,fi" (c)
,fi" (c)
I Includes: * 3l{ights Accommodation in Hobart *Daily HolelBreakfast * Return Airport / HotelTransfer onS.l.C DIYOptlons(plck & mlx your owntour) - www.grayllne.com.au lnportrnt Note: Tour Tour Depaftur€Day Ril # - Tournotavailable Codeilaine whenCadbury factory isclose change}Adult Child {subJeclto f - Closedfootwearis required forthistour 7ll PortArthur D1,2,3J,5 308 t68 78,1 GmdPortArthur 744# Cadbury&Cruise 776# Hobart Delue 760 TarmiuDwil 797 GmdHobrt 777 GrudHobart&BonorcngWildlifePark 790 RussellFallr+Lunch 783 HuonValley 773 HuonValleywithPeppcrmintCruise 786 8runy lsludWldcmersCost Rm Twin PointMotor Wrest lnn3 ' Hobart4 Mercure Hobart4 ' RydEes Chancellor Grand 4' WrestPointCasino5' 1060 1100 1160 1340 D1,2,3,1,5,6 D1,2,3,,1,5 D2,,1,5 D2,4,5,6 D7,4,5,7 D2,4,5,6 D3,6 O 1,2,3,4,5 D1,2,3,,1,5 D1,2,3,4,5 Tpl 950 960 970 980 1150 355 233 o8 236 368 &1 101 421 5t3 536 t90 r30 220 r31 197 2t5 2t6 776 355 38s sgl D{ Arr/ FreeDay Dl Arr/ FreeDay D{ An / Free D2 Gadbury&Gruise(B) (Bt D2 GrandHobart + Wildlite D2 Gadbury&Gruise D3 FreeDry (B) D3 PortArthur (B) D3 Grand Port Arthur (B) D4 Departure(E) D4 Departure(B) D4 Departure (B) Ert Bed 1 0 1 0 730 1030 730 1060 680 1120 590 1300 730 No Bed 290 290 290 320 290 Twin rFllll illercure Hobart4' Rvdqes Hobartil ' 1380 1410 1470 1640 Chancellor 4' Grand WrestPointCasino5 r TDI chitd B'fast 590 774 788 770 780 965 49 49 49 58 49 6't0 620 660 '7An Choics ol one tour : ( 781. D1,2,3,4,5,7 * Grand PortArthur * tlt Wellington wlthPeppermlnt BayCruise(785. D1,2,3,4,5,7) * Grand Hobart andBonorong Wildlife Park(777. D2,4,5,6) . D3,7) * Russell (790 FallswithLunch .01,2,3,1,5) * Huon Valley(783 * 3Nlghts Accommodation in Hobart *Daily HotelBrcaKast * Return Airport/ HotelTransfer onS.l.C WrestPointMolorInn3 ' Twn (Bt ffi (B) Rm ,fi" ProDoiedltinoraly: Tt',in 1870 1900 19 8 0 2100 2450 &,*** Tpl 1270 1280 sgl 2160 Twin 1160 2200 1 1 8 0 1290 2260 1220 1300 2380 12 8 0 1 4 6 0 2730 1455 Etba Bed llo 900 460 460 490 490 460 890 850 760 900 Ecd Twn Tpl chitd B'fast 590 610 620 660 780 770 788 770 780 965 49 49 49 58 49 (c) lncludes: * SNights Accomoodalion in Launceston *Daily HotelBreakfast * Return Airport/ HotelTransfer onS,l.C DIYOptlonsOlck & mlx your owntour) - www.grayllne.com.au To0r Toul Codeihme DeparlureDay Rlrl changel Adul chltd lsubleclto 761 TheGityTour oaily(3 hrstour 157 90 n2 Launceslon Highlight Inclusive Tamar Valley Daily( 4 hrstour) nB Ifr FullDayCradleilountainDi,3,5,7 164 hitd 'fas Sando/s 0nThePa* 3' ^//\\ 4A y fl)'] Eg-7-Z @ y' \\7' Ratessubjectto change y' PeakSeason durtngEvents & Festival, sujectto surcharge ln t rzY ll -n f=r Glrttj j )t \r7t . KKXP 1608 sdnBhd GOLDENTOURWORLDTRAVELtmr 72, Wisma GTJ Cangkat Bukit Bintang' 50200 Kuala Lumpur Td, 03 - 2 t 42 95?7f 9 r, 6 / 9 r, 7 F€x.rOt- 2t42 98a212r4t 4907 -zpm Business Hours : 9am E-mail:[email protected] (Hon-S.t), I Oam. /[email protected] .Kuantan TEL:09-5l37553spoo rKota Bahru tEL:09-7442895srcax .Afor Setar TEt:04-73I lllgupw rKuching lELtoSL-4l34z2KKKpnD TRAVEL & TOURS sdn Bhd *'8Te'rstNITETSIN Petalingraya. 27A,JalanSS2/24,17300 * w ri^v4.DF3ro{rrc rd t ot -7a75 5 3t 2. fa'ctr.'-rW 4005. .Penang .Klang .Banting oSeremban E-mail : [email protected] co.No. ll396tr Deposit must bo paid upon reseruationand the balance must bs paid 2l days pfior to departure. r(tEgflnl| >r '0.f,8$E[EIEIIEil '0. f,E$EIEIEIIEil The organizer, GTT, act as an agont tor the transportation 3O daysbeforedeparture nlrt5OO per person 2t daysbeforedeparturenmSOO per peFon ,4-Z deysbeforedeparture 5O7o of tour fare LessthanZdays beforedepartureor to rrtow at the departurepoint ----- 1OO% of tour tare 3.EIIEilEEINEilTI It is passenger'sresponsibilityto ensure that they have a valid internationalpassport, relevant visas & health cerlificatesif requiredand ample time must be given to us for visa application. 4.@ 6.EIIIIEIilIH Child fare is basedon sharing room with two adults. A surchargewill be imposedfor a child who occupiesa room with only one adull. 7.@ Our compay endeavours to p.ovide exclusive ground handling transportation and sightseeing seryices, However lour msmbgrs may be placed on a seat-in-coach basis operated by a local " Day Tour " company where necessary due to insufficient group size. S.E[ITilEIE[TEilg of tickst must be infomed at the tims of reseryation. #Extension #Extension ot ticket is only pgmitted at the last stop but subiect to airfare differ€nce & seat confirmation by the airline. #Airport transt€r will not be provided 9.EIEEISH #Baggage allowance of 20 kilograms per passenger. (All baggages at owner's risk unless insured). # The compay assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to baggage or belongings (checke&in ot hand-caried ) whilst they are in the custody of the airlines, other transportation companies, accommodation supplies. However, the company will assist you in filing the relevant claims (e.g in the airDort ) provided it does not interfere with the conduct of the tour or other membere of the tour group. fi*F,fft&s,sa*s&fi2rrfifrt. *Ff,M,r5OO El*e ....... * slff,, f t 8 4 f i 4+ E # f i t ' 1S, E F - f r i i i E f f . 2MEEEEE@ # efi *I[iIfr BH, tlfi 6t$Ff; ft T' .fitF, Rfi#Rr 2OO ra,tt r3oifffifiEttRt 5OO (8^) .il&fr 2 t*fifi BH#---RM8OO (s^) .il E fr I 4 - 7*,iASE'H *. AEffi* 2s090 .il&.*il'!+ 7xfi.flE& il AtIHfrg' +8ffit2 | 00% 3,@fr f f i & * F q ' , n & E t g E 6 f 6r f i S 2 E F S f f,i ! * [ fid&€*fi6fi( ft:lFiil4fi)' SItfitsS&2fi ui6$li4 +Fas. 4.FtrEE''A * E E f if r# * f I F , { I E E E F fi rE * * E E U fA, * f f- r E l * E l F f ,f + l * n f i f i # , t A E E r 4 f l s - 4 I ^ n E- t E A I E , 6 r i f f+i I E F - E i i S * : I E E , H A f i R { i E F E#. H f l J T f i H f i E i l I ' f i T f i Ftr8fi. "tfoar fore le sub/ect to chtnge vlthout pilor aotlce dae to cuilencf flactuatlon or lncrcose ln ohforc due to oll pilce chottget, 5,@ Airport tax, fuel sucharge& ticket insufance (YQ)visa fees, port tax and seryice fees, laundry, ercess baggage charge, bevercge,room seryice, toom items damageduringthe occupancy,personaland baggage insurance,gratuitiesto driver and tour escort, US Custom Fee/ lmmigrationTax and all items of personalnature. ',@EFI'FGIEHII ',@E,EG@ companies, hotels and other principals for the tour programmos. GTT accepts no responsibility tor any loss, iniury or damage to you or your belongings or tesulting directly from any occurances beygnd its control including breakdown in equipment, st.ikes, theft, delays, medical or customs regulations, cancellatlons, change in itinerary of schedules, etc. Travel documents are thg responslbility of persons taking the tours, The organissF reserye the right to alter itineraries. travel ailangements, hotel accommodation reserygd etc, il this is necessary or in the case ot force majeu,e. ThE Company reseryes thg tight to cancel land tour prior to departure for any reasons, includlng insufficient numbe. ot participants. Should thls happen the entire payment will be refunded without fufther obligations on tho pari of the company, GTT also r€seiles ihe right to requlre any Indlvidual to withdnw fron the tour if it is deemed that hls act or conduct is detinental to or incomDatible with the interest, hamony and welfarg ot other cllenls and the tour as a whole and GTT shall be under no turtier liability theraftsr to any such pe6on. No guidss, tour leadeB or other omployoes or agent of GTT is authourlsed to commit the conpany to any liability whats@ver and thE company will not be bounded by any statgm€nt or rgpresentation unlEss lt ls in writing and signed by a managsment exgcutivg of thg company, The spcial air ticket issued is bas€d on group travel and restrictsd to rospecliv€ airlins. lt is strlctly non-endo6ablE, non-rgfundable and non.reroutablg. Altention on the routing or date of t avel is at thg passgnge/s own tlsk, No r€tund wlll be made to any peFon for unusgd air-tlcket or who do not utilizE any meal and slghGeing tour gr accomnodatlon not use in Dart or full. Nonmat touns Deposr : y' auSOO ptperson Vrsl Apptrclrtor Fees : y' Mustprepaidby theapplicant & is not rufundable Returneconomyclass air ticket on normalgroup GVlo or soecialPromoclass GV4,GV2. Transterbetweenairport and hotel vice veFa. Hotel on iwin-sharingbasis. accommodation (Those travelling alone every effott will be made for a shareroombasis, or otheryise, a single supqlement chaqe appliestr triple-share). Mealsas indicatedin iho itinerary Sightseeingas indicated in the itinerary. All admissionfees required in the tour' -MalaccaoAnda rEL:06'2847l88xxtpat 'Kenzar TEL:06'281 ll33 rxxpoo 'Cammy TEL:06-283 4898xxxpwa T E L r 0 5 - 2 4 1S l l s w p o n TEL:04-226(XXX)xxxpm .lpoh .liatu PahatTEt'07-4335588xrpoe TEL:03.3343l8(X)spirr .Muar TEL:06-9524343xxpxv TELr03.3l877588spsa TEL:0&751 6766sxeus r(BooruilG lnronilATlo]f)n '. Seldgor Darul Ehsd, l'lalayria 4Pm (Sun&Holiday) 5,V',!EEiSE*A E6 i * s 4 ' f t g . f t f i a . f r f l f f i h *. 4 1 5 { r + f r h ). ilEEtE f; . Sfif; ' E*fl E6li+(AF2oA\f x[*- ftt . fi,l'fifl. Ee-rJEEfit{. a f l , 5 # / S [ t f /i h fn - t J F l U 4 F t l z &E . rrl p a s s e n g o ri o i n i n g o u r t o u l following have alreadtf read rd & understand the follow tour infornation I I I I I I I I I I I R6hrfttrE#,#HEg'Utr, Effi&EHUT€F'ilFlI" I # g t f i E € E E E s o E i f d "t t m B f + 3 8 . frfttrg$fr, EEnfi0EAil I # n$&tr64&fi 6 E 6 t A s S I [ & t r , ^ . 8E, t r # m $ t f 2 i eE I E. AEET +* ffitr€rtf$i B* 8i l68l.f t f r^ *" E i l + 2 6 T l i I # tEE*EH*fBl .F ,t 6 E l d f r E * E E i l g i i & E f, l J t I # 4 f i * i l S i ' I T & f l Ef,l l a C f f f € X I S + 8 * . # Dufttion of lou in tetms of DAYS includes day of depafturc and day ol retum, Neithet of these ate lull days, I Neither CTf not iE agen6 shall be ot bacone liable ol rcsponsible for any loss or danage suffeted by the tou menbet in connection with any accommodation tanspottalion ot any othet incidental charges thereto hom improper ol r*ulling directy or indirc.rly posspotl viso q olher documenls, insullidenl port the ailsing rcjection ol enw by however ot rclevant authotities and neither GTf not Agentslshall he becone liable for any additional expetses ot liahilifies incuffed by the tour member inclusive ol any rcquest fot refund of the tout pilce paid as a rcsult of the foreging clause. # No rcfund value on unulilised sector of air ticket, # cancellation ot tou due lo visa reiection will be fees, charged seNiceldocumentaion L ITIfTIITTI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .t 6,'EfiEI *EEEiiS. iLtfi * Eflfr5 trtd^ * H- IEI t H fs t R 5 - & d I * f f - 8 , l l f i t ' t f,ift t r . 7,WHEftEg' 41ft Dt 10$fii*nr, #Hs Eir*+fiIfis,lulf E A E - S E + t f iU . €I-tE&i&. 8.WtrEtrMl efr frSfi/*fit' E{ilEfi E ErtlE, b fr&.4YEfr t r.\ET ft **Ef; s il Efi &fl e [i n iilffi*. e@t +fri€*dfis, t{^aftaftE&fr +ffiE+, E1dfi f t i F EE . E ! . t , + A A # E 'f i€ * n i [ r E 4 E F 2EEEiriUiletrfi*. ,0.@t r ft r i l ^ a , B s f iE + * E F , E * t E A A + E f r ' f t E , E f i€ F . T I R fEi +H R fIt[ f , * 8 f ,z F N , ( f l f t r F * n ,* r , f f g , E E ,E f 4 & * * f l + + ) E d E F t 9 f i f r A f f t f*i , A E * . r E l * E f i { ' E 2 E i l 4 B H + + -, f i * T f t ^ * E S I FFEF { ' f t il fi .-fi €fi {i I S. i /ia\Efrg &ffJ,E4ESJIIE EfE.1fi€*, fi EfiHE++. 6 T A f i4 E € E* E { U ' F ET, A d F H E f f J T ; H E I [ f i { t f i . E s 8 f i E , * s l i f r 4 i E 6 ,a \ a r t f i f# f f E t - f * = 8 ,f E f iEE { t d , d tf i f t* € [ E I U EF & * t E s z f r J f,i f fE & F f r i€, & + F i B SffiiE m 48ft€EiB EU F Z f r f t . +s. s[t. EEF*n4I4rFftAAS5E1ilG*. B A d€ 4 E S 8 Z + m 1 # $A, \ A T g E l [ r # 4 i + # T * h E I I H A ,$ 8 4 + z I ' J F f, rI I EF F I F E i r s E 4 f i E t ,E 6 € E t . E l d F r 8 + * & E 2 l t H, UTFiE*. ffiEilrHE##l ESIF{ifl F, nHts*9ffiEfisAA , F * i E * , F i T * F E f i E ,i f r E f f E E * { ' E * E E H s , r u a H { r f r f ; E l [ s iEi ,h . * x*ffifr 4ffiFflrFft ntil ft frHfr#fril HMI[EEEfrThfr($ft) Efl"