hotel - north elevation
hotel - north elevation
Stepped roof 1'-6" down Stepped roof Stepped roofs 5/6 storey expression on Gower Point Road Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP HOTEL - NORTH ELEVATION Stepped Roof 5/6 storey expression Stepped roof down 1'6" T.O. P. MAIN FLOOR KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. MEZZANINE MAIN FLOOR LEVEL P2 JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg SEA LEVEL HOTEL - SOUTH ELEVATION KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing HOTEL- NORTH AND SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES T.O. P. Stepped roof GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC Issued for Rezoning / DP # 1 Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.1 Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP New shed roof resulting in varied canopy expression Timber Clock Tower new curved timber canopy resulting in varied canopy expression new hotel rooms located here for more activity on the waterfront RESIDENCES - WEST ELEVATION FROM GOWER POINT ROAD HOTEL - WEST ELEVATION FROM GOWER POINT ROAD Removed 4 units from 6th floor and moved to Level P1 resulting in a 5/6 storey expression on Gower Point Road two storey expresion facing GP Road KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing HOTEL & RESIDENCES EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES Elimination of concrete wall and replace with stepped seating & planters RESIDENCES - EAST ELEVATION FROM SEAWALK KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg HOTEL - EAST ELEVATION FROM SEAWALK GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC Issued for Rezoning / DP # 1 Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.2 Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP RESIDENCES - NORTH ELEVATION # 1 New curved canopy for varied Waterfront expression MAX. HEIGHT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING MAX. HEIGHT RESIDENTIAL BUILDING T.O. R. T.O. R. T.O. STRUCT. FIFTH FLOOR FOURTH FLOOR MAIN FLOOR JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg LEVEL P2 RESIDENCES - SOUTH ELEVATION KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing RESIDENCES- NORTH AND SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC MAIN FLOOR KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. SECOND FLOOR GEORGE THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES THIRD FLOOR Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.3 Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP # 1 LEVEL P2 GOWER ROAD ELEVATION T.O. STRUCTURE SIXTH FLOOR FIFTH FLOOR FOURTH FLOOR THIRD FLOOR JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg signage WATERFRONT ELEVATION signage KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing STREET ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC MAIN FLOOR THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. SECOND FLOOR Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.4 New character for waterfront restaurant Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing WATERFRONT RESTAURANT BUILDING ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC Shed roof and waterfront restaurant in keeping with BC Maritime vernacular WEST ELEVATION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP 2013.12.20 THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES NORTH ELEVATION Date KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. Metal siding, smaller paned wood-like windows, shingles, shutters and planter boxes # 1 Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.5 Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT Change in character for waterfront restaurant to reference BC Maritime vernacular Metal siding # Date 1 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP SOUTH ELEVATION ISSUED Varied canopies JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg EAST ELEVATION KEY NOTES: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing WATERFRONT RESTAURANT BUILDING ELEVATIONS Drawn: Project Number GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC Shutters THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. Smaller paned windows Checked: 10 13 075 A4.0.6 Stepped roof form and 5/6storey expression on GP Road Stepped roof form KEY NOTES: Stepped roof form down 1'6" Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP # 1 SEAWALK BUILDING SECTION A-A MAIN FLOOR JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg MARINE PUB GEODETIC SEA LEVEL GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC WER POINT AD THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. T.O. STRUCTURE BUILDING SECTION B-B NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing HOTEL & RESIDENCES BUILDING SECTIONS Drawn: Project Number Checked: 10 13 075 A5.0.1 KEY NOTES: Fifth Floor, Three Bentall Centre 595 Burrard Street PO Box 49369 Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4 CANADA Toll-free 1 877 632 3350 T. 604 632 3350 F. 604 632 3351 CONSULTANT ISSUED Date 2013.12.20 Remarks Issued for Rezoning / DP Issued for Rezoning / DP # 1 BUILDING SECTION C-C APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT GOWER POINT ROAD APARTMENT UNIT JUNE 01, 2007 14:05 P:\AutoCAD\Architect\templates\IMP_24x36_Elevs.dwg MARINE PUB CRU MECHANICAL MECHANICAL CORR. PARKING LEVEL 1 PARKING LEVEL 2 PARKING LEVEL 1 STORAGE / MECHANICAL PARKING LEVEL 2 GOWER POINT ROAD, GIBSONS, BC APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT THE GEORGE HOTEL & RESIDENCES APARTMENT UNIT APARTMENT UNIT KLAUS FUERNISS ENTERPRISES INC. APARTMENT UNIT BUILDING SECTION D-D NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OMICRON ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. This drawing is a copyright instrument of service and remains the property of the Consultant. All information shown on this drawing is copyright material and is for use on the named project only. Information contained herein may not be used or reproduced in anyway without written permission. Drawings shall not be scaled. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions, datum, and elevations pertinent to executing the work. Discrepancies and variations shall be reported to the Consultant prior to commencing construction. In all cases, the latest issue of the drawing shall be used in the execution of the work. The Contractor shall ensure that all previous issues of this drawing are marked "Superseded", with reference to the latest issue, and used for reference purposes only. All work shall conform to the latest editions of local Building Codes, jurisdictional codes and local ordinances. Drawing sheet numbers are prefixed as follows: A = Architectural E = Electrical FP = Fire Protection S = Structural L = Landscape M = Mechanical/HVAC C = Civil P = Plumbing HOTEL & RESIDENCES BUILDING SECTIONS Drawn: Project Number Checked: 10 13 075 A5.0.2