2014 Annual Gala - The Jewish Community Relations Council of


2014 Annual Gala - The Jewish Community Relations Council of
2014 Annual Gala
Monday, June 16, 2014 / 18 Sivan 5774
Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah
Paul S. Berger
Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld and Jeffrey S. Distenfeld
William C. Daroff
Welcome from the Chairs
We are privileged and honored to be chairing tonight’s gala celebrating
another year of JCRC community leadership and accomplishments.
Since 1938, the JCRC has advocated for Jewish institutions and values
at all levels of government, stood in solidarity with Israel during times
of peace and conflict, collaborated with our partners of other faith,
ethnic, and minority communities to build a better world for all, and
worked to create a society based on freedom and justice.
Tonight’s honorees have provided tremendous leadership and
extraordinary service to our community. Paul Berger will receive
the Breslau-Goldman Award, Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld the
Community Leadership Award, and William Daroff the Distinguished
Service Award. All of our honorees are exemplary Jewish leaders whose
efforts have had a transformative impact on the Jewish community of
Greater Washington and the United States, and on our brothers and
sisters in Israel and around the world.
We feel truly blessed to be affiliated with an organization so committed
to serving the Jewish community at home and abroad.
We thank all of you for joining us here tonight and providing the
JCRC with the resources it needs to make a positive impact on so many
Jewish institutions and individuals.
We wish the JCRC continued success and look forward to what the
future holds.
Sharis and Thorn Pozen
Bunny and Jerome Chapman
Chairs, JCRC 2014 Annual Gala
Arlene and Robert Kogod
Honorary Chairs, JCRC 2014 Annual Gala
Sharis & Thorn Pozen and Bunny & Jerome Chapman
Event Chairs
Joseph Sandler
Gerrald (Jerry) Silverman
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Jewish Federations of North America
William C. Daroff
Shelby Distenfeld and David Distenfeld
Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld & Jeffrey S. Distenfeld
His Excellency Ron Dermer
Israel’s Ambassador to the United States
Paul S. Berger
Ronald Halber
Welcome from the President
and Executive Director
Dear Friends:
Thank you for joining us this evening, in our 76th year of community
activism, as we celebrate JCRC’s accomplishments on behalf of the
Jewish people locally, in Israel, and around the world.
The JCRC has helped to secure tens of millions of government dollars
for Jewish agencies to help vulnerable citizens. We have successfully
represented the public policy interests of the Jewish community to
state and local governments; created dynamic and innovative pro-Israel
initiatives; dramatically increased vital relationships with other faith,
ethnic, and minority groups; and provided hands on opportunities
to engage in social justice. Our organization also remains focused on
Jewish communal security, ensuring a welcome environment for Jewish
individuals in public schools and civic institutions, and Holocaust
remembrance and education.
We are proud to salute tonight’s extraordinary honorees – Paul Berger,
Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld, and William Daroff – for their exemplary
service to our community. They have set a standard for leadership and
dedication that has helped our Jewish institutions become models for
Jewish communities across the nation.
Our deepest appreciation to Sharis and Thorn Pozen, Bunny and
Jerome Chapman, and Arlene and Robert Kogod for their passionate
leadership and dedication in chairing tonight’s gala. Thank you to the
JCRC’s executive committee, board, and staff for your outstanding
efforts in making tonight’s event a spectacular success. Our gratitude
to our Development Committee for their philanthropic outreach.
Thank you to our colleagues at the Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington and all of our sister agencies for being such great partners
and supporters.
And we thank you, our supporters, for joining us this evening.
We look forward to another year of Jewish community success.
Joe Sandler
Ron Halber
Executive Director
Welcome from the
Jewish Federation of
Greater Washington
To our Friends at the JCRC:
Congratulations on another wonderful year! Your success ranged from
securing government funds, to remembering the Shoah, to working
actively on the release of community member Alan Gross, to advocating
for Israel. Yasher koach on all that you do.
Tonight’s honorees – and The Jewish Community Relations Council are vital to the strength of our community!
A very special mazel tov to Paul Berger, Yvonne and Jeff Distenfeld,
and William Daroff on their honors this evening.
Each represents the very best in leadership, working tirelessly on the
front lines and behind the scenes to make our community a caring and
inclusive place, one in which no one is left behind. Their leadership
in Federation and in the community is extraordinary and we are most
grateful to each for their efforts and success in helping to build an
extraordinary community.
Liza Levy
Steven A. Rakitt
The Jewish Community Relations Council is proud to be a partner agency
of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
2014 Honorees
presented to
William C. Daroff
William Daroff, Senior Vice President for Public Policy and Director
of the Washington Office of The Jewish Federations of North
America, was named by The Jewish Daily Forward as being among
the fifty most influential Jews in America.
As the chief lobbyist and principal spokesperson on public policy
and international affairs for the 153 Jewish Federations and more
than 300 independent communities represented by JFNA, William ensures that the
voice of Jewish Federations is a prominent force in the Nation’s Capitol.
William guides the Jewish community’s advocacy efforts on the Federation movement’s
key domestic policy issues, principally on health and human services, such as Medicare
and Medicaid, long-term care, and policies affecting older Americans and those with
disabilities, as well as homeland security programs and strengthening the capacity of
charities to care for those in need.
In addition to his focus on domestic policy, William is a key player in foreign policy
circles – advising policy-makers and elected officials on Jewish communal concerns,
principally those related to the U.S.-Israel relationship, the Middle East conflict, and
efforts to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear capacity. He is also a leader in the
worldwide fight to combat the assault on Israel’s legitimacy, acting as a key steward of
the Federation movement’s Israel Action Network and serving on both the steering
committee of the Prime Minister of Israel’s Global Task Force and the Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization’s Working Group.
William is also a social networking pioneer and evangelist. He has twice been named
by JTA as being among the top five most influential Jewish Twitterers in the world,
and was named by the National Jewish Outreach Program as one of the top ten
Jewish influencers in social media. Follow him at www.Twitter.com/Daroff.
William received his Bachelor Degree (summa cum laude) in Political Science &
History, Master’s Degree in Political Science, and Juris Doctorate from Case Western
Reserve University in Cleveland.
He lives in suburban Washington, DC, with his wife, Heidi Krizer Daroff, and their
two children. The couple met in Krakow, Poland, while studying at Jagiellonian
University, from which they both received certificates in the history of Eastern
European Jewry and the Holocaust.
2014 Honorees
presented to
Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld and
Jeffrey S. Distenfeld
Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld and Jeffrey S. Distenfeld are a dynamic duo of Jewish
leadership, widely admired and appreciated for their years of passionate activism,
charitable giving, and leading by example. Yvonne is known for her intellect, hard work,
and warmth. Jeffrey always exercises great judgment, is thoughtful in his counsel, and
is a true mensch. They support numerous charitable organizations locally, nationally,
and in Israel, and together, they have worked tirelessly to ensure our community’s
institutions receive the guidance and philanthropic resources required to help the
vulnerable and world Jewry.
A native Washingtonian and active philanthropist for over thirty years, Yvonne’s nonprofit involvement
has been concentrated predominantly on Jewish community leadership. Her most extensive focus is with
the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, where she currently serves on the Board of Directors as well
as on the Women’s Philanthropy Advisory Council, is a member of the planning and allocations team,
and is a long-time fundraiser/ambassador. Yvonne also is a trustee of the United Jewish Endowment Fund
and is co-chair of the community-wide Create a Jewish Legacy Program, ensuring that our community
will have the necessary resources to thrive for generations. Over the years, Yvonne has held countless
leadership positions in The Federation, including Executive Committee member, Inaugural Co-Chair
of The Network, Vice President of Women’s Philanthropy, Co-Chair of Philanthropic Leadership, and
Co-Chair of the 2012 Annual Meeting. She was the Co-Founder of the Women’s Philanthropy VOICES
event, and in 2008, she received The Federation’s Campaigner of the Year Award. Nationally, she is a
past National Women’s Philanthropy Board member, and in 2012, Yvonne and Jeffrey served as co-chairs
of the Jewish Federations of North America’s mission to Ethiopia and Israel, Completing the Journey.
She is also a board member of the Jewish Social Service Agency, a past board member of B’nai Israel
Congregation, and is involved with AIPAC and various other local and national organizations. Active
with Cornell University, her undergraduate alma mater, Yvonne is President of the Cornell University
College of Human Ecology Alumni Association Board and a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council.
Professionally, Yvonne was Founder/President of Lawyers on Call, Inc. (1993-2011), and former Senior
Vice President/General Counsel of C.R.I., Inc. (1984-1992). In addition to her undergraduate degree
from Cornell University, she has a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.
A third generation Washingtonian, Jeffrey devotes most of his philanthropic time to the Jewish Federation
of Greater Washington and Charles E. Smith Life Communities (CESLC). At CESLC, Jeffrey is
currently Vice-Chair of Development; a member of the Board of Governors; serves on the Development,
Finance, Leadership Development, and Guardian Campaign Committees; and is a former co-chair of
the Guardian Campaign. Jeffrey’s involvement with The Federation began in Young Leadership in the
1980s. Since then he has been a regular solicitor/ambassador for the Annual Campaign, co-chaired the
Real Estate Affinity for several years, and now participates on the Philanthropic Leadership Team. He also
co-chaired The Federation’s participation in Yachad’s annual “Sukkoth in Spring” home improvement
program for three years, recently co-chaired Federation’s 4th Annual The Network Event, and is an
incoming member of its Board of Directors. Jeffrey is a former board member of PANIM: The Institute
for Leadership and Values (now part of BBYO). More recently, Jeffrey has become active in AIPAC as
a member of its Capitol Club, Congressional Club, and the Washington, DC Real Estate Committee.
Professionally, Jeffrey is Executive Vice President/General Counsel and a principal of First Washington
Realty, Inc., a commercial real estate investment and management company. Jeffrey received his
undergraduate degree from George Washington University and his J.D. from the University of Virginia.
Yvonne and Jeffrey are long-standing members of B’nai Israel Congregation, and they are the proud
parents of David and Shelby.
presented to
Paul S. Berger
Paul S. Berger has provided decades long exemplary, transformative and visionary
international, national and local leadership for Jewish organizations and the Jewish
people. His keen intellect, analytical mind and legal skills have benefitted Jewish
education, the U.S-Israel relationship, and the Greater Washington Jewish Community.
He has been a mentor to countless lay leaders and professionals in the Jewish
organizational world, extending his impact in the Jewish community well beyond his
formal roles. Jewish community leaders treasure Paul’s wise counsel, devotion to the
broad community and the friendship he provides. He is a role model who practices
what he preaches and is an avid Jewish learner and an ardent Zionist.
Paul has long been a pioneering influence in the field of Jewish education. He was the Founding President of the
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School and is currently the Chairman Emeritus of the school’s Board of Governors.
Paul has had a long and distinguished record of providing leadership at the Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington serving as Chair of the Agency’s Planning & Allocations Committees, its President and
Chair of the United Jewish Endowment Fund. Every project with which Paul has ever been involved
with has been marked by focus, excellence and above all, passion. Many credit Paul, more than any other
individual, with the remarkable response of our community to Operation Exodus, which enabled Israel
to rescue thousands of Ethiopian Jews in a highly secretive and virtually overnight airlift.
He also served as the President of the United Jewish Endowment Fund, successfully securing additional
resources to provide for the future of the Jewish people. As a Member of the Board of Governors and
Chairman of the Budget & Finance Committee at The Jewish Agency for Israel, Paul guided the Agency
through difficult and challenging times, including the extraordinary aliyah from the USSR. He has also
served on the Executive Committee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and served as Senior
Vice President and Past Chairman of the Governing Council of the American Jewish Congress. He
currently co-chairs the Jewish Federations of North America’s Charitable Giving Incentive Committee
where he leads all communications with government officials involved in charitable giving and ensures
that recommended JFNA policies and procedures for endowment departments represent the “best
practices” in the field.
Paul is proud of the work of his late wife Debra, z”l, in establishing Project Interchange. Since 1982,
Project Interchange has brought over 6,000 of the world’s most influential voices from more than 80
countries to Israel.
Paul is a retired senior partner at Arnold & Porter, LLP, in Washington, DC. He has been a legal advisor
to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC relating to the economic relationship with the United States
for four decades, and is widely known for his advocacy for the Jewish community both at home and
abroad. He was an essential part of the legal team that represented the American Jewish community
in negotiations with the Business Roundtable. The agreement from these talks was used as a basis for
legislation enacted by Congress regulating the Arab Boycott. Furthermore, Paul represented the American
Jewish community before the Commerce Department and other branches of the U.S. Government in
developing rules and regulations to implement this anti-boycott legislation.
In his time at Arnold & Porter, LLP, Paul also represented a wide variety of foreign and domestic
governments, corporations, partnerships, and other business entities, labor organizations, and taxexempt organizations, including trade associations. Widely experienced in the planning of transactions,
financing, adversary proceedings, and legislative and regulatory matters, Mr. Berger also practices in the
areas of international finance, government relations, privatization, pension and welfare reform legislation,
estate planning, and estate administration.
Mr. Berger is a 1957 graduate of New York University’s School of Law and is a member of its Board of
Trustees. Paul and his late wife Debra, z”l, have 3 children: Meryl Rosenberg (Sam), Jessica Berger Weiss
(Jeffrey) and Louis Berger (Mindy) and 9 grandchildren.
(As of June 13, 2014)
The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington is able to fulfill
its mission due to the annual generosity of The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
The JCRC thanks the following community leaders for their generous support.
Arnold & Porter, LLP
Carol & Gary Berman
Sara & Michael Friedman
Susie & Michael Gelman
The Isadore & Bertha Gudelsky
Family Foundation, Inc.
Arlene Gudelsky Kaufman
Shelley Gudelsky Mulitz
Laura B. Gudelsky Mulitz
Michael T. Friedman
Leslie & Samuel Kaplan
Mayberg Family Charitable Foundation
Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen
Family Foundation
The Robert P. and Arlene R. Kogod
Family Foundation
Audrey & Marc Solomon
Abramson Family Foundation Inc
Marilyn Brody & Allen Kronstadt
Toni & Dr. Ronald Paul
RFI Foundation (Josh Rales)
Samuel R. Dweck Foundation
The Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family
Foundation Inc.
Aaron and Cecile Goldman Family
Wendi & Daniel Abramowitz
Kathryn & Ira Bartfield
Vivian & Dr. Raymond Bass
Sharon & David Butler
Gail & Paul Chod
Sue & George Covucci
Miriam & Behnam Dayanim
Renee & Rick Edson
Karen & Bobby Epstein
Harriette & Allan Fox
Debbie & Peter Friedmann
Leena & Erwin Groner
Sophie & Dr. Howard Hoffman
Kerry Iris & Eric Kassoff
Debra & Gerson Panitch
Ilana & Daniel Ratner
Nancy & Irving Shapiro
Stinson Leonard Street LLP (Harvey Reiter)
Steven David Stone
Rhonda & Robert Zahler
Gwen Zuares
Esthy & Jim Adler
Judy Flippen-Anderson & Paul Anderson
Arlene Kaufman & Sanford Baklor
Devorah & Kevin Berman
Debra & Dennis Berman
Sheila & Bob Budoff
Michelle Hymer Blitz & Nelson Blitz
Bunny & Jerome Chapman
Yvonne Schlafstein Distenfeld & Jeffrey Carol & Howard Cohen
Colburn Family Foundation
George Wasserman Family Foundation, Inc. Lisa & Steven Diamond
Gilbert LLP
Jack Edlow
Margie & Ronald Glancz
Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat
Gorlin Family Foundation
Nava & Menachem Ely
Johanna Chanin & Randall Levitt
Resa & David Eppler
Amy & Alan Meltzer
Anita & Noel Epstein
Sharis & Thorn Pozen
Debra & Marvin Feuer
Gloria & Phil Rosenthal
Ellie & Michael Flyer
Karen & Joseph Sandler
Hilary Dworkin & Norman Freidkin
Cindy & Rick Zitelman
Miriam & William Galston
Paula Goldman
Monica & Mitch Gorochow
Miriam & Menachem Gottlieb
Gray Plant Mooty (Sheldon Klein)
Marjorie & Larry Haas
Gail Ross & Peter Haas
Susan Banes Harris & Larry Harris
Julia Weller & Dr. Dan Hartman
Joyce & Robert Johnson
Hilary Smith Kapner & William Kapner
Nancy & Benjamin Katcoff
Judy & Sheldon Klein
Kelly & Alex Kogan
Nancy & Ed Kopf
Julie & Albert Krachman
Rebecca & Norman Krasnegor
The Honorable Peter B. Krauser &
The Honorable Sherrie Krauser
Jocelyn & Danny Krifcher
Stuart Kurlander & David Martin
Martha & Stuart Land
Leslie & Bruce Lane
Joyce & Kenneth Letzler
Dr. Kay Klass & Mark Levitt
Liza & Dr. Michael Levy
Sharon & Steven Lieberman
Lucky & Irving Malamut
Philip Margolius
Tammy & Cliff Mendelson
Fern Schad & Alfred Moses
Orlee & Irwin Panitch
Rabbi Amy & Gary Perlin
Amy & Daniel Prywes
Ed Rehfeld
Wendy & Harvey Reiter
Richard & Ellen Sandler Family
Thomas Richardson
Debbie & Edward Sagel
Mary & Jim Salander
Gilbert Sandler
Ronnie Lapinsky Sax & Leslie Sax
Scheer Partners, Inc.
Lynn & Jeffrey Snyder
Keith Solit
Karyn & Stuart Tauber
Susan & Bruce Turnbull
Lori & Les Ulanow
Jane & G. Duane Vieth
Margo & Lev Volftsun
Symcha & Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt
Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein & Henry
Jeffrey Abramson
Brooke & Adam August
Naomi & David Balto
Gabriela & Leonard Bebchick
Susan & Randy Bick
Loryn & Abba Blum
Faith & Dr. Philip Bobrow
Ellen Bogage
Bernice & Joel Breslau
Bryan Cave LLP
Wendy Rudolph & Graeme Bush
Lisa & Jonathan Charnoff
Rita & Jonathan Cohen
Cyna & Paul Cohen
Debra & Andrew Cooper
Laura Katz Cutler & Michael Cutler
Heidi and William Daroff
Sarah & Richard Dine
Alysa Dortort
Eileen & Arthur Dykes
Eve & David Farber
Diane & Kenneth Feinberg
Sandy & Richard Ferber
Carole & Barry Forman
Annette & Bernard Forseter
Susan & Charles Freed
Liz & Paul Frommer
Mona & Jerome Gabry
Nina & Sol Glasner
Lisa Gordon
Judy & Sheldon Grosberg
Marilyn & Ralph Grunewald
Ivy Fields & Donald Gutman
Rabbi Steve Gutow
Paul & Nancy Hamburger
Tamara & Dr. Harry Handelsman
Harris Jones & Malone, LLC
Carol & Robert Hausman
Phyllis & Richard Heideman
Kim McWhorter & Arnie Hiller
Gladys & Bernardo Hirschman
Margie & Joe Hoffman
Jolene & Glenn Ivey
Agnes & Rachmil Jacobovits
Steve Jacobson
Bobbie & Bill Kilberg
Barbara Zakheim & Ron Kleinfeldt
Risa Bender & Benjamin Klubes
Simeon Kriesberg
Stuart Lessans
Stefanie Sanders Levy & Michael Levy
Alyza Lewin & Nate Lewin
Elizabeth & Robert Margolis
James Maxwell
Karen & Robert Meister
Pam & Sam Melamed
Mindy Horowitz & Mark Mellman
Jeffrey Menick
Randi Meyrowitz
Lynn & David Miller
Bobbe & Herb Mintz
Lynn & Randall Morgan
Shelley & Tommy Mulitz
Lisa & Stephen Paul
Susan & James Pittleman
Na’ama Lewin & Jules Polonetsky
Anita & Arthur Polott
Tina & Neil Rosenbaum
Nancy Brooks & Lawrence Rosenblum
Carolyn & David Ruben
Joan & Don Sacarob
Jennie Litvack & Robert Satloff
Susan Ness & Lawrence Schneider
Evonne & Elliot Schnitzer
Sheryl & Barry Schwartz
Elaine & Marvin Senter
Madeline & Fred Shapiro
Stephanie & Steven Silverman
Ann Wimpfheimer & Eddie Snyder
Susan & Brad Stillman
Monica and Richard Sussman
Arielle & Aton Teitelbaum
The Kosher Kitchen Catering Co.
Marilyn & Stefan Tucker
Susan & Bruce Turnbull
Lori & Les Ulanow
Sarah Elpern & Bruce Waxman
Susan & Aaron Weinberg
Robin Hettleman & Matthew Weinberg
Julie & Ezra Weinblatt
Tal & Steve Widdes
Alane & Eugene Youngentob
Congregation Adat Reyim
Congregation Beit Chaverim
Congregation Beth Emeth
Congregation B’nai Tzedek
Congregation Har Shalom
Congregation Or Chadash
Congregation Sha’are Shalom
Hevrat Shalom Congregation
Kehilat Shalom
Kol Shalom
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Ohev Shalom - The National Synagogue
Ohr Kodesh Congregation
Shaare Tefila Congregation
Shaare Torah
Temple Beth Ami
Temple B’nai Shalom
Temple Emmanuel
Temple Rodef Shalom
Temple Shalom
Temple Sinai
Tikvat Israel Congregation
Washington Hebrew Congregation
Adventist HealthCare
Charles E. Smith Life Communities
Garden of Remembrance - (Gan Zikaron)
Memorial Park
Jewish Community Center of Greater
Jewish Community Center of Northen
Jewish Council for the Aging
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Adas Israel Congregation
Jewish Federations of North America
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation Jewish Foundation for Group Homes
Agudas Achim Congregation
Jewish Residents of Leisure World
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Jewish Social Service Agency
Beth Joshua Congregation
National Council of Jewish Women,
Beth Sholom Congregation and
Montgomery County Maryland Section
Talmud Torah
Orthodox Union
B’nai Israel Congregation
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
B’nai Shalom of Olney
2014 Development
Joseph Sandler
Bob Budoff
Jerome Chapman
Behnam Dayanim
Alysa Dortort
Bobby Epstein
Anita Epstein
Ron Glancz
Edward Kopf
Thorn Pozen
Daniel Prywes
Harvey Reiter
Past Leadership
Rabbi Solomon Metz, z”l, 1938–1943
Hymen Goldman, z”l, 1943–1949
Rabbi Isadore Breslau, z”l, 1949–1953
Aaron Goldman, z”l, 1953–1957
Albert E. Arent, z”l, 1957–1961
Joel D. Wolfson, z”l, 1961
Richard Lyon, z”l, 1961–1965
Louis C. Grossberg, z”l, 1965–1969
Seymour D. Wolf, z”l, 1969–1972
Dr. Harvey Ammerman, z”l, 1972–1974
Judge William C. Levy, z”l, 1974–1976
Bernard S. White, z”l, 1976–1978
Phyllis Frank, z”l, 1978–1980
Bert Silver, 1980–1982
Nathan Lewin, 1982–1984
Helene Karpa, 1984–1986
Norman Goldstein, 1986–1988
Stephen H. Gell, 1988–1990
Marcia Weinberg, 1990–1992
Jack Serber, 1992–1994
Judge Peter B. Krauser, 1994–1996
Elaine Senter, 1996–1998
Doug Bloomfield, 1998–2000
Rabbi Jack Luxemburg, 2000–2002
Sophie Hoffman, 2002–2004
Andy Stern, 2004–2006
Susan Weinberg, 2006–2008
Ron Glancz, 2008–2010
Harvey Reiter, 2010–2012
Joseph Sandler, 2012–2014
Jacob Kammen, z”l, 1945–1948
Dr. Isaac Franck, z”l, 1949–1973
Daniel Mann, z”l, 1973–1979
Dr. Michael Berenbaum, 1980–1983
Dr. Sidney Schwarz, 1984–1987
Murray Tenenbaum, 1988–2001
Ronald Halber, 2002–
Board of Directors and Staff
Joseph Sandler
Cookie Hymer Blitz
Vice President
Michael Friedman
Vice President
Erwin Groner
Vice President
Barbara Zakheim
Sam Kaplan
Financial Secretary
Miriam Galston
Recording Secretary
Harvey Reiter
Immediate Past President
Ronald Halber
Executive Director
Ira Bartfield
Rabbi Stefanie Bernstein
Bob Budoff
Jerome Chapman
Andrew Cooper
Behnam Dayanim
Alysa Dortort
Jack Edlow
Anita Epstein
Bobby Epstein
Debra Feuer
Judy Flippen-Anderson
Menachem Gottlieb
Ralph Grunewald
Peter Haas
Sheldon Klein
Edward Kopf
Julie Krachman
Rebecca Krasnegor
Lucky Malamut
Steve Adelberg
Educational Outreach Associate
Julie Greenwald
Executive/Program Assistant
Debra Gold Linick
Director for D.C. & Northern Virginia
Nirma Medrano
Office Manager/Senior Administrative Assistant
Noa Meir
Director of Israel & International Affairs
Alexis Schwartz
Israel Action Center Program Associate
Gerson Panitch
Orlee Panitch
Ron Paul, M.D.
Rabbi Mindy Portnoy
Thorn Pozen
Daniel Prywes
Edward Rehfeld
Joan Sacarob
Rabbi Arnold Saltzman
Fred Shapiro
Irving Shapiro
Michael Siegel
Gerald Sommer
Steven David Stone
Stuart Tauber
Bess Teller
Susan Turnbull
Irvin Varkonyi
Julia Weller
Eugene Youngentob
Rabbi Batya Steinlauf
Director of Social Justice and
Interfaith Initiatives
Joshua Sztorc
Maryland Government & Community Relations
Academic Year 2013-2014:
Sage Janulis
Jason Levine
Eran Sharon
Summer 2014:
Eliana Budoff
Mia Yellin
Tribute Messages
I am humbled to be honored tonight along with such great community leaders as Yvonne and
Jeffrey and Paul. May you go from strength to strength. William Daroff
Mazel Tov to our much deserving fellow honorees, Paul S. Berger on receiving the BreslauGoldman Award, and William C. Daroff on receiving the Distinguished Service Award, with
gratitude and thanks for all you do for our community! May you and the JCRC continue to
go from strength to strength! Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld
Mazel Tov and best wishes. It is my honor to participate in tonight’s program with my friends
Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld and William Daroff with whom I have had the good fortune to
work. I appreciate their accomplishments and great contributions to the welfare of the Jewish
people. Paul Berger
William Daroff, you serve our community and the Jewish People with fearless clear vision
and unabashed Jewish pride. Congratulations to you and Heidi for this well-deserved honor!
Yasher Kochacha! Rabbi Mendel & Sara Bluming/ Chabad Shul of Potomac
Kol hakavod to our friends Paul Berger and William Daroff for all they have done and continue
to do for our community and for the Jewish people. These awards could not have gone to more
worthy recipients. With warmest regards, Debra & Marvin Feuer
Mazal tov to the JCRC and all of the 2014 Gala Honorees with a special appreciation to
friends of the RAC Paul Berger and William Daroff. The Religious Action Center
Congratulations to all the honorees and a big thank you to the staff of the JCRC! Eric Kassoff
& Kerry Iris
Thank you and congratulations to Yvonne and Jeff Distenfeld, other honorees, and to the JCRC
for great work on behalf of our organization and community from the Board of Governors and
Senior Management of the Charles E. Smith Life Communities.
Paul, Yvonne and Jeff, Mazel Tov on your well-deserved recognition by the JCRC. Thank
you for your leadership and widespread support of the Washington Jewish community. Mark
Levitt & Kay Klass
We are delighted to join in this tribute to our dear friend Paul Berger. Best wishes from Fern
Schad and Alfred Moses
Congratulations to Yvonne and Jeff Distenfeld on receiving the Community Leadership
Award. This is a well-deserved honor for a wonderful couple. Rita & Jonathan Cohen
Congratulations to all the worthy recipients of this year's JCRC awards. Ralph & Marilyn
Congratulations to the Honorees and a heartfelt thank you for your service. Susan & Charles Freed
Congratulations to all the Honorees. Bryan Cave LLP
Paul, may you continue to go from strength to strength as you continue to provide a shining
example for all our communities. Liz & Paul Frommer
Yasher Koach to our friends Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld, thank you William Daroff for
all the good work you do for our community and best of luck to Cookie Blitz. May you all
continue to go from strength to strength. Debra & Gerson Panitch
To honor Maxine Snyder’s memory on the occasion of her 10th yahrzeit--she stood for justice
and fairness for all. To our esteemed honorees, we offer our thanks and wishes for continued
strength for all your contributions to our community. Best regards from Eddie Snyder, Ann
Wimpfheimer & family
In honor of Paul Berger. Paula Goldman
In honor of Paul Berger. Bunny & Jerome Chapman
To Paul Berger, Jeff and Yvonne – true leaders and friends of our entire community. Yasher
Koach! Eve & David Farber
Thank you Paul Berger for all that you do for the Greater Washington community and the
Jewish community around the world. David & Katie Colburn
“Who is honored? The one who honors other human beings….” Pirke Avot 4:1. Congratulations
to all the Honorees for their Community Service. Dan & Amy Prywes
In tribute to the inspired leadership of Paul S. Berger -- a mench and a friend, and in
appreciation for the fine work of JCRC. Gorlin Family Foundation
Best wishes to our friends Paul Berger, Yvonne & Jeff Distenfeld, and William Daroff, whose
devotion to our community is inspiring. Sharon & David Butler
How smart the JCRC is for honoring Paul, Yvonne, Jeffrey & William! The Jewish Council
for the Aging joins its community in applauding their warm hearts and extraordinary
Congratulations to four great leaders of our community! You truly have made a difference in
the lives of so many. Warmest wishes, Josh Rales
Dr. Sara Cohen
Kol Hakavod to Paul Berger and the other honorees for all of their contributions to our
community. Nancy & Paul Hamburger
Thank you JCRC for all you do to make our whole community stronger and better. Sarah &
Richard Dine
In honor of Paul Berger and William Daroff: With admiration and gratitude from your friends
in Planned Giving & Endowments and the General Counsel’s Office at JFNA on the occasion of
your recognition as honorees by the JCRC in Washington, DC.
Jane & Bud Vieth salute Paul Berger for his extraordinary life-long devotion to important
charitable causes.
The Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation wishes a Mazel Tov to our longtime friend Paul
Mazel Tov to Paul Berger and all the honorees. Yasher koach to Ron Halber and the JCRC
team for all your work on behalf of the entire community. Louis & Manette Mayberg
In appreciation for Paul as a pillar of the Jewish community but, more importantly as a mentor
and a friend. Sue & George Covucci
In honor of Anita Epstein and her good work. Jim & Mary Salander
Paul Berger - A great, compassionate person who supports important Jewish causes, but also
matters which further the welfare of all humanity. Stuart & Martha Land
In memory of our wonderful parents - Ira & Sandy Budoff and Dr. David & Sylvia Ostrolenk.
Bob & Sheila Budoff
Yvonne and Jeffrey, Thanks for all you do for our community!!! Hilary Smith Kapner & William
Well deserved, Paul. Kenneth Letzler
In honor of Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld. Tal & Steve Widdes
In honor of Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld. Bruce Waxman & Sarah Elpern
In honor of Paul Berger. Jeffrey Menick
Paul, may you have many more years of the good health, happiness and the blessings of family.
Thank you for all you do for the Jewish Community and Israel. It is an honor and privilege to
be your partner. Steve & Lisa Diamond
Mazol Tov on this very well deserved recognition for all of the tireless work that you each do for
our community. May you go from strength to strength. Sharon and Steve Lieberman
Yvonne & Jeff, Congratulations! Thank you for leadership & friendship! Paul, Mazel Tov on the
well-deserved Breslau-Goldman Award. William-Kol HaKavod on winning the Distinguished
Service award! Best wishes, Lynn & Randy Morgan and family
Paul, Mazel Tov on receiving the JCRC Breslau-Goldman Award! Neil & Tina Rosenbaum,
Paul & Brenda Rosenbaum, Glen & Allison Rosenbaum
Congratulations for all you do for the Jewish Community! Stephen & Lisa Paul
In honor of Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld. Ivy Fields & Donald Gutman
We commend you on your indefatigable efforts on behalf of our people and wish you many
years of health and well-being in pursuit of those goals. Gladys & Bernardo Hirschman
Yasher koach and Mazel Tov for all of the wonderful work you do for the community!! David
& Carolyn Ruben
Gratitude and thanks to Ron Halber and the JCRC staff and leadership for all you do for our
community. Pam & Sam Melamed
In honor of Paul Berger, Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld and William Daroff. Dede & Kenneth Feinberg
Paul, congratulations on a well-deserved honor, from Larry Schneider & Susan Ness
Mazal Tov on receiving a well deserved honor. We are happy to celebrate with you. Mona &
Jerry Gabry
Congratulations to Paul Berger, Jeff and Yvonne Distenfeld, and William Daroff. From Sharon
& Rabbi Michael Safra
We are really proud of you and Jeff- Lots of Love, Susan, Randy, Nathan & David Bick
Yasher koach to Paul, Yvonne, Jeffrey and William - we are delighted to join with JCRC in
recognizing your commitment and all that you do for our community. In friendship and
appreciation, Susie & Michael Gelman
Temple B’nai Shalom, Fairfax Station, Virginia is proud to partner with JCRC in the sacred
work of Tikkun Olam.
Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin salute the dedication of our JCRC leadership and honorees, and the
outstanding work of Ron Halber and Debra Linick
Kol Hakavod, Paul - We honor your vision, commitment and leadership. Robin and Matthew
We salute all your hard work in the community. We are so proud of you! We love you, Cousins
Sandy & Richard Ferber
To Paul Berger: We congratulate you for this honor. It is well deserved for years of service and
devotion to Jewish causes. You are always there when needed. Susan & Jimmy Pittleman
Kol HaKavod to JCRC, its leadership & staff and to tonight’s honorees. Temple Sinai
Mazel Tov to the Honorees, Paul Berger, Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld, and William Daroff
for their visionary leadership and important efforts on behalf of our community and our global
Jewish family. Sheryl & Barry Schwartz
We appreciate your wisdom, counsel and steadfast devotion to Israel and the Jewish people.
With affection, Debby & Lyle Fishman
Congratulations to the JCRC Honorees Paul Berger on being awarded the Breslau-Goldman
Award, Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld on being awarded the Community Leadership Award,
and William Daroff on being awarded the Distinguished Service Award. From Allen Kronstad
Dear Paul, You have been an inspiration and a mentor for my entire Federation career. It is
always exciting when I walk into a meeting and you are there. You have and continue to give
so much of yourself to our beloved Jewish community, as well as the world Jewish community
and to all of humanity. There are no words good enough to thank or honor you. With great
esteem and Love, Carol and Gary Berman
A hearty Mazel Tov to Paul, William, Yvonne and Jeff on your well deserved recognition
tonight and to the real winner OUR COMMUNITY. Kim McWhorter & Arnie Hiller
Paul - You are our hero, mentor and role model. Distenfelds - Your service is exemplary.
@daroff - Your tireless energy is an inspiration. Kol Hakavod! The Krifcher Family
Warm congratulations and best wishes to our honoress for your many years of service to the
Jewish Community and Israel. Judy & Sheldon Klein
Mazel Tov to William Daroff on receiving the Distinguished Service Award. It is an incredible
honor and we’re very proud of you! Leadership Team/The Jewish Federations of North America
Mazel Tov to Paul, Yvonne, Jeffrey and William! Wishing all success to JCRC. Rob Satloff and
Jennie Litvack
Yvonne and Jeff, You guys are always there for the community. Mazal tov on this very welldeserved honor. Randall Levitt and Johanna Chanin
To Paul Berger: We congratulate you for this honor. It is well deserved for years of service and
devotion to Jewish causes. You are always there when needed. Jimmy and Susan Pittleman.
Congratulations to the award recipients and our gratitude to JCRC for all the valuable work it
does for our community. Ellie and Michael Flyer
Gilbert LLP is proud to support the JCRC of Greater Washington in its efforts to foster a
society in which Jews, and all people, can enjoy individual security, equal opportunity, and
creative group survival. Congratulations to all of the 2014 Annual Gala Honorees. Gilbert
LLP gotofirm.com
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington’s Board and Staff would like to congratulate
JCRC on their Annual Gala and thank award recipients Paul Berger, Yvonne and Jeffrey
Distenfeld and William Daroff for their dedication, leadership and service to our community.
Yasher Koach to all of JCRC’s distinguished honorees. Your dedication to Tikkun Olam is a
great inspiration to us all. Best wishes, Ellen Coren Bogage, Chesapeake Public Strategies
Mazel Tov to William Daroff and his amazing family. Thanks for all you do for our local
community and for your dedicated work for the Jewish community worldwide. You are an
inspiration. Please follow @Daroff on twitter if you dont want to miss out! #MazelTovDaroff!
Jules Polonetsky and Na’ama Lewin
Thank you to the JCRC for its outstanding contributions to our community and congratulations
to all of the honorees for being such outstanding leaders! Susan and Brad Stillman
Yvonne & Jeff, Thank you for all the great work you do for our community. Congratulations.
Audrey & Marc Solomon
Paul has been a great leader in our community for decades. Mazel Tov on this recognition.
Norman Freidkin
In honor of William Daroff, Erica and Jerry Silverman
Paul, Yvonne and Jeffrey, We admire and appreciate your efforts and applaud you on your
well-deserved honors. Our community is much stronger due to your efforts and commitment.
Thank you for leading by example. With much gratitude and respect, Cindy & Rick Zitelman
Mazel Tov to the awardees, in appreciation of the dedicated, hard-working staff of the JCRC
of GW, and in honor of my fellow board members. May we all continue to go from strength
to strength. Ed Rehfeld
The Jewish Funeral Practices Committee of Greater Washington thanks the JCRC for
mobilizing the community to persuade the Federal Trade Commission, in its policing a merger
of giant corporations, to focus on the Montgomery County Jewish community’s need for
competitive funeral service. We were successful in preventing a monopoly of Jewish service
funeral homes in this area. Bob Hausman, President of JFPCGW
To my friends Yvonne, Jeffrey and William, my congratulations to you on being honored and
reaching this wonderful milestone. Mazel tov! Julie and Ezra Weinblatt
Congratulations and thank you to Paul Berger, William Daroff, and the other honorees for
your many contributions to the JCRC, the community, and Israel from Mark Mellman and
Mindy Horowitz
Mazal tov to our honorees! Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the Jewish community.
Barbara Zakheim and Ron Kleinfeldt
Mazel Tov to Paul Berger on receiving JCRC’s Breslau Goldman Award, Yvonne Schlafstein
Distenfeld and Jeffrey Distenfeld on being recipients of The Community Leadership Award,
and William Daroff on being bestowed The Distinguished Service Award. Your devotion to the
entire community and to humanity are a model for us all. You never cease to amaze us with
your support and generosity. You are an inspiration not only to us but to all who know you.
With love and admiration, Your JFGH Family
In Honor of Paul Berger - You are a true leader and example for our family and the community.
May you go from strength to strength! With love and support always, your family. Mazal tov
to all the honorees. Meryl and Sam Rosenberg
Yvonne and Jeff, Thanks for all you do and who you are. James Maxwell
Paul, Yvonne and Jeffrey, and William – Mazel Tov! Stuart Lessans
In honor of Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld, Karen and Robert Meister
In honor of Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld from Randi Meyrowitz
Warm congratulations and best wishes to our honoress for your many years of service to the
Jewish Community and Israel. Franchise & Distribution, IP, White Collar, and Commercial
Litigation, Gray Plant Mooty
Paul, Yvonne and Jeff, and William - you are an inspiration to us as community leaders, friends
and mentsches. Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor. Fondly, Laura and Mike Cutler
Mazal Tov to the honorees and to the JCRC for all its wonderful work in the greater Washington
DC community! Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, Adas Israel Congregation
Dear William and Paul: Two different generations but the same large Jewish heart. We have
counted on people like you since our easiest days. Mr. Berger & Mr. Daroff - Your love of our
people seems unending. Without the profound commitments of the two of you, we would be
less safe and less whole. Israel and American Jewry - such laser focus without any diminution of
attention every single day! Great gratitude and boundless love to both of you,Rabbi Steve Gutow
Mazel Tov to Paul Berger, William Daroff, and Yvonne and Jeffrey Distenfeld for the welldeserved honor and recognition you have received for all your hard work and efforts on behalf
of the Jewish community. Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt & Congregation B’nai Tzedek
Thank you to outgoing JCRC President Joe Sandler for your hard work and congratulations to
Cookie Hymer Blitz on her upcoming Presidency. Mazel Tov to the JCRC’s 2014 Honorees.
Thank you to Ron Halber for your continued hard work and congratulations on winning the
IFC’s Bridge Builder Award. Karen and Bobby Epstein
The JCRC would like to acknowledge Beth Sholom Congregation and
Talumd Torah as well as our vendors who have contributed in making
tonight’s 2014 GALA a truly memorable evening.
Anthony Merrill Photography
The Gary Rosenthal Collection
The Kosher Kitchen Catering Co.
Murray & Heister, Inc.
Marla Rishty, Sign of the Times, Interpreter
Rockville Florist & Gift Baskets
Joseph Roth, Upbeat Photo and Video, LLC
Paul Schnur, Gigmasters, Pianist
Sublime Imports, LLC
Sunflower Bakery
Wine Harvest, Potomac Park
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (JCRC) is the
public affairs and community relations arm of the Jewish community, representing
the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and over 100 Jewish organizations
and synagogues throughout D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. The JCRC focuses on
government relations, Israel advocacy, inter-group relations, and social justice.
Our agency endeavors to foster a society based on freedom, justice and democratic
pluralism. The JCRC lobbies for local Jewish organizations and public policy
priorities; strengthens local domestic support for Israel; builds bridges between local
Jews and other Greater Washington area faith, ethnic and minority communities;
and provides hands-on opportunities to fulfill the Jewish value of tikkun olam
(repairing the world). The JCRC of Greater Washington is a partner agency of The
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is a proud partner of the JCRC.
Our missions go hand in hand - caring for those in need; advocating for those
who cannot speak for themselves; making Jewish life more relevant, accessible and
welcoming; strengthening the connection we all share as Jews and making the
world a more just place for all. Together, our investment of time, energy and
resources benefit our community, Israel and communities around the world now
and long into the future.
Maryland Office: 6101 Montrose Road, Suite 205, Rockville, MD 20852 301-770-0881
Virginia Office: c/o JCCNV, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031 703-893-4007
DC Office: 1720 Eye Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20006 202-552-5355
[email protected]