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Full text - FNWI (Science) Education Service Centre
Bioanalysis of Protein Biopharmaceuticals by Lucia Baljeu-Neuman MSc Chemistry Analytical Sciences Master Thesis Bioanalysis of Protein Biopharmaceuticals Based on Signature Peptides by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Somatropin Quantification Using Bovine Fetuin as Internal Standard by Lucia Baljeu-Neuman January 2016 Research performed between 15th of January and 15th of August 2015 Daily Supervisor: dr Erik Baltussen Examiner: dr Wim Th. Kok Bioanalysis Department / WIL Research Europe ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Henk Lingeman, PhD, for recommending WIL Research Europe to conduct my research. My sincere thanks goes to Theo Noij, PhD, who provided me the opportunity to join WIL Research Europe in Den Bosch as intern and to Erik Baltussen, PhD, who kindly guided and advised me during the whole project. I would also like to thank Daphne de Ruijter and the Bioanalysis team for their precious assistance and constant support in the laboratory. In addition, I would like to thank the personnel of WIL Research Europe for being so collegial and friendly. My sincere thanks also goes to Chris de Koster, PhD, for guiding my first steps in protein research and to Wim Kok, PhD, for taking over the guidance of my research and helping to finalise this thesis. 1 SUMMARY Protein biopharmaceuticals are large, heterogeneous molecules produced via recombinant DNA technology. Protein biopharmaceuticals can be divided into therapeutic proteins and monoclonal antibodies. Some of these are used to treat diseases which affect a large number of people like cancer, diabetes and anaemia, while others are used in the treatment of rare diseases like Pompe disease or Hunter’s syndrome. Nowadays, the number of approved protein biopharmaceuticals is increasing rapidly. Moreover, the patents for some of the protein biopharmaceuticals have expired and others will expire in the next years, therefore a large increase in the number of biosimilars is expected in the coming years. WIL Research Europe in Den Bosch, The Netherlands, is an independent laboratory which conducts a variety of toxicological, (bio)analytical chemistry, metabolism and pharmaceutical studies. Although protein analysis is not part of the current portfolio, there is considerable interest to implement this technology. Therefore, the aim of this research project was to investigate the possibility of setting up a generic method for protein analysis based on surrogate peptides using Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Surrogate peptides, also called signature peptides, are the result of the enzymatic digestion of targeted proteins. These proteins are first denaturated, reduced and alkylated to enhance the effectiveness of the proteolysis. Subsequently, these peptides are separated using liquid chromatography and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. In this thesis a sample preparation protocol is presented, without a purification step of the protein or surrogate peptides, that can be used as a generic sample pre-treatment for LC-MS/MS protein biopharmaceuticals analysis based on surrogate peptide(s). This study has focused on the analysis of transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin in human plasma to demonstrate the applicability of the generic protocol for a select number of proteins. Furthermore, the generic sample preparation has been optimised and made cost-effective. Finally, the LC-MS/MS method for somatropin quantification using bovine fetuin as internal standard has been validated according to the principles of bioanalytical method validation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicine Agency (EMA). 2 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 1 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................... 2 CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1. Proteins ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1.1. Structure and Functions of Proteins ......................................................................... 4 1.1.2. Post-translational Modifications ................................................................................ 5 1.1.3. Proteins in Clinical Diagnostics ................................................................................ 6 1.2. Biopharmaceuticals ............................................................................................................... 6 1.2.1. Description of Protein Biopharmaceuticals ............................................................... 7 1.2.2. Characteristics of Protein Biopharmaceuticals ......................................................... 7 1.2.3. Protein Biopharmaceuticals in Pharmaceutical Industry .......................................... 8 1.3. Protein Analysis .................................................................................................................... 9 1.3.1. Intact Protein Analysis .............................................................................................. 9 1.3.2. Peptide Analysis ....................................................................................................... 9 1.3.3. Method Validation ................................................................................................... 12 2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA ................................................................................................................. 13 2.1. Chemicals and Materials ..................................................................................................... 13 2.2. Preparation of the Stock Solutions, Calibration Standards and Quality Controls ............... 13 2.3. Equipment and Software ..................................................................................................... 14 2.4. Sample preparation ............................................................................................................. 14 2.4.1. Protein Denaturation ............................................................................................... 14 2.4.2. Protein Reduction and Alkylation............................................................................ 15 2.4.3. Protein Proteolysis .................................................................................................. 15 2.5. Surrogate Peptides Identification and Selection ................................................................. 15 2.5.1. Surrogate Peptides Identification by Direct MS Infusion ........................................ 15 2.5.2. Surrogate Peptides Identification by Importing MS-settings from Skyline ............. 18 2.5.3. Signature Peptide Selection ................................................................................... 18 2.6. LC-MS/MS Method ............................................................................................................. 18 3. RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................... 21 3.1. Protein Denaturation Using Five Different Denaturation Agents ........................................ 21 3.2. Protein Digestion Using Different Qualities and Quantities of Trypsin ............................... 21 3.3. Protein Digestion at Different Temperature and Incubation Time ...................................... 22 3.4. Surrogate peptides identification and selection .................................................................. 24 3.5. Method Validation ............................................................................................................... 25 4. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 26 5. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 28 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... 29 APPENDIX 1. HUMAN SERUM TRANSFERRIN - GENERAL FACTS, FASTA SEQUENCE AND STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................... 30 APPENDIX 2. (RECOMBINANT) HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE - GENERAL FACTS, FASTA SEQUENCE AND STRUCTURE ................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX 3. BOVINE FETUIN - GENERAL FACTS, FASTA SEQUENCE AND STRUCTURE ........ 32 APPENDIX 4. METHOD VALIDATION: SOMATROPIN QUANTIFICATION USING BOVINE FETUIN AS INTERNAL STANDARD AND LC-MS/MS ANALYSIS ............................................... 33 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 40 3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Proteins All living cells and viruses contain proteins.1 Proteins are macromolecules produced inside the ribosomes of living cells. Proteins are made of amino acids linked through amide bonds as coded in the DNA. There are thousands of different proteins in the human body.2 For example, structural proteins, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, receptors or channels in the cell membrane, transporters of vitamins, metal ions or drugs. Proteins have a vital role in nearly all biological processes.2,3 The structure, functions and post-translational modifications of proteins are described below, followed by a brief presentation of the role of proteins in clinical diagnostics. 1.1.1. Structure and Functions of Proteins The structural entities of proteins are α-amino acids. These are amino acids which have the amino-group and the carboxyl-group linked at the same carbon atom, known as the α-carbon atom. Amino acids form peptide bonds by covalently linking the α-amino group of one amino acid with the α-carboxyl-group of the next amino acid. The formed chain is known as a peptide. Proteins are made of one or several peptides. The difference between proteins and peptides is that proteins wield certain functions, as a result of their three-dimensional structure.1 Many proteins contain besides amino acids other compounds (prosthetic groups), such as carbohydrates, lipids or metal complexes. These proteins are known as conjugated proteins.1,2 The amino acid sequence is called the primary structure of protein. This arrangement gives the protein its uniqueness. Therefore, even a single amino acid modification can change the characteristics of a protein. For example, by replacing glutamic acid with valine in the hemoglobin molecule, sickle-cell anemia, an inherited disorder of the blood cell occurs.1 Glutamic acid is a polar amino acid while valine is a nonpolar, hydrophobic amino acid. Therefore, hemoglobin’s properties, shape and function are altered. This abnormal hemoglobin, known as hemoglobin S, congregates and forms long, rigid and sickle shaped cells. These can block the capillaries, producing severe pain, physical weakness and damage to the vital organs.1 Once the primary chain is formed, it spontaneously folds and twists due to the hydrogen-bond interactions. This two-dimensional arrangement of the backbone atoms is known as the secondary structure of a protein. The most common secondary structure arrangements are the α-helix and β-pleated sheet. The interactions of the side chains, namely hydrogen-bonds, ionic-bonds, disulphide-bonds and hydrophobic interactions, give a protein its characteristic three-dimensional shape, the tertiary structure. Additionally, proteins may have a quaternary structure. This fourth level of structure involves the association of two or more subunits into a larger assembly. The folded structure, also known as the native state, is commonly the most stable arrangement of proteins.1 Proteins can be classified, based on their shape, as globular protein or fibrous proteins. Globular proteins have a compact spherical shape. The amino acids with nonpolar side groups are situated inside the folded structure, while the amino acids with polar side groups are placed on the outer surface. These proteins, such as, enzymes, hormones or plasma proteins, are water-soluble and usually mobile within the cell. Their function is mainly regulatory. Examples include transport mechanisms, storing oxygen, catalysing biochemical reactions, regulating the metabolism and protecting against infections. Globular proteins are stable over a narrow pH and temperature range. In case of higher temperature or extreme pH, proteins can be denaturated. Protein denaturation can be reversible or irreversible. A denaturated protein loses its three- and two-dimensional structure and thus its function(s). 4 Fibrous proteins, which include collagen, keratin, fibrinogen, troponin and myosin, have a long, fibrillar shape, are water-insoluble and have mostly structural functions. These proteins are more stable when changes in pH or temperature occur. Fibrous proteins provide the structural integrity and strength to cells and tissues.1,2 The specific function of a protein is correlated with its structure. As mentioned above, changes in the primary structure of a protein alter its biological activity. Moreover, modifications in protein structure may also occur during the folding process. It is assumed that the mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, the human equivalent, are caused by a protein misfolding. The prion-related protein (PrP), which occurs in the cell membranes of nerve tissues, has a large percentage of α-helix in its structure, while the misfolded form has a large percentage of β-pleated sheets. These β-pleated sheets aggregate forming insoluble clusters (plaques). The plaques are usually formed in brain tissue and have severe consequences, such as nerve degeneration, mental deterioration, dementia, and even death.4 1.1.2. Post-translational Modifications Post-translational modification (PTM) is a generic name for protein modification that takes place after its translation by ribosomes.5 As mentioned before, in paragraph 1.1.1, proteins are synthesized from amino acids. There are twenty primary amino acids used in protein synthesis. However, due to the PTMs, circa 140 amino acids and amino acids derivatives have been found in the structure of different proteins.5,6 PTMs can occur by peptide bond cleavage or by addition of one or more functional groups. These modifications can take place at the amino terminus, carboxyl terminus or at the amino acid level. Some modifications can be spontaneous (e.g. deamidation, cysteinylation), while other are catalyzed by enzymes (e.g. glycosylation, phosphorylation).6,7 Moreover, PTMs can be reversible or irreversible, rapid (e.g. phosphorylation – dephosphorylation, the on-off switch of many enzymes) or slow (e.g. glycosylation), independent or inter-dependent (e.g. ubiquitylation, protein degradation, follows phosphorylation).5,6,7 Other examples of post-translational modifications are methylation, acetylation, acylation, sumoylation, glycation, and oxidation. It is estimated that more than 300 various PTMs are involved in the cellular activity.7 PTMs regulate protein structure as well as its functions. One protein can undergo various modifications in order to fulfill its functional role.7 These modifications take place at specific sites. For example, phosphorylation, the addition of a phosphate group, takes place on serine, tyrosine or threonine residues while glycosylation, the addition of a glycan moiety, can occur on asparagine (N-glycosylation), serine or threonine (O-glycosylation). Moreover, N-glycosylation requires asparagine (N) residue to be in the vicinity of threonine (T) or serine (S) residue, as in the sequence –N–X–T/S– and O-glycosylation requires the following sequence –R–X–Y–Z–S(Z)–S/T, where R is arginine and X, Y, Z may be any amino acid residue.5 It is estimated that 50-90% of human proteins are modified after translation.6 PTMs regulate protein activity. It can be proven that in case of PTM deviations, these activities are also disturbed. For example, Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) are inherited metabolic disorders that are caused by glycosylation defects. By means of underglycosylation or by the presence of abnormal glycans the whole organ system and cellular functions are affected.8 5 1.1.3. Proteins in Clinical Diagnostics In clinical diagnostics, the study of proteins is used for early detection, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. By studying the expression of proteins in living cells, reliable data on the health of patients may be revealed. For example, newborn screening allows the detection of phenylketonuria (PKU) disease before its clinical symptoms. PKU, a metabolic disease, is caused by the deficiency of a specific enzyme, namely phenylalanine hydroxylase. This leads to the accumulation of phenylalanine in blood and tissues and untreated leads to mental retardation.9 Other proteins are produced only in case of diseases and are used as biomarkers for diagnosis. Furthermore, there is a variation of protein concentration between health and disease.2 Plasma is one of the most used biological fluids in clinical diagnostics. The concentration of proteins in plasma is high, approximately 75 mg/mL.3 Albumin covers approximately 50% of the plasma proteins, and together with the other abundant proteins, which include immunoglobulins, fibrinogen, transferrin and apolipoproteins, represents circa 95% of the total protein content.3 Consequently, the variation in protein abundance might be up to 10 orders of magnitude.3,10 The most abundant proteins may mask the least abundant proteins making their detection problematic.3 In addition to plasma, proteins of clinical significance are measured in serum, urine, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid or feces.2 For clinical diagnostics various analytical methods are used. These can be screening tests, used to identify a disease before its symptoms occur, quantitative tests, used for diagnosis confirmation and for monitoring treatment, or specific tests, used in the diagnosis of specific disorders.2 The utilized techniques can be categorised in immunochemical, electrophoretic, spectrophotometric and mass spectrometric.2 The analytical methods used for routine testing have to be relatively simple and low-cost, fast and robust. More information about protein analysis is given in section 1.3. 1.2. Biopharmaceuticals Biopharmaceuticals, also known as biologicals or biological medicines, are medicines containing biological material, such as proteins, DNA or RNA.11 Different types of cells or organisms may be used, namely bacteria, yeasts, plants or genetically modified animals.12,13 Their selection is based generally on production costs and on the possibility to induce specific protein modifications. For example, the glycosylation pattern is not the same in different biological systems and bacteria do not produce glycosylation.12 The first biologic approved by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was human insulin (Humulin) in 1982. This has been produced in the Escherichia coli bacteria, via recombinant DNA technology.11 Meanwhile, hundreds of different biopharmaceuticals have been authorised for use.14 Some biopharmaceuticals are used to treat high incidence diseases like cancer, diabetes and anaemia. Other biopharmaceuticals, so-called orphan drugs, are used in the treatment of rare diseases which affect only a small number of the population, such as Pompe disease or Hunter’s syndrome.11,14 The biological materials included in biopharmaceuticals can be proteins, carbohydrates or nucleic acids.13 The research described in this thesis focuses on protein based biopharmaceuticals. 6 1.2.1. Description of Protein Biopharmaceuticals Protein biopharmaceuticals are not necessarily novel medicines. For example, insulin was extracted from animal sources in the early 1920s and used to treat diabetes.13 Nowadays, the term ‘protein biopharmaceuticals’ refers generally to recombinant proteins. Protein biopharmaceuticals may be classified into therapeutic proteins or monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).13,14 Their activity can be exerted by different mechanisms. For example, by binding non-covalently to a target, like mAbs, by affecting covalent binding, like enzymes, or by non-specific interactions, like serum albumin.15 Furthermore, protein therapeutics can replace deficient or abnormal proteins, enhance an existing process, provide novel function or activity, target a specific molecule or organism or deliver other compounds (e.g. cytotoxic drug, radioactive nuclide) to the target.3,15 During the last few years, the performance of protein biopharmaceuticals has been improved. For example, the 1989 original version of Epoietin (EPO), used in the treatment of anaemia in kidney dialysis patients, has been modified creating the second (2001) and the third generation EPO (2007). The second generation has two extra N-glycosylation sites and the third generation is conjugated to polyethylene glycol (PEG). These modifications have enhanced the half-life and biological activity of EPO.14 Furthermore, to reduce immunogenicity and to increase efficacy of the biopharmaceuticals, chimeric, humanised or fully human gene sequences have replaced the purely murine sequences.3,13,14 1.2.2. Characteristics of Protein Biopharmaceuticals Protein biopharmaceuticals are complex macromolecules. As a result, their production, purification and long-term storage is challenging. One reason is that by cloning one protein a substantial number of species may be formed. Due to the co- and post-translational modifications which are taking place in the host cell, beside the expected cloned protein, other products are also produced. Therefore, exact copies cannot be created and batch-to-batch differences are generally present.14 Compared with small molecule drugs, biopharmaceutical production is more complex. In the case of small molecules, it is possible to produce exact copies of the original, so-called generic drugs or generics. In the case of biopharmaceuticals, it is not possible to produce identical products, but similar ones, i.e. biosimilars. In order to be accepted as a biosimilar medicine, it needs to have the same safety and efficacy profile as the reference product.11 One example which illustrates how difficult the production of biosimilars is, is presented further on. Genzyme, one of the leading biotech companies, produces acid-α-glucosidase, an enzyme used in the treatment of Pompe disease, and commercializes it under the name Myozyme. To scale-up the production of Myozyme, the capacity of the bioreactor had been increased from 160 L to 2000 L. The glycosylation of the end product has been so different that US FDA did not approve it as being biosimilar. For this product the company had to apply for a new Biologics License Application (BLA). The new biological has been commercialized under the name Lumizyme.14 Another reason which makes working with biopharmaceuticals challenging is that these can undergo undesirable modifications during production, purification and depositing. These modifications can be enzymatic and/or chemical. Regarding product safety and efficacy, the alterations might be critical and non-critical.14 Protein biopharmaceuticals have several advantages over small-molecule drugs. For example, protein biopharmaceuticals act highly specific, interfere less with other biological processes, therefore less side effects are caused. Moreover, therapeutic proteins can provide replacement for absent or dysfunctional proteins and are better tolerated because of the similarity with own proteins.12 In addition, protein biopharmaceuticals have a relatively long serum half-life, therefore they do not have to be administrated daily.13 7 Protein biopharmaceuticals are strictly examined with regard to purity, molecular identity (primary sequence, PTMs, chemical modifications), structure (cysteine bridges, protein folding), quantity, physicochemical properties (thermal stability, solubility, aggregation, degradation), activity (receptor binding, cell-based activity, enzyme activity), pharmacokinetics (ADME, serum half-life concentration) and pharmacodynamics (toxicity, effectiveness). Currently, chromatography and mass spectrometry are the leading methods for protein biopharmaceutical analysis. However, these methods are complemented with other techniques such as capillary electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, nuclear magnetic resonance, analytical ultracentrifugation, asymmetric flow field fractionation, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray crystallography, circular dichroism, fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopy. The analysis of biopharmaceuticals can be performed at the protein level (intact protein or large fragments), peptide level, glycan level or at the amino acids level.14 1.2.3. Protein Biopharmaceuticals in Pharmaceutical Industry The number of approved protein biopharmaceuticals is increasing rapidly. Nowadays, the protein biopharmaceuticals market is evaluated at about 20% of the worldwide pharmaceutical market. Moreover, it is expected that biologicals will cover more than 50% of the new approved drugs in the next ten years.14 Most of the biopharmaceuticals on the market are recombinant proteins. In addition, newly engineered proteins are in development. Among these, multi-specific fusion proteins, proteins with improved pharmacokinetics, brain penetrant antibodies, antibody mixtures and antibody-drug conjugates (ADC).14 In 2013, the three best-selling drugs were adalimumab (Humira), infliximab (Remicade) and rituximab (Rituxan/MabThera), monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) used to treat arthritis.16 Also, from the top 8 best-selling drugs, in the same year, 7 were biopharmaceuticals and 8 of the top 15 were biologicals as well. Among them, the monoclonal antibodies Trastuzumab (Herceptin), for treatment of breast cancer, and bevacizumab (Avastin) for colorectal, lung and kidney cancer.16 The best-selling therapeutic proteins had been insulin glargine (Lantus) for diabetes and pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) for neutropenia (granulocyte disorder).16 The complete list of these best-selling protein biopharmaceuticals is given in Table 1. The patents for some of the biologics have expired and others will expire in a few years, therefore a large increase in the number of biosimilars is expected in the coming years.14 Table 1 16 Top 8 blockbuster biologicals in 2013 (reproduced from ) Brand name Humira Remicade Rituxan/ MabThera Active ingredient Type Treatment Company adalimumab infliximab rituximab mAb mAb mAb Abbott/Eisai Merck/Mitsubishi Roche/Biogen-Idec Enbrel Lantus Avastin Herceptin etanercept insulin glargine bevacizumab trastuzumab mAb protein mAb mAb Amgen/Pfizer/Takeda Sanofi Roche Roche Feb 2015/Nov 2028 2014/2014 Jan 2022/Jul 2019 Jul 2014/Jun 2019 Neulasta pegfilgrastim protein arthritis arthritis arthritis, nonHodgkin’s lymphoma arthritis diabetes cancer breast cancer neutropenia Patent expiry EU/US Apr 2018/Dec 2016 Aug 2014/Sep 2018 Nov 2013/Dec 2018 Amgen Aug 2017/Oct 2015 8 1.3. Protein Analysis Protein analysis includes various separation methods, purification techniques and analyses that reveal their identity, characteristics, modifications, purity or quantity. These methods are either gel methods (e.g. SDS-PAGE, capillary gel electrophoresis) or non-gel methods (e.g. off-gel electrophoresis, microarrays, chromatography, mass spectrometry). In turn, these methods may be fluorescent, metabolic, chemical or enzymatic labeled or non-labelled. Protein properties (physical, chemical, biochemical) play an important role in their analysis. For example, their high molecular weight is used to separate them from smaller molecules by dialysis, ultrafiltration, gel filtration chromatography and density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The ability to bind to specific antibodies, coenzymes, or hormone receptors has been used for immunochemical assays and affinity chromatography. Other important properties used in protein analysis are differential solubility, adsorption to surfaces, electrical charge, enzymatic activity and predisposition to chemical or enzymatic digestion.2 Nowadays, due to the technical developments, liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is largely used in protein and biopharmaceuticals analysis.3,14 LC-MS/MS allows protein quantitation for which an immunoassay is not available. Moreover, the methods are highly selective, accurate and precise within a widespread dynamic range.3 Mass spectrometry has been used to analyse intact proteins (top-down analysis) or peptides (bottom-up analysis). These two main approaches are presented in the following sections. 1.3.1. Intact Protein Analysis Intact protein analysis, also known as top-down analysis, refers to examination at the protein level. Top-down MS analysis is used for molecular weight, protein sequence and PTMs (number, position and nature) determination. However, the size of analytes usually causes complications. For example, the fragmentation is less predictable and high mass resolution instruments are required (e.g. FT-ICR, TOF or orbitrap-MS).7,14 Furthermore, the software for data analysis is less advanced as the one for peptide analysis. Despite its limitations, top-down analysis offers important information about the protein’s purity, aggregation, fragmentation, and high order structures.7 Furthermore, tissues can be visualized using mass spectrometry. For example, MALDI-TOF MS was used to identify microbes17 and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has been used in clinical research for biomarkers discovery, imaging endogenous metabolites and neurotransmitters, and for molecular detail inside the tumor.10,18 1.3.2. Peptide Analysis Protein analysis at the peptide level is also known as bottom-up analysis or peptide mapping. In this approach, the proteins are first enzymatic digested. Then the specific peptides, also called signature peptides or surrogate peptides, are quantified. Finally, the concentration is extrapolated to the protein level. 3,19 Therefore, the peptide formation is a crucial step for the bottom-up protein analysis. Before LC-MS/MS analysis the surrogate peptides may be purified and enriched to enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the method. A variety of pre-treatment methods for the peptide analysis are described in the literature. These consist usually of the following four steps: protein denaturation, reduction, alkylation and enzymatic digestion, as shown in Figure 1 and discussed further on. 9 Protein denaturation can be defined as the unfolding of the protein. As a result, the access of enzymes to the protein cleavage sites is facilitated.3,20,21 As mentioned before, in paragraph 1.1.1, the folded structure of proteins depends on various interactions, therefore protein denaturation can be performed in numerous ways. For example, Proc et al. (2010) used 14 combinations of heat, organic solvents (acetonitrile, methanol, trifluoroethanol), surfactants (SDS, sodium deoxycholate) and chaotropic agents (guanidine, urea) to determine the optimum for 45 plasma proteins digested with trypsin. Nowadays, RapiGest, a surfactant patented and introduced in 2002 by Waters, is one of the widely used denaturation products for in-solution enzymatic protein digestions. This surfactant improves enzymatic digestion and can be easily removed by centrifugation.21 The effect of different denaturation agents on the peptides forming was investigated in this study as well. DENATURATION (protein unfolding) heat organic sovents (ACN, MeOH, CF3CH2OH) surfactants (RapiGest, SDS, Na deoxycholate) chaotropic agents (urea, guanidine HCl) REDUCTION (breaking the disulfide bonds) DTT 30-60 min at 50-60⁰C ALKYLATION (preventing the disulfide bonds (re)formation) IAA 30-120 min at RT, in the dark TRYPSIN DIGESTION (peptide forming) enzyme:protein ratio 1:20 - 1:100 overnight, at 37⁰C Figure 1. General protein sample pre-treatment steps for in-solution trypsin digestion. Protein reduction facilitates the access of the enzyme to the cleavage sites by breaking the existing disulfide bonds. It is generally accomplished by using an 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT) solution. Other reduction agents, like β-mercaptoethanol and tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine are also mentioned in literature.22 After reduction, the thiol groups (SH) have to be derivatised in order to avoid oxidation, renaturation and formation of new disulfide bonds. The derivatisation is usually done by alkylation with iodoacetic acid or iodoacetamide (IAA).3,20,22 Proteins can be digested by different types of enzymes which cleave at specific amino acids. For example, trypsin generates peptides after cleavage at the carboxyl side of arginine (R) or lysine (Lys, K), if not followed by proline (P), endoproteinase Lys-C cleaves on the C-terminal side of lysine, endoproteinase Glu-C cleaves on C-terminal of glutamic acid (Glu, E) and aspartic acid (D), chymotrypsin cleaves on C-terminal of tyrosine (Y), tryptophan (W) and phenylalanine (F), if not followed by proline, and endoproteinase Asp-N cleaves at the N-terminal of aspartic acid (Asp, D).3,14 10 In addition, the quality and quantity of the enzymes determine the efficiency of the protein digestion. Trypsin is commercialised in different formulations, such as proteomics grade and trypsin suitable for cell culture. Proteomics grade trypsin is highly purified and its lysine residues are methylated to prevent autolysis. Moreover the specific activity is about five times higher than the activity of the trypsin suitable for cell culture.23,24 Therefore, proteomics grade trypsin is mostly used for in-solution protein digestion. Further, an enzyme:protein ratio of 1:20 to 1:100 is generally used.3 As mentioned before, protein digestion is a critical step, therefore digestion optimisation is essential for method development. The efficiency of digestion determines the accuracy and precision of the protein quantification. Although the importance of this step is widely acknowledged, there is limited literature on digestion optimisation.3,22 Trypsin digestion is generally done overnight at 37°C, which makes it the most time consuming step. However, this is usually convenient rather than optimal.20 Unconventional methods suggest the use of higher incubation temperature (50-60⁰C), ultrasonic, infrared or microwave energy, alternating electric fields or trypsin immobilised on a solid support to accelerate the protein digestion.22,25 However, monitoring the process can help to determine the optimal incubation time and temperature. Another critical step is the signature peptide selection. The signature peptide can be predicted using different software or databanks such as Skyline, MASCOT, PeptideAtlas or BLAST. This peptide has to be unique and representative for the target protein, thus free from PTMs and not disposed to modifications. Moreover, the signature peptide has to be stable, has to be rapidly and reproducible formed by enzymatic digestion, and has to ionise and dissociate rapidly by MS/MS analysis. Theoretically, a signature peptide contains 8 to 15 residues in order to restrict the distribution of charge, to achieve sufficient retention by chromatographic separation and to obtain MS/MS fragmentation. However, monitoring a set of signature peptides is preferred for the reliability of the data.3,19,22 An internal standard (IS) is generally used to correct for the variations which may occur during sample preparation, chromatographic separation and detection. For protein quantitation, peptides or intact proteins are used as internal standards. The IS can be stable isotope labelled (SIL) or structural analogue. The SIL-peptides are produced by incorporating an isotope, such as 13C, 15N or 18O, on the selected amino acid residue of the chosen signature peptide. The analogues peptides are created by single conservative amino acid replacements (SCAR), for example adding/subtracting a methylene group in one of the side chains amino acids.3,26 The main drawback of using a peptide as an internal standard is that it does not undergo the digestion process, which is likely one of the steps where the most variability may occur. Internal standards which follow the complete process are the winged or concatenated peptides, SIL-peptides with extra cleavable groups to the N- and C- terminus, and the intact proteins.3,27,28 Proteins can be SIL-proteins or analogue proteins.3,29 Yang et al. (2007) have developed an assay for the quantification of somatropin and a mAb using bovine fetuin as internal standard.29 In addition, they set analogue IS against stable isotope labelled peptide and concluded that the results were similar. Therefore, bovine fetuin was used in this present research as IS for the quantification of somatropin. The peptides are normally separated using reverse phase liquid chromatography. The separation is based on the distribution of the analytes between a liquid mobile phase containing water, acetonitrile and 0.1% TFA/FA and a solid stationary phase, often a C18 column and normally run with a gradient program.14 Liquid chromatography is generally used for peptide analysis because the diversity in physicochemical properties of the peptides favors separation.14 11 Further, the peptides are analysed and quantified by MS/MS. Triple quadrupole instruments operating in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode are commonly used for peptide quantitation.3,19 The sample is first ionised, usually by electro spray ionisation (ESI), then the first quadrupole (Q1) selects the precursor ion based on m/z ratio. Next, the precursor ion is fragmented in the second quadrupole, the collision induced dissociation (CID), into product ions. Finally, the target product ions are analysed by the third quadrupole (Q3). 1.3.3. Method Validation Analytical methods have to be validated to ensure robustness and accuracy of the generated data. The guidance for bioanalytical method validation is based on the principles of the FDA30 and EMA31. These guidelines provide general recommendations for bioanalytical method validation. Furthermore, these guidelines define different categories of validation, e.g. full validation, partial validation and cross-validation, and describe when a certain validation type should be performed. The analytical laboratories adapt this principles in their standard operating procedures (SOPs). Bioanalytical method validation should include fundamental parameters like accuracy, precision, selectivity, sensitivity, reproducibility and stability. Furthermore, depending on the goal and application of the assay other parameters, like matrix effect, carry-over, lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), upper limit of quantification(ULOQ), calibration curve and sample dilution, might be validated as well.30,31 Whether an analytical method is validated or not depends on meeting the validation criteria. The validation criteria of the parameters included in the method validation of this study are presented further on. A method is considered selective if the peak area of the matrix is ≤ 20% of the peak area of the analyte at the LLOQ level and ≤ 5% of the response of the IS. Carry-over should be ≤ 20% of the analyte at the LLOQ level and ≤ 5% of the IS response. Calibration curve should be based on minimum six calibration standards. The back calculated concentrations of the calibration standards should be ≤ 20% of the analyte response at the LLOQ level and ≤ 5% of the IS response. At least 75% of the calibration standards must fulfil this criterion. In case replicates are used, the criteria should also be fulfilled for at least 50% of the calibration standards tested per concentration level. The accuracy and precision should be tested using quality controls (QCs) in minimum 5-fold per concentration level and minimum 4 concentration levels. The concentration levels should be: LLOQ level, 3 times LLOQ level (low QC), about 30-50% of the calibration range level (medium QC) and circa 75% of the highest calibration standard level (high QC). The method is accurate if the mean concentration of the LLQC is within 20% of the nominal values and within 15% for the other QC samples. The accuracy is determined within-run accuracy and between-run. Precision, as a function of the coefficient of variation (CV), is determined as well within-run and between-run. The CV value should not be higher than 20% for the LLOQ and 15% for the other QC samples. The influence of the matrix should be investigated by analysing the analyte prepared in minimum six different sources of human plasma and in a solvent without matrix (reference samples). The coefficient of variation of the normalized matrix factor (ratio of the response of the matrix sample to the mean response of the reference samples) should to be ≤ 15% at each concentration level. The stability of the analyte in matrix should be evaluated using low QC samples and high QC samples. The mean concentration at each level should be within ± 15% of the nominal concentration. 12 2. EXPERIMENTAL DATA This research was conducted using an LC-MS/MS method. The samples were aqueous protein solutions and spiked plasma; patient samples were not used. The proteins (human serum transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin) were diluted, denaturated, reduced, alkylated and enzymatically digested. The signature peptides were chromatographically separated and further fragmented and detected using a triple quadrupole detector. The chemicals, materials, reagents and the used equipment are presented further on, followed by the sample preparation, signature peptide selection and analysis methods. 2.1. Chemicals and Materials Transferrin human (T3309, purity ≥ 98%), somatropin Chemical Reference Substance (batch 3, 3.86 mg of somatropin monomer per 55 mg vial), fetuin from fetal bovine serum (F2379, suitable for cell culture), trypsin (T6567, proteomics grade and T4799, suitable for cell culture), DL-Dithiothreitol (43819, purity ≥ 99%), iodoacetamide (I1149, purity ≥99%), ammonium bicarbonate (40867, LC-MS grade), sodium dodecyl sulphate (71725, purity ≥ 99%) and sodium deoxycholate (D6750, purity ≥ 97%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). RapiGest™ SF Surfactant was purchased from Waters (Milford, MA, USA). Formic acid (99%) and acetonitrile (99.97%) were purchased from Biosolve (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands). Water was purified using a Milli-Q Advantage A10 system (Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany). Human plasma (50/50 mix male/female) and Guinea pig plasma (50/50 mix male/female) were supplied by WIL Research Europe (Den Bosch, The Netherlands), while mouse plasma (50/50 mix male/female) was purchased from Bio Services (Uden, The Netherlands). The human plasmas for validation (3 different batches male and 3 different batches female) were from Sera Lab (UK). The 1 mL polypropylene 96-(deep)wells plates with V-bottom and silicon microplate covers were from Screening Devices (Amersfoort, The Netherlands) and amber pushcap tubes with thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) caps from Micronic (Lelystad, The Netherlands). 2.2. Preparation of the Stock Solutions, Calibration Standards and Quality Controls Transferrin stock solutions (2.6 mg/mL) were prepared in brown glass tubes with Milli-Q water and were stored in the refrigerator for maximum 1 week. The concentrations of the human serum transferrin calibration standards were as follows: 2.6, 7.0, 20, 50, 150, 375, 1000 and 2600 µg/mL. Somatropin stock solutions of 1.0 mg/mL, in 50 mM of NH4HCO3 or in human plasma, were freshly made as well. The concentrations of somatropin calibration standards were 3.0, 6.0, 15, 30, 75, 150, 375 and 900 µg/mL. Somatropin quality controls were prepared at 3.0, 9.0, 45 and 675 µg/mL and were made in 50 mM of NH4HCO3 and in human plasma. The bovine fetuin solution (1.0 mg/mL) in Milli-Q water, as well as, the trypsin (1.0 mg/mL), DTT (33mM) and IAA (50mM) solutions in 50 mM NH4HCO3 were freshly prepared. 13 2.3. Equipment and Software The ACQUITY UPLC was equipped with: sample manager, sampler organiser, column manager, binary solvent manager (all Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA). A valco valve (VICI AG International, Switzerland) was used for the connection with the mass spectrometer of an AB Sciex API 4000 (AB Sciex, Ontario, Canada) equipped with Turbo ion spray interface. The analytical columns, Acquity UPLC BEH C18, 50 2.1 mm ID, 1.7 µm and Acquity UPLC BEH Shield RP18, 50 2.1 mm ID, 1.7 µm, and the inline filters, ASSY frit, 2.1 mm ID, 0.2 µm, were purchased from Waters. Other laboratory equipment used for the experiments included: stove (WTC Binder, Germany), benchtop centrifuge (Multifuge 3 S-R Heraeus, Thermo Scientific, Germany), Variomag Monoshake (Thermo Electron LED, Germany), infuse pomp (Harvard Apparatus 11, UK), injection syringe (Hamilton 1 mL, Reno, Nevada) and pipettes (Gilson, UK). The LC-MS/MS system was controlled by Analyst software version 1.6.2 (AB Sciex). Furthermore, Skyline software (free version 64-bit, MacCoss Lab, University of Washington, USA), PeptideAtlas database (developed by Institute of Systems Biology, Seattle, USA) and MASCOT (free version software, Matrix Science website) were used. 2.4. Sample preparation Two protocols were used for the sample preparation. The first one was based on the Yu and Gilar21 procedure and the second one has been the result of the optimisation process. Both protocols are described below. Protocol 1 The samples (10 µL) were pipetted into 96-well (1 mL) plate, diluted and denaturated by adding 50 µL of 0.1% RapiGest surfactant in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3). Then, the plate was placed on a plate shaker and mixed for 1 minute at approximately 300 rpm. Subsequently, 6 µL of 33 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) in 50 mM NH4HCO3 was added, mixed, as described before, and placed in a stove for 30 minutes at 50°C. Afterwards, the plate was centrifuged 5 minutes at 3761 g, to cool down at room temperature and to collect condensation. 8 µL of 50 mM Iodoacetamide (IAA) in 50 mM NH4HCO3 was added and the plate was placed in the dark, at room temperature. After 40 minutes, 8 µL of 1 mg/mL Trypsin in 50 mM NH4HCO3 was added, mixed and placed in a stove at 37°C overnight. After circa 20 hours the enzymatic reaction was stopped using 82 µL 1% FA in 10/90 ACN/Milli-Q water solution (ratio pretreated sample: stop solution was 1:1, v:v). Protocol 2 The denaturation was done with 50 µL of 10% sodium deoxycholate in 50 mM NH4HCO3 and the protein incubation with trypsin was 1 hour at 37°C. The other steps were the same as the previous protocol. 2.4.1. Protein Denaturation Protein denaturation was performed using the following five denaturation agents: heat (95⁰C, 8 minutes)32, RapiGest (0.1%)21, SDS (30%, w/v), sodium deoxycholate (10%, w/v) and guanidine HCl (6M). The volume of all denaturation agents was 50 µL, except for the samples denaturated by heat. These were first diluted with 50 µL of 50 mM NH4HCO3. Sample treatment was according to protocol 1 (see paragraph 2.4). 14 The samples used for this experiment were: human plasma, 100 µg/mL transferrin solution in human plasma and 50 µg/mL somatropin with IS (10 µL of 0.100 mg/mL bovine fetuin). Human plasma, without spiking, was used to measure transferrin because this is an endogenous protein. The concentration range for a healthy adult is between 2.0 to 3.6 mg/mL.33 As a result the measured peak areas of the spiked and not spiked plasma were similar. 2.4.2. Protein Reduction and Alkylation Protein reduction was performed be adding 6 µL of 33 mM DTT followed by incubation at 50°C for 30 minutes. Subsequently, the alkylation was performed by adding 8 µL of 50 mM IAA followed by incubation in the dark at room temperature for 40 minutes. 2.4.3. Protein Proteolysis In this research the proteins were digested by trypsin. The efficiency of different qualities and quantities were tested. Further, the incubation time and temperature were monitored to determine the optimal digestion conditions. First experiments were conducted with both types of trypsin according to protocol 1 (paragraph 2.4). For these experiments 2.6 mg/mL transferrin aqueous solutions were used. Subsequently, all the other tests were conducted with trypsin suitable for cell culture. The influence of the trypsin concentration on the digestion efficiency was tested by conducting the following experiment: aqueous transferrin samples (2 mg/mL) were treated with 8 µL of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/mL trypsin suitable for cell culture solution. Further, the influence of different temperatures and different incubation times was tested. One experiment was conducted with transferrin samples (2 mg/mL, aqueous), treated according to the protocol 1, and incubated at 37, 50 and 60°C for 1, 2, 4, 6, 22, 26 and 72 hours. Another experiment was performed with somatropin samples (0.5 mg/mL, 50% human plasma), treated according to the protocol 2 and incubated at 37 and 50°C for 1, 2, 4 and 22 hours. 2.5. Surrogate Peptides Identification and Selection First, the protein sequences for human serum transferrin, bovine fetuin and, human growth hormone were acquired from the database of Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).34,35 The sequence of somatropin was acquired from the DrugBank database.36 All these sequences are presented in Appendices 1-3. Subsequently, the lists of peptides formed by trypsin digestion were acquired from the Skyline software. Next, the surrogate peptides were identified by direct MS infusion and LC-MS/MS analysis using the MS/MS settings imported from Skyline. Finally, the peptides were checked for their specificity using PeptideAtlas and MASCOT software. 2.5.1. Surrogate Peptides Identification by Direct MS Infusion Blank and protein digested samples were directly infused, with 1 mL/min flow, in the first quadrupole (Q1) of the mass spectrometer. The following solutions of protein were infused: - transferrin (concentrations of 0.26, 2.6, 26.0, 130 and 2600 µg/mL, in Milli-Q water), - bovine fetuin (1 mg/mL, in Milli-Q water), - somatropin (1 mg/mL, in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate). The spectra of the digested proteins were compared with the blank spectrum and the peaks which were present only in samples were considered as being potential surrogate peptides. Their m/z values were compared with the data from Skyline. If matched, the programmed infusion optimisation process was started. 15 Throughout this automatic procedure, the optimum values for precursor and product ions were determined by increasing and decreasing the declustering potential (DP), collision energy (CE) and collision exit potential (CXP) voltages. At the end of this process a report which includes the optimal voltages was created. An example of the identification of the somatropin surrogate peptide LEDGSPR by MS infusion is illustrated below. Blank and protein digested samples, both aqueous solutions, were directly infused in the mass spectrometer. Figure 2 shows the full-scan spectrum (Q1 scans) of the (aqueous) blank digested sample, while Figure 3 shows the one of somatropin (1.86 mg/mL, in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate) digested sample. Comparing the two spectra, it was observed that two peaks, by m/z values 387.4 and 382.3, were present only in the somatropin spectrum. These m/z values correspond to the surrogate peptide LEDGSPR, respectively FETFLR. Therefore, automatic compound optimisation was performed for each peptide, as described in paragraph 2.6.1. In the first case, at the end of the optimisation process, it was established that the highest intensity of the product ion was 531.3. This fragmentation, 387.4++531.3+, corresponds to the LEDGSPRDGSPR fragmentation and confirms the Skyline data, as shown in Figure 4. In the second case, the fragmentations of the parent ion did not match the somatropin surrogate peptide FETFLR. Figure 2. Mass spectrum of the aqueous blank sample (full scan in the m/z interval 300-1500 Da). 16 Figure 3. Mass spectrum of the aqueous somatropin sample (full scan in the m/z interval 300-900 Da).The peaks by m/z 387.4 and 382.3 might indicate the presence of the somatropin surrogate peptide LEDGSPR, respectively FETFLR. Figure 4. Somatropin data by Skyline software. Tryptic peptides are displayed on the left side. The precursor charge (2+), m/z value (387.4115) and [M+H] value (773.8157) of the peptide LEDGSPR are displayed on the right side, in the small yellow window, together with the product ions. The product ions with the highest intensities, 660.66, 531.54 and 416.45, are given in blue. 17 2.5.2. Surrogate Peptides Identification by Importing MS-settings from Skyline Protein digests and blank samples were analysed by LC-MS/MS. The MS/MS quantitation methods were built with data imported from Skyline (m/z of the precursor ion and product ion, Q3, DP, CE). The extracted ion chromatograms (XIC) were examined for the presence of signals at the selected m/z values. 2.5.3. Signature Peptide Selection After identification, the surrogate peptides were verified for specificity using MASCOT and PeptideAtlas software and a set of peptides was chosen for protein identification and quantification by LC-MS/MS analysis. 2.6. LC-MS/MS Method An LC-MS/MS method was first optimised for the transferrin analysis. The separation of surrogate peptides was done by gradient reversed phase chromatography. During the optimisation process, the optimal gradient, chromatographic column, injection needle, as well as the composition of the mobile phases and the washes for the needle were established. The surrogate peptides detection was done by using electrospray ionisation (ESI) in positive mode and a triple quadrupole detector. Further, an LC-MS/MS method was optimised and validated for the analysis of somatropin in human plasma using bovine fetuin as internal standard. The carry-over for transferrin was tested by both steel and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) injection needle. The carry-over for the PEEK-needle was lower than 20% of the analyte response, while the one for the steel needle was higher. In order to reduce it even further, higher volumes of strong and weak wash were used, namely 400 µL and 1200 µL. The linear gradient was adjusted in order to obtain the analyte optimal peak shape in minimum time and it is described in Table 2. The column used was Acquity UPLC BEH C18. The mobile phase A was 10/90/0.1 ACN/Milli-Q water/FA and mobile phase B was 90/10/0.1 ACN/Milli-Q water/FA. The entire LC-MS/MS conditions are given in Table 3. The ESI source of the mass spectrometer was operated in the positive mode. The acquisition parameters for the MS/MS/detection are listed in Table 4. Table 2 Linear gradient for transferrin and somatropin LC method Time (min) 0.00 0.30 1.50 1.70 1.80 2.00 Transferrin Mobile phase A (%) 85.0 85.0 0.1 0.1 85.0 85.0 Somatropin Mobile phase B (%) 15.0 15.0 99.9 99.9 15.0 15.0 A (%) 99.9 99.9 50.0 50.0 99.9 99.9 B (%) 0.1 0.1 50.0 50.0 0.1 0.1 18 Table 3 LC-MS/MS conditions for transferrin and somatropin analysis Column Filter Column temperature Autosampler temperature Injection volume Injection loop Needle Sample syringe Mobile phase A Mobile phase B Strong needle wash Weak needle wash Flow Ionisation source Ion spray voltage Source temperature Transferrin: Acquity UPLC BEH C18, 50 2.1 mm ID, 1.7 µm Somatropin: Acquity UPLC BEH Shield RP18, 50 2.1 mm ID, 1.7 µm inline filter ASSY frit, 2.1 mm id., 0.2 µm 30⁰C 4⁰C 5 µL 10 µL 30 µL Peek needle 100 µL Transferrin: 10/90/0.1 (v/v/v) ACN/Milli-Q water/FA Somatropin: 100/0.1 (v/v) Milli-Q water/FA 90/10/0.1 (v/v/v) ACN /Milli-Q water/FA 150/150/150/9 (v/v/v/v) 2-propanol (IPA)/ ACN/MeOH /NH4OH Transferrin:10 / 90 ACN/Milli-Q water Somatropin: Milli-Q water 0.6 mL/min + ESI 4000 V 450⁰C Table 4 MS/MS acquisition parameters Compound Transferrin Somatropin IS (bovine fetuin) Parent ion (m/z, z=2) 625.4 709.0 338.4 387.4 408.9 738.4 Product ion (m/z, z=1) 776.4 1177.5 463.5 531.5 632.6 880.0 CE (V) 29.0 31.0 15.0 18.0 19.0 38.0 DP (V) 66.0 126.0 55.8 59.4 61.0 85.0 Dwell time (ms) 100 100 20 20 20 20 The LC method was optimised for the somatropin analysis. The bovine fetuin (IS) peak presented a ‘shoulder’ using the column Acquity UPLC BEH C18, as the first chromatogram of Figure 5 shows. Therefore, an Acquity UPLC BEH Shield RP18 column, which has an embedded carbamate group, was tested. As a result, the two peaks were separated, as the second chromatogram of Figure 5 shows. Therefore, this column was used for the somatropin assay. The linear gradient was adjusted in order to obtain the analyte optimal peak shape in minimum time and it is described in Table 2. The mobile phase A was 100/0.1 Milli-Q water/FA and mobile phase B was 90/10/0.1 ACN/Milli-Q water/FA with a 0.6 mL/min flow. Further, the weak wash was replaced with 100%Milli-Q water. The entire LC-MS/MS conditions are given in Table 3. The ESI source of the mass spectrometer was operated in the positive mode as well and the acquisition parameters are listed in Table 4. 19 Figure 5. Chromatographic separation of bovine fetuin peptide TPIVGQPSIPGGPVR using an Acquity UPLC BEH C18 column (above) and an Acquity UPLC BEH Shield RP18 column (under). Additionally, the LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of somatropin in human plasma using bovine fetuin as internal standard was validated. The validation process was based on the principles of FDA and EMA on bioanalytical method validation included in the WIL Research method validation SOP. The following parameters were validated: selectivity, accuracy and precision, calibration line, carry-over, freeze/thaw stability, short term stability at room temperature and the stability of processed samples. Three analytical runs were performed and the results are presented further in paragraph 3.5 and in Appendix 4. The samples used for validation were: blank plasma with and without IS, 6 different blank human plasma (3 male and 3 female) with and without IS, system suitability test standards (3.0 µg/mL), calibration standards (3.0, 6.0, 15, 30, 75, 150, 375 and 900 µg/mL), quality controls in 5-fold (QC-LLOQ (3 µg/mL), QC-L (9 µg/mL), QC-M (45 µg/mL) and QC-H (675 µg/mL)), quality controls (QC-L and QC-H) in 2-fold prepared with the 6 different human plasma, quality controls (QC-L and QC-H) in 3-fold prepared in 50 mM NH4HCO3. 20 3. RESULTS In this chapter, the results of the protein denaturation using five different denaturation agents, the digestion optimisation and the identified surrogate peptides of transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin are listed. Further, the validation of the LC-MS/MS somatropin quantification method is presented. 3.1. Protein Denaturation Using Five Different Denaturation Agents In this current study, the proteins were enzymatic digested after being denaturated with RapiGest, SDS, sodium deoxycholate, guanidine HCl and by heat. The samples, in 4-fold, were pipetted in 1.4 mL amber Micronic tubes. Denaturation was achieved by adding 50 µL of one of the reagents mentioned before. The samples which were denaturated by heat were first diluted with 50 µL of 50 mM NH4HCO3. The average peak areas of the surrogate peptides are presented in Table 5. The most efficient transferrin denaturation was obtained by heating the samples at 95⁰C, closely followed by RapiGest and Na deoxycholate. Guanidine HCl had a low efficiency and no peptide response was found by SDS denaturation. The efficiency of the somatropin and bovine fetuin (IS) denaturation was similar by RapiGest and Na deoxycholate, while all the other denaturation agents were found to be inefficient. Table 5 Transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin peak areas variation with five different denaturation agents Denaturation agent 95⁰C RapiGest Guanidine HCl SDS Na deoxycholate Transferrin peptide SVIPSDGPSVACVK 5 2.0*10 5 1.6*10 3 6.0*10 no response 5 1.3*10 Peak areas (cps) Somatropin peptide LEDGSPR no response 4 1.8*10 no response no response 4 1.7*10 IS peptide ALGGEDVR no response 5 4.4*10 no response no response 4 5.0*10 3.2. Protein Digestion Using Different Qualities and Quantities of Trypsin Transferrin calibration standards (aqueous) were treated with trypsin proteomics grade and with trypsin suitable for cell culture according to protocol 1, as described in paragraph 2.4. The peak areas for the surrogate peptide SASDLTWDNLK, transition 625.3++776.4+, are given in Table 6 and the calibration lines in Figure 6. The peptide formation using trypsin suitable for cell culture was around 80% lower for the lowest and highest calibration standard and around 50% lower for the other calibration standards, except for two outliers (50 and 150 µg/mL). The influence of different trypsin concentration was tested only with trypsin for cell culture. Transferrin (2 mg/mL, in Milli-Q water) samples were analysed in 3-fold, following the sample preparation from protocol 1. Trypsin concentrations were 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/mL and the incubation time with trypsin was 26 hours. Two surrogate peptides were monitored, namely SASDLTWDNLK (transition 625.4++776.4+) and SVIPSDGPSVACVK (transition 709.0++1117.5+). Trypsin with the concentration of 1.0 mg/mL was considered the reference. The response of the first peptide was 3% higher when using 0.5 mg/mL trypsin and 7% lower by 2 mg/mL trypsin. The response of the second peptide was 14% higher by using 0.5 mg/mL trypsin and 3% lower by trypsin 2 mg/mL trypsin. In Table 7 are these results listed. 21 Table 6 ++ + Transferrin peak areas of the surrogate peptide SASDLTWDNLK (transition 625.3 776.4 ) by digestion with trypsin proteomics grade (I) and trypsin suitable for cell culture (II). Concentration transferrin (µg/mL) 2.6 7.0 20 50 150 375 1000 2600 Peak area surrogate peptide SASDLTWDNLK (cps) I II 3 2 1.0*10 8.2*10 3 3 4.9*10 2.8*10 4 4 2.2*10 1.0*10 4 4 1.7*10 2.4*10 5 4 2.5*10 8.6*10 5 5 7.7*10 3.8*10 6 5 1.3*10 8.7*10 6 6 2.7*10 2.1*10 Calibration lines transferrin Peak area (cps) *105 30 trypsin proteomics grade 25 20 trypsin for cell culture 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Concentration (µg/mL) 25 30 *102 Figure 6. Calibration lines for transferrin peptide SASDLTWDNLK by digestion with trypsin proteomics grade and trypsin suitable for cell culture. Table 7 Transferrin peak areas by digestion with trypsin suitable for cell culture at different concentrations Conc. trypsin (mg/mL) Peak area 1 (cps) Peak area 2 (cps) Peak area 3 (cps) Peak area average (cps) Peak areas transferrin (cps) peptide SASDLTWDNLK peptide SVIPSDGPSVACVK ++ + ++ + (transition 625.4 776.4 ) (transition 709.0 1117.5 ) 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 327508 304759 295595 513378 445558 443609 325815 339787 293293 524392 474422 438631 326555 309686 301465 523627 449353 440523 326626 318077 296784 520466 456445 440921 3.3. Protein Digestion at Different Temperature and Incubation Time The influence of incubation time and temperature variation was tested first on 2 mg/mL transferrin samples. The peak areas of two surrogate peptides, peptide I, SASDLTWDNLK, transition 625.4++776.4+, and peptide II, SVIPSDGPSVACVK, transition ++ 709.0 1117.5+, were monitored at three different temperatures: 37, 50 and 60°C after 1, 2, 4, 6, 22, 26 and 72 hours of incubation time. 22 The t=0h was actually 5 minutes (0.083 hours) at room temperature. The samples were prepared in 3-fold according to protocol 1 presented in paragraph 2.4. The average values of the peak areas are given in Table 8. Peptide I reached the maximum after an incubation of 22 hours at 37⁰C. At 50⁰C, the highest amount was found after 1 hour and it was about 8% lower than the maximum. At 60⁰C, the highest amount was also after 1 hour, but it was 30% lower than the maximum. Peptide II reached the maximum after 6 hours at 37⁰C. At 50⁰C, the highest amount was found after 2 hours and it was about 10% lower than the maximum. After 1 hour at 60⁰C, the amount was 15% lower than the t=0.083h. Table 8 Transferrin peak areas variation with time and temperature Time (h) ) 0.083* 1 2 4 6 22 26 Peak areas at 37⁰C (cps) Peptide I Peptide II ) ) 210230* 495364* 299044 532113 301684 544808 316502 540168 321150 556097 336501 475036 318077 456445 Peak areas at 50⁰C (cps) Peptide I Peptide II ) ) 210230* 495364* 308017 496098 302156 502194 304362 474543 289553 480272 273672 435252 263876 383655 Peak areas at 60⁰C (cps) Peptide I Peptide II ) ) 210230* 495364* 232481 421627 177468 404988 200481 356642 190359 351921 171557 299306 197415 239575 ) * at room temperature The samples which were incubated for 72 hours were analysed in a different run, therefore the t=0.083 hours was analysed a second time. The peak areas after 72 hours incubation were lower than the peak areas at t=0.083 hours. The responses of the transferrin signature peptides were unexpectedly high after 5 minutes at room temperature, therefore another experiment was conducted to verify these results. Human plasma and 2 mg/mL transferrin solution in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate were prepared in 3-fold, according to protocol 1, kept 5 min at room temperature before the enzymatic reaction was stopped by adding 1% FA in 10/90 ACN/Milli-Q water and analysed by LC-MS/MS. The average responses were: in plasma 102468 counts (peptide I), respectively 442697 counts (peptide II) and in Milli-Q water 1953599 counts (peptide I) and 1948060 counts (peptide II). Another set of experiments was conducted with 500 µg/mL somatropin, 1 mg/mL bovine fetuin (IS) and somatropin with IS. The samples, in 2-fold, were treated according to protocol 2 (paragraph 2.4) and incubated at two different temperatures, namely 37⁰C and 50⁰C, and monitored after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 22 hours. The average peak areas for somatropin (surrogate peptide LEDGSPR transition: 387.4++531.3+) and bovine fetuin (surrogate peptide ALGGEDVR, transition 408.9++632.6+) are presented in Table 9. Somatropin peptide reached the maximum after 4 hours incubation at 37⁰C and the highest amount at 50⁰C was found after 22 hours (about 4% lower than the maximum). Bovine fetuin peptide reached the maximum after 4 hours incubation at 37⁰C. The highest amount at 50⁰C was found after 1 hour and after 4 hours and it was about 10% lower than the maximum. 23 Table 9 Somatropin and bovine fetuin (IS) peak areas variation with time and temperature Time (hours) ) 0.083* 1 2 3 4 22 Peak areas somatropin peptide LEDGSPR at 37°C at 50°C ) ) 3129* 3129* 159295 153369 162692 144574 160577 142208 176302 165279 151130 169297 Peak areas bovine fetuin (IS) peptide ALGGEDVR at 37°C at 50°C ) ) 2975* 2975* 15796 14686 16375 13607 15977 13973 16680 14686 14849 14511 ) * at room temperature 3.4. Surrogate peptides identification and selection The surrogate peptides of transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin were identified first by direct MS infusion, then by LC-MS/MS analysis as described in paragraph 2.5.1. and respectively 2.5.2. The list of surrogate peptides identified during this research, the m/z values of the parent ions and the m/z values of the most intensive product ions are given below, in Table 10. Table 10 Experimentally identified surrogate peptides for transferrin, bovine fetuin and somatropin Protein Transferrin Bovine fetuin Somatropin Peptide sequence [position in protein sequence] HQTVPQNTGGK [553, 563] APNHAVVTR [600, 608] SVIPSDGPSVACVK [46, 59] DSGFQMNQLR [122, 131] FDEFFSEGCAPGSK [494, 507] SASDLTWDNLK [453, 463] TPIVGQPSIPGGPVR [333, 347] HTLNQIDSVK [57, 66] EVVDPTK [211, 217] GSVIQK [231, 236] ALGGEDVR [237, 244] QDGQFSVLFTK [120, 130] LEDGSPR [127, 133] IVQCR [178, 182] SNLELLR [70, 76] LFDNAMLR [8, 15] DLEEGIQTLMGR [115, 126] TGQIFK [134, 139] Parent ion (m/z ,z = 2+) 584.1 483.0 709.1 598.6 789.3 625.3 738.4 578.1 394.4 316.4 408.9 635.7 387.3 338.4 423.0 490.4 681.8 347.4 Product ion (m/z, z= 1+) 701.1 682.3 117.5 789.5 892.4 776.4 879.5 917.0 460.5 388.5 632.6 694.8 531.3 463.5 530.6 719.8 1005.2 407.5 After identification, the peptides were verified for specificity using MASCOT and PeptideAtlas software. MASCOT data base matched the peptides with the protein only if a combination of three or more peptides was introduced in the query. On the other hand, PeptideAtlas software found all individual surrogate peptides of transferrin, five of bovine fetuin (TPIVGQPSIPGGPVR, HTLNQIDSVK, EVVDPTK, ALGGEDVR, QDGQFSVLFTK) and three of somatropin (SNLELLR, LFDNAMLR, DLEEGIQTLMGR) as being specific. However, for the reliability of the data, a set of peptides was chosen for protein identification and quantification. 24 3.5. Method Validation An LC-MS/MS method was validated for the analysis of somatropin in human plasma using bovine fetuin as internal standard. The samples were treated according to the protocol 2, described in paragraph 2.4. The validation process was based on to the principles of FDA and EMA on bioanalytical method validation included in the WIL Research Europe SOP. The complete validation results are presented in Appendix 4. Three analytical runs were performed. The following parameters were tested: the influence of the matrix on the analyte, selectivity, carry-over, accuracy and precision, calibration line, freeze/thaw stability, short term stability at room temperature and the stability of processed samples. Two of the most sensitive peptides for each protein were monitored, namely IVQCR and LEDGSPR for somatropin, and ALGGEDVR and TPIVGPSIPGGPVR for bovine fetuin (IS). The results were similar, therefore the results presented further are restricted to the somatropin peptide LEDGSPR (transition LEDGSPRDGSPR, 387.4++531.3+) and IS peptide ALGGEDVR (transition ALGGEDVRGGEDVR, 408.9++632.6+). The retention time of the peptides was reproducible. Somatropin peptide LEDGSPR had a retention time of 0.90 minutes and the IS peptide ALGGEDVR 0.98 minutes. The interference of the matrix with the analyte was lower than 20%. The matrix had no interference with the IS, thus the method was found to be selective. Carry-over was not detected for the internal standard, but was detected for somatropin. The assay was found accurate and precise for the tested levels (3.0, 9.0, 45 and 675 µg/mL). The calibration line was found linear in the range of 3 to 900 µg/mL. Linear regression and an (1/concentration2) weighing factor were used. The samples were found to be stabile after three freeze/thaw cycles and after being stored for 28 hours at room temperature. Further, the processed samples were found to be stabile after being stored for 47 hours at 4°C. 25 4. DISCUSSION The aim of this research was to develop and optimise a generic sample preparation and LC-MS/MS method for protein biopharmaceutical quantitation in plasma based on signature peptide(s). Therefore a sample preparation without protein or peptide purification step was implemented. The analytes under investigation were two proteins, human serum transferrin and bovine fetuin, and a protein biopharmaceutical, somatropin. The sample preparation was based on the one used for the analysis of an humanised monoclonal antibody.21 The same procedure had been successfully used previously by WIL Research for the analysis of human and bovine serum albumin. In this research, it had been demonstrated that freshly prepared solutions of trypsin suitable for cell culture, a low-cost trypsin variant, can be successfully used for protein digestion. Additionally, it had been shown that sodium deoxycholate, a low-cost denaturation agent, is as effective as RapiGest. Consequently, the sample preparation has been made cost-effective. Furthermore, it was shown that heat, as denaturation agent, has been efficient for the transferrin denaturation, but not for bovine fetuin and somatropin denaturation. Additionally, SDS and guanidine did not result in the formation of target peptides of any of the tested proteins. One possible explanation might be that the used protocol had been inappropriate for these agents. The effect of different enzyme quantities was tested only on transferrin aqueous samples. The responses decreased with the increasing of trypsin quantity. An explanation might be that by excess of enzyme autolysis may occur. Consequently, trypsin loses its activity and the autolysis peptides may interfere in the analyte detection. However, no further experiments were conducted to confirm these results. Enzymatic digestion is usually the most time consuming step. Even though an overnight trypsin digestion at 37⁰C is commonly used, it is more efficient to determine the optimum conditions by monitoring the process. In this way, it has been found that the formation of the transferrin peptide SASDLTWDNLK was maximal after 22 hours at 37°C. However, after 1 hour at 50°C, the peptide formation was only about 8% lower. In the case of somatropin the maximum was reached after 4 hours of incubation at 37°C. However, after 1 hour incubation at 37°C, the peptide formation was just 9% lower. During one experiment, the enzymatic reaction was accidentally stopped after 5 minutes instead of immediately after adding trypsin. The response of transferrin signature peptide was unexpectedly high, almost 63% of the maximum reached after 22 hours of incubation at 37⁰C. Therefore, an additional experiment was conducted to verify the results. That experiment confirmed the previous data. Thus, transferrin formed surrogate peptides rapidly. Further, the formation of peptides after 5 minutes at room temperature was measured for somatropin and bovine fetuin samples. The peptide formation was about 2% for somatropin surrogate peptide LEDGSPR and almost 18% for bovine fetuin peptide ALGGEDVR, thus, these proteins did not form peptides at room temperature as fast as transferrin. In this research, signature peptides have been identified using direct MS infusion and LC-MS/MS analysis using the MS/MS settings imported from Skyline. Direct MS infusion has the advantage that it can be used immediately. However, the identification of the peptides was time-consuming, the m/z values from spectra were one-by-one compared with the m/z values of the peptides and compound optimisation procedure was needed to confirm the presence of the peptide. Moreover, by using low sample concentrations, as used first for transferrin, namely 0.26-130 µg/mL, no distinction was found between the peptides and matrix peaks. This problem was solved by increasing the sample concentration (to 1.0-2.6 mg/mL). 26 The alternative approach, peptide selection using LC-MS/MS analysis with the MS/MS settings imported from Skyline software was faster and reliable. In addition, samples with low concentrations could also effectively be used. The intensity of the formed peptides depends on the chromatographic method and mass spectrometer. Consequently, trying to find signature peptides mentioned in literature may not always be successful. For example, the quantification of human serum transferrin using LC-MS/MS (HPLC Agilent Series 1200 and Agilent 6410 Triple Quad) was based on the surrogate peptide EDPQTFYYAVAVVK.32 However, this peptide has not been identified by our analysis method and equipment. The identified peptides were verified for specificity using MASCOT and PeptideAtlas software. MASCOT data base matched the peptides with the protein only if a combination of three or more peptides was introduced in the query, while PeptideAtlas software found all individual surrogate peptides of transferrin, five of bovine fetuin and three of somatropin as being specific. One possible reason might be the lack of experience of using the software. This research was based on monitoring a set of peptides for each protein to reduce the risk of erroneous results. Two of the most intensive peptides were selected for the validation of the LC-MS/MS method. The lower limit of quantification of somatropin in human plasma was 3 µg/mL. Additional experiments, with spiked Guinea pig plasma and mouse plasma, were conducted with the aim of decreasing the LLOQ. However, these experiments did not result in a lower LLOQ, therefore the assay was validated in human plasma. The quantitative LC-MS/MS method was validated for the analysis of somatropin in human plasma with bovine fetuin as internal standard. The validation was based on two of the most sensitive peptides of each protein. The following parameters were validated: selectivity, accuracy, precision, linearity, stability of the quality controls (freeze/thaw and short term stability at room temperature) and stability of processed samples. The method has been found to be selective, accurate and precise for the tested levels. The calibration line was found to be linear in the 3 to 900 µg/mL range. Carry-over was not detected for the IS, but was detected for somatropin. This should lead to extra actions for future analyses. The stability tests showed that somatropin samples were stable after 28 hours at room temperature and after three freeze/thaw cycles. Additionally, the processed somatropin samples have been found stable after being stored for 47 hours at 4⁰C. 27 5. CONCLUSIONS This research project focused on establishing a generic protein bioanalytical method based on surrogate peptides. The experiments have been limited to the analysis of transferrin, somatropin and bovine fetuin. However, it can be concluded that the sample preparation and the LC-MS/MS method can be used as a generic procedure. During this study, the sample preparation has been optimised and made cost and time effective. Furthermore, six surrogate peptides for each protein were identified. Finally, the LC-MS/MS quantification method of somatropin in human plasma using bovine fetuin as internal standard has been validated. The method has been found to be linear in the 3 to 900 µg/mL range. The lower limit of quantification (3 µg/mL) might be further lowered by introducing protein purification steps, such as immunocapture or immunodepletion, and/or surrogate peptides clean up and enrichment, like 2D-SPE, 2D-LC or SFC, prior to the LC-MS/MS analysis. Further, the use of more advanced triple quadrupole or high resolution analysers, such as the time of flight hybrid instruments (QTOF,TOF/TOF) and Fourier-Transform mass spectrometers (Orbitrap, FT-ICR) would lead to an enhanced selectivity and sensitivity. 28 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADC ADME BEH BLA BLAST CE CID CDG CXP DNA DP EMA EPO ESI FDA FT-ICR FTIR 2D-LC LC-MS/MS mAb MALDI MCA MSI PEG PKU PTM QTOF RT SIL SCAR SFC SDS-PAGE SOP SRM SST TOF XIC Antibody-drug Conjugates Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion Ethylene Bridged Hybrid Biologics License Application Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Collision Energy Collision Inducted Dissociation Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation Collision Exit Potential Deoxyribonucleic Acid Declustering Potential European Medicine Agency Epoietin Electrospray Ionisation Food and Drug Administration Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry monoclonal Antibody Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Multiple Channel Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Imaging Polyethylene glycol Phenylketonuria disease Post-Translational Modification Tandem quadrupole-Time of Flight mass spectrometer Room Temperature Stable Isotope Labelled Single Conservative Amino acid Replacements Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Standard Operation Procedure Selected Reaction Monitoring System of Suitability Time Of Flight Extracted Ion Chromatograms 29 APPENDIX 1. HUMAN SERUM TRANSFERRIN - general facts, FASTA sequence and structure Human serum transferrin, serotransferrin or siderophilin, is the main plasma transport protein for iron. It consists of 698 amino acids residues and has a molecular mass of approximatively 80 kDa.34 It is an endogenous protein and the clinical diagnostic range is between 2.0 to 3.6 mg/mL.33 Trypsin digestion conducts to circa 72 peptides with a length varying from 2 to 45 residues and molecular mass between 271 and 4648 Da.37 Recombinant human transferrin (OptiferrinTM) can be used to treat genetic disorders like thalassemia (defective production of hemoglobin) and atransferrinemia (absence of transferrin in the body). In addition, it can be used as a target drug delivery system.38 Human serum transferrin FASTA sequence34 (the surrogate peptides identified by this research are given in red) >sp|P02787|TRFE_HUMAN Serotransferrin OS=Homo sapiens GN=TF PE=1 SV=3 MRLAVGALLVCAVLGLCLAVPDKTVRWCAVSEHEATKCQSFRDHMK SVIPSDGPSVACVK KASYLDCIRAIAANEADAVTLDAGLVYDAYLAPNNLKPVVAEFYGSKEDPQTFYYAVAVV KK DSGFQMNQLR GKKSCHTGLGRSAGWNIPIGLLYCDLPEPRKPLEKAVANFFSGSCAPC ADGTDFPQLCQLCPGCGCSTLNQYFGYSGAFKCLKDGAGDVAFVKHSTIFENLANKADRD QYELLCLDNTRKPVDEYKDCHLAQVPSHTVVARSMGGKEDLIWELLNQAQEHFGKDKSKE FQLFSSPHGKDLLFKDSAHGFLKVPPRMDAKMYLGYEYVTAIRNLREGTCPEAPTDECKP VKWCALSHHERLKCDEWSVNSVGKIECVSAETTEDCIAKIMNGEADAMSLDGGFVYIAGK CGLVPVLAENYNKSDNCEDTPEAGYFAIAVVKK SASDLTWDNLK GKKSCHTAVGRTAGWN IPMGLLYNKINHCR FDEFFSEGCAPGSK KDSSLCKLCMGSGLNLCEPNNKEGYYGYTGAF RCLVEKGDVAFVK HQTVPQNTGGK NPDPWAKNLNEKDYELLCLDGTRKPVEEYANCHLAR APNHAVVTR KDKEACVHKILRQQQHLFGSNVTDCSGNFCLFRSETKDLLFRDDTVCLAKL HDRNTYEKYLGEEYVKAVGNLRKCSTSSLLEACTFRRP Human serum transferrin structure39 30 APPENDIX 2. (RECOMBINANT) HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE - general facts, FASTA sequence and structure Recombinant human growth hormone (somatropin), brand names Genotropin, Humatrope, Omnitrope, is synthesized in E. coli. It is used for treatment of dwarfism, acromegaly and prevention of HIV-induced weight loss. Somatropin consist of 191 amino acids residues and has a molecular mass of approximatively 22.1 kDa. 36 Trypsin digestion conducts to circa 20 peptides with a length varying from 3 to 23 residues and molecular mass between 382 and 2616 Da.37 Somatropin FASTA sequence36 (the surrogate peptides identified by this research are given in red) >DB00052 sequence FPTIPLSR LFDNAMLR AHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSES IPTPSNREETQQK SNLELLR ISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLK DLEEGIQTLMGR LEDGSPR TGQIFK QTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDM DKVETFLR IVQCR SVEGSCGF Somatropin structure36 Growth hormone (Somatotropin, P01241) consists of 217 amino acids residues and has molecular mass of approximatively 24.8 kDa.40 The clinical range for a healthy person depends on age and gender and are as follows: adult men < 5 ng/mL, women < 10 ng/mL, children 0–20 ng/mL and new-borns 5–40 ng/mL.41 Somatotropin FASTA sequence40 >sp|P01241|SOMA_HUMAN Somatotropin OS=Homo sapiens GN=GH1 PE=1 SV=2 MATGSRTSLLLAFGLLCLPWLQEGSA FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPS NREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTL MGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRS VEGSCGF 31 APPENDIX 3. BOVINE FETUIN - general facts, FASTA sequence and structure Bovine fetuin is a protein present in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of fetal calves.42 It consists of 359 amino acids residues and has a molecular mass of approximatively 38.4 kDa.35 Trypsin digestion conducts to circa 26 peptides with a length varying from 2 to 61 residues and molecular mass between 277 and 5960 Da.37 Bovine fetuin FASTA sequence35 (the surrogate peptides identified by this research are given in red) >sp|P12763|FETUA_BOVIN Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Bos taurus GN=AHSG PE=1 SV=2 MKSFVLLFCLAQLWGCHSIPLDPVAGYKEPACDDPDTEQAALAAVDYINKHLPRGYK HTLNQIDSVK VWPRRPTGEVYDIEIDTLETTCHVLDPTPLANCSVRQQTQHAVEGDCDIHVLK QDGQFSVLFTK CDSSPDSAEDVRKLCPDCPLLAPLNDSRVVHAVEVALATFNAESNGSYL QLVEISRAQFVPLPVSVSVEFAVAATDCIAK EVVDPTK CNLLAEKQYGFCK GSVIQK ALGGEDVR VTCTLFQTQPVIPQPQPDGAEAEAPSAVPDAAGPTPSAAGPPVASVVVGPSVVAV PLPLHRAHYDLRHTFSGVASVESSSGEAFHVGK TPIVGQPSIPGGPVR LCPGRIRYFKI Bovine fetuin structure43 32 APPENDIX 4. METHOD VALIDATION: SOMATROPIN QUANTIFICATION USING BOVINE FETUIN AS INTERNAL STANDARD AND LC-MS/MS ANALYSIS The LC-MS/MS method was validated for the analysis of somatropin in human plasma using bovine fetuin as internal standard. The validation process was based on the WIL Research Europe SOP, which is conform FDA and EMA principles on bioanalytical method validation. The samples were as follows: blank human plasma with and without IS, system suitability test standards, calibration standards, 6 different blank human plasma (3 male and 3 female) with and without IS, quality controls (QC-L, QC-M, QC-H) in 5-fold, matrix effect controls in 2-fold prepared with 6 different human plasma and reference controls (at QC-L and QC-H level) in 3-fold prepared with 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate. These were treated according to protocol 2 (described in paragraph 2.4). Three analytical runs were performed. For this validation two of the most sensitive peptides for each protein were monitored, namely IVQCR and LEDGSPR for somatropin, and ALGGEDVR and TPIVGPSIPGGPVR for bovine fetuin (IS). The results were similar, therefore just the results for somatropin peptide LEDGSPR (transition LEDGSPRDGSPR, 387.4++531.3+) and IS peptide ALGGEDVR (transition ALGGEDVRGGEDVR, 408.9++632.6+) are given in this appendix. Before each analytical run, a system suitability (SST) standard was injected in triplicate. The SST standard had the concentration level of the QC-LLOQ, namely 3 µg/mL and is used to determine the assessment criteria for future analyses, namely retention time window and minimum height/area ratio of the analyte peak. The retention time window had been found between 0.67 and 1.14 minutes for somatropin and between 0.74 and 1.24 minutes for bovine fetuin, following the 75% of the minimum retention time and 125% of the maximum retention time guideline. The guideline for the minimum height/area ratio stipulates that this ratio has to be higher than or equal to 75% of the calculated minimum height/area ratio of the peak. The minimum height/area ratio had been found 0.503 for somatropin and 0.584 for the IS. The results of the system suitability tests are given in Table 11 and 12. Table 11 System suitability parameters - somatropin Analytical run 1 2 3 Criteria for further analysis SST-1 0.91 0.89 0.90 Retention time (min) SST-2 SST-3 0.90 0.91 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.89 SST-1 0.743 0.671 0.869 between 0.67 – 1.14 Ratio height/area SST-2 0.683 0.783 0.724 SST-3 2.71 0.757 0.795 >0.503 Table 12 System suitability parameters - bovine fetuin (IS) Analytical run 1 2 3 Criteria for further analysis SST-1 0.98 0.98 0.98 Retention time (min) SST-2 SST-3 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 between 0.74 – 1.24 SST-1 0.812 0.840 0.817 Ratio height/area SST-2 0.899 0.872 0.826 SST-3 0.984 0.778 0.845 ≥ 0.584 33 Further, the following parameters were tested: selectivity, carry-over, calibration line, accuracy and precision, matrix effect, the stability of the samples (freeze/thaw stability, short term stability at room temperature) and the stability of processed samples (at 4⁰C after 47 hours). Selectivity The selectivity of the analytical method was determined by analysing, in the first analytical run, human plasma from six different sources. The applied criteria for selectivity were as follows: the peak area of the matrix which eluates with somatropin, has to be ≤ 20% of the peak area of the analyte at the LLOQ level (3 µg/mL) and ≤ 5% of the response of the IS. The interference of the third batch human plasma was higher than this norm, therefore a selectivity reanalysis was carried out. For reanalysis, samples in triplicate at the QC-LLOQ level were prepared with the batch 3 plasma. The mean accuracy was found 85% and the coefficient of variation 15%, which fell within the criterion range of 80-120% and ≤ 20%. The chromatograms of the blank samples showed no interfering components at the retention time of the internal standard in the first four plasma batches. In the last two samples IS was accidentally added. After reanalysis, no matrix interference with IS was found. In conclusion, the analytical method was found to be selective for the IS and somatropin at concentration levels ≥ 3 µg/mL. Table 13 shows the results of the selectivity test for somatropin and bovine fetuin (IS). Table 13 Selectivity test for somatropin and bovine fetuin (IS) Matrix batch 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interference for analyte (%) 20 10 26* 0 0 16 Interference for IS (%) 0 0 0 0 133** 97** * after reanalysis, the matrix interference with the analyte met the requirements ** accidentally IS was added to these samples; after reanalysis, no interference with IS was found. Carry-over Carry-over was determined over three runs by analysing a blank sample after the highest calibration standard. Carry-over has to be ≤ 20% of the analyte response in the QC-LLOQ and ≤ 5% of the IS response. The carry-over percentages are given in Table 14. The chromatograms of the blank samples showed no response at the retention time of the internal standard, thus carry-over had no effect on the accuracy of bovine fetuin in human plasma. The response at the retention time of somatropin was higher than 20% of the response in the QC-LLOQ, thus carry-over of somatropin was observed. Further, was observed that carry-over decreased after analysis of blank solutions. With future sample analysis blank solutions should be analysed throughout analytical runs and the effect of carry-over on the results of the study samples should be evaluated. Table 14 Carry-over percentages of somatropin and bovine fetuin (IS) Analytical run 1 2 3 Carry-over somatropin (in 2-fold) (%) I II 31 57 54 57 28 55 Carry-over bovine fetuin (IS) (in 2-fold) (%) I II 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 Calibration line Calibration standards (3.0, 6.0, 15, 30, 75, 150, 375 and 900 µg/mL) were analysed in duplicate, at the beginning and at the end of each analytical run. A blank sample and a blank sample with IS were analysed before the first set of calibration standards. Calibration line was obtained by linear regression analysis with an (1/concentration2) weighing factor. The individual data of the calibration line are given in Table 15 and the calibration line parameters in Table 16. The SOP stipulates that a calibration line is accepted if the back calculated accuracies are between 80-120% for the lowest calibration standards and between 85-115% for the other calibration standards. When a back calculated accuracy did not comply with this norm, then the calibration line has to be re-evaluated. If ≥ 75% of the calibration standards and for core runs at least one calibration standard of a concentration level fulfilled the acceptance criteria, than is the calibration line accepted. The calibration line had been re-evaluated because seven accuracies were outside the acceptance criteria. The percentage of the calibration standards which fulfilled the acceptance criteria was 85%. However, both calibration standards C2 and both C7 in the third analytical run did not fulfil the second requirement of the re-evaluation. Normally, the third analytical run should have been reanalysed. Unfortunately, there was not enough somatropin substance left for reanalysis. However, in the guidelines for bioanalytical method validation of FDA30 and EMA31, a minimum of six calibration standards is required. Therefore, this assay was considered linear in the 3.0 - 900 µg/mL range. Table 15 Individual data of the calibration line Analytical run 1 2 3 *) Back calculated concentration (ng/mL) and accuracy (%) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 2.87 96% 3.39 113% 3.04 101% *) 1.95 65% 3.01 100% 2.95 98% 5.19 86% 6.23 104% 5.69 95% 6.04 101% *) 4.13 69% *) 4.86 81% 13.0 87% *) 12.0 80% 14.6 97% 16.1 108% 16.9 113% *) 18.7 124% 26.8 89% 28.9 96% 29.2 97% 28.9 96% 27.4 91% 27.7 92% 77.1 103% 76.7 102% 78.4 105% 83.4 111% 83.7 112% *) 93.3 124% 153 102% 148 99% 146 97% 142 95% 137 91% 149 99% 383 102% 396 106% 364 97% 373 100% *) 542 145% *) 640 171% 1067 119% 1037 115% 871 97% 929 103% 903 100% 922 102% *) values outside acceptance criteria (not used for the calculation of the calibration line) Table 16 Calibration line parameters Analytical run 1 2 3 Intercept Slope Correlation coefficient 0.01286 0.01709 0.02302 0.01999 0.02181 0.01795 0.99470 0.99843 0.99629 35 Accuracy and precision of the quality controls The accuracy and precision of the method were established by analysing quality control samples at four concentration levels in 5-fold. The concentrations were: QC-LLOQ 3 µg/mL, QC-L 9 µg/mL, QC-M 45 µg/mL and QC-H 675 µg/mL. The QC’s were positioned between the calibration standards with at least one QC set at the beginning and one at the end of the analytical run. The within-run and between-run accuracy and precision should be between 80-120% range respectively ≤ 20% for the controls at the QC-LLOQ level and between 85-115% and ≤ 15% for the other QC’s. The results are given in Tables 17-20. In the third analytical run, the individual accuracy of QC-LLOQ had two outliers (66 and 67%). Therefore, the within-run precision was 23% and did not meet the requirements. As a result, extra tests should be performed to confirm the LLOQ level. Table 17 Accuracy and precision of QC-LLOQ Analytical run 1 2 3 Concentration (µg/mL) Accuracy (%) Target Nominal Analysed Individual Within- Betweenrun run 3 3.00 2.28 76 106 98 3.00 2.92 97 3.00 3.99 133 3.00 3.29 110 3.00 3.49 116 3 3.00 2.88 96 99 3.00 2.39 80 3.00 3.97 132 3.00 2.87 96 3.00 2.71 90 3 3.00 3.23 108 89 3.00 2.49 83 3.00 1.98 66 3.00 3.71 124 3.00 2.00 67 Precision (%) Within- Betweenrun run 23 0 Table 18 Accuracy and precision of QC-L Analytical run 1 2 3 Concentration (µg/mL) Accuracy (%) Target Nominal Analysed Individual Within- Betweenrun run 9 9.00 9.44 105 95 97 9.00 7.22 80 9.00 9.62 107 9.00 7.95 88 9.00 8.71 97 9 9.00 8.77 97 94 9.00 8.34 93 9.00 8.29 92 9.00 8.86 98 9.00 7.89 88 9 9.00 8.38 93 102 9.00 9.23 103 9.00 9.29 103 9.00 9.30 103 9.00 9.57 106 Precision (%) Within- Betweenrun run 8 3 36 Table 19 Accuracy and precision of QC-M Analytical run 1 2 3 Concentration (µg/mL) Accuracy (%) Target Nominal Analysed Individual Within- Betweenrun run 45 45.0 43.4 96 105 106 45.0 50.6 113 45.0 48.0 107 45.0 48.3 107 45.0 45.8 102 45 45.0 45.0 100 101 45.0 46.7 104 45.0 48.2 107 45.0 44.3 98 45.0 42.4 94 45 45.0 48.0 107 111 45.0 50.0 111 45.0 52.8 117 45.0 49.4 110 45.0 49.8 111 Precision (%) Within- Betweenrun run 5 4 Table 20 Accuracy and precision of QC-H Analytical run 1 2 3 Concentration (µg/mL) Accuracy (%) Target Nominal Analysed Individual Within- Betweenrun run 675 675 631 93 100 104 675 669 99 675 694 103 675 684 101 675 682 101 675 675 713 106 102 675 663 98 675 703 104 675 669 99 675 691 102 675 675 736 109 110 675 727 108 675 735 109 675 791 117 675 710 105 Precision (%) Within- Betweenrun run 4 5 Matrix effect The influence of the matrix on somatropin was investigated by analysing samples in 2-fold at the QC-L and QC-H level, namely 9 µg/mL and 675 µg/mL, prepared in six different sources of human plasma and in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (reference samples). The normalized matrix factor was determined as ratio of the response of the matrix sample to the mean response of the reference samples. The coefficient of variation of the mean normalized matrix factor has to be ≤ 15% at each concentration level. The results of the matrix effect samples are given in Table 21. The coefficient of variation was 12% for the low concentration and 6% for the high concentration, thus the matrix effect had no significant effect on the analysis of somatropin in human plasma. 37 Table 21 Matrix effect Analytical run Target concentration (µg/mL) 9 Lot of human plasma (matrix) Normalized matrix *) factor 01 Coefficient of variation (%) 11 1.050 1.050 02 0.839 0.964 03 1.080 1.110 04 0.830 1.080 05 0.943 0.802 06 0.974 1.100 675 01 5 0.826 0.886 02 0.852 0.943 03 0.866 0.883 04 0.873 0.912 05 0.824 0.913 06 0.947 0.932 *) the normalized matrix factor is the ratio between the response of the QC prepared in matrix and the mean response of the QC’s prepared in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (reference samples) 1 Freeze/thaw stability Somatropin samples at the QC-L and QC-H level, in 3-fold, were analysed after three freeze/thaw cycles. Each cycle involved a storage period of a minimum of 12 hours in the ultra-low-freezer (≤ 75⁰C) and thawing at room temperature for at least 2 hours. The results of the freeze/thaw stability test are given in Table 22. The mean accuracies of the samples fell within the criterion range of 85-115%, therefore the freeze/thaw stability was considered acceptable. Table 22 Freeze/thaw stability (3 cycles) Analytical run Freeze thaw cycles 3 3 Target 9 3 675 Concentration (µg/mL) Nominal 9.00 9.00 9.00 675 675 675 Analysed 8.79 6.75 9.03 741 704 743 Accuracy (%) Individual Mean 98 91 75 100 110 108 104 110 38 Short term matrix stability at room temperature Somatropin samples at the QC-L and QC-H level in 3-fold, were analysed after being stored for 28 hours at room temperature. The results of the short term matrix stability are given in Table 23. The mean accuracies of the samples were within the criterion range of 85-115%, therefore can be concluded that somatropin samples were stable when stored at room temperature up to 28 hours. Table 23 Short term matrix stability at room temperature Analytical run Time (hours) 3 28 Target 9 28 675 Concentration (µg/mL) Nominal 9.00 9.00 9.00 675 675 675 Analysed 10.2 8.59 8.87 763 772 752 Accuracy (%) Individual Mean 113 102 95 99 113 113 114 111 Processed sample stability stored at 4°C (in the refrigerator/autosampler) Somatropin samples at the QC-L and QC-H level in 3-fold, were analysed after being processed and stored for 47 hours at 4⁰C (in the autosampler). The results of the stability test are given in Table 24. The mean accuracies of the samples were within the criterion range of 85-115%, therefore it can be concluded that somatropin processed samples were stable when stored at 4⁰C for up to 47 hours. 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