January - River District Eagles
January - River District Eagles
JANUARY 2013 RIVER DISTRICT R/C EAGLES MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 2013 Club Officers President: Gary Wilkerson: [email protected] Vice President: Jack DeLisle; [email protected] NO MEETING SCHEDULED Treasurer: Bill Holmes: [email protected] RIVER DISTRIC R/C EAGLES FINANCIAL REPORT ENDING JANUARY 24, 2013 Secretary: Bill Berto: [email protected] Editor: Al Harbour 1840 Ash St., St. Clair 48079 E-mail Address: [email protected] Club E-mail Address: [email protected] Club web site: http://riverdistricteagles.com Club Meeting First Wednesday of each month at the Marysville Library, 1175 Delaware Blvd. @ 7:00 p.m. Please try to attend the meetings if you can. We need your input and suggestions. Besides, it’s a great way to stay in touch with what is going on in your club. Instructors Jack DeLisle: Bud Joachim: Dave Waldecker: Gary Wilkerson: [email protected] (810) 329-3810 (810) 765-3041 [email protected] Upcoming Dates FEBRUARY: NO CLUB MEETING SCHEDULED 20th Breakfast at Big Boy BEGINNING BALANCE: CHECKING $ 1,027.55 REVENUE: DUES – Leusby, Bennett, Neil, Young, Kilby, Eck, Sweet $ 340.00 50/50 .00 TOTAL EXPENSES: WEBSITE FIELD MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES R/C CAR TRACK $ 340.00 $ 100.00 $ 22.50 $ 18.31 $ .00 TOTAL: $ 140.81 ENDING BALANCE: CHECK BOOK $ 1,226.74 NIGHTIME VISITORS AT EAGLES FIELD Thanks to Bill Holmes and Bill Berto for supplying the night camera photos of what goes on at our field during the nighttime hours. Really, quite impressive! Thanks to both Bills for taking the time to set up the cameras, setting out some bait food and capturing these photos. Wiley Coyote shows up with a rabbit in his mouth Bill Berto ready to do some winter flying! And the deer seem to play all night! The Prez getting ready to test a new electric…Looks Cold to me! And it does fly…see photo below Oh! And Mr. Hawk wants to join in the fun THE HEARTY FIND TIME TO DO SOME SNOW FLYING Gary’s electric flying straight and stable! Gotta get these skis attached ……. Again! Ooops! Got to get those snow landings down better! A nice turnout to enjoy about 8 inches of fresh snow! ADULT TRUTHS By Gary Wilkerson . Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is. Some Propbusters join Eagles to start the 2013 season on New Year’s Day I’ll Start off this by showing you some photos I took a couple of days ago. Dave Rhodes is a Florida Sun Dancer and he has an interesting array of tools and the one that caught my eye was a cordless hand drill that he had turned into an engine starter. I could make the picture bigger so you could make out the brand but I’ll just tell you that it’s a Ryobi. Dave tells me that it’s speedier then hand starting and does the job starting his “wet” engines. The drill is powered with Lithium Ion cells and the label says 18 volts so it’s has a lot of get up and go. Dave also said the older NiCad powered drills don’t work as well as the Lithium Ion? I went surfing and found this at Home Depot for $99. The drill, charger, bag ,Lithium Ion battery and saw. If you get tired of the plane you could use the saw and get rid of it. I was setting up my Reactor and a fellow flyer asked me what that was ( shown in the photo )? I told him it was my servo reverser and explained that I was to cheap to buy the electronic version. Besides being free, my reverser does almost the same thing and allows me to use a Y connection to the two elevator servos. I had originally used the mixing function on the transmitter and wasn’t happy with the tracking of one elevator half to the other. Most likely my fault. In any event my solution was to use the method shown in the photo. I had used that a few times when programming wasn’t an option and it works for me. For a “pro” flyer it probably wouldn't be accurate enough? It’s a little hard to see but I have stuck little squares of Velcro® on the side of the fuselage. The purpose? The Electro Stick is powered by a 4 cell by 2300 mah battery and, as you can see, it’s a tight fit. Till I put in the Velcro® I was trying to hold the strips back with one hand and putting in the battery with the other and it was clumsy and frustrating. Now I just give the strip part a twist and put it against the square and it’s out of the way. I put in a hint and a couple of kinks and now for the etc I have this. Our President Gary informs me that our flying field is good to go for 2013 and beyond. To me, that is about a nice a present an R/C Eagle could get. Looking forward to 2013 I wouldn’t be surprised that I was tasked to make up a flyer / bulletin to recruit some field maintenance people from our growing membership list so let this be a hint to go along with those earlier ones because we will have Al Harbour get one mailed. Jack DeLisle Hi Al and RDRC Eagles, Something for the news letter. I have been getting into electrics quite a bit now and have recently put together a new aircraft. It is a B-25J Mitchel bomber. This aircraft has scale retracts with scale operating gear doors, bomb bay doors that I can drop simulated ordnance or parachutist, flaps, nav and landing lights, and lastly, electric brakes. The brakes work really well. There are also 12-50 cal machine guns on this aircraft. The kit delivered was 450 bucks less radio from Banana Hobby. I purchased a Spectrum DX-8 and utilize all 8 Channels. The flight characteristics are very scale. It requires about 100' of runway to get air born and flies very well but heavy like the real plane. To date I have put 5 flights on the plane and still getting getting used to it. The plane looks really good on a low level pass. The wingspan is 80", twin 650kv motors, twin 60amp esc's and powered by a single 5200mah, 4 cell battery. Flight time is about 7 minutes give or take as I keep it at 6. The full size aircraft is based in Florida and resembles the model plane exactly. The build was in 6 pieces. The horizontal stab, two vertical stabilizers, aft fuselage to front, wing section 2 pieces. All the servos were pre-installed as were the landing gear and doors. I had to install the bomb bay doors and rig them correctly to close properly. All the servos are digital metal gear. To say the least I am very satisfied with this plane and will be taking it to the electric fly-in in Phoenix this March. It's a really big deal here and is four days long. Thanks for sending the news letter and save every copy. The two pictures, my model and the full size. Forgot to mention that the props are counter rotating for straight takeoffs. Tim Toutant, Past President, RDRCE “Smoke On” Tim Toutant’s new (and beautiful) 80” wingspan B-25 The real McCoy….located in Florida Dear members, In December I had the pleasure of meeting Larry of Larry’s Performance RC hobby shop. I asked if he would consider donating a Starfire Stratus trainer airplane, a discount for our members and maybe some advice on making our track better. For this we would provide free advertisement in the form of one of his business cards in the newsletter and advertisement at the car track. To this he replied that while he has seen me in the store he has not seen or heard of River District Eagles but would like to revisit this proposal in the late spring to summer, my guess is that he will be looking for how much business we bring in to how much help he will be willing to give. My thought was that with the emergence of the car track, Larry’s RC carries parts for most cars (that I know of) and a store discount couldn’t hurt either. So in your travels please remember to visit Larry’s Performance RC if you’re nearby and ware something with our club logo on it (Shameless plug for hat sales). Bill Holmes Retail Store Hours: *Monday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM *(CLOSED During Summer) Tuesday - Friday: 10:00AM - 8:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday: 11:00AM - 4:00PM PASTIME HOBBIES 710 Huron Street, Port Huron, MI 48060 Hours: Monday – Saturday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (810)-982-2874 Toll Free: 1-(888)-475-0640 PROP SHOP HOBBIES 23326 Van Dyke, Warren MI 48089 (586)-757-7160 AMSOILS For your Pre-Mix 2-Cycle oils and all AMSOIL oil products, call Archie Kammer, your Independent AMSOIL oil dealer H-(810)-329-3276 C-(810)-300-2214 Classified ads are free and will be removed after 3 months unless notified by the owner the items are still available. Please notify the editor either by telephone or by e-mail if the items are no longer available. Thank you. Al Harbour, editor (810) 326-0536 [email protected] FOR SALE Hats – Hats – Hats Larry’s Performance R/C’s located at 11970 Hall Rd Sterling Heights, MI 48313 586-997-4840 The River District Eagles has a new batch of hats for sale. You’ve seen those fancy caps the members wear at the field and wondered where to get one. Well, the secret is out! See Bud Joachim at the next meeting and he will gladly present you with a brand new cap (choice of black, green, or dark red bills) all for the low, low price of $13.00! Hurry, supplies are limited and sales are on a first come, first served basis. RIVER DISTRICT R/C EAGLES Remote Control Model Aviation Club St.Clair County, Michigan CHARTER MEMBER No. 1185 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS A GOLD LEADER CLUB Web site : riverdistricteagles.com 2013 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership period from January 1, to December 31 Memberships approved after September 1, are valid through the next year Date ____/_____/____ Name_________________________________________________ Spouse’s name________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ City:_______________________State_____ZIP______________ Phone Number__( AMA License Number For information on joining the AMA visit their website: http:/’www.modelaircraft.org )________________________________ E- mail Address________________________________________ The above information will be posted in the members only section of the clubs website unless you would prefer to have only your city and phone number posted. ( ) Full ( ) Partial Would you prefer to receive the monthly newsletter by: ( ) e-mail ( ) US Mail The annual charge for mailing via USPS is $10.00 Previous R/C flight experience ( ) Instructor, ( ) Pilot, ( ) Beginner- Instruction is provided free by the club. In order to belong to THE RIVER DISTRICT R.C. EAGLES inc, you must agree to abide by the Club’s Constitution, Rules and Fees. In addition, the privilege of flying solo requires that you have a valid Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Card/License, and have certified “pilot” status, by a River District R/ C Eagles instructor. Be sure to include your AMA number in box above. Those applying for membership to use the car / truck track: Must have membership in the AMA. Applicant’s Signature_________________________________________ Annual Dues Open Members...$60.00 Junior……...….…No fee Members using the Race course only Dues………..…. .$10.00 ( ) JUNIOR MEMBER 19 years old or younger, Please list date of birth for junior members only ___/___/___ Checks can be made out to the River District Eagles and mailed along with this form to the Treasurer: Bill Holmes 567 Montana, Marysville, Mi 48040 Also, an officer may except your application or present it at a club meeting.