Cycle tour for the retention of religion in schools kicks off
Cycle tour for the retention of religion in schools kicks off
p 10 17 April 2015, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 11 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] Cycle tour for the retention of religion in schools kicks off Two cyclists left Pretoria on Monday, 13 April 2015, on a cycle tour of roughly 6 000 km to raise funds for the court case that will be fought for the retention of religion in schools. The cyclists, Rev. Henk Stavast of the Gereformeerde Kerk Totiusdal and Derik Francis, member of the Moreletapark NG Kerk, will visit more than 100 towns across the country over 11 weeks. Members of congregations from various denominations, as well as representatives of schools will welcome the cyclists to the respective towns. The tour is called the ‘Keep God in Schools Cycle Tour’. They visited Klerksdorp and Potchefstroom on Thursday, 16, and Friday, 17 April, and will be in Hartbeespoort, Brits/Rustenburg on 1 June, and Rustenburg, Thabazimbi and Lephalale on 2 and 3 June. According to Rev. Stavast, he and Mr Francis decided to raise funds for the retention of religion in schools, after they had learnt that six schools from across the country were being taken to court to prohibit them from practising religion in school. Rev. Stavast pointed out that if the schools were to lose the case, it would have negative Our Mnandi-licious pie facts consequences for the religious policies of all schools in Our pies are made with 84 laythe country. ers of trans-fat free traditional ÀDN\ SXII SDVWU\ ZKLFK FRQWDLQV “We are grateful that AfriForum has already contributed more than R1,5 million to the legal costs of the battle for no rising agents such as baking powder or yeast. the retention of religion in schools, but more money is 2XU ¿OOLQJV FRQWDLQ SXUH needed. We are also grateful that AfriForum has taken beef and chicken with no meat on this very important matter. It affects every church dereplacers. nomination and every Christian in South Africa. We de Our pies are lovingly created in clare that everything we do should be built on our Founour semi- automated, state-ofdation, Jesus Christ, including our children’s education. the art factories, what we affecThis is why Derik and I want to do our part to motivate tionately call the ‘kitchens’. SHRSOH FRXQWU\ZLGH WR PDNH D ¿QDQFLDO FRQWULEXWLRQ WR :H DUH +DODDO FHUWL¿HG H[SRUW the legal costs for the battle,” Rev. Stavast said. DSSURYHGDQG+$&&3FHUWL¿HG The public can donate R10 to the legal costs by SMSing Our pies go through 35 quality their name to 38315. Rev Stavast indicated that South checks during the manufacturAfricans can also show their support for the retention of ing process. religion in schools by signing a petition. The tour can be We are Pie-o-neers. followed and the petition can be signed electronically on The Hou God in Skole Facebook page and the website keep the public updated on the cyclists’ progress. The partners and sponsors of the cycle tour include AfriForum, the Institute for Christian Education, the Reformed Church Totiusdal, National Road Carriers, media partners and member organisations of the Solidarity Movement. Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, thanked Rev. Stavast and Mr Francis for their willingness to devote their time, energy and enthusiasm to help ensure that the children who want to practise religion in schools will still be able to do so. “The religious policies of schools do not force anyone to participate in religious activities at school. It is therefore a pity that attempts are being made to prohibit the children who want to practise religion from doing so,” Kriel added. Did you know? Rev. Henk Stavast (Reformed Church Totiusdal), Niclaas Roets (executive: Aros) and Derik Francis (Dutch Reformed Church Moreletapark). Photograph: Stephné du Toit