2011 Annual Report Flintwood - Flintwood Disability Services Inc.
2011 Annual Report Flintwood - Flintwood Disability Services Inc.
Annual Report 2010 – 2011 Flintwood Disabilty Services Contents Management Reports Presidents Report - Russell Gould Pictures and contact 6 Treasurers Report - Gordon McLean7 Site Pictures Contact 16-25 Back cover CEO Report - Jackie Romein8 Admin Manager - Janet Griffin 9 General Manger Report - Gerard Connolly 10 General Manger Report - Kay McPartland 11 General Manger Report - Lauren Abel 12 2010-2011 Management Committee 14 Acknowledgements & Program Numbers 15 Annual Report 2010 - 2011 3 M anagement REPORTS Annual Report 2010 - 2011 5 Presidents Report Russell Gould This year’s focus has been on improving the organisation and working towards providing the best possible service and working environment for our Service Users and staff. Extensive surveys were completed across all areas of Flintwood in order to benchmark the organisation against best practice in the industry. Various actions resulted from the surveys. As a part of improving our knowledge and skills, some of the committee members attended training run by the National Disability Service on good governance for non-profit organisations and one member undertook a 6 day study tour of the UK and France to attend relevant seminars and visit notable not for profit organisations. Additionally the committee has been involved in reviewing our constitution to ascertain what changes might be necessary if Flintwood were required to change from an Incorporated Association to a Company, in line with proposed changes in the Department of Fair Trading’s legislation. Although we have primarily been focused on consolidation, and improvement, we have taken on an additional Day Service at Pennant Hills and are in the final stages of renovation of an additional property at Harris Russell Gould Park, to provide much needed space for the current and future Harris Park Day Services. Thanks to the diligent work by Jackie and her team, we were able to secure approval for funding for the 20112012 financial year, which will enable us to provide an additional 80 flexible respite places, a full time Clinical Psychologist, specialised 1:1 support and carry out much needed repairs and modifications to our various sites. It has been a busy and successful year for Flintwood with the organisation developing and stabilising so that it is prepared to meet the challenges ahead and provide the service and support that our Service Users require. I would like to thank the CEO – Jackie, her management team, and staff for their great effort and contribution over the last year. Through their commitment and effort our Service Uses can enjoy a better life. Last but not least, I would like to thank the Management Committee and their supportive families, who voluntarily give up considerable time and effort to play an active role in the ongoing progress of Flintwood. Treasurers Report Gordon McLean Once again I am pleased and extremely honoured to present the Treasurer’s Report for the financial year 2010 to 2011. The position I have been entrusted with now for seven years. The past year has again been highly successful with all areas achieving maximum results and continuing to operate within funding provisions. Government grants received from (ADHC) New South Wales Ageing, Disability and Home Care were again fully expended which allowed Flintwood to deliver the highest possible service to all who attend the various areas. This aspect has now become highly recognized by all involved in the disability arena. Flintwood’s balance sheet continues to grow at a healthy rate and I believe that the sound financial platform that has been established will stand Flintwood in good stead in the future, a most important aspect for ongoing success for any organisation or corporation. All that has been achieved to date would not have been possible without the astute, articulate and dedicated leadership of the C.E.O. Jackie Romein, well supported by her Management Team, for this I thank her. The journey thus far which commenced in February 1994 has been nothing but remarkable and no doubt the foundations have been laid for Flintwood’s continued success and attainment of the goals it sets itself in the future. I once again reiterate it has been an honour to have been elected to carry out the duties of Treasurer over the past year. Gordon m clean Annual Report 2010 - 2011 7 CEO Report Jackie Romein “Daily, I am reminded of why I come to work and what my role is” This year has been a year for review and preparation for the future. Flintwood has seen significant growth over the past few years and made a strategic decision to consolidate this year. We have strengthened the infrastructure including reporting systems, management team training and strategic planning for the future. After providing this sound base we then focused on Families, Carers and Service Users to gain feedback on the support received by Flintwood. This was carried out in a survey format and we commenced with implementing change as requested by you. Significant work has been carried out to recruit the highest standard of employees for the Organisation. An employee survey was carried out this year and actions developed to improve areas identified. The management team has further developed with monthly training sessions and a higher level of collaboration and communication to provide a supportive and highly effective team. The General Managers have settled into the new roles and are taking on a more strategic direction for the Organisation. Therefore the site Coordinators have been more responsible for their site and operations. This demonstrated the need for a newly created role of Senior Community Support Workers which was introduced this year. Their role is to take on the daily routine and sharing of information to run the daily programs. The Management Committee has been working toward identifying the highest priorities for the Strategic Direction of the Organisation. The identified priorities include: • Succession planning • Administration structure reviewed and development of the Human Resources Department • Ensuring updated knowledge of legislation and policy affecting the Organisation • Develop policies and training systems • Review staff turnover and salaries • Upgrade IT system • Budget processes • Ensure adequate premises for service delivery • Enhance Flintwood’s community profile • Organisation growth – writing tenders I would like to thank the Management Committee members for their time and dedication to the Organisations goals and progress. This has taken their time away from their families and shows their commitment to the Organisation. As the CEO they have placed value in me and this is shown through their support and guidance. We welcome new Service Users to our programs this year. Sadly we saw the passing of Keith Kemp, Michelle Kelly and John Thorpe they are fondly remembered and missed. Daily, I am reminded of why I come to work and what my role is. I am humbled by the achievements of the Service Users, the work the employees carry out every day and how families strive on. Together we make quite a team. I am privileged to lead a team of three General Managers, Administration Manager, Site Coordinators, Direct support staff and an administration team who are genuinely committed and dedicated to providing a high quality service. The future landscape for service support will be changing and we will be working with you as families to introduce flexible, new and exciting services. The person with a disability and their family network will be the centre of the decisions and direction for the support. Flintwood will change how we deliver services and work with you in a more holistic way and not be confined by site or program specific restrictions. These are exciting times and we look forward to working with each of you to build the future and enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Jackie Romein Administration Manager Janet Griffin The Administration area of Flintwood has been an extremely busy place these past twelve months. Following previous years of continued growth, this year has seen a concentration on the implementation of systems and procedures to sustain us into the future Recruitment has been ongoing with monthly group interviews continuing to be an effective way of targeting a large number of applicants. From these group sessions perspective employees are invited to attend a single interview before a panel of three people consisting of a General Manager, a site Coordinator and a Human Resources representative. Within the past twelve months this system has enabled us to employ fourty six new staff. Congratulations to Jenny McGowan for her continued efforts in her role of Human Resource Officer for driving the recruitment that has been required. We have had some staff movement within the administration office following the resignation of Tracey Dickin who left to assist in a family business. We have employed a previous Transition to Work service user Ashley Gundalach on a casual basis to help during busy periods which is proving to be quite regular. Ashley is currently attending TAFE and we hope the work she is doing at Flintwood will assist her with the course content and vice versa. Where would administration be without Dianne Ridley whose range of duties appears to be never ending. One of Di’s jobs is ensuring the Flintwood fleet of over 50 vehicles is compliant with registration and insurance, that they all receive regular services, have current fuel and NRMA cards and lodge any insurance claims for accidents. In addition Di keeps all our Service Users / Families / Employees informed via regular newsletters. At the end of June 2011 Stephanie Baker from Human Resources resigned, taking long service leave for an overseas trip and a well earned rest. Many staff, families and Service User’s attended a farewell for Stephanie held at Brookhollow Day Service site. Everyone at Flintwood administration wish Stephanie all the best for her future. We are now in the process of recruiting to fill this important position. Flintwood have continued with the Employee Assistance Program following a successful trial year. We hope our employees and their family members can find some benefit in this program should their need arise. We reiterate that this service is completely confidential between EAP and the user of the service. Janet Griffin There has been a concerted effort at Flintwood to provide staff training at all levels this past year. Many staff following completion of Certificate III in Disabilities enrolled for further training to Certificate IV, respite staff have attended specific conferences for respite, Flintwood have held conferences on Behaviour Management and Leading To Succeed which were attended by many of our staff, the Management Team have had continuous training throughout the year which has been highly informative and beneficial. The cost of all this training equates to 2% of our overall funding. During a globally financially difficult period Flintwood has remained in a good position and has continued to maintain all our sites at the highest possible level, equipment and resources for all our services have also been upgraded and replaced where necessary. We can all look forward to sustained growth within Flintwood in the coming year under the guidance of our Management Committee and CEO Jackie Romein. Annual Report 2010 - 2011 9 General Manager Gerard Connolly BROOKvale/billenya/respite castle hill & quakers hill/ flexible respite In the relatively short period of time between the writing of theses reports the residential respite, Day Service and Flexible respite services have maintained their high standards of care. We have seen an increased number of new Service Users and families and a number of new faces within the employee ranks. I would consider 2011 as a year of growth evident not only through the increase in the number of families being served and the new employees but also through our networking and general communications within and outside of the organisation. Our families and Service Users continue to be our focus and to dominate all of what we do and I have received a great deal of satisfaction through having spoken with and been witness to the huge gains made by Service Users across the Flintwood landscape. On writing the 2010 report we had a number of vacancies within both the residential respite services and though they were filling they were doing so at a much lesser rate than we would have hoped for. Today on writing this report I am happy to announce we have reached full capacity within Castle Hill and are fast approaching maximum numbers at the Quakers Hill residence. Our Flexible Respite program also continues to flourish and as its title suggests offers up a more diverse range in service provisions and activities all at the control of the Service User and his / her family. On the northside, Brookvale and Billenya numbers have not grown significantly but they have created little miracles of their own through their interactions with Service Users. The program quality and activities provided have witnessed huge improvement in Service User independence, personal interactions and communications both on site and at home. Parents continue to express their thanks to Flintwood for the many wonderful transformations that have taken place. Joanne Blume continues to make the long trek from the Western Suburbs to the North Shore each day as Coordinator of Brookvale / Billenya. Jo and her teams continue with their innovative approaches to program delivery and in doing so continue to enjoy successes I would like to give thanks to Leeanne Ratcliffe, coordinator at Quakers Hill for having worked very hard at attracting new families into Flintwood. Leeanne’s knowledge of Service Users / families and Flintwood has been of influence and support. The Quakers Hill team are well established, always supportive and understanding of the complex needs surrounding Service Users and families, their individual skills and collective knowledge is very pleasing. John Bindley has the dual role of Coordinator of both the Castle Hill respite residence and the Flexible Respite program. Johns respite knowledge and communications with families and employees creates a wonderful platform for the Service Users. John continues to develop both roles with expertise and Castle Hill respite continues to be a popular attraction for many Service Users / families through its location. The Castle Hill team have been established for quite some time, there is a very limited turnover of employees which allows for a great wealth of knowledge and understanding of the Service Users and their families to be shared. I am grateful to each individual employee within the Respite and Day Services for always affording me their time and patience and likewise with Leeanne, Joanne and John who though totally unlike one another in style and approach always manage to get the job done. I owe a great deal of gratitude to my fellow General Managers Kay McPartland and Lauren Abel who are always at hand to provide support and advice. My role as General Manger is made the more pleasant and engaging for having them to work alongside of. My thanks to the hard working Admin staff who do so, so much behind the scenes. Finally to our CEO Jackie Romein who continues to give of her time and vast experience. It is so very rewarding to have her trust, support and belief both in the progression and future development of Flintwood but also in her General Managers. Gerard Connolly General Manager Kay McPartland Brookhollow/Harris park/ accommodation I am once again honoured to be writing this report and feel very proud to be part of the team that leads Flintwood. I have been in the role of General Manager for just over a year now and continue to grow and develop my skills on a daily basis. 2010 / 2011 has been a year of restructuring, challenges and changes to be able to be in a position to move forward as the organisation continues to grow. Harris Park and Brookhollow Day Services continue to grow and took on an extra 7 Service Users in February 2011. Unfortunately for Harris Park, Rita Chamberlain retired at the end of June. Rita was a dedicated and loyal employee of Flintwood in her 6 years of employment and will be sorely missed. Annie Dallimer has taken over the role as Coordinator at Harris Park. Annie brings with her a wealth of experience and some great ideas for the progression of Harris Park. I would formally like to welcome Kelli Simmons to the management team and congratulate her on achieving a permanent position as Coordinator of Brookhollow. However, with the recent changes, Kelli will now be transferring and will be responsible for Best Rd, Mons Rd and 1:1s and Joanne Blume will be the new Coordinator of Brookhollow. Joanne has worked in a Coordinators role within Flintwood for 18 months and is looking forward to joining the team at Brookhollow. I would like to welcome Joanne to Brookhollow and hope she gets to experience as many happy memories as I have whilst being based at Brookhollow. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Mary Jacob to the team. Mary replaced Lia Unthank at Moala St and is currently acting in the position until interviews for the permanent position are held. Lia and Mary have both done a wonderful job in 2010 / 2011 with supporting the four ladies who live at Moala St and should be thanked for their ongoing efforts in ensuring the ladies heath care and support needs are always very well maintained. Jane Callaghan continues to manage the day to day operations of John St and must be congratulated for its smooth running and effective community inclusion for all residents. As of July, I will be responsible for Best Rd, Mons Rd, Centre Based Respite, Flexible Respite and any large upcoming projects which will have an effect on Flintwood. This is going to be a huge challenge which I am really looking forward to. We acknowledge there have been lots of changes recently, but the changes have been made to improve Annual Report 2010 - 2011 11 services and move forward with rapid growth which is occurring within Flintwood. We thank all of our families for their ongoing support. I am in the process of developing a competency based induction system for all Flintwood employees. This will ensure all employees are competent in all areas. The induction will link in with the probation period system to ensure all employees are being trained internally or externally in all areas. New employees will not be able to complete certain tasks without being competent in the area. This will be signed off by the employee’s supervisor. Other successful projects I have been working on during the year is creating a generic Communication Book. The aim of this Communication Book is to ensure all families / Carers have the option to know as much or as little about the individual as required. This book is to be used (if needed) on an individual basis completing the relevant sections only. This appears to have been a success at all sites. Another project I was allocated was to create a Parent / Carer Information Booklet. This was an enjoyable project, although appeared to take a long time doing all of the research and talking to various services and families to see what services were actually available for people with disabilities. Twenty six Service Users from Brookhollow, Best Road and Harris Park went for a night out in the city, where they went for a lovely Chinese meal in China Town, went to see the musical ‘Mary Poppins’ and then stayed in a hotel overnight. A great evening was had by all. I would like to thank all staff for all their hard work to make this night a huge success. I would like to thank Janet Griffin and her admin and HR team for the ongoing support they provide to all services, not just in times of chaos, but on a day to day basis. I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues Lauren Abel and Gerry Connolly and express my appreciation for the effective teamwork we have created. The journey continues to be a huge learning curve for everybody as Flintwood continues to grow. Flintwood would not be where it is today without such an effective leader. I would like to show gratitude to Jackie Romein for leading Flintwood and moving forward with the sector as we develop more systems to be able to sustain the anticipated growth. Jackie has always made herself available for support if and when needed. Jackie’s grounded focus continues to move Flintwood forward in a positive direction. Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank all of the staff who have worked so hard all year, giving everything and doing over and above what is expected of them. My job would not be as pleasurable as it is without our wonderful, professional staff. Kay Mcpartland General Manager Lauren Abel Penrith/kingswood/pennant hills/ best rd/mons rd/transition to work What a challenging and rewarding 12 months it has been not only for me but the Flintwood team in general. Pennant Hills celebrated their first full year with Flintwood and are now providing service to the capacity of 20 Service Users. Annie, Breeane and the team graciously hosted the event ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’ and raised almost $300 for the Cancer Council. It was an excellent opportunity for all Flintwood sites to see the Pennant Hills premises and make great use of the huge backyard. Pennant Hills initiated another fundraiser which benefited the Kemps Creek Animal Welfare league where Brett Bell, the coordinator was presented with an enormous basket of dog and cat food as well as pet accessories, all donated by Flintwood Service Users, parents and staff. Kingswood has made a strong effort over the past 12 months to fill the Service User vacancies and found themselves in a fortunate position to exceed the capacity by 3 places. Kingswood is now providing service to 36 individuals who would otherwise not have funding for a day program, some of which have moved from working in permanent part time employment. We are awaiting the return of Amanda Haines in early September who was appointed the position of coordinator prior to taking maternity leave in Feburary this Year. Kingswood staff are continuing to develop the skills of the Service Users and the goal moving forward into 2012 is to focus on retirement and age appropriate programs for those who are ageing. Best Road and Mons Road sites had fantastic ‘make over’s’ with a new coat of paint and window treatments. Both sites have a fresh feel about them which has helped the Service Users and staff to develop new and exciting programs. Best Road has settled into a positive routine and together with a great team of permanent staff they are ready to tackle the challenges that 2012 may bring as one united team. The Transition to Work program has dealt with a move from Harris Park garage to the new site also in Harris Park to Mons Rd cabin all in their stride. Kirsty and the team of Service Users have been actively seeking employment which resulted in two Service Users being successful, Aroha in supported employment and Mark in open employment in the trades industry. They have gained valuable information by attending trade shows, educational expos and completing hands on work experience over the past 12 months. John Bindley has been appointed coordinator of the TTW program and will be focusing on growing the program by visiting local schools and marketing the program to 2011 school leavers. Penrith have shown a great deal of growth over the past 12 months, not in the size of the group, but in the maturity and connection as a team. Chris and staff have shown flexibility as a team and this has positively impacted in the change in groups and opportunities provided to the Service Users on a daily basis. The one on one programs have been providing excellent opportunities to the Service Users with one client attending a comedy show and Masterchef recording where she met one of the judges! The one on one program is slowly increasing in size and we are thankful to Dean in choosing Flintwood as his service provider in 2010. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that I have personally been provided by Flintwood. I would like to thank Jackie and the Management committee for the chance to go to a Disability conference in Toronto, Canada in May of this year. I was incredibly grateful for this opportunity and learnt so much from the speakers and delegates that I will be implementing into my work in the future. It would be remiss of me not to mention the support and guidance that Jackie Romein, Gerry Connolly and Kay McPartland have provided to me over the past 12 months. We have definitely had our challenges and had to work through things that question our thoughts, knowing that I have their support is appreciated more than I can express in words. I would also like to thank all the coordinators that have supported the aims and missions of Flintwood and encouraged their staff to do the same. Flintwood is an organisation that I am proud to be associated with and I am very excited with what lies ahead for me. As part of the General Manager moves, I am looking forward to providing support to Brookvale, Billenya and Harris Park as well as our two group homes at John Street and Moala Street where I am sure the challenges and rewards will continue into 2012. Lauren Abel Annual Report 2010 - 2011 13 2010-2011 Management Committee Russell Gould President Alan Bradbury Member blah blah Member Brian Conway Vice president Sharon Foord Member Gordon Mclean Treasureer Peter Willis Member Sigrid Rottmann Secretary Acknowledgements we wish to thank the following companies and individuals for their contributions to flintwood in 2010-2011 RANSTAD Paint Corp Australia (Peter Stathakis) Fuji Films Atos Picture Framing Adalong Pty Ltd The Stair Guys Blacktown Workers Club Grant Family Dee Why RSL Club Program Numbers Annual Report 2010 - 2011 15 P ictures Annual Report 2010 - 2011 17 ‘ Enhancing lifest yle o p p o r tunities’ Annual Report 2010 - 2011 19 ‘ Emp owering p eo ple with disabilities’ Annual Report 2010 - 2011 21 Annual Report 2010 - 2011 23 Annual Report 2010 - 2011 25 “ T o be a fle x ible service that enhances the opportunities of people with disabilities to have a varied and fulfilling life within the community.” Annual Report 2010 - 2011 27 contact US 11 Fennell Street, North Parramatta, 2151, Australia Ph +02 9630 1777 Fx +02 9630 1788 [email protected] www.flintwood.org.au Photography & design Tim Engelbrecht Mob 0433 364 504 Ph +02 9624 7416 [email protected] © Copyright 2011 Flintwood Disability Services Ltd, All rights reserved
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