Clockhouse Newsletter December 08
Clockhouse Newsletter December 08
Clockhouse News 8 Weddings Tributes All your floral needs Louisa Jane Designer Florist Clockhouse News Southern Decorators Supplies 30,000 wallpapers - next day delivery 18,000 paint colours and all your decorating needs while you wait. OPEN 6 days a week 8am-6pm (Sat 1pm) 129 Stafford Rd Wallington Surrey SM6 9BN 5 Hillcrest Parade The Mount Coulsdon Tel\fax 020 8669 8235 Plants Surrey CR5 2PS Balloons 020 8668 7367 OPEN ALL DAY TUESDAY-SATURDAY 11.00-10.00 6 Hillcrest Parade The Mount Coulsdon SY CR5 2PS FREE LOCAL DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER £12.00 TELEPHONE ORDERS WELCOME 020 8763 8288 Clockhouse Convenience Store your local store Hillcrest Parade The Mount 020 8668 1300 Beer Wines and Spirits Groceries Vegetables (Fresh, Tinned and Frozen) Ice Cream, Sweets and Chocolates Newspapers Magazines Greetings Cards OPEN 7.30 AM till 9.30 PM daily Diary Date Your Residents Association Committee members invite you to join them on Saturday 13th December from 2.00 until 5.00 pm for a short general meeting which will enable us to update you on relevant issues relating to the estate. We will also have short presentations from one of our Councillors Moira Butt and our local MP Tom Brake. So please make a special effort to attend and join us after for cheese, mulled wine, non alcoholic drinks and mince pies etc, (and raffle), in an informal setting in your newly decorated Community Centre. The Clockhouse Residents Association wish you; A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Gas, Electric, Mobile top ups TV licence Bill payment & Cash Machine PS. You can bring a bottle if you wish!! Clockhouse Residents Association December 2008 Issue 18 Inside this issue: Garden Waste 2 Safer Neighbourhood Team 2 Balloon Race and Funday 3 Snippets 3 SCOLA Gentle 3 Exercise Halls Report 4 Halls A.G.M Report 5 Scams Councillors Info Centre 6 Halls Adverts 7 Local Adverts 8 Halls Reports Centre pages New Smart 4 Kids Clockhouse News Clockhouse News 2 7 Garden Waste Thanks to the rebellion by most of the residents in Sutton, the free garden waste collection has been restored. A great victory for the people and common sense has at last prevailed. No more I have filled my three jute bags. WE NEED YOU TO CONTACT THESE PEOPLE TO MAKE THINGS WORK BETTER FOR CLOCKHOUSE The details are that the fortnightly collections re-commenced on Monday 10 November until 19th December. The council will be collecting 3 Jute bags or two plastic sacks from residents. The new bags can be collected from the info centre, see page 6 for opening times. You may not be aware of this as we no longer get the Sutton Post delivered here as it is inconvenient for the delivery Manager!! We are aggrieved as we do not get our own Council or MP’s views on local issues, and we have contributed 4 front page stories in the last year. Please write and make your views known to; Mr Ian Carter, Sutton & Epsom Post, Trinity House 51 London Road, Reigate, Surrey. RH2 9PR. Tel: 01737 732000 COULSDON WEDS. - 7 PM HILLCREST HALLS FRYSTON AVENUE THE MOUNT CALL: LIZ 01737 354609 0844 897 8000 ART GROUP What do you do on Wednesday Mornings? Would you like to learn how to mix paints and paint beautiful pictures? If so phone Doreen on 020 8660 1684 who runs P.A.W.D ART At Hillcrest Halls 42 Fryston Avenue The Mount Coulsdon CR5 2 PT Safer Neighbourhood Team Whilst we are very appreciative of Sgt Pat Dolan and his teams efforts, especially over the Halloween and Bonfire Night period, (which was very quiet), we are concerned and need your help. Whilst decorating the halls with money raised from our successful funday and a donation from o2, we were burgled and the thieves stole all our paint and equipment. The Clockhouse Convenience Store was also broken in to, (the Fourth Time this year), and general misbehaviour has increased around the Parade and Halls again. This is since our camera has been removed. The reason being “we do not have enough reported crime’’. That does not mean it doesn't happen, just that people are not reporting incidents. Let us know so we can HELP. Slimming World Please report incidents to the local neighbourhood team or if urgent 999 (new non– emergency number 0300 123 1212). Your local Teams contact details are; Carshalton South & Clockhouse : 020 8721 2490 [email protected] Hall Booking Hillcrest Halls Large hall – Small hall – Lounge – Cleaner Required Meeting Room (Use of Car Park and Kitchen available) Weekend Rate £15 per hour (1 Hour @ £10 per hour setting up) Security deposit required. Over 21’s responsible for bookings only. Contact Alison – Phone on 020 8763 2328 between 10 -12 am Monday and Friday - Email to [email protected] Or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 9 Hrs per week £6.50 per hour (National Insurance payable) 9.00 - 11.00 AM - Mon Tue Thur Fri 8 - 9 AM - Saturday Must be fit and active and capable of cleaning to satisfy an OFSTED standard Local Registered charity Contact Terry Haswell 020 8763 0851 Or 020 8763 2328 Clockhouse News 6 Residents Christmas Information Beware of scams especially around Christmas It has been reported recently that due to the credit crunch that everybody is feeling, con merchants are trying to get their Christmas presents from you. We have had reports of bogus callers trying to buy and sell jewellery around the estate. Needless to say the jewellery bought from you, will be worth a lot more than you will get, and the jewellery sold worth a lot less than you will pay. There have also been loan sharks operating door to door to lend you money at very high rates of interest. The advice is even if they look and sound reputable NEVER sign up on the door on the day, always seek advice before accepting offers. NEVER handover anything in the way of security, Benefit books,Valuables etc. Finally, if a firm called PDS (parcel delivery service) leave a card and say they have a parcel for you, don’t phone their number, (0906 6611911) it’s a premium rate num- Your Local Councillors Contact Details; Cllr Moira BUTT [email protected] Cllr Tim CROWLEY [email protected] Cllr John KENNEDY [email protected] Tel: 020 8770 5035 Tel: 020 8395 7807 Tel: 020 8770 5102 You can write to them at; London Borough of Sutton Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey. SM1 1EA Ward Surgery at The Info Centre, Hillcrest Parade Clockhouse Visit in person Last Saturday of each month 10 am to 12 noon YOUR INFO CENTRE Just a reminder that the local Info Centre at Hillcrest Parade is open on Monday 9.00 to 12.00 , Thursday 2.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 12.00. 020 8404 1984. Should you need advice or to report a problem to Sutton Council or Sutton Housing Partnership there will be someone to assist you in getting through to the correct department. Clockhouse News 3 Funday Balloon Race and 2009 The Winning entry in our Balloon race, reached all the way to Lincolnshire. The £25 prize will make a useful addition to his Christmas presents. We will also be sending £10 off to the person who returned the winning ticket. We have decided to repeat the Funday next year and it will be held on Saturday 18 July 2009. This will give everybody time to arrange their diaries to attend and make it as successful as this year which raised over £1.000 for the halls redecoration. We would like to take this opportunity to ask for people to assist with the preparation and running of the event and to make donations towards costs and prizes. We have already received £100 from Smith and Byford to get us started. Please contact Terry on 020 8763 0851 or the Halls on 020 8763 2328 or Ron in the Info Centre or any member of the Halls or Residents committees. Jack Norman got lucky These snippets may be of interest!! Age Concern run a ‘by appointment’ Chiropody Clinic, cost £16 per visit. If we can get sufficient numbers we will see if we can possibly get sessions held at Clockhouse. Let Ron in the Info Centre, or Terry (halls) know if you are interested. Watch out for more details, as Sutton Festival of Age will take place in March 2009 and we are trying to see if we can get something arranged for Clockhouse Residents. SCOLA Gentle Exercise classes for older residents SCOLA have been running Gentle Exercise Classes at the Hillcrest Halls since the beginning of the Autumn Term and they have been very successful and well received. The exercises are adapted for all including chair based ,Tie Chi, finger exercises for manual dexterity and a variety of others. The new term starts in January and new members are welcome. Contact : Alison on 020 8763 2328 or email to [email protected]. £18 per term Clockhouse News Clockhouse News 4 5 Insert on behalf of Clockhouse Community Association Hillcrest Halls Working with the Residents Association for a better Community Before the redecoration of the halls. A lot of years of dirt and grime needed to be removed and the halls upgraded for users. The work Hillcrest Halls Redecoration with monies raised from the Funday and donated by o2. I am pleased to thank on behalf of the Hillcrest Halls Committee all the volunteers who made the halls redecoration such a success. Their were to few of us to do so much and most of us were older ,with just a spattering of young ones, who seemed to have a bit more energy to match our skill. I was not so pleased with the burglars who smashed in a window and stole all our paint and equipment on the second day. Are you looking for good quality childcare with greater flexibility Prices start from £5.50 per Child* The work was done by local volunteers and LB SUTTON Chief Executive Task Force who all worked very hard for a day, two days, 1 week, 2 weeks, a month for some. Thanks to all who helped and those who helped at home to allow them to spend so much time at the halls. The New Out of School Club @Hillcrest Halls 42 Fryston Ave, The Mount Coulsdon CR5 2PT A c tiv itie s in c lu d e : H o m e w o r k C lu b , V a r ie t y o f A r t s a n d C r a f ts , C o m p u te r G a m e s e tc H e a lt h y S n a c k s , C o m p e t itiv e R a te s , C le a n a n d s a fe e n v ir o n m e n t A friendly and warm club for 4 – 11 year olds. Breakfast Club opens 7:30am to 8:30am After School club opens 3pm to 6:30pm Holiday Club opens 7:30am to 6:30pm Drop-off and Collection from surrounding.schools. *Price quoted is for one child in the breakfast club Ofsted Registered Call us on 07941 973 731/ 07941 124 560 Clockhouse Community Association Annual General Meeting The Meeting was well attended and a lively audience was given some superb presentations about the halls future . Andy Wilson CEO of Sutton Centre for Voluntary Services (SCVS) outlines the hard work that lay ahead for the committee during the transition and crucially where help could be obtained . Ade Debary, Head of Construction and Property Services London Borough of Sutton Assad Naeem,, Asset Management Services London Borough of Sutton and William Hogan-O'Neill :The HOCA Practice (Architect), outlined the redevelopment process and what may happen. A rebuild or a lease rollover and rebuild a long time ahead if the current economic conditions are to unfavourable. Terry Haswell Chair Clockhouse Community Association A new committee was elected to take us forward and a presentation of a life membership was made by Cllr Moira Butt to Alf Higgs who retired as Treasurer. London borough Of Sutton Exec Task Force The new committee are as follows Terry Haswell Chair , Sheila Stace Secretary, Ian Johnston ,Treasurer , Russel Skinner , Cllr Moira Butt, Alf Higgs, Sue Cramer, Doreen Richardson, Liz Barnett, LBS Appointee's Cllr John Kennedy, Derek Yeo and Paul Wingrove .