and Ms. Raymond Dunning Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Robert Bibby
Mr. and Ms. Robert Ramirez
Mr. and Ms. Roland Ridge
Mr. and Ms. Stewart Cox
Mr. and Ms. T. Morrish
Mr. and Ms. Troy Hamm
Mr. Andre’ Warren
Mr. Brent Barnfield
Mr. Bruce Martin
Mr. Clint Junell
Mr. Jeff Sterrett
Mr. Jim Attrell
Mr. Jim McNatt
Mr. Mark Corbett
Mr. Mike Nolan
Mr. Paul LeBon
Mr. Stephen Perry
Mr. Walt Garrison
Mr. Willliam Shearer
Mrs. and Mr. Julie Redmond-Bailey
Mrs. and Mr. Sarrah Brazell
Mrs. Jody Stafne
Mrs. Joeli Engel
Mrs. Linda Chidsey
Mrs. Mary Frosto
Mrs. Wandaliz Elder
Ms. and Mr. Janie Crosner
Ms. Anne Carnes
Ms. Annette Escamilla
Ms. Barbara Kuykendall
Ms. Beth Ash
Ms. Betty Campbell
Ms. Charlotte Weatherford
Ms. Cheryl Bump
Ms. Cheryl Cormack
Ms. Cindy Jones
Ms. Collette Ingold
Ms. Connie Danley
Ms. Connie Leeper
Ms. Deb Kreimborg
Ms. Debby Fiorentino
Ms. Denise Neumann
Ms. Erica Brown
Ms. Gena Matlock
Ms. Jenn Patterson
Ms. Judith Messer
Ms. Julie Harris
Ms. Kara Surley
Ms. Karen Elliott
Ms. Kate Schlottman
Ms. Kathlee Teniente
Ms. Kim McConnell
Ms. Krishna Garza
Ms. Leah Seefried
Ms. Leslie Cowen
Ms. Linda LaClaire
Ms. Marjorie Gutierrez
Ms. Mary Daniel
Ms. Mary Ellen Wehrli
Ms. Nikita Ribble
Ms. Peggy Ghrist
Ms. Rachelle Cote
Ms. Rochelle Foster
Ms. Sandra Pendergraph
Ms. Sharon Graves
Ms. Shelly Anderson
Ms. Shirely James
Ms. Theresa Morrison
Ms. Tiffany Snow
Ms. Virginia Fisher
Oakmont Country Club
Old American Golf Club
Park Place Lexus
Pediatric Dental World
Piranha Restaurant
Preceptro Beta Tau - Chapter
Red Robin Restaurant
Representative and Ms. Tan Parker
Representative Myra Crownover
Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Robert’s Paint Collision & Mechanical Services
Ronin Fine Wine & Spirits
Rusty Beagle
Schlitterbahn Waterparks
Sea World San Antonio
Senator Nelson Jane
Shelly’s Advanced Skin Care
Sidecar Catering, LLC
Simoniz Car Wash
Sisters of Aluhe
Sneaky Pete’s
SpeedZone Dallas
Square One Sidewalk Cafe
State Farm Insurance-Tony Jones
Studio Movie Grill
Sushi Fugu
Terry Stuckline
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Texas Roadhouse
The Anne Lakusta Team
The Boardroom Salon
The Hamlet
The New Tropicana Las Vegas
The Salt Lick BBQ
The Tribute Golf Club
The University of Texas Athletic
The Village Church
Thycotic Software Ltd.
Tierney’s Cafe & Tavern
Trietsch Memorial UMC
Turners Martial Arts Studios
United Supermarkets LLC
Venetian Sun Massage
Via Real
Weichert Realty
Wild Birds Unlimited
Win Kids
Wine Styles
WinStar World Casino
Witherspoon Distillery
Yarn Divas of Robson Ranch
YMCA-Flower Mound
Zoes Kitchen
By end of FY2013,
CACDC’s current
facility was at
90% capacity.
The Honorable Jane Nelson, Texas Senator
The Honorable Tan Parker, Texas State Representative
The Honorable Myra Crownover, Texas State Representative
The Honorable Bobbie Mitchell, Denton County Commissioner
Mr. Dale Kimble, CEO DATCU Credit Union
Mr. Matthew Marchant, Mayor-City of Carrollton
Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Angie Thompson, President/CEO Thompson Family Business Holdings, LP
CACDC projects
over 1,000
children will be
interviewed in
2020 (Current: 810)
Mr. Charles Stafford, CACDC Founder & Realtor-The Stafford Team
Mr. Randy Robinson, President/CEO Access 1st Capital Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Anne Lakusta, Ethnifacts/Keller Williams Realty
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Elaine Emery, C&E Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Rhonda Kevlin, Co-Owner, Freedom Title of Flower Mound
Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Sue Bancroft
CACDC projects
14,000 therapy
services will be
needed in 2020.
(Current: 9,990)
anticipated 2020
budget is close to
$2 Million
A d v i s o ry b o a r d
Andrea Bell
Andrew Passons
April Cain
Bobbie J. Mitchell
Brenda Brooks
Bruce Martin
Cameron Cox
Carmen R. Ault
Claudia Grose
Cloud 9 Salon and Spa
Dale A. Burrows
Dan A. Leal
Denton Wood Floors Outlet
Doyle Cameron
Eric Fields
Frisco Area Republican Women’s Club
Hillary Baden
JaLynn West
Jeff Schuetts
Jodi Duryea
Joe Lawrence
John Faulkner
John Henderson
John Milligan
Kate Conklin
Kathryn Lynass
Keary B. Turner
Krisin Green
Launi Cooper
Lisa Dicke
Lisa Hickman
Lisa Muenstermann
Louise Morrish
Macedonia Ministries
Margaret Hock
Mary Wernaer
Matthew J. Schirle
Melinda Vail-Goodnight
Paul Varner
Paula Fornara
Ramona Rudis
Randy Guttery
Renee McCann
Richard Portales
Rick Hittle
Robert D. Seay
Ryan Webster
Stacie Wainscott
Susan Dawson
Susan Hauser
Susan Passariello
Tamara Cuthrell
Tara Baker
Terri Jeter
Terri Miller
Thomas Stockton
Todd J. Taylor
Tom Mielke
Vique Morrison
Wandaliz Elder
Wayne Malone
Wayne, Shirley & Chris Robinson
Chairman Matthew Schirle
Jeff Schuetts
Vice-Chair Cameron Cox
Kim Cloud
Treasurer April Cain
Dr. Lisa Pierce
Secretary Susan Watson
Mike Doherty
2013 borad of directors
Principle, WW OEM Consulting Solutions
Attorney, Elsey & Elsey
CPA, Merki & Associates, P.C.
Director of Professional Services, Baylor
Medical Center of Carrollton
Andrew Passons
Attorney at Law & Partner, Lewis & Passons
Bruce Martin
Retired, The CMI Group
Resident Director, Merrill Lynch
Owner, Cloud 9 Salon
Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Paul Johnson
Denton County District Attorney
R. Dean Barnes, Jr.
Executive Vice President Chief Lending
Officer, DATCU
Cheryl Aldridge
Chief Russ Kerbow
Claudia Grose
Dr. Susan Badaracco
Chris Robinson
Susan Dawson
Eric Fields
Terri Miller
Retired Senior Nurse Practictioner
Program Director, CPS
President, Robinson Financial Group
Vice President, Environmental Improvements,
JaLynn West
Owner & Publisher, Our Community
Lewisville Police Chief
Pediatrician, Kids First Pediatrics
Robinson Financial Group
Community Volunteer
Tom Mielke
General Counsel, Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Troy Hamm
VLK Architects
Children’s Advocacy Center
for Denton County
1854 Cain Drive
Lewisville, TX 75077
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