Early Learning News


Early Learning News
Early Learning News
A Quarterly Newsletter & Training Calendar
of Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
In This Issue:
• Effective Practices in Relation to Creativity
& Critical Thinking
• Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young
• School-Age Course 2016
• Alabama Early Learning Guidelines
• Lending Box Program
• Featured Online Training Courses
Creativity and Critical Thinking:
What Does It Mean and Why Is It Important?
Creativity and critical thinking are processes that are child-led and benefit greatly from the sensitive contributions of others. These processes involve making connections between things, people
or places in ways that are new and personally meaningful. They occur in all areas of learning and
Creativity is very much a process and often there is no clearly identifiable outcome or product.
Yet, the outcome in terms of children’s confidence and skill in learning can be immense. In having
scope to explore new possibilities and create new and exciting connections between people,
places and things, children discover meanings in their worlds. They are also learning that they can
transform ideas and rethink what they know. In this way, creativity can transform understanding by
fostering critical thinking and allowing children to review, reinvent and make new meanings.
Babies and children are naturally creative and flexible in their play, turning anything that they can
reach into something that they can investigate. Creativity emerges as they become absorbed in
exploring what things are like and what they can be made to do. These self-initiated investigations
help them to give meaning to the things, sounds and situations around them and they seem to
have their own agendas and ideas as they play. The range of this play increases significantly from
around the age of eight months when most children begin to move around. This surge in capacity
for physical exploration enables them to find new things and new places to explore and increases
ingenuity. For example, a box can become a hiding place, a house or a cave.
By directing children’s attention during play, adults often disturb a child’s flow of ideas, yet they
should contribute. Simply being attentive to a child’s explorations and inventions is helpful as this
promotes a sense of security and gives license to experimentation and risk-taking. More purposeful contributions involve tuning in to children’s ideas and helping to take them forward. Sharing
and sustaining children’s thinking in this way makes adults aware of children’s interests and
understandings and enables them to foster development of ideas and skills.
"Every child is
an artist.
The problem is
how to remain
an artist once
we grow up."
~ Pablo Picasso
Effective practice: Creativity and Critical Thinking; © Crown copyright 2007; The Early Years Foundation Stage; 00012-2007CDO-EN
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
Effective Practice in Relation to Creativity and Critical Thinking
Making Connections
Help children to make connections in their learning by linking free play to adult-led activities. For example, read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff,
and afterward set up a bridge over a ‘river’ of blue cloth in the block play area and display pictures of bridges.
Tell stories that present different possibilities within familiar situations to stimulate children to make new connections. For example, read Way Down Deep
in the Deep Blue Sea by Jan Peck where bath time becomes an imaginative exploration of an underwater world.
Value what parents tell you about the things their children do at home. Find out about their games, pretend play, artifacts and stories that they enjoy at
home and build on these contexts in the setting to stimulate creativity.
Provide opportunities for children to express their ideas in a variety of ways, for example, through movement, dance, painting, imaginative play and
Transforming Understanding
Create conditions within which children are inspired to be creative and rethink ideas. For example,
create novel spaces by moving furniture or promote new relationships by changing age groupings.
Provide resources from a variety of cultures to stimulate new ideas and ways of thinking.
Give children time to explore and develop their initiatives. Encourage them to discuss what they are doing
and what they want to achieve.
Build on children’s ideas as you help them to see new possibilities in their play.
Listen to and discuss children’s ideas; offer suggestions and pose questions that extend their thinking.
Sustained Shared Thinking
Effective practice: Creativity and Critical Thinking; © Crown copyright 2007; The Early Years Foundation Stage; 00012-2007CDO-EN
Need resources for your classroom?
Have limited time and money?
Let us help you out with a
Lending Box!
A Lending Box is a set of materials and resources
from GRECS’ Lending Library that you can check out
and return. We know that your time is limited that’s why we’ll bring the Lending Box to you and
pick it back up!
Materials and resources vary. Each Lending Box has
something new for you and the children to discover
together! Supplies are limited, so don’t delay in
scheduling your delivery.
Contact Joanne Langevin for more information on Lending
Boxes today! [email protected]; 251-473-1060 ext 112
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
Training Classes
Intermediate Level
Basic Level Training
covers a foundational
understanding &
demonstration of developing
skills. This training is most
appropriate for entry-level
professionals who are new to
early childhood and/or
school-age care.
includes expanding knowledge
& application, & refining skills.
It is most appropriate for
professionals who have at least
(2) years of experience & 120
hours of training, and are
moving toward more
formal education.
Advanced Level Training
focuses on a more thorough
knowledge & understanding of
developmentally appropriate practice
& highly effective application &
a demonstration of skills. For
professionals who have at least 3
years of experience & 30 credit hours
in child development.
all - Appropriate for All Training Levels
Challenging Behaviors in the Early Childhood Setting- Come explore effective strategies for dealing with children’s
challenging behaviors and learn when additional evaluation by specialists may be indicated. (Michele Williams; AL
Pathways: CGD, COA; DHR: CD, PDG; CDA: 3, 7, 8; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #54052/23/2016; 6:00 pm -8:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile *CTF
Communicating with Children - This training provides child care practitioners with communication tips for infants and tod-
dlers, preschoolers, and school age children. Good communication skills help children adjust to transitions, enhance their play
and learning experiences, build relationships, and help children learn to solve problems. (Lisa Kirkland; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE;
DHR: CD, LD; CDA: 2, 8; Basic Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #5398 - 2/13/2016; 8:30-10:30am; Jeff Davis
Community College; Brewton, AL & #5412 -3/12/2016; 8:30-10:30am; Jackson City Hall, Jackson, AL *CTF
Cooking with Kids: Science, Math & Fun All Rolled Into One- Almost everyone loves to eat and cooking experiences
with children can have value beyond simply satisfying our taste buds. This class will give practical ways to teach children science and math skills while having fun cooking. (Phyllis Rizzo; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE, HSN; DHR: CD, QCCL; CDA: 1,
2, 8; Basic Training Level; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: Preschool, School Age) #5389 - 1/21/2016; 6:30 pm -8:30pm; GRECS
Training Room; Mobile
Creating a Healthy Environment for Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Settings-Improve the quality of infant and toddler care in Alabama by integrating nationally recognized health and safety standards. (Danielle Clayton
& Joanne Langevin; AL Pathways: HSN; DHR: HSU; CDA: 1; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: Infants,
Todddlers) #5385- 1/13/2016; 6:30-8:30pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile & #5390- 1/23/2016; 9:00 am -11:00am;
Washington County Public Library; Chatom, AL *CTF
Creating & Maintaining High Quality Environments for Children- Children’s environments have a significant effect
on their behavior and on their development. Come join us as we explore how to design environments for children that
are inviting, engaging, and that promote optimal learning and positive behaviors. (Catherine Kreger; AL Pathways: CGD,
LEE; DHR: CD, QCCL; CDA: 1, 2, 3, 8; Intermediate Training Level; Advanced; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: Preschool) #54022/18/2016; 5:00-7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Creative Activities for Young Children - Young children naturally enjoy art and other creative experiences. Learn about i
new materials and activities you can provide to promote children’s creativity during this hands-on session. (Catherine
Kreger; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE; DHR Categories: CD, QCCL; CDA : 2, 8; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group:
ALL) #5386-1/14/2016; 5:00-7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
b Director’s Forum: Becoming Aquainted with the Program Administration Scale (PAS); Learn to implement practices
and partner with parents in ways that promote children’s success with toilet learning. (Ann Sands; AL Pathways: MA;
DHR Categories: CD, ADM; CDA : ; Basic Training Level:; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #5382-1/06/2016; 10:00am-12:00
noon; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
i Director’s Forum: Hiring and Firing- Topics for discussion will include recruiting staff, Interviewing strategies, orienting new staff and managing probation periods, addressing poor performance, terminating staff, and more. (Ann Sands
& Cheryl Gwin; AL Pathways: MA ; DHR Categories: ADM ; CDA: 5; Intermediate Training Level:; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group:
ALL) #5418- 3/02/2016; 10:00am-12:00 noon;GRECS Training Room; Mobile
b Go Healthy! It All Begins with You - Being a healthy role model not only is important for the children but enables the
care provider to have the energy and good health to meet the demands of the job. This training explores key concepts
and actions for modeling healthy behaviors for children. (Lisa Kirkland; AL Pathways: HSN; DHR Categories: HSU; CDA :
1; Basic Training Level:; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #5391- 1/23/2016; 8:30-10:30am; David Burt Building; Evergreen, AL *CTF
b I’m a Big Kid Now! Potty Training Basics- Learn to implement practices and partner with parents in ways that promote
children’s success with toilet learning. (Phyllis Rizzo; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE, ICFC ; DHR Categories: CD, CCPF; CDA : 1, 3, 4,
8; Basic Training Level:; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: Toddler, Preschool) #5396-2/11/2016; 6:30-8:30pm; GRECS Training
Room; Mobile
b Improving Transition Times- This training focuses on helping children as they move from one activity to another
throughout the day. Analyze your program’s daily schedule to find new ways to introduce children to, and help them
with, transition times. (Lisa Kirkland; AL Pathways: ICFC, LEE; DHR Categories: CD, PDG; CDA : 2, 3, 8; Basic Training Level:; 2
hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #5399 - 2/13/2016; 10:45am-12:45pm; Jeff Davis Community College; Brewton, AL &
#5419 - 3/12/2016; 10:45am-12:45pm; Jackson City Hall; Jackson, AL *CTF
b Infection Control- Most cases of the flu occur between late December and early March. Infection control measures can
be as simple as hand washing and as sophisticated as high-level disinfection. In this information-filled session, you’ll
identify how you can prevent the spread of disease in early learning environments. (Judy Cunningham; AL Pathways:
HSN ; DHR : HSU; CDA : 1; Basic Training Level:; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #5415 - 3/21/2016; 6pm - 8pm; GRECS
Training Room; Mobile
i Introduction to the Inclusive Classroom- Come join this session where you’ll learn how to share developmental concerns with parents and how to create welcoming environments that meet the needs of all children. (Michele Williams;
AL Pathways: CGD, COA; DHR: CD, CCPF; CDA: 4, 7, 8; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: ALL) #54173/22/2016; 6:00pm-8:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
b Kids Garden: A Guide to Sowing & Growing Fun-Give children a hands-on, close-up experience with science & nature!
This workshop will help participants discover innovative anytime, anyplace gardening activities & techniques to use
with children. (Phyllis Rizzo; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE ; DHR Categories: CD, QCCL; CDA : 2, 3, 8; Basic Training Level; 2 hours/.2
CEUs; Age Group: Preschool, School-Age) #5413- 3/15/2016; 6:30-8:30pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
a Laying the Foundation for Writing: Promoting Fine Motor Skills- Writing is a literacy skill that children enjoy practic-
ing. Learn some ways to engage preschool age children in prewriting/early writing activities that are enjoyable and
meaningful. (Catherine Kreger; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE; DHR: CD, LD; CDA: 2, 8; Advanced Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age
Group: Preschool) #5411- 3/8/2016; 5:00pm -7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
Calendar of Events
A Pull-Out Section for Posting & Copying!
School-Age Course 2016
Current research has established the importance of quality after-school
programs because of their tremendous impact on children’s academic
achievement, overall happiness, and self-esteem. To address this reality, this
updated 12-hour course presents information on school-age child care, and
offers practical applications and activities that can be put to use immediately in your program. We’ll explore topics like arrangement of the learning environment, how to deal with challenging behaviors & techniques for
keeping children happily engaged. (Alabama Pathways: ICFC, CGD, LEE,
PPD, DIV, HSN; DHR Training Categories: CD, LD, PDG, CCPF, QCCL, HSU;
CDA Subject Areas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8; Age Group: School-Age; Training Level:
#5409 March 3, 10 & 17, 2016; 8:30am - 12:30pm
Getting Started!
An Introductory Course
Are you new to childcare? Thinking about taking your love of
children and making a career out of it? If so, then “Getting
Started” is the course for you!
This training course is for people who are just beginning their
early care & education career. We will introduce you to the
foundational information you need to provide safe environments, nurturing interactions & developmentally appropriate
experiences for the precious children in your care.
This basic-level, 12-hour course is taught over 3 days and the
training credit you receive will meet Alabama Department
of Human Resources’ 12-hour training requirement to work in
child care. You must attend all sessions to receive verification
of successful completion.
Jan. 26 - Jan. 28, 2016
8:30am - 12:30pm
Session #5393
Mar. 22 - Mar. 24, 2016
8:30am - 12:30pm
Session #5416
Alabama Early Learning Guidelines This basic-level, 18-hour course is broken down into nine (9), two-hour segments. You must
attend Session #1-Orientation before taking any other session. You will receive a two-hour
certificate for each session you attend & successfully complete. After completing all 9
sessions, you will receive an official Alabama Early Learning Guidelines credential from Alabama Department of Human Resources. The sessions are broken down as follows:
#1 - Orientation (#5387)- 1/16/2015; 8am - 10am; Mobile
#2 - Observations & Assessments (#5388) - 1/16/2016; 10:15am - 12:15pm; Mobile
#3 - The Role of Parent & Caregiver (#5394) - 1/30/2016; 8am - 10am; Mobile
#4 - Self-Concept & Emotional Development (#5395) - 1/30/2016; 10:15am - 12:15am; Mobile
#5 - Social Development (#5403) - 2/20/2016; 8am - 10am; Mobile
#6 - Language & Literacy (#5404) - 2/20/2016; 10:15am - 12:15am; Mobile
#7 - Physical Development (#5407) - 2/27/2016; 8am - 10am; Mobile
#8 - Cognitive Development (#5408) - 2/27/2016; 10:15am - 12:15pm; Mobile
#9 - Putting It All Together (#5410) - 3/5/2016; 8am - 10am; Mobile
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
DON’T FORGET... You must pre-register for training classes. Only those whose names
are listed on the roster will be able to attend - bring your confirmation to class with
#5393 Getting Started
(Day 1); 8:30am12:30pm; Mobile;
(12-hour course; Must
Attend All Sessions)
#5384 Milestones in
Language Development; 6-8:00pm;
Sunday Monday
Don’t have a confirmation? Not sure if you’re registered?
Call LaTanya @ 251-473-1060 ext 106.
#5393 Getting Started
(Day 2); 8:30am12:30pm; Mobile;
(12-hour course; Must
Attend All Sessions)
#5385 Creating a
Healthy Environment
for Infants & Toddlers;
#5393 Getting Started
(Day 3); 8:30am12:30pm; Mobile; (12hour course; Must
Attend All Sessions)
#5389 Cooking with
Kids: Science, Math
& Fun All Rolled Into
One; 6:30pm-8:30pm
#5386 Creative
Activities for Young
Children; 5-7:00pm;
#5383 Planning for Positive
Interactions Make a
Difference; 5-7:00pm;
3100 Cottage Hill Rd; Building 4, Suite 400
Mobile, AL 36606; 251-473-1060
Regional Early Childhood Services unless noted
#5382 Directors
Forum: Becoming
Aquainted with the
Program Administration Scale (PAS);
10:00am-12:00 noon;
*All classes in Mobile County will be held at Gulf
#5395 AELG #4 Self-Concept & Emotional
Development; 10:15am-12:15 pm;
giver; 8:00am - 10:00am
#5394 AELG #3 Role of the Parent & Care-
#5392 Powerful Communication with Parents & Families; 10:45am-12:45pm
David Burt Building; Evergreen
#5391 Go Healthy! It All Begins with You
8:30-10:30am; Evergreen
for Infants & Toddlers; 9-11:00am;
Washington County Public Library
23 #5390 Creating a Healthy Environment
#5388 AELG #2 Observation & Assessment;
#5387 AELG #1 Orientation;
8:00am - 10:00am
14 Happy
Happy Mardi Gras!
3100 Cottage Hill Rd; Building 4, Suite 400
Mobile, AL 36606; 251-473-1060
Regional Early Childhood Services unless noted
#5401 We’re All in
This Together: Practical Tools for Building
Partnerships with
Families; 5-7:00pm;
*All classes in Mobile County will be held at Gulf
#5405 Challenging
Behaviors in the Early
Childhood Setting;
#5400 Let’s Stay Safe;
Happy Mardi Gras!
#5408 AELG #8 Cognitive
Development; 10:15am12:15 pm; Mobile
27#5407 AELG #7 Physical
Development; 8-10:00am;
#5404 AELG #6 Language &
Literacy; 10:15am-12:15 pm;
Development; 8-10:00am;
20 #5403 AELG #5 Social
#5399 Improving Transition
Times; 10:45am-12:45pm;
Jeff Davis Community College
#5398 Communicating with
Children; 8:30-10:30am;
13#5397 Understanding Diversity & Respecting Differences;
10am-12 noon; Monroeville
Public Library
#5406 Moving &
Grooving in the
Preschool Classroom;
6-8:00pm; Mobile
#5402 Creating &
Maintaining High
Quality Environments for Children;
5-7:00pm; Mobile
#5396 I’m a Big Kid
Now! Potty Training Basics; 6:30pm8:30pm; Mobile;
DON’T FORGET... You must pre-register for training classes. Only those whose names are
listed on the roster will be able to attend - bring your confirmation to class with you!
Don’t have a confirmation? Not sure if you’re registered?
Call LaTanya @ 251-473-1060 ext 106.
the Inclusive Classroom;
6-8:00pm; Mobile
#5417 Introduction to
Started (Day 2);
8:30am-12:30pm; Mobile; (12-hour course;
Must Attend All Sessions)
#5414 Math and Science for Infants and
Toddlers; 5-7:00pm;
#5418 Director’s
Forum: Hiring and
Firing; 10:00am-12:00
noon; Mobile
22 #5416 Getting Start- 23 #5416 Getting
#5413 Kids Garden:
A Guide to Sowing &
Growing Fun; 6:308:30pm;
#5411 Laying the
Foundation for Writing:
Promoting Fine Motor
Skills; 5-7:00pm;
#5415 Infection
ed (Day 1); 8:30amControl; 6-8:00pm; 12:30pm; Mobile;
(12-hour course; Must
Attend All Sessions)
Started (Day 3);
Mobile; (12-hour
course; Must Attend
All Sessions)
24 #5416 Getting
#5409 School
Age Course 2016;
Mobile; (12-hour
course; Must Attend
All Sessions)
#5409 School
Age Course 2016;
(12-hour course;
Must Attend All Sessions)
#5409 School
Age Course 2016;
(12-hour course;
Must Attend All Sessions)
3100 Cottage Hill Rd; Building 4, Suite 400
Mobile, AL 36606; 251-473-1060
Regional Early Childhood Services unless noted
#5419 Improving Transition Times; 10:45am12:45pm; Jackson City
12#5412 Communicating with Children;
Jackson City Hall
#5410 AELG #9
Putting it All Together; 8:00am-10:00 am;
*All classes in Mobile County will be held at Gulf
Good Friday
GRECS Closed
Let’s Stay Safe-Join in on this session where you’ll explore common safety hazards and learn simple ways to ensure
that all environments are safe for children in child care settings. (Frank Holderfield; AL Pathways: HSN; DHR: HSU; CDA: 1;
ALL Training Levels; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: All) #5400 - 2/16/2016; 5:00-7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Milestones in Language Development- Acquiring early language skills is critical for later academic success. Explore
the major receptive and expressive language developmental milestones from birth through 5 years of age and learn to
create activity plans that facilitate language development. (Dr. Abigail Baxter; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE, COA; DHR: CD, LD;
CDA: 2, 8; Advanced Training Level; Advanced; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: Preschool) #5384 - 1/12/2016; 6:00pm-8:00pm;
GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Math and Science with Infants and Toddlers - Infants enter the world ready to learn. They begin to acquire and process information through their sensory systems. Through active exploration, children discover the basic characteristics
of objects and people. In this session, participants will discover fun hands-on ways to incorporate Math & Science in
their infant & toddler classrooms. (Allison Goff; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE; DHR: CD, QCCL; CDA: 2, 8; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age Group: Infants, Toddlers) #5414 - 3/16/2016; 5:00pm-7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Moving and Grooving in the Preschool Classroom (APT) - Participants will learn ways to encourage young children to b
participate in creative movement and dance; identify several activities that are personally enjoyable; and use a variety
of music to enhance each developmental domain (cognitive, language & literacy, physical, and social-emotional development). (Tiffany Armstrong; AL Pathways: CGD, LEE, DIV; DHR: CD, LD; CDA: 2, 3, 8; BasicTraining Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age
Group: Preschool) #5406 - 2/25/2016; 6:00pm-8:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile
Planning for Positive Guidance: Powerful Interactions Make a Difference- Guiding children’s behavior is something
done throughout the day, not just when a child acts in a way that is unsafe or unacceptable. During this session,
participants will discuss ways to guide behavior by establishing predictable routines, setting clear rules with children,
and modeling kindness and respect. Together, these actions help children feel noticed, confident, and secure. (Allison
Powerful Communication with Parents and Families- This training is about ways to communicate powerfully with parents
and families —ways to help them learn more about what you are doing with the children and to draw out their support and help.
Learn how to use good communication skills to handle sensitive situations with parents and families. The great news is that these
communication skills work with children, too. (Lisa Kirkland; AL Pathways: ICFC; DHR: CCPF; CDA: Intermediate Training Level;
2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: Toddlers, Preschool) #5392 - 1/23/2016; 10:45am-12:45pm; David Burt Building;
Goff; AL Pathways: CGD, ICFC; DHR: CD, PDG; CDA: 3,8; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: Toddlers,
Preschool) #5383-1/07/2016; 5:00pm-7:00pm;GRECS Training Room; Mobile *CTF
Evergreen, AL
Understanding Diversity and Respecting Differences (APT)- Particpants will learn the importance of valuing diversity b
and how to help children learn to respect differences in others. Topics include integration of appreciation for diversity
into evryday learning situations as a way to preveny bullying. (Monica Byrd; AL Pathways: CGD, DIV, ICFC; DHR: CD, CCPF;
CDA: 3,4; Basic Training Level; 2 hours/.2 CEUs; Age Group: Preschool) #5397 - 2/13/2016; 10:00 am-12 noon; Monroe
County Public Library; Monroeville, AL
We’re All in This Together: Practical Tools for Building Partnerships with Families- What do partnerships between
families and early childhood staff look like? We have relationships with many people in our lives. Relationships turn
into partnerships when the people involved share a common goal and the responsibility for reaching that goal. Partnerships start with positive relationships. In this session, participants will discuss how partnerships benefit children,
families and staff.(Allison Goff; AL Pathways: ICFC; DHR: CCPF; CDA: 4; Intermediate Training Level; 2 hours/ .2 CEUs; Age
Group: ALL) #5401 - 2/17/2016; 5:00-7:00pm; GRECS Training Room; Mobile *CTF
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
Make the Most of Your Training Experience
Arrive on time & stay for the entire class.
Let us have your full attention!
• Silence your cell phone.
Be prepared!
• Take a break before you come - you will get more
out of the training if you’re well-rested.
• Focus on the trainer.
• Reserve your conversations for group discussion times.
• Eat a snack before you come to class - it’s hard to
concentrate on an empty stomach.
• Bring writing tools and paper to take notes!
Take care of your personal business before
class begins!
• Make transportation arrangements ahead of time.
Try a new idea when you get back to your
classroom - it will be a rewarding experience
for you & the children.
Pat yourself on the back - you are investing in
yourself and growing professionally!
• Check on your children.
• Visit the restroom.
Alphabet Soup
Use this reference guide to determine what the acronyms and numbers listed
on your Training Attendance Verification and in the quarterly training calendar
stand for to get the most out of your training experience.
Alabama Pathways to Quality Care & Education Core Knowledge
Areas - The Alabama Pathways to Quality Care & Education Core Knowledge Areas (APCKA) serve as a foundational checklist of knowledge,
skills, and abilities that early childhood and school-age care professionals can
also use to guide and track their professional development.
CGD - Child Growth and Development
HSN - Health, Safety and Nutrition
LEE - Learning Experiences and Enrichment
DIV - Diversity
COA - Child Observation and Assessment (Planning for Individual Needs)
ICFC - Interaction with Children, Families and Communities
PPD - Personal and Professional Development
MA - Management and Administration
CDA Content Areas - GRECS training programs can be used to meet the formal Child Development Associate (CDA) early childhood education training requirements. Refer to the CDA Assessment System and Competency Standards
books for more details.
1. Planning a safe, healthy environment to invite learning
2. Steps to advance children’s physical & intellectual development
3. Positive ways to support children’s social and emotional development
4. Strategies to establish productive relationships with families
5. Strategies to manage an effective program operation
6. Maintaining a commitment to professionalism
7. Observation and Assessment
8. Principles of Child Development & Learning
Online Training Courses - $11 each!
Each month, we feature an online training course
& offer it to you for only $11!
Using the Arts as a Teaching Tool (.1CEUs/1 Hour) This course familiarizes students with ways the arts can
be used to help children develop physically, as well as
cognitively. It discusses how including the arts in education
contributes to the social, physical, creative & intellectual
development of children. (DHR: CD; Pathways: LEE, CGD)
Media and Child Development
(.1 CEU/1 Hour) - This course discusses the types of electronic
media children are exposed to and identifies the effects media can have on their growth and development. It discusses
media violence and reviews effective strategies to use with
media-traumatized children. Media safety and security
guidelines and technologies are identified. (DHR: CD, QCCL;
Pathways: CGD)
Infectious Diseases (.2 CEU/2 Hours) - This course
discusses communicable diseases among children. It also
addresses the importance of excluding ill children from child
care facilities and measures for preventing the spread of
illness. (DHR: HSU; Pathways: HSN)
DHR Training Categories - The Alabama Department of Human Resources requires child care professionals to obtain professional development hours each
year in 6 categories. Refer to the Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers and
Nighttime Centers for more information regarding the specific number of hours
and other requirements.
To register for these special online training
courses, contact Robert Sheldt ([email protected]).
Ask about our other online courses!
CD – Child Development
LD – Language Development
CCPF – Child Care Professional & the Family
QCCL – Quality Child Care & Licensing
HSU – Health, Safety & Universal Precautions
PDG – Positive Discipline & Guidance
ADM - Administration / Management
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children
We have often marveled at the long hours children can spend playing with simple materials like boxes, rocks, shells, sand, or water. Our observations have led
us to question the conventional wisdom of providing children with sophisticated toys. As you’ve probably noted yourself, children are often more interested in
the packaging than in the toys themselves. Children usually prefer play that stimulates their curiosity and gives free reign to their imaginations and creativity. We
believe that one of the best ways to enhance their natural curiosity is to introduce a wide variety of the materials we call “loose parts” into their play settings.
What Are Loose Parts? In early childhood education settings, loose parts mean alluring, beautiful, found objects and materials that children can move,
manipulate, control, and change while they play. Children can carry, combine, redesign, line up, take apart, and put loose parts back together in almost endless
ways. The materials come with no specific set of directions, and they can be used alone or combined with other materials. Children can turn them into whatever they desire: a stone can become a character in a story; an acorn can become an ingredient in an imaginary soup. These objects invite conversations and
interactions, and they encourage collaboration and cooperation. Put another way, loose parts promote social competence because they support creativity and
innovation. All of these are highly valued skills in adult life today.
The Value of Loose Parts - Anyone who has watched children play with toys or playground equipment knows that they quickly tire of things with a sole
purpose. Once they’ve mastered the key function of an object—pushing the button to make a figure
pop up or climbing a ladder, for example—they are ready to move on. The intrigue and the challenge
are gone. In other words, children make their play choices based on how much variability those materials offer. A stick is a richer choice than a slide because it can become a fishing pole, a spoon for
stirring a concoction, a magic wand, or a balance beam for snails. Loose parts offer almost numberless variables, prompting children to create their own stories. With so many materials available for
ECE classrooms, you need to make choices that maximize children’s development and make sense
financially. Happily, loose parts can often be had for free, and they offer a bonus: they encourage
you, and the children’s parents, to reuse, renew, and recycle.
For more ideas on loose parts and information on how loose parts support curriculum, visit http://
www.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/2015/loose-parts. Copyright © Redleaf Press.
Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.
We’re OPEN
on Saturdays!
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services’
Lending Library and Resource Place
will be open on the 1st Saturday of each
month from 9:00am - 12:00pm By Appointment Only.
Scheduling an appointment is easy!
Simply call or email Joanne Langevin before
the close of business on the first Friday
of each month.(251-473-1060 ext 112;
[email protected])
We are celebrating over 20 years of collaboration with the Children’s Trust Fund
supported through the Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention!
Caring for the Caregiver allows us opportunities to mentor Family Child Care
providers. We appreciate all who participate to make this project possible and help
educate parents and caregivers on the prevention of child neglect and abuse.
CPR & First Aid Training on Saturdays!
Our friends at Complete Safety Works are offering
Heart Saver First Aid and Adult, Child & Infant CPR/AED
training on the second Saturday of every month!
You must register through and make payment to
Complete Safety Works for this important training session.
Heart Saver First Aid / Adult, Child & Infant CPR / AED
(First Aid - $35; CPR - $35; Both First Aid & CPR - $45)
Call 479-6788 for more info or registration.
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services
on the web!
Support Children’s Trust Fund programs by
purchasing this specialty car tag. The tag
is available at your local Probate office. It
is tax deductible & proceeds directly fund
community-based prevention programs.
Mark Your Calendar
GRECS and The Resource Place
are CLOSED on Friday, January 1, 2016
for New Year’s Day
GRECS and The Resource Place
are CLOSED on Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
for Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
GRECS and The Resource Place
are CLOSED on Monday & Tuesday,
Feb. 8th & Feb. 9th, 2016 for Mardi Gras
GRECS and The Resource Place
are CLOSED on Friday, March 25, 2016
for Good Friday
Return Service Requested
3100 Cottage Hill Road; Building 4, Suite 400; Mobile, AL 36606
Phone: 251-473-1060; Fax: 251-473-1084
Gulf Regional Childcare Management Agency, Inc.