Committed to Excellence - Kingsway Regional School District
Committed to Excellence Inside INGSWAY A Publication of the Kingsway Regional School District VOL 1: OCTOBER 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT WELCOME BACK! n September 4th, 2,537 students arrived on Kingsway’s campus to start a new school year. Now that school is officially underway we all are reminded that the start of school affords us another opportunity to begin a school year filled with anticipation, hope and enthusiasm and we look forward to working closely with our school community to advance the Kingsway Regional School District. This year we opened our doors to a new motto — Committed to Excellence. We are committed to being the best in everything we do. We are dedicated to serving our students. We are passionate about the reasons we became educators, and we are supportive of everyone’s efforts. There will continue to be obstacles, but through a joint commitment to excellence, we can overcome these obstacles together! Though our new motto cleverly describes how we approach these obstacles, our strategic plan drives this year’s agenda. The improvements our administrative team has made in preparation for this school year are deliberate and in response to community goals and faculty feedback. This year we are happy to introduce to you just a few of the following initiatives: The high school launches a new S.M.A.R.T. Schedule The Renaissance Program begins in the middle school A new family friendly School Calendar is in place New student attendance standards have been set New Curriculum & Instruction Webpage has been published New Curriculum aligned to Common Core has been adopted ow that the school year is underway, I look forward to continued collaboration with our Faculty, Staff and Parents to help each of our students realize his or her full potential. The successes we have achieved in the past and what we will achieve in the future are directly attributed to the work being done by each of our talented and dedicated faculty and staff members as well as through the ongoing support and cooperation of our families. Because of our collective efforts, Kingsway continues to be an extraordinary place made up of exceptional people, and it continues to be a privilege to serve you as superintendent. I look forward to another exciting year of outstanding achievement and growth! We have a great school year ahead of us. Very truly yours, Dr. James J. Lavender Superintendent of Schools WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THIS ISSUE: DRAGON PRIDE ...........................2 STANDARDS .................................2 COAT OF ARMS.............................2 CURRICULUM NEWS ....................3 SUMMER ACTIVITES......................3 K.E.F..............................................4 TRANSPORTATION........................4 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS....................5 DISCIPLINE CODE..........................5 S.M.A.R.T. SCHEDULE....................5 PUPIL SERVICES............................6 STAFF NEWS.................................6 MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS ...............7 ATHLETICS....................................8 UPCOMING EVENTS......................9 2014-2015 MARKING PERIOD......9 Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 1 DRAGON PRIDE CHOOSE IT. LIVE IT. OWN IT. EXPECT IT. COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE With the adoption of our new Coat of Arms, we have embraced a new motto: Committed to Excellence. This new mantra centers on several key principles we refer to as Standards of Excellence and applies to faculty, administration, support staff, and our students. • We focus on the needs of those we serve. COMMITTED EXCELLENCE • We choose to beTO the best we can be. • We strive for continuous improvement. • We take ownership for what we do and do not do. • We communicate effectively. • We do little things well. • We take pride in our work & our school. • We value & respect those who make our school extraordinary. At Kingsway we choose to be excellent. We live excellence and this is reflected in our attitudes. We own our actions. We expect to apply these standards in all that we do: little things, big things and everything. Please join us by applying this motto to all that you do and use it to inspire our students academically, artistically, and athletically. CHOOSE IT. LIVE IT. OWN IT. EXPECT IT. OUR NEW COAT OF ARMS Kingsway’s coat of arms is a manifestation of our institution’s history and tradition. It represents our core mission and possesses a unique visual style that identifies our district. This artwork is protected and cannot be used without written permission from the superintendent of schools. SYMBOLISM: Kingsway’s Coat of Arms, depicted in scarlet and black, centers around a shield. The top left quadrant displays a varsity K, which represents our a proud athletic heritage and commitment to co-curricular activities; The bottom left quadrant displays the torch of learning, which represents our core mission and comes from our 1989 coat of arms; the top right quadrant reflects the original crown, which represents the regal connotation of our name and comes from the 1963 coat of arms; and, the bottom right quadrant displays the original Kingsway Dragon, which represents our school spirit and is embodied in the motto “Once a Dragon, Always a Dragon.” The circle around the shield represents continuity of service to our school community while the laurel wreath represents excellence in the arts. HISTORY: It was decided during the 50th anniversary preparation that it would be time to modernize the district’s logo (coat of arms). Dr. Lavender (Superintendent) chose Erica Shannon’s (Class of 2014) work as an inspirational source to develop the logo. Erica’s logo design resulted from a projected facilitated by high school art teacher Christine Bjanes. The Coat of Arms was officially adopted by the Board of Education on June 23, 2014. Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 2 DRAGON PRIDE CURRICULUM NEWS & CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION The Kingsway Regional School District’s Office of Curriculum and Instruction has embarked on an exciting approach to curriculum development and professional collaboration. Common planning teams of teachers and supervisors have developed curricular pacing guides and detailed units of study to ensure proper alignment to the Common Core and NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards as well as vertical and horizontal alignment across grade levels. This new curriculum provides the reader a comprehensive overview of the topics and skills that will be taught and assessed throughout the school year and their relevance to the grade-level standards. Curriculum has been designed to support instruction that assists our students in building understanding, constructing meaning, and applying information as they advance through school. District courses will continue to be reviewed, assessed, and developed with all courses slated for revision by the 2017-2018 school year. This focused, collaborative work will yield stronger curriculum, instruction, and assessments that will lead to substantial changes in student learning and achievement. All courses of study are available under the curriculum tab on the district’s web-page. COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE NEW CURRICULUM WEBSITE Kingsway’s Office of Curriculum and Instruction has launched a new website this school year. This site offers up-to-date information on district curriculum and academic programing and provides helpful resources for students, parents, and district faculty. To take a tour of the new curriculum web-page, please visit G.R.E.A.T. INSTRUCTION To assist in building a common language within the community and to make connections among current teaching and learning initiatives, the Kingsway Regional School District has identified the following five defining characteristics of effective instruction. • • • • • Guided by the Curriculum Rigorous & Relevant Engaging & Exciting Assessment for Learning Tailored to the Individual Student For a more in-depth overview of G.R.E.A.T. instruction, please visit Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 3 KINGSWAY EDUCATION FOUNDATION (K.E.F.) The Mission of the Kingsway Education Foundation is to provide a vehicle for the entire community’s voluntary support of programs and activities enhancing the educational experience of all students, consistent with the mission of the Kingsway Education Foundation. Since the Foundation’s inaugural year, the generous volunteers and donors who have supported the Foundation have contributed more than $100,000 back to Kingsway Regional in the form of student scholarships, mini-grants to teachers, and to fund the start of new program such as our school store, Martell’s Corner. LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS The Kingsway Education Foundation (KEF) is in need of volunteers and members for its Board of Trustees for the 2014-2015 school year. If you are interested in serving on the KEF or volunteering your time for specific events please email Dr. Lavender directly at [email protected]. TRANSPORTATION NEW SIGNS & PARKING LOT TO EXCELLENCE COMMITTED IDENTIFIERS A small but significant improvement we made over the summer was the installation of several road and parking lot signs. Kingsway’s campus is large and these new markers make it easier to navigate throughout the property. Take notice of the new road names the next time you come through. MS DROP OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES HS DROP OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES MS Student drop-off time in the morning begins at 7:15 a.m. Please keep in mind that students are not permitted in the building until 7:15 a.m. When entering the parking lot in the morning, please drop off your child immediately. Please avoid idling in the parking lot until 7:15. This causes a traffic back up on the entire campus and Kings Highway. Homeroom begins promptly at 7:40 a.m. HS Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures - Traffic will continue around the building one way at all times before, during and after normal school hours. Once again, parents and guardians are to drop off and pick up students in the North Parking Lot (now designated K-1) located in the front of the building. Cars arriving on campus are to stay in the left lane. The right lane is for buses. Parents and guardians are to drop off students no earlier than 7:15 a.m. Hallway supervision is limited prior to that time. WHEN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD AFTER SCHOOL, PLEASE DO NOT PARK ALONG THE CURB ON THE ACCESS ROAD. The buses will be traveling from the high school and parking around the middle school. Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 4 HIGH SCHOOL EXTRA-CURRICULAR OFFERINGS & NEW CLUBS The High School offers a host of extracurricular opportunities for students with a variety programs designed to meet many interests. New in the 2014-15 school year are the fashion club, student athletic trainer club, and robotics club. These and many other clubs will include participation opportunities during the S.M.A.R.T. Lunch Period, enabling students who are involved in after-school athletics or who work after school to more actively engage in school clubs. This is another tremendous benefit of S.M.A.R.T. For a complete list of extra-curricular clubs offered at the high school, visit our website. THE LAUNCH OF S.M.A.R.T. SCHEDULE The high school is extremely excited by the arrival of the September launch of S.M.A.R.T. (Students Maximizing Achievement, Resources, Relationships, and Time) Schedule. This innovative new schedule is designed to substantially enhance the experience of our students by creating opportunities for our students and teachers that were not possible under a more traditional schedule. S.M.A.R.T. will, among many other benefits, provide opportunities for students to seek extra academic help from teachers, to access guidance services, to participate more fully in athletics and/or extracurricular programs, to access technology, and to find additional time to engage in study groups or to independently complete assigned work. Teachers will be afforded additional opportunities to collaborate and/ or engage in professional development all with the goal of enhancing instruction delivered to students. The key component of the schedule is the S.M.A.R.T. Lunch when students in good behavioral standing will have opportunities to select from a variety of options to meet their academic, extra-curricular, and social needs. For more S.M.A.R.T. information and a listing of daily S.M.A.R.T. period offerings, visit our website. NEW DISCIPLINE CODE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2014 The high school has adopted a new discipline code that more appropriately aligns with the overall philosophy that has been the impetus for the transition to the S.M.A.R.T. Schedule. The schedule is designed to develop young adults who are capable of making good, sound decisions regarding both their academic preparation and the manner in which they conduct themselves in our school and outside our four walls. It is our expectation that students will conduct themselves as “responsible” young adults. Therefore, the new language in the disciplinary code shifts the focus to expected, positive behaviors and away from inappropriate, negative behaviors. Additionally, the interventions employed and consequences imposed will adhere to the overarching goal of keeping students in class and engaged in the meaningful activities designed by our teachers. All students and parents are encouraged to review the new code in the student handbook which is available under the Parents/Students tab on the high school page of the website. KINGSWAY GRADUATE COMMITS TO SERVE HIS COUNTRY Kingsway is very proud to announce that Class of 2014 graduate, Douglas Napier, has committed to serving his country. Douglas Napier has enlisted in the United States Army and is dedicated to serving and protecting his country. Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 5 HIGH SCHOOL PUPIL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (KHSAC) The Kingsway High School Advisory Council (KHSAC) is an organization that consists of parents, teachers, students, and administrators from the high school. Its purpose is to afford the opportunity for involvement and input into school-related issues by all the constituent groups who are members of or who are served by the school community. This organization coordinates the many different constituent concerns in order to better maximize and focus discussion on school issues. It is the intent of the organization to foster an atmosphere of empowerment and cooperation that will promote excellence in our school in all aspects of its operation. The continued involvement of many parents and members of the community who have provided invaluable feedback on a variety of issues has been greatly appreciated. Returning members are welcomed back and newcomers should know that it is never too late to get involved through this important committee. Meetings are held throughout the year. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14, at 7 p.m. in the South Seminar Room. All are welcome to attend. Subsequent meetings will be held on the following dates: December 9th, February 10th, April 14th, and June 9th. STAFF NEWS COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE NEW TEAM MEMBERS The Guidance department welcomes two new secretaries for the 2014-15 school year. Bunny Piechowski and Sue Glembocki have retired. Combined they have served Kingsway for 52 years. They were wonderful teammates and constant contributors which allowed our department to deliver services at a high level. Although sad to see them go, we are excited for them as they begin this new chapter of their lives. Joining our team will be Rosemary Pagliarini and Kim Dorman. Rosemary Pagliarini joined the High School Guidance Department as a secretary in July. She received a Bachelor’s of Arts from Bob Jones University which she earned in 3 years. She most recently served as a substitute secretary for the High School, where she very successfully filled a variety of positions in a moment’s notice. Kim Dorman comes to us from the Building and Grounds department. Her time spent in that department as well as the main office will certainly be a valuable asset to the Guidance department. We are excited that they are now a part of our team. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to new staff member, Joseph Brescia, who was married this summer, as well as Ms. Paruszewski, who was married this August. Also, congratulations to Mr. Murnane whose wife gave birth to a baby boy and to Ms. Pepe, who gave birth to a baby girl. Congratulations to Mrs. Howdershell who is expecting her third child. We are also very excited for Mr. Mulligan, who will become a father sometime in the fall. SEPAC The Special Education Parent Advisory Council, SEPAC, is conducting its first meeting on Tuesday, September 23rd at 7:00pm in the High School Seminar Room 217. For more information please contact Shanna Hoffman, PsyD, Supervisor of Special Education Services (ext. 4232) or Suzette DeMarchi, Instructional Supervisor (ext. 3090). PEGASUS THE ARTS Beginning in March 2014, Kingsway students traveled to Pegasus the Arts, a program for special needs adults, located in Clarksboro. The Pegasus the Arts program is designed to stimulate and improve the lives of the physically and mentally challenged. Kingsway students had the opportunity to support adult clients in reaching this goal. The group learned about the Oaxaca Indian Tribe in Mexico and replicated their artwork. Students worked with Pegasus clients on a monthly basis which will continue in the 2014-2015 school year. Participation in the Pegasus program is a mutually beneficial partnership to enhance the confidence and self-esteem of all involved. NEW PERSONNEL & SUMMER HIRES We were plenty busy this summer filling 35 vacancies. Most of our hiring occurred in the High School where we have hired 17 new teachers (5 in the Middle School), 4 new paraprofessionals and several other support staff. In July, we also welcomed June Cioffi, our new Director of Athletics and Kate McEntee, our new Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. HS WELCOMES 14 STAFF MEMBERS! In the effort to continue our tremendous progress toward the goals outlined in our strategic plan, Vision 2016, we continue to add talented staff members who represent both new positions and replacements for our beloved retirees. Joining us this year are fourteen new individuals who bring a multitude of talents and experiences to our excellent Kingsway staff. They are: Becky Cochran (Chemistry), Jayme Gatti (Business), Joshua Haegele (Math), Karyn Henry (Physics), Jenny Hunt (Special Education), Allyn Kelly (Chemistry), Benjamin Lloyd (Physics), Shannon Mahoney (English), Rachel Michael (Business), Kathleen Miles (Math), Kimberly Schmidt (Special Education), Joseph Brescia (Technology), Jodee Vallone (Technology), and Chelsea Vander Pyl (Math Long Term Sub for Mrs. Howdershell). In addition to these fourteen new staff members, we welcome back three familiar faces who are now officially joining us as full-time members of our faculty: Anthony Badaracco (Special Education), Alexandra Bossi (Math), and Christina Smith (Math). A hearty welcome from Kingsway to all of our new staff! Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 6 NEW FACES IN THE MS We are pleased to present the newest members of our middle school team for the 2014-2015 school year! Amanda Leto, a third year teacher who will be teaching seventh and eighth grade Italian. Kristina Yoroshko, a recent Rowan graduate will be teaching seventh grade math and pre-algebra on the G Team in seventh grade. Jamie Lloyd will be in for Maria Filandro who is out on a maternity leave. Mrs. Lloyd will be teaching seventh grade English on the O Team. Danielle Altersitz, a former Kingsway graduate, will be teaching 8th Grade math and the new Intro. to STEM class. Finally, Mysti Specht will be replacing Mrs. Yoursion who is out on maternity leave. Mrs. Specht will teach seventh grade math and pre-algebra on the D Team. Kingsway Middle School is fortunate to welcome this talented group of educators. MIDDLE SCHOOL EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES KRMS offers a variety of after school activities that include interscholastic sports, wellness activities, clubs, play, musical, talent show, homework clinic, etc. In total we have 33 clubs, wellness activities, and sports. All middle school extra-curricular activities are finished at 3:50 p.m. (with the exception of some interscholastic sports). There is a 3:55 p.m. activity bus that runs Tuesday through Friday that your child may ride. The late bus will not run on Mondays. Please keep in mind that this is not their regular bus, and it will not drop them off at their normal bus stop. If a child is being picked up from an after school activity, his/her ride must be here prior to the departure of the 3:55 p.m. bus. If the ride has not arrived, the child will be required to get on the activity bus. This is for the safety of your child. PROUD WINNERS! Sarah Snook, Giovanni Riggi & Madison Biester were the proud recipients of the first annual Julie Riggi Memorial Award given out in June. Each of the students maintained at least a B average in all of his/her classes, had no more than 5 total absences, participated in one after school activity or sport, and had no discipline referrals for the year. NEW CLUBS, WELLNESS ACTIVITIES & COURSES There are several new clubs and wellness activities to offer this year! We will have a robotics club, CSI club, math counts club, Odyssey of the Mind (enrichment club), intramural baseball, intramural tennis, and intramural lacrosse. We are also proud of two new elective courses that will begin this fall—Introduction to STEM and Racing Challenge. Both courses provide the students with an opportunity to utilize their math skills in a fun and creative way. So many great new programs, clubs and wellness activities are launching this upcoming school year, including the S.M.A.R.T. program in the high school, as well as the Introduction to STEM program in the middle school. Please see your guidance counselor for more details. RENAISSANCE SCHOOL Kingsway Regional Middle School is excited to announce that we have teamed up with local businesses in the community in order to become a Renaissance School. With the support of many local businesses, we have created an incentive program that focuses on academics, behavior, attendance, and community service. We are proud to have launched this program in September! The goal of this program is to promote the positives and recognize our students’ academic achievement. Based on the student’s academic performance and additional criteria (no discipline referrals, max of one missed supportive assessment, participation in at least one school activity club/club/sport or community service project, and a max of two unexcused absences), students are rewarded a gold, silver, or bronze card detailing their new privileges for the preceding marking period. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations are in store for Tom and Michelle Yourison. Mrs. Yourison recently gave birth to their first child, Sarah Yourison! Congratulations to Miss Pontecorvo, a Child Study Team member, who was recently married, and will now be known as Mrs. Baney. Congratulations to Mr. Hedenberg as well. Mr. Hedenberg also was married this summer! Finally, congratulations to Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Wilhelm who are both expecting their first child this winter! Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 7 ATHLETICS KINGSWAY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS COACHING STAFF 2014 – 2015 MS. JUNE CIOFFI – DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS MS. CHRISTINA LUDLAM – CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER MRS. KATHY GALLEN – ATHLETIC SECRETARY MR. ROBERT BAERMAN, JR. – CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER The Kingsway Athletic Department is “Committed to Excellence” in the classroom and on the playing field! We would like to wish our fall Coaching Staff and student-athletes the Best of Luck this upcoming season. FALL WINTER FOOTBALL Tony Barchuk, Head Coach Mel Carter, Assistant Jim Scerbo, Assistant Al Orio, Assistant Pete Orio, Assistant Kristian Ward, Freshman Pat McCloskey, Freshmen SPRING BASKETBALL BOYS TRACK Andrew Owens, Head Coach Ian Enders, Assistant Dave Stanton, Freshman Rob Hildebrand, Middle School Mel Carter, Head Coach Christian Lynch, Assistant Caitlin Hess, Assistant Milt Bowen, Middle School Christine Dacchille, Middle School FIELD HOCKEY GIRLS BASKETBALL GIRLS TRACK Sarah Lewis, Head Coach Cassie Tomczak, Assistant Jamie Minix, Freshmen Karyn Pickard, Head Coach Tony Barchuk, Assistant Tracey Fagan, Freshman Curtis Custis, Head Coach Michelle Carrocino, Assistant Takiyah Dumas, Middle School Jen Beckett, Assistant Christine Dacchille, Middle School Dana Ramsden, Middle School Rebekah Keller, Middle School Takiyah Dumas, Middle School BOYS CROSS COUNTRY WRESTLING BASEBALL Christian Lynch, Head Coach Steve Ottinger, Middle School Caitlin Hess, Assistant Anthony Badaracco, Head Coach Tim Narcisi, Assistant Curt DeWoody, Assistant Ian Enders, Head Coach Dave Stanton, Assistant GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY WINTER TRACK BOYS LACROSSE Christine Dacchille, Head Coach Caitlin Hess, Assistant Sarah Ianocone, Middle School Christian Lynch, Head Coach Curtis Custis, Assistant Jen Beckett, Assistant Sean Dunn, Head Coach Kristian Ward, Assistant John Green, Freshmen Freshmen-TBA BOYS SOCCER BOYS / GIRLS SWIMMING GIRLS LACROSSE John Green, Head Coach Brian McCann, Assistant Dave Stanton, Freshmen Caitlin Hess, Head Coach Steve Tucker, Assistant Maggie Goodman, Head Coach Amanda Bushong, Assistant Rebekah Keller, Freshmen Sean Dunn, Middle School Drew Laverty, Middle School GIRLS SOCCER John Kodluk, Head Coach Jayme Gatti , Assistant Colby Kuhn, Freshmen Ed Heil, Middle School Lauren Smith, Middle School DIVING Skyler Lindsey, Head Coach BOWLING SOFTBALL Tony Barchuk, Head Coach Karyn Pickard, Assistant Dave Dominik, Freshmen GIRLS TENNIS Mike Mulligan, Head Coach Angeline Venito, Assistant BOYS TENNIS Michelle Carrocino, Head Coach Curtis Custis, Assistant SITE MANAGER – TBD Ed Moody, Head Coach Tom Keating, Assistant GIRLS VOLLEYBALL WEIGHT ROOM ADVISOR BOYS VOLLEYBALL Maggie Goodman, Head Coach Amanda Bushong, Assistant Jen Beckett, Freshmen Jason Behringer Brent Dodulik, Head Coach Anthony Badaracco, Assistant Andrew Owens, Freshmen CHEERLEADING SUMMER WEIGHT ROOM ADVISOR GOLF Dawn Marchetti, Head Coach Lauren Mervine, Assistant SITE MANAGER – Carmelo Costa WEIGHT ROOM ADVISOR Jason Behringer Melvin Carter KINGSWAY ATHLETICS TWITTER ACCOUNT Dave Young, Head Coach SITE MANAGER – Carmelo Costa WEIGHT ROOM ADVISOR David Murnane The Kingsway Athletic Department now has a Twitter account! KINGSWAY ATHLETICS @DRAGON_ AD. The athletic department will utilize twitter to communicate athletic updates, scores, etc. There is no need for coaches to set up/maintain a separate twitter accounts for an individual sport. Coaches should send June Cioffi any information they want posted. We will only post good news, scores, important information, and major event changes! Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 8 MARK YOUR CALENDARS UPCOMING EVENTS: OCTOBER 6-10TH ..............................................................WEEK OF RESPECT OCTOBER 17TH ......................................................... MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE OCTOBER 20-24TH ................................................................... SPIRIT WEEK OCTOBER 24TH .......................................................HOMECOMING FOOTBALL OCTOBER 25TH ............................................................ HOMECOMING DANCE OCTOBER 30TH ............................................................... VETERAN’S DINNER 2014–2015 MARKING PERIOD PERIOD START 1ST MP 9/4/14 2ND MP 11/13/14 END SEMESTER 1 3RD MP 1/30/15 4TH MP 4/15/15 END SEMESTER 2 TOTAL DAYS 181 DAYS END 11/12/14 1/29/15 1/29/15 4/14/15 6/19/15 6/19/15 TOTAL DAYS MID-PERIOD MARKING PERIOD MID-MARK 1 MID MARK 2 MID-MARK 3 MID-MARK 4 DATE 10/6/14 12/17/14 3/5/15 5/15/15 DAYS 45 DAYS 45 DAYS 90 DAYS 45 DAYS 46 DAYS 91 DAYS 181 DAYS REPORT CARDS PERIOD REPORT CARD 1 REPORT CARD 2 REPORT CARD 3 REPORT CARD 4 DATE 11/21/14 2/9/15 4/23/15 6/29/15 Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 9 BOARD OF EDUCATION MARK KEHOE, PRESIDENT..................................................................................................WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP LAUREN BOERLIN, VICE PRESIDENT........................................................................ EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP JIM MUELLER............................................................................................................ EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP BARRY JENKINS........................................................................................................ EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP DEBORAH CUNNINGHAM........................................................................................SOUTH HARRISON TOWNSHIP MICHELLE BLAIR..................................................................................................................WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP MIA RANDAZZO...................................................................................................................WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP DANIEL BATTISTI..................................................................................................................WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP PATRICK M. DALEY...................................................................................................... BOROUGH OF SWEDESBORO FRANK DONNELLY....................................................................................................................... LOGAN TOWNSHIP DR. JAMES J. LAVENDER..............................................................................................................SUPERINTENDENT JASON SCHIMPF, SBA................................................................................................................. BOARD SECRETARY PATRICIA CALANDRO..................................................................................................... CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 10
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