2007 Annual Report - Children and Families First


2007 Annual Report - Children and Families First
Dear Friends,
2007 marked the beginning of a new chapter for Children & Families First: a new executive director for the
first time in two decades and discussions with The Family & Workplace Connection towards a February 2008
merger. By combining the talents and skills of our Board and staff, the new organization provides an
opportunity for increased coordination of a wide continuum of services that benefit Delawareans. With no
duplication of programming, the combined organization will offer more comprehensive services to shared
target populations. The merger also offers opportunities for growth by building on areas of expertise and
efficiency through the creation of a stronger infrastructure to most effectively meet the needs of our clients.
As we look back on the past year, we are proud of our accomplishments. Children & Families First was
reaccredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services for Children and Families (COA). This “Good
Housekeeping Seal of Approval” assures that we are meeting high standards in programming, administrative
functions and governance.
Carol A. Gausz
Board of Directors
In March, we moved into our new Dover office on Wolf Creek Boulevard. The new facility enabled us to
achieve several objectives related to client service, our staff and stewardship. We were able to bring staff and
their related programs from disparate offices together in a facility that is more convenient for clients and in
a milieu that is more conducive for our staff, while making the most of agency resources. This space is
handicap accessible and offers flexibility to meet client needs – space for training foster parents, individual
counseling sessions, parent education classes and offices for home-based services such as Resource Mothers.
The location also includes programming for teens as well as Rise Up, which helps individuals retain and
succeed in their jobs. We are now better able to meet the needs of the growing Kent County population.
Programming expanded throughout Delaware. After having implemented the research-based Strengthening
Families Program for school age children and teens, we piloted the newly released curriculum for families
with children ages 3-5. This successful program offers families the opportunity to learn new skills, practice
under the eyes of a coach and be connected with community resources. Our Truancy Prevention and
Intervention program, implemented in New Castle County for a decade, was replicated in Kent County.
A team of counselor and parent aide works with the youth and the family in the home and community
to improve school attendance.
Our Delaware Girls Wraparound Program was fully implemented in 2007. Graduation was a wonderful
opportunity to celebrate our clients’ successes: reconnecting with their communities and achieving
positive goals, thereby reducing recidivism. Our foster care program continued to grow as well. We
are proud of our partnership with our dedicated foster parents who provide care and structure to
children birth to 18 years of age. Youth enrolled in our Seaford House Residential and Day Treatment
Program made significant progress in their educational studies as well as their mental health.
Leslie Newman
Executive Director
We are proud to be continually responsive to community needs. We make choices about programing
based on the best available data and research and continually strengthen our ability to measure and
improve the outcomes of our efforts, thereby doing the best for our clients and effectively using our
resources. Our Board and staff actively work in partnership with government, schools, other nonprofits and the faith-based community to effect positive changes for our clients. We continue to
advocate for stronger families, children who are nurtured and individuals who are valued.
We appreciate your partnership, your support and your confidence in us.
As we look back on
the past year, we
are proud of our
Improving Relationships
Licensed clinical therapists offer counseling to individuals, families and groups statewide to help them
cope with social, psychological and interpersonal problems. Issues vary but may include depression,
anger management, anxiety, and dealing with loss, abuse or trauma. Some families benefit from more
intensive home-based services that provide case management in addition to the counseling. Adults
Children & Families First
who were adopted through our agency, or their birth parents, may request confidential
information about their past. Staff offer guidance to those who seek to re-establish a
provided services to
relationship. In 2007, 2,496 individuals received services.
individuals in
Helping Teens Make Responsible Decisions
Children & Families First helps adolescents who are transitioning from childhood to develop the skills they
need to make responsible decisions so they can grow to be successful adults. Youth who are unable to remain at
home or in their community due to a mental health or behavioral issue benefit from our Seaford House
Residential and Day Treatment or from Individual Residential Treatment offered in homes with specially trained
parents. Teens and pre-teens participate in ARC (A Resource Center for Youth) educational sessions that meet
during the school day to decrease risk-taking behaviors and learn responsible decision-making. After-school clinics
staffed with counselors and medical personnel are designed to meet the unique needs of teens around sexual health
issues. In New Castle and Kent Counties, youth and their
families are referred by Truancy Court or the school districts to
improve school attendance by getting at the root causes. Girls from
Wilmington and Dover in the juvenile justice system who are referred
by Family Court or the Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services receive
counseling and case management to help them transition back to their
homes and communities as well as prevent further involvement with
the law. In 2007, 17,479 youth benefited.
Decreasing Infant Mortality
The Resource Mothers Program decreases infant mortality and low birth
weight babies by connecting at-risk pregnant women statewide with prenatal
medical care and social services. Transportation to appointments is provided
as necessary. Staff teach nutrition and healthy lifestyles, prepare clients for
delivery and parenthood, and provide ongoing support and mentoring.
Resource Mothers are trained paraprofessionals who relate to diverse
populations, providing services in Spanish and English. They are available
24/7 on an emergency basis, working with each family until the child’s
second birthday. In 2007, Resource Mothers worked with 1,302 pregnant women
and their infants.
Ensuring Children’s Safety
Our Foster Care and Adoption programs assure the safety and well-being of vulnerable
children throughout the state. Those who have experienced abuse, trauma or neglect are
placed with loving, trained families who can provide the security they need. The children
range in ages from birth to 18 and include sibling groups, those with special medical needs
as well as those with severe emotional problems. As the goal is permanency, some children
are reunited with their birth parent(s) following education, training and/or treatment.
Others find permanent homes through the adoption process. The Ready, Set, Go Program
works with children ages 2-5, their child care providers and parents to promote the
children’s emotional well-being and readiness for school. 421 received services in 2007.
Developing Positive Parenting
Studies demonstrate that when children develop a strong, positive connection to
their parents, they are less likely to become involved with high-risk behaviors such
as juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy or substance abuse. Children & Families
First offers a variety of options to those who are parenting to build their skills and
enhance family communication. FAST (Families & Schools Together) is held in
schools, giving students and their families an opportunity to come together with
school personnel to work towards improving parent-child relationships. Our
Relatives Parenting Program offers group education and individual case
management to help those parenting “the second time around”. The
Strengthening Families Program works with parents and their children ages
3 - 17 to teach them new ways to communicate, practice together what has been
taught and enhance their interactions. Other state-certified workshops help
families experiencing divorce, separation or custody issues. In 2007, 2,323 individuals
benefited from these programs.
Helping Families Get the Resources They Need
Children & Families First’s RISE UP Program helps individuals in Kent and Sussex Counties who
are moving from welfare to work to gain the necessary skills and resources to remain employed
and/or in school. In Sussex County, we also help link at-risk families to resources through the
Promoting Safe and Stable Families. Families are connected to essential and emergency services
such as medical care, housing, employment and food. We helped 1,828 individuals in 2007.
2007 Outcomes
100% of children placed for adoption remained in their new homes
and 100% of adoptions were finalized within 12 months.
82% of babies born to mothers in the Resource Mothers Program
had a healthy birth weight of 5.5 lbs. or higher; 86% of babies were
of normal gestational age (37 weeks or greater).
Test scores increased from 32% on pre-tests to 79% on post-tests for
knowledge gained by students who participated in ARC (A Resource
Center for Youth) Educational elementary school presentations.
94% of youth who were tested in ARC (A Resource Center for
Youth) clinics and diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease
received treatment in a timely manner.
Parents’ understanding of their child(ren)’s reaction to separation
or divorce increased from 44% to 86% after completing Workshops
for Separating/Divorcing Parents.
Youth in our Individual Residential Treatment Program had 99%
school attendance and spent no days in a mental health facility.
94% of children in foster care remained in one home.
87% of the graduates of the Delaware Girls Wraparound Program
successfully returned to their homes and communities; in 94%,
further involvement with the juvenile justice system was prevented.
82% of youth living in the Seaford House Residential Treatment
Center met or exceeded their benchmark treatment goals and 88% were
discharged to their target goal - a less restrictive living environment.
99% of families participating in the Safe and Stable Families Program
received necessary connections to community resources and family
Parents who completed the Strengthening Families Program showed
an increase in understanding of positive parenting, appropriate
discipline and communication skills learned, from 51% on
pre-tests to 81% on post-tests.
127 individuals involved in the Rise Up Welfare to Work
Program remained employed for 48 consecutive weeks,
exceeding the Department of Labor’s target goal for this
89% of youth involved in the Truancy Prevention and
Intervention Program improved their coping skills while
81% improved their school attendance.
Of the individuals who received counseling services,
70% experienced positive change based on pre- and
post-test scores.
Staff member T
some of the first racy Mitchell (second from righ
Program at a ce graduates of the Delaware Gir t) congratulates
remony in June.
ls Wraparound
Revenue and Expenses
Child's Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,477
Friend's Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,980
Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169,024
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,276,697
Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431,173
Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216,517
United Way Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788,599
Other Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347,321
Funds for Restricted Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . 212,845
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,720,633
Thank you to all our supporters!
2007 Friends Campaign and United Way Designations
Diamond Friends
$2,000 and higher
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bennett
The Charles C. Allen, Jr. Family Foundation
The Concerned Physicians Fund of Delaware
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Connolly, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Doorey
Edgar A. Thronoson Foundation
Dr. Katherine L. Esterly
Ms. Muriel E. Gilman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hammonds
Dr. Moses Hochman
Mrs. Judith Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, II
Dr. and Mrs. James Newman
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmutz, Esq.
Wachovia Regional Foundation
Mrs. Aubree Wellons
Platinum Friends
$1,999 - $1,000
Decreasing Infant Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889,986
Ensuring Children's Well-Being . . . . . . . . 2,190,845
Helping Teens Make Decisions . . . . . . . . . 1,679,824
Promoting Positive Parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . 711,737
Helping Families Get Resources . . . . . . . . 1,004,612
Improving Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,550,473
Management & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,685,851
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,713,328
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Battaglia, Sr.
Mr. Louis Capano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler, IV
Mr. and Mrs. P. Clarkson Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Connolly, III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. DeWees, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DiSabatino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fine
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Foster S. Friess
Ms. Carol A. Gausz
Dr. Linda Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilliam, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Goeller
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hagerty
Ms. Eileen M. Hartnett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Morton R. Kimmel
Mr. and Mrs. John Krol
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kullman
Mr. and Mrs. William Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Land
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Laskowski
Ms. Diane Levin
Ms. Virginia T. Lockman
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Marine
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Marvin
The Hon. Mary Johnston and Mr. William Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meade
Ms. Dorothy O. Onn
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pappas
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Penna
The Hon. and Mrs. Vincent J. Poppiti
Mr. and Mrs. John Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Scarborough, III
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodney Sharp, III
Ms. Nanette C. Silveroli
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stephenson
Mr. David G. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
Gold Friends
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Cosgrove, Jr.
Ms. Anne Cullom
Mr. and Mrs. William Daiger, Jr.
Mr. Ronald W. Dietrick, Jr.
Ms. Shelley Patricia Dinehart
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Faust
FRXC Company, Inc.
Dr. Edward W. Goate
Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice McDonald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nash
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Permut
Ms. Sally H. Prendergast
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pincus
Mr. David B. Ripsom, Esq.
lly (left)
oan Conno
ears of
ard for 30 y Gausz.
arol A.
President C
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schnee
Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd
Dr. Arlene Smalls
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilchrist Sparks, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Struthers
Ms. Joanne K. Sundheim
Ms. Mary E. Valiante and Mr. Nicholas O’Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wang
Silver Friends
$250 - $499
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Sandra H. Autman
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Bartoshesky
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beardwood
Mr. and Mrs. David Beatson
Mr. Max Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bills
Mrs. Robert H. Bolling, Jr.
Ms. Rosalie Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cantera
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cardinal
Mr. Arthur Carota, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christopher
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Colbourn
The Hon. and Mrs. Christopher Coons
Mr. Angel Cosme
Ms. Christine J. Dealy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiGisi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Donaghy, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Dunkelberger
Mr. and Mrs. William Esposito
Mr. David J.J. Facciolo
Ms. Kristin Foss
Ms. Elizabeth Garrigues
Mr. Vincent Giampeitro
Mr. Charles W. Gordinier
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Guerke
Dr. and Mrs. F. Todd Harad
Mr. Michael Harris
Ms. Susan Janes-Johnson and Mr. Scott Johnson
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly
Mr. and Dr. Brian Kramer
Mr. Clayborn Land
Ms. Catherine M. Lombardozzi
Ms. Colleen McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. McDowell
Mr. Arthur J. Merriweather
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mockbee
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Monzack
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Myers
Ms. Merrijane Pierce
The Hon. and Mrs. Russell Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Jr.
Ms. Tara Quinn and Mr. Gregg Galardi
Dr. and Mrs. Grafton D. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rubin
Mr. and Mrs.Gilbert S. Scarborough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Schowe
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Shlossman
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snyder
Mr. Jonathan P. Spracher
Ms. Martha Steel
Ms. Richelle Talbert
Ms. Isabella Tarumianz
Dr. Janice Tildon-Burton and Mr. Randall Burton
Mr. Darryl L. Warnick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zeleney
$100 -$249
Anonymous (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Aastad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aerenson
Mrs. Robert W. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Allen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Altman
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Angst
Dr. Aguida Atkinson
Ms. Mary Alice Bair
Mr. and Mrs. David Baldwin
Thank you
Mr. P.J. Bale, Jr.
The Hon. Helen Balick and Hon. Bernard Balick
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bayard, Jr.
Ms. Karen Beer
Ms. Marcilee W. Bierlein
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Z. Borin
Mr. William Bradley
Mrs. Shawnetta Y. Brenneman
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Brilliant
Dr. and Mrs. John Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. R.R.M.Carpenter, III
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Case
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael Castle
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chouinard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, Jr.
Ms. Crystal M. Coleman
The Hon. and Mrs. Charles Copeland
Ms. Vanessa A. Cordeiro
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cottrell, III
Mrs. David S. Craven
Ms. Joann M. Crouse
Ms. Wanda L. Cuevas
Mr. and Mrs. David Culley
Dr. and Mrs. William Cummings
Dr. and Mrs. George T. Cunningham
Dr. Theresa D’Amato
Ms. Mary Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, III
Employees of the Delaware Sex Crimes Unit, Dept. of Justice
Dr. Lozelle DeLuz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeSanto
Ms. Dorothy B. Dill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Dillman
Ms. Lynne Ellick
Ms. Beth Elswick
Ms. Tamica Evans
Ms. Susan Fortuna
Ms. Katharine Gahagan
Mr. and Mrs. William Gee
Ms. Carlyse Giddins
Mr. and Dr. Peter Gilman
Ms. Jennifer Gingerich
Ms. Lisa Goodman and Mr. Drew Fennell
Mr. Steven Greengold
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Guerke
Mr. Robert Hangacsi
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harra, Jr.
Mr. Bernie L. Harrison
Dr. Forrest G. Hawkins
Ms. Cynthia D. Healey
Ms. Pamela Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Hutz
Mr. Shawn L. Ingram, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kamen
Mr. Mitchell Karp
Dr. and Mrs. G. William Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley King
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klesius
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffry Komins
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn
Ms. Maureen Leary
Mr. and Mrs. D. Preston Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Garret B. Lyons
Ms. Catherine Ann Maguire
The Hon. and Mrs. Jack Markell
The Hon. Jane Maroney
Ms. Susan Mayhew
Dr. Christine Maynard
Ms. Shanna McBride
Mr. J. Michael McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. McMillan
Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur Mendolia
Mr. and Mrs. David Mengden
Dr. Diana Metzger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell, II
Ms. Rose A. Mohler
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mulligan, Jr.
Mr. Frederick Parkinson
Dr. David Paul and Ms. Kathy Klein
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pennock
Dr. Julia Pillsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Plohoros
Ms. Lori Precht
Dr. Anna Quisel and Mr. Bret Snyder
Ms. Jessica Reed
Ms. Ellen Rigrodsky
Ms. Kim Zeitler Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenthal
Ms. Carol Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gary Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sears, III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shoenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. Claibourne Smith
Mr. David Somelofske
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Soulier
Mr. and Mrs. William Spence
Dr. Mary Jane Strattner-Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. David Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. William Sudell, Jr.
Mr. Mandayam Suraj
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Taylor
Ms. Deneb Y. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomes
Ms. Elizabeth S. Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiss
Mr. Charles E. Welch, Esq.
Dr. Katharine Weymouth
Dr. Estelle Whitney
Mr. and Mrs.Richard Wier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Woods
Dr. and Mrs. Rafael A. Zaragoza
Mr. Robert Skaats
Ms. Kimberly Taylor
Mr. Marc D. Vandenberg
Dr. Gerald R. Wermus
Mr. Lance Werner
* deceased
$99 and less
Anonymous (31)
Ms. Peggy Amsterdam
Ms. Madelyn C. Anderson
Drs. Kert and Amy Anzilotti
Ms. Patricia A. Atkins
Ms. Rachel B. Autman
Ms. Carolynne Baillie
Ms. Lagrimas M. Baines
Ms. Hilda Balascio
Mr. Tom Balascio
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Balick
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Balick
Mr. Olugbenga Afolabi Bamgbelu
Mr. Michael Battista
Mr. Michael D. Betts
The Hon. Sheila Blakely
Ms. Mary M. Bracy
Ms. Donna A. Bradney
Ms. Esther Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burcham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Burke, Jr.
Ms. Susan P. Burns
Ms. Tanya Burroughs
Ms. Christine E. Busa
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Bussard
Mr. William H. Campbell
Ms. Elizabeth Carlisle
Ms. Ashley A. Carmine
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Casey
Mr. Gary W. Casper
Ms. Yetta Chaiken
Mr. Paul Cherry
Dr. and Mrs. Neal B. Cohn
Ms. Josephine Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Colton
Ms. Eileen Conner
Ms. Yvonne Connor
Ms. Bernadette B. Cooper
Ms. Lydia Cox and Mr. Gregg Somerville
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crowell
Ms. Ellyn Custer
Ms. Susan Cycyk
Mr. Steve D’Agular
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D’Alonzo
Ms. Carla Dauphin
Mr. Frank T. DeFroda
Mr. James Dehart
Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeMartino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePaulo
Mr. Karen Dillard
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Dilley
Mr. Steven Director
Dr. Robert C. Director
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy
Mr. Robert H. Duhamell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ehrlich
Ms. Michelle A. Eichinger
Mr. Wayne Elliot and Ms. Anne Naczi
Mr. and Mrs. John Elzufon
Ms. P.J. Facciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Fortunato
Ms. Lisa Frederico and Mr. Bryan Lipp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Frelick
Ms. Cynthia L. Gilfillan
Ms. Maura Golin
Dr. Roberta Golinkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Rajeev Gorowara
Dr. Vivian Griffin
Ms. Rita B. Grubb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gummey
Ms. Elizabeth Hadley
Ms. Kristin K. Hague
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hasse
Ms. Leslie C. Heilman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helsel
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Hess
Mr. Herman Hodges
Dr. and Mrs. William Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond M. Ianni
Ms. Fran Isakoff
Mrs. Chariesse A. James
Mrs. Jeannine Jennings
Ms. Janice V. Jessup
Mr. and Dr. Alan Jewett
Mr. and Dr. Greg Kelly
Ms. Sabrina L. Kibler
Dr. Ann C. Kneavel
The Hon. and Mrs. Andrew Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Tom La Penta
Mr. Lewis H. Lazarus, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lenges
In lieu of birthday pr
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Little
esents, Jake Morris
Ms. Yvette D. Logan
instead asked guests
to bring gifts and to
ys for our foster child
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long
n to his 7th
birthday party.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Lynch, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. James Manley
Mr. Charles E. Mann Sr.
Mr. Charlene M. McCray
Dr. Helen McCullough and Dr. Michael Duzy
Ms. Crystal L. McGhee
Mr. Michael McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Quillen, Jr.
Dr. Karl McIntosh
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rickards
Mr. Terrance F. Tate
Dr. Shauna McIntosh
Ms. Charmaine M. Roane
Mr. Mark Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. James McKelvey
Ms. Josephine Roark
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tigani
Dr. Monica Mehring
Dr. Gwendolyn W. Sanders
Dr. Judith Tobin
Ms. Judith Melman
Mr. Eli T. Schrock
Ms. Elizabeth P. Van Leeuwen
Ms. Kathleen M. Mendala
Mr. and Mrs. C. Porter Schutt
Ms. Eva L. Verplanck
Ms. Marjorie Meyermann
Mr. James J. Sears
Mr. Walter L. Vickers III
Ms. Toni A. Nabinett
Dr. Margaret Seitz
Ms. Mary G. Wagner
Ms. Sandra B. Neal
Ms. Stephanie Shader
Mr. Jesse Wallace
Ms. Cheryl P. Nelson
Ms. Heidi R. Shanus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wellington
Dr. and Mrs. John Nista
Dr. and Mrs. William Shellenberger
Dr.* and Mrs. A. Judson Wells
Ms. Nerphrita R. Norris
Ms. Mary Skocik
Mr and Mrs. Robert Whetzel
Ms. Velma Norwood
Mr. Stephen Slayton
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gerald White
Drs. Ashish and Mona Parikh
Ms. Marlene C. Smith
Ms. Melissa M. White
Mr and Mrs. Mark Parsells
Mr. Peter E. Smith
Ms. Sharon C. Whitefield
Ms. Beverly A. Passwaters
Mr. Zachary S. Smith, Jr.
Dr. Woodrow Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Pearlman
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Sordi
The Hon. and Mrs. William Witham, Jr.
Ms. Michelle Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spivack
Mrs. Frederick Wolff
Ms. Elizabeth T.B. Pierson
Ms. Marina Starks
Ms. Valerie Woodruff
Mr. John C. Pierson, III
Dr. and Mrs. John Stefano
Ms. Sybil Zeftel
Drs. David and Ethel Platt
Mr. Imanta A. Stiebris
Mrs. Jaynice M. Porter-Brathwaite
Dr. Susan Stine
The Hon. Mardi Pyott
Ms. Allison L. Stecher
* deceased
Children’s Special Fund Contributors
Chrysler Foundation
Wilmington Flower Market, Inc.
In Honor of Ms. Lydia Robb
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robb
In Honor of Master Nathan Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Parico
Other Individual Contributors
In Honor of Dr. Andrew Doorey
In Honor of Ms. Leslie Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Pennock
In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. James Newman
Mr. Mitchell Karp
In Honor of Ms. Joanne Sundheim
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pennock
In Honor of Master Ben Pickles
Master Michael Galardi
In Memory of Mr. William Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmutz, Esq.
In Memory of Mr. James Raymond Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Surmacz
Blue Hen Physical Therapy
In Memory of Mr. Steve Scarborough
Ms. P.J. Facciolo
Family Album Participants
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Agne
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leon Aussprung, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Bale
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Balick
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Banker
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Barton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Connor Bifferato
Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Binkley
Mr. and Mrs. W. John Boehmler
Ms. Kimberly Boessman
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bree
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Brilliant
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carberry
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Chilton
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Ciarlo
Ms. Karen Ciotti
Ms. Josephine Cole
Mr. Forrest Collier and Ms. Diane Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. P. Clarkson Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Connolly, III
The Hon. and Mrs. Christopher Coons
The Hon. and Mrs. Charles Copeland
Ms. Lydia Cox and Mr. Gregg Somerville
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Cucuzzella
Dr. and Mrs. William Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cuoco
Ms. Carla Dauphin
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dealy
Thank you
Mr. James Dehart
Mr. and Mrs. John Dennison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePaulo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeWees, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiGisi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Dillman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dolan
Ms. Constance Dorsney
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Duerr
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Flambaum
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Foster
Mr. and Mrs. James Freeberry
Ms. Nancy Gallagher
Ms. Carol A. Gausz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gentilotti
Ms. Muriel E. Gilman
Dr. Joanne Godshow and Dr. Mark Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gravuer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hershey
Drs. David and Carol Hoffman
Ms. Ann Huffman
Ms. Theresa Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eric Hutz
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins
Ms. Lynda Johnson and Mr. James Garner
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kamen
Ms. Shaila Kapur and Dr. Narendra Yadav
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katz
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kirker
Mr. and Mrs. John Kling
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffry Komins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kullman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kuplinski
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Land
Mr. and Dr. James Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lenges
Ms. Erin Lucey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lutes
Dr. and Mrs. Garrett B. Lyons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Macauley
Mr. and Mrs. John MacMillan
Mr. and Ms. Brett Margolin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Margolin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Casey McCabe
Mr. and Dr. Brent McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. James McFate
Mr. and Mrs. Barton McFoy
Mr. and Mrs. William McGlinchey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McHugh
Dr. Shauna McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKelvey
Ms. Gina Medori
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Monigle
Ms. Patricia Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mottola
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. James Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nilstoft
Ms. Colleen Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Noel
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. O’Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owensby
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pantano
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Papillo
Drs. Ashish and Mona Parikh
Mr. and Mrs. James Pedano
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Penna
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Perna
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pincus
Mr. and Mrs. James Purcell
Dr. and Mrs. Ray S. Rafetto
Dr. and Mrs. John Reinhardt
Ms. Laurel Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Rossi, Jr.
Ms. June Roux
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Scarborough, III
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Scarpaci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sheehy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheets
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Silliman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silverman
Ms. Kim Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. James Sipala
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Slowik
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Spiro
Ms. Emily Spivack
Ms. Lauren Spivack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Svindland
Ms. Sally Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Truono
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallace
Ms. Teri Weissgerber and Mr. William Streck
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas White, III
Ms. Cathleen Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. John Winkler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Witherell
Mr. and Mrs. David Woods
Ms. Mary Yavalar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yudhishthu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zbranak
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Zugehar
our fam
toy d
chool stu
Foundation and Corporate Donors
Archmere Academy
Artisans’ Bank
Bancroft Construction Company
Barbacane, Thornton & Co.
Bifferato Gentilloti & Balick, LLC
Brandywine Medical Associates
Chandler Funeral Homes & Crematory
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
Commerce Bank Insurance
Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz, LLP
Defran Systems, Inc.
Delaware Periodontics
Delmarva Power
DeWees Investment Consulting Group
of Wachovia Securities
Discover Bank
Du Pont de Nemours
Employee Benefits Solution
Gilman Development Company
Glenmede Trust Company
Greeley & Nista Orthodontics, P.A.
Hatzel & Buehler, Inc.
Healthy Smiles of Delaware, P.A.
Horty & Horty, P.A.
Interiors for You, Inc.
The Laffey-McHugh Foundation
Lyons Insurance Agency
Mellon Bank
Morgan Stanley – The Stephenson Group
Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell, LLP
Nannas, Haines & Schiavo, P.A.
Patterson Schwartz Realtors
PNC Bank
Robert A. Penna, D.M.D.
Saint Edmond’s Academy
Sanford School
Seiberlich Trane
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP
Smith Barney
Tatnall School
Tower Hill School
Ursuline Academy
Valero Energy Foundation
Wilmington Friends School
Wilmington Trust Company
Women to Women Ob/Gyn Associates
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Katy Connolly and Gayle Dillman, Co-Chairs
Lisa Beatson
Sherry Brilliant
Sonja Brown
Angela Case
Mary Jo Chandler
Joan Connolly
Annie Coons
Lydia Cox
Anita Cross
Sally DeWees
Megan Goeller
Sue Hagerty
Debbie Hutz
Lisa Ivins
Dorothy Mraz
Margaret O’Dwyer
Rita Paradise
Melanie Penna
Kim Rollins
Joyce Scarborough
Vicky Schowe
Gloria Streat
LeeAnn Trudel
Kimberleigh Turner
Suzanne Ward
Peggy Zugehar
CHILD’S PLAY Soirée Attendees
Guests of Honor
Doris and Carl Schnee
Big Band Level
The Hon. and Mrs. Vincent Bifferato, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Connolly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Connolly, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dillman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Esposito
Ms. Carol A. Gausz
Mr. Michael Geary
Mr. and Mrs. William Goeller
The. Hon. Mary Johnston and Mr. William Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
The Hon. and Mrs. Vincent Poppiti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steiner
Swing Level
Ms. Jeanne Bakker and Mr. Michael Hanrahan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Brilliant
The Hon. and Mrs. Chris Coons
Mr. and Mrs. David deBruin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFroda
Ms. Muriel E. Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Goddess
Ms. Christine Hansen and Mr. Charles Ganter
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eric Hutz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kristol
Ms. Julie McGinnis and Mr. Halsey Spruance
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mraz
Dr. and Mrs. James Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Dwyer
Ms. Colleen Quinn
Ms. Tara Quinn and Mr. Gregg Galardi
Ms. Andrea Rocanelli and Mr. Todd Veale
Mr. Gilbert S. Scarborough, III
Mr. John F. Schmutz
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodney Sharp, III
Ms. Joni Silverstein
Mr. Douglas M. Stephenson
Ms. Joanne Sundheim
Mr. David Turner
Ms. Elois Turner
Ms. Lindsey Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walczak
Ms. Judy Zucker
Jazz Level
Ms. Jane Anderson
Ms. Judy Arsht
Ms. Sandy Autman
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Balick
Mr. and Mrs. Connor Bifferato
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bifferato, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bosworth
Ms. Jane Bowen
Mr. Luke Bowen
Ms. Sonja Brown
Ms. Sybil Cartmell and Mr. Kent Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Case
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Casey
Mr. and Mrs. William Caywood
Ms. Lydia Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Crozier
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Diodato
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiGisi
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Doherty
Ms. Sherry Eshleman and Mr. Mike Tucker
Dr. Katherine Esterly and Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Faust
Ms. Alexandra Gausz Mandelberg
Dr. and Mrs. Brad Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Greengold
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Greenstein
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Handler
Ms. Rose Heckler and Mr. Tony Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Hockstein
The Hon. Deborah Hudson
Ms. Alice Hupfel and Mr. Rodman W. Edmiston, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Seth Ivins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly
Ms. Rose Killian and Mr. Ray Baxter
The Hon. Chandlee Johnson Kuhn and Mr. Larry Kuhn
2007 J. Thomps
on Brown Awa
recipients, Doris
and Carl Schnee
were honored a
t our Child's Pla
Gala in March.
Ms. Kristen Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lavelle
Ms. Virginia Lockman
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lutte
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lynch
Dr. Shauna McIntosh
Ms. Judy Melman
Ms. Lori Palmer and Mr. Nick Wasileske
Ms. Kathleen Pankowski and Mr. Edward Kafader
Ms. Rita Paradise
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parsells
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Penna
The Hon. and Mrs. Russell Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rollins
Ms. Ruth Rosenburg and Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenthal
Ms. Gigi Saffer and Mr. Ellis Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scanlan
Mr. Paul Schnee, Ms. Amy Metsch and Ms. Agatha Schnee
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sloan
Mr. Alvin Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spivack
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Sweeney, III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tedford
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomes
Ms. Ruthie Tingle
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Trudel
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Trzuskowski
Ms. Judi Weinstein
Ms. Ginger Weiss and Mr. Barry Schlecker
Mr. and Mrs. Tom White
Ms. Valerie Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zugehar
Individual Donors
Mr. Samuel Arsht
The Hon. Bernard Balick and Hon. Helen Balick
Mr. and Mrs. David Beatson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Bomberger
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyden
Mr. William Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. R.R.M. Carpenter, III
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael Castle
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christopher
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Colbourn
Mr. and Mrs. David Culley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeWees, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durante, Esq.
Mr. Wayne Elliot and Ms. Anne Naczi
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen Emanuel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fine
Dr. Edward Goate
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaufman
Mr. and Dr. Greg Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. J. Renwick Kerr, III
Kistler Tiffany Benefits
Ms. Sami Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kristol
Mr. Anthony LaTorella
Ms. Janet Leban
The Lipton Family Charitable Foundation
Ms. Holly Lissner and Mr. Richard Angiullo
Dr. and Mrs. Garrett B. Lyons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacDonald
The Hon. Jack Markell
Ms. Elizabeth McGeever, Esq.
Dr. Monica Mehring
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Meister, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Metsch
Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Brien
Oberly, Jennings & Rhodunda, PA
Mr. and Mrs. John Owens, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pennock
Dr. and Mrs. John Peters
Mr. and Mrs. William Prickett, Esq,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schnee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shannon
Mr. William Shea
Mr. C. Michael Shook
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silverman
Ms. Diane Sklut
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. John Small
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sullivan
Ms. Maureen Taylor
Ms. Mary E. Valiante and Mr. Nicholas O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiss
Thank you
Allen Family Foods
Ms. Misty Allen
Bank of America – Securitization Production and Support
Bank of Delmarva
Ms. Bernard Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bass
Ms. Roberta Bass
Bear Hugs for Babies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berry
Beyond Consequences Institute, LLC
Big Fish Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Birmingham
Ms. Roxanne Blake
Blockbuster Video
Ms. Denise Boone
Boyd’s Flowers
Brandywine Rotary Club
Brandywine Zoo
Brunswick Blue Hens Lanes
Brunswick Doverama Lanes
Camp Arrowhead
Students of Cape Henlopen High School
Christiana Skating Center
Mr. Jason Cimini
Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village
Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
Delaware Theatre Company
Students of Delmarva Christian High School
DuPont Dow Elastomers, LLC
DuPont Engineering
DuPont Performance Elastomers
DuPont Fuel Cells
DuPont Fluoroproducts
Family Christian Stores Foundation – The James Fund
Families by Design
First and Central Presbyterian Church
Food Lion of Millville
Giant Food, Inc. of Millville
Gilman Development Company
Grand Opera House
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grulich
Hagley Museum and Library
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrod
Hair Snippery of Millville
Harrington Raceway and Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hershey
Hockessin MOMS Club
Home of the Brave Foundation, Inc.
Iron Hill Brewery
Kids Cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lima
Love and Logic Institute
Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Mr. and Mrs. William Milon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller
Elisa Komins Morris Photography
Master Cole Morris
Master Jake Morris
Ms. Maureen Morton
Ms. Margaret O’Dwyer
Opera Delaware
The Olive Garden
Ms. Courtney Otenasek
Perdue Farms, Inc.
Ms. Carole A. Peterson
Phillips, Goldman & Spence, P.A.
Ms. Hazel A. Pohlmann
PNC Bank Wealth Management
Radio Disney
Read Aloud Delaware
Sheraton Dover Hotel
Stanley’s Tavern
Sussex County Association of Realtors
Schwartz Center for the Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tasevoli
The Tatnall School Preschool
Teleplan Viacom Solutions, Inc.
Tile Market of Delaware
Twin Lakes Farm
University of Delaware Athletics
University of Delaware – Fred Rust Ice Arena
Mr. David A. Vanaskey
Wachovia Bank
Wal-Mart Georgetown
Wal-Mart Lewes
Wal-Mart Rehoboth Beach
Weight Watchers
Ms. Christine Whaley
Where Pigs Fly
Ms. Christine Wierzel
Wilmington Blue Rocks
Wilmington Trust
Women to Women OB/GYN Associates
Ms. Louise Zawislak
Olive Garden M
anager Mark H
annon and Serve
Parks catered a
r Diana
nd served partic
ipants in our Str
Families Progra
m in November.
Thank you
Ms. Michelle Anderson
Mr. Harry Bansal
Ms. Roberta Bass
Ms. Amy Bastianelli
Ms. Jessica Bock
Ms. Ivy Bowman
Ms. Lola Bratten-Phillips
Ms. Sharon Brown
Mr. Robert Carnahan
Ms. Andree Catalfamo
Mr. Daniel Cerro
Ms. Heather Sexton Coudon
Ms. Susan Crow
Ms. Joan Daniel
Ms. Alphranetta Davis
Ms. Laurie Denham
Ms. Mary Ann Dilworth
Mr. Lou DiPietro, Jr.
Mr. Chris Ellis
Ms. Leticia Ferby
Ms. Jessica Fitzgerald
Ms. Debra Fletcher
Ms. Salomie Frazier-Cooper
Ms. Jamie Freeman
Ms. Kristen Garbowski
Ms. Melissa Givans
Ms. Megan Goeller
Ms. Molly Goeller
Ms. Susan Greenstein
Mr. Anthony Grillo
Ms. Laura Harvey
Ms. Mardriel Hawkins
Ms. Tara Holland
Mr. Robert Houghtby
Ms. Josette Huynh-Ba
Ms. Felicia Jarmon
Ms. Valerie Johnson
Ms. Marcie Knox
Ms. Gwen Lang
Mr. Dave Leonard
Ms. Marsha Lyall
Ms. Christine McDonnell
Ms. Omayra Mendez
Ms. Philinda Mindler
Ms. Erica Morris
Ms. Kamirah Motley
Mr. John Mucha
Ms. Tamara Mullen
Ms. Kristen Nuzzi
Ms. Virginia Papke
Ms. Sophia Pappas
Ms. Shirley Parson
Ms. Lois Redden
Ms. Carlene Russ
Ms. Pat Russum
Ms. Gloria Sanders
Mr. Jason Sears
Mr. Clyde Selby
Ms. Frances Schulte
Ms. Doris Shaner
Ms. Kimberley Showell
Ms. Jacqueline Simon
Ms. Michele Spink
Ms. Chanessa Stanley
Ms. Kay Steinbeiser
Ms. Keisha Sullivan
Ms. Nerky Thomas
Ms. Amanda Timmons
Ms. Fatimah Valentine
Ms. Marguerite Veney
Ms. Barbara Wilkins
Ms. Kishon Williams
Mr. Robert Yearick
Ms. Audrey Young
Alice Warner Memorial Foundation
American Express Foundation
American Life Insurance Company (ALICO)
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Bancroft Construction Company
Bank of America
Bank of Delmarva
Brandywine Rotary Club
Christiana Bank & Trust Company
Delaware Community Foundation
Female Benevolent Society of Wilmington
Gannett Foundation
The Gilliam Foundation
ING DIRECT Kids Foundation
Integra Administrative Group
The Laffey-McHugh Foundation
Lewes-Rehoboth Association of Churches
Kraft Foods
March of Dimes
Marmot Foundation
Milton & Hattie Kutz Foundation
Pastor’s Crafters
PNC Bank
Sussex County Council
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Thank you
2007 Board of Directors
Carol A. Gausz, President
Muriel E. Gilman, Vice President
John W. Land, Vice President
Douglas M. Stephenson, Treasurer
Sandra H. Autman, Assistant Treasurer
David G. Turner, Secretary
Board of Directors
Aguida Atkinson, M.D.
Angela B. Case
Katy Connolly
Annie M. Coons
David J.J. Facciolo, Esq.
Veronica O. Faust
George W. Forbes, III
Edward W. Goate, Ph.D.
Patricia W. Griffin, Esq.
Hon. Mary M. Johnston
Thomas F. Jones, Jr., FHFMA
Ted Kaufman
Ellen K. Levin
Anthony J. Lewis
Shauna B. McIntosh, M.D.
Carl F. McMillan
Robert R. Meade
Melanie A. Penna
Kim Zeitler Robbins
Gilbert S. Scarborough, III
John F. Schmutz, Esq.
Arlene Smalls, M.D.
Lee A. Wheeler
Past President’s Emeritus Board
Carol Harlan Aastad
Dr. Lozelle J. DeLuz
Gloria S. Fine
James H. Gilliam, Sr.
Susan A. Herrmann
Stephen R. Permut, M.D.
June Jenkins Peterson
David B. Ripsom, Esq.
Barbara F. Soulier
Honorary Board
Max S. Bell, Jr., Esq.
Robert M. Brown
Mrs. Walter D. Mertz
Advisory Board
Mary Jo Chandler
Joan McD. Connolly
Karen D. Doherty
Megan T. Goeller
Stephen M. Mockbee
Elizabeth T.B. Pierson
Joanne K. Sundheim, Esq.
Mary E. Valiante
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Our Mission
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Children & Families First strengthens families
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and communities by providing quality social,
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educational and mental health services.
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Our Vision
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Communities where: Individuals are valued,
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Children are nurtured, Families are strong
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The mission of The Family & Workplace Connection
is to enhance the supply and quality of care and
on Febr u
1, 2
education for children and elders and to help
families effectively manage their work and personal
life responsibilities.
Dear Friends of FWC,
This is a special annual report for The Family & Workplace Connection (FWC) because on February 1, 2008 it
became part of Children & Families First (CFF). This will be the last annual report for FWC as a stand alone
organization; however, our service and commitment to Delaware families will continue under the leadership and
guidance of Children & Families First.
Naturally, this is an ideal time to reflect back on FWC and its history of service to Delaware and beyond. Above all,
the one trait that stands out is that whenever FWC was faced with an increased or new community need we always
found a way to respond and do whatever was necessary to serve our clients and customers. I will admit, sometimes
that was a little scary and we weren’t quite sure how we were going to accomplish the task, but with our Board of
Directors and core of dedicated staff, we always answered the call.
Certainly that was true when Paula Breen, our founder, recognized the community need to link families with
quality child care and founded Child Care Connection in 1986. Over the years, that service has been expanded and
improved. Advocating and improving the quality and quantity of early childhood education has been our mission
since our inception. Today, by working with other community partners including the State of Delaware, United
Way, corporations and other community organizations we are proud to take the lead in coordinating Delaware
Stars for Early Success, a five level quality rating and improvement system. This is just one of many programs
administered by FWC that has a goal of improving the quality and quantity of early childhood education.
In 1995, faced with a community need to provide an emergency backup dependent care service, FWC, with
generous funding from DuPont developed a new and innovative program that was the first of its kind to address
this issue. Today, Just in Time Care serves over 33,000 families nationwide.
Early in our history, FWC recognized the unique needs of our aging population and their caregivers. FWC realized
that caregivers for the elderly would require access to accurate and comprehensive information to help them make
care choices for their loved ones. Today, we offer several programs and services that benefit families caring for older
adults and the disabled, these programs include ElderOnline, RespiteOnline, Grand Time Off and ElderBuddy.
Finally, as I look to the future, I am confident that FWC is now better positioned to face our society’s economic
challenges and uncertainties. By partnering with CFF, we will provide a stronger, better trained and equipped
organization that will offer the best opportunity to continue the critical community work of both organizations.
I truly wish CFF well in the future as they continue their long standing service to Delaware. I would like to thank
the FWC Board, employees and our many friends for all they have done over the years to help us better complete
our mission of service.
Ralph Klesius, President
The Family & Workplace Connection
“... as I look to the future,
I am confident that FWC
is now better positioned
to face our society’s
economic challenges
and uncertainties.”
2007 Program Highlights & Initiatives
In 2007, The Family & Workplace Connection continued to expand services and offer community programming that fulfilled our
mission of enhancing the supply and quality of care and education for children and elders and helping families effectively manage their
work and personal life responsibilities. In 2007, FWC launched its newest referral service, RespiteOnline. Much like the AccessCare
child care referral service and the ElderOnline elder care referral service, RespiteOnline is free to the general public and allows caregivers
of adults and children with disabilities to search for respite care options in Delaware. Respite care provides temporary relief for
family caregivers from the ongoing responsibility of caring for someone who has special needs or is at risk for abuse or neglect.
Studies have shown that respite care improves the health and well-being of caregivers, delays the need for more costly institutional care
for loved ones, and promotes safe and stable families. RespiteOnline was developed with funding from the Delaware Disabilities
Council and the Federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
Planning is underway to launch Kinship Navigator in early 2008. Kinship Navigator will provide a free one-stop-shop information
and referral service targeting grandparents and other older relatives who are currently providing the majority of care for another
relative’s child/ren. An increasing number of grandparents are taking on the responsibility for providing primary care for their
grandchildren, when the parents are either unable or unwilling to care for and nurture the children themselves. For many of these older
adults the result is greatly increased physical, emotional and financial demands. Kinship Navigator is designed to help these caregivers
find much-needed help and support so they can continue to provide the kind of loving care children need to insure that they will grow
into strong, healthy, happy adults.
The Delaware AfterSchool Alliance (DEASA) was formally established in October of 2006 with support from the Charles Stewart
Mott Foundation, Department of Education, Delaware First, Division of Social Services, Division of the Arts and United Way of
Delaware. The Network Policy Coordinator began in the spring of 2007, formalized DEASA’s mission and goals, and developed the
Theory of Change (Logic Model) and the Network Plan (Strategic Plan). These two documents will set the course for the Alliance over
the next three years. The goals of DEASA are to develop supportive policies, create local and statewide afterschool networks and
improve the quality of afterschool experiences for all youth in Delaware.
In addition to DEASA’s Management and Steering Committees which were established in October 2006, in 2007 the Alliance
established four working committees – Advocacy and Outreach, Sustainability, Policy Development, and Quality - that will carry out
and evaluate accomplishments in accordance with DEASA’s network plan. DEASA is working in cooperation with Delaware First, the
state’s early care and education professional development system, and Cooperative Extension at the University of Delaware, to
develop a School Age Certificate. In addition, the Quality Committee is creating workforce competencies and encouraging
afterschool programs to participate in Delaware Stars, the quality rating and improvement system.
During 2007, fifteen early care and education programs took part in the pilot phase of Delaware Stars for Early Success.
Delaware Stars is a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) aimed at increasing access to quality early care and education
for all of Delaware’s children. Delaware Stars is a five level system, with the lowest level requiring programs to meet licensing
rules. Programs work to move up the levels, meeting increasingly higher quality standards in the following areas: Qualifications &
Professional Development, Learning Environment & Curriculum, Family & Community Partnerships, and Management &
Administration. Delaware Stars provides participating programs with technical assistance and limited financial support. The
programs and technical assistants involved in Phase 1 gave of their time and shared their Delaware Stars experience to help us
“test” the system. They identified areas that needed attention, helping Stars to make adjustments that will benefit those programs
that participate in Delaware Stars as it moves forward. In response to the feedback from programs and technical assistants
changes were made for 2008 to further “test” the system and to make it more program-driven. In 2008, Delaware Stars will test a
model that takes advantage of a cohort approach and is more participant driven. Stars will add 60 more programs, using a case
management process.
Additionally, with major grant funding from The Carl M. Freeman Foundation, FWC translated the Delaware First Training for
Early Care and Education (TECE) 1 & 2 into Spanish. Delaware First offers high quality training opportunities and resources
to early childhood educators; however, until this year, all of
the training materials and resources had been written and
printed in English. State licensing regulations require early
care and education center professionals to attend annual
training each year to maintain their license and as of January,
2007, to complete pre-service training. Previously, although
Spanish-speaking providers attended the mandated
training, they were unable to fully benefit from the Englishonly curriculum and therefore, were unable to implement
course content into their program, benefitting children in
their care. TECE 1 & 2 is comprised of 120 hours of basic
information that early childhood educators and staff need
to know, including child development, curriculum
planning, recognizing and responding to child abuse and
neglect, disaster preparedness, behavior modification and
nutrition to build their skills and competencies for
working with young children in a group setting. Over 900
pages of handouts, readings, quizzes and assignments
were translated into Spanish. With the curriculum
translation complete, the Spanish trainings will be
offered for the first time in 2008. Participants will be
able to complete their assignments and develop a
Children from lo
portfolio in Spanish, which will be shared with current
cal child care ce
nters attend the
Childhood Advoc
and future employers and families, demonstrating their
Fourth Annual
acy Day at Legis
knowledge and philosophy.
lative Hall
in Dover.
In 2007, The Family & Workplace Connection
served families by:
Fulfilling 4,593 child care information requests through AccessCare,
our free child care resource and referral service;
Fulfilling 2,148 elder care information requests through ElderOnline,
our free elder care resource and referral service;
Fulfilling 323 respite care information requests through RespiteOnline,
our free child and adult respite care resource and referral service;
Providing 469 customized child care and elder care consultations and
referrals to employees of corporate clients;
Coordinating and fulfilling 787 requests for visitation and
companionship for elderly Delawareans through the ElderBuddy
Arranging 1,225 days of respite care to grandparents and other older
relatives raising other family members’ children in their homes through
the Grand Time Off (GTO) program;
Arranging 35,530 days of backup child and elder care through Just in
Time Care, which saved employers 22,253 work days;
Providing 722 days of direct care to school-age children at corporate
worksites on selected school holidays and snow days.
In 2007, The Family & Workplace Connection
served the community by:
Coordinating 274 professional development training programs for
4,558 early care and education professionals;
Operating four early care and education resource centers and three
mobile resource vans, logging 7,671 visits and lending 16,909
educational resources;
Sponsoring 314 family child care homes and 3 child care centers
through the Child and Adult Care Food Program serving over
1,100,000 nutritious meals;
Providing 89 T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarship recipients
with higher education credit hours;
Creating 812 slots for hard-to-find child care (care for infants
and toddlers, children with disabilities, school-age children,
mildly ill children, care during non-traditional hours) through
the Delaware Child Care Capacity-Building Program;
Coordinating 39 educational training programs attended by 422
relative caregivers;
Providing early care and education career advisement services to
2,240 people;
Overseeing 197 activities attended by 1,890 family members through
the FACET (Families and Centers Empowered Together) program.
Revenue and Expenses
Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159,683
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,108,261
Fees from Referral Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,741,515
Fees from Provider Trainings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104,487
Fees from Resource Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,436
Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,107
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,129,489
Providing Child & Elder Referrals . . . . . . . . . . .1,498,959
Improving the Quality of Child Care . . . . . . . .1,492,246
Supplying Health Meals to Children . . . . . . . .1,482,835
Delivering Worksite Child Care Programs . . . . . .42,389
Advocating for Delaware's Children . . . . . . . . . . .32,411
Management & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584,825
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,133,665
To Life! Highlights
The Family & Workplace Connection’s annual event was held on April 18, 2007 at The New Candlelight Theatre. The evening included a
special performance of Grease, a buffet dinner, silent auction, and 50-50 raffle. Our generous guests, sponsors, contributors,
members, and staff helped raise over $37,000 for FWC’s community programs.
To Life! Sponsors
Bellevue Realty Corporation
BlueCross/BlueShield of Delaware
Buccini/Pollin Group
City of Wilmington, Office of Mayor James Baker
Delmarva Power
General Motors
Happy Harry’s – a Walgreen’s Pharmacy
JPMorgan Chase
New Castle County
Sprint Quality Printing, Inc.
W.L. Gore & Associates
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor
The Zutz Group
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To Life! Contributors
U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden
Braddies Handcrafted Jewelry
Caffe Gelato
U.S. Senator Tom Carper
Champps Restaurant
Thomas P. Collins
Roseann T. Fagan, Polish Pottery Designs, LTD
FWC's Administrative Department
FWC's Child and Adult Care Food Program
FWC's Corporate Services Department
FWC's Provider Services Department
Pamela Harper
Judy Hudson
Andi Huston, Independent Consultant, Once Upon a Family
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant
Pauline Koch
Luci McClure, Independent Representative, Silpada Designs Jewelry
Hilary Mead and Terence Gilheany
The New Candlelight Theatre
Kevin P. Noel
Amber Rosenberg , Pacific Life Coach
Sparkles Bead Shop and Gallery
Starbucks Coffee
Three Little Bakers Country Club
Towne and Country Cleaners
University of Delaware Ballroom Dance Team
Gerri Weagraff
Wilmington Blue Rocks
Wings to Go, Concord Pike
Winterthur Museum and Gardens
2007 Board of Directors
Pamela Harper
Tsion M. Messick
Heather A. O’Connell
James F. Krass
Thomas P. Collins
Peter A. Hazen
Jennifer B. Jonach
Adria B. Martinelli
Dayna L. Moore
Andrea Moselle
Diane N. Street
Barbara S. Ridgely
Richard A. Vintigni
John M. Will
Senior Consulting Members
Glenn M. Engelmann
Larry D. Gehrke
Pauline D. Koch
Jane P. Maroney
K. Jean Williams
Thank you to all our supporters!
FWC Contributors
AARP Delaware
Charles E. Aruviereh
Bellevue Realty Corporation
BlueCross/BlueShield of Delaware
Dori M. Brasure
Donna Bratton
Lillian J. Bratton
Buccini/Pollin Group
Chichester DuPont Foundation
The Christmas Shop Foundation
City of Newark
Mr. and Mrs. P. Clarkson Collins, Jr.
Carl M. Freeman Foundation
City of Wilmington, Office of Mayor James Baker
Delaware Association for the Education of
Young Children
Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council
Delaware Division of the Arts
Delaware Head Start Association
Delmarva Power
Glenn M. Engelmann
Heather Fox
Jennifer S. Gallo
General Motors
Laura Greenlee
Griswold Special Care
Happy Harry’s – a Walgreen’s Pharmacy
Peter A. Hazen
David Hilyard
Home Instead Senior Care
Amy Hudson
Jeanne M. Johonnett
Jennifer B. Jonach
JPMorgan Chase
Evelyn D. Keating
Jean L. Kennedy
Ralph E. Klesius
Kraft Foods, Inc.
The Laffey-McHugh Foundation
Jane P. Maroney
Willie C. Martin
Adria B. Martinelli
Kip McDaniel
Andrea Moselle
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
New Castle County
Jennifer R. Noel
Kevin P. Noel
Heather A. O’Connell
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
PNC Foundation
Debra Renz
Dr. Barbara S. Ridgely
Dr. Gwendolyn Sanders
Tina Sexton
Bridget Ann Shelton
Shelly M. Silber
Social Venture Partners Delaware
Sonia S. Sloan
Somerford Assisted Living & Alzheimer’s Care
Karla J. Spencer
Sprint Quality Printing, Inc.
Melanie R. Stancell
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Miami-Dade
Gerri Weagraff
Sara White
Ann Wick
Wynonna Williams
Wilmington Flower Market
W.L. Gore & Associates
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor
FWC Volunteers and Interns
Tina Albanese
Karen Anderson
Dena Birdsall
Barbara Boyer
Amber Bratton
Carrette Cameron
Linda Cooper
Caitlin Costello
Katina Demetriou
Gale Dutton
Alaric Eber
Marcia Forsman
Nick Graham
Eric Grygier
Carltina Hall
Chris Hammond
Kristie Hudson
Ann Hunter
Linda Jarrell
Doris Johnson
Stacey Lane
Dan Prettyman
Carla Sauders
Carol Simpers
Sandra Steele
Debbie Stowe
Cathy Strouse
Shannon Sullivan
Dawn Valladares
Executive Director
Leslie Newman
New Castle County
2001 Baynard Boulevard
Wilmington, DE 19802
Administration Director
Virginia Lockman
Development Director
Kathleen Hershey
Finance Director
Kevin Noel
Program Directors
Zakiya Griffin
Vincent Giampietro
Kathy Hyde
Evelyn Keating
Victoria Kelly
Gerri Weagraff
2005 Baynard Boulevard
Wilmington, DE 19802
715 Tatnall Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
3511 Silverside Road
100 Wilson Building
Wilmington, DE
Kent County
91 Wolf Creek Boulevard
Suite 1
Dover, DE 19901
1406 Forrest Avenue
Suite 2
Dover, DE 19904
Sussex County
410 S. Bedford Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
Seaford House Residential &
Day Treatment Center
400 North Market Street Extension
Seaford, DE 19973