1950 Minutes - City of Orangeburg
1950 Minutes - City of Orangeburg
v' crTY e OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. January 10, 1950. ltirntes of Regular Meeting of City Council held January 10, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Hinutes of Regular Meeting of City Council held December 27th, 1949, and of Special l"eetings held December 29th and 3oth,19h9, read and approved. Financial report of City Treasurer for the month of December received as information. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of December, 1949. Number of Arrests Fines & Forfeitures Days on Public Works Transferred to Magistrate 100 $1,008.00 227 8 received as information. Annual report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the year 1949 received as information. Council authorized the city engineer to pipe lots on Carolina Avenue between Boulevard and V7ilson streets provided the property owners would pay the cost of the materials; the city to furnish labor by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The Supt. of the Water and light:Plant was authorized to install additional lighting facilities at Colwnbia Road and Carolina Avenle intersection by the following vote. Yea, the j,layor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. City Council authorized the City Engineer to permit sewer connections to be made to the sewer line now extending to the new city school building, provided it is agreeable vnth the city school board. Hew connections made to this line required to pay the sewer service charge and the ~dditional water rates by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and BFJant. 20 ..<';'.7 <)".' ~- ,/ CITY CF ORANGEB URG, S. C. ~ January 24, 1750 1Einutes of Regtl1ar Eeeting of City Cou:lcil, held JaJIUar-j" 24,1950. Present, The 1!ayor R. H. Jen.:."1inb s, Jr. Councilman James S. Bryant Absent, (sickness) J. Roger Council Councilman The City Clerk was authorized to purchase four (4) City Directories at a cost of ii20.00 each by the followine: vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councim..an Ex-Jant. The Supt. of the Orangeburg \;ater 8.."1d Lie:ht Plant, was authorized to eliminate section 9 of the Orangeburg ";ater a:ld Light contract by the following vote. Yea, the Hayor, Councilman Bryant. 90uncil Signed a revised agreement with the South Carolina State Highway Depart!'lent to include Seaboard Avenue by the folloT/ine vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilman BFj"ant. ~ ~r. Brabham reported the need of an additional truck for the He>alth DepartI'lent and the City Engineer was authDrized to receive bids by the follo~Qng vote. Yea, the i.layor, Councilman BFJ8.."1t. A list of 300 names for the City JUFj" for the year 1950 was approved by the followin~ vote. Yea, the Llayor, CouDciih.lne..."1 Bryant. ,~ jiPo' "''?''lIn ~U~~ / CITY OF OIL6,J'JG IBURG, S. c. FebruarJ 6, 1950 • . ~ Einutes of a Special lleeting of City Council, held February 6, 1950. Present, The !:layor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Ja'1les S. Bryant Council.'llan Absent, CO'.lnciman J. Roger Council (sic!mess) A Resolution authorizing the South Carolina Electric and Gas Company to use certain rights of ,1ay now owned by the City of Orangeburg was approved by the following vote. Yea, the ~ayor, Councilman Br-Jant. (See Resolution attached to and made a copy of these minutes) The City Engineer reported to Council that he had received four bids for a truck for the Health Departnent and Council approved the purchase of a Studebaker truck from the Edisto !lotor Conpany for ~~1252.00 by the following vot~. Yea, the ~!ayor, Councilman Bryant. ~ The River Committee of the Orangeburg Cha~er of Commerce, consisting of W. P. Davis, V. C. HcGee and S. C. Fair, dis cussed with Council the probability of building a ney, bathing pavillion a.nd pla'1s were presented m:tich Y'ere nade by the city engineer. Council azreed to build the pav~llion and make certain improvements at a cost not to exceed ~15,OOO.OO by the follo.dng vote. Yea, the I·Iayor, Councilman Bryant. ~, _-w- " ')'::><]'1 ~.,;'t)UJt "')"'q 40~00 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. Februlo/y2ll,1950. "~ Minutes of Regular :Meeting of City Council held February 14, 1950, Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant 1unutes of Regular Meeting of City Council held January 24, 1950, and of a Special Meeting held February 6, read and approved. Messrs. W. P. Davis and S. C. Fair representatives of the River Committee of the Chamber of Commerce met with Council requesting that certain changes be made in the bathing pavilion now under construction, the changes to cost approximate~ $lO,OOO.OO.After discussion Council preferred action at this time until plans were worked out in detail. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of lJ\rmber of Arrests Fines & Forfeitures Days on Public Works Transferred to "Magistrate ~ Janu~J 91 $918.00 167 7 received as information. ~ Report of the City Treasurer for the month of January received as information. The jiayor was authorized to sign an agreement with Mr. P. D. Betterleyof Boston, Mass. Insurance Consulta.,t, to make a thorough study of the city's insurance requirements at a cost of not less than $600.00 and not more than $900.00 by the follOwing vote. Yea, the ]I.'"layor, Councilman Council and Bryant. Dr. V. W. BrabhaJ)!, City Health Officer, reported to Council that blockades had been placed in the rear of several stores on the northern side of Russell street between bDaghton and Middleton and it was impossible to collect trash. Council instructed Dr. Brabham to notify these parties that unless the trash was placed where it could be removed this service would be idscontinued by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. .~ February 17, 1950. Minutes of a Special Meeting of City Council held February 17, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jenfufungs, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant The River Committee of the Chamber of Uomnerce met with the Council to present plans for the new pavilion and the same was approved at a cost not to exceed $25,000.00 by the fol101ung vote. l~ Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. 0<)<,;,,/ ~0,0~ CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. March 3, 1950. ~ Minutes of a Special Meeting of City Council, held March 3, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Councilman The Health department was authorized to collect trash at the new Junior Highschool buildings just off the St. Matthews Road by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The Health department was inst~cted to take up trash only on Amelia, Middleton and Broughton streets as long as alleys in the rear of Russell street between Middleton and Broughton are b+ocked. Mr. T. G. Strange, President Orangeburg Base Ball Association and Mr. P. L. Dean, Business Manager, met with Council and it was a.,c-reed that the concession rights and advertising spaces would be given to the Orangeburg Base Ball Association at no cost for the year 1950 with the understanding that concession rights will be granted to the American Legion and Orangeburg High School for their games at no cost, by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. I .~ I Council agreed to the rental for the Base Ball Park for 1950 as follows: Night Games $hO.oO - Day Games $20.00 In the event of any play-offs the city is to receive a minimum of $ho.oO rental or 5 cents per ticket for all paid attendance over 800. I I I CITY OF ORANGEBTJRG, S. C. March 6, 1950 I Minutes of a Special Meeting of City Council, held March 6, 1950. Present, The ¥ayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. I I Bids for an automobile for the Police department were received as follows; Horne Motors, Inc. $1075.00 Wannamaker Motor Co. 117h.00 Crum Bros. & Davis 1338.31 ll'effordS Motors 1165.00 D. D. Salley & Co. 1110.80 I I I ~ Council gave the bid to Horne lJotors by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. "''0;2'U.0f) CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. February 28, 1950. ~ Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held February 28, 1950. Present, R. H. Jennings, Jr. The Mayor J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Councilman Minutes of Regular Meeting held February 14th and of A Special Meeting held February 17th read and approved. A communication from The American Red Cross was read and the City Treasurer was inst~~cted to send $35.00 to the Red Cross by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Attorney was instructed to write Mrs. Alma Buford with regards to the blocking off of certain lots in the rear of Russell street, between ll!iddleton and Broughton streets. " AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE BUSINESS LICENSES IN THE CITY OF ORANGEBURG FOR THE FISCAL YEP1t BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1950 AND ENDING MARCH 31, 1951" passed second reading by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. ~, The City Clerk was authorized to write the president of the Orangeburg Chamber of Commerce advising him that the Bathing Beach Pavilion would be :i.ncmdec.sin the park system and would be operated under the supervision of Mr. Andrew C. Dibble, Supt. of Parks., by the following vote, Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Council accepted the title for a street to be knovm as Jennings Court by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. " AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE TRAFFlC ON HA!£PTON STREET AND MARKET PLACE was passed by title and passed first reading by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. II ~ I , / CITY OF OFU,NGEBURG, S, C, March Ih, 1950. ~ Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held March 14, 1950, Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant l.:inutes of Regular Meeting, held February 28, 1950, and of Special Meetings, held Nlarch 3rd and 6th were read and approved. Financial report of the City Treasurer for the month of February was received as info=tion. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of February: NUmber of Arrests 108 Fines & Forfeitures $917.00 Days on Public Works 302 Transferred to Magistrate h received as information. Tije City Engineer was authorized to constr~ct sanitarJ sewer lines on certain streets in the City of Orangeburg as recommended . by the City Health Officer. ~ City Council agreed to open Sifly street in accordance with specifications made by the City Engineer, provided, Mr. H. A. Becker gives a letter to the city to put street to grade.,by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Engineer was authorized to move obstructions on city property in the rear of street on Russell between Middleton and Broughton bw the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. " AN OPJlINANCE REGULATING ONE-WAY TRA.<'FIC ON MARKET PLACE ALSO Hfill:PTON STEEET " passed second reading by the following vote. Yea, the Hayor, Councilman Council and Bryant. " AU ORDINANCE TO REGULATE LICENSES IN THE CITY OF OFU~NGEBURG, S. C., FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1950 AND ENDING HARCH 31, 1951" passed second reading by the following vote. Yea, the ~or, Councilmen Council and Bryant. ~ ,,<") ~,." ~0,::tti. n~ i~ , - 40-itQ CITY OF ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA ,/-- April 5, 1950 Minutes of a Special hl€eting of City Council, held April 5, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. P'oger Council James S. Bryant Councilman Council agreed to paying one-half (!) of the purchase price for a lot and church on Ma.~cy street to be used as a colored recreation center, if and when it is recommended by the Playground Commission, at a cost not to exceed $3,500.00, provided, at least fifty percent (50%) of this money is raised by the Playground Commission, by the follo~ng vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. I I I , I I I , ~ I I I i I I I I , I I I I .~ V CITY CF OP~NGEBURG, SOCTH CAROLINA March 28, 1950 ~ Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held March 28, 1950. Present, The IJayor Councilman Councilman !.tinutes of Regular ].!eeting,held March R. H. Jennings, Jr. J. Roger Council James S. Bryant ll~, 1950, read and approved. Mr. Julian S. Wolfe, representing property owners on North lliddleton street, appeared before Council requesting assistance in paving of this street. Council advised lIr. Wolfe that it would cooperate in every way possible and the Mayor was authorized to sign a letter to the County delegation etc. to this effect by the fol.lowing vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. Paul R. "'ebber requested Council to assist in the purchasing of a lot and building on ~axcy street to be used as a colored playground and the salne was referred to the Playground Col!lJ!lission. Mr. Harnmond, representing the Ray R. Littrell Engineering and Construction Compaby of Monroe, Georgia, appeared before Council with regard to constructing a natural gas line into the City of Orangeburg and the same was referred to the City Attorney. ~ " AN ORDIllANCE TO REGFLATE TRAFFIC IN THE CITY OF ORANGEBURG BY PROVIDING FOR ONE WAY TRAFFIC 01'1 11iIRKET PLACE AiID HA1!PTON STREET AND TO PRCVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEF.EOF." passed third reading and was enacted into law by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. tl AN ORDINArTCE TO REGULATE LICENSES IN THE CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C., FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1950 AND EiTIJING !.!ARCH 31, 1951. tl passed third reading and was enacted into law by the following vote. Yea, the 1iayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. Permission to allow R. H. Brooks to install an electric sign on Russell street north east, where the present wooden sign is now located, was approved, provided, no objections were received, by the fo.llowing vote. Yea, the ~ayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A Resolution authorizing, his honor, the Mayor and L. F. Theiling, City Clerk, to borrow i?30,000.00 from the three (3) bar.ks of the City of Orangeburg for a period of six months and to sign notes covering the same was approved by the following vote. Yea, the 1!ayor, Council.'l1en Council and Br.f&.'lt. ~ v "' '=' Ii 3' 2~tY.:ti" O,?,,!,) ~U::lt~ CEMETERY COllIJITTEE COUNCILMAN J. ROGER COUNCIL IN CHAItGE. ~ Minutes of a Meeting of the Cemetery Committee. the follovd_ng members being present. Councilman J. Roger Council Mrs. Geo. E. Davis Dr: C; 1. Green Mr~ F. F. :Malpass 1rr. Council advised the committee that the City of Orangeburg has been sustaining a heavy loss in the upkeep of Sunnyside Cemetery during the past several years. After discussion, the committee agreed to charging the rates of upkeep as follows. Full Lots Annual Care $6.00 per year Perpetual Care $200.00 Half Lots Annual Care $4.00 per year Perpetual Care $120.00 This change in prices to become effective April 1, 1950. /~ The Committee instructed Mr. Council to use whatever method he thought advisable for the sale of all available lots at the cemetery at the follo~~ng prices. Half Lots including perpetual care $150.00 Full Lots including perpetual care $300.00 ~ '9 ')"Y·4 'L f-.;Ui::it CITY OF OE..I\.NGEBURG, S. C. April 11, 1950. ~ lEimtes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held April 11, 1950. Present, Councilman J. Roger Council James S. Bryant Councilman Absent The Hayor (out of City) R. H. Jennings, Jr. In the absence of Mayor Council presided. Je~'1ings, b::q: Councilman J. Roger Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held March 28, and of a Special Meeting, held April 5th, were read and approved. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of 1!arc.lJ.. 1kL~ber o£ .~rests Fines & Forfeitures Days on Public Works Transferred to IJagistrate 97 $889.00 332 6 received as information. ~ Mr. A. J. M. Yiannamaker, Chairman of a Special Comnittee on Traffic Study, made a report to City Council on traffic congestion in the City of Orangeburg. After dis~~ssion, Council thanked Mr. Wannamaker and assured hi-TIl that the report would be given immediate consideration • . ~ .:'" ,/ CITY.OF ORANGEBURG S.C. April 25 1950. ~Qnutes of regular meeting of City Council held April 25 1950. ~ Present. I Mayor. R.H.Jennings Jr. Councilman. Councilman. J.Roger Council. James S.Bryaat. Uinutes of regular meeting of City Coumcil held April 11th, 1950 read and approved. An ordinance to require propl"rtycowners to set their building line back 10 feet on ~ertain desigr~ted streets vdthin the City of Orangeburg was read sg:r title and passed first reading by the following vote. tea the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. His Honor the Bayor was authorized to sign a letter from the State Highway lJepartnent regerence to %'verside Drive and Whaley Street. by the fl6110wing vote, Yea the hlayor Councilmen Council and Brynat. (See letter attached to and :nade pa:i;t of these minutes.) Request fran 1T.A.Y.~.Bohlen County Engineer to attach nadio aerial to City Water tank or.. Beer:y"- St. was approbed provided the County delegation 'Would give a letter to the City Coun cil releivinb the City of --11 liability by the foll~wing vote, . ~ .~ .Lea the 'iiayor Councilnen Council and Brynat • " 2UUJL , >-'..,..,,~~,¥; COP Y CITY OF ORAIJGE3URG Orangeburg, S. C. April 25, 1950 Mr. S. N. Pearman State Highway Engineer Stat e Highway Department Columbia, South Carolina Re: Docket 38.330-Fts.l&2 - Roads 125 & 145 Dear Sir: With reference to the improvement of the above two streets in the City of Orangeburg, on behalf of the City of Orangeburg, I wish to verify the widths of said streets as being as follows: (Road 125) Riverside Drive, fifty (50) feet from West Russell Street to Carolina Averme. (Road 145) Whaley Street, fifty (50) feet from Broughton Street to Second Street. In the event it is ever found necessary to .nden Riverside Drive and "ilbaley Street to acconrnodate future traffic needs such as construction of curb and gutters, storm drainage and sidewalks, stech work to be accomplished as a joint undertaking between the City and the High.row Department, the City will cooperate in securing any necessary additional .fidth of right of way and bear the expense, if any, in connection therewith. This letter is written by authority of resolution of the Town Council adopted on this date. Yours very truly, CITY OF OHANGEBURG, (Signed) R. H. Jenni-~gs, Jr. Mayor SOUTH CAROL.INA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN,' Ora~geburg, S.C. April l~" 1950 ~'Layor R.:1:. ~ennin~s, Jr. Orangeburg Sout!1 Carolina Dear Sir, Please execute t~e enclosed letter concerning vv-idth of right of 'Nay on Riverside Drive and ',frJ.aley Streets of this City and return all copies to me in the self ~ddressed envelope. Yours very truly, ,----;CZ ..:tf.' 0--;13£ O~L. ~IJhite Proiect .wn~'; ' ::> .... neer u n<):':7<: '<:;0021 City of Orangeburg, S. C. ~. May 9, 1950 llayor R. H. JeIh~ings, Jr. being out of the city and Council~ J. Roger Council being absent due to sickness the Re~~lar meeting scheduled for l'iay 9:th1950 was postponed until a later date. City of Orangeburg, S. C. l:k-;y 12, 1950. ~ lCinutes 1950. of a Special Meeting of City Council, held May 12th, Present, R. H. Jennings, Jr. The Mayor Councilman James S. Bryant Absent, Councilman ( Sick) J. Roger Council The City Engineer advised Council that he had several residents requesting paving on certain streets on vo'tlich abutts city property and Council advised the City Engineer that anyone desiring paving on these streets the City of Orangeburg would assume its pro rata share of the cost by the follo1'Jing vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilma.'1 Br-.fant. The City Clerk advised Council that in accordance with advertisements to receive bids for the operation of the concession at the Edisto Pavilion he had received four bids. P.fter opening these bids Council rejected all bids and called for new bids to be opened at noon, Tuesday Uay 16, 1950, by the follo~Jing vote. Yea, the liayor, Councilman Jalles S. Bryant. CITY OF ORAEGEBJiRG, S. C. /-. lJay 16, 1950 A Special Meeting of City Council, held !.lay 16, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Je!L~ngs, Jr. Councilman Ja.rnes.'S~~Bry:ant Absent, Councilman ( sick) J. Roger Council The purpose of this meeting was to receive bids for the oper.ation of the concession rights at Edisto Pavilion. The City Clerk advised Council that he had received three bids. After opening bids the rights l'iere ay:arded to lIrs. llildred E. lrutch. ~ t:::~ 2 uut) City of Orangeburg, S. C. ccay 23, 1950 Regular Meeting of City Council Due to the absence of the l.!ayor, R. H. Jenrlings, Jr. he being out of the City and the sickness of Councilman J. Roger Council the meeting was not held. ,~~ ~, e 2357 CITY OF ORAliGEBURG, S. C. June 13, 1950. ~ Eirru. tes of !'.egular Heeting of Cit;)' Council, held June 13, 1950. Present, The J.[ayor R. H • Jennings, Jr. Council.= Janes S. '3ryant Absent, CounciJ..m.an (sickness) t.,T. Roger Council !1irmtes of Regular lJeeting, held ApriJ. 25 and of Special Meetings, held :Hay 9th, 12th and 16tl'1, and of Regular 11eeting of Day 23, 1950, read and appro'led. Financies report of the City Treasurer for the monthsof April and May recei'led as info!'r.lation. Report of the Chief of ~lice for the months of April and Uqr recei'led as information. A com:rmnication from T. R. -Nolle requesting the cleaning of ditches near Rembert street was referred to the City Engineer for action. AN OHDTGT.ANCE :;;0 .A~,:rEim AN ORI)IILt..~':CE REGULATIlTG THE S~CP-.p_GE OF LIQUIDS IN TI-:'E CI~Y OF OFUu\JGE:SURG T'TAS REfill BY TITLE AIID PASSED FITI;jT P£).DIEG BY TFJZ FOLLOVJiTG 'lOTS • Yea, the lJayor, Councilman Bryant. T! I~JFLPJ.,l:'.'Il:3LE .--. The ldayor Vias authorized to sign a verification certificate of the icridth of Glover street from S. Brou;hton to nind.sor and Vf.iIid'sor:Gf:r:oriilGio:rrer to R-c1ssel1 by the i!ollowing 'lote. y~* .. tSee ~~,)l~o~~t ~el!!lciJ.Jnan;'?Bi:;yant. copy of letter attached to an6 made a part minutes) .~ I, of these "TQ;',N OF ORANGEBURG Oranseburg. , liar. S. t~. s. C. Pe!ill'!:llll.n state Highway Engineer state Highway Department ColUl!!bia, South CaroJ.irul. Re; Docket 38.363 - Road lSl Dear Sir: With reference to the improvement of the above road two (2) streets in the Town of Orangeburg. on behill of the Town of Orane;eburg. I wish to verify the widths of said streets as bei.'lg as follows: 01' (Road lSl)Glover street from S. Broughton street to Willdsor street(SO' width RW) and Windsor street from Glover street to Russell street(SOI 'lddth mO. In the $Vent it is ever found necessary to widen road ~ and a. sectio.. oiGlover. 7l'indsor streets to lI.cCOImIodste future traffic needs such as construction of curb and gutte!,?, storm. clrainage and sidewalks, such work to be accomplished as a. joint undertaking between the Town and the Highway Department, the Town 'Idll coope."at;e in securing &tW necessary additional widtb ot right of .my a.!:IIIl: bear the expense, i t &tW, in conneoti~ therewith. TbiB letter is written by a.uthority of resolution of the Town Council adopted on this da.te. Yours verY trtily, TC:/{N o~,,..uw.g. / //, ~/t;ld/ BYt~ ,'" ,. _.t , 7 / \ CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. June 2't, 1950 .~ :Minutes of Regular l.ieeting of City Present, The ]:layor Councilman Absent, Councilman (sicy-sess) Council held June 27, 1950. R. H. Je~~ngs, Jr. James S. Bryant J. Roger Council Einutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held June 13, 1950, read and approved. The Mayor was authorized to sign an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. covering rig.c,t of way for power line by the folloYIing vote, Yea, the Wayor, Councilman BY,fant. The Hayor was authorized to sign an agreement Vii th the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. for right of way for a sewer line on Langston by the follo1'!L ng vote. Yea, the illayor, Councilman B~Jant. A petition from property owners on Glover street regis§ering objection with reference to the routing of p~ghway 301 thro. Glover street was read and received as information. ~ A.."l agreement between the City of Orangeburg and 1Irs. Liildred E. j;iutch for the operation of the ground floor of the pavilion at Edisto River Bathing Beach was approved by the following vote Yea, the Mayor, CounciL~en BrJant. The l"ayor was authorized to sign an approval of highway plan on traffic regulations a."1d also an agreement as to vlidth of Goff Avenue al~ng state hi::;'c,way road No. 106 by the following vote. Yea, the ~ayor, Councilwzn Bryant. (See agree~ents attached to and made a part of t~ese ninutes) A Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to conduct a prosecution before Recorders Court in the City of Orangebnrg was approved by the follo~~ng vote. Yea, the ~ayor, Councilman Bryant. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes) ~ "f"1~ 2 0{);' / ~X?P~. . :JTS ilie:: 2rr~'~;T;S OF :JEETING OF TI::Z: CITY 80t"}!8IL 0:' T".d3 CITY OF o:TlHJE, 1950. OR!llTC~~EURG, SOTJL~~ S.~-qOL::CNA, !-E:LD ON ~:3 27th Dil.Y O~ "'-../ ~ HESOL TT ~ " T ~ C ~'T 3:::: I~ F£30L'J'ZD bY'the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, South Caro1-ina, in :?e s1.l1ar },Ieeting z'ssembled, that the l,~ayor of said. City be, and he hereby is, a-u.thorized to enter into an aSl"eenent v.rith the I ..tlantic Coast Line Railroad Compa.ny, a..1J.d to si§n nane on behalf of said City, l'ihereby the said Railroad Company si-vss and grants unto t.he said City of Ora.l1.geburg, South Carolina, the right of lay and ruaintcin, for the prlrpose of a saT'itary sevrer, a line of 8-ine-l-J. terra cotta pipe, across the right of yray aJld "'.lnc:l.erneath t:he tracks of the said Railroad.. Company at Orangeburg, So-u.th Carolina, at a point on the track Imo\','l1 as the old Oranceb'J.rg rtailroad 2ll~9 feet northwestTJ"ardly,m.easured ilone the center line of said old Orangeburg ~ailroad, from its point of switch at the junction with the said Railroad Conpan;y-fs nain track; the southvlest bov..ndary line of said 1,nght of ~;va.y being parallel 'with a....i.d 12.5 feet southwestwardly, meas1J.red at right &"1;;les, from said center line; the northeast bOlCndary line of the RaHroad COI'lP&--:Y! s r.ight of way being parallel with and 0 feet na::-theastwardly, measured at r5.ght angles, from the center line of the spur track, now or formerly serving the Orangeburg !::Iarble Viorks; as particulary described in said agreement, Which agreement is dated ~ay 10, 1950. r- " I C::::P..TIFY TEtE i-GOYE TO .-.~.p /.- ./". ~, L. F. :9~ it TRUE Al'm CO?J<:ECT COpy ~j /} ~ /-, /~~~- Y;"-;--/,Thei~ng, City Clerl: '/ EXTRACTS SOUTH OF }:!EJ,{!NG: OF CrTY COFl-JGIL OF HELD ON T:IE 27th day of Jlli~e, 1950. ??,O~,] L"IN1J~E.'S CJI_"9.0LINP~, ~ ..,,~,.-. .L":-~ CITY OE' CR1J..HGE.8tJRG, E SOL UTI 0 N BE IT TISOL1J?:D, by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg, South Caro1;na iI'! Eeeting asse:r.:bled, t.hat the ]lzyor of said City be., and he hereby is, authorizee. to enter into an agreerrlent Yrith the i:..TlJnITIC COAST LINE R.t..ILP.o.A.D CO~·.IFl'J:-JY, a:J.d to sign na::J.e on behalf of said. city, 'i.:r..ereby the said Railroad. COBpany gi. ves to the City of Orange,b"'J.rg, SO"J.th Carolina, permission and Jj~cense to constrLlct and maintain conductors of electric current a.cross the right of way an.d oyer the -vlires and tracks of tee ..'l..tla"'1t.ic Coast Line P.ailroad 00mpany at Or2.nzebu~g, South CaroJ5na, at a point 854.5 feet sout?n1estTtardly, meas-u.red along the cooter line of the R.allroad C02P&'"1yl s S"'C'..J.llter-Robhins nain track fro:n :u:..le post 1:-377: saie. co!1c:u ctors having two poles anc~ the necessary· guy Tares and anchors thereof; said right of wa,y being 65 feet -vt..de on eaD.1. sic;.e of said center line; as Dare partic7.11arly described in said agree..l7lent, Trb5.ch agreement is dated ~:~arD.'1. 27, 1950. I certify the above to be a true r- /' ,..--::""--- / c., _~ -,"/ ~~d correct copy. .. ,) ./"../. .-;,/<.--_",··,-x,,""-:--"'---./--~"':.;:- L. F. Th'eiling, --City ClcrV , , '. Form 619 APPROVAL OF. HIGHWAY PLANS '"~ ~:~:~~::~~;~:.~~~~:' Rig~LUTION ?. ~NO.····?§·~?'~.c·'~ NO......:l:9§........) \Pt. TOWN OF..........~~~ll!~ .......... . J..; WHEREAS, The South Carolina State Highway Department is making certain improvements in .State ....... ~ -. Road ~ No .......::!:<?§..... through the Town of ...........................Q~~~~ ..........................................., and WHEREAS, members of the Town Council have inspected with the official representative of the State Highway Department the location and grades of that section of the above named project within the Town of .................... ~~~~................................................ , as shown by the plans on file in the Resident Engineer's office and at the Columbia office of the State Highway Department. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Act No. 787 of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, approved March 31st, 1930, the Town of .............................~j$.~~ ..............................., acting through its Mayor and Council, hereby approves the alignment, grades and drainage as shown by these plans and the State Highway Department is hereby relieved of all responsibility and liability on account of property damages incident to the improvement of this highway within the corporate limits of the Town. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, That the contents of this Resolution will be spread upon and made a part of the official minutes of the Town Council of the Town oL ...................... Q~g.e.l:l~g; .......................................... and that the original copy of this Resolution be filed with the South 8arolina State Highway Depa. tment at -- Columbia. This Resolution is hereby adopted this .................... day oL .............. A.~................., A. D. 19 ?~~~.......~..~ Attest: -h~~. ~. . . J--' Town Clerk .5.9.. ja ~ /' L ......._._..... _................ (/~/~:.;.k_ .- -...... ' ..; ...VJ ;........ . ",~,~i'; .~ NOT F. A. P. ) SfnE OF SOU'l.'ll CAROLINA ) COtJm'I OF Orangeburg 1lOCm'l 38.3$0 (l"t. 1) ~ROAD 106 ~ mAFFIC REGIlLATION AG!lEEMSNT ~ lifIERE:AS 1he IoIUl'1icipality of s. c. {)r;mgeblll"g .... hereb;>" and Il<>rewith oi'fieially 1'eq"""t and authorize til<> South Carolina State 1!ighl'Ia1" Department 1;0 ;Lmprow a section of al..oDg Goff Ave" The" HI,,' @luM Nt.,. 'WZ Road 0/00 timrz't from 206 NOt' to llf50 (See Below) in accordance with the plims, specificatiol:l8, and regulations of the South Carollna State ~ Department ,and/or t.hePnblic Road'; Administration, and WHEREAS. It·:!.s. necessar.r municiPality to ""'"l!1le the clearing 'and future ~" OfCIer to ~ec_ the """"fit of the propoeed improvement for the certain definite oblillStions in comectibn ...tththe ~€ection re~tion of traffic ~n and of the nght-Df-wal" established for tbe propoeed impra.eml>llt, NOW, TBEREFOR&, 1le it resolved that all l.avni, rules, regulations, ordinances, or traffic sigMlJ! regulating tho epeedliinite, traffic movements, 9r parking of vehicles on this section of hi~ will be established by the municipality in cooperation 'Rith til<> state Highway De~ment and the traffic on this section of the highwa;r will not be penalized or made sec-oDdar;v to the traffic ,of abatting or eroils strsete, and no unreasonable speed limits 'Rill be established for the traffic on this 8t""e1;. BE IT F1lRTIIER RESOLVED, That 'the municipality will legally protect the right-of-wa;r as "ho_ b;>" t.he plans prepared b;v the State Highway Department and as established for this street from future encroachment along any or all parts of the im~vement covered by this agreement, and that· all immicipal water and s......r pipes, manholes, or fire hydrants and all power, light, telegraph, or telephone poles 'Rill. .~be'moved or rearranged, and all neCeBsar.r ,a'ights-of-wa;r for drainage ditches or pipes 'IIill be secared. to onto,," to the plans for the proposed improvement and that all of the above 'IIill be done without any ""'pense to the State Highwal" Department and/or the Public Roads Administration, except thoee items, BOO"" on the plans for this lItreet to be adjusted as items in the contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Resolution is herebl" adopted and made a part of t.he IDlUlicipal records this da;y of ....e being sent to the South .Aprll C........:u- state , 19;50 and the original and t.wo copieaof this Resolut.i.'on lIigh1Ira;y Deparll!!Bnt. for Us records. and for the rec0N8 o!'the FIlbUe Roads Adm:ildBu-ation. lfunieipality of Or,,~~ ~ff It S., C.. 'T:) './ ~~ '/~~~ lIa;yor. M>4>est: ~¢:;--~ 7 "!o1mC ...-/ -,Road, lOG: _ Along Go!.! Avenae !rom College Avenue. via Clafin iJniversi:ty- to Town Lim:its. :I , TOWN OF Orangeburg Orangeburg S. C. Mr. S. lJ. Pearman state Highway El;J.gineer state Highway Department Columbia, South Carolina , ReI ',::: ' Docket.)8.350 (Pt. 1) .Road.106 Dear Sir: . . . With reference to the ilrlprovement of the above streets (or street) in the Town of Orangeburg, on behalf of the Town of Orangeburg , I wish to verify the widths of said streets as shown by the map of the Town of· Orangeburg made by 1/"-,,,,<: -r. I,};-."";a ,said width being as follows: (Road 106) Along Goff Avenue from College Avenue, via Clatin University £0 Town Limits. ..ral"l Width. In the event it is ever found necessary to widen the streets (or street) to accomodate future traffic needs such as construction of curh and gutters, storm drainage and sidewalks, such work to beacc01llplished as a joint undertaking between the Town and the Highway Department, the Town 1vill cooperate in securing any necessary additional width of right of way and bear the expense, if any, in connection therewith. This letter is written by authority of resolution of the Town Council adopted on this date. Yours very truly, T(JN'N OF ~ OrangeQlu'g ----TITt~s-Mu.'a~y==or=-~~---- BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Orangeburg. in meeting assembled, that: (1) The Chief of Police of the City of Orangeburg shall be responsible for the conduct of the prosecution of all cases before the Rec~_erls Court of this City. (2) The Chief of Police Is hereby authorized to act in behalf of the City in the drawing, selecting or striking of all juries. (3) The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to examine and cross ex~mine all witnesses testifying in any case before the Recoderfs Court. (4) When he considers same to be in the best interests of the City. or for the preservation of law and order within the Citys or for the better protection of the rights, safety and property of its citizens; the Chief of Police is hereby authorized ~~d iEtructed to employ and attorney, or attorneys; to assist in the prosecution of cases of such importance as to warrant such additional assistance. (5) In the conduct of said prosecutions the Chief of Police shall be governed by the rules of evidence as prescribed by the National and state Constitutions, laws; and rulings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have setsour hands and seals this twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. 1950. Liii(-EuA'/;I C2PV: j1Mayor ,,/ J ,_", _'" ),f'~~!;;/~;;:~:.;rst:7i;t /// counci--::l.TIlatl Attest: Ci ty Clerk Councilman and~reasurer. v n,'''r-o " / ' J ,),U p.."ILh "oJ CITY OF ORANGEBURG. S.C. July 11 1950. Minutes of regular meeting of City Council held July 11 1950. Present. The Mayor. Councilmen. R.H.Jennings Jr. J.R.Council James S.Bryant. Minutes of regular meeting held June 27th, 1950 read and approved. Communioation from Orangeburg County Famr Association requesting permission to sgoot fireworks at the regalar arJIDal fair to be held October 23rd, to 2~th, was approved by the fmmlowing vote, Yea the Mayor Councilmen Council and Bryant. Financial report of Chief of Police for month of June 1950 received as information. neport of Chief of Police for month of Ju~ 1950. Number of arrests Fines and forfeitures. $ Da;ws on pubi c works. Transferred to magistrate. 100 1135.00 211 8 Deed from H.C.Wannamker Jr & ~aroline P.Wannamaker was accepted by the City of Orangeburg covering a street to be knovm as Sifly Aveneu provided the same was approved by the City attorney by the following vote, Yea the Mayor Councilmen Council and Bryant. e Dr.V.W?Brabham, City Health Officer was authorized to use fogging machine beyond the City Limits and a charge to be made for the same charges to be made in accordance with time and materials used by the follo~ing vote~ yea the Mayor Councilmen Council and Bryant. )( ~egulations covering the operation of the second floor of the " ~disto Paviliion and made a part of these minutes was approved by " the following vote, yea the M~or CounCilmen Council and Bryant. ., • ~} 0 !---" ~ '? • 0 t/l '0 \n « ;i ('--! • ril 'f!:~ ([I (D () :j :~j '" ::-:t I~" f--~I. (+ c' , .. ~ I ,co I-X (i) \~ ~ ~, ;,:-+. !~ ~'~1 VJ ~j (:.-/ :... ,J l-" 0 ::) Q " • Q f~ 0 c> f·,J H) l'-~ 0 Or~ " H r-~ :J F:: ,,' l-.~ (".-, .i" I" <':+. 0 ;',:i ~<~ 0' (0 c;' CiJ: .;:7- ~.~ !oJ Li 0 1.. '- l-~J (I p~ 'tf " IT' c> j.J. 1--,) ,+ IT' (ll .-y' n ~~,l " ~:;j j,J. In t:.-J I:___A I ill .-+ >J C) ~~~ U) '0 () f--;· >1 L' Cl , :l:" ;-> lit r,> ,~, l'::J N " p~ (j) 'i ~-;;' :',, 1,,3 1-"'1 0 f'{ 0 flj ~?:~ !-<::.I !-d 1.-'.1 I-'ii (-) C) . c+ ~,:;:J Cq ,0"] CD ;:6 ::.'1- 0 00 •(:) \J" • \It '" !:-J \.n. '_',-,J 0) [0 () ('1, (r, )j ::>~ cn en l"~ en :-::\ 0 1....J 0 1-'1) C' co cr' I" c·, [1.1 ~S' U} ~.~ 0 0 f-' 1·:>:- i:J p" 0 ()) () to ,~, 0 (G' ; (I) c'+- i--$ H) 0 H~ !-'; ~':) 0 i ..J• <\ 1..-" lJ fD "d m :::"..> c(.; Q i-l;) G~ (() (e' () (~-' ?:. [_J. ,~, ,~ {;) () i-i' !_.:J f\) :--~ (), ~1 ", c+' ::"1' )-, oa , " 0 i:,1 (+ ~J ~T H;t 0 f? -c+ :'5 ;::>' 0 "::l ~) 11l I-j ill 0'1 III jJ. ~ m :",,' ," 0' !--" ~j 0'" f-)'" ::3 \_~J ("~.! C, c: {]... (lJ 0 :::i (n~"l m !-d ", (+ , , . ,~ (.) f-. , 0 C'" ::! c,- 0 ~:; (Il fee 1,_1 m c-l' :,,~ :::) aft (I) 1-5 p, c/"', W c' .,;-,. C, LIc:' 0 I::' )~ "1::1 I" ;j r'" (} c-c· Pl (:::1 (-j I--r. d 0" -l--~ W f--! 0 0 () ~--" b-' (Ij ("!- f-J , i-~ 0) Cl t:t' 0 I';: I··.J j-" cJ (O_ l-:! r_l. 1·,1 t,'J c :-) UI t:i (~) I~ Hj \::! Pol C' (j f-.\j ,; ::1 ~, ; ~, ~ t8 0 , [-'-1 \~ 1--1 ;'J ::'-::~ 0 '<) [..I ~ () 1.--1 I i -'j ;.- ;~J () I-~ (q L:'~I t:) 1·.. 1 !-~J C) :):1 (--1 ,c I-,-j i,l ;~), C) h_1 01 1<1 Cl f;j H I'--i ",''-"' ,;] l'j (1 L-j C) C\ '.J " ~ )' c1- ; __ J , Cl C I I 11 (-1 (., ... ', {:~_l (-'.1 n "'::: 0 \.'-"l (:i 0' j f· 1"'( H n ,, )j I, l--'j \.1,') '--, C', .:! i.:".' c+' \() p~ :::' tIl d' :=; u (.1- :'~( !_.1,. f,J. (i) liJ t- J - I ,!, c') ~:-:! ,.~~ ~ Cl ",,; (j) Ii D- (l. () ~ to.> HJ C· r:) () 1-'- \'1 ii) 1".1. ! -:J v! (,; !-(--i U' f'_; )).... C,) L~ c~' 1-" , 'I /.-!. ~ .. 0 (":~ m C' ," 1-" I::'j "eJ ~~;1 0' ~---"' I" 0 1-') tJl 'il :.:i d~ 1-'- p, ('l r:,j O· ~i) ,'_l, (') ([) i,"J u:; "~ 0::J 0. 0. e> I~ 1--:-;. :--1) cl- tn I" p . . ,i , ~, (1) ,~~i i---): " •f,-_,' h ..... I f~' ffl p, -0' 2,~uOQ 'i)r'l~ e CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. July 25, 1950. Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held July 25, 1950, Present, The lv!ayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. R. Council Councilman J. S. Bryant Minutes of Regular Meeting, held July 11th and of a Special Meeting held July 19th, read and approved. Council authbrized the purchase of a tract of land from H. C. Wannamaker, Jr. and Caroline S. Wannamaker to be used as a colored playground at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00 by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. o·~ 0>f» ~uDu July 19 1950. Minutes of special meeting of City Council held July 19 1950. Present The Mayor. Councilmen. R.H.Jennings. J.Roger Council, James S.Bryant. City CleEk was insYructed to advertise in the following newspapers Times & democBat Orangeburg S.C. News & Courier, Charleston S.C. Charlotte Observer Charlotte N.c., Coulbia State Cmlumbia S.C. The Atlanta Journal Atlanta Ga. That bids would be received for the operation of the e~ Theatre at the City Hall for a period of five years commencing January 1 1951 and ending ~ecember 31 1955 Bids to be fdlled in the office of the City Clerk'by not later than J~onday August 28th, 1950 at 12.00 Noon. by the following vote yet the liayor Councilmen Council and Bryant. City Treasurer was authorized to collect from the Orangeburg ~gh school $ 165.06 for use of the Minnow field instead of $ 220.00 as originall charged by the following vote. Yea the Mayor Councilmen Counfuil and Bryant. / e X A resolution setting forth that all future street accepted by the Ci ty of Orangeburg IllUst be a minimum widthhof 50 feet and rights of yays a ~ninrum.of 40mfeet was approved by the following vote. ea the Mayor Councilmen Council nd Bryant. See resolution attached to and made part of thse mirniltes. X "{-'''7 2.0l1 r CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. August 8, 1950. ~. Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held August 8, 1950. Present, R. H. Jennings, Jr. The W,ayor J. Roger Council Counci1man James S. Bryant Counci1man Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held July 25, 1950, read and approved. A Resolution authorizing his honor the mayor and L. F. Theiling, City Clerk, to sign a deed of conveyance to W. M. Harvey for a certain parcel or strip of land fronting on Green and Amelia streets was approved by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Counci1men Council and Bryant. (See Resolution attached to and made a part of these minutes) Report of the Chief of Police for the month of July, 1950. NUmber of Arrests Fines & Forfeitures Days on Public Works Transferred to Magistrate 146 $1471.00 388 9 received as information. Financial_report of the City Treasurer for the month of July, received as information. A Resolution authorizing his honor the mayor to sign an agreement between the City of Orangeburg and Dr. Orin R. Yost amortizing a note and mortgage dated January 7m 1948, for $32,500.00 over a period of six years begiPJUng January 7, 1951, with interest at 4 percent. (~%) , was approved by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, CouncilmEn Council and Bryant. (See Resolution attached to. and made a part of these minutes) Mr. William A. Horger, Attorney, was authorized to serve in the capacity of Acting City Recorder in the absence of the Recorder by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Counci1men Council and Bryant. THE STAT"B OF SOUTH CJ\}WLIllJi, ) ) COUNTY OF ORANGLBURG. RESOLU'l'I01I ) BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and c:ouncilrnen of the City of Orangeburg, in council assembled and by authority of the same: That his honor, Robert H. Jennings, Jr., Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, be and he is hereby authorized to sign an agreement on behalf of the City of Orangeburg wi th Dr. Orin Pc. Yost, providing that the balance remaining unpaid on a bond and mortgage executed by Dr. Yost to the City of Orangeburg on January 7, 1948, be amort:,-zed so that it shall come due in six an..nual installmerits a'1d t hat the principal terest at the rate of four C4JP S12.," remain:'-ng unpaid shall bear in- per cent, and that the City Clerk and Treasurer, L. F. Theiling, he authorized and directed to attest the said agreement. PASSED by the City Council this 8th day of August, 1950. COREiECT ATTEST:., /1, " /? _~ d_ ..,c") -,' .. / l /' .- "i/' -/" " k-I---;;/"""-~ ~..,-"7 C:iltv Cl'erK,";& Treasurer' __ /_.- <J t2'1&"AAd~·J f~ Councllmen. ~ RES 0 L UTI 0 N. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, in council assembled, and by authority of the same: That his Honor, Hayor R. H. Jemlings, Jr., be and he is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Orangeburg a deed of conveyance to ~:r. I:!. Harvey and that the City Clerk and Treasurer, L. F. Tpei1-ing, be and he is hereby directed to attest the said signature; the said deed comrey"ing certain parceJ.s or strips of land fronting on Green and ,'Jnelia streets to the said Vi. ~. Harvey for the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars and excllange of certain other property on the corDer of Amelia and Gree!1 Streets, Passed by the City Council this ;:15th day of July .!l.. D. 1950. CORRECT ATTEST:/, .. / c f ' ~/ '''\... /'U,,r~-"I r::t-' . . // /'// ' C:~~~J\'~;::~~ii1~sufer~:7 '- ...../ .~., .... ,~/ >" ·.:";7~t~/::L3~>;I ,.-<? /c}-/'~7 F / lilayor / Q . ;'le!&M4!d ~ '-:.:-- . \ {; /;;~(?¢'// i! councilmen'.~·/'· I 2dU;U ""'9 f!"j'''') .• CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. August 22, 1950. :Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held August 22, 1950. Present, The Mayor Ro H" Jennings, Jr~ Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Br-y-ant ~finutes of Reg~lar Meeting of City Council, held August 8, 1950, read and approved. 11 A.i'J ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUPPLJES AND MAKE APPROPRIATIONS TO MEET THE LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF ORANGEBURG FOR THE YEAR COlIITllENCING APRIL 1, 1950 AND ENDING JriARCH 31, 1951" was read by title and passed first reading by the follOWing vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. e 'l1'''Lii 2JulJt CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. August 28, 1950. Minutes of a Special Meeting of City Council, held August 28, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman James S. Bryant Absent, Councilman (out of city) J. Roger Council The purpose of this meeting was to receive bids for the operation of the municipally owned theatre for five years co~mencing January 1, 1951. The following bids being received. E. B. Bowman, Selma, Alabama H. B. Meiselman Theatre co. Charlotte, N. C. R. L. Baker, Jr., Fickory, N. C. Orangeburg Theatres Inc. Orangeburg, S. C. $640.00 per month $425.00 per month $405.00 per month $300,00 per month After receiving bids, Council deferred action until all members could be present. e CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. August 29, 1950. Minutes of a Special Meeting of City Council, held August 29, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant The purpose of this meeting was to award the lease on the municipally O1'i:ned theatre • Mr. E. B. Bowman of Selma, Alabama being the high bidder of \)640.00 per month was awarded the lease, effective Jarmary 1, 1951, by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The Lessee of Edisto Pavilion was allowed the privilege of the sale of beer from the closing of the Beach Season until a date to be designated by the City Council by the follo~dng vote Yea, the "!ayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The Orangeburg Braves were given free rent and current in the base ball series playoff of the Palmetto League by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, CounciL'llen Council and Bryant. CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. September 7, 1950. Minutes of City Council at a Special Meeting, held September 7, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. CounciJ.man J. Roger Council CounciJ.man James S. Bryant Council gave its final approval of the opeping of Route 301 around the plaza, as it is now being used, and the City Engineer was authorized to procede, at once, ',,,Ii th this work. The City Engineer advised Council that he would like to install a traffic island and relocate and straighten out a part of the sidewalk on Russell street and this was approved by the following vote, Yea, the Mayor, CounciJ.man Council and Bryant. City Council approved the plans to change the entrance to Edisto Gardens on Russell Street, N. W. the new entrance to be approximately 100 feet wide, thus eliminating traffic hazards coming in and going out of the gardens. The City Engineer was authorized to procede, at once, vlith this work by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, CounciJ.men Council and Bryant. e • • • :' " • (/'/ • • W (0 ;J" (i'J i' (Ii I" ') !. ,. l I,) _-,I I! \Yl '.(J ~ 1",-; o } 1"__ 1 I • ~\) i--,] )--'. i el' m en 1 " I ~-J ~ • o H,) ,I C\' t> j ttl ,-,q) 1-] ,-,j g 2'1')3 ~~) CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. September 12, 1950 Minutes of Regular }Keeting of City Council, held September 12, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H& Jennings, Jr. J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Councilman lIiinutes of Regular Meeting, held August 22nd and of Special Meetings held August 28th, 29th and September 7th, 1950, read and approved. " AN ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUPPLIES AND WillE APPROPRIATIONS TO MEET THE LIABILITIES OF T'-!E CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING APRIL 1, 1950, Mill ENDING lIUUtCH 31, 1951" passed second reading by the following vote. Yea, the lilayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A com~unication from Mr. K. J. Gillam with reference to certain streets was referred to the City Engineer for action. Mr. W. W. Dibble of Smith and Dibble appee,red before Council with reference to zoning of the city and Council asked Mr. Dibble to make a survey of the costs etc. and report back at a later meeting. e Dr. Vance W. Brabham, City Health Officer, reported to the City Council of the unsanitary conditions of the toilets in the Orangeburg County Fairgrounds and the City Clerk was instructed to ¥vTi te the Fair Association that these conditions must be remedied at once, by the follo~~ng vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of August. NUmber of Arrests Fines & Forffeitures Days on Public 'Norks Transferred to Magistrate received as 123 $ 1448.00 323 5 informa~on. Financial report of the City Treasurer received as information. The }Kayor was authorized to sign an agreement with the Meter Ad Corp, of America, of Rochester, N. Y. covering certain advertising to be placed atop of the parking meters by the folloyang vote. Yea, the illayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. I' "'1~'9'·, 20:1'-«-0.," ~- CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. September 26, 1950 Mimltes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held September 26, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. C0:1ncil1naJ1 J. Ro~er Council Counci11nan Jane s S. Bryant lIinutes of Regular Meeting held September 12, 1950, read and approved. " AN OPJJDJAlICE TO RAISE SUPPLIES AND MAKE APPRO?RIATIONS TO lISET THE LIABILITIES OF Tll-E CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C., FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIllNIlJG ABRIL 1, 1950 AND ElIDING lIAIlCH 31, 1951." passed third reading and was enacted into law by the following vote. Yec1, the Mayor, Council.1Tlen Council and Bryant 0 A petition from the residents and property owners on Calhoun street requesting that the City Council not approve the construction of highway 301 through Calhoun street was read and received as information. e A complaint from residents on ii'ihi tman Street with reference to a dog kennel being operated by Lawrence Hunter on Glover street asking Council to abate this nuisance YJas referred to the Chief of Police for action. -" '1 ')'''' ".. 2Iuft) CITY OF ORANGEBURG S.C., October 10 e 1950 Minutes of regular meeting of City Council held Uctober 10th, 1950. Presemt. Acting Mcy or. CounciL"Tlan. J.Roger Council. James S.Bryant. ABsent. The ~ayor. (out of City) R.H.Jermings Jr, Minntes of regular meeting held September 26th,1950 read and approved. Permission to operate a circus in the City of Orangeburg for one day November 6th, 19,50 without license v' as granted to the Amerixan Legion Thomas ''-aysor post number 4 b;;;: the following vote, Yea acting Mayor Council and Council.'llan Bryant. Dr.V.W.Brabham heal,th Office reported to City Council that the Orangeb:Jrg County ~ air Association had agreed to Fix and repair public toilets at the Fair !:!rounds and that the sli\l-ne met with the approval of the gealtn ~epartment, e An ordinance to amend and ordinance regulating the registration ofbicycles in the City of Orangeburg ViaS read by title and passed first reading by the fo1111lidng vote • .Lea the Acting ;~ayor '-'ouncilman Bryant. Financial report of the City Treasurer for month of September received as information. Report of Chief of Police for "'onth of "'eptember 1950. Nxnber of arrests. 119 Fines and Forfeitures. 1196,00 Days on public works. 302 Transferred to magistrate. 8 rleceived as infmrmation. 237', CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. October 24, 1950. Uinutes of Regular Meeting of City Council held October 24, 1950, Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Minutes of Regular Meeting held October 10, 1950, were read and approved. An application from Clifford Murph to operate a piccolo in the rear of 201 Russell St. was approved by the follo~ng vote. Yea, the Y~yor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Engineer was authorized to make changes in the lighting system etc. at the Edisto Pavilion at a cost not to exceed $500.00 by the following vote. Yea, the ~yor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. appropriation to the Orangeburg County Cancer Society in the amount of $7.50 was approved by the following vote. Yea, the ~yor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. An Council appointed a Traffic Co~ittee consisting of C. A. Fischer, T. E. Salley, J. F. Pearson, C. D. Campbell, A. J. U. Wannamaker, The duties of this committee is to and Rut L. Osborne, Jr. make recommendations to the City Council for the improvement of 111 phases of traffic. by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. 2.u''''7''9 ...,1 CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. October 31, 1950. e Minutes of Special Meeting of City Council held on October 31, 1950 Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant " AN ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RUSSELL ST. FROM DOYLE TO CHURCH TO SET BACK BUILDINGS" was read by title and passed first reading by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. November 7, 1950. e 1rinutes of a Special Meeting of City Council held November 7, 1950. Present, The 1!.ayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman James S. Bryant A Resolution agreeing to purchase a portion of a lot of land measuring approximately 100 feet on Calhoun street and 40 feet on Windsor street from H. A. Becker, the price to be agreed@':; upon by arbitration was approved by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor and Councilman Bryant. 'L l'! l!i § .Q IdI I .LQ !i ~;rrIFj?..E,jlS, E .. As Beclcer contempla'~es building HLC,a:c<:;mentc on a lot en the Southeastern corner of 081ho11..':1 and liTindsor streets, and - BHEREAS, the City Countil is desirous of acquiring 8, portion of the said lot, rneasmring appro:unatel, one hu..'l'J.cired (100 1 ) feet on Ce.1houn Street and forty (40 1 ) feet ou "'0.fino.sor Street, NuH, BE IT RES01VJIaJ by t.he City Council of the City of Orangeburg, :1.11 council assembled and by authority- of the same, tbat the City of Orangeburg agrees .f00 purchase the portion of· the 38.id lot hereinabo'v'e described frolCl t.he said FT. A.. Becker and that the price ydll be mutually agreed upon or fixed by arbitration", F:flSSED bJ the Ci.:ty Council of the City of' Q.';angC?bu:cg this 7th day of No~lember, A.. D., 1950 0 / f· ~-:'tf;:;;5) .~ -"----v. . / yf):>_.ib-..J<"./i /L/!. A /" . "'""'- i i.Y(' {/ 7 -, - Ma\T~~ " ....-... ATTEST; ~ ----------------------------City Clerk anct Traa stxrer fl- ~~~, ------------_.Councilmen e """," / 2,jC5Jl CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. November 14, 1950. 1!inutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held November 14, 1950. Present, The Mayor R. H. Jennings, Jr. Councilman J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant ~unutes of Regular Meeting, held October 24, 1950, and of Special Meetings, held Oct. 31 and Nov. 7, read and approved. The City Clerk was authorized to buy a $50.00 T. B. Bond by the follo..ling vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. Financial report of the City Treasurer for the month of October received as information. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of October. NUmber of Arrests Fines & Forfeitures Days on Public Works Transferred to Magistrate 108 $1272.00 297 3 received as information. The City Clerk was authorized to receive part-payments for perpetual care of cemetery lots ; the entire alllount to be paid in full within a period of two (2) years, by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. An application from J. E. Horne for taoc exemption for a period of five years on property known as Colonial Stores corner of Russell and Doyle streets and also East End Motors Company corner of Russell and College Avenue, in accordance with City Ordinance for tax exemption by the follo~~ng vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A request for an appropriation from the two National Guard Companies in Orangeburg, S. C., of $300.00 each for the year 1950-1951 was approved by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Engineer was authorized to pave sidewalk on Holly street, the property OVlllers to pay one-half (~) and the city to pay the balance, by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Eng.ineer was authorized to move the Fountain from Memorial Plaza to the entrance of the City Park on Russell street northwest by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The 0ity Engineer was authorized to construct 4,000 feet o~ sanitary sewer during the year 1951 by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The City Engineer was authorized to install storm sewer on Park Avenue from Broughton street to Edisto Avenue by the following vote. Mr. V. p. Murdaugh, General Manager of S. C. Cotton Mills, appeared before City Council requesting that the city install larger waterJ:-lines to their property and,after discussion, Council referred this matter to J. F. Pearson for investigation. • • CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. November 28, 1950. Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council held November 28, 1950. Present, R. H. Jennings, Jr. The Mayor J. Roger Council Councilman James S. Bryant Councilman Minutes of Regular Meeting held November 14, 1950, read and approved. A com'l1unication from Mr. W. Vi". Dibble advising Council that effective January 1, 1951, rent on the,room used by the Police Department would be increased from $20.00 to ~30.00 per month. Council advised the City Clerk to write Mr. Dibble that the room would be vacated by the Police Department by January 1, 1951, by the following vote, Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The city clerk was instructed to cancel all fire, storm etc. insurance on both the white and colored bathing beach houses. by the following vote, Yea, the ¥~yor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. The Mayor was authorized to sign a resol:tltion requesting an appropriation from the federal government for the building of an airport by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A reouest from the Orangeburg Recreational Commission for an increase in aruma1!<!lpropriation from $13,200.00 to $14,750.00 effective October 1, 1950, was approved by the following vote. Yea, the ~ayor, Councilman Council and Bryant. A request from the Orangeburg Recreational Commission for a new Station Wagon was approved and the City Clerk was authorized to make an appropriation for this amount to the Orangeburg Recreation Coamission by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. " AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A BUILDING SET BACK LIl\1E ON THE NORTH SmE OF RUSSELL STREET FROM DOYLE TO CHURCH STREETS, passed second reading by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a lease with Mrs. F. A. Adden, Mrs. L. H. Adden and 1tt. L. H. Adden, Jr. covering the leasing of a certain area between Amelia, Russell, Broughton and Windsor streets to be used by the city for a parking area was approved by the following vote, . Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. RES 0 L UTI 0 N. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Orangeburg, in c014"lcil assembled, and by authority of the s arne: That his Honor, Mayor R. H. Jen."lings, Jr., be and he is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Orangeburg a lease from Mrs.W~ A• •l\.dden, Mrs. L. H. Adden and Luther H. Adden, Jr.; the said lease covering certain area between Amelia, Russell, Broughton and Windsor streets to be used by the said City for a parking area. Passed by the City Council this -;/ day of/iv,~,c,<,,/~.c;/ h A. D. 1950. CORRECT ATTEST:/ ,'- C?' , ( / ,city CJ::erk)& ,~~ '7 ., f j,,-;l_/,;v/j_,-~:l_?~~ - Treasurer ~/ " A. Councilmen 1---' 10 (\) I--~ 1--1. r; \--1 ~, 1-'- u (1'·1 (j) ([) o .~ 1-.. 1 ),'.• o i-,' u H,l I, :~-'; I 1-' U o I-I. o <._) II CO , __ I () - ",' . . I, ~~-. f---' co" ,,,) ti.! () ([) i-I,) o ,.--- ... U1 ([) w ','1 ~--:, o -' ~IJ Ui cl- I'-~ i,,·I, ), 1-,1, (11 ''"~ :-, ~! I , _.1 Ci) i o " CD ~ c~ ~ .. ' II) () I (I) u "", ~--: C~J 1__ .1· il"j If} ',-i-- 'n I__ r. :'" 1':.1 C) :-,:) o o (j} ci- \.') '-1.) en CO lJl o 1--;1 o 1--1,) H.l 1 d-- o o 1--1.) :::i OJ m 1--·,' o 1-,,) ::5 1,,10 () ci- 1-' I. (:-'-) I-~~ , ' : (j) ,--, U} U W 1---.1 " () ,~) 1-' 1-".: Ul (\, f'::; cr ,~) j:'- i:! i-I.) CD i-.I o Ui (;), 1. IJ) ~) (') en 1---..1 1 I. D) '-,\ '.1'-] (u "r -I (} I;; 13 1-1, ~~;- !".' U ,-c) : I, U I (I) (j\~ :_.5 :-:.1 :::) C,' \,,1\. 1- ..1 '-J) UJ I,) 1-:; C) 'o! u 1),< ll'l en U • () <D " ,I 3 . i 0 :) (11 :),' I C) I\~ ~ (~ ,ct.. , li1 1-·" ~-- ; ::., i .' ([) (J I W 1;1 , U2 , :. CD :~/ C-l- 0, I·r (D 0 CJ ,j CD '-'1 : <: j-I .., ., w iI '. I-~ "'j I ~--: , ;-j ~ (!) ({) I': (I) ) __ J ::.)~ I .. w CLl I rt {J:! 0 (,) c(· 0 d- :~.i CD I. I I U () i'/' i' (i) • ,c (+ ,<-: If. I 1--;' ~~, t: I,·i Hj ([) ([) I i.) rn (0. ,) (I) \'.:, : __ J, ei- I UJ. 0 er- (,'I 0 , ), (i) ,D I 1 I-'J ~-? ,II ,:1 CD I ;j m d- ~-D L:' (".;- ).:, U : -3 I I, ,.-1- I CD ct" 1-~1 _I. )~ : {LJ <--j- ([) ,--~ i _. cor (oj (,:' r)-~ m , (I;' I:! • ,-j (0 i-j ;-" :; :---.-' (l) ( I" o ci" o TELEPHONE 551 HUGO S. SIMS HUGOS.SIMS.JR. ~iml.'i & ~iml.'i E-!tor1te~. @ranllehuell, jj$. 28 ST. PAUL STREET m. December 29, 1950 ~,ji. ~ L .. F .. Theiling Ci ty Cl·erk & Treasurer Orangeburg, South Carolina Dear lIJro Theiling: I enclose copy of resolution which shoClld be included. in your minutes as of the ninth day of December, 1950 .. A copy of this resolution has been delivered to the Addens and has been attached to the lease which they executed to the Cityo I thi:nk you are farniliar vd th the !:latter but if there is any information you Vf2..."1t from me, please advise" iNi th best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, ··~~,u HSS/vab encl$ Hugo S .JiJIlS. j GITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. December 12, 1950 Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held December 12, 1950. Present, The Mayor Councilman Councilman R. H. Jennings J. Roger Council James S. Bryant Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Council, held Novemb= 28, 1950, read and approved. Financial report of the City Treasurer for the month of November received as information. Report of the Chief of Police for the month of November: NUmber of Arrests Fines & Forfeitures Days on ImbUc ,iorks Transferred to Magistrate 86 $ 906.00 190 3 received as information. A Resolution authorizing certain changes in the water and light contract was approved by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. A cO!llllIUnication from Mrs. Mildred E. IImtch requesting certain,," changes in the operation of the Pavilion at Edisto Beach was read and Council refused these requests by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and BrJant. " AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A BUILDING SETBACK LINE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RUSSELL STREET FROM DOYLE TO CHURCH STREETS" passed third reading and was enacted into law by the followip~ vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councimmen Council and Bryant. The City Clerk was authorized to sign a contract with the National Theatre Supply Company for the purchasing of 348 chairs at a cost of $7429.80 and to pay a deposit of $1,857.45, the balance to be paid when installation of chairs are completed and accepted by the City, by the following vote. Yea, the Mayor, Councilmen Council and Bryant. ?'j)"J 2000 '" '" n r-- '.P .•.. r<,.,~..l (,--,'V CITY OF ORANGEBURG, S. C. December 26, 1950 Regular night for Council Meeting No Meeting held 7 i, . '"