Fall 2012 - ASID Texas Chapter
Fall 2012 - ASID Texas Chapter
Design Texas ASID Texas Chapter Magazine Issue Number 37 Fall 2012 TEXAS Design Texas ASID Texas Chapter Magazine ON THE COVER: Issue Number 37 Fall 2012 DFW International Airport Table of Contents CHAPTER NEWS TEXAS ASID TEXAS CHAPTER OFFICE 1444 Oak Lawn #501 Dallas, TX 75207 T: 214-748-1541 1-866-892-7431 9am-3:30pm Mon-Fri 12-1pm closed for lunch [email protected] www.asidtx.org ASID NATIONAL 608 Massachusetts Ave NE Washington DC 20002-6006 Tel: (202) 546-3480 Fax: (202) 546-3240 Toll free: (800) 610-ASID (2743) [email protected] • www.asid.org President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Legacy of Design Awards Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Focus on the Face of the Texas Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Texas Chapter’s Incoming President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Message from Texas Chapter Communications Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Across the Lone Star State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PROFESSIONAL NEWS Allure of French and Italian Décor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Past President of ASID Texas Chapter Receives Medalist Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 At-large Board Member of ASID Texas Chapter wins Honorable Mention . . . . . . . . . . 14 Design CommunityLeaders at ASID Texas Chapter Board Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Michelle Meredith & Associates Announces Completion of Sheraton Project . . . . . . . 16 Curb Appeal Renovations Shines for the Fourth Successive Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cottage of Memories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lawrence Adams Appointed Vice President of ForrestPerkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Continuing Education Local Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Interior Design Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Transition Period to Pass Written Multiple Choice Exams Ends in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Designer Fooled by NCIDQ Data Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Congratulations to Julie Francis & Adrian Galvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 EDITORIAL STAFF INDUSTRY PARTNERS Editor Christine Eustice, ASID, RID Ross Howard Designs - A Hunter Douglas Gallery and your local Design Center Partner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 David Gappa Presents “Bestowment” at Master Glass Invitational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Place at Perry’s Now Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Classical Architectural Interiors Summit - National Tour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Patina Green Home and Market is Honored for Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company Unveils New Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Collaboration between Armstrong and Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Levantina USA Introduces Launch of Online Inventory Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR Pat Gallagher • (214) 748-1541 PUBLISHING STAFF STUDENT NEWS Advertising Sales Bicki Shaw • (469) 569-6149 Sue Hardesty • (972) 789-4306 Student Symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Design Texas magazine is published quarterly for the Texas Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers by DSA Publishing & Design, Inc. Editorial content and Design Texas magazine are controlled and owned by the Texas Chapter of ASID. Reproduction of this publication in whole, in part, in any form is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the Texas Chapter of ASID. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Antique Floors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bernadette Schaeffler Collection . . . . . . 31 Carl Moore Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert Closet Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Closets by Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cosentino USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dallas Rugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 DFW Design Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Elle Decor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fiber-Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 French Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Hunter Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 IBB Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Kisabeth Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Peck & Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ralph Lauren Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Scott+Cooner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 TKO Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Truett Fine Carpets & Rugs. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 White Glove Storage & Delivery. . . . . . . . 7 TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 3 TEXAS President’s Message ASID TEXAS CHAPTER 1444 Oak Lawn #501 Dallas, TX 75207 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Members, President Kelley Barnett, ASID, San Antonio (210) 408-1300 [email protected] My time is up! Now, I’m going to brag on y’all…we live in Texas, so it’s okay to brag right? President-Elect Kitty Wasemiller, ASID, RID (325) 668-5244 [email protected] Past President/Nominations Dianne Etheredge, ASID, RID (214) 987-4393 [email protected] Financial Director Ashlynn Bourque, Industry Partner ASID (214) 686-0779 [email protected] Communications Director Robin Burrill, ASID, CAPS (817) 753-6668 [email protected] Professional Development Director Lisa Dionne, Allied ASID, LEED AP (214) 929-2066 [email protected] Membership Director Claudia Cowperthwaite, Allied ASID (512) 417-5388 [email protected] At-Large Director Sally Dinsmoor, ASID, RID, El Paso (915) 584-7789 [email protected] Student Representative Kathryn Nelson, Student ASID (214) 632-7577 [email protected] By this time in my term as President of ASIDs Texas Chapter, I have served you all for four years; two as Membership Director, one as President Elect, and one as President. Each President before me, has given sacrificially to serve this chapter, and I am a grateful recipient. Dianne Etheredge, ASID, our Immediate Past President, took me under her wing and helped me every step of the way. The ASID Texas Chapter will be in good hands when I’m gone, as Kitty Wasmiller, ASID, our 2011 ASID Texas Chapter Educator Medalist, assumes the role of leadership. I love the way our state board and design community boards transition, encourage one another, and coach the incoming board members as to the nuances of leadership positions. We feel like family as there is nothing like working “in the trenches” to solidify long lasting relationships. Speaking of family, the unsung heroes behind your ASID Texas Chapter leaders are our family members. My husband David has never complained about all my travels, meetings, conference calls, lack of income from my own business, or having to take my role in carpool and teenager duty. Our son, Simon, now 16, helps me with all technical issues and social media. They both know all about ASID, what it means, and whom it serves. I could not have served you without the support of “my men”! When you see your ASID Texas Chapter board members, and design community leaders, please honor their service by thanking them for their time and talent given on your behalf and for the longevity of our chapter. If you haven’t visited our website lately, check it out. http:www.asidtx.org, Here you will see all the programs, events, and publications our ASID Texas Chapter produces for the direct benefit of YOU, our members. ASID Texas Chapter Board Members Ashlynn Bourque, Financial Director 2011-2013, IP Rep for Sherwin-Williams, Richardson. Lisa DiOnne, Allied ASID, LEED AP, Professional Development Director 2011-2013, Dallas. Robin Burrill, ASID, CAPS, Communications Director 2011-2013, Keller. Kitty Wasmiller, ASID, RID, President-Elect, Abilene. Claudia Cowperthwaite, Allied ASID, Membership Director, Austin. Sally Dinsmoor, ASID, RID, At-large Board Member, 2010-2012, El Paso. Kathryn Nelson, Student ASID, Student Representative to the Board 2011-2012, and Student Symposium Co-Chair, Dallas. Pat Gallagher, our esteemed ASID Texas Chapter Administrator, Dallas, 2004- . Design Community Leaders - Without the painstaking work of our DC Leaders at the local level, you wouldn’t have CEUs/CEPHs to attend, or anyone handling the local finances. Please thank your local leaders, and when it’s your turn, please volunteer. Jill Albus, Allied ASID, Chair, Amarillo. Judy Dahl, ASID, Financial Chair, Amarillo. Jill Williams, ASID, Chair, Austin. Lori Anderson, ASID, Financial Chair, Austin. Marissa Marmolejos, ASID, Chair, Dallas. Hugh Scarbrough, ASID, Financial Chair, Dallas. Fran Timbrook, ASID, Chair, El Paso. 4 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Andrea Ross, ASID, Financial Chair, El Paso. Kristy Mastrandonas, ASID, Chair, Ft. Worth. Marlene Small, Allied ASID, Financial Chair, Ft. Worth. Lynley Serratt, Allied ASID, Chair, San Antonio. Adrian Galvan, Allied ASID, Financial Chair, San Antonio. Julie Ballard, Allied ASID, Chair, West Texas. Melissa Goodman, Allied ASID, Financial Chair, West Texas. Other Volunteer Leaders on the ASID Texas Chapter Level Laura M. Stewart, ASID, Chapter Information Technology Chair, Dallas. Rosemarie Rene, ASID, Metrocon Expo & Conference Chairman, Irving. Christine Eustice, ASID, Design Texas Magazine Chair, Wylie. Luis Araujo, Industry Partner Liaison, Tufenkian Artisan Carpets, Dallas. Liz Soto, Allied ASID, Emerging Professionals Chair, San Antonio. Cindi Cagle, ASID, Chapter Awards Chair, Dallas. Heather Brown, Allied ASID, 2012 Legacy of Design Co-Chair, Austin. Noelle Mercado, Allied ASID, 2012 Legacy of Design Co-Chair, Austin. Lori Watkins, Allied ASID, Chapter NCIDQ Prep Program Chair, Dallas. Phyllis Crim, ASID, Chapter Roster Chair, Arlington. Jane Garland Lucas, ASID, Educator Liaison to the Board, Austin. Ronda Marstiller, ASID, Chapter Membership Milestones Chair, Plano. Cheryl Petter, Student ASID, 2012 Student Symposium Co-Chair, Dallas. support our students and educators. We do have quite “the reputation”. It’s a great reputation. It is a reputation of professionalism, camaraderie, and competence. I am so proud to be one of you. Best wishes for continued success, Kelley Barnett, ASID ASID Texas Chapter President 2011/2012 Kelley Barnett and family on vacation in San Francisco with her family! I started the year with two new goals in mind based on my survey and personal conversations with many of you. Your top concerns were: 1) make ASID recognizable to the public, and 2) help us run our small businesses more efficiently. While keeping all other beneficial programs up and running, we took on the challenge of two more. The first goal was in keeping with ASID National’s new branding campaign. The ASID Texas Chapter invested in beautiful brand compliant full-page ads in Design Guide Magazine. Our ad is simple, straightforward and informative. Design Guide also provided premium online profiles on their website. Names were drawn at your design community meetings for practitioner and industry partner online features. Additionally, we changed the ASID logos/designs on all printed and electronic correspondence/certificates/awards/Facebook pages/website/event brochures, etc. This is one tangible way to get the ASID logo in the public domain AND ensure that the branding is consistent across the whole country. To address concern #2, many design communities have offered CEUs on social media, business start up, photography, and website design advice. Additionally, the ASID Texas Chapter, along with our chapter attorney, Stephen Polozola, of Decker, Jones, McMackin, McClane, Hall & Bates, P.C. in Ft. Worth, gathered our focus group information and designed Texas specific contracts for our members to purchase. Mr. Polozola’s expertise in construction law is well represented in these contracts that he provided. As individual members, this contract would have been very expensive to obtain, but because of his relationship with ASID Texas Chapter, you all are able to purchase contracts at a nominal rate. These contracts represent another tangible way your ASID Texas Chapter board is helping you operate your business. I’ve bragged on our past leaders, my family, fellow board members, and design community leaders. And now it’s your turn. It has been my honor to represent you at many national ASID conferences, symposiums, and training sessions. The incredible interior designs produced by our ASID Texas Chapter members are known throughout the country. Our Industry Partners keep us informed and generously support ASID. We love and TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 5 Legacy of Design Awards Celebration By Heather Brown, Allied ASID & Noelle Mercado, Allied ASID Legacy of Design Co-Chairs The 2012 Legacy of Design awards ceremony was certainly a celebration to remember and left us with enough memories and inspiration to last throughout the year. On the evening of August 8, stylishly dressed guests were pampered within the Robin Black. ASID Texas cool confines of the Trade Mart celebrating Chapter Medalist the 2012 Legacy of Design Awards, the annual competition recognizing the finest interior design achievements within the Texas Chapter. To help celebrate, we enjoyed the company of two very special guests; ASID’s Executive ASID Texas Chapter Board Vice President/CEO, Randy Fiser, and VP of Membership, Troy Adkins. During the ceremony, winners were presented with stunning awards All ASID Texas Chapter Leaders crafted by two of Austin’s finest design resources in a joint effort; Luna Piena, Inc. and Architerra Design Studios. Photos of the winning entries, as well as listings of Legacy of Design Sponsors, appeared prominently on plasma monitors Randy Fiser, Executive Troy Adkins, Vice throughout the evening. Vice President, CEO President, Member & For the first time ever, of ASID Industry Development attendees were surprised with a special edition of the 2012 Fall edition of Design Guide Texas which proudly features this year’s Legacy of Design winners! At the time of this article’s submission, the following generous sponsors had pledged their support for the Legacy of Design Celebration: • • • Design Guide – Media & Co-Sponsor Dallas Market Center – Event Co-Sponsor BuyLEDs - audio/visual support As Co-Chairs for the 2012 Legacy of Design Event, Noelle Mercado, Allied ASID and Heather Brown, Allied ASID would like to thank the ASID California Peninsula Chapter for judging this year’s entries as well as all those who played a valuable role in making the first year of online submittals run smoothly and efficiently. Special thanks to: Lisa DiOnne, Allied ASID, LEED® AP; Kelley Barnett, ASID; Laura McDonald Stewart, ASID / 6 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER IIDA; Pat Gallagher, ASID Texas Chapter Administrator; Carol Spence Carr, ASID / CID; Jeanette Loretz. ASID / CID / CAPS. Congratulations to the following winners, who were published in the special edition of Design Guide Texas and will soon have their work appear on the home page of both ASID Texas Chapter websites, www.asidtx.org and www.texas-designers.com. Shining Star: Commercial - Corporate Small 1st Place: Rhonda Vandiver-White, RID, ASID, IIDA, LEED AP, RSVP Design Services, Other Entrants: Amy Armstrong, Allied ASID Shining Star: Commercial – Healthcare 1st Place: Beth Thiel, Thiel and Thiel, Inc. 2nd Place: Kimberly A Marks, ASID, RID; The Marks Design Group Shining Star: Commercial – Multifamily Facilities 1st Place: Maika Winter, ASID, RID; Wintercreative Other entrants: Vanessa Chong Shining Star: Commercial – Hospitality Living 1st Place: Trisha Wilson, Allied ASID; Wilson Associates 2nd Place: Michelle Meredith, ASID; Michelle Meredith & Associates Other Entrants: Brittany Taylor, RID; Hilda Rodriguez, RID; Gerald Ward, AIA; Jill Klores, LC, IALD Shining Star: Commercial – Hospitality Service 1st Place: Trisha Wilson, Allied ASID; Wilson Associates Tie 2nd Place: Beth Thiel, ASID; Thiel and Thiel, Inc. Other Entrants: LDF Silk Tie 2nd Place: Michelle Meredith, ASID; Michelle Meredith & Associates Other Entrants: Brittany Taylor, RID; Hilda Rodriguez, RID; Gerald Ward, AIA; Jill Klores, LC, IALD Shining Star: Commercial – Retail 1st Place: Debbie Baxter, ASID, IIDA, RID; Baxter Design Group 2nd Place: Debbie Baxter, ASID, IIDA, RID; Baxter Design Group Shining Star: Commercial – Singular Space 1st Place: Beth Thiel, ASID; Thiel and Thiel, Inc 2nd Place: Michelle Meredith, ASID; Michelle Meredith & Associates Other Entrants: Brittany Taylor, RID; Hilda Rodriguez, RID; Gerald Ward, AIA; Jill Klores, LC, IALD Shining Star: Residential – Bathroom Traditional 1st Place: Joanie Wyll, ASID; Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc. 2nd Place: Cheri Etchelecu Martin, ASID; Cheri Etchelecu Interior Design Shining Star: Residential – Bathroom Contemporary 1st Place: Catherine Dolen, ASID; Catherine Dolen & Associates Other Entrants: John Moody 2nd Place: Emily Summers, ASID; Emily Summers Design Associates Other Entrants: Neal Friske, Project Manager; Chad Dorsey, Project Architect Shining Star: Residential – Kitchen Traditional Shining Star: Residential – Model Home 1st Place: Emily Gibson, RID, ASID; Gibson Gimpel Interior Design Other Entrants: Allison Gimpel, Allied ASID; David Lewis, Builder 2nd Place: Wendy Richens, ASID; Richens Designs, Inc. 1st Place: Emily Summers, ASID; Emily Summers Design Associates Other Entrants: Tiffany Wernimont 2nd Place: Laura Britt, ASID; Laura Britt Design Other Entrants: Delphi Luna, Project Manager Shining Star: Residential – Kitchen Contemporary 1st Place: Tamie Glass, Allied ASID; Tamie Glass and Uli Dangel Other Entrants: Uli Dangel, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt 2nd Place: Jennifer Fordham, ASID; Poggenpohl Shining Star: Residential – Traditional - Large (>3,500 SF) 1st Place: Cheri Etchelecu Martin, ASID; Cheri Etchelecu Interior Design 2nd Place: Margaret Chambers, RID, ASID; Chambers Interiors & Associates, Inc. Shining Star: Residential – Contemporary Student Symposium SAVE THE DATES! - Large (>3,500 SF) 1st Place: Laura Britt, ASID; Laura Britt Design Other Entrants: Tiffany Wernimont 2nd Place: Paula Ables, ASID; Paula Ables Interiors Shining Star: Residential – Contemporary - Small (<3,500 SF) 1st Place: Laura Britt, ASID; Laura Britt Design Other Entrants: Jen Murrill, LEED AP; Beth Taylor, LEED AP Tie 2nd Place: Debbie Baxter, ASID, IIDA, RID; Baxter Design Group Tie 2nd Place: Gayla Jett Shannon, ASID; Inside Inc. Other Entrants: Stacie McCans, RID October 5th & 6th, 2012 | Dallas, Texas |www.asidtxstudentsymposium.org Interior design students, are you ready to rise to the challenge? Shining Star: Residential – Singular Space Traditional 1st Place: Lisa Barron, Allied ASID; Dallas Design Group Interiors 2nd Place: Catherine Dolen, ASID; Catherine Dolen & Associates This event exposes budding designers from schools all over Texas, Shining Star: Residential – Singular Space Contemporary Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arkansas to the real world of 1st Place: Tracy Rasor, ASID; Dallas Design Group Interiors 2nd Place: Maika Winter, ASID, RID; Wintercreative interior design, while bringing them together to learn from established professionals and industry members. We are pleased to let you know that this year’s event will be bigger and better than ever. Shining Star: Other – Historic Preservation/Adaptive Reuse 1st Place: Laurie Woods, ASID; Laurie S. Woods, ASID The theme this year is in honor of the Olympic Games 2012 in London. This two-day event will be filled with rich opportunities, Shining Star: Other – Product Design or Special Detail exciting new venues and will get you EXPOSED to the reality of this 1st Place: Sherry Hayslip, ASID, IIDA; Hayslip Design Associates, Inc Other Entrants: Bree Hyatt, Hayslip Design Associates Project Manager 2nd Place: Michelle Meredith, ASID, RID; Michelle Meredith & Associates Other Entrants: Brittany Taylor, RID; Catherine Miller; Larry Whiteley amazingly diverse profession. You will be able to INTERACT oneon-one with successful professionals from all facets of design and PROVE TO YOURSELF that your passion for this industry goes beyond the classroom. We are so pleased to welcome our Keynote Speaker: Matthew DeGeeter, ASID, LEED AP, Healthcare Design Associate with Perkins Shining Star: Other – Visual Merchandising Display 1st Place: Rhonda Vandiver-White, RID, ASID, IIDA, LEED AP; RSVP Design Services Other Entrants: Amy Armstrong, Allied ASID + Will in Washington, DC. DeGeeter is a design role model who brings his knowledge from his background in graphic design, Shining Star: Other – Industry Partner Collaboration branding and marketing into his work and his writing. He has held term on the ASID National Board starting October 1, 2012. 1st Place: Beth Thiel, ASID; Thiel and Thiel, Inc. Other Entrants: LDF Silk 2nd Place: Lisa Barron, Allied ASID; Dallas Design Group Interiors Other Entrants: Iron Age Find this year’s dynamic schedule and how to secure your place at Shining Star: Other – Existing Conditions past ASID roles as Chair of the ASID National Emerging Professionals Advisory Council and will begin serving his two-year this spectacular event on the Student Symposium website, www.asidtxstudentsymposium.org 1st Place: Michelle Meredith, ASID, RID; Michelle Meredith & Associates Other Entrants: Brittany Taylor, RID; Hilda Rodriguez, RID; Gerald Ward, AIA; Jill Klores, LC, IALD 2nd Place: Beth Thiel, ASID; Thiel and Thiel, Inc. It's an Olympic year for the athletes, and it’s an Olympic year for YOU! LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Shining Star: Other – Remodel Under $15,000 1st Place: Don Collier, ASID; Don Collier 8 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Rising Star - Commercial: Multifamily 1st Place: Heather Brown, Allied ASID; True Interiors, LLC Rising Star - Residential: Bathroom 1st Place: Allison Jaffe, ASID; Allison Jaffe Interior Design 2nd Place: Allison Jaffe, ASID; Allison Jaffe Interior Design Rising Star - Residential: Kitchen 1st Place: Heather Blue Harkovich, Associate ASID; Heather Scott Home & Design 2nd Place: Noelle Mercado, Allied ASID; True Interiors, LLC Rising Star - Residential: Residence (Any Size) 1st Place: Page Gandy, ASID; 3 Fold Design Studio 2nd Place: Heather Blue Harkovich, Associate ASID; Heather Scott Home & Design Rising Star - Residential: Singular Space 1st Place: Heather Blue Harkovich, Associate ASID; Heather Scott Home & Design 2nd Place: Kim Armstrong, ASID; Kim Armstrong Interior Design LLC Other Entrants: Katy Simmons- Junior Designer Rising Star- Other: Product Design or Special Detail 1st Place: Amy Armstrong, Allied ASID; RSVP Design Services Other Entrants: Rhonda Vandiver, RID, ASID, IIDA, Leed AP 2nd Place: Kim Armstrong, ASID; Kim Armstrong Interior Design LLC Other Entrants: Katy Simmons- Junior Designer ©2010 Closet Factory. All rights reserved. The Right Solution For Your Clients! We are the truly “Custom Solution Authority” At Closet Factory we understand that each of your clients is unique and special. Let us help you help your clients. Ask about our “Referral Partner Program” for Interior Designers and our “Priority Care” program for your clients. We serve Dallas and Ft. Worth Call for FREE Design Consultation 214-390-0606 or 817-740-0606 www.closetfactory.com | murphybedlifestyles.com INDUSTRY PARTNER custom closets | home ofÀces | murphy beds | garages and more TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 9 PROFESSIONAL NEWS Focus on the Face of the Texas Chapter Focus on the Face of the Chapter” is the seventh in a new series of articles with the objective of showcasing valued members of our Texas Chapter who are working within our communities to fulfill our Strategic Plan’s goals through their humanitarian and community service. This article features our professional and student members in Abilene, a part of the Ft. Worth Design Community. Several individuals and businesses came together to help the Abilene Christian University ASID Student Chapter create an environment that will benefit everyone in the home. ACU Project Merge: Home makeover helps local family Abilene Christian University Interior Design majors and professors completed a home renovation for a needy family in the last few weeks of the semester. A number of other students caught the vision and helped, too. They did all the fund raising, organization, and hands-on work. You really would be proud of them. Haley Buffington (multi-winner of ASID Texas Chapter Design Competitions in 2010 and 2011), Melanie Bartholomew (Texas Chapter ASID Scholarship Winner 2011 and ACU Student Chapter President '11-'12), Kirsten Haugaard and Lisha Cottrill (both ASID Student Chapter members and officers) lead the student effort to renovate the home of a multi-generational family who had a huge need. Wow! Aren't they just amazing? I am proud of them and proud that ASID provided them with an opportunity to serve, grow, and be rewarded along the way with scholarships and design competition recognition. t Member ASID Briana DiNella, Studen Kirsten Hau gaard, Lisha Cottrill, Haley Buffin gton (all Stud ent Members of ASID) with the Project Merge Grand mother The family was truly living in a very bad situation, broken toilets, sink dangled from the wall, rat droppings in the oven, fire ant infested bedding and on and on. You will find the video at the ACU Homepage. Go to the main university home page and search in the story tabs in the top section of the page, if you don't see it immediately. Once you find it, you will be able to launch the 3 min. video or read the article at the "More" tab. www.acu.edu Melanie Bartholomew, Abilene Christian University ASID Student Chapter President, Lisha Cottrill, Student Member ASID and Kitty Wasemiller, ASID Texas Chapter President-Elect and Professor Written into our National Chapter Core Values, as they relate stewardship, indispensable as they reach out within the community to encourage and is found this statement: “Through volunteerism and partnerships with motivate others through their dedication, commitment and enthusiasm. community service projects, we share our gifts and talents as designers to Email Kitty Wasemiller, ASID incoming ASID Texas Chapter President help those in need in our communities. As professionals, we are stewards 2012-2013 at [email protected] so we can allow the Texas Chapter to for our clients, the profession, the Society and the environment.” Please let honor them and celebrate their achievements. me know of someone in your Design Community who is inspiring and 10 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Silhouette® Window Shadings with LiteRise® Lifting System Silhouette® Window Shadings Homes your clients can warm up to. Create comfortable environments when you design with Hunter Douglas. Our extensive collection of window fashions are more than stylish. Built-in insulating properties keep homes warm during winter months, while cordless designs offer enhanced child safety. Families everywhere can cozy up to that. Need Assistance with Hunter Douglas Products? To access all the resources you need to make selling Hunter Douglas window fashions easier and more profitable, contact your Hunter Douglas Design Center Partner today. And be sure to ask about the Hunter Douglas Design Center Program. To find a dealer near you, visit growyourdesignbusiness.net/partners. Interior Fabrics Brandi Ferguson 4521 Hwy 377 S Fort Worth, TX 76116 817-377-3633 Ross Howard Designs Colin Cope 14902 Preston Road, Suite #600 Dallas, TX 75254 972-490-0088 © 2012 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas. 8/12 SmartLooks Window & Wall Décor Theresa Hines 101 S. Greenville Avenue Richardson, TX 75081 972-699-1151 PROFESSIONAL NEWS Texas Chapter’s Incoming President Who is Kitty Wasemiller, the Texas Chapter’s incoming President? Kitty is a life-long resident of Texas, having been born in El Paso while her father helped a young business emerge making building products and mouldings. Her family relocated to Jasper, Texas where the business became a national leader in the design, fabrication and distribution of mouldings, stair parts, grills, and decorative leaded glass front doors. This environment fostered an interest in design for this artistic young lady. While attending Abilene Christian University (ACU), Kitty completed a BFA in Studio Art. She worked as a graphic designer following graduation, but was interested in pursuing interior design. She earned a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Interior Design from Texas Tech University. Kitty returned to her alma mater in 1984, where she piloted courses for a new interior design major. Kitty Wasemiller, ASID has served Abilene Christian University as Professor for almost 29 years and Interior Design Program Director. The INTD Program achieved national accreditation from CIDA under her leadership. She performs interior design consulting as the principal designer and owner of Kitty Wasemiller Designs. She has completed residential, retail, corporate, senior living, and institutional projects. She formerly served as Interior Designer with Hollon’s Design Studio in Lubbock and the Tittle Luther Partnership architecture firm in Abilene. Kitty became a member of ASID in 1982, and has served as Chapter Board Member and Financial Officer of the Texas Chapter of ASID. She will serve as President of the Texas Chapter of ASID beginning in October 2012. Wasemiller was honored by the Texas Chapter of ASID as its first Medalist Educator in 2011. She holds a NCIDQ certificate and is a registered interior designer in Texas. Kitty serves on the Board of Trustees for Abilene Christian Schools. Kitty and her husband of 30 years, Gene, have three grown children and one grandchild. A message from Texas Chapter Communications Director It's beginning to be THAT time of year again... By Robin C. Burrill, ASID, CAPS ASID Texas Communications Director 2011-13 "The" holidays...and of course budgeting for many companies...oh! Did I just put both of those into a sentence together?! Well, my message here has to do with how you choose to "communicate"! For designers...we want your news! Whether it is on Facebook or in our magazine, please send it in! If you post it to FB, it automatically posts to Twitter...so share your promotions, your awards, your successes...your new "big" job you just landed! We want to hear from you. For our industry partners, please do the same...share with us your awards, new locations, new staff members...let us get to know you as well. Please remember when using Facebook though, it isn't to be used to "self-promote"...meaning I wouldn't go out and tell everyone that they needed to use my services because I'm the best at what I do...you need to share information that is newsworthy and would benefit most of the membership. For instance...XYZ Appliances just won the international award for best performing dishwasher, it was the most ecological dishwasher in its category and competed against 6 other companies to win this award. Or...XYZ is pleased to announce the addition of John Smith to our staff. John will be covering the Texas, Oklahoma and NM areas. Don't forget as well...once you've had it published in the Texas Chapter magazine, you can link it back to your website, or post it on your FB page. Also...many of the design communities will be having events during THE holidays...this is a great time to promote your company and designers, don't forget, there is nothing holding you back from sponsoring and promoting your services as well. Some design communities may also solicit for sponsorships so you can communicate your offerings throughout the year through various events. There is also our quarterly magazine to advertise in, as well as our website and national ASID also has other opportunities as well. If I can ever help you with all that is available, please don't hesitate to contact me. INDUSTRY PARTNER 12 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER But of course, the best way to build those relationships is to actually show up to events and meetings and communicate face to face...because after all, isn't that how we best build relationships? PROFESSIONAL NEWS Allure of French and Italian Décor Past President of ASID Texas Chapter Receives Medalist Award By Betty Lou Phillips The Allure of French and Italian Décor (Gibbs Smith Publishers; September 2012; US $50.00; 240 pages and more than 200 full color images; Hardcover with Jacket) - The 11th book from renowned author and decorator Betty Lou Phillips explores the historical development of French & Italian Décor and America’s undying fascination with the way the aristocracy of France and Italy live life thru design. Allure of French and Italian Décor offers a transcendence which travels well beyond interiors. Over 200 color images of Betty Lou Phillips’ work serve as a visual example of French and Italian style brought stateside. Ms. Phillips solidly explains centuries of undisputed good taste and discrete elegance from Louis XIV’s extravagant “While France shows no sign of loosening pretentious décor her très chic grip on the planet’s tastemakto sophisticated yet less fussy ers, the cradle of Western civilization—perfurnishings of the haps without quite intending to do so— more beguiling gives us the gift of HOW to live. For when it Rococo period—a time when Louis comes to la dolce vita—the good life, or the XV and his stylish sweet life, as some like to say—we cannot mistress, Madame help but be captivated by the Italian pasde Pompadour, had sion for building deep, satisfying relationgreat influence on the decorative arts. ships, extending warm, artful hospitality Betty Lou Phillips’ and spending carefree afternoons with book connects the family and cherished friends in the garden dots with knowledgeable and or by the sea.” graceful penman—Betty Lou Phillips ship enhanced with beautiful examples full of whimsy and lives well lived. Ms. Phillips is known decorating the homes of affluent families throughout the country with unassuming luxury. Her love for children gives her an extraordinary sense for real life scenarios outfitted to the last detail. With a highly trained background, she draws from her wealth of experience and historical foundation to form quality and soulful traditional interiors. Throughout Allure of French and Italian Décor - Ms. Phillips offers sound advice on topics such as Venetian Plaster, source information, and how to create the feeling of an old established home with reclaimed materials. Allure of French and Italian Décor promises to inspire, educate and explain much of the French and Italian references we surround ourselves with throughout our homes and gardens. About the Author: Betty Lou Phillips is a respected member of the American Society of Interior Designers, her design work has been featured in hundreds of newspapers throughout the country, in addition to dozens of magazines, including Veranda, Southern Accents, House Beautiful, Traditional Home, Bedroom & Bath and Window and Wall, and Decorating. She has appeared on Christopher Lowell Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show. She lives in Dallas, Texas. Her three sons all married interior designers. 14 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Robin Black, ASID, past president of the ASID Texas Chapter, and beloved member of the ASID San Antonio Design Community, has been honored with the 2012 ASID Chapter Medalist Award. The ASID Chapter Medalist Award is the highest award bestowed by ASID on Society members at the chapter level in recognition of outstanding service and significant contributions to their chapter and to the body of knowledge that supports the profession of interior design. The medal is granted on the basis of fulfilling all of the three following criteria: 1. Outstanding and significant service to interior design education and/or an ASID chapter. 2. Significant local, regional or national contributions to interior design education. 3. Outstanding, significant and continued contributions that have enriched the human experience. Congratulations Robin! At-large Board Member of ASID Texas Chapter wins Honorable Mention Sally Dinsmoor, ASID, RID, LEED AP, won an Honorable Mention Award in Floor Focus Magazine's Vision Design Awards 2012 under the Hospitality Category. Her entry and winning design was for Bikini Joe's Restaurant located in El Paso, Texas. The winners were announced in Floor Focus April 2012 issue with a photo of the interior of Bikini Joe's. Sally's project featured Centiva flooring, one of the contests sponsors. A feature article on Sally Dinsmoor Design and this restaurant will be featured in the magazine later this year. Design Community Leaders at ASID Texas Chapter Board Meeting L-R, Jill Williams, Jill Albus, Kristy Mastrandanos, Julie Ballard, Marissa Marmolejos, Lynley Serratt, Fran Timbrook. ASID Texas Chapter Website Chair, Laura McDonald Stewart, ASID and Industry Partner Liaison, Luis Araujo at the Texas Chapter Board Meeting TKO Associates TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 15 PROFESSIONAL NEWS Michelle Meredith & Associates Announces Completion of Sheraton Project Michelle Meredith & Associates (MMA), a full-service interior design studio, announced the completion the Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria renovation in Dallas, Texas. The announcement was made by Michelle Meredith, owner and lead designer of MMA. “Our design team stayed true to the Texas landscape by incorporating classic detailing, design simplicity and unique applications for wood, metal and stone,” said Meredith. The renovation included the reception, lobby, common areas, and restaurant, as well as bar, meeting rooms, ballroom, pre-function areas, health club, pool and other ancillary areas. The $17 million renovation project featured over 17,000 square-feet of renovated space. “The Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria now truly embodies the brand’s contemporary and comfortable new look and feel. Our recent renovations have greatly improved the guest experience by creating an atmosphere where travelers can make connections and enjoy all the brand’s recently enhanced signature services and amenities,” said Thomas Economos, General Manager, Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria. Re-opening in March 2012, the hotel features a Texas modernist theme. The Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria is located three blocks away from the Galleria Mall and is surrounded by more than 200 Fortune 500 companies in the heart of the North Dallas business corridor. The renovation is part of an ongoing effort to enhance Sheraton hotels across the globe, following the recently completed $6 billion brand-wide revitalization including $400 million in signature brand initiatives. About Michelle Meredith & Associates Established in 2000, Michelle Meredith & Associates (MMA) is an awardwinning, global interior design studio located in Dallas, Texas. With a 25-year Curb Appeal Renovations Shines for the Fourth Successive Year Robin Burrill, ASID, CAPS, is pleased to once again announce that the company she and her husband, Rob Mathews, own, has won for the 4th year in a row the GuildQuality Guildmaster with Distinction Award for exceptional customer satisfaction. Once a year GuildQuality recognizes exceptional customer service with the Guildmaster Awards. They are also very excited that they are once again, for the 5th year in a row, a Market Leader in the Dallas area for Professional Remodeler Magazine. Professional Remodeler identifies the top remodelers in 20 of the largest remodeling markets in the country, and their staff compiles this research, as well as through publicly available data and information provided by the other Market Leader companies. Robin and Rob have a design/build remodeling company located in Keller, Texas and are a dealer for DeWils Custom Cabinetry. 16 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER history in hospitality, commercial and high-end residential design, MMA has completed projects all over the world. Focused and passionate, MMA has built its reputation by bringing each client’s vision to its fullest artistic potential with a diverse spectrum of design Lounge Area knowledge. With experience that includes senior positions at two of the world's leading design firms, Michelle exhibits the personal expression of a boutique firm with the proficiency and expertise of a large firm. MMA is openLobby minded, welcoming and hardworking and promises a consistent and superior quality of work. For more information please visit www.michellemeredith.com or call (214) 358-3703. The MMA design studio is located at 5527 Stanford Street, Studio B in Dallas, Texas. Cottage of Memories (previously published in Texas Home & Living) Patty Allen, ASID, RID, designer at McConnell Allen Interiors, creates country French interiors in a bungalow in Plano, Texas and receives rave reviews in an article about the project in Texas Home & Living May/June 2012 issue. Mrs. Allen was Inspired by an antique chromolithograph print that had been in owner’s family for generations and the owner sought a décor style that would restore the cottage look and atmosphere she had once loved in the home. For more information on this article or information about Texas Home & Living please contact: Texas Home & Living 512-250-9023 TexasHomeandLiving.com UNIQUE SURFACING PRODUCTS FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE From the outstanding performance of quartz to the beauty of granite and the ingenuity of recycled surfacing, Cosentino is a world-wide leader in the manufacturing and distribution of surfacing materials. Our internationally recognized brands are strong, unique and locally available to you. COUNTERTOPS | VANITY TOPS | FLOORS | WALLS | MOSAICS NATURAL QUARTZ NATURAL GRANITE RECYCLED SURFACES SEMI PRECIOUS STONES Cosentino Center - Dallas 214-256-9700 | 11639 Emerald Street, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75229 NATURAL STONE NATURAL MARBLE PROFESSIONAL NEWS Lawrence Adams Appointed Vice President of ForrestPerkins Lawrence Adams, AIA, who recently joined ForrestPerkins as Vice President, is a global authority on hotel and resort design. Mr. Adams co-authored Hotel Design, Planning and Development with Richard Penner and Stephani Robson. This highly-anticipated book is due to be published this fall by Routledge in the United Kingdom and W.W. Norton in the United States. It follows the original 422-page edition of Hotel Design, Planning and Development that Mr. Adams co-authored with Walter Rutes and Richard Penner and which was published in 2001 by Architectural Press. Both tomes were written for architects, designers, developers and hotel executives as comprehensive and professional guides for hotel and resort design and development. "Lawrence Adams has managed and directed the design of large-scale development projects at major architectural and planning firms over the last 35 years," says Stephen Perkins, AIA, ISHC, principal and co-founder of ForrestPerkins. "He also served as adjunct faculty at New York University for nine years teaching graduate level courses on Hotel Design and Development." Deborah Forrest, FASID, principal and co-founder of ForrestPerkins, adds, "The New York Four Seasons Hotel, on which Lawrence collaborated with I.M. Pei; the Chambers Hotel, which he partnered with the Rockwell Group to design; and the RIGHA Royal Hotel, which is now called The London, are among Lawrence's significant projects." Mr. Adams lived in New York City for 23 years, where he worked at his own eponymous firm as well as others, before being recruited to be Vice President and Director of Design at Perez, APC in New Orleans, Louisiana. He most recently worked at Mathes Brierre Architects, one of the oldest architectural firms in the US, where he was Senior Vice President for eight years. "I have known Stephen Perkins and Deborah Forrest for years. I've watched with great admiration as they have grown ForrestPerkins into a classic, wonderful, luxury hospitality design firm. When the opportunity came for me to join them, I jumped at the chance," says Mr. Adams, who is based in ForrestPerkins' Dallas office. Over the last several years, Mr. Adams became interested in the intersection of luxury hospitality and luxury senior living. He has been involved in the design of a number of senior living properties and sees the two specialties as interrelated, given the affluent and large population of baby boomers. So, in addition to Mr. Adam's direction of some of the firm's important hotel and resort projects, he will lead the firm's new focus on this growing segment. "Luxury senior living as a practice area dovetails naturally with our luxury hotel and luxury multi-residential practice," Forrest says. "We are excited about the potential for significant growth in all three segments, both here in the US and abroad." One of Mr. Adams' greatest strengths is in designing luxury hotels. "I particularly love the early stages of design, when we pull together all the different influences and establish a great direction for a project." Of course, the architect also delights in seeing a project built and completed. "It's rewarding to stay in a hotel you've designed and to see other people enjoying the hotel or resort, too," says Mr. Adams, who is certified by NCARB. He is also a registered architect in New York, Massachusetts, Kansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Among the many highlights in his long career, in 2001, Hospitality Design magazine honored Mr. Adams with its Gold Key Award for his work on the Chambers Hotel. In 1993, the New York State AIA recognized him in its Solar Energy Competition for his work on the SUNY Solar Parking Lot, establishing that Mr. Adams was ahead of his time. Continuing Education Local Resource Our own Julie Reynolds, ASID, RID from the Dallas Design Community, was invited by the ASID National Director of Education, Heidi Salati, to train the ASID NYC Chapter to write Continuing Education courses that meet the new IDCEC (Interior Design Continuing Education Council) Presenter’s Manual guidelines, including the new 2012 requirements for attendee reporting to IDCEC directly. 20 Industry Partners and Members were in attendance and hosted by the Hafele Showroom June 21st at their ‘NYC Bootcamp’ event. Julie has been an IDCEC national reviewer for the past three years, reviewing courses for ASID, IIDA and Interior Designers of Canada. She was the past TAID President 2009-2011 and the past Dallas Design Community Chair 20092010. For TAID, she is currently one of a three person committee along with Pat McLaughlin, ASID, RID and Lisa Barron, ASID who creates, implements, reviews and monitors up to 50 classes a year that are held at the DMC (Dallas Market Center). These classes focus on HSW (Health, Safety and Welfare), Sustainability and Barrier Free content for submittal to TBAE (Texas Board of 18 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Architectural Examiners) for Registered Interior Designers and other interested professionals. For more information or to ask about giving training in your area, contact [email protected] or 972.931.0536. Interior Design Guild Glen Boudreaux, ASID, RID, IDG, BPN is the incoming President of IDG, the Interior Design Guild which is the organization our beloved late ASID member Lucile Payne, FASID helped start many years ago. It is an honor to carry on an organization that was started by Lucile. If anyone is interested in membership, please contact Glen at 214-752-0997. Imagine your home, totally organized! Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Home Office Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms 20% Off plus Free Installation 2011 © All Rights Reserved. Closets by Design, Inc. 20% off any order of $1000 or more. 10% off any order of $700 or more. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate 800-293-3744 ASID www.closetsbydesign.com Licensed and Insured Follow us INDUSTRY PARTNER Crafted with quality since 1982 PROFESSIONAL NEWS Transition Period to Pass Written Multiple-Choice Exams Ends in 2013; Scores Will be Voided for Those Who Have Not Passed Both As previously announced, NCIDQ is phasing out the paper-and-pencil multiple-choice exams as the organization launches computer-based testing for two new multiple-choice sections of the NCIDQ Examination. The Section 3 Practicum exam is not changing and will continue to be administered in a paper-and-pencil format. The multiple-choice exams will be given only three more times in a paperand-pencil format. After the fall 2013 administration, the multiple-choice sections will be delivered exclusively via computer at a network of testing centers across North America. Those who have not passed both of the current paper-and-pencil multiple-choice sections by the end of 2013 must retake both of the new sections since the content will have shifted between the new sections of the exams. Designer Fooled by NCIDQ Data Error Relieved as failing score corrected Kristina Sleyster principal at Sleyster LLC completed and passed all three section of the Spring 2012 National Council for Interior Design Qualification exams. In December of 2006 while the market was still healthy, Kristina left her job, picked up her life and moved to Tucson, Arizona to begin the Bachelors of Art in Interior Design program at the Southwest University of Visual Arts. After graduating in December of 2009 Kristina and her husband once again up rooted their home, this time bound for Austin, Texas. Once in Austin the reality set in, the bleak job market spread throughout country. After 11 months of searching Kristina finally landed an entry contract position at Belterra Design & Hospitality, Inc. where she earned the necessary experience required to take the NCIDQ exams. Kristina set aside 2 to 4 hours each day for three months for studying. After filling four boxes worth of note cards, Kristina's exam day arrived. "After the first day I was exhausting and the thought of another day was really overwhelming." Kristina said. Kristina like many others received a false failing result due to a data error at NCIDQ. "When the results arrived I was so nervous I was shaking as I opened the envelope. As read through the results a little part of me just died as I saw Fail on section three." Kristina said. Two days later Kristina received a letter from the NCIDQ explaining the data error along with a corrected letter which contained passing results for all three sections. Whether you are retaking a multiple-choice section you did not pass previously, or whether you are taking the multiple-choice exam(s) for the first time, you must pass both Section 1 (Codes, Building Systems, Construction Standards and Contract Administration) and Section 2 (Design Application, Project Coordination and Professional Practice) before the end of 2013. For those individuals who have not, their passing multiplechoice score will be voided and they will have to take both of the new sections on computer. The next administration of the multiple-choice exams will be Friday, September 28. The deadline to register is August 7, although you can save $150 if you register by July 24. Click here to access your account to register for the fall 2012 administration. Will these changes affect you? Click here to use this flow chart to see how you be affected. For more information on the transition to computer-delivery, click here. Complete information on the computer-based examination will be available online at www.ncidq.org this fall. Congratulations to the following members: Julie Francis, interior designer at Panache Interiors in Austin, Texas, passed the Fall 2011 NCIDQ exam and is now a Registered Interior Designer in Texas. Julie received her Bachelor of Science from Texas State University in Family and Consumer Sciences, majoring in Interior Design. Julie joined Panache in 2008, collaborating on multiple Legacy of Design and Design Excellence award-winning projects. She designed a stainless steel and tile pool table currently featured in Austin Design Guide. This accomplishment is another stepping-stone in the advancement of her career. Adrian Galvan, Allied Member ASID, of Designology, is proud to announce the graduation of Designology's first design intern. Jennifer Mendez will be graduating the first year of the St. Mary's Interior Design Program. Jennifer proved to be a big asset to the company and Kristina founded Sleyster LLC in June of 2010 to offer provisional design services through the course of our changing economy. The company offers a range of flexible services to accommodate the ever changing and dynamic design and construction industries. Services include, rendering; CAD drafting; interior design; and graphic arts. To learn more you can visit the company website at www.SleysterLLC.com. 20 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER was able to apply classroom learning to real world design applications. Designology wishes her the absolute best in her design journey! Designology is a small boutique design firm in San Antonio, Texas. INDUSTRY PARTNER NEWS Ross Howard Designs - A Hunter Douglas Gallery and your local Design Center Partner Ross Howard Designs is a family owned window coverings business that has been serving the Dallas metroplex since 1981, as well as a proud member of the Better Business Bureau with an accredited rating of A+. We are a Hunter Douglas Centurion Gallery Dealer with an expansive showroom displaying all the latest window coverings including the exclusive Alustra Collection. We specialize in residential and commercial window coverings, Plantation Shutters, custom drapery design and re-upholstery. Our expertise lies in both soft and hard window treatments. We are a Hunter Douglas Certified Motorization Specialist and have extensive knowledge in home automation. As an Industry Partner and authorized source for all your Hunter Douglas window fashion needs, Ross Howard Designs is proud to offer: • A dedicated and knowledgeable team to provide the busy design professional with all the products and services to make specifying, ordering and installing all your window fashions easy and profitable. • Monthly CEU seminars in our showroom that are created specifically for the ASID. These seminars will give you tools for success, whether you are just starting out, looking to reposition your firm, or you want to maintain and grow your current business. • Trade pricing so you can remain competitive in the market. • Book Loaning Library means you will always have the latest samples without the investment. • For more information, please visit our website at www.rosshoward.com. Ross Howard Designs, 14902 Preston Rd. #600, Dallas, TX 75254 Phone: 972-490-0088 Fax: 972-490-0087 [email protected] Hours of Operation: 9:30am – 5:00pm M-F; 10:00am-3:00pm Saturday ELLE DECOR’s LOOK BOOK APP ELLE DECOR’s most popular online resource is now available as a free app, with hundreds of images, searchable by room and by style. Save your favorites in “My Design File” and share them with clients. An archive of our best images at your fingertips… AMAZING. iPad ® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 21 INDUSTRY PARTNER NEWS David Gappa Presents “Bestowment” at Master Glass Invitational David Gappa, fine art glass artist and founder of Vetro Glassblowing Studio and Gallery, was invited by well-known art collector, businesswoman and civic leader Patricia Meadows to present a David Gappa Signature creation at Ro2 Art Uptown Gallery in Dallas' West Village Saturday evening at the Master Glass Invitational reception. The event is part of a summer-long series called Master Glass 2012 celebrating glass in its many forms by artists from the Dallas area and elsewhere in the U.S. It is a unique opportunity to share with glass enthusiasts, collectors and the public the wide diversity of current glass making efforts and expressions in glass. and Gallery in 1998 and is commissioned by glass enthusiasts, art collectors, art consultants and interior designers around the world for his work. Centrally located between Fort Worth and Dallas, Vetro Glassblowing Studio and Gallery is a focal point of the historic downtown district of Grapevine. Vetro exhibits a gallery of fine art glass, including founder David Gappa Signature pieces, and is a full working studio with a team of artisans holding live glassblowing demonstrations daily. The Master Glass Invitational, running now through July 15, is an exhibition showcasing more than 30 nationally-known glass artists and emerging talents from the region. Gappa chose to exhibit one of his personal favorites “Bestowment,” a sculpted glass composition that captures a glimpse of God's Spirits being dispersed into the evening sky. Deep hues of silver blues, hyacinths, and iris golds are meant to serve as a contrasting backdrop to the purity of God's messengers seeking out the Magi in the East. Gappa is represented locally by the Vetro Gallery he founded in Grapevine in 1998, American Fine Art Gallery on Dragon Street in Dallas, and Milan Gallery in Fort Worth. One of Vetro’s latest commissions was created for Place at Perry's owner Bill Esping and CEO Devin Cox, Vetro's David Gappa designed this 20-foot fine art glass chandelier he calls "Crimson Cascade". The 2,700pound sculpture consists of more than 350 hand-blown intricately sculpted crimson red glass cylinders suspended from a cascading iron framework by Will Frary. LED illumination created for Gappa by lighting guru Scott Oldner. The Planning Committee for Master Glass 2012, chaired by Patricia Meadows of Art Connections and including well-known gallery owners and artists such as Gappa's glass mentor Jim Bowman of Bowman Glass, created the Master Glass 2012 series to celebrate the works of world-renowned glass master artist Dale Chihuly. Some of Dale Chihuly's dramatic glass sculptures are currently on display through November 5 in Dallas Arboretum at White Rock Lake. Classical Architectural Interiors Summit - National Tour LINKS Vetro Glassblowing Studio and Gallery – www.VetroArtGlass.com American Fine Art Gallery – www.AmericanFineArt.com Milan Gallery – www.MilanGallery.com Ro2 Art Gallery – www.Ro2Art.com Master Glass 2012 – www.Glass2012Dallas.org Dallas Arboretum – www.DallasArboretum.org ABOUT GAPPA David Gappa, a Texas native and former design architect, embraced his passion for the art of glass at an early age. As a young adult, he spent over a year in Europe studying various mediums, but the majority of time was spent in Murano, Italy with glass artisans. Gappa founded Vetro Glassblowing Studio Place at Perry’s Now Open Dallas hotspot Place at Perry's opens its new location on the corner of Cedar Springs and Carlisle in the Gables Villa Rosa building (2680 Cedar Springs Road) to the public today. Critically acclaimed, Place at Perry's is one of Dallas' premier restaurants. Rated a Top 10 Steakhouse by D Magazine in 2011 and awarded four stars by Dallas Morning News restaurant critic Leslie Brenner, Place at Perry's also serves seafood, poultry and chicken along with unique cocktails created by their team of mixologists. The restaurant is open for business seven days a week serving lunch and dinner Monday through Friday, adding brunch service on Saturdays and Sundays. For more information, visit www.placeatperrys.com. 22 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Centrally located between Fort Worth and Dallas, Vetro Glassblowing Studio and Gallery is a focal point of the historic downtown district of Grapevine. Vetro exhibits a gallery of fine art glass, including founder David Gappa Signature pieces, and is a full working studio with a team of artisans holding live glassblowing demonstrations daily. Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas and Washington, DC Learn about “Molding & Classical Interiors: Changing Interior Spaces Using Classical Design” and an advanced presentation including case studies. Both are AIA and IDCEC accredited CEU courses delivered by Brent Hull of Hull Historical. The courses are being held in September and October in six different locations. Each venue offers two CEU presentations. The first scheduled from 10:00noon teaches the proper use of moldings and how to organize interior spaces with correct size and placement through case studies and more. The second presentation, scheduled from 1:00-3:00pm, is more advanced and also includes case studies. Participants will learn to describe and differentiate between Georgian, Federal and Colonial Revival millwork, design historically accurate moldings, mantels and doors, etc., and compare and contrast different orders, moldings and arrangement of architectural millwork within American interiors. There is no charge for participants. Boxed lunches and bottled water is provided for all attendees. For further details and to register, visit www.brenthull.com/cais Dallas – October 9 Beaux Art Gallery 1505 Hi Line Drive Dallas, TX 75207 3HOWN THE CHAIRS AND TABLE FROM THE ,AZY COLLECTION $ALLAS !USTIN WWWSCOTTCOONERCOM COUNT ON US 1,350 locations. All 50 states. 300 showrooms. 17,000 associates. 59 years in business. APPLIANCES. PLUMBING. LIGHTING. HARDWARE. Located conveniently throughout Texas. For a location near you, please visit ferguson.com/designer Nobody expects more from us than we do ® P r o u d Me m b e r s o f t h e A m er ic an Soc iet y of Int er ior D es igner s © 2012 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 23 INDUSTRY PARTNER NEWS Patina Green Home and Market is Honored for Excellence by Home Accents Today Magazine Patina Green Home and Market in McKinney, Texas has been named one of Home Accents Today’s 50 Retail Stars for 2012 by the editors of the premier trade magazine for the home accents industry. Patina Green Home and Market in McKinney, Texas, has been named one of Home Accents Today’s 50 Retail Stars for 2012 by editors of the premier trade magazine for the home accents industry. Founded in 2010, the store is located at 116 North Tennessee, Suite 102 and is owned by Kaci Lyford. The businesses selected for the magazine’s Retail Stars list have demonstrated that they operate successfully in their marketing areas, exhibit strength in merchandising, display and/or advertising, and have a positive presence in their local communities. “There has never been a tougher time to be an independent retailer, with ongoing competition from chain stores, the increasingly significant role of online retail and the difficult economic climate,” said Jenny Heinzen York, editor in chief, Home Accents Today. “The 2012 Retail Stars have taken on these challenges with a combination of clever entrepreneurship, innovation, merchandising, customer service and marketing. We are delighted to recognize these talented merchants, and, as always, encourage everyone to support their own local businesses.” Home Accents Today editors focused on independent and family-run retailers, specifically those considered specialty, home accent or home furnishings stores. Members of the industry were invited to suggest stores and retailers were encouraged to submit information describing their businesses. The list, now in its eighth year, was compiled and narrowed down by research analysts and editors of the publication. A business may be named to the list only one time, resulting in 50 firsttime honorees each year. “I’ve been a fan of this elegant little part home furnishings/part food market gem ever since I wrote about its grand opening, where customers lined up outside waiting for the door to open,” said Retail Editor Susan Dickenson. “Patina Green’s blog has to be one of my favorites, and it also serves as the store’s website.” The 50 Retail Stars list, sponsored by AmericasMart Atlanta, is published in the May 2012 issue of Home Accents Today. The 25-year-old publication, based in Greensboro, N.C., is owned by Sandow Media. Home Accents Today’s 2012 Retail Stars in Texas are: J Douglas Design, Dallas, Texas Laurie’s Home Furnishings, Tomball, Texas Melissa Jeffrey Home, Boerne, Texas Patina Green Home and Market, McKinney, Texas Please direct inquiries to: Susan Dickenson Retail Editor Home Accents Today 7025 Albert Pick Road, Suite 200, Greensboro, N.C. 27409 [email protected] 24 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER COLORMIX 2013 Sherwin-Williams embraces the dueling influences competing for attention in today’s hyperkinetic, vividly saturated world with its Colormix™ 2013 collection. From exploring the dichotomies of simple versus complex to mystery versus certainty to light versus dark, design professionals can use the palettes of Colormix 2013 to help clients embrace their inspiration and navigate a project’s design direction. .1 ceu credits, general knowledge - registration and IDCEC number required for credit. Presented by Ashlynn Borque, Financial Director for the ASID Texas Chapter. The course will also be accepted by TBAE as a CEPH. Austin - Tuesday, October 23rd, 11:30am to 1:30 pm Renaissance Hotel - Glass Oaks Ballroom 9721 Arboretum Boulevard Austin, TX 78759. RSVP by Tuesday, Oct.18, 2012, responding to Tracey Brown at [email protected] or 512-323-5514. Dallas / Fort Worth (please register for only one day) Wednesday September 19th, 2-4pm OR Thursday, September 20th, 10am-Noon Robert Allen / Beacon Hill Showroom 1025 N. Stemmons Frwy, Suite 747 Dallas, TX 75207 RSVP by Monday, September 17th, responding to [email protected] Lubbock - Tuesday, October 2nd, 11am-1pm Holiday Inn 801 Avenue Q Lubbock, TX 79401 RSVP by Thursday, September 27th, responding to Brett at [email protected] San Antonio- Wednesday, October 24th, 11am-1pm Center for Architecture at the Historic Pearl Brewery 200 East Grayson Street, Ste. 110 San Antonio, Texas 78215 RSVP by Friday, October 19th, responding to [email protected] or call 210-366-1320 TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 25 INDUSTRY PARTNER NEWS Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company Unveils New Website Social media strategy as part of rebranding initiative New Website Features Pinboard and Sample Order Tool Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company, a Dallas-based luxury wood flooring contractor, has launched a new website as well as a social media strategy. The launch is part of a rebranding initiative allowing Woodwright to effectively communicate its unique, creative strengths to the architectural and design communities. “Our decision to give the brand a fresh look is reflects the types of projects we have the honor to be involved in every day,” said Steve Welch, CEO of Woodwright. “The architectural and interior design communities have evolved over the 27 years we have been in business. We wanted a brand, website that engages the social savvy client and represents the quality, creativity that we offer our clients.” The most recognizable difference will be what clients discover within the website. It allows users to search wood flooring by specie, color and texture. Visitors to the website have the ability to “pin” samples to their personalized pinboards and order samples directly from the website. In addition to the new website and logo, all materials will communicate to customers the creativity and quality of Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company. Woodwright’s continued goal is to inform and educate their clients about the process of designing and installing these unique handcrafted floors. Collaboration between Armstrong and Waste Management Significantly Expands Opportunity to Recycle Old Ceiling Tiles Waste Management will collect ceiling tiles from renovation and demolition projects for re-use in the manufacture of new tiles Thousands of tons of old ceiling tiles will soon be diverted from local landfills thanks to a new agreement between Armstrong World Industries, the nation’s largest manufacturer of acoustical ceiling systems, and Waste Management, the nation’s leading provider of environmental services. With the addition of more than 50 Waste Management material recovery facilities, and collection contracts with many of the nation’s top construction companies, the new initiative is expected to significantly expand Armstrong’s existing Ceiling Recycling Program. The Armstrong Ceiling Recycling Program is the longest running program of its kind and enables commercial building owners to send ceilings from construction sites to an Armstrong ceiling plant as an alternative to landfill disposal. Lee Baggett, LEED AP; CSI, CDT Architectural & Contract Manager I Commercial Ceiling & Wall Systems voice: 1-877-ARMSTRONG, Option 8, Ext. 8984 Cell: 972-841-1749; Fax: 972-393-7505 [email protected] | www.armstrong.com/ceilings 26 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company offers custom samples to Architects and Interior Designers at no charge. For more information, please visit www.woodwright.net. About Woodwright Hardwood Floor Company Since 1985, Woodwright Hardwood Floors has been providing and installing custom wood flooring. Woodwright features showroom locations in Dallas, Texas and Austin, Texas. For more information, please visit www.woodwright.net or by telephone at (214) 630-8811. Follow Woodwright on Facebook at www.facebook.com/woodwright. Contact: Hank Holland Tel: 512/610-3680 Email: [email protected] Levantina USA Introduces Launch of Online Inventory Website Current Stock of Natural Stone is Now Easy to View Levantina, a worldwide leader in the natural stone industry, today announced the launch of their new online inventory website. Levantina’s vast array of natural stone including granite, marble, onyx, travertine and quartzite with the ever-changing styles, colors, finishes, and sizes available is now easy to view. "Our fabricator community will benefit from this by being able to see current stock online, allowing them an up-to-the minute look at our inventory," said David Garcia, Levantina USA Managing Director. "We’ve provided a tool that’s simple to use, so our customers can see exactly what we have available." Before entering the showroom, customers can have an idea of what they want saving time for all parties involved. Stone can be searched by color, type of stone, thickness, or view all. Inventory is updated daily as Levantina’s stock of natural stone is constantly changing. Brad Fullerton, Levantina Dallas General Manager, states “The functionality of our new online inventory is unlike anything our competitors provide and the ability to quickly update product information on our own has been invaluable.” Levantina Dallas currently has their stock online and the Atlanta and Chicago branches will be coming soon. Visit: www.coolore.com/i/levantina-usa-dallas53a78b27 to see current stock available in Dallas. About Levantina Levantina is the leading company in the extraction, processing and sales of Natural Stone. The multinational, founded in 1959, owns the world’s largest deposit of Crema Marfil Marble which is located in Alicante Province (Spain). At present it owns 63 quarries, 8 factories and 35 own distribution warehouses. It has a portfolio of over 250 different materials among which Spanish marbles and Brazilian granites are worthy of special mention. It exports to more than 110 countries in the European Union, the USA, South America, the Middle East and Asia. Levantina USA has showrooms located in Atlanta, Dallas and Chicago. For more information, visit www.levantina.com Across the Lone Star State Amarillo Design Community By Jill Albus, Allied ASID, Chairir I No report submitted at time of printing. Austin Design Community By Jill Williams, ASID, Chair I The Austin Design Community has had a wonderful Spring and start to Summer. We started by celebrating our 4th Annual Spring Board membership drive on April 26th. We had around 75 attendees enjoy a day of CEU’s, food, visiting, and prizes. I want to thank Kim Bates for putting on such a wonderful event again this year as well as our sponsors and presenters. AUSTIN: 4th Annual Spring Board Food provided by: Gallery Stores of Membership Drive Whit Hanks, Arete European Kitchens, Exteriors Showroom CEU’s presented by: Sub Zero/Wolf, Silestone, Legend Lighting, Grohe, Schumacher and Company Other Sponsors include: Kravet, Design Guide, Imago Dei Murals & # Custom Art, Affinity Cantera & Stone, Austin Countertops, Ferguson Enterprises, Sherle Wagner, Tufenkian Artisan Carpets Dallas, Travis Tile Sales, Wilsonart International, Architerra Studio, Sherwin Williams, Stone Solutions You all have helped to grow this event into a great success year after year. I We also donated to Champions to Cure Duchenne. This event was hosted by local celebrities Mack and Sally Brown at the University of Texas Golf Club. They were able to raise close to $500,000 to help in the research to cure Duchenne. We were honored to have been a part of the event and contribute what we could AUSTIN: Champions to Cure Duchenne to help find a cure. I We have continued to hold our monthly membership meetings at a variety of IP’s showrooms. In May we a wonderful lunch meeting at Hill Design + Gallery. The owner is Amanda Still a former Austin ASID DC Chair. She gave us a great lesson on art and then a panel discussion, from several local artist, about how art can improve our designed spaces. June we had an evening meeting at Architectural Tile and Marble. I The rest of our calendar is already full and we have a waiting list for next year. I Michelle Thomas our incoming chair is starting to plan Design Excellence. Stay tuned to the ASID Texas website for updates on how to enter and get involved. Laura Britt and Jill Williams are actively planning the next ASID Austin Homes Tour that is slated to take place on October 13, 2012. Hand-painted ceramic tile Stone and marble Luxury resilient flooring Custom finished and prefinished wood flooring French-brown Es tablis he d in 1952 70 07 G r e en vi l l e Ave n ue D a l la s, T ex as 7 5 2 3 1 21 4 36 3-4 341 w w w . fr en ch - b r o w n . co m TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 27 Dallas Design Community By Marissa Marmolejos, ASID, Chair I Summer has started off with lots of exciting events in the Dallas Design Community. Design Ovation which was held in May, turned out to be another great success for the Dallas DC. Samuel Lynne Galleries provided a stunning backdrop for the awards reception and literally rolled out the “red carpet” making the event truly elegant. Signature cocktails and decadent hors d’oeuvres started off the evening followed by a wonderful dinner buffet from Jim Lee Catering. The event was organized by the hard work of our volunteer DO Committee: Emily Gibson, Carolyn Bradley, Kimberly Barrow, Cheryl Petter, Terri Morgan, & Lisa Pope with florals by Hugh Scarbrough and Lisa Barron. Please be sure to thank our generous group of Industry Partners who also made the event possible! Media Sponsor: Dallas-Fort Worth Design Guide Platinum Sponsors: Benjamin-Moore, Bentwood of Dallas, Daltile, Empressive Geodesigns Inc., Fiberseal of Dallas, The Kitchen Source, Pro-Tection Dallas, Sherwin-Williams, Starlight Home Theater Emerald Sponsor: Dallas Rugs Ruby Sponsor: SunCo Builders Audio Video/Technical Support Sponsor: Dallas Sight & Sound I The Dallas designers proved once again to bring Design Ovation to a whole new level with their incredible entries. Thank you to all the designers who entered the competition, proving our first online entry submission and judging to be efficient and accurate. Residential – Outdoor Space 1st Place | Emily Summers Design Associates: Emily Summers, ASID * Delphi Luna * Lance O’Donnell 2nd Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID Residential – Model Show House 1st Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID Residential – Product Design 1st Place | RSVP Design Services: Rhonda Vandiver-White, ASID * Amy Armstrong, Allied ASID DALLAS: Sarah Marek & Cheryl Petter Photography by Thomas Garza Photography Residential – One Unique Space Honorable Mention | Dallas Design Group, Interiors: Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID Industry Partner Collaboration 1st Place | Dallas Design Group, Interiors: Lisa Barron, Allied ASID DALLAS: Photography by Thomas Garza Photography FUNCTION FIRST - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Universal Design 1st Place | Gibson Gimpel Interior Design: Allison Gimpel, Allied ASID * Emily Gibson, ASID 2nd Place | Debra Stewart Interior Design: Debra Stewart, ASID Residential – Dining Space BEST IN SHOW & 1st Place | Dallas Design Group, Interiors: Tracy Rasor, Allied ASID 2nd Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID Honorable Mention | BR Interior Designs: Bonnie R. Achariyakosol, ASID Commercial – Hospitality 1st Place | Michelle Meredith & Associates: Michelle Meredith, ASID * Brittany Taylor 2nd Place | Thiel and Thiel, Inc: Beth Thiel, ASID * Kurt Thiel * Paige Byrd * Elyssa Barksdale Honorable Mention | Thiel and Thiel, Inc: Beth Thiel, ASID * Kurt Thiel * Paige Byrd * Elyssa Barksdale * Julie Helton Residential – Bedroom 1st Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID 2nd Place | RSVP Design Services: Rhonda Vandiver-White, ASID * Amy Armstrong, Allied ASID Honorable Mention | Hayslip Design Associates, Inc.: Sherry Hayslip, ASID * Bree Hyatt * Cole Smith, FAIA * Cole Smith, Jr. Commercial – Health Care 1st Place | Thiel and Thiel, Inc: Beth Thiel, ASID * Kurt Thiel * Paige Byrd * Elyssa Barksdale 2nd Place | Erin Sander Design: Erin Sander, ASID Honorable Mention | Thiel and Thiel, Inc: Beth Thiel, ASID * Paige Byrd * Elyssa Barksdale * Judy Evans Residential – Master Bathroom 1st Place | Catherine Dolen & Associates: Catherine Dolen, ASID * John Moody 2nd Place | Emily Summers Design Associates: Emily Summers, ASID * Neal Friske * Chad Dorsey Honorable Mention | The Nielsen Collection: Faye Nielsen, Allied ASID Commercial – One Unique Space 1st Place | Gibson Gimpel Interior Design: Allison Gimpel, Allied ASID * Emily Gibson, ASID 2nd Place | Laurie S. Woods, ASID CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2012 WINNERS! Residential – Media Room 1st Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID Residential – Home Office/Study 1st Place | Dallas Design Group, Interiors: Lisa Barron, Allied ASID DALLAS: Photography by Thomas Garza Photography Residential – Child’s Room Teenager 1st Place | Catherine Dolen & Associates: Catherine Dolen, ASID 2nd Place | Laurie S. Woods, ASID Residential – Child’s Room Small Child 1st Place | Erin Sander Design: Erin Sander, ASID 2nd Place | Laurie S. Woods, ASID Honorable Mention | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID 28 | FALL 2012 | TEXAS CHAPTER DALLAS: Emily Gibson, Martha Griffin, Isin King. Photography by Thomas Garza Photography RESIDENTIAL DESIGN – INDEPENDENT DESIGNER-TEAM Residential – Living Space 1st Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID 2nd Place Place | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID Honorable Mention | Dallas Design Group, Interiors: Lisa Barron, Allied ASID Residential – Kitchen Contemporary 1st Place | Emily Summers Design Associates: Emily Summers, ASID * Wendy Konradi * Jessica Steward Lendvay 2nd Place | Poggenpohl: Jennifer Fordham, ASID Honorable Mention | Joanie Wyll & Associates, Inc.: Joanie Wyll, ASID A special thank you goes to the ASID Indiana Chapter for judging the competition! I The June meeting provided lots of great tips on owning and operating a small business, by business and executive coach Brian Rinke. Members learned “strategies and methods used to take your business above the competition and THRIVE in a time when others are just trying to survive.” Daltile’s newly remodeled showroom along with a wonderful luncheon gave way for a fun and informative meeting. Designers highly anticipate the opening of their new location in the design district later this summer. I “Good Design is Good Business” was Knoll’s theme for the July meeting where they gave an educational tour of the showroom and Knoll history and then attendees were able to get an inside glance into urban living with a One Arts Plaza residence tour. What a treat! I Our quarterly afterhours also in July, was hosted by Modern Luxury and held at Dallas Rugs. It was a wonderful turnout with great food, drinks, and socializing. It was the perfect place to catch up with old friends and meet a few new ones. Modern Luxury launched their second issue of the new Texas Interiors publication which is a great new addition to the industry! As always, we thank all of our members for their continued support of ASID, what a great family to be a part of! El Paso Design Community By Fran Timbrook, ASID, Chair I Since our design community is so small the schedule of a few members can greatly affect our meeting schedule. Such was the case this spring. Our April meeting was moved due to a conflict with another organization to April 17 where Brown Interior Solutions hosted a CEU presentation by J & J/ Invision on “Carpet Recycling Initiatives”. The one hour course gave an overall presentation on carpet in regards to sustainability and the key drivers of carpet recycling. It focused on ways to reuse and recycle carpet and the workings of the CARE reclamation network. Lunch was provided and we were hosted at the new El Paso Community Foundation Room. I Our May meeting was moved to June to accommodate designer schedules and then we had to cancel due to an illness by the presenter. We will not hold meetings over the summer but we are encouraging the design community to attend Metrocon instead. Fort Worth Design Community Report By Kristy Mastrandonas, ASID, Chair I The year is heating up with great meetings and generous sponsorships. Our May 15th meeting was at Interceramic Tile & Stone Gallery. This annual joint meeting with NARI members gives us a chance to network with local remodelers. John Troxell of Woodmode Cabinets did a fascinating class on new concepts in kitchen design. The slide show featuring photos from FT WORTH: May 15th meeting at Interceramic the European Markets highlighted Tile & Stone Gallery cutting edge trends in cabinetry, counters and finishes. I July 10 Ferguson Bath Kitchen & Lighting Gallery and Milestone Distributors hosted our Summer Social. The theme was Luau with tropical décor and menu; everyone received a lei when entering. Chef H. Clay Caldwell prepared delicious ribs, shrimp, chicken salad FT WORTH: David Schmidt of TMGW and and mango slaw. BJ Wilson of Fabrica Lila Parker, ASID have fun at the Fort Wroth provided dessert, and Tile Granite Summer Social & Marble Works brought beverages and leis. Three recent UTA grads received business card holders as congrats for their accomplishment. BJ Wilson, Jodie Kneer ASID, Rachael Rubin and Sarah Walsh won gift cards to local restaurants. And Kathy Hopwood ASID won a grill courtesy of Milestone Distributors. A big thank you to Christie Montis of Ferguson’s and Laura Heibel of Milestone for this fun time of visiting and making new friends! I Thanks to our Premium Sponsors who make our Design Community great! Platinum: Ferguson Bath Kitchen & Lighting Gallery Gold: Prosource Flooring, Tile Granite & Marble Works Silver: The Kitchen Source, Interceramic Tile & Stone, Sherwin Williams Paint, Kisabeth Furniture, FiberSeal I August heat brings MetroCon, so we make that our focus for the month. Our calendar for the fall is shaping up with Kisabeth Furniture hosting our September 18th meeting. A factory tour and primer on furniture construction is a meeting members always enjoy. I Coming up!! September 25 – Art Tour at Cowboy Stadium, hosted by Phyllis Crim ASID October 1 Marlene Small ASID and her board take over the helm October 16 Prosource Flooring hosts, speaker TBA November 13 - Tile Granite & Marble Works hosts I Big News! Congrats to Christie Montis for her promotion to Manager of Showrooms at Ferguson’s and Greg Haczynski for promotion to showroom manager of the Ft Worth Ferguson’s. Also, welcome to Cammie Schwartz for joining the sales team at Master’s Floors. I Remember to check the calendar and announcements on www.asidtx.org. Or visit the ASID Texas Chapter Facebook page for photos from events and more Chapter news. And remember, all ASID members, design students, and design industry professionals are welcome at our meetings. Join the Fun Crowd in Fort Worth! San Antonio Design Community By Lynley Serratt, Allied ASID, CKD, CBD, Chair I Here are just a few highlights of what has been happening in San Antonio! I April 23rd, our incoming Industry Partner Liaison, Joanne Wilmeth of California Closets, generously hosted a Q&A Session for Industry Partners. Texas Chapter President, Kelley Barnett, was there to talk the many benefits available to our Industry Partners. Thank you Joanne and Kelley! I June 21st, the San Antonio DC hosted our 1st annual Business of Design meeting at St. Mary’s University. We featured several speakers: • Gayle Havel, CPA—Brehm, Havel & Company, LLP • Dane Baurele—The Dynamic Leader • Megan J. Clay—Attorney at Law SAN ANTONIO: San Antonio Design • Ernest Agullion—Premiere Interface Community Board Members at Technologies Business of Design The event was a huge success, thanks to Joyce Bryant and our wonderful speakers. We look forward to informative events like this in the future! I July 11th, the San Antonio DC was a part of a wonderful CEU presented by Rocky Mountain Hardware. The event was held at Industry Partner, Summer SAN ANTONIO: Kelley Barnett, Robin Classics. The weather was hard to work Black, Paula Stone, And other members with that day, but we still managed to have at the Business of Design meeting at a great event! Thank you so much to St. Mary’s University Summer Classics, Morrison Supply and Rocky Mountain Hardware for being a part of the event. Thanks are also due to Dianne Clay for putting together all the details – thank you! I As always thank you so much to Jenney Mungia, Donna Reed, Liz Soto, Joyce Bryant, Kelley Barnett and our Industry Partner hosts. These meetings would not happen without your help and support. I Upcoming events to look out for: • Upcoming Monthly Meetings • 2nd annual ASID Premiere Night West Texas Design Community By Julie Ballard, Allied ASID, Chair I No report submitted at time of printing. TEXAS CHAPTER | FALL 2012 | 29 New Members Professional Dr. Diana L. Allison, ASID 3201 Duval Rd Austin, TX 78759-3514 (913) 530-3793 [email protected] Donna G. Figg, ASID Donna Figg Design 207 Sailors Run Lakeway, TX 78734-4100 (970) 376-2605 [email protected] Allied Member Molly E Boulay, Allied ASID 15905 Lamp Cir Omaha, NE68118-2051 (402) 618-5530 [email protected] Lauri Hainsfurther, Allied ASID 3204 Greenbrier Dr Dallas, TX 75225-4815 (214) 546-5982 [email protected] Martha Tim Latta, Allied ASID, Associate Member, NKBA TL Design Group LLC PO Box 470069 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0069 (415) 987-4960 (650) 697-7257 Fax [email protected] Angel Rivera, Allied ASID 14733 Stanford Ct Dallas, TX 75254-8471 (214) 673-9118 [email protected] Connie Sloma, Allied ASID Allure Interiors 12841 Grand Valley Dr Frisco, TX 75033-2858 (650) 996-8882 (650) 386-1148 Fax [email protected] LeighAnn M Trice, Allied ASID 3235 Cole Ave, Apt 25 Dallas, TX 75204-1195 (806) 778-2760 [email protected] Claudette Michelle Uhrig-Kanclerowicz, Allied ASID The Turquoise Door Interior Design and Staging 11923 Budapest San Antonio, TX 78230-2876 (210) 601-9700 [email protected] Associate Member Aimee Diane Ihde, Associate ASID 4716 Goldeneyes Ln McKinney, TX 75070-9039 (972) 832-0584 [email protected] Esther-Marie R. Rollins, Associate ASID Interceramic Tile and Stone 13221 Sea Biscuit Dr Del Valle, TX 78617-5861 (512) 497-9459 [email protected] Industry Partner Architectural Tile & Stone Laura McDaniel 9315 Neils Thompson Dr Austin, TX 78758-7649 (512) 420-9989 (512) 420-8717 Fax [email protected] Custom Building Products Mike Little 13001 Seal Branch Blvd, Ste 200 Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 296-9513 (562) 296-9513 Fax [email protected] Delos Rugs Jeffrey Sherrod 1403 N Thompson Conroe, TX 77301 (936) 499-3663 [email protected] EC Dicken, Inc. Chris Dicken 1025 N Stemmons Fwy, Ste 260 Dallas, TX 75207-3711 (214) 742-4801 [email protected] Hedley’s Inc. Sheridan CTS Hedley 271 Scholes St Brooklyn, NY 11206-2203 (718) 433-4005 (718) 417-4705 Fax [email protected] Parmida Home 2250 Bush Dr, Ste 200 McKinney, TX 75070-7559 (469) 952-6432 (469) 952-6434 Fax [email protected] Quality Hardwoods Clayton Itz 2684 W US Highway 290 Fredericksburg, TX 78624-6614 (830) 997-6503 (830) 997-3024 Fax [email protected] Skyline Floorscapes Kurt Kucera 1340 Airport Commerce Dr, Ste 425 Austin, TX 78741-6818 (866) 609-9663 [email protected] Summer Classics, Gabby, Summer Classics Home Tracy Navarro 2600 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78215 (210) 223-4610 [email protected] Summer Classics Home Mike Rives 8717 Wagon Trail Crossroads, TX 76227 (972) 832-3296 [email protected] Summer Classics, Gabby, Summer Classics Home Tim Rives 8717 Wagon Trail Crossroads, TX 76227 (214) 901-3576 [email protected] Summer Classics, Gabby, Summer Classics Home Susan Whitworth 10 Autumn Oaks Drive Austin, TX 78738 (512) 656-8649 [email protected] Surface Decor Steve Belken 2800 Ranch Trl Irving, TX 75063-7352 (972) 830-9451 [email protected] TKO Associates Ann Hatcher 1617 Hi Line Dr, Decorative Center Dallas, TX 75207-3635 (214) 741-6060 (214) 742-4614 Fax [email protected] TKO Associates Elizabeth Hoag 1617 Hi Line Dr, #230 Decorative Center Dallas, TX 75207-3624 (214) 741-6060 (214) 742-4614 Fax [email protected] Congratulations on Advancement Allied to Professional Emily E. Greggerson, ASID, RID, GA Kristina M. Sleyster, ASID Student to Allied Julia Bulhon, Allied ASID Alexandria Leila Burnett, Allied ASID Huong T. Dang, Allied ASID Alissa Michele Engelage, Allied ASID Jamie D. Hernandez, Allied ASID Kathryn Nelson, Allied ASID Randolph K. Phillips, Allied ASID Jourdan Leigh Pratt, Allied ASID LeLisa Renne Watkins, Allied ASID Tiara Whitsell, Allied ASID Shannon R. Winn, Allied ASID Inspiring home pleasures 1616 Hi Line Drive, Suite 100 | Dallas, Texas 75207 214.749.0816 | [email protected] www.bernadetteschaeffler.com R ALPH LAUREN Home F U R N I T U R E L I G H T I N G D E C O R AT I V E A C C E S S O R I E S F L O O R C O V E R I N G D E C O R AT I V E C E N T E R D A L L A S , S U I T E 3 9 0 • 2 1 4 . 5 7 3 . 7 9 0 0 R ALPHL AURENHOME.COM
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