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Tickets on sale now!! $25/person
May 2009
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N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e M s g r . H e n r y J . W a t t e r s o n C o u n c i l 1 7 1 1 o f t h e K n i g h t s o f C o l u m b u s , W e s t f i e l d , Ne w J e r s e y
Seeing By Believing
By Rev. Paul J. Prevosto
In my class, I asked the boys
a question: Who witnessed
the resurrection of Jesus?
Now only the cleverest of
them answered correctly.
That is, no one. No one
witnessed the resurrection of
Jesus. The guards were
asleep, the Apostles were in hiding, and the
women had not yet arrived at the tomb.
What they did see was an empty tomb.
When Peter and John arrived at the tomb,
they looked in and they believed, not
because of what they saw, but in what they
did not see. And this is faith. Faith is
believing in what we do not see, in things
hoped for. So realizing that the Lord had
risen from the dead, the apostles brought
that faith to the world.
This is why we know Jesus now. This is
what we worship, a God who died for us
and now is raised. Just take a moment and
contemplate that great mystery of love. God
loves us so he sent his Son to be with us,
to teach us his way of love and then to do
the ultimate act of love: to die on the cross
to save us sinners.
When we sing alleluia, we are praising God
for his mysterious and selfless act of love.
And in response to such love we say alleluia
and we go into the world to bring this good
news of God’s love for us which we must
imitate in our relations with others by being
Christ to one another. The Lord has truly
risen and we celebrate this with our families,
our friends and with all we meet.
Performed by the
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Proceeds benefit the Council 1711 Vocations Fund
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Youth Baseball
Memorial Day Weekend:
May 22 – 25, 2009
We need lots of help!
Contact Paul Friel even if
you are just casually
interested in baseball:
(908) 518-0847
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Refreshments at 7:00 pm
Curtain at 8:00 pm
Revving Up in Syracuse
Bill Rasinski shows us how it’s done at the K of C
International Bowling Tournament. Story p. 3.
There will be a First Degree
on Wednesday, May 6th,
prior to the scheduled General
Membership meeting. If you
know someone that would like
to join the Knights, now is the
time to get him into our Order.
Two Columbian Club Trustee terms are
expiring June 30th. The Club is recommending Rich Edge and Nick Archambault for these two seats. Elections will
be held at the June General Membership
Meeting, and nominations for these
positions can be taken from the floor.
K nightL ine
This newsletter is published monthly by and in the
interest of the membership and families of Msgr.
Henry J. Watterson Council 1711, Knights of
Columbus, Westfield, NJ.
Editor ………….……………………… Mickey O’Brien, PGK
Advertising …………………..……. Mickey O’Brien, PGK
…….……..……….................……..… (908) 654-9647
……………………..…..… Email [email protected]
Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Deputy Grand Knight
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
Outside Guard
Trustee 3 Years
Trustee 2 Years
Trustee 1 Year
Rev. Paul Prevosto
George Russo
Howard Saunders
Dave Ferrell
Robert Manduca
Brian Raftery
Glenn Miklencic
Ed Dickert
Michael Margello
Douglas Stokes
Michael Guarnuccio
Paul Friel
Kevin Larkin
Fred Malley
Mike Ruzek
Miguel Perez-Santalla
Vice President
Richard Edge
KC McDevitt, PGK
James Sadowski, PGK
John Cuzzo
Kenneth Kimble, Sr.
Mike Locascio
Mike Sheehan
General Membership: First Wednesday, 8:00 pm
Columbian Club Officers: Last Tuesday, 6:30 pm
Council Officers: Last Wednesday, 8:00 pm
Contact Chris O’Brien at (908) 612-3119
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus Insurance
Bob Uckar
(732) 742742-3170
[email protected]
We appreciate your Fraternal Business
Life Insurance § Annuities § Long Term Care
Praying for Vocations
Peter’s Triumph
By Ge o r ge Ru s so , G K
By M ick ey O ’ Br ien
May is a big fund raising
Imagine that your hero was
month for us. We have two
major events planned: the play
on May 15 and our baseball
tournament scheduled for
Memorial Day weekend.
Please come out and support both events.
Proceeds from the play benefit our Vocations
Fund, and as we have seminarians that we
are actively supporting, your cooperation at
that event is greatly appreciated. We are
looking for as many Knights to help with the
baseball tournament as possible – proceeds
will again benefit Liam’s Room, Sister Pat’s
Camp for Kids with Cancer, and the Megan
V. Beck Memorial Scholarship Fund, all
worthy causes. We are also looking for
members and their children to march in the
Memorial Day parade this year, we need to
remember our all the men and women who
have fought for our country.
crushed before your eyes by his
enemies – your enemies. Worse,
at the moment of truth, rather
than stand by your hero to the
end as you had professed, you
abandoned him, wretch that you are.
On May 3, 2009 the next World Day of
Prayer for Vocations to the priesthood and
to the consecrated life, the Fourth Sunday
of Easter, the Vatican wants to invite all the
People of God to reflect on the theme:
Faith in the divine initiative - the human
response. The exhortation of Jesus to his
disciples: “Pray therefore the Lord of the
harvest to send out laborers into his
harvest” has a constant resonance in the
Church. Pray! The urgent call of the Lord
stresses that prayer for vocations should be
continuous and trusting. The vocation to
the priesthood and to the consecrated life
constitutes a special gift of God which
becomes part of the great plan of love and
salvation that God has for every man and
woman and for the whole of humanity. The
Apostle Paul, whom we remember in a
special way during this Pauline Year
dedicated to the two-thousandth
anniversary of his birth, writing to the
Ephesians says, “Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
blessed us in Christ with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly places, even as he
chose us in him before the foundation of
the world, that we should be holy and
blameless before him”.
While it is undoubtedly true that a
worrisome shortage of priests is evident in
some regions of the world, and that the
Church encounters difficulties and
obstacles along the way, we are sustained
by the unshakable certitude that the one
who firmly guides her in the pathways of
time towards the definitive fulfillment of the
Kingdom is he, the Lord, who freely
chooses persons of every culture and of
Happy Mothers’ Day!
- continued on page 5
But life is often about second chances,
especially when forgiveness is gained almost
unconditionally – the only condition really
being to repent. And this is what we hear
about when we read the Acts of the Apostles
during Eastertide. They were written by Luke
to proclaim the Good News, but in actuality it
reads like a love story: the story of Peter’s
love for Christ and his realization of the
boundless love and graces outpoured by
Christ upon him. The very person that was
hiding from the Jews for fear of his life
suddenly finds strength in Christ and through
Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter
goes from a timid 98-pound weakling to a
Superman, preaching and healing in the
name of Jesus Christ, who he acknowledged
as not just God’s anointed but His beloved
Son. This knowledge and the grace of God
poured out through the Holy Spirit emboldened Peter to face those who denied Christ,
this time to the point of death, death on a
cross, the same as his Hero. Except Peter,
not feeling worthy to be crucified in the same
manner as Christ, requested that he be
crucified upside down.
We are all given second chances, every day.
The hand of Christ is extended to us every
day, if only we will take it. It could be to face
up to some terrible wrongdoings that we
perpetrated, reconcile ourselves to God
through the sacrament of Reconciliation and
reform our lives; or perhaps to resolve to pray
regularly to our Father, as He often did during
His earthly ministry; or perhaps for some of us
it is a return to worship through regular
attendance at Sunday Mass; or perhaps it is
someone that has been on the fence about
their faith and wants to learn more about
Catholicism but is afraid or embarrassed to
ask. We are all instruments of God’s grace,
and we all know people who are faced with
these situations in their lives. And many of us
know firsthand how liberating it is to give
ourselves over to God; some have
experienced God’s mercy, perhaps not on the
same level of Saint Peter, but for our own
personal circumstance it felt as oppressive as
Peter’s personal hell. Let’s not deny that
opportunity to someone else. As this Easter
season concludes, let’s embolden ourselves
as Peter did and look for the opportunity to be
instruments of God’s grace. It could be as
simple as inviting someone to join us at this
month’s First Degree.
Our Lady
By Lu ke Am o r os o
The Catholic Church bestows many
titles, prayers and devotions to Our Lady.
The month of May is a special time to
reflect on the dignities and honors given
to our Blessed Mother.
My two favorite titles of Our Lady are the
“Mother of God” and the “Immaculate
Conception.” Holy Scripture and Sacred
Tradition underscore that Our Lady is
indeed the Mother of God. This is a
designation not necessarily given to
honor Mary, but one that points us to
Christ as the Incarnate Son of God. At
the Incarnation, God the Father wished
that the vessel to be used to bring His
Son into the world “in the fullness of time”
be undefiled, thus the Holy Virgin Mother
of God is conceived immaculately,
without Original Sin.
The Scriptures that reveal Mary is the
Mother of God are spoken first by the
angel, Gabriel when he declares that “He
(Jesus) will be great and will be called the
Son of the Most High,” “the child to be
born will be called, holy, the Son of God.”
Elizabeth, Mary’s kinswoman filled with
the Holy Spirit, proclaims that Our Lady is
the “most blessed of woman” and inquires,
“How does it happen to me that the
mother of my Lord should come to me?”
“Blessed are you who believed that what
was spoken to you by the Lord would be
fulfilled.” (Luke 1:32, 35, 42, 45)
St. Paul adds, “But when the fullness of
time had come, God sent His Son, born
of a woman, born under the law, to
ransom those under the law so that we
might receive adoption.” (Galatians 4:4)
Thus we are able to call God, our Father
through our brotherhood with His Son,
Through Sacred Tradition we learn from
the Council of Ephesus, (431 AD) that:
“He took flesh from the holy virgin and
made it his own, undergoing a birth like
ours from her womb and coming forth a
man from a woman.”
“He did not cast aside what he was, but
although he assumed flesh and blood, he
remained what he was, God in nature
and truth.”
“The holy virgin bore in the flesh God
who was united hypostatically with the
flesh, for that reason we call her mother
of God.”
K of C International
Bowling Results
The Watterson keglers journeyed up to
snowy Syracuse the first weekend in April
for the 84 annual K of C International
Bowling Tournament. This year, the
Watterson crew – Grace and Howard
Saunders, Margaret and Ed Silecchia, Bill
Rasinski, Steve Agresta and Mickey
O’Brien – were joined by three men from
Linden Council2859: Mark Evan, Ed Sura
and Chet Kopiczak, to round out two full
teams of five bowlers.
Fortunes were up and down for our men
and women. On Saturday, our efforts were
paced by Howard Saunders’ 601 in doubles
competition (on the strength of a 222 and
226) and 660 in singles (215, 227, 218).
Howard’s handicap total of 759 in singles
will have him in consideration for top prize
money. High scratch games in doubles and
singles included Bill Rasinski’s 213 and
Mickey O’Brien’s 227. Margaret Silecchia’s
handicap total of 639 might have her on the
bubble for prize monies. Honorable mention
in doubles competition for Steve Agresta’s
handicap total of 670 and Howard
Saunders’ 700. Ed Silecchia’s 99 in singles
competition earns him mention as well, as
does his prophetic 6 count to secure the
double digit effort. Our group was obviously hung over on
Sunday from a fine late evening dinner
(after Mass) at Hafner’s Steakhouse.
Terrific place, terrific tap beer selection,
recommended for anyone visiting
Syracuse. High games were Mickey
O’Brien’s 222, Howard Saunders’ 212 and
Margaret Silecchia’s 195 (256 with
handicap). The team totals will certainly
leave us looking upward at the prize
winners, certainly not on par with last year’s
third place finish in team competition. But,
Howard’s 9-game handicapped total of
2072 should have him in consideration for
the All Events prize monies.
This is a mixed tournament, mixed not only
in terms of Knights and non-Knights but
also men and women. Next year’s tourney
will be held in College Park, Maryland.
Anyone interested in competing should
contact Howard Saunders or Mickey
And the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD
declared that “we confess the holy Virgin to be
Mother of God; because God the Word was
incarnate and became Man, and from this
conception he united the temple taken from
her with himself.”
The idea of Jesus taking the temple of her
body with himself, tells us that Mary in a
sense becomes the tabernacle of Christ’s
- continued on page 4
Bowling in Syracuse
Top: The “Z-Men”, the men from Msgr.
Watterson Council who dedicated this
year’s event to Zarek Merza, an 8-year old
boy who is battling leukemia. Left to right:
Mickey O’Brien, Bill Rasinski, Ed Silecchia,
Steve Agresta, Howard Saunders. 2nd from
top: Mickey giving body English to a pocket
hit (probably left a corner pin). 2 from
bottom: Eddie showing off that 99 form.
Bottom: Sanford & Sons I and II. Left to
right: Joann Rasinski, Bill Rasinski, Mickey
O’Brien, Howard Saunders, Grace
Saunders, Ed Silecchia, Margaret
Silecchia, Steve Agresta, Ed Sura, Mark
Evan, Chet Kopiczak.
A Plea to Our Supreme Knight
March 30, 2009
Mr. Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight
Knights of Columbus
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510 - 3326
Dear Supreme Knight Anderson:
I believe the United States needs to return to being
a country that has a culture of life and not one
that allows a culture of death by personal choice
to grow and thrive. I believe that the Roman
Catholic Church has the opportunity to lead this
change through prayer.
As you know Right to Life becomes an issue every
four years during the presidential election as some
clergy members state that they would deny
communion to “Pro Choice” Catholic politicians
based on their Pro–Choice beliefs.
Unfortunately, in my opinion “Pro-Choice”
Catholics provided President Obama with the
margin for his victory. The early months of his
administration cannot be termed “Pro-Life”
either domestically or internationally through the
portion of our foreign aid (our tax dollars) that
now supports “Choice”.
Our Lady (continued from page 3)
Body. This would necessitate a pure
sinless place for the Son of God to enter
the world. Thus we come to the concept of
Mary being conceived without sin or being
proclaimed “the Immaculate Conception.”
This dogma was formerly defined by Pope
Pius the IX, in his document entitled
Ineffabilis Deus issued on December 8,
1854. (You may retrieve this document in
its entirety at
Quoting from Pius IX’s document, we read,
“that Mary, the most holy Mother of God, by
virtue of the foreseen merits of Christ, our
Lord and Redeemer, was never subject to
original sin, but was completely preserved
from the original taint, and hence she was
redeemed in a manner more sublime.” Pius
IX goes on to tell us that the Council of Trent
declared that Mary was free from Original
Sin and nothing in Sacred Scripture or
Tradition would in anyway be opposed to
such a gift given to Our Lady. “Thus, was
Our Lady worthy to hear Elizabeth, inspired
by the Holy Spirit, exclaim: "Most blessed
are you among women, and blessed is the
fruit of your womb." (Luke 1:42)
An example would be: “We pray for the lives lost
to abortion this week and those individuals and
families impacted by abortion.”
Again, all this is to honor Mary’s Son, not
necessarily Mary. Pius IX states, “In fact, it
was quite fitting that, as the Only-Begotten
has a Father in heaven, whom the Seraphim
extol as thrice holy, so he should have a
Mother on earth who would never be without
the splendor of holiness. We declare,
pronounce, and define that the doctrine
which holds that the most Blessed Virgin
Mary, in the first instance of her conception,
by a singular grace and privilege granted by
Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus
Christ, the Savior of the human race, was
preserved free from all stain of original sin, is
a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to
be believed firmly and constantly by all the
faithful.” Pius ends his document with a
strong allusion to the Memorare prayer that
begins with the words, “Remember O most
gracious Virgin Mary, never was it known
that anyone who fled to thy protection was
left unaided.”
Please feel free to pass this suggestion onto
individuals and other organizations who you feel
would support this initiative. If you prefer you can
provide me their name and address and I would be
happy to contact them.
I would like to refer you to a remarkable
conversion story of an individual named
Alphonse Ratisbonne. Central to his
conversion was the recitation of the
Memorare prayer.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this
The book, entitled The Conversion of
Ratisbonne, published by Roman Catholic
Books in 2000, gives a first person account
of Alphonse Ratisbonne and his friend,
Baron Theodore de Bussieres dealing with
the miraculous conversion of Ratisbonne, in
1842. (This book consists of only 84 pages
or so.) Alphonse was nominally Jewish, but
had contempt for the traditional Jewish
beliefs and a deep hatred for the Catholic
Church. “He despised all religion as foolish
superstition and an obstacle to human
progress.” Alphonse came from a prominent,
I would like to share with you a suggestion that I
have made to my local pastor, the pastors of
churches I attend occasionally and Archbishop
John J. Myers, Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. I hope
that you find this suggestion worthy of being
forwarded to the Knights of Columbus councils so
that it can be implemented throughout the country
at the request of parishioners.
I have suggested that the Catholic Church needs
to remind its parishioners that being “Pro-Life” is
a cornerstone of the Catholic faith. I would like
to see a petition read at each Mass regarding
With best wishes for continued success, I am . . .
Sincerely yours,
Thomas P. Madaras
Member, Knights of Columbus
Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Council 1711
“GLORIOUSLY FUNNY!” Chicago Tribune
Sat., June 13th
St. Helen’s
R.C. Church
1600 Rahway Ave.
Westfield, NJ
Doors open 7:30 pm
Show starts 8:00 pm
Tickets available at
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908-232-1214 or Call 732-667-3486
wealthy family and was a lawyer and banker.
His friend, the Baron, had converted to
Catholicism and challenged Alphonse to wear
the Miraculous Medal which contains the
inscription, “O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.” and
recite the Memorare prayer for some 30 days.
Alphonse laughingly accepted the challenge
and mocked his friend for believing in such
Shortly thereafter, on January 20, 1842,
Alphonse was given the gift of a vision of Our
Lady in a Catholic Church in Rome and
converted to Catholicism. This conversion
was instantaneous. While the vision of the
Virgin did not say a word to him, the
knowledge of the Catholic faith was infused
into Alphonse’s mind so that he knew the
verities of the Catholic faith and immediately
sought the Sacrament of Baptism.
This is a well documented historical event and
the story appeared in the European newspapers of that time. The Church issued a
Decree on June 3, 1842, after a formal
examination, verifying and accrediting the
Jesus as the Incarnate Son of God
necessitates that Our Lady is the Mother of
God and it follows that the Mother is
conceived without sin; this flow of
cascading logic points us to the Holiness of
God’s Son. Our Lady is special and unique
among all of God’s creatures, since she is
sinless. She alone of all of God’s creatures
has a special relationship with God. Our
Lady is the daughter of the God the Father,
Mother of God the Son and the spouse of
the Holy Spirit. It is obvious that her Son
loves His Mother very much and uses the
merit of Mary to save souls. “The fervent
prayer of a righteous person is very
powerful.” (James 5:16)
During this month of Our Lady, let us
especially pray the Rosary for the welfare of
the babies in their mother’s wombs that
they may be delivered safely from all evil
and harm.
Proposed Officer Slate
The Nominations Committee has
recommended the following as the
Proposed Officer Slate for Columbian
Year 2009-10:
Monday, June 1
2:30 – 7:30 pm
Westfield K of C Council Hall
Saint Paul Lectures at the
American Bible Society Auditorium
1865 Broadway (61st Street), NYC
Paul of Tarsus: The Apostle to
the Gentiles
Father Peter Cameron,
Editor-in-Chief of Magnificat,
and Archbishop Charles
Chaput, Archdiocese of
Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Deputy Grand Knight
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
Outside Guard
Trustee 3 Years
Trustee 2 Years
Trustee 1 Year
Rev. Paul Prevosto
Dave Ferrell
Howard Saunders
Brian Raftery
Ed Dickert
Rick Weber
Glenn Miklencic
Kevin Tedesco
Mike Margello
Douglas Stokes
Bob Manduca
Paul Friel
George Russo
Kevin Larkin
Fred Malley
Miguel Pérez-Santalla
Elections will take place at the June
General Membership Meeting.
Nominations for officer seats can be
taken from the floor. Note that Chaplain
and Lecturer positions are appointed by
the Grand Knight, and Financial
Secretary is an appointed position ratified
by Supreme Council that runs a three
year term.
Free Shooting Range Fun
for Knights and Their Kids
Wed., May 6 @ 7 pm
Saint Paul 2000 Years Later
Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, Theologian, Author,
Columnist, and Daniel Cardinal DiNardo,
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
Wed., May 27 @ 7 pm
Vocations (continued from page 2)
every age and invites them to follow him
according to the mysterious plans of his merciful
Our first duty, therefore, is to keep alive in
families and in parishes, in movements and in
apostolic associations, in religious communities
and in all the sectors of diocesan life this appeal
to the divine initiative with unceasing prayer.
What is asked of those who are called, for their
part, is careful listening and prudent
discernment, a generous and willing adherence
to the divine plan, and a serious study of the
reality that is proper to the priestly and religious
vocations, so as to be able to respond
responsibly and with conviction.
God Bless.
George Russo, GK
Anyone interested in taking their sons or
daughters 11 or older on a trap shooting
outing at Thunder Mountain in Northern
New Jersey on June 6 , please contact
Kevin Tedesco (ktedesco1420@ Instruction, shotguns,
ammunition, safety gear and sporting
clays are all provided by the facility.
There are small guns for small kids. The
outing will be financed through our
Council's John Crowe Fund, left to us
specifically to promote outdoor activities
among our Council’s children.
Trap shooting entails the firing of a
shotgun at a flying clay disc launched
from behind the shooter, and is not really
as hard as it looks. My 14-year old son
hit 2 out of 5 in his first time ever
shooting last week and can't wait to try it
again. Your child will probably feel the
same way. Just under an hour's drive,
Thunder Mountain is in Ringwood, and is
open to the public.
Kevin Tedesco
Monday, June 15, 2009
Individual Golfer $160
Various Sponsorships Available
Contact Ann Beams at 908-272-5608
Raphael’s Life House is a 501 (c) (3) organization
Also accepting donations of golf
apparel and paraphernalia – contact
Frank Muggeo at 908-233-9067
Drive for People with
Intellectual Disabilities
Ed Dickert reports that despite the
economic downturn, we raised about as
much this year as in years past. This is
due in large part to the generosity of our
fellow Catholics – our efforts were limited
to specific weekends at Holy Trinity, St.
Helen’s and Our Lady of Lourdes – who
always seem to come through for those
with special needs. This year’s efforts
also marked the return of the Tootsie
Rolls, candies long associated with this
Drive for no other reason than tradition.
Thanks to all our men who stepped up to
help man the exits.
Coming Next Month:
Summary of the
Wine Tasting Event
The Wine Tasting event was a smash
hit. GK George has lots of thanks to dole
out, in particular to some Columbian Club
regulars who stepped up admirably to
make this a first class event. More on this
in the June KnightLine.
Knights of Columbus
Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Council No. 1711
P.O. Box 101
Westfield, New Jersey 07091
(908) 232-9767
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Westfield, NJ 07090
Permit No. 51
Saint Isidore the Farmer
May 15th
Real Estate Law
David Spector & Associate
210 Haven Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Tel.: (908) 322-4886
(908) 789-0555
FAX (908) 789-1792
Marano & Sons Auto Sales, Inc.
SINCE 1955
507-513 SOUTH AVE.
(908) 233-0143
(908) 276-0092
N.J. Lic. 2325
N.J. Lic. 3707
Law Office
Francis M. Smith, ESQ.
Anthony J. Cavallo, Esq., CPA
Personal Injury Law
Wills, Estate and Trust Planning
Business and Tax Law
928 Mountain Ave. ● Mountainside, NJ
(908) 233-5800
Free consultations
No fee if no recovery
Turn of Events
Event Planning Services
Bridal/baby showers
Training sessions
Christine O’Brien
(908) 612612-3119
[email protected]
[email protected]
1140 Springfield Avenue
Mountainside, NJ 07092
(908) 301-9090
LIC.# 03541A
“Your Complete Auto Body Repair Facility”
404 South Avenue East
Westfield, NJ 07090
Tel. (908) 654-4212
Fax (908) 654-4246
P.O. Box 872
Tel. (908) 654-6648
Westfield, NJ 07091 Fax (908) 654-6668
Funeral Service, Inc.
(908) 276-0255
(908) 233-0255
Charles V. Dooley, Manager
N.J. Lic. 3703
John L. Dooley, Manager
N.J. Lic. 4100