
P.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue
Parlier, California 93648
Phone: (559) 646-2844
December 2014
December 8th is Bodhi Day, the day Gautama Siddhartha attained buddhahood over 2,500 years ago. It is said that when
Siddhartha saw the Morning Star early on that morning, he awoke to the truth-reality of the universe and the truth-reality of
himself; Siddartha became “Buddha-Awakened one.” (Some ask, “what is the contents of his “Awakening”?) I think that, in
essence, he awoke to the “middle way.” In other words, he found a way of living his life without any stresses that gave him a
state of perfect peace and ultimate relaxation in his life. He realized that neither living his life of extreme pleasure, which he
had done as Prince Siddhartha, nor living a life of extreme asceticism, which he did for 6 years prior to his awakening, could
lead him to find peace of mind. As Siddhartha, his life in the castle was a life of extreme pleasure; he lived in a world of real
comfort and pleasure before he renounced his life in the castle as the crown prince. In a similar way, we are living in a world
today that puts emphasis on comfort and pleasure. Therefore, I think we are also living in a world of pleasure. This is due to our
own desires and values. We think that materialistically fulfilled life is a life of comfort without anxiety. But is this really true?
Buddha renounced his life of pleasure when he we 29 years old, then he lived a life of asceticism, traditional Indian way for the
truth-seekers and dedicated himself to extreme practices such as fasting for extended periods of time. However, he found he
could not attain awakening by these practices of asceticism even after six years of effort. This life of asceticism was the other
side of his extreme life of pleasure. This extreme lifestyle almost kiled him. After attaining awakening, he said that people who
want to live in peace should avoid these two kinds of extreme lifestyles. he found the lifestyle of the middle way and he started
to live this way. The teaching of the middle way were taught by the Buddha in every occasions.
From the beginning of the sharing Dharma, all teachings were delivered by this stand point. This idea of the middle path is
very important in our lives. For example, we take aspirin for headache. Aspirin or other pain-relief medicines are beneficial
for us, but if we take them too much, what will happen? We might develop another problem such as a stomach ulcer. We have
to take proper amount of medicne. If we don’t take enough, the medicine will not work, but if we take too much, the medicne
becomes a poison and causes other problems. In the worst case scenario, it could even kill us. Therefore, just taking the right
amount of medicine is like living the middle way of Buddhism. Just as we want medicine to help us feel better, we want a good
result in our lives as well.
Right Viewing, occupying the first seat of not only Eightfold Noble Path but also any other teachings, makes our religion
just contrary to blind faith. Right Viewing is always accompanied by our critical attitude. In reading Buddhist literature, we are
surprised at sentences refering to “doubt” as the mother of True-Faith. One Zen master once said, “If a Bodhisattva is to have a
fatal disease, it would be the absence of doubt.” The original Buddhist word “vicikitsa” which corresponds to English “doubt”
means “sincere wish to understand”. Furthermore, we should know that in Buddhist Vocabulary there is no word equivalent to
the Judeo-Christian idea of “heresy”. The noun “heresy” which comes from a Greek and meaning if “free thinkers with critical
attitude.” Buddhism’s name for other religons, “Ge-Do” stands for just “other way or other path” leading to the same goal, but
its implication is not so condemnable like “heresy” or “pagan”.From this critical standpoint, Sakyamuni Buddha advised his
disciples to test everything by logic and not to accept anything out of regard for their authors, He did not make an exception of
himself either. One Sutra says, “This I have said to you, Kalama, but you may accept, not for the sake of discussion not because
if appears to be suitable but if you, yourself understand that this is so meritorious and blameless, and when it is for benefit and
happiness, then you may accept it.” Another Sutra amplifies the above saying. “As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and
rubbing it (on a piece of touchstone), so are you to accept my words after examing them and not merely out of regard for me.”
This Right Viewing according to most religions. “He who believes is saved, while he who doubts is forsaken.” Otherwise the
Buddha-dharma, particularly our Jodo Shinshu opposed this statement.
Shinran mentioned in his Wasan poem,
Obstructions of serious stored doubts turn into virtures
It is like the relation of ice and water
The more the ice, the more the water
The more the karmic doubt, the more the potentiality to be saved by
The Amida, the Buddha-as-words.
Revenend Kakei Nakagawa, from the notebook
ef. “Thus I hear” by Reverend Masami Fujitani
Wishing You Lots of Laughter
It’s December! Where did the year go? It sure has passed by quickly. It seems just the other day I was eating
ozoni for New Year’s Day, then we were dancing at the Obon, then wondering when the weather was going to cool
off, and now we are in the holiday season, and preparing for the next New Year’s Day celebration. Yet, through
those annual events, we observe many milestones, i.e. birthdays, graduations, and, of course, the passing on many
of our good friends and family. Through it all, the good and the sad, I hope you remember the smiles and laughter.
I think we all know that a little laughter can make us feel better, and the other day I read a medical study that
looked at 20 healthy older adults in their 60s and 70s, measuring their stress levels and short-term memory. One
group was asked to sit silently, not talking, reading, or using their cell phones, while the other group watched funny videos. After 20 minutes, the participants gave saliva samples and took a short memory test, While both groups
performed better after the break than before, the “humor group” performed significantly better when it came to
memory recall. Participants who viewed the funny videos had much higher improvements in recall abilities, 43.6
percent, compared with 20.3 percent in the non-humor group. The humor group also showed lower levles of cortisol, the ‘stress hormone.”
There are other studies that have also shown the wide-ranging health benefits of laughter. One study estimates
that just 10-15 minutes of laughter a day can burn up to 40 calories. Gee, I think I need to laugh all day to lose
more weight. Meanwhile, a different study found out that laughing can protect against heart disease. Other stated
benefits of laughter include: boosting immunity, decreasing pain, prevents heart disease, strengthens relationships,
enhances teamwork, and adds a joy and zest to life.
Why do I mention the benefits of Laughter? Well, I was speaking with one of the IMOP ministers who came to
visit us for the Nembutsu Seminar. He noted that the Dharma message in Japan usually don’t have humor. People
don’t usually laugh during the Dharma talks. He liked the difference here in America.
Many of you know that I like to use humor in my Dharma messages. Many times I laugh at myself, and you all
know that there is quite a bit of me to laugh at! Humor and laugher allows us to develop better relationships with
everyone. Laugher gets us out of our “funk,” and allows us to feel better. We all have moments of difficulties and
sadness, and laughter can help us forget, even for just a moment.
The holiday season is one of my favorite times to watch television. I love to watch all those old holiday shows.
like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and one of my favorites, Scrooge. All these shows
make me smile and laugh. These shows allow me to forget the problems of the day, and to recall the good times
and innocence of a time past. These shows also remind me what values are truly important not just during the
holiday season, but for the entire year.
This is just lke the lessons we learn from the teachings of the Buddha. The importance and value extends way
beyond the hour or two you spend at the temple on Sunday. These are lessons that the Buddha taught to help all of
us. These are the lessons that allow us to all become Buddhas! Yes, we can all become a Buddha!
Renka ad I would like to thank each and every one of you for sharing your friendship, kindness and laugher
throughout the past year. It’s been great, and we are very fortunate. We are looking forward to another year sharing
more good times and more laughter with all of our Sangha friends. Together with your smiles, humor and laughter
we can all have a wonderful Dharma filled year.
I go to the Buddha for guidance. I go to the Dharma for guidance. I go to the Sangha for guidance.
Rev. Alan Sakamoto
The Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our
appreciation to the following for their generous donations
rs. Joanne Kimura
Mrs. Teruko Tsuji & Family
Mrs. Flora Doi & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hirata
Mrs. Kimiyo Doi
Mr. & Mrs. George Kubo
Mrs. Chiz Kubo
Ms. Leslie Kubo
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Doi
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Hirata
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kubo
Mr. & Mrs. John Middleton
Mr. Art Hirata
Mr. Rod Kubo
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Kubo
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Lew
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Mukai
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Kimura
In memory of Natsuko Kimura...............................................................$500.00.
In memory of Natsuko Kimura.................................................................$50.00.
1st year memorial for Bill Tsuji..............................................................$200.00.
1st year memorial for Min Doi...............................................................$300.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$30.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$50.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$25.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$30.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$25.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$30.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$50.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ........................................................$20.00.
Memorial for Robert Kusunoki................................................................$20.00.
Memorial for Mas Kimura........................................................................$25.00.
November Sangha gathering..................................................................$187.00.
Monthly/Eshin-ni/Kakushin-ni memorial services...................................$25.00.
r. & Mrs. Tatsumi Arakawa$20.00
Mrs. Denise Kusunoki......................$50.00
r. & Mrs. Patrick Chiamori$20.00
Mr. Roy Furumoto$30.00
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Ikuta$25.00
Mrs. Takako Kanemoto$20.00
Ms. Varlene Kimura$25.00
Mrs. Jean Kobashi$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Koga$75.00
Mrs. Toshi Nakamichi......................$20.00
Mrs. Teruko Tsuji..............................$20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Wong-Sing.........$70.00
Miss Jacqueline Wongsing...............$20.00
Mr. Greg Wongsing..........................$20.00
Mr. Min Yamada...............................$20.00
Ebisuda FamilyMr. & Mrs. Darryl Wong-Sing
By Calvin Doi, Board Member and MA - Radio Broadcast Message
It seems that the world we live in today is a very troubled place. We often wonder, what will the future be like.
When we read the paper or watch the news on TV or the internet it seems we are surrounded by nothing but bad
Today, I would like to give you some good news. The BCA, the Buddhist Churches of America has granted the
Poverello House in Fresno, CA and The Community Food Bank also in Fresno $25,000 each from the BCA Social
Welfare Fund.
The Social Welfare Fund has been in operation for 33 years. More $1.5 million dollars have been disbursed to
worthy recipients.
Any non-profit organization whose chief aim is to reduce or eliminate the suffering of people who are deprived of
basic human needs is qualified to receive consideration for a grant.
These grants are made possible through the generous donations from the members of the Buddhist Churches of
The Poverello House is located just three blocks south of the Fresno Betsuin. 1500 meals are prepared daily and
served at 5 locations located in the immediate Fresno area.
The Fresno Community Food Bank is located on the N/W corner of Central and Willow. The Food Bank is
distributing food throughout Fresno County to more than 225,000 people monthly. Every dollar donated to
the Food Bank can buy 6 to 8 dollars worth of food. So, the money donated to the Food Bank bought between
$150,000 to $200,000 worth of food. What a deal! Money well spent.
Here is a list of recent recipients of the Social Welfare Grant:
2005 Hurricane Katrina
2007 UNICEF (Children in the Sudan, Darfur area)
2007 RLP, Rebuilding Lives Project (following the 2005 Southeast Asian Tsunami in Sri Lanka)
2007 Niigata Earthquake Fund, Niigata Japan
2008 Poverello House, Fresno, Ca.
2008 Community Food Bank, Fresno, Ca.
2008 Project Dana, Fresno Betsuin
2008 Asian Community Nursing Home, Sacramento, Ca.
2009 Hospital to Home, San Jose, Ca.
2009 IHELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program), Salinas, Ca.
2009 ACRS, Asian Food Bank Program, Seattle, Wa.
2010 RAKTRUL Foundation, School supplies for children in Tibet
2010 Haiti Relief Fund, (Doctors Without Borders), Haiti
2010 Haiti Relief Fund, (UNIICEF, the children of Haiti)
2013 A special request was made by the BCA to donate to Japan for the 7.1 earthquake off the Fukushima Coast
that caused the tsunami and nuclear reactor disaster.
2014 On July 20, 2014 the Poverello House and the Community Food Bank were presented with checks, $25,000
each, following the Obon service at the Fresno Dharma Center.
As you can see the BCA Social Welfare Fund is worldwide. Distribution is approximately 60% domestic and 40%
foreign. The BCA is making a wonderful, positive impact.
In late October or early November, BCA members will be receiving the BCA Annual Thanksgiving Offering
envelope. I know that times are tough. When times are tough the problems for the needy are greatly magnified.
Please donate what you feel is appropriate.
Thank you for your generous dana.
Namu Amida Butsu
In Gassho,
Calvin Doi
By Joyce Sasai, BWA Co-President
New Business:
1. Eshinni/Kakushinni Service and Tofu
Festival – Nov 16, 2014 – BWA sponsored
Bodhi Day/Shotsuki/Installation/Bonenkai –
Dec 7, 2104 (Dennis will touch bases with Lee
to make sure minister knows there will also be
2. Next Sangha Gathering – Dec 14, 2014 –
mochi day. Let Cheryl know if you have a
mochi maker. Planning meeting for upcoming
Sangha Gatherings will be Wednesday, Dec
3, 2014 at 7:00.
3. Meetings with other temples – Next meeting
Nov 17, 2014, @ 7:00 p.m. in Fowler. Steve
will be the representative from Parlier on the
financial committee for exploring the possibility
of a third minister.
4. Election Results - 2015 Officers: Pres –
Steven Sasai, VP – Toshie Mori (?), Secretary
– Cheryl Koga/Joyce Sasai, Treasurer – Glenn
Yoshimoto. 2015 Board of Directors: Tats
Arakawa, Calvin Doi, James Goishi, Dennis
Ikuta, Curtis Koga, Tad Kozuki, Wes Kubo,
Kelvin Miyakawa, Yuki Mori, Neil Okino,
Steve Sasai, Randy Yano, Clyde Yoshikawa,
Glenn Yoshimoto.
5. Other New Business
a. Thank you note from the Moris
b. Steve will look into cost of projector
The meeting was called to order by Dennis Ikuta at
7:30 p.m. Gassho was led by Calvin.
Those in attendance were: James Goishi, Curtis &
Cheryl Koga, Glenn Yoshimoto, Calvin Doi, Clyde
Yoshikawa, and Steve & Joyce Sasai. A quorum was
Minutes were reviewed. Correction to minutes –
New Business #2 – Reverends would be considered
CC ministers as opposed to reverends being ‘based out
of Fresno.’ Motion to accept the minutes was made by
Clyde and seconded by Steve. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for October was reviewed. Clyde
moved to accept the report. Seconded by James.
Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
1. Maintenance – James reported that the hood
fan in the kitchen has been repaired.
2. BWA - Thank you to Cheryl for meeting
refreshments. Group 2 cleaned church in
October. Group 3 will clean this Saturday (the
15th). There will also be omigaki. Yard sale on
Nov 1 was very successful. Thanks to all who
helped. Sangha Gathering on Nov 2 was very
well attended. CBE with Rev Harada was on
Nov 3.
Looking forward:
Nov 16 - Tofu Festival after Eshinni/
Kakushinni Memorial and Shotsuki
Dec 7 – Shotsuki/Bodhi Day Service with
installation of new church and BWA boards
followed by Bonenkai
Dec 14 – Sangha Gathering – mochitsuki day
3. Publications – Everything going well.
4. Finances – Accounts are fine.
5. V & P – Retreat planned for Jan 24, 2015. It
will be local. Trip to Las Vegas is planned for
Aug, 2015 – Las Vegas Obon.
Clyde moved to accept the committee reports. Glenn
seconded. Passed.
Clyde made motion to adjourn meeting at 8:53 p.m.
Seconded by James. Motion passed. Gassho was led
by Calvin.
Next Board Meeting – Dec 8, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m.
Old Business:
1. Review of October services – everything
going well
2. Property Sale Update – No discussion as Tad
was not in attendance
By Julie Doi, BWA Newsletter Writer
Winter is almost here! Time to bundle up by the
fireplace and drink a cup of hot chocolate! The holidays
are fast approaching!
The Parlier BWA will be meeting on Dec. 6th
after the monthly church clean-up at 9am. Everyone is
encouraged to attend.
BWA dues for 2015 are $10 and may be paid to any
board member or sent to Carol Guerra our treasurer.
Carol volunteered to continue in the post of Treasurer
for the coming year. Thank you Carol. Your work is
much appreciated.
We had a very successful yard sale this fall!! Denise
and Barbara always do a wonderful job arranging the
Yardsale. Thank you to all the BWA members and
husbands who help make this another successful event.
Thank you to all who contributed to the Food Drive
in October, November and December (ends Dec 6th).
Thank you, also to Group 3 headed by Lynn and all
members for cleaning the church. We had our annual
Tofu Festival after Eshinni/Kakushinni Memorial
and Shotsuki Service. I am always amazed at how
many delicious dishes can be made with tofu! Members
also enjoyed Bingo after the luncheon.
Hats off to the members who have stepped up to be
cabinet members and those continuing on with their
positions. We have decided to combine the BWA
Directory List to include the men as well. I also see a
trend of ladies stepping up to be board members.
The Sangha Gathering has played an important
roll in our church activities. Young families have been
coming out and taking part in the chanting, classes,
discussions and enjoy cooking as well. The Higuchi
family made a delicous curry and coconut noodle soup
which everyone enjoyed!
December Events:
12/1 – CBE Lecture Series in Fowler with speaker,
Blake Honda from Fowler. He will be speaking on
Buddhism pertaining to youth.
12/3 – Sangha Gathering Meeting in Parlier at 7pm.
12/6 – Church Cleanup, Group 1 & BWA Mtg.
12/7–Bodhi Day/Shotsuki, Bonenkai, Installation of
Officers and luncheon.
12/8 – Board Meeting and General Meeting at 7pm
12/10 – Buddhist Discussion Group at 7:00pm
12/14 – Sangha Gathering at 10:00am
12/14 – YBA BBQ Pulled Pork Fundraiser at the
Dharma Center. Food will be delivered to Parlier.
12/20 – YBA Dance Nite at the Dharma Center at
7:00pm. $5.00 charge.
12/31 – Joya-E Service (New Years Eve Service) at
Board Refreshments: December – Lynda Okino
Dharma Gathering Adult Class lead by Janette & Calvin
was well attended.
Dharma School Children are not afraid to lead the
chanting and hit the gong.
Dharma School children show their masterpieces they
created at the Nembustu Seminar.
The DECEMBER Shotsuki Service will be on Sunday, DECEMBER 7,2014.
Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend.
Mrs. Kinuyo Doi
73 yrs.
Ms. Eleanor Doi
Mr. Douglas L. Kobashi
69 yrs.
Mrs. Jean Kobashi
Mr. Ishisuke Takano
67 yrs. Miss Karen Doi
53 yrs.
Mrs. Kimiyo Doi
Mr. Yonetaro Masuda
50 yrs.
Mrs. Ellen Tsudama
Mr. Masaru Nishimura
49 yrs. Mrs. Kuni Nishimura
Mr. Torazo Tsuji
46 yrs.
Mrs. Teruko Tsuji
Mrs. Aiko Ikuta
36 yrs.
Dr. Dennis Ikuta
Baby Brook Y. Yano
30 yrs.
Dr. Randy Yano
Mrs. Toyoko Chiamori
24 yrs.
Mr. Patrick Chiamori
Mrs. Doris Y. Furumoto
24 yrs.
Mr. Roy Furumoto
Mr. MasanosukeOkubo
62 yrs.
Mr. Warren Okubo
Mr. Katsuzo Handa
64 yrs.
Mrs. Hiroko Kimoto
Mrs. Shizuye Kubo
16 yrs.
Mr. Larry Kubo
Mr. Koji Kay Yoshimoto
16 yrs.
Mr. Glenn Yoshimoto
Mr. Junkichi Kagawa
15 yrs.
Mrs. Naomi Tamura
Miss Lily Yamamoto
16 yrs.
Mr. Tadashi Kozuki
Mr. Tom Takata
12 yrs.
Mrs. May Takata
Mr. Shinji Sasai
10 yrs.
Dr. Steven Sasai
Mr. Harry Teiichi Kubo
9 yrs.
Mr. Larry Kubo
Mrs. Shizuye Kubo
16 yrs.
Mrs. Flora Doi
Haru Okuma
1 yr. ............................................................................
2014 is the Memorial year for those deceased in
2013............... One year Memorial
17th year Memorial
2012.................3rd year Memorial
1990......... 25th year Memorial
2008................. 7th year Memorial
1982.........33rd year Memorial
2002............... 13th year Memorial
1965......... 50th year Memorial
New Year’s Greetings Message
Fill out form and send to Julie Doi
3607 Gaynor, Selma, CA 93662
($5.00 donation to Buddhist Church of Parlier)
18, 2014
Return form by: Dec. 21,
2012 or
email to: [email protected]
Message Here:__________________
Create your own greetings here
The Fall lecture series
will end with
Blake Honda
speaking in Reedley
on Dec. 1 at 7pm.
His topic will be
“Buddhism and Youth.”
It will be an interesting
perspective from a
young speaker.
On Dec. 7th,
the Bodhi Day/
Monthly Memorial Service
will be held at 10am.
Please plan to attend.
It will be a morning filled
with Japanese food and
friendship. There will be
installation of the
new Board and
BWA officiers.
Our monthly
Sangha Gathering is
scheduled for Dec. 14
at 10am.
Everyone is welcome!
The main activity will be
Mochi Making and
lessons on its traditions.
It will be a fun morning.
Come out and
Joya-E with the
ringing of the bell
on Dec. 31 at 7:30pm.
Support our new
Yuki & Toshie Mori
and our MAs
Curtis & Cheryl Koga
Calvin & Julie Doi
Rinban Kakei Nakagawa..442-4054
Rev. Alan Sakamoto...... 442-4054
Church President
Dennis Ikuta.................. 638-4962
Toshie Mori.................... 638-8614
Kay Kozuki.................... 646-2538
James Goishi.................. 638-5510
Fujinkai Presidents Joyce Sasai..................... 897-7236
Cheryl Koga.................. 638-4669
Newletter Editors
Curtis Koga................... 638-4669
Julie Doi......................... 896-6354
Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795
Glenn Nakamichi.......... 896-5240
13 20
Rev. Alan Sakamoto
Toshie Mori
George Teraoka
Garrett Sano Japanese
Rev. Nakakawa Rev. Nakakawa
Midori Nakakawa
Midori Nakakawa
NOTE: The CC Buddhist Ministers’ Assn. is terminating
the Buddhist radio broadcasts (Japanese and English)
effective December 31st. This is due to the cost involved
and the inability to find volunteers to speak (mainly
Japanese), as well as the time & weekly commitment by
Rev. Okazaki to run the program. Thank you to all who
gave their time to help with this program.
Bodhi Day, Shotsuki,
Bonenkai & Installation Service
December 7th 10:00 am
Followed by Luncheon
Address Service Requested
P.O. Box 547
Parlier, CA 93648

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