Wykład 0 - prezentacja tematu i zadań
Wykład 0 - prezentacja tematu i zadań
Instytut Ekonomii Business Globalization Prof. Tomasz Bernat Microeconomics Department Institut of Economics [email protected] Instytut Ekonomii Objective and the areas • The main problems: – what is globalization? – How globalization influence economy, societes and companies? • The study concern problems of: – – – – market competition in global ares globalization of the economy born global companies Efficiency vs. Ethic of the global companies Slajd nr 2 Instytut Ekonomii The course contents 1.Globalization - theory and practices 1.Globalization - implication for international business 1.Born global companies 1.Globalization vs. regionalization 1.Multinational corporations - the role in global economy 1.The global Institutional framework 1.Ethics and Responsibility in international business 1.Examination Slajd nr 3 Instytut Ekonomii How to get the best mark? 1. Preparation for every exercises – referred to tasks, active participation in the discussion 2. Preparation a project (one of 2 propositions below): – – Business globalization – the case study – international global company presentation - written form The examples of state or organization to control globalization 3. The projects can be prepared by 1 or 2 students team. Then they shell be presents. 4. Final examination in the form of case study – write answers to questions 5. Final mark: 50% project – 50% examination Slajd nr 4 Instytut Ekonomii Materials to study • The materials will be published at Micreoconomics Department web page: – mikroekonomia.net • How to get it? Slajd nr 5 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 6 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 7 Instytut Ekonomii Quiz What country/continent the picture was made? What company its show? J Slajd nr 8 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 9 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 10 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 11 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 12 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 13 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 14 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 15 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 16 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 17 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 18 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 19 Instytut Ekonomii Slajd nr 20
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Prof. Tomasz Bernat
Microeconomics Department
Institut of Economics
[email protected]