VALUATION REPORT of the real estate property 14.044,65 sqm land situated in Bucharest, 141-149 Belsugului str., district 6 Cadastral number 4080/1, Landbook 18274 Beneficiary : S.C. MALIBU INVEST S.R.L. Consignee of the work : S.C. MALIBU INVEST S.R.L. Valuator : ANGHEL ROCSANA MANUELA - December 2013The data, the information and the content of this report are confidential for third parties and consequently, they won’t be available for copying partially or totally and/or won’t be available for transmitting without the previous written consent of the Valuator. VALUATION REPORT STATEMENT OF CONFORMITY We hereby confirm the fact that we fully complied with the ethical and professional requirements, according by the Deontological Code, related to the performance of the job. The expressed analyses, opinions and conclusions were made in compliance with enforced evaluation standard requirements – ninth edition 2011, recommendations and work methodology endorsed by ANEVAR (National Association of Romanian Valuators). Valuator, Anghel Rocsana Manuela Real Estates Expert Valuator Titular member of the National Association of Romanian Valuators VALUATION REPORT SUMMARY OF THE VALUATION THE OBJECT OF THE EVALUATION: Open land within the built up area, with a total surface of 14.000 sq m from documents (14.044,65 sq m from cadastral measurements), located in Bucharest, 141-149 Belsugului Street, having the cadastral number 4080/1, registered within the Land Book no. 18274, not final, 6lh district, Bucharest. OWNER: SC MALIBU INVEST SRL TYPE OF VALUE: the correct value of the real estate property - open land - as defined within the International Standards of Evaluation 2011 - general framework.In this situation the correct value is the same as the market value, defined by the International Standards of Evaluation 2011 - general framework. THE PURPOSE AND UTILITY OF THE REPORT: Information about the market value of the property THE ADDRESSEE OF THE WORK: SC MALIBU INVEST SRL RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS: the real estate property is evaluated as being free of any charges, without restrictions, the ownership right being complete. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES: land in surface of 14.044,65 sq m located within the built up area of the Bucharest municipality, Military area - Iuliu Maniu, after the intersection with Valea Cascadelor and the subway station Pacii, on the Drumul Belsugului Street. The land has a double opening, to Drumul Belsugului Street - East, on one side, of 73,87 m and an opening at the Road on which (the former Viscolului road) -West, on one side, of 78,62 m. On the north side, the land borders a residential ensemble and on the South side there are other residential properties. The property has a plane surface, of approximately regular form. The area is expanding and developed mainly residentially, existing both individual villas as well as newly built apartment buildings. The majority of the streets are asphalted, the access being realized easily from Iuliu Maniu Boulevard. In the area are present all the city utilities - gas, sewerage, current water, electricity, telephone/cable TV. For the land, the Building Permit no, 422/10.10.2011 is available, for the execution of works for: residential ensemble "Stage 1" - 2 buildings (building 1 A and 2 A) with a height regime UG+GF+2F+F3 redrawn. Subsequent to the discussion borne with the representative of the owner on the land shall be built (in several stages) a residential ensemble of 7 apartment buildings, having a height regime UG+GF+2F+3F redrawn and the urban indicators according to the Detail Urban Plan for Drumul Belsugului Street, Percent of land occupation = 35%, Land utilization coefficient = 1,6 - Town planning Certificate 242/12D of 11.03.2011. On the date of the inspection the land was fenced and opened. VALUATION REPORT THE DATE OF THE INSPECTION: the inspection of the property has been concluded by the Valuator mentioned above on December 2013 DATE OF THE EVALUATION: December 2013 The present report contains 14(fourteen) pages, without annexes and has been executed in 3 (three) copies, in English , 2 (two) of which are for the client. 1.1. THE RESULT OF THE EVALUATION Subsequent to carrying out the approaches and the evaluation methods presented on this report the following estimated values for the real estate property undergone evaluation resulted: TV BY THE METHOD OF MARKET APPROACH = 125 EURO/sq m TV BY THE METHOD OF RESIDUAL VALUE = 128 EURO/sq m 1.2 THE OPINION OF THE EVALUATOR In the evaluator's opinion the estimated market value, for the real estate property evaluated - open land positioned within the built up area in surface of 14,000 sqm from the documents and 14.044,65 sq m( from the measurements) located in Bucharest, 141 - 149 Drumul Belsugului Street, 6lh district, having the cadastral number 4080/1 registered in the Land Book no. 18274, is of: TV =14.045 SQ M X 125 EURO/SQ M V PROPERTY = 1.751.236 EURO The estimated market value for the land by the market approach is chosen. The reasons based upon which this opinion has been elaborate, as well as the consideration regarding the value are: ¾ Value that has been articulated expressly considering the hypothesis, limitations and appreciations expressed in the present report. o Estimated value in EURO valid for such a period, whilst the conditions in which the evaluation has been realized (the status of the real estate market, the level of the demand and supply, inflation, evolution of the RON/EURO exchange rate) did not substantially change. On the real estate markets, the values may evolve ascending or descending together with the passage of time and their variation in connection to the euro exchange is not necessarily linear: ¾ The value is a prediction: ¾ The value does not take into consideration the environment responsibility; ¾ The value is subjective; The evaluation is an opinion over a value. The report has been prepared based upon standards, recommendation and working methodology recommended by ANEVAR (the National Association of Evaluators in Romania). VALUATION REPORT SUMMARY CONFORMITY DECLARATION I. SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION 1.1. Results of the evaluation 1.2. Opinion of the evaluator II. General information 2.1. Object of the evaluation ownership rights evaluated 2.2. Purpose of the evaluation 2.3. Client and addressee of the work (the instructions of the evaluation) 2.4. Basis of the evaluation: 2.4.1 Hypothesis and restrictive conditions; 2.4.2 Estimated value; 2.4.3 Date of the evaluation; 2.4.4 Date of the inspection; 2.4.5 Evaluation method utilized; 2.4.6 Methods and the terms of payment 2.5. Responsibilities towards third parties 2.6. Sources of information III. PRESENTATION OF THE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 3.1. Description of the location and of property 3.2. Analysis of the specific real estate market IV. EVALUATION OF THE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 4.1. Best exploitation (be) 4.2. Evaluation procedure (phases undertaken, sources of information) 4.3. Method o sales comparison 4.4. Method of residual value 4.5. Reconciliation of values 4.6. Estimation of the final value. The opinion of the evaluator V. THE EVALUATOR'S PRESENTATION ANNEXES VALUATION REPORT 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 OBJECT OF THE EVALUATION Open land in total surface of 14.000 sq m resulted from the documents (14,044,65 sq m from the cadastral measurements) located in Bucharest, 141-149 Drumul Belsugului Street, 6th district, having the cadastral number 4080/1, registered in the Land Book no. 18274 of the 6th district, Bucharest. From a legal point of view, the aforementioned land is presented as being the property of MALIBU INVEST SRL, based upon the following documents. - Sale purchase agreement authenticated under no. 337/14.06.2007; - Land Book excerpt no. 18274 not final/24.08.2011; Other documents provided: - Town planning certificate no. 242/12D of 11.03.2011 - Building permit no. 422/10.08.2011; - Registration no. 372785/22.08.2011; - Technical approval no. 103/23.05.2009 with plan annexed to the approval; - Site plan and limitation of the real estate property. According to the documents provided, the right of ownership over the real estate property is complete. Over the aforementioned there are no encumbrances or easements and no bank guarantees or mortgages, that limit the ownership right, are constituted, others than the ones established in favor of BANK LEUMI ROMANIA SA - as concluded from the discussions with the owner of the land. All the information has been considered believable and correct, without verifying the authenticity of the legal documents held. No responsibility is undertaken by the evaluator regarding the description of the legal situation or that of the grounds concerning the ownership documents. It is assumed that the ownership rights are valid and the property can be sold, if not specified otherwise. 2.2. PURPOSE OF THE EVALUATION The purpose of the evaluation: financial reports 2.3. THE CLIENT AND THE ADDRESSEE OF THE WORK This evaluation report is addressed to MALIBU INVEST SRL in its capacity of client and consignee of work - in its capacity as addressee. Taking into consideration the Statute of ANEVAR and the Deontological code of the evaluator profession, the evaluator does not undertake the responsibility except towards the client and the addressee. 2.4. THE BASIS OF THE EVALUATION At the basis of the evaluation stand a series of hypothesis and restrictive conditions, presented hereinafter. The opinion of the evaluator is expressed according to these hypothesis and conclusions, as well as the rest of the provisions of this report. 2.4.1. Hypothesis and restrictive conditions This report is concluded at the request of the client and for the specified purpose. The utilization of the report by a third party is not allowed, without the previous written approval of VALUATION REPORT the client, the author of the evaluation and that of the verifying evaluator. The responsibility is not undertaken towards any other person, except that of the client, addressee of the evaluation and that of those that have obtained the written approval and the responsibility for any prejudices suffered by any such person is not accepted, prejudices resulted as a consequence of the decisions or the action undertaken on the basis of this report. The evaluation report is valid only at the date of the evaluation. The evaluator is not responsible for the legal issues that affect either the real estate property evaluated either the ownership right over the aforementioned and those that are not known by the evaluator. To this end it is mentioned that there has not been undertaken any specific research within the archives and that the evaluator assumes that the ownership title is valid and may be transacted, that there are no debts in connection to the evaluated property and the aforementioned is no mortgaged or leased. If such a situation exists and it is known, this is mentioned in the report. The real estate property is evaluated based upon the premise that it is legally held (the ownership right is valid). It is assumed that the real estate property in question complies with the regulations regarding the urban documents, the construction laws and the sanitary regulations, and if the aforementioned conditions are not respected, the market value will be affected. The property has not been evaluated in detail. Any sketch from the evaluation report presents the approximated dimensions of the property and it is realized in order to help the reader of the report to visualize the property. Should there be relevant documents (cadastral measurements, expertise) these will have priority. If not shown otherwise in the report, it is understood that the evaluator does not have knowledge over the hidden or invisible status of the property (including, but not limited to the following, structure and state of the soil, physical structure, mechanical systems and other functioning systems, foundation etc.) or over the adverse environment conditions (on the real estate property in question or on an adjacent property, including the presence of dangerous substances, toxic substances etc.) that may increase or diminish the value of the property. It is assumed that, there are no such conditions, if they have not been observed at the moment of the inspection or have not become visible during the period of the development of the regular analysis, required for the elaboration of the evaluation report. This report must not be elaborated as an environment audit or as a detailed report of the status of the property, such information exceeding the margin of this report and/or the qualification of the evaluator. The evaluator does not offer explicit or implicit guarantees regarding the status in which the property is found and is not responsible for the existence of such situations and that of the possible consequences thereof and for the eventual technical testing processes required for their discovery. The evaluator obtains information, estimates and necessary opinions required for the elaboration of the evaluation report, from sources that he considers reliable and the evaluator considers the aforementioned to be true and correct. The evaluator does not undertake the responsibility with respect to the accuracy of the information supplied by third parties. The content of this report is confidential for the client and the addressee and the author shall not disclose it to a third party, except the situations observed by the International Standard of Evaluation and/or when a judicial authority becomes interested in the property. The evaluator has agreed to undertake the mission granted by the client named in the report, for the purpose of utilization specified by the client and for the scope observed in the report. The written consent of the evaluator and that of the verifying evaluator (should this VALUATION REPORT last one be required), must be obtained prior to any part of the evaluation report be utilized, for any purpose, by any party, except the client and the creditor, or other addressees of the evaluation that have been mentioned in this report. The written consent and the approval must be obtained before the evaluation report (or any part thereof) may be amended or transmitted to a third party, including other mortgagee, others than the client or other categories of public, by prospects, memos, publicity, public relations, information, sale or other means. The evaluation report is not destined for the insurer of the evaluated property and the value observed in the evaluation report has no connection with the insurance value. 2.4.2. THE ESTIMATED VALUE The evaluation realizes according to the present report represent an estimate of the fair value, the same as the market value in the present situation, of the real estate property, the least being the object of the International Standard of Evaluation IVS 1 (that has a mandatory character for the ANEVAR members). The standard is applicable to the market value of a property, usually real estate property and to the aggregated elements thereof. • DEFINITION OF THE FAIR VALUE "The market value represents the amount for which an asset may be exchanged between two interested parties, knowingly in a transaction where the price is determined objectively." • DEFINITION OF THE MARKET VALUE “The market value is the estimated amount for which an asset might be exchanged on its valuation date, between a determined buyer and a determined seller, in a correct transaction, after an appropriate marketing and where the parties acted knowingly, prudently and without constraint. “ 2.4.3. THE DATE OF THE EVALUATION The evaluation has been based upon the information regarding the level of prices corresponding to the month of December 2013, the date for which the hypothesis taken into account and the estimated values are considered valid by the evaluator. The opinion regarding the market value of the real estate property has taken into account the dates and the information held or gathered by the evaluator in December 2013 2.4.4. THE DATE OF THE INSPECTION The inspection of the real estate property has been realized by the Valuator mentioned. No investigations regarding the possible contaminations of the land or the adjacent sites have been realized. 2.4.5. THE EVALUATION METHOD UTILIZED The fundament of the evaluation realized in the present report is the market value as it has been previously defined. For determining this value, the following methods have been applied: The method of market approach The method of residual value. By applying these methods a series of values have been obtained, that have been VALUATION REPORT interpreted by the evaluator and the reconciliation thereof the opinion of the evaluator has formed regarding the market value that may be obtained in the respective area and at the date of the evaluation. 2.4.6. THE METHODS AND THE TERMS OF PAYMENT The value presented as opinion in the present evaluation report represents the market value of the real estate property evaluated and is considered payable in full (cash) without special payment conditions (installments, leasing etc.). 2.5. RESPONSIBILITIES TOWARDS THIRD PARTIES This evaluation report has been realized based upon the documents attesting the ownership right and the information connected to the history and the exploitation of the premises, supplied by the beneficiary's representative, at the moment when the property was inspected, the accuracy and precision of the data supplied being the responsibility thereof. The values estimated by the evaluator are valid at the date of the present report. The opinion of the evaluator needs to be analyzed within the general economical framework at the date of the evaluation when the evaluation operation took place, the development stage of the real estate market and the purpose of this report. If the aforementioned changes significantly in the future, the evaluator shall not be held responsible but solely within the limit of the information available and known at the date of the evaluation. This evaluation report is confidential, destined solely to the observed purpose and only for the use of the client. No responsibility is accepted should it be transmitted to another person, either for the declared purpose, either for other purpose, in any circumstance. 2.6. THE INFORMATION SOURCES The information sources at the basis of the elaboration of this evaluation report have been: ¾ Information regarding the legal and technical status of the real estate property provided by the beneficiary of the work; ¾ Information taken from real estate sellers and buyers on the specific real estate market, information that has been integrated in the analysis of the real estate market; ¾ Information taken from the data base of the evaluator. VALUATION REPORT 3. PRESENTATION OF THE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCATION AND OF PROPERTY The property is located within the built up area of the Bucharest municipality. Military area - Iuliu Maniu, after the intersection with Valea Cascadelor and the subway station Pacii, on the Drumul Belsugului Street. The land has a surface of 14.000 sq m (14.0444, 65 sq m from the cadastral measurements). The land has a double opening, to Drumul Belsugului Street - on the East side on one side of 73,87 m and an opening to the Road that (former Visolului Street) - on the East side on one side of 78, 62 m. On the North side, the land is neighboring a residential ensemble and on the South side there are other residential properties. The property has a flat surface, a regular shape. The zone is in expansion and developed above all residentially, there are individual villas as well as apartment buildings newly developed. The majority of the streets are asphalted, the access being done easily from Iuliu Maniu Boulevard. In the area there are present all urban utilities - gas, sewerage, current water, electricity, telephone/ cable TV. For the land there is the Construction permit no. 422/10.08.2011 for the execution of works, such as: residential ensemble "Stage 1" - 2 buildings (building 1A and 2A) with a height regime U+GF+2F+F3 redrawn. From the discussions held with the owner, on the land it shall be developed (in several stages) a residential ensemble of 7 apartment buildings, with a height regime UG+GF+2F+F3 redrawn and the urban markers according to the Urban Development Plan Drumul Belsugului Street, PERCENT OF LAND OCCUPATION = 35%, LAND UTILIZATION COEFFICIENT = 1, 6 - Town planning Certificate 24D/12D of 11.03.2011. At the date of the inspection, the land is enclosed and open. 3.2. ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIFIC REAL ESTATE MARKET 3.2.1. Definition of the market - analysis of specific data Real estate market can be defined as being the interaction between the persons (natural or legal) that trade ownership rights in exchange for other goods, like money. This market is defined based upon the type of property, the potential to produce incomes, location, characteristics of the investors and the typical lessees. the real estate market is influenced by the attitudes, motivations and interactions of the sellers and the buyers and has different characteristics that the ones of the efficient markets (is very sensible to the situation of the labor market and the income stability, the purchasing decisions being influenced by the type of financing, duration of the reimbursement and the interest rate is a market that does not auto regulate, but is affected by many government and local rulings, the information regarding similar transactions are not immediately available, there are delays between the supply and demand, the demand may be volatile due to rapid changes in the size and structure of the population). Considering the estimations regarding "the best employment", we can speak of the VALUATION REPORT residential market - apartment buildings. Close to the property the following residential ensembles are located: • Militari Residence - ensemble composed of 23 buildings with 1.200 apartments, underground and at ground floor parking spaces, a park of 1.000 sq m, kinder garden, after-school, health club, event center etc. The sale price of the apartments starts from 700Euro/ utilized sq m. • Style Residence - a residential complex composed of 114 apartments located in a building with 5 entrances, having a height regime of UG+GF+4F. The selling price of the apartments starts from 700 Euro/sq m. • Ten Blocks - residential ensemble comprising 10 buildings with a number of 420 apartments, 257 underground parking spaces and storage spaces, 254 above ground parking spaces. The ensemble benefits from access with magnetic card, green spaces, walks, playground for children, parking spaces available for the entire family but also for the visitors. The selling price of the apartments starts from 700 - 800 Euro/ built sq m. The advantages of the area consist in the small distance towards the major means of auto transportation and the easy access to the rest of the areas of the city. Near there are numerous means of public transportation: subway station Pacii as well as trolleybuses and buses. Also, close there are schools, high schools and commercial centers such as: Auchan, Carrefour, Metro, Praktiker, and Bricostore. In analyzing this market we have investigated issues connected to the economic and social situation and urban development of the area and subarea, population in the area, trends of the past years, specific demand and the competitive offer for the type of property limited. The market for land has known a significant evolution over the years, its development being in direct relationship with the other segments of the real estate market, but in the course of last year the supply prices for land in the capital and surrounding areas of the capital have decreased significantly, but the transactions do not take place even at lower prices so that the real value of these properties is difficult to observe. 3.2.2. ANALYSIS OF THE REQUEST The request is stagnating. 3.2.3. ANALYSIS OF THE SUPPLY In the analyzed area the supply for open available for sale lands is limited. 3.2.4. THE BALANCE OF THE MARKET In the light of the above described in the previous chapters, it may be considered that at the moment the real estate market for similar properties in the analyzed area is in a virtual imbalance due to the limited supply (actual and potential) and the stagnating demand, constituted by real estate developers. In conclusion, we have a buyer’s market. VALUATION REPORT 4. EVALUATION OF THE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY BEST EXPLOITATION The concept of best exploitation represents the exploitation alternative for the selected property out of the various possible options that shall constitute the starting point and shall generate the working hypothesis required for the implementation of the evaluation methods in the subsequent chapters of the work. The best exploitation - is defined as the reasonable exploitation, probable and legal of an open land or built that is materially possible, properly motivated, and financially feasible and that has as a result the best value. The best exploitation is analyzed in the situation of the open land. The best exploitation of a real estate property must fulfill four criteria, it must be: • Legally permitted • Materially possible • Financially feasible • Maximum profitable Taking into consideration these aspects the best exploitation shall be determined in the situation of the land considered as open for the real estate property analyzed. According to the provisions of the Detailed Urbanistic Plan "6th district Coordinator" the land is part of the subarea Lla - individual and collective small residences with maximum GF+2 levels located outside the protected perimeters, on traditional plots, spontaneous. For this area, according to the Detailed Urbanistic Plan we have the following urban markers: PERCENT OF LAND OCCUPATION max = 35% and LAND UTILIZATION COEFFICIENT max = 1, 6; Height regime UG+GF+2F+F3 redrawn. Considering the above issues, the best exploitation of the land is represented by the development over the land, of a residential building. 4.1 4.2. EVALUATION PROCEDURE (PHASES UNDERTAKEN, SOURCES OF INFORMATION) The basis of the evaluation realized in this report is the market value, as it has been defined above. In order to determine this value the following methods have been applied: - method of market approach and - method of residual value By using these methods a series of values have been obtained, that have been interpreted by an evaluator and by the reconciliation thereof the opinion of the evaluator has formed regarding the market value possibly obtainable in the respective area and at the date of the evaluation. 4.1.1 STEPS UNDERTAKEN ¾ The documentation, based upon a list of information supplied by the owner; ¾ The inspection of the site and that of the area; ¾ Establishing the limitation and the hypothesis that stood at the basis of elaborating the report; ¾ Selection of the type of estimated value in the present report; ¾ Analysis of the collected information, interpretation of results from the evaluators' stand point; VALUATION REPORT ¾ Appling the evaluation methods considered proper for establishing the value of the real estate property. ¾ The evaluation procedure is according to the standards, recommendations and working methodology recommended by ANEVAR. 4.3. METHOD OF MARKET APPROACH The method of sales comparison utilizes the comparative analysis: estimation of the market value is done by analyzing the market in order to find similar properties and the comparison thereof with the evaluated property. The major principle of the method is that the market value of a real estate property is in direct relationship with the prices of competitive and comparable properties. The comparative analysis is based upon the resemblances and the differences between properties and transactions that influence the value. Is a global method that applies the information obtained following the report demand - supply on the real estate market, reflected in the mass - media or other sources of information: it is based upon the value resulted subsequent to transactions with real estate realized in the area. For the estimation of the market value of the asset and through this method, the evaluator considered the information observed in the supply for comparable lands, taking into consideration the fact that for the real estate we have a Construction permit for the project anticipated by the beneficiary. As such, subsequent to applying the corrections, the market value of the property is by rounding off the following: TV BY MARKET APPROACH = 125 EUR/ SQ M V property = 1,751,236 euro 4.4. METHOD OF RESIDUAL VALUE The method of the residual value consists in establishing the value of the land through the deduction from the estimated market value of the project to be developed on the land, in the current situation - of the necessary costs for realizing the construction as well as that of a reasonable profit of the investor. This method is based upon the contribution concept, estimating what part of the future incomes of the residential ensemble that shall be built is attributable to the land and to the constructions to be built on the land. The estimation of the incomes and costs for the realization of the project - anticipated by the beneficiary - is based upon the information from the real estate market for apartments located in new apartment buildings for the estimation of the incomes and from the construction market for estimating the average costs for construction. As such, the beneficiary anticipates the construction of a project - Residential ensemble on Drumul Belsugului Street of 7 apartment buildings, with a height regime UG+GF+2F+F3rdrawn. The Construction permit no.422 of 10.08.2011 has been obtained for beginning the first stage "Stage I" - construction of 2 buildings (building 1A and 2A). The market value of the land obtained by the residual method has been established based upon the project anticipated by the beneficiary of this report. In conclusion, we have: VALUATION REPORT TV BY RESIDUAL METHOD = 128 EUR/SQ M V property = 1,791,822 euro 4.5. RECONCILIATION OF VALUES Subsequent to applying the approaches and evaluation methods presented in this report resulted the following estimated values for the evaluated real estate property: TV BY THE METHOD OF MARKET APPROACH TV BY THE METHOD OF RESIDUAL VALUE 4.6. = = 125 EURO/sq m 128 EURO/sq m ESTIMATION OF THE FINAL VALUE, THE OPINION OF THE EVALUATOR Cautiously is chosen the estimated market value for the land by the method of the market approach. In the opinion of the evaluator, the estimated value for the real estate property evaluated - open land within the built up area in total surface of 14.000 sq m from documents (14.044, 65 sq m from the cadastral measurements) located in Bucharest, 141-149 Drumul Belsugului Street, 61 district, having the cadastral number 4080/1, registered in the Land Book no. 18274 of the 6th district is of: TV =14.045 SQ M X 125 EURO/SQ M V PROPERTY = 1,751,236 EURO VALUATION REPORT ANNEXES VALUATION REPORT PRESENTATION OF THE VALUATOR Anghel R ocsana Manuela domiciled in Bucharest, district 6, 13 Timisoara Blv. , Bl. B2, Apartment 2, personal number 2600523400542 – holder of the certifications: - NATIONAL VALUATORS’ ASSOCIATION FROM ROMANIA - Titular member card no. 17303 EVALUAREA TERENULUI Abordarea prin Piata Elemente de comparatie Terenul evaluat Preţ unitar ofertare (Euro / mp) corecţie pentru ofertă (Euro / mp) Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) Drept de proprietate corecţie pentru dr. de proprietate (Euro / mp) Deplin Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) Conditii de finantare corecţie pentru conditii de finantare (Euro / mp) la piata Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) Conditii de vanzare Independent corecţie pentru conditii de vanzare (Euro / mp) Anexa 1 Teren comparabil "A" (oferta) 150 -5% -8 143 Deplin 0% 0 143 la piata 0% 0 143 Independent Teren comparabil "B" (oferta) 125 -5% -6 119 Deplin 0% 0 119 la piata 0% 0 119 Independent 0% 0% Localizare Militari - Preciziei 0 5.000 3.000 12.200 0% -6 0% nu 0% 0% 0 56,00 33m (doua deschideri) 5% 5% 7 Forma teren corecţie pentru forma teren (Euro / mp) 6 similar regulata 0% toate utilitatile similar 0% 0% 0 toate toate 0% 0% 0 Caracteristici economice corecţie pentru caracteristici economice (Euro / mp) 0 similar nu e cazul 0% similar 0% 0% 0 rezidential, Autorizatie de construire rezidential/comercia P+2E+E3 retras, POT l/ industrial 35%, CUT = 1,6 3% corecţie pentru cea mai buna utilizare (Euro / mp) corecţie pentru componente non-imobiliare (Euro / mp) Preţ corectat final (Euro / mp) Corecţie totală brută (valoric din preţul de vânzare) Corecţie totală brută (% din preţul de vânzare) rezidential 5% 5% 6 similar nu e cazul 0 rezidential 4 Componente non-imobiliare 0 similar 0 Utilizare 0 toate 0% corecţie pentru utilitati (Euro / mp) 5 similar 0 Utilitati 0 26 5% corecţie pentru deschidere (Euro / mp) 0 nu 0 Deschidere (ml) 10 105 -5% nu 78,62 ml - la Drum lateral; 73,87 ml - la Drumul Belsugului Militari 10% 119 -5% nu 0 Militari Rosu -7 Suprafata ocupata la sol corecţie pentru suprafata ocupata la sol (Euro / mp) 0 95 0% 135 14.045 5 similar 0% similar 0% 0% 0 140 0 0 125 25,65 0 0% -7 Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) Caracteristici fizice teren Suprafata totala teren (mp) corecţie pentru suprafata totala teren (Euro / mp) 95 Independent 119 -5% corecţie pentru localizare (Euro / mp) 0% 0 143 Militari - Str. Drumul Belsugului 0 95 la piata 95 30.09.2013 0% 0 Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) 0% 119 30.09.2013 0% -5 95 Deplin 0 143 30.09.2013 december 2013 corecţie pentru conditiile pietei (Euro / mp) "C" (oferta) 100 -5% 0% 0 Preţ corectat (Euro / mp) Conditiile pietei Teren comparabil 114 17,81 18% 15% Valoare estimata - (Euro / mp) 125 140 125 Nota: Se alege valoarea de piata obtinuta in urma corectiilor - a comparabilei B intrucat are corectia bruta minima. 1.751.235,94 euro 19,00 20% 114 Anexa 2 EVALUAREA TERENULUI Metoda Valorii Reziduale Suprafata teren Suprafata construita la sol Suprafata construita desfasurata totala Suprafata construita totala subsol fisa 2- Matrix 14.044,65 4.915,63 19.500,00 0,00 mp mp mp mp VENITURI TOTALURI Cota Suprafata construita (mp)/ nr. locuri Rezidential 19.500 Parcari supraterane simple 281 Parcari subterane simple TOTAL VENITURI EUR/ mp EUR/ loc 670 2.000 - 13.065.000 562.000 13.627.000 COSTURI Constructii Suprafata construita (mp) Rezidential 19.500 Subsol Parcaje, trotuare, circulatii, piste biciclete 6.000 Amenajari peisagistice 3.129 EUR/ mp 460 - 8.970.000 - 20 3 120.000 9.387 9.099.387 Dezvoltare Infrastructura Proiectare Regie Autorizatii construire 3% 3% 2% 1,0% 272.982 272.982 181.988 90.994 818.945 1,5% 1,0% 1% 204.405 136.270 90.994 431.669 Vanzare & Marketing Vanzare Marketing Taxe 13.627.000 vanzare Costuri bancare 1% Cheltuieli neprevazute 3% 136.270 272.982 TOTAL COSTURI Profitul dezvoltatorului Valoare reziduala 10.759.252 10% din costuri 1.075.925 euro 1.791.822 EUR/ mp 128 ,'UXQ Teren intravilan deschidere: 60 m • Zona: • Reper: 5000 mp: 60 m: Militari Iuliu Maniu - Preciziei suprafata teren deschidere PRET: 150,00 EURO/mp Dotari / Utilitati / Informatii Utile 5000 mp - total teren, CUT : 2,5 strazi amenajate, acces stradal curent electric 220V, curent electric 380V, apa, gaze, telefon, mijloace de transport destinatii: rezidenta, centru de afaceri, comercial, industrial, hotel, benzinarie, teren intravilan contr. vanzare-cumparare vecinatati:RATB, drum national Alte Informatii Teren cu suprafata de 5.000 mp si deschidere staradala de 56m situat intr-o zina mixta apropiata de Iuliu Maniu si Autostrada Bucuresti - Pitesti.Se pot dezvolta urmatoarele activitati : Showroom, spatiu logistic, spatiu pentru depozitare, spatiu productie, birouri etc. Toate utilitatile. Acces TIR. Alte poze COORDONATE DE CONTACT PROMARK Str. Maior Racoteanu, Nr. 8, Et. 4, Ap. executiv nr. 6, Sector 3, Bucuresti Email: [email protected] Telefon: 0730.032.058. Contact: Emil Petre Contact agentie Telefoane: 021. 326.33.60 / 61. 0729-245.990. Fax: 021.326.07.12 Email: [email protected] WEB: Printat la 2013-09-30 14:43:51 pagina 1 / 1 ID: 522run1364 Teren • Zona: • Reper: 3000 mp: Militari Rosu padure suprafata teren PRET: 125,00 EURO/mp Dotari / Utilitati / Informatii Utile 3000 mp - total teren strazi amenajate, acces stradal, acces mixt curent electric 220V, canalizare, gaze, mijloace de transport contr. vanzare-cumparare, carte funciara, rol fiscal vecinatati: magazine, gradinita, scoala, transport in comun, parc, lac, padure, restaurant Alte Informatii Militari rosu spate padure 4700mp d=26ml la strada cu toate utilitatile;canalizare ,gaze,asfalt curent ,cartier de vile zona curata si selecta .,parcelabil la cerere in loturi 1000mp, Alte poze Harta COORDONATE DE CONTACT Printat la 2013-09-30 14:54:40 pagina 1 / 2 TENTANT IMOBILIARE Str. Petru Poni nr. 6, ap. 2 Sector 1 Contact: Nicu Lautaru Email: [email protected] Telefon: 0729.158.583 Contact agentie Telefoane: 0720.009.999 Fax: Email: [email protected] WEB: Printat la 2013-09-30 14:54:41 Powered by TCPDF ( pagina 2 / 2 - fiT }F ft - AhIAFI tr#iHiffiffi IMOBILIARA BUCUREST] SECTOR6 SI PUBLICITATE OFICIULDE CADASTRU Dosarulnr.372785| 22.08.N11 Nr.372785 INCHEIERE GEORGE ROSIORU Registrator CRISTINA PETRE Asistent - registrator Asupracereriiintrodusede SC MALIBUINVESTSRLprivindinscriereain carteafunciaravazand referatulasistentului - registrator, conditiileprevazutela art.48 din Legea in sensulca nu existapiedicila inscriere,fiindindeplinite pentruAlte 60 lei, de cu Chitanta 0933349122-08-2011 tarifulachitatin suma 7t1996- republicata, radierea) avandcodulnr.2.4.2 notari(inclusiv DISPUNE: emisade de Construirenr. 422110.08.2011 Se noteazain carteafunciaracu nr. 18273,Autorizatia (bloc 1A si 2A " Etapa| " - 2 cladiri unuiansamblu residential 6, privindconstruirea Primaria sectorului cu regimde inaltimeP+2E+ 3E retras SC MALIBUINVESTSRL se va comunica: Prezenta carese depunela Oficiulde in termende 15zilede la comunicare, Cu dreptde reexaminare de se inscriedinoficiuin carteafunciarasise solutioneaza lmobiliara, si Publicitate Cadastru sef. catreregistratorul la datade: Solutionata 4; 20ll pagina 1t1 ;fs Jy ,rf . &h{fiP,il Nr.cerere375854 Zi ua24 Luna08 Anul2011 JrG*r*TI* tC*TltrH!$rS s . f,{D 4i !l t di } rsrta$tTir* tuf rlrt{*i OFICIULDE CADASTRUSI PUBLICITATEIMOBILIARABUCURESTISECTOR6 EXTRASDE CARTEFUNCIARA pentru INFORMARE CarteafunciaraINDlVlDUALAcu nr.'1827 4 NEDEFIN ITIVA Municipiu BUCURESTI SECTOR A . P a rt e a l-a tlr. lrt. 1 Nr.cadsautopo Descrierea imobilului Suprafata 4080/1 BUCURESTI SECTOR 6, DRUMULBELSUGULUI numaruf141-149.Descriere constructie: TERENlN MP DINACTESI 14044.65 SUPRAFATA DE 14OOO MP DINMASURATORI 14000MP Observatii B. Partea a ll-a Nr. Numesi prenumeproprietar Crt. 3 SCMALIBUINVESTSRL- 1/1 4 lnscrieriprivitoare la proprietate Observatii lncheierenr.874454I 18.06.2007 in baza: CONTRACTVANZARE-CUMPARARE nr. 337I 14.06.2007 emisde BNPGOGOLANRARES IONUTse INTABULEMA dreptulde PROPRIETATE asupraPl/ 1 cu titlude CUMPARARE. Subnumarul372785122.08.2011 : Se noteaza in carteafunciaracu nr. 18273,Autorizatia de Construire nr. 422110.08.201 1 emisade Primariasectorului 6, privindconstruirea unui ansambluresidential " Etapa| " - 2 cladiri(bloc 1A si 2A)cu reoimde inaltimeP+zE+ 3E retras Pv1 PV1 Pagina 1 | 2 \ \ G. Parteaa-lll-a Nr. Inscrieriprivitoarela sarcini Crt. nr. GARANTIE IMOBILIARA l12.06.2009 in baza:CONTRACT nr.296186 3 lncheiere dreptulde 1615111.06.2008 emisde BNPlLlE LAURAMARCELAse INTABULEAZA IPOTECAin favoareaBANKLEUMIROMANIASA pentrusarcini:Dreptde ipotecapentru si comisioane EURO+ dobanzi,costuri,penalitati, creditin sumade max.1.420.000 cu notarea cheltuieliaferente,conformcontractuluide creditnr. 42O111.06.2008, grevare,dezmembrare, alipire,construire, constituire ca aport de instrainare, interdictiilor in naftrra 4 la nqnilalrrl cnnial al rrrarrnai cnnialafi cr'rmorniqle ci innhiriora acrrnra Observatii PV1 Pl/ 1 BNP 898/09.06.2009 Subnumarul236499I 12.06.2009: 1615/2008 BNPllieLauraMarcela,c3 llie LauraMarcela,la contractulde inscrisedejacu interdictiilede restructurare si urmarea completariiinterdictiilor str.Drumul sector belsugului nr.141-149, situatin Bucuresti, asupraimobilului amenajare, SC MalibulnvestSRL CFI18274.proprietatea 6 numarcadastral408011 PV1 de acestbirou. Certificca prezentulextrascorespundeintrutotulcu pozitiilein vigoaredin cartefunciaraoriginala,pastrata poate actelor conform cererii nu valabil la incheierea fi utilizat si este Prezentulextras de carte funciara autentificatede notarul public. Pagina2l 2 Localizarea pe harta a proprietatii