Introducing HESTA


Introducing HESTA
September 2015
Find out why more people in
health and community services
choose HESTA for their super
‘MySuper of the Year’
‘Fund of the Year’
“At HESTA, we understand and respond to the needs
a predominantly female, part-time workforce.”
Debby Blakey, CEO
We’re HESTA – the industry super fund
dedicated to people in health and
community services. With more than
800,000 members and $32 billion in
assets, we work hard to deliver the best
retirement outcomes for our members.
We recognise how important it is to
maximise your retirement savings. Spending
time away from the workforce to care for
family, working part-time and earning a
modest salary can all mean a lower super
balance – but we can help.
Apart from providing top-performing super,
we offer education and advice so you can
get more out of your hard-earned money.
Plus, automatic insurance upon joining
means we can offer peace of mind should
the unexpected happen.
What we’re about
A top-performing fund............. 4
Low fees................................... 6
Education and advice................ 7
Low-cost default insurance....... 8
Supporting your industry.......... 9
You can rest easy too knowing your voice will
be heard. CEO Debby Blakey, leads HESTA’s
commitment to improving the financial
future of members and the Board is made up
of industry representatives who understand
your work and act with your best interests
in mind.
We invite you to experience the
difference we can make to your
financial future.
Some great reasons
to consider HESTA
Super is one of the biggest
investments most of us will make,
so it’s important to take the time to
understand the benefits and costs of
where you’re investing your money.
To help you work out what to
look for in a super fund, we’ve
highlighted some areas to consider
and how HESTA can help you grow
your super – faster.
1. A top-performing fund
When it comes to HESTA’s performance,
the results speak for themselves. HESTA has
consistently outperformed its investment targets
for the last 10 years, earning some of the
highest rankings from super ratings agencies,
including SuperRatings’ 10-year platinum
performance rating and SelectingSuper’s Super
Fund of the Year in 2013.
Core Pool – HESTA’s default investment
option – was named MySuper of the Year at
the 2014 SelectingSuper Awards. According
to SelectingSuper, the winner is selected
based on consistency of performance, price
and insurance value, features and overall
quality. More than 80% of people have their
super invested in a MySuper option.
Spotlight on Core Pool – our default
investment option
Super is a long-term investment, so it’s good to know
Core Pool – where most of our members invest, has a
history of strong returns. Our default option, Core Pool has
outperformed its long-term investment objective (CPI+4%),
over one, three, five, seven and 10 years.*
Core Pool is specifically designed to grow the retirement
incomes of HESTA members, who are predominantly
female, living on a modest income and likely work part time
in health and community services.
A history of solid investment returns
combined with our low fees gives
the Year’
you a great foundation‘Fund
a happy retirement.
‘MySuper of the Year’
Product ratings are only one factor to
be considered when making a decision.
See for more
Core Pool returns to 30 June 2015
12.67% p.a.
9.78% p.a.
6.88% p.a.
1 year
3 years
5 years
Investments may go up or down.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future
performance. The returns shown are net of fees and taxes.
10 years
*Returns shown and the Australian Bureau of Statistics CPI
movements are as at 30 June 2015.
2. Low fees
HESTA is an industry super fund working to
benefit members and not shareholders. We
keep fees and costs low so more money stays in
your super account working for your future.
It may not be obvious but a small difference in
fees and costs can mean tens of thousands of
dollars less in super savings.
If you pay an extra 1% each year in fees,
you could lose up to 20% from your retirement
benefit over a period of 30 years.*
Fees on Core Pool with a balance of $20,000
for the 2014/15 financial year were $231.
To read more on fees and charges visit
*Source: ASIC’s Superannuation calculator at
HESTA’s education
and advice services
can help you make
important decisions
about your super.
3. Education and advice
Although you probably manage the household
finances and are a whizz at making your budget
stretch, you may not have thought about how
to get your super working harder.
At HESTA, we can help you make the most
of your money through our education and
advice service.
Choose from
online calculators
workplace education sessions
one-on-one personalised consultations.
With no extra fees to pay on superannuation
advice and low cost financial planning –
a better financial future could be just a phone
call or click away.
4. Low-cost default insurance
Super is a great way to finance the lifestyle
you want when you retire, but having
insurance is an important way to help you
safeguard your quality of life – right now.
Eligible members automatically receive
insurance when they join HESTA. Insurance
is conveniently paid for from your super
account, so you don’t have to dip into your
weekly budget to pay for insurance fees or
remember to renew each year.
You’re covered for longer
• Default Income Protection (IP) Cover
right up to the Pension age of 67.
• Death Cover – up to 75 years.
• Lump-sum Total and Permanent
Disablement (TPD) Cover to age 70.
Free cover during parental leave
We won’t charge insurance fees for your
insurance cover while you take up to
12 months of approved parental leave as
long as you meet the terms and conditions.
To find out more on insurance cover
through HESTA, visit
Eligible members can
receive automatic insurance
upon joining.
5. Supporting your industry
The HESTA Awards Program provides
national recognition for individual and
team excellence across the spectrum of
health and community services.
With awards recognising professionalism,
innovation and leadership, we
acknowledge success in your sector and
promote the importance of work which
might otherwise go unrecognised.
Our awards program is proudly supported
by ME – the bank for you.
For more information about how
we support your industry visit
More benefits
for members
Investment choices
Help with your investment options
Select from a range of investment options
to suit your goals and situation.
If you need help with your investment
strategy you can speak to a HESTA
Superannuation Adviser at no extra cost.
For details of all investment options, see
Investment Choices at
On joining, your super will automatically
be invested in our default MySuper option,
Core Pool unless you make an alternative
investment choice.
If you would like to get involved with how
your super is invested, you can choose
from 11 investment options to suit your
situation now and into the future.
You can choose from our Ready-Made
Investment Pools or, to take more control
of your investments, you can create your
own strategy using the Your Choice
Asset Classes.
Remember, you can change your
investment strategy at any time at no
extra cost.
Responsible investment
We recognise that super is a long-term
investment. When investing your savings,
we consider environmental, social and
governance (ESG) factors as they’re
important to an investment’s long-term
value. By fully understanding how ESG
factors impact our investments, we
ultimately aim to achieve better returns
for you. Choosing HESTA to invest your
savings can help create a better future for
you and generations to come. For more
information on HESTA’s approach to ESG
Grow your super
For most members, finding $20 a week
to add to their super will make a huge
difference to living well in retirement.
The earlier you start adding a little extra,
the more time – and money – there is for
interest to accumulate. Just like a savings
account at a bank. For more information
on how to add more to your super visit
Keep track of your super – with
Member Online
Managing your super should be easy.
That’s why HESTA Member Online gives
you a simple and convenient way to keep
an eye on your account. You can update
your details, change your investment
options or insurance cover or make extra
contributions – visit
It’s easy to stay connected
You can keep your HESTA member details
handy wherever you go with your HESTA
digital member card when you join.
Join HESTA at
or call us on 1800 813 327.
Contact us
1800 813 327
[email protected]
Locked Bag 5136
NSW 2124
Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, the
Trustee of Health Employees Superannuation Trust Australia (HESTA) ABN
64 971 749 321. This information is of a general nature. It does not
take into account your objectives, financial situation or specific needs so
you should look at your own financial position and requirements before
making a decision. You may wish to consult an adviser when doing this.
For more information, call 1800 813 327 or visit for a copy
of a Product Disclosure Statement which should be considered when
making a decision about HESTA products. Neither HESTA nor H.E.S.T.
Australia Ltd receives any benefit or commission as a result of you using
ME products.
HESTA Financial Planners are representatives of Industry Funds Financial
Planning, a division of Industry Funds Services (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195
AFSL 232514. IFS are responsible for the advice given by its representatives.
HESTA Superannuation Advisers and HESTA Superannuation Advice
Officers are representatives of H.E.S.T. Australia Limited.
HS 1127.1 09/15 ISS1
More people in
health and community services
choose HESTA for their super
‘MySuper of the Year’
‘Fund of the Year’
Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. See for more information.