Corrientes - Argentina
Corrientes - Argentina
POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Location of Corrientes in the American Continent It limits with three Countries PARAGUAY - BRAZIL - URUGUAY Located at the heart of the MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market). CORRIENTES ARGENTINA POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina GEOPOLITICAL STRATEGIC AND PRIVILEGED LOCATION IN THE MERCOSUR IIRSA Axis: It is an iniciative of 12 Southamerican Countries that aims the promotion the development of transport infrastructure, electric power infrastructure and comunications infrastructure under a regional vission. Axis linked to Corrientes: 1.Capricorn 2.Hydrovia Paraná-Paraguay 3.MERCOSUR-Chile POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PROVINCE Located in the Argentinean Northeastern area. Total area: 88,886 km2 Capital City: Corrientes City, which is one of the most developed urban centres of the Region. There are 68 municipalities endowed with political and administrative capabilities. Regionally integrated Economy. POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina 9 industrial areas: Corrientes City, Bella Vista, Goya, Esquina, Concepción, Monte Caseros, Santo Tomé, Santa Rosa and Ituzaingó. Great Potential Port Areas: Important present and potential means of communication with other provinces and bordering Countries. Duty Free Area in Paso de los Libres city, second custom office and first dry port of the whole Country. Potential Industrial Park in Gobernador Virasoro Town. At the present, the studies of the executive project were awarded. Road Conectivity suitable for logistics and transportation of the local production Special Areas POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina HUMAN RESOURCES Disponibility of suitable human resources. These are receptive and disposed to technlogical changes. Population (2008): 1.013.443 Urban Population: 79,4% Rural Population: 20,6% people/km2 Average annual growth rate: 1,10% Economically Active Population: 50,4% Average Density: 11,4 Life Expentancy at birth: Men Women 77,99 years 70,55 years and POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Illiteracy Rate: 6,5% Net Scholarization Rate: 80,4% (Elementary School and High School). The percentage of people in the economically active population who had finished High School in the urban conglomerates is 49.4%. This percentage is the highest one in the Argentinean Northeastern There are a Public University (UNNE: Notheastern National University), four private Universities and several Institutes of pre degree studies. HUMAN RESOURCES POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina SUSTAINED GROWTH OF LOCAL GROSS INCOME PROGRESS OF LOCAL GROSS INCOME Pesos 14.000 330% 12.000 11.864 10.000 8.000 6.000 25% 4.000 2.000 4.484 3.597 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 PRECIOS CORRIENTES PRECIOS CONSTANTES DE 1993 Source: Dirección de Estadísticas y Censos de Corrientes POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Productive Structure Argentina`s Gross Internal Product Corrientes` Gross Local Income. NATIONAL SECTORIAL STRUCTURE TERCIARIO 66% SECUNDARIO CORRIENTES´ SECTORIAL STRUCTURE PRIMARIO 66% 26% 27% 8% 7% 58% 66% 31% 24% 10% 11% 1995 1995 2008 2008 SOURCE: DEYC E INDEC Corrientes Province has a productive structure that is similar to the National one. In both cases the highest share is from the tertiary sector, followed by the secondary and primary sectors respectively POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Provincial Agricultural Productive Structure PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL AREA 2008/09 RESTO MANDARINA 100% 40% 29.400 11.500 14.200 15.000 19.000 19.500 30.400 20% 80.000 80% 60% HORTICOLAS MAIZ NARANJA YERBA MATE SOJA 0% TOTAL 1 219.000 ha ARROZ FUENTE: Dirección de Estadística y Censo de la Provincia de Corrientes About 50% of the agicultural productive structure is destinated to rice production. POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Exports Composition Exports Growth EXPORTS EVOLUTION MILLONES DE USD 280 230 225 180 177 135 130 111 137 100 80 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* Fuente: Deyc Exports have been experiencing a sustained growth since 2005. Between 2005 and 2009 exports experienced a growth of 12%. In the same time period the growth rate of the Province Economy was 4% per year in average. POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Exports Composition PROVINCIAL EXPORTS IN 2009 4% 19% ARROZ 7% 62% CARNE VACUNA MADERA 8% CITRUS OTROS FUENTE: DEYC E INDEC There is a strong link with neighbour countries, specially with Brazil; and also with other countries of the continent as Venezuela, who is one of main international destination of local rice production. Forestry Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Forestry Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities • It has the highest growth potential compared to the rest of main productive sectors in the local Economy. • The year growth rate of the afforested area in the province Pine y Eucaliptus Concepción Saladas Pine y Eucaliptus is the highest in the whole country. Santo Tomé Gobernador Virasoro Ituzaingó • The average growth rate of the forested mass is very high, approximately 40 m3 hectares per year. • Corrientes Province has the biggest afforested area in the whole country (around 420.000 hectares). Pine y Eucaliptus Eucaliptus Goya Esquina Forestry Sector´s Gross Internal Product (2008) USD 190 millones (3,8% of the Province´s GIP) Monte Caseros Paso de los Libres Annual Production (2008) 8 million tons per year. Nowadays the majority of the production is sold in the home market; allocating a significantly lower quantity of production to the foreing markets. In both cases, mainly products with low added value are comercialized. Rice Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Rice Sector 3.000 a 8.000 Tn. Main Characteristics and Potentialities •Water disponibility • High productivity levels. About 6.865 tons per hectare. • Potentiality of increasing the annual production at 1.3 million tons. • Direct Seeding technique is used. The irrigation system is supplied by dams (60%), lakes and streams(30%), rillings (5%) and others (5%). • High-tech used in production process. Great Genetic advances. Internationally Competitive Capacity. 1.000 a 3.000 Tn. 1.000 a 3.000 Tn. 8.000 a 18.000 Tn 3.000 a 8.000 Tn. Sector GLP (2008) USD 105 million Annual Production (2008) 540.000 tons. 1.000 a 3.000 Tn. 1.000 a 3.000 Tn. Planted Area: 78,314 hectares. Corrientes is the second most important province in rice production of the whole country, with 38% of the total planted area. Citrus Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Citrus Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities •Performance: Between 10 and 15 tons per hectare. • In Monte Caseros, productivity is above the world average (50 tons per hectare), beating Brazil, US and Spain. • Counter Season with respect to the North Hemisphere and the possibility of penetrate the market 2 or 3 weeks before the main competitor (South Africa). 33% 10% Sector GLP (2008) USD 63 million. Annual Production (2008) 380,000 tons. 57% Production Mix: 59% oranges, 29% tangerines, 10% lemon, 2% others The Citric Industry is enhanced by the participation of private actors through packing industries, industries qualified for exportation and industries that produce concentrated juices and fruit purees. Bovine Cattle Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Bovine Cattle Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities •Exploiting of pastures of spring summer growth. • Growing exploiting of feedlot. • Conversion into a full cicle region. • Disponibility of technologies and industrial processes of proven efficiency at improving productivity of beef industry enabling quality improvements as well. • There is enough cattle to assure the sustained growth of industrial activities linked to the cattle as slaughterhouses or abattoirs, Sector GLP (2008) USD 400 millIon. The biggest in the province. Annual Production (2008) 312,000 tons a year and a stock bigger than 5 million animals. 6,800,000 hectares is the total area destinated to cattle production. 44% 56% Tourism Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Tourism Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities •Corrientes has important attributes as perimeter and internal rivers, streams and lakes, that yet show a primitive state of nature. • It also has one of the biggest wetlands in the American Continent, the “Esteros del Iberá” or Iberá Wetlands, which is a system of swamps, marshes, streams and lakes. • The folkloric, religious and cultural demostrations a patrimonial acquis of different natures. are embodied in • The province`s territory is divided in seven touristic corridors: Great Corrientes, High Paraná River, Southern Paraná, Solar of the Traces, JesuiticalGuaraní, Ecotourism and Adventure, Southern Corrientes. Horticultural Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Horticultural Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities • It is a very dynamic sector. • Suitable lands for this kind of Exploitation. • Active Production from April to December supplying early season vegetables. • High tech Nursery Disponibility. • Corrientes is the province with the biggest hibernaculum stock in the Country. 57,2ha. 399,4 ha. <32 ha. 115,3 ha. Sector GLP (2008) USD 90 million. Annual Production (2008) 115.000 tons per year. Production Mix: Tomatoes and Bell Peppers. Increasing production of watermelon, corn, sweet potatoe and cassava More than 90% of the production is sold in the internal market. 85% of the production is consumed as fresh vegetables, and around 8% is industrialized Yerba Mate y Tea Sector POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina Yerba Mate y Tea Sector Main Characteristics and Potentialities •Great Industrialization Capacity. • Strong internal market penetration. • Increased productive capacity. Plants with low productivity were replaced for new ones with better productivity and quality standards. Ituzaingó Santo Tomé • Tea consumption and production are both experiencing a world growth tendency; having very favourable perspectives in its market. Annual Production (2008) 110,000 tons per year. Potential Hectare Productivity 6.819 tons per hectare. In Corientes, there are about 8 mills, 14 industries dedicated to packaging and milling, and some of them are exclusively yerba mate dryers POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina STRENGTHENING REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY INTERPROVINCIAL BRIDGES CORRIENTES-CHACO ROAD-RAIL INTERCONNEXION. GOYA – RECONQUISTA ROAD INTERCONNEXION INTERNATIONAL BRIDGES ALVEAR - ITAQUI BRIDGE BRIDGE OF THE THREE BORDERS: MONTE CASEROS – BELLA UNIÓN – BARRA DE QUAREIM SECOND BRIDGE PASO DE LOS LIBRES -URUGUAIANA ITUZAINGO-AYOLAS LINKAGE, EXPLOITING THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE OF YACYRETA DAM. RAILROAD IMPROVEMENT OF RAILROAD TRACES AND LINKAGE OF MESOPOTAMIC RAILROAD AND BELGRANO RAILROAD TROUGH THE CARGO MULTIMODAL COMPLEX. POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina STRENGTHENING REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY BIOCEANIC CORRIDOR NEW INTERCONNEXIONS AND IMPROVEMENT OF ROUTES INCLUDED IN THE CORRIDOR. HYDROVIAS AND PORTS IMPROVEMENT OF NAVEGABILITY CONITIONS OF THE HYDROVIA PARANÁPARAGUAY. ASSURED MINIMUM DEPHT OF TEN FEET FROM SANTA FE TO ITUZAINGO. IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW PORT FACILITIES AND PORT ACCESSES IN SEVERAL LOCATIONS IN THE PROVINCE. POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT stable electrical connectivity Ensuring HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS GARABI DAM YACYRETA DAM AÑA CUA DAM SALTO GRANDE DAM MIDDLE PARANÁ DAM POLE OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Corrientes - Argentina GOALS AND OBJETIVES. LONG TERM PERSPECTIVE How can Development be achieved? • Through the integration of productive and social forces, strongly articulating public and private efforts and interests. • Long term planning, based on the general consensus of the whole society, breaking political cicles. • Planning of Basic Infrastructure that contribute to maximize the value adding of production and provide accesses to new markets Corrientes - Argentina
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