BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 360 Newmark Avenue Parlier, Californiaf93648 Phone: (559) 646-2844 DIVERSITY IN ONESNESS, ONENESS IN DIVERSITY October 2012 OSONO MIKAWA-MYOKONIN Rev. Sensho Inouye Shinran Shonin classifies all teachings taught by Shakyamuni Buddha into Four. 1. Verticalgradual 2. Vertical-transcendental 3. Crosswise-gradual 4. Crosswise-transendental. The Vertical means to attain the Buddhahood by going up fiftythree stages step by step through the betterment of self. The Crosswise means to be born into Amida Buddha’s Pure Land as you are. The gradual means to progress step-by-step, and the Transcendental means to transcend the step-by-step process. The Jodo Shinshu teaching is the Crosswise-transcendental teaching. The essential core of this Jodo-Shinshu is clearly stated in the Chapter No. one of the Tannisho. It says: “When we believe that we are to be born in the Pure Land being saved by Amida Buddha’s inconceivable Vow, there rises up within us the desire to utter the Nembutsu. At that moment we share the benefit of ‘being embraced and not forsaken’. We should know that Amida’s Original vow does not discriminate whether one is young or old, good or evil, and that Faith alone is of supreme importance, for it is the vow that seeks to save the sentient beings burdened with grave sins and fiery passions.” Therefore, if we have Faith in the Original Vow, No other good is needed because there is no good surpassing the Nembusu, nor should evil be feared, because there is no evil capable or obstructing Amida Buddha’s Original Vow.” The Myokonins really appreciated this Nembutsu teaching. Moreover, their daily life lived in the gratitude to the Amida Buddha’s compassion, gave the influence on the other people also. Hearing from the myokonin is one of the means for us to understand the Jodo Shinshu Teaching. Myokonin Osono’s friend, one day, asked her”Would you answer one question about Shinjin?” Osono simply replied, “There is nothing to consider, or even to talk about. Amida Buddha has already confirmed our birth into the Pure Land.” Thank you, Osono-san, for showing us the essential core of Jodo Shinshu in the simple way. Namu Amida Butsu 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TEMPLE The Buddhist Church of Parlier would like to extend our appreciation to the following for their generous donations Mr. & Mrs. Shiz Kimura MEMBERSHIP DUES: Mrs. Natsuko Kimura Ohigan........................................................................................... $20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guerra DONATIONS by ISSEI MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND MEMBERS: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tsuji............................. $500.00 DONATIONS for MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE: Mrs. Sumiko Ebisuda...............................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. James Goishi.........................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guerra........................$25.00 Mrs. Kikuye Hirakawa.............................$20.00 Mrs. Takako Kanemoto............................$20.00 Mrs. Jean Kobashi....................................$20.00 Mr. Kay Kobashi......................................$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Koga...........................$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Koga.............................$50.00 Mrs. Denise Kusunoki.............................$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Miyakawa.......................$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Yuki Mori....................................$25.00 Mrs. Toshiye Nakamichi................................$20.00 Mrs. Miyo Ohara...........................................$20.00 Mrs. May Takata............................................$20.00 Mr. Frank Yokoyama.....................................$20.00 Ms. Akiko Yorizane.......................................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Yoshimoto........................$20.00 Mr. Kaz Yoshimoto........................................$20.00 Mr. & Mrs. John Yukawa...............................$20.00 OBONDONATION: Ms. Setsuko Yotori...................................$20.00 THOUGHTS FROM THE SANGHA By Curtis Koga As we age, encounter major life events, or face our own mortality, often we search for things. We may ask questions – “What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?” I know, I know, no one asks questions like these. Maybe the questions you ask yourselves are more like “How can I better handle life? How can I be happy? What has life got in store for me? How can I win at the casino?” Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to be truly happy? I know everyone has challenges and life can be a bumpy road. I also know everyone wants to be able to better handle the challenges and bumps in the road. Believe it or not, our Jodo Shinshu Tradition has some answers to our questions (excluding the one about how to win at the casino). How do we find answers? One way is to seek a better understanding of our tradition. To that end, the Center for Buddhist Education will be coming to our Central California District to provide opportunities to learn more about the interaction of Buddhism and our everyday lives. Rev. Marvin Harada, resident minister of the Orange County Buddhist Church and Co-Director of the Center for Buddhist Education, will be offering classes at various temples throughout our Central California District. The classes are on the first Monday of each month. All the classes will be from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The first class will at the Fowler Buddhist Church on Oct. 1. (See the schedule in the newsletter. There is a class scheduled in Parlier in December). Buddhism and especially our Jodo Shinshu tradition can be such a rich and meaningful part of life. If you are looking for insights that can help you in your day-to-day life, why not try one of these classes. Rev. Harada is an excellent teacher and the classes will be well worth your time. If you need a ride, call me at (618-1528) and we’ll arrange something. In addition, there are other opportunities to learn and experience the Buddha Dharma at our Central California temples. There is a list of these classes with dates, time, and subjects in the newsletter. The classes at the various temples are open to everyone. 2 Buddhist Education Program Lectures, Classes, Discussions, Meditation and Dharma Talks Fall 2012 Schedule Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Center for Buddhist Education (CBE), in conjunction with the Central California District Lectures CBE Monthly Monday Evening Lectures - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. - Suggested Donation $5 October 1 – “Life of the Buddha and its Meaning for Us Today” Rev. Marvin Harada, Co-director, CBE Buddhist Church of Fowler 210 S. 9th St., Fowler, CA 93625, Tel. 559-834-2077 November 5 – “Fundamental Teachings of Buddhism” Rev. Marvin Harada, Co-director, CBE Fresno Betsuin Dharma Center 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis, CA 93611, Tel. 559-442-4054 December 3 – “Buddhist Views of Life and Death” Rev. Marvin Harada, Co-director, CBE Buddhist Church of Parlier 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier, CA 93648, Tel. 559-646-2864 Last Wednesday of the month - 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. October 24 and Nov. 28, “Introduction to Buddhism” with Rev. Kurt Rye Fresno Betsuin Dharma Center (see address above) Buddhist Discussions in English Second Wednesday of the month - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Buddhist Church of Parlier 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier, CA 93648, Tel. 559-646-2864 Tuesdays, Oct. 2, 9, 23, Nov. 6, 13, 27, Dec. 4, 11 - 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Question and Answer Sessions with Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Fresno Betsuin Dharma Center 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis, CA 93611, Tel. 559-442-4054 Meditation for Beginners Fridays, October 19, Nov. 9, 16, 30, Dec. 14, 21 - 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Led by Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Fresno Betsuin Dharma Center 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Clovis, CA 93611, Tel. 559-442-4054 Dharma Talks in Japanese (日本語での法話) Third Sunday of the month, 1:00 p.m. by Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Reedley Buddhist Church 2035 15th St., Reedley, CA 93654, Tel. 559-638-2146 Dharma Class in Japanese (佛教、真宗、写経) Every Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon by Rev. Sensho Inouye Buddhist Church of Fowler 210 S. 9th St., Fowler, CA 93625, Tel. 559-834-2077 3 BOARD MEETING september 10, 2012 By Kaye Kozuki, Acting Secretary The Parlier Buddhist Church Board meeting was this month. called to order by Dennis Ikuta on Sept 10, 2012. There was no report from Publications. Gassho was led by Rev. Inouye. Finance: Dennis made the quarterly report on the Those in attendance were: Dennis Ikuta, James Issei Memorial and the Investment accounts. Both Goishi, Curtis & Cheryl Koga, Gail Hachiya, accounts have good gains for this quarter. Glenn Yoshimoto, Steve Sasai, Toshie & Yuki V & P: Calvin reported that the Vintage Garden Mori, Rev. Inouye, Neil Okino, Calvin Doi, and Open House and Tour was a success. Many people Kaye Kozuki. attended. On Sept 18, Fowler will host a Care The Aug. 13 minutes were read and approved. Givers Support meeting with Dr. Alex Sherriff, a Treasurer’s Report: Glenn went over the geriatric specialist, as the guest speaker. After, there Treasurer’s report for Sept. Toshie made a motion will be a discussion led by Gay Mukai. to accepted the report and James seconded. Motion Motion to accept these reports was made by Steve carried. and seconded by Curtis, motion carried. Minister’s Report: Old Business: Discussed new member dues and 9/12 – CC Minister’s Meeting what to include in the welcome packages to give to new members. Dennis is looking into having a small - Curtis’s Discussion Group to meet 9/15 – Rev. Inouye going to Dinuba Buddhist Church obutsudan constructed. New Business: A. Sangha Gathering is the new for a Service 9/16 – Movie “Hula Girl’s” to be shown at Parlier name for our added monthly get togethers scheduled for the first Sunday of each month. Some of the Buddhist Church with curry luncheon following activities that will be incorporate are: short dharma 9/18 – Care Giver Support Group with Dr. Alex talks by the minister assistants, explanations of the Sherriffs, geriatric specialist as the guest speaker naijin, sutras, chanting, stories and games for the 9/20 - CCDC Meeting in Fowler youngsters. The Board is hoping that everyone will come to these new activities at the church. 9/22 – Q & A with Rev. Laverne Sasaki at 3p 9/23 – Ohigan/ Monthly Memorial Service with B. To promote Buddhist Education and the MAP training, Rev. Harada co-director of CBE (Center Rev. Laverne Sasaki as the guest speaker 9/30 – Nembutsu Seminar with “Chanting” as the for Buddhist Ed) will be coming every month to have Sangha gatherings at different temples throughout topic of discussion, lunch following CC. They will be held on the first Monday of 10/1 – Rev. Harada to speak in Fowler to the every month starting at 7p. Everyone is welcome to Sangha 7-8:30pm followed by class for Ministers attend and there will be a charge of $5 per session. Assistants Training classes will be held for the minister 10/7 – Family Day at the Parlier Buddhist Temple assistants following the gatherings from 8:30p. The The Oct. Monthly Memorial Service will be first gathering will be Oct 1, 2012 in Fowler. Parlier changed to Oct 28 instead of Oct 21. will host in Dec 2012 and June 2013. BWA: Kaye thanked the ladies and men of Group 3 C. Our church showed the Japanese movie “Hula for cleaning the church in Aug. They gave the stove Girls” for its member with a delicious chicken katsu special attention and now it glistens. Group 1 will curry luncheon cooked by Sho Higuchi on Sept be cleaning on Sept 22 instead of Sept 15. 16. He finished the luncheon with shave ice for The Ohigan/Monthly Memorial Service will be everyone. held on Sept 23 with Rev. Laverne Sasaki as the Steve made a motion to adjourn and James seconded. guest speaker. It will be followed by an autumn Gassho was led by Rev. Inouye. lunch planned by Kathy Yano and Christine Goss. Next meeting: Oct. 8, 2012 There is a $5 charge. Thank you to Fusa Ishimura for providing the refreshments for the board meeting Respectfully, Kaye Kozuki 4 buddhist women’s association By Irene Kozuki, BWA Newsletter Writer The expected cooler weather we associate with the Fall Ohigan was slow to arrive, but maybe it just seemed warm because of the many activities. There were various meetings to plan for the future, interesting sessions sponsored by the Vision and Preservation Committee and the Betsuin, Tai Chi class resumed back at the church social hall, and the Welcome Center continues to provide fellowship. Thank you to Cleaning Group 1 and the men that helped clean the church on September 22. Everything was clean and ready for the Q&A session with our guest speaker Rev. LaVerne Sasaki and the service and lunch the following day. We appreciate the lunch arranged by Christine Yano-Goss and Kathy Yano with Gail Hachiya helping. Desserts were made by Gail Kozuki, Lynne Yoshimoto, Lynda Okino and Gail H. We thank Sue Sasa for her donation of 14 boxes of foil wrap. It comes in handy for wrapping sandwiches and taking leftovers home. - please come to the first Sangha Gathering at the Parlier Church on Sunday, October 7. Details will follow, but save the date and inform your families. A few more notices: The October monthly memorial service will be held on October 28 instead of Oct. 21. However, cleaning group 2 will still clean on Sat. October 20. Refreshments will come from the Parlier/Reedley districts. The drop-off for yard sale items will be October 28 from1-3 PM. The yard sale is the following Saturday, November 3, from 8 AM – noon. I want to pick up where I left off in June thanking some of our members who do so many things for the church behind the scenes. James Goishi deserves to be in the spotlight all by himself. He is the “Go to Man” for any questions about the church property itself or any of the activities that are associated with it. Not only is he the hands-on problem solver who makes repairs or calls the right people to fix what he can’t, but he represents us at the CC and BCA level and offers wise advice about how to get things done. Not limited to being an administrator or board member, he is the active member who rolls up his sleeves and picks up the paint brush, or the BBQ tongs, or the screwdriver, and his ojuzu and makes the Buddhist Church of Parlier a temple that defies the odds and remains a happy, active, harmonious place to gather with others to know the compassion of our sangha. You may not have heard about the break-ins the church has sustained in the past few months. The first person we call is James. James makes the assessment of damage and fixes the broken window or replaces the locks. I suppose he makes the police report and notifies the insurance company as well. We take advantage of his experience and thoroughness. On top of all the responsibilities he assumes for us and the church, he managed to visit his elderly mother nearly every day, spending meaningful time in service to others. We are very, very lucky that James remains able to continue all his good work. There are a multitude of things he has done over the years and all of us can probably contribute many more instances. I want to thank James for what I believe he did personally for me – those clever table lifters made of PVC pipe help us work comfortably without back pain at the folding tables when we chop and slice food. It’s just an example of the kindness he shows us in his own way. I truly believe “we couldn’t do it without James.” Having a movie followed by lunch in September was a fun activity for us. Thanks to the efforts and technological expertise of Cheryl and Curtis Koga, we had excellent projection. “Hula Girls” is an enjoyable story with which one could draw parallels to our own situations. Thank you to Kaye Kozuki for loaning us her DVD. We benefited from the talents of volunteer chef Sho Higuchi for a lunch in keeping with the movie’s setting. The chicken katsu curry was delicious and came with the perfect condiments. Since it was a warm day, the Hawaiian shave ice really hit the spot, and it was nice to see the young children of the temple community help out with taking orders and serving the shave ice so that our older members wouldn’t have to stand in a line to get theirs. Thank you to Sho and all who helped and those who attended. It was good to see friends from outside the area (Selma, Diamond Bar, Fresno) there to join us. On the first Monday of every month, from 78:30 PM, Rev. Harada of the Center for Buddhist Education will speak at rotating temples of CC. The first one will be on Oct. 1 at the Fowler church. There will be a $5 charge. Rev. Harada believes that Buddhist education is so important that he is bringing Buddhist education to us rather than having us go to the CBE in Berkeley. Another ongoing event, a Caregiver Support Group, will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. If someone needs a ride for either of these continuing meetings, call Kaye Kozuki. And something new for our members 5 MONTHLY MEMORIAL SERVICE The October Shotsuki Service will be on Sunday, October 28, 2012. Families, as well as all members and friends are encouraged to attend. OCTOBER SHOTSUKI DECEASED MOURNER Mrs. Miyoko Yoshimoto 56 yrs Mr. Kazumi Yoshimoto Mr. Alan Kiyoshi Miyakawa 52 yrs Mr. Kelvin Miyakawa Mrs. Yoshi Masuda 48 yrs Mrs. Ellen Tsudama Mr. Hatsuno Tanaka 44 yrs Mrs. Timo Watamura 43 yrs Mr. Bill Watamura Mrs. Masako Sanada 39 yrs Mr. James Nakao 39 yrs Mrs. Yoshiye Nakao 29 yrs Mrs. Kasumi Suehiro 38 yrs Mrs. Matsuko Suehiro Mrs. Shime Saito 34 yrs Mr. Yshichiro Nakadachi 57 yrs Mr. Alan Nakadachi Mr. Masaki Ohara 41 yrs Mrs. Miyo Ohara Mrs. Tami Ohara 30 yrs Mrs. Miyo Ohara Mr. James Noboru Kozuki 16 yrs Mrs. Irene T. Kozuki Mrs. Sada Yamamoto 17 yrs Mr. Jimmie Yamamoto Mr. Muneo Nakamura 13 yrs Ms. Gail Nakamura Mrs. Momi Miyakawa 8 yrs Mr. Kelvin Miyakawa Mrs. Mary Sachiko Okubo 7 yrs Mr. Warren Okubo Mrs. Chiyoko Kurokawa 7 yrs Ms. Arlene Kurokawa Mr. Masanobu Kimura 6 yrs Mrs. Sawaye Kimura Mrs. Fumiye Yamanaka 1 yr Mr. Tom Yamanaka PARLIER BWA YARD SALE Drop-off: Sunday, Oct. 28th 1:00pm-3:00pm YARD SALE Saturday, November 3rd 8:00am-Noon 6 7 DIRECTORY OF OFFICIERS Minister Church President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Maintenance Fujinkai Presidents Newletter Editors Webmaster Rev. Sensho Inouye....... 834-3175 Dennis Ikuta.................. 638-4962 Toshie Mori.................... 638-8614 Wes Kubo....................... 638-6758 Glenn Yoshimoto............897-1811 James Goishi.................. 638-5510 Kaye Kozuki.................. 646-2538 Gail Hachiya.................. 637-0444 Curtis Koga................... 638-4669 Julie Doi......................... 896-6354 Karen Shimizu.............. 896-0795 Glenn Nakamichi.......... 896-5240 www.bcparlier.org september Buddhist radio broadcast kfib (am900) Saturday 7:20am OCTOBER Japanese 6 13 20 27 Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kakei Nakagawa NOVEMBER Japanese 3 10 17 24 English Mr. Rod Hata Rev. Kurt Rye Dr. Gordon Misaki Rev. Kurt Rye English Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Dr. Gene Tsukamoto Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kurt Rye Rev. Kakei Nakagawa Rev. Kurt Rye upcoming november events (Mon) (Mon) (Sat) (Sat) (Sun) CBE Fresno Dharma Center.....7:00pm Board Meeting.............................7:00pm Q/A with Rev. John Iwohara......3:00pm Church Cleanup.......................... 8:00am Eshinni/Kakushinni Service..... 10:00am October Shotsuki Service Sunday, Oct. 28 2012, at 10:00 A.M. Speaker: Rev. Sensho Inouye BUDDHIST CHURCH OF PARLIER P.O. Box 547 Parlier, CA 93648 5 12 17 17 18 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S POSTAGE PARLIER, CA 93648 PERMIT #23 OCTOBER Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Lectures by Rev. Marvin Harada at Fowler B.C. 7:00pm 7 8 Parlier Board Meeting 7:00pm Dharma Gathering 10:00am 14 15 (Cont.) FBWA Conference in San Jose 21 Yard Sale Drop Off 1:00pm 2 Fowler Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm 9 Fowler Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy Fowler 16 Classes: (See Above) Care Givers Support Group 7:00pm 22 Sensei to Salinas B.C. Eitaikyo Shotsuki 28 Service 10:00am Wednesday 29 Fowler 23 Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Fowler 30 Classes: Dharma Class: 10:00am Sumi: 3:00pm Calligraphy 1pm & 5pm Thursday 3 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am Parlier Class 4 Taichi (Parlier Church) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am Friday 5 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am Parlier Class 18 (see above) 12 13 42nd FBWA Conference in San Jose 19 20 26 27 Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am 24 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am 31 Fowler Class: Mah Jong 9:00am 6 MAP in Berkeley (Thur-Sat) Mah Jong 10 Parlier Class11 9:00am Taichi (Parlier City Park) CCMA Mtg. @ 8:00am Fresno 10:00am Welcome Center Curtis 9:15amDiscussion Class 11:30am 7:00pm 17 Saturday Parlier Class25 Taichi (Parlier City Park) 8:00am Welcome Center 9:15am11:30am Church Cleanup Group 2 8:00am DONATIONS FOR THE BUDDHIST RADIO BROADCAST EACH BROADCAST IS $50.00 If you wish to donate contact Rev. Rye at the Fresno Betsuin: (559) 442-4054 DIVERSITY IN ONENESS, ONENESS IN DIVERSITY
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