C Call before You Dig: Must contact Lone Star
C Call before You Dig: Must contact Lone Star
Generator Permit Requirements: Complete Piney Point permit application for the generator and concrete pad. Must include the value for both the concrete foundation pad and the generator dollar amount. El Must complete another Piney Point permit application for the electrical. This is the electrical value that is required for to total cost to connect the electrical for the generator. El Must submit t’vVO complete sets of plans. El Plans must include a current copy of a property survey. El Must complete a home owner affidavit application. If there is a home owner association, then you must hau home owner association approval prior to submitting plans. If there is not a home owner association, then you are still required to complete the affidavit form. Make sure that all required fields are initialed properly. (Do not use check marks). El Must show all proposed generator set backs. El Must complete area calculation form. El Centerpoint authorization. Must submit an application to Centerpoint for generator connection approval. A written approval is necessary from Centerpoint when dropping off your generator application packet. Verbal approvals will not be accepted. El Electrical load analysis. Must complete our form. El Must show the new layout of the electrical service. This can be drawn out. You can provide colored digital photos. El Must show the underground natural gas line layout. This must be shown on the site plan survey. Must be detailed in reel. El Must include a copy of the generator manufacture specifications. El Must provide a copy of the generator electrical transfer switch manufacture specification s. El Must provide a detail of how the generator will he screened. All generators must be screened from strcet side. You can provide colored digital photos if the generator is clearly screened from street view. El Generator Foundation: Must provide the concrete specifications. List the concrete details for example; list the steel specifications and concrete PSI. Must provide the length, width, and thickness of the concrete slab. Minimum foundation requirements, Pad to he minimum of 6 inches thick, steel number 3’s on 12 inch centers, on all 4 corners to have footings 8 inches in diameter, 2 foot deep unless on a slope then 3 foot deep, at least number 3’s, 4’s into footings tier! to slab. El Generator Locations: Must show the location of the generator on the site plan. The generator can he located within the backyard area, within the existing building line setbacks, or can be in the rear 1/3 of the lot. Only in the rear 1/3 of the lot, the generator can be placed 10 foot to the nearest property line. El Generator Inspections: A concrete steel inspection and a generator final inspection are required for this permit. El Plumbing Inspection: A licensed plumbing contractor must pull a separate permit for a gas line. A gas line final inspection is required for this permit. El Electrical Inspections: A licensed electrical contractor must pull a separate electrical permit. An electrical cover and an electrical final are required for tins permit. Any disconnects and re connects are not part of the initial electrical permit. Please provide that information at the time of the electrical permit being pulled. Additional fees are req uirecl. El Tree Protection: Make sure that tree protection and preservation is noted when digging and/or trenching to protect trees and its tree root zones. You can always consult with the City Forester. El Plan Review: All generator plan suhinittals require plan review. All information submitted must be submitted in duplicate. And must complete all necessary forms and applications. Please allow up to 7 to 10 working days for plan review time. El Board of Adjustments: If any applicant chooses to go before the Board of Adjustments, this process must take place in advance. A variance would he required in order to set the generator in any other location other than what is specified by City Generator Ordinance. Please contact the City for a meeting to discuss the application process. El C Helpful Tips: A licensed electrical contractor and/or a builder or generator contrac tor can submit plans to the City. Highlighting setbacks, and other important information as well as colored digital photos are also helpful when reviewing plans. Having all approvals and documentation at the time of submittal is also very important. Pre review meetings are useful in assisting in generator locations and going over forms and applications. A genera tor may not be placed less than 5 feet from the main house. Make sure that the home owner affidav it form has been notarized. C Call before You Dig: Must contact Lone Star/One Call for line markings (800) 545-60 05. Call before you dig 811. C For all city codes and ordinance referenced please visit w\vw.municode.com. C Plumbing Permit Fees: 1. Plumbing Gas Line Permit Fee w/ one Inspections 5100.00 C Electrical Permit Fee: 1. Electrical Permit Fee w/ Qty 2 Inspections S150.00 O Generator Permit Fees: 1. Generator Permit Fees Based on Value S Based on Value Cost 2. Generator Inspection Fees Qty 2 Required: S 100.00 3. Partial Inspections and/or re-inspection fees 5 50.00 each. ‘ Building Code: IRC 2009 (International Residential Code 2009) IPC 2009 (International Plumbing Code 2009) NFPA 70 -2011 Electrical Code The City of Piney Point Village 7676 Woodway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77063 Telephone: 713.782.1757 Fax: 713.782.3178 PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION DATE: SITE ADDRESS:___________________________________________________ LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION:_________________ PROPERTY OWNER:_____________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: STATE ZIP_________ PHONE NUMBER: MOBIL:____________________________ FAX NUMBER: E-MAIL:__________________________ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME:_______________________________________ CONTACT NAME: STATE LICENSE#_____________________ MAILING ADDRESS: CITY:__________________________ STATE: ZIP__________ TELEPHONE: MOBIL:_______________________________ FAX NUMBER: E-MAIL:__________________________ TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS:$_________________________________________ TYPE OF PERMIT Cc vcr€4e p c( NEW RESIDENCE: SWIMMING POOL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PLUMBING: FENCE: FIRE SPRINKLER: ELECTRICAL: CULVERTS: IRRIGATION SPRINKLER: HVAC: DRAINAGE: DRIVEWAY! FLATWORK: ADDITION: REMODEL: ROOF: GENERATOR: DECKING: OTHER: JOB DISCRIPTION/DETAIL SCOPE OF WORK NOTE: No use of any building is permitted without a Certificate of Occupancy, including the storage of any items. Use of building prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy wifi require the gas and electric to be terminated. Not to exclude other penalties. The City of Piney Point Village has the right to include the current resident/home owner in every aspect of the building permitting process. THE UNDERSIGNED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING AND ZONING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLAGE, HEREBY APPLIES FOR THE PERMIT DESCRIBED HERIN. APPLICANT HERBY CERTIFIES THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES WILL BE COMPLIED WITH AND THAT ALL STATEMETS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PRINT NAME OF APPLICANT I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND REVIEWED ALL OF THE FORMS AND DOCUMENTS LOCATED IN THE BUILDERS HANDBOOK FOR CONSTRUCTION. (io+ (u SIGNATURE OF HOMEOWNER PRINT NAME OF HOMEOWNER The City of Piney Point Village 7676 Woo dway, Suite 300, Houston, TX. 77063 Telephone: 713.782.1757 Fax: 713.782.3178 PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION DATE: SITE ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION:________________ PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: STATE ZIP_ PHONE NUMBER: MOBIL:_______________________ FAX NUMBER: E-MAIL:_____________________ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME:_________________________________ CONTACT NAME: STATE LICENSE#______________ MAILING ADDRESS: CITY:__________________________ STATE: TELEPHONE: ZIP__________ MOBIL:__________________________ FAX NUMBER: E-MAIL:_______________________________ TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS:$___________________________________________ TYPE OF PERMIT NEW RESIDENCE: SWIMMING POOL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PLUMBING: FENCE: FIRE SPRINKLER: ELECTRICAL: CULVERTS: IRRIGATION SPRINKLER: HVAC: DRAINAGE: DRIVEWAY/FLATWORK: ADDITION: REMODEL: ROOF: GENERATOR: DECKING: OTHER: JOB DISCRIPTION/DETAIL SCOPE OF WORK NOTE: No use of any building is permitted without a Certificate of Occupancy, including the storage of any items. Use of building prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy wifi require the gas and electric to be terminated. Not to exclude other penalties. The City of Piney Point Village has the right to include the current resident/home owner in every aspect of the building permitting process. THE UNDERSIGNED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING AND ZONING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLAGE, HEREBY APPLIES FOR THE PERMIT DESCRIBED HERIN. APPLICANT HERBY CERTIFIES THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES WILL BE COMPLIEDWITH AND THAT ALL STATEMETS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PRINT NAME OF APPLICANT I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND REVIEWED ALL OF THE FORMS AND DOCUMENTS LOCATED IN THE BUILDERS HANDBOOK FOR CONSTRUCTION. Cho SIGNATURE OF HOMEOWNER PRINT NAME OF HOMEOWNER rguvc) _____ ____ _____ ___ __ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ The Cfty of Piney Point Village 7676 Woodway Suite 30C) Houston, Texas 77063 (713) 782-0271 phone (713) 782-0281 fax Th STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS § § DEED RBSTICTION AND DEVELOPMENT PLAT AFFIDAVIT FOR RESIDEl”IIAL BUIDING PERMiT § ADDRESS OF ?ROPERTY:_____________________ _______________ TYPE CF PERMiT: RLA) 0 Before e, the undersiaed authority, on this day personally appeared (Type or leglbly print name of affinI) who being first duly swom by me, on her/his oath depose d and said the following: “This affidavit is glvea in connection with the application for a Suil&r g permit that is aached hereto. I am eighteen years or older, and I am of sound mini I have person al mowledge of the facts set forth in this affidavit including, withou.t limitation, personal lowIedge of the title to the real property o which the building permit application appertains, of the pans and specificaticns for the work to be er3rmed rmder the building permit, if issued, and of the intended use of the mip:vemezts to be constructed thereunder. (a) (Each Aazt must initial (1) or (2) as applicable): (1) I am owner of the real property to which this hulking permit pplication apperta ins. (2) I am the duly designated agent of the ovner or owners of the real property to which this building permit application appertains, and I have been expressly authorized by the owner or owners to make this affidavit on their behalf (b) (Each affiant must initial this terni): The building permit application to which this affidavit appertains is for the repair, remod&ing or construction of a single family detached residence or amdui’ structi re thereto (e.g., a garage) that is desired and intended for single family residential use exclusively. (c) As used in this part (c), the term cdeed restrictions’ means any and every resinct ion or covenant r.mning with and affecting the use and enjoyment of the land that is contained in or incorp orated by reference in a properly recorded plan, pint re-pint, deed or any other instrument affecting subdiv a ision or portion thereof inside its boundaries that relates in any manner to the property to thich this buildin g permit application appertains. The term shall not include any covenant or restriction that has expired through lapse of time by its own. terms without renewal, revival or extension. Additionally, the term shall not include any covenant or restriction to the extent, that it has expressly been declared invalid by tna1 order of a court of competent national origin of persons who may enjoy the use of the property. (If there are no deed restuictions, then the afflant shall initial item (1) below; if theie are deed restrictions then the affl.an rrmst t initial and complete item (2) below.) (1) I am personally f.miir wIth the title to the real property to which this building permit application appertains, and I swear that this property is not euciunbered by any deed restrictions. (2) 1 am personally frr’7r with. the title to the real. property to which this buildin g application appertains, and I have personal knowledge that this real property is enc-nit hered by deed restrictions, which provide, inpar as follows: (3) on the subzitted plans will violate any deed. restrictions. Uses autorfzed: Setbacks:\ \ Front: 3ac ear: eet: “/uaxincm’Sse size: ber or sntcttzres anotized: Apnlicaticn-Affiazt SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority on this 2Q_, to certify witness my hand and seal of office Noiury Puhiic in and for the State of TEXAS Area Calculations Form Property Address: Date: Type of Permit: Area of Lot: Square Footage:. Lot Coverage Calculations Existing Area Proposed Area Total Area Main Structure (Total Covered Area) Accessory Structure Driveways, Walkways & Sidewalks Pool and Pool Decking - Total Lot Coverage Percent of Lot Coverage by Main Structure: Area of Main Structure! (divided_by) Area of Lot 30% Max Coverage = Percent of Lot Coverage by Main Structure: Total Lot Coverage! (divided_by) Area of Lot = 50% Max. Coverage Reference, City of Piney Point Code of Ordinances, Chapter 74- Section, 244. Regulations. (g) The undersigned, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Piney Point Village, hereby certifies that all statements made herein are true and correct. Signature of Property Owner and/or Applicant:______________________________________ Name of Company: CENTERPOINT ENERGY Required Information for Electrical Service • Service Address Please call your city if inside city limits, otherwise call CNP at 713-207-4460. — • Load Analysis States voltage and total amps per phase. Include all motors which total more than 250hp, generator specifications with its one liner. — • Scaled Site Plan 1/20, 1/40,1/50 Show building outline, service location, street, survey note • Recorded Plat or Recorded Warranty Deed If Primary conductors to be on property Recorded Plat must be signed and stamped Warranty Deed must be clearly legible and show recorded stamps — PLEASE — NO MEETINGS UNTIL ABOVE INFORMATION S RECEIVED PLEASE FORWARD ABOVE INFORMATION TO: Fernando Floreslovo CNP Consultant 3401 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77043 — E-mail — [email protected] Phone Fax - - 713-945-4509 713-945-4558 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Apply for your electric permit at the corresponding City • Construction Service Standards at: centerpointenergy.com/electricalservicesta ndards • CALL CNP AT 713-207-2222 TO OBTAIN ESID # AND THEN APPLY FOR SERVICE WHEN READY WITH YOUR RETAIL PROVIDER OF YOUR SELECTION go to — powertochoose.org • FOR CNP GAS PLEASE CALL 713-659-2111 CenterPoint. Energy TRANSFER SWITCH INFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS SERVICE ADDRESS KEY MAP CONTACT NAME PHONE#(S) E-MAIL ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING ELECTRIC SERVICE SIZE ON ADDRESS EXISTING SECONDARY VOLTAGE ON SERVICE UPGRADING EXISTING SERVICE YES NO IF YES, PROVIDE NEW SERVICE SIZE AND VOLTAGE IS EXISTING SERVICE CT SERVICE YES NO SINGLE PHASE 3 WIRES YES NO THREEPHASE3WIRES YES NO THREEPHASE4WIRES YES NO CONTACT MUNICIPALITY FOR PERMIT INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED ON GENERATOR FOR APPR OVAL: • • ONE LINE (DEPICTING, METER, TRANSFER SWITCH AND GENE RATOR) CATALOG SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRANSFER SWITCH • GENERATOR NAME AND MODEL NOTE:CNP usually perform disconnects and re-connects, no guarantees, during the same day, between 9am and 3pm. Over Time is always available. [email protected] or Fax-71 3-945-4558 The City of Pine 7 Point Village 7676 Woodway Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77063 (713) 782-0271 phone (713) 782-0251 fax LOAD ANALYSIS: OPTIONAL CALCULATIONS Qwier: Add±ess: Load Jscript1oit I Vct-Amp eres I GENRAL LIGHITNG: SQ. FT.x 3VA SMALL APPLIANCE CKI’S.: ( 1500VA BA. LAUNDRY CKTS: C 1500 VA, 1500 VA BA IRONING BOA_RD CKT.: @ 1440 VA DR9FLR 24DV, 5KW RANGE: 240V, 11KW COOKTOP: 240V, 6.7KW DOUBLE OVEN: 240V,10.2 KW SINGLE OVEN: 240 V,7KW CROWAVE: 1500 VA DISPOSAL: 120V, 1176VA DISHWASHER: 120V, 1500VA TRASH COMPACTOR: 120V, 864VA VENT HOOD: 120V, 480 VA READT HOT: 120V, 1500VA WARMIThJG DRAWER 120V, 750V ICE MAKER 120V, 528VA REFRIG./FREEZER: 120V, 1320 VA BAR REFRIG.: 120V, 528 VA WHIRLPOOL: 120V, 1656VA CEILING PA_N: 120V, 336VA VENT FAN: 120V,96VA \rE’i FAN/LIGHi 120V, 180 VA VENT F.A_\7HEAT: 120V 1540VA VENT FAN/HEAT/LIGHT: 120V, 1640 VA ATTIC VENT FANS: 120V, 528VA GARAGE DOOR OPENERS: 120V, 864VA GATE OPENERS: 120V 1176VA ELEVATOR: 240V, 4080 VA DUME-WMTER 120V, 864VA RECESS FTc:JRES: 120V,. 150W OUTSIDE LTG.CKTS.: 20A (Il 1920 VA/15A @ 1440V The City of Piney Point Village 6’Woodway Suite 3Q3 757 , Texas 0 Houst (713) 7B2-0271 phone (713)77053 782-0281 fax POOL POOL HP POOL MOTOR HP, V. A POOL MOTOR HP, V, A POOL LIGHTh: HP, A “OHPR LOAD’ TOTAL DEMAND. VA ‘OTHER LOAD” A - - - VA - 100% VA@ TOTAL = - - VA VA VA 40% DE4ND - VA VA - - VA = VA EONMENTAL LOAJEEATING UNiT: 240V, :<w@ 65% VA UNIT: 2CV, KW@ 65% VA UNIT: 240V, KW @ 65% VA UNIT: 240V, KW@ 65% VA UNIT: 240V, KW@ 65% VA 1OD% VA 100% VA 100% VA 200% VA AIR CONDITIONING UNIT: TON 240V, UNIT: TON 240V, UNIT: TON 24CV, UNIT: TON 240V, UNIT: TON 24CV, A @ VA AIR HANDLER MOTORS: MOTOR: HP, V, A VA MOTOR: HP, 1 V A VA MOTOR: HP, V, A VA MOTOR: HP, V, A VA MOTOR: HP, 1 V A TOTAL VOLT AERE LOAD VA VA SIRVICE A_MkETcE LOAD The City of Priey Poiit ViYhge 7721 Sn PeIip, St.tite 103, Hotzstn, ‘IX 77063 Th1ephoie 71372.O271 Fa 713.7S20281 VA AMJERES 24CV, The City of Piney Point Village 7676 Woodway Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77063 (713)782-0271 phone (713) 782-0281 fax NEUTRAL LOAD GENERAL UGHTflG: VA@35% VA = MANT) TOTAL VA 3000 VA 3’XOVA @ 100% VA = X 70% = VA X 70% = VA X X 70% = VA X X ‘?D% = VA = VA = VA COLA UNITS= VA X COLB UNITS= VA COL C UNTI’S VA UNiTS DRYER cOOG EQUT?MENT DBAND= ?L14NCI LOAD DE{AND: FIXED VA DISPOSAL: DISHWASI{E = VA TRASH COM]?ACTOR = VA MICROWAVE: = VA WHIRLPOOL: VA CEJING FANS: VA VENT FANS: = VA GARAGE DOOR OPENERS: = VA GATE OPENTER = VA ATTIC VENT FANS: = VA VENT HOOD = VA READYHOT: = VA WARNG DRAWERS = VA VA TOTAL DEJN4AND RECESS TCRES: = VA OUTSIDE LIGHENG CKTS: = VA REFFJG/FREEZER = VA AIR HANDLER MOTORS: VA MISC.: VA MISC.: = VA = VA LARGEST MOTORS: IOTAI NUETRAL ERE LOAD I VA = 240 A ETRAL DEMAND ;•/ :i\ -- Q:czz F Catractor NQttfic.: *: Sundays” NO Work on Sec. 10-1. Time limitations on building activities. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, permit or perform any construction, renovation, alteration, repair or demolition of any building or structure, or any excavation related thereto, within the city, except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. (b) The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to any construction, renovation, alteration, repair, demolition or related excavation for which a city permit is not required, or to any such work periormed within an enclosed building or structure and for which the noise therefrom is inaudible from all adjacent properties. (c) The city building official is hereby authorized and directed to issue stop work orders as are necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this section. (d) Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined as prescribed in section 1-11. (Ord. No. 777, § 2--5, 8-22-94) Cross references: Enviromnent, ch. 26. Sec. 10-5. Penalty. Any person who shall violate or cause to be violated any provision of this chapter or who shall fail to comply herewith, or with any of the requirements hereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter, repair, move or demolish any structure, or who shall have erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demolished a building or structure in violation of a detailed statement or drawing submitted and approved hereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined as providedin section 1-11. (Ord. No. 873, § 2, 11-26-01; Ord. No. 884, § 1, 6-24-02) I have read all of the contractor work hours for the City c Piney Point Village & acknowledge the required work hours and violations. I am aware that no work shall be performed on Sundays for projects that are currently under construction. D ate:__ Signature of applicant:_ Print name of apnlicant:. Project address: Project type: A’a/06. 20.05 j Builder Responsible for Construction Correspondence: Date: Permit Number: P#______________ Property Address:___________________________ Name of Responsible Party: Title: Example: superintendent Contact Phone Numbers:____________________ Cell Phone Number: Home: e-mail: Estimated build out time: If any of this information changes or you are no longer in charge of the property as indicated above please contact the city of the update and/or change. The City of Piney Point Village can contact the current owner of the property for example the property owner to discuss any construction activity while the building is still under a permit and all fmal inspections have not been finalized with the city. ntt $. An-i Building Official Official Form DatelO18,07 ORDLNANCE 992 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLA GE, TEXAS, BY ADOPTING A NE W SUBSECTION 74-244 (a) (4) OF SEC TION TO INCLUDE: GENERATORS AS ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AN D STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR LOCATIONS OF GENERATORS; AND PROVIDING FOR TYPES OF GENERATORS TO BE USED AND TIME FOR CYCLING OF GENERATORS; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000.00 FOR EACH DA Y OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FO R SEVERABILITY. * * * * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLAGE, TEXAS: Section 1. The code of Ordinances of the City of Piney Point Village, Texas is hereby amen adopting the following amendment to ded by Section 74-244 (a): (4) Generator. If not located in the exist ing building lines, the generator may be located: (i) on the ground, (ii) in the rear third of the property, and (iii) ten feet from the property line. The generator must be screened from the public view by shrubbeiy and be fuele d only by natural gas. Screening is subject to a City approved design. Unless there is a bona fide emergenc y requiring the use of the generator, the generator may be turned on only during daylight hour on weekdays. Section 2. Any person who shall viola te any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conv iction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. tn the event any clause phra se, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged invalid of held unconituti onal by a court of competent jurisdicti on, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordi nance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declares that it wou ld have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there he one or more parts. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADO PTED this 8 day o1i 2008. L.J SIGNED: ‘\ Lorena E, l3riel, City Administrator City of Piney Point Vilage Ord 992 CC App. 07/25/08 L /& KareA3reenhan, May6r i ORDINANCE 961 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDLNkNCES OF THE CITY OF P]NEY POINT VIlLAGE, TEXAS BY A])DL’G SECTION §74-244 (a)(3); PROVIDING THAT AIR CONDIYIONING/IIEATING EQUIPMENT, SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT AN]) MOSQUITO EQIJJPMENT BE PROHIBITED ON ANY ROOF OR FRONT YARD OF ANY RESU)ENTJAL STRUCTURE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000MO FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; PROVIDING AND FOR SEVERABIIJITY. * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF PINEY POINT VILLAGE, TEXAS: Section 1. The CDde of b:iuances of the City of Piney Point Village, Texas, is hereby amended by s bstititing he:e’cy adding a new Subseefien (3) to Sectica 74-244(a) to provide as follows: (3) Equpnent/Residenta.l Structures. Air conditioning! heating equipment, swrnmi’ng pooi equipment and mosquito equipment are not allowed on any roDf or fl-ant yard of any residential sructure. Section 2. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall consfitute a separate oense. Section 3. In the event any clause phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any persdn or circun stances shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutio:iai by a court of competent juiisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Piney Point Village, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notvdthstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be cue or more ans. PASSED, APPROVED AD ADOPTED this day of________ 2006. SIGNED: ATTEST: - ol Fox, Mayor oren BLtl, Ctty AOII1unStLo1 c :Iey ?irit \r:la Ord 961 App 9/25/06 /