Brentwood Gate - Contech Engineered Solutions
Brentwood Gate - Contech Engineered Solutions
Brentwood Gate Burnaby, British Columbia Project Team Members: Developer: Ledingham McAllister Properties Ltd Engineer: GeoPacific Consultants, Ltd. Wall Contractor/Installer: Gemelli Stonework, Inc. Technical Description: • Product: Keystone 133 Elite™ Retaining Wall System 30,000 sf Installation Date: August 2009 At Brentwood Gate, a new master-planned community in suburban Vancouver, nature-inspired landscaping and architectural beauty were high priorities. To keep these priorities in mind, the team decided to use a large retaining wall and innovative engineering to create a striking façade to fit into the surroundings. Keystone’s 133Elite™ was used because of its efficiency, natural looks and design for large-wall applications. With a 8-in. x 24-in. face dimension, the same effort that creates one-square-foot of wall area with other wall systems produces 1.33 square feet of wall area with the Keystone 133Elite. This provided a larger-scale look that aesthetically matched the larger wall look and feel of the project, and reduced the number of units required to complete the job. Keystone 133Elite also provides a 33 percent reduction in the number of pins required and the mid-range weight of each block is 95 pounds, allowing for it to be installed by one person. This maximizes man-hours and increases installation speed. Due to its inventive engineering, the project received the Gold Award in 2009 from the VRCA (Vancouver Regional Construction Association) awards program in the Supplier/Manufacturer category. Brentwood Gate has also been recognized by the BC Association of Professional Engineers and Geo Scientists and has made the 2008/2009 recognized projects list. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 800-338-1122 • © 2012 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
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