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p Sliško Josip Facultad de Ciencias Fisico Matematicas Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Puebla Mexico Puebla, [email protected] What is traditional lecture-based physics teaching and why it doesn‘t work? What is active physics learning and why it works better? Why group active learning sometimes does not promote self-regulated learning? Why and how an „online + classroom“ design might help? One man is talking and many students are listening and taking notes (somewhere in Europe in XIV century). One man is talking talking, writting many formulas on blackboard, making physics show and, still, many students are listening and taking notes (XXI century at the MIT). This is teacher-centered teacher centered teaching in which a teacher delivers the main part of the content a 1000 page physics texbook in two semesters. The only way to do such an inmense task is to consume all classroom time. Students listen to the teachers and copy what is written on the blackboard. In recitation sessions students practice end-of-chapter problems and in lab they follow coock-book experimental tasks to „learn“ that already seen formulas are correct. Humans learn best by doing things things, by making and correcting errors. In order to do things perfectly perfectly, humans need to constantly improve their performances. Beside a lot of p practice,, theyy also must think criticallyy and creativelyy on what they do. It is well understood in sports and musics. Nobody will learn to swim listening someone talking about swimming (and hydrodamics) nor will someone learn to play violin listening someone talking about violing playing (and Fourier analysis). Somebody said that lecture lecture-based based teaching is a process in which the content of teacher’s notebook is passing (via blackboard) into students’ notebooks without passing through either teacher’s or students’ minds. g from fast p g A tryy to learn something presentation of a big quantity of new inofrmation is similar to a dangerous intent to drink water flowing out of a fireman’s hose. Students are doing physics: observe, observe describe, describe explain and predict physical phenomena. In all these thinking processes, processes students make use of their previos ideas and experiences. When previous Wh i id ideas d do nott work, k students t d t try t new ones, proposed by them or by teacher. New knowledge is the result of sense making of new (or revisited old) experiences. Priscilla Laws (Dickinson College) designed a course in which students learn physics by doing physics. Students, with the help of computers Students computers, take data about phenomena and make sense of them. Active physics learning is, is metaphorically speaking, an “idea market” on which students try to sell own and buy ideas of others. others Good students are those who do not either sell or buy ideas easily. Active physics learning is so called “self selfregulated learning” whose theory was elaborated by late Paul Pintrich and others. others A good self-regulated learner is able to activate, monitor and controll all necesseary resources (conceptual, cognitive, metacognitive, affective and contextual). Some students, students regularly those which are notnot so-good learner, avoid to provide their initial ideas in explanatinatory, explanatinatory predictive and problemproblem solving tasks. In the time assigned for writting down personal ideas they act as they “think hardly”, then write and delete. They are quite happy when “personal thinking time” is over. In this way, they loose opportunities for starting to learn about and to practice self-regulated learning. Personal thinking should be done online, online as an evaluated homework, before classroom group session. session In this way personal thinking is assured for those who want to improve their learning. Students can not change their personal answers as they often do in classroom. The problem of sending the same answer from different e-mail addresses should be somehow addressed.