Subcontractor Information Package Edmonton


Subcontractor Information Package Edmonton
Information Package
P: (403) 274.5452 F: (403) 274.1526
Calgary ~ 4860 - 35 St. SE T2B3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452 F: (780) 784.6680
The Keystone Way
Our Core Values
Our Life is dirt
Positive Employee Morale
Leaders in Innovation
Take pride in the quality of work—
work—’Do it right the first time’
Sense of ownership & contribution
Balanced lifestyle & Employee wellwell-being
Challenging opportunities for all
Qualified loyal team & partners
High tech solutions
Adapting to change
Industry Leadership
Creative solutions
Well Managed
Ethical & Legal Practices
Efficient & timely
Properly equipped
Foresight & vision
Strong & financially stable
Honesty & Integrity
Responsible behaviour
Unwavering ethics
Unsurpassed Safety
Community & Environmental Awareness
Leaders in Safety Excellence
Daily focus
Look out for each other
Up to date, properly maintained equipment
Environmentally responsible
Efficient use of resources
Involvement in charities, community & industry
‘An Excellent Job Delivered By A Skilled Crew That Is Happy To Work For You’
Build Relationships
Build Leadership
Create Value
Grow Intentionally
Keystone Edmonton Contacts
Ken Elias
Sandip Lalli
Jim Elias
E: [email protected]
D: (403) 207.6676
Chief Operating Officer
E: [email protected]
C: (403) 809.9476
Vice President
E: [email protected]
D: (403) 207.6681 C: (403) 560.1924
Kevin Nichol
Dave Connors
Estimating Manager
E: [email protected]
D: (403) 207.6686 C: (403) 880.3533
Estimating & Project Management Lead (Edmonton)
E: [email protected]
D: (780) 477.5452 C: (780) 222-2883
Les Elias
Mike Chouinard
Todd Christianson
August Myles
Edmonton Operations Manager
E: [email protected]
Field Operations Manager (Edmonton)
E: [email protected]
C: (780) 686.5633
C: (780) 915.0782
Safety Supervisor
E: [email protected]
C: (403) 888.7195
Truck Operations Manager
E: [email protected]
C: (403) 620.7745
Aaron Davies
Scott Abel
Commercial Foreman
E: [email protected]
C: (587) 991.8472
Commercial Foreman
E: [email protected]
C: (780) 292.0866
Kim Hill
Lisa Papirnik
Accounting Manager
E: [email protected]
P: (403) 207.7313
Project and Field Administrator
E: [email protected]
P: (780) 477.5452
Feb 2015
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Process to become a Subcontractor with Keystone Excavating
Step #1:
Keystone will send out their “Subcontractor Information Package” to the interested
subcontractor; this package includes:
 A digital copy of our Employee/Contractor Policies & Safety Handbook is emailed. Section
2.1 outlines Contractor Responsibilities.
 Keystone Contact Information.
 Memo from Keystone’s Safety Department outlining Subcontractor Safety Requirements.
Step #2:
Subcontractor will fill out and email copies of the following documents to Central Scheduling:
CGY – [email protected]
EDM – [email protected]
 The “Subcontractor Information Sheet”.
 A copy of Certificate of Insurance showing auto and general liability with a minimum of
$2,000,000.00 coverage as well as a cancellation notification clause.
 Signed copy of the Subcontractor Payment Policy.
 WCB account number
 GST number
Step #3:
Keystone will review the information and confirm that the WCB account is in good standing, will
set rates for equipment along with attachments and will schedule a Field Test.
Step #4:
Subcontractor actions:
a. Agrees to rates
b. Demonstrates compliance with Safety expectations
i. Sends copies of completed tickets for each worker (eg. First Aid, Ground Disturbance
c. Completion of RSTS online – Keystone can setup RSTS and deduct cost off of cheque or
Subcontractor can provide documents that RSTS has been completed by all employees.
d. Safety orientation with Keystone Safety Department
i. Signed copies of the Acknowledgement Form stating that every employee that will work
on a Keystone job site has read the Employee/Contractor Policies & Safety Handbook
and they agree to abide by all stated Policies.
Step #5:
Keystone will send copies of our Best Practices that apply to the subcontractor’s scope of work.
Step #6:
Keystone hires subcontractor
a. Time Books (containing timesheets) and all necessary Safety Forms are provided to the
subcontractor that Keystone will coach and train how to complete each of these forms
Step #7:
Between January and February of every year we ask our subcontractors to fill out and submit
another “Subcontractor Information Sheet” so we can keep our records and contact info as
current as possible.
a. If you update your equipment fleet, please notify the office ASAP to ensure accurate billing;
your new machine may earn a different rate!
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
The Field Test
All subcontractors looking to work with Keystone Excavating are required to demonstrate their skills and
knowledge before entering a working relationship.
During the Field Test, Keystone will arrange for your equipment and operator to work on an active job site
(example: residential backfill). The Field Test will last a minimum of 30 minutes (depending on the machine
and scope of work) and during that time Keystone supervisor/superintendents will watch and evaluate you or
your team’s skill and ability. Keystone will NOT pay you for your time during a Field Test.
The expectations:
- Your equipment and operator to arrive to site on time and ready for instruction
- PPE will be required on site for all operators (Hard hat, high visibility vest and steel toes boots)
During the Field Test Keystone is looking to assess your abilities to determine if you or your team can handle
the scopes of work required as well as deliver the quality expected.
Our supervisor/superintendents will give your operators small tasks to complete to assess skill levels.
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
All Subcontractors
Occupational Health & Safety
Spring 2015
Subcontractor Safety Requirements
Keystone Excavating Ltd Safety Policy requires all subcontractors to have the following:
1. MSDS sheets located in your vehicle while on a job site pertaining to all chemicals used
2. Standard First Aid
3. Completed Safety Orientation – how to fill out forms
a. Bring in examples of all forms that you currently use for your jobs for review
4. Signed policy form in handbook for each operator
5. Online completion of RSTS for each operator (WHIMIS is included)
6. Copy of all current tickets (H2S, Ground Disturbance, etc…)
If you should require assistance in obtaining any of the above, please email [email protected]
Thank you.
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Timesheets 101
Life of a Timesheet:
1. You fill out the time sheet neatly and accurately.
2. Hand in timesheet within 24 hours to supervisor/superintendent.
 To expedite this process, you can also take a picture with smart phone and email it to
CGY – [email protected]
FAX – (403) 274.5452
EDM – [email protected]
FAX – (587) 477.5452
3. Your timesheet will then be coded correctly and if needed, adjusted by the
supervisor/superintendent to ensure accuracy of time for each job and timesheet.
4. The timesheet is entered into our system and the job is calculated and billed out to the client using
the information provided on your timesheet.
5. You get paid 30 days after the work is done, ex: If you worked the whole month of March and sent
in all your time sheets you would get paid April 30th.
How to fill out a timesheet – What’s important:
1. Subcontractors company name
2. Correct date of work
3. Accurate page numbers
4. Correct customer and address
5. Description of work you are doing
6. Correct 2 letter work Codes (As per Task Code Definition Sheet included in Subcontractor Package)
7. Correct total of hours and hours per page
Equipment Operators:
1. Machine type/ unit # (If more than one piece of equipment)
Truck Operators:
1. Correct address you are hauling TO and FROM
2. Location materials are coming from
3. Load counts
4. Disposal and material tickets stapled to your timesheets
Statements ARE Important:
We want to ensure that what our Subcontractors are being paid after every job is correct and the best way to
help us ensure there are no missed invoices or time sheets is to provide us with a Statement. This can be sent
to the contact information above. It would be helpful to receive a statement from our Subcontractors once a
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Policy Manual
404 Subcontractor Timesheet & Payment Policy
Effective Date: March 2015
Keystone will ensure that all subcontractors are paid in a timely manner provided accurate documentation has
been provided to our office within the timelines stated below.
All timesheets and statements are made out to Keystone Excavating Ltd.
A Keystone employee, on behalf of a supervisor must sign time sheets at the end of the day. Addresses and
hours will be verified at that time. Time sheets must include:
 Company name, equipment, and date
 Load counts (truckers only)
 Material hauled (fill, loam, gravel, equipment unit #, etc.)
 Accurate and complete addressees (to/from addresses for trucks), including the client for each address
 Start and finish time for each job in 15 minute increments
 Excavators/backhoes to break out services (separate sewer/water, electrical, ripping, breaking and
compacting) from excavation time. List trucks working with you as well. Bobcats to make note of
attachments (auger, sweeper)
Any time sheets not turned in within 48 hours, or not filled out completely will be held up in the payable
process. Today’s technology allows for this information to be submitted efficiently via the following methods:
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
F: (403) 274.1526
F: (587) 784.6680
Please be reminded that all Keystone subcontractors require WCB with personal coverage for Directors and
GST accounts. Please have your insurance company send us a Certificate of Insurance showing auto and
general liability with a minimum of $2,000,000.00 coverage as well as a cancellation notification clause.
A monthly statement is required by the 8 t h of the month following; any statements submitted after this
date will be entered into the next billing cycle. Statements must be received by all Subcontractors prior to
payment. Payment will not be made from timesheets alone. Statements ensure we pay you correctly and
that no timesheets have been missed. Dates, hours, rates, a sub-total (before GST), GST and a Grand Total
must be included. Also your GST number and WCB account number should be clearly noted on all
Our payment policy is a 30 day cycle for Edmonton Subcontractors and Seasonal Grading Partners (i.e. cheques
for work completed in June will be available on July 31st). For Calgary Subcontractors, our payment policy is a
45 day cycle (i.e. cheques for work completed in June will be available on August 15th). Cheques may be picked
up at the office. Please notify Accounts Payable if you want to be added to the “Cheques Pickup List”. Only
cheques for Subcontractors on this list will be available for pickup.
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 T M
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Page 2 of 2
404 Subcontractor Timesheet & Payment Policy (cont.)
I have read and understood the above policy:
Subcontractor Company Name (PRINTED)
Subcontractor Name (PRINTED)
Subcontractor Signature
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 T M
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Task Code Definitions
Standard descriptions for task codes for both Bizflow and Timberline
For Gravel trucks, Skidsteer trucks and Water trucks, any time traveling from the following locations;
 Yard to Assignment
 Assignment to Assignment
 Assignment to Yard
For all operators other than the above, any time traveling from Assignment to Assignment in pickup trucks
Any regular function of equipment with the exception of the task codes below.
Any load taken to a vendor’s disposal site.
Any load picked up from a vendor’s material site.
Any use of compaction equipment or attachment.
Any use of breaking equipment or attachment used to break rock, frost, concrete, asphalt etc.
Any use of a ripping attachment to rip frost only.
Any use of ripping equipment or attachment used to rip rock, concrete, asphalt etc.
Any use of a wrist bucket attachment.
Any use of auguring equipment or attachment.
Any use of power sweeping equipment or attachment.
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 T M
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Task Code Definitions
Page 2 of 2
Any break down of your equipment or truck.
Waiting for the following;
 Instructions from supervisor/superintendent or site.
 An assignment.
 A piece of equipment you are dependent on to carry out your assignment
Any time a piece of equipment including attachment (excluding skid steers) is being moved from one
assignment to another either by one of the following;
 On a trailer or truck
 Under its own power
Basic daily maintenance and inspection of equipment, as per the daily service sheet
Any task performed with an instrument, tool or non-powered equipment.
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 T M
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Subcontractor Information Sheet
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Numbers:
Payable Name
WCB Account #:
GST Account #:
General Liability Insurance Information (please send a copy with this form)
Insurance Company:
Policy #:
Expiry Date:
Please list equipment (year/make/model/unit#/attachments/rate):
EQ Type
Unit #
Please provide copies of all other required documents: MSDS, WHMIS, First Aid
Approved by:
Please return this form to Keystone Excavating Ltd. as soon as possible!
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452 F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when a subcontractor has an “incident” on site?
The subcontractor is responsible for any damages and back charges that they are involved in. If we know
about the damage early we can talk to the customer to allow you to fix it yourself. If we don’t know
about it and the customer sends Keystone a back charge and you are determined to be the responsible
party your next cheque will have the back charge deducted.
We take damage prevention seriously and that is why we require site inspections and hazard
assessments to be completed before we begin work.
Any preexisting damage needs to be noted on your paperwork and whenever possible a picture should
be taken and emailed to the supervisor/superintendent.
What happens with poor weather days?
You will call the supervisor/superintendent you are booked with BEFORE you arrive on site. He will
determine whether or not the site conditions allow work. You will NOT be paid for a “Call Out” (just
showing up if whether is questionable). Always check with the supervisor/superintendent if conditions
are questionable.
When can I charge for Travel Time?
Traveling to and from the job at the beginning and end of the day is NOT chargeable. Traveling between
jobs throughout the day IS chargeable at your machines standard “working rate” to the job you are
traveling to.
How am I scheduled for work?
The supervisor/superintendent that has work for you will call you in advance to confirm your availability.
If you can come out he will give you the necessary instructions for tomorrow.
How do I schedule time off?
Send an email with the dates you are available to both the supervisor/superintendent that you last
worked for and the office at:
CGY – [email protected]
EDM – [email protected]
Calgary ~ 4860 – 35 Street. SE ~ T2B 3M6
P: (403) 274.5452
F: (403) 274.1526 TM
Edmonton ~ 11474 Winterburn Rd. NW ~ T5S 2Y3
P: (780) 477.5452
F: (780) 784.6680