hangan - half open eyes - Buddhist Church of Parlier
BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue Parlier, Californiaf93648 Phone: (559) 646-2844 MAY PEACE AND TRANQILITY PREVAIL THOROUGH OUT THE WORLD December 2011 “HANGAN - HALF OPEN EYES Rev. Sensho Inouye When we look up Buddha’s statue or Buddha’s image closely, we find Buddha’s eyes are not wide open. Buddha’s eyes are not closed, but they are open half way. We call them “Hangan” -Half open eyes. Half open eyes look not only outside but also inside. Half open eyes see not only front but they see back also. Half open eyes see not only the thing that exists but they see the things which make it exist by supporting it from behind. A Buddhist priest was taking a walk a walk with his disciple in his temple yard. Then a blast of wind scattered dead leaves all on the temple yard. The Buddhist priest while he was walking picked dead leaves one by one and put them into he robe’s sleeve-pocket. Watching what his teacher was doing, the dipciple said, “Master, please stop doing it. I will sweep them later.” Then the Buddhist priest cried out loudly, “You can not make the garden clean by sweeping later. If you pick one dead leaf, you could make the garden clean that much.” Yes, if you pick one dead leaf, you could make the garden clean that much. We have a tendency to look forward expecting something to happen in the future. But when we change our attitude and turn our eyes to look back or inside, we will find out that we are blessed with countless things. We will become grateful for the blessings we have been given. If we can not pick up the things that are given upon us, we can not produce anything. Buddhism teachies us that we should clearly see what is making ourselves exist every moment. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our appreciation to the following for their generous donations TEMPLE Mr. Tom Hayashi Kiyoko Taniguchi/Hisako Shimizu Hon. Mikio Uchiyama Ms. Setsuko Yotori Memorial for Shizue Nemoto.......................................................$25.00 Newsletter.....................................................................................$20.00 Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni memorial service.......................................$50.00 Eitaikyo-Kazuo & Toshiko Yotori..............................................$100.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Mrs. Miyo Ohara BWA donations: Mr. Tom Yamanaka In Memory of Fumi Yamanaka...................................................$250.00 DONATIONS for MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE: Mr. & Mrs. Min Doi..........................$20.00 Mr. Roy Furumoto............................$20.00 Mrs. Takako Kanemoto.....................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Koga....................$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Miyakawa...........$20.00 Mrs. Toshi Nakamichi.......................$20.00 Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sasai....................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Shimizu..............$20.00 Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro......................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tsuji........................$20.00 Mr. Kyoichi Yagi..............................$20.00 Mr. Min Yamada...............................$20.00 Ms. Akiko Yorizane..........................$30.00 80TH ANNIVERSARY DONATIONS: Mr. & Mrs. Tatsumi Arakawa Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kushi Mrs. Kuni Nishimura Ms. Akiko Yorizane Eshinni-ko/Kakushinni-ko Hoyo/BWA/Monthly Memorial Service & Tofu Festival 2011 Rev. Kobata, Guest Speaker Cheryl Koga, Chairperson Minoru Yamada (Julie’s Dad), Kimi Doi and Kobashi/Guerra family New addition to the Kozuki family. Tofu Luncheon draws a large crowd. Tats family enjoyed the luncheon. 2 THOUGHTS FROM THE SANGHA Kay Kobashi in Washington DC Senator Daniel Inouye & Robert Yano Robert Yano & Kay Kobashi Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in Washington D.C. In 2010, Congress passed a bill to award veterans of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Infantry Battalion, and Military Intelligence Service the Congressional Gold Medal in recognition of their heroic actions and service in World War II. This bill was signed by President Obama in October 2010 and plans began for the presentation of the medal. I was fortunate have had the opportunity to attend the activities in Washington D.C. with my family and grandpa who was one of approximately 350 Nisei veterans recognized October 31st to November 2nd, 2011. The first event was the awarding of Bronze Star to veterans who, by their past actions that went above and beyond their call of duty, were recommended and selected for the medal. These medals were presented to the honored veterans by General Odierno, the Army Chief of Staff. Each Bronze Star was engraved with the recipient’s name. Following the ceremony, the veterans went to the National World War II Memorial. The ceremony for the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal took place on November 2nd. Veterans, accompanied by a family member, were bused to the U.S. Capitol Hill and seated in Emancipation Hall. Leaders of Congress addressed the honorees, expressing words of appreciation and commendation for the sacrifices and loyalty of the WWII veterans. Each veteran was given a bronze replica of the Gold medal. That evening, Congress hosted a gala dinner in honor of the 442nd, 100th, and MIS. Friends and family attended the dinner and enjoyed the special program which including touching stories and a speech by Senator Daniel Inouye who had also served in the war. The city of Washington D.C. is full of U.S. history, from its famous landmarks to various museums. Being this was my first time visiting the city, I was impressed with its beautiful parks and open space. Walking paths surrounded the monuments and memorial sites, making strolling to the different landmarks a wonderful experience. The sunny days also added to our pleasant touring. I am grateful to my grandpa and to all of the veterans who served our country through the trying times of internment of their loved ones and the discrimination present at home. They deserve this long-overdue recognition and place in American history. Congratulations to all of our Nisei Veterans on this achievement! In Gassho, Lesley K. Guerra Note regarding the Local 442 Event in Fresno CCDC-JACL has approved in concept a local Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in Fresno. I hope you will be able to attend and spread the word. It would be great to honor the veterans locally, especially those who were not able to attend the ceremony in Washington, D.C. We will be looking for sponsors to pay for the medal and meal for the veterans. Also, through the U.S. Mint, bronze replica’s of the 442’s CGM are available for purchase. I have reserved the Liberty Ballroom, at the Clovis Veterans’ Memorial Building, 808 4th Street, Clovis, California, for February 19, 2012, noon reception followed by lunch. Pardini’s will be our caterer. More information to come. Dale Ikeda 3 BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2011 By Wes Kubo, Secretary The meeting was called to order by Dennis Ikuta. Gassho was led by Rev. Inouye. Members Present: Dennis Ikuta, Glenn & Lynne Yoshimoto, Yuki & Toshie Mori, Curtis & Cheryl Koga, James Goishi, Neil Okino, Calvin Doi, Tats Arakawa, Rev. Inouye and Wes Kubo. A quorum was established. Minutes: The October 20 minutes were read. Neil Okino noted that the Ending Balance in the Treasurer’s report was incorrect. Neil Okino moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Curtis Koga seconded the motion. The motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: Glenn Yoshimoto went over the Treasurer’s report for October. Glenn noted the expenses for the 80th Anniversary Celebration, the ac/heater service and the dinner for Guest Speaker Rev. Hanayama. Calvin Doi moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Wes Kubo seconded the motion. The motion passed. Minister’s Report: Rev. Inouye said the BCA Bishop Selection Committee has selected Rev. Kozo Umezu as the next Bishop for the BCA. Rev. Umezu will begin his role as Bishop during the month of April 2012. Rev. Inouye also gave us his list of Guest Speakers for the early part of 2012: 1/22 Ho-Onko Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki from the Buddhist Church of Lodi 2/5 V & P Committee is hosting a Service in Parlier with Guest Speaker Rev. Alan Sakamoto from Orange County Buddhist Church at 10 am 3/4 CCBWL Conference in Parlier with Guest Speaker Rinban Hiroshi Abiko from Los Angeles Betsuin 4/22 Hanamatsuri Service with Guest Speaker Rev. George Shibata at 10 am Rev. Inouye also went over the upcoming schedule: 11/16 CC Minister’s Assoc. Meeting in Fresno at 10 am 11/16 MAP Class in Parlier at 7 pm 11/19 Q & A Period with Rev. Ron Kobata from the Buddhist Church of San Francisco at 3:30 pm 11/20 Eshin-ni / Kakushin-ni Service with Guest Speaker Rev. Ron Kobata at 10 am 11/30 V & P Meeting in Reedley at 7 pm 12/3 7th Year Memorial Service for Kelly Sasai at 11 am 12/7 MAP Class in Parlier at 7 pm 12/10 Farewell Luncheon for Rev. George Shibata at the Visalia Holiday Inn at 11:30 am 12/11 Bodhi Day / Shotsuki Service at 10 am 12/17 CC Minister’s Meeting / Party in Fresno at 6 pm 12/21 MAP Class in Parlier at 7 pm 12/31 New Year’s Eve Service at 7:30 pm 1/1 New Year’s Day Service at 10 am Obon Schedule: 7/7 Fresno, 7/14 Fowler, 7/21 Visalia, 7/22 Parlier and 7/28 Reedley Committee Reports: Maintenance: James Goishi did not have anything new to report. BWA: Lynne Yoshimoto said the yard sale on 11/5 made a profit of $1274.50. She said that there will be Church clean-up on 11/19 at 8 am and the BWA will be having the Tofu Festival and bingo following the Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni 4 service on 11/20. It was also noted that the Tai Chi group is purchasing tablecloths to be used for the upcoming CCBWL Conference in March. Finance: Dennis Ikuta went over the monthly financial report. The investments with the Mutual Fund Store were down slightly for the month. No changes in the protfolio will be made at this time. V & P: Calvin Doi said the the Buddhist Church of Parlier will be sponsoring a Dharma Gathering with the theme “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”, on 12/3 starting with breakfast at 8:00 am. Guest Speaker will be Gordon Ah-Tye. A motion was made by Curtis Koga to sponsor and have this event in Parlier. Calvin Doi seconded the motion. The motion passed. Old Business: A. Review of Special Meeting - A meeting was held on 10/24 to discuss the shortage of Ministers in Central California. Even though we currently have Rev. Inouye as our supervising minister, the Board wants to be pro-active and discusss possible alternatives before we lose Rev. Inouye’s services. One possible option would be to contact other churches to gauge their interest in sharing a minister. This could give our church a plan to discuss with the Bishop before he makes a decision on what is done for Central California. B. Minister’s Assistant Program- During the Special Meeting, the MAP program was discussed. It was explained what a certified Minister’s Assistant was allowed to do, depending upon the amount of training that each person had completed. New Business: A. Bodhi Seals - Glenn Yoshimoto said that he would mail the seals out to the Members. B. Rev. Shibata Retirement Announcement - A retirement lunch will be held on 12/10 at the Visalia Holiday Inn C. Election Results - The following board members have been re-elected to two year terms: Tats Arakawa, Calvin Doi, Henry Guerra, Dennis Ikuta, Curtis Koga, Wes Kubo, and Glenn Yoshimoto. D. Executive Board Elections - After some discussion, Neil Okino made a motion to keep the Executive Board the same for the 2012 year. The motion was seconded by Cheryl Koga. The motion passed. President - Dennis Ikuta, Vice President - Toshie Mori, Treasurer - Glenn Yoshimoto, and Secretary - Wes Kubo. E. Medaka no Gakko - The committee consists of James Goishi, Toshie Mori, Neil Okino, Steve Sasai, Cheryl Koga, and Henry Guerra. Cheryl Koga made a motion to add Gakko President Tats Arakawa to the committee. Curtis Koga seconded the motion. The motion passed. F. Dharma Discussion Meeting in Parlier at 7 pm There being no further business, James Goishi moved to adjourn the meeting. Curtis Koga seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gassho was led by Rev. Inouye. Next Meeting: December 12, 2011 Respectfully - Wes Kubo, Secretary buddhist women’s association By Karen Shimizu, BWA Social Chairperson The holiday season is upon us. This is a busy time for everyone preparing for the holidays. Don’t forget to take a moment for some fun and relaxation with family and friends. Our yard sale was a great success. Denise and Barb did an excellent job coordinating the fundraiser. As usual, people were lined up outside waiting for us to open the doors. It was our most successful yard sale to date. It seems that this time we had an extraordinary amount and variety of items donated. Thank you for your donations and many thanks to all the ladies and menfolk who came out to help with the yard sale. A huge thank you to Group 1 and everyone who came out for the church cleaning and omigaki. It is a big undertaking to clean and polish the onaijin and hondo. We appreciate everyone’s help, The Eshinni-ko/Kakushinni-ko Hoyo/BWA/Monthly Memorial Service was held on Nov. 20th. This service is dedicated to the remembrance to Eshinni, wife of Shinran Shonin, Kakushinni, daughter of Shinran Shonin, and all past members of our BWA. We are grateful for these women’s dedication and contributions to our church and for furthering the Jodo Shinshu teachings. Our guest speaker was Rev. Ron Kobata who is currently the minister of the San Francisco Buddhist Church. He spoke about the purpose of life in the Buddhist context which is “awareness” or “awakening” in ourselves of the truth (reality) of life. After the service, we had a wonderful luncheon consisting of a variety of tofu dishes. Our members found many creative and innovative ways to incorporate tofu into their dishes. Gail H., Yuki G., Fusa I., and Miyo O. did an outstanding job organizing the luncheon. Thanks also to Matsuko, Carol G., Leslie G., and our social chairs, Char and Julie for their assistance. After the luncheon, everyone enjoyed playing several games of bingo. Thank you Calvin D. for being our bingo caller. The church is having a Dharma Gathering on Sat., Dec.3rd. Our guest speaker will be Gordon Ah-Tye. He will be talking about “Happiness”. Something we wish we have more of. Gordon spoke at the Baby Boomer’s Seminar back in Oct. and gave a very impressive talk. He will surely put a smile on your face and have you leaving in a happy mood. In addition, we are planning to serve breakfast at 8:00 am before Gordon’s talk. It will be a very inspiring and fun event to attend. 5 The year is winding down. We will be having our Bodhi Day Service on Sun., Dec. 11th. After the service, we will be having otoki. The toban heads will be calling to get a head count. Our year-end Joya-E Service will be held on Sat., Dec. 31st at 7:30 pm. Come and help ring in the New Year. December Events: Dec 3 - Dharma Gathering 8:00 am – Breakfast 9:00 am – Gordon Ah-Tye, guest speaker Dec 10 – 8:00 am - church cleanup Group 2 Dec 10 – 9:00 am - BWA General Meeting following church cleanup New cabinet will be selected. Calendar and sign up for activities for 2012 year will be passed around. Dec 11 – Bodhi Day Service 10:00 am Otoki following service Dec 12 – Board meeting - Barb and Denise to provide refreshments Dec 31 – Joya-E Service 7:30 pm -- Quote of the Month -All things appear and disappear because of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone, everything is in relation to everything else. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season. Helpful Hint by Carol Guerra If you’d like to try eating the “bitter” kaki when it’s hard, instead of waiting for it to become soft and eating that way, or using it for baking, this is what I do. When the kaki is still firm, but colored, dip it into a bowl of whiskey or vodka, place it, stem side up in an airtight container...my mother used to use a crock that she also made sukimono in, but I use a large lidded tupperware container. Spoon some of the whiskey or vodka so it sits in the stem area, just so a little of it sits there. Seal it airtight in a cool area for 3-5 days depending on how hard the fruit was. After 3-4 days, rinse & try cutting one...if you still taste a little bitterness, let it set for another day or two. Once it’s ready, refrigerate it and it’ll stay hard for a while. It’s really delicious and my favorite way of eating the “bitter” Kaki! This was something my grandmother, mother, and I have done. Try it! My favorite is to use whiskey...at first it smells, but it dissipates and leaves no alcohol flavor. MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE The December Shotsuki Service will be in conjunction with the Bodhi Day Service on Sunday, December 11, 2011. Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend. December 2011 DECEASED Mrs. Kinuyo Doi 70 yrs. Mr. Douglas L. Kobashi 66 yrs. Mr. Ishisuke Takano 64 yrs. Miss Karen Doi 50 yrs. Mr. Yonetaro Masuda 47 yrs. Mr. Masaru Nishimura 46 yrs. Mr. Torazo Tsuji 43 yrs. Mrs. Aiko Ikuta 33 yrs. Baby Brook Y. Yano 27 yrs. Mrs. Toyoko Chiamori 21 yrs. Mrs. Doris Y. Furumoto 21 yrs. Mr. Masanosuke Okubo 59 yrs. Mr. Katsuzo Handa 61 yrs. Mrs. Shizuye Kubo 13 yrs. Mr. Koji Kay Yoshimoto 13 yrs. Mr. Junkichi Kagawa 12 yrs. Miss Lily Yamamoto 13 yrs. Mr. Tom Takata 9 yrs. Mr. Shinji Sasai 7 yrs. Mr. Harry Teiichi Kubo 6 yrs. Mrs. Shizuye Kub 13 yrs. MOURNER Ms. Eleanor Doi Mrs. Jean Kobashi Mrs. Kimiyo Doi Mrs. Ellen Tsudama Mrs. Kuni Nishimura Mr. Bill Tsuji Mr. Bill Tsuji Mr. Randal Yano Mr. Patrick Chiamori Mr. Roy Furumoto Mr. Warren Okubo Mrs. Hiroko Kimoto Mr. Larry Kubo Mrs. Irene H. Yoshimoto Mrs. Naomi Tamura Mr. Tadashi Kozuki Mrs. May Takata Dr. Steven Sasai Mr. Larry Kubo Mrs. Flora Doi New Year’s Greeting Message Fill out form and send to Julie Doi 3607 Gaynor, Selma, CA 93662 ($5.00 donation to Buddhist Church of Parlier) Return form by: Dec. 18, 2011 Name___________________________ _________________________________ Message Here:__________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Create your own greetings here 6 DIRECTORY OF OFFICIERS Rev. Sensho Inouye....... 834-3175 Dennis Ikuta.................. 638-4962 Toshie Mori.................... 638-8614 Wes Kubo....................... 638-6758 Glenn Yoshimoto............897-1811 James Goishi.................. 638-5510 Lynn Yoshimoto..............897-1811 Cheryl Koga.................. 638-4669 Curtis Koga................... 638-4669 Julie Doi......................... 896-6354 Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795 Glenn Nakamichi.......... 896-5240 www.bcparlier.org DECEMBER Japanese 3 Rev. Nobuo Miyaji 10 Rev. Nobuo Miyaji 17 Rev. George Shibata 24 Rev. George Shibata 31 Rec. Nobuo Miyaji 成道会 並びに十二月祥月法要 Jodo-E Bodhi Day Service and Monthly Memorial Service Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 10:00 A.M. 除夜会 Joya-E Year-End Service Saturday, December 31, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. 修正会 Shusei-E New Year’s Day Service Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 8:00 A.M. upcoming January events (Sun) New Year’s Day Service............ 10:00am (Wed) Map Class....................................7:00pm (Wed) Map Class....................................7:00pm Address Service Requested 1 4 18 English Dr. Don Yoshimura Rev. Kurt Rye Mr. Ron Hata Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. George Shibata NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S POSTAGE PARLIER, CA 93648 PERMIT #23 8 BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 Parlier, CA 93648 Minister Church President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Maintenance Fujinkai Presidents Newletter Editors Webmaster December Buddhist radio broadcast kfib (am900) Saturday 7:20am Sunday Monday DECEMB E R Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Parlier Class: 1 Taichi (Parlier Buddhist Church) 8:00am DONATIONS FOR THE BUDDHIST RADIO BROADCAST: EACH BROADCAST DONATION IS $50.00 If you wish to donate, please contact Rev. George Shibata of the Reedley Buddhist Church 4 5 Memorial Service for Mrs. Peggy Okada 2:00pm 11 Bodhi Day Service & Monthly Shotsuki 10:00am 18 25 12 Board Meeting & General Meeting 7:00pm 19 Hana Class (Fowler) 7:00pm 26 Fowler Classes: Taichi: 9:00am Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Fowler Classes: (See Above) 6 13 YBA Xmas Tree Lane Walk Night 7:00pm Fowler 20 Classes: Taichi: 9:00am Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Fowler 27 Classes: Taichi: 9:00am Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm 7 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am MAP Class Rev. Inouye 7:00pm 14 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am CCMA Meeting Fresno 10:00am Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am MAP Class Rev. Inouye 7:00pm Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am MAY PEACE AND TRANQUILITY PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 21 28 Welcome Center 9:15am-11:30am at parsonage Parlier Class: 8 Taichi and Welcome Center (See Above) Dharma Discussion 7:00pm Parlier Class: 15 Taichi and Welcome Center (See Above) CCDC Meeting Fowler 7:00pm Parlier Class:22 Taichi (Parlier Buddhist Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am-11:30am at parsonage Parlier Class: 28 Taichi (Parlier Buddhist Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am-11:30am at parsonage Friday 2 9 16 23 30 Saturday Dharma 3 Discussion w/ Gordon Ah-Tye 8:00am 7th year Memorial Service for Mr. Kelly Sasai 11:00am Church Cleanup 10 (Group 2) 8:00am Rev. Shibata Retirement Party in Visalia 11:30am 17 CCMA Year End Party and Sobetsukai for Rev. Miyaji and Rev. Shibata 6:00pm 24 31 New Year’s Eve Service Parlier 7:30pm
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