PSC: Nutrients in the Vaal River System, 12 November 2007
PSC: Nutrients in the Vaal River System, 12 November 2007
RWQOs – NUTRIENTS IN THE VAAL RIVER SYSTEM JAN ROOS, CEM, UFS SCM – 12 November 2007 1 MAIN FINDINGS Eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), caused by excessive inputs of N & P, was found to be an important threat to the water quality of the Vaal River system. Eutrophication effects and problems are profound in the Vaal River and have become a matter of major concern to all water users. The impacts are ecological, social and economical. Phosphorus (P) is generally the limiting nutrient for algal growth and therefore controls the primary productivity of a freshwater body. In the Vaal River, the [P]s were high (mean, >100 µg/ℓ) and show an increasing trend during the past ten years. 2 Background [Chl-a], µg/ℓ 3 Algal blooms in Vaal River system 4 Symptoms of eutrophication in Vaal River system Filamentous algae (periphyton or attached algae) – below Bloemhof Dam Water hyacinths at Regina bridge 5 MAIN FINDINGS The Vaal Barrage is a ‘hotspot’ area with the highest levels of pollution in the mainstream of the Vaal River. VS8 - Vaal Barrage (Rand Water) Phytoplankton biomass in middle VR has increased significantly over the last 30 years: By 1982, 87 % of samples had [Chl] levels exceeding 15 µg/ℓ, while 34 % of samples exceeded 35 µg/ℓ. In 2005, 92 % of samples had [Chl] levels exceeding 15 µg/ℓ, while 57 % of samples exceeded 35 µg/ℓ (average = 62 µg/ℓ), max = 232 µg/ℓ). 2005 (n = 49) 7 6 Frequency In 1973, 92 % of the samples from the Vaal Barage had [Chl] levels below 5 µg/ℓ. 8 >30 (67 %) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 >150 Chl-a (µg/l) Figure 2: Frequency distribution of [chl-a] in the Vaal Barrage (2005). It is generally accepted that chlorophyll-a concentrations persistently in excess of 30 µg/ℓ pose problems for the treatment of raw potable water. 6 MAIN FINDINGS VS8 - Vaal Barrage outlet (Rand Water) 225 200 Chl-a (µg/l) 175 150 125 100 75 50 Mean (40) 25 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Figure 10: Variation in [chl-a] in the Vaal Barrage (1999 – 2005). An increasing trend was shown that indicates worsen eutrophication conditions (solid 7 red line). The dashed line indicates the increasing trend in terms of [peak]. 1.1 EUTROPHICATION STATUS It is generally recognised that an increase in nutrient loading is a prerequisite of increased eutrophication in rivers. Table 8: Dam name Summary of the Trophic Status of Vaal River impoundments (averages for the last three years). Mean TP (µg/ℓ) Potential for algal productivity Mean annual Chl-a (µg/ℓ) % of Chl-a >30 µg/ℓ Nuisance value of algal bloom productivity Trophic status Grootdraai 55 Significant 8 5% Moderate Oligotrophic Vaal Dam 97 Significant 23 14 % Significant Eutrophic Vaal Barrage 474 Serious 53 63 % Serious Hypertrophic Midvaal*1 340 Serious 35 34 % Significant Hypertrophic Balkfontein*2 ~200 Serious 52 66 % Serious Hypertrophic Bloemhof 100 Significant 55 35 % Significant Hypertrophic Douglas Barrage 60 Significant 8.5 2% Moderate Oligotrophic *1 based on 1997 – 1999 data; *2 based on 2005 – 2006 data The Middle Vaal River (Vaal Barrage to Bloemhof Dam), i.e. approx. 425 km stretch 8 or ⅓ of the river, is classified as hypertrophic (nutrient over-enriched). MAIN FINDINGS Eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems can be reversed by decreasing input rates of P and N, however, its management is neither a simple nor a cheap task. In the long-term, reducing nutrient inputs is the best preventative measure of eutrophication. By addressing the eutrophication problem in the Vaal Barrage would probably mitigate the water quality problems downstream in the whole middle Vaal River. The essence of the quantification of the eutrophication is to determine ‘how much phytoplankton’ for ‘how much nutrients’. 9 RECOMMENDATIONS VS8 - Vaal Barrage (Rand Water) 100 (2000 - 2005) Chl-a (µg/l) 80 60 95% n fide n o c c te e in rva 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 PO4-P (µg/l) Figure 1: Relationship between the average phosphate (annual) and concentration in the Vaal Barrage (2000 – 2005). l Reduction in [PO4] in the Vaal Barrage by 60 %, i.e. from the current very high 375 µg/ℓ to 150 µg/ℓ, the eutrophication level would in all probability decrease from hypertrophic (unacceptable) to mesotrophic (acceptable) levels. Under these conditions, we foresee that the water quality in the Vaal River will significantly improve 800 and be acceptable for general uses such as drinking water & chlorophyll-a recreation. 10 RECOMMENDATIONS Table 1: PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR JUDGING THE TROPHIC STATUS OF VAAL RIVER WATERS. Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Hypertrophic Mean TP (µg/L) <25 25 – 100 >100 – 250 >250 Mean DIP*1 (µg/L) <10 10 – 50 >50 – 150 >150 Mean TN (mg/L) <0.5 0.5 – 1.5 >1.5 – 3.0 >3.0 <0.20 0.2 – 0.5 >0.5 – 2.0 >2.0 Chlorophyll-a (annual mean) (µg/L) <10 10 – 20 >20 – 40 >40 Chlorophyll-a maxima (µg/L) <20 20 – 50 >50 – 150 >150 Mean DIN*2 (mg/L) *1 Dissolved inorganic phosphorus (= soluble reactive phosphate or orthophosphate) - mean summer concentration. 2 * Dissolved inorganic nitrogen, includes all the major N components (NH4 + NO3 + NO2) – mean summer concentration. 11 RIVER REACHES: PO4-P RWQOS: Level 1 Midvaal: Vaal Dam, 70 µg/ℓ in 2005. 150 µg/l Mean 165 µg/l 5 6 8 50 µg/l 7 4 12 10 9 11 14 13 100 µg/l 2 3 Vaal Barrage: 30 µg/l 300 µg/l in 2005 Grootdraai Dam, 40 µg/l during 2005 Bloemhof Dam: 1 Douglas Barrage+: 30 – 35 µg/l 30 µg/l (2002 – 2004) A SINGLE management objective (single value or range) will be defined. Will not consider levels of RWQOs (e.g. I, A, T,U) for a point/ reach 12 RECOMMENDATIONS VAAL RIVER SYSTEM RWQO For Phosphate (PO4-P) - mean annual NO 1-3 REACH Vaal River, Bloemhof Dam to Douglas Barrage 4-5 Vaal River d/s Mooi confluence to Sandspruit confluence 6-7 Vaal River d/s Lethabo weir to u/s Mooi confluence 8 -14 WATER USERS GUIDELINES FOR TROPHIC STATUS OF VAAL RIVER WATERS (µg/l) Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Hypertrophic Vaal River, Vaal Dam to headwaters RWQO SET ≤30 µg/l Irrigation, domestic, recreation, industry, aquatic ecosystem < 10 10 - 50 50 -150 > 150 ≤100 µg/l ≤150 µg/l Irrigation, domestic, recreation, industry, aquatic ecosystem < 10 10 - 50 50 -150 > 150 ≤50 µg/l 13 THANK YOU THE END 14