TEST KEYS - Maya Ediciones


TEST KEYS - Maya Ediciones
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
Subsecretaría de Educación
Dirección Nacional de Currículo
Dirección Nacional de Planeamiento de la Educación
The British Council
Proyecto CRADLE - División Nacional de Idiomas Extranjeros
Tercera Edición:
Rita Ponce, Marlene Rivera, Irene Rosero
Kari Miller
Hugo Duque
Edimpres, Photodisc
Marcelo Zambrano, Pedro Rocha, William López
Sony Music
Edición Revisada (1999):
Rita Ponce, Marlene Rivera, Irene Rosero
Cheryl Palin
Edición Experimental (1993):
Guadalupe Carpio, Marcia Vargas, Rita Ponce, Irene Rosero, Paul Barry
Paul Barry
Copyright©: Proyecto CRADLE 1993, 2000 y 2006
Impresión: Edimpres
Quito, agosto de 2006
República del Ecuador
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
Dirección Nacional de Asesoría Jurídica
El Subsecretario de Educación
la edu­ca­ción ecua­to­ria­na de­be res­pon­der a las exi­gen­cias del
de­sa­rro­llo na­cio­nal y mun­dial, acor­de con la rea­li­dad eco­nó­mi­
ca, so­cial y cul­tu­ral del país;
el idio­ma in­glés, en­tre otros apren­di­za­jes sig­ni­fi­ca­ti­vos, cons­
ti­tu­ye un me­dio fun­da­men­tal de co­mu­ni­ca­ción uni­ver­sal pa­ra
el de­sa­rro­llo de la cien­cia y la tec­no­lo­gía al ser­vi­cio de la edu­
ca­ción, y el de­sa­rro­llo in­te­gral;
la Di­rec­ción Na­cio­nal de Cu­rrí­cu­lo a tra­vés de la Di­vi­sión
Na­cio­nal de Idio­mas Ex­tran­je­ros y con la con­tri­bu­ción de la
Di­rec­ción Na­cio­nal de Pla­nea­mien­to de la Edu­ca­ción y la
DI­NA­MEP, es­tá de­sa­rro­llan­do el Pro­yec­to CRAD­LE, de coo­
pe­ra­ción téc­ni­ca bi­la­te­ral ecua­to­ria­no-bri­tá­ni­ca pa­ra la re­no­va­
ción del cu­rrí­cu­lo de In­glés;
Que en los acuer­dos mi­nis­te­ria­les No. 2511 de 12 de ma­yo de 1993
y No. 1944 de 7 de ma­yo de 1996, se de­ter­mi­na la car­ga ho­ra­
ria de cin­co pe­río­dos de cla­se a la se­ma­na pa­ra la en­se­ñan­za de
In­glés en el ni­vel me­dio, a par­tir del año lec­ti­vo 1993-1994, en
Sie­rra y Orien­te; y 1994-1995 en la Cos­ta y Ga­lá­pa­gos, y la
apli­ca­ción ex­pe­ri­men­tal obli­ga­to­ria de la se­rie de tex­tos Our
World Thr
­ ough Eng
­ lish;
la Re­for­ma Cu­rri­cu­lar pa­ra la Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca, pues­ta en
vi­gen­cia me­dian­te Re­so­lu­ción Mi­nis­te­rial No. 1443 de 9 de
abril de 1996, es­ta­ble­ce cin­co pe­río­dos de cla­se se­ma­na­les pa­ra
len­gua ex­tran­je­ra en los años oc­ta­vo, no­ve­no y dé­ci­mo.
en la es­truc­tu­ra or­gá­ni­ca del Mi­nis­te­rio de Edu­ca­ción y Cul­tu­
ra, la Di­vi­sión Na­cio­nal de Idio­mas Ex­tran­je­ros cuen­ta con una
red de fun­cio­na­rios ca­pa­ci­ta­dos pa­ra pro­mo­ver el de­sa­rro­llo
cu­rri­cu­lar de In­glés en las di­rec­cio­nes pro­vin­cia­les y se ha
crea­do cen­tra­les pe­da­gó­gi­cas do­ta­das de ma­te­ria­les di­dác­ti­cos
pa­ra fo­men­tar el de­sa­rro­llo pro­fe­sio­nal de los do­cen­tes de
In­glés; y
En uso de las atri­bu­cio­nes que le con­fie­re la de­le­ga­ción otor­ga­da por
el Sr. Mi­nis­tro de Edu­ca­ción, Cul­tu­ra, De­por­tes y Re­crea­ción,
me­dian­te Acuer­do Mi­nis­te­rial No. 582 de 01 de Mar­zo de
Art. 1. Ra­ti­fi­car la car­ga ho­ra­ria de cin­co pe­río­dos de cla­se a la
se­ma­na pa­ra el apren­di­za­je de In­glés en el oc­ta­vo, no­ve­no y
dé­ci­mo años de Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca (Ci­clo Bá­si­co) y en el
ba­chi­lle­ra­to (Ci­clo Di­ver­si­fi­ca­do).
Art. 2. Apli­car con el ca­rác­ter de op­cio­nal el apren­di­za­je del idio­
ma In­glés del 1o. al 7o. año de la Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca, en los
es­ta­ble­ci­mien­tos que cuen­ten con las fa­ci­li­da­des y el re­cur­so
hu­ma­no es­pe­cia­li­za­do.
Art. 3. Ra­ti­fi­car la apli­ca­ción ex­pe­ri­men­tal obli­ga­to­ria de la se­rie
de tex­tos Our World Th­rough En­glish, pa­ra el es­tu­dio de
la asig­na­tu­ra de In­glés en los años oc­ta­vo, no­ve­no y dé­ci­mo
de la Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca (Ci­clo Bá­si­co) y en el ba­chi­lle­ra­to
(Ci­clo Di­ver­si­fi­ca­do) del ni­vel me­dio de los co­le­gios fis­ca­les
y fis­co­mi­sio­na­les del país, in­clu­yen­do los ex­pe­ri­men­ta­les y
Art. 4. En­car­gar a la Di­vi­sión Na­cio­nal de Idio­mas Ex­tran­je­ros de
la Di­rec­ción Na­cio­nal de Cu­rrí­cu­lo, a tra­vés de sus de­par­ta­
men­tos en las di­rec­cio­nes pro­vin­cia­les de edu­ca­ción y del
per­so­nal le­gal­men­te es­ta­ble­ci­do, que en coor­di­na­ción con la
DI­NA­MEP pla­ni­fi­que y or­ga­ni­ce la ca­pa­ci­ta­ción, la eva­lua­
ción del pro­yec­to y el uso de los re­cur­sos di­dác­ti­cos pa­ra la
en­se­ñan­za-apren­di­za­je de es­te idio­ma.
Art. 5. Pre­cep­tuar que se apli­que el nue­vo sis­te­ma de eva­lua­ción
for­ma­ti­va y glo­ba­li­za­do­ra de In­glés, in­clu­yen­do el Exa­men
Na­cio­nal de In­glés pa­ra los alum­nos que fi­na­li­zan el dé­ci­mo
año de la Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca (Ci­clo Bá­si­co) y los que fi­na­li­zan
el ter­cer año del Ba­chi­lle­ra­to (Ci­clo Di­ver­si­fi­ca­do).
Art. 6. Res­pon­sa­bi­li­zar a la Su­per­vi­sión Na­cio­nal y Pro­vin­cial de
Edu­ca­ción el cum­pli­mien­to de la car­ga ho­ra­ria asig­na­da al
apren­di­za­je del idio­ma In­glés en el oc­ta­vo, no­ve­no y dé­ci­mo
años de Edu­ca­ción Bá­si­ca (Ci­clo Bá­si­co) y en el ba­chi­lle­ra­to
(Ci­clo Di­ver­si­fi­ca­do).
Art. 7. Dis­po­ner que un es­ta­ble­ci­mien­to edu­ca­ti­vo que ha ini­cia­do
el apren­di­za­je de un de­ter­mi­na­do idio­ma ex­tran­je­ro lo man­
ten­ga en to­dos los años de es­tu­dio.
Art. 8. Es­ta­ble­cer que en la trans­fe­ren­cia de alum­nos de una ins­ti­
tu­ción edu­ca­ti­va a otra se con­si­de­re vá­li­da la no­ta ob­te­ni­da
en cual­quier idio­ma ex­tran­je­ro pa­ra efec­tos de pro­mo­ción de
un cur­so a otro y la con­ce­sión de la res­pec­ti­va ma­trí­cu­la.
Art. 9. De­ter­mi­nar que los pla­nes y pro­gra­mas de es­tu­dio de la
asig­na­tu­ra de In­glés ela­bo­ra­dos por la Di­vi­sión Na­cio­nal de
Idio­mas Ex­tran­je­ros y apro­ba­dos por es­te Mi­nis­te­rio, tie­nen
el ca­rác­ter de ofi­cia­les.
Art. 10.Res­pon­sa­bi­li­zar a la Di­rec­ción Na­cio­nal de Cu­rrí­cu­lo, a
tra­vés de la Di­vi­sión Na­cio­nal de Idio­mas Ex­tran­je­ros, el
es­tu­dio y apro­ba­ción de to­dos los ma­te­ria­les di­dác­ti­cos pa­ra
la en­se­ñan­za-apren­di­za­je de idio­mas ex­tran­je­ros.
Art. 11.En­car­gar a las di­rec­cio­nes na­cio­na­les y pro­vin­cia­les de
edu­ca­ción, a tra­vés de sus de­pen­den­cias es­pe­cia­li­za­das, la
eje­cu­ción y cum­pli­mien­to de es­te acuer­do.
Co­mu­ní­que­se.- En la ciu­dad de San Fran­cis­co de Qui­to, Dis­tri­to
Me­tro­po­li­ta­no, a 9 de mar­zo de 2000.
Ga­briel Paz­mi­ño Ar­mi­jos
Sub­se­cre­ta­rio de Edu­ca­ción
Introduction to Teachers
The CRADLE project is one of the projects that the Ministry of Education and Culture has designed to
improve the quality of education in Ecuador. The textbook series, Our World Through English (OWTE), is
part of a process of curriculum change in the teaching of English. Teachers, curriculum experts, teacher trainers, authors, designers, inspectors, advisors and other experts work together to make this process work effectively. The third edition of OWTE that you are going to use is part of this national English
language curriculum development process.
Please enjoy the process and play your full part in it.
Take advantage of the opportunities for professional development that are offered to you.
Use your Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC).
Use these teaching and learning materials carefully.
Follow the teaching notes as much as you can. Keep a record of what happens.
Give the Foreign Languages Division (DIEX) of the Ministry of Education and Culture feedback
through your Provincial Coordinator for Development of the English Language Curriculum (PCDO).
Attend feedback meetings that you are invited to.
Producing a high quality textbook is a complex process. The third edition has taken note of feedback
from teachers and national and international experts. The aim has been to produce a new edition of
Our World Through English that is lively, imaginative and enjoyable for teacher and students. We hope
that you and your classes will find the new edition motivating.
The Third Edition Teacher’s Book is different from the previous edition in that:
clear objectives are given at the beginning of every lesson in the teacher’s notes.
there are monthly tests to be given after every three units as well as three term tests after every
four units.
there are grammar practice exercise answer keys.
The Audio Scripts are included within the teaching steps in the Teacher’s Book.
Additionally, in this edition, we have included a Checking My Progress section with the objective of
encouraging students to reflect and evaluate the progress made at the end of each unit.
Support your project for your benefit and for the benefit of English language learning and teaching and
education in Ecuador.
1 The Course Components
Our World Through English is a six-year English course for Ecuadorian secondary school students. The
materials for each year of the course are:
• Student’s Book
• Teacher’s Book and CD
The Teacher’s Book is distributed free of charge to teachers attending orientation courses organized by
DIEX and held in all provinces of the country.
The CD is available to you in your provincial TRC. Remember that Audio Scripts are to be found in the
appropriate pages of the teacher’s notes. If you have problems obtaining a CD player to use in class
you should still do the listening activities as an integral and important part of the course. Read the
Audio Script aloud for a listening task using the Read, look up and say technique. Teach a song as a
rhyme without music. DIEX strongly recommends that you listen to the CD before a class to minimize
errors of pronunciation, stress and intonation.
2 Planning the use of the materials
Each Student’s Book in the OWTE series is designed for one school year of study. The third edition of
Book 3 is divided into 12 core units and a grammar practice section.
The core units consist of five lessons each, divided into a number of tasks. Each task has a number of
teaching steps in the teaching notes. Each unit has two lessons of two pages and three lessons of one
page, providing for some variation and flexibility in the course structure.
Each core unit is designed to be covered in one to one and a half weeks with five class periods per week,
providing time for review and evaluation as appropriate, ideally 4 (3 terms = 12 units) being covered per
term. We hope this will be motivating to both teachers and students, giving them a feeling of significant
progress each term. The amount of time that a class group takes will depend on many factors, including
previous exposure to English at primary level, general educational level, class size and length of class
periods. DIEX recommends that all students study the core units.
Due to the fact that many teachers have expressed an interest in extra grammar exercises that they could
use to supplement their lessons, a grammar exercise section has been added to this edition of the Our
World Through English Series. This section can be used as in-class reinforcement of certain grammatical
structures, or as exercises that can be sent as homework. The grammar exercises are intended to help
learners prepare for exams, as well as give them self-study activities that they can do outside of class in
order to practice the structures covered in each unit. Teachers may also like to use these grammar pages
as review before exams.
The grammar exercises presented are meant to be a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They are
all given in context, and are meant to motivate the learner through authentic and meaningful language use
through controlled activities, giving the learners a sense of accomplishment through successful
performance on the exercises.
The information in the boxes before exercises presents the grammar with a short explanation and/or
rule, and then goes on to provide a couple of examples of the structure to be seen. Because each grammar point is marked beforehand, it is easy to focus only on those structures which each learner needs
additional practice in. In some cases the grammar is meant to be learned as a lexical unit, or chunk,
and therefore the learners are not given a clear rule, but instead asked to simply notice the English
structure. Some students will rely more on these grammar explanations and exercises than others. They
are meant to supplement the communicative exercises in the book, and not replace them.
The Teacher’s Book also includes tests to be given after the completion of each three core units and at
the end of each school term.
The units of the Teacher’s Book have teaching steps for each task. Notice that the teacher’s language
for a step is often given in bold type. For the students, listening to this language is part of the course.
Please use these instructions and similar instructions when you are teaching. Use Spanish as little as
possible in class. Remember that students learn best by using English, in this case by listening to and
following instructions. Repetition of instructions in Spanish, instead of providing visual support through
gestures, etc, destroys this possibility and also takes time away from exposure to English.
The notes contain production models. These are the teacher’s guide for students’ speaking and/or
3 The philosophy of Our World Through English (OWTE)
The view of language
- Communication and purpose
OWTE is based on the view that we use language for communication. In other words, we use it to give
and receive "messages" of different kinds. There are different purposes in communication, but the
purpose of asking for and giving information is the central one in this course. Many Ecuadorian students
want to use English in their higher level education and in their work. For them, the ability to give and
receive information in English will be extremely important.
Additionally, most learners of a language want to manage the socializing function of language.
Expressing likes and dislikes, wants and needs, has been given greater importance in this new edition.
- Syllabus organization
Information can be divided into three types:
• descriptive
• narrative
• instructive
The syllabus is based principally around the development of the necessary receptive and productive
language skills to manage these types of information as they are used in a wide variety of spoken and
written contexts.
The view of learners and teachers
OWTE has been written and produced in Ecuador for use in Ecuador’s education system. It is written by
Ecuadorians with a clear view of learners’ and teachers’ situations in the classroom, school and wider
socio-economic and cultural contexts of the country. It has been written to help teachers and learners
make the best use of the limited time available. The course aims to enable students to enter adult life
with a firm basis of essential English and language learning skills.
OWTE tries to support the learning process in school by using content from other school subjects and by
encouraging the learners to use their knowledge of the world or stimulate them to want to find out about
the world around them. The course also helps develop learning skills through the medium of English.
These learning skills are transferable to a wide variety of other learning situations.
In using OWTE, students are encouraged to look afresh and critically at their own world in a spirit of
learning to appreciate all that is good, while not ignoring things that are less good. Nevertheless, the
accent is always on the positive. There is much to celebrate in Ecuador and for young people it is important to point them towards the good things and not dwell too much on what is not so good. This
approach is typical of books 1-3. In the second part of the course (books 4-6) students learn to
organize knowledge in different ways. They use English to think and learn about new things, how to
weigh up a lternatives and reach mature, informed decisions.
Topics and motivation
The topics and the way they have been treated have been chosen to interest, surprise and amuse the
learner, starting with their own world in Ecuador in all its diversity and gradually reaching out to the world
beyond. The writing team has tried very hard to find something to interest everyone and to represent
the different peoples of Ecuador equally.
Success and motivation
Nothing succeeds better in motivating students at school than success itself. Success here means
being able to follow the material, complete the tasks and want to learn more. It includes coming to
understand the texts, as well as the procedures, to follow in doing the tasks. It means knowing what
you are trying to learn to do, doing it and understanding the reason for doing it.
Above all the teacher's job is to encourage and support the learners' efforts. A positive attitude on your
part is vital.
Teachers and learners
The teacher’s aim is to help students to reach the goal of being confident and motivated in using
English. The teaching steps in this book guide you in:
encouraging students to prepare themselves for the topic areas to be introduced
organizing tasks for students so that they can do them without unnecessary difficulty
helping students while they are working
encouraging students to review their work
using appropriate ways to get feedback on completed work.
The materials are designed for teachers who:
• are interested in professional development
• want to understand the reasons for the design of the syllabus and materials
• want to do the best possible job but often do not have enough time to do it
• want to organize classroom activities effectively so that students take a central, active role in
• want to help learners to be more independent in their learning
• want to connect learning English with other learning experiences both inside and outside
• want their students to learn how to obtain and give information in English, and consider that
learning how to obtain information is more important than the "right answer"
• want to encourage students to think for themselves.
4 The skills cycle
Language skills in life
When we examine the way that we use different language skills in life we notice two things. Firstly, a
person normally uses language for a purpose. Secondly, there are links between one language skill and
In life, people listen, read or ask questions to find out something. They speak or write to communicate
Links between skills
The language skills are linked. For example, when you answer the telephone, you listen, speak, and
often write a note. After the telephone conversation you may use the note (read it) to remind
yourself or somebody else to do something. In the same way, when you study, you may listen, make notes,
maybe ask questions, perhaps discuss the ideas in the notes, read something more about the notes,
organize your notes, write an essay on the subject. Language skills are linked in these and many other
ways in life.
The language skills cycle in the third edition of OWTE is based on the way we use them in life. The cycle
often begins with a receptive experience – either listening or reading, followed by a productive
experience, either speaking or writing. In each part of the cycle students have a purpose for using their
language skills. To develop the speaking skill in this third edition there are interaction patterns to follow.
Questions are introduced to enable students to ask their teacher and their classmates for information in
English. Questions, of course, are also an important way to obtain and ask for clarification of
information in real life.
The skills approach, then, is based on skills used in real life. It is also based on the way that people
learn, firstly by having a purpose for using the language and secondly by experiencing the language in
both written and spoken forms. This complementary experience helps in remembering. Throughout the
course students are given tasks while they are listening or reading to focus their attention on the main
information and to give them a purpose for listening or reading. In many cases they are asked to do
tasks to activate their general knowledge of a topic. Before reading for more detailed information, students are asked to read to form a general idea of the text. This enables
students to anticipate the
context of the text before they read it in detail. They are given an idea of the information they have to
find. They do not have to understand every single word to achieve this. They make notes to be able to
access information for a further purpose. Tables or charts are used for noting down information in an
organized way. In addition to making information easily accessible, these tables help students to learn
how to organize information from listening or reading.
5 Grammar and vocabulary
The six-year course is based on a core of grammar which the learner needs for giving, asking for and
receiving descriptive, narrative and instructive information. Students experience this grammar in
situational and linguistic contexts at the same time as they explore information about a wide variety of
Learning the grammar of the appropriate verb forms for the above purposes is a central element of the
grammatical syllabus. Through the six-year course, students have repeated experience of giving, asking
for and receiving messages using core verb forms and core sentence structures.
The grammar of the noun phrase progresses from simple to complex as students become familiar with
different kinds of sentence pattern. Great emphasis is given to positive statements in texts.
In the books 1 and 2 grammar is introduced implicitly without presenting grammatical rules. Students
learn phrases and questions as lexical ‘chunks’, or formulas. In later books grammar is made more
explicit, and students’ awareness of grammatical structure is developed to enable them to expand their
linguistic repertoire in English.
Students also experience new vocabulary in a situational and linguistic context. We recommend that
you do not explain new vocabulary before it is met. Instead, you should encourage students to work out
meaning independently using all available resources (including other people). This, of course, includes
the possibility for students to ask you or each other in English for help. Training students to solve their
own vocabulary problems is an essential part of helping them become active, independent learners.
The design of the course introduces and recycles core vocabulary throughout the book. Students
should, then, get enough experience of these items to assimilate them. It also includes vocabulary
which is not core or frequent but is important in a topic. Many of these items are illustrated. It is not
necessary for students to learn this vocabulary for productive use. Core vocabulary is listed in the unit
objectives and in alphabetical order. Students should be able to use the core vocabulary in speaking
and writing. They are not expected to remember or ‘learn completely’ all the words
in each unit.
The classroom language included in many units in earlier books should be learnt as vocabulary or
lexical ‘chunks’ for communicative purposes in the classroom and should not be analyzed
grammatically in these levels. Students should be encouraged to use this classroom language as much as
possible as a genuine means of communication in a variety of common classroom situations and as an
essential part of the core syllabus.
6 Examinations
Prepared sample tests are provided for your use at mid-term and end of term points.
If you have comments about any aspect of the books, please contact DIEX. We will be delighted to hear
from you. Happy teaching and learning!
The Cradle Project
División de Idiomas Extranjeros, Telefax: 02-2541512
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
General Teaching Tips
1 English in the classroom
While a student receiving five hours of English per week cannot hope to absorb the amount of
language a native speaking child learns, the amount of English that a student will learn depends directly
on the amount of exposure to the language. Students need a lot of listening experiences to become
familiar with English before they can produce significant amounts of language. As their teacher you are
their main experience of the foreign language. Do not waste time exposing them to Spanish unless it is
absolutely necessary. Use simple English and avoid translation as much as
possible by using mime,
gestures, demonstration and other visual support to get meaning across.
Start giving simple instructions in English from the first class. Soon you can conduct the whole
son in English.
Using English in the classroom shows students that English is used for real communication and makes
them use English for this purpose. It also challenges students to understand the meaning for
themselves. For example, when you go into the classroom and say: “Good morning, everybody”,
students can understand that you are greeting them.
It is important in the tasks to check that students understand class instructions. There are different
ways of doing this:
Demonstrate the task with an example.
Ask students to demonstrate the task with examples.
Watch students carefully when they begin working on a task (i.e. monitor their work) and help them
individually or as a group, if you see a problem.
Invite a student to explain the task to the class.
2 Pronunciation and Intonation
Unstressed vowels are often pronounced using the schwa sound / /. For example, in ‘a banana’, the
letters in italics are all pronounced with a schwa, so /b nan /.
Spanish speakers tend to pronounce the sound /s/ with an additional /e/ before the /s/, for example,
‘estop’ for ‘stop’, and in other words starting with an /s/ sound followed by a consonant sound. It is
common to hear students say ‘an estudent’ instead of ‘a student’ as a result of this problem. You should be
particularly careful in your own speech to avoid this and to correct students when they make this
In a series of connected descriptive statements, for example a description of a person, there is a
sustained level of intonation at the end of each statement and a falling intonation at the end of the last
statement of the description. The sustained intonation shows that the speaker has more to say. The
falling intonation shows that the speaker has finished.
A rising intonation is used in yes/no questions or to obtain confirmation of a statement. It is
common to hear students using a rising intonation to get confirmation from the teacher of a correct answer.
This can distort appropriate intonation, and even cause confusion.
General Teaching Tips
3 A word on ‘English’
The idea of ‘correct’ English still exists but like many things it is a more relative term than in the past.
There is an obvious need to use a standardized form of English in a textbook series. OWTE uses standard British English, appropriate to its global use at the beginning of the 21st century. The grammatical analysis follows The Oxford English Grammar (Greenbaum, 1996). British English vocabulary is
used in the main, so ‘shop’, ‘railway’, ‘trousers’, etc are to be found, but words of American origin that
are becoming part of British and international English, for example 'cool', 'cookie' etc, are used in
preference to the more traditional British words.
British English spelling is used partly because these are the forms used throughout the Englishspeaking world (except the United States) and in Europe, Africa and Asia where English is very
widely used. For example, ‘colour’, 'travelled', 'centre' etc. Spelling conforms to that in the Collins
Cobuild Dictionary. There are cases where British English spelling is changing, so that these forms
have been used, for example, ‘organize’ instead of ‘organise’.
4 Grouping
Students can be grouped in different ways according to the size of the class and the physical conditions in
each classroom. For example, students can work in threes in a row, or they can turn round and form groups
with students in the next row, etc. Practise the selected grouping procedure as much as
in order to set up routines for future lessons, so that students will get used to forming groups quickly and
5 Songs, rhymes and chants
Follow these steps for songs, rhymes and chants:
• Invite students to predict the song by looking at the picture.
• Say: “Listen to the song (rhyme or chant) and follow the song in your books.”
• Play the CD (or sing the song) at least twice.
• Guide the student to sing each line of the song with you.
• Ask them to sing the song alone in groups and as a whole.
• Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions with be, like,
live, have, play, sell
•Review of past simple: affirmative and negative statements with start, eat, drink, turn up,
be, dance, finish
•Review of can/can't: affirmative and
negative statements and questions
•Review of question words: how old, when, where,
how many
•Exchanging personal information and
•Describing a person (with regard to age,
residence, family, ambitions)
•Inviting someone to a party
•Telling a story
•Talking about free time activities
•Describing an Ecuadorian community
•Describing past events
•Expressing ability
•Instructions: write, listen, choose, read, imagine, match, design
•Free time activities: basketball, swimming, tennis, volleyball, canoeing, fishing, cooking,
dancing, playing the guitar, cycling
•Celebrations: birthday, wedding, graduation,
anniversary, party invitation, card
Skills Development
• Reading: reading for general information and for
specific information, predicting from
layout, scanning a text, reading and
following instructions.
•Listening: listening for general idea and for
detailed information, listening and making
•Speaking: exchanging personal information,
asking and answering questions about free
time activities
• Writing: describing a person, describing an ethnic group, writing a short summary
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
• Social Studies: learning about an ethnic group
General Learning Skills
• Developing knowledge of different ethnic
groups in Ecuador
•Developing skills to describe people
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Review of question words: who, what kind, what,
how, where, how many, which
•Review of verbs for instructions: select, draw,
colour, put
•Prepositions of place: in, on, at, next to, opposite,
•Identifying school places and describing
•Identifying learning styles
•Describing personality
•Exchanging information about likes and
•Talking about school celebrations in another
•Giving instructions (for making a scale
•Learning styles: verbal-linguistic,visual-spatial,
logical-mathematical, physical-kinesthetic,
musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal
•School places: classrooms, toilets, swimming
pool, basketball court, snack bar, football
pitch, office, library, garden
•Celebrations in Britain: Easter, May Day, Shrove
Tuesday, Remembrance Day
•Classroom materials: pencil, ruler, coloured
pencils, plain paper
•Asking for and giving information about
•Exchanging personal information
•Describing hairstyles and appearance
•Giving instructions (for body exercises)
•Expressing necessity and obligation
General Learning Skills
•Signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Cancer, Gemini,
Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn,
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo
•Personality characteristics: secretive, energetic, stubborn, cheerful, protective, good
leader, practical, elegant, adventurous,
hardworking, cooperative, good sense of
humour, friendly, careful, introverted,
extroverted, serious
•Jobs: architect, taxi driver, footballer,
newsreader, chef, housewife, hairdresser, engineer,
weaver, waitress, lawyer
•Clothes: light clothes, warm clothes,
colourful garments, baggy jeans, t-shirt, pullover, miniskirt, blouse, belly top, button
•Materials: silk, cotton, tagua, wool
•Parts of the body: foot, ankle, head, knee,
leg, hand, stomach, waist, elbow, arm,
•Movement: bend, touch, stand, twist
•Participating in a Project Work
Skills Development
Skills Development
•Reading: reading for general idea, reading for
•Listening: listening for specific information
•Speaking: exchanging information about learning styles and study habits, speaking about
•Writing: writing a description of a school,
writing a letter
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Social Studies: learning about celebrations in
another country
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions with be, wear
•Review of question words: what, who
•Have/has to: positive and negative
statements to express obligation and
•Passive: affirmative sentences for
•Adjectives: after linking verb be, to describe
•Reading: reading for specific information, reading for general idea
•Listening: listening for specific information, listening and matching
•Speaking: exchanging information about hairstyle preferences, speaking to give instructions
•Writing: writing about materials for clothes,
writing a description of personality
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Sciences: knowing the parts of the human body
and the importance of exercising
•Social Studies: identifying different kind of personality characteristics
grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather,
mother in-law, father in-law, uncle, aunt, niece,
nephew, cousin
•Appearance: short, tall, chubby, slim,
Skills Development
•Reading: reading for general idea, reading for
•Listening: listening for specific information
•Speaking: exchanging personal information,
giving instructions for making a medal,
describing future plans
•Writing: writing a short telephone
Further Objectives
•Review of possessives: Sara's mother in-law
•First Conditional: positive statements to talk
about future possibilities
•Review of adjectives: to describe personality
and physical characteristics: short, tall, slim,
chubby, cheerful, sad, happy, ill, lonely
•Review of question words: how, what, how many
•Review of imperative: giving instructions to
make a medal with: trace, write, decorate, stick,
•Future: going to to describe future plans
Curriculum Links
•Describing personality and appearance and
giving compliments
•Exchanging information about future plans
•Exchanging personal information
•Discussing future possibilities
•Describing a family
•Giving instructions for making a medal
•Review of present simple: positive and negative statements and questions with eat, live,
can, be, have, measure, buy, use, turn off, recycle
•Review of question words: what, who, where,
how many, why, how
•Passive voice: developing awareness of active
and passive meaning, affirmative and negative
statements with present simple passive, e.g.
are threatened, are captured, are found
•Adverbs of frequency: never, sometimes,
General Learning Skills
•How to maintain a conversation
•Learning how to give instructions
•Personality: cheerful, sad, happy, ill, lonely, intelligent, lively, successful, sensitive, timid, independence, rebellious, careless, nervous, preoccupied, playful, sociable, popular, lovable
•Family members`: father, mother,
•Social Studies: finding out about personality
•Sciences: learning about where materials come
General Learning Skills
•Maintaining good relationships
•Acknowledging the value of friendship
•Review and use of auxiliaries: negative statements and questions
•Relative pronouns: which, who
tecting the environment
•Biology: finding out about endangered species
•Asking and answering questions about
animals, their habitat and lifestyles
•Describing a natural phenomenon
•Exchanging information about endangered species
•Completing a graph and questionnaire
•Talking about deforestation
•Giving an oral presentation
•Giving a presentation
•Plotting a bar graph
•Carrying out a questionnaire
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Comparative and superlative forms: comparing
and contrasting with smaller, higher, bigger, older,
lower, warmer, colder and smallest, lowest, oldest,
•Review of past simple: affirmative and negative statements
•Review of question words: where, when, what,
•Review of going to: future plans
•Review of imperative: giving instructions with
serve, mix, take, cut, chop, add, peel
•Passive voice: affirmative and negative statements with past simple passive, e.g. was
founded, was designed
•Animals: macaw, yumbo, condor, monkey, tiger,
parrot, parakeet, wolf, armadillo, amphibian
•Nature: trees, environment, rainforest,
timber, environment, flooding, vivarium, soil,
forests, hurricane
•Animal trafficking: illegal traffic operation, animals confiscated, rescue centre,
endangered species
•Environment protection: aerosols,
atmosphere, household chemicals, unleaded petrol, packaging,, waste, glass bottles, energy,
•Processes: melt, rise, flood
Skills Development
General Learning Skills
•Reading: reading and making notes, reading
and ordering pictures
•Listening: listening for general idea, listening
for specific information
•Speaking: describing frequency of activities,
giving a presentation, giving and asking for
information about protecting the environment
•Writing: writing a summary
Further Objectives
•Describing a place
•Comparing and contrasting characteristics of
•Describing cities and countries
•Describing traditional dresses
•Exchanging information about adventure
•Giving instructions for a recipe
Curriculum Links
•Mathematics: plotting a bar graph
•Environmental Science: learning about environmental problems and advice for
•Sports: hiking, diving, bungee jumping, sea kayaking, hot-air ballooning, windsurfing, rafting
•Traditional dresses: skirt, belt, trousers, colourful jacket, sandals, short sleeves, scarf, hat,
dress, tie, boots, suit, shirt, lace
•Ingredients for a Mexican dish: avocado, tomato, chopped onion, vinegar, oil, chilli sauce,
possibilities with can, could
•Review of imperative: giving instructions with
lie down, press, take, tie, cover, raise
•Because: giving reasons
Skills Development
•Giving health and safety advice
•Exchanging personal information
•Giving instructions for treating bleeding
•Describing results of a survey
•Reading: reading for specific information, reading and matching descriptions and
following instructions
•Listening: listening for general idea,
listening for specific information and to check
•Speaking: speaking to complete information,
describing places
•Writing: writing a description of a traditional
dress, writing a postcard
Further Objectives
•House and home: cooker, fireplace, saucepan,
plug, rug, stairs, frying pan, knife, poison,
•Medicine: bandage, injured, blood, cut, cloth
•Review of classroom materials: coloured pens,
card, magazines, glue, paper, scissors
Skills Development
Curriculum Links
•Geography: building on existing knowledge of
South American countries (with regard to
location, economics, population, race and
•Tourism: becoming aware of tourist activities in
Costa Rica
•Reading: reading to confirm ideas, bringing
knowledge to the text, reading for detail
•Listening: listening for specific information
•Speaking: giving health and safety advice,
exchanging personal information
•Writing: writing a set of health and safety
rules, writing a summary of results
General Learning Skills
Further Objectives
•Interpreting a graph
•Writing a postcard
•Learning how to make a Mexican dish
•Developing awareness of tourism in other
Latin American countries
Curriculum Links
•Biology: learning how to treat bleeding and discovering the harmful effects of smoking
•Mathematics: presenting information in a bar graph
General Learning Skills
•Review of present simple: questions and affirmative and negative short answers
•Modal verbs: expressing strong
recommendations with should and shouldn't and
•Making a poster
•Presenting results of a survey in a bar graph
•Writing a summary of results
different countries
General Learning Skills
•Review of present simple: questions and affirmative and negative statements with do, play,
go, collect, watch
•Review of past simple: affirmative
statements with throw, hit, lose, dribble, drive, crash
•Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often,
sometimes, never
• Developing awareness of different kinds of
free time activities
•Learning about international dishes
•Developing interpersonal relationships
•Grouping words in categories
•Completing a table and mind-map
•Ranking activities
•Exchanging information about free time
•Asking for and giving information about likes
and dislikes in relation to sports
•Leisure activities: aerobics, play the guitar,
cycling, collect CDs, watch cartoons
•Sports: football, marathon, fishing,
gokarting, swimming, gymnastics, volleyball,
cycling, Formula One, diving, walking,
basketball, baseball, motorcycling, jumping,
•Food: pizza, hamburgers, french fries, fried
chicken, oregano, beef, wheat, onion,
pepper, peach, promegranate, yogurt,
carrots, apples, barley, cheese, pork, garlic,
milk, oats, cinnamon, tomato
Skills Development
•Listening: listening for specific information
•Speaking: speaking about the frequency of
activities, speaking about favourite foods and
free time activities
•Writing: writing a recipe, writing about plans
for the weekend, writing a summary
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Social Studies: learning about fast food from
•Review of past simple: affirmative and negative statements with want, shout, run out,
come, be, feel, look, realize, notice
•Review of imperative: identify, keep away, find,
be calm, teach, help, stay, get, soak, add, mould,
squeeze, mash, paint, practise, drink, bury, avoid
•Past progressive: affirmative and negative statements with was/were sleeping, coming, erupting, driving, happening, paying
shining, singing, getting, listening, talking
•Review of articles: a, an, some
•Exchanging information about location and
past events
•Giving safety advice
•Describing past actions
•Giving and asking for information about
natural phenomena
•Natural wonders: volcanoes, eruption, erupt,
lava, explosion, cloud
•Materials: newspaper, glue, water, coloured
•Model making: squeeze, mould, mash, soak
•Emergency equipment: torch, radio, matches,
blanket, batteries, candle, first aid box
Skills Development
•Reading: reading for general idea, reading for
detail, scanning a text for information
•Listening: listening for specific information
•Speaking: exchanging information about what
to do before, during and after an
earthquake and a flood, speaking about past
•Writing: writing safety instructions
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Science: learning about natural phenomena
•Geography: discovering the location of
volcanoes in other parts of the world
General Learning Skills
•Making a model from papier maché
•Learning what to do in the event of an
earthquake and a flood
•Predicting a story from pictures
•Narrating past events
•Ranking information
•Expressing ideas and opinions
•Agreeing and disagreeing: I agree with you, I
don't agree, I think you're right
•Making a pie chart
•Crime: burglary, robbery, shoplifting,
kidnapping, murder, drunk-driving, forgery, vandalism
•Adjectives: angry, happy, fast, desperate, careful, easy, nervous, aggressive
•Television: news, cartoon, soap opera, game
show, documentary, film
Skills Development
•Reading: reading for general idea, reading for
detail, reading and inferring meaning
•Listening: listening for general idea, listening
for specific information
•Speaking: agreeing and disagreeing,
expressing opinions, giving reasons/advice
•Writing: writing a summary
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Review of past simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Adverbs: raising awareness about the
difference in use and meaning of adjectives and
adverbs, describing actions with happily, carefully, easily, nervously, fast, aggressively
•Review of because: giving reasons
•Review of modal verbs: showing possibilities
with can and might
Mathematics: calculating percentages and
senting information in a pie chart (please
General Learning Skills
•Carrying out a survey, presenting information
in the form of a pie chart and summarizing
•Making a word search
Curriculum Links
•Present perfect: developing awareness of
meaning and use, questions with have you…
had, seen, visited, read, watched, met, been and
affirmative statements
•Review of past simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Review of passive voice: affirmative and negative statements with present and past simple
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Giving and asking for information about beliefs
•Describing experiences in the past
•Asking about past experiences
•Describing an object and a movie plot
•Filling out a form
•Supernatural; witch, ghost, UFO, elves,
fortune teller, cemetery, horror film, alien,
zombie, spaceship
•Descriptions: oval, saucer-shaped, bright,
enormous, silver
Skills Development
•Reading: reading for general idea, reading and
confirming ideas, reading for detail
•Listening: listening for specific information,
listening and making notes
•Speaking: discussing ideas and making predictions, exchanging information about experiences from the past, taking part in a role play,
describing an object
•Writing: writing an account of a past event in a
diary entry, filling out a form
Further Objectives
•Developing of intelligence: encouraging imagination by means of traditional beliefs
General Learning Skills
•Conducting a questionnaire
•Filling out a form
•Writing a diary entry
•Time expressions: first, then, after that, finally
•Review of prepositions of place: at, to
•Review of present simple: affirmative and negative statements and questions
•Review of past simple: affirmative and
negative statements and questions
•Review of imperative: serve, stir, put, cover, add,
•Review of can: questions and affirmative and
negative statements
•Describing a sequence of events
•Describing a journey and modes of transport
•Describing abilities
•Completing a questionnaire
•Expressing distances
•Expressing ideas and predicting
•Giving instructions for a recipe
•Mountaineering: mountain, summit, climb,
tent, camp
•Modes of transport: plane, bus, boat, balloon
•Free time activities: go walking, go climbing,
have a picnic, go to the zoo, buy food, go to
the cinema, go windsurfing, buy clothes,
swim, go to a museum, go skiing, dance, fish,
watch TV, send a letter
Skills Development
•Reading: reading and confirming ideas, reading for detail, reading and making notes
•Listening: listening for specific information, listening and ordering
•Speaking: describing a sequence of events in
the past, describing a journey, discussing
ideas and abilities, giving advice, giving
instructions for a recipe
•Writing: creative writing, writing a postcard and
travel arrangements
Further Objectives
Curriculum Links
•Current events and values: Ivan Vallejo's experience
•Tourism: learning about ways to spend your
free time
General Learning Skills
•Learning how to make a traditional dessert
•Developing creative writing
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to give students an opportunity to get to know
one another
• to develop intensive and extensive listening skills
N.B. Ask students to find out some information about an
ethnic group for lesson 2.
Task 1 Speaking
1 Tell students about your best friend. Encourage
them to ask you questions about your friend’s age,
name, physical appearance etc.
• to review basic question forms
• to provide speaking and communicative writing
She’s very friendly, but she’s quiet.
I: Does she like going sout often?
M: Actually she prefers to stay in with her family and
a few friends. She’s got three brothers and two
I: And who do you like bes, Gaby or Paula?
M: Oh I like them both equally! They’re both my
best, best friends!
2 Put students into small groups to do the task. Tell
them they have 5 minutes to ask and answer
questions about their best friends.
Task 2 Listening for general idea
Task 3 Listening for specific information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to read CD the task instructions.
Check understanding.
1 If you have a CD player, copy the first sentence
onto the board. If you are going to read the
Audio Script, copy all the sentences.
2 Tell students to listen to all the information.
Explain that the first task is for them to get the
general idea of the listening text. Say: “It doesn’t
matter if you don’t understand every word. Try to
answer the two questions.”
3 Play or read Audio Script 1 once or twice.
4 Ask students to check their answers in pairs. Say:”Get into pairs to check your answers, please.”
5 Check the task on the board. Say: “Can you tell me
the answer to Question 1/2 please, (name).”
Audio Script 1 Mariana's Friends
Listen to Mariana talking about her friends.
I: Mariana, tell me about your best friend.
M: Well, I’ve got two best friends actually.
I: Two!
M: Yes. Gaby and Paula.
I: I see. And are they similar or are they quite
M: Well, they’re both the same age. Their birthday is
even on the same day!
I: No!
M: Yes, really, it is. And they’re the same age as me.
I: And how old are you?
M: Fifteen.
I: O.K. And do they both go to the same school as
M: Yes, and they’re both in the same class too.
I: Right.
M: Gaby is really lively. She likes loud music and
she talks very loudly too! Paula isn’t as lively.
1c 2b
2 Play the first part of Audio Script 1 and
demonstrate the task with the given example.
3 Play or read Audio Script 1 once or twice (or until
most of the students have completed the task.) If
you have a CD player it is the time for you to copy
the other sentences (2-6) on the board while the
students are listening.
4 Check the task on the board. Say: “ Can you tell
me the answer to question 2/3/4/5/6, please,
1 G, P
2 G, P
3 G, P
Your Classmates
Task 4 Speaking
1 Copy the table on the board.
2 Bring a student to the front. Ask him/her the
questions. Make notes in the table.
3 Tell students to do the task. Say: “Stand up,
please. Walk around the class and interview three
4 Walk around the class listening to the
students. Help them if necessary, but don’t
interrupt them to correct them. If you hear a
lot of mistakes, you can correct them with the
whole class after the activity has
N.B. Do not erase the information on the
Task 5 Writing
1 Use the notes on the board to write an
example paragraph about the student. Elicit
sentences from the students, e.g. point to the
age in the table and say: “What shall I write?”
and then write the sentence, e.g. He is 14 years
old etc. Do not write the person's name.
2 Tell students to select one student and write
about him or her. Say: “Don’t write the
person’s name. Don’t tell anyone who you are
3 Walk around the class checking students'
work. Help if necessary.
A possible production model
He is 16 years old. His birthday is on
September 5th. He lives in Patate. He has two
brothers and a sister. He would like to be an
Task 6 Reading and Speaking
1 Bring a student to the front of the class.
2 Ask the student to read his or her
description. Tell the students to listen and find
out who he or she is describing. Say: “Listen
Lesson 1
to the description. Who do you think (name) is
3 When the student has finished reading his or
her description, encourage the students to
guess the name of the person who was
described. Ask the student who read the
description to confirm the correct answer.
4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to take it in
turns to read their descriptions and guess.
Say: “Take it in turns to read your
descriptions and guess the name of the
student.” Walk around listening to students.
Help them with pronunciation and intonation.
Lesson 2
Greeting and Meeting People
Lesson Objectives
• to review vocabulary related to celebrations and
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to practise the language of inviting
Task 1 Labelling cards
1 Tell students to look at the pictures and
predict what they are going to do.
2 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
3 Introduce the words in the box orally. Point to
the pictures as you speak.
4 Demonstrate the task. Point to the birthday
card and say: “anniversary.”
5 Tell students to do the task individually.
6 Check the answers on the board.
1 anniversary 2 wedding 3 birthday 4
Task 2 Reading for general idea
1 Copy the questions on the board.
2 Tell students to read the diary quickly and find
the information. Explain that the first task is
just for them to get the general idea of the
reading task. Say: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t
understand every word. Just try to answer the
two questions.”
3 Monitor students' work.
4 Check the answers on the board.
(to a party at) Marta's house.
She met a boy. / She danced with Marco
Task 3 Reading for specific information
1 Copy the card on the board.
2 Ask the students: “What kind of party did
Mayra go to?” and write birthday in the first
blank space.
3 Tell students to read the text again and do the
task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
Marta's house
Saturday 24th June
Task 4 Designing a party invitation
1 Copy the party invitation from Task 3 on the
2 Demostrate the task. Complete the invitation
with your own information.
3 Tell students to do the task on their own.
4 Walk around the class. Monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
N.B Remind students to bring some information
about an ethnic group for lesson 4.
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Your Free Time
Lesson Objectives
• to review vocabulary related to freetime activities
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Vocabulary Development
Task 3 Reading for detailed information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Do the first two questions as an example. Say:
“What's number 1/2, (name)?” Write 1 canoeing 2
swimming on the board.
2 Focus students' attention on the required
information and the address on the postcard. Say:
“Look. Sarah's parents live in England. She must be
English.” Underline sentence a.
3 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Tell students to do the task.
4 While the students are working, write the words on
the board. When they have finished, check the task
on the board.
4 Check the answers orally.
N.B. Do not erase this information.
1 canoeing 2 swimming 3 cooking 4 fishing
5 singing
6 cycling
7 dancing 8 basketball
9 tennis
10 playing the guitar
Task 2 Reading for general idea
Task 4 Speaking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
2 Give an example. Say: “My favourite free time activities are …”
2 Copy the questions on the board.
3 Tell students to talk in pairs.
3 Tell students to read the postcard and find the
information. Explain that this task is just for them
to get the general idea of the reading text. Say: “It
doesn't matter if you don't understand every word.
Just try to answer the three questions.”
4 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Monitor students' work.
Student B: My favourite activities are playing
basketball, cooking and canoeing.
5 Ask the students to check their answers in pairs.
Say: “Get into pairs to check your answers, please.”
6 Check the task on the board. Say “Tell me the
answer to questions 1/2/3 please, (name).”
A possible production model
Student A: My favourite activities are dancing, playing the guitar and fishing. What are yours?
N.B. Remind students again to bring some
information about an ethnic group for the next
1 Sarah
2 Mr and Mrs Tailor
3 in Quito
Your country
Lesson Objectives
• to develop awareness of ethnic groups in Ecuador.
• to review present simple verb forms to describe
general habits and facts
N.B Students should have brought some
information about an ethnic group for this lesson.
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask the students to look at the photographs and
tell you the ethnic groups the people belong to.
Amazon indigenous, Otavaleño, Afro-Ecuadorian,
Lesson 4
• to develop intensive listening skills and writing
Task 3 Listening and completing information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the tape before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding. Tell students to focus their
attention on specific information.
Task 2 Listening and selecting information
2 Copy sentence 1 on the board. Play or read the
first sentence of Audio Script 2 and ask the
students what to write in the first space. Write 17
in number 1.
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the tape before teaching.
3 Tell students to continue working individually. Play
or read Audio Script 2 two or three times.
1 Copy the headings of the table on the board.
4 Ask students for the answers. Say: “Can you tell me
the answer to number 2/3/4/5 please, (name).” Write
the missing words on the board.
2 Play the CD or read the first part of Audio Script 2
to demonstrate the task. Ask the students which
word from the Ecuadorians column of the table they
heard. Write Afro-Ecuadorians in the table and tick it
as an example.
3 Ask students to continue individually. Play or read
Audio Script 2 two or three times (or until most students have completed the task) without stopping.
4 Check the task orally. Write the answers on the
Audio Script 2 An Ecuadorian Community
Listen to a description of an Ecuadorian community.
The ancestors of most Afro-Ecuadorians came from
Africa in the 17th Century. Many Afro-Ecuadorians live
in coastal regions in this country, but there is also a
community of black people in the highlands in an area
called the Chota Valley. Chota is situated to the north
of Ibarra and, although it is in the highland region, it is
a warm and dusty place.
The people of Chota grow and sell fruit, such as
bananas, limes, ovitos, grapes, pepinos and
tangerines, for a living. They are well-known as music
lovers and the music they play is a mixture of sad
Andean music and African sounds.
Afro-Ecuadorians ✓ / Highlands ✓ / grow and sell
fruit ✓ / music ✓
1 17th 2 warm 3 fruit 4 sad 5 Africa
Task 4 Writing
1 Write the name of an ethnic group you know
something about on the board.
2 Encourage students to tell you information about
this group. Write the information on the board in
the form of a short paragraph as an example.
3 Tell students to use the information they brought to
the class to write about a group in their
notebooks or on scrap paper. If some students have not
brought information, group them with students who
have and ask them to share.
4 Walk around the class. Monitor students' work.
Help them if necessary.
5 It would be a good idea to collect the students’
work, correct it and return it in a later lesson.
A possible production model
The Otavaleños are originally from Otavalo. This is a
city in the Highlands. Otavalo has mild weather. The
Otavaleños are hard working people. They weave and
sell their weavings.
Lesson 5
A famous Singer
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1
Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to look at the photograph. Ask them the
questions. Encourage them to put up their hands to
Task 2
Listening for general idea
1 Ask the students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Ensure that everybody has their books closed.
3 Play the CD. Let students listen.
4 Ask students ideas of what the song is about.
Possible answer
A person in love referring to his/her loved one's eyes.
Task 3
Listening for specific information
1 Read the task instructions. Check students'
2 Play the CD. Check the task and then play the song
again for students to fill in the blanks.
Audio Script 3 Eyes Like Yours
Oh, you know I have seen
A sky without sun
A man with no nation
Saints, captive in chains
A song with no name
For lack of imagination
Ya he...
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he Ya he Ya la he
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be
My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Oh, You know I seen
A woman of means
In rags and begging for pleasure
• to provide variety by means of music
Crossed a river of salt
Just after I rode
A ship that's sunk in the desert
Ya he Ya he Ya la he
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he Ya he Ya la he
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be
My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
rabboussamai fikarrajaii
fi ainaiha aralhayati
ati ilaika min haza Ikaaouni
arjouka labbi labbi nidai
come from Bahrein, got to Beirut
looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
The word 'eyes' is repeated 5 times.
1 know
2 with
3 with
4 have
5 live
6 give
7 windows
8 doors
9 windows
10 doors
11 find
12 woman
13 river
14 have
15 never
16 oceans
17 give
18 looking
19 find
20 comparing
21 yours
22 came
23 looking
24 yours
Task 2 Unscrambling words
1 canoeing
2 cycling
3 dancing
4 fishing
5 singing
Checking My Progress 1
Lesson 1
All About Learning
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to school
• to review and extend students’ knowledge of
prepositions of place
N.B You will need a large sheet of scrap paper or
newspaper and some adhesive tape for this lesson.
Task 1 Vocabulary Development
1 Read the task instructions. Draw students’ attention
to the pictures. Point out the example.
2 Ask students to do the task alone. Monitor and help
if necessary.
3 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner.
Write the words on the board while the students are
4 Check the answers on the board. Say: “What is number 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9?” Write the appropriate numbers
next to the words on the board.
1 swimming pool
2 classroom
3 toilets
4 library
5 garden
6 football pitch
7 office
8 basketball court
9 snack bar
Task 2 Listening and matching information
N.B Please check your pronunciation stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching
1 Copy the information on the board.
2 Play or read the first part of Audio Script 4 to
demonstrate the task.
3 Match John and Rocío’s classroom is with on the ground
4 Play the CD or read Audio Script 4 two or three times
(or until most of the students have completed the
5 Ask a student to do the matching on the board.
Audio Script 4 A School Building
Listen to Rocio showing a new student around the school.
R: The classrooms are all in this building, John. And our
classroom is on the ground floor.
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop students’ ability to give and ask for
information regarding location
J: Which is our classroom?
R: It’s classroom 2.
J: O.K.
R: And this room, opposite classrooms 1 and 2, is the
teachers’ room.
J: Oh, right. And the room next to the teachers’ room?
R: That’s the inspector’s office.
J: O.K. Is the headmaster’s office on this floor too?
R: No, that’s in the office building. The headmaster’s
office is on the first floor on the right.
J: On the first floor on the right?
R: Yes. the secretary’s office is next to the
headmaster’s office.
J: Where is the deputy headmaster’s office?
R: That’s on the first floor on the left. And then there’s
a toilet between the deputy headmaster’s office and
the accountant’s office.
J: O.K. And what’s that little room at the end of the
corridor on the first floor?
R: Oh, that’s the storeroom. We keep books and
materials in there.
J: O.K. Thanks very much, Rocío.
R: You’re welcome, John. I hope you enjoy your first day
at our school.
John and Rocío’s classroom is C/ on the ground floor
The teachers’ room is / opposite classrooms 1 & 2 D
The inspector’s office is / next to the teachers’ room E
The headmaster’s office is / on the first floor, on the
right. F
The secretary’s office is / next to the headmaster’s
office. B
The deputy headmaster’s office is / on the first floor on
the left. A
The toilet is / between the deputy headmaster’s office
and the accountant’s office. H
The storeroom is/ at the end of the corridor on the first
floor. G
Task 3 Reading and labelling
1 Copy the plan on the board. Include Classroom 1 and
Classroom 2. Point to The teachers’ room is opposite
classrooms 1 and 2 in Task 2. Ask a student to come up
to the front of the class and write Teachers’ Room in the
correct place on the plan.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Monitor students’ work. Walk around the class. Help
students if necessary.
4 Tell students to compare their work with a partner.
School Places
Lesson 1
Task 4 Labelling another diagram
1 Quickly copy Diagram 1 and 2 and the words in the box
on the board.
2 Explain that students have to label the diagram any way
they like. Write a word from the box in each space in Diagram 1. Show that you are choosing where to put them.
3 Warn students that they must not show the diagram to
their partners. Say: “It’s a secret!” and cover the picture
on the board with some paper and tape.
N.B Do not erase this information.
4 Tell students to do the task individually and encourage
them to hide their work from their neighbours.
Task 5 Speaking
1 Bring a student to the front of the class. Point to the
words in the box. Say: “Ask me where the places are.” Point
to Diagram 2 and say: “Then write the words in the correct places in the diagram.”
2 Encourage the student to ask you one question at a
time. Ask other members of the class to help if
3 Look at Diagram 1 under the newspaper without letting
the student see. Answer the student’s questions and
encourage him/her to label Diagram 2. Do not erase the
4 Ask students to work in pairs taking turns to ask and
answer questions and complete Diagram 2.
5 Walk around the class. Check student’s work. Help them
with intonation, stress and pronunciation.
A possible production model
A: Where is the office?
B: It’s next to the snackbar.
A: Where is the garden?
B: It’s opposite the snack bar.
A: Where is the library?
B: It’s next to the garden.
A: Where is the swimming pool?
B: It’s between the library and the classroom.
A: Where are the toilets?
B: They are in the centre of the building.
Teaching Tip
Notice that toilets is plural, which means that students will
need to ask: “Where are the toilets?” (and not “Where is...”).
Similarly they will need to reply: “They are next to the
swiming pool” etc. (and not “It is...”).
Task 6 Writing
1 Elicit sentences about Diagram 2 on the board from the
students. Say: “Help me describe the school. Tell me what
to write.” Write some example sentences on the board.
2 Say: “Now do the task individually.”
A possible production model
In this school, the library is next to the swimming pool. The
swimming pool is opposite the snack bar. The garden is
opposite the offices. The offices are between the
classroom and the library. The toilets are between the
classroom and the snack bar.
Lesson 2
Kinds of Learners
Lesson Objectives
to provide an opportunity for classroom discussion
to develop intensive reading skills and the ability to
scan a text
Task 1 Memory Test
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
2 Tell students to look at the words and remember as
many as they can. Say: “When I say STOP, close your
books and write all the words you can remember.” Make
sure everybody has some paper to write on.
3 Tell students when to begin. After 1 minute say:“Stop!”
4 Make sure students close their books. Encourage them
to write the words they can remember.
Task 2 Speaking
1 Ask the students to count the words they remembered.
2 Conduct a classroom discussion. Ask students the
questions. Encourage students to look at their words and
Teaching Tip
Students who remembered the most words will probably
have had some kind of strategy. Common strategies are
as follows:
- Remembering groups of words, e.g. musical
instruments, animals, jobs, sports etc.
- Remembering the words to a kind of rhythm or tune.
- Visualizing the words in the form of a picture.
It’s important to point out to the students that the different ways they have of remembering the words suggest different learning styles.
Task 3 Scanning
to develop writing skills
to raise awareness about differing learning styles
to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on
their learning and on OWTE tasks
1 Copy the first sentence on the board.
2 Clarify the task. Read the first part of the text and ask
students if the statement is true or false. Ask them why
the statement is true. Focus their attention on the first
sentence of the text: There are different kinds of learners.
Write T next to the statement.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Help students if necessary.
5 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs. Then
check the answers on the board. Write the numbers
2,3,4,5 and 6 on the board. Say: “Is number 2/3/4/5/6
true or false?” Ask the students why the false statements
are false. Write T or F next to each number on the board.
1 true
2 false (The verbal-linguistic learner likes words.
The visual-spatial learner likes pictures.)
3 false (He or she likes any activity which involves
organization, e.g. matching or ordering.)
4 true
5 true
6 true
Task 5 Making notes
1 Copy the table on the board. Complete the information
about you to demonstrate the task.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
A possible production model
Accept students’ responses.
1 Tell students to read Learning Styles and find the answer.
Explain that it doesn’t matter if the students don’t understand every word. Say: “Just try to answer the question.”
2 Allow students enough time to do the task.
3 Monitor students’ work.
4 Check the task orally.
Task 4 Reading for specific information
Lesson 2
Task 6 Speaking
A possible production model
1 Focus students’ attention on the second and
third column of the table.
Dear Ms Rivera,
2 Invite a student to the front. Ask him/her
questions. Write his or her answers in the
second column of the table on the board.
I am writing to tell you about the kind of
classroom activities I like and the ones I don’t
like very much. My favourite classroom activity
is listening to songs in English. I also like
learning vocabulary and reading exercises. I like
the practical activities too and I would like to do
more project work. I don’t like working in groups
very much. I prefer to work alone or in a pair.
3 Invite another student to the front. Encourage
the other student to ask him or her questions.
Make notes in the table.
N.B. Do not erase this information.
4 Put students into groups. Tell them to
interview two classmates and make notes in
the table.
5 Walk around the class checking students’
Task 7 Writing
1 Clarify the task. Write one or two sentences
about the activities you like and the ones you
do not like, using the notes from the table on
the board.
2 Tell students to work on their own. Make sure
they write on paper and not in their books. It
would be a good idea to explain the purpose
of this activity. Say: “I am not going to correct
the work. I am going to read the letters to learn
something about you. I am interested in your
opinions and ideas.”
3 Monitor students’ work. Help them if
4 Collect the pieces of writing. Read them and
use them to reflect on your teaching and on
the OWTE tasks.
Best wishes,
Lesson 3
School Celebrations in Britain
Lesson objectives
• to present and practise vocabulary related to celebrations
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
Task 3 Listening and completing sentences
1 Focus students' attention on the task 1 instructions. Point to the phrases and ask: “Do you
know what they are about?”
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Accept students' ideas but do not give the
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 5 two or three
3 Check the answers on the board.
Task 2 Listening and matching
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation
with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the instructions and check
2 Play the CD or read the Audio Script 5 two or
three times.
3 Check the answers o the board.
Audio Script 5 School Celebrations
Listen to the description of some school celebrations unrepeat Britanin
British schools don't have the same kind of
celebrations as in Ecuadorian schools.
On Shrove Tuesday students often make pancakes at
school. Pancakes are made from flour, milk and
On Remembrance Day school children often wear red
paper flowers called poppies to remember the
soldiers who died in 1918 when the first world war
At Easter students in Britain make Easter cards for
their family. Easter is in March or April. Students
sometimes also paint and decorate eggs. Another
special day is May Day, which is on May 1st. On this
day students sometimes dance around a pole
holding coloured ribbons to celebrate the coming of
flowers again after winter.
1 Shrove
2 flour
3 milk
4 eggs
5 On
6 dance
7 winter
8 On
9 red
10 flowers
11 in
12 eggs
Task 4 Speaking
1 Read the instructions. Check understanding.
2 Give an example. Ask a student to come to the
front and exchange opinions. Write some phrases
on the board as clues if you consider necessary,
e. g. I think… I consider… In my opinion…
3 Put the students in pairs and ask them to express
their preferences about the celebrations in Britain.
A possible production model
A: I think that May Day is more fun because I like
dancing. What about you?
B: In my opinion Shrove Tuesday is more fun. It is
nice to cook.
Study Habits
Lesson Objectives
• to develop vocabulary related to study habits
• to review prepositions of place
• to develop intensive listening skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to read the instructions and
check understanding.
2 Encourage students to talk about the
pictures. Guide them with questions.
Possible answer
People have different study habits.
Task 2 Listening and filling in the blanks
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
2 Play the CD or read the Audio script two times.
3 Check the answers orally and on the board.
Tapescript 6 Habits
Listen to some students’ study habits
a I always study listening to music and sitting on
my favourite armchair. It helps me to relax.
b I don't like to hear any noise when I am
studying. It distracts me from my task.
c I often like to have a last minute read through
in the morning while on the bus.
d I prefer to study in the afternoon. I usually
start studying at four o' clock.
e I'm a night person. I like to study at night. It's
so quiet and peaceful.
f 5 p. m is OK with me. I love studying on my
bed, not in my bed.
Lesson 4
• to provide speaking practice
a on
b from
c on
d in / at
e at
f on / in
Task 3 Listening and matching
1 Read the instructions and check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 6 two or
three times.
3 Check the answers on the board.
Task 4 Speaking
1 Read the instructions and check understanding.
2 Encourage students to say if they have
similar study habits to the students in the pictures.
3 Give an example. Call on a volunteer to
perform the dialogue.
4 Write some cues on the board to help
students, e.g. I am also a night person I……I like to
study at…. I always study at……
A possible production model
A: I always study very early in the morning
because I feel fresher after a night’s rest.
What about you?
B: I prefer to study in the afternoon because I
feel less tired.
Lesson 5
How to Make a Scale Drawing
Lesson Objectives
to develop extensive and intensive listening skills
to provide the students with a practical element to
their course.
N.B. Remind students to bring a picture for
Lesson 5.
Task 3 Listening and matching information
Task 1 Vocabulary Development
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
1 Copy the verbs and the complements on the board.
Demonstrate the task with the given example.
2 Demonstrate the task with the given example.
Point to the picture as you speak.
2 Play or read Audio Script 7 as many times as
3 Tell students to do the task. Walk around the class
checking students’ work.
3 Tell students to check the task in pairs. Say:
“Compare the information with your partner.” Then
write the answers on the board.
4 Check the task orally.
1 a pencil
2 some plain A4 paper
3 some coloured pencils
4 a ruler
Task 2 Listening and ordering instructions
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Play or read the first part of Audio Script 7 to demonstrate the task.
2 Play or read Audio Script 7 once or twice.
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Audio Script 7 How to Make a Scale Drawing
Listen to the instructions for making a scale drawing.
1 Select a picture you want to enlarge.
2 Draw a 5 mm grid on the picture.
3 Draw a 10 mm grid on your plain paper.
4 Draw the picture on the 10 mm grid to enlarge it.
5 Colour your picture.
6 Put it on your classroom wall.
Select / a picture you want to enlarge. D
Draw / a 5 mm grid on the picture. E
Draw / a 10 mm grid on your plain paper B
Draw / the picture on the 10 mm grid. A
Colour / your picture. C
Put / it on your classroom wall. F
Task 4 Writing
1 Draw a grid to represent the pictures on the board.
Label the squares on the grid a,b,c,d,e,f like the
drawings in the student’s book.
2 Write the example under picture e.
3 Tell students to work on their own.
4 Monitor students’ work. Help them if necessary.
a Draw a 10 mm grid on your plain paper.
b Draw a 5 mm grid on the picture.
c Colour your picture.
d Put it on your classroom wall.
e Select a picture you want to enlarge.
f Draw the picture on the 10 mm grid.
Task 5 Project Work
1 Ask students to make a scale drawing of the
picture they brought to the class.
Variation: Ask students to do a scale drawing as
homework and bring it to the next class.
Task 2 Matching
Task 3 Labelling
Checking My Progress 2
Lesson 1
Personality and Appearance
Lesson Objectives
• to present and practise vocabulary related to
personality and appearance
• to develop intensive listening skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Read the instructions. Check understanding.
2 Tell students to look at the signs. Say: “I was
born on (date). My sign is ...” Point to the picture
as you speak.
• to practise giving and asking for information
• to prove or disprove that people with certain birth
signs have the same characteristics
2 Tell students to work on their own. Monitor
students’ work.
3 Tell students to compare their answers with a
N.B Do not check the answers.
3 Ask the students to do the task individually.
4 Conduct feedback. Ask some of the students
what their sign is.
Task 2 Vocabulary Development
1 Copy the words in the box on the board.
2 Tell students to look at the pictures again.
Point to the example and demonstrate the
3 Tell students to do the task. Walk around the
class checking that all students are taking
Aquarius: water carrier
Pisces: fish
Aries: ram
Taurus: bull
Gemini: twins
Cancer: crab
Leo: lion
Virgo: virgin
Libra: scales
Scorpio: scorpion
Sagittarius: archer
Capricorn: goat
Task 3 Reading and matching
1 Demonstrate the task with the given
Signs of the Zodiac
Task 4 Listening and checking information
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Play the CD or read Audio Script 8 two or three
2 Check the task on the board. Write numbers 1 to
12 on the board. Ask the students for the answers.
Say: “Can you tell me the answer to number
2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 please, (name).” Write the
corresponding letter next to each number.
Audio Script 8 Signs of the Zodiac
Listen to the descriptions of the twelve signs of the
Geminians are cheerful. They are usually happy and
they have a good sense of humour.
Arians are energetic. They like to be active.
Taureans are very stubborn. They don’t change their
opinions easily.
Pisceans are creative. They have new and original
Cancerians are protective. They take good care of
their family and friends.
Leos are good leaders. They like organizing things.
Virgoans are practical. They like facts not ideas.
Librans are elegant. They have good taste in clothes.
Scorpios are secretive. They like privacy.
Sagittarians are adventurous. They love travelling.
Capricornians are hardworking. They enjoy working.
Aquarians are cooperative. They work well with other
1 B
2 A
3 K
4 D
5 E
6 J
10 G
11 L
12 I
Task 5 Speaking
1 Copy the table on the board.
2 Bring two students to the front of the class. Ask
them the questions. Say: “What’s your birth sign?”
“Are you (adjective as appropriate)?” Write their
names on the board if appropriate, i.e. if they say
“yes” to the second question. Ask the students
Lesson 1
to sit down again.
3 Bring another pair of students to the front and ask
them to do the task. Encourage them to ask and
answer the questions and fill in the table.
N.B Make sure that students understand that they
only write the names of students who fit the
descriptions in the table (i.e. students who say yes
to the second question.)
4 Invite students to walk around the class asking the
questions and making notes.
5 Allow students enough time to do the task. Help
them if necessary.
A possible production model
A: What’s your birth sign?
B: I’m a Scorpio.
A: Are you secretive?
B: Yes, I am!
A: What’s your birth sign?
C: I’m a Piscean.
A: Are you creative?
C: No, I’m not.
6 Hold a short feedback session with the students.
Ask them about their results and if they found the
descriptions from Task 3 accurate or not. Say:
“Are the Pisceans in the class creative? Are the Arians
energetic? Did you find an elegant Libran?” etc.
Task 6 Writing
1 Focus students’ attention on the example in their
2 Tell students to write their description.
3 Monitor students’ work. Help students if
A possible production model
I am a Capricornian, but I’m not very hardworking! I
am cheerful and energetic and I have a good sense
of humour. I am also adventurous. I love travelling.
Lesson 2
Jobs and Characteristics
Lesson Objectives
• to review and practise vocabulary related to jobs
• to develop extensive and intensive listening skills
• to practise vocabulary related to personality and
Task 1
1 Read the task instructions and check understanding.
2 Focus students' attention on the example. Say: “This is
a hairdresser.”
3 Monitor students' work. Tell them to compare their
answers with a partner. Then check the answers on the
1 hairdresser
2 footballer
3 engineer
4 waitress
5 architect
6 housewife
7 weaver
8 newsreader
9 taxi driver
10 lawyer
11 chef
• to review and practise have/has to to express
necessity and obligation
and sweep the floors and tidy up, for example. I like some
of the work. I have to prepare lunch for my family every
day and I like cooking, so I enjoy that. But I don’t like
washing clothes!
(2) You have to be friendly and cooperative to do my job.
It’s important to be cheerful when you take the menu or
the food to the table. You have to be polite to people. I like
my job, because I don’t have to get up early, because the
restaurant opens at 12.00. But I don’t like working at
weekends, because that’s when the
restaurant is very
(3) You have to be active and energetic to do my job and
you have to be fit too. I eat healthy food and I have to train
every day. I like my job, because I don’t have to work in an
office. I like doing exercise and I like scoring goals too! But
I don’t like losing football matches!
1 a housewife
2 a waitress
3 a footballer
Task 2 Listening for general idea
Task 3 Listening for specific information
N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation
with the CD before teaching.
1 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Audio Script
9 and complete the first square in the second column
with the example.
1 Copy the table on the board.
2 Ask students to look at the pictures and the table.
3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Audio Script
9 and ask students what they think the first job is. Say:
“What do you think the job is?” Write
housewife in
number 1.
4 Tell students to focus their attention on the jobs.
Explain that the first task is just to get the general idea.
Say: “Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word.”
5 Play the CD or read Audio Script 9 as many times as
6 Check the information on the board.
Audio Script 9 Some jobs
Listen to three people talking about their jobs.
2 Tell students to focus their attention on specific
3 Play or read Audio Script 9 two or three times (or until
most of the students have finished the task).
4 Check the task on the board. Say: “What are the
necessary characteristics? What does he/she like? What
doesn’t he/she like?” Complete the table on the board.
1 housewife / hardworking and energetic / cooking /
washing clothes
2 waitress / friendly and cooperative / get up early /
3 footballer / active and energetic / work in an office,
doing exercise, scoring goals / football matches
(1) You have to be very hardworking to do my job! And you
have to be energetic too, because there is a lot of physical
work. I have to clean the kitchen and the
Task 4 Language Awareness
1 Clarify the task. Read question 1 and focus
students’ attention on the example.
2 Ask students to tell you the part of the sentence
which means it’s necessary. Confirm that have to
expresses necessity and obligation.
N.B The objective of this task is to raise students’
awareness of the meaning of the structure in context.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Help students if necessary.
1 A It’s necessary for me to clean the kitchen.
2 B It’s necessary to be friendly and cheerful.
3 A It’s not necessary for me to get up early.
4 B It’s not necessary for me to work in an office.
Task 5 Grammar Practice
1 Focus students’ attention on the photograph and the
first sentence.
2 Ask students why has and not have is used here.
Confirm that has is used for he/she/it and have for I/
you/we/they. Clarify the task with the example.
3 Tell students to work on their own.
4 Check the task on the board. Say: “What’s number
2/3/4/5, (name)?” and write the correct sentences on
the board.
1 He has to be friendly and cheerful.
2 He doesn’t have to work in an office.
3 He has to work at night.
4 He has to drive carefully.
5 He doesn’t have to wear a cap.
Task 6 Playing Bingo
1 Tell students to write any six jobs from Task 1 on the
Bingo card.
2 Tell students to write a definition for each of the jobs
they wrote on the bingo board on 6 separate pieces of
scrap paper. Point to the examples as you speak.
3 Collect the definitions. Put them into a bag.
4 Ask students to cut or rip a piece of scrap paper into
six small squares to cover the squares on the Bingo
Lesson 2
5 Explain that you are going to read a definition of a
job. If the students have a job on their card which
corresponds to the definition, they can cover the
name of the job with a blank square of scrap paper.
When they have covered all the squares, they have to
shout: “Bingo!”
6 Take a piece of paper from the bag. Read the
definition. Tell students to cover any job to which it
corresponds. Say: “Cover the job I describe if you have
7 Carry on reading the definitions until someone
shouts: “Bingo!”
8Put the definitions back in the bag and ask the
students to exchange Bingo cards to play the game
Lesson 3
Clothes and Appearance
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of vocabulary related to clothes.
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Give an example. Say: “I usually like to wear ….”
A possible production model
Accept students' answers.
etc. Some designers in Ecuador put tagua buttons on
the clothes. They look terrific!
Task 4 Matching
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Focus students' attention on the example. Say:
“Wool comes from sheep, llamas, vicuñas.”
3 Check the answers on the board.
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
1 a plant
2 sheep, llamas, vicuñas, etc.
3 a worm
4 a nut
A possible production model
Accept students' answers.
Task 3 Reading, circling and underlining
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Focus students attention on the examples.
• to develop writing skills
Task 2 Reading and discussing ideas
2 Ask questions to guide the discussion. e.g.,
- “Do you think that what people wear depends on the
- “What clothes do we wear when it rains and when it
is cold?”
- “Do you agree that clothes reflect your personality and
- “Is it true that young people prefer to dress in black?”
Task 5 Writing
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
A possible production model
- Buttons are made of tagua.
- Silk is produced by a worm.
- Wool comes from sheep, llamas, vicuñas, etc.
- Cotton comes from a plant.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check answers orally.
Clothes and Appearance
What people wear depends on the weather. In hot
weather we wear light clothes but when it is cold we
need to wear warm clothes.
Sometimes clothes reflect our personality and our
mood. They say that people who are introverted and
serious generally wear dark colours and people who
are extroverted and cheerful like to wear colourful garments. This is not a rule, however, because young
people sometimes wear black as a trend. Black goes
with almost everything: baggy jeans, cotton t-shirts,
wool pullovers, miniskirts, silk blouses, belly tops,
Lesson Objectives
• to practise and develop vocabulary related
to hairstyles
• to encourage students to express opinions
Lesson 4
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
Task 3 Speaking
1 Focus students' attention on the pictures.
Ask: “What sign of the Zodiac matches each
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Ask students to choose the words from the
box to label the pictures.
A possible production model
Task 2 Speaking
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Put the students in pairs. Give an example by
asking a student to point to a picture and you
expressing your opinion using the phrases in
the table, e.g. “It's great.”
3 Ensure that students change roles.
A possible production model
It is fashionable.
I like it!
It's great!
I think it suits you.
It's my favourite.
It's neat.
I don't like it.
It's not my favourite.
It's disgusting!
It's boring.
You look better with long hair.
What happened to your hair?
2 Put students in pairs and give an example
pointing to a person from the pictures and
describing him/her, e.g. “She has long, tidy
A possible production model
He has a shaved head.
- He is wearing a ponytail.
- He has a punk style.
Lesson 5
Keeping Fit and Looking Good
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of vocabulary related to parts of the body.
• to develop extensive and intensive listening skills
• to practise giving instructions
• to provide variety by incorporating role play and an
element of movement into the course.
Task 1 Vocabulary development
4 Monitor student’s work. Help them if necessary.
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
5 Check the answers on the board.
2 Tell students to look at the picture. Demonstrate
the task. Copy hade on the board. Encourage students to say: “head”. Write it on the board.
3 Give students enough time to do the task.
Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary.
1 head
2 shoulder
3 arm
4 elbow
5 waist
6 stomach
7 hand
8 leg
9 knee
10 ankle
11 foot
Task 2 Predicting
1 Tell students to look at the pictures and decide the
answer in pairs.
2 Monitor students’ work.
3 Check the task orally and write the answer on the
A possible answer
1 c
4 e
2 a
5 b
Task 4 Role Play
1 Invite a student to the front.
2 Give him or her some instructions. Encourage him
or her to do the exercises.
3 Invite a pair of students to the front and give them
instructions to do the exercises.
4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs.
low your partner’s instructions. Take turns.”
5 Walk around the class. Help students with
pronunciation, stress and intonation if necessary.
A production model
- Stand straight with your legs apart.
- Bend forward. Touch your right ankle with your left
hand. Count to ten. Return to the starting
- Bend forward. Touch your left ankle with your right
hand. Count to ten. Return to starting position.
- Touch your shoulders. Twist to the right. Count to
- Return to the starting position. Twist to the left.
- Count to ten. Return to the starting position.
Task 3 Reading and matching information
1Tell students to look at the pictures and the set of
2 Point to the example to demonstrate the task.
3 Tell students to work on their own. Say: “Now, read
the instructions and match them with the pictures,
Checking My Progress 3
Task 2 Writing sentences
1 It’s necessary for me to wash my clothes.
2 It’s necessary for me to be friendly and polite.
3 It’s not necessary for me to work at weekends.
4 It’s necessary for me to work hard.
Task 3 Re-ordering an labelling
a foot
b ankee
c knee
d leg
e hand
f stomach
g waist
h elbow
i arm
j shoulder
k head
1 head
2 shoulder
3 arm
4 elbow
5 waist
6 stomach
7 hand
8 leg
9 knee
10 ankle
11 foot
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to the family
• to review the use of ‘s to express possession
• to develop extensive and intensive listening
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating previous knowledge
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check the answers orally and on the board.
1 mother
2 sister
3 brother
4 grandfather
5 grandmother
a mother
b grandmother
c grandfather
d brother
e sister
Task 2 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Put students in pairs. Ask some questions to
help, e.g. “Who are the people?” “Where are
they?” “What are they doing?”
A possible production model
This is a family.
They are having a picnic.
They look happy.
They are adults, youngsters and children.
Task 3 Listen and labelling
N.B Check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the instructions and
check understanding. Point to the example.
2 Play the CD two or three times.
3 Check the answers on the board.
Audio Script 10 Family Members
Listen and label the pictures.
1 aunt / 2 uncle / 3 niece/ 4 nephew /
5 mother in -law / 6 father in-law/
7 great grand father / 8 cousins
1 aunt / 2 uncle / 3 niece/ 4 nephew /
5 mother in -law 6 father in-law/
7 great grand father / 8 cousins
Task 4 Listening and completing
1 Read the instructions and check
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
3 Play the CD or read the Audio Script 11 as
many times as necessary.
Audio Script 11 My Family
Listen to Clara talking about her family.
Look at this photograph of my family. They are
having a great time at a picnic at my country
These are my parents Renán and Sandra.
This is my father's mother, her name is Alicia.
She is my mother's mother- in- law. This is my
mother's father-in-law, Genaro. He is my father's
father, of course!
My mother's sister is my aunt Lina, isn't she
pretty? This is my father's brother, my uncle
Lesson 1
Fabian. He is nice.
And these are my cousins. I have many cousins.
They are my parents' nephews and nieces.
See this, the man listening to Elvis Presley is
my great-grandfather. Isn't it amazing?
1 photograph
2 country
3 mother-in-law
4 father
5 aunt
6 uncle
7 cousins
8 nephews
9 great-grandfather
Task 5 Speaking
1 Read the instructions and check
2 Put students in pairs. Model the
conversation. Ask a volunteer to help you.
A possible production model
- “What's your father name?”
- “Daniel.”
- “How many brothers and sister has your father
- “He's got one sister and one brother.”
- “What are your aunt's and uncle's name?”
- “Tania and Miguel”
Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives:
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to review vocabulary related to physical description
• to present and practise the first conditional
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Focus students'attention on the picture. Read
the instructions and check understanding.
2 Monitor and help if necessary.
A possible production model
Accept students' answers.
Task 2 Reading and giving an opinion
1 Read the instructions and the question: “Does
the author value friendship?”
2 Tell students to read silently and individually.
3 Ask the question again and wait for
students' answers.
A possible production model
Yes, he thinks that friendship is important.
Task 3 Reading and finding adjectives
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Give an example. Write the word: important
on the board. Ask students for another word.
Write that word on the board too.
3 Ask students to continue working.
4 Check the answers orally and write the list on
the board.
short / tall / slim / chubly / cheerful /
sad / happy / ill / lonely
Task 4 Matching
Lesson 2
1 Read the task instructions and check
A possible production model
If you are depressed, a friend will make you
If you are glad, a friend will be glad for you too.
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
Task 7 Choosing the right answer
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
1 Read the task instructions and check
4 Check answers on the board.
Task 5 Reading and completing
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
Make them understand that they have to
complete only three sentences this time.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check answers on the board.
1 a friend will cheer you up.
2 a friend will share with you.
3 a friend will care for you.
4 a friend will come along.
Task 6 Adding ideas
1 Ask the question.
2 Tell students to add their own ideas with the if
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
2 Read the questions aloud.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check the answers orally.
Lesson 3
Lesson objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to review and practise vocabulary related to
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Copy the table on the board and give an
example. Say: “I think that the first child is
responsible.” Write responsible in the
corresponding column on the board.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
A possible production model
Accept students' answers.
Task 2 Reading and checking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check instructions.
• to develop speaking skills
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Put students in pairs to do the task.
3 Write some clues,e.g. I agree….I disagree… I
think …
4 Focus students' attention on the clues.
5 Model by asking a volunteer to say one
statement., e.g. “The first child is the most successful.” Say: “I disagree, there also last and middle children equally successful.”
A possible production model
Accept students' opinions.
2 Tell students to look for coincidences between
the text and the way students classified the
A possible production model
Accept students' answers.
Task 3 Reading and discriminating
1 Read the instructions and check
2 Focus students' attention on the examples.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
Task 4 Speaking
Lesson objectives
• to develop intensive and extensive listening
• to develop speaking skills
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
Task 1 Listening for general idea
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 12.
3 Check the answers orally.
Audio Script 12 A Telephone Conversation
Listen to a telephone conversation.
- Carol. Is that you?
- Hi Tom. are you OK?
- Superb! I just wanted to ask : What are you
going to do tomorrow?
- Nothing much. What are you going to do?
- I'm going to the Juanes' concert. Would you
like to come along?
- Wow! Are you asking me out ?
- Yes. I am. If that’s OK with you I already made
some plans : After the concert We' re going to
eat something at Peter's. Then we are going to
Vicky's house. She's having a welcome party
for Tim the foreign exchange student who…..
Tom and Carol
Task 2 Listening for specific information
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 12.
3 Check the answers orally and on the board.
Lesson 4
• to practise and develop vocabulary relating to
making plans
• to review and practise going to for the future
1 is
2 are
3 wanted
4 going
5 What
6 going
7 like to come
8 out
9 made
10 going
12 house
13 party
Task 3 Reading and selecting
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check the answers on the board.
Task 4 Speaking
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Put students in pairs.
3 Give an example. Say: “I'm going to…. next
A possible production model
- I'm going to go dancing tomorrow night.
- I'm going to go to Atacames next week.
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives:
• to review vocabulary related to personality and
Teaching Tip
It may be a good idea to decide in advance which students should make medals for each other. Ensure
that people who like each other make medals for
each other and that nobody is left out. If there is an
odd number of students in the class or an unpopular
member of the group, the teacher should make a
medal for him or her during the lesson.
Task 1 Choosing characteristics
1 Read the instructions. Check understanding. Do
the task from your own point of view. Write the
adjectives you think are important on the board
and tick them.
N.B. Do not erase this information.
2 Tell students to read the words silently and do the
3 Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary.
4 Conduct a short classroom discussion. Ask
students for their ideas. There are no right or
wrong answers.
Task 2 Ranking
1 Demonstrate the task. Select the most important
characteristic for you. Write 1 next to it. Select the
next important characteristic for you. Write 2 next
to it.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around the class. Check students’ work. Help
if necessary.
• to provide students with a practical element to
their course
• to promote positive feelings within the group
A possible production model
I think its important for a friend to be lively.
Task 4 Project Work
1 Ask students to look at the picture and predict
what they are going to do.
2 Draw a simple medal on the board. Write a quality
in the centre of the medal to demonstrate what
students have to do.
3 Either tell students who to make a medal for or
allow them to choose. Make sure that every
student will receive a medal. Emphasize that
students must only write positive comments.
4 Tell students to take out their card and safety pin
and follow the instructions.
5 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work.
Help if necessary. Check the phrases students
have chosen.
Task 5 Presenting medals
1 Start an awards ceremony. Say: “Ladies and
gentlemen. We are here to present our awards to our
friends in the classroom.”
2 Tell students to be ready with their medals.
3 Ask them to stand up and find the friend they
made the medal for.
4 Tell students to pin their medals onto each other.
N.B. There are no right or wrong answers to this
task. It is not necessary to check the answers.
Task 3 Speaking
1 Put students into pairs and ask them to compare
their ideas.
2Monitor. Help if necessary.
Checking My Progress 4
Task 2 Writing
A possible production model
- Hello. Is this Grace?
- Yes, it is. Who’s speaking?
- It’s me Laura.
- Hi, Laura. What’s up!
- We have a holiday next week. What are you
going to do?
- I’m going to go to Atacames. What are you?
- I’m goin to go to Ibarra.
- That’s great....
Task 3 Writing opposites
1 introverted
2 unsociable
3 tall
4 glad
5 fun
6 dependant
7 sociable
8 sensitive
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive reading skills
• to develop speaking skills and practise asking for and giving information
Task 1 Predicting information
1 Focus students’ attention on the poster and
ask them the questions. Conduct a brief
classroom discussion. Confirm the correct
• to build students’ awareness of birds which are
endangered in Ecuador.
Macaws / red, blue, yellow / 70 to 80 cm /
fruit, seeds and nuts / Amazon, especially near
the Napo river / destruction of habitat and hunters
The poster is to raise awareness about
endangered birds in Ecuador.
1 Yumbos 2 Macaws 3 Condor
Task 2 Reading and completing information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Divide the class into As, Bs and Cs. Tell all
the As to read about condors, the Bs to read
about yumbos and the Cs to read about
macaws. Ensure they understand that they
only have to read one text. Give them enough
time to read silently and to complete the
While the students are working, copy the table
onto the board three times. Label one table A,
another B and the last one C. Do not write the
answers in the table.
3 Do not check the task with the whole group,
but help students as you monitor if necessary.
Key (For teachers’ use)
Condor/ black and grey / 3.5 m wingspan /
dead animals / Andes mountains / hunters and
destruction of habitat
Yumbo / green and red / 22 cm / fruit, seeds
and insects / tropical areas northwest of Pichincha / sold as pets
Task 3 Speaking
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2Organize students into groups of three. Make
sure each group has an A, a B and a C. Tell
them that they have to ask about the birds
they did not read about and to complete the
information in the table.
3Demonstrate the task. Ask one group to
come up to the board. Encourage B and C to
ask A one question about condors and fill in a
space in their tables on the board.
4Encourage A to ask B and C a question and fill
in the corresponding space in his or her table
on the board.
5Monitor students’ work. Help them if
necessary, but do not interrupt to correct
A production model
What colour is the condor? It’s black and grey.
How big is it? It’s wingpan is 3.5 metres.
What does it eat? It eats dead animals.
Where does it live? It lives in the Ecuadorian
Why is it in danger? Because hunters capture
condors and because of the destruction to their
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Global Warming
Lesson Objectives
• to present and practise vocabulary related to
the environment
• to practise adverbs of frequency
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Tell students to do the task in pairs.
3 Give them a few minutes to work on the task.
Do not check the task.
Task 2 Listening for specific information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress
and intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Play the CD or read Audio Script 13 once or
twice (or until most students have
completed the task).
2 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
Audio Script 13 Global Warming
Listen to a radio interview about global warming.
I: And today our guest is ecologist Dr Graham
Saunders from the University of Cambridge. Dr Saunders, could you explain what global
warming is exactly?
Dr: Actually it's an increase in the temperature
of the world, the world is getting hotter.
I: And what is the cause of global warming?
Dr: Pollution. There's too much carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. These days we are burning
more coal and oil in cars and factories and this
creates carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can not
escape into the space and therefore the atmosphere is getting warmer.
I: And what about deforestation?
Dr: Yes. That's another cause. Man is cutting
down huge areas of forest all over the world.
This causes more carbon dioxide.
I: Could you tell us what the effects of global
• to develop listening and speaking skills
• to provide links with other areas of the
curriculum, i.e. environmental science.
warming are?
Dr: Well, global warming can cause extreme
weather conditions like hurricanes. In addition, if
the atmosphere gets hotter, ice caps will melt
and if the ice caps melt, the level of the sea will
rise. If the level of the sea rises, there will be
Task 3 Listening and labelling
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
Focus students’ attention on the phrases in
the box and the pictures.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 13 once or
twice (or until most of students have
completed the task).
3 Ask students to compare their answers in
pairs.Then check the task orally and write the
answers on the board.
Temperatures rise.
The polar ice caps melt.
The sea rises.
Land is flooded.
Task 4 Reading and matching
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Demonstrate the task with an example. Tell
students to look at the first picture. Then,
say: “Which advice matches this picture?” Write
the answer advice on the board.
3 Ask students to do the task individually.
4 Monitor students’ work. Help them if
5 Check the task on the board.
5 Don’t use aerosols which pollute the atmosphere.
6 Don’t use too many household chemicals.
3 Use unleaded petrol.
1 Don’t buy products with a lot of packaging.
2 Recycle waste, e.g. newspapers and glass
4 Save energy. Turn off lights when you leave a
Task 5 Answering a questionnaire
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Copy the first two rows of the table on the
board. Say: “I don’t use aerosols. Which answer
shall I circle?” Circle never. Say: “Which word
could mean every day?” (Always) “And may be
once or twice a month?” (Sometimes).
3 Give students some time to do the task
4 Monitor and help students if necessary. Do
not check the task.
Task 6 Speaking
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
2 Bring a student to the front of the class to
demonstrate the task with you. Point to use
aerosols on the board. Say: “What shall I ask?”
Encourage students to tell you the question
Lesson 2
form Do you or your family use aerosols?
Encourage the student to answer. Write his
response in the table on the board.
3 Put students into pairs. Tell them to take it in
turns to ask and answer the questions.
4 Walk around the classroom helping students if
5 Ask some students to report their partners’
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to raise awareness of problems caused by
Task 1 Predicting information
1 Tell students to choose the best answer to
the question.
2 Give them a few minutes to do the task.
3 Check the task orally.
Cutting down trees
Task 2 Reading and matching information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding. Focus students’
attention on the example.
2 Ask students to complete the task
• to practise preparing and giving a presentation
6 Ask a student to complete the information on
the board.
Reasons for deforestation:
clearance of land for pasture/ felling of trees for
timber/ flooding of land for hydroelectric
Effects of deforestation:
the soil loses its fertility/ the soil becomes
eroded/ people abandon the land
Task 4 Speaking
1 Tell students to organize themselves into
3 Monitor students’ work. Help them if
2 Help them to organize their notes to talk
about deforestation. Give them some time to
prepare their presentation.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board
3 Bring one or two willing students to the front
of the class to do their presentation.
1 The Environment
2 Maintaining Forests
3 Tropical Forests
4 Deforestation
A production model
Deforestation is cutting down trees. People cut
down trees to clear the land for pasture or to
sell the trees as timber. Sometimes the land is
flooded for hydroelectric schemes.
The effects of deforestation are serious. The
soil loses its fertility. It becomes eroded and
people abandon the land.
Task 3 Reading and completing information
1 Copy the mindmap on the board. Ask students
to predict what they have to do.
2 Read the first part of the paragraph about
deforestation. Ask the students to find one of
the reasons for deforestation and write it
under the corresponding heading.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Check students’ work.
5 Ask students to compare their answers in
Animal Trafficking
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of vocabulary related to animals
• to develop writing skills
Lesson 4
• to raise awareness about endangered animals and trafficking in Ecuador
• to provide links with other areas of the
curriculum, i.e. mathematics
Task 1 Labelling pictures
Task 3 Writing
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
1 Say: “Look at the notes you made in
previous tasks to write about the Control Unit for the
Protection of the Environment”.
2 Tell students to label the pictures.
3 Check the task orally and then write the
answers on the board.
1 tiger
2 parrot
3 snake
4 parakeet
5 armadillo
6 monkey
7 wolf
Task 2 Reading and completing information
1 Read the title of the text. Ask students to
read about the animals confiscated.
2 Demonstrate the task with the given example.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Check student's work.
5 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
a Found in cities
b Caught
c No information
d Bought
e Presents
2 Tell students to work individually. Give
students enough time to do the task.
3 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary and make sure
they are using their notes from the previous
A possible production model
The Control Unit for the Protection of the
Environment began in September 1999. The control unit stopped twenty illegal trafficking operations from June to July 2000. They
confiscated 44 wolves' tails, 6 armadillo shells, 6 animal heads, 17 endangered and animal skins, 2
snakes, 18 Parakeets, 1 parrot and a monkey.
They sent the confiscated animals to the Rescue
Centre and the Amphibians to the Vivarium. People left 40 animals were left on the doorstep outside the Vivarium. People gave 55 animals as
presents, 108 animals were walking around and
people sold 61 animals in the black market. The
Control Unit wants to control the animal trafficking of Ecuadorian wildlife.
N.B. Remind students to bring a dice to the next
Lesson 5
Save the Planet Game
Lesson Objectives
• to raise awareness of ways to protect the
• to practise vocabulary related to the
• to provide variety in the form of a game
Task 1 Reading and following the instructions
1 Tell students to read instructions for playing
the game. Be ready to explain any instruction
they don’t understand.
Task 2 Playing the game
1 Organize students into pairs or small groups.
Tell them to start to play.
2 Monitor students’ work.
Follow up Activities
- Students could make a Save the planet poster
or brochure with advice on protecting the environment from lessons 1, 2 and 3.
- Students could take part in a role play based
on one of the situations in the game, e.g. one
person advising another not to throw rubbish
in a river and explaining why.
Task 2 Completing sentences
1 birds
2 increase
3 recycle
4 Deforestation
5 trafficking
6 aerosol
Checking My Progress 5
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of
sports vocabulary
• to develop intensive listening skills
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Demonstrate the task with
the example provided.
2 Give students enough time to do the task.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
Then write the answers on the board.
a hot-air ballooning
b bungee jumping
c rafting
d sea kayaking
e diving
f windsurfing
g hiking
Task 2 Listening for specific information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 14 once or twice.
3 Ask students: “Which sports did you hear?” Write
the answers on the board.
Audio Script 14 Fun and Adventure in Costa Rica
Listen to a conversation between a tourist and a Costa
Rican giving tourist information.
CR: Hello. How can I help you?
T: I'd like some information about tours and
exicitng activities in Costa Rica.
CR: Well, there are plenty of exciting watersports
you could try here. What about rafting or
T: To be honest, I don't like watersports very
CR: O.K. There are lots of other things to do. Have
you thought about bungee jumping, for
T: Oh! No! Perhaps that's a bit too exciting!
• to practise giving and asking for information
• to build awareness of tourism in other Latin
American countries
CR: Have you heard about our aerial tram?
T: No. That sounds interesting.
CR: Oh, it's fantastic. And it's only about 45
minutes away from here. It's a private forest, a
big area of about 450 hectares.
T: Oh, I haven't heard about it. Is it new?
CR: No, not really. It opened in October1994. You
can go hiking in the forest as well as riding in
the aerial tram.
T: That sounds nice. Is it open every day?
CR: Yes, but on Mondays it's only open from 9 to
half past three. And the rest of the week it's
open from 6.00 am to 3.30 pm. It is a good
idea for you to wear sports shoes and shorts or
light coloured trousers and a hat, of course. You
should also bring a raincoat, some
binoculars and a camera.
rafting ✓/ diving ✓/ bungee jumping ✓/ hiking ✓
Task 3 Listening for detailed information
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example. Tell students to read the text silently first.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 14 two or three
times or until most of the students have
completed the task.
3 Tell students to compare their answers in pairs.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
1 45
2 450
3 October
4 9.00
Fun and Adventure in Costa Rica
Task 4 Speaking
1 Organize students into pairs. Tell them that
one student in each pair is A and the other is
2 Tell Student As to read the information about
Adventure Sports in Costa Rica, on the same
page and Student Bs on page 102.
3 Copy a small part of the table for Student A
and a small part of the table for Student B at
opposite ends of the board. Bring a student to
the front of the class. Say: “I am A and you are
B.” Point to the tables on the board and ask
the rest of the class: “Do we have the same
information?” (No). Then ask: “So, what do we
have to do?” (Ask and answer questions to
complete the table.)
4 Ask the student at the front one or two
questions and fill in your table.
5 Encourage the student to ask you one or two
questions and fill in his/her table.
6 Tell students to work in their pairs. Say: “Take
it in turns to ask and answer
questions and complete your tables.”
N.B Tell students not to look at each other’s
tables. Remind them that it is a speaking and
listening exercise.
7 Monitor students’ work. Help them if
A production model
B: Where can I go diving?
A: On the Isla del Coco, if you have some
experience, or in Cahuita if you don’t have
much experience.
B: When is the best time to go?
A: From December to April.
B: What do I need to bring?
A: Nothing. The companies provide all the
B: Do you have any further information?
Lesson 1
A: Yes. It’s very expensive to go to Isla del
Coco. A cruise from Puntarenas costs
Task 5 Writing
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Focus students’ attention on the example at
the bottom of the page.
3 Tell them to do the task individually in their
notebooks or on paper.
4 Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary.
A production model
Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m having lots of fun here. Yesterday I went
rafting on the Pacuare River. It was really
exciting. Tomorrow I’m going to try
windsurfing. I can do that on Lake Arenal. The
best months to do it are the months with most
wind, December to February. I know that I can
rent equipment from hotels near the lake. I’ll
tell you about this adventure in my next letter.
Lots of love,
Lesson 2
Some Countries in the Andean Region
Lesson Objectives
to review vocabulary related to describing places
to review and practise comparative and
superlative forms
to develop knowledge of Ecuador and other
countries in the Andean region
• to develop general learning skills, e.g.
deciphering a graph or chart
Task 1 Activating general language
Task 3 Reading and deciphering graphs
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Tell students to work in pairs. Give students five
minutes to do the task.
3 Do not check students’ answers.
Task 2 Listening and checking
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 15 once or twice.
3 Check the task on the board. Write the numbers 1
to 4 and say: “Can you tell me number 1/2/3/4 please,
(name).” Write the correct letters next to the numbers.
Audio Script 15 The Andes Mountain Chain
Listen to a talk about the Andes mountain chain.
The Andes mountain chain of South America is one
of the greatest mountain systems in the world. The
chain is about 7,240 kilometres long and has an
average height of about 3,660 metres. There are
many volcanoes in the chain, notably Tungurahua,
Cotopaxi and Chimborazo in Ecuador, Nevado de
Tolima in Colombia and Llullaillaco on the border of
Argentina and Chile. The chain also includes the highest mountain in the western hemisphere, Aconcagua
in Argentina, which is 6,959 metres above sea level.
The Andes extend almost parallel with the Pacific
Coast and run through the
countries Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia and Venezuela.
2 Copy the first statement on the board.
3 Draw students’ attention to the first bar chart.
Encourage them to compare the area of Peru with
the area of Bolivia. Then ask students to read the
first statement. Ask them if it is true or false. Say:
“How do you know it’s true?” (Because the area of
Peru is 1,285,215 square kilometres and Bolivia is
only 1,098,600 square kilometres.)
4 Tell students to read the other statements and to
decide if they are true or false with the help of the
charts provided.
5 Write the other sentences on the board while the
students are working. Then monitor students’ work
and help if necessary.
6 Check the task. Ask: “Is number 2/3/4/5/6/7 true or
false?” Write T or F on the board accordingly.
N.B. Ask students why the false statements are
1 true
2 true
3 false (Ecuador’s population is bigger than Bolivia’s)
4 false (Bolivia has the highest indigenous
5 true
6 true
7 true
N.B Do not erase this information.
1 a
2 b
3 c
Physical Description
Task 4 Language awareness and grammar practice
1 Underline the comparative and superlative
adjectives on the board. Ask students what the
difference between them is. Establish that
smaller/bigger/higher are comparative forms
and smallest and lowest are superlatives.
Teaching Tip
We use the comparative forms to compare one
person or thing with (an)other person(s) or
We use the superlative to compare one person
or thing with his/her/its whole group.
N.B You may like to give the students another
example: Draw three houses on the board. A
should be very small, B medium-sized and C very
big. Label the pictures A,B and C.
Point to the appropriate pictures as you say: “House
A is smaller than B. House A is also smaller than C.
House A is the smallest house.”
Then say: “Is house A bigger than B?”
Encourage students to tell you: “No. House B is
bigger than A.”
Ask: “Is house B bigger than C?” Encourage
students to say: “No. House C is bigger than B.”
Ask: “Which is the biggest house?”
Encourage students to tell you that C is the biggest
2 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
3 Demonstrate the task with the example
provided. Read the first sentence. Ask them to
compare the two years of foundation: 1535
and 1548.
Encourage them to deduce that Lima is older
than La Paz.
4 Tell students to continue doing the task
5 Ask students to compare their answers in
pairs. Then check the task on the board. Write
numbers 1 to 6 on the board. Write the
correct form of the adjectives next to each
1 older
2 oldest
3 highest
4 lower
5 warmer
6 colder
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
South American Countries
Lesson objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to countries
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Ask students to write the capital cities of the
two countries.
3 Check the task orally. Then write the capital
cities on the board.
Buenos Aires Santiago
Task 2 Reading for detailed information
1 Copy the first two rows of the table on the
board. Ask students to predict what they have
to do.
2 Read the first part of the text about Argentina and ask: “What is the area of the country?
Write 2,766,889 sq km in the table as an example.
3 Put students into pairs. Student A reads about
Argentina and Student B reads about Chile.
4 Walk around the class. Monitor and help if
5 Do not check the task.
Task 3 Speaking
1 Put students into pairs. Tell them that they
have to take it in turns to ask and answer the
questions in order to complete the missing
information in the table.
2 Monitor students' work. Listen to them, but do
not interrupt to correct them. If you hear a lot
of mistakes, you can correct them with the
whole group afterwards.
• to develop speaking skills
N.B. Make sure students don't look at each other's tables. Remind them that it is a speaking
Key (For teacher's use)
area of country
length of country
capital city
capital city's population
altitude of capital
year capital was founded
average temperature
of capital
2,766,889 sq km
3,330 km
85% European origin
2% guaraní and mestizo
Buenos Aires
about 3 million inhabitants
sea level
23ºC in January
10ºC in July
756,626 sq km
4,270 km
92% mestizo
2% European origin
about 5 million inhabitants
520 m above sea level
21ºC in January
8ºC in July
Possible production models
What's the area of the country?
It's 2,766,889 sq km.
What's the length of the country?
It's 3,330 km.
What's the population of Argentina?
It's 85% of European origin and 2% guaraní and
What's its capital city?
It's Buenos Aires.
What's the capital city's population?
It has about 3 million inhabitants.
What's the altitude of the capital?
It's at sea level.
When was the capital city founded?
In 1580.
What its average temperature?
It's 23ºC in January and 10ºC in July.
What's the area of the country?
It's 756,626 sq km.
What's the length of the country?
It's 4,270 km.
What's the population of Chile?
It's 92% mestizo and 2% of European origin.
What's its capital city?
It's Santiago.
What's the altitude of the capital?
It's 520 m above sea level.
What's the capital city's population?
It has about 5 million inhabitants.
When was the capital city founded?
In 1541.
What its average temperature?
It's 21ºC in January and 8ºC in July.
Traditional Dresses
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to clothes
Task 1 Reading and matching
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Draw students' attention to the pictures and
the example.
3 Allow students enough time to do the task.
4 Monitor and help students if necessary.
5 Check the task. Write the numbers on the
Task 2 Writing
1 Say “Look at the pictures.”
2 Focus students' attention on the example.
3 Tell student to work individually. Give
dents enough time to do the task.
4 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
A possible production model
Traditionally Mexican men wear white suits and
big Mexican hats. They also wear cowboy boots.
Women wear white blouses and long green
N.B. Ask students to bring the ingresients for
• to develop writing skills
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
How to Make a Mexican Dish
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to build on students’ knowledge of vocabulary
related to food
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Tell students to work individually.
3 Monitor students’ work.
4 Do not check the task.
Task 2 Listening and checking
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Play the CD or read the beginning of Audio Script
16 once or twice.
2 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Audio Script 16 How to Make a Mexican Dish
Listen to a recipe for making Guacamole.
To make guacamole, you will need the following
1 an avocado
2 a tomato
3 1 tablespoon of chopped onion
4 3 tablespoons of vinegar
5 3 tablespoons of oil
6 1/4 teaspoon of chili powder
7 1/4 teaspoon of salt
This is what to do:
First, cut a ripe avocado in half. Take out the stone
and remove the skin. Peel a large tomato and chop
it. Then chop the onion. Mix the avocado, the
tomato and 1 tablespoon of the chopped onion
together in a bowl. Then add the other ingredients.
Serve the guacamole with tortilla chips.
1 avocado
2 tomato
3 1 tablespoon of chopped onion
4 3 tablespoons of vinegar 5 3 tablespoons of oil
• to provide the students with a practical element to their course.
6 1/4 teaspoon of sauce
7 1/4 teaspoon of salt
Task 3 Listening and ordering
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 16 once or twice
(or until most of students have completed the
3 Ask students to check their answers in pairs.
Then check the task and write the answers on the
5/ 3/ 1
6/ 2/ 4
Task 4 Reading and completing instructions
1 Tell students to read the words in the box and
complete the instructions.
2 Give students enough time to do the task. Write
the gapped sentences on the board while the
students are working. Then monitor and help if
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on
the board.
Add/ Chop/ Cut/ Take/
Serve/ Peel/ Mix
Task 5 Project work
1 Organize students into small groups to make the
guacamole with the ingredients and equipment
they brought to the class.
2 Monitor and help if necessary.
N.B Please note that students only need to use 1
tablespoon of chopped onion, not a whole onion.
Two groups can therefore share an onion.
Checking My Progress 6
Task 2 Finding words and writing sentences
Possible sentences
1 My country is beautiful.
2 Peru is to the south of Ecuador.
3 The capital city of Ecuador is Quito.
4 The average temperature of Quito in July is
5 Guayaquil has a bigger population than Quito.
6 The main language in Ecuador is Spanish.
7 Colombia is to the north of Ecuador.
8 Ecuador has about 12 million inhabitants.
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to practise giving advice using should and
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Give students enough time to label the household
objects. Encourage them to guess the ones they
don’t know.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
Then check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
1 fireguard
4 cooker
7 frying pan
10 fireplace
2 rug
5 poison
8 plug
3 stairs
6 knife
9 saucepan
Task 2 Listening for general idea
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
• to raise awareness regarding safety in the
boiling on the stove too with the handle sticking
out and I said: “Daniel! You shouldn't leave pan
handles sticking out like this!”
N: You could knock the pan off!
B: Exactly. So I went to the cupboard and found a
bottle of coca Cola. I poured some into a glass
and Daniel Said: “Wait! That's not Coca Cola!
That's rat poison!” Then I said: “Daniel! You
shouldn't keep poison in empty drinks bottles!”
N: Somebody could drink it!
B: Then I saw a damaged plug. And I said: “Daniel!
You should change damaged plugs.”
N: They can start a fire!
B: Exactly! Then I went upstairs and I found a
skateboard! And I said: “Daniel you shouldn't
leave things at the top of the stairs!”
2 b
3 a
Task 3 Listening for detailed information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
2 Focus students’ attention on the questions. Tell
them to circle the letter of the correct information.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Focus
students’ attention on the pictures and check
understanding. Ask: “Do you have to number the
pictures?” (No, tick them). Then ask: “Which pictures do you have to tick?” (The ones which are
mentioned in the conversation.)
3 Play the CD or read Audio Script 17 once or twice.
4 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
5 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
board. Ask students the reasons for their choice.
Audio Script 17 A Visit to Daniel's Flat
Listen to Bertha and Nancy's telephone conversation.
N: An how's your youngest son, Bertha?
B: I went to see him in Quito last weekend. He's sharing a flat with some friends. I'm very worried
because Daniel has no idea of safety at all. For
example, when I arrived, there was a frying pan of
oil on the cooker and I said: “Daniel! You
shouldn't leave frying pans unattended like this!
N: He could start a fire!
B: Exactly! And there was a saucepan of water
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 17 again two or
three times or until most of the students have
completed the task.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
Then check the task orally and write the answers
on the board. Write the letters of the pictures
mentioned and tick them.
a ✓
b ✓
d ✓
f ✓
h ✓
Accidents in the Home
Task 4 Reading and matching
1 Ask students to read the instructions for the task.
Check understanding.
1 shouldn’t
2 should
3 should
4 shouldn’t
5 shouldn’t
6 shouldn’t
2 Demonstrate the task with the given example. Say:
“Read the first sentence, please.” Allow students
enough time to read it. Then say: “Which sentence
half on the right matches this one?” Write the answer
on the board.
3 Tell students to continue the task individually.
4 Check the answers orally and write the answers on
the board.
1 You shouldn’t leave a frying pan unattended
because it could catch fire.
2 You shouldn’t keep poison in empty drink bottles
because somebody could drink it.
3 You shouldn’t leave things at the top of the stairs
because somebody could fall over them.
4 You should change damaged plugs because they
can start a fire.
5 You shouldn’t leave pan handles sticking out
because somebody could knock the pan off.
Task 5 Reading and completing information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Focus the students’ attention on the example.
Then say: “Look at number 2. Do you think we
should put a fireguard in front of the fire or we
shouldn’t?” Write the answer on the board.
N.B You can use the pictures in Task 3 to help the
students understand the advice.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around the class. Monitor and help if
5 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
6 Write numbers 2 to 6 on the board. Ask students
for the answers and write the appropriate word
next to each number.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
No Smoking Day
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to develop speaking and writing skills
• to raise awareness regarding the harmful
effects of smoking
• to provide links with other areas of the
curriculum, e.g. mathematics
Task 1 Reading and predicting
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding. Make sure they understand that
they have to answer with their own ideas first. Say:
“Don’t read the text yet.”
2 Put students into pairs. Give them ten minutes to
do the task
3 Monitor students’ work. Do not check the task.
Task 2 Reading and checking answers
1 Focus students’ attention on the text. Tell them to
read it and check their answers in Task 1.
2 Give students enough time to do the task. Help if
3 Ask students to check their answers in pairs.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
board. Ask the students why the false statements
are false.
1 F (It’s on 31st May.)
4 F (The chemicals in the cigarettes may affect
unborn babies.)
8 F (Seven out of 10 deaths occur in developing
Task 3 Choosing a question
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Encourage them to choose one of the items to ask
N.B Ensure students have chosen only one item.
Lesson 2
Task 4 Speaking
A Possible Production Model
1 Bring five students to the front of the class. Say:
“I want to find out how many students in the class
have parents who smoke. What question shall I ask?”
Encourage the students to tell you: “Do your parents
I asked five students if their parents smoked.Three
of the students’ parents don’t smoke, but two
fathers smoke. One mother also smokes.
2 Ask the five students the question one at a time.
Keep a record of their answers on the board, e.g.
write no, father and mother on the board. When a
student says his father smokes, for example, draw
a line next to father. When a student says his
parents don’t smoke, draw a line next to no, etc.
Do not erase this information.
3 Tell students to perform the task. They can either
walk around the class and ask up to twenty people
or work in groups of at least five students, if there is
a lack of space. While students are working, copy
the axes from the student’s book on the board.
4 Ensure that students keep a record of their results.
Task 5 Plotting a graph
1 Tell students to look at the bar graph and the axes.
2 Use your results from the last task to plot a bar
graph on the board. Label the horizontal axis with
Students’ Responses and the vertical axis with Number of Students. Write the question as the title of
the graph.
N.B Do not erase this graph.
3 Tell students to use the axis to represent the
results they have.
4 Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary.
Task 6 Writing
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Use the information from the bar graph on the
board to write a short example summary. Ask the
students to give you suggestions for what to write.
3 Tell students to write their summaries individually.
4 Monitor and help if necessary.
Lesson 3
How to Treat Bleeding
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive and intensive listening
• to raise awareness of basic first aid
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to look at the pictures and the text.
Ask them to tell you where it may come from.
2 Confirm the answer.
A first-aid leaflet or book
Task 2 Listening and re-ordering
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to look at the pictures and read the
task instructions. Check understanding. Focus the
students’ attention on the example.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 18 two or three
times or until most of students have completed
the task.
3 Ask students to the compare their answers in
pairs.Then check the task orally and write the
answers on the board.
Audio Script 18 How to Treat Bleeding
Listen to a doctor giving advice on how to treat
Sometimes when people cut themselves badly, they
suffer shock. If the person is in shock, it’s a good
idea to help them lie down and put their feet on a pillow. This makes more blood go to his or her head.
Then you need to put a clean cloth on the cut and
press firmly with your fingers. Keep pressing until the
bleeding stops. This can take 10 minutes or more.
Don’t tie anything too tightly around the cut. This is
not a good idea, because it can stop the circulation. If
possible, lift or raise the injured part of the body. This
helps to stop the bleeding. (But don’t do this if you
think a bone is broken.)
Cover the cut with a clean bandage if you can find
one. Then take the injured person to hospital.
Task 3 Listening for specific information
• to provide variety by incorporating role play
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding. Focus students’ attention on the
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 18 two or three
times or until most of students have completed
the task.
If you have a CD player, copy the incomplete
instructions on the board while the students are
3 Tell students to compare their answers in pairs. If
you do not have a taperecorder, copy the
incomplete instructions on the board while the
students are comparing.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
a press
b Raise
c tie
d lie down
e Cover
f Take
Task 4 Speaking
1 Put students into pairs. Encourage them to
practise the instructions on how to treat
bleeding. Tell them that they have to prepare a
demonstration using the information from the
2 Monitor students’ work and help if necessary.
3 Bring two students to the front of the class to
perform the demonstration.
A production model
To help people who have cut themselves badly, follow
these instructions.
If the person is in shock, help them to lie down and
put their feet on a pillow. Then you need to put a clean
cloth on the cut and press firmly with your
fingers. Keep pressing until the bleeding stops. Don’t
tie anything too tightly around the cut. If possible, lift or
raise the injured part of the body. This helps to stop
the bleeding. Cover the cut with a clean bandage if you
can find one. Then take the injured person to hospital.
Healthy Tips
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to health
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
look at the pictures.
2 Tell students to work individually. Monitor and
help if necessary.
1 Prevent cavities.
2 Protect your skin.
3 Eat healthy.
4 Reduce stress.
5 Have breakfast.
6 Make your brain work.
Task 2 Reading and matching
1 Ask students to read the instructions for the
task. Check understanding.
2 Demonstrate the task with the given
example. Say: “Read the first sentence, please.”
Allow students enough time to read it. Then
say: “Which picture matches this sentence?”
3 Tell students to continue the task
4 Tell students to compare their answers in
pairs. Then write the matching numbers and
letters on the board.
a 5
b 6
c 1
d 4
e 3
f 2
Task 3 Speaking
Lesson 4
• to develop speaking skills
1 Put students into pairs. Tell them that they
have to take it in turns to tell their partners
some healthy tips.
2 Monitor students' work. Listen to them, but do
not interrupt to correct them. If you hear a lot
of mistakes, you can correct them with the
whole group afterwards.
A possible production model
To have a healthy life you should follow this
Don't each junk food. Eat lots of vegetables and
Do a crossword puzzle, or read a book.
Brush your teeth after you eat.
Don't expose your unprotected skin to the sun.
Use sunburn lotion.
Exercise regularly. Exercise helps to reduce
Don't skip breakfast. It's the most important
meal of the day.
Lesson 5
An Accident Prevention Poster
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop writing skills
• to review language related to accident
prevention from the unit
• to provide students with a practical element to
their course
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
Here’s how to make an accident prevention poster.
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and look
at the pictures.
1 Choose one of the following topics for your poster:
Accidents in the Home.
How to Ride a Bicycle Safely.
The Harmful Effects of Smoking.
2 Tell students to work individually. Monitor and
help if necessary.
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
1 a large piece of card
5 old magazines
6 coloured pens
Task 2 Reading and ordering steps
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Give students enough time to order the steps for
making an accident prevention poster.
3 Do not check the task.
Task 3 Listening and checking answers
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation on with the CD before teaching.
1 Tell students to listen and check their answers.
2 Write some advice on the topic on some paper.
Use your notes from this unit.
3 Check your advice with your teacher.
4 Find or draw some pictures to illustrate the advice.
5 Stick the advice and the pictures on a piece of
6 Put the poster on the classroom wall.
2/ 1/ 4/ 3/ 6/5
Task 4 Project work
1 Organize students into groups.
2 Tell students to follow the steps in Task 2 to make
their own poster.
3 Walk around the classroom helping students if
4 Collect the posters. Put them on the classroom
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 19 once or twice
(or until most students have completed the task).
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs
and then write the answers on the board.
Audio Script 19 Making a Poster
Listen to a description of how to make an accident
prevention poster.
Checking My Progress 7
Task 2 Finding words and writing sentences
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to daily activities
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Elicit the activities in the pictures. Write them
on the board.
For teacher's reference:
1 Doing aerobics.
2 Eating hamburgers, French fries and ice
3 Watching films.
4 Playing the guitar and singing.
5 Dancing.
6 Listening to the radio.
3 Tell students to work in pairs. Give them
enough time to do the task.
4 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
Task 2 Speaking
1 Get students into groups of three or four.
2 Encourage them to say the question two or
three times.
3 Allow students enough time to do the task.
4 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
In Your Free Time
Lesson 1
Task 3 Listening and completing notes
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Read the task instructions and check
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Copy the table on the board. Focus students'
attention on the example. Write your own
option as another example.
2 Focus students' attention on the words in the
bubbles. Tell them to complete the notes.
3 Give students some time to do the task
3 Play the CD or read Audio Script 20 once or
4 Monitor and help students if necessary. Do
not check the task.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
Task 5 Speaking
Audio Script 20 At Weekends
Listen to the conversation and complete the notes.
- Raúl: Hi everyone! What are you doing at
weekends, Bob?
- Bob: Well, on Saturday I'm going to collect
shells on the beach and go jogging. What
about you Raúl?
- Raúl: I don't like to collect anything but my
sister collects stamps and my little brother
collects marbles. So I’m going to do
something different. And you Rocio?
- Rocío: I love to play the piano but this
weekend I'm going to do exercises with
Marcia. After that I'm going to watch TV.
- Raúl: That sounds nice. Ah, Hugo, what are you
- Hugo: I'm going to play some video games and
then I'm going bungee jumping with my father.
And you Raúl?
- Raúl: Well, I am going to play ball with some
friends also I am going to do some yoga and in
the afternoon I watch films.
Collect: shells, stamps, marbles
Play: video games, the piano, ball
Go: bungee jumping, jogging
Watch: TV programmes, films
Do: yoga, exercises
Task 4 Ranking preferences
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
2 Copy the table on the board. Write these
phrases: What's your favourite activity? How
often do you…?
3 Bring a student to the front of the class to
demonstrate the task with you. Write his/her
name in the first column. Ask him/her the
questions and complete the information on
the board.
4 Put students into groups of three or four. Tell
them to take turns to ask and answers the
5 Walk around the classroom helping students if
6 Ask some students to report their partners'
Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives
• to develop speaking skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to sports
• to develop writing skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Tell students to work individually. Give them
some time to do the task.
3 Check the task orally and then write the numbers and letters on the board.
1 i
2 h
3 l
4 g
9 p
10 j
11 d
12 f
13 a
14 k
15 e
16 c
Task 2 Classifying activities
1 Read the task instructions.Check understanding.
2 Copy the table on the board. Explain the
meaning of the headings in the table.
3 Demonstrate the task with the example provided.
4 Ask students to do the task individually.
5 Ask students to compare their answers in
pairs. Then check the task on the board.
water athletic wheel
sportssportssports sports
football fishing marathongo-karting
volleyball Swimminggymnasticscycling
basketball diving
Formula One
baseballsurfing jumping motorcycling
Task 3 Ranking preferences
1 Read the task instructions and check
Lesson 2
4 Put students into groups of three. Tell them to
take turns to ask and answers the
2 Copy the table on the board. Focus students'
attention on the example. Write your own
option as another example.
5 Monitor students' work. Listen to them, but do
not interrupt to correct them. If you hear a lot
of mistakes, you can correct them with the
whole group afterwards.
3 Give students some time to do the task
6 Ask some students to report their partners'
4 Monitor and help students if necessary. Do
not check the task.
A possible production model
Task 4 Reading and matching
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Draw students' attention to the pictures and
the example.
3 Allow students enough time to do the task.
1 What sport do you like best?Footbal.
2 What type of sport is it?
It's a team sport.
3 How many people play?
Eleven people.
4 What sport do you play?
Tennis and football.
5 What sport don't you like?
Task 6 Writing
4 Monitor and help students if necessary.
1 Focus students' attention on the information
in Task 5.
5 Check the task. Write the numbers on the
2 Tell students to work individually. Give
dents enough time to do the task.
1 d
2 f
3 a
4 e
5 c
6 b
4 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary.
Task 5 Speaking
1 Copy the table and the first question on the
2 Bring a student to the front of the class to
demonstrate the task with you. Ask him/her
the first question and complete the
information on the board.
A possible production model
Ricardo loves football. It is a team sport. Eleven
players play in each team. I also play tennis and
football, of course. I don't like walking.
Lesson 3
Eating Out
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to food
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Put students into pairs. Give them some time to do
the task.
3 Ask some students the question.
Task 2 Listening for specific information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Copy the table and the examples on the board.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 21 once or twice
or until most students have completed the task.
3 Check the task orally. Write the answers on the
Audio Script 21 Fast Food
Listen to the origins of some fast food and
plete the table.
Some of the best-known fast foods are hamburgers,
french fries, pizza, and fried chicken. Talking about
the origins, I can say that pizza was invented in
Naples in 1889. The first pizza had the colours of
the Italian flag for the visit of the king and queen of
Italy. Its ingredients were tomatoes for red, mozzarella cheese for white and basil for green; and the
dough for the pizza base. Then pizza went to America with the Italians.
The word 'hamburger' appeared in a restaurant menu
in New York in 1834 but the classic hamburger was
invented around 1902. The basic ingredients are
ground beef mixed with onion and pepper and served
on a bun.
French fries were introduced to the American colonies by Thomas Jefferson in the late 1700s. The
original name was “potatoes, fried in the French
manner”. The basic ingredient, of course, is sliced
• to develop writing skills
In 1939, Colonel Sanders first gave the world a taste
of his most famous creation, his blend of 11 herbs
and spices mixed with some flour to fry chicken
Task 3 Vocabulary development
Type of fast Food
french fries
fried chicken
tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil and dough
ground beef, onion, pepper and bun
11 herbs and spices, flour and chicken
1 Copy the table on the board. Tell students to look
at the list of words. Focus their attention on the
2 Tell students to work individually. Give them enough
time to do the task.
3 Ask students to check their answers in pairs.
Check the task on the board.
Task 4 Writing
herbs & fruit
vegetables cereals
pepper peaches onion
cinnamon pomegranates carrots
apples tomatoes oats
meat and poultry
1 Say: “Look at the notes you made in Tasks 2 and 3.”
2 Tell students to work individually. Give students
enough time to do the task.
3 Walk around the class and monitor students' work.
Help them if necessary and make sure they are
using their notes form the previous tasks.
A possible production model
To make ceviche you need some tomatoes, some
chopped onions, lemon juice, some cilantro, some oil
and some fish or shrimp.
Lesson 4
Free Time Activities
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to build on students' existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to free time activities
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
go to a rock concert
go to the movies
Margot go window shopping
next Saturday at 8
at 5
at 5
2 Put students into pairs. Ask them to look at the
pictures and do the task.
Task 3 Making notes
3 Walk around. Monitor students' work. Help them
if necessary.
1 Tell students to think of their plans for the
Task 2 Listening and making notes
2 Give students enough time to complete the
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Copy the table on the board. Focus students'
attention on the example.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 22 two or three
times or until most of students have completed
the task.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
Then check the task orally and write the
answers on the board.
Audio Script 22 Plans for the weekend
Listen and complete the notes in the table.
P: Hi. Lucía. This is Pedro. What are your plans for
the weekend?
L: Hello Pedro. It's nice to hear from you. Well,
next Saturday I'm going to the rock concert in
the Coliseum. It's at 8. Would you like to join
P: Hmm I was planning to go to the movies. Actually, I
don't like rock music much. I prefer to watch Harry
Potter. The film is at 5 in Cinemark. Do you know
anything about Margot?
L: I talked to her earlier and she had other plans.
She said she was going window-shopping at
Quicentro on Saturday at 5. Her cousins are
coming from Guayaquil, so I don't know if she
can join you. Sorry Pedro. See you on Monday
at school. Have a nice time.
P: You, too. Bye.
3 Do not check the task.
Task 4 Writing
1 Say: “Look at the notes you made in Tasks 2 and 3.”
2 Tell students to work individually. Give students
enough time to do the task.
3 Walk around the class and monitor students'
work. Help them if necessary and make sure
they are using their notes form the previous
A possible production model
My favourite singer is Floricienta. She's coming to
Ecuador so next Saturday my friends and I are
going to her concert. It's at 7.00 p.m. in Coliseo
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive skills
• to provide variety in the form of a song
Task 1
Listening and completing information
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Play the CD once.
3 Check the task orally and write the words on the board.
Audio Script 23 Because of you
Listen to a song and do the tasks.
Because of You
I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because you know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you
Because of you
A Song
• to provide links with other areas of the
curriculum. e.g. music
1 make
2 let
3 break
4 fell
5 learned
6 get
Task 2
Listening and ordering phrases
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Play the CD once.
3 Check the task orally and write the numbers on the
Task 3
Listening and ordering phrases
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Play the CD once.
3 Check the task orally.
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because you know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Task 4
Listening and selecting words
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Play the CD once.
3 Check the task orally.
Task 5
Listening and unscrambling words
1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding.
2 Play the CD once.
3 Check the task orally.
Checking My Progress 8
Task 2 Finding words and writing sentences
1 Paul always goes swimming on Saturdays.
2 I usually do aerobics on Sundays.
3 My best friend enjoys collecting dolls.
4 My classmates don't like to go swimming very
5 Viviana never hits the ball very hard.
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive and extensive listening skills
• to present and practise past progressive to
describe past actions
• to draw on students’ knowledge of Ecuador
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
2 Tell students to discuss the questions in
3 Walk around listening to the students. Help if
4 Check the task orally.
Guagua Pichincha / in Quito / 7th October
Task 2 Reading for general idea
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Tell students to read the text quickly. Say: “It
doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every
word. Just try to answer the
3 Check the task orally.
b A diary
Task 3 Reading and matching
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus the students’ attention on the
example. Ask: “Who is Claudia?” (The girl who wrote the
diary entry.) “How do we know she was getting ready to
go to school?” (It says I was getting dressed quickly. I
didn’t want to be late for school.)
2 Tell students to read the text again and do the task.
3 Copy the sentences from Task 3 on the board while the
students are working. Then walk around monitoring. Help
if necessary.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the board.
Claudia was / getting ready to go to school.
Claudia’s father was / listening to the radio.
Diego Oquendo was / talking.
Claudia’s family went / outside.
The neighbours / were looking at Guagua Pichincha.
Some people had / no shoes on.
Task 4 Language Awareness
1 Ask students if the diary entry is about the past, the
present or the future.
and write them on the board.
N.B Write complete sentences on the board rather than the
verb forms alone.
The sun was shining.
The birds were singing.
I was getting dressed.
I wasn’t paying attention.
I was thinking about how to do my hair.
Our neighbours were standing outside.
Everybody was pointing.
8 Point to the past simple forms and the past progressive forms
on the board. Ask: “Are they both about the past?” (Yes). “What
is the difference?” (The past progressive refers to a longer
action or situation. The simple past refers to a shorter action
or a situation that happened in the middle or
interrupted it.)
N.B. The students may tell you their ideas in Spanish, but it is
important for you to respond in English.
9 Underline shouted, and The sun was shining, The birds were
singing, I was getting dressed on the board. Ask: “Which is a
short action?” (shouted). “Which are longer actions?” (The
sun was shining. The birds were singing. I was getting
The past
2 Focus students’ attention on the underlined was in the
first line of the text in Task 2. Tell students to underline
the other past simple verb forms.
3 Ask students to work individually. Monitor and help if
N.B Correct students who underline the was from the
past progressive forms by telling them: “That is a different
kind of verb. It’s not only was , it’s was shining. We’ll
talk about that in a moment.”
4 Ask students for the past simple verb forms and write
them on the board. Do not erase this information.
was (about seven o’clock ...)
didn’t want
was (on, because ...)
was (fantastic!)
was (really beautiful)
was (a boy ...)
5 Write the following sentences on the board.
The sun was shining.
The birds were singing.
6 Say: “Do these sentences refer to the past, the present or
the future?” Confirm that they refer to the past. Tell students to look for other verb forms like these in the text
in Task 2 and circle them. Say: “Look for more verb forms
like these. Circle them in the text.” Monitor and help if necessary.
7 Check the task. Ask students to tell you the verb forms
Lesson 1
While A was happening
B happened
he / she / it
getting dressed
Teaching Tip
You may like to draw a timeline on the board to illustrate
the past simple and the past progressive tenses.
10 Draw a table with three columns on the board. Focus
students’ attention on the sentences: The sun was
shining. The birds were singing. Ask why we use was in the
first sentence, but were in the second. (Because the sun is
singular like it and the birds is plural like they.) Fill in the
first column of the table and ask students to help you fill in
the second column.
11 Ask students: “What comes next?” Write some examples of
the –ing form of the verb in the third column.
Task 5 Grammar Practice
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
2 Copy the first sentence on the board and complete it. Ask
students: “Why do we need was and not were?” (Because it’s
Mary, which is singular, like she.)
3 Ask students to do the task individually. Walk around
monitoring. Help students if necessary.
4 Check the task orally. Write the answers on the board.
1 was sleeping
2 was coming
3 was erupting
4 were sleeping
5 were driving
6 was happening
Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives
• to develop students’ ability to scan a text
• to develop intensive listening skills
curriculum, i.e science, geography
• to raise awareness with regard to what to do in
the event of an earthquake
• to provide links with other areas of the
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to look at the picture and identify the
phenomenom. (an earthquake).
2 Tell them to describe the effects of an earthquake.
3 Accept student’s answers.
Task 2 Vocabulary Development
a a torch
b some water
c some batteries
d a blanket
e a radio
f a candle
g a first aid box
h some food
i some matches
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Do not check the task.
Task 3 Listening for detailed information
N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 24 once or twice
(or until most of the students have completed the
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Audio Script 24 Safety Advice
Listen to Some Safety Advice in Case of Earthquakes and
check your answers.
It's very important to be prepared before an
earthquake happens. Keep basic first aid in your
house, for example: a torch, it's letter a; a blanket, it's
letter d; some water, it's letter b; some batteries,
they're letter c; a radio, it's letter e; some food, it's letter h; some matches, they're letter i; a candle, it's letter f; a first aid box, it's letter g.
Task 4 Discussing pictures
1 Organize students in pairs.
2 Tell them to answer the question by describing
each picture.
Task 5 Matching
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
2 Focus students’ attention on the example.
3 Tell students to read the sentences and to match
them to the pictures.
4 Walk around monitoring.
5 Check the task on the board.
Task 6 Speaking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Put students into groups of three and give them
enough time to do the task.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Bring a group to the front to talk about what they
should do before, during and after an earthquake.
A possible production model
It is a good idea to be prepared before an
earthquake happens. Keep a basic first aid boy in
your home and identify safe places, under a desk or
a table for example. You can also teach your family
what to do if there is an earthquake.
During an earthquake, the most important thing to
do is to stay calm. If you are inside, you should find
a safe place to protect yourself. If you are outside,
remember to keep away from buildings and lamp
posts, which could be dangerous.
After an earthquake, you should stay in a safe place
and listen for news on the radio. Do not go near
electrical cables or broken glass. It is also
important to help other people near you.
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive reading skills
• to raise awareness with regard to what to do
in the event of a flood.
Task 1 Choosing a definition
1 Ask students to look at the picture and to talk
about it.
2 Tell them to read the choices of a definition of
flood and to choose the most appropriate.
3 Check the task orally.
Task 2 Completing a text
1 Ask students to read the words in the box.
A possible production model
Identify safe places with your family.
Practise how to get to safe places.
Keep first aid equipment at home.
Stay calm.
Help other people.
Avoid crossing bridges.
Listen for instruction or news on the radio.
Drink boiled water only.
Bury rubbish and dead animals.
2 Tell them to complete the blanks in the text
with those words.
3 Demonstrate the task with the example
4 Walk around and help if necessary.
5 Check the task on the board.
1 safe
2 first aid
3 calm
4 help
5 radio
6 boiled
7 dead
Task 3 Speaking
1 Organize students in groups of three.
2 Ask them to take it in turns to say the steps
of before, during and after a flood.
3 Monitor and help with pronunciation and
Will We Survive?
Lesson Objectives
• to raise awareness of safety issues during
natural disasters
• to practise vocabulary related to natural disasters
Playing a Game
1 Ask a student to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Divide the class in groups of four. Make sure
each group has a dice.
3 Clarify the game. Say: “Take turns to throw the
dice and move your name square the same number of spaces as the number on the dice. If you
land on a square with an instruction, you have to
follow the instruction on the square. The first student to finish the game is the winner.”
4 Demonstrate the game with one student.
5 Tell students to play the game in groups.
6 Walk around the class checking students'
work. Help them if needed.
Lesson 4
• to provide variety in the form of a game.
Lesson 5
Making a Volcano
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to provide students with a practical element to
their course.
Task 1 Vocabulary Development
6 Mould the newspaper into the shape of a volcano.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
7 Paint the model.
2 Check understanding with an example, if
1 a
3 Ask students to do the task individually.
Task 3 Listening and completing instructions
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
N.B Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 glue
2 water
3 newspaper
4 coloured paints
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Focus
their attention on the example.
Task 2 Listening and ordering
N.B Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Play the CD or read the Audio Script 25 once or
twice (or until most of the students have
completed the task).
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Audio Script 25 Making a Volcano
Listen to the instructions for making a papier
maché volcano and put the pictures on order.
1 Get some old newspapers.
2 f
3 d
4 c
5 g
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 25 once or twice.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
a Get
d Squeeze
g Add
b Paint
c Mash
e Mouldf Soak
Task 4 Project work
1 Put students into small groups.
2 Ask students to follow the steps in Tasks 2 and 3
to make a volcano.
3 Walk around monitoring the task.
4 Display the volcanoes, once they are finished.
2 Soak the newspapers in water for about five days.
3 Squeeze out the excess water.
4 Mash the newspaper into little pieces with a hand
5 Add some glue to the newspaper.
Task 2 Solving a Crossword
Checking My Progress 9
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to present and practise vocabulary related to
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding and focus their attention
on the example. Say: “Don’t worry if you can’t
match all the pictures with the sentences.
Do the easy ones first and try to guess the others.”
• to practise the language of agreeing and
lot of alcohol.
7 Shoplifting is stealing something from a shop.
8 Murder is killing someone.
3 Monitor and help students if necessary, but
don’t tell them the answers. Encourage them
to make educated guesses.
4 Do not check the task.
Task 3 Reading for general idea
Task 2 Listening and checking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Ask students to do the task in pairs.
N.B Please check your pronunciation, stress
and intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 26 once or
twice (or until most of the students have completed the task).
2 Invite students to skim the text (read quickly
to get the general idea) and to tell you the
type of crime the story describes. Say: “Don’t
worry if you don’t understand every word. Just
try to answer the question.”
3 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
Audio Script 26 Types of Crime
Listen to some definitions of different kinds of
1 Robbery is stealing something from a bank.
2 Vandalism is damaging public property.
3 Burglary is stealing something from a house.
4 Kidnapping is taking a person and asking their
family for money.
5 Forgery is making false money.
6 Drunk-driving is driving a car after drinking a
A True Story
Task 4 Reading for specific information
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
2 Ask students to read the first paragraph. Ask them
to choose the correct answer and to circle it.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
5 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Task 5 Speaking
1 Read the task instructions and check
2 Ask students to tell you which people there are in
the story and write a list of characters on the
Mr González
Mrs González
3 Put the students into groups to do the task orally.
4 Walk around monitoring.
5 Ask students for their ideas, but do not check the
A possible production model
Student A: I think it was the gasman.
Student B: I think you’re right.
Student C: No, I don’t agree. I think it was the son.
Task 6 Listening and checking
Lesson 1
N.B Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 27 once (or twice
if necessary) for the students to check their
3 Check the task orally. Say: “What was strange
about the maid?” (She was new at the job.)
4 Tell students to complete the sentence.
Audio Script 27 Who was the Burglar?
Listen to Detective Juan Jaramillo's verdict.
The burglar is …the maid. She had an accomplice to
whom she gave the keys she stole from Mrs
Gonzalez. Both of them entered the house at night
and stole the González family's belongings.
The maid
Lesson 2
Crime on Television
Lesson Objectives
• to raise awareness of violence on television and
its effects
• to develop intensive reading skills
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding and focus their
attention on the example.
2 Ask students to do the task individually.
Monitor and help if necessary.
3 Ask students to compare their ideas in pairs.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
a cartoon
b film
c documentary
d soap opera e game show f news
Task 2 Ranking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Demonstrate the task on the board. Write
numbers from 1 to 6 and your own ideas, e.g.
say: “I think films are the most violent.” Write
films next to number 1. “I think
cartoons are
the least violent.” Write
cartoons next to
number 6, etc.
• to develop speaking skills
• to present and practise vocabulary related to
1 Ask students to read the statement and to
brainstorm ideas about it.
2 Accept their ideas in Spanish if they are not
able to say them in English.
Task 4 Reading for specific information
1 Focus students' attention on the information
in the table.
2 Ask them to read and to complete the table.
3 Ask them to check the task in pairs.
4 Check the task on the board.
type of programme
children's behaviour
soap operas
violent films
cartoon characters are.
Children might become
aggressive and violent.
Children might become
Children might become as
insensitive and indifferent as 3 Ask students to do the task individually.
4 Tell students to compare their answers in
pairs. Monitor and listen to the students.
5 When students have finished, ask some
students at random for their ideas. Do not
check the task.
N.B The students should do the tasks with their
own ideas. There are no right or wrong answers.
Task 3 Discussing
Task 5 Speaking
1 Ask students to read the instructions. Check
2 Ask five students to come to the front of the class
to demonstrate the task. Write the six different
kinds of programmes on the board. Ask one of the
students at a time: “What do you watch most on
television?” Keep a record of their answers by drawing a line next to the type of programme they mention.
N.B Do not erase this information.
3 Ask students to stand up and do the task. If there
is a lack of space, students can work in groups of
five or six rather than walking around the classroom.
N.B Make sure that students keep a record of their
results in the results box on p81 of their Student’s
4 Walk around monitoring and listening to students.
5 Do not check the task.
Task 6 Making a pie chart
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Demonstrate the task by using the results on the
board to make a pie chart. First work out the
percentages. Then draw a circle on the board.
Divide the circle into parts according to the
percentages. Write the names of the programme
types in the corresponding segments of the pie
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
Task 7 Writing
1 Tell students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
Lesson 2
A production model
Most students watch films on television. 30% watch
cartoons and 20% like watching soap operas.
Nobody likes watching the news, game shows or
Lesson 3
Crime Doesn’t Pay
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive and intensive listening
Task 1 Predicting
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus their attention on the
2 Tell students to do the task in pairs.
3 Do not check the task.
Task 2 Listening and ordering the story
N.B. Students may answer some of these questions in
Spanish, but it is important for you to respond in English.
1 Tell students to listen to a story and to check their
ideas in Task 1.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 28 once or twice.
3 Ask them to listen again and to order the pictures.
4 Check the task orally.
Audio Script 28 A Story of a Robbery
Listen to the story and put the pictures in order.
• to present and practise adverbs of manner
• to develop writing skills
describe?” (The cashier). Underline nervously. Ask:
“Does this describe the cashier?” (No) “What does it
describe?” (The action / How she reacted).
4 Point to aggressive. Ask: “What kind of word is this?”
(an adjective). Point to aggressively. Ask: “Is this an
adjective?” (No, it's an adverb). “How is this word
different from the adjective?” (It describes an action
not a thing. It has -ly.) Tell students that adverbs
are often formed with the adjective + ly.
N.B. Students may answer some of these questions
in Spanish, but it is important for you to respond in
5 Quickly draw a table with two columns on the
board. Write adjective as the heading for one
column and adverb as the heading for the other
column. Write aggressive under the adjective
heading and aggressively under the adverb heading.
6 Point to careful in the box and carefully in number
1. Ask: “Why is it carefully and not careful?” (It
describes an action / how he dyed his hair.)
7 Ask students to work individually. Monitor and help
if necessary.
One day a robber decided to dye his black hair red.
He dyed his hair carefully. Then he went to a bank.
“Give me all your money!” he said aggressively to the
cashier. The cashier was scared. She gave him the
money nervously. Then the robber ran away happily.
He was very rich. But his hair grew very fast. Some
of his hair was red and some of his hair was black. A
month later, a policeman found the robber very easily.
8 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
1 Ask students to read the first task instructions.
Check understanding and focus students’ attention on the example.
Task 3 Grammar practice
2 Ask students to work individually.
1 Write the following pair of sentences on the board:
The robber was aggressive.
“Give me all your money!” he said aggressively to the
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
The cashier was nervous.
She gave him the money nervously.
2 Underline aggressive. Ask “What does this word
describe?” (He / The robber). Underline
aggressively. Ask: “Does this describe the
robber? (No)
“What does it describe?” (The action / How he
3 Underline nervous. Ask: “What does this word
1 carefully
4 happily
2 aggressively 3 nervously
5 fast
6 easily
Task 4 Writing
A possible production model
One day a robber decided to dye his red hair black. He
dyed his hair carefully. Then he went to a bank. “Give
me all your money!” he said aggressively to the
cashier. The cashier was scared. She gave him the
money nervously. Then the robber ran away happily. He
was very rich. But his hair grew very fast. Some of his
hair was red and some of his hair was black. A month
later, a policeman found the robber very easily.
Safety Advice for Women
Lesson 4
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to practise giving advice using imperatives
• to raise awareness regarding safety for women
Task 1 Reading for detailed information
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
Focus their attention on the example and
check the new words in the text.
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Ask students to compare their answers in
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
at home
Do not open the
door to strangers.
Answer the
telephone by
simply saying:
“Hello.” Don't give
your telephone
when travelling
Never get into a
taxi which does
not have the name
of the taxi company.
Never get into a
stranger's vehicle.
If you get on an
empty bus, sit
close to the
outside the house
Avoid carrying
large amounts of
If you regularly go
jogging or cycling,
try to vary your
route and the time
that you go.
Never leave your
drink unattended
in a bar.
Task 2 Matching
1 Ask students to read the sentences in the text
in Task 1 again and to match them with the
reasons in Task 2.
2 Demonstrate the task with the example
3 Allow students enough time to do the task
4 Ask students to compare their answers in
5 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
a 5
b 1
c 2
d 7
e 3
f 8
g 4
h 6
Task 3 Speaking
1 Organize students in groups of three.
2 Ask them to take it in turns to practice the
advice under the three categories.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
A possible production model
(The same as the Key in Task 1)
Lesson 5
Make a Word Search
Lesson Objectives
• to review new vocabulary from the unit
• to provide students with a practical element to
their course
Task 1 Finding new words
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Give an example. Elicit the crime words from
Lesson 1. Say: “What do you call making false
money / stealing from a house / stealing from a
bank?” etc.
3 Write forgery, burglary and robbery on the
board. Draw a simple word search grid on the
board. Say: “You can write the words horizontally like this” and write one of the words
horizontally in the grid. “Or vertically like this.”
Write one of the words vertically in the grid.
“Or diagonally like this.” Write one of the words
diagonally. Do not erase this information.
• to provide variety in the form of a word search
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding.
2 Write some random letters in the grid on the
board to demonstrate the task.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around monitoring.
Task 3 Solving the word search
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
2 Put students into pairs to do the task.
3 Walk around monitoring.
3 Tell students to do the task individually. Tell
them not to show other students. Make sure
they know they have to look for twelve words.
4 Walk around monitoring.
A possible production model
soap opera
Task 2 Completing the word search
Task 2 Solving a crossword
Task 3 Completing the text
4 desperately
Checking My Progress 10
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to develop speaking skills
• to develop vocabulary related to the topic
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop intensive reading skills
Task 1 Vocabulary development
7 Monitor. Help if necessary.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Focus their attention on the
8 Conduct feedback. Ask some students at random
what their partners believe in.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
Task 3 Vocabulary development
1 Tell students to discuss the pictures with you.
2 Do not confirm any of the beliefs students might
have about vampires.
5 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
a ghost
b alien
c fortune teller
d witch
f elves
g zombie
Task 2 Filling in a questionnaire
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Copy the table quickly on the board. Demonstrate
the task by asking yourself the questions and
completing the first column of the table on the
board. Put ✓ for yes and X for no.
N.B. Do not erase this information.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around monitoring.
5 When the students have finished, invite a student
to the front of the class. Ask the student the
questions and complete the second column of the
table with his or her answers.
6 Tell students to work in pairs. Say: “Take it in turns
to ask and answer the questions and complete the
Strange Beliefs
Task 4Grammar practice
1 Tell students to read the sentences in the
Interview with a Vampire.
2 Say: “What are the information questions?” Write
them on the board. Tell them they have to use
one of the question words to make each
3 Use the example as a model.
4 Give them enough time to do the task.
5 Monitor and help if necessary.
6 Check the task on the board.
1 How do you know if someone is a vampire?
2 Where do vampires live?
3 What do they drink?
4 How do they move around?
5 What are they afraid of?
6 How can you kill a vampire?
Task 5 Solving a crossword
1 Ask students to look at the example.
2 Tell them to solve the puzzle in pairs.
3 Check the task on the board.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Have You Ever Seen a Ghost
Lesson Objectives
• to develop extensive and intensive reading skills
• to develop speaking skills
• to present and practise present perfect to
describe past experiences.
• to develop writing skills.
Task 1 Predicting
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Ask the question and encourage students to
give their ideas. Ask them for reasons for their
3 Confirm the correct answer.
a magazine
Task 2 Skimming
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
Teaching Tip
Use mime and gestures to illustrate the
meaning of scared, if necessary.
2 Tell students to skim read the texts and
answer the question. Explain that the first
task is just to get the general idea. Say:
“Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word.
Just try to answer the question.”
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
None of them were scared.
Lesson 2
Task 3 Reading for specific information
Task 5 Grammar Practice
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Focus their attention on the
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Focus their attention on the
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
3 Write some of the questions from Task 5 on the
board while the students are working. Then walk
around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
5 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Task 4 Language Awareness
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Write
the sentences on the board. Point at the
sentences and ask the questions.
2 Encourage students to express their ideas.
Try to get them to deduce the rules for
N.B. Students may speak Spanish to answer the
questions, but it is important for you to respond in
1 The sentences are about the past.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
board. As you check each answer, model the
pronunciation and intonation of the sentences and
ask the students to repeat them.
1 seen
2 seen
3 been
4 watched
5 visited
6 met
7 read
8 had
Task 6 Speaking
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Put the students into groups of four or five. Start
asking the students in the class the first question
to demonstrate the task. Write the name of any
student who says yes on the board.
3 Tell students to do the task.
2 No. They don’t refer to a specific period of time.
They describe experiences which happened at no
particular time in the past.
N.B If there is sufficient space in the classroom, the students can stand up and walk around to do the task as an
3 Draw a box with four columns on the board.
Complete the first column with I, you, he, she, it, we ,
they. Ask students to help you complete the second column. Say: “What shall I write here?” and complete it.
4 Walk around monitoring.
4 Point at the words seen, had and seen in the sentences on the board. Ask: “What kind of words are
these?” Confirm that they are past
participles. Show students the list of past participles
in the verb table on pages 103 and 104 and tell them
that they can use this for reference.
5 Complete the third and fourth columns of the table
with examples. Ask the students to give you ideas.
5 Ask students at random for their results.
A production model
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Have you ever seen an elf?
Have you ever been to a cemetery late at night?
Have you ever watched a horror film?
Have you ever visited a fortune teller?
Have you ever met a witch?
Have you ever read your horoscope in the
Have you ever had a dream which came true?
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
• to develop skills of critical thinking
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to look at the photographs and
to identify the characters.
2 Conduct a classroom discussion. Ask the
questions and encourage students to answer
them with their own ideas. Ask them for
reasons for their ideas.
3 Do not check the task.
Task 2 Reading for specific information
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding. Focus their
on the example.
4 Bring a group to the front to talk about each
A possible production model
Casper is an animated film directed by Steven
This is the story of a family of ghosts and why
they prefer to live here in this world rather than
to leave it. They enjoy frightening people. Only
Casper, who is a friendly small ghost, tries to
make friends. It is not so easy for him to make
friends because children are very scared when
they see him.
In the end, Casper make friends and always
tries to help them. Casper and his friends
experience lovely adventures.
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Ask students to compare their answers in
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 F
1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T
1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 F
Task 3 Speaking
1 Organize students in groups of three.
2 Tell them to choose a film and to talk about it.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students’ knowledge of descriptive
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Copy the mindmap on the board quickly. Ask: “How do
people often describe UFOs?”
2 Encourage students to tell you their ideas about shape.
Write one or two ideas in number 2.
N.B. Do not erase this information.
3 Ask students to do the task in pairs.
4 Ask students for their ideas and write them on the board.
A possible production model
1 saucer-shaped
2 oval
3 lights
4 strange noise
5 silver
6 grey
7 move in circles
8 move very fast
N.B There are no right or wrong answers!
Task 2 Listening for general idea
N.B Please check your pronunciation, intonation and stress
with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Scrit 29 two or three times (or
until most of the students have completed the task).
3 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
board. Ask students why the false statement is false.
Audio Script 29 UFOs
Listen to a report about UFOs.
UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. There have been
many thousands of reports of observations of UFOs all over
the world, but at least 90% of UFO sightings are not UFOs at
all. They are often bright planets, stars, clouds, planes,
birds or even balloons. But it is true that some reports have
not yet been explained.
One example is a sighting which happened in Papua New
Guinea on 26th June 1959. 38 people say they saw a UFO.
One of them was an Anglican priest called Father William
Gill. First they saw a bright, white light. The light was
moving towards them. When it came closer, they saw that
Lesson 4
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to develop writing skills
the UFO was saucer-shaped. Then they saw four people on
the top of the UFO. The people looked human and they
seemed to be repairing part of the space ship.
a false (90% are not true)
b true
C true
Task 3 Listening for specific information
N.B Please check your pronunciation, intonation and
stress with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and check
understanding. Focus their attention on the example.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Scrit 29 two or three times (or
until most of the students have completed the task). If
you have a CD player, copy the table on the board while
the students are listening.
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs. If you
don’t have a CD player, copy the table on the board while
the students are comparing.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers in the table
on the board.
place: Papua New Guinea
date: 26th June 1959
no. of people: 38
description of light: bright, white
shape of UFO: saucer-shaped
other information: They saw four people on the spaceship.
Task 4 Writing
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and check
understanding. Focus their attention on the example.
Ask students for some ideas for what to write as the
next sentence. Write an example on the board.
2 Invite students to write down their ideas.
3 Walk around. Help if necessary.
A possible production model
Tonight something incredible happened. I was with 37 other
people and we saw a bright, white light in the sky. It moved
towards us. When it came closer, we saw that it was a
UFO. It was saucer-shaped and there were four
people on the top. They looked human and they seemed to
be repairing the spaceship.
Lesson 5
A Roleplay
Lesson Objectives
• to provide variation in the form of an element of
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Filling in a form
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Draw some of the form on the board. Write some
information as an example. (See the possible
production model).
N.B Do not erase this information.
3 Tell students to do the task individually.
4 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
A possible production model
Date: 4th December 2000
Time: 8 pm
Place: El Quinche
Size: enormous
Colour: purple
Shape: oval
Other information: The UFO was flying in circles.
• to practise vocabulary presented in the previous
3 Do not check the task.
A possible production model
Policeman: When did you see the UFO?
Witness: On 4th December.
Policeman: What time was it?
Witness: It was 8 o’clock.
Policeman: Where did you see it?
Witness: In El Quinche.
Policeman: How big was it?
Witness: Enormous!
Policeman: What colour was it?
Witness: Purple.
Policeman: What shape was it?
Witness: It was oval.
Policeman: Do you have any more information?
Witness: Yes. It was moving in circles.
Task 2 Speaking
1 Copy some of the blank form from Task 2 on the
board. Put students into pairs.
2 Ask a student to come to the front of the class.
Encourage him or her to ask questions. Answer the
questions using the information in the form on the
3 Encourage the student to write your answers on
the blank form on the board.
4 Tell students to work in pairs. Point at the blank
form in Task 2 and say: “Student As, ask
questions and complete the form. Student Bs answer
the questions with your information from Task 1.”
5 Monitor and listen to the students.
Task 3 Speaking
1Ask students to change roles. Remind them that
Student B should now ask the questions and write
Student A’s answers.
2 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
Checking My Progress 11
Task 2 Unscrambling the words and using them
in sentences
ALIEN. Many people think there are aliens on
other planets.
WITCH. Many years ago, witches were
FORTUNE TELLER. I don't trust fortune tellers.
GHOST. Casper is a friendly ghost.
ELVES. Some children have seen elves.
ZOMBIE. The latest film I saw was about
Lesson 1
Lesson Objectives
• to build on students' knowledge of Ecuador
• to develop intensive reading skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask students to look at the pictures and
identify the modes of transport.
2 Tell them to talk in pairs about the best mode
of transport when they go on holidays.
3 Accept all their ideas.
Task 2 Choosing information
• to develop writing skills
3 Ask students to compare their answers in
4 Check the task orally and write the answers
on the board.
Baños, Guayaquil, Atacames
N.B. Remind students to bring the ingredients
for lesson 5.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions
and check understanding. Focus their attention on the example.
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Ask students to compare their answers in
4 Write all their answers on the board. (There
are no right or wrong answers)
Possible answers
1 the beach: car, plane, bus
2 the countryside: car, bus, train
3 Galapagos Islands: plane, boat
4 a mountain: car
5 a big city: bus, car, plane
6 around the world: plane, boat, balloon
Task 3 Reading for general information
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
Check the word postmark with them. (The
stamp, including place and date, that the post
office's employees put on the letters or
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
Modes of Transport
Task 4Grammar awareness
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
Focus their attention on the example.
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Check the task on the board.
Baños: travelled, travelled, took, went, came
out, went Guayaquil: came, took went, visited,
were Atacames: came, travelled, took, went,
went, saw, swam, had
1 Ask students to look at the incomplete
postcard in their books.
2 Tell them to imagine they went somewhere on
holiday and to complete the postcard
3 Give them enough time to write.
4 Check the production of some students on the
A possible production model
Task 5 Reading for detailed information
Dear Angela,
1 Tell students to read the postcard again and
to complete the information in the table.
Here are some photographs
of our holiday in Manta.
We went by car and it took
about eight hours. I went
with my parents and two
brothers. We stayed in a
cheap hotel.
We had a good time. My
father and I went to see the
fishermen and I learnt to
fish. We also visited the
shopping centres. How was
your holiday?
2 Allow students enough time to do the task
3 Do not check the task at this stage.
Task 6 Checking information
1 Organize students in pairs.
2 Tell them to take it in turns to ask and answer
the questions and check their answers.
3 Check the task on the board.
Task 7 Writing a postcard
How did he/
by bus
she travel?
How many people with two Francisco
by car
by bus
with parents with partners
did he/she go
and brother and tutor
on holiday with?
How many hours four hours eight hours seven hours
did the trip take?
Where did he/
cheap hotel uncle's house hotel near she stay?
the beach
Which places did hot pools, Mall del Sol, Sua, Bird
he/she visit?
Tungurahua Policentro,
Island, Isla
San Marino, Bonita
El Malecon
Las Peñas,
Gardens, El
Lesson 1
Angela Palacios
Sucre 1416
Lesson 2
Where to Go?
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive reading skills
• to develop vocabulary related to the topic
• to develop speaking skills
Task 1 Vocabulary development
1 Ask students to read the task instructions.
Check understanding and focus students'
attention on the example.
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
Students are not expected to know all the
names of the places, but should try to work
out the answers.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Do not check the task.
Task 2 Reading and checking answers
1 Ask students to read the task instructions and
check understanding.
2 Give them enough time to read and check
their answers.
3 Check the answers on the board.
10 f
11 c
Lesson 2
Task 3Planning a three-day holiday
Task 5Reading and completing
1 Brainstorm the activities students can do if
they were on Blue Moon Island.
1 Tell students to read the text and to fill the
blanks in with to or at. Remind them the use
of these two prepositions of place.
2 Organize students in groups. Tell them to plan
their first three days there. Focus their
attention on the example in the table.
3 Monitor and help if necessary.
4 Check the task on the board. Accept all their
A possible production model
Day 1 go windsurfing play tennis go dancing
Day 2 climb the have a mountainpicnic
write postcards
Day 3 swim in the play tennis rest in the
swimming cabins
Task 4Speaking
1 Organize students in pairs.
2 Ask students to take it in turns to ask and
answer questions about what they can or
can't do on Blue Moon Island.
3 Demonstrate the task with the example
4 Monitor and help if necessary.
A possible production model
SA: Can you go climbing on Blue Moon Island?
SB: Yes, I can, and can you go to a museum?
SA: No, I can't. And, can you go windsurfing?
SB: Yes, I can. And can you post letters?
SA: Yes, I can
2 Give them enough time to do the task.
3 Ask them to check the task in pairs.
4 Check the task on the board.
1 at
2 in
3 to
4 at
5 to
Lesson 3
At the Beach
Lesson Objectives
• to develop intensive listening skills
• to practise giving advice using imperatives
• to raise awareness regarding safety at the beach
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Tell students to look at the pictures and to discuss
them with you.
2 Accept their ideas and opinions.
Task 2 Listening and putting the pictures in order
N.B Please check your pronunciation, stress and
intonation with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students' attention on
the example.
2 Play the CD or read the Audio Script two or three
times (or until most students have completed the
3 Ask students to compare the task in pairs.
4 Check the task on the board.
Audio Script 30 Going to the Beach
Listen to a doctor giving some advice when you spend
your holiday at the beach. Number the
according to the order of the advice you hear.
Whenever you decide to go to the beach, take into
consideration these pieces of advice to have a more
pleasant time there.
1 Be careful! Don't swim near windsurfers. You can
provoke an accident and get injured.
2 Don't go swimming when the flags are red. Red
flags indicate that it's very dangerous to swim
because of high waves.
3 Wear a hat / cap and use lots of sun cream on your
body and face. It's been proven that sun cream helps
to prevent burns and skin damage and if you don't
wear a hat you might be at risk to get skin cancer.
4 Don't go swimming alone.
5 Don't throw rubbish on the beach and don't play
near the rubbish. Put the rubbish in the containers
assigned for that purpose.
Task 3 Answering a questionnaire
1 Ask students to read the questions in the
questionnaire and to answer them with Yes or No
according to their viewpoints on the matter, in the
first column.
2 Once they finish answering the questionnaire, tell
them to ask each other the questions and to
mark the answers in the second column of the
3 Bring a pair of students to perform the task in
front of the others and if possible to tell the
reasons for their answers.
A possible production model
Task 4 Writing
your friend
Do you go swimming No
Yes, I don't
where it is dangerous?
Do you go swimming Yes
Do you swim after lunch? No
Do you wear a hat when Yes
the sun is hot?
Do you use sun cream?
No, it's not
Do you swim when No
the flags are red?
Do you swim near No
1 Tell students to read the task instructions.
2 Demonstrate the task with the example provided.
3 Remind students to use the imperative verb form
or the auxiliary don't to write pieces of advice.
4 Check the task on the board.
A possible production model
3 Wear a hat/cap. Use lots of sun cream on your
body and face.
1 Don't swim near windsurfers.
4 Don't go swimming when the flags are red.
2 Don't go swimming alone.
5 Don't throw rubbish on the beach.
An Ecuadorian Mountaineer
Lesson Objectives
Lesson 4
• to provide links with other areas of the
curriculum, i.e. history and geography
• to develop speaking skills
• to build on students’ knowledge of Ecuador
• to develop intensive listening skills
Task 1 Activating general knowledge
1 Ask the students to read the task instructions.
Pose the questions and encourage the students to
tell you their ideas.
2 Confirm correct answers.
9 alarm
10 left
Task 3 Matching
1 Tell students to read the words in column 1 and to
match them with their definition in column 2.
Iván Vallejo He reached the summit of Everest without
an oxygen mask.
2 Allow students some time to do the task.
Task 2 Listening for general idea
to reachto arrive at
to go offto ring or sound loudly
to melt
to become liquid
top of a mountain
N.B Please check your pronunciation, intonation
and stress with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on
the example.
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 31 two or three
times (or until most of the students have
completed the task).
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
Audio Script 31 An Ecuadorian Achievement
Listen to an extract of Iván Vallejo's story and
plete the blanks.
Before reaching the summit of Everest without an
oxygen mask, Iván Vallejo arrived at Camp Three on
Wednesday 26th May at 4.00 pm. The weather was
fantastic and he could see clear skies from Nepal to
Tibet. First, he melted some snow and drank some
water. Then he prepared some instant soup. After
that, Iván prepared the things he needed to take to
the summit. In the evening, he set the alarm and
tried to sleep. The alarm went off at 11.00 pm.
Finally he left the camp at 1.00 am.
1 summit
2 at
3 fantastic
4 water
5 soup
6 prepared
7 In
8 evening
3 Check the task on the board.
Task 4 Grammar practice
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on the
2 Ask students to do the task in pairs.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
board. Ask students with the correct answers to
tell you reasons for their choice.
arrived, was, could, melted, drank, prepared,
prepared, needed, set, tried, went off, left
Task 5 Speaking
1 Ask students to imagine a trip to a mountain.
2 Tell them to use the underlined verbs in the past
tense to prepare their stories.
3 Ask them to tell each other their stories.
A possible production model
Last week my friends and I decided to climb Cotopaxi
Volcano. First, we arrived to Camp One and we stayed
there. The weather was very cold. We prepared some
instant coffee and we drank it. We slept very well
there. We set the alarm clock and it went off very
early. On the next day, we reached Camp Two and
finally we reached the summit of Cotopaxi. We were
very happy. In the afternoon, we came back home.
Lesson 5
Helados de Paila
Lesson Objectives
• to raise awareness of Ecuadorian culture
• to provide students with a practical element to
their course
Task Activating general knowledge
1 Read the task instructions. Ask students the questions.
2 Check the answers orally.
Helados de paila come from Ibarra.
In English they are called sorbets.
Task 2 Vocabulary development
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
understanding and focus students’ attention on the
2 Tell students to do the task individually.
3 Walk around monitoring. Help if necessary.
4 Check the task orally and write the answers on the
a some sugar
c a wooden box
e some ice
g a bronze pan
b some fruit juice
d some straw
f some cups
h a wooden spoon
Task 3 Listening and ordering
N.B Please check your pronunciation, intonation and
stress with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Draw seven squares on the board to check the task.
Play the CD or read Audio Script 32 once or twice (or
until most of the students have completed the task).
3 Check the task orally and write the answers in the
squares on the board.
N.B Do not erase this information.
Audio Script 32 Helados de Paila
Listen to a radio programme about how to make helados de
P: And now on today’s programme, gourmet chef Priscila
Vásquez is here in the studio. She’s going to tell us
how to make Helados de paila, or sorbets. What do
we need to make these sorbets, Priscila?
PV: Well, not a lot, really. The only ingredients are fruit juice, sugar and ice. But you need quite a few
utensils. You’ll need a wooden box, a bronze pan.....
• to build on students’ existing knowledge of
vocabulary related to food and cooking
• to develop intensive listening skills
P: Does it have to be a bronze pan? Can’t it just be any
old pan?
PV: Well, people say that bronze pans are better for these
P: O.K.
PV: Then you need some straw, a wooden spoon and
some cups to serve the sorbet in.
P: Right. So, what do we do first?
PV: First, put the ice in the box like this and cover that
with the straw.
P: Cover the ice with the straw?
PV: Yes. Then put the pan on the top. Then take the fruit
juice and pour it into the pan.
P: Oooh yummy.
PV: There we go. Next add some sugar and stir the
P: Is that it?
PV: Yes. Just serve the sorbet in cups and it’s ready to
P: Simple!
Task 4 Listening for detailed information
N.B Please check your pronunciation, intonation and
stress with the CD before teaching.
1 Ask students to read the task instructions. Check
2 Play the CD or read Audio Script 32 once or twice (or
until most of the students have completed the task).
3 Check the task orally and write the answers in the
squares on the board.
1 Put the ice in the box.
2 Cover the ice with the straw.
3 Put the pan on the ice and straw.
4 Pour the fruit juice into the pan.
5 Add the sugar.
6 Stir the mixture.
7 Serve the sorbets in cups.
Task 5 Project work
1 Ask students to look at the pictures and follow the
instructions for making helados de paila.
2 Monitor and help if necessary.
Checking My Progress 12
Task 2 Unscrambling words
1 bus
2 boat
3 bicycle
4 car
5 plane
6 helicopter
Task 3 A possible production model
Where and when you are going. To Manta by late
Which teachers are going. English, Mathematics,
How you are travelling there. By bus.
Where you are staying. In Manta Imperial hotel.
How long you are staying and when you are
coming back. Four days, five nights. Coming
back on next Saturday.
Exercise 1
1 What's your name? / My name's Fabián.
2 How old are you? / I'm 15.
3 When's your birthday? / It's on March 15.
4 Where do you live? / I live in Lago Agrio.
5 How many brothers and sisters do you have?
/ I have two brothers.
6 What is your favourite free time activity? / I
like to go canoeing.
Exercise 2
1 I don't have any sisters.
2 No, she doesn't. She lives in Sangolquí.
3 No, she isn't. She doesn’t like Paula very
4 Actually, we aren't in the same class.
5 I don't know. She isn't here.
Exercise 3
1 went
2 started
3 played
4 danced
5 had
6 met
7 talked
8 told
9 finished
10 stayed
11 helped
Exercise 4
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 I can dance salsa.
2 I can play the guitar.
3 I can't sing well.
4 I can't swim.
ALL ABOUT learning
Exercise 1
1 on
2 next to
3 on
4 at
5 on
6 between
7 on
8 opposite
Exercise 2
1 Where is the library?
2 Where is the basketball court?
3 Where is the garden?
4 Where is the headmaster's office?
5 Where are the toilets?
6 Where are the classrooms?
Exercise 3
1 does
2 Is
3 do
4 Are
5 Does
6 Does
7 Is
Exercise 4
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 I like dancing/I like to dance.
2 I don't like working alone/I don't like to work
3 I don't like to do my homework/I don't like
doing my homework.
4 I like painting/I like to paint.
5 I like swimming/I like to swim.
6 I like cooking/I like don't to cook.
7 I don't like to clean my room/I don't like
cleaning my room.
8 I don't like to study at night/I don't like
studying at night.
Exercise 5
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 He doesn't like to study at night/He doesn't
like studying at night.
2 He likes to study English/He likes studying
3 He likes to listen to music/He likes listening
to music.
4 He likes dancing/He likes to dance.
5 He likes to study with music on/He likes
studying with music on.
Exercise 1
15 I'm
1 ✓
2 An
3 An
4 ✓
5 ✓
6 ✓
7 A
8 a
9 ✓
10 an
11 a
12 ✓
Exercise 5
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 is (d) energetic
2 are (f) secretive
3 is (b) creative
4 are (e) elegant
5 is (c) cooperative
6 is (a) patient
Exercise 2
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 A good friend has to be friendly.
2 Good teachers have to be creative.
3 A good teacher has to be a good leader.
4 Good friends have to be cooperative.
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 A good friend doesn't have to be hardworking.
2 Good teachers don't have to be adventurous.
3 Good friends don't have to be elegant.
4 A good teacher doesn't have to be stubborn.
Exercise 4
1 are
2 Are
3 I'm not
4 I am
5 Are you
6 I'm
7 Are you
8 am
9 you
10 I'm
11 are
12 I am
13 Are you
14 I'm
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1 study
2 'll be/will be
3 'll make/will make
4 'll help/will help
5 do
6 invites
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 I'm going to see the zoo.
2 I'm going to visit the church.
3 I'm going to hike up a mountain.
4 I'm going to eat melcochas.
5 I'm going to rent a four-wheeler.
Exercise 4
1 What are you going to do tomorrow?
2 Where are you going to go this weekend?
3 What are you going to do tonight?
4 What is he going to do tomorrow morning?
Exercise 5
1 José Andrés's mother
2 Roberta's husband
3 José Andrés's grandmother
4 Marcelo's sister
5 Diego's sister
6 Doris's father-in-law
7 Natalia's uncle
8 Marcelo's cousin
9 Juan's son
10 Carlos's niece
Exercise 1
1 are found
2 are threatened
3 are hunted
4 (are) killed
5 are called
6 be seen
7 be found
8 are taken care
9 are caught
10 (are) sold
Exercise 2
1 which
2 which
3 which
4 which
5 which
6 which
7 who
8 who
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 I always take showers to save water.
2 Sometimes I take a bike to school to reduce
3 I never recycle newspapers.
4 I never leave the lights on when I leave a
Exercise 4
1 Do botos swim very fast?
2 Where do botos live?
3 What do they eat?
4 How big are they?
5 What colour are they?
6 Are they playful?
7 How long can they live?
8 Why are they in danger?
Exercise 1
1 was conquered
2 was founded
3 were built
4 are attracted
5 was founded
6 was attacked
7 is reached
Exercise 2
1 Venezuela has a lower population than Colombia.
2 Venezuela is smaller than Colombia.
3 Colombia is the biggest country.
4 Colombia has the highest population.
Exercise 3
1 older
2 oldest
3 lower
4 highest
5 warmer
6 colder
7 highest
8 lower
Exercise 4
1 was
2 went
3 bought
4 visited
5 took
6 went
7 saw
8 built
9 am/'m going to go
10 am/'m going to return
11 am/'m going to buy
Exercise 1
1 shouldn't carry
2 should use
3 should keep
4 shouldn't walk
5 should stay
6 should follow
7 should bring
8 should pack
9 shouldn't bring
10 should learn
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 You should keep a torch in the glove
compartment because your car could break
down at night.
2 You should check the tyres often because they
can lose traction.
3 You should carry a cell phone because you
could have an emergency.
4 You shouldn't drive without lights at night
because you could have an accident.
5 You shouldn't drive with an expired license
because you can get a ticket.
Exercise 2
1 should
2 shouldn't
3 shouldn't
4 should
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 You should join a gym.
2 You should take a French class.
3 You should go jogging every day.
4 You should get a job.
5 You should wake up earlier.
Exercise 4
1 Keep a torch in the glove compartment.
2 Check the brakes often.
3 Carry a cell phone.
4 Don't drive without lights at night.
5 Don't drive with an expired license.
Exercise 5
Exercise 1
1 Adriana plays the piano.
2 Fernanda watches old films.
3 Juan Diego goes surfing.
4 Gloria collects stamps.
5 Estéban plays the guitar.
6 Samantha does aerobics.
Exercise 2
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
Answers may vary. A possible production
In my free time I do aerobics. On weekends, I
usually listen to music and watch videos with my
sister. After school I play football for my
school's football team. I also collect shells
when I'm on holiday.
Exercise 3
1 I always do aerobics in the morning.
2 My sister often listens to music when she
3 Antonio never watches cartoons.
4 We usually go swimming at weekends.
5 Lourdes is never late to class.
6 Sometimes María goes jogging alone.
Exercise 4
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 I always sleep until 10 am.
2 I usually go to the beach.
3 I often play football.
4 Sometimes I watch TV.
5 I never go to bed before 11 pm.
Exercise 5
1 threw
2 caught
3 dribbled
4 threw
5 rang
6 went
7 made
8 won
9 was
10 went
11 was
12 played
13 went
14 ate
Exercise 1
Exercise 5
1 was sweeping
2 was eating
3 were waiting
4 was watching
5 was having
6 was talking
7 was asking
8 was sleeping
1 Recognize
2 Listen
3 Help
4 Prepare/Have
5 Move
6 Enter
7 Prepare/Have
8 Stay
9 Test
Exercise 2
1 were fighting
2 was sleeping
3 were screaming
4 were throwing paper
5 were playing cards
6 was crying
Exercise 3
1 was shining
2 was blowing
3 was riding
4 was washing
5 stopped
6 began
7 went
8 was watching
9 saw
10 was blowing
11 fell
12 was running
13 remembered
14 heard
15 waited
Exercise 4
She needs a small towel, some candy, some
bandages, some water, some gloves, a first aid
booklet, a bottle of eyewash solution, some
cotton, some emergency numbers, some Ipecac
syrup, and a tube of antiseptic ointment.
Exercise 1
Exercise 5
1 happily
2 softly
3 aggressively
4 roughly
5 angrily
6 nervously
7 sadly
Exercise 2
1 If you are home alone, don't open the door to
strangers because someone might rob you.
2 Don't open an email from someone you don't
know because it can be a virus.
3 Never meet someone face-to-face that you
only know from Internet because it can be
4 Always tell your parents where you are going
and when you'll be back because they might
need to contact you.
Exercise 3
1 could/may be
2 could/may be attacked
3 could/may rob
4 could/may hurt
5 could/may try
6 could/may have
Exercise 4
1 sleepily
2 quickly
3 cautiously
4 carefully
5 deeply
6 foolishly
Exercise 1
1 She has seen a ghost.
2 She has predicted the future.
3 She has spoken to an elf.
4 She has visited a cemetery.
5 She has broken a mirror.
6 She has touched an alien.
Exercise 2
1 a have seen
b happened
2 a have never met
b met
3 a have lived
b have not had
c saw
4 a died
b has visited
5 a hasn't spoken
b have seen
Exercise 5
Answers may vary slightly. A possible
production model.
1 Have you ever seen an alien?
2 Did you see a light in the sky?
3 Are you afraid of zombies?
4 Do you think chupacabras exist?
5 Has a fortune teller ever predicted your
6 Do you believe in UFOs?
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
I have seen a UFO. I was 8 years old. It happened
in my backyard. The UFO had a bright red light. I
didn’t see any any aliens. The UFO landed for a
few minutes and then disappeared.
I haven’t seen it again.
I have never seen a ghost, I don’t belive in ghosts.
But I have seen an elf. I saw it at my grandmother’s farm in Pifo when I was ten years old.
Exercise 4
1 The movie Casper was directed by Steven
2 The movie was produced by Paramount.
3 The movie was seen by over a million people.
4 Many movies are produced by Hollywood
5 Movie sets are constructed by large crews.
6 Sound effects are created for scary films.
Exercise 1
(The underlined text has already been corrected.)
1 Dear Aunt Julia,
Hello! Greetings from Muisne. I am having a
wonderful time here. Yesterday I arrived at
lunchtime. I had fried fish and patacones. The
patacones were wonderful! In the afternoon I
played volleyball on the beach with some
friends, and then we went dancing. We danced
all night! This morning I went to the beach. The
water was very warm. I saw a pelican on the
beach! It was pure white and was eating fish.
Tonight I am going to travel north to Sua. I'll
see you in a week!
Love, Paolo
2 Hi, Arturo! I am writing to you from the
Galapagos Islands! I arrived last week. I came
by a beautiful boat. While I was on the boat, I
got sick, but now I feel better.
Yesterday I
saw George, the famous Galapagos tortoise!
He is really old. I also went
and swimming. It was a lot of fun. I return to
Baeza next month. See you then!
Exercise 2
Answers may vary slightly. A possible
production model.
1. You can walk in the forest to learn more
about medicinal plants.
2. You can visit a village and learn about the life
of the locals.
3. You can fish for piranhas in the river.
4. You can swim in the Cuyabeno lagoon.
5. You can enjoy bird watching before breakfast.
6. You can sleep in traditional houses.
Exercise 3
Answers may vary. A possible production model.
1 You can't stay for a week.
2 You can't stay in a fancy hotel.
3 You can't see a big city.
Exercise 4
1 did
2 go
3 did
4 travel
5 did
6 take
7 did
8 stay
9 did
10 visit
11 Do
12 travel
13 Do
14 take
15 do
16 do
The book contains one test for each three units which could be applied after a month of
normal work and a term test for use after four units have been studied. The tests have been
designed to measure the student's performance and achievement in the areas of language
skills, (listening, reading, writing and speaking) grammar and vocabulary. The purposes of the
tests are:
(a) To give students a focus for studying and revision.
(b) To motivate students to develop fluency and accuracy.
(c) To provide teachers with a system to assess the students' progress.
(d) To standardise levels of students' performance and achievement.
There are four monthly tests. In addition a final term test is provided for each term. This
organization could be modified according to different school programmes, e.g. the schools
which work dividing the school year into quimestres. The monthly tests are part of a formative evaluation, while the term test is summative.
The monthly tests include two listening exercises, two reading exercises, two speaking
exercises, two writing exercises, two grammar exercises and two vocabulary exercises. It is not
necessary for students to do both exercises in each section. You may select the most suitable
one from each section.
There are also two versions of each term test (a and b). This is to enable teachers with large
classes or a lack of space to give different versions of the term test to different rows of
students to ensure that the marks reflect the sutdents’ own ability.
The testing section is part of the Teacher's Book. You should select the items you are going to
use in the test and photocopy them in the form of a proper test. It is important that no student
should see the tests beforehand to ensure the tests' reliability and validity.
All tests contain six sections:
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
Total30 marks
N.B. Teachers have to transform this mark to a mark based on 20. e.g. 18/30 equals
18 x 20: 30 = 12/20
The elements of this section are designed to test listening skills only. For this reason, the
majority of the listening tests do not involve writing. In the tests where some writing is requiered, students should not be penalized for spelling mistakes.
Speaking and writing
These two sections are presented separetely. However, there are some Speaking and
ing tasks where students can use the same input to produce oral or written language.
Testing speaking is important since the course contains many oral tasks. However,
istrative and time constraints can make testing oral skills difficult.
This is a problem you should solve according to your school conditions. For example, you can
give oral tests at the end of three units, at the end of the term, etc. In the same way you can
organize speaking tests according to your classsroom conditions, e.g. individually, in pairs, in
groups, etc.
If a formal oral test is not possible, you may mark the students' speaking competence on the basis
of your classroom experience of the students' performance. Marking speaking and writing can be
generally subjective. The grade should depend on the students' ability to communicate in oral and
written modes. However, at this level the language used by students is largely guided, which minimizes subjectivity.
To mark speaking skills:
Use a system of bands, as follows:
Band 5: The student can communicate clearly. His speech is grammatically and lexically accurate.
Band 4: The student can communicate, but makes some errors in grammar, lexis and pronunciation.
Band 3: The student can communicate in a limited way. He makes basic errors in grammar and lexis.
Band 2: There is no real communication, just isolated words and phrases.
Band 1: The student is not able to understand or speak at all.
To mark writing skills:
Use a system of bands, as follows:
Band 5: The text is well written. There are no mistakes.
Band 4: The text is well written. There are a few mistakes.
Band 3: The idea is understood but there are some basic mistakes.
Band 2: The idea is understood, but there are a lot of basic mistakes.
Band 1: The ideas are not understood at all.
Test One A
(Units 1, 2 and 3)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to a description of two friends. Complete the information about Leonardo. (5 marks)
1 Name: _________________
2 Age: ___________
Ambato, 30th
3 Place and date of birth: _______________________
4 Number of brothers _____________ Number of sisters _____
5 Father's job: _______________________
6 Mother's job: _________________________
7 Hobby: ____________________
2 Reading
Read the note and complete the information. (5 marks)
1 Occasion: _________________________________
2 Address: ______________________________________________
3 People who pay: _________________________________________
everything, including
4 Cost covers: _____________________________________________
5 Clothes: ___________________________________________________
6 Type of party: _____________________________________________
Dear Vicky,
A short note to invite you to our end of course party at Javier's
house. (321 Ulloa St. and Mariana de Jesus). Bring Marco if you
want. It's going to be a barbecue party, so we will have plenty of
We decided to ask for a contribution from everybody ($8.00 per
person). We think this should cover everything. Refreshments
are included,too.
A favour: Could you please bring some music for dancing? I
know you are a music person and we trust your selection.
See you soon!
3 Speaking
Ask your teacher questions to complete the table. (5 marks)
Test One A
he / she lives
and sisters
_____________ _______________________________________
4 Writing
Look at the plan and write a description of the school. (5 marks)
The library is next to the
5 Grammar
Write questions for the answers. (5 marks)
1 Her name is Betty.
2 She is 14 years old.
3 Her birthday is on 20th June.
4 She has 3 brothers and 2 sisters.
5 She lives in Macas.
6 No, she isn't quiet. She's lively.
What's her name?
6 Vocabulary
Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences. (5 marks)
1 People who have good taste in clothes
2 People who love travelling
3 People who don’t change their opinions easily 4 People who work well with others 5 People who are usually happy 6 People who have new and original ideas
(a) are adventurous.
(b) are cooperative.
(c) are cheerful.
(d) are creative.
(e) are elegant.
(f) are stubborn.
1______ 2______ 3______
4______ 5______ 6______
Test One B
(Units 1, 2 and 3)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to a description of two friends. Complete the information about Ernesto. (5 marks)
1 Name: __________________
2 Age: __________
Riobamba, 30th
3 Place and date of birth: _______________________
4 Number of brothers __________ Number of sisters _____
5 Father's job: ____________________
6 Mother's job: ______________________
7 Hobby: ___________________
2 Reading
Read the horoscopes and the statements below. Write L for Libra, S for Scorpio or C for Capricorn. (5 marks)
1 This person should spend today in the countryside.
2 This person will not be happy at work today.
3 This person could fall in love today.
4 Other people will want to be with this person today.
5 This person will have a better day tomorrow.
6 It’s important what this person wears today.
(23rd Sept – 22nd Oct)
Today you’ll be feeling cheerful
and lively. Plan a trip with
family or friends. Get out of the
city and spend the day in the
open air. Your good humour
and sociable mood will make
you very popular.
(23rd Oct – 21st Nov)
Dress elegantly today. A tall
dark stranger will enter your
life this morning, bringing
possibilities of romance. If
you’re single, wear red and
you’ll be sure to attract
(22nd Dec – 19th Jan)
Expect a very difficult day at
the office today. A colleague
will be critical of you and your
boss will be unsupportive.
Don’t despair! Tomorrow you
will feel more motivated.
3 Speaking
Look at the box. Tell your teacher about the free time activities you like. Describe each one. (5 marks)
playing the guitar­
Test One B
4 Writing
Look at the plan and write a description of the school. (5
offices are next to the class_______________________________________________
5 Grammar
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb from the box. (5 marks)
Barbara ____
is 1 going to study law at university. She ____ 2 to be a lawyer. For this career she ____
3 to be hardworking, honest and friendly. Her mother says that she is ____ 4 to be a good lawyer
because she ____ 5 all those qualities and, in addition, she ____ 6 helping people.
6 Vocabulary
Look at the picture and write the correct letter next to the parts of the body. (5 marks)
( b ) head
( ) elbow
) shoulder
) ankle
) knee
) waist
Test Two A
(Units 4, 5 and 6)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to the conversation. Complete the information about the Mayan ruins at Tikal. (5 marks)
Don’t miss the incredible Mayan ruins at Tikal!
There are over 3,000 stone
constructions which date from AD 250 – 900.
Getting There
By bus: ____
15 1 hour journey
Flights: ________ 2 flights every day from La
Aurora airport, Guatemala City.
Hotels: 3 very ________ 3 hotels.
Campsite: Sleep in a tent or a __________ 4
Restaurant Jaguar Inn:
Open daily 6.00 am to ________ 5
Things to take
Don’t forget to take
________________________6 !
2 Reading
Read Guayaquil and complete the information below. (5 marks)
the chief Guayas and his wife,
1 Guayaquil is named after ______________________________________
2 The population of Guayaquil is approximately ___________________________
3 Guayaquil is the most important _______________ in Ecuador.
4 The monument to Simón Bolívar and San Martín is located _________________________________
5 In the Parque Bolívar visitors can find ___________________________________
6 Visitors can also go to _______________________________________________
The province of Guayas is named after a Puna
Indian chief. The chief fought bravely against
the Incas and then the Spanish. The capital of
the province, Guayaquil, is named after the
chief Guayas and his wife, Quill.
Guayaquil is Ecuador’s largest city. It is also the
city with the highest population. It has approximately 2 million inhabitants.
The city is situated on the Guayas River near
the head of the Gulf of Guayaquil, on the country’s low-lying Pacific Coastline. It is the most
important port in Ecuador. More exports and
imports pass through Guayaquil than through
all the other ports combined. Guayaquil has
excellent tourist attractions. Visitors
can go to see the waterfront boulevard called
the Malecón, where you can see a monument
to Simón Bolívar and San Martín called the
Rotonda. From here there is a good view of the
Guayaquil-Durán bridge. Another popular place
for tourists is the Parque Bolívar, where there
are tame iguanas in the ornamental gardens.
On the west side of the park is the cathedral. It
has an ornately
decorated entrance and
beautiful stained glass windows inside.
Test Two A
3 Speaking
Tell your teacher how to make guacamole. Use the pictures and the words provided. (5 marks)
4 Writing
Write a description of Venezuela. Use the notes in the table. (5 marks)
capital cityCaracas
21 million
black, white, indigenous
912,050 sq km
oil, cotton, rice, corn, sugar
capital of Venezuela is
Test Two A
5 Grammar
Complete the sentences with the comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives provided. Use the notes in the
table. (5 marks)
283,561 sq km
1,098,600 sq km
1,285,215 sq km
Quito: 2,850 m
La Paz: 3, 625 m
Lima: sea level
% mestizos56%
year of foundation
Quito: 1534
La Paz: 1548
Lima: 1535
Bolivia is a __________ 1 (small) country than Peru and Ecuador is the ____________ 2 (small) country.
Lima is at sea level, but Quito and La Paz are not. La Paz is ____________ 3 (high) than Quito.
The percentage of mestizos in Peru is ____________ 4 (low) than in Ecuador.
The city of Lima is ____________ 5 (old) than La Paz, which was founded in 1548. The Spanish
arrived in Quito in 1534. It is the ____________ 6 (old) South American capital.
6 Vocabulary
Write the names of the family members in relation to Fabián. (5 marks)
Test Two B
(Units 4, 5, and 6)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to Nora talking about her family. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (5 marks)
1 Fabián's _________
wife 's name is Susana.
2 Matteo's _____________' names are Damian and Lucía.
3 Matteo's _____________'s name is Angela.
4 Angela's _____________'s name is Washington.
5 Washington's _____________'s name is Lucía.
6 Matteo's _____________'s name is Ulpiano.
2 Reading
Read Jaguars and complete the table. (5 marks)
habitat threats
from head 1____________3
Jaguars are mammals. They live in tropical areas from the south of the United States to the north of Argentina. In Ecuador, they live mainly in the provinces of Napo and Pastaza.
Jaguars are the largest land mammals in America. They can measure 2.75 m from head to tail. They eat
small animals and fish. At present, there are only a few of them left. People kill them because they are afraid
of them. They are also threatened by hunters. Hunters kill them to sell their fur.
Test Two B
3 Speaking
Look at the pictures. Give your teacher some advice on protecting the environment. Use the words provided. (5 marks)
4 Writing
Use the information below about birds in the Galapagos Islands and write a paragraph about them. (5
bird colour size foodhabitat threats
black and white 35 cm
in coastal caves starvation (not enough food)
predators (cats, dogs, rats)
waved white
largest birds fish
on coastal cliffs abandoned eggs
in the islands
are black and white birds.
Test Two B
5 Grammar
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. (5 marks)
1 The Sierra Nevada in Mexico ____________ as Sierra Madre.
2 Mexico _________________ to the north by the United States.
3 Spanish ____________________ by the majority of Mexicans.
4 Fruit, vegetables, shrimp and coffee ____________________ to other countries from Mexico.
5 Corn and vegetables _________________ in the country.
6 The majority of the population ________________ from ancient Indian cultures.
6 Vocabulary
Look at the pictures. Label them. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)
hot-air ballooning
bungee jumping
sea kayaking
sea kayaking
Test Three A
(Units 7, 8, 9)
Your name _________________________ Your Class ________________
1 Listening
Listen to a doctor talking about how to treat animal bites. Complete the instructions. (5 marks)
If a dog bites you …
First let the wound bleed ________
freely 1.
Wash the bite with __________ 2 and water.
Press the wound firmly with __________ 3 __________ 4.
Keep pressing until the bleeding stops.
(This can take __________ 5 minutes or more.)
Put on a __________ 6 bandage.
Go to see a doctor. 2 Reading
Read the safety rules. Put a tick (✓) next to the ones which are correct and a cross (X) next to the ones which
are incorrect. (5 marks)
1 You should keep poison in the food cupboard. (X)
3 You should repair damaged plugs. (✓)
2 You should leave things at the top of the stairs. ( )
5 You should keep poison in empty drink bottles. ( )
4 You should put a rug on a slippery floor. (X)
7 You should touch electrical equipment with wet hands. ( )
6 You shouldn't mix chemicals together. ( )
3 Speaking
Look at the pictures. Talk about the leisure activities some people like. (5 marks)
Test Three A
4 Writing
Look at the activities four friends did last weekend. Write a paragraph. (5 marks)
Went to Tulcán. Visited his grandparents.
It was raining.
JuanaLola Andrea
Went swimming.
Played tennis in the Dancing lessons alone.
Brothers and sisters
tennis court at school.
went with her. Friends also went.
Sunny day.
went to Tulcan last weekend. He
5 Grammar
Unscramble the sentences. (5 marks)
1 studies / my / he / often / to / brother / listens / when / music
2 alone / sometimes / Luisa / jogging / goes
3 swimming / at / family / goes / usually / weekends / my
4 horror films / Pedro/ watches / never
5 teacher / never / late / my / is / class / to
6 sleep / 7 am / always / I / until
My brother often listens to music when he
6 Vocabulary
Match the words with the pictures. (5 marks)
a cooker
a frying pan
a knife
a plug
a rug
a rug
Test Three B
(Units 7, 8, 9)
Your name _________________________ Your Class ________________
1 Listening
Listen to the advice and complete the notes. (5 marks)
In the event of a volcanic eruption ….
Be informed
Listen to the ______ 1 on the television
or radio.
Be safe
Elderly people, __________ 2 and
people with health problems are most
at risk. They should move to safer areas.
Be prepared
Keep first aid equipment, including
masks and __________ 3 drops at
Keep a supply of water and canned
food, e.g. _______________ 4
Make sure you have __________ 5 and
__________ 6 in case the electricity
supply is cut off.
2 Reading
Read Volcano Chasers and circle the correct information. (5 marks)
1 Steve and Donna live
a in the countryside.
b in a big city.
c in a village.
3 Steve and Donna
a are afraid of volcanoes.
b love volcanoes.
c don't like volcanoes.
5 They flew over a lava lake
a in a helicopter.
b in a plane.
c on a bus.
2 The village's name is
a Mountain.
b Volcano.
c River.
4 On their second date
a they watched an erupting volcano.
b they went to a disco.
c they went to the cinema.
6 Steve and Donna decided
a to get married on a beach.
b to get married on a mountain.
c to get married on a volcano.
Volcano Chasers
Steven and Donna O'Meara are both
passionate about volcanoes. They live in
Hawaii in a village called Volcano. Steve
and Donna met in an astronomy course.
While his friends were taking their girlfriends out to a disco or to a cinema,
Steve was planning trips to see volcanoes for his girlfriend, Donna. In fact, on
their second date, he took Donna to see
an erupting volcano. They were flying
over Kupaianaha, a Hawaiian lava lake, in
a helicopter when Steve asked Donna to
marry him.
When Steve and Donna were making
plans for their wedding, they soon decided they wanted to get married on a volcano.
Test Three B
3 Speaking
Look at the pictures and talk about healthy tips. (5 marks)
For breakfast,
4 Writing
Write some safety advice. Use the pictures and the words provided. (5 marks)
leave unattended
shouldn’t put a rug on a slippery floor, because someone
Test Three B
5 Grammar
Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (5 marks)
An Earthquake in Mexico
was walk- 1(walk) to
Cielo Marquéz ___________
work at 7 o’clock one morning when she
felt an earthquake. She went to the bus
station, where she could hear the radio.
The radio presenter ____________ 2
(say) that the buildings in the area where
she lived were destroyed. Her son and
daughter were both in the apartment.
Her son, Roberto, ___________________
3 (sleep) when the earthquake hap-
pened. His sister pulled him under the
bed, because the ceiling
______________________ 4 (fall) down
and the walls ________________ ______
5 (move). There was very little oxygen,
so it was difficult to shout for help, but
the family’s parrot _______
____________ 6 (scream). Rescuers
heard the parrot and the Marquéz family
6 Vocabulary
Label the things you need in the event of an earthquake. (5 marks)
some water
a torch
some matches
a candle
some batteries
a radio
Test Four A
(Units 10, 11, 12)
Your name _________________________ Your Class ________________
1 Listening
Listen to the story and choose the correct information. (5 marks)
1 Sara went for a walk
a alone.
b with a group of friends.
c with her best friend, Michelle. 2 At first she thought the UFO was
a a helicopter.
b a star.
c a plane.
3 When she first realized it was a UFO
a she was terrified.
b she wasn’t nervous.
c she started to cry.
4 The UFO
a had three blue lights.
b had three green lights.
c had one beautiful orange light.
5 Sara saw
a the UFO land.
b an alien.
c a group of aliens.
6 Sara
a really saw the UFO.
b was reading a science fiction novel.
c was dreaming.
2 Reading
Read Chupacabras and complete the information. (5 marks)
Name: _______________ 1
Characteristics: arms: _____________ 2; toes: ________________ 3; eyes: ________________ 4 and
_________ 5; smell: _________________6
Although the stories about chupacabras
began in Texas, Ecuadorian farmers have
also reported animals killed mysteriously. Newspapers in this country have even
printed articles, which suggest that the
chupacabras is an alien from another
People who say they have seen the
chupacabras describe an animal like a
monkey with hairy arms, three toes and
big, red eyes. There have been reports
that it has spots on its head and back
and chicken legs. People have also said
that the monster has a terrible smell.
Test Four A
3 Speaking
Tell your teacher the story. Look at the pictures and use the words provided. (5 marks)
ran away
4 Writing
Write the advice on the line under the pictures. (5 marks)
Use sun cream .
Test Four A
5 Grammar
Circle the correct words in the text. (5 marks)
An Unsuccessful Robbery
Robbing a bank is not always easy / easily 1.
Two British men planned a robbery very
careful / carefully 2. One man had to go
into the bank to do the robbery and the
other had to drive the car. The first man
entered the bank. He felt very nervous /
nervously 3. The other man waited
patient / patiently 4 in a small street near
the bank.
After ten minutes, the driver went to
collect his friend, but he couldn’t find
him. He was driving around the town
desperate / desperately 5 when two
policemen stopped him and asked him
to give them a ride. "We’re looking for a
robber," they explained. Soon afterwards,
the robber found his driver and two very
happy / happily 6 policeman.
6 Vocabulary
11 Match the words with the pictures. (5 marks)
soap opera
game show
game show
Test Four B
(Units 10, 11, 12)
Your name _________________________ Your Class ________________
1 Listening
Listen to a story of an unsuccessful robbery. Complete the blanks with the missing words. (5 marks)
An Unsuccessful Robbery
Robbing a _____
bank 1 is not always easy. Two
British men planned a robbery very carefully.
One man had to go into he bank to do the
_____________2 and the other had to drive
the car. The first man entered the bank. He
felt very nervous. The other man waited
patiently in a small _________3 near the
bank. After ten minutes, the driver went to
collect his ___________,4 but he couldn't
find him. He was driving around the town
desperately when two ____________5
stopped him and asked him to give them a
ride. “We're looking for a robber,” they
explained. Soon afterwards, the robber
found his ________6 and two very happy
2 Reading
Read A Bank Robbery in Canada and decide if the statements are true or false. (5 marks)
The story is invented.
Everybody in Canada speaks English.
The first cashier didn’t speak English or French.
The manager spoke good English.
The robber went to another bank.
Finally, the robber stole some money.
A Bank Robbery in Canada
This is a true story about a bank robbery
in Canada. A robber had a lot of problems because some people in the country speak English and the rest speak
The robber was an English speaker, but
he went to rob a French-speaking bank.
He went up to the cashier and gave her
letter which said: “Give me all your
money! I have a gun!” However, the
cashier was from China and she had only
just arrived in the country. She didn’t
understand, because she could only
speak Chinese.
The Chinese cashier decided to call the
manager and ask for help. The manager
came and read the note, but he couldn’t
understand it either, because he was a
French-speaking Canadian and he didn’t
speak very much English.
In despair, the robber asked them to give
his letter back. He left the bank and went
next door to the English-speaking bank.
This time he was more successful. The
cashier immediately gave him over $500
in cash. The robber said: "Thank you!" in
Test Four B
3 Speaking
Imagine you are going on holiday. Answer the questions below and talk about it. (5 marks)
Where are you going to go?
How are you going to travel?
How many people are you going on holiday with?
How many hours is the trip going to take?
Where are you going to stay?
Which places are you going to visit?
4 Writing
Write the instructions for making helados de paila. Look at the pictures and use the words
provided. (5 marks)
How to make
de Paila
Put the
ice in the
Test Four B
5 Grammar
Change these active sentences to passive sentences. (5 marks)
1 Horrors films frighten people.
People are frightened by horror
2 Steven Spielberg directed the movie Casper.
3 Dracula killed many people.
4 Some children helped E.T. to escape.
5 Over a million people saw the movie E.T..
6 Paramount produced the movie Casper.
6 Vocabulary
Match the pictures with the words. (5 marks)
fortune teller
ghost UFO alien
Term One: Test A
(Units 1 to 4)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. (5 marks)
- Hi, Pili. Are you OK? _________ 1 are you doing?
- ________, 2 Rebeca. Right now I'm not doing anything, precisely. But I'm ______ 3 to read
The Leornardo Da Vinci Code book. I hope it's ______4.
- Why don't we _______5 to the movies to see the film instead?
- That's a good idea. Maybe it's more fun.
- Let's ask Viviana too. She is going to go __________6 but she can change her plans I suppose and….
2 Reading
Match each description with a job. (5 marks)
taxi driver
a You have to be patient,
hardworking and love your
family. d Your physical appearance is
important. You have to be
neat and elegant.
b You have to be friendly, kind,
honest with people and a
careful driver.
e You have to be energetic and
do exercise every day.
c You have to be precise,
talented and creative to
design nice buildings and
f You have to be creative to be
able to combine different
ingredients and make
Term One: Test A
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
4 Writing
Read the information about Esthela Granda's mother. Then use the notes to write a paragraph. (5 marks)
(colour of hair,
eyes, etc.)
Fanny Alarcón
small and slim,
short blond
hair, blue eyes
parents/ grand
Manuel Alarcón
Tatiana Espinoza (grandmother)
in-laws and
Carla Páez
(mother in-law)
Pedro Salas
favourite sports
March 20
5 Grammar
You and your family are going to Atacames next month. Tick (✓) 6 things you are going to do. Then write
them down. (5 marks)
enjoy the warm weather (✓)
take a bike to a lake / eat ceviche
see the zoo walk on the beach
see Pichincha volcano erupting
rest eat melcochas
swim in the ocean
eat cocadas
We are going to enjoy the warm weath-
1 _____________________________________________________________________
2 _____________________________________________________________________
6 Vocabulary
Put the words into the right part of the table. (5 marks: 1/2 a mark each)
taxi driver
mother-in-law hardworking
family members
characteristics of personality
Term One: Test B
(Units 1 to 4)
Your name _________________________________ Your class _________________
1 Listening
Listen to the conversation about some wedding arrangements. Complete the invitation. (5 marks)
Mr and Mrs A Atkins and Mr and Mrs P Adams request the
pleasure of your company at the __________ 1 of
Steve and ________________ 2
At St Bartholomew's church,
On ___________th 3 ________________ 4 2006
At _________________5 am
We would also like to invite you to attend the wedding reception at
The Queen's ________ 6 at 4.00 pm.
2 Reading
Read The Otavaleños. Tick (✓) the correct information and cross out (X) the incorrect information. (5 marks)
1 Otavalo is not well known by tourists. ( X )
2 The Indigenous population in Otavalo likes visitors. (
3 Otavaleños sell their products at the market on Tuesdays. (
4 Otavaleños buy the weavings from Peguche, Quinchuqui and Lluman. (
5 The weavings in Peguche, Quinchuqui and Lluman are cheaper than in the market. (
6 Otavaleños and their weavings are a tourist attraction. (
The Otavaleños
Otavalo is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Ecuador because of its
very friendly indigenous population and
the beautiful weavings they sell at the
Saturday market.
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
The Otavaleños who do the weavings
come from the villages of Peguche,
Quinchuqui and Lluman. It is interesting
to go to these places where you can get
nice articles at lower prices than in shops
and in the market.
Term One: Test B
4 Writing
Make notes about yourself. Then use the notes to write a paragraph. (5 marks)
(colour of hair,
eyes, etc)
place you live
family (parents,
favourite sports
5 Grammar
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (5 marks)
1 If you are good friend, you ____________ good friends. (have)
2 If you help your friends, they___________ you. (help)
3 If you are creative, you ________________creative work. (produce)
4 I will get a job if I_______________hardworking. (be)
5 I will enjoy my work if I ____________the right career. (choose)
6 If friends work together, they _____________ better. (work)
6 Vocabulary
Read Clothes and Materials and complete the blanks with the words in the box. (5 marks)
Clothes and materials
_________ 1 comes from a plant and is used to make shirts. _________2 is a _________ 3 used to
make buttons. ________ 4 is used to make ties. Sheep, llamas and vicuñas give _________5 to
make _________6.
Term Two: Test A
(Units 5 to 8)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to the conversation. Complete the information about the ruins of Copán in Honduras. (5 marks)
The Ruins of Copán
Visiting Copán is a pleasure, not only
for its architectural beauty, but also for
the landscape it is set in. There are
wide open spaces, huge ancient trees
and green forests.
The ruins are about _____________ 1
one kilooutside the small town of Copán.
Getting there
On ____________ 2
Information for visitors
Open: from: ___________3 to
_________ 4
Place to buy ticket:
_____________________ 5
Budget: Los Gemelos Hotel
(near the _______________6
2 Reading
Read Capuchin Monkey and complete the table. (5 marks)
mammalhabitat size food
Capuchin Monkey
____________ _____________ fruit, seeds, flowers, _______________5
rain for-
Capuchin Monkey
Capuchin Monkeys are found in Central and
South America. In Ecuador, they live in the rain
forest and in the northeast of the country. They
have light brown fur on their bodies and creamcoloured fur on their faces, necks, shoulders and
chests. Their bodies measure 30 to 55 cm in
length. They eat fruit, seeds, flowers, spiders
and insects. Because of the humorous nature of
Capuchin monkeys, they are often used for entertainment, e.g. dancing for the public or telling
fortunes (choosing little pieces of paper with
messages written on them). They are also bought
as children’s pets.
Term Two: Test A
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
4 Writing
Write a description of Uruguay. Use the notes in the table. (5 marks)
capital cityMontevideo
white (mainly Spanish and Italian descent), black and gauchos
176,215 sq. km.
New Uruguayan peso
meat, wool, agricultural products
The capital of Uruguay is Montevi-
5 Grammar
Complete the information about El Salvador using the correct form of the verbs in the box. (5 marks)
1 El Salvador __________ 1 as the world's third largest coffee producer after Brazil and Colombia.
2 El Salvador ________________________________ 2 to the north by Guatemala.
3 Cotton ________________________3 in this country.
4 Spanish ______________________________ 4 by the majority of the population.
5 The majority of the population _____________________________5 from ancient Indian cultures.
6 Chemicals, fertilizers, and vehicles ______________________6 to El Salvador from other countries.
6 Vocabulary
Label the pictures with the words in the box. (5 marks)
household chemicals
recycled paper
unleaded petrol
Term Two: Test B
(Units 5 to 8)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to a chef talking about some fast food. Complete the information. (5 marks)
type of fast food
____________ 4 ___________ 2
16th century flour and _____________ 3
Britain_________ 5 fish, _______________ 6, bat-
2 Reading
Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text. (5 marks)
1 Mexico is bounded by two oceans.
2 The two highest volcanoes in Mexico are 500 metres high. 3 The names of the volcanoes come from old Mayan words.
4 Mexico city is 2,200 metres above sea level.
5 Mexico imports glass, steel and copper.
6 Mexico grows fruit, vegetables, corn and coffee.
Mexico is the most northerly country of
Spanish America. It is bounded on the
north by the United States, on the south
by Guatemala and Belize, on the east by
the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the
Pacific Ocean.
The capital city is Mexico City. More than
18 million people live in Mexico City. It is
one of the largest cities on earth. The city
is 2200 metres above sea level. If you
stand in Mexico City on a clear day, you
can see two of Mexico’s highest volcanoes.
They are both over 5000 metres high.
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
Their names come from old Aztec words:
Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl.
Central and Southern Mexico has been
the home of a number of ancient civilizations. Today there are many ruins of their
buildings and even whole cities.
Fruit, vegetables, corn and coffee are
grown in Mexico. Glass, steel and copper
are also produced. These products are
exported to other countries around the
The landscape in Mexico is very varied.
There are dry deserts in the north and
tropical forests in the south east.
Term Two: Test B
4 Writing
Write some ways of protecting the environment. Use the pictures to help you. (5 marks)
Don’t use aerosols which pollute the atmo-
5 Grammar
Complete the following advice with should or shouldn't. (5 marks)
1 You ____________ take a lot of money with you when you travel.
2 You ____________ keep your passport in a safe place.
3 You ____________ take packages from strangers.
4 If you want to run in a marathon, you ____________ prepare physically.
5 If you want to come to class early, you ____________ sleep late.
6 If you want to learn English, you ____________ translate every word.
6 Vocabulary
Label the pictures with the words in the box. (5 marks)
a fireguard
a cooker
a saucepan
a plug
a fireplace
a fire6
Term Three: Test A
(Units 9 to 12)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen to the story and put the sentences in the correct order. (5 marks)
( ) Paula and I were sleeping.
( ) He saw some fire coming out a volcano.
( ) My uncle David called us.
( ) My father was watching TV.
( ) We looked out of the window.
( ) My mom woke us up.
2 Reading
Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false. (5 marks)
1 People have also called the Bermuda Triangle “Devil's Triangle”.
2 Stories of disappearing planes and ships began in about 1850.
3 About 20 ships have been reported missing.
4 One torpedo bomber didn't return.
5 Rescue teams found part of one plane.
6 Some ships have been found with no people inside.
The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is known as Devil's
Triangle. It is located between Bermuda,
Puerto Rico and Melbourne in Florida.
Since the mid-nineteenth century there
have been numerous reports of strange
occurrences in the area. According to
these reports, a total of more than fifty
ships and twenty aeroplanes have disappeared. One of the more notorious cases
happened on 5th December 1945. Five
United States torpedo bombers left Fort
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
Lauderdale, but none of them returned
and rescue teams never found any part
of the planes. In some cases, crews have
abandoned ships in the area. One ship
was found totally empty and with warm
food still on the table in the dining room.
Nobody has solved the mistery of the
Bermuda Triangle.
Term Three: Test A
4 Writing
Look at the pictures. Write the story of Ivan Vallejo's journey to Everest. Use the words provided. (5 marks)
woke up
reached the summit
Iván Vallejo woke up very
5 Grammar
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (5 marks)
At lunchtime, a young woman entered a
had finished. While she
restaurant and sat down at a table.
she eat____________ 1(eat) her
____________________ 4 (run) down
lunch, she ordered another. The waiter
_________ _____________2 (watch)
the street, she fell into a hole. The waiter
_____________________ 5 (chase) her
and he caught her easily. He took her
television and he __________________ 3
back to the restaurant, where the cashier
(not look) at her, so she ran out of the
and the manager
restaurant without paying when she
______________________ 6 (wait).
6 Vocabulary
Put the words into the correct part of the table. (5 marks= 1/2 mark each).
soap opera
TV programmes
Term Three: Test B
(Units 9 to 12)
Your name_________________________________________ Your Class ___________________
1 Listening
Listen and complete the information with the words provided. (5 marks)
Katrina formed over the Bahamas on
August 23, 2005, and crossed southern
Florida as a moderate Category 1
__________ 1 before strengthening raphurriidly in the Gulf of Mexico and becoming
one of the _______________ 2 hurricanes
ever recorded in the Gulf.
Its huge size caused _______________ 3
over 100 miles (160 km) from the centre.
The storm also caused catastrophic dam-
age along the coastlines of many
_______________ 4. This hurricane also
caused _______________ 5 of about 80%
of the city and many areas of
neighbouring parishes.
It dissipated on August 31st, leaving
_______________ 6 worth $75 billion and
causing about 2000 fatalities.
2 Reading
Decide if the statements are true or false, according to the text. (5 marks)
1 Some people and animals know when an earthquake is going to happen.
2 Some people feel sick before an earthquake.
3 Linda Curtis telephones people when she feels an earthquake.
4 Only mammals behave in a strange way before an earthquake.
5 Electrical equipment is sometimes affected before an earthquake.
6 Scientists believe we need to discover more about earthquake sensitives.
Earthquake Sensitives
Many people and animals are able to feel or
sense when earthquakes are about to happen.
The strange behaviour of domestic pets is particularly noticeable, but there are also some people
who experience headaches, electric shocks and
ground movements.
Linda Curtis, who is a secretary at the office of
Geological Survey in Pasadena, California, says
that there are people who phone her to report
that they feel an earthquake coming. She also
receives calls about peoples’ pets. Once a
3 Speaking
Do the task that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)
woman called her to say that her fish jumps out
of its aquarium right before earthquakes. She
has also been told about a Dachshund dog
which runs in circles and a parrot called Dorian
that starts to pick feathers out of its chest.
Not only animals behave strangely, according
to Linda. One man phoned to say that his television always gets interference before an earthquake.
Linda is sure that there are many more earthquake sensitive people in California. However,
scientists say that it is still not possible to treat
Term Three: Test B
4 Writing
Look at the pictures. Write the story. Use the words provided. (5 marks)
had an
the dishes
day a woman went into a restaurant.
5 Grammar
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (5 marks)
A Bank Robbery in Canada
had 1 (have) a lot of probA robber ________
lems in Canada because of the language.
The robber _____________ 2 (be) an
English speaker, but he ____________ 3
(go) to rob a French-speaking bank.
When he said: “Give me all your money! I
have a gun!”, the cashier __________ 4
(not, reply) because she was from China
____________________________ 5 (not,
understand) English. The Chinese cashier
decided to call the manager and ask for
help. He read the note but he couldn't
understand it either, because he was a
French-speaking Canadian and he
____________ 6 (not speak) very much
English. Finally, the robber asked them
to give the letter back and left the bank.
6 Vocabulary
Label the pictures with the words below. (5 marks)
a torch
a blanket
1 ___________
a radio
2 ___________
a candle
3 ___________
some matches
4 ___________
some batteries
5 ___________
6 ___________
Test One A (Units 1, 2 and 3)
1 Listening
1 Check the tape recorder and make sure all
students are able to hear.
2 Give students a few minutes to look at the
task and focus their attention on the
information they need to listen for.
3 Play the CD or read each Audio Script at least
three times. The first time students should
only listen, the second time they should note
down the information and the third time they
should check their notes.
Audio Script 33 My Friends
Listen to these descriptions about Leonardo Cruz
and Ernesto Romero. Complete the information
about Leonardo Cruz or Ernesto Romero.
Leonardo and Ernesto are good friends. They go
to the same school and both of them are in
class three. Leonardo is 15 years old and Ernesto is 14. Both of them were born on the same
date, 30th July, but Leonardo was born in
Ambato and Ernesto in Riobamba.
Leonardo has two brothers and a sister.
His father is an engineer and his mother is a
nurse. Ernesto has a sister and a brother. His
father is an electrician and his mother is a
Ernesto and Leonardo like to do things together
but Leonardo likes playing basketball best and
Ernesto prefers swimming.
1 Leonardo Cruz
2 15
3 Ambato, 30th July
5 (An) engineer
6 (A) nurse
7 (playing) basketball
2 Reading
1 end of course
2 321 Ulloa St. and Mariana de Jesús
3 everybody
4 everything including refreshments
5 red clothes
6 barbecue party
3 Speaking
A possible production model
What's your job?
I'm a teacher.
Where do you live?
(I live) in Cuenca.
Are you married or (single)?
I'm married.
Do you have / Have you got any brothers or
Yes. I have / I've got one brother and two
When is your birthday?
(It's) on the tenth of May.
What's your favourite sport?
(I like) cycling.
4 Writing
A production model
The library is next to the offices. The
classrooms are next to the library and the toilets
are between the classrooms and the snack bar.
The swimming pool is in the centre of the
5 Grammar
1 What's her name?
2 How old is she?
3 When is her birthday?
4 How many brothers and sisters does she
5 Where does she live?
6 Is she quiet?
6 Vocabulary
1e 2a 3f
4b 5c 6d
Test One B (Units 1, 2 and 3)
1 Listening
Audio Script 33 My Friends
Listen to these descriptions about Leonardo Cruz
and Ernesto Romero. Complete the information
about Leonardo Cruz or Ernesto Romero.
Leonardo and Ernesto are good friends. They go
to the same school and both them are in class
three. Leonardo is 15 years old and Ernesto is
14. Both of them were born on the same date,
30th July, but Leonardo was born in Ambato and
Ernesto in Riobamba.
Leonardo has two brothers and a sister.
His father is an engineer and his mother is a
nurse. Ernesto has a sister and a brother. His
father is an electrician and his mother is a teacher.
Ernesto and Leonardo like to do things together
but Leonardo likes playing basketball best and
Ernesto prefers swimming.
A possible production model
My favourite free time activities are swimming
and canoeing.
I usually go swimming in a pool near my home. It
has warm water and I like it very much.
For canoeing I go to Mindo, there is a nice river
there. But I don't go often because it is far from
here and I don't have much time.
4 Writing
A production model
The library is next to the offices and opposite
the snack bar and the swimming pool. The toilets are between the classrooms and the swimming pool. The swimming pool is opposite the
snack bar and the toilets.
5 Grammar
1 is
2 wants
3 has
4 going
5 has
6 enjoys
6 Vocabulary
1 Ernesto Romero
2 14
3 Riobamba, 30th July
5 (An) electrician
6 (A) teacher
7 swimming
(b) head
(e) elbow
(f) waist
(a) shoulder
(d) ankle
(c) knee
2 Reading
Test Two A (Units 4, 5 and 6)
3 Speaking
1 Listening
Audio Script 34 Tourist Information
Listen to a conversation between a tourist and a
Guatemalan giving tourist information.
Complete the information about the Mayan ruins at
G: Hello. How can I help you?
T: I’d like some information about the Mayan
ruins at Tikal.
G: Certainly.
T: First of all, I’m not sure how to get there.
Can I get there by bus?
G: Yes, but it takes about 15 hours and the
roads are not very good.
T: 15 hours!
G: It’s better to go by plane. There are 4 flights
every day from the airport here in Guatemala City.
T: Yes, I think I’ll fly. And, erm, is there a lot to
see there?
G: Oh yes! There are more than 3000 stone
constructions and the national park is very
big too.
T: So, how long do you think I’ll need to visit
the ruins?
G: Well, about 2 days probably.
T: O.K. And is there somewhere to stay?
G: There are 3 hotels, but they’re very
expensive. It’s cheaper to stay in the
campsite in a tent or in a hammock.
T: In a hammock?
G: Yes, but you must take some insect
repellent. There are a lot of mosquitoes.
T: Insect repellent. Yes, good idea. And is
there a restaurant?
G: Yes. The restaurant Jaguar Inn is open
every day from 6 am to 9 pm.
T: Great. Well, thanks very much.
G: You’re welcome. Have a good trip!
1 15
3 expensive
4 hammock
5 9.00 pm
6 (insect) repellent
2 Reading
1 the chief Guayas and his wife, Quil.
2 2 million inhabitants.
3 port.
4 in the Malecón.
5 iguanas.
6 the cathedral.
3 Speaking
A production model
To make guacamole first cut the avocado in half
and take out the sttone. Then chop the onion
and peel the tomato. After that, mix the
avocado, tomato and the onion and add the other
ingredients. Finally, serve the guacamole with
tortilla chips.
4 Writing
A production model
The capital of Venezuela is Caracas. Venezuela
has an area of 912,050 square kilometres and
21 million inhabitants. The people are black,
white and indigenous and most of them speak
Spanish. Venezuela produces oil, cotton, rice,
corn and sugar and these products are exported
to other countries. The currency in Venezuela is
the Bolívar.
5 Grammar
1 smaller
2 smallest
3 higher
4 lower
5 older
6 oldest
6 Vocabulary
1 father
2 mother
3 brother-in-law
4 sister
5 nephew
6 niece
Test Two B (Units 4, 5 and 6)
1 Listening
Audio Script 35 My Family
Listen to a description of a family. Complete the
sentences with the words from the box.
My name is Fabián and my wife is Susana. We
only have a son. His name is Matteo. He has
two cousins. Their mother is Angela, my sister,
and her husband is Washington. Lucía and
Washington have two children, a son whose
name is Damian and a daughter whose name is
Lucía. Finally, Ulpiano is Matteo's grandfather
and Elsa is his grandmother.
1 wife
2 cousins
3 aunt
4 husband
5 daughter
6 grandfather
2 Reading
1 2.75 m from head to tail
2 small animals / fish
3 fish / small animals
4 tropical areas
5 people kill them / hunters kill them for fur
6 hunters kill them for fur / people kill them
A production model
Penguins are black and white birds. They are 35
cm from head to tail. They eat fish. They live in
coastal caves. They are threatened by starvation
and predators, for example dogs, cats and rats.
Waved albatross are white birds. They are the
largest birds in the islands. They eat fish. They
live on coastal cliffs. They are threatened
because they abandon their eggs.
5 Grammar
1 is known
2 is bounded
3 is spoken
4 are exported
5 are grown
6 is descended
6 Vocabulary
1 sea kayaking
2 diving
3 hot-air ballooning
4 hiking
5 bungee jumping
6 windsurfing
Test Three A (Units 7, 8, 9)
3 Speaking
1 Listening
A production model
You shouldn’t use aerosols, because they contain
CFC gases, which damage the ozone layer.
You should save energy and turn off lights when
you leave a room.
You shouldn’t buy products with a lot of
packaging and you should recycle old
newspapers. You should use unleaded petrol
and try not to use too many chemicals for
cleaning the house.
Audio Script 36 How to Treat Animal Bites
Listen to a doctor talking about how to treat
animal bites. Complete the information.
When people are bitten by an animal, a dog for
example, it's a good idea to let the bite bleed
freely first of all. You also need to wash the
wound with soap and water. Then you need to
press firmly with your fingers to try to stop the
4 Writing
bleeding. Keep pressing until the bleeding
stops. This can take 10 minutes or more. But
don't tie anything too tightly around the bite.
This is not a good idea because it can stop the
circulation. You can cover the bite with a clean
bandage or a clean cloth. Then it’s important to
go and see a doctor to check the bite. You might
need to have an injection.
1 freely
2 soap
3 your
4 fingers
5 10
6 clean
2 Reading
3 Speaking
A production model
Some people like to do aerobics. Other people
enjoy playing the guitar. Some girls like to listen to music and some boys and girls like to
dance. Many girls and boys like going to restaurants or watching television in their free time.
4 Writing
A production model
Carlos went to Tulcán last weekend. He visited
his grandparents there. It was raining. Juana
went swimming. Her brothers and sisters went
with her. It was a sunny day. Lola played tennis
in the tennis court at school. Her friends also
went. Andrea took dancing lessons alone.
5 Grammar
1 My brother often listens to music when he
2 Luisa sometimes goes jogging alone.
3 My family usually goes swimming at
4 Pedro never watches horror films.
5 My teacher is never late to class.
6 I always sleep until 7 am.
6 Vocabulary
1 a rug
2 a cooker
3 poison
4 a knife
5 a frying pan
6 a plug
Test Three B (Units 7, 8, 9)
1 Listening
Audio Script 37 What to do in the Event of a
Volcanic Eruption
Listen to the advice and complete the notes.
Volcanic eruptions do not usually happen
suddenly. There are some signs that tell people
that an eruption is about to occur. This gives us
time to prepare ourselves.
For this reason, it is very important to be
informed. We need to listen to the news on the
radio or on the television, because authorities
and governmental organizations will tell the
public what is happening.
Elderly people, babies and people with health
problems are most at risk and should be moved
to safer places in the event of an orange or red
We should also keep first aid equipment at
home. This should include masks and eye
drops, because ash fall can cause irritation to
the nose, eyes and throat.
It is also important to keep supplies of water
and canned food, such as tuna fish for example.
People should also make sure they have
candles and matches at home in case the
electricity is cut off.
Finally, it is very important to stay calm. When
people panic they put their own lives and those
of other people in danger.
1 news
2 babies
3 eye
4 tuna (fish)
5 candles / matches
6 matches / candles
2 Reading
3 Speaking
A production model
To be healthy you have to follow these tips: brush
your teeth, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, exercise regularly, have some milk fruit and bread for
breakfast, use sunburn lotion and do a crossword
puzzle or read a book.
4 Writing
A production model
You shouldn't put a rug on a slippery floor,
because someone can fall. You shouldn't leave
things at the top of the stairs, because someone
could fall down the stairs. You shouldn't leave
sharp knives or scissors on the floor, because you
could cut yourself. In the kitchen, you should
repair damaged plugs. You shouldn't keep
chemicals in drink bottles or leave frying pans
5 Grammar
1 was walking
2 was saying
3 was sleeping
4 was falling
5 were moving
6 was screaming
6 Vocabulary
1 some water
2 a candle
3 a torch
4 a radio
5 some matches
6 batteries
Test Four A (Units 10, 11, 12)
1 Listening
Audio Script 38 I Saw a UFO
Listen to the story and choose the correct
One day a group of friends went to Cotopaxi
National Park. They had decided to stay over
night. After dinner, one of the girls, whose name
was Sara, decided to go for a walk by herself
while the others were talking and singing
outside their tents.
It was 9pm. The sky was clear and full of stars.
Sara looked up and noticed a star, which was
brighter than the others. Then something strange
happened. The star was growing bigger and
bigger. She quickly realized it was not a star at all.
It was an UFO! Surprisingly, she
didn’t feel scared. As it came closer, she could
see that the UFO was very beautiful. It was ovalshaped and silver. It had three blue lights, which
were flashing continuously. The space ship
was moving in circles across the sky. Then it
seemed to be falling. Sara realized that it was
going to land. In less than five minutes it was on
the ground about three metres away. Now Sara
did feel scared. She screamed and started to run,
but as she ran she fell over. Then she heard a
voice. "Wake up! Wake up!" It was her best
friend, Michelle. Sara had fallen asleep and had
had a terrible dream.
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 c
2 Reading
1 Chupacabras
2 hairy
3 three
4 big
5 red
6 terrible
3 Speaking
A production model
One day a robber decided to dye his black hair
red. He dyed it carefully. Then he went to the
bank. “Give me all your money!” he said
aggressively to the cashier. The cashier was
scared. She gave him the money nervously.
Then the robber ran away happily. He was very
rich. But his hair grew very fast. Some of his hair
was red and some of his hair was black. A month
later, a policeman found the robber very easily.
4 Writing
A production model
1 Don't swim alone.
2 Use sun cream.
3 Wear a hat when the sun is hot.
4 Don't play near rubbish.
5 Don't swim near windsurfers.
6 Don't swim when the flags are red.
5 Grammar
1 easy
2 carefully
3 nervous
4 patiently
5 desperately
6 happy
6 Vocabulary
1 game show
2 news
3 cartoon
4 documentary
5 soap opera
6 film
Test Four B (Units 10, 11, 12)
1 Listening
Audio Script 39 An Unsuccessful Robbery
Listen to a story of an unsuccessful robbery. Complete the blanks with the missing words.
An Unsuccessful Robbery
Robbing a bank is not always easy. Two British
men planned a robbery very carefully. One man
had to go into he bank to do the robbery and
the other had to drive the car. The first man
entered the bank. He felt very nervous. The
other man waited patiently in a small street near
the bank. After ten minutes, the driver went to
collect his friend, but he couldn't find him. He
was driving around the town
when two policemen stopped him and asked
him to give them a ride. “We're looking for a
robber,” they explained. Soon afterwards, the
robber found his driver and two very happy
1 bank
2 robbery
3 street
4 friend
5 policemen
6 driver
2 Reading
1 false
2 false
3 true
4 false
5 true
6 true
3 Speaking
A production model
I’m going to go to Cuenca by bus. My parents and
my two brothers and one sister are going with me.
I know the trip takes 12 hours. I’m going to stay in
my uncle’s house.
I’d like to visit the cathedral, Chordeleg and Gualaceo.
4 Writing
A production model
First put the ice in the box and cover the ice with
the straw. Then put the pan on top of the straw.
Pour the fruit juice into the pan and then add the
sugar. Stir the ingredients. Then serve the sorbets
in cups.
5 Grammar
1 People are frightened by horror films.
2 The movie Casper was directed by Steven
3 Many people were killed by Dracula.
4 E.T. was helped to escape by some children.
5 The movie E.T. was seen by over a million
6 The movie Casper was produced by Paramount.
6 Vocabulary
1 zombie
2 alien
4 witch
5 ghost
6 fortune teller
Term One: Test A (Units 1 to 4)
1 Listening
Audio Script 40 Plans
Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.
- Hi, Pili. Are you Ok? What are you doing?
- Hello, Rebeca. Right now I'm not doing
anything, precisely. But I'm going to read the book,
The Da Vinci Code. I hope it's interesting.
- Why don't we go to the movies to see the film
- That's a good idea. Maybe it's more fun.
- Let's ask Viviana too. She is going to go swimming but she can change her plans I
suppose and….
1 What
2 Hello
3 going
4 interesting
5 go
6 swimming
2 Reading
3 Speaking
You can select topics from units 1 to 4. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A production model
Fanny Alarcón is Esthela's mother. She is small
and slim. She has short blond hair and blue
eyes. She has grandparents and in-laws. Her
grandparents are Manuel Alarcón and Tatiana
Espinoza.Her mother-in-law is Carla Paez and her
father-in-law is Pedro Salas. Her birthday is on
March 20. She likes basketball.
5 Grammar
enjoy the warm weather (✓) / walk on the beach
(✓) / eat ceviche (✓) / see Pichincha volcano
erupting / swim in the ocean (✓) / see the zoo /
rest (✓) / eat cocadas (✓)
1 We are going to enjoy the warm weather.
2 We are going to walk on the beach.
3 We are going to eat ceviche.
4 We are going to swim in the ocean.
5 We are going to rest.
6 We are going to eat cocadas.
6 Vocabulary
family members jobs
characteristics of
mother-in-law architectlovable
taxi driver energetic
sister-in-law singeradventurous
Term One: Test B (Units 1 to 4)
1 Listening
Audio Script 41 A Wedding Invitation
Listen to a conversation about some wedding
arrangements. Complete the invitation.
Norwich 278249.
Chris! Mike here.
Mike! Long time no hear!
Yeah, I know. Working as usual. Listen,
I got an invitation for Steve’s wedding
this week.
Oh, yeah, so did I.
Ah, good, in that case you can help me. I lost the invitation and now I can’t remember all the details. Can you help me?
C: Yeah, sure.
M: What’s the girl he’s going to marry called?
M: Is that Sarah with an h or Sara without an h?
C: With an h. S A R A H.
M: S A R A H. Great, and what time’s the wedding?
C: It’s at 10 o’clock at St Bartholomew’s
M: 10 o’clock. And it’s next Saturday, isn’t it?
C: Yeah. Saturday 12th August.
M: Right. And there’s some kind of
reception afterwards, isn’t there?
C: Yes. It’s in the Queen’s Hotel.
M: The Queen’s Hotel. Right. What time does it
C: 4 o’clock.
M: Great, thanks a lot mate!
C: No problem. See you there.
1 wedding
2 Sarah
3 12
4 August
5 10:00
6 Hotel
2 Reading
1 (X)
2 (✓)
3 (X)
4 (X)
5 (✓)
6 (✓)
(colour of hair, you live
eyes, etc)
Beatriz Lara black hair,
black eyes, tall family (parents,
brothers, sisters)
Carlos Lara (father), may 14
Ligia Pérez (mother)
2 brothers
3 Speaking
You can select topics from units 1 to 4. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A possible production model
My name is Beatriz Lara. I am tall. I have black
hair and black eyes. I live in Tulcán. My father is
Carlos Lara and my mother is Ligia Pérez. I have
2 brothers. My birthday is on May 14 and my
favourite sport is football.
5 Grammar
1 will have
2 will help
3 will produce
4 am
5 choose
6 will work
6 Vocabulary
1 Cotton
2 Tagua
3 nut
4 Silk
5 wool
6 sweaters
Term Two: Test A (Units 5 to 8)
1 Listening
Audio Script 42 The Ruins of Copán
Listen to the vonversation. Complete the information about the ruins of Copán in
H: Hello. How I can help you?
favourite sport
T: I'd like some information about the ruins of
H: Certainly
T: First, how I can get there?
H: The ruins are only about one kilometre
outside of town, so you can get there on foot.
T: Great! And, erm, is there a lot to see there?
H: Oh, yes! Visiting Copán is a pleasure.
T: Well, and when is it open?
H: Between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm.
T: Does it cost anything to get in?
H: Yes… but it's not very expensive. You need
to buy a ticket in the Visitor's Centre.
T: Right. And can you recommend a hotel here…
not too expensive!
H: There's Los Gemelos. It's a budget hotel. It's
near the football field.
T: Thank you for all the information.
H: You're welcome. Enjoy the ruins!
1 one kilometre
2 foot
3 8.00 am
4 4.00 pm
5 Visitor's centre
6 football
2 Reading
1 rain forest
2 30 to 55 cm
3 spiders / insects
4 insects / spiders
5 used for entertainment / bought as children’s
6 bought as children’s pets / used for
3 Speaking
You can select topics from Units 5 to 8. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A production model
The capital of Uruguay is Montevideo. It has a
population of 3,500,000 people. Some of the
people are white. They came from Italy and
Spain originally. Some of the people are black,
and there are gauchos too. Uruguay has an area
of 176,215 sq. km. The official language is
Spanish and the currency is the New Uruguayan
peso. The main products which Uruguay exports
to other countries are meat, wool and agricultural
Doughnuts are another delicious fast food. They
originated in Holland in the 16th century.
Doughnuts are basically, flour mixes with water
which is then fried.
Another fast food is fish and chips. This fast food
has been very popular in Britain since the 1920s
but it hasn't become an international fast food.
Its main ingredients are fish, potatoes and batter.
1 doughnuts
2 Holland
3 dough
4 fish
5 1920s
6 potatoes
2 Reading
5 Grammar
1 is known
2 is bounded
3 is grown
4 is spoken
5 is descended
6 are imported
6 Vocabulary
1 packaging
2 aerosol
3 unleaded petrol
4 poison
5 household chemicals
6 recycled paper
Term Two: Test B (Units 5 to 8)
1 Listening
Audio Script 43 Fast Food
Listen to a chef talking about some fast food.
Complete the information.
1 true
2 false
3 false
4 true
5 false
6 true
3 Speaking
You can select topics from Units 5 to 8. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A production model
Don’t use aerosols which pollute the
Don’t use too many household chemicals.
Use unleaded petrol.
Don’t buy products with a lot of packaging.
Recycle newspaper.
Save energy.
5 Grammar
1 shouldn't
2 should
3 shouldn't
4 should
5 shouldn't
6 shouldn't
6 Vocabulary
1 a fireplace
2 a saucepan
3 stairs
4 a plug
5 a fireguard
6 a cooker
Term Three: Test A (Units 9 to 12)
1 Listening
Audio Script 44 A Frightening Explosion
Listen to the story and put the sentences in the correct order.
Volcanic explosions are sometimes frightening. It
was at night and my sister Paula and I were sleeping when the telephone rang. It was my uncle
David who was working late that night in his office
and he had seen something like fire coming out of
Tungurahua. My mother was cleaning the kitchen
and my father was watching a movie on TV. She
answered the telephone and ran to our room to
wake us up. Then, we went to look out of the window. The view we had of the volcano was spectacular and could hear a deep rumbling sound. We
stayed there for a few more moments. I don’t
think I have ever seen anything quite so fantastic.
1 true
2 true
3 false
4 false
5 false
6 true
3 Speaking
You can select topics from Units 9 to 12. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A production model
Iván Vallejo woke up very early and drank some
soup. He left the camp at 1 o'clock in the
morning. The climb was very difficult and he felt
sick because of the altitude. But finally he
reached the summit. He is the first Ecuadorian
to climb Mount Everest.
5 Grammar
1 was eating
2 was watching
3 didn’t look
4 was running
5 chased
6 were waiting
6 Vocabulary
TV programmes: news, soap, opera, cartoon, films
supernatural: alien, witch, ghost, elves
crime: burglary, forgery, robbery
2 Reading
Term Three: Test B (Units 9 to 12)
1 Listening
Audio Script 45 Katrina
Listen and complete the information with the
words provided.
Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23,
2005, and crossed southern Florida as a moderate Category 1 hurricane before strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico and becoming
one of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded in
the Gulf.
Its huge size caused devastation over 100 miles
(160 km) from the centre. The storm also
caused catastrophic damage along the
coastlines of many cities. This hurricane also
caused flooding of about 80% of the city and
many areas of neighbouring parishes.
It dissipated on August 31, leaving damages
worth $75 billion and causing about 2000
1 hurricane
2 strongest
3 devastation
4 cities
5 flooding
6 damages
2 Reading
1 true
2 true
3 false
4 false
5 true
6 true
3 Speaking
You can select topics from Units 9 to 12. Use
pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.
4 Writing
A production model
One day a woman went into a restaurant. She
ate a lot of food, but she didn't pay for her
lunch. She ran out of the restaurant. The waiter chased her and he caught her, because she
fell in a hole in the street. The waiter took her
back to the restaurant to see the manager. The
manger had a good idea. The woman had to
wash the dishes in the restaurant all afternoon.
5 Grammar
1 had
2 was
3 went
4 didn't reply
5 didn't understand
6 didn't speak
6 Vocabulary
1 a torch
2 some matches
3 a candle
4 a blanket
5 a radio
6 some batteries