Statistics - SCHOOLBOY - Lineups
Statistics - SCHOOLBOY - Lineups
HOCKEY % -77 NIGHT IN BOSTON Statistics - SCHOOLBOY - Lineups Eastern Mass. Division I •MMMBI Doug DoCoprio {Sr) Arlington »* Hockey Joe Farina (Sr.) South Boston TOURNAMENT John Florentine (Sr Matron on RADIO Paul Carroll (Sr) AUdford BOS Jim Boydan (Sr) 92.9 FM/Stereo Join Us We'll Be There" Bill Cotter Matignon LLLHJ UJLliJ THE Award Candidates. TROPHY Ed Craan proudly displays thii y«ari Brig horns Trophy given to the Most Valuable Player in Schoolboy Hockey THE A F T E R SCHOOL T R A D I T I O N T H A T KEEPS ON GETTING B E T T E R Tim Kimball To thi Most Valuable Player Div. I E-MaM Hotkey Selected by a polt of Coaches, Scouts and Media representatives. East Coast Aero Tech Trophy Eastern Mass. Top Lines Division I 1) Fidler, Cotter, August (Mat) 68 97 165 2) Conn, Orne, Graves (Marble) 64 77 141 3) Burns, King, Lawrence (Read) 62 64 136 4) Tivnan, Buonocore, Leahy (Med) 51 63 114 5) Keating, O'Connor, Cameron (Arl) 52 50 102 Mr. John Griffin, Jr. displaying this years trophy. FACE OFF with the future! East Coast Aero Technical School Hanscom Field Lexington, Mass 02173 {617} 274-6400 I may be interested in aviation career training. AN EXCITING CAREER IN AVIATION MAINTENANCE IS POSSIBLE IN ONLY 19 MONTHS. FOR CATALOGUE CALL OR WRITE: Licensed by Comm. of Mass. Dept of Education Send facts. Address , City Phone , Srcite -. . Zip — LELAND POWERS SCHOOL of Radio, Television and Theatre "creating careers for over 70 years" 1/tented by the Board of Education Approved for training Ve'eronl Pfocemen* Service Classes begin September, January and June Theatre Summer Campus at Cape Cod For further information call or wri»e: LELAND POWERS SCHOOL 70 Brookline Avc. announcing • Newtcatting iporticatting • dj*c jockeying commercial and tcripf writing producing • directing • *p««ch ttaga, tal«vi»ion and film acting Boiton, Maitachuiefti 02115 (617) 247-1300 DON BOSCO (BEARS) 2nd_ Place, Catholic^ Conference Record: 12-3-l(25Pts) GF:115,GA:52 # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 PLAYER Paul Letsche Bill O'Dwyer Dave Flaherty John Flowers Paul Greely Pete Shaughnessey Chris Shoulla Paul Gannon Paul Carey Buzz Palmenteer Dan Griffin Peter Boudreau Tim Devine Ed Rausseo Louis Vallesio Mike Murphy Bob Kerr John Green GOALIES 1 Joe Shaughnessey 19 Kevin VJhatley 30 Terry Whatley YR (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) (So) (So) (So) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (So) (Jr) STATS. G A 1 0 26 52 3 12 12 25 3 10 5 13 0 6 13 3 0 16 1 0 2 "More High School teams are wearing Pro-tec than all the other "brands put together!?.. 5 17 2 13 2 7 20 5 2 22 3 3 2 (So) (So) (Sr) COACH Ed Kirrane(Head) Dave Kelley(Asst) VK TUKW;:.A WA^HINGIor; 98188 BOSTON AA£A REP: GREG AS HE, 278 8733 JIMMY'S^ MARINE ^^ 17O Pi-,_U.. St., C* CSalem, _l * Mass. 4 « ~ , rnii-»i-i 278 Derby 09170 The North Shore's NUMBER 1 Boat Dealer! -i 744-7717 i A TTIT SEE THE BEST . . . AVOID THE REST . . . BUY FOR LESS! BEVERLY PANTHERS (1st P_lace_, Northeastern^ Cgnf) Northeast Conference Record: 15-1-2 (32Pts) GF:103 GA:40 // 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PLAYER Ed Quill Rich Gilligan Bill Cahill Tim Kimball Pete Vasapoli Kevin Cross Tim Coombs Matt Phalen Mike Coan Bill Scott Doug Caverly Ross McCulloch Dick Collupy Paul Collins Chris Ring Scott Steeves Jay Rice Chris Scares (,Tr) 0 (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) 0 0 12 3 8 5 12 1 4 2 20 5 2 1 6 21 Champions 25 11 8 7 20 3 4 2 16 3 1 1 3 29 Jay Rice Beverly GOALIES 1 John MacKenzie (Jr) 30 Jerry Foster (Jr) COACHES Jerry Ryan(Head) Ray Bastarache(Asst) Beverly co-operative bonk 254 CABOT STREET, BEVERLY - Tim Kimball of Beverly was voted N.E. Conference Outstanding Rear Guard for the 1976-77 campaign. Tim will receive a special award from the Swampscott Sporting Goods store and owner Ron Spinney. 33 Columbia St. Swampscott &,l to the the JCucl, J~ anthers — from bank with of 927-0857 that's uou — tome or alwaus u'hffhfr a it'll it ! EMBASSY TROPHY COMPANY Greater Boston 479 Moody St., Walt ham, Mass. ARLINGTON (SPY PONDERS) // EMBASSY PROVIDES ALL MEDALS & TROPHIES FOR HOCKEY NIGHT IN BOSTON AUNT""' 111 BROADWAY, ARLINGTON 648-0640 AVERY'S Champions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PLAYER YR Paul Desmond Pat Lavery Bill Lyons Brian Cadigan Don DeCaprio Bob Brennan Brian O'Connor David Keating (Jr) (So) STATS G A 1 1 4 4 2 0 1 3 (Jr) (Sr) 0 2 (Jr) 23 26 (Sr) 24 13 7 28 (Sr) Doug DeCaprio 3 4 (So) Mike Messuri 6 6 (Jr) Mike Kilcoyne (Sr) 1 6 Keith Moran 4 6 (Sr) Mark Collins 5 11 (Jr) Steve Cameron 9 18 Paul Eichelrotli (Sr) 1 0 Bruce Eichelroth (So) 12 2 (Sr) Mike Lavery 6 4 (Jr) Pete Lavery GOALIES 1 Brian Igo 1 Al Mucci 20 Joe Hurley (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) COACHES Ed Burns(Head) Dick DeCaprio(Asst) A RLINGTON A V E R Y ' S IADIO SUPPLY INC. t • iitvici 1201 **•••• 643-8770 OPEN 80 nt CO-OPERATIVE BANK To ?p ^ S A T U R D A Y UNTfL 6p m 699 MASS A V E . ARLINGTON MA. Middlesex League Champions BURLINGTON (REP DEVILS) 1st Place, Middlesex League Record: 15-2-l(31Pts) GF:114,GA:34 STATS. * PLAYER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Chuck Robinson Rich O'Neil Scott McKenzie Tom Silvia Jeff Shute Jack Fahey Matt Shramek Kevin McCarthy Jeff Cowles Joe Flaherty Jim Hall Mark O'Connor Ernie Romeo Brett Costa Jack Curtin Jim Curtin Dana Shute Tom Flamia Tim Sipson B. Hall GOALIES 1 Bill Murray 1 Paul lannuzzi 30 Doug Ellis YR G A (So) (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Sr) (So) (So) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (So) (Jr) (So) (Sr) 0 5 3 10 5 4 17 16 27 5 7 0 3 10 6 9 17 4 19 18 32 6 3 1 4 19 2 1 0 4 3 2 0 2 3 5 2 0 224 Cambridge St. Burlington, Mass 123 MAIN ST. NORTH READING ITALIAN SPECIALTIES STEAK • SEAFOOD COMPLETE DINNERS LL (Jr) (So) (Jr) WcDoweM JOHN J. GUIDE INSURANCE AGENCY John J. Guide — John J. Guide, Jr. Life - Health - Accident - Marine - Compensation 271-1070 35 Center St. DON'S AUTO PARTS Burlington New England Auto 321 BOSTON ROAD Bt'.LERICA, MASS. 663-6190 . . THE ACTION CENTER OF NEW ENGLAND NAT1CK REDMEN Tied For 2nd Place, Bay State League Record: 12-3-3(27Pts) GF:104,GA:50 // 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 PLAYER Doug Fletcher Chris Williamson Mike Montallo Steve Rich Greg Hennrikus Robert Wells John Thomas Steve Intinarelli Tom Murray Edward Costello Mike Sullivan Paul Rothwell Steve Valle Jack Kelley Jamie Lord John Miccile T. Myrick YR (So) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (Sr) (So) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (So) (So) STATS. G A 0 5 0 11 12 16 1 5 20 1 6 1 6 1 10 14 8 8 3 1.4 9 18 3 2 N O R T NORTHERN SOUND 145 Providence Highway Rte. 1 Norwood, Mass. Tel. 769-4171 We PIONEER CRAIG 4 3 13 11 7 16 0 1 0 1 (Sr) (Sr) COACHES Billy LaCouture(Head) Carl Bates(Asst) Such Names As: KRIS AUTOMATIC RADIO JENSEN SOUND GOALIES 1. Glenn Karian 20 John Anderson Carry Famous Brand X-TAL (.us tout PANASONIC — CAR RADIOS ^^•M^^M OPEN 9 - 9 Horn* Stereo Unite and the Finest in CBi We flepair All Type fladio & Cfl Units • TRAVEL AIRLINE HOSTESS RESERVATIONS! TICKET A G E N T PASSENGER SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY AIRLINE SECRETARIAL e c O U R T AND C O N F E R E N C E REPORTING • FASHION MERCHANDISING AND RETAILING e BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION eiEGAL SECRETARIAL e WORLD T R A D E SECRETARIAI e E X E C U T I V E SECRETARIAL • MEDICAL SECRETARIAL • C L E R I C A L IBM YSTATE 122 Commonwealth Annue -Boilon, Mauachuiett! 02116- (6171 266-0220 k •1'C5 A 1 L r , , i re,; H( s j,,niai tu I'inti a htrtikuu'Liy I'm f i n e rm.vr JOIN THE NAVY. Join the people wh6Ve joined the Army. Top 5 EMass Division I Goalies U.S. Jam** A. Landgraf LTC U.S. Army proudly displays thii yvar'f outstanding goal'* award. ARMY 1) Arlington (Joe Hurley) 1.45 2) S. Boston (Mark Bartosiak) 1.82 3) Burlington (Doug Ellis) 1.89 4) Matignon (Tony Peduto) 1.94 5) Needham (Jeff Yoke) 2.00 Hockey Night in Boston would like to thank the U.S. Army and area recruiters for assisting in our award presentations this year. MARELEHEAD HEADERS (2nd Place, N.E. Conference) PANT Shop Record: 12-3-3(27Pts) GF:92,GA:41 "77/A'.STOK/; WITH A NMILE STATS. # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 PLAYER Gary Orne Carter Gould Dave Hutchinson Joey Sylvester Hooper Goodwin Art Graves Greg Murphy Gary Conn John Rhoades Tim Walsh Larry Healey Charlie Smith Alex Gordon Tom Roundy Mike O'Connell Ricky Gayne Rick Farrar Bart Brehob 1 23 30 31 GOALIES Gary Whear Mark Russo Jon Barry Mark Sanford F-i'jIunoq If.p L.irrst In f-.ishions For Young Men And YR G A (Sr) 25 18 1 4 (Sr) 0 3 (Sr) 2 14 (Sr) 1 0 (So) (Sr) 11 34 1 1 (Jr) (Sr) 28 25 5 9 (So) (Jr) 8 11 (Sr) (Sr) 1 1 (Sr) 1 0 (Sr) 8 6 (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (So) (So) (So) COACHES Bob Roland(Head) Mf»n W*"il> T h i n k Young Also Fc.itu'inq A BKJ Of Tdlt DfTpt 59MUNROE ST.. LYNN. MASS 'Jack & Eh" MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARO Open Thurj. & Fri. Ewes, 'til 9 (Ath LYNN ENGLISH BULLDOGS Place, N.E, Conference) Record: ll-4-3(25Pts) GF:79,GA:53 # PLAYER YR (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (So) 7 Tom Blackington (Sr) (Jr) 8 Mike Erelli (Sr) 9 Steve Stanger (Sr) 10 Jack Bartlett (Sr) 11 Ray Nestor (Jr) 12 Bob Greeley (Jr) 14 Bill Stinson (Jr) 15 Paul Murphy 3 4 5 6 Dave Kreamer Bob Breslow Steve Beaulieu Paul Therrien (Jr) (Sr) 18 Tom D'Arcangelo (Jr) (Jr) 19 Bruce Mini (So) 20 Mark Stevens (So) 21 Kevin Marr (Jr) 22 Jed Gallant (So) 28 Mike Eamma 29 Tony Vassallo (Jr) 16 Chris Flood 17 Scott Wakehara 759 LYNNWAY, IYNN DAHY 9 to 9, SAT. 9 to 5 5954625 Petersen Toyota would like to congratulate N.E. Conf. scoring champion Gary Conn of Marblehead. Gary scored 28 goals and added 25 assists for total of 53 pts. Gary will receive a beautiful trophy compliments of Petersen Toyota, GOALIES 1 Bill Borders 2 Mark Natola 30 Mark LeTarte COACH Ben Foote(Head) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) STATS. G A 13 11 0 6 1 11 0 1 12 9 18 3 1 6 6 14 5 4 7 15 7 9 3 0 0 8 5 5 1 0 2 5 275 Washington St. Newton Corners 934-1958 hub discount WEYMOUTH SOUTH WILDCATS (2nd Place, Suburban League) Record: 10-4-4(24Pts) G F : 7 2 , G A : 6 9 // 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 PLAYER Mike McDermott Dan Daily Scott Fitzgerald Rick Weston Glenn Milton Mark Salvucci Greg DiDona Steve Salvucci Dennis Conconnan Jim Merlin 14 Steve Bermingham 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mark Ryan Kurt Hulteen Jim D'Angelo Doug Murphy Mike MacQueen Chuck Coyle STATS . G A 3 1 1 5 3 4 9 14 1 3 92.9 STEREO Suburban League Champions 3 5 29 1 12 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 Walter Parry 30 Dave Seone COACH John Walker . SCORE with The Patriot Ledger UJBDS 17 1 11 4 1 1 6 0 2 4 3 (1st NEWTON NORTH TIGERS Place, Suburban League) Record: 12-4-2(26Pts) GF:73,GA:45 * 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 PLAYER Mike Thomas Glenn Buckley Jack Bellevue Lee Waxman Stu Tobin Duane Tocci Steve Sera Pete McHugh Phil Reidy John Gaudet Jim McHale Joe Calabro Tom Hagerstrom Gordie Moore Phil Maddocks GOALIES 30 Felix Lidonni 31 Rick Cohen COACH Don Crowley YR (So) (Jr) STATS . G A 1 1 10 19 (Sr) 3 10 (Jr) 16 16 (Sr) 0 4 (Jr) (Sr) 2 2 (So) 3 0 (Sr) 3 8 (Sr) 1 1 (So) 4 9 (Sr) 8 6 (Jr) 16 20 (Jr) 6 10 (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) Boston City Champs SOUTH BOSTON (SOUTHIE) 1st Place, Boston Cij^y League hub discount Record: 13-2-2(28Pts) GF:81,GA:31 # 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 PLAYER Paul Cole Bernie Goodman Tom Baker Bob Flaherty Kevin Noonan Kim Kimball Paul McGonagle Rich Linehan Tom Talbert Chris Connolly Barry Callo Bob Steele Joe Farina Mark Flaherty Walt Lamperon Joe Casper Brian Medico Bob Beaudry Frank Creighton YR (So) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (Fr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (Fr) (Fr) 613 E. Broadway STATS. _G A_ 0 2 4 1 0 3 22 15 0 3 2 11 10 3 7 6 1 7 16 0 0 3 16 0 7 3 2 18 19 4 2 1 0 2 South Boston 269-3474 GOALIES 1 Mark Bartosiak 30 Bob Hennessey COACH Tom Aprille SCORE with the leader! (Sr) (Sr) BRAINTREE SAVINGS BANK Main Off ice 865 Washington Street Branches South Shore Plaza. Quintree Mall. King's Plaza, Braintree, Mass. 02184 BRAINTREE WAMPS ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS (BISHOPS) Tied For 2nd Place, Bay State League 3rd Place, Catholic Conference Record: 12-3-3(27Pts) GF:86,GA:50 Record: ll-4-l(23Pts) GF:92,GA:5; // 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PLAYER John Casali Paul Fitzgerald John Tutty Bob Reagan Jack Toomey Bob Cusack John Woods Paul Fisher Kevin McEchern Jim Fisher John McDonald Mike Reardon Scott McKenney Mike Torney Jim Munyon Dave Herron Frank Messina Eric Jacobson GOALIES 1 John Curran 20 Alan Cobb STATS. YR G A (Sr) (Jr) (So) (So) (Jr) 4 10 (Sr) 7 8 (Jr) 8 2 (Sr) 19 17 (Jr) (So) 0 2 7 6 (Sr) (So) 0 1 (Sr) 19 26 (So) 0 2 (Sr) 7 12 (Sr) 10 19 (Jr) 2 2 1 4 (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PLAYER John Pascarrilli John Mitchell John Powell Don Perdios Jerry Welch Dave Lewis Pete DiGiacomo Chuck Sage John Morris Pat Duff Dave Peters Paul McCarthy Bob Goodwin Barry Invernizzi George Sullivan John Morrissey Brian McGulvery Jim Shea John Fitzgerald Mike Storer Chuck Marshall NORWOOD DODGE 762-9110 GOALIES Jeff Word Jay Baker ROUTE 1 NORWOOD s Norwood Dodge would like to congratulate Braintree's Scot McKenny for winning the Bay State League's scoring championship. Scot had 19 goals and 26 assists to lead the Bay State League for the 2nd consecutive year. Scot will be presented a handsome trophy from Norwood Dodge. [)( DHAM bQiJAHE DFOHAM MA>b OZO26 STATS. YR G A (Jr) 3 1 (Sr) 6 8 (Sr) 4 7 (Jr) 4 8 (Jr) 11 7 (Jr) 4 4 (Jr) 9 8 (Jr) 11 12 (So) (So) 0 (Sr) 6 (Jr) 0 (Jr) (So) 11 (Jr) 0 (Sr) 4 (So) 0 7 (Sr) (Sr) 2 (Jr) 5 (Jr) 3 (Sr) (Sr) Live and work in places tourists only visit. When you enlist for Europe, you're there to do a job first and frolic at the Oktoberfest second. If you qualify, you can choose to learn a job in supply, missiles, aviation, infantry, artillery, armor, administration, maintenance, medical, or many other fields. And we'll guarantee it in writing before you enlist. Once you get to Europe you'll earn a minimum of $417 a month, before deductions. Then, besides vour normal time off, you'll get 30 days paid vacation a year. And that's plenty of time to see Europe. Join the people who've joined the Army. The Army representatives at the offices listed below will be glad to tell you exactly how II Is in today's Army. It costs nothing to find out. So why not do yourself a favor . . . stop in or call today. MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND EMI KTOVKMOC* 0 J4-£V' Bo«lon 223-2566 1 10 Tremonl Street GloucMtor 283 -1 088 Posi Office Building fcUldcn 3228212 200 Pleasant Street Satom 744-5420 207 Esse» Slreel Brockton 583 4500 1 38 Main Slieel H*v«rhlN 3722651 Post Office 9 log MHtord 473-8511 Post Office BiOg SonwretH* 666 4162 58 Day Slreel DorchMtvr 288-4515 1 305 Dorchesier Ave Hlngham 749 231 1 35 Wnilmg Avenue N«*B«dlonl 9993422 902 Purcnase Si reel Taunton 8224291 14 Weir Street Fall River 673-0482 261 S Mam Street Hyarmtt 7756300 S3 Elm Street Norwood 762 4800 91 Central Slreel Wallham 894 9289 6" Mam Slreel Fltchburg 3425232 532 Main Street L*wr*nc* 686 7036 499 £sse> Street P»«toody 531-0220 55 Mam Slreel Wobum 935-2266 424 Mam Slree! W*k«IMd 789 3343 88 Tower Hill RoaO Frwntngham 8755550 '6 Union Avenue Low»» 454 9903 208 Genual Slreel Plymouth 746-3047 15 Mam Slreel E,I WomnMr 755-26)2 36 From Sueei WMI Warwick 821 81 M 1 202 Mam Street L»nn 592-4440 t TO Union Street Quinsy 773-6822 1626 Hancock Gtreel Franklin 528 9460 1 W Central Street 208 T a union Ave"ue Newport 847-8141 Longwharl Mall PmriuckM 7220640 25 N Union Slreel ProvMwKM 528 4316 334 Weslmmsler Slreel Woorwoektt 7622266 249 Mam Slreel Mr. Frank Boraba, President of Barbo's in Stoneham displaying beautiful recliner that will be awarded to the top "coaches of the year". The presentations will take place on March 16th at the HNIB Banquet (Holiday Inn in Burlington). Price for pnce Quality for quality Service for jervice... You can't buy better thanBarbo's Mditi St. (Rl. 28) Stonrhdrti REVERE (PATRIOTS) 2nd Place, G.B.A. Record: ll-3-6(28Pts) GF:103,GA:54 // 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 18 19 22 23 24 PLAYER John Festa Bob DeNofrio Jack Vigliotti Steve Annesi Steve DiCarlo Ed Perullo Mike Rao Ken Grave 11 Brian Dailey Kevin Dunne Mike Lake Chuck Zullo Gary DiBella Chris Capolla Chip Bulmer Charlie Perullo Mike Frammatino YR (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (So) (So) (Sr) (So) (So) GOALIES 1 Steve Castaldo 20 Bob Troisi 30 Mike Marino COACH Rich Champa (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) STATS . G A 12 23 1 9 1 0 5 3 20 24 17 13 3 3 3 2 11 9 5 5 9 0 6 18 8 1 15 16 2 4 Rollie Bouncoure MHIotd MEDFORD (MUSTANGS) 3rd Place, G.B.L. Record: 12-5-3(27Pts) GF:92,GA:5( * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STATS. _2 A_ Kevin Driscoll 1 5 Tom Somerville 6 5 Rick Flynn 1 0 Rollie Buoncuore 23 18 Paul Coleman 1 11 Rick DeVenne 2 1 Chip Vara 5 10 John Venezianio 10 11 Alby Tivnan 11 17 Pete Leahy 17 28 Brian Bates 4 5 Mike Gordon 0 2 Tim Cronin 0 5 Rick Jenkins 8 17 Jim Granara 0 3 Mike Wall 1 2 Jim McGaffigan 0 3 Niel 0?Toole 1 4 PLAyER GOALIES 1 Jerry Ramasci 30 Paul Carroll COACH Ron Guidice SUIT YOURSELF MEN'S & WOMEN'S CLOTHING 553 MAIN ST., READING — 944-9660 MELROSE (RED RAIDERS) 2nd Place, Middlesex League MATIGNON (WARRIORS) l_st_ Place i Catholic Conferen.ce Record: 15-l-0(30Pts) GF:117,GA:31 # PLAYER 2 Tom Cronin 3 Alan Antonucci 4 Ernie Karelis 5 Jim Ricclardelli 6 Scott Colborne 7 Ed Garden 8 Rusty Runge 9 Scott Charlton 10 Al Gregorio 11 Paul Connolly 12 Rick Wilson 14 Bill Hirschfeld 15 Larry Capuano 16 Rick Dellapasqua 17 Bob McCaughy 18 Tom Brussard 20 Matt Hamilton 21 Jack Muse YR G A (Jr) 0 9 (Jr) 3 2 (Jr) 1 5 (Jr) 1 1 (Sr) 4 14 (So) 13 13 (So) 17 18 (So) 4 4 (Sr) 8 13 (So) 3 1 (Sr) 15 23 (Jr) 1 3 (Sr) 9 5 (So) 3 3 (Sr) 4 9 (Sr) 0 4 (Jr) 0 1 (Sr) STATS. YR G A 2 Gerry August (So) 2 5 (Sr) 30 23 3 Bill Cotter 4 Mark FIdler (Sr) 32 46 (Sr) 4 8 5 Tom Curran 6 John Fiorentino (Sr) 1 16 7 George White (So) 1 5 8 George Rodriguez (Sr) 4 3 9 Jack Woods (So) 0 7 10 Dave Fimiani (Sr) 6 10 11 Paul Yeomelakis (Sr) 16 16 12 Jim Duffy (Jr) 2 0 13 Paul Ames (Jr) 0 2 14 Joe Hughes (So) 0 2 15 Tim McCabe (Sr) 0 3 16 Rick August (Jr) 6 28 17 Bob Geradine (Sr) 7 6 18 Dave Tierney (So) 0 2 19 Tom 0'Reagan (So) 5 4 20 John Burke (So) 0 1 Hughes 0 2 Yenalt 1 2 GOALIES 1 Jim Boyden 30 Scott Crowell (Sr) (Jr) GOALIES 1 Tony Peduto 30 Ed Lorden Record: 12-4-2(26Pts) GF:88,GA:55 STATS . Bos'n's Whistle Seafood Galley 179 CAMBRIDGE ST. BURLINGTON, MA 018M (617) 272-6442 323 MAIN STREET READING, MASS CALL 944-8135 // PLAYER (Sr) (So) Charlesbank Trust this is where its at! 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN CAMBRIDGE •KENDALL SQUARE • HARVARD SQUARE • CENTRAL SQUARE TELEPHONE 864-4444 CHARLESTOWN (TOWNIES) 2nd Place , Boston City League WITH THIS Record: 12-4-l(25Pts) GF:76.GA STATS. FESTIVAL • Burlington Mall • No tick Mall I • W«itgat* Mat), Brockton ' • South Shore Plain, Brainfrcai • Northihor* Shopping C*dt*r, Paabody , PC.144?3 A celebration of KUJSIC whiLh fuses tradi tioriril L,itm rhythms wi!h a unique Mend of rock 'n roll and R&B "Festival" is 3 joyous occasion on rpcorcl. CUSTOM RADIUS Make The Most Of Your Ability Take Your Skates ONLY Where You See This Sign . . . For Expert Skate Core :' O CUSTOM RADIUS -VisitHolo.jt t CouoMii Sporting GOO* 14 Mill Slrm Li*rtnct H MufWj SKATE CARE CENTER B-kr'n BU* Nvili Wtyoomh, Man. Rntrt Sporting Goods A Thf Hocwy Mm 379 Brojdwiy RnliwUli Sparling Good) Ibfl Btl«riOf AKnuf ftotwil E*nion 1^7 HiqhUM AxniK W-nihrdp. Mltl A A. Spant 10* Sea Strim Blacte 1 Nashoda Valltf Olympia 1 30 31 32 Dave Downey Jim Godding Ed Evers Alan Fidler Dennis Carey Phil Smith Gary Maher Warren LaPointe Ronnie Raymond Jim Spacco Mike Bussell Mike Dolaher Dave Hansen William Hamilton Joe Gannata Kevin Downey Humphrey GOALIES John Passalacqua Jack Celata Dan Noonan Wallace Hagan (So) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (So) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (So) (Fr) (Jr) (So) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) COACHES Mr. Morris Mr. Perrault rn» B«I Shoo The Custom Radius "Mr. Hustle" Trophy /^S^fev ••! Custom Radius Corp. ^Jfcj^^^^y NS^^^^y ^*£(JRjyr 7 Mike Evers 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 YR (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (So) i Cfnlral 5trM1 Mjrbirnfjfl Mjii Bucko's SpQrl^*) Coodi, Inc. 2B4 Mam Slrm No"* Rtading , Mjit. y.^r PLAYER Quinlan Sullivan Louis Nadeau Paul Buckley Kevin Gallaghe r John DiGigioro Ce«m tv»*O<» hK- flclon/BoibOfo Ka* SUlf Slurptntnf Vilify Spofii AnfUD J3JO MJII Stren Concord, M»t. # 2 3 4 5 6 249 Boston Street Topsfield, MA. 01983 617-887-853T will b* awarded to th« p(ay*r in thit ycar't tournament who ihowi rti» moit ipirit and d»tir* G 2 3 A 3 6 4 7 0 5 0 4 2 1 24 26 14 6 5 14 3 7 1 0 0 0 4 2 1 9 0 8 2 1 1 975-76 State Division I Champions Winthrop Vikings GOALIES 1 Jim Conway 30 Mark Surett (3rd Place, N.E. Conference) Record: 12-4-2(26Pts) GF:81,GA: 52 # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 PLAYER Joe Cutillo Miles Boulter John Ducette Rick Brianna Bill Gillogly Ken Goddard Bob Masterson Paul Muldoon Jack Brugman Tom Mackey Joe McDonald Shawn Donahue Dale Dunbar Bob Benson Fred Tape Joe Gennaco Joe Creedon Paul Plakias Jack Burke Paul Evans YR (Jr) (So) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (Sr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) (So) (So) (Sr) (Jr) (Jr) (Sr) (Sr) STATS . G A 1 2 9 9 2 2 6 5 1 1 1 6 4 3 0 3 4 12 3 5 10 14 0 3 1 3 1 6 7 5 11 6 0 1 7 6 12 16 0 2 COACHES Bill Falasca Bob DeGregorio, Jr All the great HNIB sponsors that have followed the Vikings over the past 3 years wish the defending champs luck in the state tournament. And no matter how they do this year, thanks for all the wonderful memories of last year 1 s state championship season . The WINTHROP ARMS HOTEL Hotel Dining Room W inthrop Pro Shop inthrop St. inthrop. Mass. P ublix // ^-Jhoe <?/ 1 ^^^ Robert M. Or GTPJjorio L^* (Sr) (Jr) '. I N S U R A N C E & R E A L ESTATE THE FAMILY SHOE STORE 15 Fbuline Street WinthropfiWf rnetropolitdn Phone- 846-9345 Wftc redit III! iinion 4C's Sub Shop Viinthrop Florist Shop VIKINCj OIL CO INC COMPLElFE HEATING INSTALLATION Bay State League NEEDHAM ROCKETS 1st Place - Bay State League Record: 15-2-l(31Pts) GF:102,GA:36 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLAYER Steve Tripp Dave Atkinson Rick Benson Larry Tucieri Jim Doucette Tim Connolly YR (Sr) (So) STATS . G A 2 13 4 15 (Sr) 20 21 (Sr) 2 0 (Jr) (Sr) 17 20 9 Mike Piersiak (Sr) 11 14 10 Dean McCutcheon (Sr) 12 13 11 George Susce (Sr) 3 10 12 Don Beall 14 Rich Picot 15 Mike Glass 16 Rich Mutcher 17 Eric Matthies 18 Rich Crowell 19 Jeff Noll 20 Rich Totaro 22 Jack Coughlin 23 Rich Jensen (Jr) 15 14 (Sr) 10 18 (Jr) 3 3 (Sr) 1 4 (So) (Sr) (Jr) (So) (Jr) (So) 0 5 1 0 1 5 GOALIES 1 Jeff Yoke 2 Jeff Dumart COACH John Chambers NORWOOD TIRE CO Div. of J. H Fisk Co. 55 Lenox Street, Norwood, Mass. 02062 Tel. 762-9700 Tel. 762-4935 PhCe for price Qualify for qual' Service for .Service. You can't buy better thanBarbo's Mdin Si. ( R t . 28) Slonehdm Top 20 EMass Division I Score (Regular Seaion Only) BARBO'S 1) Billy O'Dwyer(DB) 2) Mark Fidler(Mat) 3) Jeff Cowles(Burl) 4) Tom Cahill(Quincy) 5) Gary Conn(Marble) Bill Cotter(Mat) 7) Scott Burns(Read) 8) Jay Rice(Beverly) Jim Godding(Charles) 10) Brian OfConnor(Arl) 11) Steve Salvucci(Wey.S) Mark Giordani(Quincy) Pat Murphy(Tech) 14) ScotMcKenney(Brain) Pete Leahy(Medford) Steve Lawrence(Read) Art Graves(Marble) 18) Steve DeCarlo(Rev) 19) Gary Orne(Marble) 20) Rich Benson(Need) Rollie Buonocore(Med) 22) Tom King(Read) Ed Rausseo(DB) £ 26 32 27 25 28 30 23 21 24 23 29 25 17 19 17 23 11 20 25 20 23 16 17 24) Rich Wilson(Melrose) 25) Tim Connolly(Need) Bob Flaherty(SB) Dave Keating(Arl) Ed Cullazzo(Lex) Tim Kimball(Bev) John Flowers(DB) 15 17 22 24 18 12 12 COACHES CORNER AVERY'S IADIO surnY me. Arlli|t* This year the winning coaches of both the Div.I and Div.II E.Mass tournament finals will be awarded beautiful televisions. Avery's Radio and TV of Arlington in conjunction with Zenith Corporation will present beautiful black and white delux 12" portable models, Steve Leiderman of Zenith will make the presentation at HNTB annual banquet Tom Apprille South Boston ill Falasca Winthrop AWARDS Hockey Night in Boston BANQUET WEDNESDAY EVENING: MARCH 16TH HNIB SALUTES: • E.MASS DIV.I SCORING KING • TOP E.MASS GOALIE • OUTSTANDING DEFENSEMAN Roger Richard Billerica • TOP DIV.I SCORING LINE • PLAYERS OF THE WEEK • DIV.I AND II COACHES OF THE YEAR Burlington Wheeler Road & Middlesex Turnpike E x i t 4 2 - R t e 128 Burlington. Mass O18O3 272-88OO • PLUS MANY OTHER AWAPJ)S If y o u ' d like to attend, please call 245-8440 for ticket information. Ed Burns Arlington Hockey Night in Boston The Control Data Institute Trophy will be awarded to the 1976-77 Outstanding Division I Defenseman CONTROL DATA INSTITUTE 20 NORTH AVENUE BURLINGTON, MA 01803 272-4070 EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION I TOURNAMENT TOP 20 E. MASS. W L. T 1 Matignon 2 Arlington 3 Needham 4 Beverly 5 Burlington 6 Natick 7 Bosco 8 Williams 9 Marblehead 10 Newton North 11 Braintree 12 Weym. South 13 Melrose 14 South Boston 15 Revere 16 Medford 17 Charlestown 18 Lynn English 19 Winthrop 20 Reading Norwood 15-1-0 19-0-1 15-2-1 15-1-2 15-2-1 13-3-3 12-3-1 11-4-1 12-3-3 12-4-2 12-3-3 10-4-4 12-4-2 13-2-2 11-3-6 12-5-3 12-4-1 11-4-3 12-4-2 10-5-3 11-5-2 RELAX BEFORE fc AFTER THE GAME WITH A PIANO OR ORGAN FROM ^^ WuRlflZER MUSIC STORES INC. DEDHAM MALL 300 VFW Parkway Dedham, Man 02026 329-2170 U1BOS BURLINGTON MALL Burlington, Man 01B03 272 6780 Mr. Jack. Dennis, Regional General Manager of The Furlitzer Music Stores Inc., will present M.V.P. Trophy for the Div.I Championship game. The award will take place at the annual HNIB banquet on March 16th. The Boston Globe Tuesday, February 22,1977 29 Hockey. BAY STATE LEAGUE Find SI ending* W L TPls. Needham 15-2-1 31 Bralntrse 12-3-3 27 Natic* _ 12-3-3 27 Norwood 11-5-2 24 Framlngham South ....9-7-2 20 Oedham 6-10-1 14 Walpote 6-11-1 13 Wellesley 5-11-2 12 Milton 5-13-0 10 Framlnghsm North 1-17-0 2 [.••ding Seorera G APIJ. Scoil McKenney. Brainlrw 19 26 45 Rick Benson, Needham 20 21 41 Marty Vey. Dedham fl 29 37 Paul Fisher. Braintree... 19 17 38 Tim Connelly, Neednam , 16 20 36 Jim McTernan. Norwood 13 23 36 Gary Peters, Wellesley 15 19 34 Larry Muff ay, Naltck 20 12 32 Larry Robinson, Dedham 18 13 31 Gary Mathews, Wellesley 14 17 31 Don Beau. Needham 15 14 29 BOSTON CONFERENCE Final Standing* ^ Dlvl*lon 1 W-L-T Pts. Soulh Boslon 13-2-2 28 Chailestown 1J-4-1 25 Boslon Tech 11-5-1 23 Boston Latin... 7-9-1 15 Boston English 6-10-1 13 Leading Scor»rs G A Pis. Jim Godding. Charleslown 25 23 48 Pal Murphy, Boston Tech IB 26 44 Bob Fiahefty, So. Boston 22 16 38 Mark Flaherty, So. Boston 16 20 36 Joe Fitzgerald, English 21 11 32 Dale Julius. English 11 18 29 Rich Lonenan, So. Boston 10 16 ' 26 John Whelan. Latin 13 11 24 Jo* Farina, So. Boalon 7 17 24 Brian O'Milley. English 9 14 23 Division 2 East Boston Dorchester Brighton Hyde Park WestRoxbury..,, Leading Scorora W-L-T Pis/ 12-4-1 25 10-7-0 20 4-11-2 10 3-13-1 7 2-15-0 4 G Joe Lyons, Brighton 22 Frank O'Gonnetl, West Roxbury. 16 Bit! Sninkwln, Brighton 13 Kevin Finn, East Boston 14 Sieve Jeannelte. Hyde Park 8 Bob DeLeo. East Boston 14 John Carroll. Hyde Park 11 Bob DeStafano. East Boslon 10 Mark C»mbrla. East Boslon 10 Dlvl*ion 3 Jamaica Plain Burke Copley Madison Tiada Leading Scor«rs A Pts.. 23 45 18 34 13 26 11 25 16 24 9 23 10 21 11 21 9 19 w-i i I ti. 12-0-0 24 7-4-1 15 5-4-3 13 3-7-2 8 0-12-0 0 Leading Scorer* G J. Sheehan. Pope John 16 Mike Anzlvinno. Marian 16 John Riley, Fenwtak 15 Jim Mosca. Doro Savlo 12 Jay Miller, Marian 8 LeClerc. Fenwtck , n T. Cavalleri, Dom Savio 16 Tim Friday. Marian 7 Gill, Dom SavrO _ 7 T. Sheehan, Pop* John 9 A Pts. 21 37 14 30 11 26 12 24 15 23 12 23 6 22 14 21 13 20 10 19 CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Final Standing* W-L-T PTS. 30 25 23 18 18 10 10 9 3 Matignon..._ 15-1-0 Don Bosco 12-3-1 Williams 11-4-1 Catholic Memorial 8-6-2 Maiden Catholic 7-7-2 SI. Jon's Prep 4-10-2 B.C. High 3-9-4 CoKjmbus.. 4-11-1 Xaverlan 1-14-1 L*adlng Scorers G A Mark Fidler, Matignon 31 47 Bill O'Dwyer, Don Bosco 26 48 Bill Cotter, Matlgnon 30 22 Ed Rauseo, Don Bosco 17 27 Dan Grlflln, Don BOKO 12 27 John Flowers, Don Bosco 12 25 John Ryte. Memorial 13 21 Rich August, Matignon 7 27 Bob Buckley, Maiden Cath...14 17 COMMONWEALTH CONFERENCE Standing* Shawsn*»n ~ Northeast Lynn Tech Lowell Tyngsboro Greater Lawrence Whrtlier Nashoba Somerville Trade Leading Scorer* W-L-T Pts 28 28 23 16 15 10 7 7 0 14-2-0 13-1-2 10-3-3 8-7-0 7*1 5-8-0 3-11-1 3-11-1 0-14-0 . G Tom Ryan. Shawsheen 25 Sieve Flynn. Lynn Tech 18 Scott Chamber*. Lynn T«ch 19 Ken Morse. Shawsheen 13 Dave Ellis. Northeasl 15 Mark lundqulst. Northeast 15 Ken Lundquist. Northeast 9 George Poulakls, Tyngsboro 13 Bob Levitt, Whlttier 17 Dan McDonald, Lynn Tech 12 DUAL COUNTY LEAGUE Standing* Aeton-Boxboro Concord-Cartisle Llncoln-Sudbury Bedford _. Wayland Newlon South Weston Leading Scorer* Pts. 78 74 52 44 39 37 34 34 31 APIs. 21 46 19 37 17 36 18 31 15 30 14 29 17 36 12 25 7 24 11 23 W-L-T Pts. 32 32 20 15 1* 5 2 16-1-0 16-2-0 9-6-2 7-«-1 7"-10-D 2-14-1 1-16-0 G A Pts. 'Chuck Huggins. Conc.-Carl 26 31 57 Gtorge Favaloro. Cone-Carl 19 31 50 Jack Dempsey. Conc.-Carl 24 22 46 G A Pis. Vob Brooke. Acton-Box 17 29 46 Jose Rios, Jamaica Plain 31 32 63 Brsd Fellus. Acton-Bo* 22 23 45 Andre Oias, Jamaica Plain 19 27 46 Fran D*e, Conc.-Carl 19 17 36 Jean Binda, Copley 30 12 42 John Burke. Wayland 21 13 34 A! Fernandez, Jamaica Plain 21 14 35 John Davis. Acton-Box 20 14 34 Mike Concannon, BurkO 16 15 31 Eric Magnuson. Llnc.-Sud 14 12 26 Glen Williams, Burke 18 12 30 Steve Rhodes, Acton-Box 12 14 26 Jerry Harrington, Copley.... 12 14 26 Sieve Ward. Acton-Bo* 12 14 26 George Perry, Jamaica Plain 11 14 25 GREATER BOSTON LEAGUE Dan Seal. Jamaica Plain 5 20 25 Final Standing! Manny Silva, Madison fl 13 22 W-L-T Pis. CAPE AND ISLANDS Final Standing* Arlinglon 19-0-1 39 W-L-T Pis: Revere 11-3-6 28 Medlord 12-5-3 27 Nauset 10-S-O 20 Peabody _ 6-7-7 19 Provlncetown 8-4-3 19 Maiden 6-8-6 18 Sandwich 7-6-1 15 6-10-4 16 Cape Tech 6-7-1 13 HaverhlH Somerville 5-12-3 13 Chatham 4-8-2 10 Everett 5-12-3 13 Harwich ;. 4-9-1 9 •Chelsea 2-15-3 7 Leading Scowi Laadlng Scorer* G A Pis. G A Pts. Russell Meads. Provlncelown 21 19 40 B. O'Connor, Arlington 22 28 50 Todd Bfown, Nauaet 12 15 71 Peter lahey, Medtord 17 26 45 Mat Bridges, Nausel 17 9 26 Steve DiCarlo, Revere 20 23 43 Ron Fancy. Nauset 8 15 23 Davo Keating. Arlington.. 25 14 39 George Rich. Province! own... 12 10 22 R. Boncour. Medtord ...23 15 38 Rick Malcomwn. Sandwich 10 11 21 John Fesl. Revere 12 23 35 Dave Oonohue, Nausel 8 10 18 ChipBulmer 19 IS 34 Jim Trwlbert, Harwich 7 11 18 Steve Strauss. Maiden 16 17 33 Ken Marlln. Provlncelown 9 8 17 Bill Glancolla, Chelsea .15 16 31 CAPE ANN LEAGUE D. DeCaprio. Arlinglon 5 26 31 Final Standing* E»t HOCKOMOCKLEAGUE W-L-T Pis. Final Standing* Trilon 9-3-2 20 W-L-T Pis. Hamilton-Wenham. 9-4-1 19 Canton 13-1-1 27 Ipswich ..4-10-0 8 Franklin 11-2-2 23 Georgetown 2-12-0 4 Siougnton 9-5-1 19 Rockport 0-14-0 0 Oliver Ames 5-8-2 12 Watt King Philip 2-10-3 7 W-L-T Pis. North Attlebofo 0-14-1 1 Leading Scorer* North Raiding 12-0-3 2'' Newburyporl 8-2-4 21 G APIS. Kevin LaPorle, Stoughlon 16 12 28 Amasbury.... 10-5-0 20 Mike KWIeher, Canlon ...12 13 25 Lynnlleld 8-S-2 18 Sieve McNeil. Canton 14 10 24 Masconomet 7-6-2 16 Norm Andover ..3-12-0 6 Dan Craig, Oliver Ames 8 16 24 Tom Lennon. Canton 12 10 22 L«dlng Scorer* MikeBiuhop, Sioughton IT 8 19 Peter Sari asso. No. Heading ...19 2: John Lavole, Franklin 9 9 18 Wall/ Roberts, No. Reading 1 Kevin Kennedy. Franklin 6 12 19 Jim Canavan. NO. Heading 16 2 Andy Hansen, Franklin 4 14 18 Sieve Wmsiow, Lynnfield 13 Joe Lyons, Canlon 5 11 18 Jeft Dodge. Newburyport 15 21 G. Bournaslan. Fianklm 9 7 IS John Sirva, Newburyport 15 ! INDEPENDENTS Peter Fournier, Amesbury 10 Eberhardl Dlvltton Scol! Burnahm, Ham-Wenham... 18 Standing* Jeft Hamilton. Ham-Wenham 17 1 W-L-T Pts. Don Beam. Amesbury '3 "6 " Brooks 9-0-0 18 CATHOLIC CENTRAL LEAGUE SI. George's 6-2-0 12 Final Standing* Gov. Oummer 4-4-0 8 W-L-T PTS. St. Mark's 3-4-0 6 Marian 13-0-3 28 Middlesex 2-6-0 4 Pope John 8-3-5 Groton. 0-8-0 0 DomSavIo 7-6-3 Leading Scorer* Arlington CalhoHc ..5-6-3 13 G A Pts. fil Mar/dll 4-11-1 Alan Kurth, Brooks. 16 18 36 renwrck 3-12-1 7 Chuck Redman. Brooks.... 13 13 26 A. DeMoullas, Brooks 8 14 22 Dave Norgan. St. Georges 11 10 21 Trip Morion, Brooks 7 13 20 Dave H»m, Gov. Dummer 13 5 IB J. Marllgnetll. Middlesex 8 9 17 John Webster. Gov. Durnmer 3 11 14 Ben Collins, Gov. Dummer 7 6 13 Tom Mi tier, Groton 7 5 12 KELLEfl LEAGUE Standing* North W-T-L Pts. SI. Sebastian's 7-2-0 14 Lawrence Academy 5-4-0 10 St. Paul's 4-4-0 8 Thayer Academy 3-6-0 6 South Buckingham, Browne-Nichols 6-2-0 12 Belmom Hill 6-3-0 12 Milton Academy 4-5-0 8 NoWe ind Greenough 0-9-0 0 Loading Scorer» G APIs. Todd Johnson. BB&N 12 15 27 Tom Vasquez, St. Seb's 10 12 22 John Qulnn, SI. S«b'8 13 7 20 Malt St. Onge, St. Paul'* 10 1C 20 Scoll Powers, St. Paul's 10 B 18 Mark Meagher, BB&N 5 13 18 Kevin Brown. Lawrence 7 10 17 Mike Reddish, SI. Seb'*. 3 14 17 Louis Ferrard. BB4N 9 7 16 Data Valicentt, Thayer 9 6 15 MAYFLOWER LEAGUE Standing* W-L-T Pi*. South Shore Voke 14-1-0 28 BhJt Hills 11-3-0 22 Avon 6-5-1 13 Southeastern 6-8-1 13 Bristol-Plymouth 1-10-1 3 Bristol Aodies 1-12-1 3 Leidlng Scoreti G A Ptl. Peter Cooney. South Shore 28 25 53 Gary Cooney, South Shore 26 25 51 Brian Vig11, South Shore 8 25 33 Rob Wrteefrlght. South Shore 12 18 30 Brian Walker. Blue Hill» 12 16 28 Scott Walker. Avon 13 13 26 George L'Heureux, Blue HlH«...... 17 3 20 Scolt Drew. Blue Hills , g 8 17 Steve Pearson, Blue Hills 6 10 IB Jim Deeb. Southeastern . s 11 16 MERRIMACK VALLEY CONFERENCE Final Standing! W-L-T Pis. •Billerlca 18-0-0 36 Austin Prep 15-3-0 30 Chelmsford 12-5-1 25 Tewk*bufy 11-5-2 24 Wilmington 11-7-0 22 Methuen B-9-1 17 Andover , 6-12-0 12 Lawrence Central 4-14-0 8 Dracul 3-15-0 6 Uwrencu 0-16-0 0 Leading Scorers G A Pts. Thorn Lawlef. Austin Prep 31 37 68 Tom Carr. Austin Prep , 28 38 66 Paul Miller, Sillehca 22 41 63 Mlk« O'Connor. Billeriea IB 30 49 Sieve Arnold. Billerlca 20 22 42 Tony Santullo. Austin Prep 17 23 40 Dean Jenkins. Billerlca 14 26 40 Tony Visone, Austin Prep 14 21 3S John McDonald, Austin Prep 12 23 35 Jack Hynes, Billerica 7 28 35 MIDDLESEX LEAGUE Final Standing* Burlington MelroSB Re»dmg Stoneham Lexington Watertown Belmont Woburn Wskeimd Winchester - W-L-T Pts. 15-2-1 31 12-4-2 26 10-5-3 2: 10-5-3 23 8-8-2 18 7-7-4 11 6-8-3 15 5-10-3 13 3-13-2 2-15-1 5 Leading Scorer* G A PIS. Jeff Cowles, Burlington 27 33 60 Scott Burns. Reading 23 2( Steve Lawrence. Reading. 21 20 41 Tom King. Reading 16 24 40 Rick Wolson, Mslrose 15 22 37 Ed Collauo. Lennglon 20 16 36 Mat Srtramek. Burlington 17 19 36 Kevin McCarthy, Burlington 17 IB 3 Russ Runge, Melrose 17 17 34 Dave Hinkle, Lenngion ,...16 18 34 NOflTHEASTERN CONFERENCE Final Standings W-L-T PIS. Beverly 15-1-2 32 Marblehead 12-3-3 27 Winlhrop 12-4-2 '• Lynn English 11-4-3 2! Danvers 8-9-1 Gloucester 8-9-1 • Saugus 5-9-4 1 Sw.mpicoll 5-13-0 « Salom S-13-0 10 Lynn Classical 0-16-2 2 Leading Scorer* G APIs. Gary Conn, M*rt>ler»ead 28 JS 53 Jay Rice. Beverly 22 2 Art Graves. Marblehead 11 33 44 GarypH-o M^rhtenefctl 2S 18 43 Russ McCutouch. Beverly ..20 16 36 Tim Kimball. Beverly 12 24 31 Steve Stanger, Lynn English 18 15 3' Mat Phalen, Beverly 12 ' Gary Munnng. Danvers 20 10 30 Jack Burke, Wmlhrop...., 12 16 28 OLD COLONY LEAGUE Final Standing* W-L-T PIS. Marshlietd -• 10-0-4 24 Hingham 10-2-2 22 Silver Lake 9-2-3 21 Randolph 6-6-0 H Scilualo 8-6-0 16 Bhdg«water-Raynham 4-9-1 S Plymouth-Carver 1-13-0 i Rocktand 1-13-0 ! Leading Scorer* G APIs. John Harrison, Silver Lake 21 23 44 Paul Croke, Scltuate 24 Bon Fernandesm. Silver Lake..... 15 Joe Crespi. Brldge.-Ray 14 Mlfce Walsh. Randolph 10 Mark Ferragamo. Randolph .17 Sean Mahoney. Scituale 11 Dan Hughe!, Randolph 7 John Hetdy, Scituale 8 Sean leavens. Silver Lake .8 Jack Heslin, Bridge.-Ray 8 15 15 16 20 12 16 16 13 12 12 39 30 30 30 £fl 27 33 21 20 20 SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE 1 Final Standing* W-L-T Pis.; Faimouth 11-0-1 23 Barnstable 8-3-1 17 New Bedford 8-4-0 18 Somerset 6-3-3 15 Taunlon 2-8-2 8 Dennis-Yarmouth 1-8-3 -5, Bishop Connolly 1-11-0 2 Leading Scorer* G A Pts. T. OeMello. Faimouth 17 13 30' Ron Mafceiius. Somerset 13 16 29 Gary Reid. Falmoulh— 10 18 28 Pete Smith. Faimouth 10 11 21 Nick Carat, Taunton 11 9 20 P. Michel!, New Bedford 9 10 19 Bob Stailord. Somerset 5 13 18 P. Lavlvlere, New Bedford 10 7 17 Brian Paskowskl, Somerset 5 11 1C Dave Medeiros, Somerset 8 7 15 SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE 2 Flnat Standing* W-L-T Pts. Seekonh „ 8-1-3 19 Bourne 8-1-2 18 Durfee 5-3-4 14 Altleboro 5-3-4 14 New Bedford Voke 3-9-0 6 Falrhaven 2-7-2 6 Dartmouth 1-8-3 5 Loading Scorers O A Pts. Lee. Seekonk 32 10 42 Fountain, Bourne 28 12 40. Sllve, Seekonk 13 20 33 Aspmwall, Allleboro IB 9 27 Shurtleff, Faifhaven 12 13 25 Nyrio, Attleboro 11 11 22 Fltzslmmons, New Bedford 12 8 20< McClusky, Altleboro 10 6 18 Ward, New Bedlord....... 7 7 14 Form. Bourne 6 8 14. SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE 3 Standing* W-L-T Pts. Dighton-Rehoboth i 8-1-1 17 Coyle-Cassidy „ 7-1-2 16 Wareham.. 6-4-0 12 Old Rochester 4-5-0 B Case 2-7-1 5 Feehan 0-9-0 0 Loading Scorer* Q A Ptl. Rider. .22 2* 48 Fletcher, Dignlon . 2 3 13 41 M. Polocuk. Coyle .16 17 Carpenter, Dighton .17 15 Shannon. Dighton ,10 20 Fleming, Coyle .12 17 Bragaa, Coyle .11 16 Douglas. Old Rochester., .12 10 S. Potociak, Dighton ....B 14 Smith.Coyle 13 ?2 SOUTH SHORE LEAGUE Final Standing* W-L-T Pts. Hull 9-1-2 20 Cohassel 7-4-1 15 Abington .....7-5-0 ^ 4 Duxbury _ 6-4-2 14 Hanover 4-7-1 fl Hoibrook 2-6-4 8 "East Bridgewater 2-10-0 4 Leading See rare G A Pts Bob Bonisolli. Hull.. 19 15 34 Jell Fiazier. Hull... 6 22 Jack Bowen. Cohassel 6 19 Mark Geichell. East Brtcjge 15 S flick Holstein, Hoibrook 11 9 Terry Heenehqn. Duibury 10 9 Mike Tail, Hanover 13 5 Rick Wight. ADIngton 10 8 Mike Getchetl, Easl Bridge .6 11 Glen Lindsey, Hanover 6 11 SUBURBAN LEAGUE Final Standing* W-L-T Pis Newton North.... ....12-4-2 26 Weymouth South 10-4-4 24 -Waltham 10-6-2 22 Weymouth North 8-5-521' North Quiney 8-7-3 19 Quiney.... 9-8-1 19 Brockton 8-8-2 18 Cambridge Latin 6-8-4 16 Brooklme 5-8-5 15 RmdgeTech 0-18-0 0 Leading Scoter* G A Pts Tom Cahill. C*jlncy 25 30 55 Mike Giordani. Oumcy 25 21 46 46 Si Salvueci, Weymouth So 29 Don Smith, BrocKlon 20 16 36 Tom Hagerstrom, Newion No 16 20 36 17 34 Metvler, C»rnb. Latin 17 >< CrowoM, Brockton 15 17 32 13 32 Fttipalrick. Brockton IB 13 Waiman, Newton No 1$ 16 32 King. Newton No 8 20 23 TBI-VALLEY LEAGUE Final Standings W-L-T Pts. Hodislon 9-1-5 23 Weslwood 8-4-2 19 Millis 8-4-3 19 Dovor-Sherborn,. 3-7-5 . li KeefeeTech.... 3-9-3 9 Medlield 4-10-1 9 Laadlng Scorer* G APts. Glen Caldicott, Dover-Sher 15 16 31 PatKllmartm. Millis 18 7 25 Glen McKenne. Medtieid 16 7 23 Malt Thompson. Holtiston 12 It 23 Chris Kupec. Dover-Sher 10 13 23 Jerry Clark, Millis 11 11 22 Greg Caldicolt. Dover-Sher 9 12 21 Sean Farreii, Hoiliston 5 16 21 Tom Oizeiia. Hoiiision 12 8 20 Jack McElroy, Westwood 10 10 20 ' , EMass hockey results, pairings . . . Wednesday, Feb. 23 Division 1 PRELIMINARY ROUND Wednesday, Feb. 23 Lynn English 3 Charlestown 1 Thursday, Feb. 24 Archbishop Williams 5 Medford 1 Wmthrop 5 Revere 3 FIRST ROUND Thursday, Feb. 24 Burlington 6 Natick 3 Friday, Feb. 25 South Boston A Weymouth South3{20n Beverly 3 , Melrose 2 (40T) Don Bosco 7 Newton North 3 Saturday, Fnb. 26 Arlington 7 ,. Lynn English 0 Malignon 9 Win'rhop 1 Needriam 4 Archbishop Williams 3 Braintree5 M arbl ehead 3 Beverly E Matlgnon6 Arlington 3 Don Bosco 1 Thursday, March 3 •( Boston Garden „ South Boston 2 Burlington 5 Bralntree 3 Beverly 2 FINALS Monday, March 7 a I Boslon Garden Matignon 5 FIRST ROUND Friday, Feb. 25 Billet lea — Bye Hull 1 North Reading 2 Coyle-Cassidy 2 _ Saturday, Feb. 26 Billerica 13 MarlanS Marshfleld 4 Silver Lake 10 Acton-Boxboro 4 Billerica 6 Auslin Prep 14 Silver Lake 7 Canton 1 _ :. Newburyport 0 Dur!*e 1 Bourns 3 Hollislon I Triton 2 - PRE-PRELIMINAHY ROUND Wednesday, Fab. 23 ~ South Shore Voke 3 Shawsheen 2 PRELIMINARY ROUND Franklin 1' Marian 6 Thursday, March 3 al Boston Garden Acton-Boxboro 6 (20T) Marshtield 0 SEMIFINALS Friday, March 4 at Boslon Garden Needham 4 Division 2 Barnstable 5 Mewburyport 5 Blue Hills 1 Dighton-flehobolti 5(OT) Seefconk 2 Faimouth 3 Northeast Regional 1 Pope John 2 Barnstabls 1 QUARTERFINALS Wednesday, March 2 •t Boston Garden SEMIFINAL Saturday, March 5 ai Boston Garden Matigndn 10 Somerset 1 Jamaica Plain 0 Hingham 3 Nauset 2 East Boston 0 Con cord-Carl isle 2 Lynn Tech 0 Allleboro 1 Thursday. Feb. 24 SEMIFINAL Friday, March 4 a I Boston Garden Needham 4 ; Marshfield 9... Bourne 6 Holliston 3 Silver Lake 7 Triton 5 Acton-Boxboro 10 Newburyport 2 Franklin 6 Austin Prep 9 Canton 7 QUARTERFINALS Wednesday, March 2 al Boston Garden Bralntree B.._ Needham 3 Hull 7 Franklin 5 Marian 5 Durlee 3 Austin Prep 12 North Reading 4 Canton 13 Coyle-Cassidy 4 Billerica 6 - Austin Prep 3' Saturday, March S Silver Lake 6.- _ Canton 5 (OTJ FINALS Monday, March 7 Billerica 8 Silver Lake 2
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