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8A UVALDE LEADER-NEWS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 Annual luncheon honors local first-responders Two local businesses recently gave back to those who serve our community in honor of the September 11th anniversary. Rushing-EstesKnowles Mortuary served 117 guests when they hosted the third annual 9/11 luncheon honoring local first responders on Sept. 11 at the business’ main office. Those in attendance included members of the Uvalde Police Department, Uvalde County Sheriff’s Office, Uvalde Volunteer Fire Department, Uvalde EMS, Texas Department of Public Safety, U.S Marshals Service, Department of Homeland Security, Sabinal Police Department, Reagan Wells Fire Department, La Pryor Fire Department, Alamo Area Ambulance, Utopia EMS, Southwest Texas Junior College Police Department, Zavala County Sheriff’s Department, U.S Immigration and Customs agents, and Constable John Simpson of Batesville. ‘We cant say enough about what they do for our community and we can’t repay them for that, but this is our way of honoring them.’ David Gonzales Guests were treated to a free barbecue lunch, dessert and refreshments. According to funeral director David Gonzales, the event began three years ago as a way to honor local first responders for their community service. “It gives us a good opportunity to service the people that put their lives on the line everyday,” Gonzales said. “We cant say enough about what they do for our community and we can’t repay them for that, but this is our way of honoring them.” Also with the goal of giving back, the Uvalde H-E-B grocery store served 30 Uvalde Volunteer Firefighters during its third annual Helping Heroes breakfast on Sept. 13. According to H-E-B Administrative Assistant Dora Galindo, the event, which was held at the the Uvalde Volunteer Fire Department, is a way for the store to give back to the firefighters that put their lives at risk on a daily basis. “We wanted to honor our local firefighters for everything they do for our community,” Galindo said. Firefighters were served a free breakfast of tacos, fruit, donuts and refreshments. STEVE BALKE|LEADER-NEWS Rushing-Estes-Knowles Mortuary staff (back) pose for a picture with Texas Department of Public Safety Troopers during the third-annual 9/11 luncheon held Sept. 11. Flu vaccinations now available from CHDI Shots free of charge to certain adults, children Flu vaccinations are now available at Community Health Development, Inc. Each of its three medical health centers is now offering vaccinations designed to protect against strains of the flu virus expected to be in circulation this fall and winter. The vaccination is provided free of charge to adults covered by Medicare Part B and to children ages 6 months old through 18 years old. For all others there is a flat fee of $18 per person. Community Health Development, Inc. has three medical health center cam- puses now offering the flu vaccination: Our Health/Nuestro Centro de Salud, 830-278-7105, is located at 200 South Evans St. Rolling Hills Health, 830-232-6985, is located at Highway 83 and Oakhill Drive in Leakey and provides medical care to patients from Real, Kerr, and Bandera counties. Canyon Health Center, 830-597-6424, is located at 700 Frio St. in Camp Wood. For more information about Community Health Development, Inc. visit www. In Loving Memory Get Noticed. Victor M. “Pellit” Cruz, Jr September 22, 1980 – September 23, 2002 From time to time, through the years The world has brought me down to teach me about pain, And has filled my eyes with tears, but there came a day, that I could not understand and that was the day I had to start living in this world without you! Happy Birthday, Son Love you and miss you – Mom, Dad, Vincent & Sarah AD SIZE: 1X2 This ad space is available! Reduce Your Risk of Falling Schedule a Hearing Exam Today Study links untreated hearing loss with increased loss of balance.* Those with even mild hearing impairment are nearly three times as likely as those with normal hearing to suffer a fall. Hearing loss has also been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. That’s why a baseline hearing exam is strongly recommended at age 50. Why take a chance? If a hearing loss is found, hearing aids can reduce your risk of falling! Today’s hearing aids are simple to use, virtually undetectable and so comfortable, you’ll forget you’re wearing them. And, it feels so good to hear with ease. *Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging study. Maintain your independence! Get your hearing evaluated at Beltone. It’s fast, easy and FREE 800 $ off a pair of Beltone Promise hearing instruments.† 10/4/2013 CALL TODAY! FREE Comprehensive Hearing Screening CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! Classroom Uniform Sale We are your Downtown Uvalde source for your school & spirit clothing. EMBRODIERY SERVICES AVAILABLE SOUTHWEST UNIFORMS 223 N. Getty • Downtown Uvalde 830-591-9294 • [email protected] 91stANNUAL BBQ Chicken Supper & Country Store Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 Emmanuel Lutheran Church • Knippa, Texas from $ Serving 0 dine-in or take out! 7:3 5:30 to 7 Plate Includes: Half Chicken, Pinto Beans, Potato Salad, Pickles, Onions, Bread, Tea and/or Coffee and Pie! e.. Shop th Beltone Hearing Aid Center 2018 E. Main | Uvalde, Texas 830-278-8500 | 1-800-451-6241 Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Tim Peskie, BC-HIS 24 years Back to scho o l e r o t S y r t Coun Opens at 5 p.m.! For Baked Goods & Craft Items! Se habla Español • Accepting Most Insurance Companies for Reimbursement †Discount off MSRP and applies to Promise 17 and 9. $800 off single hearing aid. Cannot be combined with other offers, coupons or insurance plans. Previous purchases excluded. Participation may vary. See store for details. Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit. Beltone Hearing Care Centers are independently owned and operated. ©2013 Beltone A portion of the proceeds will be donated back to the community. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 UVALDE LEADER-NEWS 9A CHDI celebrates 30 years of medical service KIM EAGLE STAFF WRITER Rachel Gonzales-Hanson, chief executive officer of Community Health Development Inc., recently gave a presentation to the Uvalde Rotary Club about CHDI and what it does for the community. The presentation was part of CHDI’s 30th anniversary celebration. “CHDI and other health centers provide a local solution to the national problem of providing affordable health care by forming partnerships between people on the federal level and people on the community level,” said Gonzales-Hanson. “CHDI is a non-profit agency that provides primary health care with an integrated approach.” According to GonzalesHanson, health centers like CHDI are important because they serve people and communities not served by others. The services offered are open to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. CHDI has two locations in Uvalde, one in Leakey and one in Camp Wood. In 1984, CHDI operated out of an 800 square foot trailer with four employees. The organization was contracted with the hospital for physician coverage. In 1986, the first fulltime physician was hired and in 1991 the organization began operating an in-house pharmacy. In 2000, CHDI moved to South Evans Street and soon after began offering on-site dental services. From 2009-2013 a capital Rachel Gonzales-Hanson improvement project was carried out to make possible a new site that now houses three buildings that cost $7.2 million to erect. Gonzales-Hanson said that she hopes the final payment for that project will be made next month. In addition to routine medical care, CHDI makes Neal’s Dining Room TODAY, Sunday, Sept. 22 – 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mon. - Wed., Sept. 23-25 – 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 – 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 6 - 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27 – 7-8 a.m., 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28 – 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. DOWNTOWN CONCAN, TEXAS • (830) 232-5813 “This is not a duplicate count. These are actual people that we see,” said Gonzales-Hanson. “If you take into consideration our service area is about 30,000 in population, we are the medical and dental home for over one-third of the entire population of this area.” Of the 11,521 patients, 70 percent are insured and 76 percent are at or below 150 percent above poverty line. “We are actually seeing an increase in the working poor,” said Gonzales-Hanson. “So we have people who have jobs but have lost their insurance or people who have recently lost their jobs and insurance.” Today, CHDI operates on a $7 million operating budget provided by various sources. “The biggest amount is not from the federal government, or even from the state,” said Gonzales-Hanson. “The biggest amount is what people pay and available many services to the community, including dental care services, specialty case referrals, diagnostic lab and x-ray services, on-site pharmacy, disease screening, teaching kitchen, fitness center, and insurance exchange eligibility and registration. “Yes, we provide a service to the community and we are very honored to be able to do that, but what’s also important and something that people don’t always understand, is that we are an economic impact in the communities where we are located,” said Gonzales-Hanson. According to information from the 2008-2009 fiscal year, the total budget for CHDI was $6.1 million, and that includes salary for 93 jobs. “That is a great investment in our community,” said Gonzales-Hanson. In 2012, CHDI provided 24,709 medical and 9,115 dental visits to 11,521 patients. WE WANT TO MAKE YOU A LOAN PERSONAL LOAN$ 200 to $1318 $ Maria Ramirez -Manager and Gracie Torres - Assistant Manager New Name…Same Great Service PRESTAMOS DEL REY LOANS (Formerly Star Loans) 111 W. Nopal • Uvalde •278-1655 what we get from thirdparty contracts.” Nearly 41 percent of budget costs are paid from federal funds, 43 percent from program income, four percent by Uvalde County and the City of Uvalde, five percent from other income, and seven percent from in-kind. “So if you want to talk about how much of your money as tax payers is being spent... our total cost per patient per year is $530.23,” said GonzalesHanson. “I hope that you feel your money is well invested,” said Gonzales-Hanson. Gonzales-Hanson ended her presentation by thanking the Rotary Club and the city of Uvalde for supporting CHDI and all it does for the community. [email protected], 830-278-3335 Dr. roy ramirez, DC • Auto, Work & Sports Injuries • Massage Therapy • Acupuncture 119 E. Leona • Uvalde (830) 278-4880 Margie, Cookie and Dr. Roy Ramirez Open Mon-Wed-Fri 9-12 & 2-6 p.m. Most Insurance plus BCBS accepted. IT’S NOT TOO LATE JOIN US! 6th Annual Uvalde Walk for Autism Saturday, September 28 • 8 a.m. Onsite Registration 9 a.m. Opening Ceremony Southwest Texas Junior College 1 Mile Walk • 5K Run • Kids Fun Run Individual and team registration available Contact Amy Garcia (830) 279-2551 or Gina Stocks (830) 591-6866 Registration Forms available at Uvalde Chamber of Commerce or email a request to [email protected] or [email protected].
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