Welcome to the SLOVENIA Branch Office of JEHOVAH´S WITNESSES


Welcome to the SLOVENIA Branch Office of JEHOVAH´S WITNESSES
We sincerely hope that
your visit to Bethel has
been a rewarding one. No
doubt it has helped you
to become better acquainted with the work that Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing to aid people who are
searching for a better future
through God’s Kingdom. May your visit with us be an encouragement to you in your efforts to learn more about our loving
Creator and to live by his righteous standards.
Visiting hours: Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour of our
Tours are available Monday through Friday,
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.;
Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Location: Groharjeva 22, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenia
Phone: 386 1 830 3600
5 2006 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Germany
Druck: Wachtturm-Gesellschaft, Selters/Taunus
fo-E Sv
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Slovenia
branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We hope
that your visit will be a pleasant one. Our branch
is called Bethel, meaning “House of God.” This
Biblical name is fitting, since those who live and
serve here are ordained ministers. They have dedicated themselves to Jehovah God and devote
themselves full-time to supporting the work of Kingdom preaching.
In over 230 lands, there are now more than
6,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah, who are carrying out the commission Jesus gave his followers
—to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom.
(Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) They are presently
doing this in some 400 languages.
Bethel family members are furnished with room
and board, as well as a small monthly allowance
to assist with personal expenses. Those serving at
Bethel can truly be called a family because of
their unity in serving their heavenly Father, Jehovah
God. As a family they serve together, enjoy meals
together, and study the Bible together.
Each workday morning, the Bethel family comes
together at the breakfast table to consider a Bible
text from the booklet Examining the Scriptures
Daily. A chairman presides over this 15-minute discussion, and members of the family are assigned
to comment on the text. Following the discussion,
the family is led in prayer, after which breakfast is
On Monday evenings, the Bethel family gathers
in the Kingdom Hall to study the Bible with the
help of The Watchtower. At times, experienced elders present special lectures after the Watchtower
Study. To assist family members with their personal
Bible study, the Bethel Home has a complete theocratic library. Bethel family members also personally share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work. They are assigned to nearby
congregations, where many of them serve as elders and ministerial servants.
We sincerely hope that
your visit to Bethel has
been a rewarding one. No
doubt it has helped you
to become better acquainted with the work that Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing to aid people who are
searching for a better future
through God’s Kingdom. May your visit with us be an encouragement to you in your efforts to learn more about our loving
Creator and to live by his righteous standards.
Visiting hours: Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour of our
Tours are available Monday through Friday,
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.;
Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Location: Groharjeva 22, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenia
Phone: 386 1 830 3600
5 2006 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Germany
Druck: Wachtturm-Gesellschaft, Selters/Taunus
fo-E Sv
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Slovenia
branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We hope
that your visit will be a pleasant one. Our branch
is called Bethel, meaning “House of God.” This
Biblical name is fitting, since those who live and
serve here are ordained ministers. They have dedicated themselves to Jehovah God and devote
themselves full-time to supporting the work of Kingdom preaching.
In over 230 lands, there are now more than
6,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah, who are carrying out the commission Jesus gave his followers
—to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom.
(Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) They are presently
doing this in some 400 languages.
Bethel family members are furnished with room
and board, as well as a small monthly allowance
to assist with personal expenses. Those serving at
Bethel can truly be called a family because of
their unity in serving their heavenly Father, Jehovah
God. As a family they serve together, enjoy meals
together, and study the Bible together.
Each workday morning, the Bethel family comes
together at the breakfast table to consider a Bible
text from the booklet Examining the Scriptures
Daily. A chairman presides over this 15-minute discussion, and members of the family are assigned
to comment on the text. Following the discussion,
the family is led in prayer, after which breakfast is
On Monday evenings, the Bethel family gathers
in the Kingdom Hall to study the Bible with the
help of The Watchtower. At times, experienced elders present special lectures after the Watchtower
Study. To assist family members with their personal
Bible study, the Bethel Home has a complete theocratic library. Bethel family members also personally share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciplemaking work. They are assigned to nearby
congregations, where many of them serve as elders and ministerial servants.
The members of the Bethel family
live in 24 modest rooms located in
the Bethel complex. Some members are assigned to work in the
kitchen, preparing three wholesome meals for the family each
day. These meals are served in
the dining room, which can seat
up to 70. Others serve in the
laundry, and a number are assigned to cleaning and maintenance. Regardless of the assignment, each Bethel family member
treasures his privilege of advancing
Kingdom interests
in this unique form
of full-time service.
Computer Department
Service Department
The preaching activity
of Jehovah’s Witnesses in
Slovenia is supervised by the Service Department.
This department handles correspondence with traveling overseers, elders, pioneers, and publishers.
It also arranges for assemblies and conventions.
Monthly field service reports are compiled here,
and territory assignments for congregations are
Kingdom Hall Construction Desk
From here the work of the Regional Building Committee is coordinated so that new Kingdom Halls
can be built and existing halls renovated.
Hospital Information Desk
The Maintenance Department
cares for the building itself, for
the electrical and plumbing
systems, and for the equipment
used in the offices and rooms.
Literature and
Requests for literature are
sent to the branch office in
Selters, Germany. Special
computer programs are used
to prepare the requests.
Every other week, a literature shipment arrives from
Germany, after which it is sorted and dispatched
to congregations all over Slovenia.
Much of the work at Bethel
is accomplished with the help
of computers. This department
maintains software programs
and computer equipment.
Translation Department
This department translates the Watchtower and
Awake! magazines as well as books, Our Kingdom Ministry, letters, talk outlines, Bible dramas,
and video programs into the Slovenian language.
The English text is received from headquarters in
Brooklyn, New York.
Composition Department
Translated text is composed into pages using a
unique computer system (MEPS), which was developed by Jehovah’s Witnesses and can handle
This desk provides the two Hospital Liaison Committees in Slovenia with the latest information on
bloodless medical treatment. In turn, elders serving
on these committees make this information available to doctors who are willing to treat their Witness patients without the use of blood.
Legal Department
This department provides assistance when
it becomes necessary to defend the public
ministry or the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Philippians 1:7.
hundreds of languages. Composed pages are sent electronically to the branch office in
Selters, Germany, for printing.
The members of the Bethel family
live in 24 modest rooms located in
the Bethel complex. Some members are assigned to work in the
kitchen, preparing three wholesome meals for the family each
day. These meals are served in
the dining room, which can seat
up to 70. Others serve in the
laundry, and a number are assigned to cleaning and maintenance. Regardless of the assignment, each Bethel family member
treasures his privilege of advancing
Kingdom interests
in this unique form
of full-time service.
Computer Department
Service Department
The preaching activity
of Jehovah’s Witnesses in
Slovenia is supervised by the Service Department.
This department handles correspondence with traveling overseers, elders, pioneers, and publishers.
It also arranges for assemblies and conventions.
Monthly field service reports are compiled here,
and territory assignments for congregations are
Kingdom Hall Construction Desk
From here the work of the Regional Building Committee is coordinated so that new Kingdom Halls
can be built and existing halls renovated.
Hospital Information Desk
The Maintenance Department
cares for the building itself, for
the electrical and plumbing
systems, and for the equipment
used in the offices and rooms.
Literature and
Requests for literature are
sent to the branch office in
Selters, Germany. Special
computer programs are used
to prepare the requests.
Every other week, a literature shipment arrives from
Germany, after which it is sorted and dispatched
to congregations all over Slovenia.
Much of the work at Bethel
is accomplished with the help
of computers. This department
maintains software programs
and computer equipment.
Translation Department
This department translates the Watchtower and
Awake! magazines as well as books, Our Kingdom Ministry, letters, talk outlines, Bible dramas,
and video programs into the Slovenian language.
The English text is received from headquarters in
Brooklyn, New York.
Composition Department
Translated text is composed into pages using a
unique computer system (MEPS), which was developed by Jehovah’s Witnesses and can handle
This desk provides the two Hospital Liaison Committees in Slovenia with the latest information on
bloodless medical treatment. In turn, elders serving
on these committees make this information available to doctors who are willing to treat their Witness patients without the use of blood.
Legal Department
This department provides assistance when
it becomes necessary to defend the public
ministry or the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Philippians 1:7.
hundreds of languages. Composed pages are sent electronically to the branch office in
Selters, Germany, for printing.