
EIGHT THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Best Practices for Non-Employee Labor
April 9, 2015
WELCOME! »  Eight things you should know about managing Non-­‐Employee Labor »  Case Studies in Complexity »  Discussion 2 SPEAKERS Eric Riddle EVP, Global Sales & Marke<ng MaJ Katz VP, Strategic Solu<ons Bob Hicks CWS Strategy & Deploy Manager CP Opera<ons – Systems & Processes 3 BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-­‐EMPLOYEE LABOR ARE COMPLEX WORK FORCE ANALYTICS SUPPLY MANAGEMENT RISK & COMPLIANCE SOURCING & SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGIES SPEND & PROCESS ANALYSIS PROGRAM STRATEGY TECHNOLOGY LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE 4 BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-­‐EMPLOYEE LABOR ARE COMPLEX »  OPPORTUNITY & PROCESS ASSESSMENT §  MEASURABLE GOALS & OBJECTIVES §  IMPLEMENTATION PHASES/ SCOPING »  PROGRAM STRATEGY §  OPERATIONS §  COMPLIANCE §  BUSINESS PROCESS §  CHANGE MANAGEMENT 5 BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-­‐EMPLOYEE LABOR ARE COMPLEX »  TECHNOLOGY CONSIDERATIONS §  INTEGRATIONS §  IMPLEMENTATION §  GLOBALIZATION §  ROADMAP »  LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE §  SUBSCRIPTION VS. TRANSACTIONAL §  DIRECT VS INDIRECT 6 BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-­‐EMPLOYEE LABOR ARE COMPLEX »  SOURCING & SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGIES §  MSP(S)/PROGRAM OFFICE §  SELF-­‐MANAGED §  VENDOR ON PREMISE »  RISK & COMPLIANCE §  WORKER CLASSIFICATION §  CO-­‐EMPLOYMENT §  SECURITY & ACCESS §  AFFORDABLE CARE ACT 7 BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-­‐EMPLOYEE LABOR ARE COMPLEX »  SUPPLY MANAGEMENT §  OPTIMIZATION §  SUPPLIER MIX §  NON-­‐TRADITIONAL SOURCES »  WORK FORCE ANALYSES §  BILL RATES §  WORKER TYPE MIX §  GROWTH PLANNING 8 CASE STUDIES IN COMPLEXITY Visibility and Control Case Study Large Financial Services Customer PROFILE Global company that partners with ins3tu3onal investors to provide comprehensive financial services including investment management, investment research/trading and investment servicing §  Categories Supported: Admin/Clerical, Engineering (non-­‐IT), Finance/Accoun<ng, IT, Professional (HR, Legal, Business, Procurement) IT SOW, Management Consul<ng, and Headcount Tracking §  Countries Supported: 12 (North America, EMEA, and APAC) §  Spend: $415 million annually §  Program Model: VMS/MSP BUSINESS CHALLENGES OUTCOMES §  All non-­‐employees globally (12,000+) are tracked in IQN §  Passed audits regarding policy compliance §  Established formal controls for accessing systems and facili<es §  Allows for hundreds of suppliers to provide contractors for non-­‐
essen<al posi<ons »  No visibility into: § 
System and facility access granted to a large popula<on »  No controls or visibility into whether suppliers providing services had an MSA »  No on-­‐boarding and off-­‐boarding process or controls in place »  No way to manage compliance with approval and rate card policies SOLUTION »  Implemented a VMS to serve as the single source of informaUon for all non-­‐employee workers »  Implemented streamlined business process to manage all categories of spend: §  Process varies by category for ease of use § 
Controls around approvals and nego<ated rate cards §  Compliant invoices sent to 5 different AP systems §  Real-­‐<me synchroniza<on with HR IS for system and building access §  Regular audits to ensure IQN and HR IS are synchronized 10 Alternate Sources of Talent Case Study Large Consul;ng Services Customer PROFILE Global company that provides a wide range of IT and business consul3ng services §  Categories Supported: Admin/Clerical, Engineering (non-­‐IT), Finance/Accoun<ng, IT, Professional (HR, Legal, Business, Procurement) IT SOW, Management Consul<ng, and Headcount Tracking §  Countries Supported: 50 (North and America, EMEA, and APAC) §  Spend: $1.1 billion annually §  Program Model: Self-­‐managed VMS BUSINESS CHALLENGES OUTCOMES §  40% of workers sourced from the private talent pool, significant cost savings §  Elimina<on of rogue spend due to strong execu<ve sponsorship §  Implementa<on roadmap <ed to regional/country growth §  Execu<ve repor<ng package to drive visibility »  Contractors used to fill numerous client-­‐facing (billable) posiUons
High quality § 
Require quick <me-­‐to-­‐fill »  Global use of non-­‐employee labor § 
Rapid growth in emerging markets »  Lack of consistent/user friendly processes SOLUTION »  Standardized process across all locaUons § 
Includes headcount tracking for mul<ple types of non-­‐billable non-­‐employee resources »  Standardized integraUons to allow for rapid implementaUons »  Private talent pool for workers found through in house recruiters »  Lack of global visibility into spend »  Limited on-­‐ and off-­‐boarding controls 11 Mul;ple Sourcing Strategy Case Study Large Hardware and IT Services Provider PROFILE Global company that makes many different types of computers and related hardware as well as provides IT services §  Categories Supported: LI manufacturing, Admin/Clerical, Engineering (non-­‐IT), Finance/Accoun<ng, IT, Professional (HR, Legal, Business, Procurement) IT SOW §  Countries Supported: 8(North and South America and EMEA) §  Spend: $300 million annually §  Program Model: VMS/ mul<ple MSPs BUSINESS CHALLENGES OUTCOMES §  Visibility across all non-­‐
employee services spend regardless of sourcing method §  20% reduc<on in <me-­‐
to-­‐fill for key jobs §  Increased hiring manager sa<sfac<on with the non-­‐employee labor program §  Corporate ini<a<ve to expand into addi<onal categories »  Manufacturing and consulUng/services business units with very different hiring needs »  Long Umes-­‐to-­‐fill for criUcal job requisiUons across the enterprise »  Numerous requirements for hard to find niche skill sets SOLUTION »  Implemented a VMS to serve as the single pla\orm for all sourcing strategies – mulUple MSPs for each business’ strategy as well as self-­‐
managed components »  Deployed a decision manager/tree to drive hiring managers to the correct sourcing strategy »  Tight integraUon with corporate systems to ensure compliance with procurement and financial policies § 
12 HOW CAN A VMS HELP YOU MAKE BETTER DECISIONS? YOU NEED… Accurate, <mely informa<on about the reality of your situa<on Value of Info IQNtelligence, Repor<ng and Analy<cs, IQNdex, RateIQN Global Invoicing, Mul<-­‐Currency, Mul<-­‐Language Truly Global Mobile (Tablets & Smartphones), Email Approvals, Mobile To-­‐Do Lists, Zero Training Ease of Use Complex Categories (Non-­‐employee Workforce, SOW, Industrial Labor) Service Catalogue, Supplier Performance, High-­‐Volume, High Turn-­‐Over Workflows, Worker Tracking Configurable Workflows, Tight Integra<ons, 60k reports/month ConUngent TransacUons (Spend & Headcount) 13 DISCUSSION THANK YOU