A SHORT HISTORY of BAINSFORD CHURCH 1878-1978 A SHORT HISTORY OF BAINSFORD CHURCH 1878- 1978 Compiled By: REV. DAVID J. B. ANDERSON AND GEORGE GLADSTONE' PREFACE The compilersof this short history wish to put on record their indebtedness to all who haveprovidedinformation about thesefirst 100 yearsin BainsfordChurch. In particular, we would like to thank our SeniorElder, Mr David Rennie,our Treasurer,Mr John Tait, and our former DeaconessMiss Buchan for a variety of rnaterial which has provedinvaluablefor the taskin hand. The Church Records for the period have also been a mine of information ashavetwo biographies:one by G. F. Barbour. "The Life of Alexander Whyte"; the other by Andrew Woolsey; "Duncan Campbell"; both publishedby Hodder and Stoughton. In addition, various Church Histories.local and national have been consultedfor statisticaland factualdata. Our aim throughout this brief history has been to selectfrom this welterof materialthe salientfactsand featuresfor eachperiod. For any omissionsor errors that may have been made we must apologisein advance. In this our CentenaryYear,it is our hopeand prayerthat thesepages may help in some small way to rekindle old memories,revive fresh interest. and call Bainsford Church back to her livins roots in the Gospeland in Christ. DAVID J. B. ANDERSON GEORGE GLADSTONE February, 1978 A SHORT HISTORY OF BAINSFORD CHURCH 1878- 197E UP TO THE FIRST WORLD WAR. IE43.I9I7 The origin of BainsfordChurch may be tracedas far back as 1843. In that year DR THOMAS CHALMERS, an earnestand inspiring preacher,and the leaderof the EvangelicalWing of the Church,led more than 400ministersout of the GeneralAssemblyto form the FreeChurch. The principlefor which Dr Chalmersand many othersstoodwasthat of the spiritual independenceof the Church from the State. In particular, he was concernedto uphold the right, which we take for granted nowadays,of the congregationto call its own minister. Within four yearsof this epochmakingeventthe FreeChurch had raisedfl,254,W and built 654newChurches. One of thesenew Churches,Falkirk Free Church was established in 1844at GarrisonPlace. Then, becauseof limited space,part of the Old ParishMansegardenwaspurchasedand beforelong a new Church facing New Market Streetwas built, the presentSt. Andrews Church. Believingthat the churchis not an end in itself but primarily concerned to promotethe Christiangoodof the wholepopulation,the congregation of St. Andrewssoonstartedto evangelise the outlyingpartsof Falkirk. The foundationsof BainsfordChurchwerelaid around 1860by the REV. E. M. RATE when meetingswere held in a small house in Granary Square(behindthe presenthome bakery). Attendancessoon increasedand thereafter it was necessaryto move, first to the old BainsfordSchool(in what is now Union Street),and then to an old barn in the Main Streetor Inglislandas it was then known. By his untiring efforts-for he sparedneitherhimselfor his money-Mr Rategathered the people round him in such numbersthat in 1871the North End Mission Hall had to be built. Meantime,with the parish of Bainsford continuingto expandrapidly to the North and to the East (i.e. Carron Road and Banksideareas)the North End Mission was grantedthe full statusof a Churchin 1878.Thus BainsfordFreeChurchwasformedand the REV. ALEX. PATERSON, M.A., was calledto be its first minister in April, 1878. All true spiritualmovementsareborn in prayerand from all accounts therewas a strongemphasisin theseearly dayson corporateprayer. In fact, a Congregational PrayerMeetingwasheld eachWednesday evening and this factor, allied to the faithful preachingof the Gospeland the rapidly expanding population, led to a significant increasein the membership.Beginningwith 30 membersin the Old Schoolroom,there was in 1889(whenhe died) a congregationof about 300members,with a large Church and evenat that time, a small but usefui Church Hall free of debt. Three 'firsts' werealsoto take placeduring this ministry, Mr Robert Stewart was made Clerk to the Deacon'sCourt; Elder, Mr Robert Sneddonwasappointedthe Church'sfirst official Treasurer;and at the samemeetingin May, 1880a Mr JamesGrant was appointedChurch Officer for the princely sum of f.5 per annum. The most significanteventof theseyearswas, however,the building of the present Bainsford Church. Under Mr Paterson'sinspiring leadershipthe Church waserectedand on July lst, 1880the doorswere openedfor the first time. The foundationstonehad beenlaid by the late SIR THOMAS BRODIE, of Powfoulis, who along with Lady Brodie and Miss Dawsontook much practicalinterestin the new congregation. When Mr Patersonpassedaway on December28th, 1889,one thing is certain, as the text of the memorial tablet in our vestibuletestifies so fittingly: "He beingdeadyet speaketh. " The REV. C. J. T. MERRYLEES, M.A. was calledto succeedhim and was ordained in May, 1890. From this point, under his gifted leadershipand inspiringexample,the influenceof the Churchexpanded rapidly, the membershipincreasingfrom year to year. In addition, the building of the presentMansewas startedin 1894. It is interestingto note that, contrary to popular belief, Bainsford Church sufferedmore from teenagevandalism in these early days than at the present time. Also, despiteincreasingmembership,there were still from all accounts vast multitudeswithout Church commitment. Perhapsthen we should be more cautiousthan we are in speakingof the 'Good Old Days' when nearlyeverybodywent to Church! In the springof 1901,Mr Merrylees was translatedto Paisleyleavingbehind him many tokens of a useful and blessedrninistry. The REV. D. M. MUNRO was inductedin October, 1901. By this time the name of the Church was Bainsford United Free Church, the Free Church and the United PresbyterianChurch having united to form the United FreeChurchin October,1900.Although Mr Munro occupied the pastorate for only six years, he sustainedthe same record of steadyprogress. In particular, by his sound pulpit ministration and his devotionto the dutiesof his high office, he endearedhimselfto his congregationand a wide circleof friendsin the district.At the closeof 1906 hewascalledto a nervchargein theGraniteCity, the High Church,Aberdeen. The next ministerof Bainsfordwas a native of Inverness,the REV. H. M. ROSS,M.A. and on April l6th, 1907,this soft spokenHighlander wasinductedto the pastorate. In variouswaysMr Rossprovedto be a tower of strengthas he gavehimself with unreserveddedicationto his task. During his ministry the P.S.A. (PleasantSundayAfternoon) was started. The presentChurch Hall was also built at this time. Then in July, 1912,a MissionaryMr ThomasMalcolm commencedhis dutiesin the North End Hall, and meetingswerewell attended.Moreover,a door to door visitation was successfully undlsllaken,while an additional SundaySchoolwasopenedin the North End Hall. ln 1914,when war broke out, the Hall was commandeered by the Army, and soldiersoccupiedit for a period. In August, 1915,Mr Ross left to servewith the Y.M.C.A. in Franceand in his absencethe pulpit by Mr HerbertLockyer,at that time wasoccupiedwith greatacceptance missionaryto the CameroniansInstitute in Falkirk. The well known Christianpreacherand author, the Rev. Dr AlexanderWhyte, D.D. (St. George'sand Fountainbridge,Edinburgh)alsopreachedseveraltimesin Bainsford for his close friend and former associateMr Ross: one particular Communion Sunday being describedas "a rich spiritual feast." ("The Life of AlexanderWhyte"-G. T. Barbour p.481). Towards the end of 1916, however, Mr Ross was called to Bon Accord Church,Aberdeen,leavingbehindmany friends,someof whom still rememberhim todayas "Happy Harry." :': 'ii .:j-*,. \ $; .':;*1 . ; . , . -" . .:r:' .::.' .* '1,' .- i,#* :. a*o t:::.1'{"' !r+ *'" *SE'! ! Our picture shows back row, l. to r.-Rev. David Anderson, Rev. Dr. Donald McAllister, Rev. Dr. Heron and the R.ev.Maudeen MacDougall. Front row, l . t o r . - J , a m e s P a t e r s o n , J o h n T a i t , M i s s M a r g a r e t B u c h a n , E d w a r d P e n m a n , D a v i d i ? . e n n i ea n d W i l l i a m C a r e y . J o h n L a i r d w a s u n a b l e t o b e p r e s e n i because of illness' photo by courter/of the "The Falkirk Heratd" BETWEEN THE WARS 191E.1945 On the first day of March 1917, the REV. THOMAS B. ROBERTSON, M.A. from Newhills United Free Church Aberdeen, becamethe new minister of Bainsford Church. By this time the membershipof the Churchhad more than doubledfrom 300in 1890to 688 in 1917. Facedwith the difficult task of maintainingthis steady progress,Mr Robertsonsoon proved to be a worthy successorto his predecessors.Early in l9l8 a congregationalmeeting was specially convenedto considerthe buildingof a wall round the Church. The work wasauthorisedfor a mereL142. Despitesometraumaticencounterswith heavyvehicles,the Church and its precinctsstill retain their present-day aspect. At this juncturethe War Memorial situatedat the south sideof the Church was erected. The Boys' Brigadealso cameinto beingat the ministry Mr Robertson closeof 1920. After a vigorousand enthusiastic receiveda call to the WestChurch,Auchterarder.OnceagainBainsford waslooking for a newMinister. In June, 1922,REV. WILLIAM HERON, a former Home Missionary, wascalledto BainsfordChurch. His ministrylastedalmosta decade duringwhichtime therewasa steadygrowthintermsof both membership this period. ln 1923 and finance. Severalnew featuresalsocharacterise the Young WorshippersLeaguewas formed to encouragechildren to attend Church and still continuesto this day. Then, in 1925, the congregationdisposedof the Common Cup and changed over to Individual Cups for Communion Services. Mr John Fyfe, a well respectedand godly man, was appointed SessionClerk in 1927 and continuedin that office until October,1940. The formation of a branch of the Girls' Guildry took placein the autumnof 1928. Perhapsthe most significantof all changes,however,took placein 1929. In that year negotiationsfor union betweenthe Church of Scotlandand the United FreeChurchcameto a head. Bainsfordagreed to the Union and thus remainsto this day BainsfordParish Church of Scotland. There were a minority who dissented,however,and these formed the BainsfordUnited Free(Continuing)Churchbasedin Carron Road. It is interestingto notethat whenDR TOM FITCH (a muchloved namein theseparts)cameto BainsfordChurch for a specialmission,he wasstruckby the warmheartedsupportgivenby the youngincumbentof BainsfordUnited FreeChurch. His namewas Duncan Campbell,now well known in the history of the Scottish Church, as a key figure in the great Lewis Revival of 1952. Meantime, Bainsford Church had again fallen vacant, as in September,1931,Mr Heron had been calledto SighthillChurch,Glasgow. The spiritual momentum of Mr Heron's ministry was soon to be consolidatedand sustainedby his successor, REV. J. M. McALISTER. A man of sound Christianprincipleand holy zeal,Mr McAlister was, from the momentof his inductionin January,1932,deeplyconcernedto bring the "Good News" to everyareaof the parish. For this important task ministerialassistance was urgentlyrequired. In the first place,Mr Cameron, our full time assistantfor three years was soon to leave, Secondly,a Presbyterydeputationhad concludedthat BainsfordParish was "largely in excessof the average" and, not for the first time, seriouslyconsideredthe possibilityof building another Church in the area. This matterwassatisfactorilyresolvedin December,1933,whenMiss M. J. Buchanwaswarmlywelcomedasa Deaconess to assisttheminister. Her work provedto be both invaluableand fruitful and still continuesto this day about 45 yearslater althoughofficially sheis supposedto have retiredin 1966! Apart from door to door visitation,and SundaySchool work,'undertakenin theseearly days againsta backgroundof rising unemploymentand severeeconomicdepression,Miss Buchanbegana Womans' Meetingin the North End Hall which still providesspiritual comfort to this very day. The years precedingthe outbreak of war in 1939 were, from all accounts,marked by changeand challenge. The challengecame to membersand non-membersalike through an increasingemphasison prayer and Bible Study within the church and a seriesof evangelistic campaignsto reach the uncommittedoutside. Typical of the Session minutes during this period was the decision, unanimously carried in December,1935that what was neededabove all was "a spiritual quickeningin Bainsford." Changestook place to meet this challenge with "At Home" meetings,and SabbathSchoolsheld in the North End Hall, Merchiston Avenue, and later, during war-time at Cobblebrae Farm. It wasalso at this time, in 1938to be exact,that we receivedthe gift of our presentCommunionTablefrom a Churchin Strone. During the War the Church continuedto play an important part in the community. "What concerned one, concerned all" and with regular Servicesdaily in addition to "Fire watching," Civil Devenceduties, and other pressingresponsibilities,a new senseof comradeshipand mutual sharingwasborn. l0 THE POST-WAR PERIOD 1945-I97E Whenthe war ended,a new era cameto Bainsford. In previousyears therehad been,it is true, controversialmattersraisedsuchas proposals to appoint Woman Elders and use the Church Hall for Whist and Dancing. Both of theseproposalswere,however,firmly rejectedby the congregation. In the light of a further expansionof the Parish of Bainsford,first at Cobblebrae,later at Langlees,matterssuchas these appearedless important than the primary and pressingneed of the Churchto visit thesenewhousingareason our doorstep.For thisreason, severalParishvisitationstook placein thesedistrictswith varyingsuccess. Severalnoteworthyeventstook placearoundthe sametime. In 1955, the Sessionagreedthat a Youth Fellowshipbe started. In the sameyear, we receivedfrom Mr GabrielBlane,the gift of the presentOrganwhich was much appreciatedby all, not least our esteemedOrganist, Miss Nan Cowan,who had cometo our Churchin 1952, Then in 1957,it was decidedto alter our Communion Servicefrom the afternoon to the evening,a move which resultedimmediatelyin increasedattendances. It was in 1958,however,that Mr McAlister, doggedfor many years by ill health,intimatedhis retiral. Alas, beforethe yearhad ended,this godly and faithful man had passedaway-away from the people he had lovedso deeplybut not from the Masterhe had servedso well. The vacancyendedon March l7th, 1959with the inductionof the REV. JOFIN MacDOUGALL, M.A. a noted Gaelicexponent,from Plockton and Kyle. Thus begana ministry which lasted fifteen yearsuntil his deathin May,1974. At varioustimeshe wasModeratorof the local Presbytery,Chaplain to the old folks in Falkirk, and also to the Bainsford Schools. Many eventstook placeduring his ministryamongwhich werea GaelicService broadcastby the B.B.C. in November,1964,and a gardenfete held in the grounds of Dawson Park School in June, 1966 and opened by Dr Caskie,the "Tartan Pimpernel." Then on October6th, 1971,Mr MacDougall celebratedhis semi-jubileeas a minister-this was commemorated by the office-bearerspresentinghim with an inscribed wristwatch. In addition, a successfulventurewas held from October 27th - 29th, 1973,when a ChurchExhibition was held. All the Church organisations took part. On Sunday,October5th, 1975a Memorial Servicewasheld in which a Hanging Lantern, New Pulpit Falls, and a Plaque were dedicatedto the late minister. Bv his friendlinessand sense of humour Mr ll MacDougall had endearedhimself to many people in Falkirk and in Bainsford. Meantime,almosta yearpreviously,a new ministerhad beencalled to BainsfordChurch. On November20th, 1974,REV. DAVID J. B. ANDERSON, M.A., B.D. was inducted and ordained,his ministry continuingto the presenttime. Thus it is that on the threshholdof our Centenarywe in Bainsford Churchcan look back with thankfulnessto God and look forward with faith to the future. We arethankful not only for a succession of faithful and devoted ministers of the gospel but also for the multitudes of ordinary men and women,whosenamescannotbe mentionedhere,but whose contribution to the causeof Christ in Bainsford has told for God, in time, and for eternity. With regardto the future, whilethereare certainlyno groundsfor complacency,may we not take heart from the fact that the God who hasled us thus far is the sameGod who promised to Jeremiahin a dayof darkness andspiritualdeclension. "I know the plans I have for you, saysthe Lord, plans for welfare andnot for evil,to giveyou a futureanda hope." The future belongsto God. Our faith is in Him and our hoperestson the Rock of His promiseto all who arefaithful. "I will build my Churchandthe gatesof Hell shallnot prevail againstit. ' ' t2 Printedby InglisPaul Ltd., Middlefield Road, Falkirk.