Digital Media Academy - North Vancouver School District
Digital Media Academy - North Vancouver School District
March 2015 Digital Media Academy Digital Media Youth Expo Event FEAT event March 4th On January 31st the DMA hosted our 3rd annual Digital Media Youth Expo, which was a ended by over 1,000 people— double from last year! Students, parents, grandparents DMA Applica ons and the public were welcomed to Argyle and were so impressed with the presenta ons Due March 6th and booth exhibits. A endees and par cipants included UBC, Capilano University, BCIT, SFU, Langara, VanArts, VCAD, Reel 2 Reel, Spring Break Think Tank, DigiBC, and many more! March 7‐22 We showcased the ac vi es of the Digital Image Engine Media Academy and promoted the field of March 26 digital media. Students were able to speak to experts in game design, photography, VanArts Field trip film and anima on. To promote the EXPO, April 9 the DMA graphic design team created the poster and graphic ideas ‐ DMA Grade 11 San Francisco Trip student Danielle created a one of a kind April 14‐18 image which was used for the EXPO poster! DMA Field trips In December the DMA students visited the Na onal Film Board (NFB) in Gastown and got up‐close interac on with their current digital story projects on site. Following this tour, students had an opportunity to tour the SFU School for the Contemporary Arts campus downtown and meet with students. DMA students also went to Granville Island in early January for a guided tour of the Emily Carr University of Art & Design campus. This allowed them to meet students and see a variety of work in various mediums. While on Granville Island, the students also a ended a mul ‐media presenta on by the Vancouver Interna onal Children’s Fes val / PUSH Fes val—“The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer” an award winning show, which included Puppetry, Theatre, Anima on and Music . DMA PAGE 2 Digital Media in the classroom Calvin Le Duc, an animator on films such as Mulan and Fantasia 2000, from Vancouver Anima on School visited the DMA to discuss life as an animator and the school programs. We have a new volunteer, Peter, who is the CEO for Magne c North Games—a mobile game development company. Peter has a background in so ware engineering (programming), design and video game produc on. Peter comes once a week to help our game design team students. We also are lucky to have Jay, the lead animator for EA Sports NHL, who con‐ nues to help us teach anima on once a week. DMA LITE The DMA Lite students in Grades 9 & 10 con nue to thrive DMA Lite hoodie design Carter in areas such as Game Design, Graphic Design, Film, Sound, and Photography and just received their DMA Lite student designed hoodie! A spring visit to EA Sports to see first‐hand how the gaming industry works has been planned. A favorite speaker of the DMA, Mark Pudleiner‐ a Disney animator, visited on March 5th to speak about being a character animator for feature films & discuss storyboard ar stry. DMA PAGE 3 Digital Media Academy Contact Informa on Jennifer Vandermye Argyle Secondary School North Vancouver BC School District 44 1131 Frederick Road North Vancouver, BC V7K 1J3 DMA SAN FRANCISCO TRIP—Spring 2015 A group of DMA students will be venturing to San Francisco this spring for a five day digital media experience! San Francisco is the center for digital technology & design and events planned include visits to the Cartoon Museum, Walt Disney Family Museum, Lucas Film Studio site, Presidio, Fisherman’s Wharf, Sausalito, Alcatraz as well as experiences such as the street cars, walking tours of Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower and Pier 39. Phone: 604‐903‐3300 Email: [email protected] New DMA S cker de sign by Emerald New DMA Poster design by Christen DMA PAGE 4 DMA Client work Current client work for our DMA students includes web design for Kathy’s Small Garden Company and, graphic design and video produc on work for FEAT (Fascina ng Exhibi on & Adventure Talks). A student is also designing 3D printed math manipula ves for teaching math. New and upcoming client projects include work with: Harvest Project, McCreary Youth Ac on Grants and North Shore Brain Injury Advocacy Group.
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