The Monteleone Marlin Messenger
The Monteleone Marlin Messenger
The Monteleone Marlin Messenger PTSA Newsletter Important Dates: Baseball and Softball schedules included on pages 8 & 9 March Mar 5 Spring Pictures Mar 9 Jaycee Invitational Softball Mar 11 ELA Exams Mar 12 Math & Science Exams Mar 13 SS & PE Exams Mar 14 Elective Exams Mar 14 PTSA meeting- 9:30am Mar 14 Spring Dance Mar 15 End of 3rd 9 weeks—no students Mar 19 8th grade LEAP Phase I test Mar 20 All Pro Dads Meeting – 7:30 am March 25—April 1 Spring Break April April 2 Students return to school April 2 4:30 VB @ STJH April 3 4:15 VB vs Pitcher Home April 8 - 11 LEAP/iLEAP tests April 16 4:15 VB vs Creekside Home April 17 All Pro Dads Meeting— 7:30 a.m. April 17 VB vs Madisonville— Home April 18 PTSA meeting– 9:30am April 22 4:30 VB @Creekside April 23 4:30 VB @ Pitcher April 25 Monteleone MAGIC April 29 4:30 VB @ Madisonville April 30 4:15 VB vs STJH-Home May May 9 PTSA meeting– 9:30am May 9 VB Championship May 22 Last day of school — 1/2 day for students 63000 Blue Marlin Drive Mandeville, LA 70448 School Hours: 8:45am—3:46pm Phone: (985) 951-8088 Fax: (985) 951-8083 Volume 8, Issue 3 February 2013 A Message from Our Principal, Donna Addison Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members, As the third quarter of a busy and productive school year is almost ending, we have much information to share. Primarily on our minds is upcoming standardized testing. Phase I, which is the writing portion of ELA and the constructive response portion of math, will be held on March 19. Phase II for both eighth grade LEAP and 7 th. grade ILEAP will be held on April 8-11. Please note that make ups are allowed only under extreme circumstances of physician-documented illness. If an eighth grade student misses testing for unexcused reasons, the testing will need to be made up this summer and the student will not pass for the year until those summer results are returned. As you know, LEAP for eighth graders is high stakes, which means the student must meet certain state criteria in order to advance to the ninth grade. Results of seventh grade ILEAP testing are used to determine if a student is in need of an extra tutorial program offered as a pull out during the PE hour. These results are also used to determine placement in honors-level classes. Therefore, it is important for all students to take this seriously. Please assure that your child gets a good night sleep and eats a good breakfast each day. Additionally, all eighth graders will be taking the Explore on March 5th. This test is used to predict student success on the ACT and identifies possible areas of career development important to high school career plans. We want the students to take this test very seriously as well. In all testing situations, please help your child to be at their best performance level by having a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast during testing times. Also, don’t forget about “Monteleone Magic” on April 25 from 6-8:30 p.m. here on campus. This wonderful family event will be an outstanding junior high memory for your child and hopefully for you as well. There are so many opportunities to share the experiences that our students will be showcasing on this evening. You will not want to miss this event! There are many opportunities for parents and relatives to volunteer to be a part of this event that is so important to our students. Please look for the forms included in this newsletter and return these to the school office if you can assist us in any way. We would like to congratulate several faculty members who have been awarded grants after much hard work. Mrs. Desanti and our ELA department will be purchasing new books for their classrooms due to the awarding of a PTA mini grant. Mrs. Miller was also the recipient of a PTA mini grant for new music stands. Our school was awarded $8500 for being a top performing school in our state exceeding our school growth target last year. These funds will be used for school technology and instructional materials. As usual, please carefully peruse this issue of our PTA newsletter. There have been many recent successful activities and events, and much more to come in the next few months. We hope your families will enjoy the Spring break on March 25- April 1. Sincerely, Donna Addison Principal A Message from your PTSA President, Dawn Robinson My how time flies…….it has been a busy PTSA year already! I want to take this time to make sure that the Executive Board, Board Members and the Administrative Staff at LMJ know how grateful I am to have you by my side. You have all been so helpful and willing to lend a helping hand and I can’t thank you enough. As most of you are aware, LMJ’s next HUGE event is “Monteleone Magic” which will be the evening of Thursday, April 25th at LMJ. We are looking for volunteers who may be able to donate an hour or 30 minutes of their time during this very special event. There are many ways that you can volunteer, such as Set Up, Take Down, Food Booths, Decorating, Auction, etc. We will be so grateful for any amount of time that you can give. If you have not been able to volunteer during school hours, this is a great opportunity for your child to see you helping at the school during this evening. We know that your child may be performing during this event, so we will work around your schedule so you will not miss your child’s performance. Our children are very appreciative of our time that we dedicate to a part of their lives that mean so much to them. PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING DURING THIS EVENT. You may contact me personally if you would like to be added to a list of volunteers. There is also a form attached in this newsletter that you may complete and send in with your child to school. If anyone has ever wondered exactly how much the PTSA means to our school and why we encourage you to become a part of such a successful and necessary program, please read the following page. These are a few of the things that our PTSA has done for Monteleone just this year! Sincerely, Dawn Robinson PTSA President [email protected] – please email me to volunteer or to learn more about the PTSA! ATTENTION ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS: PLEASE JOIN THE PTSA FACEBOOK PAGE!!!! Search for: Monteleone Junior High PTSA There are active posts on this site regarding school events, Restaurant Nights, etc. So make sure the page you “like” is the correct page. We use this Facebook Page to answer questions from students and parents regarding school events, post Restaurant Nights, and to post any other important information regarding LMJH. It has been a very successful means of communication already! Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to “like” the page! Page 2 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Did you know?????? LMJ’s PTSA provides the following to our school…… 1. Volunteers to assist in school activities, such as hearing screenings, eye screenings, school pictures, office assistance, library assistance 2. Shopping for Families in Need at Christmas 3. Organize and help with PTSA fundraisers and school fundraisers 4. Assist Booster Club at Games 5. Provide Mini Grants for teachers to purchase classroom supplies 6. Uses fundraising funds to purchase items such as laptops and printers for our school 7. Provide special breakfasts and ice cream parties for fundraising incentives 8. Provides a teacher appreciation luncheon every nine weeks for our teachers and staff 9. Assists with Monteleone Magic 10. Provides volunteers to take pictures, design the back drop, and work concessions at all dances 11. Submits requests for other grants for our school; for example…we just received a grant for $250 for our All Pro Dad’s Program! 12. Organize Restaurant Nights for the entire school year which is an ongoing fundraiser for our school 13. Prepare the school newsletter each quarter that is on the school website 14. Distributes the “Reflections” art and literature contest information to our students that is submitted to the local and state PTA. This program allows students an opportunity to show off their talents and if they are chosen as a winner, they will attend a Children’s Banquet Dinner recognizing their accomplishments (which is paid for by the PTSA) 15. Promote and submit entries for our the state PTA Safety Poster Contest 16. Work directly with our librarian to better our library by promoting the Box Tops for Education program 17. Created a Facebook Page to communicate information about our school to students and parents 18. Work directly with our principal to make sure that our schools’ needs are met 19. Provide funds for our All Pro Dad’s program 20. Set up and provide a Bank Day once a month so students can open a savings account and deposit money each month right at school 21. Submit a nomination for an Educator of Distinction award for our school to recognize an outstanding teacher 22. Organize a 50/50 raffle at our home football games to raise money for our school, and to give someone a chance to win cash at the home football games 23. In October, we donate the PTSA’s portion of the 50/50 raffle to a breast cancer organization 24. Pop popcorn and sell soft drinks for movie day for the students The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 3 LMJH PTSA AWARDS MINI-GRANTS Congratulations to the ELA department for receiving a PTSA mini grant to buy books for their classrooms. Pictured are Rachelle Kelley, Gail Blalock, Paige Gunter, Lisa Reis, Melissa Bier, Patricia Desanti, Kendra Thompson, Cathy Rouquette, LaGina Davis, and Craig Camus. Congratulations to Mrs. Miller for receiving a PTSA mini grant to purchase band supplies. Pictured are Carolyn Bertucci, Jessica Miller, and Stacey Neill. Carolyn and Stacey represented the PTSA mini-grants committee. LMJH PTSA Educator LMJH Substitute of Distinction of the Year Congratulations to Craig Camus for being selected as the Monteleone PTSA Educator of Distinction. He now goes on to compete at the district level. Good luck Mr. Camus! Pictured with Mr. Camus is PTSA President, Dawn Robinson. Congratulations to Ginger Morales for being selected as Monteleone Substitute of the Year. Page 4 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Counselor’s Corner: Ms.Leslie Doiron Dear Parents, It’s that time of year again. Our students are preparing for standardized testing. The 8 th graders will be taking the ELA writing and Math constructed response sections of the LEAP test on Tuesday, March 19.The remaining sections of the LEAP and 7th grade iLEAP will be given April 8th-11th. Below are a few test taking tips to ease the testing jitters. Easing the Testing Jitters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Get plenty of rest the night before the test. Eat a healthy breakfast. Arrive at school on time. Relax and take a few deep breaths. Think positive thoughts about doing great on the test. Listen carefully to directions given. Read every question and answer. If you are not sure of an answer, rule out the choices that you know are wrong. Select the best answer from the choices given. 7. Check over your answers if you have time. 8. Stay focused on the test. Don’t be concerned if others finish before you. 9. Never give up! Keep trying your best. 10. Apply all the great tips your teacher has reviewed with you this school year. TESTING SCHEDULE 8th Grade March 19, 2013 – LEAP Testing Phase 1 ELA Writing and Math Constructed Response April 8-11, 2013 – LEAP Testing Phase 2 (remaining test items) 7th Grade April 8-11 -iLEAP Testing Leslie Doiron M. Ed. Counselor Monteleone Junior High The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 5 Pictured are Front row: Sharlet Ducre, Karl S., Christian W., Hailey C. and Kaitlyn G. Back Row: Paul Tullier, Christina Hotard and Dawn Robinson l Pictured are Front row: Meghan R., Rachel D., Jacob D. Back Row: Ryan C., Lyn Monteleone, Tonya Hendon Not pictured: Karen Stelly Page 6 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Monteleone Jr. High students donated more than $1200 to buy gifts for families in need in our community. Pictured are: Front row: Laura Zambiasi, Taylor R., Kayla S., Taylor F., Meghan R., and Dawn Robinson Back row: Donna Addison, Aaron Z., Laurance H. and Sheri Jones Monteleone Junior High hosted a Dessert Social to thank our volunteers. The chorus performed several songs for our volunteers. Pictured are: Lori Lewko, Mindy Whitfield, Karen Gunther, and Lyn Monteleone Eric Lewko, Laura Zambiasi, Kim Mallory, and Gary Fayard The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 7 1. Preston B. 2. Rene B. 3. Christian B. 4. Ryan D. 5. Noah G. 6. Trey K. 7. Des'mon L. 8. Thomas M. 9. Taylor M. 10. Matt S. 11. Rafe S. 12. Tyler S. 13. Cole S. 14. George S. 15. Zach W. February 23rd 26th 28th Northshore Tournament St. Tammany Madisonville Away Away Home TBA 5:00 4:00 Two Games March 5th Creekside Away 5:00 7th Northlake Christian Away 5:30 8th 9th Pitcher Jesuit Away Away 7:30 10:30 15th Northlake Christian Away 5:30 19th 21st 22nd Pitcher St. Tammany Doyle Jr. High Home Home Home 5:00 5:00 6:30 Pointevent Recreation Northlake Christian Heap Field Heap Field Northlake Christian Lakeshore Lakeshore Lakeshore Creekside Madisonville Home Away 5:00 5:00 Lakeshore Coquille 3rd St. Field, Slidell Lakeshore High April 4th 5th *********Please check the website for probable changes.****** Coaches: Page 8 Doug Harper Lance Nelson Chris Womack The Monteleone Marlin Messenger 1. Emma A. 8. Katie G. 2. Payton B. 9. Elise H. 3. Victoria C. 10. Alena H. 4. Cali C. 11. Paige H. 5. Samantha C. 12. Danielle L. 6. Kaitlyn D. 13. Ali V. 7. Caroline G. The LMJH Softball team preparing for a great season! The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 9 Attention Tryouts Are Here! Boy’s Volleyball Tryouts will be held Monday, March 4 after school till 5:30PM. All students trying out should have physicals and proof of insurance on file prior to the tryout Cheer Update Cheer tryouts are Friday, March 1st. Contact Stephanie Kell at [email protected] for more information. Marlins Help at Children’s Museum Fundraiser Also, cheer placed 3rd at the Kickin it for Kids Competition in January. A few of our Darlin Marlins and Cheerleaders attended the St. Tammany Children’s Museum Fundraiser that was held at the Castine Center. The girls greeted the attendees with their bright smiles and kind words! Taylor R, Madison R, Lauren P, Kellilauren B, Meghan R, Jamie E, Allie S. Page 10 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger The Darlin Marlins recently traveled to Orlando, Florida, where they competed at the UDA National Dance Team Championships held at Walt Disney World. Their long hours of hard work and dedication paid off when they brought home 4th place in the nation with their jazz routine! We couldn’t be prouder of them! Way to go girls! Pictured are: (front row L to R) Morgan L., Catherine N., Caroline M., Kaitlyn G. (second row L to R) Lauren P., Skye J., Sherran M. (third row L to R) Bailey W., Madison R., Kellilauren B., Taylor R., Erica O. (back row L to R) Bailey L., Emily C., Rachel K., Olivia S., Alyssa S., Isabella C. The Darlin Marlin sponsors are: Gail Blalock, Kendra Thompson, and Katie Turner. The Monteleone Junior High Darlin Marlin Dance Team would like to thank our gracious sponsors! The generosity of the following businesses/individuals helped our team travel to the National Dance Team Championship held in Orlando, Florida, February 2-3, 2013. Platinum Sponsors Zea Rotisserie & Grill Johnny’s Pizza House Gold Sponsors Direct Laboratory Services, LLC Northlake Neurological Institute Miller Orthodontics Vanderbrook & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoeflinger Silver Sponsors Walmart Hair House Clubz! In-Home Tutoring Service Dr. William Ledoux Crosscountry Mortgage, Inc. The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 11 MONTELEONE MEN Dad- Don’t just wear the uniform – GET IN THE GAME! Let me encourage you to stay involved with your children. I know they are growing up super fast, and you are super busy; juggling work, family, finances, raising children . . . it’s crazy hard. But be encouraged and be intentional! You don’t have to play this game alone. Get to know some other dads on campus. There are a lot of players on the field and the changes going through their lives can be overwhelming, but let’s help each other. Every month you and your child are invited to a free breakfast at the school cafeteria where we tackle some fun and interesting issues. PLUS you get some FUN one on one time with your child and even learn about new and free resources to help you be the best dad, grandfather, or uncle you were designed to be. You might be one of our lucky dads who wins a door prize each month. Thanks to a St. Tammany District grant benefiting our All Pro Dad program we have given away some great gifts (Johnny’s Pizza, The Spaceport, The Rusty Pelican, Breakfast with Joe Gibbs, etc) so Dad’s can spend quality time with their families. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 20th at 7:30am. Please RSVP by visiting our Marlin All Pro dad page at Take advantage of this free resource sponsored by our Marlin PTA. You and your child benefit when DADS join PTA. Visit and discover PTA MORE (Men Organized to Raise Engagement). APD Coordinator/ Gary Fayard Links to Strengthen Men! Visit One Today! From the January All Pro Dad’s Month, Kalil B. and his Grandfather Anthona Johnson won a gift certificate for dinner and a movie from Johnny’s Pizza and Hollywood Theaters. Page 12 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger NOTICIAS ESPANOLAS Now is the time for all good Spanish stiudents to “step-up”. Spanish I students will be adding hundreds of new words to their vocabularies, as they learn to conjugate verbs. No time for real relaxation til late May! The same goes for Spanish II students. In their new chapter we will learn 4 major concepts, including past tense. And of course, Level II will be thinking about the Proficiency Tests. In recent months we completed Ojo de Dios crafts and hope to do some additional ones. Library research included how Hispanics have contributed to America. Buena Suerte a Todos Y Saludos de Senora Sutton King Cake Party Students who made a 3.5 or above for the second nine weeks enjoyed a king cake party. Pictured are Danielle L., Victoria C., Emily R., Sarah K., Katie G., Kaitlyn G., Morgan L., and Sophia D. The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 13 PTSA Reflection Contest Winners! Monteleone Jr. High students, Julia E. and Olivia M., were selected as PTSA reflection contest winners. They will be recognized at the Children’s Banquet in March. LMJH—Got Talent???? Yes!!! The annual talent show was held on February 7th. Fifteen fabulous acts competed and a good time was had by all. The winners were: 1st place – Karley B. 2nd place – Marcel B. 3rd place – Alex J. We would like to thank the judges: Mrs. Golden, Coach Camus and Ms. Kelley Page 14 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Monteleone Magic Wednesday, April 25, 2013 6:00—8:30 PM This exciting Open House event is an evening you will not want to miss! Our students look forward to this night in which they can show off their talents. Every student can be involved and have a chance to shine. Some of the events to look forward to are: Performances by our Spirit groups: Cheerleaders and Darlin’ Marlins; Art Show; Literary Show; Drama Performances; Band and Chorus Performances; Coffee House with Delicious Treats and Entertainment; Silent Auction; Pizza, Nachos, Bar-B-Que, and a Hamburger/Hot Dog Dinner Home Economics Fashion Show; and much, much more! We are looking for Volunteers to help us put the "Magic" in our Monteleone Magic Student Showcase! Please take a moment to look over our showcase committees and check an area that you would be interested in assisting us. We cannot do this without you! __________ Decorations __________ Coffee House __________ Marlin Magic Dinner __________ Silent Auction __________ Set up/Prep Name: ________________________Phone Number:_____________________ Please return this form to school with your child and have them turn it into their homeroom teacher. The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 15 LMJH Restaurant Nights – March 2013 GO TO MONTELEONE JUNIOR HIGH PTSA TO JOIN FACEBOOK PAGE! Sun ENJOY DINNER OUT & EARN $$ FOR LMJH ON THESE NIGHTS!! Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 TELL THEM YOU’RE SUPPORTING MONTELEONE AND A % OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO OUR SCHOOL!!! A SINCERE THANK YOU TO OUR PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS! By Albertson’s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 By Albertson’s 10 11 12 13 19 DOMINO’S Hwy 59/ Hwy 22/ Colins Blvd/ or Hwy 21 20 BOP’S FROZEN CUSTARD 17 18 14 WENDY’S Florida St. 15 16 By Albertson’s 21 22 CHICK-FIL-A By Wal-mart in Covington By Albertson’s 23 TRIPLE NICKEL JOHNNY’S PIZZA By Zea’s in Covington 24 25 26 27 USUAL SUSPECTS 28 CHICKEN FINGERS 500 Girod St. Old Mandeville Page 16 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Notes: Domino’s and Usual Suspects will give a percentage ALL DAY! LMJH Restaurant Nights – April 2013 GO TO MONTELEONE JUNIOR HIGH PTSA TO JOIN FACEBOOK PAGE! Sun ENJOY DINNER OUT & EARN $$ FOR LMJH ON THESE NIGHTS !! 7 Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 8 9 15 16 17 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 11 By Albertson’s 12 13 WENDY’S Florida St. 18 By Albertson’s 19 20 By Albertson’s 26 27 TRIPLE NICKEL JOHNNY’S PIZZA By Zea’s in Covington 21 10 DOMINO’S Hwy 59/ Hwy 22/ Colins Blvd/ or Hwy 21 BOP’S FROZEN CUSTARD 14 Thu 3 CHICK-FIL-A By Wal-mart in Covington 22 23 24 25 USUAL SUSPECTS 500 Girod St. Old Mandeville 28 29 30 CHICKEN FINGERS By Albertson’s TELL THEM YOU’RE SUPPORTING MONTELEONE AND A % OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO OUR SCHOOL!!! A SINCERE THANK YOU TO OUR PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS! The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Notes: Domino’s and Usual Suspects will give a percentage ALL DAY! Page 17
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