Announcements Announcements
Announcements Announcements
January 2008 Visit us at Newsletter of the Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Council 1711 of the Knights of Columbus, Westfield, New Jersey CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE The Time Is Near By R ev . P au l P r ev o s to As we hear of the racket of men, And take notice of the clatter of women, The time has come to bar the din, For the Child shouts: the truth will win! The world is cluttered with violence and indifference The silence of the good rings louder than bombs. Shout loud you good so that evil be scattered No longer heeded; only forgotten. When the holy blaze devours the peace of the complacent Then will be known the chaos of matter. The unholy peace of muteness and ennui must be no more, The thunder of angels has awakened the dull! The world has been shocked by God’s own noise. Man cannot behave as toads on stools Nor can he play the game of unknowing. Each one must open his eyes to see And clear his ears to hear The call of God’s own Son. Wake up! Wake up! The time has come for us to heed. No longer can the world’s distractions be grounds for our inactions. We must listen beyond the world’s unhallowed clamor And regard God’s only Voice. Listen well to the Word made Flesh. He has come to rid the sloth of our own flesh. Take action now and be his sons and daughters too, No longer subjects of this world, But citizens of Thy Kingdom Come. A Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2008! Fr. Paul Prevosto Christmastide Greetings from the KnightLine Staff Visions of Sugar Plums Saint Nick paid our Council a visit during the Children’s Christmas Party on December 9th. The children of our GK Kevin Lsrkin pause for a pose. Can you recognize the man behind the snowy white beard? Announcements The Christmas gift program benefiting the students at the Union Campus of the NJ Department of Children and Families Regional School in Scotch Plains was very successful. We had a terrific response from the membership this year, so all children received the two gifts they requested, and then some. Excess gifts were given to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, who distributes the gifts to needy families in our area and to Catholic welfare agencies and soup kitchens such as the St. Joseph Social Center in Elizabeth. Through this endeavor, many needy families experienced the miracle of Christmas. Thank you for your generosity, and thanks to the many brothers who stepped up to help with the sorting and delivery of the gifts. FS Howard Saunders says members will be receiving their bill for membership shortly. If the last card you received is dated 2006, you owe dues for 2007 as well as 2008. The 2008 membership cards will be sent out promptly after receiving payment. If they are any questions about their status please call Howard at 908-755-7131 or email him at [email protected]. Congratulations to our newest Honorary Members (65 years of age and 25 years of service): Dr. Richard Watson Robert Tinervin Paul Stockschlaeder Martin Sheehy Andrew Beifus, Jr. Robert Lee, Jr. Congratulations to our newest Honorary Life Members (70 years of age and 25 years of service): John McCormack Hank Chisolm Bernard Fallon Benny Hasiak See page 7 for information about the Youth Free Throw Contest. KnightLine KnightLine This newsletter is published monthly by and in the interest of the membership and families of Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Council 1711, Knights of Columbus, Westfield, New Jersey. Editor ………….………..…… Mickey O’Brien, PGK Advertising …………………. Mickey O’Brien, PGK …….……..……………...........……..… (908) 654-9647 ………………...…..… Email [email protected] Staff Contributors …………..…… Trish Fitzpatrick ……………………………….…………… Luke Amoroso …………………………..……………… Kevin Morrissey ………………………….….….… Miguel Pérez-Santalla ……….…….….….. Brother Michael Warren, OMV COUNCIL OFFICERS Chaplain Grand Knight Financial Secretary Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Warden Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Trustee 3 Years Trustee 2 Years Trustee 1 Year Lecturer Rev. Paul Prevosto Kevin Larkin Howard Saunders, PGK George Russo Dave Ferrell, PCC Robert Manduca Glenn Miklencic Brian Raftery Michael Margello Mark Saunders Ed Dickert Paul Friel Fred Malley, PGK Mike Ruzek, PGK Carlos Perez-Santalla, PGK Miguel Perez-Santalla COLUMBIAN CLUB OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Richard Edge KC McDevitt, PGK James Sadowski, PGK Neal Bradley Kenneth Kimble, Sr. Ron Martins Michael Locascio K OF C FRATERNAL BENEFITS To be announced MONTHLY MEETINGS General Membership: First Wednesday, 8:00 pm Columbian Club Officers: Last Wednesday, 6:30 pm Council Officers: Last Wednesday, 8:00 pm HALL RENTALS Contact Ron Martins at (732) 882-1364 2 GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE QUOD SCRIPSI SCRIPSI “Happy New Year” O Come Let Us Adore Him By K e v in L a rk in , G K By M ic ke y O ’B r ie n I would like to wish all your families a Happy The wicked one, what does he New Year and I hope it is a good year for you and you families, and also the Knights. The first thing I think about when a new year rolls around is year New Year resolutions. I wish you luck in achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself and I would like you to add one more. I would like all of you the make a resolution to make a difference this year by becoming more involved in our organization. say? “What is this … to you?!” He says It is unrealistic for everyone to be involved in every activity. So if everyone can commit to doing one thing more this year then they did last year then we can make a difference for all the charities we support. Please keep this in mind and try to find an event to be more involved in. I would like to thank all of volunteers who helped assemble the crèche downtown. It looks great, and this event was very successful as we actually put it together correct the first time, which is quite an achievement in itself. I would also like to thank Mickey for running both the Christmas gifts and children’s party again this year. The kids’ party was a lot of fun and if you haven’t attended before you should definitely circle your calendars for next year as it is a great family event. We have a few upcoming events for this month. Mike Ruzek is running the Free Throw competition in January. Any that can help out would be appreciated. The PADRE Dinner is coming up in early February. This priest appreciation dinner is always fun and is a great way to meet and honor all the area priests who do such a great job in our local parishes. I leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin: “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.” ‘to you,’ but not to him! By thus excluding himself from the community he has denied that which is fundamental. You, therefore, blunt his teeth and say to him: “It is because of this that the Lord did for me …”; ‘for me’ - but not for him! If he had been there, he would not have been redeemed!” You see the sign outside of our Council, as well as in front of other councils, churches, billboards, and even bumper stickers: “Keep Christ in Christmas.” It should be a no-brainer: Christ is the fundamental part of Christmas, the Mass and holiday/holy day honoring His birth. So important was this to our redemption that we make Christmas a season that lasts twelve days, and precede it with a four week period of preparation (Advent) that begins the new liturgical year. And yet, many still deny Christ during Christmas. Many communities are still embattled by those who confuse the Christmas tree and Santa Claus with religious icons and do not permit a nativity scene to be displayed on public property. The annual Chirstmas pageants have become transformed into “holiday” pageants that are inclusivist to Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and now even Ramadan, while exclusivist to Christmas (Jingle Bell Rock and Frosty the Snowman are hardly Christian anthems). Don’t know how Diwali escapes the pageant programs, but the Hindus do not seem to mind. Nor should they – there is something odd about a bunch of Christians and a handful of Jews singing praise to a Hindu holiday about which they are largely ignorant. And watchdog groups such as American Family Association and The Catholic League are particularly busy this time of year, tracking the hypocrisy that seems to still creep into many regions regarding the mentioning of the word “Christmas” or a display of the Christ child. The quotation at the beginning of this piece was not a scriptural text, nor an instruction from any Christian source. It is actually from the Passover Haggadah. During the Passover Seder, after the youngest in the group asks why the night of Passover is different from all other nights, recognizing that not everyone will know why Jews celebrate this holiday, the Torah mentions four types of people that might ask about the meaning of the Passover: a wise one, a wicked one, a simple one, and one who does not know how to ask. Blunting a few teeth may not sound like t he most Christian of responses - continued on page 7 KnightLine 3 WRITE FROM THE HEART THE PERPETUAL PILGRIM Resolution, Redux The Solution to Evolution By T ri sh F it zp a tr ic k By L uk e A mo ro so As another year winds down we reflect on events of the last twelve Ever since its publication in 1859, the Origin of the Species by Charles months and perhaps look to the next twelve with some ideas about what we’d like to accomplish. For the Fitzpatrick family, this was a year of blessing and celebration although there were challenges as well. The year started with the death of my Mom’s companion of the last 27 years, Martin Conroy. We have missed him this year, as Marty was a guy who would never fail to mark life’s important events. And there were many of them. Darwin has created controversy which continues to this day. His book expounds the theory of evolution and generated such concepts as the “survival of the fittest,” “God is dead,” “master race,” and “eugenics,” etc. In short this theory spawned some of the worst woes in the history of the human race over the past 150 years. Throughout this period, the validity of evolution has been challenged by a minority of scientists and by most of the religious thinkers, ebbing and flowing in what seems to be valid points against and in favor of Darwinian Evolution. Jeanne Carey Sinead Fitzpatrick was confirmed this spring at Holy Trinity Church. What a wonderful day and I tip my hat to the preparation she received from Sr. Kathy, Trish Martin, and Bobby Gregory, her mentor. I am also grateful to our friend Karen Judge, who served as Jeannie’s sponsor. Karen’s mother and my mother were best friends and our families have been as close as families can be. Karen has known Jeannie since she was born and it was fitting that she stand up for her. My first recollection of the theory of evolution was when I was in the 8th grade in a Jersey City public school, and given a science textbook which contained a section on early man. There was an artist’s rendition of what the Piltdown Man looked like when he roamed about in England (east Sussex), many, many thousands of years ago. It also contained a description of his hunting and foraging habits, along with his home (cave) life and the customs of the society in which he lived. May started with a whirlwind of graduation events for both Tom, who graduated from St. Peter’s Prep and Maggie, from Holy Trinity Interparochial. Proms, baccalaureate Masses, and finally the graduations. Both events were wonderful and it was especially sweet for my father-inlaw to see Tom graduate from his alma mater. He did comment, though, that “in his day” there would not have been noisemakers and beach balls at the ceremony. This Piltdown man was hailed as the “missing link” between the apes and man by many archeologists. The fossils were discovered in 1912 and held sway with most of the scientific community for over 40 years. This “science” was challenged in 1953 and determined to be a hoax; since it was proved conclusively that the fossils were a lower jaw bone of an orangutan and the skull of a modern man. Somehow two human molars were thrown in for good measure. Point here is that a lot of respected scientific folk were fooled for over a generation by this Piltdown Man, along with the 8th graders in Jersey City. Other big events included a milestone birthday for my husband and a fantastic retirement dinner for our beloved principal, Dorothy Szot. Tom landed at a college and we set about the task of getting him ready and contemplating the change in family dynamic with one less kid in the house. The pluses: I could lock the door at 10 pm or so and know that everyone was in for the night. I didn’t buy gallons of milk and tons of cereal every week. The minuses: we missed him and we missed his friends. Reviewing the year and flipping through the pages of an imaginary photo album (because of course I am not organized enough to have a real photo album), I think about all the changes and about how fast the kids are moving through. I now know how fast high school goes. The death of Marty and also of our beloved Uncle Joe Keegan makes me think about all those family and friends no longer here. These musings once again lead me to contemplate what I can do next year to alleviate suffering, to promote the Gospel message, and to contribute to the education of youth, particularly those who cannot afford adequate schooling. I think of examples of people I know who are making a difference. Recently I attended a concert at NJPAC given by our friend Tim McLoone, who heads up a group of talented musicians called “Holiday Express”. Holiday Express presents almost 60 concerts in the month of December. Their mission is, “To deliver music, food, gifts, financial support and friendship to those with the greatest need for the gift of human kindness during the holiday season and throughout the year.” What a wonderful mission statement. They perform, as Tim says, “anywhere people need us”. The group travel to schools, institutions, soup kitchens, food banks, jails, and the like. They put on a great show and spread Christmas cheer. One of Tim’s - continued on page 7 Later on when I started to study the Bible, I noticed a controversy regarding the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Some saying you had to accept the Scripture as literal, others allegorical and a few saying it was mythological. A real conservative apologist seemed to make a good case for those first 11 chapters being literal, since Jesus in the New Testament spoke of Adam, Cain, Abel and Noah as if they were historical characters. (Perhaps it was necessary for Jesus to speak this way given the times and customs of the Jewish people of His day.) Our theologians ran the gamut, e.g., some Church Fathers like Augustine, well before Darwin, saying Genesis was allegorical. Moderns like Teilhard De Chardin attempted to retrofit Jesus within the theory of evolution. Jesus, he contended, is the Omega point, meaning some obscure, almost poetic concept of Christ, leading one eventually into pantheism. However, Pope Pius XII in his encyclical Humani Generis, August 12, 1950, emphasized that regardless of the theory of evolution, Catholics must believe original sin was committed by an individual Adam and through him this sin is passed on to all his descendants. Also, Paragraph 37 of this encyclical condemned polygenism, i.e. more than one first man, men who “did not take their origin through natural generation from him,” meaning Adam. A few years ago, National Geographic announced an ongoing scientific project tracking the DNA of thousands of peoples all over the world, concluding that all modern humans, no matter the race or their geographical location are descendants of the one man who they nicknamed “Adam.” My point up to here is that in brief, the validity of evolution has been challenged by certain scientists and religious ebbing and flowing in what seems to be valid points against and for the theory of Darwinian - continued on page 4 KnightLine Evolution (continued from page 3) Evolution. It seems to me that there are three major groups of antagonists involved in the evolution controversy. They are the Creationists, Intelligent Design believers and the Darwinian Evolutionists. Personally, I never embraced the Creationist position, but did believe in Intelligent Design. Read two books by Michael Behe, which laid out the Intelligent Design position by underscoring the irreducible complexity of life. Behe, who is a molecular biologist, posits that the simplest life forms on the molecular level are really complex machines which could have never arisen on the basis of natural selection. Then, I recently read a book, written by Francis S. Collins, entitled, The Language of God, published in 2006. This author is the head of the Human Genome Project and helped oversee the sequencing of the code of life. He has made a journey from atheism to faith and became a Christian based on his understanding of the Moral (Natural) Law, the fine tuning of the universe and the reliability of the Gospels. 4 The Roots of Our Christian Faith Were Alive and Growing Long Before the Time of Christ By G r eg Sc h eu e r ma nn I was standing on a busy street corner in mid-town Manhattan recently, waiting for the traffic light to change. A young man stood nearby handing out pamphlets. I was never one much for sidewalk handouts, usually promotions for restaurants, hair salons or dress shops. So I normally don’t take them. But just as the light went green, he turned to me and held out one of the pamphlets. So I took it. As I started across the intersection, I glanced down at the flier. To my surprise it had no commercial message. It simply read, “The Messianic Claims of Jesus.” Based on his findings of DNA, Dr. Collins posits that Darwinian Evolution with its laws of natural selection, variation, adaptation and randomness is “unquestionably correct.” These latest studies of DNA resolve the lack of transitional fossil evidence that evolutionists were hard pressed to find. Prior to these DNA studies we could readily see and understand microevolution, that is, changes within a given species by natural selection, but could not see real evidence of macro-evolution, that is transitional changes from one species to another. The pro-evolutionists were perplexed with the lack of such fossil evidence and started to use wilder theories such as “punctuated equilibrium.” This theory claimed that the reason there are no transitional fossils is that evolution from time to time departed from the normally slow process of change based on natural selection. This allowed for a few abrupt changes from this slow course by producing one species from another in a relatively short period of time. These were bursts of change, e.g. a reptile lays an egg and a bird is hatched. It seems this theory explained away the lack of transitional fossils by rationalization. My reaction was: Hey, this is incredible! Here I am in the middle of Manhattan dodging city cabbies and impatient pedestrians hustling past. And in my hand I’m holding a pamphlet that says the prophecies of old prove that the person we know as Jesus, the Christ, is the Messiah, the Redeemer. Now, according to Dr. Collins, the recent studies of DNA of multiple organisms reveal occurring mutations which does explain the evolutionary processes. While Darwin did not know the mechanism of evolution by natural selection, variation is supported by “naturally occurring mutations of DNA” in all species. As a result, Dr. Collins proceeds to give a critique of Creationism, Intelligent Design, Theistic Evolution, etc., and concludes that evolution is, as shown above, “unquestionably correct.” -- (Isaiah 9:6,7) The Messiah was to be a descendant of David. Jesus was. (Luke 1: 32,33) -- (Micah 5:1) The Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. Jesus was. (Matthew 2: 1-6) -- (Isaiah 7:14) The Messiah was to be born of a virgin. Jesus was. (Matthew 1: 18-25) -- (Daniel 9: 25,26) The Messiah shall be “cut off” (die a violent death). Jesus did. (Luke 23: 33) -- (Psalm 2: 7) The Messiah was to be the son of God. Jesus is. (John 3: 16-18) At this juncture the SOLUTION TO EVOLUTION must be based on Catholic Christians looking at Creation (Evolution) from another perspective. That is: The focal point of all Creation (Evolution) is Jesus Christ our Savior. As Scripture teaches us, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, so that we might receive adoption. As proof that you are children, God sent the spirit of his Son in our hearts crying out, ‘Abba Father!’ So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7) I would also like to paraphrase a verse of Scripture (John 3:16) to make a point. God so loved mankind that He created an exquisitely fine tuned Universe so that His Son could take on a human nature in order to die for our sins. As the pros and cons of the validity of Darwinian Evolution ebbs and flows throughout its history, the truth of the purpose of Creation must be in the forefront of our minds. That is, all was created by God the Father for His Son in order for Him to take on a human nature in the fullness of time so that He could die for us. At this juncture, in this generation, objective science may be telling us Darwinian Evolution is “unquestionably correct.” (However, remember the Piltdown Man of an earlier generation and the more recent wild theory of “punctuated equilibrium” in this generation). I believe future generations When I reached the other side of the street, I looked for a quiet doorway. I needed a few minutes to peruse the write-up. It was done by the group that calls itself “Jews for Jesus.” I had heard of them before but I didn’t know much about them. Right at the outset the pamphlet poses the basic question: Is Jesus the promised messiah? Their answer: “The surest proof that we can offer you is in the prophecies of the Jewish Bible.” It then proceeds to list a variety of examples from the Old Testament as proof. Here are a few of them: What a coincidence! Earlier this year Father Gerard Lair, a “down-toearth” biblical scholar and Abbot Emeritus of St. Mary’s Abbey at Delbarton gave a series of talks at St. Helen’s on St. Matthew’s gospel. St. Matthew wrote primarily for the Jewish community in ways intended to make the Christ figure more meaningful, more intelligible to the Jewish people. All through his talks, Fr. Lair kept stressing that to understand Jesus, - continued on page 6 will realize this DNA finding is but a subjective view after all, reminiscent of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” seeing only the flickering shadows on the cave wall and not seeing the Light of reality. Someday physicists will postulate the illusive “Theory of Everything.” Then, the higher levels of scientific findings will see that the design of all was for the purpose of His Son becoming our Redeemer. True science cannot contradict God for God is Truth. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of Endless Glory! KnightLine 5 Children’s Christmas Party Photo Album Santa and Tweedles helped us to make some memories for many of the children of our Council members – and for their parents as well. May your Christmas be at least as memorable, filled with the many blessings of this season of miracles. KnightLine 6 Roots (continued from page 4) Inspired Quotes we’ve got to know the Old Testament. He pointed out that many of us have the idea that Christianity replaced Judaism, that the arrival of Christ meant the start of something entirely new. Not so! He said the coming of Christ actually is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, not its replacement. Listen to what Christ himself said about this. Christ said, “Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law of Moses or the teaching of the prophets. I have not come to destroy but to fulfill their teachings….” (Matthew 5:17) Submitted by Kevin Morrissey Interestingly, many of Fr. Lair’s examples of this “fulfillment” were the very same examples cited in the Jews for Jesus pamphlet. Not really so surprising when you think about it. It’s a matter of the Holy Spirit, by way of the Old Testament scriptures, alerting us what to look for, telling us what to expect. Our Nicene Creed says it clearly and simply,” the Holy Spirit has spoken through the prophets.” I was curious to know more about Jews for-Jesus as an organization. So I spoke to one of their people, a man named Larry Stamm, in the New York office. He was cordial and helpful. Their web site provided additional information. They are proactive in evangelizing their message, which is that Christ is indeed the Messiah and proof of this is in scripture. They stress that they are not a church. They encourage people to support the local church of their choice first. The group was originally organized in 1973, although they enjoy pointing out that when Christ walked this earth, many of his followers were the first Jews for Jesus, Jews who heard Him and believed. Their mission is “to make messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people world wide.” They do this by “communicating creatively” through writings, discussions & conversations, presentations, music & song, drama and a newsletter containing insights on the Jewish roots of Christianity. They have what sounds like a missionary network in many countries, with offices and volunteer teams in major cities of the world where there are large Jewish communities, such as London, Paris, Johannesburg, Sydney, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, as well as New York and San Francisco. Some of their programs sound unusual and interesting, like “How to Prepare for Christ in the Passover” and “Christmas is a Jewish Holiday.” Larry Stamm said that in response to Christ’s command “to do this in remembrance of me,” some of their members do partake of bread and wine, normally during a special meal in one’s home. The head of the family blesses and distributes the offering to those at table in a symbolic reenactment of the Last Supper, Christ last Passover meal. Based on Fr. Lair’s talks and what I learned from the Jews-for-Jesus people, the phrase “Judeo-Christian religion” became more meaningful to me in terms of Christ’s fulfilling the Old Testament. It especially hit home when my wife and I attended the funeral of a Jewish friend of mine, Amos Ilan. It was a moving service, well attended by many of Amos’ relatives, friends and business acquaintances. At its conclusion of the service, the rabbi and pall bearers began the recessional from the synagogue, moving slowly down the isle. The cantor, in fine, firm voice began to recite in English and the congregation joined in. “The Lord is my Shepherd. There is nothing I shall want…” And so forth. My reaction was: That’s the same prayer we say in our Church. They’re using our prayer. Then I realized what a foolish thought that was. “The Lord is my Shepherd” comes to us from the Old Testament, from the “Jewish Bible.” Psalm 23. It’s their prayer. And now it’s our prayer, too. Written long before the time of Christ but with Him in mind. Another instance of speaking to us through the prophets. Can I Get a Witness? "It will never be known what acts of cowardice have been motivated by the fear of not looking sufficiently progressive." Charles Peguy "When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith." Abraham Kuyper "Eloquence may be suitable for exhortation, reason may be effective in persuasion, but examples are more forceful than words, and it is better to teach by deeds than words." Saint Leo the Great "There's a cross for you to bear Things to go through if you're going anywhere... ...You've been sitting much too long There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong " Sly Stone "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." St. Francis of Assisi "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13 Monsignor Tuohy’s Advice By L uk e A mo ro so In the 1980’s, Msgr. Tuohy (now deceased) was the pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Union, NJ, my former parish. One day I had a discussion with him and during the course of our conversation, I mentioned that I felt I was not doing enough for my local parish. Between working hard and long hours at my job, participating in raising my young children (at that time), and doing chores at home and for some elderly relatives, I found no extra time for volunteering in church activities and felt somewhat guilty about this situation. This discussion took place at the height of Vatican II which empowered and encouraged the Catholic laity to do various ministries and tasks for our Church and local parishes. The kindly Monsignor told me that as his vocation was first being a good priest, then pastor and teacher, my vocation in life was being a good husband and father. He suggested my priorities in life should be to first have a good working relationship with God, then a good working relationship with my wife, children and last of all a concern and dedication to my job and other activities. He told me that in his experience as priest, he noticed that when married couples allowed their priorities in life get out of that cascading order, (God, spouse, children, and work); they invariably have difficulties in their marriages. For example, he cautioned that when one places his work ahead of being reconciled with God or building a good relationship with his spouse, it creates discord and a measure of unhappiness in ones life. - continued on page 7 KnightLine Tuohy (continued from page 6) Or when some couples put their children ahead of their relationship as a couple it can also lead to (future) problems. This last example was difficult to accept, but Msgr. Tuohy pointed out that eventually your children will be able to leave your home and make lives of their own. As a result, you and your spouse will be the only ones living together again as it was when you first married. So by spouses developing this bonding, chances are then that the “empty nest syndrome” would not loom as a major problem in their lives after their children leave home. Now he said, if you have a good relationship with God, you should see your spouse as a child of God and give her the respect and love that a child of God deserves. This should result in a blessed marriage based in love and mutual respect. When your children realize that their parents have this love and respect for each other, it gives them a feeling of security and that all is well in their lives. (“Mom and Dad love one another.) Msgr. Tuohy continued, so if you as a husband and your wife are right with the Lord, having a mutual respect and love for each other and having your children realizing this and that they are in turn loved by their parents, this generates a feeling of security in their lives. When all this falls in place, your mind will be uncluttered with any major problems on the home front. The result is that you should be able to perform somewhat unimpeded at your work, hopefully making a decent living for your family. Of course, he said all this is predicated on you and your spouse staying close to the Sacraments in order to give you the graces you need to live your vocations as spouses and parents. I was impressed with his advice and tried to use it as a template for my life. I was not always successful in prioritizing the order as suggested by the good Msgr. but at least I had a road map and with a road map, if one gets lost he can find his way back again. Jesus in Scripture tells us, “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon (wealth). Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:24-25) Jesus continues in this same chapter in verse 33, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you besides.” As a priest, Msgr. Touhy in effect was teaching me in the 1980’s what his Master taught some two thousand years ago, and I am thankful to him for that. Resolutions (continued from page 3) children was stricken with a childhood cancer from which he is recovering, but as Tim explained to us, this deepened his commitment to the disenfranchised and those who suffer. I admire Tim and Holiday Express for coming up with a fun, entertaining response to a real need here in New Jersey. Likewise, I admire Madeleine and Walter Korfmacher of Holy Trinity Parish for leading the change for social justice and bringing that ministry to our parish. Tim, Madeleine, and Walter have done something very significant and I hope to think of some way that I, too, can make a significant change in someone’s life in 2008. Youth Free Throw Competition The annual Youth Free Throw Competition will be held in January, with the date to be finalized shortly. Boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14 are eligible. If you are interested in having your child compete, or would like to help with the event (we always need scorers and help with registrations), contact PGK Mike Ruzek at 908-389-9151 or via email at [email protected]. January 22nd is a Day of Penance for violations to the Dignity of the Human Person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. 7 Adore (continued from page 2) to those “wicked ones” who would deny Christ at Christmas, but it might make us feel a little better. However, maybe this points out, particularly in a highly diverse society such as that found in America, that there are many who will not know what the Christmas holiday really means. The situation is exacerbated by Santa Claus supplanting Baby Jesus as the central icon of the season, and so it is not surprising that there would be many who are either misinformed or uninformed about the meaning of Christmas. Ironically, Santa Claus has Christian roots himself, having been given the alternate reference “Saint Nicholas” and being a central figure in the celebration of the feast of Saint Nicholas in a number of European countries (with giftgiving being a part of the tradition of this December festival). There is an obvious ignorance to this fact among secular circles, perhaps a willful ignorance, for Santa also ushers in the “holiday” shopping season, and the spending of money is a good thing to secularists, so that tree is apparently known by its fruit. Probably the best way to instruct the rest of the world about the meaning of Christmas is through our actions. Let’s return to a more traditional celebration of Christmastide and take the attention away from our Christmas tree and divert it toward our churches. Christ our Savior is born, o come let us adore Him! Circle the date! PADRE Dinner Friday, Feb. 1st Cervantes of Spain Cranford, NJ Contact Carlos (908) 233-0456 Seats limited!! 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Box 101 Westfield, New Jersey 07091 (908) 232-9767 PRAY TO END ABORTION Funeral Service, Inc. 218 NORTH AVE. WEST CRANFORD, NJ 07016 (908) 276-0255 556 WESTFIELD AVE. WESTFIELD, NJ 07090 (908) 233-0255 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Charles V. Dooley, Manager John L. Dooley, Manager N.J. Lic. 3703 N.J. Lic. 4100 Francis J. Dooley, Jr., General Manager N.J. Lic. 3367 THEIR DONATIONS HELP TO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Westfield, NJ 07090 Permit No. 51 The Conversion of St. Paul January 25th