Q FG T -A - R eac h In - S ta ndard D oor (Anthony ) A
Q FG T -A - R eac h In - S ta ndard D oor (Anthony ) A
3 Door 4 Door 5 Door 3.83 5.62 7.42 9.15 STD Fan / # Fans 1.04/2 1.56/3 2.08/4 2.60/5 PSC Fan / # Fans 0.52/2 0.78/3 1.04/4 1.30/5 ECM Fan / # Fans 0.50/2 0.75/3 1.00/4 1.25/5 T8 Lights 1.39 1.80 2.32 2.79 LED Lights 0.48 0.73 0.98 1.20 Drain Heater 0.39 0.65 0.91 1.17 Defrost Load Amps 6.73 10.10 13.46 16.83 Anti-Sweat (Optional Electric - 230V) 36 2115 16 22 72 6734 All electrical data based on 115V. Add 0.97Amps for each glass window. DEFROST CONTROLS 7 916 Defrost Per Day Fail Safe Termination Electric 1 45 min 65°F Hot Gas 1 25 min 47°F 1341 521 3778 Add 3” thickness for a pair of ends. 153 1/4 5 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 123 1/4 4 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 93 1/4 3 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 63 5/8 2 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 150 5 DOOR 120 4 DOOR 60-3/8 2 DOOR 2 48 2132 - 5DR 38 2132 - 4DR 36" - 3DR 2 8 1/8 18 3/4 22 FLOOR PENETRATION AREA. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, & REFRIGERATION LINES. 29 1/2 38 3/4 3 1/2 1 5/8 (END) CASE PENETRATION ELECTRICAL 4 3/4 C L DRAIN CONNECTION (W/ TRAP RIGHT OR LEFT) 7 KICKPLATE LOCATION CASE PENETRATION REFRIGERATION Type I refrigerator, intended for use in an area where the environmental conditions are controlled and maintained such that conditions do not exceed 75°F and 55% relative humidity. Kysor//Warren®, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to change at anytime, specifications, design or prices without incurring obligation. DualJet® and Air Defrost® are registered trademarks of Kysor//Warren®. CAPACITIES Case BTUH per Door - LED Lights Ice Cream Frozen Food STD Fan 1470 1410 PSC Fan 1420 1360 ECM Fan 1360 1300 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door Facing Area (ft²) 28.40 42.30 56.50 70.60 Cubic Capacity (ft³) 53.60 80.50 107 134 Product Evap Temp Discharge Air Velocity (1 hr. after defrost) Discharge Air Temp Add 100 BTUHs per door per side for T8 lights. Ice Cream -18°F 300 FPM - 12°F NOTE: For sizing conventional/individual condensing unit, add 8% to BTUH load. Frozen Food -11°F 300 FPM - 5°F The above case model, has case lengths that are UL and NSF approved. Kysor//Warren 5201 Transport Blvd Columbus, GA 31907 800-866-5596 phone 706-568-8990 fax Issue: 2.11.2010 www.kysorwarren.com Specification Sheet 90 3 DOOR QFGT-A - Reach In - Standard Door (Anthony) 2 Door Applications: CASE DATA AMPS 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door 2.43 3.43 4.35 5.40 STD Fan / # Fans 1.04/2 1.56/3 2.08/4 2.60/5 PSC Fan / # Fans 0.52/2 0.78/3 1.04/4 1.30/5 ECM Fan / # Fans 0.50/2 0.75/3 1.00/4 1.25/5 T8 Lights 1.39 1.80 2.32 2.79 LED Lights 0.48 0.73 0.98 1.20 Drain Heater 0.39 0.65 0.91 1.17 Defrost Load Amps 6.73 10.10 13.46 16.83 Anti-Sweat (Optional Electric - 230V) 36 2115 16 22 72 6734 All electrical data based on 115V. Add 0.97Amps for each glass window. DEFROST CONTROLS 7 916 Defrost Per Day Fail Safe Termination Electric 1 45 min 65°F Hot Gas 1 25 min 47°F 1341 521 3778 Add 3” thickness for a pair of ends. 153 1/4 5 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 123 1/4 4 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 93 1/4 3 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 63 5/8 2 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 150 5 DOOR 120 4 DOOR Specification Sheet 90 3 DOOR 60-3/8 2 DOOR 2 48 2132 - 5DR 38 2132 - 4DR 36" - 3DR 2 8 1/8 22 FLOOR PENETRATION AREA. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, & REFRIGERATION LINES. 18 3/4 29 1/2 38 3/4 3 1/2 1 5/8 (END) CASE PENETRATION ELECTRICAL 4 3/4 C L DRAIN CONNECTION (W/ TRAP RIGHT OR LEFT) 7 KICKPLATE LOCATION CASE PENETRATION REFRIGERATION Type I refrigerator, intended for use in an area where the environmental conditions are controlled and maintained such that conditions do not exceed 75°F and 55% relative humidity. Kysor//Warren®, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to change at anytime, specifications, design or prices without incurring obligation. DualJet® and Air Defrost® are registered trademarks of Kysor//Warren®. CAPACITIES Case BTUH per Door - LED Lights Ice Cream Frozen Food STD Fan 1295 1235 PSC Fan 1245 1185 ECM Fan 1185 1125 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door Facing Area (ft²) 28.40 42.30 56.50 70.60 Cubic Capacity (ft³) 53.60 80.50 107 134 Product Evap Temp Discharge Air Velocity (1 hr. after defrost) Discharge Air Temp Add 100 BTUHs per door per side for T8 lights. Ice Cream -17°F 300 FPM - 12°F NOTE: For sizing conventional/individual condensing unit, add 8% to BTUH load. Frozen Food -10°F 300 FPM - 5°F The above case model, has case lengths that are UL and NSF approved. Kysor//Warren 5201 Transport Blvd Columbus, GA 31907 800-866-5596 phone 706-568-8990 fax Issue: 2.11.2010 www.kysorwarren.com QFGT-A - Reach In - Eliminator Door (Anthony) 2 Door Applications: CASE DATA AMPS 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door 2.43 3.43 4.35 5.40 STD Fan / # Fans 1.04/2 1.56/3 2.08/4 2.60/5 PSC Fan / # Fans 0.52/2 0.78/3 1.04/4 1.30/5 ECM Fan / # Fans 0.50/2 0.75/3 1.00/4 1.25/5 T8 Lights 1.39 1.80 2.32 2.79 LED Lights (Optimax Pro) 0.33 0.50 0.66 0.83 Drain Heater 0.39 0.65 0.91 1.17 Defrost Load Amps 6.09 9.13 12.17 15.22 Anti-Sweat * * * (Optional Electric - 208V) 36 2115 16 22 72 6734 All electrical data based on 115V. Add 0.97Amps for each glass window. DEFROST CONTROLS 7 916 Defrost Per Day Fail Safe Termination Electric 1 45 min 65°F Hot Gas 1 30 min 47°F 1341 521 3778 Add 3” thickness for a pair of ends. * NOTE: Options are not available after January 1, 2012. 153 1/4 5 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 123 1/4 4 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 93 1/4 3 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS 63 5/8 2 DOOR W/BOTH ENDS Specification Sheet 150 5 DOOR 120 4 DOOR 90 3 DOOR 60-3/8 2 DOOR 2 48 38 36" - 3DR 21 21 32 32 - 5DR - 4DR 2 8 1/8 22 FLOOR PENETRATION AREA. PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, & REFRIGERATION LINES. 18 3/4 29 1/2 38 3/4 3 1/2 1 5/8 (END) CASE PENETRATION ELECTRICAL 4 3/4 CL DRAIN CONNECTION (W/ TRAP RIGHT OR LEFT) 7 KICKPLATE LOCATION CASE PENETRATION REFRIGERATION Type I refrigerator, intended for use in an area where the environmental conditions are controlled and maintained such that conditions do not exceed 75°F and 55% relative humidity. Kysor/Warren®, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to change at anytime, specifications, design or prices without incurring obligation. CAPACITIES Case BTUH per Door - LED Lights Ice Cream Frozen Food * STD Fan 1295 1235 * PSC Fan 1245 1185 ECM Fan 1185 1125 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door Facing Area (ft²) 28.40 42.30 56.50 70.60 Cubic Capacity (ft³) 53.60 80.50 107 134 Evap Temp Discharge Air Velocity (1 hr. after defrost) Discharge Air Temp * Add 100 BTUHs per door per side for T8 lights. Ice Cream -17°F 300 FPM - 12°F NOTE: For sizing conventional/individual condensing unit, add 8% to BTUH load. Frozen Food -10°F 300 FPM - 5°F The above case model, has case lengths that are UL and NSF approved. Kysor/Warren 5201 Transport Blvd Columbus, GA 31907 800-866-5596 phone 706-568-8990 fax Issue: 2.11.2010 www.kysorwarren.com QFGT - Reach In - Eliminator Door (Anthony) 2 Door Applications: CASE DATA AMPS ECM Fan / # Fans 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door 2.21 3.08 4.11 4.95 0.50/2 0.75/3 1.00/4 1.25/5 36 2115 16 22 LED Lights (Optimax Pro) 0.33 0.50 0.66 0.83 Drain Heater 0.39 0.65 0.91 1.17 Defrost Load Amps 6.09 9.13 12.17 15.22 (Optional Electric - 208V) 72 6734 All electrical data based on 115V. Add 0.97Amps for each glass window. DEFROST CONTROLS Defrost Per Day Fail Safe Termination 7 916 Electric 1 45 min 65°F Hot Gas 1 30 min 47°F 1341 521 3778 Add 3” thickness for a pair of ends. 1 53 1 /4 5 D O O R W /B O T H E N D S 1 2 3 1 /4 4 D O O R W /B O T H E N D S 93 1 /4 3 D O O R W /B O T H E N D S 6 3 5 /8 2 D O O R W /B O T H E N D S 150 5 D O O R 90 3 DO O R 60 -3 /8 2 D O O R 2 48 38 3 6 " - 3D R 21 21 32 32 - 5D R - 4D R 2 8 1 /8 1 8 3 /4 22 F L O O R P E N E T R A T IO N A R E A . P L U M B IN G , E L E C T R IC A L, & R E F R IG E R A T IO N LIN E S . 29 1 /2 3 8 3 /4 3 1 /2 1 5 /8 (E N D ) C A S E P E N E T R A T IO N E L E C T R IC A L 4 3 /4 CL D R A IN C O N N E C T IO N (W / T R A P R IG H T O R L E F T ) 7 K IC K P L A T E LO C A T IO N C A S E P E N E T R A T IO N R E F R IG E R A T IO N Type I refrigerator, intended for use in an area where the environmental conditions are controlled and maintained such that conditions do not exceed 75°F and 55% relative humidity. Kysor/Warren®, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to change at anytime, specifications, design or prices without incurring obligation. CAPACITIES Case BTUH per Door - LED Lights ECM Fan Ice Cream Frozen Food 1185 1125 NOTE: For sizing conventional/individual condensing unit, add 8% to BTUH load. 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door Facing Area (ft²) 28.40 42.30 56.50 70.60 Cubic Capacity (ft³) 53.60 80.50 107 134 Evap Temp Discharge Air Velocity (1 hr. after defrost) Discharge Air Temp Ice Cream -18°F 300 FPM - 12°F Frozen Food -11°F 300 FPM - 5°F The above case model, has case lengths that are UL and NSF approved. Kysor/Warren 5201 Transport Blvd Columbus, GA 31907 800-866-5596 phone 706-568-8990 fax Issue: 2.11.2010 www.kysorwarren.com Specification Sheet 120 4 DO OR QFGT - Reach In - Anthony 101LE Door - Low Temp Anti-Sweat 2 Door Applications: CASE DATA AMPS
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All electrical data are based on 115V and unlighted shelves.
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