Verification Report (2005-2009) - english
Verification Report (2005-2009) - english
Report April 7, 2011 Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) Verification Report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) Reduction Project April 7, 2011 Mr. Normand Foucault Material Resource Service Manager Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île 550, 53e Avenue Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec H1A 2T7 Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP Suite 2000 National Bank Tower 600 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal, Québec H3B 4L8 Telephone: 514-878-2691 Fax: 514-878-2127 Dear Sir: Subject: Verification Report on a Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHG”) Reduction Project Enclosed herewith is our verification report on a GHG emissions reduction project performed at Commission scolaire Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI), 550, 53e Avenue, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec, H1A 2T7. The quantification report that is subject to our verification is included in Appendix 1. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require. Yours truly, Chartered Accountants Gérald Daly, CA, CISA, CFE Advisory Partner Chartered Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd Roger Fournier, CA Lead Senior Manager Verification Notice on the Declaration of GHG Emissions Reduction Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP Suite 2000 National Bank Tower 600 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal, Québec H3B 4L8 Telephone: 514-878-2691 Fax: 514-878-2127 Mr. Normand Foucault Material Resource Service Manager Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île 550, 53e Avenue Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec H1A 2T7 Dear Sir: This verification report replaces the report previously issued on March 11, 2011 which provided an opinion based on the quantification report dated March 10, 2011. The quantification report dated March 10, 2011 has been modified and replaced by the one in appendix which is dated April 6, 2011. We have verified the accompanying greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reduction quantification report entitled “Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) Greenhouse Gas Project Plan and Report, Period 2005-2009” (the “quantification report”). The project is located at 550, 53e Avenue, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec, H1A 2T7 and covers the period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009. The quantification report, dated April 6, 2011, is included in Appendix 1. Management is responsible for the relevance, consistency, transparency, conservativeness, completeness, accuracy and method of presentation of the quantification report. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation of a GHG emissions reduction quantification report that is free from material misstatements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion based on our verification. Before undertaking this assignment we ensured there are no conflicts of interest that could impair our ability to express an opinion. We also ensured we had the skills, competencies and appropriate training to perform this specific assignment. Chartered Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd 2 The work was performed by ISO 14064-3 trained professionals. Training was provided by the Canadian Standards Association. Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) The Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) manages 63 establishments. The establishments of the CSPI are located in Anjou, Montréal-Nord, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Rivière-des-Prairies and Saint-Léonard. Emissions reduction project CSPI’s project consists in the implementation of energy efficient measures in its buildings. Since 2004, CSPI has implemented several energy efficiency projects reducing the overall energy consumption in many of the 63 buildings under its management. CSPI has taken several energy efficiency measures; it has replaced fuel oil fired gas boilers by natural gas boilers, installed energy efficient heating systems, improved the insulation of the buildings and installed a new HVAC system (heating, ventilation and air conditioning system). All these equipment changes are among CSPI’s main measures taken toward energy efficiency. Quantification report The quantification report was prepared by L2I Financial Solutions in accordance with ISO 14064-2 “Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancement (2006)”. The GHG emissions reduction is calculated by comparing the GHG emissions generated by the various energy sources included in the baseline scenario with those resulting from the project scenario being the emissions generated once the energy efficiency measures were implemented by CSPI. The main GHG sources for the project are natural gas, light fuel oil and electricity consumption. The various gases involved at CSPI are carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), and nitrous oxide (N 2 O). The emission factors chosen are based on National Inventory Report 1990-2008, Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. Verification work A draft of the quantification report was submitted to us on November 9, 2010. Our initial review of the documentation was undertaken on January 11, 2011 and a verification plan was prepared. We then toured CSPI’s premises on January 24, 2011. We subsequently received the final report dated April 6, 2011. The following points were reviewed with CSPI: CSPI’s internal controls for the purpose of assessing the verification risk, emission sources and GHG involved. During the course of our verification, we obtained all the necessary cooperation and documents required from management. 3 Our verification was conducted in accordance with ISO 14064-3 International Standard, entitled: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions (2006). This standard requires that we plan and perform the verification to obtain either reasonable assurance or limited assurance as to whether the emissions reduction declaration that is contained in the attached quantification report is fairly stated, is free of material misstatements, is an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of CSPI and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. It was agreed with CSPI that an opinion providing reasonable assurance would be issued and we planned and executed our work accordingly. Consequently, our verification included those procedures we considered necessary in the circumstances to obtain a reasonable basis for our opinion. A reasonable assurance engagement with respect to GHG assertions involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the quantification of emissions, and about the other information disclosed as part of the assertions. Our verification procedures were selected based on professional judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement in the GHG assertions. In making those risk assessments we considered internal controls relevant to CSPI’s preparation of the GHG assertions. Our work also included: Assessing the suitability, in the circumstances, of CSPI’s use of ISO 14064-2, as the basis for preparing the GHG assertions; Evaluating the appropriateness of quantification methods and reporting policies used and the reasonableness of necessary estimates made by CSPI. Reasonable assurance opinion In our opinion: 1. The quantification report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (2006), and the principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy, transparency and conservativeness have been respected. 2. The approach and methodology used for the quantification are appropriate. 3. The baseline scenario is appropriate. 4. CSPI’s data controls management system is appropriate. 5. The GHG emissions reduction presented in the quantification report entitled “Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) Greenhouse Gas Project Plan and Report, Period 2005-2009” covering the period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009 and dated April 6, 2011 are, in all material respects, fairly stated at 5 093 tCO 2 e. 4 6. The quantification report is free of material misstatements and is an appropriate representation of the data and GHG information of Commission scolaire de la Pointe-del’Île(CSPI). 7. The quantification report has a low degree of uncertainty and the materiality threshold has not been reached or exceeded. Restricted usage and confidentiality This verification report is produced for the use of Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) and parties interested in the above described GHG emissions reduction project. Reliance on the conclusions of this verification report for any other usage may not be suitable. The quantification report entitled “Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) Greenhouse Gas Project Plan and Report, Period 2005-2009” covering the period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009 and dated April 6, 2011 is an integral part of this verification report and should in no circumstances be separated from it. This verification report and the supporting work files are kept confidential and will be safeguarded for ten (10) years, following which they will be safely destroyed. Roger Fournier, CA Internal Peer Reviewer Chartered Accountants Gérald Daly, CA, CISA, CFE Advisory Partner Montréal, April 7, 2011 Appendix 1 Quantification report Greenhouse gas project plan and report Period 2005-2009 Project proponent: Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île 550, 53E Avenue Pointe-Aux-Trembles, (Québec) H1A 2T7 Prepared by: L2I Financial Solutions 2015, rue Victoria, Suite 200 St-Lambert (Québec) J4S 1H1 April 6th, 2011 QUANTIFICATION GROUP LETTER Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report ii TABLE OF CONTENT Quantification Group Letter ............................................................................................ ii TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................... iii ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... v SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF ................................................................................................ 1 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 2 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................. 3 2.1. Project title .......................................................................................................... 3 2.2. Objectives ........................................................................................................... 3 2.3. Type of GHG project .......................................................................................... 3 2.4. Location .............................................................................................................. 3 2.5. Project lifetime and crediting period................................................................... 3 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation................................................................... 4 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements ....................................................................................... 4 Table 2.7.1: Identification of the different project activities ...................................... 4 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity ............. 4 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project......................................................................................... 4 Table 2.9.1: GHG Emission reductions summary ...................................................... 5 2.10. Identification of risks .......................................................................................... 5 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................. 5 2.11.1. 2.11.2. Project proponent and representative ........................................................ 5 Quantification and reporting responsible entity ........................................ 5 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program ........................................................ 6 2.13. Environmental impact assessment ...................................................................... 6 2.14. Stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going communication ......... 6 2.15. Detailed chronological plan ................................................................................ 6 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONALITY ........................................................................................... 8 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF GHG SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS (SSRs) ............................................................................ 9 Table 4.0.1 : SSRs inventory ...................................................................................... 9 Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report iii 5. QUANTIFICATION OF GHG EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS ............ 10 5.1. Baseline GHG emissions/removals................................................................... 10 5.2. Project GHG emissions/removals ..................................................................... 11 5.3. GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements ....................................... 12 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL ................................................... 13 Table 6.0.1 : Data description ................................................................................... 13 7. REPORTING, LEVEL OF UNCERTAINTY AND VERIFICATION DETAILS ........................................................................................................ 15 Table 7.0.1: Total project GHG emission reductions ............................................... 15 ANNEX I ............................................................................................................................. I ANNEX II ......................................................................................................................... II Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report iv ABBREVIATIONS AQME: BS: CDM: CH4: CO2: CO2e: CSA: CSPI: EF: GES: GHG: HDD: HVAC: ISO: IPCC: kWh : N2O: PS: SSR : t: TPER : VER : Association Québécoise pour la Maîtrise de l’Énergie Baseline Scenario (GHG Emission Source) Clean Development Mechanism Methane Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide equivalent (usually expressed in metric tons) Canadian Standards Association Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île Emission Factor Gaz à effet de serre Greenhouse gases Heating degree day Heating, Vent and Air Conditioning International Organization for Standardization Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Kilowatt hour Nitrous oxide Project Scenario (GHG emission source) Greenhouse gas Source, Sink and Reservoir Metric ton Total Project Emission Reductions Verified Emission Reduction Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report v SOMMAIRE EXÉCUTIF (Please note that the rest of the document is in English) La Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île a depuis 2003 implanté des mesures d’efficacité énergétique dans plusieurs des édifices qui lui appartiennent. Ces mesures ont pour objectifs de minimiser la consommation d’énergie et les impacts environnementaux et coûts monétaires qui y sont associés. Par le fait même, la Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’île devient un leader et un exemple à suivre dans la communauté en assumant un rôle de citoyen responsable. Ces mesures ont graduellement été implantées depuis 2003, mais des résultats notables n’ont réellement commencé à se faire voir qu’en 2005. L’année 2004 sert alors de référence et l’évolution de la consommation est comparée à cette année de base. Les impacts des diverses activités de projet sont groupés et sont le résultat d’un projet global de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet (GES). Ces réductions sont obtenues grâce à deux facteurs : - La diminution de la consommation totale d’énergie - L’utilisation de sources d’énergie moins émettrice de gaz à effet de serre Le projet et les réductions d’émission de GES seront enregistrés au GHG CleanProject TM. Ces réductions sont obtenues et leur quantification effectuée suivant les principes et lignes directrices de la norme ISO 14064 tel que stipulé par le GHG CleanProjectTM. Les réductions d’émission présentées dans ce rapport sont au nombre de : Année Réductions d’émission (t CO2e) 0 Baseline 2004 226 2005 638 2006 912 2007 1 386 2008 1 930 2009 5 093 Total Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 1 1. INTRODUCTION The Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île (CSPI) has a role in providing the population access to quality and diversified educational services. The easternmost communities of the island of Montreal benefit from the CSPI’s services. As such an important institution, the CSPI must show awareness of today’s society concerns and act as a leader in addressing environmental issues for instance. The nature of the services implies the occupation and operation of considerable size buildings (schools in most cases). The energy needs in these buildings are significant and the sum of all of them may represent large quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG) associated with this energy utilization. As a responsible citizen, the CSPI makes efforts to struggle climate changes. A GHG emissions reduction project is implemented and presented in this document. The GHG project is first described with statements of its objectives, nature, location, lifetime and main characteristics. The most appropriate baseline scenario is identified and the GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) for the baseline and the project scenarios are inventoried. GHG emissions are then quantified using an outlined methodology. The achieved emission reductions calculated as the difference between the baseline and project emissions are reported in the final section. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 2 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1. Project title Implementation of energy efficiency measures and fuel switching for GHG emissions reduction 2.2. Objectives The objective of the project is to minimize the GHG emissions due to energy consumption by the CSPI in all the buildings they manage. 2.3. Type of GHG project The project falls under the energy efficiency type of project and is said to be a grouped project since it accounts for various project activities implemented at different locations and moments. The project activities are mainly energy efficiency measures and fuel switching like replacement of fuel oil fired boiler by natural gas boiler, installation of more energy efficient heating system, improvement of the insulation performance of the buildings and tune-up of the HVAC systems. The emission reductions are therefore the result of lower energy consumption and the use of less GHG-producing energy sources. All the measures implemented at a given building are considered to be a single project activity. 2.4. Location The CSPI covers the region of the east point of the island of Montreal and manages 63 buildings. They have schools in Anjou, Montréal-Nord, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Rivièredes-Prairies and Saint-Léonard. The main office is at: Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île 550, 53E Avenue Pointe-Aux-Trembles, (Québec) H1A 2T7 So far, project activities have been implemented at 29 of the 63 buildings managed by the Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île. A list of theses 29 buildings and their specific address is provided in Annex I. 2.5. Project lifetime and crediting period Emission reductions resulting from the project are planned to be claimed every year of a crediting period of ten years. The grouped project has therefore a claiming period starting on January 1st 2005 and extending to the end of 2014. A project activity implemented at a given building cannot generate emission reductions for more than ten years and its impact must not be accounted for in the total project emission reductions after this period of ten years. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 3 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation Project activities are gradually implemented because it would be way too expensive to proceed with all the measures implementations at the same time. Also, every building is different and has its own set of characteristics. The existing conditions prior to project initiation are therefore different from one building to the other. In some cases, these conditions include the use of old technology boiler, light fuel oil as main fuel and no precise control on the HVAC system for instance. 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements GHG emission reductions are the results of two factors: - lower energy consumption - use of cleaner energy types In the first case, GHG associated with the utilization of any type of energy are reduced compared to a baseline scenario since the total energy use itself is reduced. In the second case, the total energy needs may remain the same but the GHG are lowered since these needs are met using energy types whose associated GHG emissions are lower. Here is a list of the different measures implemented: Table 2.7.1: Identification of the different project activities Fuel switching : oil to natural gas Heat recovery system Installation of more effective boilers Electric boiler for off peak utilization New HVAC control system Water heating system retrofit Energy efficient lighting system Dehumidification Roof insulation improvement Heating system retrofit Doors and windows upgrade Installation of a solar wall HVAC optimization A complete list of the projects implemented at each building is provided in Annex II. 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and expected level of activity The technologies and products employed by the CSPI are not unique but they are among the most recent and effective available at the time of their implementation. Although they are not unique, the installed technologies are not common for the type and age of the buildings managed by the CSPI. 2.9. Aggregate GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements likely to occur from the GHG project It is hard to forecast the emission reductions resulting from the overall impact of all the considered project activities for a given year with a high level of confidence. Emission reductions are therefore quantified and reported for the past years only. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 4 Table 2.9.1: GHG Emission reductions summary Year Emission reductions (t CO2e) 0 Baseline 2004 226 2005 638 2006 912 2007 1 386 2008 1 930 2009 5 093 Total 2.10. Identification of risks Emission reductions are not only the results of technological improvements. They are also closely related to management methods. Great attention must be paid to energy use practices and management in order to achieve emissions reduction. Emission reductions are also closely related to the selection of the baseline and the application of the appropriate methodology. The used methodology must remain the same for the entire crediting period, but the baseline is subject to changes. Energy efficiency and/or fuel switching might become common practice or required by the law in institutional buildings for instance. The project would therefore no longer generate emission reductions. Finally, the ownership of the buildings and the associated project activity might change over the crediting period. In that case, emission reductions are not accounted for. 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities 2.11.1. Project proponent and representative Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île Normand Foucault, Directeur,Services des Ressources Matérielles [email protected] 2.11.2. Quantification and reporting responsible entity L2I Financial Solutions is a firm specialized in non-traditional corporate financing. These past five years, we have developed an expertise in the quantification of carbon credits. In that capacity, we help companies count, quantify and accrue their carbon offsets and ensure their sale. Our expertise consists in selecting, applying and elaborating quantification methodologies to quantify the emissions reductions based on reputable international sources. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 5 Quantification and report writing Mr. David Beaudoin holds a Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnological Engineering from the University of Sherbrooke (2008). During his career, Mr. Beaudoin has occupied several positions such as Process Engineering Consultant, Project Manager in R&D and research assistant for different engineering firms. He works at L2i Financial Solutions as Carbon Credit Advisor. He is responsible for the quantification and the project plan and report redaction. Supervision Mrs. Melina Valero is responsible for supervising the carbon credits quantification team. For many years now, the firm has been looking-out for their customers’ needs regarding the quantification of greenhouse gases. They offer services of GHG quantification, report redaction and the subsequent sale of the carbon credits on organized markets such as the Voluntary Carbon Market. Report Use and Users The target users are the potential offset VER (Verified Emission Reductions) buyers on the voluntary carbon market. The present report will serve as an indicator of the GHG emissions reductions performance of the project and will support the prospective sale of the resulting carbon credits. Verification Notification Initially quantified by L2I Financial Solutions, the verification of the VERs will be conducted by the external verification entity: Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton in accordance with the ISO 14064 part 3 international standard. 2.12. Project eligibility under the GHG program The project is eligible under the GHG CleanProjectTM program. It is implemented following the ISO 14064 guidelines and principles, is not attempted to be registered under another GHG program and does not create any other environmental credit. 2.13. Environmental impact assessment No environmental impact assessment was led nor required for this project to be implemented 2.14. Stakeholder consultations communication and mechanisms for on-going Mr. Normand Foucault, directeur des ressources matérielles at CSPI is responsible for the communications with the quantifier, the verifier and the CSPI’s board. Results are to be communicated to the board when they are officially registered. 2.15. Detailed chronological plan The first projects activities were implemented in 2003 but started being effective in 2005. Since then, new activities are added to the overall project every year. The emission Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 6 reductions are reported for the first time in 2010 for the period 2005-2009. Emission reductions of the subsequent years are planned to be reported on a yearly basis. Emission reductions attributable to each project activity can be claimed for a maximum of ten years. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 7 3. SELECTION OF THE BASELINE SCENARIO AND ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIONALITY The baseline scenario is selected among alternative scenarios representing what would have happened without the project. The alternative scenario that is most likely to occur is selected as the baseline scenario. In this case, the project is voluntary. It aims to lower the energy consumption and the GHG emissions. The scenario that is most likely to occur in the absence of this project is to keep using the equipments that are in place prior to the project activities initiation and the GHG emissions that are associated with the consumption of energy in that case. An equipment change or retrofit is not required by law and to stick with in-place systems remains the least expensive and efforts demanding scenario. A few energy efficiency measures started being implemented in 2003 but they slowly began to be effective. Results on the GHG emissions profile became noticeable in 2005. The previous year, 2004, therefore serves as the baseline year to which is compared GHG emissions of the subsequent years. The emission reductions achieved by the project are additional to what would have occurred in the absence of the GHG project since it is voluntary and faces significant investment barriers. Its implementation is highly motivated by the GHG emission reductions potential. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 8 4. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF GHG SOURCES, SINKS AND RESERVOIRS (SSRs) The SSRs for the baseline and the project scenario are identified in the table below and it is stated whether they are included or excluded from the quantification. Table 4.0.1 : SSRs inventory Source Fuel extraction and processing Emissions from Baseline electricity production Fossil fuel combustion Source Project Included? Type Explanation Excluded This emission source is assumed to be negligible Related compared to the combustion. Included Related May be a significant source of greenhouse gases depending on the production means. Included An important source of greenhouse gases. Controlled Included? Explanation Fuel extraction and processing Excluded This emission source is assumed to be negligible Related compared to the combustion. Developing and installation of new technologies Installed equipments and technologies do not require Excluded significant amount of energy and do not create Related significant emissions Emissions from electricity production Included Related May be a significant source of greenhouse gases depending on the production means. Fossil fuel combustion Included An important source of greenhouse gases. Controlled Decommissioning of Equipments Excluded Decommissioning of equipments activities of the project are assumed to be negligible Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 9 5. QUANTIFICATION REMOVALS OF GHG EMISSIONS AND The clean development mechanism (CDM) provides an approved methodology: II.E version 10 – Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings 1 . This methodology is used as a guiding tool for the quantification. The quantification method consists essentially of multiplying appropriate emission factors to the total consumption of different types of energy namely electricity, natural gas and light fuel oil. However, the energy consumption is closely related to the heating needs and therefore to the weather conditions of a given year particularly in temperate regions like the province of Quebec. For accuracy purposes, it is therefore important to evaluate the effect of the weather conditions on the energy consumption and its related GHG emissions and emission reductions. The normalization procedure is intended to do so and is applied for this quantification. The normalization equations are outlined in the following subsections. Another element which might greatly influence the energy consumption is the size of the buildings. Changes in buildings dimensions must be monitored and the impact on the energy demand must be assessed. Once normalized for weather impact, the consumption is then multiplied by the ratio of the buildings’ areas in baseline year to buildings’ areas in the year for which emissions are quantified. 5.1. Baseline GHG emissions/removals BSi = BSElec, i + BSNG, i + BSOil, i BSi= BSElec,i = BSNG,i= BSOil,i = Baseline Scenario emissions from building “i” (t CO2e); Baseline Scenario emissions associated with electricity use at building “i”(t CO2e) Baseline Scenario emissions associated with natural gas combustion at building “i” (t CO2e) Baseline Scenario emissions associated with fuel oil combustion at building “i” (t CO2e) BSElec, i = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQEi BSNG, i = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQNGi BSOil, i = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * BSQOi BSQEi = Normalized quantity of electricity consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (kWh); 1 CDM, (2007). CDM methodology II.E/Version 10: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings, p.1. Internet link: Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 10 BSQNi = Normalized quantity of natural gas consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (m3); BSQOi = Normalized quantity of light fuel oil (no. 2) consumed for the baseline scenario at building “i” (Liters); EECO2, EECH4, EEN2O = GHG emission factors for electricity (2*10-6 t CO2/kWh, 3*10-10 t CH4/kWh, 1*10-10 t N2O/kWh)2; ENCO2, ENCH4, ENN2O = GHG emission factors for natural gas combustion (1,878*10-3 t CO2/m3, 3,7*10-8 t CH4/m3, 3,5*10-8 t N2O /m3)3; EOCO2, EOCH4, EON2O = GHG Emission factors for fuel oil combustion (2,725*10-3 t CO2/L, 2,6*10-8 t CH4/L, 3,1*10-8 t N2O /L)4; GWPCH4 = Global Warning Potential of methane (21) GWPN2O = Global Warning Potential of nitrous oxide (310) BSQEi = CElec,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJbs)] BSQNi = CNG,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJbs)] BSQOi = CO,bsi * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJbs)] CElec,bsi = CNG,bsi = CO,bsi = DJbs = DJr = Actual electricity consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual natural gas consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Actual fuel oil consumption in the baseline year at building “i” (kWh) Degree days of the baseline year5 Degree days reference: 30 years average 1971-2000 (4575) 6 The method for the normalization is the one applied by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. A realistic representation of the Quebec’s schools network is to assume that 60% of the overall energy consumption is weather dependant and is therefore normalized using the degree-days ratio. The degree-days are taken from P-E-Trudeau international airport weather station7. 5.2. Project GHG emissions/removals PSi,y = PSElec,i,y + PSNG,i,y + PSOil,i,y PSi,y= Project Scenario emissions for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e); PSElec,i,y = Project Scenario emissions associated with electricity use for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) 2 National Inventory Report 1990-2008 (April 2010), Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 3, Table A136, Available at: 3 National Inventory Report 1990-2008 (April 2010), Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, Table A8-1 and A8-2, Available at: 4 National Inventory Report 1990-2008 (April 2010), Greenhouse Gas Source and Sinks in Canada, Part 2, Table A8-4, 5 Environnement Canada, Données pour l’Aéroport Trudeau : 6 Environnement Canada, Climate normals and averages 1971-2000 : 7 Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec (July 2010) Bilan énergétique du réseau des commissions scolaires 2008-2009, Appendix 6, Available at : Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 11 PSNG,i,y = PSOil,i,y = Project Scenario emissions associated with natural gas combustion for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) Project Scenario emissions associated with fuel oil combustion for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) PSElec,i,y = [EECO2 + (EECH4 * GWPCH4) + (EEN2O *GWPN2O)] * PSQEi,y * RSi,y PSNG,i,y = [ENCO2 + (ENCH4 * GWPCH4) + (ENN2O *GWPN2O)] * PSQNGi,y * RSi,y PSOil,i,y = [EOCO2 + (EOCH4 * GWPCH4) + (EON2O *GWPN2O)] * PSQOi,y * RSi,y Normalized quantity of electricity consumed for building “i” in year “y” (kWh); Normalized quantity of natural gas consumed for building “i” in year “y” (m3); Normalized quantity of light fuel oil (no. 2) consumed for building “i” in year “y” (Liters); PSQEi,y = PSQNi,y = PSQOi,y = Ratio of areas in baseline year/ year “y” of building “i” RSi,y = PSQEi,y = CElec,i,y * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJy)] PSQNi,y = CNG,i,y * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJy)] PSQOi,y = CO,i,y * [0.4 + 0.6 * (DJr/DJy)] CElec,i,y = CNG,i,y = CO,i,y = DJy = Actual electricity consumption for building “i” in year “y” (kWh) Actual natural gas consumption for building “i” in year “y” (kWh) Actual fuel oil consumption for building “i” in year “y” (kWh) Degree days of the project year “y”8 RSi,y = Ai,bs / Ai,y Area of building “i” in baseline year (m2) Area of building “i” in year “y” (m2) Ai,bs = Ai,y = 5.3. GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements TPERy = Σ ERi,y TPERy = ERi,y = Total Project Emission Reductions in year “y” (t CO2e) Emission reductions for building “i” in year “y” (t CO2e) ERi,y = BSi – PSi,y 8 Environnement Canada, Données pour l’Aéroport Trudeau : Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 12 6. DATA MONITORING AND CONTROL Data that need to be monitored for GHG emissions quantification purposes are the electricity consumption (kWh), the natural gas consumption (m3) and the light fuel oil consumption (Litres) at every building for the whole duration of the project and for the baseline year. These data are taken from suppliers’ invoices and input in an energy data management software interface called Helios. For the present quantification, data are collected from the Helios software by Suzanne Lépine Boileau from the CSPI. These data provided by the suppliers are assumed to be accurate and no further precaution is taken to ensure data accuracy. Suppliers’ invoices can be made available upon request for verification. Buildings dimensions are also required. These data are available for each building and for every year in records kept at the CSPI office. Table 6.0.1 : Data description Data / Parameters Data unit : Description : Source of data to be used : Value of data applied for the purpose of calculating expected emission reductions : Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied : QA/QC procedures to be applied : Any comment : Electricity kWh Electricity consumption Hydro-Québec energy bills per building Data / Parameters Data unit : Description : Source of data to be used : Value of data applied for the purpose of calculating expected emission reductions : Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied : QA/QC procedures to be applied : Any comment : Natural Gas m3 Natural gas consumption Gaz Métropolitain Energy bills per building Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report Collection from energy bills and input into Helios software. Collection from energy bills and input into Helios software. 13 Data / Parameters Data unit : Description : Source of data to be used : Value of data applied for the purpose of calculating expected emission reductions : Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied : QA/QC procedures to be applied : Any comment : Light Fuel Oil Liters Light Oil consumption Various suppliers Energy bills per building Data / Parameters Data unit : Description : Source of data to be used : Value of data applied for the purpose of calculating expected emission reductions : Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied : QA/QC procedures to be applied : Any comment : Building area m2 Total area of the building for a given year CSPI records Collection from energy bills and input into Helios software. Collection from official building drawing. This data collection method allows for a low level of uncertainty on the data value. The quantification process therefore respects the ISO 14064 principle of accuracy in the calculations. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 14 7. REPORTING, LEVEL OF VERIFICATION DETAILS UNCERTAINTY AND The project plan and report is prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 standard and the GHG CleanProjectTM program requirements. The methodology that is used, the choice of province specific emission factors and a rigorous monitoring plan allow for a reasonably low level of uncertainty. L2I Solutions is confident that the emission reductions are not overestimated and that the numbers of emission reductions that are reported here are real and reflect the actual impacts of the project. The firm Raymond-Chabot-Grant-Thornton will act as an independent verifier to verify that the project and the resulting GHG emission reductions are adequately implemented and quantified. Total project emission reductions are reported here for years 2005 through 2009 inclusively. Table 7.0.1: Total project GHG emission reductions Year Emission reductions (t CO2e) 0 Baseline 2004 226 2005 638 2006 912 2007 1 386 2008 1 930 2009 5 093 Total Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 15 ANNEX I Address of the 29 buildings being involved in the project for the period 2005-2009. building # 761 003 761 004 761 005 761 010 761 011 761 015 761 016 761 017 761 018 761 019 761 020 761 021 761 022 761 023 761 024 761 026 761 033 761 037 761 040 761 041 761 044 761 045 761 053 761 054 761 058 761 059 761 060 761 061 761 067 Name Address Daniel-Johnson De La Fraternité Antoine-de-Saint-Exupéry Pierre-de-Coubertin Adélard-Desrosiers Chénier CSE Wilfrid-Pelletier La Dauversière Sainte-Colette Jean-Grou Saint-Joseph Jacques-Rousseau Des Roseraies Cardinal-Léger Jean-Nicolet Le Carignan Louis-Fréchette René-Guénette Marc-Laflamme Pointe-aux-Trembles Anjou Henri-Bourassa Saint-Octave Jean-Grou Annexe Saint-Vincent-Marie Le Prélude Le Prélude au travail Amos (rue St-Vital) 1200, du Tricentenaire, Montréal (PAT) H1B 3A8 Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report 11 241, Drapeau, Montréal-Nord H1H 3K3 5150, Robert, St-Léonard H1R 1P9 4660, Charleroi, Montréal-Nord H1H 1T7 12 600, Fortin, Montréal-Nord H1G 4A1 5800, St-Donat, Anjou H1K 3P4 7741, Du Ronceray, Anjou H1K 3W7 8301, Wilfrid-Pelletier, Anjou H1K 1M2 5485, Jean-Talon, St-Léonard H1S 1L8 12 001, Jean-Paul-Cardinal, Montréal-Nord H1G 4W4 12 725, Rodolphe-Forget, Montréal (RdP) H1E 6P6 7725, Des Ormeaux, Anjou H1K 2Y2 7455, Jarry, Anjou H1J 1G8 6440, Les Galeries d’Anjou, Anjou H1M 1W2 6951, Des Ormeaux, Anjou H1K 2X7 11 235, Salk Montréal-Nord H1G 4Y3 11 480, Rolland, Montréal-Nord H1G 3T9 5009, Des Ardennes, Montréal-Nord H1G 2H7 11 070, Rome, Montréal-Nord H1H 4P6 11 960, Sainte-Colette, Montréal-Nord H1G 4V1 15 200, Sherbrooke Est, Montréal (PAT) H1A 3P9 8205, Fonteneau, Montréal H1K 4E1 6051, Maurice-Duplessis, Montréal-Nord H1G 1Y6 11 171, Notre-Dame, Montréal-Est H1B 2V7 12 823, Rodolphe-Forget, Montréal (RdP) H1E 6P6 4601, De Castille, Montréal-Nord H1H 1Y4 4041, Monselet, Montréal-Nord H1H 2C6 4975, D’Amos, Montréal-Nord H1G 2X2 10 740, Saint-Vital, Montréal-Nord H1H 4T3 I ANNEX II Project activities implemented at each building for the period 2005-2009. Commission Scolaire de la Pointe-de-L’Île GHG Report II