Meetings open to anyone seeking help


Meetings open to anyone seeking help
Volume 10, No. 2: FALL 2009
A member of the Christian & Missionary Alliance
Y O U A R E I N V I TED T O . . .
s ta f f u p dat e
A Christ-centered Recovery Program
Meetings open to
anyone seeking help
his October marks the exciting kickoff in Hood
River of “Celebrate Recovery,” a Christ-centered
program that encourages fellowship as a way to help
ses 12-step
people heal from hurts, deal with hang-ups, and overcome
destructive habits. By applying principles taught by Jesus,
people discover God’s healing power and are being set free
based on 8
from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors.
In 1991, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery
with just 45 people. The program was designed by an attentaught by
der, John Baker (now their Pastor of Recovery Ministries),
Jesus Christ who was unable to talk openly about Jesus Christ in his
secular 12-step recovery
and was uncom“I knew I couldn’t be the only one in meetings,
fortable sharing about his
our church who was struggling...”
struggle with alcohol in his
—John Baker men’s Bible study. He set
out to develop a recovery
program that was Christ-centered and based on the Bible.
“I knew I couldn’t be the only one in our church who
Wednesday, Oct. 7
was struggling,” John says. “The vision God gave me was
Food & Fellowship
to create a safe place where not only alcoholics could go for
6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
support, but a place for codependents, people with eating
disorders, those struggling with sexual addictions, anger,
those dealing with past or current physical or sexual abuse
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
issues, those in need of financial recovery and many more
groups.” Eighteen years later, thousands have found
9:00 -10:00 p.m.
continued on page 9
Church welcomes
new Worship Pastor
onday, Sept. 14, was Pete
Tegeler’s first day on the job
as our new Worship Pastor.
Pete will be responsible for overseeing
production of our Sunday morning
services, as well as leading, developing
and pastoring those involved on our
worship team.
Pete has eight years
of experience leading
worship. He holds a
B.A. in Music Education, and currently
attends George Fox
Evangelical Seminary.
Pete and his wife Erin
Pete Tegeler
come to us from
Ellensburg, Washington, a college/
rodeo town 100 miles east of Seattle.
We asked Pete to tell us a little more
about himself.
When did you meet Christ? Tell us
about your spiritual journey.
I accepted Christ when I was quite
young. My folks were great at modeling
Christ to me all while I was growing up
so that I loved church and youth group
and summer camp and all things
Christian, really. It wasn’t until college
I realized that, while I had a fairly great
Christian upbringing, I had picked up
some unwanted baggage along the way.
I was legalistic and judgmental and I
have always struggled with wanting to
do something for God as opposed to
continued on page 3
C omin g u p. . .
Oct 2-4 - Men’s Fall Retreat, Trout Lake
Oct 7 - Celebrate Recovery Kickoff,
6:30-10pm, Sanctuary
Oct 8 - Women’s Bible Study,
9am, Fellowship Hall
September 2009
Where will
you dive in?
Oct 9 - Scrapbooking, 6:00 pm to
midnight, Fellowship Hall
Oct 11 - Prayer & Healing Services,
9:00 & 10:45 am
Oct 11 - Children’s Teacher Training,
12:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Oct 16 - Sr. High Sun River Retreat,
(to Oct. 18)—Bend, OR
Oct 28 - Community United Prayer,
11:30am-1pm, Prayer Room
Oct 30 - Women’s Fall Retreat,
(to Nov. 1), Cannon Beach
Oct 30 - Middle School “Quest” Camp,
(to Nov.1)—Ravensdale, WA
Things are
busy around
we need “all
hands on
Nov 8 - “Building for Kingdom Growth”
Banquet, Youth Center
Nov 20 - “Frugal Fashionista,”
7-9pm, Youth Center
W e e k l y Sc h e d u l e
S U N d ays .
9:00 am - First Service, Sanctuary
- Adult Class,Fellowship Hall
- Middle School, Youth Ctr
- Preschool-5th Grade Classes
10:45 am - Second Service, Sanctuary
- Preschool-5th Grade Classes
- High School Class, Youth Ctr
6:30 pm - “The Bridge,” Youth Ctr Cafe
T u e s d ays .
6:00 am - Prayer Meeting, Prayer Room
6:00 pm - “Live a Praying Life” Women’s
Study, The Dalles
3:00 pm - Open Gym (to 4:30), Youth Ctr
7:00 pm - HS Youth Group, Youth Ctr
w e d n e s d ayss
6:30 pm - Celebrate Recovery Fellowship
7:00 pm - Celebrate Recovery Meeting
9:00 pm - Celebrate Recovery Coffee
thurs d ays .
9:00 am - Women’s Bible Study, Fell. Hall
3:00 pm - Open Gym (to 4:30), Youth Ctr
7:00 pm - MS Youth Group, Youth Ctr
S atur d ays .
6:00 pm - “Esperanza y Vida,” Sanctuary
For a complete list of studies and
community groups, see page 7.
We preach Christ
crucified: a stumbling
block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles,
but to those whom
God has called, both
Jews and Greeks, Christ
the power of God and
the wisdom of God.
For the foolishness
of God is wiser than
man’s wisdom, and
the weakness of God
is stronger than man’s
—1 Corinthians 2:23-25
Photography by Nicholas
Oct 2-3 - Youth All-Nighter (Gr. 6-12),
7pm Fri - 7am Sat
Pastor Steve Grace
It was a busy summer full of transitions for us as a church.
In July, Jesse officially transitioned from youth ministry to
the role of Associate Pastor. His responsibilities will be
focused around five areas of ministry: 1) adult discipleship,
2) creative communications, 3) media arts, 4) missions and
service, and 5) general associate duties.
Catherine is now carrying the full load of Youth Ministry
with a team of very committed and dedicated volunteers.
They have retreats and a lock-in planned, in addition to the
weekly Tuesday and Thursday night youth programs. They
still need Sunday morning small group leaders, volunteers for
middle school youth group, and “house parents” to be present
during drop-in hours on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Karola still needs teachers and helpers in Children’s
Ministry. We have a ton of
young children coming on
Sundays and Karola’s passion
is to shepherd them well, but
she can’t do it alone. This
has been an exceptionally
busy summer for Children’s
Ministry and we only expect
it to get busier.
Women’s Thursday
morning study will start up
Oct. 8 with Rhonda Fischer
leading. They also hope to
have an evening study for
women who work during the
Stock image by Kurt Pittman
day. Teri Bryant is overseeing
the Women’s Retreat team this year and plans are progressing well. There are still many women’s discipleship groups
meeting, as well as counseling for women facing difficulties.
If you feel like you don’t know many people in the
services, you would not be alone. Average attendance has
increased 32% over last August. If this trend holds, we are
going to be a very busy place. We may need to think about
moving to a third service Sunday mornings.
If we are going to be good stewards of all these new people
God is bringing us, we need to have “all hands on deck.”
Please pray about the part you play in the ministry of the
church this fall. Is it leading a discipleship group, volunteering with children or youth, or leading a community group?
We need people who are willing to dive into ministry and
get dirty as we seek to lead people to our
wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Faithful Messenger
FALL 2009
A l l i a nc e W om e n
Mission Mamas move
to “Manic Mondays”
by Leslie Pennington
Alliance Women Ministries, a.k.a
“Mission Mamas,” is kicking off of our
fall schedule with Manic Mondays. Our
new meeting time is Monday evenings.
We do our stamp project one Monday
night per quarter, then meet regularly
on the first Monday of each month for
Mission Mamas. Monday, Sept. 28 from
6:30-8:30 p.m., we met to do Stamps
at Sue Gay’s home (305 Morton Road,
HR). Then on Monday, Oct. 5 from
6:30-8:30, we’ll be at Sue’s again for
our monthly Mission Mamas meeting.
Thank you, Sue, for so graciously
hosting these events!
Mission Mamas sort stamps.
Also, don’t miss AMC (Area Mission
Connection) on Saturday, Oct. 17 in
Dallas, Oregon (formerly called Fall and
Spring Malls). These are always fun as
we get to hear from District missionaries. This fall our own Jan Brauer will be
one of the speakers! Need more info?
Call Diana Wright at (509) 493-2277 or
Leslie Pennington (541) 386-4030.
the Faithful Messenger
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We welcome your suggestions and
contributions. Articles may be edited
depending on space available. Leave
information in the Faithful Messenger
box located in the church copy room or
email [email protected].
Hood River Alliance Church. Non-profit postage paid at Hood River, Oregon. POSTMASTER:
Please send address changes to HRAC, 2650
Montello Avenue, Hood River, OR 97031.
FALL 2009
Worship pastor
continued from page 1
adoring God. Through
college, I made significant
progress away from
legalism and judgment
and it was during that
time I began to be attracted
to ministry as a job. It was
just after college, while I
was living in Kansas City,
I decided I really wanted to
work in ministry to
churches. I spent two
years in college ministry
and now I am here in
Hood River. I’m attending
seminary to grow in my
knowledge of God and the
Bible, and also to be
spiritually formed.
Pete says, “I have a beautiful wife [Erin] who I met in college.
What excites you about She is an incredible writer and artist (she is particularly
your job here? What do great with a camera). We have a baby girl [Evelyn, 8
months old] who is just way too beautiful. It scares me...”
you see as your most
important role on
What have been your initial
staff? Your greatest challenge?
impressions of Hood River?
I’m excited to be in a new place with
My wife and I drove through Hood
people I don’t yet know, and then to
River maybe every other month or so
get to learn and grow in this place with
on our way from Ellensburg to visit her
and through these new relationships. I
family. We would often stop
find God teaches me a lot
and get coffee. Maybe a yearwhen I remove myself from
and-a-half ago I said somea comfortable place and do
“We feel
thing about how cool it would
something new. I’m excited
be to live in Hood River. This
for the adventure of it.
drive through the Gorge has
I think an important part
been one of our favorites for a
of my job on staff is to be a
long time. We think it is
good leader, not just of
absolutely beautiful here. We
music, but pastorally.
feel spoiled to get to live here.
My greatest challenge
Any surprises?
might be remembering everyone’s
name! And while I say that jokingly,
We knew there was a lot of fruit
there is truth in it; it will be difficult
here, but there is A LOT of fruit grown
for me to know people in this church
here. We’ve been u-picking three or
family and this community as quickly
four times already!
as I need to.
Favorite song right now? Best
book you’ve ever read (besides the
Bible)? Favorite dinner?
Recently, “Annan Water” by the
Decemberists, but maybe... ? So many
books mean so many things to me...
I’ll go with The Bronze Bow by
Elizabeth George Speare. And for
dinner, sushi.
The Faithful Messenger
Anything you’d like to say to the
Thank you for being so welcoming
to us. Already, we feel like a part of this
Pete will be in the office Monday through
Wednesday, but off on Thursdays when he
goes to school. He can be reached via email at
[email protected].
s u mm e r 2 0 0 9 h i g h l i g h t s
$2000 for
August 29 was
a beautiful, warm
and windy day to
enjoy an afterStephen Stenberg
noon of golf.
Sixteen teams signed up for the 6th
Annual Dick Duckwall Golf Classic, and
Indian Creek Golf Course added two of
their teams to complete the 18-team
tournament roster. Plenty of volunteers helped with the annual event and
smiles were evident throughout the
day of friendly competition for a good
cause. We capped off the tournament
with dinner and awards underneath
the tent outdoors for a lovely evening.
Proceeds totaled $2005.12 and will be
used as seed money for youth attending Life 2010 in Kentucky. Next year’s
event will be held in June, but the
venue is undecided at this time. All
proceeds will go to Life 2010.
First Prize Low Net went to the team of
Steve Grace, Eric Sletmoe, David
Keleher, and Mike Keleher who each won
a round of golf (with cart) from Indian
Creek Golf Course, as well as a dinner for
two at Crazy Pepper Cantina.
First Prize Low Gross was earned by the
foursome, Kevin Eakins, Stephen
Stenberg, Mark Lago, and Darren Lingel,
who each received a $50 gift certificate
from Delcarpine Automotive and a $25
gift certificate from the Taqueria.
Photo by Amancay Maahs
F u n d ra i s e r
River Baptism was
celebration of family
It seemed like “family day” at this year’s
River Baptism on Sunday, Aug. 30, with many
parents and grandparents standing alongside
young people who had come to express their
faith in Jesus by being baptized. Cesar and
Graciela Romero rejoiced as five members of
their family stepped into the waves—their
three sons and Cesar’s cousin
and his cousin’s wife. Regardless of earthly family connections, all celebrated with these
brothers and sisters in Christ:
Luke Boyden, 13
Ansley Bricker, 13
Mark Brown
Drew Harmon, 10
Shyanne LaCook, 13
Josh Lago, 16
Imer Rangel
Laura Rangel
Cesar Romero, 13
Ezequiel Romero, 8
Pedro Romero, 10
Cameron Rovig, 7
Alexandria Sheppard, 9
Cassandra Sheppard, 7
Above left: Cameron Rovig, grandson
of Marlyn and Cindy Rovig, tells Pastor
Steve Grace about his faith in Jesus.
Above: Dale Bricker hugs his daughter
Ansley after he helped baptize her.
Below: Imer Rangel emerges after
being baptized by his cousin, Cesar
Romero, and Pastor Steve.
Below: Josh Lago makes necessary
preparations before Pastors Catherine
Davis and Steve Grace baptize him.
Women’s Ministry Team
Rhonda Fischer
Teri Bryant
Janet Holste
Chavalla Bassham
Julie Beliel
Call us if you have any questions about
opportunities in women’s ministry!
Baptism photos by Amancay Maahs
The Faithful Messenger
FALL 2009
Guest Speaker
Bosnian director to
speak Sunday, Oct. 4
Mark Eikost is the
Field Director for the
Christian & Missionary Alliance in
He and his wife Kathy
have served there
since the C&MA
Mark Eikost
entered Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1998. This was seven years
after the country established its
sovereignty in 1991,
and shortly thereafter
declared its independence from the
former Yugoslavia.
Today, Alliance
ministry efforts
center in Sarajevo
where the team is working to develop a
community center in conjunction with
two evangelical churches.
It is our pleasure to welcome Mark
to our pulpit, and we look forward to
hearing about the Lord’s work in
Sunday nights at 6:30 pm
in the Youth Center cafe
a time to connect — with God, with people
All ages are welcome at this casual service followed by a simple supper.
Childcare available for children up through age 5.
h e a r a g a in
— Our Mission to
“We don’t bring people to
we don’t bring them to
we don’t bring them to
We bring them to
because that’s the
only thing
that takes care of our sin
and brokeness.”
—Pastor Steve Grace
Sunday, Sept. 27, 2009
Don’t miss anything.
Podcasts at
FALL 2009
The Faithful Messenger
H R A C h a p p e nin g s
Cut out some time
for scrapbooking!
Bring your stuff and enjoy a
fun time of scrapbooking
with others every second
Friday from 7 p.m. to
midnight in Fellowship Hall. Next meeting
is Oct. 9. Call Kaylene Baker at 354-1835.
Men meet Friday AMs
6:30 - 7:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Start your Fridays out with a meaningful
time of study with other guys. All
men are welcome! Call Pastor
Jesse Larvick with
questions at 386-2812.
Bridgetown serves
Portland homeless
Loving people because
people matter.
Join us as we trek to Portland
to take part in Bridgetown
Ministries’ Night Strike, serving meals,
providing practical help, and extending
friendship to homeless folks. Meet in our
parking lot on Friday, Oct. 16, at 5:30 p.m.
and expect to be out until midnight. Call
Roxanne McClure at 387-3012 to confirm
departure time or with any questions.
Class helps those grieving
Grief can result from the loss of a
loved one, a relationship, health,
finances or a job. Recovery comes
in stages. Dan and Jan Armstrong
will lead a “Ten Stages of Grief”
class beginning in late-October. Watch for
more details to come or call 387-2855.
“Frugal Fashionista” brings
women style on a budget
Be good. Be green. Be glam.
Twice a year, the women of
Hood River Valley come together
with their gently used clothing
and accessories. We set up the
goods “store style” in the Youth
Center and shop for FREE.*
Leftovers go to charity. We will also have
spa vendors on hand for you to sample
their talents, and a fun mini-class on how
to add flare to your fall fashion! Join in the
fun Friday, Nov. 20, from 7-9 p.m. *$5
admission covers expenses and give
aways. For more information, call Mary
Bokovoy at (541) 436-0828.
Pray with local pastors and
Community United Prayer
(CUP), the gathering of area
pastors and community
members for focused prayer,
will meet Wednesday, Oct. 28, from
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in our Prayer Room.
Come alongside these spiritual leaders and
join with them in lifting up the many needs
of our community.
coming to
Portland area
Teach kids about Jesus!
High schoolers
retreat to Sunriver
High school students, join
us for a weekend of FUN at
our High School Fall Retreat in Sunriver,
Oct. 16-18. Includes biking, hiking, rock wallclimbing, tennis, swimming, hot tubbin’,
movies, video games, crazy activities, prizes
and more! Cost is $125 and space is
limited. Find more details on the website.
Women’s Bible Study
resumes Thursday, Oct. 8
9:00 a.m. | Fellowship Hall
This popular weekly study will resume
on Thursday, Oct. 8, with Rhonda
Fischer teaching the first in our
series on the “Heroes of the Faith.”
Come for teaching and discussion.
Childcare is available.
Rhonda Fischer
“Roots” is a new class designed to help you
get to know Hood River Alliance
Church—about our priorities
as a church, our plans for
implementing those passions,
and the exciting ways you can
become a team player with us. The
two-part Sunday class for everyone, not just
newcomers, will meet Oct. 18 and 25, and
again Nov. 8 and 15. Watch for more details!
Take advantage of a FamilyLife Weekend
to Remember marriage conference.
Upcoming dates this fall include:
· Vancouver — November 6-8
· Portland — November 20-22
Save $80 by registering under Hood
River Alliance. Call 1-800FL-TODAY or
email If you need
more information, call group coordinator
Stefanie Weseman at (541) 352-5542.
Come as you are,
come when you can!
New class gets into “Roots”
Discover the rewards of leading young
children into precious faith in Jesus! We
can train you and provide all the curriculum. All you need is a heart for
the Lord, and a love for children.
We need teachers and helpers,
especially in the 1st-2nd grade
class. If you can help, call
Karola at 806-5595.
Organize kids’
Would you LOVE to
organize a children’s
program for Christmas? We would
love to talk to you! Call Karola Aleckson at
(541) 806-5595.
Youth numbers are
We are excited about the many
youth coming through our
doors each week! God is truly
blessing us! We need adults
who love the Lord and care about students
to help in several areas: 1) leading small
groups (boys or girls) on Sunday mornings,
2) volunteering at Middle School Youth
Group on Thursday nights, and 3) “house
parents” who can be available at the Youth
Center after school during drop-in hours
on Tuesdays and Thursdays before youth
groups start. Call Catherine Davis at
490-4826 to talk possibilities.
Volunteer at local food bank
Local churches take turns in helping to
hand out food at the community FISH
Food Bank. Our next turn is on
Nov. 2, 4 & 6 (3:45 - 5:00 p.m.).
Contact Kim Spotts at
386-6534 if you’d like to help.
The Faithful Messenger
FALL 2009
C O M M U N I T Y g ro u p s middle school
Fall into a good habit
Oct. 30 - Nov. 1
Camp Cascades|Yelm, WA
Cost: $140
In a church our size, it’s easy to feel lost in the crowd and
miss out on relationships that are vital to spiritual growth and
accountability. That’s why you need to be in a community group.
In these smaller groups, you can get to know others, deepen your knowledge
of the Bible, and receive prayer and encouragement. Most groups meet in
homes and are open to all adults (unless specified). Call for more details.
WHO: 6th-8th graders
WHAT: Great speaker,
worship, Blob, crazy
games, prizes, costume
competition, late-night
game, paintball and tons more!
WITH: Speaker Josh Mann (Youth Pastor
at Salem Alliance Church) and worship
band, NOT US.
HOW: Pick up a registration form at
church or on the Youth Ministry page on
our website. Talk to Catherine for info.
9am, Fellowship Hall | “The Truth Project” | Mark Johnson—354-2842
10:45am, Location TBA | “A Biblical Portrait of Marriage” | Begins
Sunday, Oct. 18 | John & Cindy Brunk—490-6121
6:30pm, Youth Ctr Cafe |“The Bridge” | Jesse & Joy Larvick—386-2812
6pm, The Dalles | “Live a Praying Life” | Women’s study | Janice
Patton & Linda Lorenzen—(541) 298-8864
7pm, HR | Resumes Oct. 6 | Jim & Leslie Pennington—386-4030
7pm, Odell | Resumes Oct. 20 | Roy & Darlene Nellermoe—354-1007
M i d d l e Sc h oo l
Middle School Class—Sunday AM
9:00 am; Youth Center (upstairs)
Led by Ryan Harder & Boni Franz
YOUTH GROUP—Thursday nights
7:00-8:30 pm, Youth Center
8:30-9:00 pm, Dairy Queen
Hi g h Sc h oo l
High School Class—Sunday AM
10:45 am, Youth Center (upstairs)
Led by Catherine Davis & Dale Walker
YOUTH GROUP—Tuesday nights
7:00-8:30 pm, Youth Center
8:30-9:00 pm, Dairy Queen
Men’s studies
Friday AM—Men’s Community Group
6:30 am, Fellowship Hall
A time for men to learn together.
7pm, White Salmon | “The Love Dare” | Resumes Oct. 13 | John & Kris
Mooney / Jeff & Linda Creager—(509) 493-2848
7pm, HR | Sunday Sermon | Starts Oct. 14 | David Frost / Steve
6:30pm, White Salmon (children welcome) | “1 Corinthians” | Rick &
Kerry Hallyburton—(541) 400-0678
7pm, White Salmon | ”The Covenant” | Brian & Diana Wright—
(509) 493-2277
9am, Sanctuary | “Heroes of the Faith” | Women’s study | Rhonda
Fischer teaching—386-2812
7pm, Parkdale | “Acts” | Rick & Randy Benjamin—352-6480 / 352-1088
6:30 am, Fellowship Hall | Men’s study | 386-2812
2nd Fridays, Frankton Park (HR) | Rod & Stacey Estes—387-5582
W om e n ’ s s t u d i e s
If you’re not currently involved, call the church office
at 386-2812. We’d love to help you get started!
Tuesday PM— “Live A Praying Life”
6:00 pm, The Dalles
Led by Janice Patton & Linda Lorenzen
This study tackles tough questions like,
“If God is sovereign, why pray?” Study
began Sept. 29 and will meet for 13
weeks. Call Linda at (541) 296-8864.
Thursday AM—Women’s Bible Study
9:00 am, Fellowship Hall
Starts OCT. 8. Rhonda Fischer will lead
us through a look at “Heroes of the
Faith.” Childcare available by donation.
Come as you are, come when you can!
FALL 2009
Living the Call Together
S u p p or t a n d R e cov e ry g ro u p s
SOAR (Sisters of Abortion Restored)
Women struggling with post-abortive issues
such as guilt, shame and broken relationships
can receive support from women who are
restored. Contact Cindy Brunk for meeting
times or with questions at 490-6121 or email
her at [email protected].
The Faithful Messenger
With the onset of Celebrate
Recovery, we are restructuring
many of our existing groups. If
you have questions, please call
Lud Tolbert, Director of Recovery
Ministries, at (541) 308-5339.
F a mi l y N e w s
Little Additions
Joe and Nancy
Rinella were blessed
with the birth of a baby
girl, Annalese Janie, on
June 9. She joins siblings Andrew, 10,
Luke, 6, and Elizabeth, 4.
Wedding Shower
Ben Saur and Anastasia Mejia
recited their vows under the shelter of
umbrellas at an outdoor ceremony on
Saturday, September 5. Their new
home address is: 3514 S.E. 33rd
Avenue, Apt. 3, Portland, OR 97202.
Wedding photo by Blaine & Bethany Photography
Derby winner!
Photo by Tonya DeHart
James Estes (above) reeled in the
biggest catch at the Fishing Derby held
at our Lost Lake Campout on Sept. 18-20.
About 120 people “roughed it” in tents
and trailers, enjoying the down time
together at the first-ever event organized
by Tonya DeHart. In true family style,
everyone pitched in with meal prep and
clean up duties. In addition to fishing,
kids enjoyed Candy Bar Bingo and
campfire time. Sunday morning’s
church service was special as RJ
Sullivan, Kelly Benjamin and Chris
Wells capably led worship and Pastor
Steve Grace shared a message. Tonya
has already reserved the same spot
next year on Sept. 10-12.
Fletcher Allen was born to Lindy
Allen on June 27. He is the grandson
of Linda Tolbert, and great-grandson
of Lud and Lynn Tolbert.
Kevin and Carmen
Tuttle are the proud
parents of another
son, Brycen Benjamin,
born August 1 weighing
7 lbs. 4 ozs. He joins big brother
Nicholas who is almost 2. Twice-now
delighted grandparents are Nicholas
and Pam Bielemeier.
James and Ruthanne Heuberger
welcomed a second daughter, Megumi
Hope, on August 28.
Megumi, whose name
means “Hope” in
Japanese, weighed 8
lbs. 10 ozs. She joins
big sister, Amy, who is 17 months old.
Megumi was welcomed by grandparents,
Mel and Theresa Heuberger of Overland
Park, Kansas, and Ken and Eva Miles of
Dodson, as well as a host of aunts and
uncles, including newlyweds, Tom and
Amanda Heuberger of Hood River and
Jonathan and Kelsey Miles of Portland.
The death of our friend Jerry Cranmer,
54, on Sept. 10 left us numb with
sadness. Jerry was a compassionate
man who will be remembered for his
kindness and generosity. Owner of the
Vagabond Lodge, Jerry would often
provide needy folks with a place to stay.
We express our sincerest sympathy to
his son, Charlie, 17, and other family
members and friends as they grieve. A
memorial service to celebrate Jerry’s
life was held at the church on Monday,
Sept. 21. Pastor Steve Grace officiated.
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf
does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”
—Psalm 1:3—
The Honeymooners
Jonathan Miles and Kelsey Brauer,
daughter of James and Jan Brauer,
were married at a “shoes-optional”
ceremony officiated by Pastor Tim
Osborn (of Portland’s Mosaic Church
where they attend) on August 15, 2009.
The couple honeymooned at Elk Lake
near Mt. Bachelor (shown above atop
Obsidian Falls). They now reside in
Portland where Kelsey is finishing her
nursing degree at the University of
Portland and Jonathan works as a wood
floor and cabinet refinishing technician.
Got family news?
If you have news you’d
like to share with the
church family, drop off
notes and/or photos in the church office
or email [email protected].
S t e wa r d ’ s Watc h
Figures are as of Sept. 25, 2009.
General Fund
Total Budget for 2009. . . . . . $ 771,679.00
Budgeted for 38 weeks . . . . . $ 563,920.00
Received in 38 weeks. . . . . . . $ 471,458.11
Building Fund
Received in 2009. . . . . . . . . . . $ 90,788.28
Total received . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,265,142.07
Total needed to retire debt. . . $ 391,114.00
Great Commission Fund
Received in 2009. . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,089.35
“The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.”
—Psalm 24:1—
The Faithful Messenger
FALL 2009
Our mission is to glorify GOD by connecting people with His heart and advancing His Kingdom through prayer.
is deliberate
confidence in
the character
of God whose
ways you may
not understand
at the time.”
—Oswald Chambers
Prayer and Praises!
James 5:13-16
Are there any among you suffering? They should keep
on praying about it. And those who have reason to be
thankful should continually sing praises to the Lord.
Are any among you sick? They should call on the
elders of the church and have them pray over them,
anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And
their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the
Lord will make them well. Anyone who has committed
sins will be forgiven. 16Confess your sins to each other
and pray for each other, that you may be healed. The
earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and
wonderful results. (NLT)
Prayer petitions—Health/Protection
Lord, help, heal, bless and comfort those in our church
body who are:
Ill—undiagnosed / pending treatment
Healing—from diseases / surgery
In great pain—physical/mental/emotional
In recovery—chemo-cancer/serious infections/strokes
Under guarded health situations
Out of work
Having hardship / money problems
Grieving loved ones who have died or are dying
Bless those in our military and in other countries
with Your protection.
Protect our marriages.
Protect the “Celebrate Recovery” ministry.
Praise for blessings
If you need prayer
Prayer is always available for
you in the Prayer Room after
each service. A pastor or elders
will pray for you or with you.
Pray with us
Tuesday Mornings
6:00 a.m.
Join Pastor Steve weekly in the
Prayer Room as he leads a time
to pray for our church, family,
friends, ministry and those in
need. Perhaps you or a family
member have a special need
and would like prayer and/or
anointing. All are welcome.
Prayer Chain
If you need immediate prayer,
call the church at 386-2812,
Janet Holste at 386-2413, or
Linda Lorenzen at 298-8864.
This loving service of prayer is
available to all.
FALL 2009
Thank you for the blessings of:
New babies, pregnancies
Recent marriages
Leaders / Staff (spouses & families)
Pray protection, wisdom, health, rest, love for God,
focus, blessing on:
Steve Grace—Senior Pastor
Jessie Larvick—Associate Pastor
Catherine Davis—Youth Pastor
Pete Tegeler—Worship Pastor
Tony Estey—Hope and Life Spanish Church Youth Leaders, assistants—God-led & empowered
Karola Aleckson—Children’s Ministry Director
Kaylene Baker—Children’s Ministry Assistant
Marlyn Rovig—Jail Ministry
Janet Holste—office, counseling, teaching
Chris Sherrell—office, administration
Worship Teams—encouragement, empower to praise
Other Staff/Leaders, Ministries
Elders and Governing Board—wise, godly decisions
Building project—finances, unity, God’s will
Small groups, study groups, recovery groups
Church ministries / Worship Team / Prayer Team
Hope & Life (Spanish church)
People We Care About / Our World
Columbia River Gorge community, churches, schools
Unsaved you know, missionaries
U.S. President / Government
Wars, conflicts
The Faithful Messenger
Celebrate Recovery
continued from page 1
freedom and renewed lives. We are
praying many will discover the same
results here in the Gorge.
In summer 2008, Hood River Alliance’s
Kristina Burck attended a “Celebrate
Recovery Summit” at Saddleback. She
came home with a passion to see it
implemented here. In 2009, she went
again, this time accompanied by her
husband, Marty, and five other Gorge
residents, Lud and Lynn Tolbert, Paul
Cater, and Melody Heiser.
Kristina has attended 12-step groups
for chemical dependency for 10 years,
but Celebrate Recovery is different.
“It’s been such a blessing to be
involved with a program that points to
Christ as the ultimate healer and power
of the universe!” she says with relief
and excitement in her voice.
Kristina started a Celebrate Recovery
step-study group with nine women at the
beginning of the summer to prepare
them to become leaders. “Only two of
the women have issues with chemical
addictions,” she said, “but we are all
growing and getting so much out of
the study. People are coming to Christ,
He’s pointing things out, and they’re
letting things go!”
Celebrate Recovery has several
elements—a weekly fellowship time
with a large-group worship and
teaching session followed by small,
gender-based “open share” groups.
Coffee and refreshments are available
before and after. The meetings run year
round and are open to anyone, anytime.
The program also includes “step
studies” which work through the 12
steps and eight principles using CR
workbooks. These meet at a different
time than the large group and generally
take nine to 12 months to complete.
Start times for these will be announced.
At our first meeting on Wednesday,
October 7, four “open share” groups will
be offered:
Hurts, Habits & Hang-ups (Men)
Hurts, Habits & Hang-ups (Women)
Chemical Addiction (Women)
Sexual Addiction (Men)
If you have questions, please call Lud
Tolbert, Recovery Ministries Director,
at (541) 308-5339.
C on t a c t U s
g e ta way
2 0 0 9
Knowing God by
Being Known by Him
October 30 - November 1
Office Hours: Monday & Friday,
8 a.m. - noon
Tues - Thurs, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (541) 386-2812
Fax: (775) 871-9320
Email: [email protected]
Cannon Beach Conference Center
Ladies! Pack your bags and
get away for a weekend of fun
and refreshment together.
There will be time to talk and
play, to be silly and serious,
and to get to know each other
better. We will enjoy great
food, as well as rich worship
and insightful teaching from
our guest speaker. This is an
ideal setting for personal and
spiritual renewal among
women who love God and
believe in the power of prayer.
L e a d e r s h i p TEA M
Steve Grace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Pastor
Jesse Larvick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Pastor
Catherine Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Pastor
Pete Tegeler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Pastor
Tony Estey. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hope & Life Pastor
Karola Aleckson. . . . . Director of Children’s Ministries
Kaylene Baker. . . . . Children’s Ministry Assistant
Janet Holste. . . . . Secretary/Ministry Assistant
Chris Sherrell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administration
Lud Tolbert. . . . . . Recovery Ministries Director
Teri Bryant / James Brauer. . . . Prayer Ministry
Governing Board:
Jim Pennington (Chair) Melissa Ing*
Dale Bricker (Elder)
Cory McCandliss*
John Brunk (Elder)
Cesar Romero*
Linda Creager*
Doug Rovianek (Elder)
Tony DeHart (Elder)
Bob Spotts (Elder)
Mark Fischer (Elder)
Lud Tolbert (Elder)
Featured Speaker
of Vineyard Christian
Brochures with registration forms will be available
at the church beginning Sunday, Oct. 4. Cost is
$135. For more information, call retreat
coordinators Teri Bryant (490-6087), Melissa
Ing (308-6694) or Chavalla Bassham
(308-6869). If you need help with a scholarship, please call Chris Sherrell (400-0773).
*Member at Large
Big day for little one
Alex Sheppard, 9, is baptized by
Pastors Steve Grace (L) and Jesse
Larvick. She was one of fourteen
people—eleven under the age of
16—who braved the waves at this
summer’s annual River Baptism
on Sunday, August 30. See more
baptism highlights on page 4.
2650 Montello Avenue
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Address Service Requested
Photo by
y Maahs