City of New Ulm - City Of Waseca
City of New Ulm - City Of Waseca
6:00 P.M. – CLOSED SESSION PER M.S. 13.D.05 Concerning the purchase of real property located at Parcel Number 120170800 & 120200600 And concerning the purchase of real property located at Parcel Number 090130500 REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2016 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2 MEDITATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4 VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. 5 6 7 Senator Vicki Jensen – Legislative Update ACTION AGENDA a. Resolution No. 16-31 – Approving Lawful Gambling Premises Permit to Waseca Hockey Association, Inc. b. Park Bench Donation Request – Mavis Bowman c. Ordinance No. 1046- Introduction & set hearing date – Amending Chapter 37 of the City Code, Boards, Commissions and Authorities d. Resolution No. 16-30 – Amending Budget for 2015 e. Set Public Hearing Date – City of Waseca Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2 CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 b. Minutes – City Council Work Session – June 23, 2016 c. Payroll & Expenditures – June 2016 REPORTS a. City Manager’s Report 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS 9 ADJOURNMENT Request for City Council Action Title: Meeting Date: Action: Originating Department: Approved By City Manager: LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT – WASECA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION, INC. JULY 5, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 5A MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Supporting Documents: Premises Permit Application Form LG214 Resolution No. 16-31 Expenditures report Administration Mary Buenzow Presented By: Records Secretary Proposed Action: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 16-31, Approving Lawful Gambling Premises Permit to Waseca Hockey Association, Inc. at Bottoms Up BACKGROUND: Waseca Hockey Association, Inc. has presented a Lawful Gambling Premises Permit Application for the following location: Bottoms Up 108 South State Street Waseca, MN 56093 The Minnesota Gambling Control Board requires the City Council to adopt a resolution specifically approving or denying the permit. Attached is a copy of the Waseca Hockey Association Lawful Gambling Expenditures Report. Although the figures fluctuate throughout the year, the Hockey Association typically has no problem meeting the City Code Chapter 117.05 requirement that 70% of lawful purpose expenditures be expended within the trade area of Waseca County. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a motion to adopt Resolution No. 16-31, Approving Lawful Gambling Premises Permit to Waseca Hockey Association, Inc. at Bottoms Up, 108 South State Street, Waseca, MN. Request for City Council Action Title: Mavis Bowman Park Bench Donation in Memory of Ms. Darla Riley Meeting Date: July 5, 2016 Action: Originating Department: Approved By City Manager: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Public Works – Parks Agenda Item Number: 5B Supporting Documents: Example Pictures of Plaque and Bench Presented By: City Engineer Proposed Action: Motion to Accept the Donation of a Park Bench by Mavis Bowman in Memory of Ms. Darla Riley BACKGROUND: Ms. Bowman requests to donate a bench in memory of Ms. Darla Riley. Bench placement will be located in the front of the Water Park building. The six foot poly coated bench will be surface mounted on the Water Park building front sidewalk and will match a previously donated bench. A cast brass memory plaque will be placed on the bench. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: June 7, 2016 meeting. The Park Board approved Ms. Bowman’s request at their RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council accepts Ms. Bowman’s donation to place a bench along the Water Park building front sidewalk in memory of Ms. Darla Riley. Request for City Council Action Title: Meeting Date: Action: Originating Department: Approved By City Manager: Ordinance No. 1046- Introduction & set hearing date – Amending Chapter 37 of the City Code, Boards, Commissions and Authorities July 5, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 5C MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Public Works – Airport Supporting Documents: Ordinance 1046 Presented By: City Engineer Proposed Action: Introduce and set a public hearing date of July 19, 2016 for Ordinance 1046 Amending Chapter 37 Boards, Commissions and Authorities of the City Code BACKGROUND: The airport board has had a vacancy for 6+ months following the resignation of a board member and has not received any applications or interest to be on the board from Waseca residents. The board has received interest from a couple of users of the airport who live just outside of the Waseca City limits. After review of some surrounding airport board governance structures it is not uncommon for airport boards to include a non-majority of members who reside outside of the municipal jurisdiction of the airport but reside within the unofficial service area of the airport. Section 37.01(C) (1) (c) governs membership for City boards, commissions and agendas. It states: (C) Membership. (1) Members. Any person wishing to serve on a city board or commission must meet the following requirements: (a) Age 18 or older on the date of appointment to the boards and commission. (b) A citizen of the United States. (c) A person who resides within city limits. Exception: The Planning Commission may have one non-resident member who resides outside of the municipal city limits, but resides within the two-mile planning area. Ordinance 1046 proposes to modify subsection (c) above as follows: (c) A person who resides within city limits. Exceptions: The Planning Commission may have one non-resident member who resides outside of the municipal city limits, but resides within the two-mile planning area. The Airport Advisory Board may have up to two (2) non-resident members who reside outside of the municipal city limits, but reside within the limits of Waseca County. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Airport Board met on June 7, 2016 and passed a motion to recommend to the City Council to allow up to two (2) non City of Waseca residents to be members of the airport board. Non City residents must reside within Waseca County however. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council Introduce and set a public hearing date of July 19, 2016 for Ordinance 1046 Amending Chapter 37 Boards, Commissions and Authorities of the City Code. ORDINANCE NO. 1046 AN ORDINANCE REVISING CHAPTER 37 OF THE CITY OF WASECA CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND AUTHORITIES CHAPTER 37: BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND AUTHORITIES Section General Provisions 37.01 Boards and commissions; establishment, appointments and authority City Boards and Commissions 37.10 Airport Advisory Board 37.11 Joint Airport Zoning Board 37.12 Park Advisory Board 37.13 Community Education Advisory Board 37.14 Planning Commission 37.15 Human Rights Commission 37.16 Charter Commission 37.17 Heritage Preservation Commission City Authorities 37.20 Housing and Redevelopment Authority 37.21 Economic Development Authority GENERAL PROVISIONS § 37.01 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS; ESTABLISHMENT, APPOINTMENTS AND AUTHORITY. (A) Establishment. (1) Authority to establish. Pursuant to M.S. § 412.621, and other such statutes as specifically cited herein, the Council establishes or continues the following boards and commissions to advise the Council with respect to municipal functions and activities and to investigate subjects of interest to the city. (2) How established. A board or commission may be established by a majority vote of the Council. An ordinance shall be adopted prescribing the purpose, duties, and composition of the board or commission. (3) Applicability. All boards and commissions established by the City Council shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, unless a specific requirement or condition is imposed by the City Charter, city ordinance or state law. (4) Purposes and duties generally. All boards and commissions established by the Council shall be advisory to the Council and shall have the responsibility to: (a) Investigate matters within the scope of the particular board or commission or as specifically directed by the Council. (b) Advise the Council by communicating the viewpoint or advice of the board or commission. (c) At the direction of the Council, hold hearings, receive evidence, conduct investigations, and, on the basis of such hearings, evidence and investigations, make decisions and recommendations to the Council. (d) Advisory role. A board or commission established by the Council shall not assume the role of an administrative or legislative body. (B) Cooperation of city officials. (1) All city officials, Department Managers, employees and appointees shall cooperate with the commissions established by the Council and render all reasonable assistance as directed by the City Manager. (2) Each board and commission shall hold its regular meetings at times established and approved by the City Manager. The City Manager shall be an ex-officio member of all boards and commissions. (C) Membership. (1) Members. Any person wishing to serve on a city board or commission must meet the following requirements: (a) Age 18 or older on the date of appointment to the boards and commission. (b) A citizen of the United States. (c) A person who resides within city limits. Exceptions: The Planning Commission may have one non-resident member who resides outside of the municipal city limits, but resides within the two-mile planning area. The Airport Advisory Board may have up to two (2) non-resident members who reside outside of the municipal city limits, but reside within the limits of Waseca County. (2) City Council representative. Each board or commission shall have a City Council representative. (D) Ineligibility. The following persons are ineligible to serve on a city board or commission: (1) Anyone convicted of treason or a felon whose rights have not been restored. (2) Anyone under guardianship. (3) Anyone who is found by a court of law to be legally incompetent. (4) Full-time city employees; or part-time employees where there is an incompatibility of office. (E) Appointments and terms of membership. (1) Members. Board and commission members shall be appointed at the first regular meeting of the Council in January of each year, by majority vote of the Council and shall serve terms of membership not to exceed three years per term. Each member is eligible to serve four consecutive three-year terms. Terms expire on January 31. Re-appointment will take place at term expiration. New appointees shall assume office on February 1. (2) Council Representatives. Council Representatives shall be appointed at the first regular meeting of the Council in January of each year, by majority vote of the Council and shall serve a term of one year. (3) Resignation and removal. Members shall serve without compensation and may resign voluntarily by letter or e-mail to the City Manager or be removed by majority vote of the Council or pursuant to § 37.01(F)(5). (4) Vacancies. Vacancies in membership shall be filled by majority vote of the Council for the balance of the unexpired term. (5) Term of appointment to fill vacancy. A person appointed to fill a vacancy shall be eligible to serve three full terms in addition to the balance of the unexpired term. (6) Concurrent membership. No person may serve concurrently on more than two boards or commissions. (7) Staggered terms. Terms of membership shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms on a board or commission expire in any particular year. (F) Organization and bylaws. (1) Bylaws. Each board or commission shall adopt and be governed by such bylaws as shall be necessary and desirable for the conduct of its activities. Bylaws shall be subject to review and approval by the Council. (2) Chairperson. Each board or commission annually shall elect from its members a chairperson and vice-chairperson to serve a term of one year. No person shall serve more than two consecutive one-year terms as chairperson of a particular board or commission. (3) Meetings. (a) Regular meetings. All board and commission meetings are open meetings subject to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (M.S. Ch. 13D) and shall be held at a fixed time, on a fixed date and in a fixed place as shall be determined by the board or commission. The Records Secretary shall give notice of all board and commission meetings as required for meetings of public bodies. (b) Public comment. All board and commission meetings shall include scheduled time for public comment. (c) Meetings conducted according to bylaws. All meetings shall be conducted according to the bylaws of the board or commission. (4) Meeting minutes. (a) Official record. Approved minutes of board or commission proceedings shall be public record; the city shall retain a copy of the official minutes of each board or commission meeting in accordance with applicable state laws. (b) Distributed to City Council. Official minutes of each board or commission meeting shall be distributed to the City Council. (5) Removal. (a) Any member of a board or commission established by the Council who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings, or who fails to attend at least 70% of the scheduled meetings in any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the board or commission. (b) Extraordinary circumstances such as serious illness will be considered a waiver of these requirements. (c) Members may be removed, from any advisory board or commission, prior to the expiration of their term of office, by a majority vote of the City Council. (6) Vacancies. The successor to any member of a board or commission who has been removed pursuant to this section shall be appointed pursuant to § 37.01(E). (7) Quorum. A majority of the appointed members of the advisory board or commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An affirmative vote of the majority of a quorum in attendance at any meeting shall be necessary to transact business or carry any proposition. (8) Conflict of interest. All members should be aware of the need to avoid any instance of conflict of interest. (9) Procedure. The board or commission’s final action on any proposal must be in the form of a recommendation of approval or disapproval directed to the City Council. (G) Remuneration. All appointed board and commission members shall serve without remuneration, but may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in performance of their duties when the expenses have been authorized before they are incurred. (H) Lobbying efforts consistent with city policy. (1) Lobbying efforts by any advisory board or commission member on legislative or political matters should contact the City Manager to check for consistency with city policy. In the event a position is taken that differs from that of the city’s policy, an advisory board or commission cannot represent that position publicly or before another body, for example, the State Legislature or the Board of County Commissioners. (2) An advisory board or commission member is free to communicate positions to the City Council on matters pertaining to the body’s purpose and function. (3) A member of the advisory board or commission is not authorized to speak for the board or commission, unless the board has expressly authorized the member’s communication. (4) An individual member is free to voice a position, oral or written, on any issue as long as it is made clear that the member is not speaking as a representative of the city, or as a member of an advisory board or commission. (`86 Code, § 2.02) (Am. Ord. 683, passed 6-18-96; Am. Ord. 696, passed 3-18-97; Am. Ord. 760, passed 3-20-01; Am. Ord. 872, passed 4-19-05; Am. Ord. 917, passed 11-21-06; Am. Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS § 37.10 AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD. (A) Purpose. The Airport Advisory Board will act in an advisory and review capacity to the City Council regarding the operation and construction of the airport, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties: (1) To advise the Council in the establishment of the rules and regulations, consistent with state and federal aviation authority, as may be necessary or advisable for the operation and management of the municipal airport, the same to be confirmed by the Council before they are placed in effect; (2) To advise the Council in the establishment of building and tie-down sites and to approve and recommend all proposed construction on the airport property and to request repair or removal of structures not maintained in accordance with regulations as to construction or location; and (3) To make other recommendations as may be necessary or advisable for the safe and efficient management; operation and maintenance of the municipal airport. (B) Membership. The Airport Advisory Board will consist of five members, appointed pursuant to § 37.01. (`86 Code, § 2.06) (Am. Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.11 JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD. (A) Purpose. The Joint Airport Zoning Board to have and exercise the following powers: the power to administer and enforce airport zoning regulations applicable to the airport hazard area in, on or about any airport owned and controlled by the city and the airport hazard area appertaining to the airport located outside the territorial limits of the city pursuant to M.S. § 360.063, as it may be amended from time to time. (B) Membership. Joint Airport Zoning Board shall have as members two representatives appointed by the city and two representatives from the county and, in addition, the Chairperson elected by a majority of the members so appointed. (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.12 PARK ADVISORY BOARD. (A) Purpose. The Park Advisory Board will act in an advisory and review capacity to the City Council regarding the operations of the parks, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties: (1) To advise the Council in the establishment of the rules and regulations, consistent with state authority, as may be necessary or advisable for the operation and management of the park system, including the Water Park, the same to be confirmed by the Council before they are placed in effect; (2) To advise the Council in the establishment of recreational facilities and recommend all proposed construction on the park property and to request repair or removal of structures not maintained in accordance with regulations as to construction or location; and (3) To make other recommendations as may be necessary or advisable for the safe and efficient management, operation and maintenance of the park system. (B) Membership. The Park Advisory Board will consist of five members, appointed pursuant to § 37.01. (`86 Code, § 2.08) (Am. Ord. 696, passed 3-18-97; Am. Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.13 COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD. The Community Education Advisory Board was created through a joint agreement with the City of Waseca and Independent School District No. 829 to provide jointly sponsored recreation services, and passed by resolution in 1975, and updated in 1978, 1982 and 2010 as set forth in Resolution No. 10-33. (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.14 PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission was established by the city pursuant to M.S. Ch. 462, as it may be amended from time to time, through its zoning ordinance in order to provide recommendations to the City Council and the Zoning Administrator in the administration of the zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission will consist of seven members, appointed pursuant to § 37.01. (`86 Code, § 2.04) (Am. Ord. 617, passed 3-2-92; Am. Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.15 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. (A) Purpose. The Human Rights Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (1) To generally advise the Council regarding civil and human rights problems, issues and policies; (2) To develop, in cooperation with MnDHR, and implement programs of formal and informal education; and (3) To coordinate efforts with the Human Rights Commissions of neighboring communities, where appropriate. (B) Membership. The Human Rights Commission will consist of five members, appointed pursuant to § 37.01. (`86 Code, § 2.12) (Am. Ord. 693, passed 12-17-96; Am. Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.16 CHARTER COMMISSION. A Charter Commission is re-established consistent with M.S. Ch. 410 and the City Charter to fulfill the statutory requirements for the City Charter consistent with Minnesota Statutes. The Charter Commission will consist of seven members, appointed pursuant to § 37.01. (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.17 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION. The city established a Heritage Preservation Commission on April 15, 2008, pursuant to M.S. § 471.193. The Heritage Preservation Commission shall have the responsibilities and duties as set forth in Ch. 155. (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) Cross-reference: Heritage Preservation Commission, see Ch. 155 CITY AUTHORITIES § 37.20 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (A) Purpose. The Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Authority composed of five members, is hereby perpetuated as heretofore established by resolution adopted pursuant to M.S. § 469.003, as it may be amended from time to time. (B) Membership. Each member shall hereafter be appointed for a term of five years, one member retiring each year. Each member must reside within city limits. (`86 Code, § 2.05) (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) § 37.21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (A) Purpose. The Economic Development Authority was established by the city to take action on economic development programs for businesses and industries in the city. The Economic Development Authority was established by City Council resolution that was adopted on November 18, 1997; and amended on January 16, 2001 and April 2, 2013. (B) Membership. The Economic Development Authority consists of seven commissioners, all of whom are appointed as prescribed by M.S. § 469.095, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time, for six-year terms. Each member must reside within city limits. Two Economic Development Authority commissioners must be members of the City Council. (Ord. 1000, passed 10-1-13) Request for City Council Action Title: Meeting Date: Action: Originating Department: Approved By City Manager: RESOLUTION 16-30 AMENDING CITY OF WASECA BUDGET FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 July 5, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 5D MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Finance Supporting Documents: Resolution Presented By: Finance Director Proposed Action: Motion to Approve Resolution 16-30 Amending City of Waseca Budget for Calendar Year 2015 BACKGROUND: The Council is requested to approve 2015 budget amendments relating to taxes collected for the 2014 Bond Issue. This bond financed the Public Safety building, Northeast park improvements and the 2014 street improvements. These budget amendments are requested to clarify the accounting for the revenue collected and debt payments within the original 2015 budget. The requested line item budget changes listed below account for the revenues and expenditures impacted by these amendments. Account Number 101-31015-0000 101-49300-7270 390-31010-0000 390-39201-0000 Description Debt Levy Tax Revenue Transfers Out 2014 Bond Tax Revenue Transfer In Amount $ 311,499 $ 311,499 $ 311,499 $ 311,499 Change Decrease Decrease Increase Increase BUDGET IMPACT: The impact to the fund balances from these budget amendments have been considered as part of the 2015 audit process. The budget impact is neutral – this changes the funds in which these transactions are accounted for. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Council Approve Resolution 16-30 Amending City of Waseca Budget for Calendar Year 2015. RESOLUTION NO. 16-30 RESOLUTION AMENDING CITY OF WASECA BUDGET FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 WHEREAS, the budget is intended as a guide for revenues and expenditures; and WHEREAS, it is important that we have an accurate tracking of our revenues and expenditures; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the City of Waseca hereby approve that the 2015 Budget of the City of Waseca for the calendar year beginning January 1, which has previously been adopted by the City Council is hereby amended as follows: Account Number 101-31015-0000 101-49300-7270 390-31010-0000 390-39201-0000 Description Debt Levy Tax Revenue Transfers Out 2014 Bond Tax Revenue Transfer In Amount $ 311,499 $ 311,499 $ 311,499 $ 311,499 Adopted this 5th Day of July 2016. _______________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY Change Decrease Decrease Increase Increase Request for City Council Action Title: Wellhead Protection Plan Meeting Date: July 5, 2016 Action: Originating Department: Approved By City Manager: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Water Utility Agenda Item Number: 5E Supporting Documents: None at this time. Presented By: Utilities Director Proposed Action: Staff recommends Council set the public hearing date of July 19, 2016, to discuss the Wellhead Protection Plan. BACKGROUND: The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) mandates City Councils approval of a Wellhead Protection Plan (WHP). The primary purpose of the WHP is to continue efforts to prevent humancaused contamination from entering the public water supply wells. The WHP identifies the area of the groundwater aquifer that supplies water to our City wells over a 10-year period of time. Based on the level of vulnerability of the aquifer within this area, potential sources of contamination were identified and a management plan was created for this area. There will be an overview presentation of the WHP at the July 19th City Council meeting. At the July 19th meeting, staff will request City Council adoption of the WHP as a State mandated step in the establishment of a comprehensive Wellhead Protection Plan. BUDGET IMPACT: There have been budgeted funds for several years. The primary budget expense is for our wellhead consultant Senior Scientist, Mark Janovec, of Stantec. POLICY QUESTION: The public hearing is mandated by Minnesota Administrative Rule 4720.5350. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Establishing a Wellhead Protection Plan is a State mandate. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council set the public hearing date of July 19, 2016, to discuss the Wellhead Protection Plan. MINUTES REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 6A CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 1 The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Clemons at 7:02 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor John Clemons Fred Salsbury Ann Fitch Les Tlougan Allan Rose Mark Christiansen Daren Arndt Staff present: Danny Lenz, City Manager Shelly Kolling, Finance Director Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary MEDITATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2 A moment of silent meditation was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3 Mayor Clemons stated he wished to consider items 5b and 5c ahead of 4a. It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Rose, to approve the agenda as amended; the motion carried 7-0. Mayor Clemons informed the audience that the Council held a closed session at 6:00 p.m. this evening to discuss possible sale or purchase of property by the City. The City Councilmembers and four staff members were present. VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 4a Carolyn Jackson, Coalition of Greater MN Cities – 2016 Legislative Update Carolyn Jackson, CGMC, updated the City Council regarding the 2016 Legislative Session. She explained the issues that were approved and those that remain unresolved, and she distributed a handout report of the 2016 legislative session. ACTION AGENDA 5a Resolution No. 16-29 – Amending Conditional Use Permit to Hoehn Properties, LLC Ed Hoehn, on behalf of Hoehn Properties, LLC, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow an additional ten units to the existing 15 unit apartment building on property zoned B-3, Neighborhood Transition Business District. The property is located at 609 South State Street. A Conditional Use Permit was granted in May of 2013 to convert an existing Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 2 vacant school building to a 15 unit apartment building. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit Amendment would increase the total units in this building up to 25 units. The property currently has 42 designated parking spaces with room to stripe an additional eight parking spaces. Seven standard parking spaces and one handicap/van accessible parking space will be added to meet the required amount of 50 spaces. A 25’ landscape buffer shall be required on the east property line. A minimum six-foot high opaque fence shall be required along the full length of the east property line with approved plantings to soften the barrier. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on June 14, 2016. Based on seven findings, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit amendment with five conditions (5-0). It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Fitch, to concur with staff and Planning Commission recommendations and adopt Resolution No. 16-29, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW AN ADDITIONAL TEN UNITS TO BE ADDED ON PROPERTY ZONED B-3 AT 609 SOUTH STATE STREET; the motion carried 7-0. 5b Temporary On Sale Liquor License – Waseca County Ag society for Waseca County Fair (This item was considered prior to item 4a) The City has received applications from Waseca County Ag Society for two (2) Temporary On Sale Liquor Licenses, to be used in conjunction with the Waseca County Fair July 13-17, 2016. MN Statutes allows the City to issue 1, 2, 3, or 4-day temporary liquor licenses in any combination, for a maximum of 12 days per year. The Ag Society has indicated they wish to sell liquor at the Beer Garden for the entire length of the fair, thus two applications have been submitted to cover the duration of the 5-day fair. The Police Department conducted background checks on the individuals listed on the application and have no concerns with the applicants. A member of the Ag Society will discuss security and safety concerns with the Police Department. As in previous years, the Ag Society will obtain Liquor Liability insurance coverage during the event. It was moved by Rose, seconded by Fitch, to approve Temporary On Sale Liquor Licenses to Waseca County Ag Society for the Waseca County Fair as presented; the motion carried 7-0. 5c Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License – American Legion Beer and Food Stand (This item was considered prior to item 4a) American Legion Post 228 has submitted an application for a Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to be used in conjunction with their beer and food stand at Waseca County Fair July 1317, 2016. City Code states that a temporary license may be granted for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. The five-day Waseca County Fair qualifies under this provision. The American legion Club carries liquor liability insurance, and a Certificate of Insurance is on file with the City. It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Rose, to approve a Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to American Legion Post 228 for their beer and food stand at Waseca County Fair as presented; the motion carried 7-0. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 3 CONSENT AGENDA 6 It was moved by Fitch, seconded by Arndt, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0 and included the following actions: a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – June 7, 2016 – were accepted and placed on file b. Partial Payment – 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project #2016-03 – was authorized for payment. c. Payroll & Expenditures – June 2016 – were authorized for payment. REPORTS 7a City Manager’s Report The City Manager stated the Council has been invited to the Steele Waseca County Drug Court graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 20th at 3:00 p.m. at the Waseca County Courthouse. The City Manager reminded the Council of the work session this Thursday, June 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Building. Topics for discussion include sales tax, tobacco ordinance, leaf burning ordinance, special events and vending vehicles. 7b Commission Reports Councilmembers provided reports of the following boards/commissions: Airport Board – Councilmember Rose reported on activities of the Airport Board. EDA – Councilmember Arndt reported a key topic of discussion was the CGI video. Heritage Preservation Commission - Councilmember Tlougan stated the HPC is moving forward on the zoning map amendment, with the next step to go to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council. Park Board – Councilmember Christiansen updated the Council regarding activities of the Park Board, including welcoming new member Mike Francis. Planning Commission – Councilmember Salsbury reported the only recent Planning Commission item, Hoehn CUP Amendment, was considered by the City Council this evening. Discover Waseca Tourism - Councilmember Fitch stated the DWT will be having a booth at the Fair and volunteers are needed to man the booth. The DWT is reviewing a number of items and past activities and is taking a “quality over quantity” approach. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 The following announcements were made: Councilmember Arndt commented he will be taking the Region 9 Bus Tour tomorrow. Councilmember Tlougan stated he was recently involved with an event at Northeast Park and received many comments regarding how beautiful the park and new shelter are. People wondered how long the park has been opened and why they hadn’t noticed it before. Councilmember Fitch thanked everyone involved in getting the risers to the Trowbridge bandstand in time for the Jammin’ in June event. Councilmember Fitch reported she recently attended the League of MN Cities Annual Conference in St. Paul. She noted two key standouts were park and recreation amenities, which have become pillars of economic development to draw more people, and more people equals a better workforce. She stated another item of interest was a program in Coon Rapids called “Drab to Dreamy”, which assists residents in fixing up their homes. The program is kept simple for the homeowners. Councilmember Fitch also stated she received many great comments about Waseca from other conference attendees. Councilmember Rose reminded everyone that Chautauqua will be held in Trowbridge Park on July 2nd. Councilmember Salsbury reminded everyone of the Firemen’s Fish Fry this Saturday, June 25th. Mayor Clemons commented he felt the Jammin’ in June event looked fun and was a good use for Trowbridge Park. Mayor Clemons commented the City of New Ulm wants to extend their sales tax, and on their list is a $1 million renovation of a baseball field. He will bring this topic to the Council work session this Thursday for more discussion. Mayor Clemons explained the Council recently met with the building designers for Tink Larson Field. There was a small group of citizens present, who provided good input. Within two weeks the design team will be bringing back 6 different conceptual designs. He encouraged the public to become involved in the process. ADJOURNMENT 9 It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Rose, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:00 p.m.; the motion carried 7-0. _________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ___________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY MINUTES WASECA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 6B The Waseca City Council work session began at 6:06 p.m. in the Public Safety Building Community Room. Councilmembers present: Mayor John Clemons Fred Salsbury Ann Fitch Les Tlougan Allan Rose (arrived 6:32) Mark Christiansen Daren Arndt Staff present: Danny Lenz, City Manager Mark DuChene, City Engineer Shelly Kolling, Finance Director Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary Also present were Jacob Stark, Waseca County News, Sarah Berry, Waseca County Public Health, and James Christiansen. Sales Tax The City Manager presented a hand out of the list of potential projects to be completed with the local sales tax. The City Engineer explained that the Park Board established the following priorities: 1) Trail connection completion 2) Clear Lake Park Improvements 3) New Park Facilities in South End of Town 4) Upgrade of other facilities 5) Nature Parks He stated the Park Director has been keeping a running list of improvements and priorities for many years. The City Manager commented that park restrooms are in need of updating. Councilmember Fitch commented she would like to add paving of Memorial Park parking lot to the list. The City Manager stated, based on the Park Board, the priorities are Clear Lake Park, Southview and Oak Park, then systematic things and then small projects. He asked if this was what the Council had in mind. The Councilmembers generally agreed to the list of projects. Mayor Clemons felt this council and the last few city councils should have made these items more of a priority in the past and he wondered what we will do if the sales tax option does not pass. It was discussed that parks, amenities, aesthetics and keeping taxes low in the community can be a drawing card. It was the consensus of the Council to move forward with the list of priorities for the sales tax. The City Manager stated staff will prepare a resolution for adoption by the Council on July 19th in order to stay on the timeline for the sales tax option to be on the ballot in November. Minutes – Waseca City Council Work Session – June 23, 2016 – page 2 Tobacco Ordinance Mayor Clemons stated his goal is that Waseca is a healthy community and he feels we can be #1 in Minnesota. We need to keep people from hurting themselves and the Council has a moral obligation for the City to be healthier and keep tobacco out of the hands of youth. Mayor Clemons felt there are a lot of things the Council can do to tweak the City’s tobacco ordinance. Erin Simmons and Kelly Fogarty, from the American Lung Association, addressed the Council with a presentation of the various tobacco products available to the general public. During the presentation there was some discussion regarding whether the City can impose a tobacco tax of our own, and whether we can set a minimum price per pack. The City Manager stated there are legal questions he would need to discuss with the City’s attorney. Ms. Simmons commented the City should have a policy in place to back up saying no to a tobacco license applicant. She stated the American Lung Association has suggestions for language for licensing ordinances. Councilmember Fitch commented the City has a 98% success rate with our tobacco compliance checks and she does not feel there is a problem with the Waseca retailers selling legally. Councilmember Rose commented the education needs to start with youth ages 10-12 or younger. Mayor Clemons asked Sarah Berry from Waseca County Public Health, for her comments. Ms. Berry stated her department is about keeping the community healthy and there are definitely health risks with tobacco use, so the more you can prevent it, the better. Ms. Simmons stated she will send the City Manager forms and information on what other communities have done. Councilmember Tlougan asked if it is possible for the City to ban candy cigarettes. Staff indicated that is possible. Mayor Clemons commented he would like the council to hold more in-depth discussion on these issues. He asked that staff obtain a list of the options discussed this evening. Leaf Burning The City Manager explained staff has put together some options for amending the leaf burning ordinance, based on previous discussion and comments from the public at the May 17th public hearing. After lengthy discussion it was the consensus of the Council to leave the ordinance as is, but implement a fine for residents who violate the ordinance. The City Manager will look into the amount of a fine and incorporate it into the next City fee schedule update. Mobile Food Vending The City Manager explained staff has been developing a mobile food vending ordinance in order to regulate carts, vehicles and mobile units operating in the public right-of-way or on public property. There was brief discussion as to the need for regulating this activity. Sarah Berry suggested some language changes to the draft ordinance. Minutes – Waseca City Council Work Session – June 23, 2016 – page 3 The City Manager stated he will incorporate changes to the draft ordinance and introduce the ordinance at an upcoming Council meeting. The work session ended at 8:55 p.m. _________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR _____________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY 6C LIST OF EXPENDITURES July 5, 2016 ========================================================================================= Payroll dated June 23, 2016 City Council Streets Parks Wastewater Utility Administration Utility Billing Electric Water Building and Code Compliance Police Administration Community Aides Fire Volunteer Fire Department Election Judges PEG Finance Safe Haven Community Development Engineering Water Park Econ Development 4,250.00 20,897.92 12,594.37 9,601.81 5,819.50 4,087.80 13,630.87 2,885.85 2,125.51 43,715.24 6,328.64 0.00 7,458.09 566.70 0.00 936.65 10,544.25 1,851.42 5,018.26 10,592.08 12,137.15 1,971.15 Total Gross Payroll 177,013.26 *Less- Payroll Deductions (58,398.58) Net Payroll Cost $ 118,614.68 *These costs are included in Accounts Payable totals below Accounts Payable Expenditures dated: June 17, 2016 - June 30, 2016 Includes check #'s 148492 - 148611 Bank ACH Withdrawals……………………………………...……………………..………… 410,083.92 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 528,698.60 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 1 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount General Fund 06/30/2016 148571 Pitney Bowes-Reserve Account Reimburse postage account 101-15510-0000 Total 101155100000: 06/23/2016 61623 ACH Internal Revenue Service 2,500.00 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21701-0000 Total 101217010000: 06/23/2016 61620 MN Department of Revenue 2,500.00 18,532.40 M 18,532.40 STATE WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21702-0000 Total 101217020000: 7,523.23 M 7,523.23 06/23/2016 61623 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21703-0000 7,527.87 M 06/23/2016 61623 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21703-0000 7,527.87 M Total 101217030000: 15,055.74 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORD Emplr 1% Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21704-0000 1,070.54 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employee Pay Period: 6/19/201 101-21704-0000 6,958.30 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21704-0000 4,842.12 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC DEF CONTRIBUTION/EMPL Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21704-0000 124.45 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employer Pay Period: 6/19/201 101-21704-0000 6,958.30 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employer Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21704-0000 7,263.13 M 06/23/2016 61621 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC DEF CONT Employer Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21704-0000 124.45 M Total 101217040000: 06/23/2016 148507 NCPERS Minnesota - 8266711 27,341.29 LIFE INSURANCE - PERA Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21711-0000 Total 101217110000: 240.00 240.00 06/23/2016 61623 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21712-0000 2,398.49 M 06/23/2016 61623 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21712-0000 2,398.49 M Total 101217120000: 4,796.98 06/23/2016 61625 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - ROTH (AFTER TAX) Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21713-0000 50.00 M 06/23/2016 61625 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - DEF COMP Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21713-0000 275.00 M Total 101217130000: 06/23/2016 61622 Vantagepoint Transfer Agents 457 325.00 ICMA DEF COMPENSATION Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21714-0000 Total 101217140000: 1,025.00 M 1,025.00 06/23/2016 148504 AFLAC AFLAC AFTER TAX Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21715-0000 152.00 06/23/2016 148504 AFLAC AFLAC PRE TAX Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21715-0000 473.55 Total 101217150000: 625.55 06/30/2016 61618 SelectAccount Flex plan reimbursement 101-21716-0000 4.04 M 06/30/2016 61619 SelectAccount Flex plan reimbursement 101-21716-0000 1,631.65 M 06/23/2016 61626 SelectAccount HSA EE Contribution 6-23-16 101-21716-0000 312.08 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101217160000: 06/23/2016 148506 MN Child Support Payment Center 2 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 1,947.77 CHILD SUPPORT FLAT AMT Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21717-0000 Total 101217170000: 908.62 908.62 06/23/2016 61624 Delta Dental DENTAL FAMILY Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21719-0000 946.96 M 06/23/2016 61624 Delta Dental DENTAL SINGLE Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21719-0000 588.62 M Total 101217190000: 1,535.58 06/23/2016 148505 Fidelity Security Life VISION SINGLE Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21722-0000 35.28 06/23/2016 148505 Fidelity Security Life VISION + ONE Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21722-0000 20.60 06/23/2016 148505 Fidelity Security Life VISION FAMILY Employee Pay Period: 6/19/2016 101-21722-0000 51.20 Total 101217220000: 06/30/2016 148574 Quad Graphics Inc 107.08 Double payment - Park Permit 101-34785-0000 Total 101347850000: 06/30/2016 20160001 Kolling, Shelly L. 560.00 Civic User Group 101-36244-0000 Total 101362440000: 06/30/2016 20160001 Kolling, Shelly L. 148543 Fitch, Ann 30.45 30.45 Council worksessions 101-41110-2170 Total 101411102170: 06/30/2016 560.00 23.17 23.17 LMC Annual Conference 101-41110-3300 Total 101411103300: 287.27 287.27 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC Ord. 1043 (Tobacco moratorium) hearing notice 101-41110-3400 49.23 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC Ord. 1044 (Open burning of leaves) 101-41110-3400 40.28 Total 101411103400: 06/30/2016 148567 Personalized Printing Inc. 89.51 Summer Newsletter 101-41110-3500 Total 101411103500: 06/30/2016 148537 Discover Waseca Tourism 611.80 Lodging tax-May 2016 101-41110-4440 Total 101411104440: 06/30/2016 148602 Waseca Area Senior Citizens Center 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Monthly City Contribution 101-41110-4455 148603 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1,125.00 1,125.00 Vending supplies 101-41320-4945 Total 101413204945: 06/30/2016 1,598.19 1,598.19 Total 101411104455: 06/30/2016 611.80 45.86 45.86 Legal Services-Contract pmt 101-41600-3000 5,370.33 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101416003000: 06/30/2016 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 5,370.33 Replace battery backup 101-41920-2050 Total 101419202050: 06/30/2016 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 148531 Civic Systems LLC 2016 Maintenance Agreement 101-41920-3100 148567 Personalized Printing Inc. Semi-Annual Support Fees 101-41920-4950 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware 20160001 Kolling, Shelly L. Letterhead 101-41940-2000 148606 Waseca Glass Inc. Parts & Supplies 101-41940-2170 34.11 Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 41.69 75.80 doors & accessories 101-41940-2230 Total 101419402230: 06/30/2016 148570 Pitney Bowes Inc 148544 G & K Services Lease agreement-2nd Qtr 2016 101-41940-3000 148523 Cady Business Technologies Inc Mats 101-41940-3100 06/23/2016 148526 Centerpoint Energy 61617 City of Waseca Phone maintenance-July 101-41940-3200 148586 Streamline Communications LLC 262.62 262.62 Monthly Billing 101-41940-3800 79.31 June utilities 101-41940-3800 1,562.38 M Total 101419403800: 06/30/2016 19.20 19.20 Total 101419403200: 06/30/2016 706.80 706.80 Total 101419403100: 06/30/2016 2,398.00 2,398.00 Total 101419403000: 06/30/2016 354.65 354.65 Total 101419402170: 06/30/2016 5,930.40 5,930.40 Total 101419402000: 06/30/2016 4,526.90 4,526.90 Total 101419204950: 06/30/2016 85.90 85.90 Total 101419203100: 06/30/2016 1,641.69 Fiber to Safely Bldg 101-41940-4000 Total 101419404000: 260.50 260.50 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company coffee for city break room 101-41950-2170 119.55 06/30/2016 148609 Wenger Corporation Risers for Trowbridge Park 101-41950-2170 6,174.00 Total 101419502170: 6,293.55 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC Ad for Code Enforcement Technician 101-41950-3400 121.54 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC Ord. 1045 hearing notice (Amending Code, Bldg Regula 101-41950-3400 40.28 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 3 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101419503400: 161.82 06/30/2016 148527 Central Fire Protection Inc. Fire extinguisher inspection & recharge 101-42100-2190 44.00 06/30/2016 148605 Waseca County Sheriff's Office Knox Box Cost Share 101-42100-2190 1,276.34 06/30/2016 148608 WatchGuard Video Desktop microphone 101-42100-2190 408.00 Total 101421002190: 06/30/2016 148595 Thornhill, Lawrence E. 1,728.34 Vehicle maintenance 101-42100-2220 Total 101421002220: 48.00 48.00 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Mats 101-42100-3100 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Mats 101-42100-3100 11.77 06/30/2016 148594 Thomson Reuters - West West Information Charges-May 2016 101-42100-3100 200.00 Total 101421003100: 11.77 223.54 06/30/2016 148584 Sprint IC trailer 101-42100-3200 39.99 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless Monthly Billing 101-42100-3200 979.21 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless Monthly Billing 101-42100-3200 50.75 Total 101421003200: 1,069.95 06/30/2016 148558 MN County Attorneys Association 2012 Property receipt 101-42100-3500 33.00 06/30/2016 148567 Personalized Printing Inc. Evidence Forms 101-42100-3500 352.30 Total 101421003500: 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca 385.30 June utilities 101-42100-3800 Total 101421003800: 06/30/2016 148520 Bock's Service Inc. 783.17 M 783.17 Vehicle repair 101-42100-4040 Total 101421004040: 60.00 60.00 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-42200-2170 50.91 06/30/2016 148561 MPeters Enterprises Inc. usa & mn Flags public safety building 101-42200-2170 75.00 Total 101422002170: 125.91 06/30/2016 148512 Alex Air Apparatus Inc air bag hydro testing 101-42200-2210 290.00 06/30/2016 148515 Ancom Communications Inc pager knob 101-42200-2210 4.75 Total 101422002210: 294.75 06/30/2016 148510 Active911 Inc active 911 accountablity 101-42200-3100 411.25 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Mats 101-42200-3100 11.78 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Mats 101-42200-3100 11.78 Total 101422003100: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 4 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 434.81 Monthly Billing 101-42200-3200 60.75 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 5 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101422003200: 60.75 06/30/2016 148568 Petersen, Brian S. MNSFDA Conference 101-42200-3300 06/30/2016 148569 Petersen, Kyle MNSFDA Conference 101-42200-3300 76.75 06/30/2016 148578 Sandborg, Brenda Jo MSFDA Conference 101-42200-3300 404.40 Total 101422003300: 103.40 584.55 06/30/2016 148539 Dulas, Jay officer training 101-42200-3310 201.96 06/30/2016 148576 Safety& Security Consult Specialists LLC Firefighter Survival Training 101-42200-3310 500.00 Total 101422003310: 701.96 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca June utilities 101-42200-3800 783.17 M 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca June utilities 101-42200-3800 40.31 M Total 101422003800: 06/30/2016 148530 City Building Inspection Services LLC 823.48 City Building Inspection Contract Services 101-42400-3000 Total 101424003000: 06/30/2016 148555 Lenz Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. 4,053.15 Mow & trim-424 10th Ave SE 101-42400-3100 Total 101424003100: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless 148600 Verizon Wireless 75.00 75.00 Monthly Billing 101-42400-3200 Total 101424003200: 06/30/2016 4,053.15 31.31 31.31 Monthly Billing 101-43000-3200 Total 101430003200: 50.04 50.04 06/30/2016 148524 CCP Industries Inc. Janitor supplies 101-43100-2170 223.80 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-43100-2170 65.60 06/30/2016 148536 Diamond Vogel Paints filters 101-43100-2170 14.38 06/30/2016 148548 Hefty Seed Co Supplies 101-43100-2170 157.93 Total 101431002170: 461.71 06/30/2016 148533 Crane Creek Asphalt blacktop 101-43100-2171 5,203.85 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. blacktop 101-43100-2171 1,410.50 Total 101431002171: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless 6,614.35 Monthly Billing 101-43100-3200 Total 101431003200: 06/30/2016 148526 Centerpoint Energy 55.56 55.56 Monthly Billing 101-43100-3800 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca June utilities 101-43100-3800 40.30 M 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca June utilities 101-43100-3800 707.62 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 130.59 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101431003800: 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca 878.51 June utilities 101-43160-3800 Total 101431603800: 06/30/2016 148562 M-R Sign Company Inc. 61617 City of Waseca sign 101-43170-2170 148551 Independent School District #829 June utilities 101-43170-3800 148586 Streamline Communications LLC City Contribution Community Ed 101-45100-3100 148547 Hawkins Inc 8,333.33 8,333.33 Pull 2 Network Cables 101-45130-2050 Total 101451302050: 06/30/2016 210.75 M 210.75 Total 101451003100: 06/30/2016 73.25 73.25 Total 101431703800: 06/30/2016 7,568.54 M 7,568.54 Total 101431702170: 06/23/2016 315.00 315.00 chemicals for the water park 101-45130-2165 Total 101451302165: 1,137.98 1,137.98 06/30/2016 148527 Central Fire Protection Inc. Fire extinguisher inspection & recharge 101-45130-2170 20.00 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-45130-2170 141.87 Total 101451302170: 161.87 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-45130-2175 27.57 06/30/2016 148564 Northland Chemical Corporation Janitor supplies 101-45130-2175 246.96 Total 101451302175: 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware 274.53 Parts & Supplies 101-45130-2210 Total 101451302210: 174.01 174.01 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 292.23 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 1,651.72 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 125.46 06/30/2016 148508 A. H. Hermel Company Credit-concession supplies 101-45130-2500 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-45130-2500 5.98 06/30/2016 148550 Hy-Vee Inc Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 11.97 06/30/2016 148550 Hy-Vee Inc Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 10.99 06/30/2016 148554 Lau's Meat Market Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 37.25 06/30/2016 148554 Lau's Meat Market Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 37.94 06/30/2016 148554 Lau's Meat Market Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 38.26 Total 101451302500: 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 6 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 1,496.19 64.15- 3,643.84 June utilities 101-45130-3800 4,453.45 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101451303800: 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware 4,453.45 Parts & Supplies 101-45200-2170 Total 101452002170: 65.94 65.94 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Uniforms 101-45200-2180 15.95 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Uniforms and shop towels 101-45200-2180 119.45 Total 101452002180: 135.40 06/30/2016 148604 Waseca County License Bureau Title-2010 Dodge #144569 101-45200-2220 20.75 06/30/2016 148604 Waseca County License Bureau Title-2013 Ford #C40540 101-45200-2220 20.75 06/30/2016 148604 Waseca County License Bureau Title-2013 Ford #B30037 101-45200-2220 20.75 06/30/2016 148604 Waseca County License Bureau Title-2010 Dodge #169451 101-45200-2220 20.75 06/30/2016 148604 Waseca County License Bureau Title-2014 Ford #A50094 101-45200-2220 20.75 Total 101452002220: 103.75 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 101-45200-2230 332.08 06/30/2016 148573 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca Treated lumber 101-45200-2230 27.00 Total 101452002230: 06/30/2016 148527 Central Fire Protection Inc. 359.08 Fire extinguisher inspection & recharge 101-45200-3100 Total 101452003100: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless Monthly Billing 101-45200-3200 148526 Centerpoint Energy Monthly Billing 101-45200-3800 06/30/2016 148526 Centerpoint Energy Monthly Billing 101-45200-3800 June utilities 101-45200-3800 Total 101452003800: 06/30/2016 148529 Christensen Tire Service 61617 City of Waseca Tires, repair 101-45200-4040 148581 SMART Transit June utilities 101-45500-3800 148593 The Third Hand Inc 1st Half City Contribution-2016 101-45600-4730 61627 SelectAccount M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 915.30 M 10,200.00 10,200.00 Filming & editing training sessions 101-49210-4940 Total 101492104940: 06/23/2016 115.51 915.30 Total 101456004730: 06/30/2016 23.46 359.07 M 115.51 Total 101455003800: 06/30/2016 44.83 427.36 Total 101452004040: 06/23/2016 37.14 37.14 06/30/2016 61617 City of Waseca 136.00 136.00 Total 101452003200: 06/23/2016 7 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 177.60 177.60 June monthly fees 101-49244-1600 143.48 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 8 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101492441600: 143.48 Total General Fund: 173,630.90 Airport 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 230-49810-2170 23.28 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Rug Rental 230-49810-2170 3.84 Total 230498102170: 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware 27.12 Parts & Supplies 230-49810-2240 Total 230498102240: 06/30/2016 148596 Toltz King Duvall Anderson & Assoc Inc. 43.15 A/E Services 230-49810-3000 Total 230498103000: 06/30/2016 148585 Stensrud Aviation 148526 Centerpoint Energy 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca 11,703.27 11,703.27 Monthly Airport Contract 230-49810-3100 Total 230498103100: 06/30/2016 43.15 2,000.00 2,000.00 Monthly Billing 230-49810-3800 18.76 June utilities 230-49810-3800 46.45 M Total 230498103800: 65.21 Total Airport: 13,838.75 Hisorical Preservation 06/30/2016 148609 Wenger Corporation Risers for Trowbridge Park 255-33500-0000 2,098.00 Total 255335000000: 2,098.00 Total Hisorical Preservation: 2,098.00 Police Special Revenue Fund 06/30/2016 148520 Bock's Service Inc. forfeiture tow 278-46350-3000 65.00 06/30/2016 148590 Tesch Service Center Co. Towing charges-forfeiture 278-46350-3000 70.00 Total 278463503000: 135.00 Total Police Special Revenue Fund: 135.00 Safe Haven Grant 06/30/2016 148586 Streamline Communications LLC Install 2 network connections 279-46350-2170 Total 279463502170: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless 324.58 Monthly Billing 279-46350-3200 Total 279463503200: 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 324.58 50.75 50.75 Ad for Asst Program Coordinator 279-46350-3400 147.57 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 9 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 279463503400: 147.57 Total Safe Haven Grant: 522.90 Capital Improvement 06/30/2016 148519 Belson Outdoors Inc NE Park pavilion furniture 430-43010-5390 22,083.98 Total 430430105390: 22,083.98 Total Capital Improvement: 22,083.98 Water 06/30/2016 148557 Metering & Technology Solutions M25 meters 601-16403-0000 Total 601164030000: 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca 1,374.13 June utilities 601-49401-3800 Total 601494013800: 06/30/2016 148599 USA Blue Book 1,374.13 7,813.23 M 7,813.23 Lab Supplies 601-49430-2170 Total 601494302170: 427.94 427.94 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Uniform expense 601-49430-2180 1.95 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Uniform expense 601-49430-2180 1.95 Total 601494302180: 3.90 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 601-49430-2230 118.64 06/30/2016 148549 Holtmeier Construction Inc. Gravel 601-49430-2230 127.47 06/30/2016 148552 James Brothers Construction Inc. Sand 601-49430-2230 120.00 06/30/2016 148552 James Brothers Construction Inc. Gravel 601-49430-2230 337.50 06/30/2016 148559 MN Pipe & Equipment Repair Parts 601-49430-2230 279.39 06/30/2016 148607 Waseca Sand & Gravel Inc. Main Materials 601-49430-2230 2,820.00 06/30/2016 148607 Waseca Sand & Gravel Inc. Road Repair 601-49430-2230 340.00 Total 601494302230: 4,143.00 06/30/2016 148522 C & C Plumbing Inc. RPZ Testing 601-49430-3100 140.00 06/30/2016 148560 MN Valley Testing Labs Bacteria Testing 601-49430-3100 72.00 06/30/2016 148560 MN Valley Testing Labs Bacteria Testing 601-49430-3100 72.00 06/30/2016 148580 SL-Serco Annual Consumer Report 601-49430-3100 800.00 Total 601494303100: 06/30/2016 148598 U.S. Postal Service 1,084.00 Postage for bills due 7-15 Permit #202 601-49585-3200 Total 601495853200: 06/30/2016 148514 American Water Works Association 441.46 AWWA Subscription 601-49586-4330 Total 601495864330: 06/30/2016 148531 Civic Systems LLC M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 441.46 315.00 315.00 Semi-Annual Support Fees 601-49586-4950 847.20 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 06/30/2016 Description Payee 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 2016 Maintenance Agreement 10 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 601-49586-4950 Total 601495864950: 646.70 1,493.90 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 601-49593-5300 3,300.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 601-49593-5300 2,800.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 601-49593-5300 875.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 601-49593-5300 1,202.00 Total 601495935300: 8,177.00 Total Water: 25,273.56 Sanitary Sewer 06/30/2016 148541 ESS Brothers & Sons Inc Sewer cleanout 602-49470-2170 Total 602494702170: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless 1,220.50 Monthly Billing 602-49470-3200 Total 602494703200: 06/30/2016 06/23/2016 148526 Centerpoint Energy 61617 City of Waseca 148548 Hefty Seed Co 40.01 40.01 Monthly Billing 602-49470-3800 32.68 June utilities 602-49470-3800 1,418.24 M Total 602494703800: 06/30/2016 1,220.50 1,450.92 Supplies 602-49470-4000 Total 602494704000: 316.32 316.32 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 602-49480-2170 259.77 06/30/2016 148550 Hy-Vee Inc Water 602-49480-2170 50.00 Total 602494802170: 309.77 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 602-49480-3100 82.50 06/30/2016 148540 Electric Motor/Bearing Service Inc. Motor Bearing Failed 602-49480-3100 356.56 06/30/2016 148544 G & K Services Mats, supplies 602-49480-3100 15.68 06/30/2016 148556 M & R Electric Inc. Electrician 602-49480-3100 80.25 06/30/2016 148597 TRC Engineering LLC Check Valve Repair 602-49480-3100 1,750.00 Total 602494803100: 06/30/2016 148600 Verizon Wireless 2,284.99 Monthly Billing 602-49480-3200 Total 602494803200: 06/30/2016 06/23/2016 06/30/2016 148526 Centerpoint Energy 61617 City of Waseca 148611 Xcel Energy 50.75 Monthly Billing 602-49480-3800 June utilities 602-49480-3800 Electric 602-49480-3800 Total 602494803800: 06/30/2016 148598 U.S. Postal Service M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 50.75 493.47 389.96 M 8,491.08 9,374.51 Postage for bills due 7-15 602-49585-3200 441.46 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 602495853200: 06/30/2016 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 11 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 441.46 Mouse 602-49586-2000 Total 602495862000: 69.95 69.95 06/30/2016 148531 Civic Systems LLC Semi-Annual Support Fees 602-49586-4950 847.20 06/30/2016 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 2016 Maintenance Agreement 602-49586-4950 646.70 Total 602495864950: 1,493.90 06/30/2016 148513 American Engineering Testing Inc. Sand drying bed 602-49593-5300 1,350.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 602-49593-5300 3,300.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 602-49593-5300 2,800.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 602-49593-5300 875.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 602-49593-5300 1,202.00 Total 602495935300: 9,527.00 Total Sanitary Sewer: 26,580.08 Electric Utility 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca June utilities 604-49570-3800 Total 604495703800: 15.83 M 15.83 06/30/2016 148525 Cemstone Concrete Materials LLC Retaining Wall 604-49571-2170 780.00 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 604-49571-2170 804.85 Total 604495712170: 1,584.85 06/29/2016 148408 Amaril Uniform Co. FR Clothing 604-49571-2180 158.70- V 06/29/2016 148408 Amaril Uniform Co. FR Clothing 604-49571-2180 138.00- V 06/29/2016 148408 Amaril Uniform Co. FR Clothing 604-49571-2180 358.20- V Total 604495712180: 06/30/2016 148521 Border States Electric Supply 654.90Electric Supplies 604-49571-2230 Total 604495712230: 06/30/2016 148509 Accurate Calibration Services 468.82 Meter Equipment Calibration 604-49571-3100 Total 604495713100: 06/30/2016 148610 Wesco Receivables Corp 148610 Wesco Receivables Corp Bolts 604-49572-2230 148553 JT Services of MN M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 198.25 198.25 Transformer Connectors 604-49573-2230 Total 604495732230: 06/30/2016 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total 604495722230: 06/30/2016 468.82 392.87 392.87 Bulbs 604-49574-2230 289.96 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 604495742230: 06/30/2016 148598 U.S. Postal Service 289.96 Postage for bills due 7-15 604-49585-3200 Total 604495853200: 06/30/2016 148518 Barr Engineering Company 12 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM 441.46 441.46 Arc Flash Analysis 604-49586-3000 Total 604495863000: 6,175.03 6,175.03 06/30/2016 148531 Civic Systems LLC Semi-Annual Support Fees 604-49586-4950 847.20 06/30/2016 148566 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 2016 Maintenance Agreement 604-49586-4950 646.70 Total 604495864950: 1,493.90 06/30/2016 148538 Donahue Electric LLC Service Conversion 604-49593-5300 06/30/2016 148538 Donahue Electric LLC Service conversion 604-49593-5300 1,320.90 4,402.99 06/30/2016 148583 Solomon Corporation Second St NW Residential Transformers 604-49593-5300 14,400.00 06/30/2016 148583 Solomon Corporation Third St NE Residential Transformers 604-49593-5300 17,600.00 06/30/2016 148587 Stuart C. Irby Company Circuit Switcher 604-49593-5300 65,912.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 604-49593-5300 6,343.00 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 604-49593-5300 5,458.50 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphalt 604-49593-5300 1,744.50 06/30/2016 148601 W W Blacktopping Inc. Asphal 604-49593-5300 2,403.00 Total 604495935300: 119,584.89 Total Electric Utility: 131,190.96 Storm Water Utility 06/30/2016 148516 APG Media of So MN LLC Annual SWPPP Hearing Notice 651-43140-3400 Total 651431403400: 06/23/2016 61617 City of Waseca 31.33 31.33 June utilities 651-43140-3800 Total 651431403800: 53.52 M 53.52 06/30/2016 148541 ESS Brothers & Sons Inc Sewer cleanout 651-43140-4000 669.00 06/30/2016 148542 Ferguson Waterworks #2516 Repairs 651-43140-4000 405.27 Total 651431404000: 1,074.27 Total Storm Water Utility: 1,159.12 Central Garage Services 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Tailpipe extension 701-43180-2170 8.49 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 701-43180-2170 120.95 06/30/2016 148545 GMS Industrial Supplies Inc. Saw blades 701-43180-2170 136.30 06/30/2016 148563 Northern Tool & Equipment Co Hydraulic hose-wheels 701-43180-2170 35.74 06/30/2016 148591 Texas Refinery Corp. Shop supplies 701-43180-2170 249.70 Total 701431802170: 06/30/2016 148511 Ag Power Enterprises Inc. M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 551.18 Push pull cable 701-43180-2210 26.89 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 13 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 06/30/2016 148515 Ancom Communications Inc Travel charger 701-43180-2210 95.00 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Fuel filter 701-43180-2210 131.69 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Batteries 701-43180-2210 100.99 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Fuel domestic 701-43180-2210 3.23 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Shop parts returned 701-43180-2210 215.69- 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Warning triangle 701-43180-2210 25.99 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Warning triangle 701-43180-2210 25.99 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca ISO gas line anti-freeze 701-43180-2210 2.49 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Disc brake rotor 701-43180-2210 130.97 06/30/2016 148517 Auto Value Waseca Return-Perfect stop cerm 701-43180-2210 46.99- 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware Parts & Supplies 701-43180-2210 21.65 06/30/2016 148532 Clear Lake Signs Inc Door decals 701-43180-2210 50.00 06/30/2016 148534 Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Tailgate latch 701-43180-2210 116.81 06/30/2016 148534 Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Rocker switch 701-43180-2210 18.24 06/30/2016 148534 Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. Switch 701-43180-2210 61.00 06/30/2016 148535 Deml Ford Lincoln Mercury Inc. Check assembly 701-43180-2210 34.72 06/30/2016 148546 H & L Mesabi Plow blades, carbide inserts 701-43180-2210 2,974.48 06/30/2016 148572 PowerPlan - RDO Equipment Co. Repair parts for pump 701-43180-2210 3,095.05 06/30/2016 148573 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca White shelving 701-43180-2210 9.51 06/30/2016 148573 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca White shelving 701-43180-2210 9.51 06/30/2016 148573 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca White shelving 701-43180-2210 16.65 06/30/2016 148575 River Valley Truck Centers Inc Radiator repair 701-43180-2210 389.77 06/30/2016 148575 River Valley Truck Centers Inc Valve, core 701-43180-2210 611.10 06/30/2016 148575 River Valley Truck Centers Inc Return-core 701-43180-2210 225.00- 06/30/2016 148577 Sanco Equipment LLC Oil filters 701-43180-2210 69.95 06/30/2016 148577 Sanco Equipment LLC Couplers 701-43180-2210 113.73 06/30/2016 148582 Smiths Mill Implement Inc. Skid shoe 701-43180-2210 169.40 06/30/2016 148588 Temple Electric Motor Service Inc Capacitor 701-43180-2210 6.00 06/30/2016 148588 Temple Electric Motor Service Inc Motor-Water Park 701-43180-2210 486.00 06/30/2016 148589 Terminal Supply Co Low profile 4-LED 701-43180-2210 212.12 06/30/2016 148592 The Shop Truck repairs 701-43180-2210 2,210.15 Total 701431802210: 06/30/2016 148528 Charlie's Hardware 10,731.40 Parts & Supplies 701-43180-2400 Total 701431802400: 23.59 23.59 Total Central Garage Services: 11,306.17 Property and Liability Insuran 06/30/2016 148513 American Engineering Testing Inc. Construction materials 702-49955-3610 1,339.50 06/30/2016 148555 Lenz Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. Tink Field-elbow, clamps 702-49955-3610 500.00 06/30/2016 148579 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Library-remove excess water in basement 702-49955-3610 175.00 Total 702499553610: 06/30/2016 148565 Old Republic Surety Group Total 702499553620: Total Property and Liability Insuran: Grand Totals: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2,014.50 Annual Hwy Bond 702-49955-3620 250.00 250.00 2,264.50 410,083.92 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Check Issue Dates: 6/17/2016 - 6/30/2016 Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail [Report].Amount = {<>} 0 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Page: 14 Jun 30, 2016 02:49PM