Chamber honors top Uvaldeans Crawford to leave UCISD post
Chamber honors top Uvaldeans Crawford to leave UCISD post
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Family’s newest member arrives via flight from Ethiopia. Page 4A LOCALLY OWNED INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER—SINCE 1879 A LEADER IN SOUTHWEST TEXAS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2012 TWO SECTIONS, 24 PAGES VOL. 131 NO. 98 75 CENTS Making room for U.S. Marshals Two to 10 members of the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force will be stationed in a satellite office at the Uvalde County Justice Center on a daily basis with Sheriff Charles Mendeke and his staff. “That’s huge,” U.S. Marshal Christian J. Casson said Wednesday. “It gives my guys immediate access for this county.” The force is tasked with apprehending violent criminals for local, state and federal courts; this week, marshals were on hand to assist deputies and police officers round up area residents with arrest warrants, and as of Friday morning 35 people had been booked into the Uvalde County Jail as a result of the effort that began Tuesday. Casson went on to say that the number of law officers working out of the office will depend on the type of cases being addressed – this week, due to the warrant roundup and a hit-and-run accident in Dimmit County that resulted in the death of a child, the office is seeing more activity than it might Lone Star Task Force stations satellite office at Uvalde Justice Center during other times of the year. “It will be case by case,” he said. He said the satellite office location is ideal because agents will have more timely access to area counties than if traveling from Del Rio. Last week’s warrant roundup was the result of filtering through stacks of outstanding warrants in Uvalde County, which number up to 600, Mendeke said, and coming up with about 75 high priority cases. Casson said officers investigate the cases to find the perpetrators, several of whom turned themselves in upon learning of the situation. “I respect that,” Casson said. Hovering above the city as warrants were served, a helicopter owned by Mendeke’s department as well as the Uvalde Police Department headed by Robert Mac Donald are members of the task force, which is comprised of Texas Rangers, U.S. Marshals, sheriff’s and police departments and district attorneys’ offices. the Texas Department of Public Safety was part of the task force’s activities. Although arrests were carried out smoothly and quickly, the helicopter provided assurance to peace officers on the ground in the case of a fleeing suspect or other disturbance. “The helicopter is a huge asset,” Mendeke said, praising the task force and U.S. Marshals. “It’s nice to have the Marshals here. Anytime we’re working an active case... they bring a lot to the table when it comes to research.” Chamber honors top Uvaldeans Rachel Gonzales-Hanson was named Uvaldean of the Year and Steven Kerbow was selected as Volunteer of the Year during the 2012 Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet held Friday evening at the Uvalde Country Club. “Well, I think I’m speechless, for once in my life,” Gonzales-Hanson said of the honor. “Well, I’m very humbled; truly, I’m very humbled and honored...I Annual banquet lauds citizens for dedication to community did not expect this.” Gonzales-Hanson was introduced by both Uvalde City Councilman J Allen Carnes and Uvalde Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief Gene Ayala. “This person has been an extraordinary asset to our community,” Ayala said. “I have known her for many years and consider her to be one of the most enthusiastic, passionate individuals when it comes to helping the citizens of Uvalde.” Gonzales-Hanson is a life-long resident of Uvalde and is the CEO of Community Health Development Inc. – a nonprofit com- munity-based health care agency that provides comprehensive, integrated primary health care services to Uvalde, Real, Edwards and Zavala counties. Her involvement in the healthcare movement began while serving as a member of Community Health Development Inc., CHDI’s, board of directors in 1983. The following year, after resigning her posiPLEASE SEE HONORS, PAGE 16A LOGAN GARNETT|LEADER-NEWS Steven Kerbow and Rachel Gonzales-Hanson display the awards they received Friday evening as Uvaldean of the Year and Volunteer of the Year at the Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Crawford to leave UCISD post Star power CHARLEY ROBINSON STAFF WRITER Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Diane Crawford is retiring after 30 years in education. Crawford will finish out the 2011-2012 school year and complete 21 years of service to the Uvalde CISD. “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the patrons of this school district and a distinct pleasure working with the parents. I have had the pleasure of watching children start their education, go on to graduate and have families, and make innumerable contributions to society,” Crawford said. “I am also very appre- ciative of the opportunity to have had the honor of working with such an incredible staff through the years Diane and it has Crawford been just an extraordinary journey,” she said. “My husband is excited about my decision and I am so thankful for him. He has supported me through the years and he’s looking forward to seeing me more often,” Crawford said of her husband, Charlie. “Uvalde is our home, we love the community and will continue to supPLEASE SEE CRAWFORD, PAGE 16A Hackebeil vying for district attorney job Anton E. “Tony” Hackebeil has announced his candidacy for District Attorney of the 38th Judicial District. “I’ve spent most of my life in Medina County, graduating from Hondo High School, then attending and graduating from Rice University and St. Mary’s School of Law. I was licensed to practice law in May of 1983 and began work as an assistant Addison Brewster of Uvalde meets award-winning singer Miranda Lambert Tuesday night at the San Antonio Rodeo. CONTACT US 110 N. East St. Uvalde, TX 78801 AREA DEATHS 6 Ronald Ross Lane James B. Parks Jr. Jimmy Eugene Ryan Salvador Salas Sr. Phone: 830-278-3335 Fax: 830-278-9191 Web: district attorney in San Antonio,” Hackebeil said. “I entered private practice in September of 1984 (officed in Castroville) and was then Tony appointed Hackebeil district attorney of this district in March of 1994. I was RAINFALL 2012 to date 2011 same period 2010 same period 108 year average Edwards Aquifer Previous level 2011 same period elected four times and did not seek reelection for the term beginning January 2009,” he said. “Since leaving office in January 2009, I have been in private practice doing civil litigation, criminal defense and mediation. I have years of experience in all matters pertaining to criminal law, prosecution and defense,” Hackebeil said. “During my tenure 1.64 1.22 2.98 2.21 847.9 847.9 862.7 as your district attorney, I and my staff were instrumental in establishing the Bluebonnet Children’s Advocacy Center, having served as a charter member of the board of directors and initial executive director. I worked to establish the Attorney General’s Triad Agreement to fight crimes committed against PLEASE SEE JOB, PAGE 16A WEATHER HighLow Rain Sunday 60 370.00 Monday 66440.00 Tuesday 73 510.00 Wednesday80 53 0.00 Thursday 87 530.05 INSIDE Classifieds . . . . . 6-8B Coyote Howl . . . . . 7A Farm & Ranch . . . 11A Knippa . . . . . . . . . . 10A Lifestyles . . . . . . 4-6A Utopia . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Sports . . . . . . . . . 1-3B Don’t be held hostage by your cable company make DISH your choice for TV today! • The nation’s lowest all digital price everyday! • FREE Standard professional installation Locally owned and operated 108 S. Getty Street • Uvalde 830-591-0108 Digital Home Advantage plan requires 24-month agreement and credit qualification. Cancellation fee of $17.50/month remaining applies if service is terminated before end of agreement. Up front and monthly fees may apply. Prices, packages, programming and offers subject to change without notice. Additional restrictions may apply. Offer available for new and qualified former customers and ends 5/20/12. 16A FROM PAGE 1A UVALDE LEADER-NEWS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2012 HONORS: Gonzales-Hanson, Kerbow grab top commendations at annual awards banquet FROM PAGE 1A tion on the CHDI board, she took over duties as the organization’s executive secretary. Then, in 1986, she took on the role of CEO for CHDI. Gonzales-Hanson is also a founding member of the Southwest Texas Network and has held various positions on the Texas Association of Community Health Centers’ board of direc- tors, including secretary, treasurer, vice president and president – the office she currently holds. She has been recognized for her commitment and leadership in advancing the philosophy of community health, both locally and nationally. In 1990, Uvalde’s American Legion Post 476 Auxiliary recognized her as the Female of the Year, and in 1995 the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded her the Community Health Leadership Award. Then, in 1996, Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini presented GonzalesHanson with a State of Texas Certificate of Excellence. VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR “It’s not because he stands out as a well-known recognized figure,” said Uvalde Police Chief Robert MacDonald, when introducing honoree Steven Kerbow. “But because of the dedication to the organizations he volunteers for.” MacDonald called Kerbow an “unassuming gentleman that does not seek public recommendation” and lauded him for his dedication to a myriad of local causes. Kerbow, who has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in History and Political Science from West Texas State University, has taught Government and History at Southwest Texas Junior College since 1990. His volunteer work includes being a major supporter of Uvalde High School volleyball, Relay for Life and the Uvalde Food Pantry. Kerbow has also been a member of the Uvalde Rotary Club since 1991 and is a member of the American Historical Association, Political Science Association, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations and Texas State Historical Association. Additional coverage of the banquet will appear in Thursday’s newspaper. (LGARNETT@UVALDELEADERNEWS. COM, 278-3335) CRAWFORD: UCISD assistant superintendent plans to retire when school year concludes great people,” she said. “My mother was a long time educator and she inspired me to become a teacher and then I worked into administration. She lives in Carrizo Springs FROM PAGE 1A port the students, the staff and all connected with this wonderful school system. Uvalde is a community full of really HEY SENIORS IT’S NOT TOO LATE to order your Senior Portrait Have them in time for graduation. “OUR STUDIO HAS AN T A WEBSITE” ADDRESS, NOT JUS Open Tues. to Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Pre-paid appointments only) Specific Saturdays are available Uvalde Photo “Uvalde’s Complete Photography Studio” 900 N. GET T Y STREET, UVALDE • 278-6493 • 800 -281-2990 and retirement will afford me the opportunity to spend more time with her. My aunt, Lillian Moore, also had a tremendous influence on my life and career and I am deeply indebted to my mom and my aunt.” Crawford came to Uvalde in 1991 as a classroom teacher at Robb Elementary. She grew up in Carrizo Springs and graduated from Carrizo Springs High School. She attended Southwest Texas Junior College and Texas Lutheran before hitch- ing a ride to Lubbock and eventually obtaining a Bachelor of Science in education from Texas Tech University in 1981. “I worked in a doctor’s office all those years I was at Texas Tech to finance my education,” Crawford said. She earned a master’s degree in education and a mid-management certificate from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos. She started her career as a teacher in the Lubbock ISD, then went to Needville ISD, Cypress Fairbanks in Houston and Northside ISD in San Antonio. Before coming to Uvalde she taught two years in Carrizo Springs. After a year teaching at Robb Crawford became the campus principal. Five years later she moved to the Central Office as director of elementary curriculum and served in a variety of roles until 2001 when she became executive director of curriculum. In 2010 she was named assistant superintendent in charge of Instruction and Curriculum. Superintendent Rick Loesch remarked, “We have lost a tremendous administrator and an excellent educator and she will be extremely missed. Mrs. Crawford was a dedicated administrator who went over and above her regular duties. I truly appreciate her longevity and service to the district.” (CROBINSON@ UVALDELEADERNEWS.COM 2783335) JOB: Hackebeil seeks return to district attorney position FROM PAGE 1A our senior establishment. It was through my pros- 2012 Relay for Life UVALDE COUNTY ecution efforts that drug forfeiture funds were seized and forfeited and used to purchase the current office of the district attorney, the first office of the district attorney in Medina County ever,” he said. “I was the chief board member and supervising prosecutor of the Allied Area Narcotics Task Force covering four counties (sometimes six), the firstever for the 38th Judicial District,” Hackebeil said. “My prosecution success rate was well above 80 percent, and I personally tried or supervised the trials of Survivor Registration Please print neatly and clearly Title: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., First Name: MI: Last Name: Suffix: Jr., Sr., III Professional Degree: (MD, PhD) Male ❏ Female ❏ Home Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: ( ) Email address: Home ❏ Work ❏ Date of birth: / / month day year Select the race with which you most closely identify (please select one) African American/Black ❏ American Indian/Alaskan Native ❏ Asian ❏ Caucasian/White ❏ Hispanic/Latino ❏ Pacific Islander ❏ Other ❏ My most recent diagnosis is/was: Colon/Rectal ❏ Breast ❏ Lung ❏ Skin ❏ Prostrate ❏ Other ❏ My date of diagnosis / / month day year Please select all of the opportunities in which you are interested: ❏ Becoming involved in other ACS volunteer opportunities ❏ Including ACS in my will trust or estate plan ❏ Advocating for legislation to help cancer patients and their families ❏ Becoming more involved in Relay for Life next year Participant/Guardian Signature: Date: Please select your t-shirt size Youth sizes: ❏YS ❏YM ❏YL Adult sizes: ❏S ❏M ❏L ❏XL ❏XXL ❏XXXL Please mail completed form ASAP to: Liz Lugo • P.O. 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Main St., Suite C Uvalde, TX 78801 830-278-5900 cases ranging from theft to capital murder and everything in between,” he said. “Considering all of the work my staff and I have invested in developing the office to professional status and maintaining that status, I believe it is important for me and the communities of our district that I be elected again to stop the diminishing effectiveness of this extremely important office,” Hackebeil said. “Our system of justice demands an effective and professional prosecutor, and the citizens of our communities are entitled to be represented by a professional who has the most experience, the most knowledge and the ability to make difficult decisions,” he said. “To be effective, a professional prosecutor must leave the job of law enforcement and investigation to all of our very capable sheriff’s and police departments, including training their officers, and concentrate on the effective and professional application of our laws to investigations and guide the cases through the complicated maze of our judicial process,” Hackebeil said. “I, Tony Hackebeil, can and will do all of that for you. My experience and education as a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney provide me the tools, and those of you who knew me while I was your district attorney know I have done the job effectively. I respectfully ask for your support and your vote in the Republican Primary,” he said.
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