BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue Parlier, Californiaf93648 Phone: (559) 646-2844 DIVERSITY IN ONESNESS, ONENESS IN DIVERSITY November 2012 SEIKURO OF YAMATO-MYOKONIN Rev. Sensho Inouye Last month, I wrote about Osono of Mikawa. This month let me tell you about Seikuro of Yamato - another very well known myokonin who really appreciated the Nembutsu teaching. When he was young, even though he was married, he indulged in gambling and drinking because his hard working was never rewarded and always poor. Even when his wife became ill from overwork and dystrophy, he had no money to buy medicine for her. at her death bed, his wife said to Seikuro, “Please refrain from drinking and gambling, and please take good care of our daughter.” Seikuro wept like a baby and regretted his past deeds. It was around this time of his life that he started listening to the Nembutsu teaching. The following episode tells how earnestly he lived his Nembutsu life. One day, when he got back home from a visit to the temple, he found out that his money was missing. “I cannot find the ten dollars that I had hidden under this mat, but I am happy that I had at least some money for the robber to take.” His friend asked, “Why are you happy being robbed” Seikuro replied, “Sometimes, I also have the temptation to steal, but, because I am fortunate enough to be blessed with the “ears” to listen to the Buddha Dharma, I am allowed to be the person who is robbed, rather than the person doing the robbing. Therefore, I am most happy. At that moment, Seikuro could not but feel he was embraced in Amida Buddha’s limitless compassion even though he was full of remorse of his sinful minds. Thank you, Seikuro-san, for showing us the essential core of Nembutsu teaching through your own life. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our appreciation to the following for their generous donations TEMPLE Windle Family Medaka no Gakko Memorial for Mas Kimura...........................................................$100.00 Orei for use of facilities...............................................................$500.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Mr. Kay Kobashi DONATIONS for MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE: Mr. & Mrs. Shiz Kimura..........................$20.00 Mrs. Sawae Kimura.................................$20.00 Mrs. Jean Kobashi....................................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Miyakawa..................$75.00 Mrs. Miyo Ohara...........................................$20.00 Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro...................................$20.00 Mr. Kaz Yoshimoto........................................$20.00 Agenda for the General Meeting to be held on December 10, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the temple. BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER General Meeting Agenda December 10, 2012 7:00 PM 1. Call meeting to order 2. Quorum 3. Minutes 4. Treasurer’s report 5. Minister’s report 6. Committee reports A. Religious B. Publications C. Membership D. Maintenance E. Calendar 2013 F. Finance G. V & P 7. Report on by-laws 8. Other business 9. Adjournment, Gassho *Note: The Monthly Board Meeting will be held in conjunction with the General Meeting. 2 THOUGHTS FROM THE SANGHA By Toshie Mori Necessity of Humility and Humbleness Toshie Mori There was an article in the Fresno Bee in Other Opinions section recently titled “Learning about Humility through Unemployment” that grabbed my attention. Normally I pass over this section quickly without giving it a thought, but not that day. It was written by a woman, whom I shall call Suzy, was proud of her position of power and totally identified herself with her work of 32 years. But one day she was laid off, a job she expected to have until retirement, with these words by the human resource person when handed her walking papers, “layoff is not personal, it’s just a business decision”. These words could be said only by those who are working. To those being laid off it becomes very personal as it changes the course of your life, your stature in society and the ability to take care of your family. She went on to describe the difficulties of accepting the loss, drowning in the cesspool of jobless seekers, short reprieve from this pain through temporary jobs, sending out countless resumes and cover letters from her computer. She described her computer as a lifeline and a black hole from which the correspondence is sent out, but seldom comes back. Slowly her pride and self importance were chipped away and what was left was emptiness and humility. She used to think that those who weren’t working or supporting themselves were just lazy but after her layoff she saw them differently. Now, each time she passed a beggar on the street corner with a sign, she understands her mistaken way of thinking, that there may be a legitimate reason for their unemployment. As she put it ‘she got kicked off the high horse of disdain towards those she couldn’t relate to’, and now, she actually feels grateful for this experience. She says humility helped lift the cocoon of superiority and arrogance that she had wrapped around herself. She understands what it’s like to feel out of control and to need help; that she couldn’t have pulled through this alone and realized she wasn’t alone. There were myriads of “unemployed” who were going through similar experience who helped her to see things as they should be seen. As I read this article I realized why I was so intrigued by her words. Although I’ve never experienced being laid off or fired from a job, I totally saw myself in her words. I could literally see myself wrapped in this cocoon of superiority. It was all about me, my ego and foolishness. When anything is full and overflowing it can’t accept anything more. More room has to be made. Since then, I’ve been thinking how this affects my listening to the Buddha Dharma. Was I listening but not able to hear completely because I am full? Am I judging the messages from Senseis with my calculating mind? Answer was emphatic yes. We all need reminders and others to help unload the deeply ingrained self importance. For Suzy, it took losing her job. For me, it was through Suzy’s experience. She helped me to unload my ego so that I have room to think and reflect. This is the amazing, working power of Amida Buddha, 24/7. Amida’s light (wisdom) shone through Suzy and reflected on me so I was able to clearly see the real me. However, there is no purpose to just feel the self worth or see what I am really about. What’s most important is that these experiences direct me towards Amida’s wishes and aspirations, which is to awaken me to the reality of life, to receive the heart of the Buddha to reach the ultimate goal of becoming a Buddha so that I may eternally be at peace and be happy. When I became aware of that reality I was overcome by the warmth and compassion of Amida Buddha. This is what Amida wants for me. How grateful I am not alone, that Amida is constantly with me guiding me towards that goal. There is nothing left for me to say, but namandan-bu. And thanks to everything that surrounds me through whom Amida’s light and compassion shines through, even the newspaper. 3 BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2012 I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:21 by President Dennis Ikuta. Gassho was led by Reverend Inouye. II. A quorum was established with members present: Dennis Ikuta, Reverend Inouye, Glenn Yoshimoto, Steve Sasai, Yuki & Toshie Mori, Gail Hachiya, Curtis & Cheryl Koga, & James Goishi. III. Minutes – September 10, 2012 were read. Steve moved to accept the minutes. Curtis seconded the motion. The motion was passed. IV. Treasurer’s Report – Glenn Yoshimoto went over the report for September 2012. Toshie moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Yuki seconded the motion. The motion was passed V. Committee Reports A. Minister’s Report – Reverend Inouye reported the following items: The Eitaikyo scroll that was stolen will possibly be replaced with an appropriate book from the Hongwanji in Japan. Reverend Inouye’s nephew in Japan will look into it for the church. 10/10/12 – CCDC Minister’s meeting in Fresno at 10:00 a.m. 10/10/12 –Curtis’ discussion group at 7:00 p.m. 10/12-14/12 - FBWA Conference at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose Reverend and Mrs. Inouye and Kaye Kozuki will attend. 10/16/12 – Caregivers Support Group meeting in Fowler at 7:00 p.m. 10/20-21/12 - Reverend Inouye will be speaking in Salinas for an Eitaikyo Service. 10/26/12 - Reverend Inouye will attend an appreciation banquet at CSUSan Jose in honor of Yosh Uchida, for achievement in judo. 10/28/12 - Monthly Shotsuki Service at 10:00 a.m. 11/4/12– Sangha Gathering at 10:00 a.m. 11/17/12 – Q/A with Reverend John Iwohara @ 3:00 p.m. 11/18/12 – Eshinni/Kakushinni/November Shotsuki @ 10:00 a.m. with Reverend Iwohara B. Maintenance Report – James Goishi reported no new items. It was decided to have a Yard Cleanup on Saturday, November 17th C. BWA Report – Gail Hachiya reported the following events in addition to those dates that Reverend Inouye had reported on: 10/27/12 – Group 2 Clean-up @ 8:00 a.m. 10/28/12 – For the Shotsuki Service Reedley and Parlier will be in charge of refreshments. 10/28/12 – Yard Sale Drop Off; Barbara Goto and Denise Kusunoki are in charge. 11/3/12 – Yard Sale from 8:00-12:00. Men folk are asked to come out to help. D. Finance Report – Dennis will contact The Mutual Fund Store for recommendations. E. V & P Report – Curtis reported on the first caregivers meeting. Dr. Sheriffs did an outstanding job discussing how to work with and care for people who are in need. The Caregivers Support Group will meet in Fowler on Oct. 16 and Nov. 27 at the Fowler Buddhist Church at 7:00 p.m. and will be led by Gay Mukai. There will be a V & P meeting in Reedley on October 24th at 7:00. Everyone is welcome to come. The Combined Service on Super Bowl Sunday will be held in Reedley on Sunday, February 3, 2013. F. Future Direction Planning Committee/Ministerial Affairs – Dennis reported on the classes that Reverend Harada is bringing to Central California. Also of note were the meditation sessions that OCBC holds. There was discussion about the opportunities for the MAs ranging from tokudo to kyoshi to kaikyoshi. Curtis shed some light on the MA program and what it was and is designed to do. Each path and role for MAs is dependent on the goals and wishes of the MAs and resident/supervising minister and how far they wish to go. There are over 100 certified MAs in the BCA and many of them have continued on to the next step for their tokudo. Dennis spoke to Ray Arifuku about making some obutsudans as gifts for new members. At the FDP Committee meeting Kaye asked if there was a way to help advertise to a broader range of people, not only to the Parlier community. It was suggested to advertise in the Reedley Exponent. It was announced that Reverend Rye will be leaving the Fresno Buddhist Temple and moving to Virginia shortly. G. It was M/S by Toshie and Curtis to accept the committee reports. Motion passed. VI. Old Business A. Ohigan Service went well. B. Buddhist Education Classes with Reverend Harada was covered – V. F. above. C. New Members – Recruitment, gifts, recognition and dues were discussed. Dues for the first 12 months would amount to ½ the rate. The next 12 months would be ¾ the rate, and the next 12 months would be at the full rate. Curtis looked into the obutsudans at the JSC Bookstore but were somewhat expensive. VII. New Business A. Burglar Alarm System – After discussion it was agreed upon to look into the costs of such a system. There is a need to deter would be vandals and burglars, before it is too late for consideration. Dennis will look into the costs. B. Reverend Rye’s Departure – It was M/S/C by Curtis and Gail to send a monetary farewell gift. C. Sangha Gathering – A work in progress. Curtis thanked everyone for attending. Timing needs to be worked out. Needs to be kept short and simple. Sensei addressed group from the floor rather than the podium which made it up close and personal. D. Forum for Yonsei – Scheduled for Saturday, November 24th at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast or soup will be served. Cheryl will work on topics and format of forum as well as call families. BWA may be asked to call members for a count. E. Transportation for CBE – BWA was asked to call for a headcount to see if anyone would like to attend the classes. The church will try to organize rides for those interested. If anyone could drive, let Dennis know. The next class will be held at the Fresno Dharma Center on November 5th at 7:00 p.m. Parlier will host the December 5th class. The session is entitled, “Buddhsit Views of Life and Death”. F. Meditation – Dennis discussed the possibility of having meditation at our Sangha Gatherings. It will be discussed at the Future Direction Planning Committee meeting. G. Elections – Ballots will be mailed out as soon as possible so that elections of cabinet members can be held at the November 12th meeting. The 2012 General Meeting will be held at the meeting in December. Information for the General Meeting will be in the December newsletter. H. Yard Sale – Drop of for the November Yard Sale will be on October 28th after the monthly memorial service. VIII. Next meeting will be on Monday, November 12th @ 7:00 p.m. IX. Adjournment – MSC by James and Glenn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Gassho – Closing gassho was led by Rev. Inouye. Respectfully Submitted, 4 buddhist women’s association By Irene Kozuki, BWA Newsletter Writer I hope the calm that I associate with October will continue into November. We thank the men and women of group 2 for cleaning and the women from Parlier/ Reedley who prepared refreshments for the October Monthly Memorial Service and took care of the usual activities. With meetings for the board, planning committees, Sangha gatherings, tai chi, discussion classes, MAP sessions, etc. the need for keeping things clean and friendly (delicious) is appreciated often and sincerely. The BWA has the Yard Sale coming up on November 3 and will welcome helpers to organize the donated items on October 28 from 1- 3 pm. Call Denise or Barbara if you can help on either of those days. Kaye was our delegate to the Federation BWA Conference in San Jose and said it was very good. We will hear about it at the BWA general meeting scheduled for November 17 after Omigaki (everyone) and clean up (group 3). Please attend the meeting after. In November the BWA sponsors the annual service in memory of Eshinni, Kakushinni and all past BWA members. The monthly memorial service will also be observed. We welcome Rev. John Iwohara of the Venice Buddhist Church as our guest speaker. On Saturday, Nov. 17 at 3 PM, there will be a Q&A session, followed by a group dinner out. Please join us. Many look forward to the Tofu potluck lunch we will have after the service on Sunday. Gail H., Miyo O., Fusa I., and Yuki G. are organizing the luncheon that will follow the service on Nov. 18. Tobans will be calling to get a count and some idea of what type of food is coming. There are a couple of other interesting activities this month: in bringing interest and support back to our temple. It really is a team when you think about how many times they come, often with their adult children, each their own talents and cooperative friends to “help out.” They have been on hand to help with cooking chow mein, setting up the yagura, assisting in a dharma talk, providing entertainment or refreshments, always helping. Curtis and Cheryl set a standard of devoting their time, talent, and energy unselfishly toward the continuation of activities, services, and interest in the Parlier Buddhist Church. Curtis and Cheryl are both teachers and leaders that add the special element of Buddhist teachings to all they do. It’s one thing to barbecue chicken or cook the otoki meal and another to regularly teach the Dharma Class and attend all the Ministerial Assistant classes on top of that. They each provide the support of each other’s endeavors. A masterful classroom teacher, Cheryl knows how to motivate and maintain enthusiasm in learning complex things and shares that expertise with Curtis. Curtis has more leeway to take on responsibilities that require time and his own hands-on management. He quietly represents us in the church negotiations and business, prepares for Dharma classes, takes care of some maintenance chores and outreach. He is the person who approaches visitors to our church and welcomes them. After a full day at school, Cheryl arrives at evening gatherings with refreshments to share. They take the “next step” to ideas by actually executing them. They do it all and they do it together. Thank you to Cheryl and Curtis Koga and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Nov. 5 in Fresno at 7 PM, Rev. Harada’s lecture – call Kaye if you need transportation, on Nov. 27, a meeting of the caregivers support group at 7 PM in Fowler. Thought for the Month That takes us right up to Thanksgiving, though sometime soon we will plan to visit our members that aren’t able to attend church activities. Right after the Thanksgiving holidays, we will help host the CBE Lecture on Monday, Dec. 3 at 7 PM. by Mertle Masumoto “ A bitter persimmon will evenually turn into a sweet persimmon.” I want to linger on the idea of Thanksgiving a little. It is a lead-in to speak of Curtis and Cheryl Koga and give thanks because this team has been instrumental 5 MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE The November Shotsuki Service will be on Sunday, November 18, 2012. Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend. novemBER SHOTSUKI DECEASED MOURNER Mrs. Haruye Mihara 63 yrs. Mr. Arthur Mihara Mr. Shunzo Kurokawa 54 yrs. Ms. Arlene Kurokawa Mrs. Ryu Kurokawa 44 yrs. Ms. Arlene Kurokawa Mr. Masaitsu Furumoto 48 yrs. Mr. Roy Furumoto Mr. Shozo Kubo 34 yrs. Mr. Larry Kubo Mr. Kakuichi Sunamoto 33 yrs. Mrs. Terry Tsuji Mr. Heiichi Sasai 32 yrs. Dr. Steven Sasai Mrs. Hide Yamashiro 30 yrs. Mr. James Suehiro 26 yrs. Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro Mr. Kazuo Yagi 24 yrs. Mr. Kyoichi Yagi Mr. Shimeo Yagi 20 yrs. Mr. Kyoichi Yagi Mr. Shaw Yorizane 21 yrs. Mrs. Cheryl Koga Mrs. Sakino Nakamichi 21 yrs. Mr. Toshiye Nakamichi Mr. Kanichi Yoshizaki 78 yrs. Mrs. Takako Kanemoto Mr. Toraichi Yamada 57 yrs. Mr. Minoru Yamada Mrs. Shizuye Nemoto 22 yrs. Mr. Tommy Hayashi Mrs. Ruby Chizuko Yorizane 10 yrs. Mrs. Cheryl Koga Mrs. Peggy Okada 1 yr. Mr. George Okada Mr. Robert Kusunoki 1 yr. Mrs. Denise Kusunoki PARLIER BWA YARD SALE Saturday, November 3rd 8:00am-Noon 6 7 8 Center Megan Mori (559) 471-6002 Contact for tickets: Fresno Buddhist Church (559) 324-8730 or Megan Mori (559) 471-6002 Price: $12 Contact for tickets: Fresno Buddhist Church (559) 324-8730 or a bread roll and a dessert! have deep pit greenwill beef, lunch *The pilaf, ricepit beans, have deep a bread roll and Price: $12 Where: Fresno Dharma beef, green a dessert! beans, rice pilaf, Time: 11:00am-2:00pm Date: December 2,2012 Fresno Dharma Where: Center Time: 11:00am-2:00pm Date: December 2,2012 *The lunch will Deep Pit Lunch Deep Pit Lunch CCYBA Fundraiser CCYBA Fundraiser Rev. Sensho Inouye....... 834-3175 Dennis Ikuta.................. 638-4962 Toshie Mori.................... 638-8614 Wes Kubo....................... 638-6758 Glenn Yoshimoto............897-1811 James Goishi.................. 638-5510 Kaye Kozuki.................. 646-2538 Gail Hachiya.................. 637-0444 Curtis Koga................... 638-4669 Julie Doi......................... 896-6354 Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795 Glenn Nakamichi.......... 896-5240 upcoming DECEMber events 1 3 10 13 (Sat) (Mon) (Mon) (Thu) National Board JSC................................. CBE in Parlier.............................7:00pm Board Meeting.............................7:00pm CCDC Meeting............................7:00pm NOVEMBER Japanese English DECEMBER Japanese English 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Dr. Gene Tsukamoto Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Dr. Gary Mukai Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Kurt Rye Mr. George Teraoka Rev. Kurt Rye Eshinni Memorial & Shotsuki Service Sunday, Nov. 18 2012, at 10:00 A.M. Speaker: Rev. John Iwohara BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 Parlier, CA 93648 Minister Church President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Maintenance Fujinkai Presidents Newletter Editors Webmaster NOVEMber Buddhist radio broadcast kfib (am900) Saturday 7:20am Address Service Requested DIRECTORY OF OFFICIERS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S POSTAGE PARLIER, CA 93648 PERMIT #23 NovemBER Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday DONATIONS FOR THE BUDDHIST RADIO BROADCAST EACH BROADCAST IS $50.00 If you wish to donate, please contact Rev. Kurt Rye of the Fresno Betsuin. Sangha 4 Gathering 10:00am 1 Year Memorial Service for Robert Kusunoki 4:00pm 11 5 Rev. Harada’s Lecture at Fresno DC 7:00pm 12 Parlier Board Meeting 7:00pm 18 Eshinni MS & Shotsuki Service w/ Rev. John Iwohara 10:00am 25 19 V & P Meeting Parlier 7:00pm 26 2 Parlier Class 8 Taichi (Parlier Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am 9 16 Omigaki 17 cleanup Group 3 & everyone Parlier BWA Mtg. after clean-up Q&A w/ Rev. John Iwohara 3:00pm 23 24 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am Fowler 13 Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Mah Jong 14 9:00am CCMA Mtg. Fresno 10am Curtis Discussion Class 7:00pm Parlier Class 15 Taichi & Welcome Center Fowler 20 Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm 21 22 Care Givers Meeting Fowler 7:00pm Saturday Parlier Class 1 Taichi (Parlier Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am 6 Fowler Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Fowler 27 Classes: (see above) 7 Friday Parlier BWA Yard Sale 8am-12pm 10 CCYBA Conference at Fresno 8:00am V & P Retreat & Leadership Mtg. 7:00pm Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am Yonsei Forum 9:00am 28 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am 3 Parlier Class 29 Taichi (Parlier Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am MAY PEACE AND TRANQUILITY PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 30
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