microscopic structure of the c12 giant resonances
microscopic structure of the c12 giant resonances
MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE C 12 GIANT RESONANCES. by Claude B rassard BSc. Universite* de M ontreal, 1964 A D issertation P resen ted to the Faculty o f the Graduate School o f Y ale U niversity in candidacy fo r the degree o f D octor o f Philosophy. 1970 . -2- To Nicole. I \ -3- ABSTRACT A comprehensive study, involving the development of a number of new techniques, both experimental and theoretical, has been carried out on the proton radiative capture reactions leading to the first four states in C . Excitation functions have been extended to 36 MeV, through the previously inaccessible excitation energy range, utilizing the MP tandem accelerator and the on-line data acquisition system of this laboratory. Microscopic ^ - M a t r i x calculations, utilizing the one-particle one-hole wave functions of Gillet have been compared not only with these data, but also with the gamma radiation angular distributions measured systematically throughout the energy range studied; it has been necessary to evolve an internally consistent technique for carrying out these calculations, inasmuch as detailed study has revealed that none had existed previously. Measurements reported herein strongly suggest that for certain instrumental reasons, all the previously reported absolute cross sections for high energy radiative capture reactions (i.e. above 10 MeV excitation) have been over-estimated by as much as 50%. This has important consequences concerning the isospin purity arguments. Apart from this, while the theoretical predictions repro duce both the excitation functions and angular distributions of the gamma radiation to the C 12 ground state remarkably well, it has been found that the Gillet wave functions do not constitute a significant improvement - 4- over pure j-j configurations in this respect. Gross discrepancies between the absolute magnitude of the predicted and experimental cross sections to the excited 12 states in C (far exceeding the 50% mentioned above) suggest that more complex configurations, primarily two-particle, two-hole, in nature play a dominant role. The data support.the view that capture to the 4.43 MeV state involves a giant dipole based on that state in analogy with the dipole resonance based on the ground state* The capture cross section to the 3” state at 9.63 MeV in C 12 shows that this state involves relatively little one-particle one-hole structure. As an integral part of the instrumental development involved in these measurements a new electronic system capable of counting some forty times faster than any previously reported, on-line gain control and pile up monitoring, and on line data analysis capabilities have been demonstrated. - 5- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to express my most sincere gratitude to the director of WNSL, and my thesis director D.A. Bromley; the work reported herein could not have been completed without his continued interest and enthusiastic participation. Working under Dr. Bromley's direction has proved very pleasurable, as well as profitable. Many thanks are due to my collaborators: H.D. Shay and J.P. Coffin have participated in the experiment, while H. Duncan had considerable influence on the theoretical aspect of the work. W. Scholz was involved in the early phases of the experiment and calculations prior to his departure from Yale. It is clearly impossible to mention all my colleagues at WNSL whose collaboration will nevertheless be gratefully remembered; among them Drs. M.W. Sachs, M.J. Levine, J.P. Allen, W. Thompson, A.A. Aponick and . J.C. Overly, as well Mr. T. Harrington, and Mrs. E.B. Fehr have contributed to various phases of this work. Many persons at Yale have provided advice at various critical stages; I wish to take this opportunity to thank Drs. F.W. Firk, D.C. Lu and J. Sandweiss, for discussions, as well as Dr. W.E. Lamb who contributed indirectly to the theoretical chapter of this thesis -6- through his much appreciated lectures on quantum mechanics. Finally, I wish to thank the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Universite de Montreal, for financial assistance, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratories for the loan of a detector with which some of the measure ments reported herein were obtained. -7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT: 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 7 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES: 10 Chapter I: INTRODUCTION: 13 L ist o f R e feren ces fo r Chapter I: Chapter II: THE EXPERIM ENTAL METHODS: 37 39 1 - The A c c e le r a to r . 41 2 - Beam Line and Beam O ptics. 43 3 - T arget M aking Technique. 45 4 - The 5"x6" Nal(Tl) C rystal. 46 5 - The 9 " x l2 " Nal(Tl) C rystal. 47 6 - Angular D istribution Apparatus. 57 7 - The E lectron ic C ircu its. 58 8 - The Fast Counting System . 65 9 - The Light P u lser P ile-u p M onitor and Gain Stabilizer. 68 1 0 - The Data A cqu isition Com puter P rogra m . 11- New D evelopm ents in Instrum entation. Chapter III: THE EXPERIM ENTAL RESULTS: 72 - 73 75 1 - O bject o f the M easurem ents. 76 2 - T yp ica l Spectra and Angular D istributions. 85 3 - A D iscu ssion o f Experim ental A c c u r a c y ; interpretation o f e r r o r bars. 89 Chapter IV: THE ANALYSIS OF THE DATA: 93 1 - G eneral D escription of the WNSL Computer System. 95 2 - G eneral D escrip tion of the Data A n alysis P rogra m . 96 3 - A lgorith m fo r the Fit. 99 4 - A lgorith m for a fir s t ord e r C orrection to P ile-u p . 106 -8Chapter V: THE THEORY OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS: 109 ( A ) Introduction. HO 1 - D irection. HO 2 - T ypical P a rticle-G a m m a C ro s s Section Calculation. 112 3 - P ra ctica l D ifficu lties with the Standard R eaction T h eories. 123 ( B ) D ifferential C ro s s Sections: The Blatt and Biedenharn f o r mula fo r Gamma R ays. 127 1 - Incom ing and Outgoing Spherical W aves of unit Flux. 127 2 - Incom ing Wave Am plitudes. 135 3 - The T ran sfer M atrix and the Scattering State o f the Compound System. 139 4 - The Blatt and Biedenharn Form ula fo r Gamma R ays. 142 ( C ) T ransition Am plitudes and the R -M a trix. 148 1 - Introduction. 148 2 - G eom etry o f Configuration Space: Channels. 150 3 - The Wave Function in the Channel Region: The S-M atrix. 154 4 - Wave Function in the Compound Nucleus R egion in T erm s o f the S-M atrix. 162 5 - The D isp ersion R elation. 166 6 - Calculation o f the S-M atrix: the R -M a trix. 171 7 - Some P ro p e rtie s o f the N uclear S-M atrix. 174 8 - A pproxim ations to the S-M atrix: the W igner M any- L evel Form ula. ( D ) R educed E lectrom agn etic Transition M atrix Elem ents: 1 - P a rticle s and H oles, Angular Momentum and Isospin. 176 —_ 180 . 180 2 - M a n y -P a rticle M atrix Elem ents in term s o f S ingleP a rticle M atrix Elem ents. 183 3 - Elim ination o f the Hole. 185 4 - The E lectrom agnetic M ultipole O perators. 186 5 - S in g le-P a rticle T ransitions. 189 L ist o f R e fe re n ce s for Chapter V. 191 Chapter VI: CALCULATIONS OF THE B 1 1 ( p , y ) C 12 CROSS SECTIONS: 194 ( A ) Introduction: 195 ( B ) Specialization o f Form ulae from the Theory o f N uclear R eactions to the R eaction B 1 1 ( p , y ) C 12. 198 -9 1 - F ram ew ork fo r the Calculations. 199 2 - The States o f C 12 and the Use o f G illet's Wave Functions. 206 3 - The N uclear Potential. 208 4 - Radial wave Functions. 2 12 5 - Radial M atrix Elem ents. 216 6 - R educed Widths and Boundary Value P aram eters. 218 8 - E lectrom agnetic S in g le-P a rticle M atrix Elem ents. 235 9 - Computation o f the R -M a trix. 237 1 0 - Phase Shifts and P en etrabilities. 238 1 1 - Calculation o f the T ra n sfer M atrix T. 239 1 2 - R eaction Am plitudes and the S-M atrix. 240 1 3 - The Blatt and Biedenharn Form ula. 241 ( C ) The R esults o f C alculations. L ist o f R e feren ces fo r Chapter VI. Chapter VII: DISCUSSION. 242 260 262 L ist o f R e feren ces fo r Chapter VII. 295 Chapter VIII: SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE EXPERIMENTS: 297 Chapter IX : CONCLUSION: 300 APPENDICES n -A The F ast Counting System. 305 II-B The Photom ultiplier Control Unit. 320 II-C Fast D C -C oupled A m p lifier. 324 IV -A The Data A n alysis P rog ra m . 327 V -A P ro p e rtie s o f States Under T im e R ev ersa l. 369 V -B N orm alization of the Spherical Waves to Unit Flux. 372 V -C D erivation o f the Blatt and Biedenharn Form ula for Gamma Rays. 374 V -D P a rticle s and H oles. 379 V -E M a n y -P a rticle M atrix Elem ents in term s o f S in g le-P artile M atrix Elem ents. 397 - 10 - V -F Elim ination o f the Hole. 402 V -G E le c tr ic S in g le-P a rticle M atrix E lem ents. 408 V-H S in g le-P a rticle M agnetic T ran sitions. 412 V -i S in g le -P a r tid e M agnetic T ran sition s, Spin Contribution. 419 VI-A C on version from Isospin to P roton-N eutron F orm alism . 42i V I-B Standard Configurations used in the T h eory and in the C alculations. 437 VI-C The States o f C1 2 ; the use o f G illet's Wave Functions. 441 V I-D The R -M a trix P rog ra m fo r Calculations o f D ifferential C r o s s Sections. 451 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES I-1 Energy L evel D iagram o f C 12. 24 H -l Plan o f WNSL. 40 II-2 Beam Line. 42 II—3 P r o c e s s e s in Nal(Tl) D etector System . 50 II-4 Peak Shapes. 52 II—5 Sim plified B lock Diagram o f E lectron ics. 60 II - 6 Fast Counting System with Light P u lser L og ic. 67 II—7 Light P u lser Spectrum. 69 II-A -1 P erform a n ce o f Fast Counting System . 306 I I -A -2 P u lse Shapes. n -A -3 R elative R esolution vs Gate Opening T im e. 314 n -A -4 B lock Diagram of Fast Counting System . 316 II -B -1 to I I -B -3 : The P hotom ultiplier Control Unit. /" 308 321 II -C -1 F ast A m p lifier. 325 H I-1 P relim in ary R esults with the 5 " x 6 " C rystal. 77 IH -2 to III—13: Experim ental R esults obtained with the 9 " x l 2 " C rystal. n i-1 4 T ypical Spectrum . 78 84 IH -16 to III—18: T ypical Angular D istributions. 86 IV -A -1 and I V -A -2 : 329 K eyboard arrangem ents for the Data A n alysis P rog ra m . - 11 - I V -A -3 (Table) L ist o f Phases fo r the Data A nalysis P rog ra m . 338 I V -A -4 (Table) L ist o f Subroutines fo r the Data A n alysis P rogram . 339 V -l C om parison o f theoretical techniques. 114 V -2 S in g le-P a rticle States and j - j Configurations. 116 V -3 T opology o f Configuration Space. 152 VI - 1 R e a listic M odified Gaussian Potential fo r C 12. 209 VI-2 Neutron S in g le-P a rticle States. 210 V I-3 P roton S in g le-P a rticle States. 2 11 VI- 4 and V I-5 C om parison o f T h eory with Experim ent for y q 243 VI - 6 and V I-7 C om parison o f T h eory with E xperim ent for y± 245 VI - 8 and V I-9 C om parison o f T h eory with E xperim ent fo r y g 247 VI-12 to VI-1 4 P artial Contributions to Total C ro s s Sections, Log. 251 V I-15 to VI-17 P artial Contributions to Total C ro s s Sections, Linear. 254 C om parison o f G ille t's wave functions with pure j - j config. 249 V I-10 and VI - 1 1 - 12 - CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION. -1 3 - I Chapter I Introduction A substantial amount of information is already available concerning the forces which act between two nucleons. Nucleons interact through all four of the basic interactions clearly identified thus far: of these four only gravity plays a very minor role in the ordinary nucleus although dominant in the neutron stars; the weak interactions are responsible for beta decay; the electro magnetic interaction dominates at large distances; and the strong or nuclear interaction, which is attractive dominates when the inter-nucleon distance decreases below several fermis. Since the transitions induced by the weak interactions are extremely show compared with those induced by the nuclear and electromagnetic interactions, beta-decay will usually not occur unless all other possible modes of decay are forbidden. For this reason, the weak interaction is generally not included in the study of nuclear reactions. The electromagnetic interaction acts rapidly enough to compute with the strong interaction and cannot be neglected. It plays a role in two different ways: the Coulomb repulsion between protons is one of these; the other is in the emission and absorption of radiation by nuclear systems. - 14 - I It is the very strong, short-range nulcear force which accounts for most of the properties of nuclei, how ever, and the electromagnetic interactions play the role of a small perturbation. The nuclear force is relatively well known, at least between two free nucleons. We know that it has a short range, of the order of one fermi; and that it is identical, or almost identical between any two nucleons. That is to say, it is closely charge independent. We also know that the force depends quite strongly on the orientation of the nucleon with respect to its direction of motion (spin-orbit force). These qualitative considera tions apply to the force between two nucleons, whether they are free or imbedded in nuclear matter; the more quantitative aspects of the force, however such as its dependence on the inter-nucleon distance (this dependence has been measured quite accurately in the case of free nucleons) may well be affected by the presence of other nucleons. Apart from the knowledge of the forces which act between nucleons, there is also a many-body aspect of the problem which consists in understanding the motion of individual nucleons in a complex nucleus from a microscopic point of view; slow. progress in this direction is relatively In fact, present nuclear structure calculations make little use of our detailed knowledge of the nuclear force; approximations inherent in the models used lead to ad hoc "residual interactions" which are largely phenomenological and in many cases have little to do with the nucleon-nucleon - interactions. 15 - Furthermore, the results of these calculations are typically insensitive to the particular choice of the "residual interactions". Almost all the detailed information available on the structure of the nucleus has been obtained through nuclear reactions. Information on the motion of nucleons inside the system of two colliding nuclear fragments is obtained by observing the emerging reaction products. Various ions can be used as projectiles, their orientation with respect to their direction of relative motion can be changed, and their relative velocity can be varied. Often there is a great number of possible reaction products, which can be in many different states of internal motion, and it is possible to measure the probability of formation of these reaction products at various angles, as a function of their orientation. Of all the nuclear reactions possible, those involving the emission or absorption of electromagnetic radiation play a very special role. The electromagnetic interaction is an ideal probe of the nucleus, for several reasonst its detailed nature is well known, and it is only a small perturbation on the system, as a good probe should be. Furthermore, the relatively long wave length of the electromagnetic radiation implies a rapidly converging multipole expansion and the difficult problem of determining the reaction mechanism, again involving the strong interaction, does not occur for gamma rays. the nuclear From the point of view of s-Matrix, reactions involving nuclear particles - 16 - can give information on the channel surfaces only, in configuration space, whereas the electromagnetic inter actions can probe the inside of the nucleus. because the This is s-Matrix theory treats the nucleus as a black box, and this statement does not, of course, i:.iply that the nuclear particles do not penetrate the nuclear surface. Unfortunately, it is experimentally difficult to utilize the full power of the electromagnetic probe, because gamma radiation cannot be accelerated or detected directly. Experiments which involve gamma rays both as projectile (entrance channel) and as detected reaction product (exit channel) are for practical purposes limited to relatively low energies, where the number of open particle channels is small; at higher energies, gamma rays are used either in the entrance or in the exit channel. Difficulties with utilizing gamma rays as projectiles arise because of the poor energy definition of the gamma ray beams currently available. Bremsstrahlung produced gamma rays, which have long been the only available source at high energy have a continuous energy distribution, which requires a subtraction of spectra in order to extract the yield corresponding to a given energy. The energy resolution is poor, and the errors are difficult to estimate and generally fairly l a r g e . M o r e recently, "monoenergetic gamma ray beams have been obtained by positron annihilation in flight (2 ) . a great improvement in the quality and dependability of the an<3 cross section measure- - 17 - ments has resulted. The option of utilizing the electromagnetic probe in the exit channel instead, by detecting the emitted gamma radiation, did not really exist until recently; the particle accelerators with high enough energy to explore the regions studied in the photonuclear work had poor (3) beam current and very limited energy variability. With the advent of the high energy tandem electrostatic accelera tors, however, continuous beams of excellent resolution, high intensity, and continuously variable energy have be come available. The high resolution, high efficiency detection of gamma rays is more difficult than is the detection of nuclear particles; except at very low energies, where the relatively new but physically small lithium drifted germanium (GeLi) detectors perform very well, it is necessary to use large Nal(T^) detectors. These detectors (for high energy radiation) are typically 8" in diameter by 9” long or larger; their resolution for 20 MeV gamma rays is of the order of 5% only, and they typically are shielded from ambient radiation with tons of lead. This is to be compared with a semiconductor particle detector, typically one square inch in area or less, with a 30 keV resolution for 20 MeV charged particles. It is interesting to compare the two types of experiments: the photonuclear experiments, such as » {"$*(£) and the capture experiments such as ({> ff i ) and - 18 - First, it must be emphasized that these reactions are not the inverse of each other, in general, and that for this reason both types of experiments must be performed. The reactions leading to the ground states of the corres ponding residual nuclei are the inverse of each other, however, and may be compared through detailed balance. In terms of energy resolution, accuracy, and reliability, a further comparison of the various techniques is interesting. The ( p t f i ) experiments typically surpass the bremsstrahlung </,/>) experiments by an order of magnitude in resolution, accuracy and reliability (Except for the determination of the absolute magnitude of the total cross-section, as noted below). The positron annihilation technique offers a great improvement over the bremsstrahlung measurements, but its typical energy resolution is far from matching that of the tandems. Ftirthermore, the bremsstrahlung tail which accompanies the positron annihilation peak in the incident gamma ray beam has the following two consequences; it substantially increases the errors at very high energy, and it makes the extraction of deexcitation branching ratios very difficult. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain excellent results for ground state transitions with the "monoenergetic" photons, and a substantial amount of data has been published already, concentrating mainly on medium and heavy nuclei. Some polarization measurements have been reported, but the angular distributions of the reaction products are generally not available. - 19 - I It remains that the photonuclear reactions benefit from one great advantage which the capture reactions do not share: they have access to the and { jf t W ) processes, whereas only i f 3* ^ ) can be performed conveniently with a tandem accelerator. comparison of the It is well known that a and (^f*Y I) absolute cross-sections can, in principle, yield important information on the energy dependence of the isospin mixing^^ in nuclei. The advent of the tandem accelerators has already been demonstrated to mark the opening of an entirely new era in the study of these relatively old but still very important radiative capture experiments. It is important, in planning for applications of the technique to nuclear structure studies to focus on those situations wherein maximum elucidation of the many body aspects of the structure might be anticipated. A very large number of theoreticians have attempted to find an approximate solution to the many body problem in closed shell nuclei; by computing their excited states as linear combinations of low-lying one-particle one-hole configurations. (®»"7»8»9»10) ^s expected that the electro magnetic transitions to the ground states of these closed shell nuclei will emphasize the one-particle one-hole aspects of the excited states,because the operators responsible for electromagnetic transitions are one-body operators, and therefore it is the gamma ray transitions which must be investigated in order to test the relevance of such calcula - tions. 20 - The calculations yet available are very approximate, however, and somewhat inconsistent (they use experimental energies for the configurations, but harmonic oscillator wave functions). Having decided that a radiative capture experiment is ideal for studying the one-particle one-hole aspect of the excited states of closed shell nuclei, we must focus first on those nuclei for which maximum information might be gained on their detailed structure. We are helped in this task by the data already available on the photonuclear reactions, which have established the trends in gamma ray abosrption cross sections. We have learned, from these early experiments, that the gamma ray absorption is dominated by a broad peak around 15 to 20 MeV of excitation, in the plots of absorption cross section as a function of energy. This peak is generally referred to as the giant resonance. In heavy nuclei, where a great number of states contribute to the giant resonance, the number of degrees of freedom is so large that models of a statistical nature yield excellent results; the giant resonance takes the shape of one or two Lorentzian peaks. In medium-heavy nuclei, the more recent high-resolution studies have detected an incredible amount of structure in the giant resonance, which seems to originate in the fact that the contributing states are numerous, but not in sufficient number to average out smoothly as it is the case in the heavier nuclei. In the light nuclei, especially near closed shells or semi- closed shells the cross section typically presents much less structure than in the case of the medium-heavy nuclei, reflecting the smaller number of states contri buting substantially to the observed transitions. The slowly varying excitation functions associated with the heavy nuclei and the success of collective models in describing them suggest that comparatively little information on the detailed structure of these nuclei will be gained by the study of their giant resonance. The situation for the medium-heavy nuclei is very different their excitation functions are so complex that there is no hope at present of understanding them in a detailed scheme (although it is possible to interpret the variations in the cross section as fluctuations). It is therefore in the light nuclei, near closed shells, that a comparison of theory and experiment is expected to yield maximum insight in the details of the nuclear structure, and it is not surprising that theoreticians have concentrated there by far the greatest attention; the relatively simple structure of the giant resonance in these light nuclei constitutes an ideal test for nuclear models. The giant resonance was early regarded as one of the most simple collective motions in nuclei, namely a dipole oscillation of the imagined neutron and proton "fluids" relative to one another. More detailed information concerning this collective degree of nuclear freedom was surprisingly late in coming particularly as compared to the situations in volving the more complicated but lower lying, and therefore - 22- more accessible, quadrupole and octupole collective inodes. The delay, in the dipole case, simply reflected _ the paucity of adequate, high quality experimental data. One of the first nuclear models intended to describe this giant resonance in terms of the motion of individual nucleons was devised by W i l k i n s o n ^ ^ , who interpreted the gamma ray absorption as causing a single-particle transition of one major shell in the nucleus; this model was subse(7) quently refined by Elliott and Flowers' ' and by Brown and (8) Bolsterli' ' ; the latter introduced the schematic model, which demonstrates that under certain circumstances the residual interactions tend to concentrate the dipole strength into a single state which is pushed up in energy to appear as the giant resonance. More recently, an impressive number of authors have contributed to the study of the giant resonance in light nuclei; in particular some of the most detailed theoretical calculations now available have (1 0 ,1 1 ) 12 been performed by Gillet and Vinh Mau in C and 16 0 , and the predicted one-particle one-hole wave functions have been published. In choosing a particular nucleus for the present experiment, one of the most important criteria was certainly the availability of such detailed theoretical model wave functions, and for this reason, we have concentra12 16 ted the initial efforts on C and 0 , where a detailed comparison of theory with experiment seemed feasible. I' Preliminary measurements of the reactions B (}>»$)C 12 and - (^>,2^)0 23 - indicated clearly that although slightly more difficult, the C 12 reaction was more interesting because of the possibility of measuring simultaneously the decay to three states of this nucleus, whereas only the ground 16 state decay could be resolved in the case of 0 with the 12 instrumentation initially available. C was therefore the most interesting nucleus to study, and it is the II , B ( f t Y )C reaction which constitutes the object of the 16 present report. Work on 0 and on heavier nuclei continues in this laboratory with the much improved instrumentation which has been designed to reflect the experience gained in the work reported herein on C 12 . Some limited degree of comparison of Gillet's calculations with experiment was possible previously 12 I I since excellent data for the B >ff) C reaction already (12 ) existed ; however, these data were limited to 14 MeV of incident proton energy, whereas protons of up to 22 MeV are routinely obtained with the WNSL tandem. Some relatively poor quality 90° data, obtained with a proton linear accelerator, also existed in the 20 MeV region; /3 \ these data showed a peak at 20.5 MeVv ' incident proton energy, which corresponds to one of the four l” (T =1) states predicted by Gillet, but which had not been observed in the photonuclear studies. The presence of this resonance is a question of great interest, and it was recognized that a high precision measurement such as is made possible by the availability of a tandem could not fail to clarify the situation. It was also felt that since Cl2 is the most - ENERGY LEVEL 24 - D IAG R AM OF T H E MASS-12 S Y S T E M 36 M e V 18.72 C " + T> Bn+p 9.64 7.65 7.37 Be8 + a 4 .4 4 0.00 3“ 0 + 2+ 0 + 12 F ig. 1-1: This m a ss-1 2 energy level diagram shows the C * 2 ground state and fir s t three excited states, and the neutron, proton and alpha p article tresholds. The three transitions rep orted herein and the energy range o f the m easurem ents a re indicated. The transition to the 7. 65 M eV state is v ery weak and an upper lim it was set on it. - 25- extensively studied nucleus in the periodic table, information on the yet unobserved reactions involving C nucleus would be extremely valuable. 12 as a compound Accordingly, cross sections and angular distributions for the reactions (/>»^) have been obtained for the decay to the ground state and first three excited states of C 12 , as indicated in Fig. 1-1, for incident proton energies of 14 to 21.5 MeV, and the results of these measurements are reported herein. It should be emphasized that in no other work has it been possible to measure transitions other than the transitions to the ground state and to the first excited state, in C ^ , following radiative capture; as we shall demonstrate herein, the availability of radiative capture data in the higher excited states makes possible a much more stringent and informative test of the one-particle one-hole wave functions, in C1 2 , Preliminary measurements (14) were obtained for the 90° cross section, with energy increments of 200 keV, and on the basis of the lack of structure in these excitation functions, complete angular distributions were subsequently measured using 500 keV energy increments. The preliminary measurements utilized a 5" x 6 " Nal(T^) crystal, whereas the angular distribution measurements benefited from a considerable improvement in resolution, through the use of a larger, 9" x 12" crystal. These angular distributions were obtained by moving the crystal and its 4,000 pound lead shielding relative to the target. The gamma rays from the i p * # ' ) reaction were identified by their energy; competing - reactions, such as 26 - and (f produce gamma rays of much lower energies than the relevant capture gamma rays. The construction of the beam line, vacuum systems and angular distribution carriage presented no unusual problems and are not reported herein. One of the serious difficulties which is always present in high energy gamma ray measurements using absorption spectrometers however is that presented by the cosmic ray background. Because of the large size of the Nal detectors used in this work, the counting rate from cosmic rays is frequently higher than is the yield from the actual experiment. This problem is routinely solved by surrounding the Nal crystal with an anticoincidence shield. Unfortunately, the detector used herein, since i t represented, an interim solution, on loan from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was not fitted with such a shield; in order to minimize cosmic ray problems, it was therefore essential to maximize the fore ground counting rate. Higher foreground rates were desirable for another important reason, namely reducing the necessary accelerator time to a minimum. The only direct limit on the counting rate in such capture experiments at relatively high energy is always electronic pile-up from the low energy neutron and gamma ray background radiation. At the highest proton energies re- ported herein only one photon in every 10 6 emerging from the target itself was in anyway related to the phenomena of interest. difficulty. Electronic pile-up thus presented a very real - 27- This difficulty was:solved by the design and con struction of a new, fast-counting system, capable of in creasing the counting rates by a factor of forty over that attainable with the conventional double-delay-line amplifer system; the new system offers great advantages over the pile-up rejection circuits currently in use else where, because of its superior performance, and because it does not reject pulses, and in consequence does not require a corresponding correction. This fast counting system also constitutes an improvement from the point of view of circuit simplicity; it is described in some detail in appendix II-A. Other major experimental problems encountered during the present experiment include the necessity of constantly monitoring the severity of any remnant pile-up, and, most important, the gain of the photomultiplier tube and system. These two problems were solved simultaneously by the use of a gallium phosphide light pulser, which was optically coupled to the NaI(T^) crystal; the light pulses were shaped to be identical with gamma ray scintillations of an appropriate energy, and the accumulated spectrum of these light pulses automatically extracted from the system output during on line operation was used by the laboratory computer to evaluate, on-line, the pile-up and photomultiplier gain situations. Reports were printed periodically for the operator's attention, and in addition, the photomultiplier gain was controlled automatically by the computer. This - 28 - on line IBM 360/44 is not only an extremely powerful tool, but was found to be virtually essential in the data acquistion phases of an experiment such as the one reported herein; it has also been found that the possibility of on-line data analysis dr .stically reduces the time needed to complete an experiment, by permitting the optimization of the various parameters which prevail during the acquisition of the data. Automation of the radiative capture instrumentation initiated in this experiment has continued; in particular such items as beam current intensity, beam energy and beam optics adjustments and detector positioning are all being placed under direct on-line computer control in our 16 continuing studies on 0 and on heavier nuclei utilizing our anticoincidence shielded 12" x 12" Nal system. Another important technical difficulty, which is related to the background problem discussed above, is the necessity of a high proton beam definition. An extremely clean ion-optical system was designed by positioning the beam defining slits on the remote side of a concrete shielding wall, and imaging these slits on target with a magnetic quadrupole triplet. The accurate positioning of the beam on target was accomplished through a remotely monitored flip aperture in front of the target; this aperture was removed during the actual runs, so that the beam would strike nothing but the target itself, in the target chamber area. These precautions were necessary because the beam cound not be allowed to strik any collimators in the - 29 - vicinity of the target, without creating disasterous background levels. After perfecting the experimental method as described above, it became possible to obtain angular distributions 12 for the y and y capture transitions in C with such an accuracy as to provide a meaningful test of the theoretical predictions. The transition to the second ex cited state was too weak to be observed, and the upper limit on its cross-section has been established herein to be a factor of five below the same energy. of C 12 y cross section,at the The transition to the 3“ third excited state has been observed, however, and the accuracy on its total cross section is typically 10 %; unfortunately, the large experimental errors on its angular distribution do not permit as accurate an appraisal of the theoretical predictions in this case. Since it was not possible to determine the target thickness accurately, the total cross sections were initially normalized to Allas* section data. -q 1 ^)C*2 90° cross Unfortunately, we have since become con vinced that the total cross sections reported from that work (as well as from other (/»^) work) are too large by a factor of approximately 1.5; the reasons for assertion are detailed in chapters II this and VII, and they have to do with considerations of Compton scattered gamma radiation in the thick paraffin neutron shields which are invariably used in front of the detector in such experiments. - 30 - For the present, the absolute magnitudes of the total cross sections are therefore open to some question. The figures representing our results herein have been normalized as indicated for comparison purposes only. A gross correction to all such data nevertheless appears in order, and in C 12 it would considerably improve the (13) agreement with the measured ( ^ 4 ) cross section' . It is well known that this question of the normalization of the total cross section has very deep consequences with regards to isospin mixing in nuclei. Firk, Wu and (4) Thompson had estimated the isospin mixing to be very large in C 12 on the basis that the (^»/0) cross section (obtained from (/»£) through detailed balance) appeared much larger than the cross section* ; the correction on the (/»/) cross section proposed herein would consequently decrease the amount of isospin mixing in C in agreement with the low value observed in 0 16 . 12 The pro posed correction would also reduce the estimated contri bution of the { fi/b o ) to tlie dipole sum rule. The most immediate result of our measurements is that the high energy peak in the ^ and ^ cross sections reported by Reay, Hintz a n d L e J 3 ^, as corresponding to a high lying fragment of the giant resonance simply does not exist. The total cross sections decrease monotonically, by a factor of three, between proton energies of 14 and 21.5 MeV, for both ^ and ^ . Their angular distributions * We wish to thank Dr. Firk for discussing these matters with us. - 31 - are fairly constant, within errors, and are typically peaked at 60°, with an almost vanishing cross section at 180°. The situation is somewhat different for the pre viously unobserved ^ transition; the angular distribution is more isotropic, but less constant with energy, and the cross section shows variations by a factor of two in the 14 MeV to 21.5 MeV range. rapidly as do the ^ and It does not decrease as ^ cross sections with energy, and for this reason it is easier to measure at high energy. The cross section does not vanish at 13 MeV, as our pre liminary measurements had suggested; however, the ^ peak in the gamma ray spectrum simply disappears in the low energy background, and below 12 MeV the experimental errors become extremely large. In comparing theory with experiment for the photonuclear reactions, or for the radiative capture reactions, the major difficulty has always been that the typical one-particle one-hole calculation (and some more detailed open-shell calculations as well^24^) approximate the nuclear potential by a harmonic oscillator well; this harmonic oscillator well, having infinite walls, leads to discrete resonances and transitions. This situation hinders a quantitative comparison of cross sections and angular distributions. In order to 1 17 \ alleviate this problem Boeker and Jonker' ' have computed cross sections and angular distributions in the framework of R -Matrix theory; their results were only partly successful, because of unresolved difficulties in calculating - 32 - reduced widths and because of some apparent residual sign errors in their calculations. Numerous calculations have also been carried out in the coupled-channel formalism and some of them had substantial success in C (18) 12( 19) Unfortunately, no theoretical predictions were 12 available in C for excitation energies above 28 MeV, and no calculations have been done for the excited state transitions; furthermore, the only theoretical estimates of E2 transitions (which lead to asymetrical angular distribu tions) were those of Boeker and Jonker, whose results disagreed in sign with the experimental results. We there fore decided to perform complete calculations, including El, Ml and E2 transitions, for the ground state decay and the decay to excite states as well, on the basis of Gillet’s "approximation I" wave functions. We have chosen to perform these calculations within the framework of TZ -Matrix theory, and after much unsuccess ful. effort to resolve phase differences and other dis crepancies between the five or six major references involved in carrying out the complete calculation, we -7 realized that the major difficulty with this otherwise extremely powerful approach was the lack of a complete internally consistent, and coherent calculational framework. We therefore reluctantly were required to start ab initio i.e. from basic quantum mechanics, and chapter V of the present work constitutes the result of this undertaking. reader will find in this chapter a complete The - coherent 33 - scheme for calculating the cross sections of nuclear reactions, based on Messiah's "Quantum M e c h a n ic s " (21). Other problems which had plagued earlier calculations in cluded the approximations inherent in the many-level formula and the difficulty of evaluating reduced widths. The many-level formula has been replaced herein by a more accurate matrix inversion procedure, and a technique has been devised for computing meaningful reduced widths; this latter point is treated in detail in chapter VI. A one-particle one-hole coupled channel calculation 12 in C typically involves four states and six channels; our calculations involve sixty channels and sixty-four states, and the results are plotted next to the data for comparison, at the end of chapter VI. We wish to emphasize that the calculation involve only one free parameter, which has some influence in the region around 34 MeV excitation only; except for this narrow region, the predictions are unique, including the absolute magnitude of the total cross section. We would emphasize, as above, that the determination of the absolute experimental total cross section remains open to some question. We believe that the latter should be reduced by a factor of approximately 1.5 (which factor we are unable to determine precisely at present), so that the ( A / . ) calculated cross section, for example, does nbt agree very well with experiment; the graphs at the end of * We have not yet tackled the problem of predicting the polarization; however, we intend to do so in the near future. We wish to thank Dr. Firk for this recent suggestion. - 34 - chapter VI are therefore somewhat misleading. The angular distributions for the ^ transition are predicted very well, and the discrepancies in the shape of the total cross section are attributed mostly to the presence of many-particle many-hole states, as discussed in chapter VII. in the case of the The situation is very different transition, where gross discrepancies in both the total cross section and angular distribution lead us to believe that the transition originates mostly from a giant dipole resonance built directly on the first excited state, namely two-particle two-hole states. This first excited state is probably dominated by the or in? configuration, and the giant resonance can be built on top of this state by promoting one more particle from the , J h jp sub-shell, thus reaching two- particle two-hole states. been introduced by Greiner Models of a similar nature have (25) et al. who unfortunately limited their calculations to the ground state transition. Examination of the ^ transition, which contrary to the ^ transition is predicted to be much more intense than it has been measured, lead us to believe that this 9.64 state of C 12 has a fairly small component of one-particle one-hole configurations. The figures at the end of chapter VI also include graphs showing the contributions of the various channels to the total cross section, and a comparison of results obtained with Gillet's wave functions (of "approximation I") - 35 - with those obtained by replacing these wave functions by pure j-j configurations. The latter results are striking, because the differences are very small, and the important consequences of these results in evaluating calculations of the type performed by Gillet will be mentioned below, and discussed at greater length in Chapter VII. One of the interesting and perhaps surprising results of this work is the realization of the. fact that the gamma decay to excited states is as interesting, and sometimes even more interesting than the decay to the ground state, and that its study will permit much more detailed testing of models. Unfortunately, such measurements of decay to excited states are experimentally very difficult, and are feasible only in a limited number of cases with the techniques which are available at present. There is clearly a need for a higher resolution, high energy gamma ray detector, also immune to the intense background produced in such experiments. The construction of such an apparatus may well not be beyond the present day capabilities. We conclude that one-particle one-hole type calculations with the ad hoc residual interactions have already been pushed too far and we believe that at this point progress will come from radically new techniques and...ideas, rather than from improvements on the same theme. There is ample evidence that if the one-particle one-hole model works at all, it is because the states which are being described are indeed, for the most part, almost pure one-particle one-hole - 36 - ) in character. In trying to account for the observed experimental facts by mixing the one-particle one-hole st&tes, the success has also been substantial, although C 12 can be considered a failure from this point of view. We have been led to believe strongly, that the impurities of more complex configurations in these primarily oneparticle one-hole states include a great number of very small contributions, in particular from very highlying shells, and therefore that the particle-hole expansion would converge very slowly. From this point of view, it is not clear whether an open-shell calculation for C 12 for example would constitute a substantial improvement over a lp-lh calculation, because of the truncation in the single particle levels which is inevitable in such a treatment. We have thus demonstrated not only that the serious experimental difficulties inherent in radiative capture studies at energies well above the giant resonance can be surmounted but also that the data thus obtained do indeed provide an interesting and a powerful probe for the nuclear structure involved. - The techniques, both experimental and theoretical, which have been evolved herein are directly applicable to a broad range of experimental situations and will be exploited in a continuing experimental program in this laboratory. - 37 - LIST OF REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER I (1) B.C. Cook, J.E.E. Baglin, J.N. Bradford and J.E. Griffin, Phys. Rev. 143, 724 (1966) (2) B.L. Berman et al., Phys. Revv 162, 1098 (1967) R.L. Bramblett et al., Phys. Rev. 148, 1198 (1966) (3) N.W. Reay, N.M. Hintz and L.L. Lee, Nucl. Phys. 44, 338 (1963) (4) C.P. Wu, F.W.K. Firk and T.W. Phillips, Phys. Rev. Letters 20, 1182 (1968) (5) M.A. Kelly, PhD Thesis; UCRL 50421 (1968) (6 ) D.H. Wilkinson, Physica XXII, 1039 (1956) Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 9, 1 (59) (7) J.P. Elliott and B.H. Flowers, Proc. Roy. Soc., 242 A, 57, (1957) (8 ) G.E. Brown and M. Bolsterli, Phys. Rev. Letters, 3, 472 (1959) (9) N. Vinh MaU and G.E. Brown, Nucl. Phys. 29, 89 (1962) (10) V. Gillet and N. Vinh Mau, Nucl. Phys. 54, 321 (1964) (11) V. Gillet, PhD Thesis, Universite^ de Paris (unpublished) - 38 - (12) R.C. Allas, S.S. Hanna, L. Me^fer-Schutzmeister and R.E. Segel, Nucl. Phys. 58, 122 (1964) - (13) R.C. Morrison, PhD Thesis, Yale University, (un published) (14; C. Brassard, W. Scholz, and D.A. Bromley, Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Japan (1967) p. 139 (17) E. Boeker and C.C. Jonker, Physics Letters 6 , 80 (1963) (18) B. Buck and A.D. Hill, Nucl. Phys. A 9 5 , 271, (1967) (19) M. Marangoni and A.M. Saruis * Nucl. Phys. A132, 649, (1969) (20) J.H. Fregeau, Phys. Rev. 104, 225 (1956) (21) Albert Messiah, Mecanique Quantique, DUNOD, Paris (1962) Quantum Mechanics, North Holland Pub., Amsterdam. ( 22 ) H.J. Rose and D.M. Brink, Rev. Mod., Phys. 39, 306 (1967) (24) D.J. Rowe and S.S.M. Wong, Physics Letters 30B, 147 (1969) S.S.M. Wong and D.J. Rowe, Physics Letters 30B, 150 (1969) (25) D. Drechsel, J.B. Seaborn, and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. Letters 17, 488 (1966). - 39 - CHAPTER n THE EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE LABORATORY F IR S T FLOOR PLAN -4 0 - F ig .I I-1 : Plan o f WNSL; the experim ent was p erform ed in target room 1, on the 45 d egree left beam line. - II-l 41 - The Accelerator The experimental work presented herein was performed at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory utilizing the proton beam of the MPl - Tandem Accelerator. Fig. (II-l) is a plan of the building showing the accelerator, the four target areas and the control room equipped with an on-line IBM 360/44 computer. The Tandem accelerates a beam of several micro amperes of protons to a maximum energy of approximately 22 MeV; heavier ions can be accelerated to much higher energies. It is basically a linear machine in which a central electrode is electrostatically charged to a very high positive potential (up to more than eleven million volts) by the Van de Graaff belt charging principle. Negative ions are injected at the low energy end, become positive in the central electrode through collisions in a "stripping canal" and emerge at the high-energy end, having been accelerated twice by the same potential. The Tandem shares with other Van de Graaff accelerators an excellent energy resolution ( / £ - /0 ^ )» And stability, achieved through a feedback mechanism which enables the momentum analyzed beam to precisely control and maintain the voltage on the terminal. The IBM 360 model 44 computer was extensively used in this experiment, both on-line and off-line. During the experiment, the data were accumulated in the computer B E A M L IN E FOR T H E R A D IA TIV E CAPTURE E X P E R IM E N T S 3 0 ° LEFT B E A M LINE SHIELDED BEAM DUMP TARGET CHAMBER FLIP APERATURE 45° L E F T bJ BEAM LINE FOCUSING Lf QUADRUPOLEi MA G N E T I C U SLITS COIL S T E E R E R S PARAFFIN SWITCHING MAGNET 9"xl2" N a K T f ) C R Y S T A L WITH 57 AV P PHOTOMULTIPLIER F ig. II-2 : Sim plified view o f the beam transport sy stem , and o f the target and d etector area. - 43 - memory and displayed; checks of the severity of pile-up and of the stability of the detector, were automatically performed and spectra obtained under unacceptable conditions were rejected. The light pulser system used for monitoring pile-up and stability of the detector will be described later this chapter. The computer was also used off-line for data analysis and for theoretical calculations. II-2 Beam Line and Beam Optics. The experimental arrangement is shown in greater details in fig. II-2. After the beam emerges from the accelerator, it is analyzed by a 90° magnet; at the image slits of this analyzing magnet, the feedback signal which controls the terminal voltage is produced. Various focusing and steering elements guide the beam to the switching magnet, where it can be directed to any one of the various experimental areas. The switching magnet is shown on fig. (II-2). The beam is focused through a set of slits which is used to define it. The focusing quadrupole images these slits on the target, after the earth*s magnetic field has been corrected for with the magnetic steerers. Finally, the beam is dumped in an insulated and shielded Faraday Cup. It is crucial, in an experiment of this type, to minimize the neutron and gamma ray background produced by the beam. High energy background (which would lie in the - 44 - region of interest in the gamma spectrum) must be eliminated as completely as possible, since it would interfere directly with the measurements, but low energy background is also harmful, because it increases electronic pile-up,,and pile-up is almost always the limiting factor in experiments of this type. Therefore , clean beam optics and a well shielded beam dump are important. The first, and perhaps most important criterion is that the beam should never be allowed to strike a material with a high @ -value for the ( y ) reaction. Furthermore, as little beam as possible should strike areas which are not shielded from the detector, as in the immediate vicinity of the target (target holder, etc.); for this reason, no beam defining aperture can be placed in front of the target. Instead, the beam is defined by a slit system which is located on the remote side of a heavy concrete shield wall. In order to permit' positioning of the image of these slits accurately on target, a remotely controlled aperture is flipped in for beam tuning, while during the experiment itself it is replaced automatically by a slightly larger aperture to provide a continuous monitor on the beam position. Typically 0.02% of the beam or less strikes this fixed aperture, which is constructed of 0.050" tantalum to minimize background. The size of the beam spot was approximately 0 .1 " x 0 .2 " and could be repeatedly positioned with an accuracy much better than 0 .0 1 ". - 45 - The beam dump was simply shielded with paraffin and lead until it produced no appreciable background compared with foreground counts from a B // target of thickness. A suppressor ring was provided to prevent the secondary electrons emitted by the target from being collected in the Faraday cupj it was operated at a potential of 5 kV, so that even the highest energy electrons could not traverse it. II-3 Target Making Technique. Relatively thick boron targets can be produced rather easily, provided carbon impurities can be tolerated, and when local homogeneity is not too important. The technique consists in mixing the boron powder with some "alcodag" (a graphite dispersion in alcohol similar to aquadag and commercially available from Acheson Chemical). The mixture is then dropped on a glass slide and allowed to dry. When the slide is submerged in water (preferably in hot water) the film will separate spontaneously, provided it has not been allowed to dry too completely. The target thickness can be determined by weighing, but because of unevenness the accuracy is very poor and it becomes necessary to normalize the total cross-section on a different way. It is also necessary to insure that the beam always strikes exactly the same area on the target surface. Targets were produced successfully in this manner, in thickness ranging from 1 mg/cm 2 to approximately 5 - 2 mg/cra ; Enriched B II 46 - (99%) was used and the carbon binder impurities were typically around 25%. The carbon impurities could be tolerated in this experiment because of the very low { D -Value of the gamma ray producing reactions associated with C 12 as a target. The performance of the targets manufactured with the technique described above was excellent; no deterioration was ever noticed, even under the most severe conditions of high beam current density. II-4 The 5” x 6 ” Nal(T^) Crystal Lithium drifted Germanium detectors (GeLi) show outstanding performances for the detection of low energy gamma rays, and are used extensively forthis purpose. Be cause of their small physical size, however, they are totally inadequate in the detection of high energy gamma radiation encountered in experiments of the type reported here; neither their resolution, nor their detection efficiency can compare with those of a large NaI(T<f) detector, above 20 MeV. A complete excitation function for the reaction B ( / ; ^ f ) a t 90° was obtained with a 5" x 6 ” NaI(T^) crystal detector, in a preliminary study. This detector was small for the high energy gamma rays involved and it was very difficult to obtain reliable data on the decay to the third excited state. 14 MeV to 22 MeV was covered The proton energy region from in steps of 200 keV, with a - 47 - target of comparable thickness. No structure was observed in the total cross-section which appeared to vary smoothly with energy, within errors, and these results justify the 0.5 MeV energy increments used in subsequent measurements. This detector is fitted with an Amperex XP1040 photomultiplier tube, and did not include a built-in light pulser; this was a very serious disadvantage. The anode is D.C. coupled to avoid baseline shifts at high counting rates. The detector's performances include a risetime of 10 ns (due to the crystal itself) and a resolution of 9% 137 for a Cs source, which is rather good for a crystal of 137 Cs . size with an XP1040 photomultiplier. We would stress that the photomultiplier was run at relatively low gain (1 0 ^) and that the linear signal was taken at its anode, and not at one of the dynodes as it is customary. The reasons for this are mentioned in the discussion of the electronic instrumentation used. The divider string was zener-diode stabilized, and required several hours to stabilize. II-5 The 9" x 12" Nal(T-l) crystal. The cross-section and angular distributions for the which are reported in detail herein were obtained with a 9" x 12M NaI(T^) crystal, viewed by an Amperex 57 AVP 9" photomultiplier tube. The crystal was surrounded with a cylinder of paraffin and shielded with 4000 lbs of lead. Most of the measurements were taken - 48 - at a distance of 35" between the target and front crystal face, with a 6 M diameter aperture, and with 16" of paraffin in front of the crystal to prevent fast neutrons from reaching it. The risetime of the detector was of the order of 40 nanoseconds, partly due to the crystal and partly due to the photomultiplier• It is worth noting that the photomultiplier risetimes quoted in specification sheets do not apply to their use with Nal crystals. This follows because these risetime measurements are performed for in finitely short light pulses, whereas the Nal crystal is essentially an "infinitely long" light source. The risetime observed for a N a I ( T ^ ) pulse is related instead to the output pulse length in response to an infinitely short light pulse; some manufacturers are beginning to quote this as well as the "risetime". The resolution of the detector, for Cs extremely bad, of the order of 40%.. 137 , was This was entirely due to the characteristics of the photomultiplier. It was 137 possible to obtain a resolution of 10% for C s by using 6 three-inch photomultipliers, but additional difficulties with gain stabilization and other circuit problems prompted us to keep the 57 AVP; the resolution at high energy does not depend critically on the photomultiplier and was 12 adequate in the case of C . Future experiments in this laboratory will use the more sophisticated combination of smaller photomultipliers, with a new 1 1 V x 1 2 " crystal - 49 - I which has been designed on the basis of experience gained in the present studies and is now assembled. A crucial problem which arises in the analysis of all high energy gamma ray spectra is the determination of the peak shapes. We shall treat this problem here, since it is really part of the detector's performance. Large crystals have essentially 100 % efficiency especially at very high gamma ray energies. This is because the pair production cross-section is high enough that the probability of a gamma ray traversing 12" of Sodium Iodide without an inter action is extremely small. On the other hand, the gamma ray will not necessarily deposit all its energy in the crystal; in fact, it is quite probable that some-^energy will escape under the form of secondary gamma radiation. This effect produces a tail on the low energy side of the peak. Peak shapes are difficult to study, for several reasons. It is impossible to find a radioactive source with such high energy gamma rays, so that an accelerator must be used to produce them. Most reactions do not produce monoenergetic gamma rays, and are therefore useless for studying peak shapes. It seemed possible to obtain some results with the reaction H 3 L 4 )He , but the counting rates are fairly low for a reasonable target thickness, and not having an anticoincidence shield in the present studies \ we were unable to see any peak above the cosmic ray back ground; if we had had an anticoincidence shield in this LEAD SHIELDING G E O M E T R Y OF A T Y P I C A L D E T E C T I O N S Y S T E M F O R H I G H - E N E R G Y G A M M A RAYS F ig . II-3 : This diagram shows three types o f gamm a ra y events counted in the cry sta l: no. 1 is a n orm al count; no. 2 was included in the d e te cto r 's so lid angle , but was Com pton sca ttered by the paraffin; no. 3 was not included in the d e te cto r's so lid angle in itially, but was Compton sca ttered into it by the paraffin. Events o f type 2 and 3 produce a low energy tail on each peak o f the gamma ray spectrum . - 51 - intermediate system we would not, in any case, have had sufficient beam time to perform the measurement. The situation is made much worse by the fact that peak shapes depend critically on the geometry, in particular on the size of the lead collimator used in front of the crystal, and on the thickness and nature of the absorbers used in front of it (walls of target chamber, paraffin etc.). This latter has not been adequately recognized in previous work. Fortunately, the response of N aI(T^) crystals to high-energy gamma radiation was measured accurately at Lweimore, by B.L. Berman.* The measurements were made relatively easy, at least in principle, through use of monochromatic gamma rays from positron annihilation in flight. The experiment consisted in sending gamma rays of known energy parallel and very close to the axis of the test crystal,and measuring its response. Consistently it was found that the low energy tail could be fitted very well with an exponential. We have only learned of those measurements very recently, and it is in part pure good_ fortune that all our data were analyzed with a Gaussian, matched to just such an exponential low energy tailI The exact peak shapes used for the fits were deter mined from the N ^ ( y 6,^) 0^ and B /7( ) C ^ experiments; we have found an empirical parametrization which suffices over a 10 MeV interval with the same set of parameters, and gives excellent fits. the N^(y 4 ^ ) 0^ The data, and especially data, revealed that the exponential low energy tail levels off and becomes fairly constant at *B.L. Berman - private communication. (RELATIVE) COUNTS OF NUMBER (RELATIVE) COUNTS OF NUMBER ADC C H A N N E L N U M B E R F ig II-4 : R esp on se of the detector system o f fig .I I -3 . The area under the heavy line corresp on d s to the total number of counts; the area between the faint and heavy lines rep resen ts the counts originating from Compton sca ttered gamma radiation. - 53 - about 10 % of peak height (for our own detector geometry) down to at least six MeV below the ground state transition peak, where we loose it in the intense low energy background. This behavior initially appeared absolutely inconsistent with our understanding of the various processes in the crystal. It is only when calculating the probability of interaction of the gamma ray with the paraffin absorber that the nature of the low energy tail became clear; the probability for Compton scattering in 16" of paraffin is very high, about 40%. Many of the Compton scattered gamma rays are detected by the crystal, but at lower energies. At the time of recognition we had no way of proving this; however, the experiments of Berman confirm that when the gamma rays are well collimated and when no absorber is used, the constant low-energy tail does not exist. The following computation of the total cross-sections suggested itself as most nearly correct: we took into account the correction due to the paraffin absorber and the target chamber walls, using the tabulated total absorbtion coefficients; to take into account the fact that some of the Compton scattered gamma rays will be counted by the crystal and constitute the low energy tail of the peak, all the counts which lie above the exponential tail were considered spurious and were not added with the peak. Fig. II-4 shows the peak shapes for 35 MeV and 20 MeV gamma rays. The heavy line represents the peak shapes used for fitting, and the thin line defines the area under which we integrated. - 54 - Fig. II-3 shows the three basic processes which may occur, from the point of view of determining the peak shapes. Gamma ray # 1 is detected in the crystal without any interaction in the paraffin, and contributes to the area under the faint line in the peak shapes of fig. II-4. Gamma ray #2 , which was headed towards the crystal, interacted in the paraffin but was counted in the crystal as a lower energy gamma ray; assuming that a correction is performed for the total absorbtion in the paraffin, this gamma ray should not be counted in the integration under the peak. Gamma ray #3 was Compton scattered in the crystal and will also appear in the tail; it should not be counted because it was headed outside the solid angle defined by the lead collimator of the crystal. Although the exact values of the parameters used to produce the peak shapes is of no intrinsic interest, (this particular detector assembly has since been dis mantled) we believe that the algorithm used to produce the peak shapes would probably perform as well with other crystals, and that it may be useful to describe it; we shall not try to give it in closed form, but rather to make it suitable for computer use. A Gaussian is computed first, and its width is assumed to be proportional to the square root of the number of primary photoelectrons collected in the photo tube, that is to say proportional to the energy of the gamma ray. For a detector with a better photomultiplier - 55- system, it would probably be better to assume that there is an intrinsic resolution which should be added (in quadrature) with this energy dependent part of statistical origin. The Gaussian is replaced at low energies by an exponential tail, to take into account the possibility of some energy escaping the boundaries of the crystal. The criterion used for matching is that of equal values and first derivatives at the junction. Therefore, only one free parameter is introduced by the tail; the relative height at which the connection is made. The first step is to generate the following function O < X C X0 <r / X > X, where d X A is inversely proportional to the energy, and <20 and are adjusted so that the junction X0 occurs at a height -d/a given by: is the energy of the gamma ray, and which depends on the crystal. peak at X ) 1 if is a parameter The function = 1 , and the height of the peak is unity; it can be easily scaled for peak-fitting purposes. The contributions of the first escape and second escape peaks are then folded in in the following way: where K & is a parameter which depends on the crystal, and represents the rest mass of the electron: S = 0 .5/1 J £ ( M z V ) - 56 - In the energy region we have explored, and with our fairly poor resolution, the peak shape was very insensitive to o( , but we have kept it for completeness. The second escape peak was not added, because we think that in such a large crystal, at least one of the 511 keV gamma rays resulting from positron annihilation is detected; this is because when one of the annihilation gamma rays escapes, it is usually because it is coming back to the front of the crystal, in which case the other one sinks deeply in the crystal, and will amost surely be detected. This argument depends on having a very large crystal and tight collimation; we do not really expect it to hold for a 9" diameter crystal with a 6 " aperture, since the photoelectric absorbtion coefficient for Nal is 0.3 cm”^. For ther.high energies involved in this experiment, however the peaks are not resolved and it does not really matter. We integrated under the peak shape Cx) in order to determine the total number of counts under a peak in the spectrum. This peak, however, was not used for fitting, because the tail of Compton scattered gamma rays has not yet been added. The number of ways in which this can be done is essentially infinite; the only merit of the following scheme is that it fitted our spectra very well. Let yo be the maximum value of the function ^ let j G tail: (x) , and be the value of the desired low energy constant the function defined below was added to ^ , ( X ) - from 57 - X = 0 to the top of the peak of This function goes to yC* at X = - «>o and to zero at the peak of ^ ends. , with a vanishing derivative at both Thus, the final peak shapes have a continuous first derivative everywhere. We should stress at this point that we do not expect the constant low energy tail to extend all the way to zero energy, but to be cut off at a point which depends on the geometry of the collimator, the thickness and size of the absorber in front of the crystal, and other less important factors. A satisfactory measurement of these effects would be very difficult to perform, but the results of a Monte-Carlo calculation could be quite interesting, and relatively easy to obtain, II- 6 Angular Distribution Apparatus. In order to measure the angular distribution of the gamma rays, it was necessary to move and precisely position the crystal and its lead shielding at various angles around the target. One method consists in taking excitation functions at various angles; in this case, the detector assembly is moved only once for each angle, and an overhead crane would have been perfectly suitable as a source of crystal motion. - 58 - It is much more desirable, however, to take a complete angular distribution at a given energy before changing the beam energy, because this procedure minimizes systematic errors in the angular distributions, and it substantially decreases the time spent at tuning the accelerator. (In our case, the average counting time spent on a run was 20 minutes, and optimizing the beam transmission required approximately 15 minutes per energy step, since the steps were fairly large (0.5 MeV). These considerations prompted us to build a motorized, remotely controlled carriage capable of accurately positioning the five thousand pound detector without human intervention. The accuracy is better than 0.5 degree and the change of angle is completed within less than a minute. II-7 The Electronic Circuits. A considerable amount of effort went into the design of new electronic circuits for this experiment. All efforts were centered on solving the problems of pile up, and therefore increasing permissable counting rates. Two major problems, which did not plague other groups involved in similar experiments, were the cosmic ray background and the paucityQf beam time. Cosmic rays were a major problem since we did not have an anti-coincidence shield at the time; and we could only count on an average of two days of beam time per month, because of the many - 59 - very active research groups at WNSL. The extreme severity of the pile up problem for high energy capture experiments is essentially a conse quence of the comparatively weak strength of the electro magnetic interaction; at the very high energies of excitation, there are thousands of widely open particle channels, and most of them lead to excited residual nuclei which subse quently de-excite emitting several gamma rays of low energy which contribute to the background radiation. The neutron channels, in particular are very harmful because the neutrons themselves are counted efficiently in the crystal. Typically, above the giant resonance, one count in a hundred millions originate in a ) reaction, all the other constituting the low energy background. These difficulties prompted us to develop more power ful counting techniques for high energy gamma rays, and we think that these methods will remain the ultimate in detection of the high energy gamma rays with Nal crystals. These techniques are not important for the understanding of the physics involved, and are of interest mainly to people engaged in similar experiments. The detailed description of the circuits has therefore been put in appendix II-A where they are discussed in some details. Diagrams of the various circuits that it was found necessary to design and to build locally will also be found in Appendix II-B. S I M P L I F I E D F L O W D I A G R A M OF E L E C T R O N I C S AND E L E C T R I C A L C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S I Ci 0 1 F ig. II—5: A ll the con trol system s and e le ctro n ic equipment shown in this diagram , other than the IBM 360 com puter and its peripheral hardware w ere designed and built as part o f this experim ent; the fast counting system is detailed in fig . II - 6 and appendix IIA. - 61 - Fig. 115 is a simplified diagram of the electronics and electrical systems. It shows all the most important logical connections in terms of an information flow diagram. The fast counting system will be treated in greater details below; in this section we shall attempt to give some indication of the nature of the information which is exchanged between the various systems of the diagram. Basically, all the information originates in the Nal crystal, and after considerable treatment it is stored on the computer's magnetic tape. It will be retrieved from the tape by the data analysis program, which will be described in the chapter on data analysis. All the systems mentioned on Fig. II-5 serve the purpose of treating this information, or they establish certain conditions which must prevail during the measurement. The photomultiplier detects light pulses from two different sources; the Nal(Ti’) crystal and the light pulser. The light pulser is a fast gallium phosphide visible light source which is driven by a suitably shaped pulse, so that its light output closely resembles that of a gamma ray scintillation of comparable intensity. Its purpose is twofold; we wish to obtain a quantitative measurement of the effects of pile up, and to stabilize the gain of the photomultiplier tube. A more complete description of these important aspects of the experiment will be the object of a separate section. The risetime of the pulses at the output of the photomultiplier tube - 62 - is approximately 35 nanoseconds, and the fall time is the characteristic decay time of Nal(T^) scintillators, i.e. 280 nanoseconds. The pulses of the photomultiplier are fed to the fast counting system, which rejects all pulses of low intensity and accepts only the relatively rare pulses of very high intensity. The low energy pulses come from the gamma rays of reactions such as ( f t , « y ) , (ft ( ft» f t]f) ( f t > d ]f) etc., as well as from the direct detection of slow neutrons in the crystal either through a activation or inelastic scattering, and are of no interest in this experiment. The high intensity pulses originate in the (ft* ^ f) reaction which we are interested in, and from cosmic radiation. For each of these large pulses, the fast counting system produces a 3-microsecond pulse with a height propor tional to the charge output of the photomultiplier during the first 100 nanoseconds of the duration of the fast pulse, and this information is fed to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of the computer interface, and used a as gamma ray energy measurement. The total counting rate (above 2 MeV) is usually of the order of 200,000/sec or more, and the counting rate of accepted (i.e. "large") pulses is kept around several hundred per second. None of the interesting pulses is missed or rejected, except for the very few and negligible cases involving pile up o f two of the rare large pulses themselves. At the beginning of each run, preliminary information such as the run number, the beam energy and the detector - 63 - angle are entered in the computer memory through the I typewriter. The run is started manually at the computer interface, and the data acquisition program proceeds to store the information supplied by the ADC. The gamma ray events are stored temporarily in a 1000word array, and the light pulser events are stored in a separate part of the computer memory. When a certain pre-determined number of light pulses events has been accumulated, the severeness of pile-up and the stability of the photomultiplier gain are automatically checked; the results of this test are printed by the typewriter; if they are favorable, the counts are transferred to permanent storage. At the end of the run, the permanent storage is dumped on the magnetic tape with the values of the various parameters indicating the conditions under which the run was performed. The checks on pile-up and stability occur concurrently with the accumulation of data; in addition, the various spectra which are accumulated are displayed on the computer's display unit and updated a t regular intervals. When the data acquisition program finds that the gain of the photomultiplier has shifted, the correction to the photomultiplier's high voltage is computed and the computer interface issues an analog signal which is amplified by the photomultiplier control unit and applied to the photomultiplier circuit. It is crucial to keep the photomultiplier gain constant to within 0 .1 % during a run, because the broadening of the peaks resulting - 64 - from a shifting gain would ruin the accuracy of the data analysis. On the other hand, since DC coupling has been used throughout the electronics (to eliminate baseline shift at the extreme counting rates involved) the photo multiplier has to be used at relatively high (> 10 micro amperes) anode current to minimize zero shift in the electronics, and the experiment would not be feasible without constant checks and occasional readjustments of the gain. The pulsed light source is powered by a mercury relay which is triggered by the beam current integrator, so that the shape of its pulse height spectrum is a faithful indication of the severeness of pile up. This precaution was taken because the beam current is not always exactly constant, although it is typically stable to within + 10 % during a 20 minute run. The tuning of the proton beam has been facilitated by the creation of three beam control systems: the beam steerers, the flip aperture and the slit monitoring system. The first two have already been mentioned in the section" on beam handling, and their purpose is to permit a very accurate and reproducible positioning of the beam. The slit monitoring system consists in a set of remotely con trolled reed relays which enable us to read, in the control room, the current on any combination of slits and apertures in> the beam line. Focusing can thus be achieved with great precision, and this is crucial, in view of the importance of a clean ion-optical system. - II - 8 65 - The Fast Counting System. The fast counting system is the object of a separate appendix, where a detailed discussion of the various theoreti cal and technical aspects involved can be found. We simply mention that its use can improve counting rates by a factor of 40 (over a double-delay-line amplifier) for high energy gamma rays detected with a Nal(T^) scintillator, and that no pile-up rejection is involved; the number of counts does not have to be corrected. So far we have stated that the light pulser pulses are essentially undistinguishable from the gamma ray pulses; it may therefore not be clear how they can be separated and stored in different arrays in the computer. Discrimination between the two types of events is achieved through timing. A pick-up coil on the light source triggers a discriminator which produces a light pulser event pulse, and suppresses the gamma ray event pulse which is present whenever a linear signal has been accepted to the linear gate. The computer can recognize these logical signals and use them to properly route the information in the ADC. It is important that no cross-talk exist between the two types of events; the light pulser peak is intentionally set at the same peak height as the most interesting gamma ray pulses. We have carefully checked that no light pulser counts ever go into the gamma ray spectrum and vice versa. The pulses from the photomultiplier anode are first amplified by a factor of five in a direct-coupled pre- -66- amplifier. The purpose of this amplifier is two fold* it reduces the load on the photomultiplier and provides the high output impedance which is needed at this point. (The photomultiplier anode is back-terminated with 50 ohms of course). This high impedance drives a shaping line which is terminated with a suitable resistance, the criterion being that the scintillation pulses be brought back to zero when the reflection is added to the original pulse. This is not equivalent to a clipping line, which would be terminated by a short circuit and would therefore cause overshoot. The pulse is then split in two parts; one is used as a logic signal, and the other consititutes the linear signal. The logic signal is amplified and triggers a discriminator which opens the gate for the linear signal. The discriminator level is adjusted so that only the largest pulses will open the gate; the small pulses are of no interest in this experiment. At this point it is worth mentioning that the criterion for the gate opening / could be a coincidence requirement, in the case of a (^»^") > or (/,°^) experiment, for example. A delay line is used to increase the gate dead time so that it will not open a second time if the discriminator triggers more than once. Upon opening, the gate produces a logic signal which is used to externally trigger the ADC. Because the system is direct-coupled, sixty cycle line noise which would be eliminated in an AC-coupled system will be superimposed on the linear signal at the input of the ADC. Zero shifts which do not exist in AC THE W IT H FAST THE C O U N T IN G L IG H T SYSTEM PULSER LO G IC FROM PHOTOMULTIPLIER ANODE 50& PA S S I V E LINEAR FANOUT D E L A Y LINE A V (SUICIDE) L G 102 INTEGRATING LINEAR GATE DELAY LINE V ~ 50 n s V V LINEAR ADC ADC TRIGGER GAMMA DELAY LINE (ADJUST) TO RAY E V E N T LIGHT P U L S E R EVENT A SP E C I A L TERMINATION ~I 3 O H M GATE OPEN FAST PREAMP DC T 101 DISCR. -TRI GG n DELAY LINE ^ ~ 150 ns A F R O M LIGHT SOURCE'S T 101 DISCR. -TRIGG =T= < PICK-UP COIL DELAY CAPACITOR ~ 5/iS F ig. II-6 : The fast counting system estim ates the energy o f the gamm a ra y s a ccord in g to the leading edge o f the corresp on d in g p u lses, and it is capable o f counting up to forty tim es fa ster than a d ou b le-d ela y -lin e am pli fie r . The gamm a ray event and light pulser event pulses p erm it the routing o f the gamma ray and light pulser counts in different sp ectra . The T101 and LG102 m odules a re m anufactured by EGandG. i C5 -3 I -68- coupled amplifiers may also become very important in DCcoupled electronics. It is unfortunate that at the highest counting rates, the best performance can only be obtained with completely direct-coupled electronics. For this reason, we decided to attempt a direct solution of the noise and zero shift problems associated with the much more sdphisticated direct-coupled electronics. Solving the noise problems involved such things as twisting delay cables into a knot to eliminate in ductive coupling (even doubly shielded cables pick up noise) and insulating the special termination (it must float)• The zero shift problem was more difficult to solve, but careful design of the fast preamplifier re duced it to less than 1 channel / ° C or 1 channel per day. The LG-102 linear gate and stretcher and the T101 dis criminators are commercially available from EG & G. The remainder of the equipment described in fig. H -6 was designed and built as part of this experiment; the circuit diagram of the fast DC-coupled preamplifiers is reproduced in appendix II-C. II-9 The Light Pulser Pile-Up Monitor and Gain Stabilizer. The light pulser is a gallium phosphide visible light source purchased from Electro Nuclear Labs. These light sources have been extensively tested for stability, and while it was found that some of them are unstable over -69- O o O — “I 3 N N V H D U 3 d S l N f l O O F ig. II-7 : Typical light pulser spectrum used to m onitor pile-u p and to perm it on -lin e com puter con trol o f the photom ultiplier gain. A s seen by the shape of the peak, pile-u p in a D C -cou pled system always leads to an in crea sed pulse s iz e , (counts a ccu m ulated around channel 140) - 70 - long periods of time, others behave extremely well. In addition, individual diodes differ in light output by as much as a factor of 100. We have been able to secure a small number of selected specimens. More recently, another company has advertized GaP light sources (Mallory), at a fraction of the cost of those used here; however, we have had no experience with them. There can' be no question that the direct coupled light source is an extremely powerful and convenient way of measuring pile-up and gain shifts in the photomultiplierbased counting system. Its great advantage is that the calibrated light pulses are injected directly into the Nal crystal, and thereafter follow the same route as the scintillation pulses. No other method permits direct detection or control of problems originating in the jlhotomultiplier, and it is usually the photomultiplier which is by far the weakest link in the system. Moreover the pulses from the light source can be made almost identical to the scintillation pulses; they show, for example, the same fluctuations reflecting statistical collection of primary electrons. Their spectrum is of Gaussian shape and its width is a good measure of the number of primary electrons involved in a pulse. This information can be used to evaluate accurately the efficiency of light collection and the focusing characteristics of the photomultiplier. Fig. II-7 shows a typical light pulser spectrum taken during a run. Channel zero corresponds to zero pulse height, and channel 130 to about 30 MeV. Note that there are no pulses at all below channel 115, except in channel - zero. 71 - The sharp cut-off on the left of the peak is characteristic of a DC coupled system; the pulses always have the same polarity, there is no overshoot as in double-delay-line amplifiers, and therefore pile-up always results in an increased pulse height. The effects of pile-up can be seen on the right hand side of the peak, where they h a v e •produced a tail. To know the fraction of the pulses which were displaced because of pile up, the peak can be fitted by a Gaussian with a tail. The situation is not satisfactory here, because the light pulser peak is very widfe ; this reflects the very poor photomultiplier used here, and the width should normally be only one fifth of what is shown in fig. II-7. The effects of pile-up would then be much more obvious as indeed they are in the new improved system which we have assembled in this laboratory for continuing work in this field. There are 14 counts in channel zero and one count in channel 191 which arise as follows: the counts in channel zero are generated when a light pulse is emitted by the pulser when the ADC is busy analyzing a gamma ray event, and their number is indicative of the effective dead time(this dead time represents our only rejection of pulses). 0.1%. In this case, the dead time was approximately The count in channel 191 arose because of pile-up between two large pulses; this type of event was extremely rare. -72- In fig. II-7 we see that only one percent of the counts were substantially shifted by pile up and this is typical of the situation which prevailed throughout the experiment. 11-10 The Data Acquisition Computer Program. Data acquisition is controlled by a computer program. Each time a given "event" occurs , a certain sectionof the program is executed. An "event" is defined as the occurence of a logical pulse at the computer interface. This pulse can be produced manually, for example to start and stop a run, or electronically, indicating the detection of a gamma ray or the detection of a pulse from the lightn pulser. The list of possible types of events, as pro grammed for our experiment, is given EVENTS 1, 13, 15 and 16t below. Enter various sets of parameters, such as the run number, the angle of the detector, etc. (Manual). EVENT 3 Reset the photomultiplier high voltage to mid-scale. EVENT 7 Update display. EVENT 8 Beam current integrator - Also stops the run automatically. EVENT 9 Analyze the gamma ray pulse. EVENT 10 Analyze the light pulser spectrum, and perform the pile up and stability checks at regular intervals. When successful, the temporary -73- spectra are added to the permanent storage. EVENT 11 Start - Stop (Manual) Control is returned to the typewriter upon termination of a run, and the spectra can be dumped on tape for off-line analysis. 11-11 New Developments in the Instrumentation. I After the data reported here were accumulated, in September of 1968, work has begun on a new, 11 x 12" Nal(T^) crystal, under the responsibility of H.D. Shay. After testing some 60AVP photomultiplier tubes, it became apparent that optimum performance would only be achieved with smaller tubes, and the crystal has been fitted with a set of 3" XP1031. Tests have indicated that the new detector has an excellent resolution for high energy gamma rays, almost twice as good as the one used in the work reported here. The new detector is fitted with the same type of light sources as we used previously. A new type of anticoincidence shield was designed as a cosmic ray rejection device. It consists of a set of six flat, very thin plastic scintillator plates surrounding the detector; cosmic rays are rejected on the basis of a fast coincidence between any two sides of the box. Clearly, those muons which stop in the crystal will be counted as background radiation, and this limits the maximum efficiency of the anticoincidence shield; however, we believe that the thinner plastic and the fast coincidence requirement between £wo of the plastic detectors will reduce the dead time -74- associated with the detection of background radiation in the anticoincidence shield. The assembly of the shield has been completed, and it is currently undergoing a series of tests. A new, somewhat larger and more isotropic target chamber has been built. Long range plane include the automated reading by the co iputer of the various conditions prevailing during the experiment, such as the beam energy and the exact position of the detectors. These parameters are currently entered on the computer typewriter by hand, when it would be easy to convert them into a voltage and have one of the front end’s DAC's read it. We also eventually intend to have the computer control the beam energy and the detector position, so that it would proceed to measure an excitation function with angular distributions with a simple occasional operator intervention for purposes of beam optimization. -75- CHAPTER III THE EXPERIM ENTAL RESULTS. -76* III-l: Object of the Measurements. The differential cross-section for the reaction Jj B T O (/’jJ')C has been measured herein at bombarding energies (in the laboratory frame) of 14.0 to 21.5 MeV, for laboratory angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 145° and 155°. The energy steps were 0.5 MeV, and the energy resolution limit reflecting target thickness was some what smaller than this. This energy increment of 0.5 MeV was selected on the basis of our earlier high resolution survey. A complete angular distribution was also taken at 7 MeV, and is in excellent agreement with previously published r e s u l t s e x c e p t for the total cross section as discussed below. The yield was measured at 90° for energies of 11.0 MeV to 14.0 MeV in step of 0.5 MeV, in order to normalize our total cross-section to that of Allas et al.(-*-) This was necessary because of the imprecision in determining our target thickness; the work of Allas et a l .,^ ^ which represents the most accurate and most detailed study of the grant resonance in C 12 , had been done with substantially thinner B ^ targets for which the thickness can be measured more accurately. Fig.I-1 shows the decay to the 0 the 2 ^ ground state and first excited state of C-1-2 , as well as to the 3 excited state which have been measured. The preliminary 90° results obtained with the 5"x6" detector are shown third -77- COMPOUND to NUCLEUS 28 EXCITATIO N 30 IN MeV 34 32 36 e> to tD cr> % X© 0 to o’ 2 - k A‘ 9 • ro * 9 *3* © © ©I € T® © % © _ T ° ©o® 9 © % _9‘ <> 0 ©0, S w 3 1 < CO CO o ^ O © o © o =L 2 8 © 2^ o ,© e© cP1 °o® — i 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CD PROTON ENERGY IN MeV F ig. I ll—1: P relim in a ry resu lts obtained with the 5"x6" detector; the c r o s s section is shown together with the branching ra tios to the fir s t and third excited states. The e r r o r s shown here have only been estim ated roughly, and the absolute magnitude of the total c r o s s section is probably too high by as much as a fa ctor of two, as d iscu ssed in the text. -7 8 - i r " B ( p , yo) l2 C TOTAL CRO SS-SECTIO N O* 22 20 18 9 m i 16 14 12 10 1 I 8 M IC R O B A R N S i 6 4 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 PROTON ENERGY,LAB. 20 22 MeV F ig. I ll—2: The total c r o s s section for the ground state transition shown here has been n orm alized to the low er energy resu lts o f A llas et a l, fo r display p u rposes. A s d iscu ssed in the text, the absolute magnitude is thus o v e r-estim a ted by approxim ately a fa ctor o f 1. 5 . A| 0.6 0.4 0.2 o -0.2 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y , LAB. F ig. I l l —3: T his angular distribution c o efficien t has been obtained by fitting with Pq to term s. -7 9 - a 2 " B ( p , y o )'2 C 0.4 ANISOTROPY COEFFICIENT A2 0.2 0 0.2 - -0.4 I I i I I T 1 J 14 15 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.2 L 16 17 18 19 P R O T O N E N E R G Y , LAB. 20 21 MeV F ig. I l l -4 : T his angular distribution c o efficien t has been obtained by fitting the differential c r o s s section s with the Pq to I 1 Legendre polynom ials. 1 "T I I 1 1 a3 " B ( p , y o )l2C 0.2 ANISOTROPY COEFFICIENT A3 0 - - I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 T T I 1 1 — -0.4 1 - 1 1 14 15 1 1 1 0.2 T 1 1 16 17 18 19 P R O T O N EN ER GY , LAB. 20 21 MeV F ig. I l l -5 : T his angular distribution c o efficien t has been obtained by fitting the differential c r o s s section with the P to L egendre polynom ials. 0.6 -8 0 - A4 " B ( p , y 0 ) l2C ANISOTROPY COEFFICIENT 0.6 A4 0.4 0.2 I I I I 1 1 I - 14 15 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y , LA B . 20 21 F ig. IH-G: This angular distribution c o efficien t has been obtained by fitting with 0.2 MeV to P^ term s. 40 11 B ( p , y , ) l z C * TO TA L CRO SS-SECTIO N a 30 X x X I 10 14 15 _L _L 16 17 18 19 PROTON EN ER G Y,LA B . 20 21 MeV F ig. I l l -7 : The total c r o s s section for the transition to the fir s t excited 4. 44 M eV state shown here has been norm alized to the low er energy resu lts o f A lla s ct al. for display purposes. A s d iscu ssed in the text, the absolute magnitude o f the c r o s s section is thus ov er-estim a ted by approxim ately a fa ctor o f 1 .5 . M IC R O B A R N S 20 z -8 1 - 0.6 0.4 X i I i i i i 1 i 1 1 I I I 0.2 "B(p,y,)' 2c * I A NISO TROPY _l 14 15 I - CO EFFICIENT I 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y ,L A B . I 20 0.2 A, I____ 21 F ig. I ll—8 : T his angular distribution co e fficie n t was obtained by fitting the m easured differential c r o s s section s with the Pq to P4 Legendre polyn om ials. t 1-------1-------1-------1------ r a 2 " B ( p , y | )l2C * 0.2 A N ISO TR O P Y C O E FFIC IE N T A2 - 0.2 -0.4 I -0.6 I 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y ,L A B . L 20 21 MeV F ig. III-9: T his angular distribution c o e ffic ie n t was obtained by fitting the m easured differential c r o s s section s with the 1^ to 1^ Legendre polynom ials. -8 2 - T A3 n B (p ,y | ) l2C * 0.4 A N IS O T R O P Y CO EFFICIENT A 3 0.2 0 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I - 0.2 1 -0.4 14 15 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y ,L A B . 20 2! Me F ig. in -1 0 : T his angular distribution co e fficie n t was obtained by fitting the m easured d ifferential c r o s s -s e c t io n s with Pq to P4 Legendre polyn om ials. 7 1 1 1 "" 1 ..... . I ...... 1 ' B ( p f X| '" A4 ) I2C * CO E F F I C I E N T ANISO TR O PY 1 0.4 A4 0.2 T T j 1[ 1 0 ' - I - 0.2 -0.4 i 14 i 15 i i i 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y , L A B . 1 20 1 21 MeV F ig. ID -1 1: T his angular distribution c o efficien t was obtained by fitting the m easured d ifferential c r o s s section s wile the Pq to 1^ L egendre polyn om ials. -8 3 - " B ( p , y } >l 2 C * 12 TO TA L C R O S S -S E C TIO N <7 10 q - i I i 1 I I I 14 15 I _L 16 17 18 19 PROTON ENERGY,LAB. I 1 M IC R O B A R N S 8 i I 20 MeV F ig. 111-12: The total c r o s s section fo r the decay to the third excited 9 .6 4 M eV state shown here has been n orm alized to the low er energy y resu lts o f A lla s et a l, for display pu rposes. A s d iscu ssed in the text, the absolute magnitude o f the c r o s s section is thus o v e r estim ated by approxim ately a fa ctor o f 1 .5 . - -0.5 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 PROTON E N E R G Y ,L A B . 20 MeV F ig. I l l —13: T his angular distribution c o e fficie n t has been obtained by fitting the differential c r o s s section s with only the P^ and P2 L egendre polyn om ials. - 1.0 PER CHANNEL OF COUNTS NUMBER CHANNEL NUMBER F ig. i n -1 4 : T ypical spectrum taken with the 9 " x l2 " Nal(Tl) cry sta l and the fast counting system , (see fig . I I - C - 1 ) -85- in fig. Ill-l, whereas the more accurate results with angular distributions obtained with the larger crystal may be seen in fig. III-2 to 111-13. bution coefficients The angular distri are defined by the relation transition the angular distributions coefficients were obtained by fitting the differential cross-sectios with only two terms; The result presented herein have obtained through fitting the experimental spectra with the standard peak shapes discussed in chapter II and a low energy exponential background; the details of the data analysis techniques are presented in chapter IV. III-2 Typical Spectra and Angular Distributions. Typical spectra are plotted in fig. 111-14 andJT/4-l incident proton energies of 15 MeV and 19.5 MeV. and y The transitions are clearly resolved, whereas the ^ only gives a shoulder; there is, however, very little doubt that this gamma ray is indeed the transition to the third excited state of C 12 , for several reasons. exactly where one would expect the ^ It falls in the spectrum; the competing transitions involving B 11 or the important for -8 6 - n B(pty0 ),2C FITTED ANGULAR WITH UNITS c;73 u> to DISTRIBUTIONS = I A n Pn (cos0c m ) au n*0 ARE ARBITRARY CJ N % ■o Fig. m - 1 6 (0 to CSI — -87- "B(p,y,)l:iC FITTED ANGULAR H 4 Oil n« 0 W ITH ^f=Z ARE A n Pn ( c o s 0 ) ARBITRARY 0c.m.W eg) UNITS DISTRIBUTIONS G 35 10 IO b b T> Sc.m.Weg) T3 UP/-0 b TJ Fig. IH-17 -8 8 - M B(pty 3 )l2c * FIT WITH ~ alt ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS = A o Po ( c o s 0 C m l + A 2 P2 k o s UNITS ARE ARBITRARY Fig. in-18 m ) -89- contaminants in the target would be at lower energies, or at least too far from the observed line. Moreover the energy of this gamma radiation tracks that of the incident protons as characteristic of a radiative capture transition. Some typical angular distributions are shown in figs. 111-16 to 111-18. For ^ and ^ they change very little over the range from 14.0 to 21.5 MeV incident proton energy; they are forward peaked around 60° and the predicted yield goes essentially zero at 180°. It would be interesting to have a measurement near 180° , but this is precluded, except in the case of an annular detector, because of the beam line. For y 3 , the situation is not so clear, because the errors are substantially larger; therefore we have fitted and 7^ . with only two terms, Fitting with two terms gives values of chi squared which are usually lower than for the 5 term fit, indicating that the 7~f , crucial. Values of A z 5 * and ^ terms are not obtained in this way are consistent ly negative. III-3 A Discussion of Experimental Accuracy: Interpretation of Error Bars. All the error bars quoted with the data points have been precisely calculated and are meaningful. However, they sometimes correspond to the statistical errors only, and sometimes include the systematic errors. A detailed discussion of the experimental accuracy and the various sources of errors is given below. -90- There are two types of errors; statistical and systematic. The statistical errors are those which originate in the finite counting time and would go to zero at the limit of infinitely long measurements. They can be calculated exactly; their evaluation is merely a matter of solving a problem in statistics. Actually, we use some approximations in evaluating them, but these approximations are extremely good when the errors are small. Also, these errors cannot, strictly speaking, be interpreted as the probable error on the measurement, because the true value is not known; more details on these conceptual difficulties are included in the chapter on data analysis. The systematic errors are many and their evaluation relies mostly on the experimenter's physical sense. It is important, in order to minimize counting time, to limit the number of counts at a level which yields statistical errors of the same order of magnitude as the systematic errors. Our counting time has been such as to give very small statistical errors on the total cross-section, but the accuracy was needed for the angular distributions, where most of the systematic errors cancel out. In the total cross section of figs. III-2, III-7 and 111-12, the error bars shown are the statistical errors only. They include the fact that the peaks are not well resolved, but they assume that the spectrum is truly the sum of the ^ , y low energy background. and y peaks and an exponential Any errors generated by this -91- possibly inaccurate assumption is considered as systematic. The most important systematic error comes from the normalization. This is a very important matter and it is discussed in chapters I and VII. Because of the method used in making our target, the accuracy on the total thickness is fairly good (about 10 %) but the additional uncertainty in composition makes this substantially worse. Since the dropper we use to transfer the mixture of boron powder and graphite suspension is somewhat more efficient at picking up the graphite we expect to get a slight increase in the concentration of carbon as compared with the nominal value; this means an estimated accuracy of (-30%, +10%). In other words, we expected the B ^ thick ness of the target to lie between 70% and 110% of its nominal value. To alleviate the difficulty, we hoped to normalize our cross-section to that of Allas^^et al. Unfortunately, if we believe their results, it would mean that our target thickness is only 56% of its -nominal value. This is quite impossible. We have nevertheless, for display purposes, normalized all our total cross-sections to their 90° results, pending a more detailed appraisal of the situation. The probable cause for this discrepancy and the various reasons why we believe that the cross-section is really only 60%, of the previously reported values have very important implications for the (particle, ^ ) experiments in general, as well as some repercussions on the estimated isospin -92- mixing in light nuclei. We therefore consider this problem again in great detail in the discussion. In the angular distribution coefficients, the systematic errors introduced by a carefully measured substantial correction for the target chamber anisotropy has been included with the statistical errors. It is the only important systematic error in the case of y y . In the case of y and , the most significant systematic error comes from the assumption that the spectrum is a sum of three peaks and an exponential. This type of error is also the most difficult to evaluate and we believe that it would increase the error bars by about a factor If 1.5 at 15 MeV, to a factor of 1.2 at 21 MeV (where the y peak is cleaner) on the average. This estimate comes partly from intuition, and partly from the values of chi squares obtained in the angular distribution fits. An improved resolution such as that we have achieved with our new system would greatly help in reducing this particular type of systematic error. It would be worth stressing, however, that as we shall demonstrate no matter what the exact values of the probable errors are, the calculations will not come close to fitting the data. There i_s something fundamentally wrong with the theory or the calculations. -93- CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS OF THE DATA. -94- The analysis of high-energy gamma ray spectra requires the use of a computer, because the peaks are, in general, far from being completely resolved. It would take many hours of work to analyse one spectrum by hand, and the accuracy of the results would certainly be questionable; to analyse several hundred spectra by hand is practically impossible. The data reduction involves two basic steps: the first is the extraction of different cross-sections from the observed gamma radiation, and the second is the angular distribution fit. Since the angular distri bution parameters enter linearly in the usual expression for the differential cross-section, c d tr ' d fl a standard least-squares fit suffices for the latter. In consequence, we shall only discuss the energy spectrum fitting program, which is referred to hereafter as the "data analysis program". Only the general philosophy is discussed in this chapter, while the more technical programming details and a complete listing of the computer program are the object of the appendix IVa. -95- IV—1 General Description of the WNSL Computer System. The computer system of WNSL consists of an IBM 360 /44 central processing unit with various input-output devices. Generally speaking, these can be classified into two categories; some devices are standard.IBM components, whereas others were fabricated by IBM to joint Yale-IBM specifications specifically for use in the Yale system. Standard input-output devices include a typewriter-printer, two single-disk drives, two magnetic tape units, a line printer, a card reader-punch and a Calcomp plotter. The other more specialized input-output devices will be described in greater details. A display unit with 1 i gth pen permits efficient interaction of the computer with the operator, and a convenient keyboard commands the loading and execution of the various phases of the program. This keyboard also includes a set of parameter keys which the operator may use to communicate with the program and so modify its execution. The computer interface consisting of a set of ADC'S and scalars, and a coincidence-anticoincidence matrix, all properly interfaced with the CPU, has been briefly described in the chapter on experimental methods. It was used extensively in the data acquisition phase of this experi ment, but plays no part in its analysis. In particular, we should mention that considerable work has been performed at WNSL, under the direction of Mr. C£L.Gingell, to interface the computer with the -96- nuclear instrumentation; for example, the DAC’S which permit the computer control of the photomultiplier gain were designed and built at Yale by the WNSL staff. With the WNSL display system, it is possible to manipulate the buffers in storage, using the integer functions ASSIGN, UNASGN, AWAKE, RELEAS, ACTIVE, ERASE, and PUTPT. function, TRACK, controls the light pen. Another Since these functions have been used in the data analysis program which is listed in appendix IV-A, their use will be descri?oed briefly in that appendix. The numerical analysis problems are discussed in this chapter. IV-2 General Description of the Data Analysis Program. Perhaps the most important factor conditioning the writing of a complex peak fitting program is whether or not the program will be used on line. By on line, we imply that the operator is waiting for the results, and is available to intervene in the flow of operations; we also imply that the program will he used during an experiment, and that the final results are needed essentially immediately to permit decision concerning the further course of this experiment. Some important considerations in writing such an on line program are the followings the program must be relatively fast since the operator (whose time is valuable, especially during a run) is waiting for the result. The program must be essentially "foolproof", otherwise in -97- evitable operator; errors will result in a considerable loss of time. It must also be able to fit very small, barely discernable peaks, and return meaningful errors, so that the operator can decide how many peaks there are in his spectrum, and what level of confidence to put on this decision. Two major steps have been taken to guard against the possibility of operator error: almost all entries of data are made through a special subroutine which eliminates the need for proper formats, and simply returns an error code when a mistake is detected. The absence of format (the numbers are entered separated by commas) makes entering data on the typewriter much easier and eliminates the possibility of an abnormal termination which would require complete reloading of the program. cause of operator error The other major involves activation of an incorrect keyboard contact; this could, for example, result in execution of program phases in an improper order. This has been avoided by logically interlocking subroutines so that they can only be performed in a certain number of well defined sequences. A determined effort has been made to retain as much flexibility as possible, but gross errors (e.g. forgetting to call the cosmic ray subtraction routine) are hopefully completely excluded. Achieving stability of the fit on extremely small peaks has been the major problem encountered in writing this program. It has been completely solved, however, so that the program will find the location of even the smallest -98- local minimum which happens to lie near the starting value. Information as to the statistical significance of such minima also are available from the program. The point is that the program does the mathematics very well; it finds all the local minima in the ^ function. Whether the particular minimum in question Corresponds to a physical situation or not is a problem which lies outside of the mathematics, and one which is left to the discretion of the user. Considerations of whether or not the peak also appears at other bombarding energies, or whether the peak corresponds to an existing state in the nucleus, as well as the statistical significance of the minimum,play an important role in evaluating the significance of each minimum. In addition, provision has been made for change of input-output units during execution. This is not usually possible since input-output assignments are made at the beginning of the job through "ACCESS" cards which are read by the supervisor. When a change of input-output unit is desired, one must normally reload completely this is quite acceptable as a general procedure, but a more power ful system is desirable for an on line data analysis program. The method used, as well as a list of about sixty inputoutput operations involved are given in appendix with a listing of the program. IV-A, The program also subtracts cosmic ray background, performs a first order correction to pile-up, computes the statistical errors on peak positions and heights, and corrects for various absorbers -99- which may be in use between the targfet and the crystal. In principle, it can include up to nine peaks simultaneously as well as an exponential low energy background, peaks, We have currently used it with only three We have found it more convenient to use para metrized peak shapes, rather than stored standards; however, the parametrization is rather complex, and we had to minimize the number of times the shapes are computed. Only the peak height and position are used as parameters; permitting the width to vary is inconsistent with the hope of extracting small, barely resolved peaks. Some details concerning the peak shapes utilized herein are given in the section above which discusses the 9" x 12" crystal. Fitting one spectrum with three peaks requires an average of two minutes, with about forty seconds of computer time involved; during the remainder of the time the computer is waiting for the operator. Initialization of the program (for the first fit) requires five to six minutes. IV-3 Algorithm for the Fit: The parameters used for the peaks are the energy position and the peak count (height). For the exponential background, the position and the height are essentially the same parameter, so that a further parameter must be selected. The choice of the parametrization of the -100- slope of the exponential background is very important; it is desirable that near the minimum, the variation of the (p with this parameter be approximately quadratic over as wide a range as possible* Satisfying this criterion leads to easy and rapid convergence. After trying many different parametrizations, it was found that where -jb is the parameter, gives excellent results, if S is adjusted so that = 0 . 5 corresponds to the starting value for the exponential. „ The minimum of p 2 with respect to the linear parameters is very easy to find, no iteration is involved, a single matrix inversion immediately yields the position of the minimum for any value of the non-linear parameters. 2 This is precisely because (p iLs a quadratic function of the linear parameters. The reader is referred to any of the standard descriptions of the methods of linear least-squares fitting. Finding the values of the non-linear parameters which minimize is a problem of a different order of magnitude, because the choice of the method depends essentially on the fitting functions. A non-linear least-squares fit program has been in use for some time at WNSL; it was adapted by J. Birnbaum to fit semi conductor particle detector Gaussian line shapes. spectra with a set of The problem herein was more demanding because of the more complex nature of our fitting functions. In particular, the low energy back ground and the low energy tails of each peak have caused -101- difficulties. Fortunately, we have found a method which converges well for typical high energy gamma ray spectra; it may be considered basically as a refinement of the linearization method currently used for Gaussian peak shapes. To illustrate the convergence problems, we represent graphically the behavior of of the position "B as a function of one peak, assuming that all the other parameters are relatively close to their optimum values. (Otherwise, p) will in general have a complex behavior with the non-linear parameters, including in general several minima, and the lowest minimum will not necessarily have any significance) The value of £p2 will clearly show a minimum when the peak position is near the true value, but the position of the minimum will not correspond to the best fit and the value of will be somewhat larger than X , since the other parameters are not at their optimum values. Also, and most important, the <P will become -102- constant on either side of the minimum when the fitting peak position no longer overlaps with the fitted peak. This implies that on each side of the minimum, there are inflexion points, which we label as I and T . The presence of these inflexion points is the source of the complete breakdown of the commonly used linearization method; convergence by this method will occur only if the starting value is well inside the limits set by X and 1 . To find the position of the minimum, the linearization method essentially approximates the function by the first three terms of its Taylor expansion around the starting value. The estimated position of the minimum becomes where /s is the starting value and position of the minimum. is the estimated At the inflexion points / and I the second derivative vanishes and the estimated correction becomes infinite; past the inflexion point, the correction is finite, but has the wrong sign. For a complex spectrum involving small peaks, it is not realistic to assume that the operator will necessarily be able to specify a starting value which lies well inside the inflexion points, and in consequence convergence in this region must be improved. When relatively far from the minimum, the most convenient method is probably a simple search; some programs currently used for gamma ray -103- peak fitting use it exclusively. Its main disadvantage lies in its extremely slow convergence. The method described below is a suitable combination of the linearization and search methods, but with the advantage of extremely good convergence properties over a wide range of starting values. We wish to fit a spectrum with a function %An Y) where the are linear and the parameters. The residual at are non-linear X = X{ is defined by 7?; (A „, a > » %(*>) - i, fa & J and depends on the values of the parameters A ^ ( X i ) is the number of counts in channel l experimental spectrum to be fitted. and B y, j , i.e. the One of the f ' s is the exponential background, the others are the peak shapes. ! The function to minimize is defined as <P ( /) * > 2 7 &£ i and its lowest minimum is referred to as (chi-squared). The sum is to be performed over all channels in the arbitrarily defined fitting region. The COj are statistical weights which are usually given by = 27 m fin £> f c , V * ) they are modified slightly (increased) herein when the light pulser pile-up correction and cosmic ray background correction are performed, however. -104- Since it is easy to fit for linear parameters, it is interesting to consider the following function of the non-linear parameters* Q lC 8 „ ) Q = z ( / ) „ ( 8 n ,) ,' 8 „ ) where the set of s given set of minimize ^ value of . Clearly, the set of 2 also minimize <£P (&>2 Q the partial derivatives of 'B >nS which X . Furthermore, are equal to the partial Q 2 derivatives of the function for the , and the minimum is also equal to same argument. Q minimizes with respect to the Indeed, by the chain rule it follows that -— z Z>/)„ „ V I 38* 2 because the first derivatives of ^ the linear parameters (£ )2 definition of with respect to vanish at that point, by . These partial derivatives are easily computed fc t ’‘ t ' z j ? 2 1 *< < *> & ) J r * where the partdal derivatives of the peak shapes and exponential background with respect to the non-linear -105- parameter are trivial; for example, if is the peak position in channels, ^ 4 [ } ( * « >J and the approximation is good provided that the peak covers a large number of channels* The matrix of second derivatives is computed by finite differences, symmetrized and diagonalized. The diagonalization of the matrix of second derivative locally transforms the many-dimensional problem into many one-dimensional problems, one along each of the eigendirections. The above considerations on the value of the second derivative then applies separately in each of these eigendirections. The distance to the minimum is estimated to be the ratio of the first derivative to the second derivative. If the step taken is unreasonably large, or in the wrong direction (i.e. in the the direction of the gradient) it follows that we are close to the inflexion point or past it. ~ In such a case,we move a fixed amount in the direction opposite to the gradient (i.e. downhill). The fixed amount should be set to a fraction of a peak width, in the program; for the exponential background, it should be determined empirically. Whenever the step is limited by this method, the program actually performs a search, and we consider the operation as non-converging. As soon as the minimum is approached, the estimated displacements become very -106- accurate and convergence is achieved in three or four interactions at the most. In practice, small peaks which are barely resolved will always start with the search, whereas if there is no such small peak in the spectrum, the displacements will be accurate from the start and complete convergence will be achieved in a few iterations. This method absolutely guarantees that' a local minimum has been found, when convergence occurs; the user must determine whether this is the local minimum which has physical significance or not. The matrix of second derivatives computed at the minimum is used to compute the error matrix. The reference which proved to be most useful in dealing with the statistics of the present problem is by F.T. Solmitzs "Analysis of Experiments in Particle Physics", published in the Annual Review of Nuclear Science. . IV-4 Algorithm for a First-Order Correction to Pile-Up. When pile-up occurs in a direct-coupled system, its effect is always to displace counts from a peak to the region above it. This is demonstrated in Fig. II-7, which shows the effects of pile-up on the peak shape of a light pulser spectrum. Provided one can measure the effects of pile-up on a narrow, well isolated peak, such as the light-pulser peak in our case, it is possible to fit the pile-up tail which can then be removed from other peaks -107- which are not resolved. Counts which, because of pile-up, were accumulated into a higher peak can therefore be relocated in their proper spectral region. We emphasize at this point that it is not possible to reconstruct the spectrum as it would have been without pile-up; information lost because of pile-up is forever lost. What we can do however, is to remove, in first order the transfer of counts from a lower peak into a higher peak The technique consists in estimating the probable spectrum of piled-up counts, using the gamma ray spectrum and the shape of the light pulser peak. We assume that the pile-up tail is independent of the energy, which turns out to be exactly the case in practice. An iteration is necessary, because the shape of the spectrum before pile-up is not known. The first step consists in fitting an ex ponential to the pile-up tail of the light pulser peak. The response of the system is then known. The gamma ray spectrum (with pile-up) is used as a first step in the iteration; we compute the probable pile-up spectrum which would have resulted from its accumulation. For this pur pose, exponential tails with heights proportional to the number of counts in the channel are added together for each channel of the gamma ray spectrum. The pile-up spectrum thus calculated is subtracted from the gamma ray spectrum, which is renormalized to the same total number of counts to produce the first estimate of the corrected spectrum. We then simply iterate, taking the first estimate of the corrected spectrum to evaluate the second estimate of the -108- probable pile-up spectrum. It has been found empirically that two iterations are usually sufficient to ensure convergence at 5% pile-up. The correction thus performed is statistical in nature, and although it will remove the bias, it will also increase the statistical errors slightly ; this can easily be taken into account by defining the weights properly. The calculated statistical errors then become meaningful, since they include the effect of pile-up. The algorithm has been tested and found to work satisfactorily except perhaps in regions where the number of counts varies very rapidly with the channel number. In such regions, the convergence is obviously poor and it is not practical to increase the number of iterations, because the process is very time-consuming. We believe however, that the algorithm can be improved to handle these regions more efficiently. In practice, we have experimentally kept the pile-up at a level so low that the corrections involved were less than one half of the ~ probable error » the correction is only in first order, and would certainly not suffice in cases of severe pile-up. -109- CHAPTER V THE THEORY OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS. -110- At V-A-l Introduction Direction: At the onset of the analysis of the data to be presented herein it was, perhaps naively, assumed that simple recourse to the long established reaction formalism 12 and more recent detailed model wave functions for Cx would suffice to permit stringent testing of these wavefunctions. Such has not been the case! Indeed, only after lenghty and repeated attempts to resolve major phase and other discrepancies in the usually quoted references, was the rather unwelcome conclusion that a complete, internally consistent, new development of the formalism was required. In this chapter all the formalism needed to calculate cross-sections and angular distributions for particlegamma reactions is developed. A working knowledge of the basic principles of quantum mechanics, including angular momentum theory, is assumed. Everything needed, except for the electromagnetic interaction operators, is derived in this chapter. The electromagnetic operators constitute the dynamics of the problem and therefore must be obtained from experi ment. They have been known for a long time and can be found with their proper phases in a recent review article by Rose and Brink^3-^. This article and Albert Messiah's -111- masterpiece ‘Mecanique Quantique'(2 ) are the only references needed to understand the chapter. In the present intro duction various papers are quoted, and although none of their results were used directly in the following sections we are greatly indebted to their authors. -112- V-A-2 Typical Particle Gamma Cross Section Calculation. A calculation of the cross-section for a reaction must start with the knowledge of the nature of the system. More specifically, we need a Hamiltonian for the projectiletarget system; such a Hamiltonian is provided by the ShellModel with residual interactions. this Hamiltonian'for C 12 Gillet^3 ^ diagonalized , in the restricted subspace of one-particle one-hole states of two major shell excitation, or less. He parametrized the residual interaction and fitted the energies of various experimentally identified levels. The important assumptions, in this particular model ares 1) Shell Model basic assumption that we can replace part of the nucleon-nucleon force by a one body fixed average potential. 2) Restriction to one-particle one-hole states only. 3) Restriction to two major shell excitation, or less. 4) Charge independence of the nuclear interaction. 5) Specific assumptions about the ground state of C 12 and the nature of the residual interaction. These approximations, and the conclusions we can draw from the experimental data,are discussed in details in Chapter VII. In comparing theory with experiment, it is important to realize that it is differential cross-sections which are measured, and therefore that it is differential cross-sections which must be calculated, not an irrelevant -113- set of states. Atomic systems usually have an infinite number of bound states, reflecting the infinite range of the force: spectra exhibit a great number of essentially discrete resonances over a wide range of energies. Of course these states are not really bound,because of the coupling of the atomic systems with the electromagnetic field, and therefore are not really discrete; however, their widths are very small, and except for some possible cases of degeneracy the resonances can be considered isolated. The nuclear case of course shows very different behavior. Indeed, only a very few states are bound in the atomic physics sense. "particle stable". These states are also called They include the several stable states of that number of nucleons, which have infinite lifetime, and the excited states which decay through the coupling to the electromagnetic field (gamma decay) or the weak field (beta decay). Because of the Coulomb and centrifugal barriers, however, for several MeV above the limit of particle stability we still find very narrow, isolated resonances (especially in the heavier nuclei). This is simply because the barrier increases the lifetime of the state, which can then be treated as a bound state. In the early days of Nuclear Physics the accelerators did not permit, in most cases, exploration beyond this region. The situation is very different now, since both experiment and theory have pro- CO z or < GO EXCITATION ENERG Y (MeV) (a) i. i EQ U A TIO N S 30 E 20 0 * ~\— \ / / 1 1 | r OF i M O TIO N ' F totW - 1 .1 - 0 20 30 EXCITATION ENERGY 40 (MeV) (b) Fig. V - l : ( a ) shows the resu lts o f a coupled-channel calculation o f M arangoni and Saruis, and (b ) has been obtained by the equations o f m otion method; note how the coupled-chan nel method approach allow s a meaningful com parison of calculations with experim ent, w hereas the other approach, which p redicts d iscre te transitions preclu des such a d ire ct com parison. -115- gressed to considerably higher energies. Instead of introducing a realistic potential and a set of boundary conditions to define the stationary states of the system, many theoreticians prefer to use the harmonic oscillator potential; they obtain, in this manner, a set of bound states which become difficult to interpret. Such a model, taken literally, predicts no scattering or reaction cross-section. At low energy the situation is not catastrophic, because the spins and parities of levels can be both measured and predicted, and some degree of comparison can therefore be achieved. When the level widths become larger than the level spacing it is no longer possible to measure spins and parities of individual levels, and interference terms play a dominant role in the angular distributions, and in the total cross-sections as well. What the experimentalist needs in such cases is a set of calculated cross-sections to compare with his data, not a list of state energies and wave functions. Boeker and J o n k e r ^ ^ , Buck and Hill^4 ^ , and Greiner (5 ) et al have exploited different techniques to solve the problem, all of which yield a calculated cross-section. Fig. V—1 illustrates the two methods of coinparing the theory with experiment: fig. V-la shows the result of a calculation based on the Equations of Motion^®) approach, while fig. V-lb is the result of a recent Coupled-Channel calculation^®^, The superiority of the -116(a ) (b ) 1 5 .4 5 ---------------- I f 5"; 2p / 2 8.65 ------------------ 2 p 3/2 7.02 ------------------ | f 7/2 3.39 ------------------- |d 3/2 -I. I ------- 1 Id 5/2 -1.86 ------------------ 2S '/2 - 4 . 9 5 ------------------------- | p 172 FERMI SURFACE -18.72 |p 3/2 POSITIVE PARITY CONFIGURATIONS (Ip'3/2, l p l/2) 1,2 (1 p'3/2,2 p l/2) 1,2 (1 p"3/2,2 P3/2) 0,1,2,3 ( lp - 3/2, l f 5/2) 1,2,3,4 ( l p 3/2, l f 7/2) 2,3,4,5 (ls -|/2,2 s ,/2) 0,1 (1s 'l/2, 1d3/2) 1,2 (ls-|/2, l d 5/2) 2,3 NEGATIVE PARITY CONFIGURATIONS /.(Ip -3/2 ,2s ~ 1/2,) 1,2 (lp '3/2, I d3/2) 0,1,2,3 -35 MeV ---------------- Is 1/2 (lp-3/2, ld5/2) 1,2 , 3 , 4 (I s_l/2,1 p,/2) 0,1 12 Fig. V -2 : The s in g le -p a rticle energy le v e ls for neutrons in C are shown m ( a ) , with the neutron en ergies obtained from experim ental data on neighboring nuclei by G illet; ( b ) is a lis t o f o n e -p a rticle on e-h ole configurations o f two m ajor shell excitation or le s s , with the total angular m om enta shown on the right-hand side. - 117 - Coupled-Channel calculation, in comparing theory with experiment, is immediately obvious. When dealing with angular distributions this superiority is even more apparent. In all cases, the theories which predict discrete transitions will at best :permit a qualitative comparison of theory with experiment. In evaluating a method to calculate differential cross-sections, the main criterion is that it should, if possible, introduce no new assumption or parameter. Given a set of states for the system, we want to calculate cross-sections in the same framework, to be consistent. As a case in point, in testing Gillet*s wave functions we are allowed the use of all five assumptions listed above. The object of this chapter is to indicate one way in which this can be accomplished. ( 3) Gillet*s wave functionsv ' for C 12 are given as linear combinations of one-particle one-^hole configurations in j-j coupling. The unperturbed energies are taken from experiments on neighboring nuclei; this is a standard procedure in this kind of treatment. Only configurations involving an excitation of two major shells or less are retained, resulting in the set of configurations of Fig. V-2b. Fig. V-2-a shows the available single-particle states for the particle and the hole. Because each single-particle state can be filled by a neutron or a proton, each of the configurations of fig. V-2-b represents in fact two configurations, one with T=0 and the other with T=l, where T is the total isospin quantum number. -118- For the single-particle wave functions we have not used the eigenfunctions of the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator, because they do not permit a reasonable estimate of the particle reduced widths; instead, we have used the results of the appropriate numerical integration of a realistic potential well for C . The wavefunctions tabulated by Gillet depend on the bulk of the nucleus rather than on the details of the surface, and therefore we expect that they will be relevant for our single-particle wave functions, which agree fairly well with the harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions inside the nucleus. In the usual case of unpolarized beam and target, the first step in the calculation of a differential crosssection is represented by the familiar Blatt and Biedenharn /Q \ formula' '. It may also be found, expressed in j-j couling, (9 \ in a Chalk-River report by Sharp and Kennedy' '. The differential cross-section for scattering or reaction is expressed as a bilinear form in the S -Matrix elements or "transition amplitudes" o r _ _ _ l ____ y dfi, Ts kl f fC t t : , /<*> ~ it' „ Kl (£°s 9) ( v - 1> The "square hat" notation in the denominator is defined below. I projectile, and 5 are the spins of the target and the k Q is the reduced wave number of relative motion of the target-projectile system. 0 is the angle between the direction of the incident beam and of the are a set of easily calculated "geometrical" coefficients; in j-j coupling, for incident charged particles and outgoing gamma-ray we have: J L + Z L '+ K - K r + r ' (V-2) The various quantum numbers are defined below; the £ signifies that the sign depends on the quantum numbers involved in the formula, in a way which is determined by a set of phase conventions. The index t (and ■£') i s called a "transition" index and contains the following quantum numbers: the total angular momentum (and parity); all other quantum numbers needed to describe the outgoing channel; all other quantum numbers needed to describe the incoming channel; and finally, quantum numbers describing the intermediate state of the compound system through \tfhich the reaction proceeds. formalism for (/>, y ) For example in a j-j couping reactions, t - ( j ’* '; i s j l ; XL <r/o j A J (V-3) Tt* parity; are the system’s total angular momentum and X \J & , £ are the orbital angular momentum, spin -120- and total angular momentum of the projectile; the spin of the target. X and L O' - is represent the spin of the residual nucleus and the electric magnetic ftb O ' = 0) or 1 ) multipole order of the gamma-decay X transition radiation respectively. state of the compound system, and y u * identifies the the final state of the residual nucleus. The "square hat" notation introduced above is defined as follows: a ft / ■ - .-» cud sT Z d T T T = * /— » rp <Z b a * = (fa ,)rL* WJ (v-4) This simplifying notation is extremely useful, and it is used extensively throughout the following derivations. In the simple case of an isolated resonance and pure j-j coupling, only one transition contributes strongly to the cross-section, if one can assume that the lowest allowed multiple dominate strongly. Under these conditions it becomes extremely simple to predict the angular distri bution. Even in the case of E2-M1 mixing , for example, only one parameter (the mixing ratio) is needed to define the angular distribution, since only two transitions are involved. -121- None of these various simplifying conditions apply to our case! We do not have pure configurations - The resonances are far from isolated. The spins of the projectile, of the target and the residual nucleus are not zero. And finally E1-M1-E2 mixing is important. It is worth pointing out that although total angular momentum J and its projection M, as well as the parity , are conserved, they are not good quantum numbers. That is, the scattering system is not in a state of definite angular momentum or parity. produces wave packets wave. (The accelerator which locally resemble a plane They are therefore states of good linear momentum and since the momentum operator does not commute with CT , the system cannot be in a state of good angular momentum.) The coefficients W . a r e Cw purely geometrical in character and it is the reaction amplitudes which contain all the information on the dyamics of the system. cnr1 p j n 1 S -matrix elements vC and t^le reaction amplitudes are related by (V - 5 ) t where the sum is extended to all transitions corresponding to the incoming channel C and the outgoing channel c '. This sum is therefore a sum over intermediate states of the same spin and parity. -122- The reaction amplitudes can be calculated with the ( 10) Wigner many-level formula : 3c = 5cc'. + <v-6) is related to the partial widths in channel C state in channel AO c factors and phase shifts. X /• /*; the X are complex fll 12) numbers obtained from the reduced widths ' for X , by of state , and appropriate penetrability E is the energy of the system in the center of mass reference frame, of state state X X t and - £ P* A* P . AO E x the energy the total width of the For particle channels, the c reduced widths are obtained directly from the value of the radial part of the wave function of relative motion of the two fragments in that channel; for gamma ray channels, the partial widths of state X for a given multipole is proportional to the square of the reduced matrix element of that multipole operator between the state X (13,14) the final state of the residual nucleus. and -123- V-A-3 Practical Difficulties with the Standard Reaction Theories t Following the simplified description above, the calculation of a differential cross-section from the one-particle one-hole wave functions might appear trivially simple. Unfortunately, there are subtle problems which make it necessary to go into a much more detailed theoretical analysis. None of these problems arise on the case of an isolated resonance in pure j-j coupling (or pure L-S coupling), and for this reason little attention has been given to them in the literature. The difficulties can be separated naturally into three categories. The first kind simply reflects the fact that many authors do not give all the information needed to define their results: phase conventions, which are arbitrary but nonetheless crucial, are sometimes omitted; results are often derived in terms of relevant quantum numbers and the wave functions are incompletely specified; an example of this occurs when the order of coupling is not explicitly stated. The second kind re sults from the all too frequent errors of sign which we have found to be present in the literature. Wigner (15) himself, in his classic paper with Eisenbud , intro duced a phase error which propagated through many publica tions before it was discovered b y H u b y ^ 6 ^. Ironically enough, Wigner and Eisenbud had been very careful in -124- defining their phases, which is more than many authors can claim. It is perhaps not surprising that we have discovered several mistakes in the relevant literature, usually involving signs. Sign errors are particularly probable, because they usually are self-cancelling in most simple cases normally considered as checks on the results of calculations, and also because physical intuition is frequently of little help in checking for them. Rose and Brink ( 1) , in a recent review article, pointed out the necessity, in most detailed calculations, of starting directly from fundamental premises, and of carefully keeping track of all the phases. Their paper is certainly one of the first to pay special attention to phase conventions, and as such it must be highly recommended. It is, however, not very well suited to our particular case, and we branch off early from their derivation (at the consideration of electromagnetic multipole operators). To justify the need to start from basic quantum mechanics, instead of using formulae already in the literature, we refer the reader to the conclusion of Rose and Brink’s article. The last major difficulty has to do with the Wigner many-level formula. Such a formula cannot be derived for overlapping resonances without recourse to grossly unjustified assumptions, as shown with the R-Matrix theory part of the present chapter. The derivation of the many- -125- level formula in some review articles rests mainly on a set of algebraic errors in the various steps leading to it; other authors clearly state the conditions of validity of the formula, which are seen to hold only in special circumstances. The obvious solution to the problem is to numerically invert the channel matrix, a procedure made relatively easy in our case by the availability of modern high-speed computers. The plan of the chapter is as follows: First the Blatt and Biedenhamformula, for the case of particle-in gamma-ray out, is derived in a j-j coupling formalism. This takes care of the geometry and we obtain the crosssections and angular distributions in terms of the S matrix elements. How this S -matrix can be obtained from an intermediate quantity, the in the following section. -matrixes shown The 7 £ -matrix itself is calcu lated from particle reduced widths and from the reduced matrix elements of the electromagnetic multipole operator?, both of which are obtained directly from the wave functions of the stationary states of the compound nucleus. The last section is devoted to the calculation of the reduced matrix elements, but the particle reduced widths are discussed for a special case only , in Chapter VI. Each section is intentionally self-contained and can be used independently of the others; however, some of the important but lenghty details are included in corresponding -126- appendices. In Chapter VI these various sections are used together and provide a complete scheme for the calculation of cross-sections for ) reactions, from a set of one-particle one<*hole states of the appropriate nucleus. -127- B: Differential Cross-Sections: The Blatt and Biedenharn Formula for Gamma Rays. V-B-l Incoming and Outgoing Spherical Waves of Unit Flux. Time Reversal and Phase Conventions. The first step in treating the problem of scattering of two particles is the center of mass transformation. Given two particles of mass ?n t and /> at 7€ and 7T and 77}^ and momenta j»t (lab. coordinates) we can introduce the new set of coordinates: g 777,/bf + __ (V-7) 7 * ^/1 ^ 7*7, 4- W fc /€ = r . ^ and P - m t + ' P h are the momentum and position of the center of mass motion, 71 is the relative position and p relative momentum. is the' This transformation has some remarkable properties (Messiah IX-11) which can be summarized by saying that the new coordinates introduced behave like those of particles of masses A/» r l e 777f 4- 777 rr?t 7T7. , and 771 = — -— 777, 4 7*z, respectively, in equivalent one .body problems. The equations of motion for the center of mass position are readily solved. Classically, we have P» constant, and quantum mechanically, the wave function for the center of -128- mass motion is a plane wave. It will remain such for all times, reflecting the conservation of total linear momentum. The problem of a nuclear collision is complicated by the fact that each of the particles is composite and the collision can lead to rearrangements. This will be considered in some details in the next section, but for the moment we simply assume that there exists a pair of well defined clusters of masses T/n and • 2> . The target is assumed at rest, so that p ^ s o and the projectile is assumed to have well defined momentum p, . In the absence of interaction we can write the wave function of the system as the direct product of the wave functions of internal motion of the two fragments and the wave function of relative motion. The wave function of relative motion will necessarily be an eigenfunction of the momentum operator, hence a plane wave. ^ - The £ < 4 ^ «***’ < v - 8 ) ^ -axis is here chosen in the direction of the relative momentum The relative speed j> = p ,~ p ^ \J-C , for convenience. has been used to normalize the plane wave to unit flux, and <pt and (f>z , the internal wave functions of the interacting systems, are assumed normalized. k c is the relative wave number and is -129- given by the equationi f> - fik o « ^ 7 then represents the system of two particles, a projectile in an intrinsic state and a target in an intrinsic * travelling with well defined relative state momentum j> j the use of the normalization to unit flux permits us to avoid the construction of a finite wave packet and should only be considered a mathematical artifice. Both the target and projectile, in general, have intrinsic angular momentum and if we assume, as is always the case in practice, that they are in an eigenstate of total angular momentum, we have: r 0 - 27 if < m i » > . <z„ u/trH J S' t>r ls<r> The expansion coefficients orientation of the spins. c r'/5 0 -) - | /*.274JZ--/ * CL^ and o / * determine the Because of 'the degeneracy in the projection of their spins, the projectile and the tar get are not in an eigenstate of the ^ angular momentum operator L . component tl-ie In a beam of many particles, each particle is in a pure state characterized by a set of complex numbers i> , and the beam is thus a 9* statistical mixture of these. Statistical mixtures in quantum mechanics are best treated with a density matrix 2* • Restricting ourselves to the spin part of the intrinsic state of the projectile, -130- ^ is defined as < ror• or (V-10) 2 = "jj ^ b(i) b (i) w where b (i) is a column matrix with elements x is the particle index and fs{ particles. ^ b^(i) <T ; then describes the set of When performing a measurement on the system, the result can be calculated from the density matrix, so that the density matrix in fact plays, for a statistical mixture, the role that the wave function plays for a single system. More specifically, the expectation value of an observable A . is given by KA "> - Tr a c e For a very large number N C^A) of particles, with randomly oriented spins, the density matrix becomes a constant times the unit matrix. To show this, we perform a rotation The effect of the rotation is to transform the coefficients £ according to their irreducible representa tion 4- where the = />,, Cr (v-iD are the new , for the rotated system. The new density matrix, for the rotated system, then becomes % = £>s h ) t & S( R ) ( v _ 12) -131- The density matrix must be invariant under rotations, since we assumed a statistical mixture with no preferred orientation. However, Schur's lemma states that the only matrix which commutes with all the matrices of an irreducible representation is a constant times the unit matrix. From the normalization assumed above, we therefore have (V-13) where 1 is simply the unit matrix. In the case of a partially polarized beam or target the situation becomes very complicated, since one has to know, through appropriate measurement, the density matrix of the spins and use it in calculating crosssections. However, a completely polarized beam or target, or a completely unpolarized beam or target are much easier to deal with. For unpolarized beam and target, it is sufficient to assume that all the particles are in one of their eigenstates (or / Z jO* )» with equal probability for each eigenstate; this is completely unrealistic, but will lead to the correct results, simply because the density matrix is correct. _. T i = Y' , defined as 1^ y /s< r> ( V-14) is the state of the system corresponding to the two definite -132- spin orientations respectively. V and <r for the target and projectile We have introduced a factor so that the total beam is normalized to unit flux, and not each spin state separately. For convenience in dealing with the interaction, which is localized in the immediate vicinity of the center of mass, the Ip can be expanded as linear combinations of eigenstates of angular momentum around the center of mass; introducing incoming and outgoing spherical waves of unit amplitude, J2. ie f (M H if> (s<r> c c (V— 15) p /f i k c Y ^ (Ii>> ! s r > outgoing is the relative wave number as before, c the distance between the center of masses of the two fragments and S I * stands for the angular coordinates of relative motion, a *£ CA a ) polar angle and an azimuthal angle. £jL_f_c is a solution to the radial equation, which involves Coulomb functions in the case of two charged particles, and spherical Bessel functions in the case of a neutron. ^ (k n ) is otherwise defined by its asymptotic expansion (valid past screening only, in the case of Coulomb functions) -133- £ca*)~ e <v“16> _ i ( kjL+ < s O The phases 4 are arbitrary and we shall make a choice at this point and retain it throughout our analysis. It will be convenient to choose the same phase as that of the incoming part of the regular spherical Bessel functions: <£ = The - (e n ) § ” (v-17> are Condon and shortley's spherical harmonics, as defined in Messiah's appendix B. We shall never use spherical harmonics alone, because their properties under time reversal are riot convenient. We always use phases such that under the action of the "time reversal" operator Q any state of good angular momentum transform as 0 /J~M> = ( -/J (v-xs) We assume for example that for the intrinsic states already introduced for the projectile and the target, Q ls<r> = C-0S~<rIS-<T> and The functions I* ' 6 I = c - o r ' 1' h obey this rule: -» > indeed <v' 19) -134- 8 ic LY - V(r')L f>i LYL -M t t .fi W (v-20) An account of the use of the time reversal operator to ensure real scalar products will be found in appendix V-A. The proof that the spherical waves (V-15) correspond to unit flux is the object of appendix V-B. -135- V-B-2 Incoming Wave Amplitudes. In the case where there is no interaction between the target and the projectile, we have seen that the wave function of relative motion is a plane wave. Expanding it in spherical waves, (V-21) where ^ order 4 Messiah B-ll and B-10 is the regular spherical Bessel function of , as defined in Messiah’s appendix B- 6 . The unit flux spherical waves defined in the last section had good projections of spins and orbital angular momentum. By using suitable linear combinations of them, waves of good total angular momentum can be obtained. and projection M One other intermediate quantum number is needed; this can be the "channel spin" if we couple the two spins first, or the total angular momentum i of the projectile, if we couple its spin to the orbital angular momentum. Choosing the last case for convenience, (V - 2 2 ) -136- Although Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are much more convenient here than the 3-j coefficients used, the 3 -j and 6 -j coefficients (and 9-j as well) will prove much superior later than the Clebsch Gordan and Racah coefficients. 3-j , 6- j Therefore, to unify the notation only and 9-j coefficients are used. The superiority of these coefficients comes from their higher symmetry properties; because they have higher symmetry properties, they are easier to use and also tabulate. They should be used both for recoupling angular momenta and for numerical applications. They are defined by Messiah (appendix C) and defined and tabulated by Rothenberg et al. (18) The transformation above is unitary, and its inverse is: k PF i * y . (j i ) ™ £ x (h i) n » > is v > k/s, (l l l ) t = Z ) and similarly for the outgoing waves. The asymptotic expansion for the plane wave, from the form of ^ is: .(V-24) (k /l) ( k / l - 2 ■ iV ) , r iU A -W V -137- C ~ J Z n 1 T. T z k ^ (-ft * & ) i * jL t k*II»>h<r> ~/?>T Z ■? zfc, (■&** ft ) i* Y to(JU lI»> lsr> £ 4 k s T H ) ^ / ' Z^ _ V>v* '~ ? P I f f ^ x Z X l ^ i ^ + </ r»* y*/ A * _ m (v. 25) ) /r ^ J jg+j+s*!-# / £ s * )fi T J ) 'prp £ 1JH>) -i L K M fr ™ > „ * jrn; »<r A ~ ^ V ; ( ^ W ( W (V - 2 6 ) What we have done essentially, is match boundary conditions at infinity for the spherical waves, so that in the absence of all interaction we have the expansion for a plane wave with the assumed normalization and phase; it is valid -138- everywhere. We now introduce the basic assumption of scattering theory. We assume that outside the range of interaction (outside screening range of Coulomb Forces) the incoming spherical waves are not changed. is so seems obvious from causality. That this' The incoming part of the spherical waves is then obtained everywhere up to the nucleus through continuity arguments. The boundary conditions at the nuclear surface determine the amplitudes and phases of the outgoing waves. More precisely, we write a formula valid even when there are interactions: W A xes The incoming wave amplitudes (v-27) are still given by the same formula above; solving the scattering problem consists in finding the outgoing wave amplitude. How this is done is discussed in detail in the next section of this chapter. V-B-3 The Transfer Matrix and the Scattering State of The Compound System. Let the set of compound nucleus states satisfying a suitable set of boundary conditions at the channel surface in configuration space be a complete, orthonormal set. Then any state of the system may be expanded as / (V-28) > The state of the system f I > , of course is not normalized, since the incoming plane wave was normalized to unit flux. That there exists a linear relationship wave amplitude and the coefficients demonstrated in the next section. / between the o(^ will be We have: (V-29) where the index wave. C completely identifies the incoming The matrix / will be called the "Transfer matrix". The scattering matrix for gamma ray channels does not come naturally in a treatment such as this one, where the electromagnetic interactions are only treated as a perturbation, and in practice, they are always added on the nuclear problem as an afterthought. That is to say, the scattering matrix (or S -matrix, or collision matrix) for strong interactions is first computed with a Hamiltonian free from electromagnetic interactions, the scattering -140- state of the system is then determined, and the electro magnetic transition probabilities are computed from it by perturbation theory. For this reason it seems more natural to intorduce the transfer matrix above than the S*-matrix , for gamma ray channels. This transfer matrix will be computed in the next section, directly from the S - matrix of strong interactions. A dimensionless quantity could also be introduced, which corresponds to an extension of the S -matrix for gamma ray channels; this will be dealt with in section V-C. In a scheme where both the states / A.> of the complete set and the incoming waves have good total angular momentum *1* matrix vT and projection \T is diagonal in and M t the transfer M . This follows because total angular momentum is conserved. If the same representation has been used for angular momentum in both cases, then / > = T r is also independent of M P and !> *» > -o X 7M where C is now an index which completely identifies an a incoming spherical wave vT and projection <t m S^c of total angular momentum M . There are (Z I+ i)(Z S + i) possible states of the system corresponding to different initial orientations of the target and projectile spins. Writing for the state of the system corresponding to polarization v> of the target and o' of the projectile, -141- we note that the above considerations apply to each of these states separately: O ’M j u < r l» (r > = z / ^ ) <TH j U r X o (. (V-31) ; ,y r f j i/* * Z TX c « x ’ ceJ c t / A cet. CV C now identifies the incoming spherical wave of total , and orbital angular angular momentum \T , projection M momentum , total projectile angular momentum ^ . These quantum numbers are sufficient to specify the incoming wave completely so that C is not needed in our case and is only included for generality. upper and low indices is important: The meaning of For each set of upper indices there exists a matrix in the lower indices «7V*; V P (column matrix in the case of d . and rectangular in the case of T A J-M 'iK r and c€J cr and we could X > c€j write in matrix notation: - / A Finally, considering that V + O' - (V-32) M f the index M can be dropped and we write (V-33) -142- V-B-4 The Blatt and Biedenharn Formula for Gamma Rays. Let O C f be the yield in d S L for gamma rays 0 s of polarization ( y leaving the residual nucleus in a X state of total angular momentum and projection J f , corresponding to the 2^ o ' polarized part of the unit flux incoming plane wave. The differential cross-section for an unpolarized incoming plane wave is ( 4 T ) = » k {. d J 2 > J — l L (v-34) ^ The reason why the yields are simply added here is that one could in principle measure the beam and target polarization, the gamma ray polarization and the spin projection of the residual nucleus. to observables that commute). (They correspond The rule, as stated by Feynman for example, is that one sums over distinguishable The sum over v' and O ' comes from the form final states. of the spin density matrix as explained above. From Messiah (XXI-12), <=>> < V - 35> f r And from Rose and B r i nk^^ 6 o _ l>0' - * 5 ( k , £ y ) « ZS* !< )(f £ 1 (2.2) 1 V/ ^ ^ > l Zp (£ ) r ( v - 36) -143- V is the interaction which causes the transition, and the density of states available for the transition. The transition is from an initial state of the compound nucleus labelled to a ^amma ray of wave number Co> a final state labelled k> ) { * r } . and polarization vector would be the transition rate per unit solid angle available for the gamma ray, if the initial state was normalized to unity, with our present normalization of unit flux incoming plane wave, CU is simply the differential cross-section as can be seen in the above equation. It may be worth mentioning at this point the compatibility of notations and conventions between the work of Messiah^), and of Rose and B r i n k ^ L V Introducing explicitly, a; A , = P ^ f C k e J Z rr* / < 1 ^ i H a j i v i x ^ r <v -37> . 9 Eq.(2.31)Rose and Brink Here the operator depends on the nuclear coordinates only; the electromagnetic field part of \ / The one-body operator H S fy " has been removed: /■/ is given explicitly by: & & ***]} ( v ' 3 8 > Eq. (2.13) Rose and Brink where 2^ / t c t^ie nuclear magneton, ^ and ^ orbital and spin gyromagnetic ratios, and ^ and are the 6 are the momentum and polarization operators respectively. is the wave number of the emitted gamma ray, and the k> -144- position vector of the particle. particle's spin operator. Finally S is the The one-body many particle operator for electromagnetic transitions is simply obtained by summing over all particles of the nucleus. The exact form of / 4 is derived by Rose and Brink^3-^ from 1/ , which itself was obtained in Messiah ^2 ^( X X I - 3 1 ) . It comes from experiment primarily on atomic systems. What is needed in the present derivation is the multipole expansion of , also obtained in the article of Rose and Brink: - - r *■ LM u V (V?39) Eq.(3.21) Rose and Brink As before, is the polarization index and can take the values +1 and -1. The f ) * are the rotation matrices t (Messiah appendix C) and & ^ is the rotation taking the axis (direction of incident beam) in the direction k of the emitted gamma ray. The ^ are called the interaction multipole operators, and will be given explicitly in the last section of this chapter, when their reduced matrix elements are calculated. w is defined as zero for electric transitions, one for magnetic transitions and can only take these two values. From V, -145- C 'x V J f - /£ » (V-41) where formula (V-39) and (V-33) have been used. The Blatt and Biedenharn formula results from the algebraic transformation of the above expression, and all the appropriate steps are detailed in appendix V-C. We have, jctt a h . * I f f * ? 'E % (c o :6 ) )x , n - W * * * 7 '* x*J--------------- r-7 Wt t , = (-/) . r , e t ' f f j - zJ'/<:‘ \ o o o J K U L ' + k .+ l U J ' * )[■ }}'K I J(-t / oJ{ tri x J i f f s Jlcr'crlJ {['+(->) Caution: (V-42) These functions are not identical with those (q \ of Sharp and Kennedy' T } S The notation is as follows: Spin of target and projectile X t . Spin of final state of residual nucleus - transition index = {crv, t s j r i Sum runs over values of xf compatible with given SfTfX. is the relative orbital angular momentum, j the total projectile angular momentum (result of coupling £ and S .) -146- \ T j 77* Total angular momentum and parity of compound state ■ A, Index of compound state of & Multipolarity of emitted gamma ray; (w/=l magnetic, k; = 0 electric transition) are the complex transition amplitudes defined in the text. The coupling scheme and coupling order are as follows: X v • S /( £ s ) f T J > J J 0£FOR€ 5 eeF O R e I Two remarks seen appropriate in concluding this section. For practical computations it is worth noting that \ / . vv , = ^ This can be used to reduce the number of terms in the sum to include those with £ only. the relationship between transition amplitudes an extended S the sum over . ,Q<> Also and -matrix for gamma rays can be obtained if A , which is implied by the sum over is performed first. Since tt W . i s independent of t , A we have cC o* d /L * .a / 5* S S XiCcose) >? r (V-43) s v 1 = T J t X -147- stands for all the transition quantum numbers except the state index, and will occasionally be refered to as the "contracted transition" index. introduced and with c» { 4 S f l} Channels can be C '= { X C w j we can write in a more familiar way: (V-44) Finally, formulae derived elsewhere for \ / Ck) Vv tt will not necessarily agree with the formula derived here, because of different coupling schemes or definitions of reduced matrix elements, for example. The difference, if any, presumably is compensated for by a different definition of the transition amplitudes. -148- C - Transition Amplitudes and the ^ - M a t r i x V-C-l Introduction. A nucleus of mass is accelerated to a velocity and strikes a target nucleus of mass y n i rest in the laboratory. assumed at If the momentum of the projectile is well defined, the system must be in an eigenstate of the momentum operator j> . After separation of the center of mass motion and relative motion, the wave function of relative motion can be written: y - & (v- 45> & We have chosen the y axis in the direction of 1 A. relative wave number k the reduced mass is given by 77?=: m i 7n% /Y7W,i« The t k o = m 14- with ^and and^are the internal wave functions of the projectile and target respectively. We assume <jt and <j>2 normalized to unity, in which case lj) is normalized to unit flux. If the two particles did not interact the wave function \ p would describe the system exactly. Since there is an interaction, however, there is a probability that the projectile will be scattered by the target, or that one or more other particles will emerge from the collision. The state of the system can then be described as the superposition of the plane wave suitable outgoing waves. \J> and various In practice these outgoing waves are always taken to be spherical waves (eigenstates of angular momentum), since these form the most convenient -149- complete set for this problem. It should be emphasized, as noted above, that the state of the system is not an eigenstate of angular momentum, and it does not have well defined parity. It has a well defined energy however, given, in the center of mass system, by £ = ■£ + fa ? + ) c z This formula is valid in the non-relativistic limit only, t but includes the rest energy of the target and projectile. -150- V-C-2 Geometry of Configuration Space: Channels The first basic problem in the description of nuclear reactions is the diversity of possible reaction products. Following Wigner^3-^ ^ 2^ let us neglect the possibility of outright capture of the projectile and assume that after the collision there are at least two distinct nuclear fragments. The possibility of capture followed by gamma ray emission is not included because the electromagnetic interactions are treated as a small perturbation. After the nuclear problem is solved and we know the wave function of the scattering state, the perturbation is turned on and the cross-section for gamma ray emission is computed. Justification for the approach is that in most cases of interest in nuclear reactions, the cross-sections involving gamma rays are much smaller than those involving nuclear particles. Thus the wave functions can be obtained quite accurately without the introduction of electromagnetic interactions. This fact simply reflects the greater strength of the nuclear forces. Breakdown of the system into more than two nuclear fragments usually becomes energetically possible at relatively high energies only and will be completely neglected. Given A nucleons, configuration space is defined as the space of their relative position coordinates and their spin (and isospin, if isospin formalism is used) -151- coordinates. The space part itself (position coordinates) is 3(/4-l) dimensional. Pb2(3® for example has a configuration space consisting of 621 dimensions for the position coordinates alone and 208 spins, a little difficult to visualize. taken to be the center of mass. which make it The origin is always The elimination cf the center of mass coordinates removes three degrees of freedom, which explains why we have 3(A-1) spatial degrees of freedom and not 3A. Configuration space is divided naturally into 3 regions^^^: the rest. the compound nucleus, the channels and Before we define these three regions we have to give a more accurate definition of what is meant by "fragments'*. A nuclear fragment is a set of nucleons which is not divided into two subsets far enough from each other to have negligible nuclear interaction. Then we can define the compound nucleus as the region of configura tion space corresponding to only one fragment, and the channels as the regions of configuration space corresponding to exactly two fragments, In the rest of configuration period space three fragments or more are involved and the wave function will vanish or decrease exponentially. Obviously the space part of the compound nucleus region is a simply connected region around the origin. Each channel is a simply connected region and the different channels are not -152- TOPOLOGY OF C O N FIG U R A TIO N SPACE Fig. V -3 : This figure shows how the various regions o f configuration space a re interconnected. Channels 1 , 2 , and 3 should be m ore p roperly labeled as channel regions 1 , 2 , and 3; two channels belonging to the sam e channel region a re disconn ected, w hereas the various channel regions are disconnected from each other and connected to the compound nucleus region. -153- connected to each other, but interfaced with the compound nucleus region. Fig. V-3 may help to visualize the topology of configuration space (how the regions are connected to each other). It should no'; be taken too literally because it crudely over-simplifies the geometry. The qualitative definition of the three regions given above will suffice for most purposes. One improvement needed is a more accurate definition of the very important boundary between each channel and the compound nucleus, called the "channel surface". surface in channel c We define the channel as the locus of points of configuration space such that the distance between the center of masses of the two fragments in c is equal to a constant . PEF/NtrtovOF 5C : (V - 4 6 ) -154- V-C-3 The Wave Function in the Channel Region; The5 -Matrix. Knowledge of the nature of the two fragments in a channel does not completely specify the state of the system. Clearly, the state of each of the two fragments must also be known. In what follows we assume that there is only a discrete set of states available for each fragment. The reason for this simplification is that if one of the fragments is in a continuum, then it is particle unstable, which means three-body breakup is energetically possible. We have already assumed the energy of the system does not permit three or more nuclear fragments. Assuming in the channel region that the interaction between the two fragments does not disturb the internal state of each of them, the wave function can be written IjJ - where <f> and <f> <j> (p ( f i( J i) (V-47) are the wave functions of fragment 1 and 2 respectively, involving their internal coordinates only, and cp (Ji) is the wave function of relative motion of their respective center of masses. The wave function of center of mass motion has been omitted since it is trivial. The proof that p has the form above is simply the assumed breakdown of the Hamiltonian into the sum of three parts. Clearly this is not always valid. For example, Coulomb -155- excitation proceeds through interaction between the two fragments when they are in the channel region. In view of our interest in high-energy low-mass projectiles however, such effects are expected to be exceedingly small. The wave function of relative motion cfCA)is a solution to the problem of a free particle or a particle in a spherically symmetric Coulomb potential.* The energy available for the relative motion is well defined and equal to the total energy defined earlier minus the rest mass of the two fragments in their respective state of excitation. Because the potential is spherically symmetric, we can separate angular and radial variables. The angular solutions will be the same in both cases (usually spherical harmonics are used) and the radial wave functions will be spherical Bessel functions for the free particle (neutrons) or Coulomb functions for charged particle channels. This procedure is standard and it is expected that the reader is familiar with it. Let us introduce a complete set of angular wave functions & Although in practice spherical harmonics are used univer sally, it is preferable to keep full generality and only assume the set to be complete and orthonormal. *. The assumption of spherical symmetry of the Coulomb potential is not rigorous, but is adequate for practical purposes. -156- For each ^ we have two linearly independent solutions to the radial equation. The combinations of these which are the most useful here are (C p ~ ' •'eg f ' 0% ) complex conjugate (>c ) and its corresponding to incoming and outgoing waves respectively. We finish defining them by their asymptotic form: € (V-48) where the real parameter Pc = and is an arbitrary phase and t*ie ra<^ial variable in channel the wave number of relative motion. C For charged particle channels, this asymptotic expansion is only valid if we assume a "screening radius" outside of which the long range Coulomb force is cut-off. The exact form of J ^ in terms of spherical Bessel functions or Coulomb functions, and more elaborate explanations on the process of intro ducing a screening radius will be given in the next chapter; a definite choice for 6^ has already been made in (V-17). Various recursion relations can be derived from the differential equation satisfied by the , and they are of the utmost importance for practical computa tions. One can also derive the so-called Wronskian relation Given two solutions ^ for and f of the differential equation times the radial wave function, -157- (V—49) / ,' fa ■ / re } / £ f a * c o A /s r /iA jT This constant is easily evaluated in the asymptotic region by /' / * - / ' * / <:£ ce -ifo + % ) -i € = ce Jct {(& + & € -iC p c i& e - i (& *& C i) £ (v-50) = -2 i Therefore everywhere in the channel region, including the channel surface, Ce ~ c <=t ,* (v" 51) ^ 7 ^c€ i e * . £ * C In each channel region characterized by two given fragments, there is a complete set of incoming waves: i t u (j i j 4 * ( v - 5;y and outgoing waves £ With (p^ u ( J ij 4- 4< the relative speed of the two fragments, the waves are normalized to unit flux. This is easily proved by -158- integrating the flux over a sphere, a out in detail in appendix V-B . procedure carried The direction of the flux is also easily seen to he inwards for the incoming waves and outwards the outgoing waves. are The (f> . and '--e. set of wave function for the first and second fragments involved in channel region c . The sets are not complete but contain these discrete eigen states which can be reached at that energy by the reaction. They are assumed orthonormal. So far we have defined the channel regions - (part of configuration space corresponding to two well defined fragments) but we have not introduced the concept of channels. Each of the linearly independent incoming (outgoing) waves defined above in a channel region is called an incoming (outgoing) channel. This is the definition used in the remaining part of this chapter. When angular momentum is introduced, a channel sometimes labels all the ( u + / ) spherical waves which transform into each other by rotations, so that to completely specify the wave the channel C and the projection M of total angular momentum must be given*Which definition is used is usually obvious from the context, and the ambiguity should in practice cause no difficulty. If C is now the channel index, instead of merely labelling the channel region, we can write incoming waves in a more convenient way: -159- i s t l Ac tf&i y ( s i c )< t> l< tl e (v- 53) and similarly for the outgoing channels. It is very convenient to introduce^3 Ic) channel states - 0 the corresponding to the channel wave / £ <PC <j>c functions . We use the round bracket Dirac notation to denote channel states which are incomplete (they depend on all coordinates except radial coordinate of relative motion) and the regular Dirac notion for states of the system which depend on all the coordinates. Thus f c * } would be the state corresponding to the wave function (V-54) /*»-* £ ft) r u c s i ) < $ '4 ? =■ £ (? *> f C ) 7e Also interesting is the incomplete scalar product which involves integration over all internal coordinates of the two fragments, and A. , the angular variables of relative motion, but not over the radial coordinate /Lc . Thus (e tc ) - / simply implies / / %<K € where d ? ‘ and = / v . 5 5 ) d/^represent all the internal coordinates of the first and the second fragments respectively. (c lc + > ( is the radial state of the wave function Also, -160- It is important to understand this scalar product, because it is used to define the reduced widths. the radial wave function of (c l When is evaluated at the previously defined channel surface, the scalar product becomes "integration over the channel surface" as used b y L ane(13)(22). Although the channel states 10 do not form a complete set in the restricted space in which their wave functions are defined, the scattering state I y of the system can be expanded in terms of the IC) S in (because the sets { 4 ! the channel regions. and con- J tain all the states of the fragments that are accessible) i.t. Here the ( 0 *c /> = Z (V - 5 6 ) Cfc fc) are kets of radial motion, obviously not normalized to unity or to unit flux. This expansion is valid everywhere in the channel region, including on the channel surface. nucleus region. It is not valid in the compound The wave function of the ket is obviously a linear combination of the incoming and out going radial functions. . fc (Pc) X c& Z fc W C (v-57) -161Ac is called the incoming amplitude. The basic assumption of scattering theory is that the incoming wave amplitudes are not changed by the interaction. They are assumed to be the same as if there was no interaction between the target and projectile. Thus they are fully known. Everything we can measure depends on the outgoing waves, and they must be calculated from our knowledge of what occurs.'in the nuclear interior. We shall prove below the existence of a linear relationship between the outgoing and the incoming wave amplitudes; namely, (V-58) .The matrix thus defined is the S -matrix, also called scattering matrix or collision matrix; because so far it does not take into account "gamma ray channels" , we call it the "nuclear S -matrix". The nuclear S -matrix is a complex matrix, and its elements are functions of ' the energy of the system. It is a unitary matrix, and under certain conditions of phase conventions it can also be shown to be symmetric. A substantial part of what follows is devoted to its explicit calculation. Transi tion" amplitudes for gamma rays will also be derived. -162- V-C-4 Wave Function in the Compound Nucleus Region In Terms of the S - M a t r i x . Our next task involves expansion of the wave functions inside the compound nucleus region in a complete set. In principle any complete set could serve the purpose, but it turns out in practice that if these basis wave functions are cleverly chosen, we may, under some circumstances, ob tain fairiLy accurate results by keeping only one term. The idea is that in the case of an isolated resonance, only one mode of motion is excited strongly; if we have its wave function in our set, then the state of the system around resonance will be well described that one term. by keeping only Therefore we would like all the states of the set to satisfy / / M > = Ex !*-> <v-59> This does not suffice however to define the ^ 5 and the f M s The reason is that it is an open-ended problem, since the boundary conditions at infinity are not defined. introduce such conditions later. We shall We simply assume, for the moment, that the /A>Vare orthogonal and normalized inside the compound nucleus region: <A//0 - (V-60) This scalar product, different from the one introduced earlier, corresponds to integration over all coordinates, -163- but inside the compound nucleus region only. /A> The states are nevertheless continued in the channel region, so that they are defined everywhere. channel C In particular, in any , we have the radial ket (c/ A > radial ket of IX ) in channel c , = M > OR fc )C c (A > e (V-6 1 ) which represents an expansion of the state / A ) in channel wave functions, valid in the channel region, up to and including the channel surface. The wave function corresponding to the radial ket ( c / X ) of depends on only one variable: derivatives in channel c We define the by Ke Similarly by . (A ) Cf>c ■ (c ! V 'C V L f-c c - < f< V w© mean the value of <v -'6 2 > at the *c channel radius £C Cc/A> = q>(Rc) A c^ The quantities ( <= J?c 1 2 7 ric ) * (V-63) are extremely important. C They are called reduced widths— more precisely— the reduced width of state A in channel C . A priori they are complex numbers and we have ( c h )> - < M c f (V-64) -164- This is a case similar to that of the angular momentum coupling coefficients; (Clebsch Gordan, etc.) all of them are defined as scalar products between complex functions and therefore they are a priori complex. It is however possible to choose the arbitrary phases of the complex functions so that all the scalar products are real. Transformation properties under time reversal play an important role, here. The properties of the time reversal operator which are of importance for this purpose are not its physical properties but its antiunitarity. Any antiunitary operator which leaves the Hamiltonian invariant would be just as good. The procedure to obtain all scalar products real is outlined in Messiah for the general case. (Messiah^2 ) XV-19). It was dealt with in some detail for the case of states of good angular momentum in section B of this chapter. We assume in the following that such a procedure has been carried out: i.e. (c!K> - Cc,A>* (v_65) One more condition is necessary to ensure that at resonance the scattering state of the system /> be well described by only one term in the expansion. (V-66 ) -165- The resonance must occur near ^ this is that small be small. (c /h y ^ . The condition for This is because a means a large value of the wave function inside the compound nucleus region, as compared with the channel region, which is just the resonance condition. To finish defining the states //O , the special boundary condition Cel A > (V-67) could be used, but for more generality we use the boundary conditions c ~ 4 c ~ ^ (V-68) remembering to keep the arbitrary boundary condition parameters bc "quite small'?: . Equation (V-59) together with equation (V-68 ) and the phase conventions needed for real scalar products define the states energies ^ //))> and the -166- V-C-5 The Dispersion Relation. We now come to the most difficult part of the theory, namely, obtaining the state of the system in terms of the incoming wave amplitudes. Some conceptual difficulties with the convergence of the expansion / > •=• 2 T A IA )> S A / > (V-69) (23) are pointed out by Wigner, in a footnote' famous paper. ' to his Other difficulties are usually not treated in deriving the formula, which is assumed to be almost o b v i o u s ^ .. The reader will easily convince himself that it is far from obvious and that each step of the following derivation is indeed necessary. First let us introduce the wave function in / > configuration space, for /* > and I : 7 * -» (V-70) / > ^ From the definitions of ~X^ and Ip H ip , * tJ y ZT* V (V—71) ■H X j ~ t J X/i and therefore X l H ip - p H X l f X *n p - ty H x l = - (£ -£ ,) ip x ; ( £ - £ a) < I * > ° (v_ 72) Xa ( € - £ a > -167- where the integral is carried out on all coordinates but inside the compound nucleus region only. The Hamiltonian defined in that subspace only is not Hermitian, since the condition of Hermiticity is <MH! > * < IHIX>* o s <v - 7 3 > This is to be expected because flux comes in and out of the boundaries and the probability is not necessarily conserved with time. Now, assume the following Hamiltonian ( v ' where 7 4 ) f>- 7TJ^ and are the momentum and mass of the ith relative particle, and V a real potential which depends only on the space and spin (and isospin) coordinates. Using the explicit form of H in the equation above yields: (V-75) it And transforming to a surface integral by Green's theorem in 3(A-1) dimensions: i -168- The integral is now over the channel surface ; Sj normal to is and therefore along the radial coordinate in each channel. The difficult point is that to evaluate this integral, we must use a different set of coordinates in each channel region. Suppose for example that near channel surface 6T we have two fragments T and 7Z : to evaluate the surface integral above, we use the following set of coordinates: 3 (w x - / ) for fragment I } 3 ( ti^ ~ i ) Tl internal motion coordinates internal coordinates for fragment and the relative position of the center of masses I of y?- and and I S in spherical coordinates, and jQ. ^ . are the number of nucleons in each to 3t fragment. Cr The crucial point is now the following: o tS j is always terms of the sum above vanish, because zero; except when ^ all corresponds to the relative motion of the two centers of mass. Thus in that channel we get a contribution with s t cC = 2 - d Expressing the gradient in spherical coordinates permits us to evaluate this easily: P n (cilc)(cl \ - <Mc\ (cl,c)M \) = _ { < M C ) (€/>'- <A\c) 2 7*1^ I _ “ /?e _ *f£ fcm 2 Me {(cl e (cl > ) *c ** Kc >; - 4 ft/ >, J c c (V-77) -169- Let (c ! > be the value at j i of the wave function \ c associated with the radial ket C d > . Then we define (C / \ CC/ \ H 4* (V-78) By summing over all channels the integral over the channel surface is obtained and ( « ' i - i r v ^ - ^ o (v- 79) Each radial ket is a linear combination of the incoming and outgoing unit flux radial kets defined above, (c / > * A c (C lc -y + Bc ( c l C 4 > (v_80) and $ c are complex numbers and are called incoming and outgoing amplitudes in channel C . For brevity a new notation is introduced: f f i /z t, • -t m * T = /(A 4 / ** ‘ (A.*)' T F T )* f ■ _ ' F* (c I r - ' i (c l X By taking the complex conjugate on each side, we get similar equations with L. c and Tc (c / C c /C + y „ and are dimensionless quantities. Above equation becomes: r - & - £ ) « * ( v - 8 2 ) -170- With the following definition of the reduced widths - ( W * (C/K\ : ( v - 8 3 ) Writing in matrix notation^ (£)' fa* L, (V-84) is a diagonal matrix with elements ft »A and (LA 4 L*B) = * ££ and 3 and T denotes I^ .” 6C TC are column matrices with elements transpose. J the diagonal matrices _/* and TC and TC L cc - for later use. Yxc • We also introduce with diagonal elements With the S -matrix defined above we have: @ ) * r / a + M A - A We could calculate the state of the system (the °(^s) if we knew S . (V-85) -171- V-C-6 Calculation of the From .S^ -Matrix: S -matrix, in terms of the <*, * (i) £a.£ The ^-Matrix. Ctrl'S) / I (V-86) ft Re also (c/ ^ = ZCd*>g < M > = Ccn\ (V- 8S) So that in matrix notation again, T«*rx • ( i f f r s V /i (v-89) Another expression may be obtained from the calculated above, namely: <T °(»ii = (i) (T zZe ) (i'+L*s )d (v-90) The very important ^ - m a t r i x is defined as r ■ -» A ^ / a must be valid for Because the two equations for A any incoming amplitude A -r Cu Cs ) 5 ' — CL CL = » we have the matrix equations: r+r*s U//7H (v-92> CC = LCL~L -172- We also use 5 = "L (fa d ) O z + d *)L U fH Z tt c X *- - J L ' (V-93) Some properties of 5 will be discussed in the next few pages. To determine the state of the system our main interest lies with the of S • Putting the calculated value back in the equation above for , one obtains where (V-94) is a row matrix in channel space, which we have defined as the transfer matrix. All the calculations described in the next chapter were performed using this formula. i Z d intuitive meaning is the following: Its reflects the efficiency with which the channel C "feeds" the state i ) , or alternatively, the degree of coupling between the channel C and the state A . The phase of Tj^also gives very important information, telling us if two channels will contribute constructively or destructively to build up the mode of motion X . determines the lifetime of the state. Clearly, it For example, a state which is loosely coupled to all channels will have a long lifetime. The transfer matrix also permits calcu lation of gamma ray cross-sections, something which cannot be done directly with the nuclear S -matrix; this is because the transfer matrix gives direct knowledge of the -173- scattering state of the system, which is needed for gamma ray transitions. How gamma ray cross-sections are calculated from ' T is examined in detail in section B of this chapter. -174- V-C-7 Some Properties of the Nuclear S -Matrix. #-/ Matrices of the form a properties! a have very interesting Before discussing them, it is useful to recall the following property of complex matrices: the operations Qf taking the adjoint, the inverse, the complex conjugate and the transpose of a matrix, all commute with each other. Also, a necessary and sufficient condition to be unitary (i.e. A A * /) is that it for a matrix conserves length. Another important remark is that a matrix and its complex conjugate do not in general commute. Thus (in general) S - - Cc CL * - &>& The first interesting property of S , is that • I SS Indeed, s s * - - d " a ( - a ' ' a ) * - (V-96) / A more important property is its unitarity. Unitarity of the S -matrix is closely related to the conservation of probability, and replaces, in a scattering problem, the Hermitiaty condition on the Hamiltonian for a bound state problem. Is a a for all row matrices f ; defining y = f CL , the condition becomes Jy CL f - ! y & I for all ij are unitary. The condition is indeed that This is equivalent to CO Not all matrices of the form Y j a a 'Y or again to the condition that = a a / -- 0t> 1 st for all be a real matrix. y -175- Any matrix of the form not necessarily real. act is Hermitian, but However: a a f - ( K L - f J & ’Z - l V - X U 'K + T I * - R L I* - riS e tr‘ - (f-li)l' (V-97) aa. = rm +ieirr'+irK-Kri*- t*i/z a a f- z u ‘e*n*+iz&n*+6’r > iz+ fz -iT s-x feti*) + -(xc f f/ ) n ^yn a a ? =■ o The last equalities are from the Wronskian relation (V-51). , and as shown We have thus proved the reality of above this implies the unitarity of remembered that the reality of the and the S . It should be ^ -matrix was used, -matrix is real because of our phase conventions which give real reduced widths. Thus the proof only holds when the reduced widths are real. Another property of the S -matrix which is useful in reducing the number of required parameters, when it is to be experimentally determined, is its symmetry: o = c r J (V-98) 9 Indeed we have, using the property s T - s f<h * ( s 'J " - s ss - 1 ■ . (V-99) -176- V-C-8: Approximations to the S -Matrix: The Wigner Many- Level Formula. The Wigner many-level formula was not used' in our calculations, but its derivation is given here for several reasons. Its use being a standard procedure for such a calculation, some justification is needed for avoiding it. The following derivation shows well the conditions of validity of the approximation, and the need for a more accurate procedure; several derivations in the literature which do not involve the restrictive approximations used here, obtained the desired results through a series of algebraic e r r o r s ^ ^ . Other articles(lO) merely state the result with a set of correct, restrictive assumptions. Finally, the many-level formula having the advantage of a clear physical interpretation and its form being well established, its derivation from our earlier results will provide a test of the accuracy of these results. The many-level formula is based on some very interesting properties of matrices. These are not widely known, and a mathematical preliminary is in order. first remark concerns matrices of the form y is a column matrix. J y r The , where Such matrices are singular because one can obviously find a similarity transformation which brings all the elements to zero except one on the diagonal: it is simply a transformation which sends V -177- into a basis vector. r r 7 Y Y r+ e The matrix has an inverse. therefore has no inverse. , where € is a diagonal matrix, As will be seen later, the many level formula comes from the properties of this inverse, in particular that it can be calculated without actually performing the inversion. Indeed, ~ ( y y r+£) X ~ where 6 ^ /+ x e ' YY e Y , (c diagonal). This curiousperperty of by multiplying (v-ioo) matrices can be proved C y Y r+ € ) very simply by its stated inverse: few simple algebraic steps yield the unit matrix! a resonance, one level on the ~R. A Near matrix will dominate and we hope to approximate YA f t A JOL + & * y isthe reduced widths col. where at £ o ^ where the contribution from will be assumed diagonal. matrix of thestate distant levels, There is fairly good justification for this approximation because the off-diagonal elements of come from many contributions of different signs, and the diagonal elements are a sum of positive terms. The slow energy dependence of Although 72 ^ ^ w i l l be neglected. can be approximated in this way, it does not mean that a good approximation to will yield a -178- good approximation to S' :This is in fact one V VT major difficulty. £ Even if 5 approaches £ o becausey y , does not exist in the y does not is singular. - 7? approaches go to The pole in the^ when j. ) matrix S -matrix, which stays unitary, well behaved and varies slowly even at the limit when the ^ -matrix, from which it is calculated, diverges. Let us compute - S in this approximation: i* " 0 e * d ) " t e + d * ) = - 1? '( y = - I f ' ' [ a ( v _ 93) jL f r* e ) ' ' ( y ? T- t e * ) L ' - ft x £ * £ ' if} r r £ " ] ( W (£ a - £ ) T+ £ ) L X * / V ' / (V-101) i+x But . . d -d * Cg*"- s~') - ( a - a ) / ^ o ^ ^ / i s a diagonal matrix, which commutes with also oL so that the notation with a fraction bar diagonal is unambiguous. d - d - - I * L. t 1 L - I L ' - L I * / u t ' m 2 £ * where the Wronskian relation (V-51) was used. ( V ' 102) Also -179- U X = / + $ r£ ' ' Z /+ ^ = K ^ + oL .. - " / » l/i^F ) JW T/ _ U ) ~ 'i l w * J r f e ' (e-E + A + I r ) ( ~ f ) <v-103> , > ? „ * 7?& d with the level shift and the level width ^ Z7- -h c ip _. 9rf J ) * (V-104) ^ &ili" and 9 1 * * * 1’ r (V-105) Putting all these results together yields the familiar many-level formula: 5 = - e ■iJ2{n. i H - — ~ i' A - E + A - i r J -* 6, £-£>£!-j/V with the above definitions of ^ The phase shift f l , A (v-106 ) and P . is given by: JL(72+cC*) ~ M-! (% + d *) (v-io7) In the form that we quoted in the introduction, (V-6), the level shift was ignored, the phase shifts 1 2 , were assumed part of the definition of and the sum over ^ states which is implicit in (V-106) (it comes from the matrix multiplication of 9 by ) was not included; this is why the many-level formula (V-106) yields (V-6) was a formula for ^ . S whereas -180- D: Reduced Electromagnetic Transition Matrix Elements: V-D-l Particles and Holes, Angular Momentum and Isospin. In dealing with the antisymmetrized wave functions of many fermions, it is convenient to use the formalism of second quantization. The state of the system is expressed as the direct product (suitably antisymmetrized) of single-particle states; the latter are divided into two classes, usually identified as "above the Fermi surface", and "below the Fermi surface", respectively. It is convenient to keep track of the ;partides above the Fermi surface, and of the unfilled single-particle states below; the latter are referred to as "the holes". These ideas are simple in principle, and the only difficulty which arises is to obtain the proper phases. In appendix V-D, the antisymmetric states, and the particle and hole creation and annihilation operators are defined, and the various phase conventions which enter in the definitions are clearly stated. No previous knowledge of the techniques of second quantization is assumed, mainly because we do not know of a suitable reference to quote; Brown's we (25) treatment parallels ours quite closely, but favor a slightly different approach. The behavior under rotations of the particle-hole states may be inferred from the transformation properties of the particle and hole creation and annihilation operators; -180- D; Reduced Electromagnetic Transition Matrix Elements: V-D-l Particles and Holes, Angular Momentum and Isospin. In dealing with the antisymmetrized wave functions of many fermions, it is convenient to use the formalism of second quantization. The state of the system is expressed as the direct product (suitably antisymmetrized) of single-particle states; the latter are divided into two classes, usually identified as "above the Fermi surface", and "below the Fermi surface", respectively. It is convenient to keep track of the :particles above the Fermi surface, and of the unfilled single-particle states below; the latter are referred to as "the holes". These ideas are simple in principle, and the only difficulty which arises is to obtain the proper phases. In appendix V-D, the antisymmetric states, and the particle and hole creation and annihilation operators are defined, and the various phase conventions which enter in the definitions are clearly stated. No previous knowledge of the techniques of second quantization is assumed, mainly because we do not know of a suitable reference to quote; Brown's we (25) treatment parallels ours quite closely, but favor a slightly different approach. The behavior under rotations of the particle-hole states may be inferred from the transformation properties of the particle and hole creation and annihilation operators; -181- the latter are as follows: P a r 72" = X £>*, M (v-io7) , g* a-/ « T5’" - 2T' 3D* 'o o tvnrmi,(%’) a- ■, 7 * J” « (v—io8) J * W % i ” p« ' ' 5 * ? R ^ ?« " ' I T ( % " • & " > v ' i o 9 ) ((v' 110> ^ represents a rotation of the system, and is the operator which transforms the initial state into the rotated state. the particle creation operator for single-particle state (°f angular momentum and projection m ) , and operator for that state; is the annihilation /■ &- and A ■ are respectively J™ the hole creation and hole annihilation operators for state J f r n ' > • The exact definition of these various operators is the object of appendix V-D. The rotation matrices are those of Messiah'( 2 )J appendix C-IV, except that he uses the latter "R" for them. We also have to distinguish between the proton creation operators and the neutron creation operators, unless we treat the proton and neutron as two states of the same particle (isospin formalism); since we only need -182- deal with one particle and one hole, it is simpler to choose to distinguish between protons and neutrons, and we shall use hats to identify the neutron operators. The one-particle one-hole states will have the form: > W crMf>' T d ' % (v-111). a g S M j . K - £ £ , / * > Tnm - 7Vrr?‘ (V - 1 1 2 ) * . where Jtp 0 « is the particle-hole vacuum. The + sign identifies the symmetric combination (corresponding to T = 0 in isospin formalism) and the - sign corresponds to the antisymmetric combination.' A many-particle one-body operator $ , in this description, becomes s . £ 5 % ) r + ;^r f> A d& n 5 %; 116 ) jJ~ ru u & en and /*•* S * where v S ^ a n d ^ S (V-114) are the proton and neutron single particle operators corresponding to S> > the operators c jC p are particle creation and annihilation operators corresponding to the situation where no Fermi surface has been introduced, and are defined in appendix -183V-D. V-D-2 Many-Particle Matrix Elements in Terms of SingleParticle Matrix Elements. In this section, we give the formulas for the I ^ f ^ evaluation of matrix elements of the form and S y ft/Z J , M , t }$*’/ Mz i > . The first case, fig. a, corresponds to a transition to the ground state, and the second ,b, represents a transition to an excited one- particle one-hole state. FERMI LEVEL (a) (b) (c) The transition to an excited configuration can occur through a particle jump (fig. b) or a hole jump (fig. c); only one jump is permitted, when the operator £ * is a one-body operator. After some tedious manipulations of the creation and annihilation operators, which are reproduced in -184- appendix V-E, we obtain K j f ' J t l t ifflC ) « x c->/(it's,) * <v- ii5) 7»r»' S~ with defined as t c - -- S '-S ” S P* S " 2 * ± . S (V-116) also * 2 * m ,™ /W z 7r?( £ } - 3 £ i-V (<**'&/>*•> J>+Jl f™l+™l+/ (~ + C -0 i £*>,;/>. < £ ' * > ' l s + 1 ' (V - 1 1 7 ) The first term of the sum corresponds to the particle jumps, and the second term to the hole jumps; S should be used when there is no change in symmetry, (-f—** -f or transition, or X S T = 0 in isospin formalism) and >— S (H is for the transitions which change the symmetry > — and — — » +• ). The term &■ .J should be -185- interpreted as follows: it is equal to one if the two single-particle states involved are the same (including principal quantum numbers which are not included here), and : i.'n ) ' ^as a similar interpretaVThe above formula is not necessarily valid if the zero otherwise. tion. initial and final states are the same. V-D-3 Elimination of the Hole. The purpose of this section is to establish the formula for the reduced matrix element of a tensor operator between two one-particle one-hole states, in terms of the reduced matrix elements of the corresponding single-particle operator. We have £ < p s /n p L (V-118) and < jkjtnsjifk‘xty - 'xhjL i f ’ i o ] * fll5'L ^ + (V - 1 1 9 ) here again, is equal to one if the holes are the same, zero otherwise', and similarly for S- . The same -186- rule applies to the use of S' or S as in section V-D-2. Formula (V-119) applies even if the initial and final L ^ O states are the same, provided . if /, =• O , however, the diagonal matrix elements include another term due to the closed shell. The derivation of these formulas is in appendix V-F. V-D-4 The Electromagnetic Multipole Operators. The operator for electromagnetic transitions introduced in section B of this chapter: was it is (Rose and Brink 2.13) •jjr ~ H J k j) = i t~ + g s V x (e e *)} (v-1 2 0 ) The various quantities appearing in this formula are defined in section B. This operator is a one-body, one- particle operator, and the many-particle operator of electro magnetic transitions for the nucleus is obtained simply by summing over all nucleons in the nucleus. • The amplitude for emission of a plane wave (A ^ Z ) is proportional to the matrix elements of this operator; the amplitudes for emission of spherical waves may be obtained by expanding /■/ in multipoles« (Rose and Brink 3.21) W y The sum runs over all integers ( /, and M , and I t * v ‘ 1 2 takes the values zero (electric transition) or one (magnetic 1 ) -187- transitions). From Rose and Brink -r< T r> / (1) we obtain the multipole operators with their correct phases : LM Electric: r <e> C a. ru*.LiLY ] ( ~ OL-OU KZl(2iH/J fjiAMc LH’ n' v - 1 2 2 ) Magnetic: -J- Cm ) « ' / S, U h LL t i * „ (s fa a ) - ( ^ V(a li l ',K) •/ (zifau/tU-n)) £ % « ; - d m V * (V-123) (1) These formulae are obtained from Rose and Brink' (3.17 final) (3.20 final) and (3.4). The small spin dependent term on the electric transitions has been neglected. The "coupling constant" of the interaction is given by the proton charge where C or the nuclear magneton is the velocity of light, of the nucleon. The symbol of the system, and H and / i Li l 'L»r1 H and m is the mass represents the Hamiltonian is the commutator of • The spherical harmonics are used here as operators. Y £~ft Their action is to multiply -188- the wave function of the nucleus (in position coordinate representation) by a function position f l of.the angular of the nucleon under consideration. Before using expression # (V-122) multipole operator / of the electric for actual computation of matrix elements, it is preferable to transform it slightly, If f i y and ff)> are respectively the initial and final states of the nucleus, we have = (Er £f)< il/iLYLHlf> The last result, where C t l x and C (v-124) are the initial <ZY)ct fc n o A energies of the system, is only valid assuming that the initial and final states have well defined energies: / J / i > = £ { /£> and /-///A- £ / / / > The energy of the gamma ray emitted, (V-125) will be equal to the energy difference between the initial and final states of the nucleus so that: This formula is valid for the calculation of matrix elements between eigenstates of the nuclear Hamiltonian only if the initial state is on the left and the finai -189- state on the right. equal" ^ We have used the sign "approximately as a reminder that the small spin dependent electric term was neglected, but no other approximation has been introduced. V-D-5 The Single-Particle Transitions The electric single-particle matrix elements are derived in appendix V-Gj we have 'f'tX/bkl f.. 1 .. (V-127) The magnetic transitions involve the sum of two parts; the "space" part is derived in'appendix V-H, whereas the "spin" part has been reserved for appendix V-I; the result is summarized below. and (V-129) -190- / with and S ^ S '= 'fa . ft number of the emitted gamma rays; k is the wave is an arbitrary constant with the dimension of length, introduced for convenience. -& and fa are the proton charge and nuclear magneton, respectively. The ~ r« > i / , and other t such operators, are defined as in (V-116); the has nothing to do with parity, but simply identifies the proton-neutron symmetry, as it does everywhere else, in this chapter. The [s l -type symbols are defined below (14) and include the center of mass corrections. : A'11(aS +C-if(z?-/)] fin. ry* & S [ & - / ) '- C-Ol] = 'A [ / - ■ a + &[/ ■-£] r = $ 1 A fit. T ™ ' f f s f L ) a rL%acc) 0.$ 8 0 ( ^ 2 , v _ i 3 0 ) 7^" c s f i t r , ) f where _ - . fa r t * “ A and H C sp **) are respectively the mass number and the atomic number of the radiating nucleus. in self-conjugate nuclei, forbidden because 7 -Or>> \ <7 j 7 ~ -0 vanishes. In particular, 8.1 transitions are -191- List of References for Chapter V (1) M.J. Rose, D.M. Brink, Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 306(1967) (2) Albert Messiah, Mecanique Quantique, DUNOD, Paris (1962) ; Quantum Mechanics, North Holland, Amster dam (3) V. Gillet, PhD Thesis, Universite de Paris (unpublised) V. Gillet and N. Vinh Mau, Nucl. Phys. 5 4 , 321 (1964) (4) B. Buck and A.D. Hill, Nucl. Phys. A95, 271 (1967) (5) M. Danos and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. 146, 708 (1966) (6) E. Boeker and C.C. Jonker, Physics Letters 6, 80 (1963) (8) J.M. Blatt and L.C. Biedenharn, Rev. Mod. Phys. 24, 258 (1952) (9) W.T. Sharp, J.M. Kennedy, B.J. Sears and M.G. Hoyle, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (Chalk River) Report CRT-556 (10) Claude Bloch, Nucl. Phys. 4, 503 (1957) (11) E. Vogt, Rev. Mod. Phys. 34, 723; Nuclear Reactions, Volume I, North Holland, Amsterdam. (12) J.M. Blatt and V.F. Weiskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Wiley, New York 1952 (13) A.M. Lane, Rev. Mod. Phys. 32, 519 -192- (14) J.M. Kennedy and W.T. Sharp, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (Chalk River) Report CRT-580 (15) E.P. Wigner and L. Eisenbud, Phys. Rev. 72, 29 (1947) (16) R. Huby, Proc. Phys. Soc. A67, 1103 (1954) (17) E.P. Wigner, Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra, Academic Press, (1959) (18) M. Rothenberg et al., The 3-j and 6-j symbols, The Technology Press (M.I.T.) (19) Biedenharn, Blatt and Rose, Rev. Mod. Phys. 24, 248 (1952) ( 20) E.P. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 70, 606 (1946) Phys. Rev. 70,; 15 (1946) ( 21) I.E. McCarthy, Introduction to Nuclear Theory, Wiley, New York (1968) (2 2 ) A.M. Lane and R.G. Thomas, Rev. Mod. Phys. 30, 257 (1558) (23) Ref. 15, p. 34, footnote #10 (24) J.S. Bell, Nucl. Phys. 1^2, 117 (1959) -193(25) G.E. Brown, Unified Theory of Nuclear Models and Forces, North Holland, Amsterdam (1967) (26) A De Shalit and I. Talmi, Nuclear Shell Theory, Academic Press, New York (1963) (28) M. Marangoni and A.M. Saruis , Nucl. Phys. A132, 649 (1969) (29) DoJ• Rowe and S.S.M. Wong, Physics Letters 3OB, 147 (1969) and 303 150 (1969) -194- CHAPTER VI CALCULATIONS OF THE B 1 1 ( p , y ) C 12 CROSS SECTIONS. -195- A: Introduction The formalism developed in the preceeding chapter constitutes a complete scheme for calculating differential cross-sections of reactions from the knowledge of the stationary states of the system. It therefore provides an extremely powerful tool in examining the results of model calculations which predict such stationary states. The theory has been developed in considerable details, omitting only material already available in standard reference books or in reliable articles; in this chapter, we pull together the various expressions and component calculations developed in the last in order to carry out the actual calculation of cross section. It is, of course, obvious that this approach is not reversible i.e. given the experimental cross-sections it is not possible to derive from these a unique description of the stationary states involved; rather we take such descriptions from model calculations and attempt to validate them through comparison of the cross-sections which correspond to them with the experimental data. The purpose of this chapter is then twofold. First ly, it is intended to provide a concrete example of a calculation carried out by these methods. This example will demonstrate that chapter V is indeed complete, from a practical point of view, and that its results are easy to use. Secondly, it is intended to provide the missing -196- link which will enable us to directly and meaningfully compare theory with experiment in C predicts a set of states for 12 17 . The theory C based on some fundamental assumptions about the nuclear structure, but a direct comparison between the electromagnetic strengths of these states and a (/,^) differential cross-section is irrelevant at best, a qualitative comparison with the total crosssection may be useful. One of the reasons is that the resonances are wide and overlapping, and interferences between states play an important role. That the resonances are wide and overlapping is clear from a comparison of the density of stationary states and the corresponding smoothness of the cross-section with energy. The importance of interference terms is proved experimentally by the fairly large odd- f? terms in the angular distribu tion : d er a n t ’ f (vi-l) In such a situation, where states and resonances (or group of states and resonances) do not correspond one-toone, the importance of stationary states is greatly decreased; however, it is still possible to predict differential cross-sections from fundamental assumptions, measure them, and compare. This way, the fundamental assumptions about the structure of a particular group of nuclei can be tested; and it is these assumptions we are -197- really interested in. It matters not that the stationary states of the system have lost much of their relevance as intermediate quantities. It still remains, in all cases where resonances and stationary states can be matched one-to-one, that the technique of using states as intermediate quantities is extremely powerful; this applies for example to low-energy nuclear reactions, (isolated resonances) analog states (sharp resonances on slowly varying background) and perhaps to cases where one single state, although not isolated, is presumed to contribute dominantly to the cross-section (the peak of the C 12 giant resonance, for example). The calculation carried out in this chapter should be thought of as only constituting an example. The method is by no means restricted to (/£>/) reactions, nor is it limited to one-particle one-hole states. However, some minor additional calculations which have not been covered in chapter V would probably have to be carried out in these other cases. In part B of this chapter, the theory of nuclear reactions developed in the preceding chapter is specialized to El, E2 and Ml transitions in C 12 following the capture of protons; only one-particle one-hole states are considered. A brief description of the numerical methods used in the computations is also given, and complete listings of the programs will be found in chapter VI-D. -198- Complete sets of calculated angular distributions and cross-sections are compiled and plotted in part C, together with experimental results, for comparison. Gillet’s wave functions are also compared with pure configurations, to see if they constitute a substantial improvement over unmixed configurations. B: Specialization of Formulae from the Theory of Nuclear It . . 1 2 Reactions to the Reaction B (p,y)C In this section, the theory developed in chapter V is specialized to produce a calculational scheme for il , the reaction B (p,y)C 12 El, Ml and E2 transitions to the ground state or any excited state of C 12 are considered. All stationary states of C^-2 are assumed pure one-particle one-hole states, with wave function given by Gillet^3-^. All channels other than nucleon channels leading to a one-hole state in the residual nucleus are neglected. The dimensions of the various quantities introduced in the theory chapter will be discussed in some details, using the following convenient system of units: Time Second Energy MeV Length Fermi Cross-Section Microbarn In this system we have -199- r fc = 197.3 MeV fermi 4 = 1.44 MeV fermi 777C2 = 938 MeV „2 = / /m U to fa /in . and VI-B-1 —4 10 fermi 2 C is the speed of light, yS the nuclear magneton; where 771 = 0.126 .MeV^fermi^2 4 are the proton mass and charge respectively. Framework for the Calculations The theory of nuclear reactions developed in the preceeding chapter is very general and essentially exact. In practice however, it is impossible to carry out numerical calculations involving an infinite number of states and channels. Our first approximation will consist in truncating the space of states and channels; this will be done in a way which is consistent with Gillet's work. Essentially, we keep all states Gillet has included in his calculations, and all channels to which these states are strongly connected. Not only do we propose to test Gillet's wave functions, but, more important, we want to test the fundamental assumptions which enter into such a calcula tion. For this reason, all the assumptions made in calculating a set of states can also be used in calculating the cross-section, and no additional approximation in principle should be made. Our intention is to stress the -200- importance of such a completely coherent scheme, from first principles to calculated cross-section. The truncation of the space of compound states involves two separate approximations. The first one consists in neglecting all states which are not oneparticle one-hole (the vacuum is also included). We are not implying that there are no other states; it is well known in fact that a 0 state exists at 7.65 MeV which is clearly not one-particle one-hole. It is simply assumed that states of a more complicated nature can be neglected with reference to the ) results. A discussion of the conditions of validity of the various assumptions and the conclusions we can draw from the results of experiment will be the object of another chapter. The second truncation consists in restricting ourselves to states of two major-shell excitations or less. These are states which in the extreme single-particle model would have energies o k c o , /£ c v and This leaves a finite-dimensional subspace, and a suitable basis for this subspace has been given in the introduction of chpater ~3~ (theory) . This approximation is expected to be fairly good, inside the nucleus, whereas neglecting many-particle many-hole states may turn out to be completely unjustified. It is not sufficient to define the subspace of states; one must also choose the eigenvectors in that space, which will be the stationary states of the system. We use the states of Gillet's "approximation I" whenever -201- possible, and pure configurations for the states which Gillet did not tabulate in his thesis. These states were obtained by taking the unperturbed energies from ♦ neighboring ..nuclei and diagonalizing a parametrized residual interaction; the parameters were obtained by fitting level positions in G1^ and 0^6 . procedure will be found in Gillet's Details of this thesis^). Since Gillet assumed charge independence of the nuclear force, the states are eigenstates of the total isospin operator; they correspond to 7”= 0 or T = 1 . 12 Also, the ground state of C ^ taken to be the pure . particle-hole vacuum. Knowledge of the states of C 12 is not sufficient to calculate cross-sections of a reaction wherein it constitutes the compound system, even in the case of gamma-ray scattering. Something must also be known of the open channels.- In the case of a ( P » y ) experiment, the knowledge of the ground state of the target nucleus is very important. The same is true to a certain extent-, in a (y ,f> ) experiment. Even this, however, does not suffice; in principle, we must know the wave functions of all the states of the fragments into which the compound system is allowed to break. This includes many possibilities; however, the one-particle one-hole states are expected to decay mostly by nucleon emission, where the excited particle is emitted, leaving the residual nucleus in a one-hole state. -202- This process may be graphically represented as follows; FERMI SURFACE (a) ' (b) It is also possible for another nucleon to be emitted, leaving the residual nucleus in a one-particle two-hole state; for example, the diagrams (c) one of the seven particles in the emitted. (c)and (d) in which (d) f p ^ subshell has been Emission of an alpha particle from C 12 is energetically possible from 7.4 MeV and would correspond to the diagrams: -203- ->a -oxxxx (e) (f) It is not possible to treat all the open channels, not only because there are too many of them, but also and mainly because the states of the residual nuclei are not known. It will prove sufficient, however, to retain only the most important channels, the other (unobserved) channels providing just a slight broadening and additional shift of the resonances. That this is so in first approximation can be seen in the Wigner many-level formula (V-106). Until we reach the two-nucleon emission threshold, at approximately thirty MeV, (above the C 12 ground state) the most important channels for decay are those of diagrams a and b. These channels certainly remain most important for one-particle one-hole states even above the two-nucleon emission threshold, the two-nucleon emission coming mostly from two-particle two-hole states. It is worth considering separately the one-particle one-hole states having a hole in and those having -204- a hole in /S^x . In the first case, the excited particle has a very substantial amount of energy and therefore will leave the nucleus quite readily. .3/2 nucleus will'consist of a hole in state. Ip The residual , which is a 3/2“ Looking at the 3/2“ states in C '* and B " see that there are two low-lying 3/2“ states; state and an excited state at about 5 MeV. expect a pure hole in of these two states; we the ground We therefore to be a linear Combination fp>^Z we have assumed in the calculations that the ground state of B 11 and c'* consist of a hole , 3/2 in ip . It is an unreasonable assumption; however, in first approximation, it will not change the results. The one-particle two-hole part of the B 11 ground state (target nucleus) will mainly contribute the formation of two-particle two-hole states in C neglecting anyway. 12 , which we are In the outgoing channels, when the energy is high enough to reach the first excited state, the particle-hole state of C 12 will decay to both the ground state and to the 3/2” excited state of B 11 and C tl The decay can also reach one-particle two-hole states of B /; and C 11 by diagram c, but the probability for this is fairly small because considerable energy is concentrated in the excited particle. The situation is somewhat different when the hole is in the 1 state. Since the hole energy 12 is about 35 MeV in C , all these states lie at fairly high energy, typically 30-50 MeV. In the region of interest, most of the energy is concentrated in the hole and -205- relatively little in the excited particles. For this reason, these states will tend to de-excite by processes of diagram at almost as readily as by those of diagram 1- . ' l In fact, because there are 8 nucleons in 3/2 Ip and only one excited nucleon, the process of diagram d easily become more important than that of could . When the nucleus deexcites through channels of type , the residual nucleus is left with a hole in !S ft which is a for / S % ^ ^ channel. Although the main strength holes lies at about 35 MeV for B n there is a * and C f/ , level in both nuclei between 6 and 7 MeV which should contain a significant portion of the /S^1 hole configuration. Therefore we always have this channel open, above 7 MeV of proton bombarding energy, and it has been taken into account. configuration in the low-lying The fraction of ^ ^ (S'/* excited states has been included in a reduced width parameter called " /s'/* hole damping” .to be discussed below. -206- VI—B-2: The States of C 12 and the Use of Gillet*s Wave Functions. 12 As a basis for the states of C Gillet has fone-particle chosen to use j-J coupled] configurations. ( one-hole These configurations are simply o = 0 Z ' O) (L C / ) & ? » tv J * L x ^ . ) K> (VI-2) where the proton creation operator C/jn L?.> creates a proton in single-particle state » *2? * v?s h ) f ! s ™ s> (VI-3) n>4,rrjs «Af and the neutron creation operator CL. • tjr * neutron in the same single particle state. are the corresponding hole operators. to the T= 0 states and the — The creates a The O 's sign refers sign to the 7~=1 states. A more complete definition of these configurations, including phase conventions, will be found in appendix VI—B . The best way of visualizing these configurations is to simply think of them as being antisymmetrized direct products of single-particle states; the creation -207- operators constitue a shorthand notation for Slater determinants. It is somewhat difficult to understand'Gillet*s notations and phase conventions, and all the detailed work involved will be found m eigenstates of C appendix VI-C.' The as calculated by Gillet can be’ expressed in terms of the configurations defined above, and Gillet's tabulated particle-hole amplitudes. (See tables 6.1 - 6.6 in ref. 1 and tables 10 - 13 in ref. 10; ref. 1 is more complete). We have: (VI-4) where J / A 'J f f 'f ' is state number A of total angular momentum * , projection M • It has parity 7*(Tf= 0 for even parity IT * ~ 1 for odd parity) and proton-neutron exchange symmetry V- ( 7"*= 0)* Similarly, / X J is antisymmetric under' . proton-neutron exchange ( 7”= 1). by Gillet. are the amplitudes tabulated . , - 3/2 For example, the amplitude of the i p configuration in the second / ( T - 0) state, predicted by Gillet at 12.3 MeV, is (table 6.2, ref. 1, or ref. 10 table 11) -208- Establishing formula VI-4 with the correct phases required a careful analysis of Gillet's phase conventions, and the detailed work involved is the object of appendix * VI-C. Appendices VI-A and VI-B are prerequisites for Appendix VI-C; appendix VI-A establishes the general formula for conversion from the proton-neutron scheme into isospin formalism, and appendix VI-B is an exact definition of our standard single-particle states. VI-B-3 The Nuclear Potential In order to compute the nucleon reduced widths, a 12 shell-model approach similar to the method of Lane was used; this involves the concept of an average nuclear potential. The reduced widths are related to the value of the radial wave functions at a certain distance from the center of mass, and therefore are relatively sensitive to the details of the surface of the nuclear potential. For this reason, a realistic nuclear potential was chosen, and the radial wave function obtained by numerical methods. A realistic nuclear potential for C 12 is the so-called "modified Gaussian potential" which fits very well Fregeau’s (13) electron scattering data. Assuming the density of nuclear matter to be proportional to the density of charge, we would expect a nuclear potential of the same form, -209- F ig. V H -1: R ea listic m odified gaussian potential fo r C ^ : ( 2 ) fo r proton s. (3 ) rep resen ts the Coulom b repulsion potential. ( 1 ) fo r neutrons; -210- F ig. VI-2 : r tim es the radial wave functions o f the s in g le -p a rticle states in the neutron potential o f fig. V I-1 ; these radial wave functions (for the unbound sta tes) have been defined by requ irin g a log. derivative of -1 at r=4. 5 ferm i. The s in g le -p a rticle en ergies a re also given. -211- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 - 0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Fig. VI-2 : r tim es o f the proton potential o f fig. sta tes) have been defined by The s in g le -p a rticle en ergies the radial wave functions o f the s in g le -p a rticle states V I - 1 ; these radial wave functions (fo r the unbound requ irin g a log. derivative o f -1 ar r = 4. 5 ferm i. a re a lso given. < J ^ J (*+*) (24 ) Fig : 2 -212- (VI-5) The constant..!^ has been determined to be 65 MeV by requiring that the if 1 state be bound, and have a binding energy of approximately 10 MeV for neutrons. This was done for consistency with Gillet's experimentally determined hole energies. (Gillet^1 ) fig. 4.2) Protons were assumed to move in the same nuclear potential as the neutrons, and the Coulomb repulsion originating in the modified Gaussian charge distribution was added.Fig. VI-7 shows the total proton and neutron potentials. VI-B-4 Radial Wave Functions If is a radial wave function corresponding to orbital angular momentum quantum number , and fo C S l) 5 S I U ^ C A ) we have (VI-6) A 2 £ = 0. 6 ¥ 4 / m m i 2 P e l/" (VI - 7) is the energy of the particle in the potential. The radial wave functions are further defined by two boundary conditions: finiteness at / l - 0 is one of them, and the other condition depends on whether the particle is bound -213- or not. If the particle is bound, the condition is that goes to zero when yj, increases to infinity. If the particle is not bound, the condition is that at an arbitrary value of derivative of £ ^ (4 .) j i, , say yz =• 7 ? the logarithmic have a definite value 7% i /U'flg) = 4' or equivalently 3 ? K 'c r a a ' <VI-®> , , ‘ 7^. was chosen immediately outside the nuclear potential, at 4.5 fermi; for larger values of / I , neutrons can be considered free, and protons interact with the residual nucleus through electrostatic forces only. of ^ This value = 4.5 fermi has therefore been chosen as the channel radius in all the channels. No other value of has been tried with the modified Gaussian potential, and 7^ is thus not a fitting parameter. The constant bc is called the boundary condition parameter, and bc - -1 corresponds very closely to a vanishing level shift; this means that if the states satisfy the boundary condition with 6= -1, the center of a resonance will occur near the eigenvalue £ of the corresponding eigenstate. Since the energies for the 12 states of C have been determined by Gillet from empirical one-particle and one-hole energies, they correspond to the resonance energies; this means that for consistency, we -214- should minimize level shifts. For this reason, we have set in all channels = V .-5 and we already had tTru (VI-9) For each value of-/ we thus obtain an infinite number of radial wave functions, corresponding to 0,1,2-nodes. when When 72 = 0 we label them / s , / = 1, we use write (ft, the notation where 72 2s , 3s, Z j> , 3 f> ,. etc.; — - and is the principal quantum number, and is equal to the number of nodes plus one. The differential equation has been solved numerically by performing the change of variables - A * * ' CiSg (VI-10) which yields with the boundary condition at zero (starting values) __ CufaCo) - o Cis€ Co) The differential equation for = / (VI-1 2 ) was integrated numerically and we searched for the values of 2 : boundary condition at when £2o which satisfied the and at ^ when £~ )> o , Fig. VI-2 and VI-3 show the radial wave functions obtained, and the corresponding single-particle energies. These single-particle energies agree well with the empirical data -215- used by Gillet, except that we do not have the experimentally observed -E 'S splitting, since no spin-orbit force was included in the potential. The 2 /> state is also sub♦ stantially higher in Gillet*s work, but these slight differences are not very important. Some degree of inconsistency is unavoidable, because Gillet used harmonic oscillator wave functions ana empirical single-particle energies, instead of obtaining both wave functions and energies from a realistic potential; however, by using a realistic potential well (which agrees closely with the empirical energies) to calculate the reduced widths, the inconsistencies are reduced to a minimum. situation can be summarized as follows : In fact, the Gillet used poor radial wave function (harmonic oscillator) to evaluate the residual interaction, and we may expect his wave functions to be fairly inaccurate. It turns out, however, that the calculated cross sections are much more sensitive to a change in reduced widths than they are to a change in the wave functions; in fact, at the end of this chapter, results obtained with Gillet*s wave functions are compared with results corresponding to pure tions. coupled configura Except for details, the predicted cross-sections and angular distributions are essentially the same. This has very important consequences for calcula tions of the type of B r o w n a n d of G i l l e t ^ ^ 3-0^ and they will be discussed in details in another chapter. -216- VI-3-5: Radial Matrix Elements The normalization of the radial wave functions was performed numerically; we have (VI-13) The wave functions therefore have dimension -3/2 (length) . For the electromagnetic transition matrix elements we need to evaluate the integrals -a where b of length. ~ ™ (VI-14) is an arbitrary parameter having dimensions For electric dipole transitions we have (VI-15) and for electric quadrupole radiation, £ 2 : 1 1 L ’ Z i - t - 4 ' / * O o* Z (vi-16) The other integrals do not vanish, but they are not needed in the calculations. These radial integrals have been obtained numerically and they are given in table VI—1 for a value of & = /£/ fermi. It is not a good approximation to use harmonic oscillator wave functions to compute the electromagnetic transition matrix elements; Gillet hoped that these matrix elements would depend on the whole volume, of the nucleus and not be affected too much by the fact that harmonic -217- L= 1 1s If 2 s 2 1.05 1s Ip Id IP 0.18 1.41 1.05 Id p 1.41 -0 .9 5 2 .0 4 • -1.32 2 .04 If 2 s 2 p 1.76 -0 .9 5 0 .1 8 1.76 -1.32 (a) CVJ it _J Is 1S i.n 1.37 If s 2 p s 2 - 1.25 -4.10 -4 .2 7 5 .1 0 4 .4 0 -4 .1 0 -4 .2 7 -1.25 4 .4 0 (b) a) R adial integrals fo r E l transition s. b) R adial integrals fo r E2 transitions. They a re defined as: >. * Ju » i un<eM(i) with >P = 4. 5 fe r m i, v T A B L E VI-1 p -0 .8 6 4 . 17 -0 .8 6 2 2.51 2.51 2 If 1.37 2.13 IP Id Id IP A ’a ^ = 1 .6 1 ferm i. oscillator wave functions are a bad approximation near This is true for M l the surface. but for £ / transitions, of course, transitions, discrepancies are typically * 20% and for £2, transitions they can be as high as 60%. This can make a difference of more than a factor of two in the cross-section, and can completely change the angular distribution. The radial integrals given in table VI-1 are those for the proton states. Since the neutron results do not differ appreciably from the proton results, and because almost all the electromagnetic radiation comes from protons, we have used the proton radial integrals exclusively. Introducing different proton and neutron radial wave functions would be inconsistent with our treatment of the isospin as a good quantum number; we have neglected all Coulomb forces so far, inside the nucleus. The fact that the radial integrals for protons and neutrons are nearly equal confirms that the approximation is good. VI-B-6: Reduced Widths and Boundary Value Parameters. The calculation of the reduced widths is in principle extremely difficult. The reduced widths are defined in -219- and the scalar product C c ,A \ is an overlap integral between the channel wave function of function of / /C ) and the wave , performed over the channel surface * defined by A c Consider C nucleon channel, 12 in some shell-model state; for a /lc is just the distance between that nucleon and the center of mass of the rest of the nucleus. /c) is the direct product of the state of 11 nucleons corresponding to an eigenstate of the residual nucleus <B" or C n ) which defines the channel region, and a spinangular wave function of relative motion for the pair of fragments. The channel states ! c ) have little to do with the shell model, except perhaps when we represent the state of the residual nucleus by a shell-model state. We can always assume that M^> is given as a linear combination of configurations (direct products of single-particle states); this is perfectly general. If is a shell model state, these single-particle states are eigenstates.of a particle in an average potential and only contains a finite number number) of configurations. /A> (usually a~very restricted It is important to understand that the shell model assumptions are really the truncation of the basis of configurations and the introduction of phenomenological "residual" interactions, and not the introduction of an average potential. There lies its \ real weakness, and we shall see that the shell model breaks down completely in the calculation of some reduced widths. -220- Let the shell model state //> be given as /a > = where represents pure configurations, * that is to say, simple direct- products of single-particle states coupled to good angular momentum. of a state //> To evaluate the reduced width into a channel /c ) it is sufficient to know the reduced widths of the configurations into channel j c ) ; indeed, f a c ? = f a ^ (VI-18) Therefore, we will restrict the discussion to the scalar products Cc/fi)> . Also, in order to see more clearly the essential features, we will assume the configurations to be simply the direct product of an 11-nucleon configura tion ! f in ) coupled to good angular momentum, with a one- nucleon state in coupling, /f i ) ~ j f f iX . Thus f i n ) } fit) Here, the nucleon involved in ( f i P ( vi - i 9 ) is the one which consti tutes one of the fragments in channel /C) ; thought of as constituting the core, and particle. In practice, the states ( f i „ ) and could be the extra jf iP would be coupled to good angular momentum, but this will be avoided here, to keep the discussion as simple as possible. In a similar way, the channel state / ) can be written -221- as the direct product of the internal states of both fragments with the state of orbital relative motion. In this case, one of the fragments is a nucleon, and its wave * function reduces to just a spin state (and i?ospin state if isospin formalism was used). It is convenient to couple the spin of that nucleon with the orbital angular momentum of relative motion, but as previously, we shall momentarily refrain from coupling the result with the angular momentum of the residual nucleus. Therefore we write /C ) - H > H jm ) (VI-20) where //^ is the 11-nucleon state of the residual nucleus in channel /c) , a n d t h e result of coupling the spin state of the nucleon fragment with the relative motion's orbital angular momentum. <?//> = The scalar product-becomes C * / i» / a The first term vanishes if (v 1 _ 21) '> < i / A . > and U jj r n ') do not involve- the same particle, or if the single-particle state !/& ,) does not correspond to angular momenta state /y ,y fy * * 7 • Otherwise, the is nothing but the direct product of /■ P jm ) with a radial wave function. //O = U p (A ) U p *> - U ^C a ) (VI-22) If we have been careful to define all the phases consistent ly, the radial wave function will be identical with A -222- the radial part of /A ^ , otherwise, it may differ by a phase. The second term in the equation above, < Z T /A n A , simply expresses the probability amplitude that the state /A ff A made by pulling a nucleon out of the 12- nucleon state / f t ) of C 11 or B /; , will look like the eigenstate / I ) ; Some knowledge of the wave functions of and B n the states of will have to be assumed in order to calculate the reduced widths. The only other quantity needed is the value of the radial wave function at , which is simply U g C^c X • -3/2 The dimension . of (1 < /) is (length) as can the channel radius ^ be seen easily from our normalization /P f ‘ and therefore U > ) ' lc U = I (VI-23 ) has dimension (Energy)^. The constants in equation (V-83) can be evaluated; ^ = A c e (2 7 > te c ? z y f‘ < r / A > ? ? U s ( z ) - 2 .2 * 7 < r /A > X (vi-24) where we have taken the reduced mass 7^- 4.5 fermi and c {/■ *(% .) is in fermi A v 7?7^ — 3 /2 . = 857 MeV, The reduced it widths are then obtained in MeV^. This equation cannot be used as it stands, because we have not expanded our states /A ) configurations Ifi) in terms of the just discussed, but in terms of configurations of good total angular momentum, and we -223- have taken the symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of proton and neutron particle-hole states. When the formula is modified to take these facts into consideration, we obtain " the -f HX-2S) 7 F " ? sign always applies, unless JS is an antisymmetric configuration and / X y and C is a neutron channel. involve the same particles and the same projection of angular momentum. given by the above formula only if Finally, y c is C have and the same total angular momentum; otherwise, Y vanishes. Having obtained these very important preliminary results, we discuss the validity of using such an approach to compute reduced widths. We hope to demonstrate that the shell-model breaks down in at least two different ways when we try to use it to evaluate reduced widths, as we have done above. This discussion will be important for understanding the limits of validity of our calculations", and although at the moment we can offer no simple solution to alleviate the problem involved, we hope that these will be solved in the near future. It is relatively easy to deal with an example, and one-particle one-hole states in 12 C will be used to illustrate the difficulties. Let us examine one of the low-lying T = 0 states below the proton and neutron tresholds, for instance the first excited -224- state, which is a 2^" state. This state is predicted by a particle-hole calculation to be mostly a if * /P state, with small admixtures of higher configurations. These small admixtures of other configurations are ob tained by diagonalizing a Hamiltonian which is the sum of an unperturbed Hamiltonian and a so-called "residual interaction". The effect of the residual interaction is to pull down the energy of some states from their unper turbed values, and in this way, one hopes to reproduce the experimental energy spectra. The way in which this is accomplished involves mixing the higher configurations with the low lying configurations. It is quite probable that the procedure substantially improves the wave function inside the nucleus, but the end result is to make the wave function near the surface completely wrong. This occurs even in the case where- a realistic finite-walled potential has been used; we shall not bother to talk about the harmonic oscillator potential, which is totally inadequate for dealing with the unbound states. (In C 12 only a few states are bound, anyway). That the wave function near the surface is completely wrong is quite obvious. Since the state we are now dealing with is a low lying bound state, all the nucleon channels are closed and the radial wave function of relative motion is exponentially decreasing with X tQ vanish. . All the reduced widths But if we try to compute the reduced widths, using -225- the approach outlined above, we find that the radial wave function in the nucleon channels is far from decreasing exponentially. It is true that the part of the wave function corresponding to the /f a 2 / f a z configuration leads to exponential decrease in the nucleon channels, because the /f a radial wave function is bound, but all the higher configurations mixed in, / f a *^* / for example, lead to oscillatory behavior in the nucleon channels, and they all lead to non-vanishing reduced widths. reach a contradiction: Therefore we those same parts of the wave function which were used to pull down the energy of the state below the proton and neutron thresholds also enable it to decay, when in fact it has become energetically impossible; the admixtures which improve the wave function inside the nucleus serve to make it completely wrong, even qualitatively, near the surface. We would like to stress the fundamental reasons why this contradiction occurs, and try to show both a physical picture of the situation and the mathematical mechanisms which come into play. Dealing with the physical picture first, we see that when one of the nucleons reaches the surface of the nucleus, the representative point in configuration space approaches a set of channel regions, each channel region corresponding to an eigenstate of the residual nucleus. As the nucleon N leaves the residual nucleus, we penetrate into the various channel regions, and in each region the residual nucleus is in an eigenstate of energy. What will determine whether -226- a given region is closed or open is just the difference between the total energy of the system, and the sum of the nucleon rest mass and the energy of the eigenstate of the residual nucleus corresponding to the region in question; this difference is the energy available for the relative motion of the two fragments. If this energy is positive, the corresponding channels are open; if this energy is negative, the radial wave functions of relative motion decay exponentially in these channels. This means that what happens near the channel surface in configuration space really depends on the properties of the states of the residual nucleus, more than on the properties of the states of the' compound system. As we would have expected, as soon as one nucleon moves away from the nucleus, the average field to which it was contributing simply starts to collapse. Mathematically speaking, since the expansion in terms of shell-model states is complete, we could still treat the nuclear surface with particle-hole formalism; however, in order to obtain a correctly closed channel ~ (for bound states) when higher energy configurations are included, it will obviously take an infinite number of terms with the correct relative phases. This is analogous to the expansion of the function a u -* “ / l" X + -g j - X3 -jy (VI-26) \ which goes to zero exponentially as x increases, although -227- each of the terms in the expansion goes to infinity in absolute value. :finite number Obviously, if we were to keep only a of terms in the expansion, the function * would go to t 00 when X increases. Consider the shell model's one-particle - one-hole expansion of two major-shell excitation or less, as used by Gillet; In the channels where we know from simple energy considerations that the wave function must decrease exponentially when / l „ goes to infinity, we have only one or two terms in the expansion, and they have oscillating behavior. For the same reason -X that we need an infinity of terms in -6 , we also, strictly speaking would require an infinity of terms in the shell model. In practice, of course, we would be quite happy with enough terms to provide a reasonable approximation near the surface. But these higher terms could only be obtained by studying the properties of the surface, not by fitting level positions, which are mainly dependent on the bulk of the nucleus. When discussing the "surface" we have made no great distinction between the physical surface of the -7 nucleus and the channel surface in configuration space; it is hoped that we have not created confusion, since we have been talking mostly about nucleon channels, and the channel surface in configuration space then corresponds to one of the nucleons being at the physical nuclear surface Thus the surface region corresponds to the nuclear surface, in a sense. The fundamental distinction nevertheless exists -228- There is another important case which arises, and which will prove to be very important in calculating the B // , (Jt>j y f )C 12 cross-section from Gillet's wave functions: it is the case of states above the nucleon'emission threshold but close to it. Essentially, the same type of problem arises; the particle-hole state is a poor approxi mation near the channel surface. the channel regions, Again, when we go near we find that the wave function splits into the various channel regions corresponding to the eigenstates of the residual nucleus; the residual nucleus rearranges itself, and the wave function will oscillate in some channels while it will exponentially decay in most of them. We choose the case which is the most important for these calculations, as an illustration; it is the ( / S ~ ^ )1 ( 7~-l) state, predicted by Gillet to be mixed mainly with the ( /£> ^ configuration. ) The admixture of other configurations is very small and will be neglected in this discussion, al though the calculations take it into account. According to our formula for the reduced widths, the conf. ( / S ' ^ 1 is bound. This is because particles in the / s and / p shell are bound, in a realistic average potential for C 12 This means that the state Gillet predicted at 33.8 MeV ,3/z would have a very small reduced width , coming from its / -^ / 2 ( /p f< Z )1 admixture. )/ If calculations are performed according to these reduced widths, a narrow resonance (of the order of several hundred keV wide) with a peak cross-section well exceeding the observed giant . -229- resonance is produced. The situation here is the same as for analog states; the state is formed through a small impurity; it can decay by particle emission only through * this small impurity, but it will strongly gamma-decay 12 to the ground state of C . Thus a very narrow and intense resonance is produced, a compound nucleus type resonance over the direct reaction background. This phenomenon was not observed experimentally , and there may be.several reasons for this, but in the light of our preceeding dis cussion it would be advisable to reconsider the calculation of the reduced widths. In particular, the reduced widths of the configuration ( no sense. )1” certainly make There are some 20 MeV available above the particle emission threshold, and it is clear that not only can the /l A /p particles as well. particle escape, but so can the tip /'1 Ip This is because as soon as one of the particles gets near the surface, the highly strained residual nucleus will collapse; or in quantum-mechanical terms, the wave function in that region of configuration' space will become that of a linear combination of residual nucleus states with a nucleon orbiting around, and many of the corresponding channels will be open. What this proves again is that for a particle-hole expansion to be useful near the surface we must include a very great number of terms. \ an almost pure ( /S ~ ^ Z It is not possible to have / /> )1~ state standing around -230- 20 MeV above the threshold. However, we may assume that this approximation is fairly accurate inside the nucleus, and try to estimate the reduced widths from the time the nucleons spend at the periphery of the nucleus. When the /p /p nucleon or any of the nucleons arrives near the nuclear surface, we have seen that the rest of the nucleons may rearrange themselves and this nucleon may then leave through a ij/2. p /j% /> or a channel. The probability that this will occur depends oh the scalar / S 'A product between the one-hole in or one-particle two-hole state left behind, and the eigenstates of the residual nuclei corresponding to the open channels. In principle, all these open channels should be considered individually in the 7 ft -matrix; the channels which / 3 /2 /fa correspond to the emission of a as important as the /t'/z /p nucleon may be nucleon channel, and since //V2 there are 8 nucleons in the enhancement by a factor of 8. /P shell, we get an Since the outgoing protons and neutrons are not observed in a ( f a i t f ) experiment, the main effect of these open channels will be to increase / 'A the total widths of the states with a hole in the IS state, if we assume the many-level formula to hold approximately. For this reason, instead of including separately all the channels leading to the excited states of C we have included only two (for each spin): leading to the lowest-lying respectively. // and B it , the channels Zz ^ states of C 7 and B n For the value of the radial wave function -231- CB: ) which enters the formula (Jan. 21 p & we have used the value of the / f i wave function at ^ ^ = 4.5 fermis. ) bound state radial The justification * for this is..that while the nucleon is still'within the residual nucleus, we may hope that its radial wave function will be fairly accurate; at 4.5 fermis, when it is just leaving the influence of the nuclear potential, it will go into wide oscillations corresponding to the energy available for the relative motion in the various channels. -232- Two additional factors must be taken into account; , L 3/2. one is the enhancement due to the eight ! p particles, which we are not including explicitly, and the other is the overlaps <?T (ft, } between the states of,the residual nuclei and the state formed by pulling a nucleon out of the given C 12 //> ^ z or f one-particle one-hole state. Grossly speaking, the enhancement is expected to bring a factor of three. (nine nucleons instead of one) in the reduced width; the effect of the various scalar products JJ is more difficult to determine, and the effect of artificially giving all the width to the !/> nucleon is also very difficult to estimate, except that we can be certain that the effect will be to reduce the effective //5 ^ width. Following this discussion, we have used for the reduced widths of all the states which involve a hole in the /S shell: Ypc = " ^ (VI-27) When the parameter CO is varied within reasonable limits, i.e. from 0 to 3, the only important effect is to change the contribution 6f the 1~ state at 33.8 MeV. At C 0=0 the resonance is very narrow and the peak cross-section is of the order of 300 y t f - barns; for CO = 3, the resonance disappears completely. for C O - 1 and The calculations have been plotted CO = 2.8; it is felt that a reasonable value of CO should fall between these two extremes. -233- The calculation of the other widths, however, is very sound; the 2s , /d , / / ’ and. Z p reduced widths are expected to be quite accurately given by formula (VI-25). ♦ The reduced widths for proton channels are somewhat larger than those of neutron channels; this is to be expected, because of the additional Coulomb repulsion for the protons. Thus we would expect a slightly higher cross- section for ty ,p ) than for { y n ); this is in qualitiative agreement with experiment. There is also the slightly higher energy available for proton decay, which favors the protons. Since Gillet has neglected the Coulomb forces and assumed isospin independence of nuclear forces, we have neglected the slight difference (5% or less) between the calculated proton and neutron widths; the proton channels being much more important for us than the neutron channels, we have used the calculated proton widths for all the nucleon widths. These values of the reduced widths correspond to a boundary value Ip and Z .S . parameter b, - -1, in channels fd , / / \ . The boundary value parameters have been chosen at -1, because it corresponds to the situation where the energy of the eigenstate is equal to the ob served resonance energy; since Gillet took the unper turbed energies from experiment and fitted position of resonances in C 12 , in order to use bis level energies we must use the boundary condition bound states, js and //> /) - -1. For the , the situation is somewhat -234- different. There is no configuration with a f s particle, since the whole I s single-particle level lies below the and all the / S Fermi surface, particles have been treated as truly bound; therefore no problem arises. /p The single-particle states, however, have a non-vanishing width, as discussed above; however, to estimate because the radial / jb this width wave function is not known accurately near the channel surface 7? - matrix theory assumes that all states / tA is difficult . Because which feed channel will have the same logarithmic derivative in that channel (i.e. satisfy the boundary condition) we need a logarithmic derivative of -1 for £/■ zero logarithmic derivative for CC(Ae ) that the //> ^ or a • we assume bound state in the realistic potential well of fig. VI-2 and of fig. VI-3 is fairly accurate inside the nucleus, then the radial wave function satisfying the boundary condition will have a value at than the bound /p different energy. slightly higher radial wave function, and a slightly Therefore, all the relevant reduced widths have been obtained accurately, except for the Ip widths which we have under-estimated by using the value of the bound state. This will have an effect on the low-lying states which contain the ( / ) configuration; these states lie below or just above the nucleon threshold, and . / the above approximation should be very bad. '/* The lf> widths also influence the states containing the ( / S ^ ) -235- configuration, but for these states the parameter CO intro duced above will also include the uncertainty in the value of the radial wave function near 7? C ♦ The reduced widths used in the calculations are as follows: SINGLE PARTICLE STATE / (MeV 1/2 ) IP 0 . 4 2 7 (or 0.427cu) Id 1. 45 0 If 1.85 0 2s 1.638 2p 1.8 8 3 VI-B-8: Electromagnetic Single-Particle Matrix Elements. Following (V-127) the electric dipole and quadrupole operators are - i '**’* ( H o ) { $ 4 s } (ki) ' {oTo} * “»■? d ) * 1*- & '% } T 777 ( ^ Ja»* ' (VI-29) -236- <5 = 1/2, Here b of length; we used used for for b - 1.61 fermi; the upper constant is (no change in 7~~) and the lower constant * “ 7 [ < e > ~ •( A T = dimension is an arbitrary constant with dimensions ± / ). The matrix elements have MeV*5 fermi*5 , since everything is dimensionless in the formula (V-127),except the electric charge of the proton JL = 1 . 2 (MeV. )^ . The only energy dependent term is ( & b ) . . Therefore, it is convenient to evaluate the energy independent terms once and store them; the matrix elements are easily obtained at any energy by multiplication with )• The space and spin parts of the magnetic transition operators are' obtained from (V-128) and (V-129) respective ly. & j l & /)p s + e l°p % } <xp/TL<m>t(s^)/i^'y° :* 7 I r ■(vi-3o) ( U V k *<*• £ * • The notations are the same as above. (VI-31) The sign factor in front of the space and spin parts are not the same. The u matrix elements will have units (MeV fermi)'2 , provided the wave number k , of the gamma ray is expressed in fermi-3-, -237- Computation of the "R -Matrix. VI-B-9 The 7? -Matrix is easily computed from its definition (V-91) _ *5” ' Efac Yac ' nc c ' ~ £ £ a-£ ~rp In a representation where the channels have good angular momentum and parity, the -Matrix elements corresponding to two channels of different angular momentum or parity will vanish. For this reason the 7 2 -Matrix can be con sidered as a set of non-zero sub-matrices along the diagonal. Each sub-matrix will be called a block; a block thus corresponds to given angular momentum J" , its projection M and parity and I f but different M If . Two blocks with the same (7 are identical and we need to keep track of the M = 0 blocks only; the Blatt and Biedenharn formula will take care of the sum over magnetic quantum numbers. It will be necessary in practice to avoid computing the 7P -Matrix at the poles. We have found however that it is possible to carry out calculations very near the poles, even if the matrix to invert becomes nearly singular. We have performed all this part of the calculations using double precision, expecting some difficulties, but we feel that single precision would probably have been adequate. Since the reduced widths the Y 0AC ^ -Matrix is dimensionless. u have dimension (Energy) , As everywhere else in the calculations, we have used 1 MeV as the energy unit. -238- VI-B-10: Phase Shifts and Penetrabilities.' The phase shifts and penetrabilities which enter the many-level formula are taken into accobnt in the channel vector of defined as (V-93) where = L d ,I L , b b and I I-hJ are diagonal matrices in channel space; is the boundary condition parameter in channel C , * introduced in (V-68)^./and I were defined in (V-81): they are respectively the value and the derivative of the incoming radial wave function in channel C f evaluated at the channel radius and multiplied by a constant. We obtain for charged particle channels: ( £ * * '< * ) r 4 * ~ w - 4 ” % 5 - 4c- 4cc i ( W € ( V I - 32) iG j) (vi-33) — S e '-> £ . b T* - & ( £ t ± £ ) (vi-34, <4 + 1 Ft The prime means derivative with respect to the argument which is defined by fc 3 , where number of relative motion in channel C . k , is the wave and Gg are the regular and irregular Coulomb Functions of order -jf where J ! is the orbital angular momentum quantum number of relative motion in channel C ; they are evaluated at the -239- following value of their arguments: £ ?/ 2 A ir ^ ^ where Azp __ Q .7 P 9 yzp (VI-35) JT P ^ is the energy of the protons in the laboratory, (Only valid for channels consisting of B 7/ in MeV. and proton fragments, of course). The Coulomb phase shifts G l are defined by (&j>i)(-e-i-nn).... f/s ° /(lfiy )(l-!+ iy ) — ( u i y ) l (VI-36) For the neutron channels, the formulae are similar: 4 Tcc * - ( t t y * (vi- 37) bc c - t - e c ( ? i ± ± ^ ) <tc c r / The regular and irregular spherical Besselfunctions^ and ?2g (Messiah* s^8 ^ definition) are evaluated at Q kc where s is the wave number of relative motion and ^ * the channel radius. VI-B-11: Calculation of Transfer Matrix T . The transfer matrix is computed from the expressioni (V-94) ^ EE e fe + n c r-ta *)) L -240- where y j is a row matrix in channel space; are diagonal matrices. 1 , c i and £ A , for each value of Thus is a column matrix in channel space, with dimensions of t (time)35. All the quantities involved have already been intro duced, and it is just a matter of numerically inverting a matrix and multiplying a few matrices together. behavior of 7^ near a pole is rather interesting. though the diagonal elements of L the poles and the matrix the unit matrix cause The 1 ) do not go to zero near { ‘K + d ) , the denominator ( VJ* to have a pole near £ Al - £ a does not approach - Zz ) does not In fact, 7-is very well behaved near the poles, even though it is not defined at the poles themselves. The transfer matrix is computed by blocks like the - R -Matrix, one block corresponding to a given value of total angular momentum C7" and parity 'ftJ (and M = 0). V-B-12t Reaction Amplitudes and the S - M atrix. The reaction amplitude transition t corresponding to a was defined (V-C3) as The matrix elements between pure configurations were com puted from the single-particle matrix elements using (V-118) or (V-119). From the knowledge of the wave functions of the initial and final states the matrix ele- ments between states were deduced. Jt is dimensionless, since the matrix element has dimensions (Energy • length)^ dimensions (time) 2. Here, k. and the transfer matrix has is the wave number of the gamma ray. After performing the -Jhove matrix multiplication, the transition amplitudes may be summed over the intermediate state A , yielding elements of the augmented S -Matrix (not the nuclear S -Matrix, but those elements for which one channel involves two nuclear fragments and the other involves a gamma ray) which we have also called "contracted transition" amplitudes. The only step left is the sum over transition pairs of the Blatt and Biedenharn formula. When performing the sum over states A to obtain the amplitudes for contracted transitions, we calculate the relative importance of each state in contributing to the amplitude, and compute the phase (amplitudes are complex numbers) with which it contributes. These are printed when requested, and they permit to determine the states which contribute at any given energy, and their relative importance. VI-B-13; The Blatt and Biedenharn Formula. The last step, which yields the cross-section and angular distribution is accomplished with the Blatt and Biedenharn Formula: -242rCF) t where the coefficients are given in (V-42). In Cw this formula, kc is the wave number of relative motion in the incoming channels. ♦ The computer program computes the angular distri bution coefficients , also called anisotropy coefficients, Sir. d • fl c and the total cross-section ' ^ to t ~ The relative contributions of all the transition pairs to A the coefficients and the total cross-section G ^-a r are also computed when requested. Thus, at any given energy, the contribution of any incoming wave and outgoing multipole can be clearly determined. C: The Results of the Calculations. Figs. VI-4 to VI-9 show a comparison of the calculated cross-sections and angular distribution coefficients with the experimental results. Eelow 28.8 MeV excitation (14 MeV incident proton energy) the data are those of Allas et a l . ^ ^ . Their work is the most recent and most / detailed study of the reaction B (/^y )c 12 in this energy region; however, as discussed in other chapters of the present thesis, the absolute magnitude of the total cross section has probably been overestimated by as much as 50%. Above 28.8 MeV, the experimental results reported are ours . In the total cross-sections, the error bars have been omitted, because they are approximately of the size of the data points shown. For the angular distribution coefficients, EXCITATION ENERGY , MeV A ll the resu lts of calculations presented in figu res V I-4 to V I-9 are based on G ille t's " approxim ation 1 " o n e -p a rticle on e-h ole wave functions. 20 22 24 26 28 EXCITATION 30 ENERGY 32 34 36 38 , MeV Fig. V I-4: The data below 28. 8 M eV a re from A lla s et al; those above 28. 8 M eV are ou rs. The heavy line corresp on d s to o5= 2 . 8 and the faint line c o r responds to 0 5 = 1 . 0 , where oi is the damping param eter defined in the text. No other param eter is involved in the calculations. The experim ental c r o s s section is probably low er than is shown h ere, by a fa ctor o f approxim ately 1 . 5, as d is cu ssed in the text, so that the calculated c r o s s section does not agree with exp e rim ent as w ell as the figure suggests. -244- EXCITATION ENERGY , MeV Fig. V I-5: These figures show the angular distribution coefficients A 1? A and A fo r the y ^ transition. The heavy line and faint line rep resen t w =2. 8 and co= l. 0 as in fig V I-4. The data below 28. 8 M eV a re from A lla s et a l, and those above 28. 8 M eV a re ou rs. -245- EXCITATION EXCITATION E N E R G Y , MeV E N E R G Y , MeV F ig. V I- 6 : The data below 28. 8 M eV a re from A lla s et a l, and the data above this energy are those rep orted herein. The heavy and faint lines a re the resu lts o f c a l culations fo r oo=2. 8 and oo=l. 0 re sp e ctiv e ly , as in fig V I-4. No other param eter is involved in the calculations. The absolute magnitude of the experim ental c r o s s section shown here is probably ov er-e stim a te d by a factor o f approxim ately 1. 5, as noted in the text. EXCITATION ENERGY . MeV F ig. V I-7 : Angular distribution coefficien ts for the y transition: A , A 3> and A^. The data below 28. 8 M eV a re from A llas et a l, and those above 28. 8 M eV are ou rs. The calculations w ere p erform ed fo r 60=2. 8 (heavy lin e) and co= l. 0 (fain t lin e) and involve no other param eter. EXCITATION ENERGY , MeV -247- SNavaodom 10iJO F ig. V I - 8 : A com pa rison o f the resu lts o f calculation and experim ent is presented here for the ca se o f the y^ total c r o s s section . No data exist for this transition in the energy region o f 20 to 27 MeV, because the corresp on d in g peak in the spectrum disappears in the low energy background. A reson ance corresp on d in g to the 19. 5 M eV peak has been, m easured by Feldm an et al and has been found to con sist o f a stron g M l 3“ to 3“ d ecay, in a ccord a n ce with our calculations. The param eter o> has no influence h ere, so that the ca lcu lation involves no fre e param eter. -248- E XCITATIO N ENERGY , MeV Fig. V I-9 ( a ) : The e r r o r s quoted with these data do not include the system atic e r r o r a risin g from the fact that the low energy background is not exactly exponential, as it is assum ed in fitting the sp ectra; this type o f e r r o r is n egligible in the ca se o f the y^ and y^ transitions. 0.4 0.2 - 0.2 -0.4 20 22 24 26 28 EXCITATION 30 32 34 ENERGY , MeV 36 38 Fig. V I-9 ( b ) : No data points a re shown h ere, sin ce the data w ere with only the Pq and P 2 Legendre polynom ials; there is , h ow ever, a slight w ard shift in the experim ental angular distributions which is consistent with prediction s o f a sm all positive A-^ coefficien t in this energy region. A gain, calculations involve no fre e param eter. fitted fo r the the MICROBARNS EXCITATION EXCITATION ENERGY ENERGY , MeV , MeV F ig . V I-10: The caption o f fig . V I-11 applies to the present figure as w ell. -250- r i i i i i i i i i 0.4 B " ( p , y o ) C 12 ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT A* 0.2 ------ P U R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N S ------G I L L E T ' S W A V E F U N C T I O N S o to < -0.2 - -0.4 . J. . _ i 20 22 1 24 . 1 26 i i 28 30 i i i i 32 34 36 38 E XCITA TIO N E N E R G Y , Me V EXCITATIO N ENERGY , MeV Fig. VI-11: This is a com pa rison o f the resu lts o f calculations p e r fo r m ed with G illet 1s wave functions and with pure j - j configurations. G ille t's o n e p article on e-h ole wave functions ( o f " approxim ation I " ) y ie ld the heavy line, and when these states a re rep la ced with their dominant configuration (without changing the en ergy ) the faint line is obtained. The two calculations have been obtained for the ground state transition, with 40=1. 0; the sam e com pa rison for 40=2 . 8 would show even le ss d iscrep an cy between the two ca s e s. -PARTIAL MICROBARNS -251- EXCITATION ENERGY (MeV) Fig. VI-12: P a rtial contributions from the variou s incom ing channels to the total c r o s s section o f the ground state transition (b a sed on G illet's wave functions and with to =2. 8 ). See also fig. V I-15. 2 3 II 15 10.0 s !/2 d3/2 1" d5/2 1" p 1/2 f 5/2 2+ 2+ 18 s 1/2 2~ 19 d3/2 2 “ 21 d3/2 3 " 22 d 5/2 3 " 29 f 5/2 4 + 34 36 1“ -2 5 2 - -PARTIAL MICROBARNS B"(p,r,)c '2 1 b 20 22 24 26 28 EXCITATION 30 ENERGY 32 38 ( M eV ) F ig. V I-13: P artial contributions to the total c r o s s section o f the transition to the 4. 44 M eV fir s t excited state a risin g fro m the va riou s incom ing channels ( f o r G illet's wave functions and w=2. 8 ). The num bers identifying the partial contributions a re the transition num bers used in the program . See a lso fig. VI-16. B"(p,r3 ) c 12 ) 5 II 15 17 18 P3/2 d3/2 d3/2 d5/2 2+ 2~ 3“ 3~ P3/2 3+ 19 f5/2 2 0 f7/2 22 d5/2 23 f5/2 24 f7/2 3+ 3+ 4" 4+ 4+ CO z 01 < I CD -2 5 3 - O or o < h (E < 0. I b 20 22 24 i 26 28 EXCITATION 30 ENERGY 32 34 36 38 (MeV) F ig. V I-14: P artial contributions to the total c r o s s section o f the transition to the 9. 64 M eV third excited state a risin g from the va riou s incom ing channels ( f o r G illet's wave functions and co=2 . 8 ). The num bers identifying the partial contributions a re the transition num bers used in the program . See also fig . V I-17. 100.0 I- -2 5 3 - 24 26 28 EXCITATION 30 ENERGY 32 34 (MeV) Fig. V I-14: P artial contributions to the total c r o s s section o f the transition to the 9. 64 M eV third excited state a risin g from the va riou s incom ing channels ( f o r Gillet* s wave functions and to= 2. 8 ). The num bers identifying the partial contributions a re the transition num bers used in the program . See also fig. VI-17. CTt o t MICROBARNS TO CONTRIBUTIONS SUCCES SI VE -2 5 4 - EXCITATION ENERGY (MeV) Fig. VI-15: Same as fig VI-12, but the contributions were added successively; the contributions of each entrance channel is represented by the corresponding area. O y QT TO CONTRIBUTIONS M ICROBARNS SUCCESSIVE -255- EX C ITA T IO N ENERGY (M eV ) Fig. VI-16: Sam e as fig. VI-13, but the contributions were added successively; the contribution of each entrance channel is represented by the corresponding area. <rT0T TO CONTRIBUTIONS M ICROBARNS SUCCESSIVE -2 5 6 - E X CIT AT IO N ENERGY ( M e V ) Fig. VI-17: S ame as fig. VI-14, but the contributions were added successively; the contribution of each entrance channel is represented by the corresponding area. -257- however, meaningful error bars are shown with our data. The absolute magnitude of the total cross-section for our data points has been obtained temporarily through a normalization to the work of Allas et al. pending the results of careful measurement with a good quality target. The measurements shown with open dots, between 11 and 14 MeV incident proton energy, were used to normalize our results; these correspond to 90° measurements only and the angular distribution measured by Allas et al. has been assumed in obtaining the total cross-sections. The measurements of Allas et al. include a great number of data points, usually taken at intervals of 50 to 100 keV. For the total cross section, all their data points are shown, but for the angular distributions, we have averaged in bins of 200 keV. This has the disad vantage that it becomes more difficult to estimate their error bars from the scatter of points, and that some very narrow resonances in the angular distribution may be lost, but it was not practical to reproduce all their data points. The reader is referred to their original article for the finer details. In fig. VI-4 to VI-9 there are in general two lines, a heavy line and a fainter one, corresponding to two different calculations. The heavy line corresponds to a value of the parameter co of equation (VI-27) equal to 2.8, whereas the faint line has been calculated with c j = 1.0. These two values of CJ represent extreme limits and a -258- reasonable value should fall between the two curves. No data points are shown for the angular distribution coefficient in VI-9, because the Y angular distri♦ butions of this gamma ray were fitted with only two terms: a constant and a 7^ term. The accuracy of the measured differential cross-sections was not sufficient to yield meaningful A l, and / \ 3 coefficients. The data, however, are in general agreement with the prediction of ♦ a slight forward shift. Fig. VI-10 and VI-11 show a comparison of the predictions corresponding to Gillet's wave functions (heavy line) and p u r e j l - f of QJ - configurations (faint line), for a value 1.0, in the ^ transition. This was done in order to estimate the importance of the configuration mixing predicted by Gillet, and to see if the use of his wave functions substantially improves the results of calculations. It should be emphasized, perhaps, that the results represented by the faint lines are still based on Gillet's calculations, up to a certain point, since they were computed using the energies of Gillet's states; we merely removed the configuration mixing in the wave functions. It is interesting to note that the only major effect of using pure configurations is to destroy the resonance of 34 MeV, which was populated through an impurity in the 34 MeV state. This difference would not have appeared, however, if we had compared Gillet*s wave functions with pure configurations for a value of the parameter co equal to 2.8; in that case, -259- there is no substantial difference in the two results, and a « for all practical purposes Gillet's approximation 1 yields negligible configuration mixing. The shapes of the cross-sections and -angular distributions calculated here are interesting from a purely tecnnical point of view, in that they represent a good example of how R -Matrix theory in its full generality can predict both direct and compound nucleus reactions; the slowly varying background is essentially due to direct reactions, although it is in principle more accurate than a simple direct reaction calculation could predict, and the 34 MeV resonance in y is a good example of a com pound nucleus resonance. The low energy resonance of the y cross-section is also a good example of such a resonance, and it is interesting to note that some data exists on a resonance in this region; we have not had the opportunity to include these data on the graph, however we shall discuss them in the next chapter. -260- List of References for Chapter VI (1) V. Gillet, PhD Thesis, Universite de Paris, unpublished (2) M. Marangoni and A.M. Saruis, Nucl. Phys. A132, 649 (1969) (3) M.G. Mayer and J.H.D. Jensen, Nuclear Shell Structure, Wiley, New York, 1955 (6) J.M. Kennedy and W.T. Sharp, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, (Chalk River) Report CRT-580 (7) H.J. Rose and D.M. Brink, Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 306 (1967) (8) Albert Messiah, Mecanique Quantique, DUNOD, Paris, 1962. Quantum Mechanics, North Holland, Amsterdam % (9) E.P. Wigner, Group Theory and its Applications to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra, Academic Press, (1959) (10) V. Gillet and N. Vinh Mau, Nucl. Phys. 54, 321 (1964) (11) N. Vinh Mau and G.E. Brown, Nucl. Phys. 29, 89 (1962) G.E. Brown and M. Bolsterli, Phys. Rev. Letters, 472 (1959) (12) A.M. Lane, Rev. Mod. Phys. 32^, 519 (13) J. Fregeau, Phys. Rev. 104, 225 (1956) -261- (14) R.G. Allas, S.S. Hanna, L. Meyer-Schutzmeister, and R.E. Segel, Nucl. Phys. 58, 122 (1964) -262- CHAPTER Vn DISCUSSION. -263- Before we can compare with some validity the results of calculations with experiment, we necessarily must discuss the very important problem of the normalization of the total cross-section, not only with regard to our data above the giant resonance but also concerning all the (particle,^) results published previously, and in particular including the work of Allas et a l . ^ ^ in the region of the C 12 giant resonance. We have already mentioned, in chapters I and II, that there is a possibility that a misunderstanding of the response of large NaI(T^) crystals to high energy gamma rays may have caused these earlier cross-sections to be overestimated by as much as 50%, in some cases. Peak shapes for high energy gamma rays can be obtained quite accurately in the region of the peak, but it ±s much more difficult to measure the low energy tail which is usually seen associated with the peak; indeed it is customary to assume this tail to be quite constant and to extend all the way to zero pulse height. When the number of counts under the peak is determined, the area under this constant background tail is typically integrated with the peak to establish the relative Yield. Fortunately, the uncertainty as to the response of a large crystal to high energy gamma radiation has been greatly reduced, by a series of recent measurements at Livermore (2) , where a beam of monoenergetic photons from positrons annihilated in flight was available and -264- has been used to carry out a series of precise peak shape measurements. The results, in all cases, show that the low energy tail of the peaks consists of an exponential; no constant background extending to lower energies has been detected. This is in contradiction with the above mentioned assumptions; at the same time, however, the reaction , for example, which we have studied for the purpose of examining peak shapes, shows very clearly the traditional constant background. Our results (fig. II-4) agree well with those of Allas et a l . ^ ^ on this point. To find the key to this apparent contradiction, we must examine the experimental arrangement as a whole, and not simply consider the crystal itself. The major difference between the typical (/^y) detection system and that tested by Berman et al. (2 ) ' consists in some 60 cm of paraffin which we, and others, employ to shield the entrance face of the crystal from fast neutrons. In their measurements, the group at Livermore were careful to have a tightly collimated gamma ray beam on the axis of the crystal, but with no absorber susceptible of degrading the beam, in front of the crystal. It must be remembered that because paraffin is a low-Z material, gamma rays will Compton scatter readily in it; 60 cm of paraffin represent almost 50% probability of interaction for a high energy gamma ray, so that many of the lower energies gamma rays which are detected in the typical (/»/) experimental arrangement have -265- already been Compton scattered. Some of them were not initially included in the solid angle defined by the collimator and could be detected because they were * Compton scattered into it. Fig. II-3 shows the various possibilities; the details have already been discussed in Chapter II. In view of these circumstances, it seems reasonable to adopt the following procedure: first, we correct for the total absorption due to the paraffin; this means that all the gamma rays which had an interaction in it have been taken into account and should not be counted as part of the peak. The peak is then fitted by a Gaussian with a low energy exponential background and a constant tail. The counts under the exponential background are interpreted as genuine, in accordance with the Livermore measurements, whereas the counts under the constant tail are attributed to Compton scattering and are not included in the integration under the peak. The drawback with this approach is that it is not possible to accurately decompose the peak shapes into the two regions, but it is possible to do it fairly uniquely, pending some eventual measure ment. After analyzing all our data in this manner, it was discovered that our results disagreed with those of Allas et a l . ^ ^ , and with other previous measurements 12 in CA , by an approximate factor of 1.8. While part of this discrepancy could be attributed to the poor -266- accuracy of our knowledge of the target thickness, it was unrealistic to ignore such a blatant discrepancy. We attribute the disagreement with the previously reported cross sections to the standard procedure which consists in integrating under the low energy tail, all the way to zero pulse heights. Assuming our analysis of the situation to be correct, we would expect essentially all the (d ,y ) etc. excitation functions reported so far in the literature to be too large, and the amount of the correction needed to depend on the particular detector geometry used for the experiment. If this is so, and it should be checked experimentaly, the situation is rather catastrophic, because much of the physics is contained in the absolute magnitude of the various total cross-sections which have been measured. What is even worse, perhaps, is the fact that the correction to be performed.is energy dependent, so that it will not be sufficient to measure only one point on each of the previously reported total cross-section measurements. We should emphasize that in order to obtain a satisfactory solution to this crucial peak shape problem, measurements will have to be undertaken with monoenergetic gamma ray beams for the geometry used in experiments. Because of the high flux of neutrons associated with the nuclear reactions producing high energy gamma rays, it is impossible to measure peak shapes satisfactorily with a nuclear particle accelerator, since the paraffin moderator is needed in this case. A good example of the implications of these findings -267- is the necessity of revising our assessment of the importance 12 of isospin mixing in light nuclei, in particular in C . In an article on C*2 and O3-6, Wu, Firk and Thompson^3 ^ had argued that the isospin mixing in C 12 is very large; their arguments were based on a comparison of the and { ^ ,7 % ,) cross-sections, through detailed balance. This result was rather mysterious*, because at comparable energies 16 the 0 case showed no appreciable isospin mixing, the ( y , j> ) and ( y , 77 ) cross-sections being equal within errors. It is interesting to note that if our analysis of the peak shapes is correct, the previously published B X2 cross sections are too high by a factor of 1.5 or so, and when they are corrected they become essentially equal to the (^,77 ) cross-sections (through detailed balance), so 12 that isospin mixing would appear to be small in C also. For display purposes, and pending a more accurate measurement which we' intend to perform with our new crystal, we have normalized our results to those of Allas et al.^^; in comparing the results of calculation with experiment, however, it will be important to remember that the total cross-sections are probably a factor of 1.5 lower than they are shown to be. In discussing the total cross-section, one is often tempted to nelgect the effects of interferences between the various resonances. We are even aware that there have been some attempts at fitting the total cross-sections with *We wish to thank Dr. Firk for discussing these matters with us. -268- Lorentz shaped curves. This practice should be avoided, we believe, in the case of the ground state decay in an even-even nucleus, because essentially all ,the total crosssection originates in 1” states, and they all interfere with each other in the total cross-section. Not only that, but the interferences are bound to be important. The calculations of the differential cross sections which are reported herein are based on an R-Matrix theory approach, as described in details in chapters V and V I . It should be emphasized, however, that this does not imply that we have made the assumption of compound nucleus formation; R-Matrix theory is perfectly general, and encompasses both compound nuclear and direct processes, and is expected to work even when both of these approxi mations are i n v a l i d ^ ^ . For example, R-Matrix theory is capable of reproducing a typical direct reaction cross section with superposed compound nucleus resonances. This remark is important, because there is evidence that the tail of the C 12 giant resonance is dominated by direct reaction type processes, whereas the peak of the giant resonance would correspond more closely to a typical compound nuclear resonance; the R-Matrix theory used herein should be expected to work well in both cases, and in the intermediate region as well. On the other hand, we do not imply that the approach used herein is exact, because of the truncation of the basis of stationary states for the compound system. -269- The calculations take into account a total of 64 states (one-particle one-hole states of Gillet) and 60 channels, as described in chapter VI. It is important to * stress that there are no free parameters involved, except for the damping of the 34 MeV state, which has no consequences. except in a narrow energy region centered around 34 MeV. This includes the absolute magnitude of the calculated cross section, which has not been normalized in any way, contrary to a practice common in coupled channel calculation which consists in introducing an absorbtion potential. The prediction of the absolute magnitude of the total cross section is therefore unique, given Gillet*s wave functions. Our calculations predicts that from 20 MeV up to 40 MeV excitation and above, the giant resonance state, fp which is mostly a cross-section. configuration, dominates the Because the calculation reproduces well the general shape of the total cross-section, as seen in Fig. (vi -4), we are strongly tempted to believe that indeed there is a single dominant state in the B this would make of C X2 reaction; 12 quite a unique case. According to the uncertainty in the normalization of the experimental cross section, as discussed above, we believe that the ^ total cross section is probably lower than what is shown for display purposes in fig. a factor of approximately 1.5. (vi-4)» by This discrepancy on the absolute magnitude could easily be attributed to the fact // that the B ground state is only part of the time a hole -270- in C /J/z Ip , so that the one-particle one-hole states of 12 are not being fed as efficiently as the calculation predicts. (j^ y , )C^ This view is strongly confirmed by the cross-section,, as we shall indicate below. If this is so, we should remember that away from the resonance the phase associated with a state changes relatively slowly,whereas it changes much faster when going through resonance; the peaks in the cross-section at 25.5 and 28 MeV should be interpreted as interference shapes on the slowly varying tail of the main component of giant resonance. In particular, the very sharp decrease in cross section at 24.5 MeV is best explained as an effect of interference. It is un fortunate that in the past, the necessity of taking into account the interference which will clearly occur, even in the total cross section, has not always been fully recognized. As far as the main peak of the giant resonance is concerned, we only need two states to satisfactorily explain it; the 23 MeV main component, and another state at somewhat lower energy (about 21.5 MeV) would be adequeate. The sharp decrease at 24.5 MeV and the peak at 25.5 MeV could be explained by a single state at 25 MeV, and the apparent minor peak at 28 MeV by another state in this region. This last peak is small and barely discernable with the presently available data. It is interesting to speculate on the probable nature of the states at 21.5, 25 and 28 MeV, and examine whether they are consistent with a one-particle one-hole picture. -271- First we should note that there are two 1", J~- 1 one-particle one-hole states involved in the calculations between 20 and 30 MeV; Gillet predicts one of them at 21.9 tMeV and the other one at 24.2 MeV. We have raised the energies of all the 1“ states by a little over one MeV, in order to make the comparison with experiment easier. This means that in our calculations, there are states at both 23 and at 25.3 MeV and we could have hoped to reproduce the interference structure around 25 MeV. Unfortunately, with the wave functions of Gillet, this does not occur. 25 MeV, where the In fact, at ^/channel is estimated to contribute 80% to the total cross section, as seen in fig. (VI-12) the 25.3 MeV state only accounts for 5% of the 80% in the transition amplitude, whereas the main component of the giant resonance, at 23 MeV, accounts for 90% of it (of the 80% in question). More important, perhaps, is the fact that the calculations predict that both states, in the region of 24 to 26 MeV contribute almost in phase to the transition amplitude in that channel. This is simply because the distance between the two resonances is less than their width. It is interesting to note that other calculations^^ based on the one-particle one-hole picture arrived at the same result, independently of Gillet*s wave functions. It would therefore seem that the 25 MeV state represents a failure for the one-particle one-hole model. Before we arrive at this conclusion, however, we have to discuss the possibility that the resonance at 25 MeV is the product of a through its ~T~J~- 0 state, decaying to the ground state 1 admixture (or decaying to the admixture of the C^2 ground state). 7 ~=1 Such a possibility must be ruled out for two reasons; the first' is that isospin mixing in C 12 is very small, according to our discussion above; in particular, the 25.5 MeV peak is very well reproduced in the ) cross-section,' The second reason, perhaps more important, is that we expect the one-particle one-hole J ~ - 0 states to have particle widths which are comparable to their 7 ~-1 counterpart, and the 25 MeV state is much too narrow to be one of them. We are therefore forced to admit that the 25 MeV state is dominated by configurations more complicated than oneparticle, one-hole. These are not included within our model calculations. We shall see below, in the discussion of the (/»^/) cross section that the evidence for such complex configura tions is excellent; in fact, we believe that the discrepancies in the shape of the total cross section $nd in the angular distributions for the (/>,^) reaction are so small, simply because the ground state of C 12 is a relatively good vacuum state, probably better than other calculations seem to indicate. that the C 12 We are aware that there is a good possibility ground state is a poor vacuum state, as evidenced for examply by the work of Cohen and Kurath (12 ) ; however, we are not convinced that such calculations are necessarily well founded, in particular considering the work on pseudonuclei that a set of wave functions fit the data is not sufficient -273- evidence to believe that they are necessarily correct; the work of Gillet referenced here is a good example of such a situation. Such purity of the ground state of C 12 would have the effect, that only the transitions from the single-particle single-hole configurations would be seen; this would imply that for the more complex configura tions to be observed, they would have to be mixed' in approximately a 50%/50% ratio with a strong one-particle one-hole state. of the C 12 In other words, given a reasonable purity ground state, the condition for the one-particle one-hole model to work is simply that the one-particle onehole states be eigenstates of the Hamiltonian; it is not necessary that they be the only eigenstates of the system. It is probable that the 25 MeV state represents such a mixture, in comparable proportions, of a one-particle onehole state with more complex configurations. This appears to be the only reasonable approach in explaining the total width of the state and its very substantial contribution to the ( p , Y 0 ) cross-section. It is interesting to speculate on the nature of this complex 25 MeV state, and we are helped in these attempts by the B // energy spectrum. a We see that there is, in B ^ , excited state as low as 2.14 MeV I We may add a particle to the core, obtaining a two-particle two-hole 1~ configuration with an unperturbed energy comparable to that of the giant resonance, which we may picture naively as a I d . S^Z particle coupled to the B 11 ground state. These two states could then mix to produce the observed giant resonance -274- at 25 MeV and another state at 25 MeV. In fact, it is much more probable that the situation is infinitely more complicated, and that a large number of complex configurat tions contribute small impurities to all the states, but this discussion is mainly intended to show that in view n // of the low-lying excited states of B and C we would expect that complex configurations in C 12 would start being important at excitation around 20 MeV or lower. The two nucleon threshold in C ^ , defined as that energy at which the emission of two free nucleons becomes energetically possible, lies at approximately 28.5 MeV, and R-Matrix theory ceases to be valid beyond this point. We nevertheless expect that its results will remain reasonable for several MeV above this energy, and we have calculated cross-sections and angular distributions with it at energies up to 40 MeV. We would expect that past the two-nucleon threshold, the experimentally observed crosssection for ( f a , f a ) would go down much faster than the calculations predict, because the probability of twonucleon emission becomes very large and the emission of gamma rays is proportionately reduced. This is just what is observed in practice; as shown in Figure (VI-4 ) the experimental cross-section, from 23.5 MeV, starts de creasing much faster than the R-Matrix calculations predict. This is in accordance with the well established phenomenon threshold, the ( Y , Z w ) reaction becomes much more important -275- than the ( J f t W) reaction. This competition has been observed in heavy nuclei, where the Coulomb barrier inhibits the emission of charged particles. Fig* (/I-4 ) shows two theoretical predictions for the total cross section. As not^d above, the calculated cross section has not been normalized; the absolute magnitude is uniquely predicted. The experimental cross section, however, is believed to have been overestimated by a factor of 1.5, and should probably lie much lower than it is shown. The apparent agreement between theory and experiment is there fore fortuitous. The heavy line of Fig. ( VI-4) corresponds to CO = 2.8, and the faint line to a value of 1.0 for the same parameter. This factor CO , it should be recalled, represents the enhancement of the reduced widths for configurations with a hole in the IS shell reflecting that it is energetically possible to emit any of the / f t shell nucleons, and it has been defined in chapter VI. It has been necessary to introduce a parameter for these re duced widths because the shell model cannot yield a reasonable estimate for the reduced widths of the states with a hole in the that the / IS - !(l Is / / V 'i Ip shell. It is clear, for example, configuration, which lies at approxi- iJ/imately 30 MeV, can particle decay by emitting the I p or any of the that it is bound. nucleons, whereas the shell model predicts Of course, when we introduce residual interactions, the configuration will become mixed and will be capable of decaying through its admixtures. However, Gillet had predicted very small mixing for this configuration -276- it was reported to be 95% pure, probably because all the many-particle many-hole configurations and higher configura tions which could have mixed with it had been neglected. In * any case, using Gillet's wave functions for this state and the shell model prediction for the reduced widths (i.e. considering the / f> nucleons as bound) leads to a very narrow resonance of 3 0 0 ^ / S peak cross-section for the 34 MeV state. There are many ways of interpreting this 35 MeV discrepancy; one of them is to consider that the system clearly does not have a stationary state with a wave function remotely like the Gillet prediction. Another point of view, which we have adopted for the purpose of discussion is that there may be such a state, and the wave function calculated by Gillet may indeed be a fair approximation in the internal region of the compound nucleus; however, when calculating the reduced widths, it is improper to use the shell model estimate, because as soon as one of the nucleons approaches the nuclear surface the remaining particles rearrange themselves in a linear combination of excited states of C /; or B ^ 1 , and the extra energy gained in this rearrangement is used to push out the extra nucleon. These /5 \ ideas have already been discussed in a similar form by Lane' • (p. 527) who suggests the introduction of an "energy-sharing" region; on one side of this region, the wave functions would be those of the compound system, whereas outside, we would have to use the channel wave functions, which are essentially -277- direct products of the states of the residual nucleus with the wave function of a free nucleon. This energy- sharing region would then be used to connect smoothly the internal region with the channel region.* This idea, ; which is designed to compensate for the fact that in a typical particle-hole calculation we do not include a sufficient number of configurations to obtain areasonable accuracy for the wave functions near the surface, is appealling in principle, provided we can find a prescription for calculating what happens in this energy sharing region. Being unable to do this from first principles, we simply have introduced a parameter, the net effect of which is to change the total widths of the states with a hole in the Is shell, and therefore to damp.the resonances associated with them. The heavy and faint lines of Fig. (vi-4 ) to (VI-9 ) represent two values of the parameter; the faint line represent an unreasonably small value, and the heavy line an unreasonably large value, so that we would expect the results to lie in between the two curves. The predicted resonance corresponding to this state has never been observed. liminary measurements We had not seen it in our pre of the total cross-section; it has not been seen in measurements of the total (J',/’) crosssection performed up to 50 MeV; we had hoped , however, to detect a substantial change in the A2 coefficient of the angular distribution which is predicted to be very sensitive to the presence of this state. The data of -278- fig. VI-5 clearly show that there is no evidence whatever for a resonance in this region. Since we would have to adopt an unreasonably large value of the parameter cO to obtain a vanishing contribution from the 34 MeV resonance, we can safely conclude that there is no such state in this energy region which has a wave function of the type Gillet predicts. The fs ^ strength is most probably distributed among many complex states, over an energy interval of some 20 MeV. plex configurations, in turn, These com are not reached efficiently through the bombardment of B / f with protons, so that the transition is simply never seen in our measurements. This picture is certainly more reasonable that the pure one-particle one-hole state at 34 MeV; it is also consistent with the fact that the I5 hole strength is not observed. calculation by Rowe et al. (13) An open shell predicts this state at higher energies. The angular distributions for ^ ) c ^ are repro duced with an amazing accuracy by the particle-hole model. \ At first glance, it would seem that the A 2 coefficient is predicted as much too large at low energy; it is measured negative and predicted to be positive. This, however, is only an apparent contradiction, the source of which we shall now discuss. In order to give the particle-hole model an opportunity to predict angular distributions correctly, we should have replaced all the calculated energies of the C 12 states by their corresponding experimentally observed values, -279- in cases where such a one-to-one identification is possible. There are only two clearly identified l“ one-particle onehole states in C 12 , above the proton threshold; these are the giant resonance, at 23 MeV and another state at 17.2 MeV; the latter should clearly be identified with the pre dicted 17.7 MeV one-particle one-hole state of Gillet*s. Instead of giving this state a 17.2 MeV energy and the giant resonance an energy of 23 MeV, we have raised all the 1 states by an equal amount, (of approximately 1.1 MeV) in order to line up giant resonance with its observed position, thus hoping to make the the comparison of theory with experiment easier. The positive maximum at 20 MeV in the coefficient comes essentially from the interference between the 17.2 (calculated as 18.9) MeV state with the giant resonance; the 17.2 MeV state by itself would have a zero value of why the maximum in This is also occurs at 20 MeV, whereas the maximum contribution to the cross section is below 19 MeV. By reducing the energy of the 17.2 MeV state to its experimentally observed value in the calculations, we would obtain excellent agreement between theory and experiment, from 19 to 40 MeV. In the region of 28 to 36 MeV, the calculation does not quite match experiment, but this is due to the effect of the 34 MeV state. If we adopt the point of view that this state is not reached in the experiment, as discussed above, we obtain essentially the heavy curve of fig. (VI-4) which agrees very well with experiment. -280- For the A^ coefficient the agreement is excellent, and at low energies the same remark as above applies, with regards to the position of the 17.2 MeV state. The 20 MeV ,peak is again produced as an interference between the displaced 17.2 MeV state and the underlying 14 2+ one-particle' one-hole states (see Fig. 1-1). For the A^ coefficient the problem is not so severe, mainly because it is small at low energies, and the fit is excellent over the complete energy region. The A 4 coefficient seems to show systematic fluctuations below 28 MeV, but this probably reflects the particular energy bins we have chosen in averaging the data of Allas et al.^^; these fluctuations are not apparent in the original data, where the larger number of points permits an appraisal of the errors involved. In any case, we believe that the data are consistent with very small values of A4 , as calculated. The fact that the A4 coefficients which were measured in the present experiment tend to be negative may be an indication that the correction for the target chamber anisotropy, though carefully measured, was not accurate enough. Part of the probable errors quoted on these measurements account for this correction, and it should be possible, with the new crystal and target chamber, to measure the A 4 coefficient much more accurately. In particular, the possibility of structure in the A4 coefficient, between 22 and 28 MeV, which is suggested by the data of Allas et al. should be reinvestigated. The results of the B -281- sense even more interesting than the ground state results, because the evidence for complex configurations in the compound system is extremely clear. There are a minimum of 8 to 10 states contributing to the cross-section. The immediate explanation is that since 3“ , 2 " as well as 1 states can contribute an El transition to the 2 + • excited state, it is normal to expect a much more complex excitation function. However, this qualitatively correct reasoning is in fact erroneous: what one would expect from the one particle one-hole picture is shown in the solid line of Fig. (VI-6), with the various individual contriubtions detailed in Fig. (VI-13 (the faint and heavy lines correspond to the same values of the parameter aJ and from the above discussion we will hereafter disregard the faint line). At 22.4 MeV, 60% of the calculated cross-section is from • 3/l the d 3L _ 3 channel, and 24% from the d remainder coming 2 from small contributions. channel, the It may be interesting to note at this point that the present calcula tions take into account 246 transition pairs which contribute a non-vanishing term to the A 2 coefficient, each of the transition amplitudes having contributions from many different states. These two channels dominate the total cross-section at all energies from 20 to 40 MeV, and they remain in the approximate 2/1 proportion through out. All the other states have negligible contributions! This is an interesting result which would not have been obvious from the usual treatment of the states as discrete -282- transitions; upon seeing a large number of peaks in the ( h X , ) total cross-section and a correspondingly large number of 1” , 2~ and 3“ particle-hole states predicted in the same energy region, the immediate ass'umption would have been that "indeed, it agrees very welll" when in fact it does not agree at all; despite the fairly large number of available transitions, the predictions for the cross-section involve only one peak! There is no hope whatsoever of reproducing any of the observed fluctuations on the basis of the model used herein. The three most apparent differences between experi ment and theory in the { P y , ) cross-section are the experimentally observed structure, the difference in the magnitude of the cross-section, and the fact that the experimentally observed giant resonance lies approximately 3 MeV above its predicted position. We have already discussed the structure to some extent, arguing that it proves the presence of complex configurations; we shall now consider the other two discrepancies. In order to do_ so, we consider the following gedanken experiment: a ( y p ) The reaction on the first excited state of C . first excited state of is predicted by Gillet to be o -3/ i '/z 90 of |p |p character; this configuration corresponds to oAco (no major shell jump) excitation, and it is quite reasonable to assume that it constitutes the major component of the lowest excited state. The incident gamma radiation, because it corresponds to a one-body operator, can only lift one particle into a higher orbit; it can -283- lift the already excited particles of the core. /p t f/l particle, or any of the When the /J b^1 particle is promoted, * ' 12 we reach a one-particle one-hole state of C , and this * process is already covered by our particle-hole calculation when one of the core particles is promoted, however, we reach two-particle two-hole states, and this process is not included in our particle-hole calculation. The two possibilities are represented below* ,3/2 I -X-X -X -O X -X X X- -X - X- X X •X -X X x- We would expect, a priori, that the cross-section going through two-particle two-hole states should be 7 times as important as the cross-section resulting from the promotion of the /p ^2 particle and that it should lie approximately 4 MeV above it. The description which we have just given is then consistent with the picture that the y giant resonance is really very much like the ground state resonance built on the C3-2 first excited state. Actually, we must revise the statement that the expected -284- enhancement is a factor of 7, because this should strictly be true of a (^»/) experiment where all protons are detected, whereas we are interested in the results of the » f>0 ) t gedanken experiment; it is clear that the one-particle onehole states will decay more rapidly to the ground state of b " than the two-particle two hole states; by emitting the single excited nucleon, the pure hole in /p is reached, whereas the two-particle two-hole states will have to decay to the ground state of hole admixture. through its one-particle two In the (/»y ) experiment, we note that we reach the one-particle one-hole states of C pure hole component of the B t a r g e t , 12 through the and the two-particle two-hole states through its one-particle two-hole admixture. Taking into account the factor of 1.5 in the experimental cross-section corresponding to the normalization correction discussed above, we are left with a remaining discrepancy of approximately a factor of two. This is consistent with a 10 to 15% admixture of [ O f * ) * in the ground state of B 11 . conf iguration The discrepancy in the total - cross-section for (/>^>) which is approximately a factor of 1.5, (after correction of the experimental normalization) j suggests that the / j j / component in the B ground state is approximately 65%; this would leave the possibility of substantial admixtures of configurations other than the two already mentioned. As we would expect from the above, the angular distri bution predictions for ) do not fit very well; except for the A^ coefficient, below 30 MeV, and the A 4 coefficient -285- which are both predicted and measured to be very small, the theory and experiment simply do not agree. behavior of the A. and A • The general coefficients is not completely t fc wrong, however, and this may reflect the fact that electric transitions are fairly insensitive to the spin, and depend mostly on the orbital angular momentum of the pro moted particle. The fact that we calculate angular distributions on the basis of the promotion of a /^^^particle 2/ when the dominant process involves the promotion of a // 2 particle does not change the angular distribution drastically. It remains, however, that the agreement is nowhere as good as in the case of the ground state transition. In a recent calculation, Drechsel, Seaborn and (7) Greiner' ' considered the coupling of the giant resonance in C 12 with the collective surface vibrational mode. It was found that other states carrying a substantial amount of dipole strength appeared as a result of the coupling of the modes of motion; in particular, the giant resonance appeared to be split into 3 components, at 22 MeV, 23 MeV, and 24.5 MeV respectively. They are in agreement with our remarks above, that the 25 MeV state must be a rather com plex configuration for the most part. It is unfortunate that the results of their calculation is presented as a set of discrete transitions, preventing a meaningful comparison, and it is unfortunate also that no prediction is made for the ) cross-section, which is more sensitive to the presence of states such as those described -286- by their calculation. Nevertheless, we believe that their calculation constitutes an important advance in giant resonance theory. t Figs. ( v i - 8 ) to ( v i - 9 ) represent a comparison of theory with experiment in the case of the third excited state transition. The second excited state is predicted by Gillet to be a rather complex many-particle many-hole state, and we would therefore expect the gamma transition to this state to be rather small. with experiment: This is in agrument we have seen no indication of a transition to the 7.65 MeV state. The transition to the 9.64 MeV 3“ third excited state, on the contrary, is rather strong and relatively easy to measure above 12 MeV of incident proton enery. Below this, it disappears in the low energy background. Even though we had in the y typically 1000 counts per spectrum peak, the errors on the angular distribution coefficients are rather large because the ^ very well resolved. peak was not In particular, the errors on the A^ and A 4 coefficients were so large, that the results were not very meaningful. We have fitted the y distributions in two different ways: included the PQ angular The first fits to P4 Legendre polynomials, and the second series involved only P Q and P^. On the basis of the observed chi-squares we present here only the results of the latter type. There was, however, some evidence of a slight forward peaking, and this is consistent with the -287- calculations. The comparison of the results of the calculation with theory for the 'jfa total cross section is very interesting* taking into account the proposed reduction in the experi mental cross section by a factor of 1.5, as discussed above, there exists an important discrepancy; the predictions are too high by a factor of 5 ! Assuming the relative proportions of the various particle-hole states predicted by Gillet to be correct, we must conclude that this 9.65 MeV state is a one-particle one-hole state only 20% of the time 1 There is no other way to explain that the compound system does not decay more strongly to the 3~ state. Some indications that this state is peculiar were already given by Gillet (see p. 150 of his thesis^®^) in that he notes that the 3 state is probably highly collective, because it is not fitted with the same residual interactions as the others. Nevertheless, this case constitutes a good indication of the dangers of fitting spectra with the use of an ad hoc residual inter actions; it is possible to obtain excellent fits and yet have completely false wave functions. It is quite probable that the, particle-hole composition of the state be predicted correctly by Gillet, however, since the energy variation of the total cross-section and the angular distribution are predicted in reasonable agreement with experiment. In particular, a resonance which corresponds to the sharp calculated peak at 20 MeV has already been measured at Stanford; the measured peak cross-section is approximately -288- .10 microbarns, and the measured width is 0.5 MeV. The resonance has been identified as a strong Ml 3“ to 3“ decay. This is in perfect agreement with the calculations, which predict this transition as an Ml decay from a 3” state. The fact that the cross-section is predicted much higher than it has been measured reflects many factors: the complex wave function of the 9.64 MeV state accounts for a factor of 5; the fact that the resonance has been measured at 2.7 MeV, whereas the calculation predicts it at 4 MeV also accounts for part of the discrepancy, through Coulomb barrier effects. The angular distribution at the peak of the resonance is calculated and a measurement yields A to have A2 - 0.25, = 0.25 + .02 ;however, the A^ coefficient is in complete disagreement; we predict that it should decrease through the resonance, whereas the angular distribution is found to be forward peaked above the resonance and backward peaked below. These are two possibilities; the background El transitions may be predicted wrongly, or the experimental curves reported may have been mislabeled. transition are Fig. VI-10 to The various contributions to the detailed in Fig. (vi-l4 • VI-11 show a comparison of the results of a calculation based on Gillet*s wave functions, represented by the heavy line, and a calculation with pure j-j configura tions. In the latter case, the state energies were kept according to Gillet*s predictions; the wave functions were simply replaced by their dominant configuration. It is -289- interesting to note that the changes are minimal, especially in the total cross-section. The comparison has been made for a value of CL> = 1.0, and using pure configurations t makes the 34 MeV resonance disappear because the impurity through which it was reached has been removed. If we had made the comparison at a different value of <^, large enough to make the resonance disappear, the difference would have been even much smaller. This comparison was intended to show the improvement in the predictions that the mixing of configurations can give, and we hoped to test the accuracy of Gillet's wave functions in the process. The results are striking. In all cases where there is a substantial difference (and there are not many), using pure configurations is an improvement over Gillet*s wave functions. energy The 34 MeV state is a good example, the low coefficient is another one. Thus we may con clude that if Gillet*s wave functions work at all, it is because they are not too different from pure j-j configura tions, and 7ft -Matrix theory with pure j-j configurationswork well in C 12 . If Gillet obtains relatively good energies for the states, it is because he started from experimental energies and fitted for these energies the parameters of his residualiihteraction; it is most probable, however, that this residual interaction has no contact with reality, and simply is a convenient way of parameterizing a level fit. It is doubtful if diagonalizing a carefully optimized Hamiltonian to obtain one-particle one-hole wave functions that do not work any better than pure configura- -290- tions is worthwhile; we have the distinct impression that the place to stop is at the zero-range residual interaction calculation of the 1” states, as performed initially by * Brown et al. We believe, however, that this may not have been obvious from the start, and that Gillet*s calculations had the great merit of clearly indicating the limitations of these techniques. Before closing this chapter, we shall discuss some of theoretical techniques used in a typical particle-hole calculation. In such a calculation it is customary to assume a harmonic oscillator well for the nuclear average potential. As a result, all the states are treated and predicted as bound states. We do not deny that this procedure may yield reasonable results for the states which turn out to be truly bound, but there are only tv/o truly bound states in C 12 . This makes a direct comparison between theory and experiment very difficult. The measurement consists of cross sections and angular distri butions, and the theory predicts a set of discrete transitions. These discrete transitions are usually represented as vertical lines, and the height of the line is made proportional to the electromagnetic matrix element of the corresponding transition. This procedure is very misleading, for several reasons; the cross-sections due to various resonances are not necessarily proportional to the dipole matrix elements; the resonances are in general overlapping and interferences between transitions are important; also, it is -291- almost impossible to calculate (for a set of discrete transitions) what the angular distributions should be. Finally, it should be noted that presenting the results t of calculations as a set of discrete transitions precludes a prediction of the very important absolute magnitude of the total cross-section » The meaning of the word "state" , as it is currently used in Nuclear Physics, is substantially different from its formal definition in quantum mechanics. When it is noted that a "state" lies at 23 MeV, the usual implication is that a resonance is observed at 23 MeV, nothing else. What we mean by the word "state" depends on whether we are describing a bound state or a resonance. In both cases, an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian is involved, but for the bound states, the boundary conditions are unique, whereas for the unbound states, they are arbitrary. These bound states have a precise physical meaning, whereas unbound states are best thought of as an arbitrary basis for expanding the scattering state of the system, i.e. a mathematical tool. In heavy nuclei, because of the high Coulomb barrier, low lying unbound states can be success fully treated as bound states, in the sense that one can conveniently forget their arbitrariness; this is not the case in the region of C 12 , where a clear-cut distinction between bound and unbound eigenstates is in order. Among the infinity of possible boundary conditions which can be used to define unbound eigenstates, one choice -292- has very special properties: requiring that all the logarithmic derivatives of the radial wave functions of relative motion be equal to -1, on all the channel ♦ surfaces (of the open channels) leads to eigenstates of the same energy as the corresponding resonances; It is therefore desireable to use this boundary condition when ever possible. Otherwise, very substantial level shifts can occur; a 5 MeV difference between the energy of the eigenstate and the resonance energy" is typical for a boundary condition parameter of +1 instead of -1. The above remarks have very profound consequences on the one-particle one-hole calculations using harmonic oscillator wave functions; because of the peculiar boundary conditions imposed on the wave functions by the infinite harmonic oscillator well, we would expect the resonances to lie very far from the calculated eigenstates. To see this, we have assumed that the nuclear potential is approximately of harmonic oscillator shape for r < Rc , and pure Coulomb (or zero) outside R . R was chosen for c c 12 potential continuity, ive. R c cr4 fermis in C . This procedure has been used with some success by L a n e ^ ^ should yield a reasonable nuclear potential. and The infinite harmonic oscillator eigenstates used by G i l l e t ^ ^ * ^ ^, B r o w n ancj others have logarithmic derivatives at Rc which vary between -4 and +1. The level shifts resulting from the use of such boundary conditions have been computed, and they are of the order of + 6 MeV. This -293- implies that if everything was calculated consistently, two eigenstates lying 10 MeV apart could produce resonances at the same energy! To summarize, let us say that assuming the energies of eigenstates to correspond to observed resonance energies is completely inconsistent with the use of the eigenstates of the infinite harmonic oscillator. Yet, Brown; Gillet and others had great success in predicting the energies of resonances. How this was achieved is not a mystery: they simply took experimental resonance energies from neighboring nuclei as the energies of their unperturbed configurations, and then adjusted the parameters, of the residual interaction so that the predicted eigenstates would line up with the observed resonances. Thus the whole scheme is completely inconsistent and, needless to say, the residual interaction used has little physical meaning. In particular, we should not expect the details of Gillet*s wave functions necessarily to correspond to anything physical. In fact, it may be that the wave functions are nevertheless relevant, because Gillet was careful to fit mostly low-lying or bound state, for which the infinite harmonic oscillator representation is reasonable. We would also remark that the coupled-channel method makes no use of the knowledge of the eigenstates of the system; essentially, the Hamiltonian must be diagonalized at each energy. Thus the method combines in a single step the work of Gillet and that of Boeker and Jonker, and -294- the full problem has to be solved for each energy. the power of the ^ - M a t r i x theory is lost. All It is true that the coupled-channel method is in principle more 4 accurate than is ^ -Matrix theory; unfortunately, in practice, approximations of the same nature must be made. The advantage of the 'JZ -Matrix theory approach is that it is computationally simple; it essentially involves the sum of the D -Matrix with a diagonal matrix, both of .which are very easy to compute. are inherent to the The approximations which -Matrix calculation are those used in the one-particle one-hole and other shell-model calculations; namely, the truncation of the basis in which the state of the system is expanded. -Matrix theory is general, in the sense that it works as well for direct reactions as for compound nucleus reactions; our calcula tions are a good example of ^ -Matrix theory used for what is essentially a direct reaction. The advantage of ^-Matrix theory over a simple direct reaction approach is that compound nucleus processes are not ruled out; a unique calculational scheme works in the low energy region, the high energy region, as well as in the intermediate region, where the reactions are not compound nucleus, not direct, but something in between. The latter is the region where the resonances start overlapping appreciably. -295- List of References for Chapter VII (1) R.G. Allas, S.S. Hanna, L. Meyer-Schutzmeister arid R.E. Segel, Nucl. Phys. 58, 122 (1964) (2) B.L. Berman, Private Communication R.L. Bramblett, S.C. Fultz, B.L. Berman, M.A-. Kelly, J.T. Caldwell and D.C. Sutton, UCRL-70582 Preprint (1967) (3) C.P. Wu, F.W.K. Firk, and T.W. Phillips, Phys. Rev. Letters 20, 1182 (1968) (4) M. Marangoni and A.M. Saruis, Nucl. Phys. A132, 649 (1969) (5) A.M. Lane, Rev. Mod. Phys. 32, 519 (6) R.C. Morrison, PhD Thesis, Yale University, unpublished (7) D. Drechsel, J.B. Seaborn and W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. Letters 12, 488 (1966) (8 ) V. Gillet, PhD Thesis, Unlversite' de Paris, (unpublished) (9) Feldman, Suffert and Hanna, Progress Report, Dept, of Physics, Stanford University, August 30, 1968 ( 10) N. Vinh Mau and G.E. Brown, Nucl. Phys. 29, 89 (1962) (11) Claude Bloch, Nucl. Phys. 4, 503 (1957) -296- (12) S. Cohen and D. Kurath, Nucl. Phys. 73, 1 (1965) * (13) S.S.M. Wong and D.J. Rowe, Physics Letters 17, 488 (1966) -297- CHAPTER Vni SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE EXPERIMENTS. -298- Suqqestions for Future Experiments. The very important question of the absolute deter mination of the (particle, gamma) experimental cross sections discussed herein clearly necessitates the undertaking of two separate experimental programs: the determination of the response of large Nal(T^) crystals (bare and with paraffin absorbers) will require investi gation which can only be performed with monoenergetic gamma ray beams (i.e. from electron accelerators with positron annihilation in flight) and all particle-gamma results already published with necessarily have to be reexamined for a possible (and in our opinion highly probable) gross correction in the absolute magnitude of the total cross section. The second program involves the measurement at several energies, for each nucleus, of the particle-gamma cross sections, because the correction will be energy dependent. We are in contact with the Livermore group regarding the first type of measurements. As we have demonstrated herein, the direct gamma decay to excited states following particle capture has great interest, and we believe that efforts should be undertaken to consider the possibility of building a de tector system capable of resolving the decay to various low-lying excited states whose spacing precludes their separation with existing Nal crystals. Such an apparatus would also permit the study of the ground state decay of -299- those nuclei for which this transition cannot be resolved at present. Building such a system is certainly feasible in principle; the question whether adequate counting rates ♦ could be obtained with it. The answer may well hinge on the availability of an on-line computer-based data acquisition system, such as the WNSL system. Having demonstrated herein the power of the radiative capture studies in the examination of the microscopic structure of C 12 , it is clear that a vast amount of work opens up in the entire remainder of the periodic table. Extensions of the work initiated herein in 0 16 will clearly be of great interest, as indeed will be the case in all the regions of doubly closed shell nuclei. This approach however is not in any sense limited to these regions although they will logically be the first to be included in the ongoing program. Following these however, the study of both vibrational and rotational nuclei will permit much further study of the coupling and microscopic structure of nuclear collective phenomena than has hitherto been possible. -300- CHAPTER IX CONCLUSION. -301- The present work represents a detailed experimental and theoretical study of the microscopic structure of C II L 12 utilizing the B C reactions. The experimentally 12 difficult radiative capture experiment was performed in order to benefit from the power of the electromagnetic probe which enhances the role of the one-particle one-hole aspect of the wave functions of the system, and thus permits a meaningful test of the recently available oneparticle one-hole wave functions for C 12 . The gamma transitions leading to the first four 12 states of C were resolved; cross sections and angular distributions were obtained for the transitions to the 0+ ground state, the 2+ first excited state and the 3 third excited state and an upper limit was set on the transition to the 0 + state at 7.65 MeV, in the region of 14 to 22 MeV incident proton energy. The technical difficulty of extreme background was solved through the design and construction of a new electronic counting __ system which does not involve pile up rejection, with a light pulser optically coupled to the Nal(T^) detector and on-line control of the experiment by the laboratory computer. These techniques offer a wide range of applicability to other types of experiments. The spectra obtained were fitted using a new algorithm which offers extreme stability on small peaks, and the program which uses this algorithm has been designed for on-line use. -302- The availability of the C 12 wave functions is not sufficient to permit meaningful comparison of theory with experiment; theoretical calculations of the cross ♦ sections corresponding to these wave functions are necessary. In attempting to use Tft -Matrix theory for this purpose, it was discovered, with some surprise, that no complete, coherent theory existed; such calculations being extremely sensitive to details (phases, constants etc.) it was found necessary to start from basic quantum mechanics and to develop a coherent scheme for calculating (/ , y ) cross sections from the assumed knowledge of the stationary states of the system. This scheme was used to calculate the El, Ml and E2 transitions to the ground state and excited states of C 12 following proton capture, with the wave functbn of Gillet's "approximation I". The calculation involves essentially no free parameter, and does not make the restrictive assumption of compound nucleus formation or of direction reaction mechanism. excellent for the ^ The agreement is transition, especially in the case of angular distributions; small discrepancies in the total cross section are attributed to the admixture of several 1“ many-particle many-hole states. These results 12 are consistent with a very well closed C ground state, which is in contradiction with recently published results based on different models. The agreement with the ^ transition is poor, and the enhancement of the experimental -303- cross section is consistent with the picture of a giant resonance based on the first excited state ; these states would involve mainly two-particle two-hole configurations. Finally, the y experimental cross section is smaller than the predicted values by a factor of five, and this supports the view that the 9.64 3“ third excited state of C 12 has only a small admixture of one-particle one-hole configurations. The analysis supports the contention that the radiative capture reaction involving the 2 + C 12 state at 4.43 MeV involves a giant resonance consisting of a dipole excitation superposed on the 2+ state in direct analogy to the usual giant resonance superposed on the ground state. The results of calculations include the relative centributions of the various proton channels to the total cross section, and a comparison of results obtained with Gillet's wave functions and with pure j-j coupled configurations. The latter results are striking* the comparison shows that the mixing of configurations pre dicted by Gillet does not affect the calculated cross section in a substantial way. This implies that one- particle one-hole calculations with ad hoc residual inter actions have probably already been pushed beyond their range of validity (or at least beyond their range of usefulness) and that if the wave functions work for the transitions it is simply due to the fact that pure j-j -304- configurations describe this aspect of the C fairly well. 12 situation During the course of the experiment, it was discovered that the method previously and generally used ♦ to extract cross section data from the experimental spectra does not take into account the Compton scattering o f ;gamma rays in the paraffin which is normally used to shield the detector against fast neutrons; this leads to errors ranging up to a factor of two (typically 1.5), and suggests that essentially all the (particle, gamma) data published previously over-estimate the total cross sections by similar factors. Measurements are in progress in this laboratory, together with necessary complementary measurements elsewhere using monochromatic gamma radiation which hopefully will resolve this uncertainty in the total cross section; these uncertainties have very important consequences in any discussions involving the dipole svim rule limits or the isospin purity of the states in volved in the radiative capture. In the work reported herein we have developed a selection of techniques, both experimental and theoretical, I which we hope will contribute in a significant fashion to the developing potential of the higher energy radiative capture studies as probes of nuclear structure. We have ! demonstrated their utility in the particular case of C 12 . We would venture to predict that studies of this type will play an increasingly important role in the develop ment of our understanding of the microscopic basis for nuclear phenomena. -305- Appendix II-A: i The Fast Counting System. In the early days of nuclear physics, electronic pile-up usually was not a severe problem. The accelerators I operated below the Coulomb barrier, where typically only a few channels are open. The first reactions studiel were clearly those with the highest yield, and to reduce pile-up to an acceptable level it was sufficient to reduce tiie beam accordingly. In recent years, however, the experimental situation has deteriorated rapidly; the advent of more powerful, higher energy accelerations which operate well above the Coulomb barrier, in a region where thousands of channels are open, and the necessity of studying weaker and weaker reactions in order to answer more detailed questions on the nuclear behavior, have rendered electronic pile-up one of the major instrumental problems encountered in the study of nuclear phenomena. The reaction reported herein certainly constitutes op of the most dramatic example of such problems: Very large Nal( n a ) crystal is located a few feet from a target which is bombarded with microamperes of 20 MeV protons. The detector is sensitive to neutrons emitted ! from the target, as well as to cascading reaction gamma rays, however we are -only interested in the very rare events where a gamma ray is emitted directly from the Q capturing state (i.e. less than 1 in 10 of the photons emitted from the target itself). These events of interest l o Ci CO 10* ^ • • • 10" 800 n B(Plr)l2c ..... % < 10s X u £T -GATE 500 •I % T RES HOLD UJ CL %■• % o r- \ PER if) z io2 3 O (_> 400 COUNTS Yo VA . 300 y0 127.8 MeV) i 9 Vr * a i ____ - 10 200 RUN* 7 Mev • • • z P I L E - U P R E J E C T IO N C IR C U IT - 600 CHANNEL Ui = td.O • » ° • o .* E p = 15.0 MeV- LP • • ■• ‘ 1 • RUN *35 700 tiip .r .12 J L. II ~ • • • • • 100 • • — c m •m 0 50 L... 40 ADC 50 60 CHANNEL 70 NUMBER 80 90 20 40 ADC 60 CHANNEL 80 100 NUMBER 120 ADC CHANNEL NUMBER F ig. I I -A -1 : Spectrum a) was accum ulated in 20 m inutes using a conventional pile-u p r e je c tio n c ir cu it; when the counting rate is in crea sed by a fa ctor o f fo u r , as in b), many counts a re r e je c te d but p ile-u p n everth e le s s com pletely d estroys the spectrum (cou nting tim e fo r b) was ten m inutes). Spectrum c)' has been obtained in ten minutes with the fast counting system d escrib ed herein. -307- can be distinguished from the cascading gamma rays, because hr the direct decay, ( ), results in higher, known, gamma ray energies. # The first major breakthrough in fast counting techniques was the introduction of the double-delay-line amplifier, many years ago; its use is now familiar to all nuclear experimentalists dealing with electronic counting systems. Then came a series of attempts at pile- up rejection circuits, which are now available commercially, or can be assembled from commercially available modules. Two of the most popular types of pile-up rejection circuits are respectively the inspector, and the circuit based on a measurement of the delay between the leading edge and the crossover of the electronic pulses from a double-delayline amplifier. All these pile-up rejection circuits share a very important drawback, however: the correction for the rejected pulses, which is always pulse height dependent, is extremely difficult to perform accurately. Furthermore, they do not come close, in performance, to the system to be described herein. Fig. IIA-1 shows a comparison of results obtained with a pile-up rejection circuit and with our new counting system. The counting time was 20 minutes in the case of the pile-up rejection circuit, and only 10 minutes for the fast counting system; yet, a factor of 8 more counts could be accumulated in the latter case. The pile- up rejection circuit involved here was a complex assembly of some 12 fast electronic modules designed to detect GATE OPEN TIME PM A NO DE CRYST AL LIGHT OUTPUT F ig. I I -A -2 : a) and b) rep resen t the lin ear signal b efore and after shaping re sp e ctiv e ly . F ig s. c) and d) show how light pulses which overlap in tim e in the cry s ta l can still be analyzed c o r r e c t ly by the fa st counting s y s te m , provided they a re separated by a tim e greater than the gate opening tim e. -8 0 S - CURRENT TIME -309- pile-up from a measurement of the delay between leading edge and cross-over. This circuit was used in some very early measurements; we succeeded in obtaining meaningful # 12 with it, but results in the giant resonance region of C were not successful at higher energies, where the crosssection is lower and the background more intense. (reduc ing the beam current does not help, because the counting rate in the peaks then becomes lower than the cosmic ray background; we did not, in these early measurements, have an anticoincidence shield for cosmic rays). We now discuss the principles which make it possible to count at a rate forty times greater than is possible with a double-delay-line amplifier, without necessitating any pulse rejection. The method basically consists in treating the available information, i.e. the photomultiplier anode current, more efficiently. A high-energy gamma ray pulse at the output of the photomultiplier, has the following shape: a fast rising (approximately 1 5 7?S ) leading edge, and an exponential decay with a time constant of some 280 nanoseconds. There are rapid fluctuations on the pulses reflecting the statistical fluctuations in the collection of primary electrons; for high energy gamma rays however the fluctuations are relatively small in proportion to the peak current, and we neglect them for the moment. Fig. II-A2-a. The pulse^shapes therefore are shown in Fifty nanoseconds or so after the start of the pulse, we already know what the pulse height is, and we can already estimate the energy of the gamma ray; -310- we do not need the whole pulse to make such an estimate. Of course, if we base our estimate of the energy of the gamma ray on the first 50 nanoseconds of the pulse instead ♦ of on the whole charge, we necessarily make a greater statistical error, and the resolution of the detection system is correspondingly impaired. On the other hand, we can afford to count faster, because pile-up with another pulse occuring more than 50 nanosecond after the start of the pulse of interest will not yield a false estimate of the gamma ray energy. entire operation depends It follows that the on a compromise'between counting rate and resolution. Optimum resolution demands that we wait until the complete charge has been collected, i.e. one microsecond or more; optimum counting rate demands that we base our estimate of the gamma ray energy on the first few nanoseconds of the pulse, in order to be in sensitive to pile-up from another gamma ray arriving a short time later. only A decision on the best procedure can be taken after the resolution and counting rate are studied quantitatively as a function of the time taken to estimate the gamma ray energy. Before we proceed to make such an estimate, it is necessary to discuss how, in practice, we have proceeded. Since the decay of the pulses is very nearly exponential, we can bring the pulse back to zero at any given time after i its initiation, by adding it to its reflection from a suitably terminated line. This is not clipping; a reflection -311- from a short-circuited line, as used in clipping, would cause overshoot. The properly shaped signal now is shown in Fig. II-A-2b, in the case of a 2 5 w d e l a y cable. By opening a gate at the beginning of the pulse and closing it after, and integrating the current between these two times, we have an estimate of the gamma ray energy which is based on the leading edge of the pulse. The signal which determines the gate opening is a logical signal which identifies the "interesting" pulses; it can be a coincidence requirement, or in the case of the experiment reported herein, the output ofy a discriminator with a high threshold (we are interested in the large pulses only). In this way, the gate only opens on the few interesting pulses, so that at its output the overall rate is considerably reduced and does not lead to appreciable pile-up. It is easy to see that if A k t is the gate opening time, pile-up will occur only between pulses which are separated in time by less than £ \. t For a A t . of 50 nanoseconds, we have therefore achieved a counting rate improvement by a factor of approximately 40 over a double-delay-line amplifier, which requires a two microsecond clearance. It remains to be seen what the degradation in resolution would be. In order to estimate the degradation of the detector's resolution because of the pulse shaping intro duced above, it is necessary to know the average number of primary photoelectrons produced in the photomultiplier per keV of energy deposited in the crystal: the number -312- has been measured directly by Houdayer and Bell* and is equal to 10 in the case of a good-quality detector. We also have to know the actual resolution of the detector corresponding to a complete integration of the scintilla ( A t ) due tion pulses.. More precisely, the resolution to the statistical fluctuations on the number of primary electrons collected is equal to rcM - M where A /C M ) is the average number of primary electrons collected during the gate opening time At (this discussion is valid for a given, fixed, gamma ray energy). good crystal, at 20 MeV, we have 200000 f\/(A t ) ^ For a 20,000 x 10 = ( A t ) ~ 0.53% . It is and we expect clear, therefore, that the measured resolution of a crystal at 20 MeV, which is typically 5%, is not limited by the statistical fluctuations on the number of primary electrons collected. , We therefore introduce a new quantity, which we refer to as the intrinsic resolution of the crystal, and we postulate that the measured resolution of the crystal at that energy, 7? (At) , is given by This equation can be thought of as defining the intrinsic resolution , which is energy dependent but hopefully independent of the gate opening time * A. Houdayer et al; At ; we have Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 59, (1968)319 -313- actually checked experimentally, in some selected cases of interest to us, that this is the case. duce the parameter We shall now intro , a figure of merit for the detector, " g 'f o o ) defined as ^ At any given energy, X " is defined as the ratio of the loss in resolution due to statistics to the intrinsic Typical values for X resolution at that energy. range from 0.5 for a small crystal at low energy, to 0.2 for a In order to measure c ( for good large detector at 20 MeV. a crystal at a given energy, the procedure would consist T ? (A t) in measuring t and as a function of fitting the obtained curve with the function where P 'U t) is given by the equation above, and /i/(A t) = v e { i - j f At/z} In the latter expression, P is the number of primary photoelectrons produced per keV of energy deposited in the crystal, E is the gamma ray energy in keV, and /Vo. T ( T - & ) , approxi is the decay time constant of the mately 280 nanoseconds. to determine, therefore: ? There are two unknown parameters and "R0 . independent of the energy, whereas 7^ is presumed 7?0 is sensitive to it. We have mentioned above that the parameter P has been measured directly, but for technical reasons which we shall P not discuss here a measurement of the measured Tt(At) based on a fit of as a function of At meaningful and should probably be attempted. it is possible to use values of P may be more Nevertheless, determined by the -314- RELATIVE RESOLUTION oo CM m o CM o CO in o' CM to Fig. I I -A -3 : Estim ating the gamma ray en ergies by using only the leading edge o f the pulses in cre a se s the statistical uncertainty, and causes a degradation in resolu tion which is given here as a function o f the gate opening tim e AL The param eter a defined in the text is an energy dependent figu re o f m erit fo r the d etector, which is typically equal to 0 .2 5 at 20 M eV. -315- direct measurement of Houdayer et al. and apply them to a determination of the parameter o( done, with the results quoted above. . This has been The measured ♦ resolution as a function of the gate opening time depends on the parameter c( only, and we have, explicitly: where the relative resolution 7?% measures the deterioration in the resolution corresponding to the gate opening time A t • We have plotted and for 0^ o( ® 0.25" . = 0. Z £ in fig. II-A-3 for o( - / in a typical high-energy situation, and we see that we can use a gate opening time of 50 nanoseconds with only a slight degradation of resolution; indeed, we could use a gate opening of 100 nanoseconds, and the corresponding loss in resolution would be too small to be measurable. It is interesting to note that the system described herein permits resolution in time of scintillations which overlap in the crystal. Fig. II-A-2c shows three light pulses which occured almost simultaneously, and we may assume, for example, that the second pulse is the one of interest. The circuit is still capable of extracting correctly the energy of this gamma ray, provided it is separated by at least At from the two background pulses, as shown in fig. II-A-2d. s There remain two technical details which we should FAST DC AMPLIFIER (x 4 ) 5 0 & PASSIVF FANOUT DELAY >- TERMINATION INTEGRATING LINEAR GATE (LG 102) GATE OPEN A SIGNAL' v /N OUTPUT TO ADC ------- > ------- O DELAY (BUSY-VETO) DELAY >-3 1 6 - FAST DISCRIMINATORTRIGGER (T 101) A FAST DC AMPLIFIER (x4 ) FAST COUNTING SYSTEM F ig. I I -A -4 : B lock diagram showing the fa st am p lifier o f appendix I I -C , the shaping netw ork, linear gate and the h igh -level d iscrim in ator which opens it to integrate the la rge pulses o f interest. the -317- discuss before introducing the practical circuits which will perforin the above-mentioned operations. We have completely disregarded, thus far, the effect of the fluctuations on the electronic pulses. These fluctuations are an intrinsic characteristic of the detection circuit, of course; they are not due to noise, "ringing" or other electronic problems, but simply originate in the statistical fluctuations in the number of primary electrons collected. The main effect of these fluctuations is that the shaping circuit cannot bring pulses back exactly to zero; if a background pulse occurred before the pulse of interest, there will be pile-up with the fluctuations of the back ground pulse. ) experiment, however, the In the background pulses are usually small, and their fluctuations are another order of magnitude smaller, so that this effect can be neglected. The other problem concerns the rise time of the detector, which we have completely ignored in the discussion above. In practice* however, the risetime for large detectors is never very good, because the light output of very large crystals rises rather slowly; the detector risetime therefore is likely to become the practical limit on the gate opening time to have At t , because it is impractical smaller than approximately four times the risetime of the detector. Fig. II-A-4 constitutes the block diagram of the fast counting system used for the acquisition of the data presented herein; the preliminary data taken with the 5" x 6" crystal were obtained with an even simpler circuit, -318- consisting of a discriminator and a gate only. operation of the circuit is very simple: The The photo multiplier, which is 50-ohm back terminated feeds the input of a specially designed highly stable DC-coupled amplifier (see appendix II-C); this high output impedance amplifier has its output shaped by the delay line with the special termination; the pulse is- subse quently split equally into a logic signal and a linear signal. The logic signal, after amplification, is used to trigger a high-level discriminator, and this discrimina tor opens the linear gate on the large pulses of interest, which are integrated inside the gate, and give rise to a slow output with a height proportional to the charge fed in at the gate input. It is the discriminator delay cable which determines the gate opening time, while the linear gate is prevented from opening a second time on the same pulse through a "busy" signal fed to its "veto" input. The system is .very simple in principle; however, in order to attain the highest counting rates we have used DC coupled electronics throughout. This procedure com pletely eliminates baseline shift, but it also introduces two new problems, namely low frequency noise pickup and zero temperature shift and time drift; these two problems practically do not exist in AC coupled electronics, of course. The noise was reduced through extreme care in eliminating pick up, and the special amplifiers described in appendix II-C were designed to alleviate the zero stability problem. The net result was that in the final -319- circuit used during the actual data acquisition, both the noise and the zero shifts were completely negligible. -320- Appendix II-B: The Photomultiplier Control Unit. The severe background problems encountered in the course of this experiment necessitated the on-line com puter control of the photomultiplier (PM) gain. The stabilization was effected through readjustments of the PM high voltage, in accordance with a computed correction based on the position of the centroid of the light pulser peak. The correction appears at the output of the computer interface as a low-level DC signal which must be amplified; the present appendix describes this special circuit which has been designed and built as part of the experiment reported herein. Because of the DC-coupled electronics, it was desirable to use the PM at a high output current level, in order to minimize noise and shift problems in the electronics, and the average anode current had to be monitored during the run. Further more, a protection system which automatically drops the PM high voltage in case of a sudden increase in radiation was needed, be cause such an increase in background radiation is likely to occur while the beam is optimized, and it could result in a catastrophic PM failure. Figs. II—Bl to II-B3 represent respectively the PM high-voltage control, the PM current measuring device and the protection circuit with adjustable threshold; the three circuits were build in a single enclosure, but are logically distinct, except for several interconnections. PH O TO M ULTIPLIER CONTROL U N IT : S E R V O HIGH V O L T A G E S U P P L Y 180 F ig .I I -B -1 : This c ir cu it p rovid es a va ria ble negative high voltage o f 0-100 v o lts , which is c o n tro lle d by the 0-10 volt output o f the com puter in terfa ce, to p erm it on -lin e adjustm ents o f the photom ultiplier voltage. The output o f this c ir c u it is added to a fixed high voltage supply, and it is dropped autom atically when the protection c ir cu it cuts in. PHOTOMULTIPLIER CONTROL UNIT: C U R R E N T M E A S U R IN G S Y S T E M +12 F ig. I I -B -2 : The photom ultiplier average anode cu rren t, which m ust be m onitored during the run to avoid ov e rloa d , is m easu red with the p resen t c ir cu it; six s ca le s a re p r o vided and the output feeds the p rotection c ir c u it o f fig . II -B -3 . P H O T O M U L T IP L IE R P R O TE C TIO N + 12 CONTROL U N IT : C IR C U IT -H.V. 15 K 220 -3 2 3 - -H.V. 2 0 0 1 2 ,1 W Q O U T ^'STOP' -12 F ig. I I -B -3 : This p rotection c ir c u it autom atically drops the high voltage on the photo m ultiplier when the average anode cu rren t exceed s a p re se t le v e l; a stop signal is a lso sent to the com puter. -324- Appendix II-C: Fast DC-Coupled Amplifier. In the design of the fast counting system, DCcoupled electronics were used throughout, in order to ♦ eliminate baseline shift at the highest counting rates; it was found that the temperature stability of the linear gate used to integrate the pulses is marginal, and further more, it was desirable to obtain the signal from a high impedance source in the control room, for shaping purposes. No amplifier meeting the various requirements of frequency response, output impedance and zero stability was commercially available, and therefore such an amplifier was necessarily designed and fabricated as part of this experiment. The specifications are as follows: the amplifier is DC coupled, with a risetime of 3 nanoseconds; its gain is 4.2 into 50 ohm. The design minimizes output variations with a change in supply voltage; the output and both inputs are temperature compensated, and the temperature coefficient is easily rendered smaller than50 V/°C referred to input by suitably choosing the input transistors. The output drift with time has been measured to be approximately 45pL V/day. The amplifier shows excellent linearity in the range t- 120 mV of input signal; and its output impedance is 800 ohm. The design is actually that of a differential amplifier, and the inverting input v has been used successfully to cancel some ground loop noise, by grounding it near the source of the signal to be amplified. -325- FAST STABLE AMPLIFIER (D C C O U P L E D ) vcc NON-INVERT 56.2 INVERTING OUTPUT 500 BALANCEI N9I4 q 6 F ig. I I -C -1 : This D C differential am p lifier was designed and built to m eet the sp ecification s o f r is e tim e , stability and high output im pedance requ ired by the fast counting system . Ultim ate tem perature stability is achieved by p roper ch o ice o f the input tra n sistors. -326- Fig. II—Cl is the circuit diagram of the amplifier the unmarked components must be chosen to optimize performance: for example, X, and are adjusted to # obtain a 50 ohm input impedance. Vcc is \/ cc _ and is -I- 12 VDC — 12 VDC , both regulated to 0.02%/°C . All resistors marked with 3 significant digits are 1% metal film % watt resistors; their value is given in ohm, unless otherwise noted; similarly, all capacitors are given in picofarad. through The transistors marked are active, but through for temperature compensation purposes. ^ <?, are used -327- Appendix IV-A; The Data Analysis Program. In the chapter on data analysis , the numerical methods of peak fitting were discussed at some length; the object of this appendix is to briefly describe the actual program which was used to analyse the data presented herein. The program is self-checking, in the sense that one of the phases is used to simulate a gamma ray spectrum; this spectrum is composed of a known number of peaks of known intensities and positions, with a low energy expoential background and a cosmic ray background. The various parameters such as peak heights and positions are entered as data. One then proceeds to fit this known spectrum with the program, and the answers obtained by the fit are compared with their known values. In order to allow the use of complex peak shapes and still keep a reasonable execution time, we have chosen to store the peak shapes instead of computing them each time they are needed; more precisely, they are computed once for each major iteration, i.e. six or seven times in the course of a fit. In order to save storage space, the peak shapes, as well as most of the other arrays are stored as integers of length two (i.e. two bytes long, where one byte is 8 bits). This allows a maximum of approximately i 30,000 counts in a channel, and is quite adequate for high energy gamma ray spectra. Keeping the number of counts per channel in integer storage has some drawbacks, however: -328- it is exceedingly easy to accumulate round off errors. For example when the cosmic ray background is subtracted, we obtain a number of counts per channel in the corrected spectrum which is clearly not necessarily an integer. It is not sufficient to insure that the number of counts be rounded off; even rounding off can cause severe' accumulation of errors. Instead, one must keep track of the fractions dropped in rounding off the neighboring channels when deciding on which way any given channel is to be rounded. The same problems and their solution is similar. arise during the fit, It is not clear in retro spect whether the space saved by using storage in the "integer of length two" mode was worth the extra difficulty of careful handling of round off errors. The spectra are usually read from a magnetic tape produced by the data acquisition program. these spectra, several parameters are read: Together with the run identification number, the beam energy and the angle of the detector are among these. for the fit. Other parameters must be entered In order to proceed as rapidly as possible, the light pen is used whenever it is practical to do so; otherwise, the parameters are entered via the typewriter keyboard. The entry of parameters on the typewriter is made both easier and safer through use of a subroutine which eliminates the need of a specific format. The para meters are entered as unsigned integers, between commas. -329- DATA H : ERRORM C A L C U L A T E S AND P R IN T S E R R O R M ATRIX ANALYSIS G:INPET ' H: R T IN PU T DATA FROM T A PE K IN E M A T IC S CALCULATIONS E N T E R RUN PA R A M S ON T Y P E W R IT E R ; P E A K SH A PE PA R A M ET ER S DATA A N D P A R A M S INPUT A N D O U T P U T H: M I N R U N AND f it t in g p a r a m . W ITH C U R S O R : BO U N D A R IES , STA RTING V A L U E S ,E T C . en ter FITTING H :L P C F iR S T O RD ER CORRECTION OF P IL E U P USING LIGHT P U L S E R SPEC T R U M H: I N R U N E N T E R FITTIN G P A R A M E T E R S W ITH LIGHT PE N :BO U N D A R IES, STA RTING V A L U E S . ETC. H: I N T G N O N -LIN EA R L E A S T SQ UA R E S P E A K FITTING ROUTINE H: D R O P H: S H I F T L L IS T S C H AN N ELS FOR W HICH R E S ID U A L S A RE L A R G E R THAN A LIM IT H-.CRC TRA N SLA TIO N OF L A B SPEC TRU M TO C O M P E N S A T E FOR Z E R O O F F S E T G: G P A R A COSM IC RAY SU BTR A C T IO N H: F I N A L INPUT OF PA R A M S A B S O R B E R S .S O L ID A N G L E,T A R G ET THICK PR IN T A N S W E R S CRO SS-SEC TIO N S AND P E A K PO S IT IO N S H: A P P MODIFY C U R R E N T E S T IM A T E OF P E A K PO SIT IO N S Fig. IV-A-l G : I<£UNIT H : SIM A S S IG N S IN PUT AND OUTPUT FORTRAN UNITS DURING EXEC U T IO N PREPA RES DATA ANALYSIS A FA KE RUN FOR PROGRAM T ES T IN G H: S H O W D IS P L A Y O R IG IN A L LA B SPEC TRU M H CAN CEL JO B A: D D U M P \ DUMP U SIN G D IS P L A Y AND LIGH T P E N H: S H O W I D IS P L A Y C O RREC TED S P E C T R U M AND F IT G: T P H D L PO SITIO N DATA TAPE AT TH E BEG IN N IN G OF A G IV E N R U N AUXILIARY A N D DISPLAY K E Y B O A R D F ig. IV -A -2 FUNCTIONS -330- Blanks are ignored; the subroutine checks that no illegal character is present and that the proper number of parameters has been entered. When two successive # commas are entered (or commas separated by blanks only) the corresponding parameter is not changed. The format of the data on the tape will not be discussed, since any potential user would probably modify it to suit his own needs. An interlock system is provided to prevent the operator from calling a subroutine before all the prerequisite phases have been executed. This is accomplished by having a variable called "LEVEL" in common between all phases, and changing its value according to the present status of the fit. The value of LEVEL starts at zero and increases up to 90, which corresponds to a completed fit. Each phase requires that the present values of LEVEL be within some limits, otherwise it is not executed; upon returning, it modifies LEVEL according to the new status of the fit. The interlock still leaves considerable choice to the operator, while forbidding any move whichwould result in cancellation of the job due to an illegal operation. A list of phases with their purpose and parameter options is given on p.332 to p.334. The numbering of the parameter keys corresponds to figs. IV-Al and IV-A2. The required "LEVEL" for execution is also given when t applicable, and the modification to "LEVEL" upon successful completion of the phase is given in the next column. -331- The simplest fitting sequence which could yield some results is the following: INPET, GPARA, RT, SHOW, INRUN, L P C , CRC, INTG, SHOWl, FINAL, ERRORM. The next fit could start at RT, assuming no change in the parameters entered in INPET and GPARA. The only phases which require substantial time is INTG, the fitting routine. -332- LEVEL INPUT OF PARAMETERS IN GPARA: ( ) Thickness o f a b s o r b e r s , solid angle, target thickness 10 OUT 20 ♦ IN P E T : ( 0 ) Peak shape param eters (o n ly ) 60 ( ) Z and A o f target, number o f peaks, excitation en erg ies, peak shape p aram eters. INRUN: Enter param eters fo r the fit ( Light p en ): Fitting boundaries, starting v a lu e s, etc. 40 50 ( 1 ) update m ode ( 2 ) light pen mode APP: M odify curren t values o f peak positions and non-linear 70 param . o f exp. background: Enter new values in 10F10 form a t, only for those which req u ire changing. A blank field w ill resu lt in the corresp on d in g param eter staying unchanged. DISPLAY SUBROUTINES SHOW: ( ) D isplay origin al laboratory spectrum . (7 ) 30 a lso adjust sca le using light pen ( 6 ) also locate channel number and contents with light pen (4 ) SHOW1: also change sca le using typew riter ( ) display c o r r e c te d lab. spectrum (7) also adjust sca le using light pen ( 6 ) also locate channel number and contents with light pen (5 ) also display the fit to the spectrum for com parison 40 40 -333LEVEL INPUT AND OUTPUT OF DATA RT: Input o f data from tape (sp e ctra and run IN p a ra m eters) display title, re la tiv is tic kinem atics. DROP: (x ) * 20 OUT 30 OX* 90 L ists channels fo r which the weighted squares o f the resid u a ls is la rg er than x , w here x is the inte ger rep resen ted by the param eter keys. A minus sign means the exp. spectrum is low er than the fit. FINAL: P rints answ ers: c r o s s s e c tio n s ,e tc . 70 80 ERRORM: Com putes and prints e r r o r m atrix at cu rren t position. 80 90 50 59 Top half o f fir s t colum n is absolute e r r o r s on peak p ositions and exp. bgn. n on-linear param . Bottom half is relative e r r o r s on peak heights and exp. bgn. height (std . d evia tion s). Other colum ns are the corresp on d in g correla tion s. CALCULATIONS AND FITTING Light pulser (p ile -u p ) c o r re c tio n LPC: ( ) p erform it. ( 0 ) avoid it. CRC: C osm ic ray background subtraction 59 60 INTG: Fitting routine; 12 iterations is the m axim um , and 60 70 when it is reach ed , con vergen ce did not o ccu r. ( 0 ) linear fit only, and returns fo r approval o f the starting value. ( ) com plete fit over all p aram eters. T o com pensate for z e r o offset o f e le ctro n ics . SHIFTL: (x ) Shift experim ental spectrum x channels to the right ( 0 key up) o r to the left ( 0 key dow n). Im portant: use im m ediately after R T . -334MICELLANEOUS SERVICES IOUNIT: A ssign F ortran input and output units during execution. (0 ) Initialization, then norm al I/O assignm ents. ( ) Norm al I/O assignm ents. SIM: P rep are a fake run fo r program checking. TPHDL: To position the data tape at the beginning of any given run. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS: The underlined nam es like GPARA r e fe r to phases not subroutines (although there is a lso a subroutine by that name which is included in the p hase). A phase is an absolutely located program ready fo r loading and execution in one p iece. Loading and execution are accom plish ed by d ep ressin g a keyboard key and button com bination which has been assigned to that phase by suitable con trol statem ents. In parenthesis ( ) appears the param eter key of fig. IV -A -1 which m ust be down fo r the phase to be executed with the given option d escribed . som e c a s e s , entering a binary number In ( x ) on the param eter keys is involved. When a blank is shown between parenthesis, it means that all param eter keys m ust be up; when the parenthesis a re om itted, the param eter keys a re not used. The "L E V E L IN " colum n gives the condition the param eter LEVEL m ust satisfy fo r the phase to be executed and the "L E V E L O U T" colum n shows the condition LEVEL w ill satisfy upon su ccesfu l com pletion o f the phase. For exam ple, after execution of phase SHOW1, if LEVEL is le s s than 40, it w ill be set to 40; oth erw ise, it is left unchanged. -3 3 5 IN PU T/OU TPU T STANDARD UNIT ASSIGNMENTS. c a) a> o 55 o o ^ ° <u 6 5 Cj .s d o ^ -o 55 co L-H <D ° 3 <D d S u d £ > S)' CG M Use of the input/output unit in the program . < *d +-> 1 IOUNIT LOG TYPE PRINT IGN 2 2 6 11 Enter code nam es. O n-line partial listing o f I/O assignm ents (one b lo ck only) O ff-lin e com plete listin g o f I /O assign, upon returning. W rites blanks to clea r buffer. 2 READ M N 11 2 W rites blanks to clea r buffer. Enter lis t of values fo r v a ria b le s, between com m as. 3 PfflD PRINT TYPE 6 2 O ff-lin e phase identification. O n -lin e phase identification. LOG IER 2 2 W rites channel number and contents upon requ est (light pen) E r r o r return from PLOT. TAPE TYPE PRINT LOG 4 2 6 2 R ead sp ectra to analyse and p relim in ary inform ation. Output run num ber. Output run number and re fe re n ce inform ation. E r r o r return from DESSIN or TE XT. LOG TYPE PRINT 2 2 6 W rites Q -value o f rea ction , and e r r o r return. M essa g es requesting entry o f s p e c ific p aram eters. W rites value o f param eters o ff-lin e , for re fe re n ce . LOG L N M 2 6 2 E r r o r return from DESSIN, INRUN. Com m ent "u p d a te" (INRUN). W rite no. of chann. shifted E r r o r return (LPC ). (SHIFTL) W rites how much background subtracted, and e r r o r (CRC); p ile-u p c o r re c tio n param eters (LPC) XFORM LOG PRINT CHK 2 6 11 E r r o r return. N orm al return; list p aram eters. Check output; w ill print peak shapes. 9 INTG (DROP) LOG PRINT TYPE LOG 11 2 6 Was used to print gradient on -lin e for debugging and checking. W rite check on perform an ce o f fitting routine. W rite number o f iterations and ch i-squ ared. W rite list o f channels with large resid u als (DROP). 11 R ead input param eters to make fake spectra. Dump param s and prepared sp ectra on tape. P rin t ch i-sq u a red after random ization o f spectra. P rin t p repared spectra for checking. 4 SHOW SHOW1 5 RT 6 IN PET 7 INRUN (SHIFTL) (LPC) (CRC) 8 10 SIM 6 6 N M INT IGN -33611 FINAL LOG 2 (GPARA) PRINT 6 (ERRORM) READ 5 E r r o r return. W rites o ff-lin e answ ers; c r o s s s ection s, etc. (FINAL) W rites e r r o r m atrix (ERRORM). W rite param s (GPARA). R ead param eters: target thickness, solid angle etc (GPARA). 12 A P P O n-line w rite. O n-line read new starting values. W rites blanks to clea r buffer. J L IG 2 2 11 -337List of Programs Table IV-A3 shows how each phase is composed in terms of "modules"; in other words a list of subroutines ♦ is given for each phase. Table IV-A4 is a list of main program, functions and subroutines in alphabetical order; they are listed by function name or subroutine name, except for the main program which is called "WAIT". Every thing is included, except the subroutine "EIGEN" which performs the diagonalization of a symmetric matrix; its description is available in IBM's "Scientific Subroutine Package". The display functions are also missing of course; they are part of the system at NSL. A brief description is given below for those who have not had the benefit of using them. The display functions are a set of integer functions which are used to create and manipulate display buffers in storage while the display is on. ASSIGN and UNASGN assign and unassign display numbers respectively; AWAKE and RELEAS create and destroy display buffers; ACTIVE and ERASE put on the screen or wipe out all the points associated with a given display number; finally, PUTPT is used to put points in the buffers, that is to say define a set of coordinates X Y and Z (intensity) tfhich will correspond to the points displayed. The X and Y coordinates range from 0 to 1023 and Z is between 1 and 7. The light pen is controlled by another function called TRACK. All these functions return an integer, which is usually the display number when the operation was ROOT PHASE: MAIN BLOCK WAIT, PLOT, LFIT, IOUNIT INPET CHECK SIM RT INTG INRUN SHOW SHOWl TPHDL GPARA FINAL APP SHIFTL DROP LPC ERRORM CRC DATA PHID, READ, CPEAK, DESSIN DELAY, TEXT, RSHIFT, LSHIFT, XFORM, ElGEN, EPEAK, IOUNIT IN PET CHECK SIM RT INTG INRUN SHOW SHOWl TPHDL GPARA FINAL , CROSSC APP SHIFTL DROP , LFITP LPC , SEEK, ERRORM CRC TABLE IV-A3 -339- BLOCK DATA CHECK CPEAK CRC CROSSC DELAY DESSIN DROP ElGEN (IBM'S SSP) EPEAK ERRORM FINAL GPARA INPET INRUN INTG IOUNIT LFIT LFITP LPC LSHIFT PHID PLOT READ RSHIFT RT SEEK SHIFTL SHOW SHOW1 SIM TEXT* TPHDL TRACK WAIT XFORM TABLE IV-A-4 Subroutine "BITSCN" called by TEXT has been obtained from J. Birnbaum in the form of a compiled module. The subroutine text should be replaced by the new system's routine which makes use of the character generator hardware. -340- successful, and a negative integer when it could not be completed. / -3 4 1 - c 0001 C C C TO MODIFY THE STARTING VALUES OF THE PEAK POSITIONS AND EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND NON-LINEAR PARAMETER INDIVIDUALLY USING THE TYPEWRITER. SUBROUTINE APP( ARG) C C C C C C C C C C THE EXP BGN NON-LIN PARAM COMES FI RST (SCALED SO THAT ITS I NI T I A L VALUE AS GIVEN IN INRUN CORRESPONDS TO 0 . 5 ) THEN THE POSI TI ON UF EACH PEAK. ENTER ONLY THOSE WHICH YOU WISH CHANGED, THE OTHERS WILL REMAIN THE SAME. THE SUBROUTINE IS USED BEFORE CALLING THE FI TTING ROUTINE TO MAKE SURE THE STARTING VALUES ARE GOOD WHEN. A VERY SMALL OR HAROLY DISTINGUISHABLE PEAK MAKES CONVERGENCE VERY LOCAL AND DEPENDENT ON THE STARTING VALUES. 0002 COMMON/KE/K COMMON/ START/ PPI1 0 ) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/I0C/I0C(44),J,L»IG REAL P B I 1 0 ) INTEGER*2 ARG 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 C 0008 0009 I F I L E V E L . L T . 7 0 ) RE7URN KS=K+1 W R I T E t J , 1 I P P ( K S ) , ( PP11 I , I = 1, K> 1 F0RMAT(F10.5,9F10.3) WRITE!IG,2) 2 FORMAT(120XI READ(L » 3 ) P B( K S ) , ( P B ( I ) , I = 1 , K I 3 FORMAT( I OFI O. O) 0 010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 C 0016 0017 0018 0019 o oo oo o 4 0001 0 0 4 1 = 1 , KS I F ( P B ( 1 ) . GT. 0 . ) RETURN END P P ( 11 = P B ( 1 1 ALL COMMON BLOCKS MUST BE MENTIONED IN THE BLOCK DATA SUBPROGRAM OTHERWISE THE SYSTEM' S PROGRAM ' SETUP' WHICH SUPERVISES DISPLAY AND KEYBOARD OPERATIONS WILL BE RELOCATED. BLOCK DATA C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 002 3 0024 002 5 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 COMMON/ LP/ LPI 5 1 2 ) COMMON/LAB/LAB( 5 1 3 ) C0MM0N/ B/ L8. RB COMMON/ PS/ RES, RTB, RFET, TAI L COMMON/ RDATA/ Q, RKE, AT, ZT COMMON/ KE/ K, EEXCI1 0 ) COMMON/SNAMES/SNAMES, IMAX R E A L* 8 S NA ME S ( 1 2 > / ' I 0 UN1 T ','REAO '/ COMMON/LISE/EP,CHARGE COMMON/ CORR/ANGLE,DT,ICC COMMON/PE/P E( 2 0 1 © REAL P E / 2 0 * 0 . / COMMON/RAT/RAT COMMON/RELAT/BETA, GAMA, ANGCM C0MM0N/ BGN/ KX1. KX2 COMMON/ C/ LC, RC COMMON/ START/ STARTXI1 0 ) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL INTEGER L EVEL / O/ COMMON/ I ON/ I DN1, I DN2, I ON3 INTEGER I D N 1 / 0 / , I D N 2 / 0 / , I D N 3 / 0 / COMMON/ CLAB/CLABI3 0 1 2 ) COMMON/ INT/ INTI 10) COMHON/FS/FS REAL F S / 5 0 0 . / COMMON/CPLOT/ION INTEGER I D N / O / COMMON/ SPECT/SPECT( 5 1 2 ) COMMON/ST A T / S T A T ( 5 0 0 1 COMMON/LDN/LON INTEGER LDN/ O/ COMMON/ ANS/V( 1 0 ) COMMON/ TIK/ TKLEO, TKIRO, TKPAR COMMON/ SCEF/OFCRSC( 1 0 ) COMMON/PARA/SOLANG,PRTCHG,TGATNB COMMON/NC/NC( 1 0 ) COMMON/IOC/ IOC INTEGER I 0 C ( 4 6 ) / 5 , 2 , 6 t l i t 11,5,-1,-1, 1 2 0040 ,4,2,6,2, ,5,4,6,11, END 2,11,6,-1, 2 , 6 , 5 , —1 , 6,2 ,-1,-1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2 , 2 , 1 1 , —1 / 2,2,-1,-1 2,6,11,-1, 11,6,2,6 OOo o o -3 4 2 - • SIM* IS TOO LARGE TO FIT IN THE KEYBOARD AREA AND FOR THIS REASON IT I S LOADED INDIRECTLY (OVER THE ROOT PHASE) THROUGH ' CHE CK ' . 0001 OOO SUBROUTINE CHECK!ARG) KEYBOARD SUBROUTINE TO CALL SIH 0002 INTEGER*2ARG CALL LOAOI' S I M ' ) CALL SIM RETURN END ooooooooo O 0003 0004 0005 0006 « * » » * » * * BE CAREFUL. THIS SUBROUTINE HAS BEEN FIXED SO THAT THE PEAK SHAPES IT PRODUCES VARY SMOOTHLY WITH INPUT ARGUMENTS IF ANY CHANGES ARE MADE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE SMOOTHNESS BE CAREFULLY CHECKED BEFORE USI NG, OR CONVERGENCE COULD b £ IMPAIRED. PRINCIPLES OF PEAK SHAPES HAVE BEEN COVEREO IN MY THESIS C. BRASSARD, NSL, YALE ( 1 9 7 0 ) SECTION ON DETECTORS. 0001 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUBROUTINE C P E A K I P E , P P , I S T , P E A K , L , I N T I COMPUTES PEAK SHAPES LAMBDA RES RTB RFET INT P P , PE 1ST,L PEAK C CP TAIL WI . NI W WM WP 0002 PARAM IN Y=A*EXPI - ( X - X O I * * 2 / L A M B 0 A I RESOLUTION FOR CS137 RATIO TOP/BGN TAIL RATIO FIRST ESCAPE/TOP INTEGRAL (SUM) UNDER PEAK BEFORE ADDING TAIL PEAK POSI TION, CH#, ENERGY, KEV PEAK SHAPE OF LENGHT L , TOP N0M1N AT P E A K I P P - I S T ) PEAK SHAPE RETURNED,1*2 NOMINAL PEAK HEIGHT RAW PEAK HEIGHT AT JUNCTION OF EXPON AND GAUSSIAN ENERGY AT WHICH JUNCTION OCCURS AT 1 / E OF TOP, KEV JUNCTION POSI TI ON, R*4 AND 1* 4 R * 4 DISTANCE BETWEEN PEAK AND JUNCTION R * 4 SLOPE OF LOGARITHM OF EXPONENTIAL R * 4 PEAK POSI TI ON, RELOCATEO BY 1ST COMMON/PS/RE S, RTB ? RFET, TAI L INTEGER*2 PEAKI 2) REAL LAMBOA OOO 0003 0004 COMPUTE FULL ENERGY PEAK LAMBDA=RES/ 2. *PP LAMBDA=LAMBDA*954/PE*LAMBDA OO 0005 0006 WP=P P—I ST C=20000. W=SORT(LAMBOAI/ PE*TAIL CP=C*EXP(-TAIL/PE*TAIL/PE) WI = P P-W—I ST WM=2*W/LAMBDA NI=WI 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 O 0013 IF(N I.L E.0)NI=0 I F I N I . E Q . O ) GO TO 11 0014 0015 0 0 7 1 = 1 , N1 7 P E AK( I ) = CP* EXP( WM* ( I - W l ) 1 + 0 . 5 11 N I = N I +1 0016 0017 0018 0019 DO B I=N1,L 0020 0021 TEM=( I - WP) TEM=-TEM/LAMBDA*TEM PEAK!I>=C*EXP(TEM)+0. 5 8 CONTINUE 0022 oon 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 AOD FIRST ESCAPE PEAK CONTRIBUTION 1 FI=511.*PP/PE IF = FI CF=FI —1F RF=1.-CF J=L-IF-1 DO 2 I = 1 . J IFIF=IF+I 2 PEAKI I> = PE AK( 1 I + R F E T * ( R F * P E A K ( I F 1F) + CF*PEAK( IF I F + l I 1 + 0 . 5 -3 4 3 C C 0032 0033 0034 SUM UNDER PEAK BEFORE ADDING TAI L INT=0 00 5 1= 1, L 5 INT=INT+PEAK<I ) C C C 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 ADO LOW ENERGY TAI L TEM=2 0 0 0 0 . / RTB J=WP CF=WP-J ■ RF=1.-CF TEN=RF*PEAK{ J) +CF *PEAK<J + l ) I F ( T E N . L T . 1 0 0 0 0 ) GO TO 3 C 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 DO 4 1 = 1 , J X K = 1 . - P E A K ( I I/ TEN XK=XK*XK PEAK( I ) =PEAK( I ) + T E M* X K + 0 . 5 4 I F ( PEAK( I ) . L T . O ) GO TO 3 I F ( P E A K ( J + l ) . L E . O ) GO TO 3 RETURN C 0048 0049 0050 3 INT=-1 RETURN END C C C 0001 COSMIC RAY BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION. SUBROUTINE CRC( ARG) C C C C 0002 THE STANDARD COSMIC RAY SPECTRUM FOR YOUR CRYSTAL MUST BE STORED IN COSMS IN BINS OF 2 MEV. COMMON/START/PP COMMON/PE/PE COMMON/ST A T / $ T A T ( 5 0 0 ) . S T A T C ( 5 0 0 ) COMMON/ CLAB/CLABI1 0 2 4 ) , S T AT ( 1 0 2 4 ) , STATCI 1 0 2 4 I . T A B L E ( 5 0 0 ) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ I0C/ I0C(26)»N, M COMMON/ C/ LC.RC C0MM0N/ B/ LB. R8 INTEGER»2C0SMS ( 3 1 ) / 3 8 0 , 3 9 1 , 4 0 1 , 4 1 1 , 4 2 2 , 4 3 2 , 4 4 3 , 4 5 3 , 4 6 4 , 4 7 4 , 4 8 4 , 1 495,505,516,526,536,547,557,568,578,588,599,609,620,630,641,651, 2 661,672,682,693/ INTEGER RB.RC INTEGER*2 ST AT , STATC, A R G, S T AT , STATC, CLAB 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 C I F I L E V E L . L T . 5 9 ) RETURN I F. ( \ . EVEL. LT. 60 ) LEVEL = 60 CALL P HI DCCRC •) 0013 0014 0015 C C C 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 COSMIC RAY SUBTRACTION 35 ECAL=PE/PP/1 0 0 0. LIMT = 6 0 • /ECAL L 0HL=1./ECAL+1. IF(UIMT.GT.1024)LIMT=1024 I F I R C . L E . L I M T ) G 0 TO 41 WR1 TEI N. 4 2) 4 2 FORMAT!' R C . G T . 6 0 MEV' ) LEVEL=40 RETURN 41 ELC=LC*ECAL ERC=RC*ECAL C 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 Jl=ELC/2.+l. J2=ERC/2.+l. T E M = ( 2 * J 1 - E L C ) * C O S M S ( J 1 > / 2 . + < E R C - 2 * ( J 2 - 1 ) ) *COSMS<J 2 ) / 2 . I F ( J 1 . E Q . J 2 ) T E M = T E M - C 0 S M S ( J 1) 4 3 J1=J1+1 1 F I J 2 . L E . J 1 ) GO TO 44 TEM=TEM+C0SMS(J1) GO TO 43 4 4 NRCS=TEM+0. 5 NRCL=0 0 0 4 5 I =LC, RC 4 5 NRCL=NRCL+STAT( I ) NRCL=NRCL-S TAT ( R C ) C « FRAC = 0 . SMUL=ECAL/ 2. *NRCL/ NRCS 0 0 4 6 I = L0WL t LIMT E=I*ECAL JE =lE +l.l/2. -3 4 4 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 EJ=(E+1.I/2.-JE TEM=SMUL*( EJ*CUSMS( JE+1) + ( 1 . - E J ) *COSMS ( JE ) I+FRAC J =TEM+0. 5 FRAC=TEM-J CLAB( I ) = ST A T ( I ) - J 46 S T A T C I I ) = S T A T C ( I > + J TEM=SQRT(l./NRC L+l./lNRCS+100)) AVER=1.*NRCL/(RC-LCI WRI TE( M, 47) TEM, AVER 47 FORMAK T 4 5 , ■REL ERR ON BGN SUBT . = • , F 5 . 3 . • AVERAGE SUBTRACTIONS 1 t F6 •2 t 1 PER C H . ' ) 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 DO 38 I = L B . R8 J=I-LB+1 $TATC(J)=STATC(I) $TA T ( J ) = C L A B ( D + STATCI I ) 3 8 I F U T A T I J ) . L E . O ) $ T A T ( J I =1 0060 0061 o o o o o o o RETURN END 0001 *#<.»*»**** WARNING **=*«**#=** INCLUDES A CORRECTION FOR TARGET CHAMBER ANISOTROPV IN TERMS OF AN ADDITIONAL THICKNESS OF IRON AND LEAD. REMOVE BEFORE USING WITH DATA TAKEN WITH A DIFFERENT TARGET CHAMBER. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n o o o o o n o o o SUBROUTINE CROSSC 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 o 0013 o o 0014 SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE THE DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTION STARTING WITH THE ROW NUMBER OF COUNTS CORRECTED FOR OEAO TIME ANO ELECTRONIC PILE UP AMULED IS THE ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IN LEAD AMUIRO IS THE ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IN IRON AMUCAR IS THE ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IN CARBON AMUHYD IS THE ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IN HYDROGEN AMUPAR IS THE ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IN PARAFFIN PARAFFIN ABSORBTION COEFFICIENT IS CALCULATED FROM CARBON ANO HYDROGEN COEFFICIENT ASSUMING THE PARAFFIN USED IS C10H22 PRTCHG IS THE CHARGE OF INCIDENT PARTICULE GIVEN INMUCOULOMB PTCN8 R IS THE NUMBER OF INCIDENT PARTICULE FOR A GIVEN CHARGE CHARGE IS BEAM CHARGE ACCUMULATED, MICROCOULOMBS ANGL IS LAB ANGLE OF DETECTOR K IS NUMBER OF PEAKS IN THE FIT NC IS NUMBER OF COUNTS IN EACH PEAK, CORRECTED FOR DEAD TIME ANO PI LEUP. SOLANG IS SOLID ANGLE OF COUNTER TGATNB I S NUMBER OF TARGET ATOMS PER SQUARE CM OF TARGET TKLED, TKI RO, TKPAR THICKNESS OF LEAD, IRON (STEEL) ANO PARAFFIN ABSORBERS G/CM2 EGR ARE ENERGIES OF GAMMA RAY LINES DFCRSC DIFFERENTIAL CROSS-SECTION COMPUTED BY CROSSC.MICROBARNS. ANY CORRECTIONS OUE TO TARGET CHABBER ANISOTROPY ARE ADDED TO THE TKLED, T K I R ^ A N O TKPAR RE SPEC TI BELY COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 4 0 I , LOG, T YPER COMMON / L I S E / E P, C HAR GE COMMON /CORR/ ANGL , D T , I C C COMMON / K E / K COMMON / N C / N C ( 1 0 1 COMMON / PARA/ SOLANG, PRTCHG, TGATNB COMMON / T I K/ T KL E D , T KI R O, T KP A R COMMON / S C E F / U F C R S C I 1 0 ) COMMON/ PE/PE( 1 0 ) REAL*4 E GR ( 1 0 ) , TOTYLO( 1 0 ) , TRYLO( 1 0 ) 1NTEGER*2 EP. CHARGE, ANGL . O T . I C C I NT EGER S K, TYPER, NC ESTIMATION OF THE NUMBER OF INCIDENT PARTICLE PTCNBR=CHARGE/PRTCHG ENERGIES OF THE VARIOUS GAMMA RAY LINES 1 1= 1 , K 1 EGR( I ) = P E ( I ) / 1 0 0 0 . IN THE SPECTRUM 00 0015 0016 C 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 002 5 0026 002 1= 1 , K I F I E G R l I ) . L T . 1 0 . I GO TO 100 I F I E G R l I I . G T . 5 0 . ) GO TO 100 I F I E G R l I ) . G T . 1 5 . ) GO TO 102 AMULED= < 0 . 0 0 1 3 4 * E G R ( I ) ) + 0 . 0 3 5 3 0 AMUIRO=(0 . 0 0 0 2 0 = EGR( I ) 1 + 0 . 0 2 7 6 0 AMUCAR= ( - 0 . 0 0 0 5 2 * E G R ( I ) 1 + 0 . 0 2 4 7 0 AMUHYD=(-0.00142*EGR(I)1 + 0 . 0 4 6 6 0 AMUPAR=( ( 1 2 0 . / 1 4 2 . ) * AMUCAR) + ( ( 2 2 . / 1 4 2 . )*AMUHYO) GO TO 110 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 102 I FI EGR! I I . G T . 2 0 . 1 G O T O 103 AHULE0 = 1 0 . 0 0 1 1 6 * E G R ( I ) 1 + 0 . 0 3 8 0 0 AMUI R 0 = ( 0 . 0 0 0 2 V > E GR < I I 1+ 0 . 0 2 7 0 0 A MU CA R =( - 0. 00 0 52 *E GR ( I) 1 + 0 . 0 2 0 8 0 A MU HY D = ! - 0 . 0 0 0 7 8 * E G R I I 1 1 + 0 . 0 3 7 0 0 AMUPAR=(( 1 2 0 . / 1 4 2 . l * A M U C A R ) + ( ( 2 2 . / 1 4 2 . 1 *AMUHYD1 GO TO 110 103 I F ( E G R ( I 1 . G T . 3 0 . 1 GO TO 104 A MUL E D = ! 0 . 0 0 0 8 6 * E G R 1 1 1 1 + 0 . 0 4 4 0 0 A MUIR0=( 0.00024* EGR(I 1 1 + 0 . 0 2 7 0 0 AMUCAR= < - 0 . 0 0 0 10=>EGR( I 1 1 + 0 . 0 1 7 6 0 AMUHYD=(-0.00040*EGR(I)1+0.02940 AMUPAR=( ( 1 2 0 . / 1 4 2 . 1 * A M U C A R ) + ( ( 2 2 . / 1 4 2 . ) * AMUHYD 1 GO TO 110 104 I F ( E G R ( I 1 . G T . 4 0 . 1 GO TO 109 A MU L E D= ( 0 . 0 0 0 6 3 * E GR ( I 1 1 + 0 . 0 5 0 9 0 AMUIRO=(0.00021*EGR(I)1+0.02700 A M UC A R = ( - 0 . 0 0 0 0 4 * E G R ! I 1 1+ 0 . 0 1 5 8 0 AMUHYD=( - 0 . 0 0 0 2 1*EGR<I 1 1 + 0 . 0 2 3 7 0 A M U P A R = ! ( 1 2 0 . / 1 4 2 . 1 * A M U C A R ) + ( ( 2 2 . / 1 4 2 . 1 *AMUHYD1 GO TO 110 1 0 9 AMULED=( 0 . 0 0 0 4 6 * E G R ( I 1 1 + 0 . 0 5 7 7 0 AMU1R0=(0.00017+EGR!I)1+0.02950 AMUCAR=Q. 0 1 4 2 AMUH YD = ( - 0 . 0 0 0 2 1=*EGR ( I 1 1 + 0 . 0 2 3 7 0 AMUPAR=(( 1 2 0 . / 1 4 2 . ) * A M U C A R ) + ( < 2 2 . / 1 4 2 . 1 *AMUHYD1 110 TOTABS=-AMULED*TKLFD-AMUIRO*TKIRO-AMUPAR$TKPAR I F ( A N G L . E 0 . 3 0 0 ) TOTABS=T0TABS- 1. I *AMULEO- 2. *AMUIRO I F ( A N G L . E Q . 4 5 0 . 0 R . A N G L . E Q . 1 3 5 0 ) T0TABS = T 0 T ABS - 0 . 4 * AMUI R0 I F I A N G L . E Q . 1 4 5 0 ) TOTABS=TOTABS- 0. 9*AMULED- 2. 2*AMUI R0 TOTYLD( I 1 =NC ( I 1 / E X P1 T0 TA B S ) T R Y L O t I 1 = T 0 T Y L 0 ( 1 1/SOLANG 0059 0060 00 6 1 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 O F C R S C t I ) = T R Y L 0 ( I 1 / ( TGATNB*PTCNBR1 I F ( l . E O . l ) WRI TE( TYPER, 11 11T0TABS 11 1 FORMAT! ' + • , T 2 0 , ' T O T A B S = ' , F 7 . 4 ) GO TO 2 1 0 0 WRI TE( TYPER, 10 11 WRITE( L O G , 1011 OF C R S C ! 1 1 = 0 . 101 FORMAT!• * ENERGY NOT IN 1 0 - 5 0 MEV INTERVAL, 2 CONTINUE RETURN END CROSSC F A I L S ' C 0001 SUBROUTINE OELAY(N) TO PROVIDE DELAY FOR LIGHT PEN C C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 IF(N)1,2,3 1 K=-N DO 4 1 = 1 , K DQ 4 J = 1 , 5 0 0 0 4 L =l./2 CALL A C TI V E I 01 RETURN C 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 3 00 5 1 = 1 , N DO 5 J = 1 » 5 0 0 0 5 L =l./2 2 RETURN END C 0001 SUBROUTINE DESS I N( I ON , N , * , * 1 C C C C DIRTY WORK OF DI SPLAYI NG. RETURN 1 IS NORMAL, RETURN 2 0002 INTEGER ASSI GN, ERASE, RELEAS, AWAKE, ACT1VE.DCLEAR C 0003 0004 0005 IF(IDN)7,11,12 11 I F ( N ) 7 , 7 , 1 12 1 F I N 1 3 , 2 , 4 C 0006 0007 1 IDN=ASSIGN(0,0,0) 1F ( ION 1 6 , 6 , 5 C 0008 0009 2 IER=ERASE( I ON) I F ( I ER- I ON 1 6 , 7 , 6 C 0010 0011 IS ERROR. , 3 IER = ACT I V E ( I ON 1 IFIIER-I0N)6,7,6 -3 4 0 C 0012 4 0013 0014 0015 I ER=ERASE( ION) IFHER.NE.ION.ANO.IER.NE.-3) IER=DCLEAR( ION) IF t 1 ER - I ON1 6 , 1 0 , 6 GO TO 6 C 0016 0017 0018 0019 5 10 IER=AWAKE( I DN, N) IF(IER-IDN)6,10,6 I ER=ACTI VEl I ON) 1F ( I E R - I D N > 6 , 7 , 6 C 0020 0021 0022 6 RETURN 2 7 RETURN 1 END C C C C C C 0001 SUBROUTINE DESIGNED TO FIND CHANNELS WHICH ARE VERY FAR FROM THE F I T , TO LOCATE POSSIBLE HARDWARE ERRORS. THE CHANNELS FOR WHICH THE SQUARE OF THE WEIGHTED RESIOUALS IS LARGER THAN A CERTAIN LI MI T FIXED BY ' ARG1 ARE PRINTED. SUBROUTINE OROP(ARG) C 0002 COMMON / L A B / LA B I 1 0 2 4 ) COMMON/CLAB/CLABI 1024 I , T ( 5 0 0 0 ) COMMON/ B/ LB,RB COMMON/ IOC/IOC I 35 I , LOG COMMON/KE/K COMMON/ STAT/ STAT(5O0) EQUI VALENCE( W( 1) , JK) I NT EGERS L A B , C L A B , A R G * T , W( 2 ) , J V * 4 I 8 I , R B * 4 » S T A T REAL R F I T I 5 0 0 ) 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 C 0011 0012 LT=50 0 KS=K+1 L-R6-LB+1 1 1=41 W( 2) =ARG JK=JK/256 0013 0014 0015 0016 C 0017 CALL P HI OI 1 DROP ') C CALL LFI TPt C L A B ( L B ) , STAT I 1 1 , KS , L T , T ( 1 1 I , L , R F I T ( 1 > I 0018 C WRITE ( L O G , 5 )JK 5 FORMAT!• + • , 1 1 0 X , • LEVEL= • , 1 3 ) 0019 0020 C 0021 0022 J=0 00 1 1= 1,5 10 I F I A B S I R F I T I I I I . L T . J K ) GO TO 2 J =J+1 R F 1 T ( J ) = RF1TI I ) JV(J ) = I+LB-1 2 IF ( J . L T . 8 . A N D . I . L T . L I G 0 TO 1 I F ( J . E Q . O ) RETURN WRITEI LOG, 4 I ( J V ( I I ) , R F I T ( 11 I , I I = 1 , J I 4 F0RMATI8II7.F8.2)) I F ( I . G E . L ) RETURN 9 J =0 1 CONTINUE END o o o 0023 0024 002 5 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0001 SUBROUTINE TO COMPUTE EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND. SUBROUTINE EPEAK( TT, PEAK I C 0002 INTEGER*2 P EAK( 1 ) , L * 4 / 4 6 0 / C 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 T EM=20000. DO 1 1=1,L PEAK! I ) = T E M + 0 . 5 1 TEM=TEM*TT RETURN END -3 4 7 - 0001 S U B R O U T I N E E R R OR MI A RG ) S U B R O U T I N E TO C A LC U L A T E E RR OR M A T R I X AT M I N IM UM 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 002 3 0024 002 5 0026 002 7 COMMON/LAB/LAB(512)?XL COMMON/SPECT/M,EM C O M M O N / S T A R T / P P (10) C O M M O N / C L A B / C L A B I 1 0 2 4 ) , T (5000) COMMON/KE/K C0MM0N/STAT/STAT(500) C O M M O N / 8 / L B,RB C O M M O N / A N S / V I 10) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL C O M M O N / I O C / I O C ( 41),PR INT I N T EG E R* 2 C L A B ,T ,S T A T ,ARG I NT EGER RC,PRI(.T,X,RB REAL M ( 2 1 0 ) ,E M ( 2 1 0 ) , R ( 4 0 0 ) , F ( 1 0 ) , F P ( 1 0 ) , A A ( 10,10), 1 A B ( 1 0 , 1 0 ) , B B ( 1 0 , 1 0 ) , S 0 2 / 1 .4142136/ E Q U I V A L E N C E < R ( 1 ) , A A( 1 , 1 ) ) , ( R ( 1 0 1 ) , A B (1,1 ) ),(R ( 2 0 1 ) , B B (1 ,1)) IF ( LE VE L . L T . 8 0 > RE TURN L EV E L = 9 0 HR I T E (P R I N T ,2) C AL L P H I 0 ( 'ERRORM ') H R I T E (P R 1 N T ,1) ! FORMAT!'21) 1 FORMAT!' + • , T 2 0 , ' E R R O R MATRIX 1 , ' RELATI VE ERRORS ON HEIGHTS, ERRORS ON POSITIONS CORRELATI ONS' / ) KS=K+1 KSP=2*KS L T= 5 0 0 I REL=40 L=RB- LB+1 ZEROING 0028 0029 DO 3 1 = 1 , 4 0 0 3 R (I)=0. CALCULATION OF F, 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 FP, FPP. 00 4 X=1,L H=STAT( X ) I AD=IREL+X 00 5 1 = 1 , K FI 1 ) =T ( I AD) F P ( I ) = ( TI I A D - 1 ) - T ( I A O + 1 ) 1 / 2 . 5 1AD=IAD+LT F ( KS) =T 11 AO ) F P ( K S ) = { X —l l / X L 4 F ( K S ) / P P ( K S ) COMPUTE MATRIX AB 0039 0040 0041 0042 DO 6 MU=1 , KS DO 6 NU=1, KS TEM=FIMU) / H*FP( NU> 6 AB(NU, MU)=ABINU, MU)+TEM COMPUTE MATRICES AA AND BB 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 DO 7 NU=1, KS DO 7 MU=NU,KS AA( NU, MU) = AA( NU, MU) + F( MU) / H* F ( NU) 7 BB(NU,MU)=BB(NU,MU)+FP(MU)/W*FP(NU) 4 CONTINUE COPY MATRICES AB, AA,ANO BB INTO M 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 DO 8 J R = 1 , KS DO 9 J C = 1 , K S 9 MlJR+IJC+KS)*!JC+KS-1)/2)=AB(JR.JC) 00 8 J C = J R , KS M l J R + J C M J C - 1 ) / 2 )=BB( J R . J C ) 8 MI JR+KS+<JC+KS>M J C + K S - 1 ) / 2 ) = AA( J R , J O DIAGONALIZE MATRIX M 0054 CALL E I G E N ( M , R , K S P , 0 ) FIND EM, 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 INVERSE OF M 0 0 1 0 NU=1, KSP 0 0 10 MU=NU,KSP I=NU+( MU- l)«MU/ 2 EMI I ) = 0 . DO 10 J = 1 , KSP JJ=IJ-1)*KSP 10 EMI I ) = E MI I ) + R( NU + J J ) * R ( MU + J J ) / M I J * ( J + l ) / 2 ) IN CHANNELS, ' o o o -3 4 8 TAKE THE SQUARE ROOT OF DIAGONAL ELEMENTS OF EM 0 0 11 I = 1 , KS P J=I*(I+1I/2 I F(EM( J ) 1 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 3 12 E M I J ) = - S Q R T ( - E M I J I I GO TO 11 13 EMIJI = S OR T ( E MI J ) I 11 CONTINUE o o o 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 00 71 0072 0073 0074 FIND CORRELATIONS o o o KSP1 = KSP-1 00 15 NU= 1 t KS Pl J=NU+1 DO 15 MU= J , K S P I=NU+MU*( MU—1 1 / 2 15 EMI 1 ) = E M ( I ) / E M ( N U * ( N U + l ) / 2 >/ E M ( MU*( M U + 1 I / 2 I 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 SCALE DIAGONAL ELEMENTS OF EM ooo 0 0 1 6 I = 1 ,KS J=I*(I+1I/2 EMU ) = E M ( J ) / V ( 1 I / S 0 2 J = ( I + K S ) * ( I + K S + 1 1/2 16 E M ( J ) = E M ( J ) / V ( I I / S 0 2 0080 00 8 1 0082 0083 0084 WRITE ANSWERS o o o DO 1 7 NU=1, KSP 17 WRI TE( PRI NT, 1 8 ) ( EM(NU+MU*( MU-1 ) / 2 ) , MU=NU, KSP) 18 FORMAT!10 ■ , 1 2 F 1 0 . 4 / ( T 1 5 , 1 0 F 1 0 . 4 ) I RETURN END 0001 FINAL CORRECTIONS, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUBROUTINE 0002 CALL TO CROSSC TO COMPUTE CROSS-SECTIONS FI NAL( ARG) PRINTS THE ANSWERS. AC08 IS THE JACOBIAN OF t he LAB TO CM TRANSFORMATION ( R E L A T I V I S T I C ) BETA I S THE RELATIVE VELOCITY OF THESE FRAMES/ Vt L OF LIGHT ANGCM IS THE CENTER OF MASS ANGLE OF THE DETECTOR. CRNBR IS THE FRACTION OF THE LIGHT PULSER COUNTS WHICH ACCUMULATE IN LOW CHANNELS DUE TO DEAD TIME OF THE ADC. USED FOR DEAD TIME CORRECTION. ANSWERS PRINTED FOR EACH PEAK INCLUDE ( IN THAT ORDER) EXCITATION ENERGY OF FINAL STATE, CENTER OF MASS PEAK ENERGY, LAB PEAK ENERGY, FITTED PEAK POSI TI ON, CHECK ON LINEARITY (SHOULD ALL BE ONE) LINEAR PARAMETER Or F I T * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 , NUMBER OF COUNTS UNDER FITTED PEAK, DIFFERENTIAL CROSS/ SECr I ON IN MICR08ARNS/ STERAOI AN. THE SUBROUTINE CROSSC I S CALLEO TO COMPUTE THE CROSS- SECTI ON. IT PRINTS THE NATURAL LOGARITHM OF THE ATTENUATION DUE TO ABSORBERS IN FRONT OF THE CRYSTAL (TOTABS) COMMON/ LP/ LPI 1 0 2 4 ) COMMON/ CORR/ANGLE,DT,ICC COMMON/ NC/ NCI1 0 ) COMMON/ INT/I NT( 1 0 I COMMON/ ANS/ VI1 0 ) COMMON/ SCEF/ DFCRSC(10) COMMON/ KE/ K, EEXC( 10) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMHON/ PE/ PEI1 0 ) , PECM( 1 0 ) COMMON/RELAT/BETA,ACOB,ANGCM COMMON/ START/ PPI 10) COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 4 0 ) , LOG,PRINT REAL CHECK! 1 0 1 , 8 ( 1 0 ) INTEGER*2 ARG, L P . ANGLE, 0T, ICC INTEGER PRINT LOGICAL FLAG 0003 0004 0005 0006 000 7 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 O 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 FLAG=. TRUE. I F I L E V E L . L T . 7 0 ) RETURN LEVEL=80 CALL PH10 ( ' FINAL ') 0018 0019 o OO 0020 0021 0022 0023 COMPUTE CORRECTION DUE TO ISUM=0 00 1 1 = 1, 1 02 4 OEAO TIME -3 4 9 0024 0025 0026 0027 1 ISUM = ISUM+LP<I I IF C A 8 S ( 1 . * I C C / I S U M - 1 . ) - . 0 0 2 ) 2 , 2 , 3 3 FLAG=. FALSE. 2 ISUM=0 00 5 1 = 1 , 1 0 5 I SUM= ISUM+LP( 1 ) CRNBR=1 . * I SUM/ I CC 002 8 ooo 0029 0030 0031 0032 FIND NUMBER OF COUNTS IN EACH PEAK o DO 8 1 = 1 , K 8 NCI I ) = V < I > * I N T ( I ) * A C O B / ( 1 . - C R N B R 1 + 0 . 5 0033 0034 0035 PRINT ANSWERS q ooo CALL CROSSC DO 9 1 = 1 , K 9 OF C R S C I I ) = D F C R S C ( 1 1 * 1 . E + 3 0 0036 0037 0038 TEM=PEI 1 1 / P P 1 1 ) 00 6 1=1,K o 6 CHECK! I ) = P P ( I I / P E I I ) * T E M 0039 0040 W R I T E ! P R I N T , 1 5 ) ACOB,BETA,ANGCM,CRNBR 1 5 FORMAT!' 4 ' , T 6 0 , •J A C O B I A N = * , F 6 . 3 , • BETA=1 , F 6 . 4 , ' ANGCM=1 , F 5 •1, 1 • CRNBR=1, F 6 . 4 ) WRI TE( PRI NT, 1 3 ) 13 FORMAT( '0 EEXC' , 5 X , ' PECM' , 8 X , * P E 9 X , ' P P ' , 5 X C H E C K • , 9 X , 1 • V , 8 X, M M T ' , 6 X, ' C T S ' , 7 X , 'OFCRSC ■ ) 00 4 1 = 1 , K 4 $( 11 =1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .*V<I) W R I T E ! P R I N T , 1 0 ) I E E X C ! 1 ) , PECM( I ) , PE I I I , P P ( I ) . C H E C K ! I ) , t ( I ) , I N T ! I ) , 1 N C ( I ) , O F C R S C ! I ) , 1 = 1 , K) 10 FORMAT! ' 0 1 , 6 G 1 0 . 5 , 17 , I 9 , G 1 7 . 4 I I F ( FLAG I RETURN 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 WRI TE( PR I NT, 1 1 ) WRIT E( L O G , 1 1 ) 11 FORMAT! 1 * * * * I C C . N E . S U M ( L P ) ' ) WRITE(L0G,12) ICC. ISUM FORMAT! • 1CC = * , Z 8 , • 1 , ' I SUM= • , 2 8 ) RETURN END O 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 m p 0046 0047 0001 o o o o oo ooo o o o oo o O SUBROUTINE GPARA(ARG) 0002 o o 0010 0011 0012 oo 0020 THE THICKNESS OF THE LEAD ABSORBER THE THICKNESS OF THE IRON ABSORBER THE THICKNESS OF THE PARAFFIN ABSORBER ALL IN INCHES. AVONB IS THE AVOGAORO NUMBER TGTIK IS THE TARGET THICKNESS IN MG/CM SO AMTN IS THE ATOMIC MASS OF THE TARGET NUCLEUS PRTCHG IS THE PROTON CHARGE ( PROJECTI LE) IN MICROCOULOMBS S I S THE RADIUS OF THE COLLIMATOR IN FRONT THE CRYSTALAND D I S THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TARGET AND CRYSTAL IN THE SAME UNITS IF(LEVEL.LT.IO) IFILEVEL.LT.20) RETURN LEVEL=20 CALL PHIDI 'GPARA ' ) READ!REAOER, 1 I TKLEO, TKIRO, TKPAR 1 FORMAT( 3 F 1 0 . 0 I READ! REAOER, 1I TGTIK READ( REAOER, 1 1 0 , S 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 TKLED I S TKIRO IS TKPAR IS COMMON / TI K/ T KL ED , T KI R O, T KP A R COMMON / PARA/SOLANG,PRTCHG,TGATNB COMMON/RDATA/Q,RKE,AMTN COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 4 1 1.TYPER, REAOER REAL R A T I O / 2 . 5 4 / , D L E D / 1 1 . 3 4 / , D I R O / 7 . 8 6 / , D P A R / . 9 / , INTEGER*4 READER, TYPER, AMTN, ARG*2 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 PROGRAM TO CALCULATE THE SOLID ANGLE,THE NUMBER OF ATOMS IN THE TARGET THTS SUBROUTINE MUST BE CALLED BEFORE THE SUBROUTINE CROSSC ESTIMATION OF THE SOLID ANGLE P I = 3 . 1 4 159 C= ( 0 * 0 I + ( S * S ) C = SQR T I C ) COS = D/C S OL A NG= ( 2 * P 1 1* ( l . - C O S ) AVONB/ 6. 0 2 5 E + 2 3 / o o oooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O O O O OJUJnonororororors) ro r\>i\jr-h-h-h-^K*i— ^ j - U I U l WW U UI W W ►-•0>003mJC''J1-£'UJ ^ ** © »0 09 H ^ o o o o »- o o ^ ^ W o ©© o o o o o o CD^ © o ©©o o o o o o o o o on -f* /o o o o ip > r" > O' 70 '> > M *n a > 73 a pa O' a pa o* a pa aj o > r~ f*0 X a o *** • aa z ■o m H ** * o o o o o 75 pa pa 50 o a o o o mz z m wH > 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 r mm s OO OO « ©© mm 3 z z z z z X. X X X X 73 ■o pa I- n X 73 3 ft a o m on m o > pa ro 3 H o < X X > on > X m 75 X H On > a pa m a r» a pa 3 o X On m X m o © o r- a mo o «a a. m X a c a ro < H o 73 pa H m a X < ■< o — ■ a© pa m ■© a f X o a m 71 i> a Im H o 75 73 © H a ro H H H Z -< > H a ■o aa l~ rn 1“ o > r CP70 r~ 70 70 70 © pa O' • X) * rn I O' _ 3 > 3 t/i C on on mH on X pa > on < m > X On X -< on on «< H on mO 3 o W O > Ho >o m © m on H 3 a: > X on pa On o m X on o o z on pa on H © M z > H > 05 m O 71 Z c o rm > 3 *0 Pa a H r h 75 50 50 m X 50 o > 3 75 H o > 71 H 171m X H pa T © p* m CD© X m a z m r H o 3 H 50 TO 70 O 50 71 ■n71 7>73 50 m z 50 © 3 C ft H H H « > > m X c > T > 3 * Z z Z ^ -H H © o 3 H < © pa M O pa 03 pa > © 3 3 50 50 75 > o O H mo C > 70 c 3fc > m mm© Pa Tl 71 *n < 71 H H H H m p a p a p a o ft on > 3 O «: 9t 9fe rr, 75Q o 71 3 X z * m X mo H© Z z *0 H < < X on © H c"l O o < o 71m m • 73 73 50 © m on © © in O Z h on O <-P" "O© 03 73 m X 05 ft O O on 73 O o > o > 50© H 50 H © © 50 > o o © 73 O 73 X m PMpa ft *© z 71 73 r- o m x m © © m ft % pa © O O pa c 50 m 75 0- On H X H H o c a o a H *0 O m O C 3 X 71 75 H © c 50 73 z m m > H a H c pa < H a 5 0 ■ o UJ o > 50 © > O © > m on ■o H aj 50 50 m 73 pa H m a > a ft © 50 H > z C mX m a 3 © 73 ft I- ft H a * 1” 73m H z o mH X *0 50 O On m c > m ft £ pa o Z J> 1 HOx o 1“ -< c aa Oo o r CD z 1 Z —t © < © >a > z p “ c a aa 1 © o z ft c H • m m > a o H a m O 3a aa c © p ft H o 71 ■o pa c 50 • O H C © • H a o pa ro < l~ in in o 70 > ITt in r~ 70 > H a PM H > > 70 i70n 70 r~ O > n> 70 o o o o o o ro ro ro VI UJ ■& © X m c CO -< 50 03 o Q c > H PM a z m © c pa © 73 z ■o O m c H H aa pa > z 50 m © 71 O 70 70 PH z 75 C H O 71 *o m 3 J> Z m z H Pa z 71 o 3 > H M O z 70 70 m jo 75 H H Z m 50 X X © H H •U pa c o > X 50 X 50 o Z © II II HH H pa X X • 73 PM O' > X ©X o ro ft ft m 50 X I > pa > H H 0J PMpa o Q ft ft o O •o pa t> 50 O 70 H Hm X ©© 1“ > H m H pa o 2 3 ii © > H II H X J> Pa r~ < o mOZ o 2 ft © c X ft 71 H H ©H pa H X Q pa m ft X aa X H I- pa I> mo X O ©© > >> 3 -I H O Z 3 z c 3 WRI T E( T YP ER, 2 > TGTIK, SOLANG, TKLED, TKIRO. TKPAR 2 FORMAT! ■ + • , 2 0 X , •T GT I K= •, F 8 . 4 , ' SOLANG=• , F 6 . 4 , 1 0 X , 1 T K L E 0 = ' , F 5 . 2 1 • TKIRO=',F5.2 ,' TKPAR= 1 , F5 .2 ) 75 pm m 75 — II 3 -1 H 3 H O pa > m >m H a • -H — *o "V Ia 73 — a o *-•pa © ft Z • ft a -1 + ^ ro a —■o w> — II h \JI ► n w • aa PM a rv» + o a -1 3 M MM< • -o O' W ft a a H pa a aa • >-* m X O 1m > a O' < H 51- a II X x *-» •m 73 m o H o z o H > O O o O O Cl OO Oo rofo H O' c c 70 71 £ x n £ ~ 0 5370590 O c c > * on n -4 ■o > X > 3 m H m on • o o C c O' n rr 70 > 70 > m > pa ro Ha -J o o _ 3 3 pm 3 J> ro o n 3 1“ x n H H H > o 75 m 11 II n «< o 3 *■» II II *■» (1 11 It 7? i— 3 3 3 Pa aa r 3 H m ft *o 3 3 J> > >m H> m + 75 On On on ■a, 73 H o 3 n a m aa H pa c H © on © © i/) ro p H **» H «*■V w > a -<o ~ 1• p »• I' M M O ■ o 3 < a 73 H • pa H *— ft m a • + pa ♦ * a o aa m pa ■a. m > J> m pa a Z a +H +a J* O' *a> ro H aa a m H ♦ © © pa © ro a ro o *“* o O H H H U>* o o > U) w H “ *a» c c c c O pa h* pa o o CD-J m o ■n s O n I o n * : x m o O X > O X > a pm a) *- X x z h o pa *5 «h r* 3 pa > m m m _t — to -R — 4 -,_r N- — mp -Hm a x a -< x> a 11 II - x o *0 o -< H mz ft m ft ■o x -<M « x m o «• > m 05 m a «—► — z HZ O Hw -»o aX -H a — >w m X O rr -J 75 H —>C*T a sD O> a O z —«© pa l>> O *</r— w U) n * a ■o X -« m m m it <► — X > ii « o OO o o ro ro "O OB 0021 0022 o o o o o o o o o o -3 5 1 C C 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 PEAK SHAPE PARAMETERS. 16 I F( LEVEL.GT.60)LEVEL=60 WRI T E I T Y P E . 1 2 ) 12 FORMAT!' * ENTER RES, RTB, RFET , T AIL ' ) CALL R E A D ! I A , 4 , 6 1 3 , 6 3 ) 13 R E S = I A ( 1 ) / 1 0 0 0 . RTB=IA(2)/1000. RFET=IA(3)/1000. TAIL=IA(4) WRITE(PRI NT, 1 4 ) RES,RTB,RFET,TAIL 14 FORMAT(• R E S = ' , F 6 . 3 , < R TB=',F6.3,' RFET=• , F6 . 3 , • RETURN TAIL=',F6.0> C 0053 0054 3 WR I T E ( L OG, 1 5 ) 15 FORMAT I ’ 6 ERROR DETECTED IN " R E A D " 1 /* SUBROUTINE RETURNS' ) RETURN END n o o n 0055 0056 KEYBOARD SUBROUTINE TO INPUT INFORMATION FOR F I T OF ONE RUN USES LIGHT PEN 0001 SUBROUTINE C C C C C C C C C C C C C INRUN(ARG) INFORMATION INVOLVED INCLUDES FI TTI NG BOUNDARIES, STARTING VALUES FOR THE POSI TION OF THE HIGHEST ENERGY PEAK AND TWO POINTS ON THE EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND (ALSO AS A STARTING VALUE) AS WELL AS LIMITS FOR THE COSMIC RAY BACKGROUND EVALUATION. CAN BE USED IN TWO MODES ACCORDING TO PARAMETER KEYS UPDATE AND LIGHT PEN. ON LIGHT PEN MODE THE VALUES ARE ENTEREO FROM SCRATCH. UPDATE MODE I S FASTER, THE PROGRAM ASSUMES THESTARTING VALUES ARE RELATED TO THE RESULTS OF LAST FIT TIC MARKS ARE OISPLAYEO FOR I DENTIFICATION OF THE CHANNELS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHOSEN. 0002 COMMON/ B/ LB,RB COMMON/BGN/KX1 , KX2 COMMON/ C/ LC,RC COMMON/ ION/ 1DN1, IDN2 COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/RAT/RAT COMMON/ START/PP( 1 0 ) COMMON/ LAB/LAS( 1 0 2 4 1 , XL COMMON/KE/K COMMON/PE/PEI 1 0 ) COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 2 4 I , LOG,NN INTEGER J N / Z 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 / . K N / Z 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 / , L A B * 2 INTEGER R B . R C . T E S T , TRACK, ARG*2, IM( 7 ) , PUTPT, AND 1 , K M ( 2 1 ) / ' E N T E R LB ENTER RB ENTER LC ENTER RC 2RTXENTER KX1 ENTER KX2 •/ LOGICAL UPDATE,CTRACK 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 C I F(LEVEL.LT.40I LEVEL=50 0016 0017 RETURN ® C KS=K+1 L=ARG/ 2 5 6 IF(L 1 1 , 1 , 3 3 UPOATE=. FALSE. CTRACK=. FALSE. TEST=ARG I F ( A N D ( J N . T E S T I . N E . 0 IUPDATE= . TRUE. I F I R A T . L E . 0 . 5 )UPDATE=. FALSE. I F ( AND( KN, TE S T ) . N E . 0 I CTRACK=. TRUE. IF(RAT.LE.0.5)CTRACK=.TRUE. I F ( . NOT. ( UPDATE. OR. CTRACK) ( RETURN 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 C CALL PHI0 ( • INRUN' I 0029 C 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 21 1F( UPDATE) CTRACK=. FALSE. C0EF=1. I F ( UP DA T E ) C 0 E F = 1 . / R A T I F ( UP DATE) WRI T E( NN, 2 1 ) FORMAT! •+ ' , T 1 0 0 , ' U P D A T E ' I C 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 00 4 1 OR NUCLEUS NOT IN TABLE* IM(l)=LB*COEF+0.5 1 MI 2 ) = R B * C OE F + 0 . 5 IM ( 3) =LC*C0EF + 0 . 5 I H(4)=RC*COEF+0. 5 IM(5)=PP(l)*C0EF+0.5 I M( 6 ) = K X l * C 0 E F + 0 . 5 1M( 7 ) = KX2 * C 0 E F + 0 . 5 ENTER STA -3 5 2 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 4 6 7 8 20 9 CALL D E S S I N I I D N 2 , 1 2 0 , 6 4 , 6 5 ) 1=0 1 = 1+1 CALL DESSI NtI ON 1 , 2 0 0 , 6 8 , 6 5 > CALL T E X T ( I D N 1 , 4 0 0 , 6 0 0 , 2 , 2 , ' H O ' , 1 2 , < M ( 3 = 1 - 2 1 , 6 5 ) I F ( .NOT. CTRACKIGO TO 20 IDN=TRACK( I X , I Y , I Z ) CALL DELAYC- 3) I F < I D N . L E . O ) GO TO 7 I F( ION.NE.I ONI ) I M (I )= 1X IY=I* 0 ,4 9 I F ( I . G E .6 )IY=-1 IY=(7+3*IY)»4+1 00 9 IX=1, IY,4 I E R = P U T P T ( I 0 N 2 , I M ( I ) , 8 0 0 - I X , 1) I F ( I E R . N E . I 0 N 2 ) GO TO 5 IER = PUTPT( I DN2, I M< I ) , I X , 1) I F C I E R . N E . I D N 2 ) GO TO 5 I F I I . L T . 7 ) GO TC 6 C 00 61 CALL D E S S I N I I O N l , 0 , 6 1 7 , 6 5 ) C 0062 0063 17 DO 18 1 = 1 , 7 18 IFI IM( I ) . L E . O ) GO TO 11 C 0064 0065 0066 0067 10 I F ( I M ( 2 ) - I M < 1 ) - 1 0 ) 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 2 12 I F ( I M ( 4 ) - I M ( 3 ) —10 ) 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 3 13 I F ( I M ( 5 ) . L T . I M ( 1 ) . 0 R . I M ( 5 ) . G T . I M ( 2 ) ) GO TO 11 IF < I M ( 7 ) - I M ( 6 ) - 1 0 ) 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 4 C 0068 0069 0070 00 71 0072 0073 5 WRI T E( L OG, 1 5 ) 15 FORMAT! • = ERR IN DISPLAY S R . RETURN' ) RETURN 11 WR1TE( L O G , 1 6 ) 16 FORMAT!' * INVALID ENTRY. RETURNED' ) RETURN C 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 14 LB=IM(1) RB = I M( 2 ) LC=IM(3) RC= I M( 4 ) PP!1)=IM(5J KX1=I M( 6 ) KX 2 = I M( 7 ) C 00 81 0082 0083 0084 0085 0 0 23 1 = 1 , X 23 P P ( I ) = P E ( I ) / P E ( 1 ) = P P ( 1 ) PP( KS)= 0 .5 X L = ( K X 2 - K X 1 ) / A L OG( LABIKX1 ) * 1 . / L A B ( KX2) ) * 0 . 5 RETURN C 0086 0087 0088 OOo ■ 0001 1 CALL DESS I N ( ION2 , L t 6 2 , 6 5 ) 2 RETURN END THIS IS THE FI TTI NG ROUTINE SUBROUTINE C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C I TSELF. INTG(ARG) THE PEAK SHAPES ARE PREPARED BY CALLING XFORH. THE ALGORITHM IS AS FOLLOWS. THE CHISQ I S CONSIDERED AS A FUNCTION OF THE NON-LINEAR PARAMETERS ONLY, THE LINEAR PARAMETERS ALWAYS BEING ASSUMED OPTIMUM. THIS FUNCTION OF MANY VARIABLES SHOWS A MINIMUM WE WISH TO FI ND. THE FIRST DERIVATIVES ARE COMPUTED AT VARIOUS POINTS ANO THE SECOND DERIVATIVE IS OBTAINED BY FINITE DIFFERENCES. T he m a t r i x of s e c o n d DERIVATIVES I S DIAGONALIZED AND THE DISPLACEMENT NEEDED IN EACH OF THE EIGcNDIRECTIONS IS COMPUTED. IF THE DISPLACEMENT NEEDED IS UNREASONABLY LARGE, I T IS ARBITRARILY LI MI TED. THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE REMARKABLE STABI LI TY OF THE METHOD ON SMALL PEAKS. WHEN THE SUBROUTINE IS CALLED WITH A NEG ARG, THE F I T IS DONE OVER LINEAR PARAMETERS ONLY, THE VALUE OF CHISQ I S PRINTED AND THE FI T CAN BE DISPLAYED ON THE SCREEN. IF THE OPERATOR IS HAP=Y WITH THIS STARTING VALUE, HE CAN THEN PROCEED TO FI T FOR NON-LINEAR PARAMS. THIS I S DONE BY CALLING INTG AGAIN WITH A POSITIVE ARG. THE FIT IS LIMITED TO 12 ITERATIONS AND THE NUMBER OF ITERATIONS IS PRINTED ON-LINE WITH THE CHI SQ. IF THE NUMBER OF ITERATIONS IS SMALLER THAN 12 THE OPERATOR CAN SAFELY ASSUME THAT IT Dll) CONVERGE THE SUBROUTINE IS PREVENTED FROM CONVERGING AS LONG AS THE CORRECTIONS IN EACH STEP ARE LIMITED SO THAT EVEN IF THE CHISQ SETTLES TO A MINIMUM IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT CONVERGENCE OCCUREO. THE LI ST OF SUCCESSIVE CHISQ ARE PRINTED OFF- LINE W(TH THE PEAK POSITIONS FOUND. -3 5 3 - 0002 COMMON/LAB/LABI 1 0 2 4 ) , XL C0MM0N/ SPECT/ W( 1 0 2 4 ) COMMON/ CLAB/ CLABI1 0 2 4 ) , T ( 5 0 0 0 ) COMMON/ B/ LB»RB COMMON/KE/K C 0 MM0 N/ S T AR T / P P ( 10) COMMON/ ANS/V( 1 0 ) C0MM0N/STAT/STAT(500),STATC(500) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 3 2 ) . L OG, PR I NT,TYPE INTEGER*2 LAB, CLAB, ARG, T , W, S TAT , STATC INTEGER R B , T Y P E , P R I N T , X , I E R 1 / ' L F I T 1/ , STARTX, RB1 LOGICAL FLAG REAL GRAD( 1 0 ) , GRAS( 1 0 ) , G M ( 1 0 , 1 0 ) , DEV( 1 0 ) , CHI SOI 1 1 ) REAL A ( 5 5 ) , R ( 1 0 0 ) , TR1 / 0 . 1 / , T R 2 / 3 . 0 / REAL* 8 L A B E L I 4 ) / ' P P ' , ' DEV• , • GRAD',' CHISQ'/ EQUIVALENCE ( R ( 1 ) , GM( 1 , 1 ) ) 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 C 0019 I F I L E V E L . L T . 6 0 ) RETURN I F I ARG. GE. OI CALL P H I DI ' I N T G 0020 •) C 0021 0022 ITER =1 STEB=-.01 L T= 50 0 KS=K+1 L=R8 - L B + 1 11 =4 1 J2=I1-1+K*LT LB1=LB—1 RBI = RB+1 0023 0024 002 5 0026 0027 0028 0029 C 0030 0031 0032 33 CALL XFORM(ARGI I F ( L E V E L . L T . 7 0 ) LEVEL=70 IF(ITER.EQ.l.AND.ARG.GE.O) GO TO 23 C 0033 32 CALL L F I T ( C L A B I L B ) , S T A T ( 1 ) , W ( L B ) , K S , L T , T ( 1 1 ) , L , A X , V , C H I S O ( I TER) , 1 GRAD) GRAD(KS >= - G R A D ( K S l / P P I K S I / X L IFIAX-.O Ol)2,2,5 2 IF(ARG> 7 6 , 1 , 1 o o o 0034 0035 0036 00 37 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 CHECK STATUS o o o 1 IF(( ITER+41/8-1) 4 , 4 1 , 2 3 4 1 I F ( F L A G ) GO TO 4 I F ( A B S ( C H I S O ( I T E R ) - C H I S O ( I T E R - 1 ) ) . G T . . 0 0 2 ) GO TO 4 0 I F ( A B S ( C H I S O ( i T E R - l ) - C H I S Q ( I T E R - 2 ) ) . L T . . 0 0 4 ) GO TO 23 4 0 DO 4 2 1 = 1 , K 4 2 I F ( A B S ( D E V ( I ) I . G E . 0 . 5 ) GO TO 4 I F ( A B S ( D E V ( K S ) ) . L T . 0 . 0 1 ) GO TO 22 0044 0045 CALCULATE MATRIX GM OF SECOND DERIVATIVES o 4 DO 6 1 = 1 , K CALL L S H I F T ( 1 . , T ( L T * ( I - 1 I + 1 I ) 1 5 CALL L F I T ( C L A B ( L B ) t S T A T ( l ) , G R A S ( KS ) = —G R A S ( K S ) / P P ( K S ) / X L IFIAX-.OOl I 8, 8,5 - 1 , K S . L T , T ( 1 1 1, L , AX, V, OSQ. GRASI o 0046 0047 0048 8 00 7 J=1,KS 7 GM( I , J I = G R A 0 ( J I - G R A S ( J ) 0051 6 CALL R S HI F T ( 1 • » T ( L T * ( 1 —1 1 + 1 ) I 0052 o o o 0049 0050 CALL EPEAK1<P P ( KS I + S T E B I * * < 1 . / X L I , T ( J2 + 1 ) ) 16 CALL L F I T ( C L A B ( L B ) , S T A T ( 1 ) , - 1 , K S . L T , T ( 1 1 ) , L . AX, V , OS Q. GR A S ) GRAS <KS)= —G R A S ( K S ) / ( P P ( K S ) + S T E B I / X L IFIAX-.OOl)11,11,5 o 0053 0054 0055 11 0 0 10 J= 1 , KS 10 G M ( K S , J ) = ( G R A S ( J I —G R A O ( J ) ) / S T E B o o o 0056 0057 SYMMETRIZE GM, PUT IN A, 0 1AGONAL IZ E 0 0 6 0 1 = 1 , KS 0 0 60 J = I , KS 60 A( 1 + J * ( J - l > / 2 ) = ( G M ( 1 , J I + G M I J , I ) 1 / 2 on 0058 0059 0060 CALL E l G E N ( A , R , K S , 0 ) o o o 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 CHECK FOR LOW EIGENVALUES, i FLAG=. FALSE. 22 DO 13 1 = 1 , KS TR=TR2 GRAS( I ) = 0 . TEM=0. COMPUTE OEV. -3 5 4 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 00 6 6 J = 1 , K S TEN=R(J+(I-1)*KS> GR A SI I >= GRAS ( I ) + T E N » G R A 0 <JI TEN=TEN*TEN I F ( T E M- T E N ) 1 9 , 6 6 , 6 6 19 LL=J TEM= TEN 6 6 CONTINUE I F( LL. EQ. KS )TR= TRl C 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 N=I * ( I + 1 ) / 2 IF(A (N )-1.£-20)3,14,14 14 G R A S ( I ) = G R A S ( I ) / A ( N ) I F ( ABS( GRAS( I ) ) - T R ) 1 3 , 1 3 , 3 3 G R A S I I ) = G R A S < I ) / A B S I G R A S I I ) ) *TR FLAG=. TRUE. 13 CONTINUE C 0083 0084 0085 0086 0 0 17 I = 1 , KS DEVI I 1=0. 00 17 J = 1 , K S 17 DEVI I ) = O E V t I I + R I 1+ 1 J - 1 ) * K S ) * G R A S I J ) C 0087 0088 0089 2 1 DO 38 1 = 1 , KS 38 P P I I ) = P P ( I l - O E V I I ) IFIPPIKS) . L T . . 0 2 ) PP (K S)= .02 C ITER=ITER+1 1F I CHI S QI I TE R- 11 - 1 . 5 1 3 1 , 3 1 , 3 3 31 0 0 3 4 1 = 1 , L STATtI)=H(I+LB-1)+STATC(I) 34 I F ! S T A T { I ) . L E . O I S T A T I 11=1 0090 00 91 0092 0093 0094 C GO TO 33 0095 C C C 0100 0101 ERROR RETURNS 5 H R I T E ( P R I N T , 2 7 ) IER1 WRI TE( LOG, 2 7 ) I ERl 27 FORMAT! 1 * = 4 = MATRIX INV FAI L IF(ARG>76,76,78 78 I F ! I T E R - 1 ) 2 3 , 7 5 , 2 3 0096 0097 0098 0099 C C C C ',A4) NORMAL OUTPUT 2 3 W R I T E I P R I N T , 7 7 ) L A B E L ( 1 ) , IPPI I ) , I = 1 , K S ) IF I I T E R - 1 1 7 5 , 3 2 , 7 5 0102 C 75 WRITE I P R I N T , 7 7 ) LABEL I 2 ) , I DEV I I ) , I = 1 , K S ) W R 1 T E I P R I N T , 7 7 ) L A B E L ( 3 ) , I GRAD I I ) , I = 1 , K S ) W R I T E ! P R I N T , 7 7 ) LABEL( 4 ) , ( C H I S Q I I ) , I = 1 , I TER) 7 7 FORMAT! A8 I 1 X . 8 G 1 4 . 5 ) ) 0103 0104 0105 0106 C 7 6 WRI T E( T YP E, 4 4 ) I T E R , C H I S QI I T E R ) WRITE(L0G,77)LABEL(3),(GRAD(1),I=I,KS) 4 4 FORMA T( I 4 . F 1 0 * 5) 0107 0108 0109 C 0110 0 0 46 1 = 1 , LB1 4 6 W11) =0 0 0 47 I = R B 1 , 1 0 2 4 47 HI I ) =0 RETURN END 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0001 9 THIS PHASE PERMITS REASSIGNING FORTRAN INPUT AND OUTPUT UNITS DURING EXECUTION. WHENEVER AN I / O OPERATION IS TO BE PERFORMED, THE UNIT ON WHICH IT MUST BE DONE IS TAKEN FROM A COMMON ARRAY NAMED ' I O C ' THE PURPOSE OF IOUNIT IS TO SELECTIVELY ALTER THIS ARRAY. THE FI RST TIME IT IS USED, IT MUST BE I N I T I AL I ZED BY CALLING IT WITH A NEG. ARG, AND IT WILL READ A LI ST OF CONTROL NAMES. EACH NAME WILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH A BLOCK OF FOUR ASSIGNMENTS. THESE CONTROL NAMES CAN BE CONVENIENTLY TAKEN TO BE THE NAMES OF THE PHASES WHICH HAVE THEIR I / O UNITS CONTROLLED BY A GIVEN SECTION OF I OC. ( I OC IS DIVIDED INTO 12 SECTIONS OF FOUR WORDS EACH) . A LI ST OF FOUR BLOCKS WITH THEIR ASSOCIATED PHASES AND NORMAL ASSIGNMENTS IS GIVEN TN THE THESI S. I NI TI AL ASSIGNMENTS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE BLOCK DATA I NI T I AL I ZAT I ON OF IOC. TO BYPASS I OUNI T, IFDESIRED, THE PROPER I NI TI ALI ZATI ON MUST BE USED IN THE BLOCK DATA SUBPROGRAM AND IOUNIT NEEDS NEVER BE CALLED. SUBROUTINE IOUNIT(ARG) C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 REAL*B NAME, END/ ' *ENO • / , SNAMES112 ) INI EGER T Y P E , P R I N T , I O C ( 4 8 ) , ARG*2 COMMON/ IOC/IOC COMMON/SNAMES/SNAMES,IMAX EQUIVALENCE I IOC I 1 ) , L O G ) , I IOC 12 I , TYPE) , 11OCI 3 ) , PR I NT I , I IOC 14 I , I GN) 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 o o© oo oo oo ©o oo oo oo o o ©o o© © njivrvfvivfvfvr'oiv ujwui W M »- ©©©©o ©o o o o ©© o ©o cd O' VJ) * o o o o o ©©o o o o o © o o o o o o o h* ©o o o IV PMP-* P-* ► — p-1I— PMp-» © o *0 oo -J O' «J1* W rv f © SO © o n> o o © o o o © o o U5 rv ooo© oooooo© o© O O © O O © © o© © 0 ©©0o0©0o0©©a0©©©©©0 © 00 000©00©0000 W W w w U) w w U> 03 <> ■f' IV p-* 0 ' 0 ® ' J O , y i ^ W lM 7 -o 0 0 5 -J ^ V fl^ W M P - 0 'O o - J ooo oo 11 >0 U1 <_c_ (/> m o X PM to © ■q m o II < \J1 X M IM «... P-* PM « + X to to IM + <_ tt 11 7* JO •M p** w 7t0t x c.+ -s. z tt c tt tt VO u I —* pM pM"s. 1 £ M 2 «to» LU LU * o > r r m to * © m z z * o o z *q c H m < © < 70 z tt X to * © < II c —i z *■* m PM z + - t m 1 Z to- + p-« * • n c. -H C - © m *- o ii z IV r o • X II II PM 0 . •M « I • 7? r w o o tt >* H r\>>-H P-+ HII + m X z ■V. f c. > © toto X tt -i C. + X w 11 tt C — © o M4 c < © o II — ^ C — X II n r - t It tt o • •—IH<M « + r- top• « h+ X ■s. i ~ > © X *-» >tt —» X 1 M NII o • •M It PM * to U f— * , <- © ■ n >— * - o pm II i i to"* f > <_ * w 03 to 11 t o c_ M . £ + c _ It z 1 2 to * « w X w rv to <m Z © ►* I V t» VECTOR © 73 > © > X II N * p-> P— • \n o O M AND on vr < o M. O MATRIX p— o o z ■q c COMPUTE DO 10 X = 1 , L TEM=0. DO 11 J = 1 , K S TEM=TEM+V(JI*T(LT*(J-1)+X) IFI FLAG) GO TO 16 o © o JO c X M > © vD t o o II «M II © • II * o • X > x ** -n to — r * x it ii xTirmzo > -t© o i/)vio r m m • 1 "O11 © O f m• < m > n -n — 73 r -i> •- * **n r~ti *-■ t o « — m z > C>D • « _ m vjiI— •© vo — i *r *T1 1“ > © O ►- —• m* «• - z m > 7) r~ m > to -H to © c J> 75 m to ■n CD Ifl T5 •II JO >m H r~ 70 © O — -I C m — h * — i_ i - t to c © 7> O c —i 2 m r* ■n - t a > r~ > © * to *o m X m 2 © rv © o *n £ O 53 70 ►N —1 ? -H > m o h m ■< T3 tt m «• m p75 U ) 73 ■—* o © • w r© O H O h £ 73 M - t m O' o > r~ i“ 70 m < > *0 © m PM < o o *- o h 2 > Z m r~ *— Co o o p- *— co 73 11 tt *M Z © m X o © O TI o ti 73 - t Z t t o t> •m H 2 >-> • O m X tt I tu • •• > co ♦ — r c 2 X 2 O £ 2 pO £ © PM -H m H < ■o m Ho 2 > Z m 70 m H C 73 Z © ■n O 73 z > - t £ © X r M it II ■H J ' •C ' m tt » IM ■q 1 • 73 w M tt z - t • • * > a •• M* to 2 HH > O' Z m to •M. M «M U> |M f V to © O TI «■» © 2 > M Z II m H- • •• z PM m z • > m X 2 © w © O a O 2 w 2 c m © © H o 2 © m X © M ii o ■n o 2 > z m • Z m • to 2 > Z m to » m > o «•» r~ o © z > X «M *n O 7> z > H a • z > z m w —1 o -4 *n o 73 VO z > - t II > © © O £ -n 30 © 70 w z m > - I 70 m TI t> a > 70 f © a © © © 2 fs j m • (V w o U5 _ w > © M z © > c X -H o to 2 ) ■ > z m to ♦ O o — o z p- o— X £ * — Z > X o > f r*q I O to 2 > z m to w w UJ ec o to a »- |_HIL UJ £ z <o © o ec © 0- V- ec o o < UJ UJ a. ec Ul oo ec > O a; o h» < tO a © _i © Ul © I Z a. UJ _j < H* I a. X 1© O •-H _l z X UJ u. o X M UJ -J >U. • < a. o O © UJ l UJ a. UJ © < «j I— X oO Q. to UJ + -H ~ I « X 3 H- LU + > -_u - i w G. © HH LL -J LU Z © ec -I • CO < © V* X + f4 w © •& • a z < £ XH — x © < £ UJ O 1 * UJ -J LO © 1 1- < X 1 z UJ II x X X < © © a £ O o *— X + -) w V— « X w CO < -J >v —£ X UJ ♦ 1-4 || L- X oo a 00 «■ *o ©+ X X _l • # ►« ► * * « HM 1 H M H. 1 *4 © H + • • II w II II II £ 1 « X UJ X © © 1—w n n © II K » **4 O ©II <NJ II -f a -J * »■ m II II £ £« w a w O —♦uj O u j o o > © M o © O ->H O H £ * D oo © x o © o UJ > 0 D O f -4QO oo •m _ X < « X* — 0 1V— ♦ s a: * •+ o lu uj : I © -4 * ©II ©| © < 00 * • — «O H ~ — >S I ~4 II X X f l t u — — LU II »-< H-o I ^ o n n to x -* © O O© O 60 © II < < Z < < • "•© Q O. LU LU I LL I uj z Whl-o« 0Q *m- tOf OK OL)OOtqf cl Oo uj i—4 < i/) o0 X X —« O INI < I _J X —O wXO w + O < 0 0Q «■ "s. —■ <X ^ < •O • a: no oo I O l| ^ o it M — >II—-UJ II II -* I ~ LO 3 -3 00 o # 2 -> ^ II z <~4COw — ’©X r*4 £ < x o o X a. © LL 00 UJ a: < © © oo © 00 < LU © x < UJ z © II > # £ >A > UJ K © & £ O O o 10 X «. £ z UJ o m UJ _J -J < O <n CM O'O '-'rufo^in^r-oo^o^ivjm ^. X — 00 oo X«. 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II II © £ X ec *-» X • UJ UJ X z H» < l- *-» tf o o II II II n K © £ £ ec. X « K O o UJ o UJ UJ UJ LL UJ z a: uj o h- o 1- w 1© — © UJ QC£ X o 1- IL UJ H* c c c c © M u. X _j © © _i v> 00 X •. ca <t © •i- « * — « X > © — * LL ©X «•« -• o © © o w UJ X a. oO *o < -H ,_w— D cD ► <t -j trv in w £ — ■ > <c —• © INJ # X > UJ H • 10 Q. X © o 1 X © X © © M X a © © ►- o © a. to X y— o o o © © © © X © © o £ O ♦ O X < -4* nj O ^4 © < © oO a © •• £ u © < © •— • H ft £ o • —* •> * to Z *■ X •4o A © < IN © < £ o 4- w © •D < •Mrsi CD'■> nj © —■ wo < © — • to o © .4 © © o o © » < o *»■* O cc X COo o •> •>< X © _J a N» © N„ © CO © •N. <©CO© • < © -s. < > o © © CO u V. CMX ©©O < £ © © M (_> COft N* "S* ■s. X X •s. V. V. z Z Z z z z z ©© a o o o c o O o o o «—> £ £ £ £ £ £ £ •u © o £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ©© o o O O O o O Oz z © M to o O o o o o O -J Cl -3 5 7 - 0012 1F! LEVEL. I . T . 5 0 ) LEVEL=59 CALL PHI D( 1LPC 0013 0014 RETURN ' I C 0015 o o o IF (ARG)32,32,33 P1LEUP CORRECTION. ESTIMATION OF TAI L PARAMETERS. 33 L I M I T = 2 . * S E E K ( L P , 1 0 , 1 0 2 4 , . 7 5 l - S E E K <L P , 1 0 , 1 0 2 4 , . 2 5 ) JT = 2 . 5 + 2 . 8 0 * S E E K ( L P , 1 0 , L I M I T , . 7 5 1 - 1 . 8 0 * S E E K ! L P , 1 0 , L I M I T , . 25 I 0018 0019 NTAIL=0 DO 1 0 1 = J T , 1 0 2 4 10 NTAIL=NTA1L+LP<11 I F ( NT A I L . LE. 5 ) GO TO 3 0020 o 0016 0017 n 0021 0022 E X P C = S E E K ! L P , J T , 1 0 2 4 * . 6 3 2 1 —JT JP=SEEK(LP,1 0 , 1 0 2 4 , 0 . 5 1 + 0 . 5 I F ( E X P C . L T . 1 5 . I GO TO 3 KE3=4.*EXPC+1. I F I K E 3 . G T . 5 0 0 ) KE3=500 o 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 o C= NTA I L / E XP C * E XP < ( J T - J P I / E X P C ) ACCU=0. 00 13 I =J T , 1 0 2 4 13 A C C U= A C C U+ C * E X P ! ! J P - I I / E X P C ) 0031 0032 0033 0034 o J J S= 0 DO 14 1 = 1 0 , 1 0 2 4 14 J J S = J J S + L P (1 I C=C/JJS 0035 0036 ooo DO 31 1 = 1 , KE3 31 T A B L E ! I ) = C * E X P ( - I / EXPCI 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 EVALUATION OF SPECTRUM OF PI LE UP ISUM =0 DO 20 1 = 1 0 , RC 2 0 1SUM=1SUH+LAB( 1 ) 0 0 21 1 = 1 , RC STATC( I >=0 2 1 STAT! 1 I =LAB ( I I C I TER= 1 27 LSUM=0 0 0 22 1 = 1 0 , RC 22 LSUM=LSUM+STATC( 1 ) C0 EF=1. *LSUM/ I SUM 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 C FRAC=0. 00 2 3 1 = 1 0 , RC CORR=—STATCI I ) + C OE F * S T A T ( I l + F R A C J=CORR+0•5 FRAC=CORR-J 23 STAT( I ) = L A B ( I I + J 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 C 0054 IF!ITER-2)2,2,28 C 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 2 FRAC=0. 1=8 30 1= 1+ 3 I F ! I . G T . R C ) GO TO 4 0 JR=I —KE3 I F ( J R . L T . I O ) JR=10 CORR =0• 11=1-1 DO 2 4 J = J R , I I 2 4 CORR=CORR + S T A T ( J ) *T ABLE (1 —J 1 CORR=CORR+FRAC S TATC( 1 - 1 ) = C 0 R R + 0 . 5 S TATC! I I=CORR + 0 . 5 STATC( 1 + 1 ) = C 0 R R + 0 . 5 FRAC= CORR- S T ATC( I ) GO TO 30 C 40 0071 ITER=ITER+1 GO TO 27 0072 C 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 2 8 TEM=COEF+COEF*COEF FRAC =0 . 00 4 1=10,1024 C0RR=TEM*LA8 ( I I+FRAC, J =C0RR+0.5 FRAC =CORR—J 4 STATCI I ) = 2 . * S T A T C ( I I + J - 0080 0081 0082 358 - PERC=1. *LSUM/ I SUM WR I T E ( M , 9 ) J T , P E R C , E X P C , N T A I L 9 FORMAT!' + ' , T 7 0 , ' J T = ' , 1 4 , • PERC=' , F 7 . 5 , ' 1 • NTAIL=' , 1 4 ) RETURN 0083 3 WRITE( N , 2 9 ) 29 FORMAT!' UNUSUAL LP SPECTRUM' ) WR I T E ( M, 1 ) J T , N T A I L , E X PC 1 FORMAT!• + • , T 7 0 , ' F A I L I U R E J T = ',I4 ,' LEVEL=50 RETURN 0090 0 0 91 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 32 0 0 3 4 1 = 1 , 1 0 2 4 STATC( I ) = 0 34 S T A T I I ) = L A B ( I ) WRI T E ( M, 3 9 ) 39 FORMAT!• + • , T 8 0 , ' N O RETURN END n o o n 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0001 EXPC='.F6.2, N T A IL =',I4,' EXPC=' , G 1 0 . 4 ) PILEUP CORRECTI ON' ) SUBROUTINE TO SHIFT PEAK SHAPES TO THE LEFT . o SUBROUTINE L S HI F T ( DEV, A ) 0002 I NT EGERS A ( 1 ) IOEV=DEV N= 5 0 0 - 1 DEV FR=DEV-IOEV FRC=1 . O- FR o 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 1 DO 3 1 = 1 , N 1 1 = 1 + 1 OEV 3 A ! I ) = FR*A<11+ 1 >+FRC*A(11 1 + 0 . 5 RETURN n 0010 0011 o 0008 0009 IF(FR)5,2,1 0012 2 DO 4 1 = 1 , N 4 A! I ) = A( I + IOEV) 5 RETURN END o 0013 0014 0015 0001 o o o SUBROUTINE PHIOIPHN) 0002 SUBROUTINE FOR PHASE IDENTIFICATION REAL* 8 PHN INTEGER PRINT, TYPE COMMON/ I OC/ I OC! 8 ) . P R I N T , T Y P E , I OP( 3 8 ) WRITE( P RI NT, 1 ) PHN WRITE( TYPE, 11PHN 1 FORMAT!' * ' , A 8 ) RETURN ® END o 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0001 o ooonooooo SUBROUTINE PLOT<N , F S , / A / , / B / , * , * ) 0002 IMPLI CI T INTEGER( A - Z ) COMMON/CPLOT/ IDN REAL C. TEM. FS INTEGER*2 A ( 1 ) , B ( 1 ) , K U T * 4 / 4 / non 0003 0004 0005 non 0010 ERASE PREVIOUS DI SPLAY, START NEW DISPLAY CALL O E S S I N f I O N , 2 * N + 2 0 , 6 2 , 6 1 ) 0006 0007 0008 0009 DISPLAY SUBROUTINE (LOGARITHMIC) FOR TWO SUPERPOSED SPECTRA A, N NUMBER OF CHANNELS TO DISPLAY IN EACH SPECTRUM FS # OF COUNTS CORRESPONDING TO I Y = 7 9 9 C CONSTANT IN FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION IY=C*LOGI A ( I X ) ) RETURN I IS NORMAL RETURN, RETURN 2 IS ERROR RETURN. A AND B ARE FIRST AND SECOND SPECTRA TO BE DISPLAYEO A IS INTENSITY 3 AND B I S INTENSITY 1 . ALL CHANNELS HAVING LESS THAN KUT COUNTS ARE OMITTED PUT POINTS IN BUFFER 2 00 8 I X = l , l i IY = 80 * ( I X - 1 ) IER=PUTPT( I D N . O , I Y , 3 ) 8 I F ! 1 E R . N E . I O N ) RETURN 2 B -3 5 9 - 00 LI 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 4 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 o o o o o 5 7 1 I F I F S . L E . K U T + 1 0 . ) FS=KU7 + 10. C= 7 9 9 . / A L 0 G ( F S / K U T > DO 5 IX = 1» N I F ( A ( 1 X ) . L T . K U T I G 0 TO 4 IY=C=ALOGIl.*A(IX)/KUT)+0.5 I F ( I Y . G E . 8 0 0 ) GO TO 4 IER=PUTPT( I D N , I X , I Y , 3 ) I F C I E R . N E . I U N ) RETURN 2 I F I B ( I X J . L T . K U T ) GO TO 5 I Y=C=ALOG<l.*B(IX)/KUT1+0.5 I F ( I Y . G E . 8 0 0 ) GO TO 5 I ER=PUTPT( I O N , I X , I Y , 1 I I F { I E R . N E . I D N ) RETURN 2 CONTINUE RETURN 1 RETURN 2 END THE PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE IS TO HAKE THE INPUT OF DATA EASIER ANO TO PREVENT BLOWING UP DUE TO ILLEGAL CHARACTERS IN AN I OR F FORMAT FIELD 0001 o o o n o o o o o o o o o o o o SUBROUTINE READI INF, I ED, * , * ) ROOT PHASE SUBROUTINE TO READ FROM TYPEWRITER. READS IN >A' FORMAT AND CONVERTS TO 1 * 4 . THE NUMBERS MUST BE UNSIGNED INTEGERS SEPARATED BY COMMAS. INF DIMENSIONED 4 0 , CONTAINS 1=4 INFORMATION READ IN IF ALL CHARACTERS BETWEEN COMMA I ANO 1+1 ARE BLANKS THE VALUE OF I N F I I + l ) IS LEFT UNCHANGED. I CHARACTER BEING PROCESSED S RANK OF DIGIT PROCESSED IN CURRENT WORD L WORD PROCESSED J-l VALUE OF DIGIT PROCESSED IED NUM8 ER OF INTEGERS TO BE READ IF THE NUMBER OF INTEGERS REAO I N=I ED, RETURN TO FIRST STM NO IF AN ILLEGAL CHARACTER IS PRESENT OR IF IEO I S DIFFERENT FROM THE NUMBER OF CHARACTERS READ IN, RETURN I S HADE TO SECOND STM. NO 0002 I MPLI CI T I NT EGER*4 I A- Z I INTEGER I N F I 4 0 I INTEGER*2 TYPE{ 8 0 I , COMMA/•, ' / . S P A C E / 1 '/, 1 NUM(IO) / ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , ' 3 ' , ' 4 ' , ' 5 ' , ' 6 ' , ' 7 COMMON/ IOC/IOC 1 4 ) , M, N, I OP I 4 2 ) 0003 0004 o o 000 5 0006 0007 0008 0009 10 0 0010 0011 0012 101 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 11 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 00 31 12 o o o 10 S=0 L=1 WRI TEI M. l OO) FORMAT I T 8 1 ) R E A DI N , 1 0 1 1 TYPE FORMAT( 8 0 A 1 ) DO 10 1 = 1 , 8 0 I F I T Y P E U l . E Q . S P A C E ) GO TO 10 I F ( T Y P E ! I ) .NE.COMMA) GO TO 11 L=L+ 1 I F I L . G T . I E D ) RETURN 2 S=0 GO TO 10 DO 12 J = l , 1 0 I F I T Y P E I I I . N E . N U M I J ) I GO TO 12 S=S + 1 I F (S .E Q .l ) INF(L)=J-1 I F ( S . E Q . l ) GO TO 10 INF(L)=10*INF(L)+J-1 GO TO 10 CONTINUE RETURN 2 CONTINUE I F ( L . E Q . I E D ) RETURN 1 RETURN 2 ENO SUBROUTINE TO SHIFT PEAK SHAPES TO THE RI GHT. SUBROUTINE R S H I F T ( DEV, A) 0001 C 0002 INTEGER*2 At 1) IDEV=DEV N = 5 0 0 - I DEV FR=DEV-1DEV FRC=1.-FR 0003 0004 0005 0006 C IF(FR)5,2,1 0007 C ■* ','8 ','9 •/ -3G 00008 0009 0010 0011 0012 1 DO 3 1 = 1 , N J=501-I I1=J-IDEV 3 A ! J ) = F R * A( I 1 - 1 ) + F R C * A ( 1 1 1 + 0 . 5 RETURN C 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 2 DO 4 1 = 1 , N J=50l- I 4 A ( J ) = A ( J - 1 DEV) 5 RETURN END C C C SUBROUTINE TO READ TAPE AND PREPARE TITLE FOR DISPLAY 00 01' SUBROUTINE RT(ARG) C C C C C C THE DATA TAPE IS READ FIRST ( I T IS ASSUMED CORRECTLY POSITIONED FI RST BY TPHDL) . THE RELATI VI STI C KINEMATICS COMPUTE THE CENTER OF HASS ANGLE AND THE CORRECTION OF SOLID ANGLE, AND THE TITLE I S DISPLAYEO ( RUN NUMBER, ANGLE, ENERGY, AND TARGET NUCLEUS 10) 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 COMMON/LAB/LAB COMMON/LP/LP COMMON/ LISE/EP,CHARGE COMMON/ CORR/ANGLE.OT,ICC COMMO N/ P E / P E ( 1 0 ) , P E C M( 1 0 ) C0MM0N/ KE/ K, EEXC( 10> COMMON/ RDATA/ Q, RKE, AT, ZT COHMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/RELAT/BETA, ACOB,TETA COMMON/RAT/RAT COMMON/LON/LDN COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 1 6 ) , TAPE, TYPE, PR I NT.LOG INTEGER RUN, TAPE, TYPE, P RI NT , AT, Z T , BTOOEC I NT EGER S E P, CHARGE , CODE, ANGLE,OT , ICC , BEAM, TANT, LPE . PMHV, LPFC ,ARG I NT EGERS FRSTCH.LASTCH, LAB ( 1 0 2 4 I ,LP< 1 0 2 4 ) REAL M 1 , M 2 , M 3 , M A S S = > 8 , E Q U I V * 8 , D P 6 / 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . / L0GI CAL*1 T I T L E 18 0 I / ' RAD I AT IVE CAPTURE OF PROTONS TARGET ' , 1 ' A= Z= KEV OEGREES' / EQUIVALENCE I T I T L E ( 7 3 ) , CODE) , ( T I T L E ( 7 5 I , RUN) 0019 C 0020 0021 0022 ARCCOS(ALF)=CONV*ARCOS(ALF) AC0S ( AL F I = COS ( AL F / CONV) CONV= 5 7 . 2 9 5 8 C 0023 0024 IFILEVEL.NE.20.AND.LEVEL.NE.90) LEVEL=30 RETURN C 0025 0026 0027 WRI TE( PRI NT, 1 0 ) 10 FORMAT( • 1 ' ) CALL P HI D C R T C C C READ DATA FROMDATA ACQUISI TI ON 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 1 2 3 0034 0035 0036 •) 4 PROGRAM READt T A P E . l 1 C 0 D E , RUN, EP. ANGLE. CHARGE, OT.BEAM, TANT, I C C , LPE, LPFC, 1 FRSTCH.LASTCH,PMHV WRI T EI T YP E. 2 ) CODE,RUN 9 W R I T E ( P R I N T , 3 ( CODE, RUN, BEAM, TANT, LPE, PMHV, ANGLE, OT, ICC F O R MA T ! A 2 , A 4 , 2 0 A 2 ) FORMAT(• * ' , A 2 , A 4 > FORMAT!• + • , 8 X , A 2 , A 4 , • BEAM=',I5,' TAN T=',I5,‘ LPE='.I5, 1 • PMHV=1, I 5 , 1 ANGLE=' , 1 5 , 1 D T = , , I 5 , ' ICC=',I5) REA0(TAPE, 4)LP READ! TAPE, 4I LAB F ORMAT! 1 80A2) C 0037 0038 I F I A N G L E . L T . 170 IANGLE = ANGLE*10 I F ( ANGLE . G T . 1 7 0 0 ) ANGLE=ANGLE/10 C C C C 0039 0040 0041 ' 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 RELATI VI STI C KINEMATICS EQV= EQUIV( 0 I M1=(MASS( 1,1) +DP6)*EQV M2 = ( MA S S ( Z T , A T ) + A T * D P 6 )*EQV M3=(MASS(ZT+1,AT+1)+(AT+1)*0P6)*EQV PHI = 10*E P E=M1+PHI PPR=SQRT! 2 * M 1 # P H I + P H I * P H I ) BETA=PPR/ ! M2+EI GAMA=1,/SQRT!1.-BETA*BETA) ET=GAMA*! M2+E-BETA*PPR) DO 11 I = 1 ,K 11 PECM! 1 ) = ( E T * E T - ( M 3 + E E X C ( I I ) * ! M 3 + EEXC! 1 ) ) 1 / 2 . / E T TETAL=ANGLE/ 1 0 . UPDN=ACOS( T ETALI UDN=GAMA»( -BETA+UPDNI -3 6 1 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 SDN=UDN/ SQRT( 1 . +UDN*UDN-UPDN*UPDNI TETA=ARCC0S(SDN) OLDPE = PE( 1 ) TEM=GAMA*( 1 . +BETA*SDN) DO 12 I = 1, K 12 PEI I l = T £ M* P E C M( I ) SPDN=GAMA* IBETA+SDNI SPSQ=1. -SDN*SDN+SPDN*SPDN ACOB=GAMA*I 1 . +BETA*SDN) / S PS Q/ S ORT I S P S Q ) RAT = 0 L D P E / P E ( 1 ) C C C 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 DISPLAY TITLE KTNEP=10*EP I=BT0DEC(AT,4,TITLE(40),LN) I=BT0DEC(ZT,4,TITIE(47),LN) I = B T O D E C ( K T N E P f 6 , T I T L E I5 1 ) tLNI I=BTODEC IA N G L E / 1 0 14,T IT LE ( 61 ), LN ) C 0069 CALL D E S S I N ( L D N , 9 0 0 , £ 6 , t 5 ) C 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 6 IF IARG1 9 , 9 , 8 9 CALL T E X T ( L D N , 0 4 5 , 1 0 0 0 , 1 , 2 , ' HO 1 , 2 8 , T I T L E , 65 I B CALL T E X T ( L D N , 1 2 0 , 9 6 0 , 1 , 2 , ' H O ' , 2 0 , T I T L E ( 3 1 1 , £ 5 I CALL T E XT ( L DN, 0 9 0 , 9 2 0 , 1 , 2 , ' H O ' , 2 3 , T I T L E ( 5 0 ) , 6 5 ) CALL T EXT ( L DN, 1 4 0 , 8 6 0 , 2 , 4 , • HO• , 6 , T I T L E ( 7 3 ) , £ 5 I RETURN 5 WR1 TE( LOG, 7 I WRI TE( PRI NT, 7 ) 7 FORMA T( ' * ERROR RETURN FROM OESSIN OR T E X T ' ) RETURN END C C C C C C C 0001 FUNCTION TO ANALYSE THE POSI TI ON OF A PEAK IN SPECTRUM A FROM CHANNEL K TO CHANNEL L. SEEK WILL BE PUT EQUAL TO THE POSI TION CORRESPONDING TO HAVING A FRACTION F OF THE COUNTS BELOW SEEK. FUNCTION S E E K ( A , K , L , F > C 0002 INTEGER*2 A ( 1) ISUM=0 DO I I = K , L 1 1 SUM= ISUM+A ( I I U=F*ISUM ISUM=0 DO 2 I = K , L ISUM=ISUM+A( I I 1F(ISUM-U)2,3,3 2 CONTINUE SEEK=L RETURN 3 SEEK=I+1.-(ISUM-U) / A ( I I RETURN END 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 C C C C C C C C C 0001 THE ANALYSIS PROGRAM ASSUMES THAT THE SPECTRUM IS LINEAR AND THAT THE ZERO CORRESPONDS TO CHANNEL ZERO. IF THIS I S NOT TRUE, THE SPECTRUM MUST BE SHIFTED TO THE LEFT OR TO THE RIGHT USING SHI FTL. TO FIND OUT IF THE ZERO IS PROPERLY PLACED, THE ANALYSIS CAN BE PERFORMED IN A PRELIMINARY WAY AND THE RESULT ' CHECK' OBTAINED. THE AMOUNT OF SHIFT IS SET WITH THE PARAMETER KEYS. SUBROUTINE S HI F T L ( ARGI C COMMON/LAB/LABI 1 0 2 4 ) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 2 5 > , L I NT EGERS ARG,LAB 0002 0003 0004 0005 C IFILEVEL.LT.30) LEVEL=35 0006 0007 C 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 N=ARG/ 256 IF(N)1,2,3 1 M=1024+N DO 4 1=1, M 4 LABI 11=LAB( I - N ) M= M+1 DO 7 I=M, 1 0 2 4 7 LAB( I 1=0 GO TO 2 RETURN - 362 - C 0017 0018 0019 3 M=1024- N DO 5 1 = 1 , M 5 LAB(1 0 2 5 - 1 )=LABIM-I+1) 0020 DO 8 1=1,N 0021 8 LA8 < 11=0 C 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 2 CALL P H I D ( ' S H I F T L •) WRI TE( L , 6 ) N 6 FORMAT!• + ' , 1 2 5 , ' CHANNELS’ ) RETURN ENO C 0001 SUBROUTINE SHOW(ARG) C C C C C C C C C C C C KEYBOARD SUBROUTINE TO DISPLAY LAB FS # OF COUNTS CORRESPONDING TO I Y = 7 9 9 , FULL SCALE. I FS TEMPORARY INTEGER STORAGE TO ENTER FS I D N , I X , I Y , I Z ARGUMENTS FOR TRACK I N , J N , L N , T E S T , I T ARE USED TO TEST THE KEYBOARD PARAMS KEYS. PARAMETER KEYS OPTIONS 1 CHANGE SCALE WITH LIGHT PEN 2 OBTAIN CH # ANO CONTENTS ON 8 (FOURTH KEY FROM RIGHT) SET 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 LOG SCALE ON ' READ' UNIT I MPLI CI T I NTEGER( A- Z) COMMON/LAB/LAB COMMON/FS/FS COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ IOC/ I OC( 1 2 ) , LOG, I E R , I OP ( 3 4 ) I NT EGERS ARG, LAB( 1 0 2 4 ) INTEGER I N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 / , J N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 / . L N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 / . N 0 C H / 6 0 0 / REAL FS C 0010 0011 0012 0013 I F I L E V E L . L T . 3 0 ) RETURN I F I L E V E L . L T . 4 0 ) LEVEL=40 TEST=ARG CALL PHI 0( ' SHOW ') C 0014 CALL PLOT( N O C H , F S , L A B , L A B , 6 1 , 6 2 ) C C C 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 LIGHT PEN ROUTINE TO CHANGE SCALE. 1 I T = A ND( I N, TE S T ) I F ( I T . E Q . O ) GO TO 3 ION = T R A C K ( I X , I Y , I Z ) CALL DELAY( - 3 ) FS=LAB(IX) FS=FS*FS I F ( I X . E Q . O ) FS=I Y I F t F S . L T . 1 0 . ) FS=10. - C 0023 CALL PLOT( NOCH, FS, LAB, L A B , 6 3 , 6 2 ) C C C 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 003L LIGHT PEN ROUTINE TO OBTAIN CHANNEL # AND CONTENTS. 3 IT = AN0( J N. T E S T ) I F I I T . E Q . O ) GO TO 5 I 0N=TRACK( I X , I Y , I Z ) CALL DELAY( - 3 ) I F ( I X . E Q . O ) RETURN K=LAB( I X) WRITE(L0G,7) IX, K 7 FORMAT!' * LAB I • , 1 4 , • ) = • , 1 6 ) C C C 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 OBTAIN SCALE FROM TYPEWRITER. 5 IT = ANO(LN»T EST) IFI I T . E Q . O ) GO TO 4 10 CALL R E A D ! I F S , 1 , 6 1 1 , C 1 0 ) 11 FS=I FS I F I F S . L T . 1 0 . ) FS=10. C 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 CALL P LO T ( NO C H , F S , L A B , L A B , 6 4 , 6 2 ) 2 WRITE!IER,8 ) 8 FORMAT!' * ERROR OETECTEO IN " P L O T * " ) 4 RETURN END - 0001 C C 363 - KEYBOARD SUBROUTINE TO DISPLAY CLAB, ANO SPECT. SUBROUTINE SHOWl(ARG) C C C C FS # OF COUNTS CORRESPONDING TO I Y = 7 9 9 I N , J N , K N . T E S T . I T ARE USED TO TEST THE KEYBOARD PARAHS KEYS I D N , I X . I Y , I Z ARE ARGUMENTS FOR TRACK C C C C C 0002 c c c c c c DEFI NI TI ON OF PARAMETERS SIMILAR TO SHOW CLAB I S THE LABORATORY SPECTRUM CORRECTED FOR COSMIC RAYS ANO PI LEUP. SPECT I S THE FIT TO CLAB. PARAMETER KEYS OPTIONS 1 CHANGE SCALE WITH LIGHT PEN 2 OBTAIN CH # ANO CONTENTS I SPECTRUM IS I DENTI FIED) 3 WHEN THIRD KEY FROM RIGHT I N, BOTH CLAB ANO SPECT DISPLAYED OTHERWISE, ONLY CLAB I MPLI CI T 1NTEGER( A - Z ) COMMON/ CLAB/CLABt1 0 2 4 ) , T ! 5 0 0 0 ) COMMON/ FS/FS COMMON/ SPECT/ SPECT( 1 0 2 4 ) COMMON/LEVEL/LEVEL COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 1 2 ) , LOG, I E R , I 0 P I 3 4 ) REAL FS I NT EGER S ARG, CL AB, S P ECT , T INTEGER I N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 / , J N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 / , K N / Z 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 / . N 0 C H / 6 0 0 / 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 I F I L E V E L . L T . 4 0 ) RETURN 2 TEST =ARG CALL PH1 0 ( 1SH0W1 •) 0013 0014 0015 IT=AND( KN, T EST) I F ( I T . E O . O ) GO TO 8 0016 0017 CALL PLOT( NOCH, FS, C L A B , S P E C T , 6 4 , 6 9 ) 8 CALL PLOTI NOCH, FS, CLAB, CL AB , 6 4 , £ 9 ) LIGHT PEN ROUTINE TO CHANGE SCALE. 0018 0019 4 IT = ANO< I N , T E S T ) I F ( I T . E O . O ) GO TO 3 IDN=TRACK( I X , I Y , I Z ) CALL DELAY( - 3 I F S = C L A B ( I X) FS=FS»FS I F I I X . E O . O ) FS =I Y I F f F S . L T . 1 0 . ) FS=10. 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 002 5 CALL P LOTI NOC H, FS, C L A B , S PE C T , £ 3 , 6 9 ) 0026 LIGHT PEN ROUTINE TO OBTAIN CHANNEL # AND CONTENTS. 3 I T = AND( JN, TEST) I F ( I T . E O . O ) GO TO 5 ION=TRACK(IX,IY,IZ) CALL DE L A Y1 - 3 ) I F ( I X . E Q . O ) RETURN I F C I Z . N E . 3 ) GO TO 10 K=CLAB( I X) WRIT E ( L O G , 7 ) I X, K 7 FORMAT!' * C L A B ! • , 1 4 , • ) = • , 1 5 ) 10 I F ! I Z . N E . l ) RETURN K= SPECT( I X) WRI T E t L OG, 12 I I X, K 12 FORMAT!' * CH # = ' , 1 4 , 1 7 , ' COUNTS' ) 5 RETURN 9 WRI TE( I E R , 1 ) I FORMAT! • * ERROR DETECTED IN " P L O T " ' ) END 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 00 4 1 0042 0043 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C SUBROUTINE TO PREPARE A FAKE SPECTRUM TO TEST THE FI TTI NG ROUTINE WILL SIMULATE THE DATA ACQUI SITI ON PROGRAM BY WRITING ON A DATA SET ALL THE DATA WHICH ARE USUALLY WRITTEN BY THE DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM.READS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ANO TRANSCRIBES I T , READS THE THE POSI TI ON, ENERGY AND HEIGHT OF EACH PEAK, CALLS CPEAK TO MAKE THE PEAKS, READS TWO POINTS ON THE EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND AND THE INTENSITY OF THE COSMIC RAY BACKGROUND AND AODS THESE TU THE PEAKS. A STARTING VALUE ANO A MULTIPLIER FOR THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR ARE READ (ANY TWO LARGE INTEGERS WILL DO ) AND THE SPECTRA' ARE RANDOMIZED TO LOOK LIKE REAL SPECTRA. THE FAKE GAMMA RAY SPECTRUM THUS CREATED I S WRITTEN OUT. A FAKE, NON- REALI STI C LIGHT PULSER SPECTRUM IS CREATED ANO WRITTEN ITS PURPOSE I S TO CHECK THE PI LE- UP CORRECTION SUBROUTINE LPC. SOME PARAMETERS AND THE SPECTRA ARE PRINTED (UNLESS SUPPRESSED) THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA ANALYSIS ROUTINE AS A WHOLE CAN BE CHECKED BY COMPARING ITS ANSWERS WITH THE KNOWN PEAK HEIGHTS AND 0001 c c c c f c r b C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 0002 0003 0004 0005 POSITIONS WHICH SHOULD AGREE WITHIN ERRORS HALF THE TIME OR SO. FOR ANY BIAS WILL REST BE DETECTED BY KEEPING THE PEAKS SMALL . THE PURPOSE, THE RANDOMIZATION CAN ALSO BE DISABLED BY PUTTING KSTART TO ZERO. c c SUBROUT INE SIM RUN RUN NUMBER, EBOI C, 1=4 K NUMBER OF PEAKS IN SPECTRUM,1=4 PEAK P O S I T I O N , C H # , R # 4 PP PE PEAK ENERGY, KEV, R=4 PH PEAK HE I GHT, I * J KX1.KY1 FIRST POINT ON EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND,CH#,# C T S , I * 4 KX2. KY2 SECOND PT ON EXP BGN. CH# , # C T S , I * 4 , K X i n K X 2 CONSTANT OF COSMIC RAY BGN, R * 4 . OR NON-LINEAR EXP BGN PARAMETER R*4 D JX CH # WHERE THE COMPUTATION OF THE BGN STARTS STARTING VALUE FOR THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR, I *4 KSTART MULTIPLIER FOR RANDOM I I GEN, 1=4 KRNG WEIGHTED SUM OF SQUARES OF THE RESIDUALS BETWEEN CH # LB . CHISQ ANO RB,FOR WHICH A l l ) KCR+5, / NCH, R#4 NCH NUMBER OF CHANNELS OVER WHICH THE SUM IS PERFORMED DUMMY ARGUMENT TO FI LL OUTPUT L I S T , 1*2 $ CODE 1*2 TWO CHARACTERS TO IDENTIFY THE SERIES OF RUT|S 1=2 PROTON LAB ENERGY, IN UNITS OF 10 KfcV EP 1=2 DETECTOR ANGLE TENTHS OF DEGREE ANGLE CHARGE 1=2 BEAM CHARGE,MICROCOULOMBS DT 1*2 #BCI REJECTED/ #BCI TOTAL*IOOOO BEAM 1=2 NOMINAL BEAM CURRENT,NANOAMPERES TANT 1=2 LIVE TIME, SECONDS ICC 1=2 NUMBER OF LIGHT PULSER EVENTS LPE 1*2 LIGHT PULSER DIAL SETTI NG, FULL SCALE=10 TURNS=IOOOO LPE 1*2 LIGHT PULSER DIAL SETTING 10 TURNS=FULL S C A L E , = 1 0 0 0 0 PMHV 1=2 PM HIGH VOLTAGE, TOTAL. VOLTS TEM R* 4 TEMPORARY STORAGE I,J INDICES Al 1 0 2 4 ) 1*2 SPECTRUM B ( 1 0 2 4 ) 1*2 RANDOMIZED SPECTRUM L P I 1 0 2 4 ) LIGHT PULSER SPECTRUM N 1=4 FTN REF # , SOS I P T , READ PARAMS 1* 4 FTN REF # , TAPE OUTPUT PARAMS, SPECTRA INT FTN REF # , SOS LOG PRINT NCH, 0 , CHISQ IGN 1=4 FTN REF # , I G N PRINT SPECTRAC M TO SUPPRESS RANDOMIZATION, READ KSTART = 0 C0MM0N/ B/ L8, R8 • COMMON/ I OC/ I OC( 3 6 ) , N , M , L N T , I G N , I 0 P < 8 ) INTEGER RB,RUN,RC INTEGER*2 ARG,CODE, E P , ANGLE. CHARGE, DT, BEAM,TANT, I C C , LPE, PMHV, 1 $ / 0 / , A ( 1 0 2 4 ) , B ( 1024) , L P ( 1024 ) REAL F LOAT ! 1 0 2 4 1 / 1 0 2 4 = 0 . / INTEGER»2C0SMS ( 3 1 ) / 3 8 0 , 3 9 1 , 4 0 1 , 4 1 1 , 4 2 2 , 4 3 2 , 4 4 3 , 4 5 3 , 4 6 4 , 4 7 4 , 4 8 4 , 1 495,505,516,526,536,547,557,568,578,588,599,609,620,630,641,651, 2 661,672,682,693/ EQUIVALENCE I F L O A T ! L ) , A l l ) ) , ( F L O A T ! 5 1 3 ) , L P ( 1 > ) 0006 0007 0008 C 0009 CALL P HI OI ' SIM C C C 0010 0011 00L2 •) INPUT ANO OUTPUT PRELIMINARY INFORMATION AND NUMBER OF PEAKS READI N, I ) CODE, RUN, K, EP, ANGLE, CHARGE, DT, BEAM, TANT, I CC, LPE, PMHV 1 F0RM AT(A2,A 4,14/(15)) REWIND M WRITE<M, 2 >CODE, RUN, EP, ANGLE. CHARGE, DT, B E A M, T A NT , I C C , L P E , $ , $ , $ , PMHV 2 F0RMAT(A2,A4,20A2) 0013 0014 C C C 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 REAO EACH PEAK POS I TI ON, ENERGY, HEIGHT. ADO TO SPECTRUM A DO 3 1 = 1 , K REAU(N,4) PP,PE,PH 4 F0RMATI3F10.0) CALL C P E A K ( P E , P P , 0 , B , 1 0 2 4 , I N T ) DO 3 J = 1 , 1 0 2 4 3 FLOAT( J ) = F L O A T ( J ) + B ( J ) * P H / 2 0 0 0 0 . 0020 C C C READ K X 1 . K Y 1 , K X 2 , K Y 2 AND COMPUTE EXP BGN 0021 0022 READI N, 5 ) K X 1 . K Y 1 , K X 2 , K Y 2 , C R 5 F0RMAT(4I5,FI0.0) 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 D=AL0G(KY1*1./KY2)/(KX2-KX1) I F ( O . L E . O ) GO TO 6 JX=KX1-AL0G(3 0 0 0 0 . / < Y 1 1 / 0 + 1 . I F I J X . L T . l ) JX=1 0 0 7 1=J X , I 0 2 4 7 FLOAT!I)=FLOATlI) + KY1 * EXP ( - 0 * ( I - K X 1 ) ) 002 8 C REAO KCR ANO ADO COSMIC -3 6 5 ECAL=PE/PP/1000. LC=l./ECAl+l. RC=60./ECAL 1F(RC.GT.1024)RC=1024 0 0 18 I = LC, RC E= I *ECAL JE =(E +l.)/2. EJ=(E+1.I/2.-JE TEM=CR* (E J* C0S MS (J E+ l) +( 1. - E J I * C 0 S M S ( J E ) ) 18 FLOAT( 1 ) = FLOAT( I I + TEM 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 C C C REAO RANDOMIZATION PARAMETERS AND RANOOMIZE SPECTRUM 6 R E A D( N , 8 > KSTART,KRNG 8 FORMAT( 2 1 1 0 ) KRNG=8*KRNG-3 CHI S Q= 0. NCH=RB-LB+1 0039 0040 00 4 1 0042 0043 C 0 0 9 1 = JX , 1 0 2 4 TEM=0. 0 0 10 J = l , 1 0 KSTART=KSTART*KRNG 10 TEM=TEM+KSTART/ 2. 147E+9 TEM=TEM*SQRT(0. 3*FL0AT( I) I B(I)=FLOAT(II+TEM+0.5 T E M = B ( I ) - FLOAT( I ) I F ( I . G E . L B . A N D . I . L E . R B ) CHISQ=CHISQ+TEM*TEM/ FLOAT( I ) A(1) =FL 0AT (I 1+0.5 9 1F ( B ( I I . L T . O ) B ( I ) =0 CHISQ=CHISQ/ NCH 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 C C C 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 00 61 0062 0063 C MAKE LIGHT PULSER SPECTRUM DO 12 1 = 1 , 1 0 2 4 12 L P ( 1 1 =0 LP(509l=ICC/4-58 L P ( 5 1 1 ) = L P ( 509 I L P ( 5 1 0 1= I C C - L P ( 5 0 9 I - L P ( 5 1 1 ) - 5 L P (5151=63 L P ( 5 3 5 I = 34 L P ( 5 5 5 I = 16 C C OUMP SPECTRUM ON TAPE W R I T E ( M , 1 1 ) LP WRI TE( M , 1 1 1 B 11 FORMAT( 180A2I REWIND M 0064 0065 0066 0067 C C C PRINTED OUTPUT 13 WRI TE( LNT, 1 6 ) NCH. CHI SQ. D 16 F 0 R M A T ( T 5 0 , ' N C H = ' , 1 5 , ' C H I S 0 = •, F 1 4 . 5 . T 8 5 , • D = » , E 1 3 . 7 1 I F ( I G N . E O . l l ) RETURN WRI T E ! I GN, 1 7 I A WRI TE( I G N , 1 7 ) B 17 FORMAT!• 1 ' , 1 5 , 1 9 1 6 / ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 RETURN END ® 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 C C C C C OLD VERSION OF CHARACTER GENERATOR SUBROUT I l € FOR DI SPLAY. MAKE USE OF THE CHARACTER GENERATOR HARDWARE. SHOULD BE REPLACED EVENTUALLY, TO SAVE ON STORAGE. 0001 CCCC CCCC 00 0 2 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0 010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 C DOES NOT SUBROUTINE TEXT( I ON, XO, YO, Z , M , D I R , L S , T I R T , # ) NON STANDARD VERSION OF TEXT. REQUIRES EXTERNAL BUFFER TREATMENT INTEGER XR. YR EQUIVALENCE ( C H . C t l l ) ROUTINE TO PLACE A STRING OF ALPHAMERIC CHARACTERS ON THE CRT INTEGER*2 X , Y EQUIVALENCE ( NEROt 1 ) , HERO I LOG I C A L * 1 NERDI4I INTEGER*4 HERD LOG I C A L * 1 T I R T ( L S ) , C ( 2 > L0GI CAL*1 T E R T ( 5 0 I , P 0 I N T S ( 3 0 ) INTEGER FOOL I T ( 2 0 I EQUIVALENCE( TERT( 1 ) , FOOL I T ( 1 1 1 INTEGER X O, Y O, Z I NT EGERS C H / O / , D I R , V E E / ' V E ' / INTEGER ASSIGN, AWAKE, PUTPT, PUTOAT.GETDAT INTEGER ACTIVE INTEGER*4 PUNC( 5 2 1 / Z 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 2 * 0 , Z 0 0 0 8 E 2 0 0 , 1 7 * 0 , ZOOOOEOOO, 1 0 * 0 , * Z 2 0 8 C 0 0 0 0 , 1 7 * 0 , Z00004210,Z038OEO0O / , *ALPHA<57> / Z y C 7 F 1 8 F C , Z F 4 6 3 E 8 F 8 , Z 7 4 6 1 0 8 B 8 , Z F 4 6 3 1 8 F 8 , Z F C 2 1 F 8 7 C , * Z 8 4 2 1 F 8 7 C , Z 7 4 6 7 0 8 B 8 , Z8C63F 8 C 4 , Z 7 1 0 8 4 2 3 8 , 7 * 0 , Z 6 4 8 4 2 1 3 C , Z 8 C A 9 C 9 4 4 , *ZF4210840,Z8C6B50C4,Z8C655CC4,ZFC6318FC,Z843F18FC,Z6CA818B8, -30G- *Z8CBF18FC , 8 * 0 , ZF84 3 F 8 7 C , Z 2 10 8 4 2 7 C , Z F C 6 3 1 8 C 4 , Z 2 2 9 4 A 8 C 4 , Z8EEB58]C * Z 8 A 8 8 4 5 4 4 , Z 2 1 0 8 4 5 4 4 , l r AO8 4 1 7C , 6 * 0 , *Z746318B8,Z21084210,ZFC20FOFC,ZF842FOFC, *Z103EA308,Z7443E87C,ZFC7F087C,Z210428FC,Z7462E868,ZF843F8FC / C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 0017 0018 55 C 0019 1212 0020 0021 0022 002 3 0024 0025 0026 0027 002 8 0029 0030 00 31 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0 0 61 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 DEFI NITI ON OF PARAMETERS XO, YO= LOCATION IN SCOPE COORDINATES OF LOWER LEFT CORNEROF FI RST CHARACTER IN THE STRING Z = SCOPE INTENSI TY, 1 TO 7 M= SI ZE OF CHARACTERS, IN MULTIPLES OF 6X5 RASTER UNITS THAT I S , M= 4 RESULTS IN A CHARACTER SIZE 24 X20 0 I R = ' H 0 ' OR ' V E ' FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL STRING, RESP. LS=LENGTH OF CHARACTER STRING SPECI FIED IN ' TE X T ' ■TEXT' = ALPHAMERIC TEXT TO BE OISPLAYEO ENTRY 1 ALL PARAMETERS GIVEN. CREATE DAT DO 55 1 = 1 , LS TERTI I ) = T I R T ( I I COMMON ROUTINE CONTINUE ID1R=0 NSL0G=2 I N I T I A L I Z E SPACING COUNTER I SP=M*7 IBLK=M*7 X = XO Y=YO I BCT=0 CREATE DISPLAY BUFFER LOAD DAT DETERMINE IF HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL 4 0 I F ( D I R . E Q . V E E ) IDIR = 1 TEXT ROUTINE C OETERMINE CHARACTER INVOLVED ANO OBTAIN ITS BI T PATTERN C DO 60 KKK=1, LS 4444 C ( 2 1= TERT(KKK) I F I C H . E 0 . 6 4 ) GO TO 6 5 I F I C H . G E . 1 2 9 . A N O . C H . L E . 1 6 9 ) CH=CH+64 I F I C H . G E . 1 9 3 ) GO TO 70 SPECIAL CHARACTER IB IT S=PUNC( CH—7 4 1 GO T 0 80 ALPHAMERIC CHARACTER C IBITS=ALPHA(CH-192) 70 GO TO 80 CHARACTER I S BLANK— SPACE LOCATION CTR ANO RETN FOR NEXT CHAR C I F ( I D I R . M E . 0 ) GO T 0 6 7 65 X=X+IBLK GO TO 6 0 Y=Y+I BL 67 GO T 0 6 0 BI T PATTERN OBTAINEO— SETUP DISPLAY POINTS C CALL B I T S C N l I B I T S , P O I N T S ) 80 YR = Y DO 1 1 0 1 = 1 , 6 L= 5*I XR=X 0 0 95 J = 1 , 5 IF(.N0T.P0INTSIL+J-5)) GO TO 9 4 I F ( I D I R . N E . O ) GO TO 102 96 I F ( X R . G T • 1 0 2 3 ) GO TO 9 4 I F I Y R . G T . 1 0 2 3 ) GO TO 94 I F ( X R . L T . O ) GO TO 94 I F ( Y R . L T . O ) GO TO 94 I R N= PUT P T( I DN, XR , Y R , Z > 9995 IF ( I R N . N E . I D N ) RETURN 1 102 94 95 97 110 60 GO TO 9 4 I RN=PUTPT( I DN, Y R , XR , Z > XR=XR+M CONTINUE 1 F ( I O I R . N E . O ) GO TO 9 7 YR=YR+M REMOVED TEMPORARILY SO THAT LETTERS HAVE GOOO SHAPE YR=YR+2*M GO TO 11 0 YR=YR—M CONTINUE X=X+I SP CONTINUE RETURN END -3 0 7 C - JOOL _ _ SUBROUTINE TPODL(ARG) C C C • 0 0 02' 0003 " PROGRAM TO LOCATE S P t C I E I C ' - - - - RIJNS ON THE DATA TAPE I ” " INTEGER*2' AKG, CODE, CIDEP " * INTEGER RUN , P.Ui-lP , R I NP , T A P E / 0 4 / , DTOB I N , L O G / 0 2 / CALL~ PH I o f ' TPHUL 'T ~ ' C 0 0 0 5____ __________ RE AO I LOG, 1 ) COOE , RUN 0006 " ‘ T' F0R' . - I AT( A2" , A4) ' 0007 CALL DTTJB IO ( RUN D, 4 , RUN, LNI C 0003 ~'i RE'a'd(TA‘ p e 7 6 , E NU = 3 ) CI UEP, ' kI NP 0009 6 F O R M A T ( A 2 . A4 , / / / / / / / / / / / / ) 0 0 1 0 ____ ___________ I F ( CUDE-CI0EPJ2, 4 , 2 001*1 ■ 4" IF ( ( RUNP-P.INP ) *( RUN- RI NP ) ) 2 , 5 , 2 C 0012 5 00 7 1 = 1 , 1 3 0013" 7 b a c k s PACE " T ape ' * 0014 WRI fE(LUG, 8>C10EP, RI NP, RINP 00 15 3 FORIiATI1 * ' , A 2 , A 4 , 3 X , Z 8 > 0016 ......................... RETURN' '* ' 0017 3 REWIND TAPE 0018 RETURN 00i 9 ~ END - " • 0004 ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ! '--------------------- ' ' ' • ' ' C MAIN PROGRAM ' WAI T ' C C ALL THE PHASE S' WHICH CONST IT U T E T H IS OATA ANALYSTS PROGRAM ARE C KEYBOARD PHASES WHICH ARE LUADcO ANO EXECUTED WHEN THE CUKRESPON IMG ______________ ,_ C ____ KEY I S^DEPRESSEp^EXCEPT _FOR_THE_ROOT PHASE,. .r_H.ISjM«INI .PROGRAM_______ C IS CA. LED ■ IAIT 1 , IT IS Pa r t d F THE RUOT PHASE and SIMPLY p r o v i j s C A WAIT LOOP FUR THE CPU TO EXECUTE BETWEEN TWO KEYBOARD PHASES C 0*001 * ' " WR I T E ( 2 , 2 ) * ' 0002 2 FOR RAT( 1 * COMPUTER WAITING FOR KEYBOARD PHASES' ) 0003 ______ _______ 1 GO TO 1 ___________________ ______________ _______________________________________ ___________ 0004' Ei'10 0001 SUBROUTINE XFORM(ARG) KEYBOARD SUBROUTINE TO CREATE PEAK SHAPES, EXPONENTIAL BACKGROUND AKlD SU3TRACT COSMIC RAY BACKGROUND FROM LAB (TO PRODUCE CLA b )_____ LAB _ _ K EEXC ___________ ___________ 1=2 GAMMA RAY SPECTRUM _ *1=4 NUMBER UF PEAKS IN SPECTRUM R= 4 R EXC I TAT IUM cNERGIE S , KEV, CURRE SPONO ING TO THE PE LOW-LYING S T AT E S . F I R S T _______ ___________________ __________________ _ R * 4 6 - V a LUc"* FUR I HE REACTION, KEV RKE R=4 RA rIU t c m / t l a b L lWRB _ 1=4 LEFT AFID RIGHT FI TTI NG BOUNDARIES IN CLAB______________ ' PP' *R=4' PEAK POSI TI ONS, START f.NG VALUES, CH~j" NON-LIN PARAM UF EXP BGN PP( KS) SCALING FOR THE NOi-l-LIN PARAM UF EXP BGN XL _ ST ART X " 1 = 4 EUUI Va LENT" *TU P P ( 1 ) ( USE J TO* FLOAT)*' " 1=2 ENERGY OF INCIDENT PROTON IN LAB, UNITS OF 10 KEV EP CLAB _ 1=2 LAB CORRECTED FOR COSMIC RAYS _ _ ____ ' 1 * 2 STORAGE FOR" PEAK SHAPES CALCUL AT ED ' BY "XFORii ‘ PEAKS " 1=4 SUM UNDERPEAKS AS RETURNED BYCPEAK INT KX1 , KX2 1=4 CH ?)_0' : 2 Pi'S IN LAB ON EXP^ BGN . _ I * 4 t_c FT Alio*'RIGHT Cl ISM1 C RAY* BDUTlOAK 1 c S LC , lie R*4 IRESULUflON FDR CS137 RES |R= 4 RATIO FD TOP TU BACKGROUND TAIL RTB _ R=4 Ra T I O' QF "FIRST ESCAPE TO TOP RFE T LCIG SO SLOG, ERROR RETURN C _ PRINT SDSOPT, NUR.tAL RETURN, PARAMETERS LI ST___ CHK " 1=4 IGN, CHECK UUTPUl WHEN C r l K . N J . l l PE R=4 PEAK E JcRGI c S , IN U10ER UF DECREASING EN. IN KEV _ I DEL I -•4 ItLll Cn Ti DM FOR Pl.AK SHAPES _ “ ‘ PEAKS! IP.2L + 11 CORRESPONDS TO CL Ad ( LB ) 1ST 1 = 4 PEAK SHAPE COVERAGE STARTS AT CLA lMI S T + 1) ARE 1*4 INDICES AMO DUMMY .ARGUMENTS. 1,J,J1,J2,K1 KS THROUGHOUT THE PRIJG1AM IT IS ASSUMED THAT ADC CHANNEL 0 CDRRESPU US TO ZEIU POLsL HEIGHT. (AND 11IAT THE _J\UC IS LINEAR) IF MOT USE SHIFTL | C C 'O O O' o O C C O O lO o o o o o o o o o o C O] •P- -P* oj!oo OJ OJ; K 0 < 0 ' 0 -0 c*. O O o o o o ^ 07 © © ^ ro p- c O CC «J O' Vl| +' I I I !c O © « » C; O O < © O O O O © O O O O 0 © o! © o O' ro ro ro 10 ro 1w to ro' 1o © co >001U) U> ( t .p* ut ro » O O' Ul'P1 w I I ro s c© o *ns rr. x ti 2 IT. C3 x C H ? — H X > m 2 H — *- ro O O x II . It X — c- vr. •- 3» -» fo ' G -P* > rr. I C H — O -f> ft *-4 T O — II O X xOIi p 4 X/' a “ a a PU-‘j aa — X : -n IC •X I2 : > ■H X • (/; pa I U-, ! - tro — O 1 > I pa 'O r~ r - ;g rr —i X m H C X d. > on on ;C 2, 'm (S. pa PIt On -< On •© [C i-J > O O rr. Ion it r PM © 2 © '© © ,> rr O, h PM .© It 11- > rojp- Ol (r* on ,+ O [71 — o 7i o S' X —.1 Hi m — h > rr. ■n > m i -J H i —1-i • C — x t — x X ■ -o — x I a X -J X — •( X X p aa ap-P H p ap-P M -H p-i* i c 2 o 2 ; II C 3 H- 2 ©I '. © • ■o so — r 1 a a • M *0 ►- n. c n . M0 , ■p* C- U. III M a a w —> ^1 M Mrr —« a a 71 a X MM X a a on O rr\ © (71 73 MM (X PM XI *c x> .71 m rr. 0 a —x © on a c X a a C l I/-. —■• PM X a 73 a n —( — a I a >— < a MMfo a © p- MM0 a O PM 1> a V a a II — PM a f~ 7* W ro X PMa ► a X O -J a O X 0 © © PM c 7 1 PM PM cc a • PM -1 T m T. 03 > a -v! p- -0 a X © II II 7“ O • a • X a a r* MMPa a Cro X 0 w a a a a IT PM X m. — X —' J' X 7. X •P* a ni X a pa • a a a 1“ pa PM X t> X a © m M X a a on a r~ 10 —1a m 0 a PM .£•> X X X © —H c a r • a a 7. a © MX rr. a a ot M a X -» O X 11 It 7. - ** — ,,X X 1“ 1 !o X) o c X z ! |o o I© o O Oi o o: !ro ro ]N)p- l o so co* i r* 11 11 - a ' 71 — j c s © P' oj ro p- ■ 1 © C O C O1© © c 'C © C © O O lO o © o p-o © o o o o o!o O O =5 X. 2 s a © z \ X X pa X X ro O O O 0 c O 2; o- 3 O ^ © h O' y i ^ 00 ro ! }p- -J '0 o ■> o !r ~ mp ap a© i'T m |X3 w II 53 ft im — © il. X > II p “ i t~ + ! x .■v ^ 1 PM | M M c ©1 ‘ 75 © Itj c !o ~ iX II |x ,on ° I* « PM X 1 X in ,c •r~ :> •mp- 1-* :m * !; h [171 ! rr* ’> x it + PM PM O o o o Z Z O O 3 O 1 c c o o ■ 5m 2 Z Z c 2 3 7: N S W t ► — I- X X 3 X 10 © o a 1-s. i x 1 pa 5 r. C m .71 in < ^ rr. x 1“ rr v — X x rti on a c. r 1- ;— rr. c x ,ivj< ------1 ■> : » ,cn rr. © ii o c.!c© r~ I , a > / 'i X ( T - ?; X P" >x ! z m. . o > I !© 10 © > !«— * n 8 I H X > 'x O O O O O’ o I pa [© pa in o c . o o o !o 0 O n © O 0 O O J. ? 3 C c c F> 3 2 ~2 z N s X. X X PH O 1“ in u 2 I- P M—1 X —4 j > On > pN a m X cc P MX X —1a 2: 0 m X — r~ 75 X M M > a X P M© O • M . — © M MI ► M> 0 MP c 7 . «— ro © -P' rr. 0 0 IX m ,> !r~ c © o c C C 2 2 2 X X X lX © .T. > > X 5P -H X X J> a r* x nt,> © .7, O' a X M M M r. p M X M O .T» t— ro c M m M M - -369- Appendix V-A Properties of States Under Time Reversal. The importance of the "time reversal" operator in * ensuring a set of convenient phases cannot be over emphasized. Its exact definition as well as some of its remarkable properties will be found in an appendix of (17) Wigner's book' ' on Group Theory. An excellent account of the time reversal operator properties may also be found in Messiah's chapter XV. Very briefly, the time reversal operator 9 is an antilinear, antiunitary operator whose exact form depends on the representation being used: If K is the complex conjugation operator associated with our representation , defined as leaving the basis vectors invariant, i.e. AC /A s < r )> - A ( d e f i n i t i o n ) ° (V — A — 1) /(c/*s<r>= (antilinearity) C*/Aso> O Then the time reversal operator for a particle with spin '/z has the form, - i<Tg K a in Messiah's phase convention. (V-A-2) Here Cfj is the second Pauli spin operator Qj = (? o ) ~ l ° s = The antiunitarity character of follows: (/ o ) 9 can (V-A-3) be proved easily as If f t ) and /U > are two kets, we wish to show that the length of their scalar product is conserved under -370- time reversal, i.e. I < 1 Im > I = f[e /t> ] f B lu > l (v-A-4) but we have [$ lt> ]r $lu> = [~i<Z if 5 l u>] iK jP lK ja > ] = = J L (V-A-5) <//«>* By definition, an antilinear operator which conserves the length of the scalar products is antiunitary. Now to prove the property of the time reversal operator which is of importance in chapter V. phases of the basis vectors If the and are chosen according to our standard definition 9 / ^ » ( ' 0 * ^ ’/ ) / - * > > - „ 6 I X j* ' * = (-f)r (V-A-6) /*'/-»> their scalar product must be real. as follows: This can be proved From antiunitarity we have (V-A-5) [ 0 / A f m > ] f ( B l X j w > ) = < ) j r n l X f 7 r > y On the other hand, following our phase convention [ $ / A i 7 » ' > ] f( 0 I X j r » > ) * = ( - ' / ” < ) / - * / ( 0 2 /£ /- m > (V-a-7) -371- but if we assume a standard angular momentum representation, the scalar products are independent of 7 n , and [ & /A y m A ? ^ (o lA 'y r r i? ) = C A j j m J A 'j rn > so that finally, (V-A-8) < C A jrn ! A'yrn A - C A i'yr? / A All the other scalar products between the vectors of basis A and A other than those corresponding to the same irreducible representation y vanish. , and the same line V r i , This proves the stated property that all scalar products will be real. Our phase convention is not the only one having the property,but it is the one most commonly used, and the one which Rose and Brink^^adopted. It has the advantage of being invariant under angular momentum coupling with real coefficients. i -372- Appendix V-B: Normalization of the Spherical Waves to Unit Flux. That the unit flux spherical waves (V-15) indeed carry unit flux can be proved by integrating on a sphere of radius large enough so that the asymptotic form is valid, the normal component of the flux: the flux operator: , .. __. f * T it* where We introduce ( ~ t V J f ^7 implies "real part of" and the velocity operator. is The gradient operator, in spherical coordinates, is f t \ dn, -L 1 , i a * ?>& -3 ) /i sc*tO b(p j - i(k/L fSfa Applying this last operator to -- ^ we obtain the three spherical components — k , (k.A.) * & ^ ^ k (k x f t £^ i(la fS ,) J } Y jW k ( h ) ' 2 e i(k /t4 S ,)x k e S p Y jW component along / L along & direction along V auction; At large distances, where we choose to integrate, the £ and <f> components vanish and the flux is normal to the surface of the sphere. Thus i(k/?■*&) FLOX = .. ^ S LV*xn)^ Tf t t J j vr 1 X*(X l)~ k7 T i fal*) A * il [ - u a x U ^ f o * ) ] e'M n u x * - -373- Repeating the same procedure on the outgoing waves yields Flux = +1. -374- Appendix V-C Derivation of the Blatt and Biehenharn Formula for Gamma Rays. From (V-41), introducing the transition matrix (V-31) we have: (V-C—1) The Wigner-Eckart theorem is now used to introduce reduced matrix elements. These may be defined in many different ways, and to be consistent with Rose and Brink we use their convention (3.25) The Wigner-Eckart theorem is the quantitative statement of the fact that the matrix elements <22T,M , / TLf1 (for the same by rotation. , /, and *JZ ) are related to each other If we know any of them (non-vanishing we can easily compute all the others. Introducing the transition amplitude Thus , (V-C— 3) -375- where is the "transition" index which includes the following explicit quantum numbers {Z T 'ir ; t s j l ; X L /= A/ # sa - / ACUz r f r t fc - r ' d n ) ^ r JL M w -tf * o t o t; a 4 *™ " • ! ( v ‘ c ' 4 > From (V-26) we obtain the explicit value of the incoming wave amplitudes, and c f< r / V' w / V X+L+s#- * 5 “ i F f P - A l l ? CO 4 + f+ s (-0 I-» (-0 * LMw /7~ - — a ■ ty J ’ f ) L V * / \ f [o < r - < r ) { ( r x y u . J J t / Expanding the squared sums, T c**. CUL Zk T P T A J U 'M M 'w w ' r - t tf/ t7' & ( X L J )(M i ) t * i f ' (o') K M 'jA ) \° ( r - < r J (s f J ) r ) [o 'U y u .J J tJ W # ^ f/J (-/) J.v t f 'T x ( X L 'T \ f M '-p 'T O & -<r)[o'i>-y& ') 9 The convenient rotation matrices coupling formula may be introduced, < (Messiah C-ll) I P * ■ j -376- Combining these two, f\ ^ ' * M '-f L> K A J) JO, *■(-•) /C//A7 A (rf) A7^ The sum over <y )(L L ‘ K ) tf7 f ) K K H fJ (V-c%8) is performed first, remembering that takes only the values +1 and -1 , Z f kvh/' <z / / V # 1 ft - L ' K ) - f - t ) " /+ w ' F C->f (f-f-A f) ~ I/'/ 0/ A/= O With ^ (-//O/ (v_c_g) being the only contributing term. After a few trivial manipulations to regroup the terms, dcr f a s i' W p F V / 1 T £ . , l I A s tct? tiff/*■ /*■ ’ ( X L * V A L 'J' ) x (fM -y a jifM ^ I M M 'H (V-C-10) ( ) ■ The summation over t and t' runs over all transitions which can contribute to the cross-section. Performing the sum o v e r / , M rr S & ) fMM* and M ' first, Z '( X L J )(X L 'J ')(Jit-'K \ . [sh -p M tl'-p W -r t'-H j (V-C-ll) tO lu 'y u H /lji'lX J / This result is obtained with the use of a formula first -377- published by Biedenharn, Blatt and Rose (ig\ which can be found in a much more convenient form, involving 3-j and JL 6-j coefficients, in Messiah appendix C-7; namely, * \7?l-y)27»J J \77z -)^?r>y ) K C ~ // , : ■ ■ s r ■ ■ ■1 f\r»t t ' m* 2*yn4 J This formula and a similar one for (V-C-12) 9-j coefficients will be used repeatedly in this chapter. The expression for the cross-section becomes ctJ2 / 2 iz y t t 'K /j'cta-) f J s / ) / I Ifcrcr'K } J \ l' £ X J ( r s f x U y x +m '+ w £ _ , £ ) V O -H /*/*-' U \ ( f Next comes the sum over / / . p i ' and i ) i le s s o rs ? • v X t /A '* X . (V—C—13; IC r.) £> : r ^ & s ix m (V-C-14) Finally the sum over O ' : <y<rx <r3 (V-C-15) M -s+ K - o ) The remaining sum over H (JU K ) J*£ 'K \ \oonJ iws / * / contains only one non-vanishing -378- term, namely //= O . Collecting all terms, tt K fft.Ccos£>) and since where & is the angle between the direction of incident beam and the emitted _ray» t t 'K The formula is put in a more convenient form as (V-42) in section B of chapter V, and a summary of the notation is also given there. -379- Appendix V-D: Particles and Holes It will be convenient, in chapter V and VI, to use the word "configuration" to designate a direct product of single-particle states. The state of the system will then be expressed as a linear combination of these "configurations" . This interpretation is somewhat different from what can be found in the literature (26) , where the word configuration usually applies to a set of single-particle states with all quantum numbers, except the magnetic one, the same. Initially we assume a set of numbered single particle states. { j /2>^ 132 .... /«>... } (V-D-l) The set of A/-particle configurations: / /k t ) 9 <*> ! k X /£> 0 (cv& w . M l k{ OM*. + t * spans the space of /V-particle states. (V-D-2) If we assume the particles to be identical fermions, we require the totally anti-symmetric linear combinations of the above configurations, i.e. antisymmetric under exchange of any two particles. For example, i I > = IO ,lk\ k*£ (V-D-3) -380- is antisymmetric in particles 1 and 2 because if 7^ is the operator which exchanges particle 1 and 2, 5 /> = !k \ //>, - /k > , = The notation - (ne>, t-t \ - U>, !k>t ) * - I > (V-D-4) not standard but extremely convenient; it represents the single-particle state con sisting of particle n in single particle state Jk . Also, for simplicity, the direct product notation & has being replaced by simple ^Juxtaposition. Thus fk >W> = /*> « H> (V-D-5) The totally antisymmetric states are formed by writing a Slater determinant. and k For three particles in s.p. states , for example, the following antisymmetric state can be constructed (V-D-6) That the state is antisymmetric under exchange of any two particles is obvious since interchanging two particles corresponds to interchanging two rows of the determinant. If the three single-particle states are different, the configuration above is. normalized; otherwise, it vanishes. Any other totally antisymmetric configuration made from states / i)> , , I with particles 1, 2 and 3 will not be linearly independent of the one above. This suggests -381- a much more convenient notation j The left-hand side is the new notation; the list of particles involved, will usually be implicit. The right-hand side is simply the definition of a determinant, with the proper normalization. is over all permutations cf> of I ( P =o 9 is the parity of '■ ,f The sum , and k. , and 7^ for even, 1 for odd permutations). A general definition can be given along these lines: (V-D-8) From this definition we have in particular: (V-D-9) where the + sign holds when (j> is an even permutation and the minus sign when Cf is an odd permutation. Before introducing creation and annihilation operators, particle-hole states must be defined. Frequently the situation where some of the single-particle states are almost always filled and the others almost always empty is encountered. • Let F be the set of single particle states which are almost always filled. We assume a finite -382- number A / of these, which hereafter will be referred to as being "below the Fermi surface". Since the division in two sets is arbitrary and merely for convenience, it is important in each particular case that F be defined clearly by giving a list of single particle states; in practice, the Fermi level is always defined between two subshells. F ~ axFttouvvf M t o f /\f S. p s&6c£teA> = { I k p . „ . l k y ] (V-D-10) In defining hole states, the difficulty comes essentially from the phases. We wish to define these states in such a way that the holes will behave, as much as possible, like particles. that the states two holes. For example, we require be antisymmetric under the exchange of For this purpose, it is essential to* introduce a standard numbering of the single-particle states in F , say 1 to . We then define a particle- hole state, with the semi-colon notation: — ho/es —7 ' - ^ - p a n i t c / e s c t A / x u . & _ = f / , 2 t ... C k , £ ... n / s s / n f ) . . . (v-D-ii) tfF - / 3 A/f , < * , £ , ... > If the holes are not in their standard order, the particle hole ket is defined as + standard order, depending the particle-hole ket on the parity ofthepermutation which restores the standard order. Thus if F of is given by -383- F = { /»>, (V-D-12) ts>, /&>} n > , we have, for. example I Z , 4 ; C > = N , z , /; 9 > * I/,3 ,S ,C .,? > -//,z ,a ;4 > 9 ) = (v-d-13) The particle and hole creation and annihilation operators is the number of particles in F may now be defined ( A / 0% The operations (Z and b ~ O x / i x l ) o c c u ^ o id > increase the number of particles by one, and it is assumed the particle created is the last. by one, and it is assumed that the last particle has been removed. This remark is crucial, because without it the phase of the operators is not well defined, nor is the result of the operation. It must be remembered that although the particles are physically indistinguishable we do distinguish between them in the formalism. The physical indistinguishability of the particles is taken -384- care of in the formalism by the Pauli principle, not by loosing track of the identity of the particles involved in the states. It is for this reason that<we must treat a notation such as l i , f ,. ..., * j > with extreme care. This state is only well defined if the particles involved (as well as in what orders they are involved) are specified in the text. / L> The notation ••• > k , £ \ 2, is much superior, but we only use when there is a risk of confusion. 6 f k Thus the creation operator bt- above is ;*.... p j ¥ I i ,;.... k k ; ° < .../> ^ ^ (V-D-15) We shall now illustrate the operation of the particle and hole creation and annihilation operators, assuming that £ is given by (V-D-12). <?//;> = We have, / ;*> as/3;7>=o a,/2;K-r>’ -a7lz,z?>- -/z;g> 2, is not defined 6 ? / g 7> - //,z ;g ,r > (V _D _16) b3 l z , 2 , s ; > - - 4 / 2 , 2 , s ; > -- - / 2 , S i > From the definitions above we get the anticommutation relations: C a „ tft - « C * ,A % fc/Al - * H 4 ^ ' o - * ( V _ D . 1 7 ) -385- Any particle operator anticommutes with any hole operator. They would obviously commute except for the added phase , .A/ ' C ~/J in the definition of the particle * creation and A annihilation operators. This { • / ) factor has been in - cluded, despite the increased calculational complications, so that our definitions might agree in phase with the most popular usage. Anticommutation relations involving particles only follow from the definition: (V-D-18) Similarly for hole operators? ’ ° ‘ ° iK (V-D-19) a ,. t p , ■ 4 7 ' V The operators defined so far are all independent. One set operates only above and the other set only below the Fermi surface; all are required, to permit excitation of all these states. It is interesting to derive the relationship between these operators and the particle creation and annihilation operators C * and C which would be defined in the absence of a Fermi Surface (i.e. if we choose to keep track of all particles and not introduce the concept of holes) i.e. ; -386- c f / / i .. u) /A y U - s = = / yU . . . . j £ > o A X o r? < rt o c c u ^ e M . (v-d-20 ) As an illustration, let us assume again that F " mis given by (V-D-12), and we have c3f /1,9,3 > = C/ 13,1,9,37 = -/3,/,9,3> * O ll,9,Z> => /3J, 9,Z> l l, 9 ,Z > - - < Z z l z , 9 l > - -/< ? /> (v -D -2 1 ) We have A/ a « H ,f, k ; (■ /) /i,/, ; /, /V-7 / = £/.) A - k 'x n d u x a z -» ^ (T, / ♦ “ N 'jm d ic to )->^ a& / s e F , ./•> ^ (V-D-22) aX f s £ £ jy tc e p Z i }j \ ■■■>& The two states being operated on all the same, and the results are the same, hence it may be concluded that the operators are identical &o( r C cJso - C 't ) (V-D-23) This is the usual definition of the operators <2^ . This /y ' also justifies inclusion of the phase ( / ) in our definition of given above; it would otherwise have appeared here instead. -387- Between the c 's and the P 's as obvious. the connection is not In the following, we assume that all the states are given in standard order, and that s.p. states * above the Fermi surface are all empty. The latter do not interfere with operations below the Fermi surface so that the proof is still generally valid. (V-D-24) aM s e f & d y i.J k ... where ??/ and p?(- a l l s s f / u l -■ /& , - are the number of holes and particles respectively below the s.p. state It follows that (V-D-25) (V-D-26) In the same way, we obtain (V-D-27) This extremely important factor of C - /) 1' 1 , which comes naturally in this derivation from the requirement that states be antisymmetrized in holes below the Fermi sur(25) face is qualified by Brown' ' as "coming from the iriur&y depths of G r o u p ,Theory". \ The proof that C / 3 '* / •= £ / ) should be illustrated -388- by an example. 4 !za , =*> Taking F 7> = - /z, s; <iy 4 (V-D-28) c J / 1 , 4 , < 1 ,9 > l 3t = b f IG 1 7 > * ■» ^ o , & , 9 > - - t l 33 , a , 6 , * > 6^ ’ } On the other hand, for => as in (V-D-12), we have = ; 7> ! ,> 2>3 ' a ‘ s , 7 '> " q, I l , Z , 3 , U , S ^ y = ' O f 7> Repeating for all possible states yields (V-D-29) ^ etc. The behavior under rotations of the particle-hole states defined above remains to be investigated. The point of view adopted here is that of group theory. We assume that the single-particle states from which the antisymmetrized particle-hole states of the system are constructed transform under rotations according to welldefined irreducible representations; these are the rotation matrices j - (Messiah uses rfn M /P instead of as defined in Messiah^^ j- Mn To denote the vacuum, the notation / 0 ) > is used. The state which corresponds to all the s.p. states below the Fermi surface filled, and all the others empty is called the particle-hole vacuum and we use the notation -389- f c 'y f o r its (V-D-30) two sets of single particle states which transform as described above, •/” > ' - tft* 71^ where ? > /” > - fs i s n y Jt m ,> Q rotated i ™ state, (V_D' 31) the operator , and the J D ^ C % ) are Messiah’s of finite rotation rotation matrices. X 777 Then the ( 2 J M ) states - f a <f 7 ^ t o y ol transform according to the irriducible representation J O 7. In the case where the two sets above are the same, IS My vanishes for odd values of for even values of different the S . IS My S and is not normalized if the two sets above are never vanish and are always normalized,even if f a - f a • If the two f a s are the same we must use a slightly different notation which distinguishes between the two sets above - for example an additional index. Putting & *> f t ~ f t i~ fat * ( i, 1/ m) - T c j . mi /o p (I, ir i ) f t ft /O) (V-D-33) -390- Interchanging dummy indices and rrtz , and the order of the operators, /cw> - frfX e frr (* ,& ) /o> cv-D-34) Which implies that //^vanishes for odd \T , if ' < X ° f2 % In this case, the (O ' A O for even J are not normalized; indeed, < j-M lJ tf/ < c ^c) Mi c^ = J7 2T ( £ ; ip Z t X - n ) < o lC r f C w ; cP Z d o ^ ' < 0 ^ ^ m c ? c * lo > ' = (7+C-/f) <V D 35) (V-D-36) It is because the normalization is lost when single particle states, which transform among each other by rotations, are coupled together, that coefficients of fractional parentage are introduced. For one-particle one- hole states there is no need to introduce them explicitly, and although we shall consider them later, only very simple cases will arise. The proof that the /TOtransform among each other according to the irreducible representation £ ) simply based on the assumption that form according to I ) * ' and is and ] trans respectively; before demonstrating this a more general result is derived. -391- To investigate the behavior under rotations of states involving many particles (like hole states), it is very convenient to establish the transformation properties t of the creation and annihilation operators. > cl -» ?1? c irn t . * ( v - D - 3 7 ) This is equivalent to establishment of the commutation re lations for the creation and annihilation operators with the rotation operator . This is interesting because when many particles are involved, the creation operators become extremely complicated, yet intuitively it might 70^ , be expected that it should transform according to as it obviously does when operating on the vacuum: 2 c'" 2 " / o > * J * - % N m > V = T 777' ! / > • '> " (V-D-38) It remains to prove a very powerful theorem, namely, that the above result holds even if the operators do not act on the vacuum. ? CL 0 ?" - In general, Z & ■#)> j K 7 c t . 777™ J *7 This may be demonstrated as follows: (V-°-39) let / J f f ) b e an f ij- t particle state (completely antisymmetrized) of good angular momentum v7" and projection M . (This is not a -392- restrictive assumption , because any state may be expanded into a linear combination of such /J ~ M > states. (V-D-40) Using the definition of and expanding the determinant yields M> -j. . (V-D-41) 1 Summing over t i ' and reintroducing C^ /...i-tj i h we have ? 5i n * » which holds for the complete set o f f / X H A j s o r all CT and M ; thus, ? Cf w ? ^ Cjn ) ' J T (v-d-43) The transformation properties of the destructive operators are simply obtained by remembering that they are the adjoints of the creation operators. ? ? But the (linear) rotation operators R r - <?<£ r f - x x > L w J (V-D-44) are unitary, and $m ' (V-D-45) -393- The set of &&■ / states ATM > . T (V-D-46) & ct!o > W ,M Z v 0* 1 j' trrnsform as ! D • this is now easily obtained: /i . % u m > - T c i f ^ r (i, c L f f l Z c L , ? 7 % > °> 0 7 rtjrt2 * (V-D-47) And using the reduction formula for rotation matrices (Messiah appendix C-12) T £ ] ? t f > - T £ ? ,(£ IJ M ' ) A' (v-D-48) Most of these proofs for two-particle systems may be obtained in a much simpler way. For example, the transformation properties under rotation of the operators C jn and c jt f are not really needed. The case of coupling of two particles from the same subshell for example can be dealt with much more simply because AM> = T (t, 4 d f) / f ”0, p , (V-D-49) -394- is already antisymmetric in particles 1 and 2, and normalized for even J" (vanishes for odd J" ), and creation operators 4 do not have.to be introduced. We have, however, exchanged some of this simplicity, which exists in the two-particle case, for a more general, much more powerful approach, which will be needed in dealing with the holes. When considering the particle-hole scheme, we have CL ,C L ^ , /> the operators and 6 ^ instead of C and C * . Everything noted above concerning the operators C and C 7 is true for <L and o f , provided that due care is exercised, in :defining the Fermi Surface, not to divide a subshell. If a state is included in F , the subspace into which it transforms by rotation (subshell) is assumed to be included in t>S F completely. To define the , a standard order must be defined for states of F. We assume they are ordered in increasing values of the magnetic quantum number 70 ///> t Because (V-D-50) always even for nucleons, it does not matter how these sub sets are ordered among themselves and we have, according to our previous definition,: t v - ft) C j+ n t + f V l i t A C W -A ) (V-D-51) -395- To maintain compatibility with the standard literature 7/i is changed to in the labeling of b- . This is not a fundamental change hence / < - /"» , f 7" c . < ' ’- D - 5 2 > It must be emphasized that 4,creates a hole in s.p. v * not l y '™ } ! Similarly state b . (V-D-53) V 7” The transformation properties of the P s under rotations are easily obtained by their definitions and the symmetry properties of the rotation matrices. / _ ■ . c - f t 70 = ( - o '” ' ” ’& ?!*.?• I &- m<- mr' > (f ( r n F Q L < ’> (V-D-54) Similarly, (V-D-55) ' 7E? Y 2 " - t £ )m* m , ( * " ) kj „7” ' -396- Therefore it follows that the hole creation and destruction operators transform like the particle creation and destruction operators: this result is obtained simply by using a standard order of increasing values of 771 • This works a great simplification in all subsequent formalism. In particular, one-particle one-hole states of good angular momentum j j r i )may be obtained simply as . lz r h > - 27O ) (1 1,J‘) a f Af (v-D-56) 27777)' where we have observed our standard coupling order: particle first, hole second. -397- Appendix V-E Many-Particle Matrix Elements in Terms of The Single-Particle Matrix Elements. Part 1: Decay to the Ground State. We must evaluate !p /C > T = M7n> (£ ? m ‘7 2 )\fT 9 % In principle, the sum o v e r ^ and When < y / single particle states. )) however, ~ * V (V-E-l) ) 1 0 involves all the is applied to ( C ) , must operate below the Fermi surface and / x above, otherwise the expression vanishes. % { lu lS Pl » cjc„ f <plS'lv> £ % } l c > Thus, - (V-E-2) /* • * X (< a t s f o & & * /» > s y - n 4 and the sums over y£t and P p j 10 now run over all single-particle states above and below the Fermi Surface respectively. We have . ~ . f <c l L 4 „ 4 „ . L j C> * / V “ (~ i) * * . (V-E-3) y -M O And similarly for the neutron part, so that -398- < p 'J M ov ± 1 * 1 0 = T £ / / * 7»m ' T ^ . C -'F c rA 4 q * S f'y rt ! defining I f ' ' *> ’> S y S * _ a v d iT = — ;V—E—4) ” 2 c?A „ <T” — r— - (v-ii6) we obtain formula (V-115) Part 2: Decay to Excited States. We here must evaluate & * * * K * (Z r /iis ^ ify $ ! cy + <j»/5’7 r > c j c „ J * .> x > >«-=> All terms of the sum to be evaluated involve a product of 6 operators of the form : l>a c^c a *&f There are basically two possibilities: The * term is, or is not, the adjoint of the C term, i.e. ( c rC = / ) or ( c fC ° - c c i) -399- Collecting all terms of the first type involves 6 a a f6* X <y*IS*ly> and simply gives the expectation value of closed shell multiplied by the scalar p r for the o d u c t ^ We are only interested in the case for which these two states are different, such that the scalar product vanishes. For this reason the terms with dropped. The term in <£C { b & C * C <Z*l> I C *C - / are will give no contribution unless each proton creation operator is cancelled by a proton destruction operator , and similarly for neutrons. in acting on This is because the operator 1C ) b&c^c must re-create ( C l if the matrix element is not to vanish, and therefore the number of protons (or neutrons) should not be changed by its operation. Since they appear already paired, the only non-vanishing possibility is that in which all 6 operators belong to protons or all 6 operators belong to neutrons. Basically this happens because the electromagnetic interactions, unlike the weak interaction, does not transform protons into neutrons or vice-versa. It is still true, however, that the electromagnetic interactions are not isospin conserving, since the interaction of protons and neutrons with the field are not identical. alone gives The proton contribution -400- 2 Z ft C O J jJ t (^ r r i p t l j ( 7^x rr)p M t ) * S < c l L , a. c ' c , a * b[ jc > C/PSpi*> 7> ™> » & * , j x mi _, ,. (V-E-6) The remark above concerning protons and neutrons applies equally to particles and to holes. Each hole created must be destroyed and each particle created must be destroyed if S C l b C L C ^ C CZ>*b */ For this reason, cfa is not to vanish. must both be particle operators or both hole operators. aj> S c» /-#* j'- m ' h. A s ^ / k J rO ft,™ ! 1" J ” j »> - . I , , . ! 0 < t r » l S tfa -o o 'fa / * (V-E-7) The first sum runs over states above the Fermi surface, and will yield the "particle jump" where the hole acts merely as spectator, and the second sum runs over the states below the Fermi surface and will yield the "hole jumps". f a ^ / More precisely, < C lf t n ! */>' ‘f t j n f a m ; 1 0 » (V-E-8) -401- The contribution from the neutron jump is computed in the same way, and the final answer is given in V-D-2, as (V-117). -402Appendix V-F: Elimination of the Hole Part 1: Decay to the Ground State The purpose of this appendix is to compute the reduced matrix elements of a tensor operator JE>L in terms of the single particle ope. ators We used the definition of reduced matrix elements (V-C-2) introduced in appendix V-C on the Blatt and Biehenharn formula. The sum runs over three indices, not two, which explains the J" in the denominator. From (V-116), we have <#’<r»*ts£/c> ■M?/4 ( 0 T 0 0 * Also, from (V-C-2), Combining the three results, This expression may be reduced to a 6-jcoefficients, but more elementary mathods may also be used. Since X ^ A> After introducing this, it becomes possible to use the unitarity property of the Clebsch Gordan coefficients, and JL (V-F—2) -403- Finally, Expressed in terms of a 6-j coefficient (to compare with (V-119), which involves decay to excited states) ' ^ / / y no - ^ ^ Part 2: (V_F"3) Decay to Excited States. We first calculate the particle jump contribution: from the definition of the reduced matrix elements, (V-C-2), ( /£ ,) < ? *? ” - ' / (v-p-4) and from (V-117) j-k+M+f-h'+S j j > i 'x r * > p - 1 ( - 0 L" * W l f * j7 * (V-F-5) the definition of reduced matrix elements enters again : - £ ' tLrf (£&)<!•&/•> Therefore < < A jt H iS tJ } ' t , x * > ' P (r * ■ -* ) ( t " 2 7 fa ) f .H M '/A /c 'y y W * k r Jn ) ( t ' r X f) ( t f°o ) ( y v ( ) < / ? V > <— 8> -404- By introducing a sixth 3_j coefficient, /L L O ) (V-F-7) - T j - i f w < p s - //p (V -F -8) ^ / * y “ ¥ X ~r * * - ’? + L ~M ' f-A + u X (-’) = ( - // but for all non-vanishing contributions. the /" In 9-j We then recognize coefficient defined as: 1,3 f '3 ] (fa f a Its ) (fa fa fa ) y A \% rti27 )/3J [7Jlt 7>tl7J1}/ \n v 7>n r>33/ acc v - y* ( fafa J( f,2 f a l»/r *2 , W fa )(fa (V-F-9) fa fa ) [ */« *11 * 3 i ' ' * '3 *13 f a t This extremely useful formula will be used repeatedly through the end of this chapter; it is not given explicitly in Messiah, but can be found in Rothenberg’s , (18) tables Finally,we obtain the particle jump contribution of formula (V-119). This contribution may also be written in terms of 6-j coefficients (Messiah C-9) " " " n It is also possible to derive this formula directly in terms of 6-j coefficients, but going through a 9-j -405- coefficient instead makes it substantially easier to keep track of signs. It is instructive to compare this last formula with the one obtained for ground state decay. Apart from the phase, the reduced matrix elements differ by a factor of & y . The transition rate for a decay to the ground state, everything else being identical, would z(zpO therefore be faster than for decay to an excited state! The physical reason for this effect becomes clear if one looks at the inverse reaction. This then just says that absorbtion of gamma rays by a subshell filled with Z (Z y jt) particles will be Z ( Z f l'- H ) times more probable than if one one particle was present in that subshell. The approach of Lane wayss (13) differs from ours in many His treatment makes use of isospin formalism but not of the concept of holes. It is instructive to compare his formulas #81 and #82 with our results. Whether or not the decay is to the ground state is taken into account in his formulas by the factor n < A / } * , > <A7)«.> where 71 is the number of particles in the subshell, i.e. for Lane since he uses isospin formalism. X X 1} > and are equal to are coefficients of fractional parentage and I '/( f it f°r excited configurations, and 1 when the particle fills the hole (ground state). Thus we -406- get back the factor of l/£ ^ on the amplitude or in the transition rate. It is interesting to note, therefore, that we have been calculating coefficients of fractional parentage implicity. For O , this facto." of Z ( Z f * J / ) is equal to 8. Its presence accounts for the ground state decay being much stronger than the decay to any of the excited states when averaged over energy. jump will now be derived. <yA m t is i y i The contribution from the hole From (V-117), * = " z o f f jx ( i k J )(F = 5 ( ',)V ’l< 6 - ’i ,i S t i h - i > x, W ? ° ) The reduced matrix elements for S A* < k 'i 'i s t ik i> can be expressed in terms of the reduced matrix elements for the same way as for the particle-jump part. Eckart theorem twice). in exactly (Apply Wigner- After introducing an extra coefficient with a zero for recoupling, . //////•/ //V/ - 7 , V* For all non-vanishing contributions to the sum, XiM-tL+H'-l-lt-l'-fp/t L-fjfk'-XFinally, 9 s f /J contribution of (V-119). we obtain the hole jump ’ -407- In terms of 6_j coefficients, <rjk7m%ij>/L'xt>/i * 7 I 7 (xJ j J jp s*n > < v . F-13) -408- Appendix V-G: Electric Single-Particle Matrix Elements. The operator _ Z <« f , TL T f = &Td// [ZLCZI^) . r .i,iy ) in (V-G-l ) can be considered as consisting of the product of three factors: A statistical factor which is the same for neutrons and protons, a constant ^ which depends on the nature of the nucleon, and the operator itself, # *1 * . A The first task involves the evaluation of where ( - i f A and and are single particle states, S ' are the orbital angular momentum quantum S 1 numbers; S and equal to the spins of the nucleon are both and have been omitted; y ("and y / ) are the result of coupling X ,S (and C ) s ') . From the definition of reduced matrix elements, (V-C-2), we have < 4 / H i V ; N p = I decoupling X s ■ < V - G ' 2 > and < s ' yields 7YI rn'O'O' (V-G-3) ’> -409- But « < s ( r l < Y m l i LJ i}£li W w O / s'o “> where /s<r>is the spin state and / - / m b carries the space part (orbital and radial). The operator does not act on spin, t < S (r .(S ,c r''> * so that , but it is preferable to intro 3-j coefficient to replace c$\ , & J ss' The state //r»> has a wave function of the form * duce a where 0, and ^^G cp) are the spherical position coordinates of the particle and CG^CSi) is the radial wave function. ■jS. The phase I is necessary to ensure the previously assumed time reversal properties which guarantee real scalar products, (V-A-6), 4 -m 0 /Y w > = (-*) //-»?> (V-G-4) It should be pointed out that although we have suppressed all quantum numbers other than £ and ^ there are many states with the same £ for simplicity, and y and the other quantum numbers needed to label them (principal quantum number 71 for example) would appear labeling (for example, )• We proceed to evaluate < 4 m ln U ‘ / K P in / Z i*' YL tf / Z ' m 'b : //V> (V-G-5) - i u £ U [Y m Yw LM Y (s l) ^ e'rr,' f V A ) aj* - > J * 4 The integral over three spherical harmonics is well known (Messiah appendix C-3);. fY (J l)Y (/I) Y ' (SL)dfl -- (0 o o /(nrrtnt) T^ p (V_G_ 6) -410- After collecting all terms, P l s T n o r l i L/LL ) / 1 -I's'W es'1)> = LM . (V-G-7) T 7T T M e ,L\('J-e,L Ys s '°] („ „ 1 M " ^ .o o ) This matrix element is, of course, real; L +4 -4 unless l LA L is even. \ ^ ( 'c ,o o ) vanishes H The reduced matrix element H P / ) becomes J iy u '+ Z /u + S - O ' j l + t - - e ' + m , < t/ln .Li l YLHN cj ‘> - I 0 .M -4 j2 I H i n/vir £0 x t f &>&"/>*> s r t ' ) [ u u . ^ c U X Koco/ J 1 r (V-G-8 ) i'LS) /d s j \ f J 's 'i' \ ( d £ L \ ( s s \ Jtl M -/X / \ 7 r )O '-/l/\ m ,0'-jU' We introduce one more 3-j coefficient for recoupling, like in (V-F-7); with this extra factor, '//h l l V //J' v\ lH N ? > -&*■£-4' = /JI'L\ Cfi, \F * r /, ,, (a o o ) J aj ur A <*- x 1 „ 2 7 (rU /V'z / ) f 1 5 t \ f 4 ' s J L m (E y u ,) ( 4*tu, +7n+S-o'-M y \f s s'° ) f L 1 ° ) ) \'7 n w ' M ‘) (.f r ,- o r ‘k / V M - M ' k J The sum runs over all 9 magnetic quantum numbers. For all non-vanishing contributions to the sum, i * +A 'srrt*s -O'- M C 'l) ' (V~G_9) ',hS (" F -411- and using formula (V-F-9), for a g_j coefficient gives rT T T J 1 i L*.LY L t I'P = i LtUe * (V-G-10) d o t ) d t o ] Introducing the constants immediately yields the expression for the reduced matrix element, (V-127). -412- Appendix V-H: Single-Particle Magnetic Transitions. Part 1: Preliminaries. The magnetic operators are somewhat more difficult to evaluate than are the electric ones. ~J~ butions (V-123) an<j (space) The two contri- T~^ ( s p / p ) are of the same order of magnitude (although usually (spin) dbminates) and unlike the electric case, it is not advisable to neglect one of them. In this appendix we derive some preliminary results needed to evaluate the matrix elements of these operators, and proceed to calculate the space part. The spin part is the object of appendix V - I . a) Definition of standard components from cartesian components (Messiah Appendix C-14) (V-H-l) where the cartesian components of the axis of quantization. form like b) A } \( and \ ( are V and ^ has been chosen as These standard components trans- (Spherical tensor of order 1) The gradient formula: (V-H-2) It is easiest to prove it in cartesian coordinates: -413- raf * a 3 / d? x i i 2>X3 dyx dp J J - Lax* J Z 2 ^ax and likewise for the y c) and ^ components. Scalar product of two operators of order 1: A -s - ^ ( r O * A „ S' A 'S * ( C/SftAbL X t 'S = (V-H-3) A XSX A A yS y 7 J ljS j ) This property can be obtained from Messiah appendix C-15, or proved directly by substituting the expression for the standard components, as defined above. d) A # , A *" ^ Evaluation of the operator XZ^ is a standard component of A . and A , where is its length. From the definition of the spherical harmonics ( /g * ) ^ (Messiah and of appendix B-10) we have Z = 7 c ^ = /-/ . For (£ « -% L -/ 3 z - L Of the three possible values we retain only , r H L , the ^ YfH * tllus ) Y x n and Y * /2 + t 3-j coefficient vanishes; this can easily be seen from the parity of the spherical harmonic fp . to '(.h ^l h iS * ^ which is ( 0 . The parity of and it must therefore be orthogonal A more subtle reason cancels the contribution -414- from the */= L f i / Vp2A. * " * ' term: ¥ „= O L+> » l (Messiah B-10) In all the following derivations, it will be understood that ^ L -l , * Keeping only the non-vanishing terra, - (f)* The Laplacian o f H (ft» $ ) f a ? r P7 <v-H-5> . may be expressed in terms of the orbital angular momentum operator & ; in invariant fashion we may write s.* [/2 = (V_H_6) (vz)U- F) - Z* which in spherical coordinates takes the form (Messiah, appendix B-ll, footnote) U 2 V ~ 1 7i — 2 A. — F V " / A2 Z ( Z I * 0 A 1" Y - And finally, Ya/ a a ' Y i " ( ? ) 2 Z t? Z & f * ( f t f f -n l ) A * f a e) Matrix elements of the spin operator^ The spin operator & a tensor of order IV - H - 7 ) / S 'c r'ft . is a tensor of order 1, and ~ Zi, . The procedure here consists in evaluating one of the matrix elements, and in using the Wigner-Eckart theorem to find the others. immediately yields This method -415- < C s o -/£ J s 'c r'A = ( - / ) < S '& l t ? l s '& > s - r / S ' i s ) (s' i s u r W v \ A o -'a ) & - ... * k t $ > !s (tt o - t ) Therefore, „ £-&• r^-i X s c r /^ /s 'o " > * ( -/) /s ' / s ) \ < y'jj-o ) (V-H-8) f ) Expansion We A of J have Proceeding in = the k same w a y < 4 k 1 ^ 1 4 m A = £i) We immediately have the 3-j appendix ]T in terms as described // k>. above, k+i M 1 4 \ f J t d ) L ^ k ) (/o-iJ <4iU J 4 » is more of course, difficult. /g , / ) C-5), the M k X U ! <, U m A X 4 /1 4 o ! 4 fA - / coefficient of a ( / O-/' * C~0 From but (Messiah [J C 4 h ) ] ^ 2 -— And the desired expression follows immediately: = Part 2: Space The operator L k 7” ° ( w ; the - 4 y /M n ) (W i t - k l (V_H _9 ) Contribution. space has 0 ) contribution form (V-123) to the magnetic transition -416- This operator may be considered as consisting of three parts; a constant independent of the nature of the particle, a constant ^ which depends on whether the particle is a proton or a neutron and the operator itself, XKAS'XJ-I. The first step consists in evaluating the matrix element (V-H-10) y-E s-rricrl ) - J U s 'T n 'y ^ ^ K s c r ! s y > y / r n l( z [ A L ] /I A l - p T r , ' ) where L -f (V-H-2). Noting that 17 s i 1 ) ( H , and we have used the gradient formula vanishes identically, (Messiah B-10) and using the formula for scalar products, (V-H-3), the following expression is easily obtained for the above matrix element: J f(t sX) I SC V The operator involved in this matrix element has been calculated at (V-H-7), and % (i f ) * (v-h-11) **C At this point we can use (V-H-9), which leaves us with the matrix element of / ; this is evaluated in the same way as for the electric operator: -417- F A s -m p I V ( j i u Y ] ^ M ) ■4 / ■ t's 'w o '1'} = 1 ? \J3 l * v y /f t ( H e ,n ,) a m x ’z v h I ) m ' i ) * We Already have the required sum over three magnetic quantum numbers, and it is advisable to evaluate it immediately in terms of a 6-j 5 V 2 (~ 0 l coefficient, £ )(£ ■ /* •) ( L S I )/ L (-y r j k W / O M - y t l) \.7 T ) ~ t 2 - k J v rfk £ lv - H -1 3 ) / J L using a formula in Messiah, appendix C-7. Finally, F t s m c r j V (s iLi* Y „ ) • £ I i s ' - m ' c ' } - Lrt ( S iZ t iZ X X flim ^ Y * £•/) x s € ~ i' : L. From the definition of reduced matrix elements and the expansion of IZ j^ x n in terms of the terms of the f'lsm o'P and / , yU yt'M / /m tri o'o' (J s p U s n A V x (V —H—1 5 ) ? ? „ ) - * ! 2 's n ^ > -418- where we have assumed Z + -£ -■ £ ducing an extra 3-j coefficient, we obtain a sum over to be always odd. Intro all 9 magnetic quantum numbers, which may Tae reduced to a 9-j coefficient: <ijUWi*YL)-Hep m*.i U TTFrip ( i Z i H W } & ) x *(V'H'16) For all non-vanishing contirubtions to the sum, Z ' - t i ' + S - O ' + r v j l-t M c-/f = Jt-s+L or The final result is given in (V-128), after introduction of the various constants. -419- Appendix Vi: Single-Particle Magnetic Transitions, Spin Contribution. The spin contribution to the magnetic transition operator is given by (V-123), & Z 7 )H - rn c r / To evaluate W U Z L J O /^ S s i L '(fan) k M ' ^ I - f ’s ' m ' o ' ' } we proceed substantially in the same way as in appendix V-H: After using the gradient formula and the expression for the scalar product, and eliminating the various vanishing contribution we get Slsm or l(\7/zl i L~* )faM) •&! t's'm 'r'ft) = Z * 7 ? (m i * ) (V-i-l) where << - / - ~ / as usual. < ( S C , / S i / / s '0 " f t > The expression (V-H-8); the matrix element of was calculated as 2 -^ is evaluated in the same way as for the electric case. Therefore pm -O ' 4'jC ys'fS ) f / L * )f S /'J (V-i-2) ) fu u toS'Z The reduced matrix elements of this operator between states /■ /j , y and / P fa 'P are obtained from the same formula used for the space part, -420- rm 7 » '0 ‘0- (P C C /) < & ^ ( T y u v ,n w x fr) I f f s u -s '„ ',> > (v-i-3 ) Putting together the last two formulae gives us a sum over six 3-j coefficients. And since for all non vanishing terms in the sum, M + s -O '+ p y c * .' _ ^ & # '- s it immediately follows from the expression of a 9-j coefficient in terms of 3-j d i l l v (X i‘" ) f ) - s t t y > tc J. t \ coefficients, that -J ? 1 - j 'M A c 1 . * (V-i-4) With the proper constant, we obtain (V-129). In this case it is not possible to avoid the use of a 9-j coefficient without seriously complicating the derivation. For Ml transitions however, coefficient again reduced to a == /,“/ = O and the 6-j coefficient. 9-j Thus for practical computations involving felectric multipoles of any order and Ml multipoles, the avoided. 9-j coefficients may be totally Nevertheless, their higher symmetry makes them suitable for manipulations of formulae. -421- Appendix VI-A Conversion from Isospin Formalism to Proton-Neutron Formalism Protons and neutrons being distinguishable particles, it is never necessary to antisymmetrize the wave function for an exchange of a proto.. and a neutron. Thus the state of the nucleus can be written as a linear- combina tion of direct products of antisymmetrized states of the protons times antisymmetrized states of the neutrons. precisely the state of a system of ^ protons and More 72- neutrons will be a linear combination of states of the form states respectively, and the hat on the creation operators distinguishes the neutron creation operators from the proton creation operators. Similarly we use hats on the neutron annihilation operators and on the neutron hole creation and annihilation operators to distinguish them from their proton counterparts. It is well known that it is also possible to think of protons and neutrons as being two states of the nucleon, and use the isospin quantum number to label these two states. The proton and neutron form a doublet and therefore have isospin 1/2. We use the convention that isospin "up" (projection si 1/2) means a neutron, -422- and isospin "down" (projection = -1/2) will denote a proton. Antisymmetrization must be carried out for all nucleon pairs, and the state of the nucleus will be linear combinations of states of the form h c !r */ where A vacuum, AA /o > c / r is the number of nucleons, /Ob is the nucleon /■ C creates a nucleon with isospin projection in single particle state / . Although we introduce no distinction between the proton operators the nucleon operators C^ c £ and , no confusion should arise because they cannot be used in the same context. The proton-neutron scheme and the isospin formalism are completely equivalent in all respects, therefore it should prove possible to translate from one to the other. This translation is needed here, because Gillet gives particle-hole kets in isospin formalism, whereas all our derivations were based on the proton-neutron scheme which we chose for compatibility with the article of Rose and Brink^^, and for simplicity. Except for the simple case of two particles, we shall not attempt to prove here that the two languages are equivalent; instead, a one-to-one correspondence between states in the proton-neutron scheme and states in the isospin formalism will be assumed to exist, and its exact nature will be derived. -423- The relationship between the proton-neutron scheme and the isospin formalism is rather subtle, and it is best to start with an example. particle states f k ) and We assume Jtwo single /ft) 4 states can be obtained. to be filled; obviously, In the proton-neutron shceme, these are 4 (tk > h ) vS (/*>„ - !*>„ ! 4 > J + < V I- A ' 2 ) /* > „ , n > p 7s ( !k>h U \ , - M>„ H>h ) The first and second states are respectively states of two protons and of two neutrons. is bbe single particle state consisting of proton #1 in so on. /M ) , and Both are antisymmetric upon exchange of the two particles. For the last two states we have arbitrarily taken the symmetric and antisymmetric linear combinations, of the basic states tty , t i> „ /k > „ , which represent respectively a proton in / M ) neutron in J ft) , and vice-versa. with a These four states can also be written in isospin formalism: & c ^ -/k \ //>; ( l b , 4 lt>2//>,) //p (2 Ioo>n T} - 1 / .*(vi_a_3) -424- where //7f”^/2 with isospin is the isospin state of nucleons 1 and 2 / and projection the isospin state with isospin ^ T _/'/* fA / r p /2 - X/)* T ( t, 7*= O , and : /O O ^ is in general T ) (VI-A-4) The two-neutron and two-proton states are easily trans lated into the respectively: is needed. 7W T. = / and 7"W , 7 1 * -/ states * J & in this case only a change in notations For example, becomes , etc... so that A /& -*)) i v J _ A. 5) * vk and similarly, n » a On the other hand, translating the two ( v i _ a 6) 7j - o , one-proton one-neutron states involves some difficulties which originate in the different methods of labeling the particles. In the proton-neutron scheme, the protons and the neutrons are labeled separately. Thus we have proton 1, proton 2, proton 3, .... and neutron 1, neutron 2 ...; -425- in the isospin formalism, however, all nucleons are labeled together: difference is of nucleon 1, nucleon 2... This fundamental importance and represents the different requirements of antisymmetrization. The case of two particles we are presently dealing with involves a proton (proton 1) and a neutron (neutron 1) in the proton-neutron scheme, or equivalently nucleon 1 and nucleon 2 in isospin formalismm: The translation of the one-proton one-neutron states proceeds as follows: we could write (VI-A-7) if we choose to call the proton "nucleon 1" and the neutron "nucleon 2". On the other hand, we could choose to call the proton "nucleon 2" and the neutron "nucleon 1" , in which case That these two formulae are not equivalent is quite obvious since the states on the right hand side are orthogonal. However, it is easy to see that the latter can be obtained from each other simply by exchanging nucleons 1 and 2. Remembering that the state in isospin formalism must be antisymmetric under exchange of the two nucleons, we see that the proper linear combination -426- of the two states above must be used. i*> m u > J - i(ik \r h 7 ,\ Therefore, n i'in y , ± (VI-A-9) 7/k>JU\ tfy i-'i),) We consider the phase of the isospin state to be defined by the requirement that lk > k s t k \ /& -O , and there remains a sign ambiguity which depends on how the proton and neutron are labeled when they are treated as indistinguishable nucleons; we arbitrarily take as positive the term which corresponds to labeling the neutron as nucleon 1 and the proton as nucleon 2. The expression factors to give fe(lk\ pt 111 t lk\ H>. ) = i "I u\ + lk\ Ii>,) ' * (VI-A-10)" (l'A fi) \‘U-‘h \ I I'll V jfrO , ) or equivalently, A (% / / > „ , + » > m ) = m ( * m w ) I o o \ - (VI—A—11) k ( If y - ! k \ , u>f , ) - - k O h - !k \ U >, )h ° > n This completes the set of formulae needed to translate from one scheme to the other in the simple case of two particles. briefly. The more general case will only be treated -427- The states < - • < * » ' * 5a".'" protons in < - ■ •"' * , > > " V * / k ,> .. /4 > and (vi— a — 12 ) are both states of /0;> neutrons in UR . . . . /&) and therefore must be linearly dependent; that is to say equal within a phase. That setting this phase is not a trivial problem can be easily demonstrated as follows: the two-particle state in the notation of second quantization is written as ck / o y ® ce t o y (VI-A-13) /o> c k-'/z L . c£.*fi Clearly we could have either c f / c / • c /lo y 1 4W » c * /o f . c/_6 c; t /o> (VI-A-14) c;h /o> but certainly not both, because these two equations aremutually exclusive. _t commute, and C . ,, * A This is clear since anticommutes f with c f'/z and c j . Thus c * lo t ® c f /o f = c f /o f s c //o / whereas t CX . t J ° y ' - / Ct H C L ,^\ (VI—A—15) ,6> Instead of tackling directly the problem of translating an antisymmetric state in proton-neutron scheme into an antisymmetric state in the isospin formalism, we will show -428- how a simple direct product of single-particle states can be translated, and give the recipe for antisymmetrization in both proton-neutron scheme and isospin formalism. # After having done the translation through the intermediate of a simple direct product state, the general translation formula will become obvious. The direct product of single-particle states with p protons and 71 neutrons, (VI-A-16) cp(t>) where Cf> and Lp q ,0 ) ^ y > K ip ( n ) are permutations on {/■■■ respectively and and//---71./ means the single particle state of proton # <p (p in » as defined above, can be expressed in isospin formalism provided we arbitrarily choose a new name for each particle. We therefore agree to arbitrarily call neturon #1 "nucleon #1", neutron #2 will become "nucleon #2", and so on. The protons will be labeled, in a similar way, from "nucleon#( 71+ I ) " to "nucleon # (71+f> )" . With this in mind, the state above is rewritten as -■ < * w assuming specific phases for the isospxn states and f /i li} . % *>*<»-■ ■ ■ I'U'/i) -429- By antisymmetrizing these direct product states in a consistent manner, (by this we mean that anti- symmetrization be a linear operation) we will obtain the same antisymmetric state in proton-neutron scheme and isospin formalism. A to Using denote the anti- symmetrization projection operator, we have for-the proton-neutron scheme A ^ 9 0 ) ... “^ \ (VI-A-18) (fi(p ^ ®( A < f ( 0 ---- { p (fij) since proton and neutron parts are antisymmetrized separately. From (V-D-8) we obtain the antisymmetrization operator*, and A ~L 0 0 ) ---■^ y?a) ^ "* (VI-A-19) {< P 'l / ( f '^ 0 ) c p 'tp Q ) where the sum is carried over all / / permutations of { A, X — (T ffy ) / J , and =0 T P fc p ) is the parity of permutation for even Cf> , 1 for odd runs over all permutations, ). Cf . Because c f ' also runs over all permutations and the summation index can be changed. This yields ^ ^ 7^ , ) ------ (VI-A-20) ' '- ''W o j /A>'/ y e p ) * The antisymmetrization operator has this form only when acting on direct products of single-particle states. -430- The antisymmetrization of the neutron part proceeds similarly to yield A /I, \tpoj 'jrC " "Tift')' ^_ t - /) (VI-A-21) 7 n f~ fp j ^ .... /? » > „ (£ '(*> ) ivy The state written in isospin formalism can be antisymmetrized with respect of all the nucleons; if CO on H, — is the permutation A/// such that C O (i) IC O » (VI-A-22) c o /m ^ ) = Y p ffJ + n /-/ the state becomes simply ^ ^ * /Jet> , ,/% - '/,> , . Cofa+O 6u (rt+i) ... / A > , z) r c o (v + p ) ( V I _ A . 2 3 ) co(r,+-t>) and can be antisymmetrized in the same way as the neutron or proton states. ■ Antisymmetrization yields, in a more compact nota tion, , . ........ y ^ , & .v - f w j u * * i w ......... where the sum runs over all permutations c o ' of * < v i_ a _ 2 4 ) -431- Once the rule for relabeling the protons and neutrons as nucleons has been chosen, the translation of a simple direct product state from proton-neutron scheme to isospin formalism is unique. Furthermore, antisymmetriza- tion in both cases is also uniquely defined. We therefore are allowed to consider the antisymmetrized states , ¥ { If y c p o ) (VI-A-25) .... and A { it. % a v , /4 * 0 (VI-A-26) as being the same state, expressed in proton-neutron scheme and isospin formalism respectively. since £ - j ) » £ ./) eft.... eft loft 4 In particular, we have 0 eft.... Sft / o f = *!> (VI-A-27) c f .... cfa c [ .... c ! toy 4 ,'L 6? '/i fy -h Applying the commutation rules on each side yields this general rule: A state in proton-neutron scheme can be transcribed directly, term by term, into isospin formalism, provided all the neutron creation operators be on the left of all proton creation operators, and the order among proton creation operators and neutron creation operators respectively be the same in both cases. For -432- example, we have t d • c / , o / - (VI-A-28) ^ however q fc /c j /o f » c / i o f a $4 cj.,/t cA cA , C}c p I o ( • cf/of a cJA cJ.A 4+ /0 > 4+ (VI-A-29) /o> In the first case, the neutron operator has been left on the right-hand side of the proton operators, and in the second case, the order among proton operators has not been preserved in translating. The notation used so far in the proton-neutron scheme can be simplified by simply writing with a slight risk of confusion. It should be remembered that the proton operators commute with the neutron operators: for example, E( *r I/ r< i s» , r t lo 'i + 4/ C - /j. r5 f' q'/°> (VI-A-31) The translation from proton-neutron scheme to isospin formalism offers more difficulties when particlehole states are involved. Since we are interested in ♦ one-particle one-hole states, we have to investigate the effects of introducing a Fermi surface. The method basically consists in writing the state as a set of creation operators acting on the vacuum; this effectively removes the Fermi surface, and the translation proceeds as described above. The Fermi surface is then simply re-introduced in the new formalism. One problem arises when introducing the Fermi surface in isospin formalism; the standard order has to be defined. In order to keep intact the angular momentum coupling properties of the hole states, it is advisable to still order the single-particle states in increasing values of angular momentum projection vn. I (VI-A-32) There are +( magnetic substates, and 2.^ + 1 is always even; therefore, it does not matter how these subshells of 2 y -f- / states are ordered among themselves. particle-hole operators will thus be defined The new (c k Y t O ff): -434- Notice that the isospin projection - Z has been used to label the hole operators instead of Z . The change in sign is for the same reason as in the case' of »?; it is just a convention. I jm z ¥C f-n -f”c -0 '/ f t C f It is important to remember that , in 9e n e r a l . f Let us translate the particle-hole state ' + CL- / f £>. , !c > n ® /X (VI-A-34) JCA /* ” into isospin formalism; we define the closed shells /C A and (C )t by f> /■ fp proton closed shell /C }-= C. . C. !o ) f f f t (in order of neutron closed shell / C A V lo T - increasing m t r " ' rr (VI-A-35) A more general clCsed shell with more-than one subshell could be used with the same results; we keep only one subshell ^ for simplicity. Similarly, the nucleon closed shell !c / 0 /c>” /c > * (VI-A-36) . C .r, „ .... C f . f t '/, f j'h C f .........C [ . j'f - t , W /o > ' 11 in order of increasing rri , all neutron operators on the left of all proton operators. -435- Then, f , t . f a-m . n /c > • /c> (VI-A-37) ' r cr r ~ <? «. & ^ • ' c> \ This can be translated into isospin formalism, and we obtain &!■ c i* f . W & , t c f * > /C ? = c f c f c f * C f /?'* f ™ - ''' (VI-A-38) cp (!m...................................... c f .. . /o> '+ O ~ /t .. All operators on the right-hand side of the equal sign now have three indices, and parenthesis were used to avoid confusion. introducing the operator C - '- Y i fm \\ '-y m '-'/t and using the anticommutation property of the operators y i e l < i S 6^m , /cZ/O” ' C~ ° cp « Therefore, a f. , b f = .,A t y y * "" ,, Jc7 J0> (VI-A-39) -436- ap f 6y $m . IcF&ic') = / a]rfn -'h /y m ' f,o (VI-A-40) ic> A similar result is derived for a neutron particle-hole pair, in exactly the same way. & t * /c > v 0/ c / * t a t b f- (VI- A- 41) IC > Certainly, this result was obvious from the start, except for the sign. We do not know of a simple way of proving that the sign in the above formulae is always ~h ; in fact, it needs not necessarily be always •/ , if some of the conventions used in the proof are dropped. sign conventions come in at various places: Arbitrary the relabeling of protons and neutrons as nucleons, the ordering of states below the Fermi surface (i.e. definition of the hole operators in both the proton-neutron scheme and isospin formalism) and the definition of / O /O, /C } and all bring in sign conventions; furthermore, the fact that each subshell y consists of an even number of single-particle states is used extensively in the proof. -437- Appendix VI-B Standard Configurations Used in the Theory and the Calculations. 1) The Single-Particle States. The standard single-particle states of chapters S are defined by In ijm y where $ - Z & /) f srns l /S T t y 'y ls the spin is the nucleon spin, and state of the nucleon. (vi-b-i) /5w,) is further defined by its transformation properties under time reversal, ^ @ /S W S > - C O with 0 N (VI—B—2) IS 'M s > as the time reversal operator. Chapter XV and Wigner^8 ^ chapter 26) (Messiah^8 ^ Both { / / and ft/SYf?s )J are defined to form a standard representation of angular momentum, so that they transform among each other under rotations with the use of the rotation matrices, /p im p -- (vi-b-3) m4 ' and similarly for the /S m s y . "P is the operator A for rotation R ; it transforms the state J 7 l/rr? 4 y into the rotated state is the rotation matrix for rotation appendix C. * ” R m tn , as defined in Messiah's f (Messiah writes the symbol 7ft instead of m 'm -438- our , )• In terms of Messiah's spherical har )Z , the wave function ( A M P tr J ^ y tm Z w P iW g b is simply given by monics ket Z A /v P m ^ b - for the (VI-B-4) a n £ (J i) ^ in spherical coordinates, where the coordinates of >2 (/2f J 7 ) and J2 = are stands for the azimuthal angle 0 and the polar angle ( f . The radial wave function is the solution of the radial equation for the spherically symmetric modified Gaussian potential of (VI-5). The sign conventions are those indicated by fig. VI-2 and VI-3; the normalization is in the interval 0 < A e < /Re only. Applying the time reversal operator yiedls P -rrij £ /vP m .b - O ) /v P -m b (VI—B—5) & I t* Pj-rn) 9 (r1) For simplicity, abbreviated and MPj-nb I'A P m ^ b /■P y m b an<^ will be respectively, when there is no risk of confusion. 2) The Standard Configurations We call configurations the states of the system obtained by coupling to good total angular momentum the single-particle states /7 ) P j7 n b . The stationary states of the nucleus will be linear combinations of these config urations of the same angular momentum and parity, assuming -439- the Hamiltonian to be invariant under rotations and reflections. The word "configuration" as used herd corresponds to the term "particle-hole kets" used by Gillet, and dirfers slightly from its usual meaning in the literature. We call "standard particle-hole configurations"'the states defined below; it is in terms of these that the theory is derived in chapter V; Appendix II-C establishes the relationship between Gillet*s states for C 12 and our standard configurations. The standard one-particle one-hole configurations are defined as / V O ’/it) *■ 2 0 where i V// ' / //>' *7*) 7=p ? <r-x (-') (m m '-m ! J mm' Cc. • and o ,. , respectively create a proton lT )4 y m ) and a proton hole in states defined above. \ and The exact definition of operators t l f ^ i" // a ' a f & will be found in appendix V-D. The + signs refer to the symmetry of the state; the + sign corresponds to the symmetric ( T"~ O ) state and the -sign identifies the antisymmetric ( T"- / ) state.* The particle-hole vacuum P ) I c y «• / c f ® /C ) is defined simply as / c y ’ where /C is the proton's particle-hole vacuum and * Correct as stated here. -441- Appendix VI-C: ; The Use of Gillet's The States of Wave Functions. Gillet defines his configurations, or particle-hole kets, at p. 95 of his thesis ar L.icle^^^. (1) or as equation (5) of his Rewritten in a more convenient notation, they are I n ' ( € 's ') f ' , i-m ; T ic e s )j :< ? m t o ] * 'h 't £ C 'O m rm 'T1 Z'-ZJTO ) x (VT-G-1) / ( t s ') j " m ‘ T / & ) / » > > ! '/ t c > * / * o u „ ,e , u „ e The primes refer to the hole and the unprimed quantum numbers belong to the particle. This definition is given with a warning that this ket transforms like a bra in space rotations, but no other explanations are given. We have some unpleasant comments about this definition: the first such comment is that the themselves are not well defined. It has been possible to infer indirectly from Gillet's thesis that they are of the form (VI-C—2) where the wave functions associated with are the spherical harmonics of Messiah (or Condon and Shortly). The use of these spherical harmonics without the factor l A , and the fact that the time reversal operator seems -442- not to have been mentioned in his work, indicate that Gillet was not using the properties of the states under time reversal to ensure real scalar products. This brings ♦ us to the definition of / S w O" } ; we assume that these states form a standard representation of the angular momentum operators, but unfortunately, we also need to know how they transform under time reversal. This, we can only guess. Another problem which is also related to phases concerns the meaning of the asterisk in (VI-C-1). quite clear that Gillet meant by this complex conjugation. It is the operation of Unfortunately, complex conjugation is not well defined for kets unless the standard representa tion with which it is associated is explicitly identified. In other words, the operation of complex conjugation on kets is not unique. (Messiah XV-5). Since Gillet does not introduce another basis, we could assume that the complex conjugation operation denoted by one corresponding to the basis /(P 5 )jJ w A is the . Unfortunate ly, this leads to a contradiction, because the complex conjugation operator associated with a representation is defined as the antilinear operator which leaves the hasis vectors of this representation invariant; this means the operation V would do nothing to /' ( 4 s ) y m , and the particle-hole ket would not transform as a bra as Gillet claims it does. -443- Gillet's references on the phase conventions are: "The particle-hole ket is defined with the choice of phase of Bell Physics 1 2 27 " and reference #27 is "J.S'. Bell Nuclear (1958) 117". This is an excellent article, but we have been unable to find any reference to a phase convention in it. Another peculiarity of the particle-hole ket definition of Gillet's is its transformation properties under rotations. Most writers define a hole ket by the method outlined in the theory chapter ( c k 'g ) . yields kets which transform as kets. This method Instead of doing this, Gillet produces hole kets which transform like bras, then redefines each particle ket by changing the sign of the 7/L quantum number and introducing a phase (-/)a , forcing it to transform like a bra. Having done this, he is then capable of coupling them together to make a particle-hole ket which transforms like a bra. The whole procedure, as we hope to have made clear, is apt to generate confusion. However, by per forming a transformation on this particle-hole ket definition we have been able to clarify the situation somewhat. The definition of particle-hole ket above is identical with (-/) ( - ,) ! v e t 's ') f ; n (4 s )j ; j r - n T o f ' L ( f i m ' m t j n ) ('A Z i ? z i r o ) [ ( / / m i r j '- v A r n m 'Z f , /{ j ! % ?> U t f f (t)1 = / 'A - t 'f J This simply comes from the symmetry properties of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (Messiah’s definition) and changing signs of the dummy indices. ) 7)(fts)j j J'MT’O J Since the ' transform like bras, according to Gillet, we would expect the f / f ' / 7 ) j ' j r) t o transform like the hermitian conjugates of bras, i.e. like kets; indeed we see that which is an ordinary ket, fulfills the requirement. Therefore, we can safely assume.that f t -7%' jf the ( - / ) * ' 7 P ') transform like kets also. Assuming as before that the single particle states are given by /ft/m ) where (vi-c-4) 111#)/ftrne) Jsms) are the spherical harmonics, where we again have used the symmetry properties of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and assumed the complex conjugate of a direct product to be the direct product of the complex conjugate of the two factors. of the dummy indices 7Y)^ and Guessing that by the & 7T?S The signs were changed. operation on illet just means to take the complex conjugate of the wave function Y j> ' **» € -m e • and since y * ^ -445- The next point is crucial: /P th) what was meant by / / \* I S -70s / ? (hopefully); but what about The most important clue is that to be consistent, the ( - / ) kets. we have been able to determine S /S '-r tfs X must behave like This means that I s - ct(s')!s‘w> (V I-C -7 ) s' where o( is a phase factor which depends only on Fortunately (and otherwise we would have problems) can take only one value, 1/2. matter what oC s' S/ Therefore it does not is, and we can set it equal to 1. This brings S '-m , # [ $ ir)s b ~ & ) IS -ffls b (VI-C-8) We have therefore proved (painfully) that the only way to be consistent is to define the action of the operation on spin states, as in (VI-C-8). phase of the define * fS 'rV j b » if if the phases of the This would set the was defined, dr it would I S l 7ns y were known. ~ But whatever it is, we would not call it a complex conjugation operator, so that the notation * without any comments is in bad taste. Unfortunately, we have (2) seen it used by other authors from Saclay . The purpose of the present derivation is to establish the relationship between our well defined configuration and Gillet*s states; these states are given in terms of the particle-hole kets we have just studied, by the formula -446- jXSMTO] = * j f . fa ■„ W r > , ; C - ' f t f S / v a ' s ’J / ; » ( & ) / ; J M T o J v e -v tj? The ? • / • ( V I . C _ 9 , /A S M T O ) are Gillet's wave functions; they are \s 3 " T given in terms of a table of real coefficients The above equation constitutes the definition of these ■ f '/S ' coefficients. The phase £ ■ /) * has been added arbitrarily by Gillet to improve symmetry of the equations under particle-hole exchange (Nuclear Physics 54(1964) p.332, top of page). Since diagonal in ( - /) y J -T A )■„/£'*)/>,' A j 71 f <7 v (J and 7^ we is independent of M and can also write I X J - H T o ) o r = ._ v . c r - r t iT ip s ' ft fa, Yi-tf*'(■/) (VI-C-10) ln'(Mfi;n(tslfi;J-MTo) which is a relation between kets which transform as kets, instead of kets which transform as bras, under rotations. The next problem encountered in dealing with the wave functions of Gillet comes from their properties under exchange of two nucleons. It is clear that they are not antisymmetric under exchange of the nucleon above the Fermi surface with any one of face. the nucleons below the sur Using these wave functions as such leads to , neglecting the exchange integrals between the excited nucleon and the core. -447- Before using the states we must somehow antisymmetrize. Thus [ft)'r O f * / ' / , - t ' f ] /+/»>/?, O (vi-c-ll) will be replaced by aj j m t * ' f/) '* r r ) 10 lvi-c- 12 ) where the particle and. hole creation operators now refer to our single-particle states as defined in appendix 2-B. .-t? .J > The appearance of I and 2 essentially comes from I the fact that we use as orbital wave functions and Gillet uses simply The disappearance of (■ > )* . -ro ' is linked with the sign in b jj'j'r n 'Z ' ~ From (VI-C-3) we have i f n ynrrji m x m rr w r t f k </mrlrpm . r Introducing numerical values for the CJ-M+7 (-1) Iri'C fs 'J j ; TiC&y - 4 O 737 YT}' ) 7 ( U ; . J -M 7 0 ] - n j 1 3-j ivi-c-isj coefficients = a (VI-C-16) {a*. + 0 ? a * b f ] ^ > -448- Using appendix VI-A to translate into proton-neutron scheme, z r-M -t r (-!) h 'C f s O /'; n ( / s ) j j J - r f T O ) - (H i) k ( ■ / " , d /m 1 / 70' ' d /m i (VI-C-17) Because we should not be allowed to talk in terms of isospin when using proton neutron scheme, it is advisable to write this equation in a slightly different form: ct- m € -/) + P +r , h ' ( S s ) f ' ; r x t s ij t c / 3 j J J - M T O J ' (£ • & -% )& (VI-C-18) here the upper sign applies for the and the lower sign applies to the 7= O 7”=/ configuration configuration. Except for a sign, and the order of coupling / and we recognize our standard configurations of appendix VI-B. Changing the order of coupling brings in a sign and &/) l i r ' e c -,)f t r J h ' C M y } vets)/; J-rr TO) * I ( V I _ C _ 1 9 This finally permits us to write Gillet's states in terms of our configurations and his tables of amplitudes, namely (VI-C-10), ) -449- (-/) „ M 7-H C T -///7 - to} \/TT X ; = Sts' TH X , c -0 * c -o * Sit ' * i /j f jm A, vfynfy > X! ( v i - c - 20) It is always possible to change the overall phases of the states without affecting the differential crosssection, since these phases are arbitrary. with our states lA J T ft} defined as pf IA?ni>=(-i) where Therefore, with + sign for T * 0 i/AJ-MTo} state T, and - sign for 7 = / + + state is the parity of the state ( 1P = 0 for even, 'T f = 1 for odd states) we have »>*■>■ 7 >T{j t S ’ i * " ' X " , n fy m ™ > (VI-C-21) n T f This formula in effect converts Gillet's wave function into our notations. A brief summary of the origin of the various terms may be useful. ( ~ 0 ^ is / tJ-S' of Gillet with the change in coupling order of the particle and the hole; from Gillet's use of angular momentum; I instead of , where 77^ I ^ I arises for orbital is the parity of the state -450- and configuration has been added for convenience ( 1 always real). Finally, / 4 f ~ ) > are the configura tions defined in appendix VI-B, and the has nothing # tt tt to do with parity; r just means the symmetric state r (or ff = 0) and T =1). — 0 stands for the antisymmetric state With these conventions, the formula above defines the state / \Z T M i of the system in terms of Gillet's tabulated particle-hole amplitudes. One last remark in closing this appendix: Gillet seems to have omitted the correction for the recoil of the other nucleons, in the electromagnetic transition matrix elements. for 7= 0 to 7”= For example, he predicts large 0 transitions; El widths it is a well known selection rule that the recoil correction (sometimes called "effective charge") makes such transitions vanish in self-conjugate (i.e. / E - E ) nuclei. -451- A P_P_ENDJX yi_-_D_ The R -M a trix P rog ra m for Calculations of D ifferential C r o s s Sections. -452C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C REDUCED WIDTHS PROGRAM PROGRAM TO COMPUTE RADIAL WAVE FUNCTIONS AND RADIAL FOR A REALI STI C CARBON-12 NOCLEAR POTENTIAL. (NOW USES FREGEAU' S MODIFIED GAUSSIAN POTENTIAL) READS THE WELL DEPTH VZERO (MEV) AND SIZE PARAMETER AZER0 (FERMI) AND COMPUTES THE POTENTIAL FOR NEUTRONS AND PROTONS. PRINTS ANU PLOTS BOTH WITH THEIR DIFFERENCE (THE COULOMB POTENTIAL) READS ENERGY E (MEV) ON UNIT 2 . THE DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIUN IS SOLVED FOR L = 0 , l , 2 AND 3 . THE WAVE FUNCTIONS ARE NORMALIZED. IF E IS GREATER THAN ZERO, THE LOGARITHMIC DERIVATIVE OF THE Y ' S AT RC ARE PRINTED. IF E IS LESS THAN ZERO, THE VALUE OF THE Y ' S AT R = 7 . 0 FERMIS ARE PRINTED. RC IS DEFINED IN THE PROGRAM TO BE 4 . 5 FERMIS BUT CAN EASILY BE CHANGED. THE Y ' S Ar.i DEFINED AS R TIMES THE RAO IAL WAVE FUNCTIONS WHEN A DI GIT J I S ENTERED IN THE FIRST COLUMN ON UNIT 2 , INSTEAD OF THE ENERGY, AND THE REST OF THE FIELD IS BLANK OR ZERO, THE Y ' S CORRESPONDING TO J ARE ENTERED IN A SPECIAL TABLE S FOR LATER PRI NT. THE CORRESPONDANCE IS AS FOLLOWS. J=1 L=0 (FOR I S ) J =2 L= 1 (FOR I P) J=3 L=2 (FOR I D) J =4 L= 3 (FOR I F) J=5 L=0 (FOR 2S> J =6 L=2 (FOR 2 P ) WHEN 1 0 0 0 . IS ENTERED INSTEAD OF THE ENERGY, THE INPUT IS TRANSFEREO TO UNIT 5 WHICH NOW READS THE ENERGY E . THE Y ' S CALCULATED AT THOSE ENERGIES ARE PRINTED AND PLOTTEO. WHEN 1 0 0 0 . IS ENTEREO INSTEAD OF THE ENERGY, ON UNIT 5 , THE Y ' S WHICH HAVE BEEN COPIED IN TABLE S ARE PRINTED AND PLOTTED. ALL THE RELEVANT MATRIX ELEMENTS (FOR El AND E2 TRANSITIONS) ARE COMPUTED AND PRINTED, WITH A DIMENSIONING CONSTANT OF 1 . 6 1 F . CONTROL IS RETURNED TO UNIT 2 . IF IT I S DESIRED TO RETURN CONTROL TO UNIT 2 AT ANY TIME A / * SHOULD BE READ ON UNIT 5 . TO TERMINATE EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAM, ENTER A LETTER ON UNIT 2 AND THE SUPERVISOR WILL CANCEL THE JOB. THE CALCULAT IOMS ARE PERFORMED FOR PROTONS ONLY OR FOR NEUTRONS ONLY. TWO CARDS HAVE TO BE CHANGED TO SWITCH FROM ONE TO THE OTHER (SEE ASTERISKS BELOW) PRINTING I S DONE ON UNIT 6 AND ALL PLOTTING ON UNIT 3 . 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 o o o . 0007 0008 0009 REAL V P ( 7 0 0 1 , VNI 7 0 0 ) , COUL( 7 0 0 ) , I BUFFI 2 0 0 0 ) REAL TP I 7 0 0 I REAL SI 7 0 0 , 6 I , ENSI 6 ) REAL Y ( 7 0 0 , 4 I , O L ( 4 ) REAL* 8 W ( 7 0 0 , 4 ) , W V , W P , W D , W V 1 , W P 1 , W D I , R R , R P , P 0 1 / 1 . 0 - 2 / LOGICAL FIT COMPUTE PROTON ANO NEUTRON POTENTIALS 10 REAO( 5 , 1 IVZERO.AZERO WRITE( 6 , 2 ) VZERO,AZERO 1 FORMAT( 2 F 1 0 . 1 1 2 FORMA T( ■ 1 V Z E R 0 = ' , F 8 . 3 , • 0010 AZERO=• , F8 . 4 / / I C 0011 0012 ASQ=AZERO*AZ£RO 00 3 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 R = I /1 00. 3 VNII) = - VZERO*!l.+R*R/0.75/ASQ)*EXP(-R*R/ASQ> V P ( l ) = 0. 00 4 1 = 2 , 7 0 0 R = I /1 00. 4 V P (I)= V P (1 - 1 )+0.01*VN(I)*R*R VN0RM=1 5. 84 /VPI 70 0) 00 5 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 5 V P ( 11=VP( 11*VN0RM 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 C COUL( 700 I = 1 5 . 8 4 / 7 . 0 0 DO 6 1 = 1 , 6 9 9 R = 0 .0 1 * (700-1 I 6 COULI700-I)=COUL(700-I+1)+0.01*VP(700-Il/R/R 0022 002 3 0024 0025 C DO 7 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 7 VP( I ) =VN( I I +COULI I I 0026 0027 C 0028 0029 0030 0031 00 3 2 0033 INTEGRALS CALL P L O T S ! I B U F F , 2 0 0 0 , 3 ) CALL SHOW( VN, 1 0 . , 3 I CALL SHOWICOUL,1 0 . , 3 I CALL S H 0 W ( V P , 1 0 . , - 3 ) WRI TE( 6 , 8 ) 1 I , V N I I ) , C OUL ( I I , V P ( I I , I = 1 0 , 7 0 0 , 1 0 ) 8 FORMAT! 11 0 , 3 F 2 0 . 5 I -453- 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 23 F 1T = . T R UE . READ( 2 , 2 4 ) E 2 4 FORMAT( F 1 0 . 5 > I F I E . E Q . 1 0 0 0 . ) GO TO 13 I F I E . L T . 1 0 0 0 0 . ) GO TO 25 J=E/10000. L L- J lF(LC.GT.4)LL=LL-4 DO 3 1 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 31 S ( I , J > = Y ( I , L L ) ENS ( J ) = EOLO GO TO 23 0046 0047 004 8 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 13 F I T = . F A L S E . READ(5,11,END=23) E I F I E . N E . I O O O . ) GD TO 32 DO 33 J = l , 5 33 CALL S H O W I S I 1 , J ) , 0 . 2 , 3 ) CALL S H O W ( S ( l , 6 ) , 0 . 2 , - 3 ) WRIT E ( 6 » 3 4 ) ENS 3 4 FORMAT( • 1 * , 9 X , 6 E 1 8 . 6 / / 1 WRITE(6,35> ( I , ( S < I , J > , J = 1 , 6 ) , I = 1 0 , 7 0 0 , 1 0 ) 3 5 FORMAT) 1 1 0 , 6 E 1 8 . 6) COMPUTE MATRIX ELEMENTS (WITH A L P HA= 0 . 6 2 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 40 42 43 44 41 DO 41 L = 0 , 2 WRITEt 6 , 4 0 I FORMAT! * 4 ' I DO 41 J 1 = 1 , 6 DO 41 J 2 = J 1 , 6 L1 = J 1 I F ( L l . G T . 4 ) L l =H - 4 L2 = J 2 IF(L2.G T.4IL2=L2-4 Ml= I ABS I L 1—L 2 ) I F ( L . E Q . 1 . A N D . M 1 . N E . 1 ) GO TO 41 I F I L . E Q . 2 . A N D . M I . N E . O . A N D . M 1 . N E . 2 ) GO TO 41 SUM=0 . DO 4 2 1 = 1 , N TP< I ) = S < I , J 1 ) * S ( I , J2 I * ( 0 . 0 0 6 2 * 1 l * * L DO 4 3 1 = 3 , N , 2 SUM=SUM+(TP( I - 1 I + T P I 1 + 1 ) + 4 . * T P ( I ) I / 3 0 0 . WRIT E( 6 , 4 4 ) L , J 1 , J 2 , SUM FORMA T ( 3 I 8 , F 1 2 . 6 / I CONTINUE GO TO 23 32 WRI TE( 6 , 1 2 ) E 11 FORMAT( F 1 0 . 1 1 12 FORMAT! • 1ENERGY E = ' , F 1 0 . 3 / / I SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 -\ 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0 100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 ) 2 5 0 0 14 LL = 1 1 4 L =LL- 1 EOLO=E WV=1.DO WP=0.DO DO 15 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 RR=( 1 - 1 ) *P01 R P = I * P01 I F ( I . E Q . l ) R R = P01 W D = - 2 . 0 * L L * W P / R R + 0 . 0 4 4 * ( V P ( I I - E I *WV C**** WD=-2.0*LL*WP/RR+0.044#(VN(Il-E)*WV WP1=WP+P01*WD WV1=WV+WP*P01+WD*P01*PO1 / 2 . 0 DO WD1=-2.0*LL*WP1/RP+0.044*(VP(I)-E)*WVl C**** WD1=-2.0*LL*WP1/RP+0.044*(VN(I)-E)*WVl WD=( WD+ WDl >/ 2 . 0 0 WPl=HP+WD*P01 W V 1 = W V + ( WP + WP 1 ) * P 0 1 / 2 . D 0 + WD * P 0 1 * P 0 1 / 2 . D 0 W(I,LL)=KV1 WV=WV1 WP= WP1 15 CONTINUE 14 CONTINUE 0 0 16 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 RR = I * P 0 1 RP = RR DO 16 L L = 1 , 4 W( I , L L ) = W ( I , L L ) * R P , 16 RP=RP*RR o o 0107 0108 0109 NORMAL I ZE 0123 0124 0125 RC=4.5 N= 100 . * R C + 0 . 5 N2=N/ 2 N=2*N2 DO 2 0 L L = 1 , 4 SUH=0 . 21 I = 2 , N2 M=2*I-1 21 S U M = S U M + ( W ( M - 1 , L L ) * W ( M - 1 , L L ) + W ( M + 1 , L L ) * W ( M + 1 , L L ) + 4 . * W ( M , L L ) * 1 W(M,LL)1 / 3 0 0 . SUM=SQRT( SUM) 0 0 22 1 = 1 , 7 0 0 22 Y ( 1 , LL I =W( I , L L ) /SUM 2 0 CONTINUE I F I F I T ) GO TO 26 PAUSE CALL SHOW( YI 1 , 1 ) , 0 . 5 , 3 ) CALL SHOW! Y U , 2 ) , 0 . 5 , 3 ) CALL SHOW I Y { 1 , 3 ) , 0 . 5 , 3 ) CALL SHOWIY( 1 , 4 ) , 0 . 5 , —3) 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 WRI TE( 6 , 1 7 ) 1 I , ( Y ( I , L L I , LL = 1 , 4 ) , I = 1 0 , 7 0 0 , 1 0 1 17 FORMAT! 1 1 0 , 4 0 2 0 . 7 ) 2 6 0 0 27 LL = 1 , 4 IF(E .L T.0.)DL (L L )=Y(700,LL > IF(E.G E.O .)OL(LL)=(Y(N,L L) -Y ( N - 1 ,L L ) ) * 1 0 0 ./Y ( N ,L L ) 2 7 CONTINUE WRI TE! 6 , 2 8 I E , ( O L ( L L ) , L L = 1 , 4 ) 2 8 FORMAT!* E = ' , F 1 0 . 3 , ' LOG OER= • , 4E20 . 4 > I F I F I T ) WRITE ( 2 , 2 9 ) ( D U L L I , L L = 1 , 4 ) 2 9 FORMA T( 4 E 1 1 . 3 I I F ( FIT I GO TO 23 GO TO 13 ENO 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 00 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0 122 C C C C C C C C C 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 PLOTTING SUBROUTINE A IS THE ARRAY TO BE PLOTTED S I S A Y - AXI S SCALE FACTOR. IF S IS NOT EQUAL TO 1 0 . , THE EXCURSION OF THE Y AXI S WILL BE LIMITED TO - 5 TO +5 IPEN DETERMINES IF THE NEXT LINE WILL GO ON THE SAME GRAPH OR NOT PLOT I S THE L I B RA R Y ' S CALCOMP PLOTTING ROUTINE. SUBROUTINE SHOW I A , S , IPEN ) REAL A l l ) CALL PLOT( 0 . 0 , A ( 1 1 / S , 3 I 00 1 1=1,700 Y=A( l l / S I F I S . E Q . 1 0 . I GO TO 3 1 F I Y . L T . 5 . ) GO TO 2 CALL PLOT( I / 1 0 0 . , 5 . , 3 I GO TO 1 2 I F I Y . G T . - 5 . I GO TO 3 CALL P L O T ! 1 / 1 0 0 . , - 5 . , 3 ) GO TO 1 3 CALL P L O T ! 1 / 1 0 0 . « Y . 2 > 1 CONTINUE I F ( I P E N. L T . OI C A L L PLOT( 9 . 0 , 0 . 0 , 9 9 9 I RETURN ENO -455C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0001- PHASE ' QN' FIRST MAIN PROGRAM (OUT OF FOUR) READS PARAMETERS,LIST OF CONFIGURATIONS, STATES AND CHANNELS, WAVE FUNCTIONS, REDUCED WIDTHS, BOUNDARY VALUE PARAMS, RADIAL INTEGRALS. THESE ARE REAO UN UNITS 3 ANO 5 , ANO A CHECK OUTPUT IS PROVIDED ON UNITS 4 ANO 6 . COMPUTES REDUCED WIDTHS MATRIX AND PRINTS IT ON UNIT 4 . ALL CONFIGURATIONS, STATES ANO CHANNELS ARE NUMBERED IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE IN THE INPUT DATA. ALL THE T=0 STATES SHOULO APPEAR BEFOR THE T=1 STATES OF THE SAME SPIN AND P A RI T Y . THERE MUST BE THE SAME N NUMBER OF T=0 ANO ■=1 STATES OF SAME SPIN ANO PARI TY. COMMON BLOCKS. COMMON BLOCKS OF ALL 4 MAIN PROGRAMS ARE IDENTICAL PERMIT SEPARATE LINKAGE EDI TI NG. THE MEANING OF THE VARIABLES I S AS FOLLOWS. RC B MBKS WIDTHS HF IN JFI N PARF OL( I ) DC( I ) WFP IN OROER TO / PARAM/ CHANNEL RADIUS MULTIPLIER FOR BOUNOARY VALUE PARAMETERS BPAR. NUMBER OF BLOCKS (A BLOCK CORRESPONDS TO A S P I N- PARI TY COMBINATION) MULTIPLIER FOR THE REDUCEO WIOTHS WTS. STATE NUMBER OF FINAL STATE. ( 0 FOR GROUND STATE) SPIN OF FINAL STATE PARITY OF FINAL STATE NUMBER OF STATES IN I TH BLOCK (ALSO NMBR OF CONFI G. ) NUMBER OF CHANNELS IN I TH BLOCK DAMPING PARAMETER FOR STATES WITH A HOLE IN I S 1 / 2 /QNS/ QN REFERS TO THE TABLE OF QUANTUM NUMBERS FOR STATES ANO CONFIG. QC REFERS TO THE TABLE OF QUANTUM NUMBERS FOR CHANNELS. QT REFERS TO THE TABLE OF TRANSI TI ONS. PARL( L) PARITY OF STATE L AND CONFIG L . $JL(L) SPIN OF STATE L ANO CONFIG L . *T(L> I SOSPIN OF STATE L AND CONFIG L . H( L ) H ( L ) = 1 MEANS CONFIG L HAS A HOLE IN IS 1 / 2 AND H ( L ) = 2 MEANS THE HOLE IS IN THE IP 3 / 2 LEVEL. NIL) PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NMBR OF CONFIG L . LBU) ORBITAL ANG. MOM. OF CONFIG L . JB(L) TOTAL ANG. MOM. OF PARTICLE OF CONFIG L . EL( L ) ENERGY OF STATE L. ' PARC( C) PARITY OF CHANNEL C tJC(C) SPIN OF CHANNEL C. TAU( C) TAU=0. 5 OR 1 . 0 IS NEUTRON CHANNEL WITH RESIOUAL NUCLEUS IN IP 3 / 2 ORI S 1 / 2 HOLE STATE RESPECTIVELY. T A U = - . 5 OR - I . IS PROTON CHANNEL WITH RESIDUALNUCLEUS IN I P 3 / 2 OR I S 1 / 2 HOLE STATE RESPECTIVELY. LC(C) ORBITAL ANG. MOM. OF NUCLEON IN CHANNEL C JC(C) TOTAL ANG. MOM. OF NUCLEON IN CHANNEL C . QT( T , 1 ) CHANNEL INVOLVED IN TRANSITION T QT(T,2) =1 WHEN E l , 2 WHEN E2 AND 3 WHEN Ml TRANSITIONS. STS GAM RADINT ME . MCC(K) TT( I ) WT( I ) WTS BPAR /S T S / WAVE FUNCTIONS (STORED BY BLOCKS OF A GIVEN SPIN AND P A R . ) REDUCEO WIDTHS MATRIX (STORED BY BLOCKS OF A GIVEN SPI N- PAR) RADIAL INTEGRALS. ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSITION REDUCEO MATRIX ELS. /WT/ NUMBER OF COEFFICIENTS IN WT TABLE WHICH CORRESPOND TO K. PAIR OF TRANSI TI ONS. (STORED COMPACTLY) ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT W CORRESPONDING TO A PAIR OF TRANSITIONS T T ( I ) / B W/ REDUCEO WIDTHS. BOUNDARY VALUE PARAMETERS. I MPLI CI T REAL! I , J , K , L , N ) C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 A COMMON / P A RAM/ RC, B, MBKS, WIDTHS, M F I N , J F I N , PARF, DL( 1 2 ) , 0 C ( 1 2 ) , WFP COMMON / O N S / Q N 1 7 0 , 8 ) , Q C ( 7 0 , 5 ) , O T ( 5 0 , 2 ) COMMON / S T S / S TS( 3 0 0 ) , GAM( 5 5 0 ) , RAO I NT( 6 , 6 I , ME( 7 0 , 3 ) COMMON / WT/ MCC( 5 ) , T T ( 5 0 0 0 ) , WT( 5 0 0 0 ) C0MM0 N/ 8 W/ WT S < 6 ) , B P A R ( 6 ) INTEGER*2 TT -456- 0008 0009 LOG 1CAL TAUL INTEGER D L » D C » P L , P C , P L L , P C C , PLC, RELOC INTEGER C , C $ , L A , B E T A REAL PARLI 1 > , $ J L ( 1 ) , t T ( 1 ) , H( I ) , N( 1 ) , L B ( I I , J B I L ) . EL( I > REAL PARC( 1 ) , i J C ( 1 >, TAU<1 ) , L C < 1 ) , J C ( I ) 0010 0011 0012 C EOUI VALENCE ( QN( 1 , 1 ) , P A R L I 1 ) ) , (ONI 1 . 2 ) . $ J L ( 1 ) ) , ( ON( 1 , 3 ) , S T ( 1 ) ) 1. (Q N (1,4),H (1)),(Q N (I,5),N (1)),(0N (1.6),L B (1)). 1 (QN (1,7),JB (1)),(0N (1,8),E L(1>>. 1 (QC( 1 , 1 ) , P A R C ! I ) ) , ( Q C ( 1 , 2 ) , £ J C ( 1 ) ) , ( Q C ( I , 3 ) , T A U ( 1 ) ) , 1 < QC ( 1 , 4 ) , L C < 1 ) ) , ( Q C ( 1 , 5 ) , J C < 1 ) ) 0013 C 0014 0015 0016 0017 R E A D( 5 , 3 ) MB KS , MF I N, R C , B , WI DTHS , WF P 3 FORMAT! 1 5 , I 4 . 4 F 1 0 . 3 ) WRI TE( 6 , 4 ) MBKS. RC. B. WI DTHS. MFI N, WFP 4 FORMAT( ' 1MBKS=' , 1 5 , 1 R C = ' , F 5 . 2 , > B = ',F 5 .2 ,' 1 ' MFIN= ' , 1 4 , 1 W F P = ' , F 5 . 3 ) READ( 3 , 1 ) ( OL( MK) , MK= 1 , NBKS) WRI TE( 6 , 1 ) ( OL( MK) , MK=1 , MBKS) READ ( 3 , 1 ) (OC( MK) , MK=1, UBKS) WRI TE( 6 , 1 ) <0C( MK) , MK=1, MBKS) 1 FORMAT( 1 2 1 5 ) 0018 0019 0 020 0021 0022 WIDTHS=' , F 5 . 2 , C 0023 o o o I F ( RELOC( MB KS ) . LT . O) PA US E ' ER R RELOC* 0024 0025 READ AND WRITE QUANTUM NUMBERS WRIT E( 4 , 5 ) 5 FORMATI / / 30X, ' QUANTUM NUMBERS OF STATES AND CONFIGURAT IONS' / / 17X, 1 'PA R ',8X ,' £ J ',U X ,'$ T ',9 X ,'H ',9 X ,'N ',8 X ,'L B ',8 X ,'J B ',9 X ,'E '/) M1 = P L ( MB KS , 0 L ( M3 K S ) ) I F ( M l . G T . 7 0 ) PAUSE ' QN TABLE 0 " F ' DO 6 M2 = l , Ml READ( 3 , 7 ) ( Q N ( M 2 , M 3 ) , M 3 = 1 , 8 ) 6 WRITE(4,8)M2,(QN(M2,M3),M3=1,8) 7 FORMAT( 8 F 1 0 . 3 ) 8 FORMA T ( I 1 0 , 7 F 1 0 . 1 , F 1 0 . 3 ) o 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 o I F I M F I N . E O . O ) GO TO 23 JFIN=$JL(HFIN) PARF= PARL( MFI N) GO TO 24 23 JFIN=0. PARF =L• 2 4 CONTINUE 0040 0041 WRI TE( 4 , 1 2 ) 12 FORMAT( ' 1 ' , 3 OX,' CHANNEL QUANTUM NUMBERS• / / 1 7 X , ' PAR' , 8 X , ' $ J ■, 7 X , 1 ' T A U ' , 8 X , ' L C ' , 8X , ■J C • / I K1=PC( MBKS, DCI MBKS) ) I F ( M l . G T . 7 0 ) P A U S E ' Q C TABLE 0 ' ' F * 00 9 M2=l,MI READ! 3 , 7 ) ( QC( M2 , M3 ) , M 3 = 1 , 5 ) 9 WRITE( 4 , 8 ) M2 , I QC( M 2 , M 3 ) , M3=1 , 5 ) o o o 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 READ AND WRITE WAVE FUNCTIONS WRITE(4,10) 10 FORMAT!' 1 • , 3 0 X , ' WA V E FUNCTIONS’ / / ) DO I I MK=1,MBKS MD=DL( MK) / 2 DO I I M5=1 , 2 0 0 11 M l = 1 ,MD M6 = ( M 5 - 1 ) * M D M2=PLL( MK, 1+M6, M1+M6) M3 = M2+M0-1 I F ( M 3 . G T . 3 0 0 I P A U S E ’ STS TABLE 0 " F ' REAO( 3 , 7 ) ( S T S I M4 ) , M4 = M2 , M3 ) 11 WRITE! 4 , 7 ) (.STSIM4 ) , M4=M2, M3) non 0047 0048 0049 0050 0 0 51 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 READ AND WRITE THE RADIAL INTEGRALS 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 R E A O ( 5 , 2 5 ) WT S , B P A R 2 5 FORMA T( 6 F 10 . 2 ) WRITE! 6 . 2 6 1 WT S WRITE(6,27) BPAR 26 FORMAT! ' 6 WIl>THS=' , 6 F I 0 . 3 ) 2 7 FORMA T ( ' 6B0UN0ARY VALUE PARAMS=•, 6 F 1 0 . 3 1 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 R E A D! 5 , 2 0 ) RAOINT FORMAT(6 F 1 0 . 3 ) 0 0 21 M l = 2 , 6 0 0 2 1 M2 = 1 ,M 1 2 1 RADI N T ( M1 , M2 ) = R A 0 I N T ( M2 , M1 ) 20 -457- ' 0070 0 0 71 22 WRITE(4,22) RA( )INT FORMA T ( ' 4 ' , 1 8 X , ' RAO IAL INTEGRALS• / / ( / 6 F 1 0 . 4 ) ) C C C 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 CALCULATE REDUCED WIDTHS MATRIX 0 0 13 MK= 1 » MBKS ML = OL(MK) MC=DC( MKI / 2 0 0 1 4 M l = 1 .ML LA=PL( MK, M1I DO 1 4 M2=1,MC C = PC(MK,M2I TAUL=. TRUE. I F I A B S I T A U I C ) I . G T . 0 . 7 ) TAUL=. FALSE. M4=-LC(C) I F ( TAULIM4=M4+1 I F(M4/2*2.NE.M4)M4=M4+1 M4=M4/2+JC(C)+0.5 GG=0 . 0 0 15 M 3 = l , ML BET A = P L ( MK, M3) I F ( $ T ( B E T A ) . N c . i T ( L A > ) G 0 TO 15 1 F ( L B ( B E T A ) . N E . L C I C ) I GO TO 15 I F ( J B ( BETA I . NE. J C ( C ) I GO TO 15 SIGN = 1 . M8 = N ( B E T A I + l . IF(M8/2*2.NE.M8)SIGN=-SIGN M9=4.*N(BETA)-3.+LB(BETA> I F ( H ( B E T A ) , E 0 . 2 . . A N O . T A U L ) G G = GG+ S TS( PLL( MK, M 3 , Ml I I *SI GN* WTS( M9) I F I H I B E T A I . E Q . I . . A ND. . NOT. TAULI GG=GG+WFP*STS <PLL ( MK,M3 »M1 ) )*SI GN 1 *WTS(M9) 15 CONTINUE IF(M4/2*2.NE.M4)GG=-GG GG=GG* WI DT HS / 1 . 4 1 4 2 M7=PLC( MK, M1 , M2+MCI I F ( M 7 . G T . 5 5 0 ) P A U S E ' G A M TABLE 0 " F * GAM( PLC( MK, M l , M 2 ) >=GG IF(STILA).EO.l.)GG=-GG GAM(M7) =GG 14 CONTINUE 13 CONTINUE 0097 0098 0099 0 100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 C 0107 0108 0109 WRI TE( 4 , 1 6 ) 16 FORMAT( ' 1 ' , 3 0 X , •REDUCED WIDTHS M A T R I X ' ) DO 2 MK= 1 , MBKS WRITE(4,17) 1 7 F ORMAT ! ' O' I MC=DC(MK) ML=DL(MK) DO 2 C=1, MC M 1 = P L C ( MK, 1 , C ) H2=PLC( MK, ML, CI M3 = PC ( MK, C I 2 WRITE( 4, 18IM3, ( GAM( LAI, LA=M1, M2> 18 FORMAT! 1 5 , 3 X , 1 4 F 8 . 31 0110 0111 0 112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 C 0120 0121 CALL L I N K ! ' ME• I END C SUBROUTINE SBF( R HO , F J , F N , F J P , FNP) 0001 C C C C / COMPUTE SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS F J , FN SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS AND FJP . F NP REAL F J ( 4 ) , F N ( 4 ) , F J P ( 4 ) , F N P ( 4 > 0002 C 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 41 0010 0011 0012 42 0013 0014 0015 0016 F J( I)=SI N(RHO) /RHO FN ( 1 1 =COS ( RHO ) /RHO F J ( 2 > = F J ( 1 I / R H O - F N I 1) FN(2> = F N ( 1 1 / R HO+ F J I I I DO 4 1 L = 1 , 2 F J ( L + 2 ) = - F J ( L >+ <2*L«-l ) / RHO*FJ ( L + l ) F N (L + 2 ) = - F N ( L ) + ( 2 *L+l )/ RH0n- FN( L + l ) 0 0 42 1 = 2 , 4 FJP( I ) = F J ( I - 1 ) - I / R H 0 * F J ( I ) FNP( I ) = F N ( 1 - 1 ) - I / R H O * F N ( I I F J P ( 1 ) = - F J (2 I FNP (1 ) =-FN ( 2 ) RETURN END THEIR DERIVATIVES 0001 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -458- 0002 O 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0010 0011 0012 O 0008 0009 0014 P O 0013 0015 0016 PHASE 'ME* SECOND MAIN PROGRAM (OUT OF FOUR) COMPUTES REDUCED MATRIX ELEMENTS FOR TRANSITIONS TO THE GROUND STATE OR TO EXCITED STATES. CALLS SUBROUTINE ' ELM' TO CALCULATE SINGLE- PARTI CLE MATRIX ELEMENTS. THE ENERGY OEPENDENT FACTORS HAVE BEEN REMOVEO ANO PUT IN ' C S ' THE THE MATRIX ELEMENTS BETWEEN PURE CONFIG. ARE COMPUTED FI RST ANO THE MATRIX ELEMENTS BETWEEN TWO STATES ARE OBTAINED FROM THEM WITH THE USE OF THE WAVE FUNCTIONS OF THOSE STATES. ME(L,M> IS THE MATRIX ELEMENT FOR THE El TRANSITIONS ( M= 1) OR THE E2 TRANSITIONS (M=2) OR THE Ml TRANSITIONS ( M=3) FROM STATE L TO STATE MF1N. ^ I MPLI CI T R E A L ! I , J , K , L , N ) COMMON / P A R AM/ RC. B, MBKS , WI DT HS, MF I N. J F , P A R F , 0 L ( 1 2 ) , DC( 1 2 ) ,WFP COMMON / Q N S / Q N ( 7 0 , 8 ) , Q C ( 7 0 , 5 ) , Q T ( 5 0 , 2 ) COMMON / S T S / S T S ( 3 0 0 ) ,GAM( 5 5 0 ) , RAO I NT( 6 , 6 ) , ME( 7 0 , 3 ) COMMON / W T / M C C ( 5 ) , T T ( 5 0 0 0 ) , WT( 5 0 0 0 ) C 0 MM0 N/ B W/ WT S ( 6 ) , BP A R ( 6 ) INTEGER*2 TT INTEGER O L , D C , P L , P C , P L L , P C C , P L C , R E L O C INTEGER C , C $ , LA, BETA REAL PAR ( 1 ) , $ J L ( 1 ) , * T ( 1 ) , H ( 1 ) , N ( 1 ) , L B ( 1 ) , J B ( 1 > , E L < 1) REAL WORK( 7 0 ) , ME REAL F I N S ( 1 0 ) EQUIVALENCE ( Q N ( 1 , I ) , P A R ( I ) ) , ( QN( 1 , 2 ) , t J L ( 1 ) ) , ( ON( 1 , 3 ) , * T < 1 ) ) 1, ( O N I 1 , 4 ) , H ( 1 ) ) , ( Q N ( 1 , 5 ) , N < 1 ) ) , ( Q N ( 1 , 6 ) , L 8 <1 ) ) , 1 (Q N (1,7),JB (1)),(Q N (1,8),E L (1M F(X)=SQRT(2.*X+1.) ooon CALL RELOC( MBKS) MN=PL(MBKS, DL(MBKS) ) 0017 0018 0019 GROUND STATE DECAY I F I M F I N . N E . O ) GO TO 3 0 0 0 3 1 BETA = 1 , MN DO 31 MODE=1 , 3 M=$T( BETA) JL=MODE IF(M0DE.EQ.3)$L=l. TEM=0. I F ( $ L . N E . t J L ( B E T A ) ) GO TO 32 TEM=ELM(MODE » M, N( B E T A ) , L B ( BETA) , J B ( BETA) , 1 . , H( BETA) - 1 . , H( BETA) - . 5 , 1 RAOINT) TEM=TEM*(-1.4 142*F(JB(BETA))/F (tL)) 32 ME( BE TA,MOOE)=TEH 31 CONTINUE GO TO 29 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 002 5 ooo 0026 0027 0028 0029 DECAY TO EXCITED STATES 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 3 0 0 0 33 MK=1 , MBKS ML=DLIMK) 0 0 33 L A = 1 , ML I F ( M F I N . E Q . P L ( M K , L A ) ) GO TO 34 3 3 CONTINUE PAUSE* ERR " M E " ' 3 4 ML=ML/2 MF C = P L ( MK , 1 ) - 1 IF (LA.GT.ML)MFC=MFC+ML M1 = P L L ( M K , 1 , L A ) - 1 DO 35 M2 = 1 , ML 35 F I N S ( M 2 ) = S T S ( M 2 + M 1 ) WRI TE( 6 , 3 6 ) M F I N , ( F I N S ( M 2 ) , M2=1, ML) 3 6 FORMAT( ' 4 M F I N = « , 1 4 , 8 X , ' W A V E FUNCTION OF FINAL STATE 1 S ' / 1 0 F 1 2 . 4 ) 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0 0 4 5 M2=1, ML M6=MFC+M2 M4=(H(M6)-1.-LB(M6)) 1F(M4/2*2.NE.M4)M4=M4+1 M4= M4 /2+ JB( M6) +0. 5 4 5 I F ( M 4 / 2 * 2 . N E . M 4 ) F I N S ( M 2 ) = - F I N S (M2) WRITE(6,36)MFIN,(FINS(M2)»M2=1,ML) 0051 0052 005 3 0 0 3 7 BETA=1,MN DO 37 M00E= 1 , 3 TEM=0. moo 2 2 m CP x > + > + 2 2 — CP Vi — S m II X m -4 > r > w ft 2 m — 2 X r 2 > + r 2 O 2 0 0 3 0 2 Tl 1—• 0 O m 0 71 — — II — 11 2 —1 C D1— 2 2 2 X h— O *-* m ►- t-» ► 2 H N. V. •N. 0 3 C > 2 IV rv rv m CP m — IV ft + ft -i m II IV <_rv > H 3 —• CD• w > IV N « m 2 1 II CDm »— C 11 PO • m• • — I 2 2 -4 2 1 2 m H- > h—r 2 — w Mw 0 > 03 +3 — m O O t—■03 H O • II m > U1 2 H »— > —4 + 2 O ► — rv «» O 0 0 OO 0 O 0 0 OO0 O DCPCDCD 09 C •<009DC -4 O ' cn * H- OD »— O 71 £ 0 71 £ OO X0 O X 2 X > X - 4 2 - 4 h- 2 •H —> m > m 03 - 4 — 2 -1 C — m -f* m tmt -4 — VI 00 > — IV — —• 11 oc -4 VI X t—*m — m— - 4 — -J - 4 2 > X X> 2 — « *— m 71 — r~ OD2 O m • m X 2 J' — • m 03 Mm m z -4 -4 ►— > CA « « 03 X p-* m VI CP w X * « £ — m 2 m VI m II IV 2 H — — — CA H CP *► — CP O O 2 ■ p C -1 m 2 > OOOOOOO OOOOOOO ODODODOD-J - 4 - 4 CP IV h- O O OD• 4 OO0 OO0 -J -g -j O' VI * 0 0O 0 0O -4 - 4 - 4 CP IV O O 0 OO O OO0 OO O -J 0 * O' O' O* O' 0 *0 OD- 4 O' VI 0 0 O' * >000000 * O rv vu w -o -j co -4-1— 30 -4 — — O m o m m m 71 3 m 71 71 2 - 2 S Off- IV II s> -> ■ — 0 2 0 - 4 - 4-4 — m m 71 w o 11 H 0 3 H II II II 3 ** II 2 T 3 0OII0I3I— I 2W w m N H m O fg <- 71 —• o: >mo — 2 -1 2 m r o' v r — 03 — or a 3 C > C 3 S (-fy — x m cd — 3 CCP m - m + — — ft C&_ —i m 2 — — ~ 3 71 3 <- rv m 3 > -4 -H3 c• W -> > — O 71 2 — O — o 71• H O- 2 0 - 2 > w • w — 2 O -m -♦2 m (z m w m — 12* ♦ CA m w — « <- ♦ + o m z 2 — « c. ir X r — u 2 3 1“ 2 c_ • * rr. m 3 — - -» IV 0 3 vi 2 • • — < — h—03 r c_ — 2 CD P -It 2 CDCP f # • ni h C t — mo — 1 — —1 m r r m w - — - 4 0 3-1O m 1 *> > - 4 ~ - 2 2 m m > tuUw o ------ 11 1 — n — | — <ri — H WW m -+ r m — C O 0 I- > x o o 03 -4 ft— I i— -H• h— CP I OH m* 1 CD— o o m os O I O• CP uj CD 3 v* \ji ~ X <x cOI — 2 • CP - CD CP— Vi — - | m3 -4 CP — O • * >— - VI - X X2 I- #3- O ft . 03 x -1 —> 1— O— • v> « m H I O <-4 m — > 71 71 71 71 > II r A — «•>«-> 11 X r 2 2 2 CA 71 03 O O O 71 — o —C D- 4 0 0 O — + 2X mm m C_m 2 3 iM» f • 71 -4 w >»—II> O m m 71 ft «—»r - 4 0 c 2 —• • • 71 v> *— « c_ r • • « 2 X > > > m — C. 2 2 2 • 03 71 O O 0 C A • • • -4 m (A X 2 > C. > ** • CD r 73 X m m «— *— — 0 -4 0: a o> • > mm m © « —> —i —I —4 — — > >> - • • O U fn 2 m — 02 wmp h -4• • O ~ X -o > > CP 7. 70 -V -I o o o _ v\ o CP CP -J 2O CP• )SL: 03 0 0 0 0 tL = M0DE IF(M0DE*E0.3 M=0 N> IV ^ O IV Vl mo £ o 71£2 0 0 £ £ 0300 z > 70o O * O O 0r 0 0 o r — x ~ — 2 30 n 3D r HN S H r — -i X - 4 o 1 X - 4 0 H h O h k m O > m > rv — m O m1 —■m O m -P". r -b fv a r — -h — 2 X 2 : 73 2 — * w — * »3— r> m c r n— j lr ll t-* 2ll f 2 2 2 — —i o o1— H VI O J> X X — 2 m -2 m • 11 X CO —4 — IV — u s m ll ll —«- *» r rv it — X 2 X 03 I-* . r->h-> — 2+ m •« V - oo n j> w £ <* - + rv — « £m — z r o n O2 r CA 3 W 2 -4 -4 00 > H> r X2 *> - 4 CP X + On CA 11 X ► — —- *-> 22 0> 3 — ' CA r no • 11 73 r 2 mr r 2 11 — 2 -4 2 mX X 0000 OO0 0000 OO0 <£ <13 4 ) 'O %0 0 - 4 O' VI ^ IP IV 0054 0055 0056 0 OOO0 O O000 O O OO0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ► — — h- h- H H* >- H- — — — 0 0 >— — f— H* — O O O O 0 0 O O O O O *0 h- ►- ►- »—h- ► CD•*4 O' VI * UJ IV K O O 00 —JO' VI * cp rv *- 0 'O a» o o o o o o o o o o o o •W T 1 THIRD MAIN PROGRAM (OUT OF FOUR) COMPUTES ALLOWED TRANSITIONS (ALREADY SUMMED OVER STATES OF THE COMPOUND SYSTEM) AND THE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THEM FOR K = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , ANO 4 THESE COEFFICIENTS ARE STOREO IN ARRAY W, ANO THEY ARE USED IN THE BLATT-BIEDENHARN FORMULA. I MPLI CI T R E A L ! I , J , K , L , N ) o 0001 0002 PH ASE COMMON /PARAM/RC,8,MBKS,WIDTHS,MFIN.JF ,PARF,DL(12),DC(12I,WFP COMMON /QNS/QN(70t8)rQC(70,5),QT(50,2) 0003 0004 0005 0006 o COMMON / S T S / S T S I 3 0 0 ) , G A M ( 5 5 0 ) , RAO I NT( 6 , 6 ) , ME( 7 0 , 3 ) COMMON / W T / M C C ( 5 ) , T T ( 5 0 0 0 ) »W ( 5 0 0 0 ) C0MMON/8W/WTS( 6 ) , 3 P A R ( 6 ) 0007 INTEGER Q T , T , T $ , C H ( 1 > .MODE( 1 ) INTEGER C , C $ , L A , B E T A INTEGER D L , D C , P L , P C , P L L , P C C , P L C , R E L O C I NT EGERS TT REAL PARC( 1 ) , A J C ( 1 ) , TAU( 1 ) , L C ( 1 ) , J C ( 1) o 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 EQUIVALENCE ( Q T ( 1 , 1 1 , CH( 1 1 ) , ( OT( 1 , 2 ) .MODE( 1 I I , (Q C (1,1),PA R C (1)),(Q C (1,2),SJC (1)),(Q C (1,3),T A U (1)), (Q C (1,4),LC (1)),(Q C (1,5),JC(1)) o 1 1 0013 0014 o o o F I { X ) = S QRT ( 2 . * X + 1 . ) CALL RELOC(MBKS) 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 T=0 MN= PC( MBKS,OC( MBKSI I DO I C = l , MN IF ( TAU(C I . N E . - 0 . 5 ) GO TO 1 IF ( T . G E . 4 8 ) PAUSE •OT TABLE 0 " F ' CALL T R I A L ! 1 . , J F , t J C ( C I , £ 2 ) o 0020 0021 0022 OBTAIN A SET OF CONTRACTED TRANSITIONS I F ( PARF. EQ. PARC ( C ) I GO TO 2 T = T+1 QT(T,11=C QT(T,2>=1 2 CONTINUE o 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 o CALL T R I A L ! 2 . , J F , $ J C ( C ) , 8 3 ) I F ( P A R F . N E . P A R C ( C l ) GO TO 3 T = T+1 Q T ( T , 1 ) =C QT( T , 2 ) = 2 3 CONTINUE CALL T R I A L ! I . , J F , $ J C ( C ) , C 4 ) I F ( P A R F . N E . P A R C ( C ) ) GO TO 4 T = T+1 QT{ T , 1 ) =C QT ( T, 2 I =3 4 CONTINUE o 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 1 CONTINUE o 0038 MT=T WRITE(4,5)(T,QT(T,1),QT(T,2),T=1,MT) 5 FORMAT! ' 4 ' , 8 X, ' T * ^ X . ' C 1 , 6 X , 'MOOE • , / / ( 3 1 1 0 ) ) o 0039 0040 0041 MCTT =0 DO 7 MK=1, 5 K=MK—1 MCT=0 DO 6 7 = 1 , MT 00 6 T$=l»T non 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 OBTAIN QUANTUM NUMBERS PI=0 . $L = 1 . I F ( M O D E ( T ) . E Q . 2 ) $ L =2 . IF(M 0DE(T).EQ.3 )PI=1. 0048 0049 0050 0051 C 0052 0053 0054 PI$=0. *L*=1. IF(MOOE(TS).EQ.2)SLt=2. -461- 0055 IF(M0DE(TS).EQ.3)PIS=1. C M1 = SL+PI +SLS+PI S+K I F ( M 1 / 2 * 2 . N E . M 1 I GO TO 6 0058 0059 0060 006L 0062 0063 L=LC ( CHIT ) I LS = L C ( C H ! T S ) I J=JC( CH(T1) J $ =J C ( C H I T S ) ) $J=SJC(CH(TI) $JS=SJC(CH(TS)) non 0056 0057 0064 0065 0066 0067 CHECK IF W VANISHES BECAUSE OF ONE OF THE TRIANGULAR CONDITIONS TRIAL<$L,$LS,K,C6 ) T RI AL) L« L S , K , £ 6 ) TRIAL(SJ,SJS,K,C6 ) TRIAL!J,JS,K,6 6 ) o CALL CALL CALL CALL 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 MCTT=MCTT+1 I F ( M C T T . G T . 5 0 0 0 ) P A U S E ' W TABLE 0 " F * MCT=MCT + 1 T T ! MC T T ) = 2 5 6 * T + T S W( MCTTI = F I ( L > * F I ( L S ) * F I ( J ) * F I ( J S ) * < 2 . * S J + 1 . ) * ( 2 . * S J S + 1 . I * 1 < 2 . * K + 1 . ) * C 3 J ( $ L , S L S , K , - 1 . , 1 . , 0 . >*C3J( L , LS,K , 0 . , 0 . , 0 . I* 1 C6 J ( $ J , S J S , K , S L S , S L , J F ) * C 6 J ( J S , J , K , S J , S J S , 1 . 5 I * 1 C6J(L,LS,K,JS,J,0.5> I F!T.NE.TS) W! MCTT)=2. * W(MCTT) M1 = J + J $ + S J S - S J + J F - 1 . IF(M1/2*2.NE.M1)W(MCTT)=-W(MCTT) 6 CONTINUE 7 HCC(MK) = MCT WRITE( 6 , 8 )MCC 8 FORMAT! >1MCC = • , 5 1 1 0 / ) WRITE( 4 , 1 2 ) 12 F O R M A T ( 4 X , ' T ' , 3 X , ' T S • , 1 4 X , • W• / I DO 9 M l = l , MCTT M2= TT( M11 / 2 5 6 M3=TT(M1) -M2*256 9 WRI TE(4 ,10) M2 ,M3 ,W! M1 ) 10 F 0 R M A T ( 2 I 5 , F 1 5 . 7 ) n 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 o 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0087 0088 . . o CALL L I N K ! ' C S » ) ENO 000L noooooon SUBROUTINE CPRI NT( MBKS, A , N , TEXT, DC I 0002 0003 SUBROUTINE TO PRINT REAL OR IMAGINARY PART OF AN ARRAY STORED IN MBKS BLOCKS UNDER CONTROL OF RELOC N=0 IMAGINARY PART N=1 REAL PART TEXT MUST BE 24 CHARACTERS LONG DC CONTAINS DIMENSIONS OF BLOCKS INTEGER DC 11 ) , C , P C , P C C REAL* 8 A I 1 ) ?T EXT I 3 I 0004 0005 WRITE(6,24) TEXT 24 F O R M A T ! ' l ' , 3 0 X , 3 A 8 I 0006 0007 0008 0009 DO 2 5 MK=1»MBKS MC = DC (MK) DO 2 5 J = 1 1MC C = PC! MK, J I M1=2*PCC(MK,1,J)-N M 2 = 2 * P C C ( MK, MC , J ) - N 2 5 WRITE! 6 , 2 6 1C, ( A! M3) , M 3 = M 1 , M 2 , 2 ) 2 6 FORMAT! 1 4 , 4X, ( 8 0 1 4 . 7 1 I RETURN ENO 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 -462C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0001 PHASE ' CS* FOURTH AND LAST MAIN PROGRAM. THE THREE PREVIOUS MAIN PROGRAMS WERE EXECUTED ONLY ONCE, BUT ' C S ' IS EXECUTED ONCE FOR EACH ENERGY. A SET OF OPTIONS IS READ FI RST ON UNIT 2 (OPTIONS ARE CALLED FLAG) THERE ARE 10 OPTIONS POSSIBLE BUT NOT ALL ARE ACTI VE. THEY ARE ENTERED IN FORMAT 1 0 L I . NORMAL RUNNING USES FFFFFTFFFF OPTIONS FLAG(l) WRITE ARRAYS 0 ANO Y FLAG( 2 ) WRITE ARRAY RO F LAG! 3 ) WRITE ARRAY RI FLAGI4I WRITE ARRAY WK F LAG! 6 1 WRITE CONTRIBUTIONS OF EACH PAIR OF TRANSITIONS TO THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION AND ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION COEFFICI ENTS, OPTIONS 1 THROUGH 4 ARE FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ANO MAY BE REMOVED RD IS R-MATRIX PLUS DIAGONAL MATRIX TO BE INVERTED, AND D.CONTAINS THE ELEMENTS WHICH WERE AOOEO TO THE DIAGONAL OF THE R-MATRIX RI CONTAINS THE INVERSE OF RD AND WK THE PRODUCT OF MATRICES RI, RD(COMP. CONJG> AND Y ( ESSENTI ALLY WHAT I S CALLED TRANSFER MATRIX IN THE THEORY) THE ENERGIES AT WHICH THE CALCULATIONS ARE TO BE PERFORMED ARE.READ ON UNIT 5 , IN TERMS OF FI RST ENERGY, ENERGY STEP AND LAST ENERGY. IF THE ENERGY STEP AND LAST ENERGY ARE OMITTED (OR ZERO) A LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL LEVELS TO THE TRANSITION AMPLITUDES AND A LI ST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE TRANSITION PAIRS (TO THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION AND ANGULAR DI STRIBUTI ON COEFFICIENTS) ARE PRINTED ON UNIT 6 . THE ENERGY DEPENDENT FACTORS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC MATRIX ELEMENTS WHICH WERE OMITTED IN ' ME ' ARE COMPUTEO. COULOMB PHASE SHI FTS, COULOMB FUNCTIONS AND SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS ARE COMPUTED (SUBROUTINES C0UL2 ANO SBF) THE ELEMENTS OF THE DIAGONAL MATRIX TO BE ADOEO TO THE R-MATRIX ARE COMPUTEO FROM THESE, THEN THE R- MATRI X IS COMPUTEO ANO THE SUM I S PERFORMED. THE RD MATRIX I S INVERTED (CALL TO C 1 6 ) AND THE TRANSFER MATRIX COMPUTED. THE CONTRACTED TRANSITION AMPLITUDES ARE CALCULATEO, STORING CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL THE LEVELS INVOLVED. FINALLY, THE TOTAL CROSS-SECTION AND ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION COEFF. ARE COMPUTED AND PRINTED ON UNIT 6 , THE TRANSITION PAIRS ARE PUT IN ORDER OF DECREASING IMPORTANCE AND THE LARGETST CONTRIBUTIONS ARE PRINTED ON 6 ( I F F LAG( 6 I I I MPLI CI T R E A L l I . J . K . L . N ) C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 COMMON / PARAM/ RC, B , MBKS , WI DTHS . MFI N, JF , PARF, OL( 1 2 I , 0 C ( 1 2 1 , WFP COMMON / O N S / O N ( 7 0 , 8 ) , 0 C ( 7 0 , 5 I , QT( 5 0 , 2 ) COMMON / S T S / S T S I 3 0 0 ) , G A M ( 5 5 0 ) , RAO I NT( 6 , 6 1 , ME ( 7 0 , 3 ) COMMON / WT/ MCC( 5 ) , T T ( 5 0 0 0 ) , W ( 5 0 0 0 ) C0MM0N/8W/WTS ( 6 ) , BPAR ( 6 ) C \ ) 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 ■ 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 INTEGER OL, DC, P L , P C , P L L , PLC. PCC INTEGER C . C t . L A REAL EL( 1 1,ME REAL PARC( 1 1 , S JC ( 1 ) , T A U ( 1 ) , L C ( 1 ) , J C ( 1 ) INTEGER O T , T , T $ , C H ( 1 ) , M D ( 1 ) I NTEGERS TT LOGI CAL* 1 F L A G ! 10) COMP LEX*16 R D 1 5 0 0 ) , R I ( 5 0 0 ) , W K ( 5 0 0 ) , C T E M REAL F ( 4 > , G ( 4 ) , F P ( 4 > , G P < 4 ) , D R < 1 ) , R Y ( 1 ) COMPLEXES S I G ( 4 ) , CTM, 0 ( 7 0 ) , Y ( 7 0 ) , S ( 8 0 ) REAL C S C I 5 ) , A ( 5 ) , A B ( 5 ) , S T ( 1 0 0 ) INTEGER*2 TU( 1 0 0 ) , T S 2 , B F ( 7 0 ) L0G1CAL*1 BLANK/ 1 ' / . A S T / ' a ' / . C C INTEGER MY( 7 ) , M Z ( 7 ) , MPH(1 4 1 REAL FAC( 3 ) , A R ( 1 4 ) , S L R ( 2 8 ) COMP LEX* 8 S L I 1 4 ) C 002 3 0024 EQUI VALENCE! D( 1 I , DR( 1 ) I , ( Y ( 1 I , R Y ( 1 1 I EQUIVALENCE _ ( Q T ( 1 , 1 ) , CH( 1 ) ) , ( QT( 1 , 2 I , MO( 1 ) ) , 1 ( Q C < 1 , 1 ) , P A R C< 1 ) ) , ( Q C ( 1 , 2 ) , $ J C < 1 ) ) , ( O C ( 1 , 3 ) , T A U ( 1 ) ) , 1 (OC( 1 , 4 ) , L C ( 1 ) ) , (Q C <1 , 5 ) , J C ( 1 ) ) , ( Q N ( 1 , 8 ) , E L ( 1 ) I EQUI VALENCE! SL( 1 ) , S L R ( 1 ) ) 0025 C 0026 0027 0028 CALL RELOC1MBKSI READ! 2 , 9 1 EL AG 9 FORMAT! 10L1) non -403- 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 CHECK ON BLOCK DIMENSIONS, BLOCK FINDER BF non 0 0 7 0 MK=1,MBKS I F ( 0 L ( M K ) . L E . 1 4 ) GO TO 70 PAUSE' NMBR OF STATES IN A BLOCK EXCEEDS 7 0 CONTINUE M1=0 DO 71 MK= 1 , MBKS MC=DC( MK) DO 71 C=1, MC M1=M1+1 7 1 BF ( Ml >=MK 0039 0040 14* ENERGY STEPS o 3 REA0(5,1)ESTART,ESTEP,EFIN 1 FORMA T I 3 F 1 0 . 0 ) 0041 0042 0043 0044 non E=ESTART-ESTEP 2 E=E+ESTEP I F I E . G T . E F I N . A N D . E F I N . N E . O . ) GO TO 3 I F I E F I N . E Q . O . I EFIN =—1• I FI MFI N.EQ.O) WN=E/197.3 I F ( M F I N . G T . O ) HN = ( E - E L I MF IN I I / 1 9 7 . 3 IF(WN.LT.0.)WN=0. TEM=SQRT ( WN/2 • ) FAC ( 1 I=WN*1 . 61*TEM FAC( 2 ) =2. 6000#WN*WN*TEM . . FAC(3)=WN*T.EM . . .... o 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 COMPUTE SOME ENERGY DEPENDANT FACTORS 0052 0053 0054 non EP=12.*(E-15.961/11. ETA=0.789/SQRTIEP> RH0=.2098*RC*SQRT(E-15.96) COMPUTE COULOMB PHASE SHIFTS SIG SIGI11=( l . , 0 . ) 0 0 7 MML=1, 3 CTM=CMPLX( 1. *HML, ETA) 7 SI G( MML+1) =SI G( MML) *CTM/ CABS( CTM) non 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 COMPUTE VECTORS 0 AND Y o CALL C0 UL2 I ETA, RHO. F, G , F P , GP) COULOMB FUNCTIONS MC=PC(MBKS, DC(MBKS)) DO 11 C=1, MC ML L = L C ( C ) + 1 . I F ( T A U ( C ) . G T . 0 . ) GO TO 11 U=B*BPAR(MLL) 1 F ( ML L . EQ . 1 ) U= B * B P A R ( 5 > I F ( MLL. NE. 2 ) GO TO 9 8 B1=B*BPAR( ML L ) B2= B * B PA R ( 6 ) U =(B 1+B 2)/2.+(B 2-Bl)/2.*SIN ((E-32.1/7.6) I F ( $ J C ( C ) * P A R C ( C ) . E Q . - 1 . ) U=BPAR( MLLI*B 9 8 D ( C ) = 1 . / ( U—RHO*CMPLX(GP( MLL) , F P ( MLL) ) / CMPLX( G ( MLL) , F ( ML L ) ) ) Y(C)=CMPLX(F(MLL),G(MLL))*SIG(MLL)/SQRT(RHO)/CONJG(D(C)) 11 CONTINUE o 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 RHO=. 2 0 9 8 * R C * S O R T ( A B S I E - 1 8 . 7 2 ) I I F I E . L T . 1 8 . 7 2 ) RH0 = 0 . 0076 CALL S B F ( R H O , F , G , F P , G P ) n o 0074 0075 ooo 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS 0 0 12 C=1,MC MML=LC( CI+1• I F ( T A U ( C ) . L T * 0 . ) GO TO 12 U=B*BPAR(MML) 1 F ( MM L . E 0 . 1 ) U = B * B P A R ( 5 ) I F ( M M L . E 0 . 2 . A N 0 . 4 J C ( C ) * P A R C ( C I . N E . - l . IU = B*BPAR( 6 I 0 ( C ) = 1 . / ( U - 1 . - R H 0 * C M P L X ( G P ( M M L ) , F P ( M M L ) I / C M P L X ( G ( MML) , F ( MML I ) ) Y ( C ) = SORT(RHO)*CMPLX(F(MML) ,G(MML) )/C0NJG(0(C) I 12 CONTINUE COMPUTE RD MATRIX 0 0 1 6 MK=1,MBKS ML=OL(MK> MC=DCIMKI 0 0 17 C=1, MC -464- 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 DO 17 C $ = 1 , C CTEM=( 0 . D O , 0 . 0 0 ) DO 1 8 L A= 1 ,ML 18 CTEM=CTEM+GAM(PLCIMK, LA, C) ) * G A M ( P L C ( M K , L A , C t ) ) / ( E L ( P L <MK, LA> ) - E ) I F ( C . E O . C t ) CTEM=CTEM+D( PC( MK, C) ) RD( PCC( MK, C, C$>) =CTEM 17 R D ( P C C ( M K , C * , C ) >=CTEM 16 CONTINUE C 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 22 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 21 23 20 I F ( . N O T . F L A G ! 1 ) ) GO TO 20 WRI TEI 6. 22) FORMAT! 1 1 1 , 8X , ' C ' , 1 6 X, 1 RE D ' , 1 6 X , ' I M D ' , 1 6 X , ' R E MC=PC(MBKS, DC(MBKS) I DO 21 C = 1 , MC M1=2*C M2=M1-1 WRI TE! 6 , 2 3 1 C, D R M 2 ) , D R ( M 1 ) , R Y ( M 2 ) , R Y ( M 1 > FORMAT!1 1 0 , 4 E 2 0 . 51 CONTINUE Y ',16X,»IM Y '/l C 0108 0109 0110 0111 I F ( F L A G ( 2 ) ) C A L L C P R I N T ( MB KS , R D, 1 » ' R E A L PART OF RO MATRIX I F ( FLAG! 2 ) ) CALL CPRI NT( M B K S , R D , 0 , ' IMAG PART OF RD MATRIX C C C ',DCI '.DC) INVERSION OF MATRIX RO DO 30 MK= 1,MBKS MI=PCC(MK,1, I> T 0 L = 1 . E—8 CALL C I 6 ( R 0 ( M 1 I , W K ( M 1 I , R I ( M l ) , 0 C ( M K > , T 0 L , C 3 1 > GO TO 30 3 1 WRITE( 2 , 3 2 ) TOL 32 FORMAT!' T 0 L = ' , E 1 0 . 2 ) 3 0 CONTINUE 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 C 0118 0119 0120 I F ( FLAG( 3 ) ) CALL CPRI NT( MB KS , R I , I , • REAL PART OF MATRIX R I ' . O C ) I F ( FLAG( 3 ) )CALL CPRI NT( MBKS, R I , 0 , • I MAG PART OF MATRIX R I ' . D C ) C C C COMPLEX MATRIX MULTIPLY DO 3 4 MK= 1 , MBKS MC = DC (MK) 0 0 3 4 C=1, MC 0 0 34 C i = l , M C CTEM=( 0 . 0 0 , 0 . 0 0 I DO 35 M1=1,MC 35 CTEM= CT EM+ RI ( P CC( MK, C, M1 ) ) * DC0 NJ G( RD( PCC<M K , H 1 , C S I ) ) I F ( C . E Q. C t > C T E M= C T E M- < 1 . 0 0 , 0 . 0 0 ) 34 WK( P CC( MK, C, CS) I =CT EM* Y ( P C( M K , C * ) ) 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 C 0129 0130 I F ( FLAG( 4 ) )CALL CPRI NT( MBKS, WK, 1 , ' REAL PART OF MATRIX WK' . DC) I F ( FLAG! 4 I ) CALL CPRI NT( MBKS,WK, 0 , • IMAG PART OF MATRIX WK' . OC) C C C C 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 CONTRIBUTION TO S MATRIX FROM THE VARIOUS LEVELS 73 72 76 75 77 MT=MCC(1) 0 0 74 7 = 1 , MT C=CH( T ) MODE=MD(TI MK=8 F ( C) ML=0L(MK) MC=0C(MKI DO 73 M=1 , MC I F ( P C ( M K , M ) . E O . C ) GO TO 72 CONTINUE DO 7 5 LA=1, ML CTEM=( 0 . 0 0 , 0 . 0 0 ) DO 7 6 C $ = l , M C CTEM=CTEM+GAM(PLCIMK,LA,C6 I ) * W K ( P C C ( MK, C$, MI I CONTINUE M1=PL( MK, LA) S L ( L A ) = M E ( M I , M 0 0 E ) *FAC( MODE) / ( EL( M l ) - E ) * C T E M CTM=(0.,0.) NA2=0. DO 77 LA=1 , ML NA2=NA2+CABS( S L ( L A ) I CTM=C TM+ SL ( LA I S ( TI=CTM NA1=CABS(CTMI I F I N A 2 . L T . l . E - 5 0 ) GO TO 74 KEY=NA1/ NA2 I F I E S T E P . N E . O . ) GO TO 74 I F I N A 1 . L T . l . E - 1 0 ) GO TO 82 T E M= 5 7 . 3 * A I MA G ( C L 0 G( C T M) ) I F 1 T E M . L T . 0 . I TEM=360. +TEM -465- 82 0 0 78 LA=1, ML A R ( L A ) = C A B S ( S L ( L A ) 1 * 1 0 0 . / NA2 MP H ( L A ) = 1 . E 1 0 I F ( A R I L A ) . L r . l . E - 1 0 ) GO TO 78 MPH(LA)=57.3*A1MAG(CL0G(SL(LA) ) 1 + 0 . 5 I F ( M P H I L A ) . L T . O ) MPH( LA) =360+MPH( LA> 7 8 CONTINUE ML2=2*ML ML 2=ML/ 2 WRITE( 6 , 8 0 I T , K E Y , N A 1 , T E M , ( A R ( L A ) , M P H ( L A I , L A = 1 , M L 2 ) ML2=ML2+1 WRITE! 6 , 81 MARI LA) ,MPH(LA) , LA=ML2, ML) 8 0 FORMAT ( 1 4 , < KEY = ' , F 4 . 3 , F 1 1 . 7 , • ( ' , F 5 . 1 , ' ) • , 7 ( F 7 . 1 , ' ( • , 13 , • ) • 81 FORMAT( 3 I X , 7 ( F 7 . 1 , • ( • , 1 3 , • ) • ) ) 7 4 CONTINUE o o o 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 COMPUTE CROSS-SECTION o MREL=0 0 0 5 0 MM=1, 5 TEM1=0. TEM2 =0 • MTT=MCC(MM) 0 0 51 MP=1 ,MTT MREL=MREL+l T=TT(MREL) /256 T$=TT(MREL)-256*T T E M = R E A L ( S l T ) * C O N J G ( S ( T $ ) ) * W ( MR E L ) ) TEM1= TEM1 + T EM 51 TEM2 =TEM2 + ABS <TEM) CSC(MM)=TEM1 50 AB(MH)= TEM2 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 non A(1)=35.69*CSC<1)/(E-15.96) A l l 1 = 1 0 0 0 0 . * A ( 1) 0 0 52 M l = 2 , 5 52 A ( M 1 ) = C S C ( M 1 ) / C S C ( 1 ) WRITE(6,53)E,EP,A 5 3 FORMAT! 1 E = • , F 5 . 2 , 5 X , ' EP = •, P 5 . 2 , 5 X , • * * * • , F B . 2 , • 1 10X,'A ='.4F 10.3) 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 FIND RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OF TRANSITION PAIRS 55 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 90 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0220 0221 0222 58 57 I F ( F L A G ( 6 ) . O R . E S T E P . E Q . 0 . ) GO TO 5 5 GO TO 54 MREL=0 DO 5 6 MM=1 , 5 I F ( A B ( M M ) , G T . 1 . E - 2 0 ) GO TO 90 MREL=MREL+MCC(MM) GO TO 56 M1=0 T EM1 =0 . 002 * AB( MM) CC=8 LANK MTT =MCC( MM) DO 5 7 MP=1 ,MTT MREL=MREL+1 T=TT( MREL1 / 2 5 6 T$=TT(MREL)-256*T TEM=REAL( S(T)*CONJG( S( T$) )*W(MREL)) I F ( A B S ( T E M ) . L T . T E M 1 ) GO TO 57 M1=M1+1 I F ( M l . L E . 1 0 0 ) GO TO 5 8 CC=AST GO TO 57 TU(M1)=256*T+T* ST( Ml ) =TEM CONTINUE 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 02 31 59 M2=7 I F ( M l . L T . M 2 )M2=M1 DO 6 0 M3=1, M2 DO 60 M4=M3,M1 I F ( ABS( S T ( M 3 ) ) . G T . ABS( S T ( M4) ) ) TEM=ST(M4) S T ( M 4 ) = S T (M3) S T ( M3) = T EM TS2 = TU(M4) TUIM4 >=TU(M3) TUIM3) =TS2 6 0 CONTINUE 02 32 0233 0234 0235 0 0 61 M3 = 1 , M2 M Y ( M3 ) = T U ( M3 ) / 2 5 6 MZ(M3)=TU(M3)-256*MY(M3) 61 S T ( M 3 ) = S T ( M 3 ) / A B ( M M ) * 1 0 0 . GO TO 6 0 MICROBARNS' , -4G6- , 0236 M 3= M M -1 0237 0238 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 WRI TE! 6 , 6 2 I C C , M 3 , ( M Y I M 4 ) , M Z ( M4) , ST< M4 ) , M 4 = 1 , M 2 ) 62 FORMAT!• ' , A 1 , I 7 , 7 ( * ( 1, 1 2 , • , • , I 2 , ’ ) • , F 5 . 1 ,• # • )) 56 CONTINUE WR1TE( 6 , 6 3 I 6 3 FORMAT! 1 1 ) 54 CONTINUE GO TO 2 END C 0001 SUBROUTINE C 1 6 ( A , B , C , N , TOL, * I C C C C C C C C C C C 000 2 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 INVERSION OF GENERAL C0MPLEX*16 MATRIX METHOO IS GAUSSIANELIMINATION CHECKS THE ACCURACY OF ANSWERS A ORIGINAL N*N MATRIX C INVERSE OF A B IS AN N*N WORK AREA(ORIGINAL MATRIX A IS NOTOESTROYEO) TOL IS THE MAXIMUM TOLERANCE ALLOWED ONTHEPRODUCT A*C IF TOLERANCE IS NOT MET, AN ERROR RETURN OCCURS AND TOL WILL CONTAIN THE ERROR WHICH CAUSED THE REJECTION. C0MPLEX*16 A ( 1 ) , B ( 1 ) , C (1 I , O N E / ( 1 . 0 0 , 0 . 0 0 ) / , Z E R O / ( 0 . 0 0 , 0 . D O ) / C0MPLEX*16 DIA I F I N . G E . 2 ) GO TO 1 C(1)=0NE/A(II RETURN 1 N2=N*N 0 0 2 1= 1 , N2 B ( I ) =A( I I 2 C ( I ) =ZERO J=1 00 3 1 = 1 , N C ( J)=ONE 3 J=J+N+1 C 0015 15 DO 4 1=1,N C 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 DIA = B( ( 1 - 1 ) * N + I ) 0 0 8 K=1, N L=(K-1)*N+I B(L)=B(L)/DIA 8 C ( L ) =C ( L I / O IA 00 9 J=1,N I F ( J . E Q . I ) GO TO 9 0IA=B((I-1)*N+J) 00 9 K=1 , N L=(K-1)*N+J B(L)=B(L>-B(L+I-J>*DIA C(L)=C(Ll-C<L+I-J)*DIA 9 CONTINUE 4 CONTINUE C "'X \ I 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 AC=0. DO 1 0 1 = 1 , N 0 0 10 J = 1 , N DIA=ZERO DO 11 K=1, N 11 0 1 A = D I A + A ( I + I K - l ) * N ) * C ( K + ( J - l ) * N ) IF(I,EO.J)DIA=DIA-ONE 1 0 AC = AC+CDABS ( DI A ) I F ( A C —T OL 1 1 2 . 1 2 , 1 3 12 TOL=AC RETURN 13 TOL=AC RETURN1 END ROW 3 + CO Nj BOTTOM O u <M <M cm c\j r\( C\J <M O O o O o O O ' t >}• <4<• •4- O * co >* in o >*■ o * i o o 't # co «+ m o o O '- " o -4* C o O' o o o O «o r - co «** * "tf* o r - co O* 0 o© < o >t >r - FM nJ 1 X + © F. • NJ Nj 1 1 > >- + + o < 1 •> © o » CM fM CM CM 1 NJ O O ^ O >“ I • ' t ^ s. * + X •» X + O —I r\l fO •* U + H pfRH p »Ro 1 rsl F-l « t >fr >* 1 < * * • ■ * © F «—• fR pg O CMCO + • mR mR < “ • mR < © + • + I • > - fM • CsJ >- fR <■ <r 4* g•"> FH + + H | + + Z X • X > + X X rsl -« < - R + + 0 + + | 0 I I ! X < nj 2I S » II A X « U CO X l * © nJ < X Z II - > < O f M < < C O < m £ a ii it it it n u I •0so < > 1 i I© *M>-> O :n O j a I I x > X X NJ I | I I I M X >• Nl X >f I I © o 3 O | 1 ”3I- < © O o z O O U .U .H Io o 3 • • • . •—« + + < N J +| * h O + >+ x “II03+ + •+ + +Oo * X ^ N 3 x ^ N + + M +I N J N J *4* < + <>A < © n H ii II II It il 3 oo II _ Z D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 3 U_ O o 1 II 3 3 IL o <_> z o z 3 MM -* 3 • • O uj + z 3 o o Hi z co o 3 *-• <h 3 o + <\J*3 O 3 fm O (M OC UJ rg CM II II o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O' CO o o © fR CM Ct ^ o o o o o o o o ► O •> © -I • O •O O O IM h (\J O r- im ____ f CM Z «-* < o i ii i i o o >->-** — o . h ii o < X in < © Z ii M o o ii a I x o i - o t - a j > o i - o u .(\j j o d < wO O ’O O *-« U.OHQ II I L m O m O u . ii u. —. o —•II O il muj Z X * - * © O © O * - » > * - . c 0 O © 3 O 3 © 0 C H i CM © CO o o r~ — < 3 I —3 O X © © — 0 1 z 3 3 u. m © o » CM CM—• *■ CM z >o 0 FM O v. o * CVJ o a: w * rsi cm O CVJ ^ r* • — > U. > * ■■ • + <\ JO Z • ■ 3 ^ o i a - v u a ; ■> I o + *7 II D X U - mR ' - « < - » - > I — O ^ O o c c o ii a . <o uj z ^ I >* O* - J V> o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o MA »-* fM<Y*i'Tir\'Or-®O'O-j<Mr<Y'a- i r \Or - ©^ Op - R< \ j m' } - irs'Or,» coa'©-H<NJrYi'$’ i n' 0 r*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *^^^h>r«IfR hH hN nN N N N N M (\JM AA A A A A A A o OC o u. • co X <✓> -RrO' i' i n' Of' -OO' O-RCMfO o o o o o o o o - ^ - ^ ^ ^ o a. X < » m *- + I 3 h - Z 'T O I I isj X + fR O > <f J U n ii in f r cm A H (\| f<l O ii ^ t - N A A OC H- I - » - O 3 LLLLLLLLU.LLLLU. Z Z ^ U O 3 1 © ►a c o a c O MM ■J- - L ) tt © NJ > -F . » — o © m FM O ^ H* rn o fm - r * >- O © o£ nj M 3 © N» —» • 1 ■» • -R CM c<Y -M ^ ^ MM X •* NJ O o •1 * o O 3 W • MM I u (nj ca o FM -r or — * -M X © >- O < « —> l/> O Nj FM «■ o * Z o z ~ • z F O 3 © CM FM « ( / ) # » z FM • •R * 3 O mr z 1 z — 1 - 3 f t • • H h ^ + © + x © O * o — i— rsj © * * • — fM O * ft • • fM CM 1 M (M • QC FM FM MF FM 0001 COEFFICIENT, A.B.C IS TOP ROW, X,Y,Z IS © •» — MM • 3 F*« + + m 3 nj tt co — • > F-< + BI COI A.B) X • o o o CM O at U 4* FM *«M © M # K K “■ # Nl — « h- • • CM O — « •o CM O FUNCTION o o FM © * FM CM m •t i n © o o o o o o o o O O O CMCM f*F CO O' o o o o o o o o o o © rO .* CM O eg o o o o o o o fR o o fR (M mR fR o o o o O' O in rO o CMCM CO in pH H pR pR o o o o o o o o o o © O' fR fR O o o o -4G8C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C c C C C C 0001 THIS FUNCTION HAS MULTIPLE ENTRIES AND IS USEDTO COMPUTE THE LINEAR SUBSCRIPTS OF ELEMENTS OF AN ARRAY IN CUMPACT STORAGE. THESE ARRAYS CONSIST OF BLOCKS ALONG THE DIAGONAL (NOT NECESSARILY SQUARE), THE REST BEING ZERO. ONLY THE NON-ZERO BLOCKS ARE STORED AND THIS SUBROUTINE FINOS THE POSITION IN STORAGE FROM THE BLOCK NUMBER ANO THE ROW AND COLUMN NUMBERS WITHIN THIS BLOCK OF A GIVEN ELEMENT. THE FUNCTION MUST BE I NI T I A L I Z E D BEFORE USE BY CALLING THE ENTRY RELOC WITH K EQUAL TO THE TOTAL NUMBER OF BLOCKS (NOT MORE THAN 12 ) THE DIMENSIONS OF THE K BLOCKS MUST BE SUPPLIED IN COMMON, IN ARRAYS OL ANO DC. ALL ELEMENTS OF DL MUST BE EVEN (SEE BELOW) THE ENTRY RELOC IS UNSUCCESSFUL AND RETURNS THE INTEGER - 1 IF THE DIMENSIONS GIVEN IN DL ARE NOT EVEN OR IF THEREARE MODE THAN 12 BLOCKS. OTHERWISE THE INTEGER 1 I S RETURNED. ONE DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS P L ( K , I ) IS POSITION OF ELEMENT I OF BLOCK K WHEN BLOCK DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN BY DL. PC(K ,I) IS POSI TI ON OF ELEMENT I OF BLOCK K WHEN DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN BY DC. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS PC C( K, I , JI IS POSITION OF ELEMENT OF ROW 1 AND COLUMNJ IN BLOCK K FOR MATRIX WITH ROW DIMENSIONS AND COLUMN DIMENSIONS GIVEN 8 Y DC. PLCI K, I , J ) IS POSI TI ON OF ELEMENT OF ROW I ANO COLUMN J IN BLOCK K, FOR MATRIX WITH ROW DIMENSIONS GIVEN BY DL ANO COLUMN DIM GIVEN BY DC. PLL( K , I , J ) I S MORE COMPLEX. I ANO J ARE STILL THE ROW AND COLUMN NUMBERS OF THE ELEMENT WITHIN BLOCK K BUT THE D L ( K I = D L ( K) BLOCK K HAS BEEN SPLI T INTO 4 EQUAL SUB-BLOCKS AND ONLY THE TWO SUB-BLOCKS ALONG THEDIAGONAL WERE STORED, THE REST BEING ASSUMED ZERO t h i s i s c o n v e n i e n t f o r s t o r i n g w a v e f u n c t i o n s when t i s a GOOD QUANTUM NUMBER. ONE BLOCK THEN REFERS TO A S P I N PARITY COMBINATION, ANO IT I S SPLI T INTO TWONON-ZERO 0 1 SCONNECTEO PARTS, T=0 ANO T=l. INTEGER FUNCTION RELOC( K) C 0002 0003 0004 I MPLI CI T I N T E G E R ! A - Z ) COMMON / P A R A M/ A ( 7 I , D L ( 1 2 ) , 0 C ( 1 2 ) INTEGER RL ( 12 ) / 0 / , R C ( 12 ) / O / , P.LL ( 12 ) / O / , R C C ( 12 ) / O / , RLC < 12 I / O / , 1 0LL(12),DCC(12),DLC(12) C 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 DO 3 L = 1 , K 3 I F ( D L ( L ) / 2 * 2 . N E . 0 L ( L ) ) GO TO 4 I F ( K . L E . 1 2 ) GO TO 1 4 RELOC = - 1 RETURN C 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 1 0 0 2 L= l , K 0LL(L)=DL(L)*DL(L)/2 DCC( L) =DC (L )* OC (L) 2 OLC<L)=DC( L) *OL( L) 0 0 5 L=2 , K RL(L)=RL(L-1)+DL(L-l) RC( L ) = R C ( L - 1 ) + 0 C ( L - l ) RLL(L)=RLL(L-1)+0LL(L-1) RCC(L)=RCC(L-lI+OCC(L-l) 5 RLC(L)=RLC(L-1)+DLC(L-1) REL0C = 1 RETURN C 0022 0023 0024 ENTRY P L ( K , I ) PL=RL(K)+I RETURN C 0025 0026 0027 ENTRY P C ( K , I ) PC=RC( KI + I RETURN C 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 ' ENTRY P L L ( K , I , J ) D=DL(K)/2 I F ( I . G T . D ) GO TO 6 PLL=RLL(K )+I+0#(J-l) RETURN 6 PLL=RLL(K)+0*J+I-0*2 RETURN C 0035 0036 0037 ENTRY P C C I K , I , J » PCC=RCC(K)+I+DC(K)#(J-1) RETURN C 0038 0039 0040 ENTRY P LCI K, I , J ) PLC=RLC(K)+I+0L(K)*CJ-1) RETURN C 0041 END -4G 9 - C 0001 0002 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C COULOMB FUNCTIONS PROGRAM SUITABLE FOR PROTONS ON CARBON THE REGULAR FUNCTIONS ARE COMPUTED FROM RECURSION RELATIONS AND NOR MALI SAT I ON CONDITIONS. THE IRREGULAR FUNCTIONS OF ORDER 0 AND 1 ARE OBTAINED FROM EIGHT TERMS IN THE ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION. WHEN RHO I S LESS THAN 2 . 5 , THE ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION IS USED AT RHO=2. 5 AND THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION INTEGRATED TOWARDS ZERO. THE SUBROUTINE COULD BE USED FOR HEAVIER NUCLEI PROVIDED THE ASYMPT EXP STARTING VALUE IS INCREASED. THE RESULTS WILL NOT NECESSARILY AGREE WITH BLOCH ANO BREI T•S TABLES WHICH CONTAIN SOME INACCURACIES. THE REMAINING IRREGULAR FUNCTIONS AND THE DERIVATIVES ARE COMPUTED FROM RECURSION RELATIONS. SUBROUTINE C0 U L 2 ( ETA, RHO, F , G , F P , G P I C C C C C C C C ETA AND RHO ARE INPUT ARGUMENTS ALL OTHER MUST BE DIMENSIONED 4 IN CALLING PROGRAM. RETURNS F , G COULOMB FUNCTIONS AND FP. FG THEIR DERIVATIVES FOR L=0 TO L = 3 . MESSI AH' S DEFI NITI ON (APPENDIX ALBERT MESSIAH MFCANIQUE QUANTIQUEI REAL*4 P I / 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 / , C F ( 2 1 I , D ( 2 1 I , F ( 4 I » G ( 4 ) , F P ( 4 ) , G P ( 4 ) REAL* 8 D E T A , D R H 0 , R K , S F , S G , A K , B K , F K , G K , F K 1 , G K 1 REAL* 8 0 G1, DG2 COMPLEX* 8 CETA. AETA, ACC REAL*4 C ( 1 5 1 / 1 . 0 , 0 . 5 7 7 2 1 5 6 6 , - 0 . 6 5 5 8 7 8 0 7 , - . 0 4 2 0 0 2 6 4 , 0 . 1 6 6 5 3 8 6 1 , 1 -.04219773,-.00962197,0.00721894,-.00116517,-.00021524, 1 0.0 C 012 8 0 5 , - . 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 , - . 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 , 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 , - . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 / LOGICAL FLAG 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 C 0008 0009 FLAG=. TRUE. I F ( RHO.GT. 2 . 5 ) FLAG=. FALSE. RHOK=RHO I F ( FLAG 1R H0 = 2 . 5 0010 0011 0012 C C C ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION 00 9 1=1,2 L= I - 1 CETA= CMPL X( 0 . , ET A) AETA=CET A ACC=(0 . , 0 . ) DO 4 K= 1 » 1 5 ACC=ACC+C( K) *AETA 4 AETA=AETA*CETA SIGMA=ATAN(AIMAGI A C C ) / R E A L ( A C C ) ) I F I RE A HAC C I . L T . O . ) S I GMA = S IGMA+PI SI GMA=- SI GMA+RHO- ETA*ALOG( 2. *RHO) IF(L.EQ.0)THETA=SIGMA+PI/2. I F ( L . E Q . 1 ) T H E T A = SIGMA+AT AN( ETA) 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 c 002 5 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 5F=1. FK = 1. SG=0 • GK=0. DETA=ETA DRHO= RHO DO 6 J = 1 , 6 K= J —1 KK=2*K+1 RK=( KK+1) *DRH0 AK=KK*DETA/RK B K = ( L * ( L + l ) - K * ( K+ l I + DETA* DET AI / RK FK1=AK*FK-BK*GK GK1=AK*GK+BK*FK SF=SF+FK1 SG=SG+GK1 FK=FK1 GK = GK 1 6 CONTINUE C 0044 0045 0046 0047 Ft I ) =SG*C0S(THETA> + SF*SI N( THETA) G< I ) = S F * C O S ( T H E T A ) - S G * S I N( T H E T A ) 9 CONTINUE I F ( . N O T . F L A G ) GO TO 5 0 C C C 0048 0049 0050 0051 PROCEED TO INTEGRATE SPAN=RHO-RHOK STEP =SPAN NSTEP=1 DO 5 2 1 = 1 , 1 0 INWARDS FOR G ( l ) ANO G ( 2 ) . -470- 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 STEP=STEP/2. NSTEP=2*NSTEP I F I S T E P . L T . 0 . 0 0 5 ) GO TO 53 52 CONTINUE 53 0G1=G(1) DG2 = G( 2 ) DO 54 I = 1, NS TEP RHO=RHOK+(NSTEP—1 + 1 )*STEP Z l = l »/ KHO+ETA Z 2 = S QR T ( 1 . + E T A * E T A ) GP 1 = Z 1 * DG1 - Z 2 * DG2 GP2=Z2*DG1-Z1*0G2 Z1=2.*ETA/RH0-1. Z2=STEP*STEP/2. DGl =-GPl =>STEP+( Z1=>Z2 + 1 . >*DG1 5 4 DG2=- GP2*STEP + ( ( Z l + 2 . / R H 0 / R H 0 ) * Z 2 + l . ) *DG2 G( 1 ) = DG1 G ( 2 ) = DG2 RHO=RHOK COMPUTE REGULAR SOLUTION F ( L ) 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 50 C F ( 2 1 ) = 0 . CF(20)=1. 0 0 11 1 = 1 , 1 9 L= 2 0 - l XL = L+1 C F ( L ) = ( 2 * L + 1) *<ETA+< L * X L / R H 0 ) ) * C F ( L + l >1 L*S0RT( XL*XL+ETA*ETA)*CF(L+2) 11 C F ( L ) = C F ( L ) / X L / S O R T ( L* L+ETA*ETA) NORMALIZE D<1)=0. 0078 0079 0080 DO 12 L = l , 2 0 12 0 ( L + l ) = 0 ( L ) + A T A N ( E T A / L ) + P I / 2 . 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 TPE=2.*PI*ETA SUC=0 . SUS=0. DO 13 1 = 1 , 2 1 XL=2. * 1 - 1 . SUS=SUS+XL*SIN(0(I) ) *CF( I ) 13 SUC = SUC + XL*COS( 0 ( I ) ) * C F ( I I X =( EXP(TPE) -1. )/ RH0/ RH0 /TPE*(SUS*SUS+SUC*SUC> 0089 0090 00 91 X= SOR T( X > DO 1 4 1 = 1 , 4 1 4 C F ( I ) =CF( I ) / X 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 009 7 0098 0099 19 DO 30 1 = 1 , 4 30 F ( I ) = C F < I ) Z1=S0RT(4.+ETA*ETA) Z2 =SQRT( l . + E T A * E T A ) G (3 1 = ( 3 . * ( ETA+2./RH0)*G( 2 ) - 2 . * Z 2 * G ( I ) ) / Z l G ( 4 ) = ( 2 . 5 * ( E T A + 6 . / R H 0 ) # G ( 3 ) - 1 . 5 * Z l * G ( 2 ) ) / S ORT ( 9 . + ET A* ET A) FP(1)=(1./RH0+ETA)*F(1)-Z2*F(2) GP(1)=(1./RH0+ETA)*G(1)-Z2*G<2> 0 0 31 L = 1 , 3 Z1 = SQRT( L*L + E T A*E T A ) Z2 = L*L/ RH0+ETA F P IL + l) = ( Z 1 *F (L )-Z 2 *F IL + 1 ) )/L 31 G P ( L + 1 ) = ( Z 1 * G ( L ) - Z 2 * G ( L + 1 ) ) / L COMPUTE REMAINING G AND DERIVATIVES OF F ANO G 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 ^\ V V ) RETURN END -471- 0001 FUNCTI0N C 3 J ( A , B , C , X , Y , Z ) C 0002 REAL*8 F ( 5 0 » , P, DS QRT LOGICAL F I R S T / . F A L S E . / INTEGER L C9 J OOOOOOOOOOO 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 3J SYMBOL SUBROUTINE. THE INPUT ARGUMENTS ARE ASSUMED TO SATISFY THE TRIANGULARITY CONDITIONS. THE MAGNETIC QUANTUM NUMBERS TO BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE THEIR RESPECTIVE ANGULAR MOMENTA IN ABSOLUTE VALUE AND THE ARGUMENTS ARE ASSUMED EXACT (NO ROUND UFF ERRORS PRESENT) . I T IS NOT ASSUMED THAT X+Y+Z IS 0 THE SUBROUTINE IS LIMITED TO A+B+C . L E . 48 A,B,C IS THE TOP ROW, X , Y , Z IF ( X+Y+Z I 7 , 6 , 7 7 C3J=0. RETURN 6 I F I F I R S T J GO TO 1 FIRS T = . TRUE. F (l)=l 00 2 1=2,5 0 2 F ( I )= ( 1 - 1 ) * F ( 1 - 1 1 1 L ( 1 1=A+B- C L(2)=A-B+C L ( 3) = - A+B+C L ( 4 )=A+X L(5)=A-X L ( 6 )=B+Y L ( 7 1=B- Y L ( 8 )=C+Z L ( 9 I =C—Z 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 O 0020 0021 0 022 P= l . DO 3 1 = 1 , 9 3 P = P * F ( L ( I 1+ 1 ) J = A+B+C C3J = DSQRT ( P / F I J + 2 ) ) o 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 00 41 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 L ( 1 ) =A+B- C L ( 2 1= 0 L(3)=A-X L(4)=C-B+X L ( 5 ) =B+Y L(6)=C-A-Y K1=-MIN0(0,L( 4 ) , L ( 6 ) ) K2 =MI NO ( L ( 1 ) , L ( 3 ) , L ( 5 ) > S=0. DO 4 K=K1, K2 CS = 1. M=K 00 5 1=1,6 M=-M 5 CS = C S / F ( L ( I I + M+ l ) I F ( M / 2 * 2 . N E . M ) CS=-CS 4 S = S+CS N= A - B - Z C3J=C3J*S I F ( N / 2 * 2 . N E . N ) C3J=- C3 J RETURN END 0001 OOO SUBROUTINE T R I A L ( A , B , C , * I 0002 000 3 0004 0005 0006 CHECK OF TRIANGULAR RULE I F ( A . G T •B+CI IF(a.GT.C+A) IFIC.GT.A+B) RETURN END RETURN 1 RETURN 1 RETURN 1 THE BOTTOM (MAGNETIC Q . N . ) .