Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Who am I? Who areyou? • • • • • • • • • • It’sfree It’sObjectOriented – Itsupports withaeasysyntaxPolymorphism andInheritance. It’sPortable – Youcanexecutethesamecodeoneveryplatform,provided withthePythoninterpreter. It’ssimple Ithasalotoflibraries – Python comeswithalargecollection ofprebuilt andportablefunctionality, knownasthestandard library.Inaddition, Pythoncanbeextendedwithbothhomegrownlibrariesandavastcollectionof third-partyapplicationsupport software. It’sfast! – Python isaninterpretedlanguage,buthasanintermediatebytecode thatspeedsuptheexecution. IthastheGarbageCollection – Youdonothavetomanuallyallocateandfreethememory. It’seasytouseitasacustomizationandextension tool,thankstoavarietyofintegrationmechanisms Ithasmanyareasofapplication – GUIprogramming • TKinter,PyQt,wxPython – WebDeveloping • Django,Web2py – GoogleAppEngine – Networkprogramming • Twisted – DatabaseinteractionwithODBC – Gamesdeveloping • Pygame,pykyra – Scientificprogramming • Numpy,Scypy WHY are you here? It’swidely used – – NASA,Yahoo!,Google,Youtube,RedHat, OpenStack it’swritteninPython This is basically thetype ofslides that you will get here. Aquick introduction Theinterpreter • Aninterpreter it’s asoftwareapplication that runs other programs.When you write acommand inthePython shell,orwhen you run aPython script,thePython interpreter reads your codeandexecutes the instructions:you canimagine it as alogical layer between thecodeand thehardware. • Python writes aintermediatebyte-code,that is a"native" Python command list,tobeexecuted inthePython VirtualMachine. • Python is installed onevery Linuxdistribution andonAppleOSX.If you want aWindowsinterpreter you canget it from: http://www.python.org • WithPython is quite easytowrite codethat does not depend fromthe machineoperating system:you canwrite thecodeonyour Linuxserver, andthan copyit ontheWindowsdesktop.(orviceversa) Programexecution • Howdoes thecodeexecution workinPython?ThePython scripts areinterpreted intwo stages: 1. 2. Afirststagecompiles thetextcodeinbyte-code,alow-level binary format,that is platform independent.Thebytecodeis stored in.pyc files:these files will bedirectly loaded when thescriptis executed multipletimes. ThePython VirtualMachine,anintermediatesoftwarelayer,runs the byte-code • There is not a«make»phase that translates thetextcodein binary machinecode. 1. 2. PROS:Thecodeis highly portable,andit is possible torun codefrom aninteractive shell. CONS:Theexecution cannot have thesame speed that canbereached withacompiled code. IDLEstarts asimple visual editor. Python CLIstarts aninteractive sessionwiththeinterpreter. What does it mean towrite aPython program? All you have todois write thePython instructions inatextfile,preferably withtheestension .py,andthen execute it inthe Python interpreter. • WithIDLEyou canwrite your codeandtestit inthePython shell. • You caninputyour codeafter thePython shell prompt,the"triple chevron">>> • Theshell executes thecodeimmediately,andshowstheresults onthescreen. • IDLE"knows" thePython syntax andfunctions,soit’s able togive you anhint when you useabuiltinfunction,oringeneral afunction that is available inthecurrent namespace. ForExample: if you write isinstance( you cansee that IDLEgives you thefunction arguments inatooltip. IDLE • IDLEcolours automatically thecodetext.Defaultis greenfor strings,orange forlanguage keywords,purple forbuilt-infunctions. You canofcourse change all thedefaultsettings. • IDLEhas anautomatic codeindentation,andthat canbeVERY useful inacomplex code,given thefact that inPython the indentation is apartofthelanguage. • If you starttotype acommand,pressingtheTAB key you canhave hints forits completion,as inbash shell.Check with: isin+TAB • IDLEmantains acommand history:withAlt-P (Previous)you can recall thecodeexecuted,withAlt-N (Next)you canbrowse the history forward.You canalso modify therecalled code. PLEASEnotethat Python uses CODEINDENTATION togroup codethat arelogical correlated,as functions,if statements,forloops,while loops,andsoforth. Indenting acodelinestarts ablock andunindenting ends it,there arenoexplicit braces, brackets,orkeywords.Theindentation level ofyour statements is significant,andallow you to nest codeblocks. Theexact amount ofindentation doesn't matter at all,Pythons cares about therelative indentation ofnested blocks (relativetoeach other). DONOTtomixtabs andspaces forindentation.If you usetabs only orspaces only,you're fine. Theprint()function has been introduced in Python 3.0in substitution ofthe homonym keyword Scripts • TheIDLEshell canbeused also towrite Python scripts.Ascript,ora Python program,is atextfilethat contains Python instructions to beexecuted foraspecific purpose. • WithFile->New you canopenanewwindow inwhich is possible to write thescript.Thescriptmustbesaved before being executed. • WithFile->Openyou canopenandmodify aalready saved script • If you want torun thescript,you canuseRun->Run Module onthe menuofthewindow that contains it. AdvancedIDLE • FromtheDebug menuyou canenable thebuilt-indebugger • Adebug sessionis started when – thedebug is enabled andthen – theloaded scriptis executed fromRun->Run module. • You canenable abreakpoint witharightclickonthecode. • Forfastdebug it is possible tojump fromtheerror message,witha rightclick,tothecodelinethat originated it. • OntheLinuxdistributions adedicated debugger,pdb,is also available. Let's startwiththelanguage • Therearefourbuilt-innumerictypes: 1. integers int: 0, 1, -3 (C long int) They have at least 32bitprecision 2. Longintegers long:0L, 1L, -3L. May have arbitrary length, their limit depends on theamount ofmemory in themachine. 3. Double precision real double) float: 0., .1, -0.0165, 1.89E+14 (C 4. Double precision complex complex: 0j, 1+.5j, -3.14-2j • Informationontheaccuracy andinternal representation offloating point forthemachineonwhich you're running ascriptareavailable in sys.float_info None • PythonhasaBoolean typebool,thatcantakethevaluesTrue orFalse,respectively interchangeable with1and0. • There is aspecial variable None (casesensitive),that identifies a“null object”.It is convenient touseit when you have avariable name but not its value,sothevalue is undefined: answer = None answer = None #some updates… #some updates… answer None: ifif answer is is None: quit=true quit=true • Pay attention tothetest:tocheck if avariable is None always use if answer is None if answer is not None Thecheck if not answer is dangerous,because it is True also if answer is anempty string: witha = ''; a = []; a= (); a={}; a=0; a=0.0 if a: #è FALSE if not a: #è TRUE • Mind theoperator: is checks theidentity ofobjects, == checks if two objects have thesame content BooleansandStrings • Python implements alloftheusualoperatorsforBooleanlogic,butusesEnglish wordsratherthansymbols(&&, ||,etc.): t = True f = False print type(t) print t and f print t or f print not t print t != f • # # # # # Prints "<type 'bool'>" Logical AND; prints "False" Logical OR; prints "True" Logical NOT; prints "False" Logical XOR; prints "True" Python has great support forstrings: hello = 'hello' # world = "world" # print hello # print len(hello) # hw = hello + ' ' + world # print hw # hw12 = '%s %s %d' % (hello, world, 12) # print hw12 # • String can use single quotes or double quotes Prints "hello" String length; prints "5" String concatenation prints "hello world" sprintf style string formatting prints "hello world 12"" Python includes several built-in containertypes:lists,dictionaries, sets,andtuples. Python lists Let’s startfromdata • Almost every serious program works withdata! • Sometimes thedataarevery simple,andit’s easytowork withthem.Sometimes they have acomplex structure,and thecodethat mustuseandmodify them canbecome quite involved. • Often it canbeuseful toaccomodatethedatainalist,that expressalogical connectionbetween them:aclientslist, your friendslist,theto-dolist,alistoftimerecords,etc.. • Forsuch acommontaskPython has adedicatedatatype: list Anexample Let’s suppose that our problem dataarethefollowing: Isolitiignoti, 1958,MarioMonicelli, 102mins Antonio DeCurtis VittorioGassman, MarcelloMastroianni, RenatoSalvatori,ClaudiaCardinale Iduemarescialli,1961,Sergio Corbucci,99mins Antonio DeCurtis VittorioDeSica,GianniAgus, Arturo Bragaglia,MarioCastellani Uccellaccieuccellini, 1966,PierPaoloPasolini, 85mins Antonio deCurtis NinettoDavoli,FemiBenussi,GabrieleBaldini Atafirstglance you cansee that we have acomplex list,but withaninternal structure:each recordcorresponds toafilm,thefirstlinecontains somebasic informations,thesecond line contains thename oftheprotagonist,thethird one contains thenames ofsomeothers actors http://bit.do/ListaFilm-txt Anexample Let’s startfrom thetitles list: I soliti ignoti I due Marescialli Uccellacci e uccellini andlet’s write it inPython >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", "I due Marescialli", "Uccellacci e uccellini"] Howdid we make thetranslation? 1. Each linehas been trasformed inastring,using doublequote" 2. Each listitemis separated from thenext byacomma, 3. Thelistitems arewritten between square brackets [] 4. Thelistis assigned toanidentifier (film )withtheassignment operator = Dynamic Typing • But…aminotsupposedtodeclare,somewhere before,ofWHICH TYPEistheidentifierfilm? • No,because Python is a"dynamically typed" language:you can useanewvariable without before declare its type. InPython avariable identifier is asimple name that refers toan object,whatever is thetype ofthat object. a=[1,2,3] a 123 • Beaware that although dynamic,thetyping inPython is "strong", soyou cannot merrily add floatandstring forexample… Lists items • When you createalisttheinterpreter creates anewmemory structure,similar toavector.Thefirstelement has ALWAYSthe index 0,thesecond 1,thethird 2andsoon. • Withthese indices,automatically assigned,it is possible todirectly address thelistitems,withthenotation: >>> print film[1] I soliti ignoti • Although this vector similarity,Python lists aresomething more.A listis acollection object,soit has abunch ofpre-defined functions ormethods available. Example:lists operations >>> classe = ["Anna", 'Giulia', 'Vito', "Michele"] len is aBuilt-InFunction(BIF) >>> print classe append it’s amethod oflist ['Anna', 'Giulia', 'Vito', 'Michele'] objects that adds anitemtotheend >>> print len(classe) ofthelist 4 >>> print classe[2] popRemoves theitemat thegiven Vito positioninthelist,andreturns it >>> classe.append("Rosa") extend Extends thelistby >>> print classe ['Anna', 'Giulia', 'Vito', 'Michele', 'Rosa'] appending all theitems inthegiven >>> classe.pop() list 'Rosa' Remove(x) Removes thefirst >>> classe.extend(["Rosa",'Gioacchino']) itemfromthelistwhose value is x. >>> print classe ['Anna', 'Giulia', 'Vito', 'Michele', 'Rosa', 'Gioacchino'] >>> classe.remove('Vito') >>> print classe insert Inserts anitemat agiven ['Anna', 'Giulia', 'Michele', 'Rosa', 'Gioacchino'] position.Thefirstargument is the >>> classe.insert(0, 'Maurizio') index oftheelement before which >>> classe.insert(0, 'Vito') toinsert >>> classe.insert(0, 'Elio') >>> print classe ['Elio,'Vito','Maurizio','Anna', 'Giulia', 'Michele', 'Rosa', 'Gioacchino'] Let’s add other data I soliti ignoti, 1958, Mario Monicelli, 102 mins Antonio De Curtis Vittorio Gassman, Marcello Mastroianni, Renato Salvatori, Claudia Cardinale I due marescialli, 1961, Sergio Corbucci, 99 mins Antonio De Curtis Vittorio De Sica, Gianni Agus, Arturo Bragaglia, Mario Castellani Uccellacci e uccellini, 1966, Pier Paolo Pasolini, 85 mins Antonio de Curtis Ninetto Davoli, Femi Benussi, Gabriele Baldini This is our initial list: >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", "I due Marescialli", "Uccellacci e uccellini"] Now we want toadd theyear of production, using themethods oftheprevious slide. But… • Is it possible toadd numeric items inalistthat already contains string items? • YES:aPython listcancontain objects ofdifferent types.Infact you candomorethan mixnumbers andstrings:you canstore inalist dataofany type. • Thelisthas tobethought ofas asetoflogically related objects : Python obviously cannot know bywhat logic they arerelated,and provides justthetool togroup them together,regardless oftype. • Think about thelistas ahigh-level "collection":thedatatype of items is not important forthelist.All that Python needs toknow is that you have created alist,you gave it aname,andinsidethere aredata. Usingtheinsertandappend commands,howcanItrasform thelist: >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", "I due Marescialli", "Uccellacci e uccellini"] Inthefollowing list? ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "I due Marescialli", 1961, "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1966] And howamIsupposed tocreateitfromscratch,asitisinthissecond version? >>> film.insert(1,1958) Remember that thefirstparameter is theindex oftheitemBEFOREofwhich the insertion occurs. >>> film.insert(3,1961) Aftertheinitialinsertion thelistexpands, soforthesecondinsertion thenew elementmustbetakenintoaccount. >>> film.append(1966) >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "I due Marescialli", 1961, "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1966] Loops andconditions Working withdata • It is often necessary toiteratethrough thelistitems,inorder tobeable toperform someoperation onthem. • Todothis you canuseafor loop . This loop is designed inPython toworkon lists ORonany other object that Python considers iterable. • Aniterable object is acontainercapable ofreturning its items one byone. Objectsof this type areall objects that have one ofthefollowing functions defined: __iter()__ __getitem()__ When aniterable is passed totheBIFiter(),which happens automatically insideaforloop, it returns aniterator. • Aniterator It is anobject that represents adatastream,andenables the programmer totraversethe container. • Inother words,inPython, aniterable is anobject which canbeconverted toan iterator,which is then iterated through during theforloop;this is done implicitly. Forloop for <target identifier> in <iterable>: <target processing code> Thekeywordfor marks thebeginning ofthecycle. The<target identifier> it’s thevariable name that will contain the iterable elements. Thekeywordin separates thetargetname fromtheiterable Acolon: indicatethestartofthecodethat processes data ThecodeMUSTbeindented below theforline. Thetargetidentifier is not previously declared ,andit is similar toany other name inPython;when thecycle goes on,thelistgives its items tothefor loop,andeach iteminthelistis assigned tothetarget,one after theother. Numeric forloop for <target identifier> in range(n): <processing code> Therange(n) BIFallows torealize acycle that is repetead adefined number oftimes;it returns aniterable that contains theintegers ranging from0ton-1 >>> for num in range(4): print num InPython 2.7while rangecreatesacompleteiterable,soifyoudo range(1, 10000000) itcreatesalistinmemorywith9999999 elements,thefunctionxrange(n) isasequenceobjectthat evaluateslazily. Listloops Aloop overall theelements ofalist: >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "I due Marescialli", 1961, "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1966] >>> for item in film: print 'item is ', item If you mustknow thelocation oftheitemwithin thelist: >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "I due Marescialli", 1961, "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1966] >>> for index in range(len(film)): print 'film[%d]=%s' % (index, film[index]) Youcaniterateovermultiple listsortuplessimultaneously using thezip function: >>> for x, y, z in zip(xlist, ylist, zlist) #work with x,y,z While loop What is done withthecode: >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "I due Marescialli", 1961, "Uccellacci e uccellini", 1966] >>> for each_item in film: print each_item Canalso bedone withawhile loop: >>> count = 0 >>> while count < len(film): print film[count] count = count + 1 Ifyouareusing awhileloop you havetoworryaboutthe"statusinformation" ,andso youneedtouseavariablethatallowstoendthecyclewhenthelistisexhausted. Withtheforloop thisitisnot necessarybecauseeverything ishandled bythePython interpreter. while/else- for/else • Awhile loop canhave anadditional statementelse: i=0 while i<len(L): print 'at index', i i=i+1 else: print X, ' not found' Theelsecodeblock is executed when thecondition ofthe while loop becomes False,also forthefirsttime,then unless there is abreakintheloop it is always executed. • Aforstatementcanalso have anelseblock that,unless the cycle contains abreakinstruction,it is always executed at the endoftheloop. Lists oflists • Wehavealreadyseenthatthelistscancontaindataofanytype, andalsoofmixedtype:alogicalextensionofthisstatementisthat theycanalsocontainlists,andindeeditistrue! Let's return toour example data: I soliti ignoti, 1958, Mario Monicelli, 102 mins Antonio De Curtis Vittorio Gassman, Marcello Mastroianni, Renato Salvatori, Claudia Cardinale • We canview this as alistofinformations ona film,which contains thelistofactors,which contains thelistofsecondary actors. >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "Mario Monicelli", 102, ["Antonio De Curtis", ["Vittorio Gassman","Marcello Mastroianni","Renato Salvatori","Claudia Cardinale"]]] Lists oflists • Nested lists canbemanipulated withtheir listmethods,andyou can access their datawiththesquare bracket notation already seen.What will betheresult oftheprint instruction? 0 1 2 3 >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "Mario Monicelli", 102, 0 0 4 1 1 ["Antonio De Curtis", ["Vittorio Gassman","Marcello Mastroianni", 2 3 "Renato Salvatori","Claudia Cardinale"]]] >>> print film[4][1][3] Claudia Cardinale • What happens if we useafor loop toiterateovertheitems ofthis list containing other lists?Tocheck that you caninsert this listinanIDLE sessionandtry toprint each element withtheforloop that we saw before (for each item in list) Lists oflists >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "Mario Monicelli", 102, ["Antonio De Curtis",["Vittorio Gassman","Marcello Mastroianni","Renato Salvatori","Claudia Cardinale"]]] >>> print film ['I soliti ignoti', 1958, 'Mario Monicelli', 102, ['Antonio De Curtis', ['Vittorio Gassman', 'Marcello Mastroianni', 'Renato Salvatori', 'Claudia Cardinale']]] >>> for each_item in film: print each_item I soliti ignoti 1958 Mario Monicelli 102 ['Antonio De Curtis', ['Vittorio Gassman', 'Marcello Mastroianni', 'Renato Salvatori', 'Claudia Cardinale']] Theforloop prints only theelements of the"primary" list:when it finds thenested listit does not see any difference (is only another object after all)andit prints thelist. If you want todo something different, as print theitems ofthenested list,you need to check whether theitemis alistandact accordingly. if…elif...else if <some condition>: <TRUE code> else: <FALSE code> Thekeywordif marks thebeginning ofthedecision-making process Acolon: follows thecondition that mustbemet Thekeyword elif <other condition>: marks thebeginning of another condition check Thekeywordelse: marks thebeginning ofthealternative Thecodethat processes datamustbeindented underthelines ofif andelse Thetestif var returns false if var is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. None Thenumber 0 Theboolean False Anempty string ('') Anempty list([]) Anampty tupla (()) Anempty dictionary ({}) Comparisons • There is asourceofpotential confusion when you doacomparison anddonot pay attention tonot mixstrings andnumbers. >>> b='1.2' >>>b='1.2' >>> if b<100: >>>if print b<100: b, '<100' ... print b, '<100' else: ...else: print b, '>=100' ... 1.2 >= 100 print b, '>=100' • You canhave theprevious situationif,forexample,you load sys.argv[1] ina variable b andpass1.2as thefirstargument ofthecommand-line script. Herethetestb<100is always FALSE. b is astring, andyou arecomparing it withan integer.Python does not give any error message.Thecorrect syntax is: if float(b) < 100: >>>if float(b) < 100: >>>if b< str(100): if b< str(100): • Pay attention also totheinteger division! As inmany other languages thedivision between two integers gives aninteger, which is often not what you want ... Typecheck But how canyou check thetype of theobject pointed byagiven name?You canuse theBIFisinstance(). >>> names = ["Domenico", "Angela"] >>> isinstance(names, list) True >>> num_names = len(names) >>> isinstance(num_names, list) False If you want toknow all theBIF,you canuse: >>> dir(__builtins__) Thedir command canbeused tohave alistofall the"strings" attached toa particular object. __builtins__ it’s thename ofamodule that contains all theBIFs.Thesame command canbeused onany object toget informationonits properties.Tofind out moredetails about asingle function (orany object), you canusethehelp command, orinvoke aninteractive sessionwithhelp() >>> help(isinstance) Application This is our standardcodethat print every listitem,without type checking >>> film = ["I soliti ignoti", 1958, "Mario Monicelli", 102, ["Antonio De Curtis",["Vittorio Gassman","Marcello Mastroianni","Renato Salvatori", "Claudia Cardinale"]]] >>> for each_item in film: print each_item Now we canmodify it toprint thenested lists items. Processes theinitial list >>> for each_item in film: if isinstance(each_item, list): for nested_item in each_item: print nested_item else: print each_item This could beafirstapproximation. What is its fault? If it is alist,print its content withanewtarget Correction Intheexample there arethree levels ofnested lists.You mustthen re-modify thecode toinclude thethird level. >>> for each_item in film: if isinstance(each_item, list): for nested_item in each_item: print nested_item if isinstance(nested_item, list): for deeper_item in nested_item: print deeper_item else: print nested_item else: print each_item But ...what if we want tomodify thedataandadd another nested level? We should modify thecodeagain,andmake it increasingly complicated tomanage ... Now it’s timetointroduce thefunctions Functions,variables, assignments Functions >>> for each_item in film: if isinstance(each_item, list): for nested_item in each_item: if isinstance(nested_item, list): for deeper_item in nested_item: print deeper_item else: print nested_item else: print each_item Same “forloop” Intheprint loop alot ofcodeis repeated.Inthese cases it is advisable totry to identify thecommonbehavior, andincludeit inone reusable function, toimprove the readability ofthecodeandits maintenance. Functions InPython,afunction is anormal block ofcode,which canalso have input arguments. You define afunction using thekeyworddef,providing aname forthe function andspecifying alist,even empty,ofinputarguments inparentheses def <function name>(<argument(s)): <function code> Theparentheses aremandatory,unlike thearguments.Thecodeofthe function mustbeindented as usual It does not exist inPython,unlike what happens inC++,theconcept of "function overloading":thenumber,name ortype ofarguments cannot be used todistinguish between two functions withthesame name,then the name uniquely identifies thefunction. Usually thefunctions aregrouped into modules. Backtotheexample Thefunction that we need musttakealistas input, andprocess every item.If theitem is not alist,it mustprint it.If theitemis alist,thefunction mustcallanother copyof itself,withtheexamined itemas argument. Sowhat we need is arecursivefunction,namely afunction that calls itself within its own code. Say that thefunction is called print_lol (),andit takes one argument, thelistthat it mustprint onthescreen.Howcould you completethefollowing code? >>> >>> def def print_lol(the_list): print_lol(the_list): for the_list: for each_item in : if list): if isinstance(each_item, : print_lol(each_item) else else : : print each_item As you have noticed thecodesize has been reduced, thecomprehensibility is increased andtherefore themaintenance ofthecodehas become much simpler. And now,even though inthedataappears anewlevel ofnested list,there is noneed tochange theprocessing code. Python variables • InPython when you assign avariable you aremaking sure that aREFERENCE toanOBJECThas aNAMEwhich identifies it.Anassignment then creates a reference,orapointer toamemory area,andaname. • Avariable name does not has anintrinsic type assigned (as inCint i). Thetype is intheOBJECTS,andPython automatically determines thetype of thereference (thevariable)based onthetype ofdatareferenced. • Areference is created thefirsttimethat appears totheleft ofanassignment expression: >>> x=3 • Thereference is then deleted bythegarbage collector after each name attached toit results unused,andanobject is deleted if there arenomore references pointing toit. • Thevariables mustbeassigned before they areused inthecode. What happens when you createa variable? >>> y=5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. name yy pointer object 5 Firstofall,aninteger 5 it's created andplaced inmemory Thename y is created Thename yis assigned toareference tothememory location that contains thenewnumber 5 Now when we say that "thevalue ofy is 5" we mean that thename y is assigned toareference that points towards amemory location,which contains theobject 5 Theobject 5 that we have created is aninteger.Python datatypes int, float,andstring arecalled "immutable".This does NOTmean ofcourse that we cannot change y,we cansafely change theobject towards it points: Assignment >>> y += 1 >>> print y 6 y What happens when thevalue ofyis increased by1? Python… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 6 …searchs thepointer whose name is y. …retrievesthevalue(5)oftheobjecttowhichthereferencepoints …computes thesum5+1,generates anew integer object 6inanew memory location …assignsthenameytoareference towards thenewmemory location …deletestheold memory location(5), iftherearenopointersleftpointing atit. Immutable assignment between variables • >>> >>> >>> >>> 3 x=3 y=x x=4 print y #creates 3, x points to 3 #creates the name y, that points to 3 #creates 4, x now points to 4 #y points yet to 3 • When you modify thedatax,you change thereference,but you do NOTtouch thereference named y.Everything is OK… • But inPython there areother datatypes that aremutable,or changeable:lists,dictionaries,anduser defined class datatypes Mutable assignment between variables • Themutable datais modified directly without changing the memory locationinwhich they arehoused. >>> a=[1,2,3] >>> b=a >>> a.append(4) >>> print b [1,2,3,4] #a points to the list[1,2,3] #b point to the same list object #this modifies the list object #b is also changed • Tosee if two names point tothesame object,you canusetheis operator,which compares objects;You canalso usetheid operatortohave theexplicit object's unique numeric identifier. • This behaviour strongly influences theuseoffunctions input variables. Intuition a=[1,2,3] b=a a 123 a b 123 a a.append(4) b 1234 Functionsandvariables CallbyValue CallbyReference Copy DuplicateCopyofOriginal ParameterisPassed ActualCopyofOriginal ParameterisPassed Modification NoeffectonOriginal Parameteraftermodifying parameterinfunction OriginalParametergets affectedifvalueof parameterchangedinside function CandC++usebydefaultthe"callbyvalue" schema,bymaking acopyof thevariables within thefunction, but you canusepointers andget the"callbyreference". This lastbehaviour is standardinFortran. Sowhat happens inPython? Functions andinputvariables • Python functions argument passing is asort of«callby assignment»,inthesense that anassignment operatoris applied between theargument andthevariable used inthe call. • Concretely: theinputfunction parameters arepassed with a«callbyreference»(pointer),if thedatatype is mutable, witha«callbyvalue»(copy)if thedatatype is immutable. • It is then agood practice toalways return every parameter modified insidethefunction.Notethat withasinglereturn statementyou canreturn any number ofvariables. Example >>> def change1(some_list): some_list[1] = 4 >>> x = [1,2,3] >>> change1(x) >>> print x Whatisthevalueofx? x = [1,4,3] >>> def change2(x): x = 0 >>> y = 1 >>> change2(y) >>> print y Whatisthevalueofy? y = 1 Sharedreferences >>> x = [1,2,3] >>> L = ['A',x,'C'] >>> L ['A', [1,2,3], 'C'] >>> x[1] = 'sorpresa!' >>> L ['A', [1,'sorpresa!',2], 'C'] Thechange intheobjectpointed byxisvisiblefrom everyreferencethatpointtothe sameobject. L A C x 1 ? 3 Copy But then how is it possible tomake asimple copy? >>> list2=list1 Thetwo names have thesame reference tothesame object.Achange inone ofthe lists influences also thesecond list >>> list2=list1[:] Herelist1andlist2aretwo independent copies,two references totwo different objects >>> list2=[] Createanempty list,useful if you want tofill it insideaprocessing code. Listslicing 1. Thestarting index is always included,thefinal index is always excluded. 2. If you assign avalue toaslice you change theoriginal listonsite. 3. If you assign aslice toavariable,you createacopy oftheoriginal list, withtheindices specified intheslice. 4. Alwaysremember that thefirstindex is ZERO 0 1 M [: 2 A -2 S T E R B A [start:end] Theindicesindicatewheretheknife“cuts” -1 R I :] 0 1 P [: 2 H -2 D U N I B A -1 R Thestarting index is always included, thefinal index is always excluded >>> a = 'demonstrate slicing in Python'.split() >>> print a ['demonstrate', 'slicing', 'in', 'Python'] >>> a[-1] 'Python’ # the last entry >>> a[:-1] # everything up to but, not including, the last entry ['demonstrate', 'slicing', 'in'] #Equal to a[0:len(a)-1] >>> a[:] # everything ['demonstrate', 'slicing', 'in', 'Python'] >>> a[2:] # everything from index 2 and upwards ['in', 'Python'] #Equal to a[2:len(a)] >>> a[-1:] ['Python'] # the last entry >>> a[-2:] # the last two entries ['in', 'Python'] I :] 0 1 P [: 2 H -2 D U N I B A Thestarting index is always included, thefinal index is always excluded -1 R I :] >>> print a ['demonstrate', 'slicing', 'in', 'Python'] >>> a[1:3] # from index 1 to 3-1=2 ['slicing', 'in'] >>> a[:0] = 'here we'.split() # add list in the beginning (to the # first, not included) >>> a ['here', 'we', 'demonstrate', 'slicing', 'in', 'Python'] >>> b = [2.0]*6 # create list of 6 entries,each equal 2.0 >>> b [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] >>> b[1] = 10 # b[1] becomes the integer 10 >>> c = b[:3] >>> c [2.0, 10, 2.0] >>> c[1] = 20 # is b[1] affected? >>> b [2.0, 10, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] # no c is a copy of b[:3] (slicing is a copy) >>> b[:3] = [-1] # first three entries replaced by one entry >>> b [-1, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] tuples • Withtheroundbrackets you candefine aspecialtype oflists,tuples:like lists they areiterables,but withtheparticularity that they areimmutable. • Another particular example ofimmutable listis thestring. • You cannot change any element ofanimmutable sequence (tuple or string)without destroying andrecreating it,then changing its memory location. • Atupla canact as aconstant listinthecode. • If thetuple contains alist, canyou change thevalues oftheliston-site? >>> mylist=[1,2,3] >>> mytupla=(4,mylist,5) >>> mylist[1]='check’ >>> mytupla (4, [1, 'check', 3], 5) >>> mytupla[0]=8 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment Variables assignation fromtuples or lists • You canextract theitems oflists andtuples inseparatevariables,withthe following syntax (here arglist is alistortuple ofthree items): >>> [filename, plottitle, psfile] = arglist >>> (filename, plottitle, psfile) = arglist >>> filename, plottitle, psfile = arglist • If ontheleft there is ONEvariable,then we have alistassignment,if there arethree variables we assign thelistitems tothevariables,but if there aretwo,orfour ormorevariables we have anerror. • Thein operatorcanbeused toverify if alistcontains aspecific item: >>> list=['a','b','c'] >>> var='c' >>> if var in list: print 'Eureka!' It canbeused also intheforloops. Codeexecution model • Python executes thecodefromthebeginning ofthe module orscriptlinearly towards theend. • References arecreated when they areprocessed:wrong codethat it’s not processed does not give any error ( "Ifit's nottested,it'sbroken.") >>> x = 3 >>> if x > 5: show config() Thefunction is NEVERcalled:we donot have error >>> show_version() >>> def show_version(): print 'Version 1.0a' This codegives error:you cannot use thefunction show_version() before its definition. >>> def test(): show_version() >>> def show_version(): print 'Version 1.0a' >>> test() This codeis ok:when test() is executed the show_version() function is alredy defined and/or 1. X or Y If Xis False,returns Y(that canbeTrue orFalse),elsereturns X 2. X and Y If Xis False,returns X,elseY 3. not X If Xis False,returns True,elseFalse • Theandandoroperators are"shortcircuits",inthesense that – or evaluates thesecond argument only if thefirstis False – and evaluates thesecond argument only if thefirstis True • not has lower priority than non-boolean operators,so not a==b is interpreted as not (a==b) Shortcircuit • Theoperator x and y (shortcircuit and) is equivalent to if x then y else False • Theoperator x or y (shortcircuit or) is equivalent to if x then True else y • There aretwo essential practical applications,think forexample totheAND: 1. 2. • Thefirstexpression checks theneed forintensivecomputation, which is performed inthesecond expression Thefirstexpression ensures theoccurrence ofacondition necessary tothe calculation ofthesecond espression Ther might also besomeproblems: – If thesecond expression is afunction that mustperform operations that are expected independently from thefirstexpression