Results of the Initial Public Consultation CUIDEMOS Mexico
Results of the Initial Public Consultation CUIDEMOS Mexico
CUIDEMOS MEXICO Energy Efficient Lighting CDM Project Results of First Public Consultation Session April 2008 cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Summary of First Public Consultation Session Title: Environmental and Social Impacts of replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs Place: Hotel Sheraton, Mexico City, Mexico Date/Time: April 10th, 2008 (12:30 pm) List of Participants: • • • • • • • • CESPEDES CECADESU Unión de Grupos Ambientalistas Consejo de la Comunicación COMEX Greenpeace Mexico CONIECO DNV Institutions invited that could not attend: • • • • • • • • • • Secretaria de Energia (SENER) Autoridad Nacional Designada (SEMARNAT) FIDE Centro Mario Molina Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del GDF Greenpeace International WWF International MERCI Corps International REEEP Gold Standard Foundation cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 An open invitation to the Public Consultation session was published in the national newspaper, El Universal, on April 7th, reaching more than 400,000 readers nationwide (see Appendix). Agenda during the Public Consultation Session: 1. Welcome and introduction to Cool nrg 2. Power point presentation of the proposed Program of Activities for Mexico and the specific impacts of the first project replacing 1 million incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CO2 reduction estimations, alignment with current national efforts in energy efficiency, social and energy consumption benefits) 3. Discussion on the environmental, social and health impacts of the proposed project (according to the Gold Standard Manual for CDM Project Developers) 4. Closing Questions by Stakeholders Stakeholder Comment: Why is there a difference between the CO2 calculations of projects in the United Kingdom and Mexico? Cool nrg Answer: Each project is conducted following a specific methodology according to local/regional/market regulations. The main difference when calculating the CO2 savings for project around the world is the energy intensity of the electricity in each country (also known as the Emissions Factor). This variable describes the amount of greenhouse gases produced per unit of electricity (e.g. MWh). In Mexico the current emission factor is 0.531 tCO2/MWh. In the United Kingdom, the emission factor used for the calculations of CO2 savings was 0.527 tCO2/MWh. This reflects the different composition of the energy mix in electricity generation of each country (i.e. fossil fuel, renewable, nuclear etc.) cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Stakeholder Comment: What is the power factor of the light bulbs? Cool nrg Answer: Cool nrg has requested CFLs with a power factor above 0.5. Cool nrg will receive a response from major CFL manufacturers by the end of April 2008 with the technical specifications requested by Cool nrg. A summary of those technical specifications is: • • • Lifetime: 10,000 hours Power Factor: Above 0.5 Watts: 15 and 20 Watts Stakeholder Comment: People complain about the different quality of the light output of CFLs when compared with incandescent light bulbs. It is important to fight against those myths and perceptions… Cool nrg Answer: As far as the CFL replacing the equivalent incandescent light bulb (i.e. 15W = 75W), the light output of the CFL must be similar to the incandescent. Nevertheless, CFLs have different types of light (warm white, cool white, etc.) and it is important to communicate to people about those differences. Different places of the house (kitchen, living areas etc.) may be more suitable for different types of light. CUIDEMOS Mexico includes an important component in education and communication to inform people about these and other important differences and benefits. cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Stakeholder Comment: What is the project timeline and horizon? Cool nrg Answer: The first project aims to be implemented in November 2008. The CFLs used in this project will have a lifetime of 10,000 hours (approximately 10 years). The first project is expected to be delivered over a 1-month period with the communication campaign occurring over a period of 1 to 2 months. Further projects within the program of activities (up to 30 at a national level) are expected to occur during 2009-2010. Stakeholder Comment: What about recycling? The CFLs contain mercury. Cool nrg Answer: Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing – 5 milligrams on average (roughly equivalent to the tip of a ball-point pen). Mercury is an essential, irreplaceable element in CFLs as it allows the bulb to be an efficient light source. By comparison, older home thermometers contain 500 milligrams of mercury and manual thermostats up to 3000 milligrams. There is no current substitute for mercury in CFLs; however, manufacturers have taken significant steps to reduce mercury levels in fluorescent lighting products over the past decade, with some beginning research into the production of mercury-free CFLs. CFLs are safe to use in your home. No mercury is released when the bulbs are in use. When looking at the entire life cycle of different light bulb types, CFLs actually present an opportunity to prevent mercury emissions from entering the environment because they help to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants. cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Various studies into mercury emissions from CFLs and incandescent lights have demonstrated that, over the life of the globes (manufacture, use and disposal), CFLs release considerably less mercury into the environment than incandescent globes. Research by US organization Energy Star states that a coal-fired power plant will emit 13.6 milligrams of mercury to produce electricity for incandescent light bulb use, compared to 3.3 milligrams for a CFL over the same period. What should you do if a CFL breaks? Research indicates that there is no immediate health risk to you or your family should a CFL bulb break. You can minimize any risks by following these proper clean-up and disposal guidelines: • • • Sweep up – don’t vacuum – all the glass fragments and fine particles Place broken pieces in a sealed plastic bag and wipe the area with a damp paper towel to pick up any stray shards of glass or fine particles. Place the used towel in the plastic bag as well If weather permits, open windows to allow the room to ventilate Cool nrg will work with Mexican institutions in encouraging programs to collect and recycle incandescent and CFLs. Current programs that may be extended to CFLs include the recollection of batteries (Greenpeace/Mexico City Government) and thermometers from public hospitals (Ministry of Environment). Stakeholder Comment: Who buys and sells the certified emission reductions (carbon credits)? How much is this operation worth? How transparent is this operation going to be? Cool nrg Answer: The project design document (SSC-CPA-DD) has a section (B.3) dedicated exclusively to the financial aspects of the project. This document will be publicly available once the project begins the validation stage (expected to commence in May 2008). The first project is expected to produce approximately 28,000 CERs each year (within a crediting period of 10 years). Currently the secondary market of CERs is between 15 and 16.5 euros per CER. cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Cool nrg will be responsible for selling the CERs, most likely to a buyer involved n the European Emissions Trading Scheme. Cool nrg does not intend to publicly disclose details of CER purchase agreements. Stakeholder Comment: How are you going to ensure people are not re-selling the light bulbs or avoid duplication? Cool nrg Answer: The methodology for this type of project stipulates that the person receiving 4 CFLs needs to give in exchange 4 incandescent light bulbs. Effectively individuals need to bring 4 light bulbs from their homes and exchange them for the CFLs. Cool nrg has developed a Data Management System (DMS) that will be used across the stores of our distribution partners to avoid duplication. Each person that comes and collects CFLs needs to provide their general details (name, phone, address) as well as a copy of the latest electricity bill. This information will be captured in the DMS. At the same time, the media campaign plays an important role in communicating people the characteristics of the project (i.e. CFLs are free and no one has the right to sell them, location of distribution spots, benefits for households etc). It is also being considered to stamp each of the CFLs with the logo of the program (CUIDEMOS Mexico) and the legend “Free of charge”. Cool nrg believes that the combination of requiring bulbs to be exchanged, strong data management preventing duplication and a broad communication campaign informing consumers of the free offer, will limit the opportunity for stockpiling and re-selling of CFLs. cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 Stakeholder Comment: How is the project going to be monitored and verified? Cool nrg Answer: The project will be registered as a Clean Development Mechanism Program of Activities and will follow the monitoring and verification requirements of the methodology AMS II.C. “Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies”. The Executive Board of United Nations (UNFCCC) has approved this methodology. As part of the methodology, monitoring equipment will be installed on sample group of households selected within the project boundary. This monitoring equipment will record the hours of use and electricity consumption of the CFLs distributed to the households. Quarterly reports and spot checks will be taken place during the 10 years of the crediting period of the project. The selected Designated Operational Entity (DOE) will independently verify this monitoring activity and the results will be presented to the Executive Board of United Nations. Further explanation of the monitoring equipment and services will be disclosed in the Project Design Document of each project. cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 cool nrg International Pty Ltd Australia Head Office 269 Stewart Street Brunswick East, Victoria 3057 Australia Phone +61 3 9387 2964 Fax +61 3 9387 0299 cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV Vosgos #220 int. 102-B, Col. Lomas de Virreyes, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 11000 Phone/Fax: +52 55 2789 7751 consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 introducción El día 10 de abril del 2008 se realizó la primer consulta pública local del proyecto “Cuidemos México”. Siguiendo las normas Gold Standard y la metodología dictada por las Naciones Unidas se logró contar con la asistencia de ONG´S y distintos grupos de interés. Se presentó el proyecto a los asistentes y se abrió una sesión de preguntas y respuestas sobre los impactos sociales y ambientales del mismo. El evento fué todo un éxito y nos fortalece para seguir adelante con las siguientes fases del programa. On april 10th, 2008 Cool nrg executed the first public session for the proyect “Cuidemos México”. Following the Gold Standard norm and the United Nations Methodology we invited different NGO´S and government agencies to collaborate as stakeholders and hear their concerns of the impact that the project would have both socially and environmentally. The event was a success and gave us strength to continue bolstering upcoming stages of the project. andres rivera pesquera/manuel rosemberg s. cool nrg méxico consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 invitación electrónica e-vite sent to both government institutions and ngo´s across méxico consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 anuncio periódicos newspaper ad publicada el 7 de abril de 2008, periódico El Universal published April 7th, reaching more than 400,000 readers nationwide consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 carta de invitación invitation letter enviada a ONG´S, grupos de interés y gobierno sent to NGO´S, stakeholders and government Consulta Pública Local CONSULTA PUBLICA NOVIEMBRE 2008 Asunto: Eficiencia energética en iluminación residencial Lic. Ian Malo Bolivar Asesor SENER SECRETARIA DE ENERGÍA Estimado Lic. Ian, Cool nrg se funda con la misión de reducir las emisiones de CO2 instalando focos ahorrradores de energía en 50% de las residencias a nivel mundial para el 2010, ahorrando más de 200Mt CO2 por año. Cool nrg es una empresa que aprovecha las bondades del mercado para desarrollar proyectos de eficiencia energética de gran escala. Cool nrg tiene socios comerciales (distribución, medios y gobierno) que ayudan en la tarea de concientizar a la gente sobre el calentamiento global y facilitan el involucramiento de la gente al adoptar los focos ahorradores de energía. Cool nrg provee certidumbre , planeación, financiamiento y administración para la correcta implementación del proyecto usando el mercado de bonos de carbón como fuente primaria de fondeo. Cool nrg ha desarollado un proyecto para distribuir gratis un millón de lámparas ahorradoras de energía entre la población de bajos ingresos, así apoyando la transformación del mercado de energía residencial en el país. El proyecto, Cuidemos Mexico, incluye una campaña en medios para educar y concientizar a la población sobre la importancia de la eficiencia energética y los beneficios que esta trae al medio ambiente. El proyecto generará certificados de reducción de emisiones (CRE) bajo el programa de actividades con acreditación Gold Standard generando al mismo tiempo beneficios de desarollo sustentables al país. Con este propósito, Cool nrg convoca a una consulta pública para compartir información sobre el proyecto y recibir cualquier tipo de retroalimentación sobre posibles impactos sociales o ambientales al llevar a cabo el intercambio de un millón de focos ahorradores de energía en México. Fecha: 10 de Abril del 2008 Lugar: Salón Don Emiliano “Hotel Sheraton Centro Histórico” Hora: 12:00 PM Para más información o para confirmar su asistencia al evento por favor contacte a Cool nrg México: Tel. (55) 5540 0909 o vía email [email protected] Atentamente, Andres Rivera Pesquera Project Manager Cool nrg Mexico SRL de CV +55 55400909 [email protected] consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 fotos: acervo comex consulta pública 2008 public session 2008 fotos: acervo comex
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