The Monteleone Marlin Messenger
The Monteleone Marlin Messenger
The Monteleone Marlin Messenger PTA Newsletter 63000 Blue Marlin Drive Mandeville, LA 70448 School Hours: 8:45am—3:46pm Phone: (985) 951-8088 Fax: (985) 951-8083 Volume 5, Issue 9 May 2010 A Message from Our Principal, Donna Addison…….. Dear Parents, Important Dates: JULY Jul. 28 Registration for new students AUGUST Aug. 9 First Day of School Another wonderful year has drawn to a close! It’s amazing how quickly the year has passed. I sincerely hope that our students have had as many wonderful memories of the now past academic session as we do at Monteleone Junior. It is a great pleasure to visit classrooms and watch the enjoyment as students engage in meaningful work throughout the year. It is an even greater pleasure, to see the result of that work by year’s end as mature, happy and educated teens move on, some to the eighth grade and others to Lakeshore High School. We would like to thank you once again for the pleasure of working with your child and we hope that we have fulfilled your expectations and your child’s needs. A special ―thank you‖ goes out to our parents for being such a vital part of our school community through your cooperation and partnership. As we eagerly anticipate the new 2010-2011 school year, we wish our students a wonderful summer and many successes ahead. Sincerely, Donna Addison A Message from your PTA Co-Presidents, Michele Dollar and Laurie Nicholson Dear Parents, you continue to be involved in your child's education. A motion was made at our last PTA meeting to As the school year begin next year as a PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Ascomes to an end, we cannot help sociation).This will help with communication skills and but reflect on what a great year increase membership as well as making the students this has been. Although it felt like the PTA scrambled feel they have a voice in the PTA. A student represenfrom month to month trying to meet deadlines, improve tative will attend PTA meetings and give input as well membership, and acquire funds for different PTA proas ideas for fundraising, improvement, etc. A vote to grams, it now feels good to look back at what we acaccept this change will be held at our first PTA general complished. meeting in the fall. Thanks to all the parents, teachers, administraThe PTA would like to thank and congratulate tion and staff for joining our PTA. Every one of you Mrs. Kathryn McInnis for being nominated as our PTA made a difference in our school and community just for Educator of Distinction and Mrs. Lyn Monteleone for purchasing your PTA membership. Our school was pre- being honored with the LA PTA Life Service Award. sented with several awards by the District PTA this year Both ladies contribute so much to all the students of including 100% Faculty and Staff, and 10+ Community LMJH. Congratulations are in order for Mr. Sam Searcy PTA members. We had a wonderful group of parents as well! He was awarded with a special PTA Distin(and students!) helping to make this year as successful guished Memberscroll for all his service to the PTA and as it was. Thanks to all of you for your commitment! students at LMJH! We are so proud of all our "special" Thanks to everyone for making Monteleone award winners. Magic a huge success! Without your time and efforts, the Please continue to use the resources of the event would not have been possible. A HUGE THANK National PTA website this summer at YOU goes out to Kim Villars, Monteleone Magic Chair- There you are sure to find answers to your parenting/ person. She did a great job organizing the event and educational questions, fun things to do over the summaking sure everything went as planned. mer, and ways to prepare your child for the next school The Executive Board for your 2010-2011 year. For more information regarding LMJH, you can school year has been selected. Your new Co-Presidents always visit the school's website at http:// are: Esther Fayard & Kim Villars; 1st Vice President Thanks for an awesome Janelle Meyers; 2nd Vice President - Michele Dollar; year and have a fun-filled summer! Secretary - Virna Bays; and Treasurer - Stephanie Ruoss. Congratulations ladies and good luck next year! Sincerely, We would also like to thank our outgoing officers and PTA Board. You made our job that much eas- Michele Dollar, [email protected] ier! To those of you moving on to Lakeshore High Laurie Nicholson, [email protected] School, good luck to you and we will miss you! We hope LMJH PTA Co-Presidents The front office would like to thank all the wonderful parent volunteers that have helped us this year. Without your help the office wouldn’t run so smoothly. We hope that you and your family have a safe and happy summer! Karen and Amy Page 2 The Monteleone Athletic Booster Club celebrated the achievements of our student athletes with our annual sports banquet which was held on May 4, 2010. There were several volunteers who made this another successful year at Monteleone. Thanks again to everyone who volunteered their time. We are still looking for a President or Co-Presidents for 2010-2011. Please contact Richie Zitzmann ([email protected]) or Dawn Fournier [email protected]) if you are interested. The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Counselor’s Corner by Ms. Tasha Alvendia Summer is the perfect time for all of us to catch up and take advantage of free time. It’s a chance to do all of those interesting things we couldn’t find time for during the school year. But haven’t you had the experience where summer was over before you knew it, and you were left wondering where the time went? To help make your summer more productive . . . and more fun, it’s a good idea to set some goals. Here are a few examples to get you started: Read at least 1 or 2 books: They say the difference between you now versus a year from now is the 3 books you will read over the course of that year. Learn something new: Just because you are on summer break doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. What have you been wanting to learn? Take it up now while you have the chance. You have the whole summer to perfect your skills. Help others: Whether it’s your neighbors, the elderly, or even a younger sister or brother, you will feel better about yourself after lending a helping hand. Exercise at least a few times a week: We all know that exercise is great for your physical health, but it has huge emotional and mental health benefits as well! Exercise boosts confidence, reduces anxiety & stress, increases energy, and helps you sleep better, too. Start a journal: Whether it’s a one-liner, a blog, or a paper copy, write down your experiences and thoughts this summer. Journals are a lot of fun to read after the fact. Enjoy your summer! Tasha Alvendia, M.Ed., LPC, LMFT National Certified School Counselor LMJH BAND ACCOMPLISHMENTS The District IX Solo and Ensemble Festival was held at Monteleone Junior High School on April 21st. LMJH Band students prepared and performed solos, duets and trios and performed for the guest judge. Congratulations to the following band students who earned the highest score of superior rating: Natalie, Kaitlin , Rachel , Kathryn , Kayla , and Madison . Band students who earned the second highest rating (excellent) were: Madison , Christopher , Matthew, Gabe, Thomas, Kainon, Cory, Dominic, Kenny, Johnathan, Jeremy, Rhen, Hannah, Devin, Cameron, Andrew, Carson, Matthew and Jimmy. The LMJH BAND participated in the St. Tammany Parish Small Band Festival held at Creekside Jr. High School on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. Our band did an outstanding job. Their performance for the judge earned the band the superior rating (the highest rating possible). Way to go, Band!! The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 3 Congratulations to the Girls Softball Team! They won the 2010 District Championship! Way to go girls! On May 8 and 9, students from Monteleone Junior High’s Talented Theater program took a field trip to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival productions of All’s Well That Ends Well and Hamlet in Montgomery, Alabama. Pictured standing from left to right are Assistant Principal, Kenny Mathews, Kasey, Caitlin, Amanda, Andrew, Taylor, Peyton, and Talented Theater instructor, Christina DeRosier. Seated are Matt D’Amico, who played Horatio and Nathan Hosner, who played Hamlet. Page 4 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger SPANISH NEWS— QUERIDOS PADRES– Senora Sutton Buenas Noticias! Many students in Spanish I – level I are ready for Spanish I- level 2. I am already looking forward to next year. We haven’t received word yet, but I’m hoping that the majority of Level 2 Spanish students will be able to receive high school credit. Hope to hear soon. All Spanish students have been able to try their hand at Rosetta Stone, which has aided the Review process. In addition, students have reviewed Text work via computers. Outstanding students receiving Excellence Awards were: Hunter - Spanish Level I and Meg- Spanish- Level II. OLE! OLE! Espanol es cumulativo. The Beta Club attended the State Beta Convention in Lafayette on May 6 & 7. Three students placed at the state level in their respective categories. Pictured from left to right: Kayla, 4th place—Poetry; Ethan, 1st place—Social Studies; and Sara, 4th place—Pen & Pencil. Ethan will go on to compete at the National Beta Convention in Louisville, Kentucky later this month. Good luck Ethan and Congratulations Kayla and Sara! Way to go Marlins! Sports Banquet DVD Matt, Ryan, Adam & Kyle enjoying the great outdoors! The Monteleone Marlin Messenger The power point presentation shown at the Athletic Awards Banquet is for sale. If you would like a copy, contact Letiche Albers at [email protected] for further information. The cost if $5 and checks should be made payable to Monteleone Athletic Booster Club or MABC. Page 5 A Message from the Superintendent……. Dear Parents and Caregivers, With the start of the 2010-2011 school year, there will be some changes to the state attendance guidelines of which you should be aware before classes start in the fall. The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education voted this spring to revise several of the attendance policies. Previously, students were allowed 20 absences each school year. Beginning in the fall, students will be allowed five absences per semester for High School students and ten absences each school year for Elementary students. There are also new rules that apply to these absences. Absences of two or fewer consecutive school days incurred due to personal illness or serious illness in the family may be validated by a parent or caregiver written excuse note. If a student is absent for three or more consecutive days or for other types of absences, a student must present a note from a physician, nurse practitioner, or dentist to be excused. These new rules are restrictive, and you need to understand that these guidelines will not allow students to be excused for vacations or other family trips. You will need to make an effort to schedule vacations and necessary appointments during school breaks. Our 2010-2011 calendar is posted on our website at and includes ample breaks for travel plans. Extenuating circumstances will be considered but must be approved by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. Students may be temporarily excused from the attendance regulations because of extended physical or emotional illness, an extended hospital stay, extended recuperation from an accident, or an extended contagious disease within a family. These extenuating circumstances must be verified by a physician, nurse practitioner, or dentist in order to be considered as an official excuse from the attendance regulation. State law will also allow for an exception to the attendance regulation for the observance of special and recognized holidays of a student’s faith. The only other exception to the law will be absences that are verified by the principal for the purposes of school system approved travel for education, a death in the family, or a natural catastrophe or disaster. Students who are participating in school-approved field trips and other instructional activities such as College Spring Testing and approved college visits will be considered present at school. The new regulations represent some big changes for all of the students across the state of Louisiana and are intended to send a clear message that education is a priority for all students. I appreciate your attention to the matter. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school principal. Sincerely, Gayle Sloan Page 6 The Monteleone Marlin Messenger End of the Year Performance Awards Congratulations to all the Students.... These students received Knowledge Lamp Trophies for Outstanding Performance in their respective Studies. NAME Mary Christopher Grace Hunter Connor Chey'anne Victoria Anna Karalee Margaret Andrew Magaly Sarah Kaitlyn Claire Miranda Colin Sharon Dylan Da'marcus GRADE AWARD 7 Home Economics 7 Intermediate Band 7 Piano 7 Spanish I 7 Art 7 Chorus Musicianship 8 Journalism 8 Home Economics 8 Art 8 Spanish II 8 Advanced Band 8 Advanced Home Ec. 7 Talented Theater 8 Piano 8 Chorus Musicianship 8 Talented Theater 7 Ag Science 8 Ag Science 7 Physical Education 8 Physical Education **************************************************** Ryan Grace Kayla Kasey Amanda Paige Vance Olivia Caitlin Kayla Alexander Joseph Brie Baileigh Amanda Michael Tiffany Skylar Ashley Ethan 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 Physical Education English Honors English English Gifted English Gifted English English English Honors English Honors English English English English Reading Reading Gifted Reading Reading Reading Honors Reading Reading Honors The Monteleone Marlin Messenger NAME Ethan Brooke Austin Kevin Dominique Gabrielle Kenneth Autry Catherine GRADE 8 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 AWARD Reading Honors Reading Reading Reading Gifted Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Honors **************************************************** Cory Kaitlin Alec Catherine Victoria Vance Carson 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 Science Science Gifted Science Science Science Science Gifted Science **************************************************** Kiana Samuel Matthew Amber Brittni Ethan Nicholas 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 Science Social Studies Social Studies Gifted Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Gifted Social Studies **************************************************** Brad Brie Kasey Kileigh Cory Paige Katie Kacey Ryan Sydney Kailey Zachary Vance 8 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 Social Studies Math Honors Math Gifted Math Math Math Honors Math Math Honors Algebra I Math Gifted Algebra I Math Math Honors Page 7 Congratulations! Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll Students Christopher Kailyn Courtney David Tracie Ashley Margaret Cory Kelli Lauren Micah Mary Trevor Kimberly Stephanie Olivia Haylee Jonah Kimberly Kileigh Sydney Brittney Emily Amber Margare t Megan Kayla Carson Hannah Olivia Amanda Damian Brittni Brooke Raven Sarah Olivia David Caitlin Kailyn Baileigh Natalie Kristen Ryan Peyton William Mary Kelly Matthew Kaleb Connor Jesse Baylee Sean Brice Tori Hunter Elizabeth Madison Kyle Amanda Victoria Luke Matthew Ethan Kiana Darien Kathryn Kailey Kainon' Page 8 Paige Austin Chase Taylor Katie Skylar Ashleigh Daniel Kevin Kara Zachary Frank Kendall Sara Amber Victoria Kaitlyn Connor Ashley Ashley Brooke Christopher Angelina Kaleb Johnathan Megan Ashley Brooke Vance Bailee Brooke Matthew Brooke Michael Srilan Dominique Kacey Paige Grace Ryan Kaitlin Kayla Kasey Lillian Regan Kayla Cory Salvador Olivia Claire Brandy Margaret Erin Marin Brie Catherine Bradley Trevor Bailey The Monteleone Marlin Messenger End of the Year Performance Awards The following individuals received Plaques and/or name plates for wall plaques in Recognition of Excellence in their respective areas. Kathryn Matthew Victoria Karen Stelly Esther Fayard Martye Golden Raven Da’Marcus Marvelous Marlin Marvelous Marlin Student of the Year Support Staff of the Year Volunteer of the Year Teacher of the Year Phenomenal Woman of Lacombe Award Phenomenal Woman of Lacombe Award The following students received Ribbons and Medals for Outstanding Citizenship Name Grace Brice Cory Giovanna Claire Grade 7 7 7 8 8 Awards of Merit Duke University Talent Matthew Alec Jonathan William Hunter Elizabeth Amanda Kasey Page 9 Meg was recognized with the Daughters of the American Revolution Award School Community Leadership Award Julia Jacob The Monteleone Marlin Messenger The Monteleone Junior High School Booster Club recently sponsored this year’s Athletic Banquet . Invitations were received by any student who participated in any sport this past year, including dance team and cheerleading. The students and coaches were treated to a delicious meal and later an outstanding speech by New Orleans Saints special teams coach, Mike Mallory who surprised everyone by bringing along Saints punter Thomas Morestead. Thomas was named the male Student Athlete of the Year! Cory was the recipient of the Jacob Taylor Award! Football Basketball Offensive MVP—Jacob Defensive MVP— Thomas Boys Varsity Offensive MVP—LaQuincy Defensive MVP—Ryan Coach’s Award—Matt Volleyball Girls Junior Varsity Offensive MVP—Amanda Defensive MVP—Brie Varsity Offensive MVP—Darien Defensive MVP—Skylar Boys MVP—Kyle Student Athletes of the Year Thomas Darien Jacob Taylor Award Cory The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Junior Varsity Coach’s Award—Grant Darien was named the female Student Athlete of the Year! Track Boys Track MVP—Kaleb Field MVP—Thomas Girls Track MVP—Darien Field MVP—Skylar Softball Girls Offensive MVP—Haylee Defensive MVP—Natalie Boys MVP—Ryan Soccer Girls MVP—Brooke Coach’s Award—Marin Boys Offensive MVP—Eric Defensive MVP—Thomas Coach’s Award—Trevor Girls Offensive MVP—Taylor Defensive MVP—Brooke Coach’s Award—Julia Cheerleading Captain Award—Kendall & Giovanna Darlin Marlin’s Captains - Tiffany & Kayla Co-Captains—Tori & Mercedez Page 10 Congratulations to the Marlins of the Month April! Pictured from left to right front row: Kathleen , 8th grade and Baileigh , 7th grade. Back Row: Laurie Nicholson, Volunteer; Rebecca Templeman, Teacher; Christian , 8th grade; Ryan , 7th grade and Dwayne Atlow, Support Staff. for Congratulations to the Marlins of the Month for May! Pictured from left to right, front row: Connor , 7th grade; Peyton , 7th grade; Kayla , 8th grade; and Clayton , 8th grade. Back row: Sandy Schinetsky, Teacher; Carolyn Rault, Support Staff; and Richie Zitzmann, Volunteer. Congratulations to the 2010-2011 Cheerleaders! Kylie Ashley Dominique Peyton Kylie Aexis Kelly Nadia Kristin Sarah Sydney - Captain Maddie - Captain Emily Tracie Martha Brooke Anna Kathryn Hunter Page 11 Congratulations to the 2010-2011 Broadcast Team! Haylee Brooke Baileigh Natalie Ethan Daryl Sara Sam Brandy Martha SAVE THE DATE! Broadcast summer camp will be held August 2, 2010 for old and new members. The Monteleone Marlin Messenger A Special Thank You! I would like to extend a very special thank you to all of the parents, teachers and community members who contributed in so many ways to Monteleone Magic. This very special event is magical because it highlights the year’s efforts of our students. It takes an entire community to present this event in the light in which our students deserve, one that surrounds their work with beauty and importance. A very special thank you to this year’s ―Magic‖ Chairperson, Kim Villars who made herself available to assist wherever and whenever needed throughout the event. She put her entire family to work and we are very grateful to the Villars’ family. I would also like to thank all of the committee chairs who organized their volunteers! Those chairpersons were: Michelle Zitzmann and Dawn Fournier, Barbecue Dinner; Laurie Nicholson, Decorations; The Dollar and Pepper Families, Lights; Minette Giraud, Letiche Albers and Missy Leblanc, Coffee Shoppe; and last but not least, Esther Fayard and Sheree Knauth, Silent Auction. Please go to the school website to view this years’ donors and also to see a read out of profits made from the event. The students enjoyed one last dance before the end of the school year. Thanks to all who helped make this last dance special! The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 12 Congratulations to the 2010-2011 Darlin Marlins! Erica Bailee Breigh Brooke Kristen Hannah Katherine Madi Tiffany Page 13 Megan Lillian Regan Taylor Natalie Ashley Katie Brooke Emily The Monteleone Marlin Messenger 1680 Highway 59, Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 626-4770 Bring in this coupon for $1.00 OFF any TCBY yogurt treat Limit one coupon per customer. Valid only at Mandeville TCBY location. Not valid with any other offer. Void where prohibited. Cash value of 1/100 of a cent. Offer expires 06/30/2010. TCBY frozen yogurt has 50% less calories and 80% less fat than ice cream. We offer 24 flavors of yogurt and 34 different toppings. We serve fruit and yogurt smoothies, sundaes, banana splits, shivers, frozen coffees, shakes, malts, and parfaits. We also have a variety of cakes and pies for any occasion. Come in and get a free sample of our yogurt today! L. Monteleone Jr. High PTA 63000 Blue Marlin Drive Mandeville, LA 70448 Co-Presidents: Michele Dollar & Laurie Nicholson 1st Vice President: Amy Riddell 2nd Vice President: Michele Zitzmann Treasurer: Letiche Albers Secretary: Esther Fayard The Monteleone Marlin Messenger Page 14
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